23 minute read
Adventure Treks invites ages 13-18 to spend 13 to 30 days in Colorado, Wyoming, California, Washington, British Columbia, and Alaska. Programs focus on kind and inclusive communities, personal growth, and fun. Sessions include Colorado Explorer, grades 7-8, June 23-July 5 or July 29-Aug. 10, includes camping, hiking, climbing, biking, and rafting. Yellowstone Teton Adventure, grades 8-9, June 22-July 4 or July 28-Aug. 9, includes camping, hiking, biking, kayaking, rafting. Pacific Northwest Adventure, grades 8-9, June 24July 13 or July 21-Aug. 9 includes camping, hiking, climbing, rafting, sea kayaking, mountain summit. California Adventure, grades 8-9, June 24-July 13 with camping, hiking, climbing, biking, rafting, kayaking, mountain summit. British Columbia Adventure, grades 8-9, June 24-July 14 and July 20-Aug. 9, includes camping, hiking, canoeing, rafting. All-inclusive tuition. Families responsible for transportation to and from camp. info@adventuretreks.com, adventuretreks.com, 888-954-5555
Boy Scouts of America offer a variety of programs including Camp Grizzly July 9-15, $450 youth or $230 adults. Camp Easton offers weekly programs June 25-July 1, July 2-8, 9-15, 16-22, 23-29, July 30-Aug. 5, youth $450 for sessions 1 and 6, $475 sessions 2-5, adults $250. www.nwscouts.org/
Camp Four Echoes, Girl Scout Resident Camp on Lake Coeur d’Alene, for girls in grades 1-12, offers weekly opportunities including sailing, windsurfing, swimming, canoeing, arts and crafts, hiking, dramatics, archery, outdoor skills, STEM, leadership courses, and now an aerial adventure park with a zipline. Camp sessions June 19-23, 25-30, July 2-7, 9-13, 23-28, July 30-Aug. 4, Aug. 6-9. Other specialty camps include Family Camp May 26-29, Troop Camp July 18-20, and Just the Two of Us Aug. 11-13. Prices vary by week and age. gsewni.org
Camp Gifford Discovery Camp, Salvation Army of Spokane offers a weekly program for ages 7-12 June 26-Aug. 4 at Loon Lake. Includes games, arts and crafts, archery, swimming, boating, singing, and learning more about God in a fun and uplifting environment. $480/ week, scholarships available on sliding scale. Bus transportation available from Spokane. campgifford@ usw.salvationarmy.org (509) 329-2759, www. campgifford.com
Camp Spalding offers a variety of resident programs at Davis Lake, including half-week programs for grades 2-4, weekly programs for grades 5-6, 7-8 and 9-12, plus Family Camp Aug. 16-20 and Mom/Dad & Me Overnight Camp June 16-17 for a camper K-2 and a parent. Christian camp includes activities like horses, swimming, boating; mountain boards; mountain biking, 900-foot zipline into water, ropes course, crafts, team sports and more. Costs for some sessions vary but full week camp is $555. www.campspalding.org
Salvation Army Sailing Camp offers three twoweek sessions for ages 12-17 at Loon Lake June 26-July 7, July 10-21, and July 24-Aug. 4. Training provided by certified U.S. Sailing instructors. By end of program, campers will be able to race sailboats. $960/ session, scholarships available on a sliding scale. Bus transportation available from Spokane. campgifford@ usw.salvationarmy.org (509) 329-2759, www. campgifford.com
Wilderness Camp at Camp Cougar, Salvation Army Teen Adventure Camp, June 26-Aug. 4 offers weekly activities at Loon Lake for ages 13-17 including hiking, high rope courses, outdoor survival skills, swimming, and more. Campers explore nature and grow their relationship with Christ while developing friendships. $480, Scholarships available on a sliding scale. Bus transportation available from Spokane. campgifford@ usw.salvationarmy.org (509) 329-2759, www. campgifford.com
General Day Camps
Camp Ashwell Day Camp, Girl Scouts offer weekly themed sessions at Spokane program center for girls K-8 that incorporate STEM, arts and crafts, cooking, drama, swimming, and other skill-building fun. Each day, girls lead the way by planning their own activities and trips with their camper group. Campers receive a healthy morning and afternoon snack each day and during the summer, lunches thanks to the Summer Meals Program. Hours 9 a.m.-4 p.m. but extended sessions can be from 7:45 a.m.-5:30 p.m. Sessions June 20-23, 26-30, July 3-7, 10-14, 17-21, 24-28, July 31- Aug. 4, Aug. 7-11, 1418, 21-25. $175/week if registered by May 15, otherwise $200/week afterward. Girl Scout members only. ($25 extra per week for morning care and $25 per week for afternoon care.) Scholarships available. gsewni.org. Camp Dart-Lo Day Camp, Camp Fire Inland Northwest’s 51-acre camp on the Little Spokane River provides weekly day camp programs for ages pre-K through grade 8, including swimming, archery and environmental education. 8:30 a.m.-4:15 p.m. Sessions June 19-23, 26-30, July 5-7 (Mini Camp, $150), July 10-14, 17-21, 24-28, July 31-Aug. 4, 7-11, 14-18. $260/session. Also Teen Leadership programs including Junior Program Assistant July 17-Aug. 4 ($360), or Senior Program Assistant June 26-July 7, $260. Wednesday overnight options $50. campfireinc. org/2023-summer-camp-schedule-2/
Dinosaur Dayz, Spokane Northeast Youth Center’s summer day camp for ages 5-11 is a hands-on enrichment program encouraging recreation and fun with daily arts, music, sports and weekly field trips. Weekly sessions June 26-Aug. 31, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. USDA-approved breakfast, lunch and snack included. $185/week in June, $695 July and $695 August. spokaneneyc.org, (509) 482-0708, lorah@ spokaneneyc.org
ECEAP Program, Northeast Youth Center in Spokane has Early Childhood Education Assistance Program for ages 3-5 that is free to those who qualify, July 3, 2023, through June 30, 2024. 6 a.m.-6 p.m. This program is enriched in lots of learning, arts and crafts, and kindergarten readiness plus USDA-approved breakfast, lunch, and snacks. Space limited. (509) 482-0708. lorah@spokaneneyc.org.
