Alliance membership pack 2014

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BURWOOD HOUSE 14-16 CAXTON ST LONDON SW1H 0QT T 020 7976 3900 F 020 7976 3901


Designed and produced by The Media Group


Membership pack: Benefits

Your member benefits at a glance

• Huge event discounts – you can

attend any of the Alliance’s packed calendar of training workshops, seminars, conferences and networking events at a huge discount compared to non-member rates and similar events held elsewhere.

• Access expert governance support for free – you have access to a wide spectrum of information, guidance material, support and best practice to help make running your organisation that little bit easier – many at no extra charge.

• Free professional advice on a host of issues – free professional guidance via

• Be informed – we will keep you – as well

• Unbeatable work space deals

• Be part of something bigger – make

• Work with trusted partners – access

• Get campaign guidance – we can

our business support helpline on everything from PAYE to health and safety and pro bono advice from our Legal Panel Framework partners.

– your membership entitles you to heavily discounted meeting space in central London (we don’t think you’ll find anywhere cheaper), as well as free desk space in our offices.

the Alliance’s carefully selected partners for exclusive deals available only to you.

as any number of your nominated staff – up to date with each day’s important sport and recreation news, as well as news of campaigns, events, research and relevant legislative changes as part of your package.

your organisation’s voice heard in the sport and recreation sector by feeding into our policy work, getting involved in our divisional meetings or leading one of our groups.

• help you structure and implement a campaign, from drafting letters and identifying key contacts, to organising parliamentary meetings.


Membership pack: Contents


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Message from the Chair and Chief Executive A message from Andy Reed OBE, Chair of the Sport and Recreation Alliance, and Sallie Barker, Interim Chief Executive.

Who we are A list of Sport and Recreation Alliance staff, their areas of responsibility and how to get in touch.

Information, guidance and support Find out about the broad spectrum of information, guidance material and support that you have access to as a member of the Alliance.

Products and services

Discover the range of services and exclusive benefits that being a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance brings, and see what our carefully selected group of partners can do for your organisation.

Networking and events Find out about the Alliance meetings, workshops and events that you can attend.

Research, advocacy and campaigns Find out about our research and campaigning work, as well as how you can get involved and how we can help you.


Information about the constituent members of each of our divisions and a message from each division’s Chair about what they are focussing on in the year ahead.




Membership pack: Message from the Chair and Chief Executive

MESSAGE FROM THE CHAIR AND CHIEF EXECUTIVE The Sport and Recreation Alliance is changing. As well as adopting a bold new vision and mission, we have new executive leadership and we will be doing things in a noticeably different way in the months and years to come. Our aim is to work much more closely with you, as a member. We believe that by developing a stronger relationship we can do a better job for you and for the sector as a whole. So we’re taking a series of practical and substantial steps to reorganise, to put our members at the centre of what we do and to make Alliance membership more rewarding. You’ll notice that our meetings will change to become more focussed and topical and that we’ll be asking you to get more involved in our decisionmaking processes. You’ll see a new website where you’ll feel a real difference when you visit, with content tailored for you and faster, more efficient journeys when you want to book one of our events or services.

Andy Reed OBE Chair of the Sport and Recreation Alliance

You’ll be invited to a new range of forums and events, designed to be more relevant to the way that sport and recreation is run in the 21st century. Our vision at the Sport and Recreation Alliance is to be at the heart of a world-leading sport and recreation sector and we believe that these changes will help us to achieve that. Our role is to provide you with an independent voice, to inspire you through our leadership and to provide you with the services you need to thrive. In this membership pack, we hope that you will be able to see the ways that we are making that vision become a reality. We want to be a key partner in your success and the success of the sector, so if there’s anything you’d like us to do on your behalf, then please just get in touch. We are always open to suggestions about how we can improve the way we serve you.

Sallie Barker Interim Chief Executive of the Sport and Recreation Alliance 3|



Membership pack: Who we are

WHO WE ARE Sallie Barker

Helen Tan

Geoff Obee

James Stibbs

James Allen

Pascal Suntah

Anne Clark

Kate Lawrenson

Interim Chief Executive Sallie is the Interim Chief Executive and will be leading the Alliance as we introduce our new vision, mission and strategic plan. She encourages members and partners to contact her with their queries. 020 7976 3938

Head of Finance Geoff is responsible for all the financial affairs at the Sport and Recreation Alliance. 020 7976 3910

Head of Policy James oversees the work of the policy team and our engagement with senior policy makers. He is also responsible for the campaigning and representation strategy. 020 7976 3923 @jamesallenSE4

Management Accountant Anne is responsible for the preparation of monthly management accounts and the annual statutory accounts. This includes the processing and analysis of all financial transactions. 020 7976 3911

Interim Head of Services Helen is responsible for operations at the Alliance, including ensuring that our operational plan is delivered and managing the governance and events functions. She is also in charge of our member engagement plan and our education and training remit. 020 7976 3921

Head of Communications James runs the communications team, which works to get the right information to the right people at the right time. 020 7976 3930

Head of Business Development Pascal is responsible for developing existing and potential new business relationships in line with the organisation’s strategic goals. Please contact him if you have any queries, or would like to discuss how the Alliance can support your organisation. 020 7976 3900

Company Secretary and PA to the Chief Executive Kate supports the Chair, the board of directors and its sub-committees. She is also the point of contact for the Alliance’s board recruitment process, Emeritus and Arthur Bell Trophy Awards and AGM. 020 7976 3941 5|

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Simon Butler

Policy Officer Simon takes the lead on outdoor recreation, youth participation and public health. He covers a range of issues including access to the natural environment, sport and recreation in the curriculum and local authority funding for physical activity. 020 7976 3902 @SimonButler86

Jo Swarbrick

Parliamentary Officer Jo promotes our members’ interests with MPs and Lords. He is responsible for keeping the Alliance up to date with any upcoming legislation and for ensuring that Parliamentarians are aware of what we’re doing and how they can help promote sport and recreation. 020 7976 3904

Libby Jellie

Communications Officer Libby provides a range of PR, promotional, editorial and creative support to enhance the Alliance’s brand and build effective strategic relations with members and wider stakeholders. 020 7976 3933 @LibbyJellie

Communications Assistant Patrick’s work is focussed on digital communications – managing the Alliance’s web content and social media accounts, and helping to develop digital campaigns. He is the main point of contact for sharing any of your news. 020 7976 3927 @Coyne_PJ

David Foster

Richard Gottfried

Amanda Bennett

Governance Advisor Amanda oversees the work of the governance team including the ongoing development and implementation of the Voluntary Code of Good Governance. This includes designing support for members such as training courses, resources and bespoke consultancy services. 020 7976 3926

