Our Home • Notre Maison • Nuestra Casa
6 - 55 56 - 57 58 - 59 60 - 61
64 - 85 86 - 89
Toalhas de Mesa Resguardos de Mesa Individuais de Mesa A metro / Expositores
Textile • Textile • Textil
Toalhas de Mesa e Acessórios de Cozinha Passadeiras e Tapetes
Bath • Bain • Baño
92 - 109 Cortinados de Banho 110 - 115 Tapetes de Banho
Sonha mais! Dream more!
o nosso mundo
our world
notre monde
nuestro mundo
U R BAN Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
L140 cm | 9892/52
L140 cm | 9774/94
L140 cm | 9899/52
L140 cm | 9899/94
L140 cm | 9971/52
L140 cm | 9655/94
L140 cm | 9972/52
L140 cm | 9658/94
L140 cm | 9900/52
L140 cm | 9900/94
L140 cm | 9896/52
L140 cm | 9896/94
L140 cm | 9891/52
L140 cm | 9655/36
L140 cm | 9774/36
L140 cm | 9630/36
L140 cm | 9896/36
L140 cm | 9899/73
L140 cm | 9658/73
L140 cm | 9657/73
L140 cm | 9656/73
L140 cm | 9660/73
L140 cm | 9665/73
L140 cm | 9896/73
L140 cm | 9774/73
U TOPIA Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
MalĂŠ | L140cm 12E/04 | Grav. 98
Malé | L140cm 12E/03 | Grav. 98
Malé | L140cm 12E/04 | Grav. 98
Malé | L140cm 12E/02 | Grav. 98
Reflect | L140cm 32E/18 Grav. 98
Reflect | L140cm 32E/04 | Grav. 98
Malé | L140cm 12E/01 | Grav. 98
Pinhas | L140cm 49M/01 | Grav. 72
Trendy | L140cm 47G/02 | Grav. 72
Trendy | L140cm 47G/14 | Grav. 72
Drops | L140cm 51A/09 | Grav. 72
Pinhas | L140cm 49M/12 | Grav. 72
Place du Marché | L140cm 48N/07 | Grav. 98
Retalho | L140cm 45U/03 | Grav. 98
Café Déca | L140cm 44R/10 | Grav. 98
Retalho | L140cm 45U/01 | Grav. 98
Talheres Craft | L140cm 26H/05 | Grav. 98
Barcode | L140cm 46N/07 | Grav. 98
N贸rdico | L140cm 46R/02 | Grav. 98
Newspaper | L140cm 31k/19 | Grav. 98
Altea | L140cm 44U/08 | Grav. 98
Altea | L140cm 44U/07 | Grav. 98
C R E AT IV E Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
Macarons | L140 cm 54P/01
Marmalade | L140cm 42V/01
Cupcakes | L140 cm 56J/08
Marmalade | L140cm 42V/02
Cupcakes | L140 cm 56J/03
Tutti Frutti | L140cm 45C/01
Smarties | L140cm 56H/01
Chocolate | L140cm 50A/01
Kaffee | L140cm 42S/01
Breakfast | L140cm 54M/01
Coffee | L120/140 cm 867/01
Europe | L140cm 36G/01
Tarjeta Postal | L140cm 36P/03
Bal천es | L140cm 36A/01
Bath Ink | L140cm 46H/05
School | L140cm 43M/01
Joaninhas | L140cm 50G/01
Marguerita | L140cm 45V/01
Lim천es | L140cm 40D/02
Vitaminas | L140cm 44I/01
Gaspacho | L140cm 57M/01
Tutti Frutti | L140cm 45C/01
Sushi | L140cm 45R/01
Oil & Vinegar | L140cm 45SQ/01
Kitchen | L140cm 53A/01
Bierdeckel | L140cm 49R/01
Fresh | L140cm 48F/01
Apple Garden | L140cm 43N/01
Paille | L140cm 27F/01
Cannes | L140cm 33L/01
Relva | L140cm 477/01
Country | L140cm 49N/01
Twicks | L140cm 29G/11
Talheres Craft | L140cm 26H/02
Talheres Craft | L140cm 26H/01
Almond Tree | L140cm 36K/04
Almond Tree | L140cm 36K/05
Roche | L140cm 49U/02
Seixos | L140cm 521/01
Rondins | L140cm 32M/01
Ulmus | L140cm 39P/01
Rusty | L140cm 48U/01
Brique | L140cm 30Q/01
M E MORY Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
Twilight | L140cm 22G/41
Damas | L140cm 15D/01
Damas | L120/140cm 15D/05
Asturias | L140cm 59K/02
Asturias | L120/140cm 59K/07
Happy | L140cm 44S/08
Happy | L140cm 44S/01
Twilight | L140cm 22G/32
Til Prune | L140cm 41L/05
Xadrez Cozinha | L120/140cm 021/08
Xadrez Cozinha | L140cm 021/13
Scotty | L120/140cm 16D/02
Scotty | L120/140cm 16D/01
Scotty | L120/140cm 16D/03
Adamascado | L120/140cm 420/07
Adamascado | L140cm 420/09
Baroque | L140cm 19A/02
Adamascado Positivo | L120/140cm 165/02
Papillons | L140cm 11C/11
Simply | L120/140cm 332/13
Sylk Flowers | L140cm 184/12
Sylk Flowers | L140cm 184/01
Vinylspitze | L140cm 19D/02
Vinylspitze | L140cm 19D/06