Elite Gaming Day Camp, June 26-Sept. 1, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Camp at Elite Gaming Center in Spokane Valley has a focus on good screen time habits by rotating from video games to physical games and respectful discourse while playing. Week 1 June 26-30, Week 2 July 6-7 (Half price), Week 3 July 10-14, Week 4 July 17-21, Week 5 July 24-28, Week 6: Aug. 7-11, Week 7 Aug 14-18, Week 8 Aug 21-25, Week 9 Aug 28-Sept 1, early drop-off and late pick-up available. $200/week, elitegc1337@gmail.com, www.elitegamingcompany. com/day-camp, (509) 306-4313
Imagination Express Day Camp, Aug. 7-11, 9 a.m.noon. Unity Spiritual Center, Spokane. Camp celebrates a child’s voice, gifts, and ideas. The goal is to inspire ages 5-11 to use their unique gifts to create an original show at the end of the week that will delight family and friends. Activities include creating costumes, sets, and props, plus collaborating on creating a story and performing it. $150 public, $100 Unity members. Partial scholarships available. ddoyle@unityspokane.org
Northern Pines Academy, June 20-Aug. 25, 8 a.m.noon, Spokane. Week-long themed camps including STEM, sports, camping and more. Families can sign up for the entire summer, individual weeks or specific days. Sessions include gardening June 20-23; Sports June 26-30; Camping July 10-14; STEM July 17-21. When I Grow Up July 24-28, Creepy Crawlers July 31-Aug. 4, World of Books Aug. 7-11, Cooking Aug. 14-18; Water Aug. 21-25. $185/week. kroy@npinesacademy.com, www.npinesacademy.com.
Outdoor Adventures Summer Camp for Teens, Spokane Parks and Recreation offers small-group programs for ages 12-15, Riverside State Park Bowl and Pitcher. Activities include hiking, kayaking, rafting, disc golf, rock climbing, stand-up paddleboard, exploring woods and team-building activities. July 17-21, July 31-Aug. 4, Aug. 14-18, 9 a.m-4 p.m., $349. Spokanerec. org, (509) 755-2489. Discount for signing up for three or more weeks.
Outdoor Adventures Summer Camp for Teens
Wild and Wacky Water Week, Spokane Parks and Recreation offers small-group programs for ages 12-15 that focus on water activities such as kayaking, rafting (depends on water levels), stand-up paddleboarding, swimming and other activities. Riverside State Park Bowl and Pitcher. July 24-28, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 21-25, $349. Spokanerec.org, (509) 755-2489. Discount for signing up for three or more weeks.
Outdoor Adventures Summer Camp for Youth, Spokane Parks and Recreation offers small-group programs for ages 8-12. Includes hiking, kayaking, rafting, disc golfing, rock climbing, stand up paddleboarding, exploring the woods and teambuilding activities. June 19-23, June 26-30, July 10-14, July 1721, July 24-28, July 31-Aug. 4, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 14-18, Aug. 21-25. $349. Spokanerec.org, (509) 755-2489. Discount for signing up for three or more weeks. Plum Tree School offers a variety of weekly programs that can include music, stories, food, games and more. Sessions are 8:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m. and include Taste of India, June 19-23, $180; As I See It July 31-Aug. 4 $180, Fairies and Elves July 17-21, $180, Tell Me a Tale, July 24-28, $180, Water in Nature Aug. 7-11 (ages 7-9), $135, Fairies and Elves Aug. 14-18, ages 3-6, $180, phaedraj@plumtreeschool.com, www. plumtreeschool.com, (509) 879-4006
Preschool Summer Camp, Northeast Youth Center weekly day camp for preschoolers ages 3-5 June 26-Aug 31. Hands-on enrichment program encourages education mixed with arts, activities, sports, and weekly field trips, plus a USDA-approved breakfast, lunch, and snacks, 6 a.m.-6 p.m. Monday-Friday. $189 for June, $845 July and $845 for August. Space is limited. spokaneneyc.org or (509) 482-0708, lorah@spokaneneyc.org.