Mikkel Larsen

Governance Officer Mikkel is responsible for several governance initiatives including individual director services, director training, non-executive recruitment and the Alliance Directors’ Club. 020 7976 3947 @MikkelJLarsen

Verity Comley

Cristy Butcher

Sue Wressell

Hayley Morris

UK and EU Policy Officer David leads on several UK policy areas, including sports betting, Community Amateur Sports Clubs and taxation, as well as having overall responsibility for European affairs. 020 7976 3903 @SportPolicyDF

Policy and Research Executive Verity works on a wide range of research projects at the Alliance. Working in partnership with external research organisations she covers a range of issues that impact on the sport and recreation sector to support the rest of the policy team and the Alliance’s members. 020 7976 3922


Membership pack: Who we are

Membership Development Officer Working in the areas of membership and services development, Richard is the point of contact for membership enquiries and member services. 020 7976 3928

Events Officer Cristy is responsible for the organisation and delivery of the majority of the events within the Alliance’s events programme. Please contact her if you have any queries related to, or would like to register for, any of our events. 020 7976 3924

Office and HR Manager Sue looks after the Human Resources for the Alliance together with the general office contracts. She also provides personal support to Sallie Barker. 020 7976 3920

Patrick Coyne

Office Assistant Hayley ensures that the office is running smoothly – welcoming people in reception, booking meeting rooms and making sure that our guests have everything they need. She also provides vital administrative support across the organisation and for the Torch Trophy Trust charity. 020 7976 3932


Sport and Recreation Alliance

CONTACTS Sport and Recreation Alliance Burwood House 14-16 Caxton St London SW1H 0QT T 020 7976 3900 F 020 7976 3901 @sportrectweets Room bookings




Membership pack: Information guidance and support


Our aim is to support members seeking to be inspirationally led, well-governed, innovative and sustainable. That’s why we provide a whole array of services all geared towards making running your organisation that little bit easier. As a member of the Sport and Recreation Alliance you have access to a broad spectrum of relevant and current information, guidance material, templates, support and best practice from within and beyond sport.

The Boardroom The Boardroom resource provides guidance and support tools in the areas of leadership and governance and is designed to assist you in building organisational policies and processes, and developing the competencies of your people. For example, if you want to carry out a skills audit of your board or develop an effective risk strategy but don’t want to start from scratch, start with The Boardroom.

The Boardroom assists members in the areas of:

• board effectiveness – governing documents, roles and responsibilities and leadership development • setting the vision and mission • standards and controls – risk management and delegated authority • accountability and transparency – ethical responsibility and internal communications • stakeholder and relationship management – engaging with the landscape and building effective partnerships. Many of these resources have been developed by drawing on the Alliance’s expertise, as well as a breadth of knowledge sourced from leading organisations such as the Institute of Directors, governing bodies, specialist sports law firms and experts in the field. In addition, case studies have been developed that highlight the real life challenges in sport and recreation bodies and provide examples of how to meet these head on. For more information about The Boardroom please contact our governance team at

• board structures – recruitment, skills audit and board evaluations 9|

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Voluntary Code of Good Governance Simply put, organisations with good governance make better decisions. Because taking steps to change can be a daunting process, the Alliance has developed the Voluntary Code of Good Governance for the Sport and Recreation Sector. Seventy eight sport and recreation bodies have signed up to the Voluntary Code and it has already had significant impact. By signing up to the Voluntary Code you can: • demonstrate to stakeholders your commitment to good governance • make the changes to your organisation that you have always wanted to make but have never been able to push through • build a more sustainable organisation for the future • ensure you remain free of government regulation to determine your own future. Once you have signed up, you can access a range of support tools including workshops and training, guidance materials and one-to-one consultancy.

Code Connections The governance team also provide Code Connections – an intelligent matching process which brokers peer support relationships. Sport and recreation bodies that have already signed up to the Voluntary Code and driven positive change are in an excellent position to share their experiences with others. The Alliance helps members to help each other by connecting them.

Better Boards, Stronger Sport The Better Boards, Stronger Sport toolkit builds on the principles, evidence and supporting resources associated with the Voluntary Code

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Membership pack: Information guidance and support

and, with European partner contributions, Better Boards, Stronger Sport provides a practical and flexible framework for governing bodies in the UK and beyond. To download a copy of the Better Boards, Stronger Sport toolkit please visit For more information on the Voluntary Code and the governance improvement tools linked to it please contact our governance team at

Alliance/Institute of Directors Training The Alliance/Institute of Directors Training is a bespoke course developed by the Alliance with the Institute of Directors (IoD) to increase understanding of the obligations and duties faced by directors and to build the knowledge and skills of board members in sport and recreation. Many of our members are looking to provide high quality professional development for their board members and ensure their senior decision makers have the skills and support to fulfil their roles effectively. This training course offers a comprehensive understanding of the legal duties and responsibilities board members face within a business and sport setting. The course is designed with the IoD specifically for the sector and it has been packaged to allow either individual members or your whole board to attend at the IoD headquarters. Alternatively, you may request a bespoke course solely for your sport delivered in an environment of your choosing. To find out more about the Alliance’s suite of training programmes or to see if there is a course that suits your organisation please contact our governance team at

Alliance Directors’ Club The Alliance Directors’ Club is the central hub for all individual director services in the sporting sector and a vital resource for any director in sport. Directors’ Club membership is for directors (executive and non-executive), chairs, chief executives and highly skilled individuals seeking such roles in sport. As a member of the Directors’ Club, individuals will be invited to exclusive networking events, benefit from discounts on Alliance governance and leadership events and get access to a range of training courses. Directors’ Club members will also be updated on news, information and legal issues relevant to their role as a director in sport, as well as gaining access to a range of guidance and individual support.

