Spoon: Issue No. 3 - Apr/May 2011

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Scooping up life’s little bits of awesome.

Oldies, but goodies.

(spoon) Welcome to the third issue of

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life awesomeness community share spiration experiences happiness sar casm old-school holidays seasons go trivia new fun simplify indie diy han made pictures photographs words st ries food travel eat shop art vintage memories friends be do make learn live artisan entrepreneur music blog enjoy live laugh create love play history passions cook read book movies quotations how-to color mail explore Hey, Spooners!

Do you like old things? My father was pretty big into old music, old cars, and going to antique shows and flea markets. I hated it. Everything looked... well... old. Dusty. Dirty. Not very exciting. Depression-era glass does nothing for you when you’re eight. However...

Fast-forward 25 years or so. That eight-year-old might change her tune when she starts seeing her lunchbox and toys showing up in the windows of antique stores she’s walking by. “It’s worth HOW much?”

“Holy crap, I had, like, DOZENS of those growing up.” “I’m officially getting old.”

Just a few examples of the thoughts that may run through your head during such an encounter. Suddenly, old stuff IS cool. Because it’s YOUR old stuff.

Memories and history lessons await those who choose to let the lure of vintage wash over them. The searching can be a rush. Addictive, even. You don’t have to immerse yourself eyeball-deep in the world of yesterday, though. Find that one passion or interest of yours and unlock the story behind it. I guarantee you’ll be fascinated. My dad passed away before my bug really kicked in. I know we’d have a good time sharing discoveries, but I like to think he comes along for the ride when I’m out scrounging. If anything, it’s a good way to remember him. Come along in the time machine as I explore the many facets of vintagey goodness. Don’t forget — if you’ve got comments on anything you see here or elsewhere in the Spooniverse, give a shout! The mailbox is always open.

air guitar ‘77

Tina Jett

Tina Jett is a maker of pictures, liker of vintage, and constructor of sentences. She runs: a blog called Scatterbox over at tinajett.com and two shops on Etsy: Scatterbox for art and photography, and Monday Pie for vintage goods. She has: a weekly column on Scoutie Girl, done some freelance writing for Trazzler, and knocked ladies down for fun with the Carolina Rollergirls. She is: a big fan of sarcasm, travel, movies, stuffing her face with good eats, and works hard to keep her sailor mouth in check.

Snail Mail

P.O. Box 580844 Elk Grove, CA 95758


Writer/Editor/Publisher Photography, Art & Illustration









All content Š 2011 Spoon, unless in public domain or otherwise attributed. For comments or inquiries, please contact the Spoon haus via one of the means listed above. Opinions expressed in the zine, on the website/ blog, or in any other social media format are not necessarily those of the editor, contributors, advertisers, or affiliates.


Michael Jett : Bacon Fat & Butter


Michael Jett spent close to fifteen years in the restaurant industry before escaping in 2006. Though he lives the life of a culinary refugee, he still burns a candle brightly for his love of food. This makes his wife very happy. In his spare time, he dabbles in sports like basketball and Australian Footy, enjoys a fine wine or two, smokes the occasional pipe while contemplating the universe (usually when campfire is involved), and listens to old-school rap.

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Flicks in review

Artisan Spotlight: Shady Lady Saloon What’s so great about buying vintage?


The human side of vintage


Jennie Krauss

16 Estate sales vs. yard sales 17 Yard Sale & Estate Sale Tips 18 The art of the automobile 20 Gallery of goodness 30 An e-mail with Robb Spewak 33 Name that hat 35 Easter 36 Sacramundo! 43 The big quote

: Spoon Apr/May 2011


My two cents on newer and older movies I’ve seen lately. Because you were just dying to know.

The Adjustment Bureau (2011) Matt Damon plays a political candidate who inadvertently finds out that all of us are on pre-destined paths. He also finds out that when you throw a wrench into those plans, men in hats and smart suits will track you down and try to set you straight. I love Emily Blunt, who plays an amazing role as his love interest and the reason he wants to bust the whole system wide open. It’s a little bit Matrix-y in some aspects, but still keeps you locked in until the end. Also? Big fan of John Slattery.

Helvetica (2007) It surrounds you more than you know and yet seems different every time you see it. Helvetica is probably the most recognized and revered font of all time, used by governments and corporations worldwide. This story documents its history and use, from its beginnings in Sweden to modern day, where not everyone is as enamored by it. I found the movie a little dry to watch and stay focused on at times, but loved learning about the backstory of such a simple and powerful set of letters.

Kings of Pastry (2009) One of my answers to the question “What occupation would you like to try for a day?” would be pastry chef. Kings of Pastry explores the prestigious competition, held every four years, that rewards the best French chefs in pastry arts. Their only competition is themselves as they perfect their craft in the hopes of obtaining the coveted red, white, and blue collar of distinction. It’s a story that makes you question just how much you are willing to sacrifice for a high level of recognition.

The Proposal (2009) This movie could have been a total bomb at the box office, but when you put three of my favorite film & TV folk in one movie, it’s all good by me. Sandra Bullock and Ryan Reynolds work well off of each other as two characters lying about their engagement for anti-deportation purposes. And then there’s Betty White, who I want to be when I grow up, carrying on like she’s 20 years younger. Mary Steenburgen and Craig T. Nelson ring in wonderful supporting performances, as usual.

Rachel Getting Married (2008) Finally watched this after it rotted in my DVR for almost a year. I like Anne Hathaway, and was excited to see her play a darker role. Anne plays Kym, a woman dealing with drug addiction, who is granted a reprieve from rehab to attend her sister Rachel’s wedding. Coming back home only stirs up memories and emotions that have plagued the family for years. The film has a very real quality about it that makes you feel like you are in the room with them as they finally tackle their issues.