Discovery Lego Robotics Summer Camps invite youth grades 1-3 (Builders) and 4-7 (Engineers) to design, build, and program with Legos and Mindstorm Legos June 26-30 or July 10-14, Westminster Congregational UCC Church in Spokane. Mayan Lego Camp June 26-30 or Lego Challenge Camp July 10-14. Sessions 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m. Week 1 task is to build and program Lego robots to explore jungles in search of Mayan ruins. Builders use motors, gears and Lego bricks and WeDo, while Engineers use Lego Mindstorms EV3 programmable bricks. Week 2 asks Builders to design motorized or simple machine models to meet daily challenges, and Engineers to build an EV3 robot for certain challenges. Space limited to 16 campers in each group. $175/week. Molly.z@comcast.net, www. discoveryrobots.org
Gonzaga Prep academic camp programs include Literacy Camp, for incoming freshmen/grades 8-9, offers tips and advice for how to get a head start on English, Required Gonzaga Prep enrollment. Aug. 1418, 10:05-11 a.m., $80. College Essay Writing Camp, offers tips on essay creation and the admission process, grade 12, Gonzaga Prep enrollment required, Aug. 1418, $80. Grammar Rocks, grades 7-10, Aug. 14-18, $80. Math Camp/Basic Skills, Aug 14-18, grades 8-9, $80; Math Camp/Advanced Skills, grades 8-9, Aug. 14-18, $80; Science Safari, 31st annual interactive program June 20-23, grades 3-7, $110; Study Skills, grades 6-8 or grades 9, Aug. 14-18, $80. Gprep.com/summercamps
Inland Chess Academy Summer Chess Camps and Tournaments, July 11-14 and Aug. 15-18, 1-4:30 p.m., St. John Vianney School, Spokane Valley. Programs for intermediate and advanced players include a variety of strategies for general knowledge and victory. $30 day or $100 for all four days. Beginner program runs 10 a.m.-noon, $20/day or $70 all four days. (509) 822-9800 chess@inlandchess.org www.inlandchess.org
Kid’s Cooking Camp at The Kitchen at Second Harvest, June 19-22 or July 17-20, 2-4 p.m., ages 8-12 can gain hands-on cooking experience and develop confidence in the kitchen, as well as learn about nutrition. Session 1 is Around the World! Kid’s Cooking Camp, Session 2 is Kid’s Baking Camp, $100/session, Register separately for each camp. carolyn.negley@2harvest.org, secondharvestkitchen.org, (509) 252-6256
LEOlingo Spanish Camp for Kids! offers Spanish language immersion for ages 6-12, June 26-Aug 11, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. South Perry and Finch Arboretum. Counselors are native Spanish speakers eager to share culture and language through games, songs, crafts, theater, and more. Each week $150-$160. No Spanish experience necessary. info@ LEOlingoUSA.com, www. leolingousa.com/ (509) 9531175
Washington Trust for Historic Preservations
Youth Heritage Project invites high school-age students to the Manhattan Project National Historical Park at Hanford July 18-21 to learn history, science and the outdoors. Free. preservewa.org/programs/ youth-heritage-project/, (206) 624-9449
1-4 p.m. Blue Door Theatre. Teens ages 13-18 can learn the art of creating engaging narratives and characters on the spot. Includes various exercises and edits to develop skills for long-form improv. Previous improv experience recommended but not required. $225, bluedoortheatreeducation@gmail.com, spokaneschoolofimprov.org/classes/summer-camps, (509) 747-7045
Creative Minds Bright Minds Preschool STEAM
Camps!, Dance Center of Spokane, July 17-Aug. 17, 9 a.m.-noon. Camps include various themes, activities, art and play. Themes include Camp Out! July 1720, Art, Art and More Art July 24-27, Tails and Peg Legs Aug. 7-10, Aboard the Dr. Seuss Circus! Aug 14-17. $190/one week, $350/2 weeks, $530/3 weeks, $710/4 weeks. dance@dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464 Dance Camp at the Warehouse Athletic Facility, 9 a.m.-noon July 5-7, 17-21 and Aug. 7-11. Ages 6-12 can learn the basics of contemporary dance, including hihop, jazz, modern dance and more. Performance on the last day of class. $119 for session one $159 apiece for sessions 2 or 3. www.warehouseathletics.com
Elite Gaming Day Camp, June 26-Sept. 1, 9 a.m.-4 p.m. Camp at Elite Gaming Center in Spokane Valley has a focus on good screen time habits by rotating from video games to physical games and respectful discourse while playing. Week 1 June 26-30, Week 2 July 6-7 (Half price), Week 3 July 10-14, Week 4 July 17-21, Week 5 July 24-28, Week 6 Aug. 7-11, Week 7 Aug 14-18, Week 8 Aug 21-25, Week 9 Aug 28-Sept 1, early drop-off and late pick-up available. $200/week,
Nbc Basketball Camps
Nbc Volleyball Camps
elitegc1337@gmail.com, www.elitegamingcompany. com/day-camp, (509) 306-4313
Gail’s School of Dance Summer Musical Theater