Directors’ Club members will have access to information about vacancies in the sector and organisations will be able to advertise any vacancy directly to members. Membership of the Directors’ Club is available for a modest fee – for more information please contact Mikkel Larsen at

Tailored member support As an Alliance member, you are entitled to access expert governance support and advice to help your organisation grow and become more sustainable. The Alliance can provide one-to-one support to members in a number of different ways depending on your needs. This can include attendance at board meetings and AGMs and presentations on relevant governance areas, such as the Voluntary Code of Good Governance. The Alliance governance team can also provide tools, templates and briefing notes and, on

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request, will review existing policies and procedures. Aligned with this are workshops developed by the Alliance to address specific needs such as stakeholder management and risk strategies. The Alliance can also recommend trusted suppliers to members where their needs are highly specific or cannot immediately be met by the governance team. Access to experienced and skilled consultants through the Alliance is a unique service to help members continue their governance journey with trusted support. For more information please contact our governance team at

Consultation response updates and advice We provide all of our members with an early warning system when the Government plans to change laws or regulations which affect sport and recreation. You can either: • leave it to the Alliance to respond on your behalf • give us your views so that we can include them in our response • or respond directly yourself. The Alliance’s consultation tracker also summarises the key points of relevant ongoing consultations, highlights who they may be relevant for, their priority and impact, and provides details on how to reply. For more information about the Alliance’s consultation responses contact our policy team at

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Daily news summary The Sport and Recreation Alliance offers a daily news summary to its members which rounds up all the day’s important sport and recreation news. In your inbox before 10am every morning, it will help you and your colleagues keep abreast of significant developments in the sector and allow you to react quickly to matters which may affect your organisation. The news summary can be received by as many people in your organisation as require it. To subscribe to this service, or to add your colleagues to the subscription list please email Patrick Coyne at

Social media The Sport and Recreation Alliance maintains an active presence on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn and Pinterest and shares details of much of its work there. If your organisation uses any of these social media platforms, we are happy to follow and interact with you and to play an active role in promoting suitable campaigns. If your organisation has not yet branched out into social media but would like to, the Alliance is also able to provide advice and guidance to help you take those first steps. For more information find us on: Twitter Facebook LinkedIn Pinterest


Or email Patrick Coyne at



Membership pack: Products and services

PRODUCTS AND SERVICES Administrative support Alliance staff members are available for hire to help with administrative tasks such as data input, word processing, support for events and courses, and minute taking. We will work with you to understand the task and your desired outcomes and carry out the work to the highest of standards. For more information on any of these services visit admin-support

Job advertisements The Sport and Recreation Alliance offers our members and their constituent members free advertising space for any jobs. All that we require is your job advert which we will upload to the ‘Jobs’ section of the Alliance website. We can then link to your website for further details, or alternatively upload documents to our own website. For more information or to advertise your job vacancy contact Patrick Coyne at

Newsletter We have launched a new e-newsletter to change the way we provide our members with information and advice. When you sign up to the newsletter you can tell us what you want to receive and we will tailor the content to what you are interested in – from news of our campaigns and blogs, to events and The Boardroom.

It also means that, as a rule, you will receive this information from us in a single, weekly email. To subscribe to the newsletter and select your preferences please visit

Meeting and working space The Sport and Recreation Alliance offers its members London meeting room space at very affordable prices. In its offices, a stone’s throw from St James’s Park tube station and minutes away from Victoria mainline station, the Alliance offers two meeting rooms equipped with plasma screen televisions, high specification laptops, DVD players, digital television services, conference calling equipment and a hearing loop. The rooms, substantially discounted to members, are available to hire on weekdays between 9am-5:30pm and our larger space can hold up to 20 people in a boardroom set-up. Included in the price are tea, coffee, water and biscuits. We can also arrange breakfast and lunch – just ask! Evening and weekend bookings may be available upon request. Please phone 020 7976 3932 for availability. By prior arrangement, we can also offer Sport and Recreation Alliance members working space within our office. This makes the Alliance the perfect base for a day of London meetings, somewhere to come between appointments or a place to arrange to meet colleagues.

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Members will enjoy access to an internetenabled computer, or our wifi, as well as a telephone which you are welcome to use for national calls/telephone conferences. To find out more visit www.sportandrecreation. or to make a booking email

Business support helpline We know that running a governing or representative body can be just as complicated as running any business – and getting the right professional advice can be costly and hard to come by. That is why the Sport and Recreation Alliance offers its members access to a support helpline provided by business experts Croner. The business support helpline – paid for by the Alliance and accessible on a national rate phone line – offers professional guidance on a range of issues including: • tax, including VAT and PAYE • payroll • employment and personnel

Membership pack: Products and services

• health and safety • commercial legal matters. The helpline is open from 9am-5pm Monday to Friday (Public Holidays excluded). All you have to do is dial 08445 618 133 and quote our scheme number – 37109.

Legal Panel Framework The Legal Panel Framework is a partnership between the Alliance, Sport England, UK Sport and Sport Wales which aims to provide members with exclusive access to legal advice. Ten law firms have been recruited and endorsed by the partners to provide sound legal advice and support to sport and recreation organisations. The Legal Panel Framework firms provide: • discounted hourly rates and fixed fees for legal advice in listed areas • guidance on how to instruct law firms to ensure you get what you want from them • a free 20 minute helpline on all new issues • a quarterly newsletter to members with articles focussing on legal challenges and updates for the sector • an annual conference providing legal workshops on a variety of topics affecting the sector • a pro-bono fund which small organisations can apply to and access legal support for free, administered by the Sport and Recreation Alliance. To access any of these services you can contact the Legal Panel Framework firms directly and quote LPF2012.

Partners The Sport and Recreation Alliance works with carefully selected partners to provide great value, high quality business solutions for its members. Find out more about how our partners can help your organisation here and online at

Cabbell Group Cabbell is a media sales company with a reputation for excellence in the advertising world. They currently hold media sales contracts with a wide range of clients including leading organisations in the sport, arts, guilds associations, institutes and consumer titles. Cabbell also offers a new-media consultancy service providing an extensive range of design, advertising and marketing ideas for new-media. For more information contact Andrew Todd on 020 3603 7937 or email

Croner As a leading provider of support for human resources and health and safety management, Croner is able to provide you with a comprehensive range of services, designed to support you in today’s world of constantly changing legislation. As part of your Sport and Recreation Alliance membership you have access to the Croner Business Support Helpline which will provide you with advice on tax, VAT and commercial legal issues as well as human resources and health and safety matters. For more information email or call 0845 450 1306

To find out more about the Legal Panel Framework firms and to access the newsletter archives please visit

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Membership pack: Products and services

Grange Hotels Representing some of the best-located properties in London, Grange Hotels provide a wealth of history and local tradition, skilfully combined with contemporary luxury. With over 17 properties to choose from, Grange covers a variety of budgets for both accommodation and meetings and events and has vast experience looking after some very prominent teams and organisations from within the sporting world. For more information contact Michael Sheppard on 020 7630 2000 or email

Haysmacintyre Haysmacintyre is an established medium-sized firm of auditors and taxation specialists. Haysmacintyre is now a leading adviser in the provision of services to sports governing bodies and sports-related not-for-profit organisations and acts for over 20 leading NGBs throughout the UK. Contact Jeremy Beard for more information at

Imaginate Creative Imaginate is a multi-disciplined, award winning design agency, which embraces the importance of brand and works with clients to develop innovative ideas that inspire and excite – built on strategic thinking and business insight. Imaginate’s philosophy is: Imagine then create, an approach conceived by a desire to provide an environment where imagination can flow without restriction, whilst retaining real business values, structures and organisation. Contact Jo Derviller for more information at

Microtrading Microtrading is the leading IT support and services provider to the sport and recreation industry with over 20 years’ experience in the sector. Whether your need is for hardware, software, cloud computing, hosting services, web, database and application development, consultancy, training, or fully managed IT support Microtrading can help you. Special discounts are provided to Alliance members. Contact Andrew Penlington on 0121 784 0077 or or visit for further details. 17 |

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Membership pack: Products and services



Nemisys has now worked with over 50 Alliance members, on projects ranging from simple websites to complex online software, from mobile apps to recruitment and retention campaigns, from visual identity development to producing annual reports digitally and in print.