The September Issue (2009) A documentary about Anna Wintour, editor of American Vogue magazine. This flick has had many comparisons to the film The Devil Wears Prada, as some believe Miranda from Prada is based on Anna. Whether true or not, The September Issue puts an interesting microscope on the publication and this icon of the fashion industry, both at the office and at home. I was equally intrigued by the storyline of Grace Coddington, Vogue’s Creative Director, who is a pillar of the magazine. Apr/May 2011 Spoon :

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Shady Lady Saloon

Blood-red damask wallpaper, exposed brick, rich wood, and warm light from ornate chandeliers deck out the interior of Shady Lady Saloon in Sacramento, Calfornia. Bartenders in suspenders, bowties, and stylish headwear concoct traditional and modern drinks from high-quality mixes and ingredients. They even add in their own house-made ginger ale, tonic, and cola. Two years ago, the saloon was opened by three friends with a passion for bringing artistry and craft to the typical bar scene. Jason Boggs, Alex Origoni, and Garrett Van Vleck ponied up their own money for the investment, which has paid off very well so far. Their choice to pay homage to the Prohibition/ speakeasy era makes them one of the more unique food and beverage venues in town. I’ve been personally won over by the amazing gin and cucumber-laced White Linen, but you can also choose from the Horse’s Neck, classic Manhattan, or have one of the bartenders craft you something special in their beautiful glass mixing beakers. The Lady ain’t no college bar, so get your Kamikazes and Bud Lights somewhere else. This is where you come to enjoy the art of the drink. If you’re hungry, the food will impress just as much. With a little Southern flair, the kitchen can present you with locally-sourced fried green tomatoes, po’ boys, duck confit tots, jambalaya, and even deviled eggs. Mike recently raved about their pork rinds with a chili-pepper dipping broth. To add to the ambience, the P.A. system streams a very apropot blend of nostalgic jazz. If you’re into the live music scene, you can stop by in the evenings for anything from jazz to reggae to bluegrass. Shady Lady is a most excellent spot to relax, savor the day, and really appreciate the care that went into every aspect of its creation. The best of an underground bar out in the open for all to enjoy. www.shadyladybar.com

: Spoon Apr/May 2011



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what’s so great about buying



For some people, the idea of buying

vintage has a negative conotation. Maybe it brings to mind thoughts of shopping at thrift stores in college, when it was the only affordable way to decorate their dorm or apartment. Perhaps they feel that it’s an indication of a lower status or lack of success; that it is beneath them to buy secondhand when they can afford the shiny and new. To those on the other end of the spectrum, those who love shopping for pre-loved goods and artifacts, it’s like being in on a wonderful secret. Why is it great to shop vintage? Let me count the ways...

The price The most obvious starting point. For most items, it’s cheaper to buy them used than new, unless you’re getting into the realm of antiques and collectibles. Especially in recessionary times of tight budgets, vintage answers the call of decorating yourself and your home on a dime. But this can translate in other ways, too. Most modern-day sofas are frankly quite boring in structure. Pick yourself up an inexpensive davenport (nod to my gram, there) with good, sturdy bones and you can have it reupholstered for much less than the run-of-the-mill showroom pieces. Case goods, such as dressers, end tables, and consoles, can be perfect with a little wear around the edges, or they can be snazzed up on the super-cheap with just a new coat of paint. They also present the perfect opportunity for 12 : Spoon Apr/May 2011

personalization in the form of artistic paint schemes, fun drawer and cabinet knobs, wooden feet, or stenciled lettering. These older pieces are perfect for your experimentation without the fear of ruining a more expensive piece.

The eco-factor Buying secondhand is wonderful for the environment. It saves on the construction of a new piece, which requires energy and raw materials, uses chemicals, and produces waste. Think of all the people there are in the developed world and how many beds and couches and tables they might purchase in a lifetime... and then throw away. It adds up exponentially. Secondhand is just smarter for Mama Earth.

The unique factor Picture in your mind’s eye the rooms that you have seen, either at someone’s house or in a catalog or magazine, that have really caught your eye. Not the ones that you looked at and thought, “Gee, that’s a really nice room.” The ones that made you gush with admiration... exclaim the awesomeness of... or made you feel a tinge of jealousy because surely you’d NEVER think to put those pieces together! Where ever did they FIND that piece?! Chances are, they were fairly eclectic. Or maybe they weren’t eclectic, but they just somehow oozed comfort... and love. Did they have vintage items in them? Were they pieces that you’d find walking

OHAI, Mr. Awesome $12 Owl. Why, yes, I will take you home. into the nearest Rooms-R-Us store? I’m going to guess that the answer is probably no. That’s the problem: Most of the Rooms-R-Us-es of the world are cookie-cutter. If you want convenience, then by all means, pop in their doors and just tell the sales clerk to ring up one of everything in the room. In and out, no fuss, no muss. No character or personality, either. A truly great room reflects the owner, not the store it came from. You shouldn’t be able to walk into someone’s house and immediately know that they buy everything from Rack & Canister. The speedbump people hit when decorating a room or filling up their wardrobe is that they often feel that it needs to be complete NOW. Many of the best rooms I’ve seen are ones that have been curated over time, travel, and experience. Those rooms tell a story. They tell me a little more about who lives in them. They are one-of-a-kind.

The better design Just as with furniture, accessories, antiques, and collectibles from years gone by often are just better designed. Maybe not in functionality, but aesthetically, they’re simply cooler to look at. A lot of that coolness is because you don’t see them around anymore, so they’re more prone to catch your eye. Sleek lines, bold, detailed, or artistic graphics, and unique color schemes all play to our visual senses. The other kicker is that in some cases, a lot of vintage items are better made than they are today. You’ll find more handcrafted,

artisan pieces that are sturdier and last the test of time. Why else do you still see them around, still fetching some high-dollah prices?

The nostalgia I mentioned earlier that these pieces, and the rooms they inhabit or the person they adorn, tell a story. In one way, that story is yours, as they define who you are and what you are interested in. They can be playful, moody, sophisticated. They also tell the story of their past life or the person who owned them before: A vintage counter that sat in a soda fountain shop run by one family for over 100 years, taking care of generation after generation in that little mountain town. The gown that was designed by that woman who was a pioneer in her industry. The advertisement for a time when life was simpler. Perhaps it was the story of your childhood; a plaything that you cherished as a child, lost as a teen, and found again in a sale one Sunday afternoon as an adult, where those innocent memories came flooding back to your brain.

The thrill of the hunt Probably one of the least-mentioned aspects of shopping for vintage is the rush. Catching that perfect item out of the corner of your eye... How has no one snagged it?! I will tackle anyone I see approaching... It will be MINE! This will look perfect [insert special place here]! Because many of the things you see for sale in vintage shops and at yard or estate sales are more rare, there is definitely a good buzz to be had when you find something you KNOW no one else will have. AND you got it for a steal? It’s a total natural high. Then you go to another sale... hit another jackpot. And ANOTHER sale... No two are alike so it’s always like scoring a lost treasure when you get the goods. Yes, it can be addictive.

***** Whether you fancy intricate gadgets and electronics or lace and china, there is always a golden nugget of nostalgia waiting for you somewhere. Take your next free day to see what’s hiding in your neighborhood!