Tap Camp, July 10-Aug. 18, Spokane Valley. Teaches musical theater tap technique for beginners or experienced dancers. Open to middle school and high school-age students. $150, GAILDANCER@JUNO. COM
Gonzaga Prep arts programs include Summer Drama Camp, grades 4-8, includes acting workshops, improv training, musical theater rehearsals, and final performance for friends and family, July 31-Aug. 11, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. $300. Art Camp, June 26-29, Learn watercolor painting, oil pastels, ceramics, and sculpture from Gonzaga Prep art teachers Katie Hall and Katelyn Stillar. 9 a.m.-noon, grades 2-8, $100. Includes supplies. Gprep.com/bullpupcamps
Gonzaga Summer Dance Intensive, includes focus on ballet and contemporary technique with supplemental classes in jazz, hip-hop, modern, dance composition, pilates, and musical theatre. July 24-28 9 a.m.-4 p.m. junior session, ages 9-13, beginner/intermediate, $350 but price increases to $400 after July 7. Session 2 July 31-Aug. 4, 9 a.m.-12:30 p.m. Senior session ages 1320, intermediate/advanced, $200 or $250 after July 7. Classes taught by Gonzaga University faculty and guest artists in the Gonzaga Dance Studios and the Myrtle Woldson Performing Arts Center. Registration includes an SDI t-shirt and lunch on final day. dance@gonzaga. edu, www.gonzaga.edu/college-of-arts-sciences/ departments/theatre-dance/dance/prospective-studentprograms/summer-dance-intensive
Heather Thyme Art Children’s Art Classes, June 19-Aug. 31, 9 a.m.-noon or 1-4 p.m., Spokane Valley. Teaches fine art skills to ages 4-12 in a small group setting. Summer programs include Messy Art Party, Authors and Illustrators, Painting Techniques, Sketching, Mixed Media Creations and more. $110$125 per session. heatherthymeart@gmail.com or heatherthymeart.com
Intro to Improv Kids, Blue Door Theatre, July 17-21, 9 a.m.-noon, ages 8-12 can learn the basics of improv techniques, skills, and games, which culminate in a performance at the end of week. $225, bluedoortheatreeducation@gmail.com, https:// spokaneschoolofimprov.org/classes/summer-camps, (509) 747-7045
Intro to Improv Teens, July 17-21, Blue Door Theater, 1-4 p.m. Teens ages 13-18 will learn a variety of improv skills like warm-ups, games, characterization, storytelling, and more. No theater experience necessary. $225, bluedoortheatreeducation@gmail.com, spokaneschoolofimprov.org/classes/summer-camps, (509) 747-7045
Kid’s Dance Camps, Dance Center of Spokane, dance camps for various ages offer different themes and styles such as ballet, jazz, tap, and more. July 17-Aug. 17, Most sessions 1-3 p.m. or 5:30-7 p.m. Themes include Pirates and Mermaids July 17-20
5:30-7 Ballet/Tap ages 3-5 and 6-10. We Like to Party! July 24-27 Jazz/Hip Hop ages 5-7 and 8-11, Under the Sea 2 Aug. 7-10 Ballet/Tap ages 3-5 and 6-10, Dazzling Disney Aug. 14-17 1Ballet/Jazz ages 3-5 and 6-10, Ballet/Jazz Fusion-exp June 26-29 Ballet/Jazz/ Contemporary Ages 8-12, Ballet/Jazz Fusion-exp July 24-27 Ballet/Jazz/Contemporary ages 8-12, Advanced Dance Camp Aug. 7-10 Ballet/Lyrical/Tap ages 8-12, Advanced Dance Camp Aug. 14-17 Ballet/Jazz/Musical Theater ages 8-12. $125/1 session, $325/3 sessions, $425/4 sessions, dance@dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Kreative Kids Camps, Dance Theatre Northwest and Northwest Fine Arts Academy in Rathdrum presents weekly programs June 26-Aug. 24 for ages 3-5 and 6-9 Sessions 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Each camp emphasizes music, art, movement, science and fun. Camps include themed crafts , and some conclude with a final performance. Week 1, Out of This World, June 26-29; Week 2: America The Beautiful, July 3-6 ($130), Week 3: Encanto, July 10-13, Week 4: Christmas in July!?! July 17-20, Week 5: Paw-some Paw-rty, July 24-27, Week 6: Rock and Troll, July 31-Aug. 3, Week 7: Imagine That, Aug. 7-10, Week 8: Scales and Tails, Aug. 14-17, Week 9: Back To School, Aug. 21-24, 9:30 a.m.-1:30 p.m. Most sessions $170. Snacks included. dancetheatre.nw@gmail.com, dancetheatrenw.com/ summer-camps/ (208) 687-3262
Let’s Get Sewing!, sewing school taught by Washington State-certified teacher for ages 8-16-plus. Weekly sessions June 26-Aug. 25. Students can attend 9 a.m.-noon sessions or 2-5 p.m. sessions, except for “Open Sew” which runs 1-5 p.m. Week 1, Learn to Sew, June 26-30; Week 2 July 10-14, “Learn to Sew”, $140, Week 3 Advanced Sewing July 17-21, Week 4 July 24-28, S.T.E.A.M.: Science & Stuffies, Week 5 Aug. 7-11, “Learn to Sew”, Week 6 Aug. 14-18, “Open Sew”, Week 7 Aug 21-25, Sewing machines, patterns, and pillowcase fabric provided. Class supply lists and full descriptions at letsgetsewingspokane.com. Students should bring snacks, water bottle, and jacket. Prices $140-$150 depending on session. letsgetsewing@gmail. com, www.letsgetsewingspokane.com/, (509) 217-7049