Rocketseed is a global provider of email media and marketing solutions. They partner with many well-known sporting brands, clubs and associations.

They understand the unique challenges faced by Alliance members – whether you are looking to drive efficiency, increase revenue or simply improve member engagement via digital, they would love to talk. For an initial chat please contact John Duffy on or 0788 7731 1799, or see

Rocketseed email media helps drive new revenue from one-on-one emails, helping to promote ticket sales, events, hospitality, and increase participation in sport. Email media can integrate with your CRM delivering measurable results, new insights and helping you to grow your lists. For more information contact Fiona Robson at 020 7706 9520 or visit

The Media Group Perkins Slade Perkins Slade provides insurance and risk management services to over 300 sport and recreation associations and more than 3 million individual participants – including most Olympic sports, major spectator sports and other recreational activities. They have been the approved insurance brokers to the Sport and Recreation Alliance for over 25 years and they also work with the Scottish, Welsh and Northern Irish sports associations. They design and implement insurance and risk management programmes with service, broking strategy and cover specific to the needs of sports clubs, their members and volunteers. For more information please contact Andrew Fielding at visit or follow them on Twitter @PerkinsSlade

Promote PR Promote PR is a multi-award winning sports public relations agency. Its clients include NGBs, sports organisations, event organisers, leisure operators, charities and suppliers to the sports and active leisure sector. Promote PR’s speciality is generating coverage for clients in national, regional, trade and online media in order to generate sales or drive grassroots participation in sports and fitness activities.

The Media Group is an integrated creative agency with expertise in design, digital, video and events. Named by The Drum as one of the Top 10 agencies for client service, The Media Group works with a number of national governing bodies and has worked closely with the Alliance for over seven years. The agency’s Youth Development campaign for The FA was recently nominated for the Best Sport’s Marketing Strategy at the Marketing Industry Network Awards. To find out how we can help with your marketing and communications, call Jon Gordon on 0115 969 4600 or email More information and case studies can be found at

TMG CRB TMG CRB is an umbrella body for the Disclosure and Barring Service (formerly known as Criminal Records Bureau) and has developed a service to meet the needs of national governing bodies. Established in 2002, TMG CRB is one of the largest and most experienced criminal record checking organisations, processing over 230,000 per year using both online and paper solutions. TMG CRB is part of the GBGroup, the leading provider of identity management solutions. It specialises in ID checking and has recently created ‘KnowYourPeople’, an online identity and background checking service for employees and volunteers. For more information about their services visit or

For more information contact Sue Anstiss at

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TMG Support TMG Support provides dependable and cost-effective third-party logistics operations to sport and recreation organisations. They are centrally based and offer a package of services including storage, picking and packing, mailing and distribution throughout the UK. Whether you’re collating a pack for your members or storing branding for an event, the team will work closely with you to keep your operations running efficiently and effortlessly. Contact operations manager Julien on 0115 981 6349 or email to find out how TMG Support can help you to meet your logistics challenges.

Traveleads Traveleads is the UK’s leading travel management company to national governing bodies of sport and recreation. Traveleads negotiates the most competitive rates with airlines, hotels and transportation companies to make clients’ funds stretch to the maximum. Their sports portal has been specifically developed to provide financial and operational insight into full project management with business efficiency at its core, and is offered to all clients free of charge. Contact Eric Edwards at

Utility Aid Utility Aid are experts in assisting sports clubs and governing bodies with their energy contracts and advising on energy efficiency measures. They are offering members a free energy health check to ensure that you’re paying the right rates and to highlight any more cost effective alternatives on the market. Find out how your organisation could benefit by contacting calling 0808 178 8170 or visiting

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Membership pack: Networking and events

Networking and Events Annual General Meeting The Sport and Recreation Alliance’s AGM and Community Sport and Recreation Awards are held together in the surroundings of St James’s Palace and in the company of HRH The Earl of Wessex. The AGM offers a chance for you to hear about the organisation’s activities and achievements over the past year and to meet our staff, as well as providing an opportunity for our members to network and to communicate directly to us to make sure we are doing the very best job we can. For more information about the AGM contact Cristy Butcher at

Community Sport and Recreation Awards The Community Sport and Recreation Awards have been running in various guises for over 20 years. They are the premier grassroots awards celebrating the best that sport and recreation organisations offer their local communities. The Alliance encourages its members to get their clubs, programmes or initiatives nominating in one of the six award categories – all free to enter and with generous cash prizes. This year the awards have a new, easy-to-use online nomination form and clubs can enter directly – saving you the leg work of previous years.

Following the awards members enjoy a buffet lunch with some influential figures within the world of sport and recreation, with recent award winners including Sir Bobby Charlton and Lord Coe. For more information about the Community Sport and Recreation Awards contact Patrick Coyne at

Leadership Convention The Leadership Convention is the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s flagship event, bringing together leaders from right across the sport and recreation sector. In 2014 the two-day event will be held in Leeds on 12-13 November and promises to build on the record breaking attendance of last year. The convention gives delegates the chance to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops and spend time on personal development, away from the demands of the office. In recent years speakers have included Olympic gold medal winner Katherine Grainger, Baroness Sue Campbell, Pete Goss, Alistair Campbell and Guardian journalist Owen Gibson. For more information and booking details contact Cristy Butcher at

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Sports Summit 2014 – Sustainable business, Sustainable sport Sport and recreation is at a crossroads with more opportunities than ever before to drive new sources of revenue. This is also a time of unprecedented challenge. The Sports Summit 2014 brings experts from across the worlds of sport and business to help find solutions to the ever-changing landscape around us and ensure the sustainability of sport for the future. Taking place on 5 June at Chelsea FC’s Stamford Bridge, topics of discussion will include funding, insight, sponsorship and integrity with a mix of keynote speeches, panel discussions and practical, interactive workshops. Confirmed speakers include: • • • •

Clive Efford MP, Shadow Minister for Sport Ed Warner, Chair of UK Athletics Mark Given, Head of Brand for Sainsbury’s Rick Parry, former Premier League Chief Executive and Chair of the DCMS Sports Betting Integrity Panel.