Cozinha | L140cm 35P/03
Place du Marché II | L140cm 22K/02
Mon Chéri | L140 cm 43R/05
Vaches II | L140cm 21K/01
Paintball | L120/140cm 44Q/08
Paintball | L120/140cm 44Q/10
Eleonor | L140cm 42U/03
Terra Goldmuster | L140cm 338/13
Swirl | L140 cm 29E/30
Fine | L140cm 29J/07
Cigale | L120/140cm 45N/04
Eleonor | L140cm 42U/06
Légèreté | L140cm 41U/07
Dahlie | L140cm 34H/11
Ryf | L140cm 42L/03
Tulipes | L140cm 287/11
Tulipes | L140cm 287/04
New Script | L140cm 36C/02
Squarelines | L140cm 37F/01
Caffè Latte | L140cm 28G/07
Caffè Latte | L140cm 28G/01
Retalho | L140cm 45U/06
Retalho | L140cm 45U/07
Café Vintage | L140cm 49T/01
Topos | L140cm 26J/03
Topos | L140cm 26J/04
Bistrot | L140 cm 39L/01
Topos | L140cm 26J/02
Garfos | L140cm 25K/05
Topos | L140cm 26J/08
Dans Ma Cuisine | L140cm 43T/04
Lavender Garden | L140cm 36Q/06
Lavender Garden | L140cm 36Q/03
Lavender Garden | L140cm 36Q/02
Dans Ma Cuisine | L140cm 43T/02
Dans Ma Cuisine | L140cm 43T/01
Oramates | L140cm 23K/02
Oramates | L140cm 23K/06
Feuille | L140 cm 44T/01
Olive et Huile | L140cm 33P/02
Feuille | L140 cm 44T/05
Olive et Huile | L140cm 33P/05
Framboesas | L140cm 528/06
Mandelbl端te | L120/140cm 31Q/07
Mandelbl端te | L120/140cm 31Q/12
Lavande | L140cm 55D/01
Lavande | L140cm 55D/13
Roma | L140cm 40S/03
Roma | L140cm 40S/05
Guarda | L120/140cm 530/06
Chasse et Pêche | L140cm 52L/01
Flower & Plates | L140cm 58J/04
Chenonceau | L120/140cm 10E/02
Poetry | L140cm 40V/08
Poetry | L140cm 40V/01
Bogotá | L120/140cm 33M/10
Bogotá | L120/140cm 33M/08
Antigua | L140cm 48D/01
Spring | L120/140 cm 59M/01
Zist | L140cm 45T/02
Liberty | L120/140cm 41S/05
Liberty | L120/140cm 41S/10
Spring | L120/140 cm 59M/03
Mimo | L140cm 35E/01
Disco | L140cm 51E/17
Mimo | L140cm 35E/14
Kyoto | L140cm 31D/29
Gipsy Rose | L140cm 51M/01
Edo | L140cm 47T/04
Chรก e Chavenas | L140cm 897/01
Marigold | L140 cm 47G/01
Marigold | L140 cm 47G/04
Coquelicots II | L140cm 972/06
Gros Tournesols | L120/140cm 881/01
Sunflowers | L140cm 991/03
Ghana | L140cm 43S/01
Quilting | L140cm 50L/01
pois | L140cm 54K/01
Trattoria | L140cm 54L/01
Gipsy II | L140cm 55P/01
Gipsy II | L140cm 55P/02
Hippie | L140cm 56M/03
Hippie | L140cm 56M/08
Place du MarchĂŠ | L140cm 48N/01
Hippie | L140cm 56M/02
N贸rdico | L140cm 46R/01
N贸rdico | L140cm 46R/03
In the Kitchen | L120/140cm 43U/01
Fun | L140cm 47S/02
In the Kitchen | L140cm 43U/04
Fun | L140cm 47S/01
In the Kitchen | L140cm 43U/07
Fun | L140cm 47S/06
Mosaico | L140cm 253/22
Mosaico | L140cm 253/23
Mosaico | L140cm 253/15
Mosaico | L140cm 253/26
Altea | L140cm 44U/06
Altea | L140cm 44U/05
Altea | L140cm 44U/04
Workshop | L140cm 27K/02
Amboise | L140cm 39M/11
Workshop | L140cm 27K/04
Amboise | L140cm 39M/01
Workshop | L140cm 27K/06
Zaitum | L140cm 29K/03
Workshop | L140cm 27K/08
Zaitum | L140cm 29K/01
Arabica | L140cm 34P/01
Arabica | L140cm 34P/06
Zenba | L140 cm 48R/01
Nature & Moving| L140cm 41Q/01
Tapies | L120/140cm 47U/01
Istambul | L140cm 23D/01
Feeling | L140cm 35G/11
Akiko | L140cm 39K/01
Cirelli | L140cm 25G/11
Drops | L140cm 51A/09
Cirelli | L140cm 25G/04
Sand | L140cm 44P/01
Marítimo | L120/140cm 31G/01
Barcode | L140cm 46N/05
Barcode | L140cm 46N/08
Rústica | L140cm 33J/03
Rústica | L120/140cm 33J/04
Rústica | L140cm 33J/20
Rústica | L140cm 33J/12
PAR T Y Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
Tannenbaum | L140cm N43/02
Tannenbaum | L140cm N43/01
Easter | L140cm 48P/02
Easter Patchwork | L140cm 52M/01
Easter | L140cm 48P/06
Christmas Cookies | L140cm N32/01
C R IS TAL Toalha de Mesa | Tablecloth | Nappe de Table | Mantel
Pois | L140cm 54K/01
Pois | L140cm 54K/12
Joaninhas | L140cm 50G/01