Mini Jazz Intensive, Dance Center of Spokane, July 31-Aug. 3, 12:30-2 p.m., program for ages 6-10 includes guest choreographer from Texas involving lots of jazz and lyrical and musical theater. $150. dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Sketch Camp for Teens, Blue Door Theater, July 31-Aug. 4 1-4 p.m., Teens ages 13-18 can learn how to unleash their inner comedians by creating sketch comedy. Course teaches how to generate fresh and funny ideas and write and revise and film sketches. $225. bluedoortheatreeducation@gmail.com, spokaneschoolofimprov.org/classes/summer-camps, (509) 747-7045
Spokane Ballet Studio summer programs, June 26Aug. 4, ages 4-20, includes Beginning Ballet Camp, Coppelia, ages 4-7, June 26-30 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $230. Through The Looking Glass, ages 4-7, July 17-21, 9:30 a.m.-12:30 p.m., $230, Children’s Workshop, July 10-14, ages 8-14, 10 a.m.-3 p.m., $275. Intermediate/ Advanced Intensive, July 24-Aug. 4 10 a.m.-3:30 p.m. $275. spokaneballetstudio@gmail.com, https://www. spokaneballetstudio.com/summer2022, (509) 714-3650
Teen/Adult Dance Camps, June 26-Aug. 17, Dance Center of Spokane. Ages 11-plus can learn Ballet, Jazz, and Hip Hop. Sessions 1-3 p.m./3-5:30 p.m./5:15-7:15 p.m./8-9 p.m. Ballet/Jazz Fusion June 26-29, Simply Ballet July 24-27 Simply Jazz July 24-27 Jump and Jive- all levels July 24-27 Hip Hop Rocks!- all levels Aug. 8, 10, 15, 17 ($65 for this session only) $125/1 session, $325/3 sessions, $425/4 sessions, dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Athletic Camps
All Northwest Football Passing Academy, July 20-21, Real Life fields, Post Falls, 5-9 p.m. Thursday and 9 a.m.-5 p.m. Friday. Offensive skill development camp incorporates video and classroom sessions with on-field drills and skill development. $275. (509) 859-3403 www.allnorthwestfootball.com/2-day-passing-academy All Sport Camp, The Warehouse, June 19-Aug. 18, 9 a.m.-3:30 p.m. Weekly sessions for ages 6-12 include swimming, Nerf, dodgeball, and more. Sessions $209 except for week 2 ($50) and week 3 ($149). www. warehouseathletics.com
Cheer Clinic, Dance Center of Spokane. July 11-15, 12:30-3:30 p.m. Fifth annual clinic for ages 9-18 involves tumbling, hip hop, step, and cheer skills and a performance at the South Perry Street Fair. $225, dance@dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Coach Munhall Summer Catcher’s Camp, July 5-6, Gonzaga Prep, baseball and softball catchers focus on receiving, transfer, footwork, throwing and blocking. Players must be entering grades 6-12, 8-10 a.m., $80, bmunhall@gprep.com, www.gprep.com/apps/pages/ index.jsp?uREC_ID=1862398&type=d&pREC_ ID=2173816.
Gonzaga Prep athletic camps include Baseball Camp, grades 2-8 can improve their skills and develop new ones in a fun and supportive environment. Includes drills, exercises, and activities designed to help players develop their hitting, fielding, pitching, and base-running skills. June 19-21 11 a.m.-1:30 p.m., July 10-12 9-11:30 a.m., $85; Baseball Catchers
Camp, includes receiving, transfer, footwork, and blocking for grades 6-12, 8-10 a.m. June 19-20, July 5-6, $80; Youth Basketball, Coach Geoff Arte will integrate skill development and joy of basketball for grades 4-8, June 20-23, 9-11 a.m., $90; Girls Freshman Basketball Camp, Coach Geoff Arte will focus on skill development and fun of playing basketball. For grades 9 enrolled at Gonzaga Prep. 1-3 p.m. June 20-23, $90; Girls Basketball High School Camp, Coach Geoff Arte will focus on skill development and fun of playing basketball. Grades 10-12 enrolled at Gonzaga Prep. May 31-June 2, 4:30-6 p.m., June 7-9 4-5 p.m. $90; Boys Basketball Camps, grades 4-8 June 19-22 11 a.m.-1 p.m., grade 9 May 29 June 1 6-8 p.m. (requires enrollment at Gonzaga Prep), grades 10-12 June 5-8 2:45-4:45 p.m. (requires enrollment at Gonzaga Prep), $90. Youth Football Camp, teaches offensive and defensive fundamentals, plus basics of proper tackling. Coached by football staff and players, grades 5-8, 9-11 a.m. June 19-22, $70. Football Camp for Freshmen, includes individual and team drills that teach the fundamentals of football, for enrolled Gonzaga Prep students. June 12-15, 4-6 p.m., $275; Football Team Camp, includes fundamentals of football and various drills. Grades 10-12 (must be enrolled at Gonzaga Prep. June 5-8 and 12-15, 3-5:30 p.m. $275; Boys Soccer High School Camp, helps elevate soccer skills and improve game through drills and competition, grades 9-12 but must be enrolled at Gonzaga Prep. July 24-27 noon-2 p.m., $75. Girls Soccer High School Camp, 8-10 a.m. July 24-27, grades 9-12, $75; Youth Soccer Camp, grades 6-8, 10 a.m.-noon July 24-27, Boys Strength and Conditioning Camp, helps students how to improve in strength, power, agility and speed, Gonzaga Prep enrollment required, 8-9:30 a.m. 9th grade and 9:1510:45 a.m. grades 10-12, June 26-Aug. 10 MondayThursday, $125. Girls Strength and Conditioning Camp, June 26-Aug. 10, 10:30 a.m.-noon, grades 9-12, $125, Gonzaga Prep enrollment required. Girls Cross Country Camp, June 26-28, grades 9-12, Gonzaga Prep enrollment required, $100. Boys Cross Country Camp, June 20-23, enrollment required, grades 9-12, $234. Softball Camps, for beginners or advanced players, grades 3-6 or 7-12, June 19-21, $60. Youth Volleyball