A full programme can be seen on the Alliance website. For more information visit or contact James Allen at

Divisional Meetings The Sport and Recreation Alliance represents over 300 organisations involved in sport and recreation. As our membership base is so broad, our full members find it helpful to belong to one of our five divisions: • Games and Sports • Major Spectator Sports

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• Outdoor Pursuits • Water Recreation • Movement and Dance. The divisions meet twice a year to allow you to feed into our priorities and our activities as well as network and receive presentations from relevant speakers. For more information about the division structure or divisional meetings contact Richard Gottfried at

Cross-divisional Working Groups This year the Alliance will be forming a number of cross-divisional working groups. These working groups will address topics including tax, governance, major sports, sports betting, public health, physical activity in schools and access. For more information contact James Allen at

Training Throughout the year the Sport and Recreation Alliance offers regular training workshops and seminars for its members. Led by experts in their fields, these events are always low-cost, reflecting the needs of our members and their often limited resources. The sessions cover a range of topics – from good governance to social media, and from developing volunteers to managing customer databases. What’s more, if there is a topic your organisation needs to learn more about, just let us know.

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Membership pack: Networking and events

The provisional calendar for 2014 is as follows:

24 April 2014 Finance and Governance Workshop

29 April 2014 Alliance Directors’ Club Event

01 May 2014 Increasing Social Media Presence Workshop

12 June 2014 Safeguarding Adults Workshop

17 June 2014 Managing Meetings Workshop

This event will discuss how finance directors, senior managers and chief executives should understand and manage risk in an effective way.

A networking event for Directors’ Club members featuring speeches from high profile individuals from within and outside the sport and recreation sector on a range of topics.

This one-day workshop will explore how your organisation can increase your social media presence. Topics will include segmenting target groups, identifying an action plan and making effective impact.

This one-day workshop, run in association with the Ann Craft Trust, will bring together lead safeguarding officers and senior managers to discuss safeguarding adults in sport.

This half-day workshop is for anyone who will, or could be asked to, plan and lead a meeting. The workshop will introduce you to some simple yet powerful tips to manage meetings and get the best from a group.

The Annual General Meeting offers a chance for our members to hear about the organisation’s activities and achievements over the past year, as well as to meet the Alliance staff and communicate directly with us to make sure we are doing the very best job we can.

15 May 2014 Volunteer Management Workshop

20-21 May 2014 Alliance/Institute of Directors Training

23 September 2014 Data Protection Workshop

01 October 2014 Developing a Strategy for Social Media Workshop

08 October 2014 Finance and Governance Conference

This one-day workshop will enable participants to assess the value and benefit of volunteers, identify the critical path in planning for volunteers, agree a vision for volunteering/volunteer management and develop volunteer roles.

This two-day training course is designed to provide directors with an overview of the key duties, roles and legal responsibilities of a board member, coupled with an overview of the sport and recreation sector.

05 June 2014 Sports Summit 2014 – Sustainable business, Sustainable sport

This half-day highly interactive workshop will look at the basic principles of the Data Protection Act and the rights and responsibilities it imposes, and will support you in developing a data protection policy for your organisation.

This one-day workshop will explore the tools your organisation will need to develop a strategy for social media.

The flagship event for the Finance and Governance Forum, this one-day conference covers a multitude of topics relevant to professionals working in this area.

10 June 2014 Finance and Governance Workshop

10 June 2014 Alliance Directors’ Club Event

10 September 2014 Alliance Directors’ Club Event

23-24 October 2014 Alliance/Institute of Directors Training

12-13 November 2014 Leadership Convention

Discussing finance, pensions, employment tax and VAT this event is open to finance directors, senior managers and chief executives from sports organisations.

A networking event for Directors’ Club members featuring speeches from high profile individuals from within and outside the sport and recreation sector on a range of topics.

A networking event for Directors’ Club members featuring speeches from high profile individuals from within and outside the sport and recreation sector on a range of topics.

This two-day training course is designed to provide directors with an overview of the key duties, roles and legal responsibilities of a board member, coupled with an overview of the sport and recreation sector.

The summit will bring together leaders from across sport and the commercial sector to tackle the key issue of financial sustainability in sport.

12 June 2014 HR in One Day Workshop This workshop is aimed at those who have little or no experience in HR and who have responsibility for people – whether directly as a human resources person or as a manager. The workshop will provide an overview of the main HR topics where pitfalls are often experienced.

For more information on any of these events, contact the events team at | 24

09 July 2014 Annual General Meeting

The Leadership Convention is the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s flagship event, bringing together leaders from right across the sport and recreation sector. It gives delegates the chance to listen to keynote speakers, attend workshops and spend time on personal development.

For more information on any of these events, contact the events team at 25 |



Membership pack: Research, advocacy and campaigns


Research and advocacy Our campaigns and the direction of our policy work are shaped by our members and underpinned by a strong evidence base and rigorous research. We conduct a range of research, including with external partners, in order to serve member needs and explore issues affecting sport and recreation at a grassroots level. We also sift through relevant new research and provide easily accessible, referenced facts and figures for the most interesting findings in sport and recreation. These can be used by members for promoting their own activity, in discussions with policy-makers or in their own consultation responses. For more information visit: or contact James Allen at We have a dedicated ‘Facts and Figures’ page on our website where you can find over 180 referenced facts and figures about sport and recreation on a range of topics

including finance, major events, physical and mental health, volunteering, participation, sports clubs, facilities, school sport, local authorities, crime and antisocial behaviour, and the Olympic and Paralympic Games. You can view these facts and figures at

Get involved We want to involve our members more closely in our policy work and we are changing our approach to reflect this. Our key project this year will be consulting our members to gather a convincing manifesto for sport and recreation in time for the 2015 general election. We welcome input from our members which demonstrates the positive impact sport and recreation has on society. For more information or to feed into the manifesto contact Jo Swarbrick at

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Our campaigns A large part of the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s role is to campaign on behalf of sport and recreation. Often we take the initiative for the sector and ask our members to help us identify an area in which they’d like to see change. We then go out and canvass further opinion, gather the evidence to support that change and make the case to the people responsible. On other occasions our campaigns are focussed on preventing something specific happening or reversing a change that has damaged our members and their interests. A vital part of the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s role is to protect sport and recreation from adverse and unnecessary change (caused, for example, by badly drafted or poorly conceived legislation) by monitoring and, where necessary, campaigning against political and regulatory developments. These developments can come from all angles – from as far afield as Brussels and as close to home as the Treasury or the Department for Culture, Media and Sport. Our job is to ensure that sport and recreation’s ecosystem is protected and its interests looked after.