Florbela | L140cm 561/01
Edo | L140cm 47T/01
Place du MarchĂŠ | L140cm 48N/04
Barcode | L140cm 46N/09
Twilight | L140cm 22G/43
Baroque | L140cm 19A/01
Zaitum | L140cm 29K/09
Zaitum | L140cm 29K/08
Richelieu | L140cm 146/01
Vinylspitze | L140cm 19D/10
Swirl | L140cm 29E/29
Twicks | L140cm 29G/10
Feeling | L140cm 35G/14
Oil & Vinegar | L140cm 45S/01
Coquelicots II | L140cm 973/01
Sunflowers | L140cm 992/01
Fruitage | L140cm 45H/01
Vitaminas | L140cm 44I/01
Sushi | L140cm 45R/01
Chalet Montagne | L140cm N43/01
RESGUAR D O D E ME S A Table Protector | Nappe Protecteur de Table | Bajo Mantel Protecci贸n
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 2000 | Grav. 48
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 2000 | Grav. 98
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 787/07 | Grav. 93
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 12E/01 | Grav. 93
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 19D/04 | Grav. 93
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 56G/03 | Grav. 93
Thickness 0,25 | L140cm 420/09 | Grav. 93
Thickness 0,20 | L140cm 2000 | Grav. 48
INDIVID UAIS D E ME S A Place Mat | Set de Table | Mantel Individua
TEL A A ME T RO Fabric per Metre | Toile au Mètre | Tela por Metro
Impermeável | Fácl de limpar com esponja húmida Sealed silk-matt surface | Easy-care, wipe clean with a damp cloth Imperméable | Facile à entretenir avec une éponge humide Sellado superficial mate sedoso | Lavable en húmedo, fácil de cuidar
TOALH AS A ME T RO Tablecloth per Metre | Nappe de Table au Mètre | Mantel por Metro
Expositor para toalhas a metro Em cada prateleira será exposta uma medida de toalha. O cliente poderá escolher a medida que procura de forma rápida e fácil.
Sonha mais! Dream more!
ossa famĂlia n a our family
notre famille
nuestra familia
M E S A FU N Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10561 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10562 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10563 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10564
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10565
*Esta colecção é fabricada nas cores:
As embalagens são compostas pelas 4 cores.
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10567
Avental | ref. 03.10566
Luva | ref. 03.10569
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10568
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10570
Guardanapo | ref. 03.10572
Pano Loiça | ref. 03.10571
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10573 *Esta colecção é fabricada nas cores:
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10574 As embalagens são compostas pelas 4 cores.
ME S A FLOR A Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10575 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10576 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10577 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10578
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10579
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10581
Luva | ref. 03.10583
Avental | ref. 03.10580
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10582
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10584
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10586
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10585
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10587
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10588
M E S A INK A Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10589 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10590 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10591 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10592