Camp, grades 4-8, July 19-20, $85. High School Volleyball Camp, grades 9-12, July 19-20, enrollment required. $120; Gprep.com/summercamps Hoops Camp, The Warehouse, boys and girls ages 9-14 can attend sessions July 10-14, July 24-27, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 14-18. Designed for intermediate to advanced players. Include focus on individual skill development and team play. Lunch included. Sessions $209 except for session 2 which is $169. www. warehouseathletics.com
Inland Empire Diving Learn to Dive Camps, June 20-Aug. 17, either at Liberty Aquatic Center or Eastern Washington University Aquatic Center. Learn how to dive with coaches experienced in teaching beginners and state champions. Ages 5-18 will learn how to jump, spin and flip into the water in all directions. Campers must be confident in deep end of pool. Liberty lessons are focused on the basics, while EWU lessons are focused on developing highly-skilled divers. EWU classes 9:30-11:30 a.m., Liberty 5-6:15 p.m. Liberty classes June 20-22, 26-29, July 10-13, 17-20, 24-27, July 31-Aug. 3, Aug. 7-10 and 14-17. EWU classes June 26-29, July 10-13, 17-20, 24-27, July 31-Aug. 3, Aug. 7-10, 14-17. Most classes $45, with the exception of the June 20-22 class that’s $35. coach@inlandempirediving. com, www.inlandempirediving.com/summerdiving, (509)-795-1481
Jazz Intensive, Dance Center of Spokane, July 31Aug. 3, intensive week of dance for ages 15-plus with choreographers from Texas, Los Angeles, and . more. Placement class 9-10 a.m. July 31. Sessions 10 a.m.1:30 p.m./1:30-5:45 p.m./2-5:45 p.m. Jazz Intensive Level 1 10 a.m.-1:30 p.m. ages 9+, Jazz Intensive Level 2 1:30-5:45 p.m. Ages
12+, Jazz Intensive Level 3
2-5:45 p.m. ages 15+, $350/ week or $95/day, dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Mini Cheer Camp, Dance Center of Spokane, July 1115, 10:30-noon, ages 5-10 can learn Cheer/Step/Hip Hop. Includes performance at the South Perry Street Fair $145, dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
NBC Basketball Camps provide overnight and day camps including Whitworth University June 20-Aug. 10 for boys and girls ages 8-19, $350-$1,100; skills day camp at The Warehouse July 31-Aug. 3 boys and girls ages 8-14, $290; complete skills junior basketball camps at HUB Sports Center June 19-21 and Aug. 8-9 boys and girls ages 8-12, $220; day camps at Post Falls Real Life June 19-22, July 17-20, July 31-Aug. 2, for boys and girls ages 9-16, $240-$325; All-Star and Elite Overnight Camp at North Idaho College July 17-21, boys ages 12-16, $745. Nbccamps.com 800-406-3926
NBC Girls Lacrosse Camps at Whitworth University include girls lacrosse overnight camp June 27-29, ages 13-18, $455; girls lacrosse fundamental day camp June 27-29, girls ages 9-13, $150. Nbccamps.com 800-4063926
NBC Volleyball Camps include sessions at Whitworth University including middle school overnight camp July 5-7, girls ages 11-14, $480; intro to volleyball junior day camp July 6-7 girls ages 9-12, $110; high school overnight camp July 31-Aug. 3, girls ages 13-18, $610. Volleyball camps at The Warehouse include complete skills volleyball day camp July 18-20, girls ages 10-12, $250; volleyball intensive day camp July 18-20, girls ages 13-16, $250; volleyball camps at Post Falls Real Life include intensive day camp June 19-22 girls ages 13-16, $325; complete skills day camp Aug. 7-10, boys and girls ages 9-14, $315. Volleyball camps at Highland
Middle School include volleyball intensive day camp July 24-27, girls ages 13-16, $315; complete skills volleyball day camp July 24-27, boys and girls ages 1012, $315. Nbccamps.com 800-406-3926
Nigel Williams-Goss Advanced Basketball Training Camp, July 28-30, 9 a.m.-2:30 p.m., HUB Sports Center. High school boys and girls freshmen through seniors can learn advanced techniques and drills building on fundamental basketball skills. Max enrollment 100 campers. Includes shooting defense, offense, conditioning, passing, and more, plus 1-on-1 and 5-on-5 competitions. $395, or $350 if registered by May 15. Registration deadline July 17. info@ hubsportscenter.org, hub.configio.com/pd/2104/nigelwilliams-goss-advanced-basketball-training-camp-2023, (509) 927-0602