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Membership pack: Research, advocacy and campaigns

Here are some of our current campaigns and their aims: • Community clubs – clubs are the beating heart of sport and recreation across the country. We are currently lobbying for an improved Community Amateur Sports Club system, sensible music and alcohol licensing laws and a strong Olympic grassroots legacy to name but a few topics. • Tax – despite a difficult economic climate, we believe sport has a strong case for tax reliefs which can benefit society. We continue to push for wider Gift Aid reliefs for community sports clubs and VAT exemptions on facility hire costs. • Betting – we are working to ensure that national governing bodies can put the education programmes, intelligence systems and rules and regulations in place which will safeguard their sports from corrupt betting. Meanwhile we have been working with the Government as it seeks to implement new legislation that will require all overseas betting operators to comply with UK licensing conditions. • Outdoor recreation – access to the countryside, facilities or open space is vital for our sector. We work closely with government departments and agencies on issues relating to public rights of way, coastal access, inland waters and access to woodlands. This work is facilitated by our Access Working Group.

• Promoting the economic and social contribution of sport and recreation – within the sector we all know that the value of sport and recreation goes far beyond simply being active. We’re working to develop a strong evidence base for this so that we can make the case for sustained investment in community sport and recreation. • Physical activity in schools – it’s vital that every young person has a positive experience of physical activity in school. Through our political engagement we are reminding government of the need for high quality teaching, robust monitoring and well-maintained facilities in schools, as well as strong links with community clubs. • Europe – we are working with our partner organisations in Europe to actively promote the interests of our members in Brussels. This includes maximising the funding opportunities, positively contributing to the policymaking process in areas impacting sport and recreation and safeguarding the interests of our members from grassroots to elite level. We get involved in much more besides but this should give you a flavour of our work this year. If you think we should be working on other issues, all you have to do is get in touch and tell us.

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Campaign guidance

All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport

As well as running our own campaigns, the Sport and Recreation Alliance’s policy team can offer guidance and assistance in structuring and implementing any of our members’ campaigns. We can help in drafting letters and in identifying key political contacts to help move your campaign along or assist in organising parliamentary meetings and events to help ensure that your issue gets noticed.

The All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport is formed of MPs and peers from all political parties. The group holds regular meetings in Westminster to discuss issues affecting sport at every level – from grassroots clubs to elite competition.

For more information about campaign guidance contact James Allen at

The secretariat is provided by the Sport and Recreation Alliance, allowing the group’s members to draw on the knowledge and experience of over 300 national representative bodies of sport and recreation and allowing the Alliance to identify any politicians with a keen interest in sport. For more information about the All Party Parliamentary Group for Sport contact Jo Swarbrick at

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Membership pack: Divisions

GAMES AND SPORTS Welcome from the Chair

The Sport and Recreation Alliance is a membership organisation which stretches right across the spectrum of sporting activities that people take part in. With over 300 members, the Alliance splits its members into one of five divisions – helping to bring organisations with similar goals together. The Games and Sports Division is the biggest of the divisions within the Alliance, containing more than 150 members. Despite its size, the division still allows members to foster strong relationships with one another and to share ideas or worries as well as find solutions to issues that many of us may be facing. During the past year in the divisional meetings, which all of the division’s representative members are invited to, we heard from a range of interesting speakers. Key presentations were also given by the Sported Foundation, PPL and Sporta. The meetings focussed on a variety of topics including: the findings of the 2013 Sports Club Survey, the paper The Public Health Landscape in England: A guide for the sport, recreation and physical activity sector, produced by the Alliance with ukactive. Additionally: the role of sport in schools, sports betting integrity, the Erasmus+ funding programme, proposed cross-division working groups and developing a manifesto for sport and recreation ahead of the 2015 General Election. In the year ahead we will continue to work across a range of policy issues, all the while maintaining a keen focus on what we need to do to ensure participation in grassroots sport goes from strength to strength. If you would like to know more about the Games and Sports Division or would like to get involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch. John Boyd Chair of the Games and Sports Division Email: or Janie Frampton at 31 |

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Games and Sports Division Air Training Corps Sports Council Archery GB Army Cadet Force Association Association for Physical Education Association of Teachers and Lecturers Badminton England Baseball-Softball UK Boccia England Bowls England Boys Brigade (The) British Aikido Board British American Football Association British Association of Snowsport Instructors British Athletes Commission British Blind Sport British Colleges – Sport British Crown Green Bowling Association British Disabled Fencing British Disc Golf Association British Fencing British Go Association British Gymnastics British Handball Association British Inline Puck Hockey Association British Judo Association British Ju-Jitsu Association British Masters Athletic Federation British Olympic Foundation British Paralympic Association British Roller Sports Federation Ltd British Shooting British Skeleton British Ski and Snowboard British Taekwondo British Tenpin Bowling Association British Triathlon Federation British Universities and Colleges Sport British Weightlifting British Wheelchair Basketball

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Membership pack: Divisions

British Wrestling Catholic Schools Sports Federation of Great Britain Chartered Institute for the Management of Sport and Physical Activity Chief Leisure Officers Association Civil Service Sports Council Clay Pigeon Shooting Association Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation Combined Services Sports Board Commonwealth Games England County Sports Partnership Network CP Sport Croquet Association Cycling Time Trials Disability Snowsport UK England Athletics England Basketball England Boxing England Fencing England Handball Association England Hockey England Netball England Touch England Squash and Racketball English Amateur Billiards Association English Association of Snooker and Billiards English Bowling Federation English Bridge Union English Chess Federation English Federation of Disability Sport England Golf English Ice Hockey Association Ltd English Indoor Bowling Association Ltd England Kabaddi Federation UK English Karate Federation English Korfball Association English Lacrosse Association English Petanque Association English Pool Association English Schools’ Athletic Association