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10593
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10595
Luva | ref. 03.10597
Avental | ref. 03.10594
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10596
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10598
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10600
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10599
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10601
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10602
M ES A S QUAR E S Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10603 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10604 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10605 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10606
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10607
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10609
Luva | ref. 03.10611
Avental | ref. 03.10608
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10610
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10612
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10614
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10613
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10615
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10616
ME S A H IPPIE Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10617 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10618 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10619 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10620
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10621
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10623
Luva | ref. 03.10625
Avental | ref. 03.10622
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10624
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10626
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10628
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10627
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10629
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10630
MES A S IX T IE S Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10631 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10632 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10633 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10634
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10635
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10637
Luva | ref. 03.10639
Avental | ref. 03.10636
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10638
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10640
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10642
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10641
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10643
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10644
M E S A H APPY Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa
140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10645 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10646 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10647 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10648
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10649
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10651
Luva | ref. 03.10653
Avental | ref. 03.10650
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10652
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10654
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10656
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10655
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10657
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10658
MES A FLOWE R Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10659 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10660 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10661 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10662
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10663
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10665
Luva | ref. 03.10667
Avental | ref. 03.10664
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10666
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10668
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10670
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10669
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10671
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10672
MES A IMPAL AS Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref.03.10673 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10674 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10675 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10676
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10677
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10679
Luva | ref. 03.10681
Avental | ref. 03.10678
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10680
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10682
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10684
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10683
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10685
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10686
MESA IMPAL AS II Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref.03.10673 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10674 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10675 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10676
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10687
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10689
Luva | ref. 03.10691
Avental | ref. 03.10688
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10690
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10692
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10694
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10693
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10695
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10696
MESA IMPAL AS III Table | Table | Tabla
Toalha de Mesa 140 x 140 cm ref. 03.10697 140 x 160 cm ref. 03.10698 140 x 200 cm ref. 03.10699 140 x 240 cm ref. 03.10700
Individual Sortido | ref. 03.10701
ACESSÓ RIOS D E COZINH A Kitchen Accessories | Accessoires de Cuisine | Accesorios de Cocina
Pega Redonda | ref. 03.10703
Luva | ref. 03.10705
Avental | ref. 03.10702
Pega Quadrada | ref. 03.10704
Luva Dupla | ref. 03.10706
Guardanapo Sortido | ref. 03.10708
Pano Loiça Sortido| ref. 03.10707
Frente Verso Cochim 4 cm | ref. 03.10709
Frente Verso Cochim 2,5 cm | ref. 03.10710
PAS S AD E IR AS Rug | Tapis | Alfombra
Dimens천es | Dimensions | Dimensiones
55 x 90cm
Passadeira Lisa Dicasa
60 x 110cm
55 x 150cm
55 x 180cm
TAPE T E S C AIRO Rugs | Tapis | Alfombras
Dimens천es | Dimensions | Dimensiones
33 x 60cm
40 X 70cm
40 X 70cm
Dimens천es | Dimensions | Dimensiones
33 x 60cm
40 X 70cm
40 X 70cm
TAPE TES DE COR S OR T ID OS Assorted Rugs | Tapis Assortis | Alfombras Surtidas
Dimensões | Dimensions | Dimensiones
33 x 60cm
40 X 70cm
40 X 70cm
Sonha mais! Dream more!
como so s o m nhamos ve i v
we live as we dream
nous vivons comme nous rĂŞvons
vivimos como soĂąamos