Nigel Williams-Goss Youth Basketball Skills Camp, Aug. 1-3, 9 a.m.-3 p.m. HUB Sports Center, for boys and girls of all skill levels ages 7-15. Program teaches a variety of techniques including form shooting, shooting drills, perimeter and post defense, ball handling, signature offensive moves, conditioning, passing and team offensive and defensive training. $275 per participant, or $250 if registered by May 15. Deadline July 24. Maximum enrollment 100 campers. info@ hubsportscenter.org, hub.configio.com/pd/2103/nigelwilliams-goss-skills-camp-2023, (509) 927-0602
NWC Crusader Summer Sports Camps, Northwest Christian School. Programs for students in grades 1-8 include boys basketball, June 12-15, grades 1-4 and
5-8 10:30 a.m.-noon. Cross country June 12-15, grades
1-8, 8:30-10 a.m. Girls volleyball June 20-23, grades
4-8 12:30-2 p.m. Track and field June 26-29, grades 1-4
9-10:30 a.m., grades 5-8 10:30 a.m.-noon. Boys football July 17-20, grades 1-4 2-3:30 p.m. grades 5-8 3:30-5 p.m. Boys baseball June 12-15, grades 1-4 12:45-2:15 p.m., grades 5-8 2:15-3:45 p.m. Girls basketball June 12-15 grades 1-4 12:30-2 p.., grades 5-8 2:30-4 p.m. Girls soccer June 19-22 grades 1-4 9-10:30 a.m., grades
5-8 grades 10:30 a.m.-noon. Girls softball July 10-13, grades 1-4 9-10:30 a.m., grades 5-8 10:30 a.m.-noon. Boys wrestling July 17-20, grades 1-4 10-11:30 a.m. grades 5-8 11:30 a.m.-1 p.m. Each camp $50 plus onetime $15 registration fee. Registration after May 26 includes $5 late charge. Nwcathletics.org
Pat Powers Volleyball Camp, Aug. 5-6, 9 a.m.-3 p.m., HUB Sports Center. Olympic gold medalist works with players in drills and competition, separated by age and skill level. $150. Pat@VBClinics.com, info@ hubsportscenter.org, vbclinics.com/product/august-56-2023-pat-powers-spokane-volleyball-camps, (509) 927-0602
Premier Mitts Specialized Infield Camps, June 26-July 27, baseball camps provide drill work, competitions, work stations, guest speakers, lecture and live pre-games for serious players ages 8-18. Whitworth University and Shadle Park High School, 8 a.m.-noon, each session $207.99 (discounts available). Schedule includes Throwing Camp, Whitworth University, June 26-28, 8-10:30 a.m., Backhands Only Camp, Whitworth University, June 26-28, 10:30 a.m.- 1 p.m., Double Play Specialty, Shadle Park High School, July 10-13, 8-10 a.m., Total Infield Camp, Shadle Park, July 10-13, 10 a.m.-noon, Playmaker Infield Camp, Shadle Park, July 17-20, 8-10 a.m., Making The Routine Play, Shadle Park, July 17-20, 10 a.m.-noon, On-The-Run Only Camp, Whitworth University, July 24-27, 8-10 a.m., Infield Finale, Whitworth University, July 24-27, 10 a.m.-noon. Each player receives T-shirt, media guide, and a chance to compete with and against the best infielders in this region. kenny@premiermitts.com, www.premiermitts.com, (509) 863-4605
RecTennis Summer Tennis Camps, June 19-Aug. 25, Comstock Park. Weekly tennis curriculum for ages 6-12 combines fun activities with life lessons in leadership, teamwork, and other concepts and principles. Two, four-, and eight-hour sessions available. All levels welcome, equipment provided. Two-hour sessions 9-11 a.m., $65/week except for the week of July 4, which is $39. Four-hour sessions 8 a.m.-noon, $125 except for the week of July 4, which is $75. Eight-hour sessions 8 a.m.-4 p.m., $195/week except for the week of July 4, which is $117. Sessions June 19-23, June 26-30, July 5-7, July 10-14, July 17-21, July 24-28, July 31-Aug 4, Aug. 7-11, Aug. 14-18, Aug. 21-25. Afternoon sessions for eight-hour session take place at Comstock Aquatic Center. info@rectennis.com, rectennis.com/programs/ (503) 530-9289
Shoot 360 Basketball Summer Camps, June 28-30, July 10-14, July 24-28 in Spokane, 8-10 a.m. Grades 3-6 can learn basketball skill development such as dribbling, passing, shooting and defense, plus take part in games and competitions. Members $175/session for each Jully session or $100 for June session, non-members $225 for each July session or $125 non-members. www. shoot360spokane.com/clinics
Spokane Gymnastics Week-long Summer Day Camps in Spokane Valley, July 10- Aug. 11, taught by knowledgeable, engaged, and encouraging coaches with fast-paced rotations focusing on the development of strength, balance, agility, coordination, and flexibility. Previous experience not required. Campers grouped according to age and skill level. All camps include structured gymnastics lessons on all events, plus games, challenges, crafts, and themed activities. Sessions 8 a.m., 11:30 a.m., 12:30 p.m. 4 p.m. or 8 p.m. 4 p.m., $199 - $329, Get the Summer Started Gymnastics Camp, July 10-14, Cheer Gymnastics Camp July 17 -21; Ninja Zone Gymnastics Camp July 17-21; Parkour Gymnastics Camp July 17 -21; Adventure Gymnastics Camp July 31-Aug. 4; Trampoline and Tumbling (TNT) Camp July 31-Aug. 4; Gymnastics Fun Gymnastics Camp Aug. 7-11; Preschool Gymnastics Camp Aug. 7-11. Discounts available for multiple camps, multiple siblings, military, and first responder discounts. camp@ spokanegymnastics.com, spokanegymnastics.com/ summercamps/ (509) 533-9546