English Schools’ Cricket Association English Schools’ Football Association English Table Tennis Association Eton Fives Association Federation of English Karate Organisations Federation of Inline Speed Skating Football Foundation (The) Golf Club Managers’ Association Golf Foundation (The) Great Britain Diving Federation Great Britain Savate Federation Great Britain Wheelchair Rugby Halliwick Association of Swimming Therapy Headmasters’ and Headmistresses’ Conference Ice Hockey UK Institute of Groundsmanship Jewish Lads’ and Girls’ Brigade League Managers Association Mountain Leader Training England Mini-Basketball England National Association of Karate and Martial Art Schools National Association of Schoolmasters and Union of Women Teachers National Council for School Sport National Council for Voluntary Youth Services National Ice Skating Association UK Ltd Northern Ireland Sports Forum Parkour UK Panathlon Challenge Pentathlon GB Police Sport UK Police Community Clubs of Great Britain Professional Cricketers Association Professional Footballers Association Professional Players Federation RAF Directorate of Physical Education RAF Sports Board Rounders England Scottish Sports Association Snowsport England

Special Olympics GB Sport and Exercise Nutrition Register Sporting Equals Sports and Recreation Trusts Association (The) SportsAid Sports Leaders UK Sports Officials UK (SOUK) Sportscoach UK St John Ambulance Cadets Stoolball England StreetGames UK Supporters Direct Tchoukball UK Tennis and Rackets Association Tennis Foundation (The) Torch Trophy Trust The Croquet Association The Federation of Artistic Roller Skating The Lord’s Taveners The Naval Service Sports Board UK Deaf Sport UK Dodgeball Association UK Sports Association for People with Learning Disabilities UK Ultimate Ltd United Kingdom Kyudo Association Volleyball England Welsh Sports Association WheelPower Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation World Association of Kickboxing Organisations GB World Association of Kickboxing Organisations and All-styles Martial Arts

Correct as of March 2014 For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

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Membership pack: Divisions

MAJOR SPECTATOR SPORTS Welcome from the Chair The Sport and Recreation Alliance is a membership organisation with an exceptional breadth and reach. Within the Major Spectator Sports Division we are very aware that whilst we may often generate the most noise and elicit the most headlines we are only the tip of the whole sporting and recreational pyramid. It is all the Alliance’s members, their participants and clubs, underneath the pinnacle of the elite end of professional sport, which give the movement its prominence and voice. As a division our 19 members are drawn from the leading spectator sports in the UK, from my own sport football, through both codes of rugby, cricket, golf and tennis, the leading motor sports and equestrian sports. We also cover some of the key Olympic sports of athletics, swimming and boxing. What brings us all together however is our collective interest in promoting and protecting the ‘virtuous circle’ model of our sports. All of our sports rely on the attraction and excellence of our premium events to drive the interest and investment into our grassroots. The Alliance’s role through the division is to help us to identify both the opportunities to grow this model and our sports, but also the threats, in particular emerging from the public policy world, that might undermine our success.

The work of our division and the issues we address are those that our members raise and the value of our arguments is only ever as strong as the evidence we can collectively bring forward. In that sense we are a team reliant on each other – representing a united position on key policy issues and maximising the value of the Alliance’s executive team to further our arguments. In the year ahead we will continue to work across a range of policy issues. These will include the taxation of community sports clubs where real progress has been made in the last year, and the regulatory environment around sporting sponsorship and broadcasting markets. We will be focussing closely on plans to influence all of the main political parties in the run up to the election and all the time our focus will remain on what we can do to make participation in the grassroots, and revenue generation for reinvestment easier, for everyone involved in sport. If you would like to know more about the Major Spectator Sports Division or would like to get involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch. Robert Sullivan Chair of the Major Spectator Sports Division Email:

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Major Spectator Sports Division Amateur Swimming Association British Boxing Board of Control British Dressage British Equestrian Federation British Eventing British Horseracing Authority British Showjumping England and Wales Cricket Board Football Association (The) Greyhound Board of Great Britain Lawn Tennis Association Motor Sports Association

Membership pack: Divisions

Professional Golfers’ Association Racecourse Association (The) Rugby Football League Rugby Football Union The R&A UK Athletics World Professional Billiards and Snooker Association

Correct as of March 2014 For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

Outdoor Pursuits Welcome from the Chair Members of the Sport and Recreation Alliance are grouped into divisions depending on their activity. This allows regular meetings between organisations that share common interests but that are still part of the broader alliance of members. The Outdoor Pursuits Division is formed of organisations that represent a huge number of participants with a common interest in all forms of outdoor recreation. The division is home to over 40 organisations with a huge breadth of experience and knowledge of issues affecting all forms of outdoor pursuits. Organisations such as the Ramblers and the British Horse Society provide expert insight into matters relating to public rights of way. The British Mountaineering Council is particularly interested in open access land and coastal access. British Gliding and other air sports are able to lead on matters related to air-based recreation. All these organisations rely on sharing space and working with other stakeholders to secure the long-term future of their activity.

In the year ahead we want to focus on issues that add value to as many members as possible and try not to do things that are already done well elsewhere. This is why we are focussing on issues such as working with the Forestry Commission to promote recreation in woodlands – the Alliance will shortly be producing a publication of practical advice for Forestry Commission staff about facilitating recreation in woodlands. We want to show the economic value of our work and believe that one of the UK’s greatest assets is its outdoor economy. The Alliance’s report into the economic impact of outdoor recreation, which is due to be released in May, will be an important tool for raising the profile of the sector in government and helping to make the case for the value of outdoor pursuits. We are always on the look-out for new members and existing members to get involved. If you would like to know more about the Outdoor Pursuits Division please do not hesitate to get in touch. Will Renshaw Chair of the Outdoor Pursuits Division Email:

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Outdoor Pursuits Division All Terrain Boarding Association Amateur Motorcycle Association Ltd Association of British Riding Schools Auto-Cycle Union British Association for Shooting and Conservation British Balloon and Airship Club British Carriagedriving British Caving Association British Cycling British Equestrian Vaulting British Gliding Association British Hang Gliding and Paragliding Association British Horse Reining Association British Horse Society British Kite Flying Association British Microlight Aircraft Association British Model Flying Association British Motorcyclists’ Federation British Mountaineering Council British Orienteering Federation British Parachute Association Camping and Caravanning Club Canoe-Camping Club Coal Industry Social Welfare Organisation Confederation of Long Distance Racing Pigeon Unions of GB and Ireland

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Countryside Alliance CTC – the National Cycling Charity Duke of Edinburgh’s Award Endurance GB Fields in Trust Forest School Camps Green Lane Association Horse Scotland Institute for Outdoor Learning Institute of Clay Shooting Instructors Long Distance Walkers Association Ltd National Council for Metal Detecting Outdoor Industries Association Pony Club (The) Ramblers Royal Aero Club Royal Society for the Prevention of Accidents (ROSPA) Scout Association (The) Trail Riders Fellowship YHA (England and Wales) Ltd Young Explorers’ Trust

Correct as of March 2014 For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

Sport and Recreation Alliance

Water Recreation Welcome from the Chair

Membership pack: Divisions

The Water Recreation Division is formed of organisations with a common interest in outdoor water-based activities. From sailing to swimming, angling to sub-aqua and surfing to kitesurfing, members share a love of the outdoors and the thrill of cold water. I think members value being part of the Alliance which speaks on behalf of all forms of sport and recreation. The division is the smallest under the Alliance banner with just 17 members – but this fosters a close working relationship between us. We all want to increase participation in water-based activities and recognise the value of cooperation on key issues. Improving water safety without diminishing enjoyment is vital and the division is supported by an expert advisory group to keep members updated.