What’s your favorite thrifted find? When I was in high school, I stumbled upon a garage sale on my way home one day. At it were a ton of beautiful rhinestone jewelry pieces, and I was able to grab up some pins and (clip-on) earrings. To this day I still have so many of them, it was like falling into a treasure chest! I especially love accessorizing with the clip-on earrings, for instance: clipping to a simple neck chain or onto lapels. I’ve even used them on the tops of plain shoes. I haven’t been that lucky since; they were great finds! - Sue There are styles of vintage to suit every taste. Here’s a sampling of my favorite gets.

From 1968 and brand new!

Apr/May 2011 Spoon : 13

The Human Side of Vintage It’s great to talk about vintage. It’s great

to shop for it, try it on, try it out, and repurpose it. However, running my own little online vintage shop has opened my eyes to an aspect of the buying, selling, and curating that I feel goes overlooked. The human aspect. We often forget about the emotional attachment and memories these material goods have associated with them. For most of you, you’ve probably spent some time rummaging through a shoebox or old photo albums full of photograph after photograph. You sifted through them, turned pages, and picked them up by hand. Chances are you did this in the company of a family member; a parent, grandparent, or sibling. You talked about when they were taken like it were yesterday. Stories were re-lived and even told for the first time. It was a bonding ritual taking place. Every moment you wanted to capture in life was printed out, even the vacation photos full of glare and blurry images, ones you didn’t know were flawed until you picked up that processed pack of photos and negatives and realized that the vacation photos on the entire roll

of film, the only roll you had, were all shit. There was no previewing, erasing, and trashing until you got the perfect shot. It was a crap shoot for most of us. Sometimes those printed imperfections were part of the photo’s charm. These days, they’re all uploaded, in digital albums, and barely seen by anyone. If your relative is looking at them, they’re probably in another state. No stories are shared. You can’t hold a digital photo, and scrapbooking (a respectable, artful way to preserve a memory) takes longer than most of us care to bother dealing with. Today’s world is a faster world. But deep down, we all long for slower time. One with no backlog of emails, voice messages, and people chiming in to contact us right when we could use a break. These vintage goods are reminders to slow down and take it oldschool sometimes. When I was growing up and spent time visiting my father, he would often take me along to yard sales and antique shows. I hated it. When you’re eight years old, you could really give a rat’s about some glass dish that your

Actual photos left behind for an estate sale

great-grandmother might have owned. Everything just seemed dirty and boring. Let about twenty-five more years pass. That’s about the time when it will start to hit you, little by little. You get the affinity for vintage start to creep into your system. The first time you see that lunch box you loved so well sitting in a shop window, it hits you. Your childhood is officially on sale. From that moment on, “vintage” and “antique” start to take on new meaning. You now identify with the nostalgia of a bygone time. It’s one of those instances that makes you aware of your own aging, mortality, and short time on this planet. My dad always picked for the nostalgia factor, not to make money. Oh, sure, there was always the muttering of “Hold on to that... It will be worth something one day”, but he never sold anything. I don’t think he really cared to. The objects that drew him in were memories of his own past, or historical tales embodied in physical form. I can say that I was never a big fan of history class, but it was mostly because of the way it was taught. Now I’m aware of the stories waiting to be uncovered about these items. Not so much infamous history, but even just the personal stories or hints of a culture from a certain era. You start to wonder who the people were that owned them and what their lives were like. Going to estate sales, you are slapped with both of these themes: aging and history. Typically, when an estate sale is announced, antique sellers start to salivate. Most of them are on mailing lists for estate sale companies, so they get the initial heads-up. Pictures are usually posted, giving a glimpse of what to expect. The day of the sale, there is a line down the block of early-birds just waiting to rush in and get first dibs on the best catches. Sometimes I try to make a point to get there right at the start if I know there is something there I’d like, but I do so with trepidation.

Once that door opens, it becomes somewhat of a calm madhouse. People cram in, scurrying to one room or another, making a bee-line to where their personal idea of a treasure might be waiting. Sometimes it’s not entirely pleasant. It can get very crowded, especially in the smaller, older homes. People will hover over tables, almost like they’re using their bodies as a personal shield against the prying eyes of someone who might be looking to scoop up an object before them. Items can get strewn about, tossed aside like trash. This has always bothered me. Personally, I enter a home in what is hopefully a civil manner. I let the rush get to wherever they’re going, partly because I don’t feel like getting squished. Most estate sales are held for a primary reason, and it is the one thing that seems to be lost on a lot of people: Someone has died. Maybe it was someone with a great, long life, surrounded by a huge family; a family that is now without their beloved relative. Maybe it was someone who died earlier than they should have, suffering from an illness that robbed them of a few more decades of memories. You can get a feel for which it is when you hit the bedrooms and the bathrooms. The mobility devices, pharmaceutical supplies, creams and ointments that smell of ailments we all hope to avoid as we age. Sometimes, these people have no family. A neighbor or thoughtful friend has taken on the duties of closing out the final chapter in this person’s life.

Buyers have good stories, too! Page of London Watercolor Set

I have a Page of London watercolor set that I‘ve had since 1969. I’ve done some wonderful artwork with that little paintset, and then in the 70s, I bought another one while I was at Disneyland in California. The older one is just about gone. My daughter remembers me painting from it when she was a little

A child’s memories

A collector’s finest There are people who visit estate sales who do so respectfully. You can usually tell the ones who are experiencing one for their first time, as you pass them by as they mutter to a friend, “This just doesn’t feel right.” One of the most heart-numbing things to me is going into a house and seeing that person’s old family photographs up for grabs. Do they have no relatives nearby? Is there no one to claim these memories? School photos, even marriage certificates, have been left for the nostalgically curious, or, most likely, the trash. The other thing impresses itself upon me at these sales is the notion that we are too obsessed with STUFF. Gadgets for this and that, supposedly to make our lives easier. Collections involuntarily started whenever we just happen to have two or more of anything. Packrats, hoarders, and those who genuinely have a hard time letting go of the past.

girl. The newer, cake-type watercolors are very strong and bright and don’t have the good color quality that the old ones do. I was thrilled to find this one. It’s hardly been touched at all! What a great find for BOTH of us! ~ Suzie M. suziemdesigns.etsy.com *******

Charlie Brown ‘Cyclopedia Vol. 1: Your Body

Impulse buys fill our closets with items that see the light of day maybe once. Some still in their packaging. At the end of the sale, do you know what’s usually left? Boxes filled with old plastic bowls, serving utensils, and 800 dishes and glasses. Piles and piles of magazines, VHS tapes, and crap you’d find at the dollar store. Cases and cases of tools and gadgets that were bought only because we were too lazy to find the ones we lost. All destined for a charity store or dumpster, a symbol of a culture fixated on materialism and the here and now. Sure, we all like to indulge a little here and there, but we should really be more aware of our impulses and habits. Shopping secondhand to fill your shelves, walls, and even wardrobes is a great way to keep things out of the landfills. In the end, as they say, you can’t take it with you, so you might as well not add to the ever-growing pile of “it” to begin with.