CO RTINADO S D E BANH O PL AS T IC Bathroom Curtains | Rideaux de Salle de Bain | Cortinas de Ba単o
Carocha | 57J/01
BD | 32H/01
Banhistas | 671/01
Bath Ink | 46H/05
Tetrice | 33G/01
Gal | 12C/11
Houses II | 13D/04
Boule | 47M/05
Cool Fish | 16C/02
Algebre | 35K/22
Carte Postale | 46Q/09
Mil達o | 8652/41
Secundo | 48I/04
Pele de Vaca | 016/04
Braga | 6189/21
Banhistas | 671/03
Secundo | 48I/01
Pele de Vaca | 016/05
Bath Squares | 19B/03
Barcode | 46N/01
Cool Fish | 16C/08
Houses II | 13D/03
Carte Postale | 46Q/08
Fleus des Champs | 46M/06
Boule | 47M/03
Everything Green | 27G/11
Barcode | 46N/07
Gigi | 36E/04
Stones & Bambus | 47N/09
Bath Ink | 46H/04
Building | 41J/05
Tetrice | 33G/03
Place du MarchĂŠ | 48N/02
Baroque | 19A/01
Just For You | 13A/01
Zoo | 297/21
Pop Dogs | 27H/14
Algebre | 35K/32
Papillons | 11C/09
Cirelli | 25G/13
Feeling | 35G/14
Cool FIsh | 16C/05
Pele de Vaca | 016/02
Punktchen | 11D/11
Newspaper | 31K/18
Houses II |13D/06
Punktchen | 11D/02
Punktchen | 11D/03
Punktchen | 11D/07
Punktchen | 11D/05
Pois | 54K/12
Pois | 54K/14
Pois | 54K/11
Marin | 39J/04
Marin | 39J/01
Marin | 39J/02
Milk | 40N/10
Milk | 40N/13
Jamaica | 348/01
Plage | 35M/03
Plage | 35M/01
Atlantique | 34L/08
Winona | 23G/08
Riscado | 185/01-1000
Riscado | 185/01-2542
Riscado | 185/01-4401
Riscado | 185/01-6190
Atlantique | 34L/09
Marítimo | 31G/05
Marítimo | 31G/01
CO RTINADO S D E BANH O T Ê X T IL Bathroom Curtains | Rideaux de Salle de Bain | Cortinas de Baño
Cool Fish | 16C/01
Punktchen | 11D/03
Punktchen | 11D/06
Houses II | 13D/04
Winona | 23G/13
Secundo | 48I/04
Carte Postale | 46Q/04
Carte Postale | 46Q/05
Algebre | 35K/26
Algebre | 35K/27
Cirelli | 25G/24
Cirelli | 25G/23
Secundo | 48I/03
TAPE T E S D E BANH O Bath Mat | Tapis de Bain | Alfombra de Ba単o
Flor 36 x 52 cm | 601 2500 - 6040
Tartaruga 36 x 55 cm | 600 8100 - 4985
Sapo 36 x 36 cm | 601 0900 - 5135
601 2300 - 4985
601 2400 - 5135
601 2200 - 4404
601 2100 - 1009
600 8400 - 5135
600 7800 - 4404
600 9000 - 1009
600 8700 - 6040
601 0700 - 4404
601 0600 - 1009
601 1000 - 6040
601 0800 - 4985
Cores 36 x 72 cm/ 55 x 55 cm | 600 8200 - 5135
Cores 600 7600 - 4404
Cores 600 7500 - 1009
Cores 600 8500 - 6040
Cores 600 7900 - 4985
Sapos 600 0600 - 239/01
Sapos 600 0600 - 239/02
Sapos 36 x 72 cm
600 0700 - 9829
600 1100 - 9905
601 5800 - 9626
601 6100 - 9622
601 6000 - 9624
600 1000 - 9904
601 6200 - 9623
601 5600 - 9625
Mil達o 36 x 72 cm/ 55 x 55 cm
TAPE TES 100% ALG ODÃO Mat | Tapis | Alfombra
ø 50cm / ø 60cm / ø 75cm
Bola 502
Bola 536
Bola 555
Bola ø 60 / ø 75 | 554
Redondo ø 50 | 537
Bola Riscada ø 60 / ø 75 | 502
ø 50cm
Ball ø 50 | 516
Moon ø 50 | 523
40x50cm 49x46cm
Peixe | 526
Quadrado 50 x 50 cm | 502
40x50cm 49x46cm
On-Off 80 x 50 cm | 503
Bowling 80 x 50 cm | 503
ø 50cm
Onda 80 x 50 cm | 503
Seventies 80 x 50 cm | 503
Natura 80 x 50 cm | 503
Paula 80 x 50 cm | 537
Sofia 80 x 50 cm | 536
Morse 80 x 50 cm | 503
TAPE TES 100% AC R Ă?L ICO Mat | Tapis | Alfombra
Bursa 80 x 50 cm | 064
40x50cm 49x46cm
Budapeste 80 x 50 cm | 036
Bursa 002
Bursa 023
Budapeste 005
Budapeste 023
Bursa 025
Bursa 046
Budapeste 035
Budapeste 046
Algarve 80 x 50 cm | 034
Bucareste 80 x 50 cm | 013
Algarve 019
Algarve 023
Bucareste 035
Bucareste 006
Algarve 026
Algarve 065
Bucareste 002
Bucareste 039
Londres 80 x 50 cm | 016
40x50cm 49x46cm
Zebra 80 x 50 cm | 039
Londres 013
Londres 014
Zebra 014
Zebra 015
Londres 045
Londres 065
Zebra 036
Zebra 046
inca 80 x 50 cm | 006
Ă rvore 80 x 50 cm | 029
Inca 002
Inca 035
Arabesco 029
Going 029
Inca 013
Inca 019
Highway 029
Leaves 029
Spoman Ib茅rica LDA Via Central de Milheir贸s, n潞 772 4475-330 Milheir贸s Maia - Portugal www.spomaniberica.com