Angling Trust British Canoe Union British Dragon Boat Racing Association British Kitesurfing Association British Long Distance Swimming Association British Octopush Association British Rowing British Sub-Aqua Club (The) British Water Ski and Wakeboard Channel Swimming and Piloting Federation Marine Society and Sea Cadets Model Power Boat Association

National School Sailing Association Royal Life Saving Society UK Royal Yachting Association Surf Life Saving GB Swimming Teachers’ Association Welsh Rowing

Correct as of March 2014 For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

Easy access to water for all activities is crucial to increasing participation and members work to share space wherever possible. Managing environmental concerns is also integral to water-based activities as society places lots of demands on water use. We also want to improve conditions for our clubs to help them focus more attention on delivering their activity free of the weight of bureaucracy. The Alliance’s report into the economic impact of outdoor recreation, which is due to be released in May this year, will be an important tool for raising the profile of the sector in government and helping to make the case for the value of water-based activities. We are always keen to welcome new members and to get involved with projects to raise the profile of our activities. Please get in touch if you would like to know more about the division or would like to bring anything to our attention. Paul Owen Chair of the Water Recreation Division Email

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Membership pack: Divisions

Movement and Dance Welcome from the Chair A very warm welcome to the Movement and Dance Division, which consists of 29 organisations whose representatives meet twice a year, in February and October.

informative presentations by our own member organisations, giving a clear vision and insight into their policies and aims, which broadened our knowledge and understanding of each other.

Dance, exercise and movement are so valuable to our lives; physically, mentally and socially. The Movement and Dance Division works tirelessly for all genres and continues to reach out to all communities embracing the wonderful diversity that each brings.

This year we will continue to discuss music and entertainment licensing, changes in Government policies and governance, as well as how movement and dance can become involved in public health. Every member representative is encouraged to speak freely and to interact at meetings so that we may all learn, help and understand each other better.

The Movement and Dance Division discusses relevant topics of interest and issues affecting dance, exercise and movement including matters that stretch right across our activity, from the grassroots teacher to the competitive coach, both amateur and professional. The main issues discussed this past year have been music and entertainment licensing, dance and exercise in the national curriculum, access to school facilities, good governance, vetting and barring and cuts to local authority funding. We have also had very

Lilian Aubrey Chair of the Movement and Dance Division

Allied Dancing Association Limited Associated Board of Dance Association of Dance and Freestyle Professionals British Association of Teachers of Dancing British Dance Council British Wheel of Yoga Dalcroze Society Exercise Movement and Dance Partnership Extend Exercise Training Ltd Fitness League (The) Guild of Professional Teachers of Dancing Imperial Society of Teachers of Dancing International Dance Teacher’s Association Keep Fit Association Laban Guild for Movement and Dance Language of Dance Centre Lishi International Margaret Morris Movement Medau Society National Association of Teachers of Dancing Northern Counties Dance Teachers’ Association Ltd Royal Scottish Country Dance Society Society for International Folk Dancing Street Dance International Theatre Dance Council International UKA Dance United Kingdom Cheerleading Association United Teachers of Dance Limited Wheelchair Dance Sport Association (UK)


Correct as of March 2014

The Sport and Recreation Alliance staff are a dedicated and diverse team who are always campaigning on issues affecting members. Having access to the many workshops which are organised throughout the year is a great help to running your organisation and they come highly recommended. If you would like to know more about the Movement and Dance Division or would like to get involved, please do not hesitate to get in touch.

For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

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Sport and Recreation Alliance

Sport and Recreation Alliance Associate Membership has been developed to ensure that all sport and recreation organisations are able to benefit from the services provided by the Sport and Recreation Alliance. Associate status is granted to organisations with a remit in the promotion (including the provision of support/services) of sport and recreation at a national, regional or local level, or to governing or representative bodies who have only been in existence for a few months. For more information or to discuss how your organisation may benefit from becoming a Sport and Recreation Alliance Associate contact Richard Gottfried on 020 7976 3928.

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ASSOCIATE MEMBERS Active Devon Active Surrey Active Sussex Amateur Martial Association Angling Trades Association Army Sport Control Board British Association of Sport and Exercise Sciences British Kickboxing Council British Sledge Hockey Association British Weininger Resistance Sliding and Rolling Association Bucks and Milton Keynes Sports Partnership Chorley School Sport Partnership Cobra Martial Arts Association County Sports Partnership Network Disability Karate Federation East Midlands Federation of Sport and Recreation Energize Shropshire, Telford and Wrekin English Institute of Sport European Healthy Stadia Network European Sailing Federation Federation of Eastern Sport Girlguiding UK Goalball UK Greater Manchester Sports Partnership Haringey Sports Development ICC Europe ICSSPE Karate England Kennel Club Kent Sports Development Unit Leicestershire and Rutland Sport Lincolnshire Sports Partnership

Lincolnshire Sports Partnership Living Sport London Federation of Sport and Recreation London Fire Brigade Welfare Fund Merseyside County Sports Partnership National Council for Voluntary Organisations National County Playing Fields Association Support Committee North East Federation of Sport and Recreation National Golf Clubs’ Advisory Association Nordic Walking UK North Yorkshire Sport Oxfordshire Sports Partnership PGA European Tour Pro-Active Central London Pro-Active East London Pro-Active South London Pro-Active West London Professional Association of Directors of Sport in Independent Schools (PADSIS)

Sport 4 Life Ltd Sport Cheshire Sport Hampshire and Isle of Wight Sports Grounds Safety Authority Sporting Nation Sport Nottinghamshire Sports Volunteering North West Ltd Tees Valley Sport UK Golf Course Owners Association University of Lincoln Voice – the union for education professionals Volunteers in Sport West Midlands West of England Sport Trust West Yorkshire Sport

Correct as of March 2014 For a full up-to-date list throughout the year, visit

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