I received the book from you the other day and I wanted to say thank you for passing along such a treasure. You even wrapped it which was beyond awesome because it was actually a gift for a girl that I have been dating. Two of her favorite things are Snoopy and anatomy, which is kind of a strange combination and is why I was very excited to see this on your Etsy page. This book, along with a crafted cartoon reproduction of one of our first dates, has resulted in a new girlfriend. Thank you doesn’t even scratch the surface, but I’m not sure what else to say. ~ Ben

Jennie Krausse

Putting compassion ahead of the sale


in Sacramento, my favorite estate sales company is run by a wonderful woman named Jennie Krausse. While Jennie is running a business to make her living, she is doing it with high moral standards and with her heart in the right place. This is why she’s my favorite. Jennie uses an email list to send out newsletters to her followers about the upcoming sales, full of photos and even music-backed videos of what will be available. She also does one thing that no other company I follow does: she tells the story. Estate sales are usually needed when a person is closing a chapter in their lives, often the last chapter in their book. While you can look at the

situation in a material aspect, just purging the goods we ideally don’t ever need, it is important to keep in mind that the person who passed had a life, and one that deserves a little bit of acknowledgement. Not everyone who passes through the doors to sift through the home cares, but Jennie does, and it makes all the difference to the family in question and to customers like me. When companies enter a home for the first time to begin work, they occasionally enter a place that is in disarray. Sometimes there are no family members available to help sort items, so the team must go through all areas of the house, taking inventory, estimating amounts, and making organized sense of it all. Jennie goes a step further by getting a member of the family or close friend to write a little biography on the person who has passed, or who is no longer in need of their items. Sometimes, Jennie herself has to write these stories, crafting a tale about someone she has never met,

all by gathering clues from what she uncovers around her. Stories can be uplifting, shedding light on a welllived, well-loved, and/or well-traveled person. Others can wrench your gut as you hear the tale of heartache, disease, and lonely death. On top of caring for the homeowner’s possessions, Jennie and her group are sometimes faced with pets and other animals that are left behind. She extends the same warmth to them, offering a placement service to find loving homes with a new owner. Jennie has a very loyal following. Going to her sale is like visiting an old friend; one who greets you at the door with coffee and treats waiting for you as you shop for antiques and other treasures. She’s honest, hard-working, and fair, unique and priceless in her own right. To learn more about Jennie and the business of estate sales in general, visit her website: www.estatesaleshelp.com

Estate Sales vs. Yard Sales... What’s the Big Difference? While I do visit yard and estate sales for my vintage shop, the bulk of what I sell comes from estate sales. Often, I see yard and garage versions promoted as “estate”sales, which is incorrect. Granted, no police are gonna come shut you down, but be aware that there is a difference. According to Jennie Krausse’s website, “When your home or the home of your loved one has enough items in it to house a small apartment or home, you have enough.” Generally, an estate consists of everything that a person owns/owned being liquidated, due to situations such as death, moving out of the country, or massively downsizing, like the older couple entering the empty nest phase and living the rest of their lives in an RV. If what you are selling fits in a front yard or garage, you would be more appropriate in naming it based on that size. The guy’s “estate” sale that was really just him hawking his college sofa, ski equipment and old bar signs out in the driveway? Not so much. 16 : Spoon Apr/May 2011

via gar age-



Here are some tips that can help whether you’re on the buying or selling end of a sale. Research the internet for sites like YardSaleQueen.com to unearth even more!



• Craigslist and other local newspapers and sites are perfect ways to plan out your scavenging day. Keep eyes peeled for other sales you may drive by along the way.

• When listing your sale in an ad like Craigslist, be sure to include the address! You’d be surprised how many sales forget this #1 important bit of information.

• Many estate sale companies will have mailing lists you can sign up for to get the heads-up on future sales. Often, those on the list will have special shopping hours offered to them before the ones listed for the general public.

• If you can, include a list of items for sale, even if just general categories. This helps collectors know which sales might be worth the trip and when to save their gas. Got pictures? Add those, too!

• Bring cash! This usually goes without saying for yard and garage sales, but not all estate sales accept credit/debit cards. You might get by with writing a check. If uncertain, just ask beforehand. If you come across a big-ticket item that you don’t have cash for, see if you can put a temporary hold on them with your name while you hit up an ATM.

• Be sure to put a legible sign up at the corners of neighboring roads and intersections as well as in front of your house if neighborhood ordinances allow it. Not everyone is equipped with GPS navigation. Don’t forget to take them down when the sale is over.

• Bring shopping bags or boxes just in case. You never know what you might end up toting home. • Be courteous to fellow shoppers. No one likes the bull in the China shop, even if there are no breakables around. • At estate sales, be patient and courteous with the employees running the show. There is a whirlwind of activity that can be going on around them all at once. • While I can barely bring myself to do it, try a little bargaining to see if you can get a lower price. - If a sale requests no early-bird shoppers, don’t be one!

If you’d like to know more about antiques and collectibles in general, or are seeking information about a certain piece, these two well-known resources may have just the answers you are looking for.

• If you do find yourself in a situation that could warrant hiring an estate sale company, definitely look into it. The headaches you can avoid by employing a professional can far outweigh any fees you pay them. • Make an effort to display your goods nicely. Even if everything is $1, shoppers will be more inclined to buy if the table doesn’t look like you just up-ended a box on it. • Be aware of the possibility of early birds arriving before you’re done setting up. Some love ‘em, some hate ‘em. • When pricing your items, keep in mind that what you paid for something doesn’t necessarily have bearing on what it’s worth today, especially if it’s heavily worn or damaged.

For many years, the #1 resource for antique and collectible information has been Kovels. They publish a yearly price guide and are considered the experts in the field of appraisal. Visit Kovels.com and sign up for a free account and the Kovel’s newsletter to instantly increase your brain size.

The well-loved, long-running, PBS television series Antiques Roadshow is not only educational to watch, but their website has a wealth of knowledge available, as well. Check out the Expert’s Library and Tips of the Trade articles after you’ve finished rummaging through your attic.

