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from Sportfishing Adventures - Issue 13 | Q1 2021
by Sportfishing Adventures - The world's best fishing destinations
Armistead’s Rainbow Trout
Olive Armistead, age 11, recently landed this impressive 8.61-kilogram (18-pound, 15-ounce) rainbow trout to set both the IGFA Women’s 3-kg (6lb) Line Class and Female Junior World Records for the species. Olive was fishing the Ohau River in Twizel, New Zealand, when this record rainbow ate the lure she was casting. An experienced angler, Olive made quick work of the fish and was able to net it after a quick five-minute fight. After the proper information was recorded and photos taken, and the fish was safely released back into the river.

Keel’s Dolphinfish
Hunter James Keel, age 12, landed this enormous dolphinfish on August 31, 2020, to set the new IGFA Male Junior Record for the species. Keel’s fish weighed in at an impressive 29.48 kilograms (65 pounds) and was caught while fishing Washington Canyon off the coast of Maryland. The fish ate a trolled ballyhoo and was landed after a 17-minute fight, breaking the previous record by nearly four pounds.

Weston’s Alligator Gar
Arthur Weston, who already holds several Line Class records for alligator gar, recently added another one to his list. While fishing the Trinity River, Texas, Weston landed this 17.24-kilogram (38-pound) alligator gar to set the IGFA Men’s 1-kg (2-lb) Line Class World Record for the species. Fishing with IGFA Captain Kirk Kirkland aboard his infamous Garship Enterprise, Arthur was able to land the record gar after a tense 30-minute battle. Congratulations Arthur and Capt. Kirk on an impressive feat on light tackle!

McCormack’s Smallmouth Bass
On October 22, 2020, Spencer Alan McCormack caught this impressive 2.86-kilgram (6-pound, 5-ounce) smallmouth bass to set the IGFA Men’s 6-kg (12-lb) Tippet Class World Record. McCormack caught and released the record smallie while fishing on Larks Lake, Michigan, after it took the minnow-pattern fly he was casting.

Tracking Billfish Around The World
The IGMR has three primary goals: increase understanding of the distribution and behavior of billfish species in relation to their environment in order to better inform fishery-management entities; increase participation of recreational billfish anglers worldwide in electronic tagging science; and to provide free, open-access billfish tag data to scientists throughout the world for their research.
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Team Saranita Wins the 2021 IGFA Light Tackle Open
The International Game Fish Association (IGFA) recently hosted the second annual IGFA Light Tackle Open, which took place on February 10-11, 2021, out of Sailfish Marina Resort in Palm Beach Shores, Florida. A total of 14 boats participated in this year’s event, up from the nine boats that fished the tournament in 2020. Despite the relatively slow fishing conditions, due to the summer-like conditions in February, the tournament fleet successfully released a total of 18 sailfish during the two days of fishing.
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Hearing in the Underwater World
Scientists have learned a lot about sound under water and how fish species respond to it. We anglers tend to interpret animal behavior from our own point of view and sensory abilities. Though our vision pales in comparison to birds and some animals, we rely on sight for nearly all our activities.
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A Bipartisan Win for Gulf Reef Fish Conservation
The DESCEND Act now requires the use of descending devices or venting tools while fishing for reef fish in the federal waters of the Gulf of Mexico and includes both recreational and commercial hook and line fisheries.
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