Summer Dance Intensive, Dance Center of Spokane, Aug. 7-10 and Aug. 14-17, 3- 9 p.m., ages 10 and up. Program develops strength, stamina and flexibility while improving technique. Styles include Ballet, Pointe, Jazz, Contemporary, Lyrical, Musical Theater, Pilates, Yoga, Tap, and Hip Hop. Session 1, Stretching it Out, Aug. 7-10. Session 2, Turning it up, Aug. 14-17. Sessions $90/day or $300/week or $500 for both weeks, dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterofspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
Summer Yoga, Dance Center of Spokane, ages 11-plus, July 25-Aug. 24, Tuesdays and Thursdays noon-1 p.m., $150 for 10 classes or $20/class, dance@ dancecenterofspokane.com, dancecenterorspokane.com, (509) 448-2464
SYSA Summer Sports Camps include SYSA Soccer Camp July 10-13 or July 31-Aug. 3, Andrew Rypien Fields, 9 a.m.-noon; SYSA Flag Football Camp June 26-29, Andrew Rypien Fields, 9 a.m.-noon June 26-29 or July 24-27. SYSA Cheerleading Camp Andrew
Rypien Fields 9 a.m.-noon June 26-29 or July 24-27, SYSA Track Camp 9 a.m.-noon July 10-13 at Andrew Rypien Fields. SYSA Volleyball Camp, July 17-20 or Aug. 7-10, 9 a.m.-noon Shaw Middle School. SYSA Basketball Camp noon-3 p.m. July 17-20 or Aug. 7-10, Shaw Middle School. Each session $99. Register at www.SYSA.com. Financial assistance available. receptionist@sysa.com
The Warehouse Flag Football and Swim Camp, noon-3:30 p.m. June 26-30, July 17-21, July 31-Aug. 4. Ages 9-14 will learn flag football at the Warehouse Athletic Facility and swimming at Witter Aquatic Center. $159/session. www.warehouseathletics.com. The Warehouse Junior Sports Camp, ages 4-6 can try a variety of activities from 9 a.m.-noon. Sessions June 19-23, July 3, July 5-7, July 17-21, July 31-Aug. 4, Aug 14-18. Sessions 1, 4, 5, 6 are $159 Session 2 $39, Session 3 $119. www.warehouseathletics.com.
Zags Baseball Youth Camps, boys and girls of all ages, blends baseball instruction with fun and experience, Patterson Ballpark at Gonzaga, July 11-12 & July 18-19, 9 a.m.-noon, $50-125, Big Dogs Camp, ages 10-14, July 11-12, a.m. each day, $125, Lil Zags Camp, ages 6-10, July 18-19, 9 a.m.-noon, $125, Pups Camp, ages 4-6, July 18-19, 9-11 a.m., $50. ZagsBaseballCamps.com, wellse@gonzaga.edu
Camp Journey NW, Free resident or day camp July 30-Aug. 5 and Family Camp Sept. 9-10. Camp Ross in Post Falls is available for ages 7-17 diagnosed with cancer, both on and off therapy. Camp Journey invites campers to spend a week outdoors, participating in typical camp activities while making friends with others who understand and share their situation. The medically-supervised camp provides the chance to make memories and be a kid. Overnight camp can include siblings or friends, but the day camp is for survivors only. Eligibility for overnight camp includes a child diagnosed with cancer on active cancer therapy; a child who had bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplantation; a child who has completed cancer therapy; a sibling of a child attending camp diagnosed with cancer or who had a BMT or SCT; a friend of a child attending camp diagnosed with cancer or who had BMT or SCT; a sibling who has attended camp in the past, who lost their brother or sister within the past two years; or a child from Eastern Washington, Northern Idaho and Western Montana. Day camp runs July 31-Aug. 3, for ages 5-7. Eligibility includes a child diagnosed with cancer on active therapy; a child who had a bone marrow transplant or stem cell transplantation; a child who has completed cancer therapy; a child from Washington, Northern Idaho, Eastern Oregon and Western Montana. Family Camp Sept. 9-10 open to immediate families of eligible campers. belinda@campjourneynw.org, www. campjourneynw.org, (509) 312-9825
Camp Rooted, overnight camp July 23-28 designed to reunite siblings in foster care who do not currently live together. Campers spend time swimming, rock climbing, doing archery, arts and crafts and other sibling bonding activities. Shoshone Mountain Retreat, Kellogg, Idaho, $600/ camper (scholarships available), AMY@CAMPROOTED.ORG, camprooted.org, (509) 389-2605
Updated camp info can be found all season at www.spokesman.com/marketing/summer-camps/