Apr/May 2011 Spoon : 17

The Art


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 LISTEN  I first came across The Smart Brothers a couple years ago in Asheville, North Carolina when they opened for mis amigos Enter the Haggis at The Grey Eagle. Jay and Lou Smart produced some immediately infectious music, enhanced by the fedoras and bowties they wore at the time. Even though it was just the two of them, they jammed out like they had a back-up band of ten, performing a multitude of instruments and songs that were a mix of folk, rock, old beach music, vaudeville, and sweet ballads. I left with a copy of their CD and a new favorite band to add to my list. Since then, the guys have been touring from coast to coast, evolving their sound, and hitting up new venues and music festivals along the way. Teamed up again with original member Mickey Smart, they’re currently working on a new batch of songs before hitting the road to win over more fans. [Insert “Come to Sacramento!” plea here.] facebook.com/thesmartbrothers

The Two Man Gentlemen Band are Andy Bean and Fuller “The Councilman” Condon, a New York City duo with five studio releases and one live CD under their belt. Mike came across them in the local rag while searching for a band to check out. Northern California was new territory for Bean and Condon, as well, who put on a fantastic show for the audience of virgin ears. The music is described as retro swing, blended with jazz and other sounds, combined with a vaudeville style full of sarcasm and humor that hooked us in right away. They offer up a little bit of commentary about their travels during the show and rope in the audience for participation... like the fairly tanked girl next to us who provided some fodder that evening. They have fantastically titled songs, such as “Let’s Make a Sandwich”, “When Your Lips Are Playing My Kazoo”, “Into My Minivan”, and “Chocolate Milk”. Hopefully they will return before too long. Be sure to also check out the Two Man blog to follow their entertaining tales of adventure on the open road. thetwogentlemen.com

 WATCH  HBO seems to do no wrong most of the time, and Boardwalk Empire is no exception. Based in the glamorous, Prohibition-era heyday of Atlantic City, New Jersey, the storyline and cast are a sure bet, with the same writer as The Sopranos. The pilot episode even saw Martin Scorcese manning the directorial helm. The series started off a little slow, but once the lay of the land was introduced, things really got going. Since the first teaser trailer, my eyeballs immediately started drooling over the gorgeous set design and costumes. I absolutely love the visual vibe of a nostalgic boardwalk and would pay money just to wander around the main lot with my jaw open catching flies. I used to work at Boardwalk Resort down at Disney World for a stint, which is also based on Atlantic City, and one of my favorite things about that job was just wandering around the property. This series is dripping with all those same vintage advertisements and signage, thick striping, globe lights, candy-colored palette, and a longed-for attention to detail. And the costuming? Especially the men? Ummm... PIMP. Check out the show’s website to get even more behind-the-scenes goodness. hbo.com/boardwalk-empire

I was a little late to the Mad Men game, and still am quite behind, but this show is such a great study of the early 60s. The advertising major in me geeks out when they have scenes pitching products surrounded by a buffet of booze and cigarettes, and the vintage geek in me gets absorbed into the set design, costumes, and music. If you ever have a chance to get your hands on an actual DVD of the show (hello, Netflix), be sure to check out the extra features, which are as equally entertaining. Starting with season 1, the extras began exploring the above-mentioned physical aspects of the show, such as the sets, wardrobe, and soundtrack. Every DVD I’ve had so far also provides the added bonus of giving you a history lesson. Based on the storyline in the episodes featured on the disc, they will pull one major historical theme from each and expand on why it was and is an important moment in time. Style of the early 1960s, womens’ independence, civil rights, famous artists, and the “American Dream” are just some of the topics featured. The website also pays a lot of attention to the era and the detail that goes into the show. In a nutshell, yes, it does live up to the hype. amctv.com/shows/mad-men

 DO  Imagine the days of ladies and gents in handlebar mustaches and floor-length skirts, meandering around town in their finest finery whilst perched atop a bicycle or pennyfarthing. You don’t have to invest in time travel to experience this outdoor activity; just look into one of the tweed rides popping up around the world. Here in my neck o’ the woods, we have the Sacramento Tweed Ride in the fall and the Seersucker Ride in the spring, with respective wardrobe fabrics suggested for each. The group will gather in a designated location, then, almost in pub-crawl fashion, make their way through the streets of downtown, stopping a few times at participating eateries and drinkeries for a bit of a refreshment break. Each ride grows in number as word spreads, with people getting quite decked-out for the occasion. Probably the best example I’ve seen of this is the Washington DC group, Dandies and Quaintrelles, who also happen to have a most amazing logo. Participants look like they’re out for a modeling shoot during a day of bike riding, croquet, and dancing. Be sure to check out their site for incredible videos that show how they’ve made these events an art form. We missed out on last years’ Sacramento rides, but I’ve already got my duds picked out for the next shindig.

No matter where you live or where you visit, there’s certainly no shortage of tours available to expose you to the history of the local landscape. Underground speakeasies, modern homes, art and monuments are just some of the topics that can be available to you, often led by passionate volunteers. Check out the local tourism site or convention and visitor’s bureau in the area, or just do a little internet searching for what’s available. Even if you’ve lived in a city all your life, I guarantee there’s a tale waiting that you’ve never heard before.

 WEAR  So you say you want to partake in your local tweed ride but don’t have a thing to wear? Never fear, discriminating cyclilst. B. Spoke Tailor is here for you. Touting wool’s ability to be “hands down the best fabric for cycling”, they craft handmade apparel for your outdoor traveling needs. Knickers are their specialty, but you can also choose from capes, raincoats, backpacks, arm warmers, and other accessories in various patterns. Size yourself up using their online chart, or opt for a completely custom experience. bspoketailor.com

Maybe you want a little retro flair for your every day but don’t want to go all out investing in an entirely new wardrobe. Do you wear glasses? Why not get yourself some vintage frames? Vintage 50s Eyewear on Etsy has an incredible collection of retro specs I’ve ever seen. Cat’s eyes, sunglasses, and beautiful bedazzling make up the inventory, which also includes a handful of unisex and mens frames. Pick from styles you won’t see at the local mall and make a statement with your face! vintage50seyewear.etsy.com

 BUY  The home page of the Klockwerks website is enough to get me all tingly inside, let alone taking a closer look at the fantastical works of assemblage art created by Toronto’s Roger Wood. From his dysfunctionallyfunctional exploding clocks to ones based on old shoe molds, musical instruments, and television parts, each piece is like a wonderful mash-up of steampunk and Alice in Wonderland. As a signature, Roger places a bit of feather on the second hand, a nice, delicate touch that contrasts the strong hardware of the clock itself. On his website, you can glance through photos of his factory studio, which is like looking into the mind of a mad scientist. Bits and parts line the walls from floor to ceiling, making neighbors with cabinets and drawers stuffed with embellishments of all kinds. His art can be admired and purchased in galleries all across the U.S. and in Canada. klockwerks.com

It was at a little weekend festival that I first came across the booth for Vintage European Posters, where two women unveiled one amazing work of art after another. Then I discovered that these were ORIGINAL works, delicately repaired and preserved, and FOR SALE. Aside the fact that we got free tickets, it would have been totally worth the price of admission for me to just stand there with my mouth open, drooling over image after image presented to me... Which is basically what I did. Vintage European Posters does such an excellent job that you think the images are surely reproductions, with gorgeous, vibrant colors and such care taken to make them look as good as new. While still out of my personal price range, the cost for these beauties was relatively more reasonable than I expected. Some day, walls... Some day. vepca.com

 LEARN  Whether you are pretty sure about your lineage and just want to get it organized and mapped out, or whether you have no idea where your roots lie, you can learn more about yourself through genealogy. Ancestry.com has become the leader in the online genealogy genre, which has been amped up via the recent TV show, Who Do You Think You Are? Sponsored by Ancestry. com, the show follows celebrities as they uncover their family histories. We recently signed up for the service, which gives you access to a large number of documents and records in the public system. Your fact-finding is enhanced by other members around the world, whose contributions can help fill in missing pieces and aid in the storytelling. ancestry.com

Perhaps you’ve heard of the internet? Use your online encyclopedia of life to learn just about everything about just about everything. Research the topic or era that tickles your fancy. Find out more about your favorite fashion style, historical event, automobile, public figure, or building. Don’t forget the treasury of knowledge that also awaits you at local libraries and museums.

An evening with...

Robb Spewak The cohort of The Mike O’Meara Show talks about the good ol’ days and life as an old soul

As the biggest nostalgiaphile of The Mike O’Meara Show cast, I wanted to dig into Robb’s brain to see what his deal was. I knew I was in for a good reply from the man who, as a child, “could figure sales tax in his comically oversized head at age eight” and once “peed into an electrical outlet”. Do enjoy. ***** You’re about my age and weren’t alive during most of the eras you wax nostalgic about on the podcast. What is it about those days that appeals to you so much? Let me start by apologizing in advance for all the answers that you are about to read, ladies and gentlemen. I know that I am about to come off as crabby mix of Andy Rooney and some swishy, old queen (“You kids get off my FABULOUS lawn!”), but, in fact, I am a hip and happening fellow, a father of two who just turned 40. My wife puts up with me about 90% of the time, which I think speaks well of me. Or her. But either way, 90% is pretty good. Now, as far as the thrilling days of yesteryear… What appeals to me? I think it is the pace. The tempo of life. Since we now live in a “get it done and have it to me yesterday” type of society, it can, at times, drive a fella nuts. There are aspects of it that I do enjoy… Life before microwave ovens? I vaguely remember these dark ages and I am not sure how my mom managed to feed me three squares a day without that appliance. If I had no microwave, my kids would get a LOT of cold cereal. I also like internet shopping and being

30 : Spoon Apr/May 2011

able to digitally download music… but I do miss horribly going to a record store and browsing for hours before buying LPs and 45s… and I am sad that my kids will rarely (if ever) get to take the shrink wrap off of an album and dig on the cover art as they listen. They’re too busy right-clicking and charging $1.29 to my Apple account. Also, I have NEVER gotten drunk and spent over $100 in a record store all by myself late one night. But I have done that with iTunes. It’s quite dangerous; my modem should have a breathalyzer on it. What was the question? Ah, yes, “Nostalgic Wax” for $200, Alex. I guess what I am saying here is that as the tempo of life accelerates and satisfaction becomes closer to instantaneous, we are less likely to appreciate what’s going on around us because we are already focused on whatever is next. Well, that stuff that we are missing is called life; I think that in years past, folks were more likely to get more out of it.

How did you become so influenced and affected by the past? As you may know, (cue the sad violin music) I come from a broken home and… STOP THAT MUSIC! Actually, it’s not a big deal. But my folks did split when I was in third grade or so. And that’s OK by me. I wasn’t responsible for the break-up. I was, however, responsible for the marriage(!). In any case, this forced me to spend a LOT of time at my grandparents’ house, where I was moderately supervised.

I lived (LIVED I TELLS YA!) in front of the TV. And much of what I watched was chosen by the grown-ups, which, in this case, were my grandparents. So, the bedrock foundation of what I watched tended to skew to an older demographic. And, if you watch enough B&W, you tend to crave it. Also, I realized at an early age that (as a rule) a joke that worked in the 1930s was still funny today. And, if a film was compelling 40 years ago, it will STILL be compelling. Coming to understand what was entertaining the first time it happened on screen helps you to appreciate what the good stuff is today. Being a student of entertainment helps me with my nonsensical job to this very day. Going further back, my greatgrandfather owned a few movie houses dating to the silent era, which had my father growing up in a celluloidrich household next door (literally) to the theatre. In the 50s, re-booking old flicks made good financial sense to Grandpa Spewak (cheaper than first runs) so my dad was exposed THAT way. My father still loves the B&W and he passed that on to me. And I thank him.

A lot of us grew up exposed to our parents’ and grandparents’ records, radio programs, TV shows, photo albums, etc. How do you feel advancements in technology, especially in mass media, will affect the nostalgia of younger and future generations?

I think that in the immediate future, technology helps with nostalgia. Example: Let’s go back to an era predating the VCR (Google it, kids). I used to have to wait for a Marx Brothers movie to come on TV. Then, like a total nerd, I’d tape it on an AUDIO CASSETTE and listen and memorize it until the tape wore out. Now, you can get any movie on DVD or even ON DEMAND. If that takes too long, everything is on YouTube. Three clicks and you’ve got it. The entertainment world is at your fingertips. If you’re having trouble remembering the name of an actor or a TV show, IMDB does the remembering for you. It’s like the internet is one huge collective memory of every TV show or movie you ever watched. But, there is SO much to watch and absorb, I think eventually, many of the greats of the past will fall by the wayside. With 200 channels to choose from (and 15 catering just to kids…), my children will never have to sit down and watch Lucy or Gilligan because that’s the only thing on. They will instead watch something more current because it’s available to them. That is, until I make them watch the VITAMEATAVEGIMIN episode on DVD. And guess what? They actually DO laugh at it, because it’s still funny. But as the choices get more and more diverse and varied, I fear that kids will grow up in the very near future on a steady diet of “The Annoying Orange” and never get to appreciate the subtle and entertaining life lessons that you can glean from a 30-minute visit to Mayberry. I think that it’s sad, but inevitable.

What is your favorite era of history and/or pop culture? TIME MASHEEN QUESTION! I wish that I could go back and re-live the 12 months that made up 1939. Hollywood’s golden era, pre-WWII, amazing automobiles, and America was in a generally happy place. Pop music coming into its own, radio was big part of everybody’s life… and the microphones were never more gorgeous. Which brings us to…

What is your favorite antique or collectible possession? My circa-1939 RCA 44-BX velocity microphone on its original base. A classic, totally restored, and sounds dynamite. You’d recognize this iconic mic design as soon as you see it… it’s kinda shaped like a coffin. It’s huge and it weighs a ton. (That’s what SHE said.) (Not the coffin part.) I keep it dead-center on my mantle so I get to see it every morning. Some people put pictures of their children on the mantle, but not me. Besides, I see my kids anyway; they live with me. A close second: My 1962 Wurlitzer 2610 jukebox (which I have named Darlene). Beautiful and fully functional, despite some minor scarring. Just like me.


The answer is obvious. I WOULD LIKE...cookies. Specifically, my mom’s oatmeal raisin cookies, warm, and a glass of whole milk (cheating death, I know). Cupcakes nowadays tend to be oversized and therefore sloppy. And nobody can seem to get the cake-to-icing ratio right. Good God, America, we put a man on the moon! Let’s perfect the cupcake, then we’ll talk. In the absence of cookies and cupcakes, I prefer pie to cake, ice cream to sorbet, banana pudding to chocolate pudding, and fruitcake to most everything. And don’t you DARE judge me. ***** Tune in to Robb, Mike, Buzz, and Oscar every weekday on The Mike O’Meara Show. Just visit the website below and hit the play button. The show is self-described as “a fun mash-up of real life, popculture, news of the day, dynamic audio clips, and four guys busting each others’ balls” and “The View for guys”. www.mikeomearashow.com

You’re stuck on a 13-hour plane ride with no internet and no phone. What do you do? No internet or phone? Why am I on a crop duster? Well, the obvious answer is of course the SKY MALL catalogue, because I need a gun that shoots marshmallows, a framed photo of Vince Lombardi with words of encouragement engraved on the frame AND numerous statues for my yard… especially gnome statues. If all that fails, truth be told, I’d start drinking and talk to whomever was next to me. I do think conversation is the best way to pass the time, and after enough Crown Royal, I can find anyone interesting.

Cookies or cupcakes? (For your TMOS listeners, I think you should answer the question with the phrase, “I would like...”)

Robb also hosts his own radio show for Iowa’s KCJJ 1630 every Friday afternoon. Visit his website for more info and to have a listen. www.robbspewak.com

The RCA 44-BX

image via modestoradiomuseum.org

Apr/May 2011 Spoon : 31

Hat Shop by Scatterbox




Match the hat name with the correct image below. Answers are at the bottom of the next page.
















8. 7.





April 24, 2011

What is “What day is Easter this year?”

Martha Stewart Egg Dyeing 101: Ms. Crafty has a new iTunes app that gives you tutorials on 101 different ways to deck out your eggs, including formulas for making an array of your own dyes.

Easter is the day that Christian religions celebrate the resurrection of Jesus after his crucifixion. It is also the end of the feast of Lent, when observers participate in fasting, penance, and prayer for forty days. Families will often get together after church ceremonies to share a large meal together.

Hatch Design Egg Coloring Contest: Hatch Design in San Francisco is currently running their 4th annual easter egg coloring contest. Submit your own for review or vote on the entries. Winner gets a 24 karat gold-plated egg cup trophy. If anything, check out the very fun site they put together for it.

Some pagan themes are part of the tradition, with bunnies and eggs being the main staples. They both symbolize fertility and rebirth, which are synonymous with the spring season. Parents often hide easter eggs for children, which they hope are all found, or else they risk a lovely rotten egg stench creeping in sometime in May by the one left unfound behind the couch.

My House Rabbit: Thinking of bringing home an Easter bunny to love all year round? Be sure to visit My House Rabbit to see if it would be a good fit and how to take care of your new ball of fur.

The answer is: The first Sunday after the full moon following the spring equinox in the Northern hemisphere.

Here are some other unique ways to enjoy the holiday: White House Easter Egg Roll: If you’re in the Washington, D.C. with a kid age 12 or under, tote them over to the White House for some outdoor fun and games with the Obamas. This year’s festivities take place on Monday, April 25.

The Washington Post’s Peeps Show: Always a good time, the 5th annual Peeps Show winner and runners up were just revealed last week. Take a look at the slide show of some really great interpretations of what these sugar lumps can become. My favorite = The Mupeeps Show! Easter Candy Recipes: Wanna make your own Peeps? AllRecipes.com offers up an array of Eastertime candy tutorials that include instructions on crafting your own piped and sugared chicks.

Name that Hat! 1. Boater, 2. Bowler, 3, Capotain, 4. Cloche, 5. Gatsby/Newsboy, 6. Fez, 7. Porkpie, 8. Fedora, 9. Deerstalker, 10. Akubra

Apr/May 2011 Spoon : 35

Sacramundo! (that’s what I like to call it)

Reflections on a newbie’s first year of living in the capital of California

We could have been in Salt Lake City

right now. It’s April and I hear they’re still getting snow. I’ll try not to rub in the fact that it will be a perfect sunny, 73degree day here today. As luck would have it, the husband’s promotion took us a little further west. Not that there’s anything wrong with Salt Lake City. I’ve never even been there, and I like green Jell-o and all; it’s just more... us... out here. And that is something I never thought I’d utter. I grew up in Cleveland (holla!), and can be lumped into that category of people east of the Mississippi who only have visions of L.A. and beaches when California comes to mind. They don’t think much of the Northern region, where the snow flies and the fog rolls in and it can get pretty darn cold at night. Living my whole life on the other side of the country, it generally doesn’t cross your mind that you might actually be living three time zones away one day. Might as well be another planet. I still can’t get used to seeing prime-time shows at 5pm. Westward we did come, however, and I am often asked how I like it out here by the peoples back home. Love it, I say. That love is not only for the state in general, but for the spot on the map where we landed, Sacramento. We didn’t know squat about this place when the opportunity arose, so there was a lot of Googling to see what there was here besides state government. The usual visitor sites were checked, we looked up the restaurant scene (very important!), and general geography, climate, etc. Sounded decent on paper. Little did we know that we would be so smitten upon arrival. Also? Turns out that Sacramento is a bit of an underdog, just like my little ol’ Cleveland. The recent recession hit this area of the country with its hardest punches. Previously, there was a housing boom here. In fact, the actual town we live in was the fastest-growing in the U.S. just a year or two before the bottom fell out. One of the first things that stood out when we arrived were the number

of closed up shops and homes for sale, and people living on the streets. Sacramento has had problems in the past and it is still overcoming some biggies. But guess what? You can find the negative in any town you go to. We’ve lived in and visited quite a few, and each has its issues. Despite what this town or this area may be known for in recent years, there were so many reasons we fell in love almost instantly. Even just a year later, we can see a change for the better, and, more importantly, a collective desire and drive to make it so. Because the region is unfamiliar to some; because it’s been the butt of jokes; because we have felt more at home here than any of the four other states we’ve lived in over the last dozen-plus years... I want to share a little bit of what we have quickly grown to love about Sacramento. • PROXIMITY - We’ll get this one out of the way first. Some people say the only thing good about Sacramento is its proximity to everything else around it. It’s not the only thing, but it is a nice draw. To the west, you can be in San Francisco in an hour-and-a-half. The beach in maybe two. Napa Valley and the amazing food and wine country in a little over an hour. Go east and you’ll be in Lake Tahoe and snow-skiing country in 2.5 hours. Not to mention, every little town nearby and along the way has had something wonderful about it that makes for great quickie day-trips. • WEATHER - Ok, one more given. The weather here is pretty much amazing. Shorts during the day, sweaters at night, skiing nearby half the year. Sure, there are torrential downpours in the winter, which makes it green during the early months and brown during the six months we don’t see a drop of water, but I’ll take it. I still find it weird, though, that you almost never see or hear lightening or thunder. • PEOPLE - I’m seriously thinking there is something added to the water here. Sacramento has THE NICEST PEOPLE I have ever collectively encountered in my entire life. It’s really pretty ridiculous. Even teenageers that you’d just assume are going through a

phase are polite and courteous. (Why, don’t I sound like the old fart...) There is also a great cultural diversity in this part of the country in general, and hey! Everyone seems to get along pretty well. It is possible, people.

Orange trees in Capitol Park

• TREES! - Were you aware that Sacramento has more trees per capita than any other city ON EARTH? That’s what the interwebz tells me. Whatever the fact, the trees here are amazing, and just as diverse as the people. Majestic redwoods, magnolias, citrus, cypress, palm, oak... It’s nuts. Literally. We have a ton of nut trees here, as well. Just take a trip to Capitol Park downtown and get a mini tour of them all. Another great thing about all those trees? Squirrels. And they’re pretty cool, too.

Bonding over peanuts

• FOOD AND DRINK - Has it been mentioned that we love to eat? It’s no secret that one of the very top draws for us here is the food scene. Amazing restaurants everywhere you turn, incredible produce available all year round, a growing commitment to supporting local farms, some of the best farmer’s markets in the country, some of the best coffee in the world, wine everywhere, people enjoying themselves and their food on outdoor patios all over town. And let us not ignore Apr/May 2011 Spoon : 37

the fact that they have some amazing donuts. Another oddity for those on the Eastern seaboard may be the discovery that there are NO Dunkin’ Donuts or Krispy Kremes within 40 miles of this place. Local chains and mom & pops are everywhere. We think it’s because gems like Marie’s raspberry jelly donut are a thing of bakery perfection, and you don’t compete with that. Also? The food truck scene is about to blow up here; that’s a big story for another day.

Best. Jelly. Donut. EVAR. • THE GREAT OUTDOORS - Thanks to Mother Nature, people love to get out and about here with exercise and sport. You’ll find walkers and bikes all over downtown, especially, and current gas prices are spawning even more of this awesome culture. There are endless ways to get your recreation on.

An afternoon at Raley Field with the River Cats

• PRESERVATION OF THE PAST - The great abundance of visuals like neon signs, art deco design, and homes from the gold-rush Victorians to mid-century modern Eichlers are drool-worthy in this region. Much care goes into the preservation of these urban icons, and it flat-out makes my heart sing. • ARTS - One of the opportunities that many cities and towns miss, I think, is the impact that art can have. I’ve never seen more murals on buildings than I have in Northern California, 38 : Spoon Apr/May 2011

and Sacramento is no exception. In addition, there is a great amount of art hidden in nooks and crannies here and there. Even the parking garages get beautified with mosaics, paint, and metal sculpture. Artistic tile motifs are on the sides of drug stores. Sculptures stand guard outside buildings. Even lowly fences can see their share of beautification. There is an amazing number of galleries and showings for art of all types. The music scene is growing rapidly; you can find bands playing somewhere every night. Multiple theatre and dance companies in large concert halls and on small basement stages present everything from ballet to improv. There is also just about every film festival imaginable held at some point. • ARCHITECTURE - In addition to the art, the architecture on buildings, and especially homes, is phenomenal. Many of the cities out here share the same structural styles. Every time we find ourselves downtown, I never cease to be amazed by a new Victorian that I’ve found or a carved detail on an otherwise unassuming building. • NEWS HEADLINES - Not really that notable, but I just can’t help giggling internally whenever I see this photo from an actual story last year. :)

***** Whenever we’re in a ten-mile radius of downtown, we can’t help but get sucked in by the inviting laid-back vibe. Sacramento has its work cut out, to be sure. Like any underdog city, overcoming that adversity starts with the people taking pride in their surroundings and sharing it with everyone. It builds from there. The Clevelands and Detroits can do it. As a new cheerleader for this town, I know they can do it, too.

Sacramento is one collection of all th

e of the inherently prettiest towns I’ve ever seen. I’m starting a photo he beauty I find. Here’s just a small sampling of what catches my eye. Apartment entrance

Parking garage metalwork


Mid-century moderns

Tudor cottages

Craftsman bungalows

And no shortage...

...of gingerbread Victorians

We ought to hear at least one little song every day, read a good poem, see a first-rate painting, and, if possible, speak a few sensible words. - Van Goethe

A book of quotations I’ve compiled since my freshman year of college.

Spoon : the e-zine* www.spoonzine.com

(*It’s got a little poo in it!)

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