Barbados Property News - August September 2018

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H.V. Realty - Page 13

Eastern Land Developments - Page 19

Ron Karp Realty - Page 44

Harmony Hall - Page 11


NEWS • August - September 2018 • Issue 118

Endorsed by the Barbados Estate Agents and Valuers Association Inc.

Royal Palm Villa Five beautiful, four bedroom, detached luxury villas Fractional ownership from only £81,000

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Editor’s Comments

Pamela Hiles, Editor

Hurricane Season is again in the Caribbean and this year we need to be cautious. I thank Kashka King who was trapped with his friends in Dominica after Maria, and Edward Childs in Tortola, who experienced the wrath of Irma for their harrowing stories of courage, survival and phtoos. We can’t read these articles and not be moved. Bajans rallied to the aid of others, especially Dominica, coming together in the face of tragedy. You cannot be prepared enough for such an event and this more than anything should be your mantra for the season ahead. Don’t prepare for a few days, prepare for a few weeks! On another note, the island is in party mode as the wonderful Crop Over festivities come to a close. If you are visiting with us, take advantage of the many events and enjoy this splendid

occasion. Take a look at all Barbados has to offer – it’s a beautiful island with new leadership and fresh optimism from our Government. There is every reason to invest on the island and share our optimism. BPN August/September is full of temptation, trendy new developments like Harmony Hall on our cover and beautiful villas for the more discerning customer. We also showcase the full range of property, rentals, products and services. BPN is a must and at your fingertips at no cost! Remember we are also on line at on Facebook and instagram.

Publisher – Hiltop Publications Ltd, 11 Cottage Ridge, St George, Barbados, BB19071 Tel (246) 228-9122, Fax (246) 228-0243 Email: Editor/Advertising – Pamela L Hiles Design and Art Direction – 809 Distribution – Hiltop Publications Ltd, Brian’s Print Brokerage Printing – Coles Printery The Material and editorial contained in this publication have been deemed accurate at the time of going to print. The views expressed as editorial are those of the Editor unless stated otherwise. No part of this publication may be reproduced without the consent of the permission of Hiltop Publications Ltd.

On the Cover: Harmony Hall

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After Irma - Tortola


by Edward Childs, Smiths Gore

Photo: Edward Childs


ednesday 6 September 2017 was not an ordinary day for the BVI. The events of that day and the aftermath, will forever be etched in the memory of those who experienced Hurricane Irma first hand and those overseas who could only pray that their loved ones would have survived. For days after, social media was abuzz with frantic messages trying to track down friends and family members and what had become of them, messages that frequently could not be answered as communications within the BVI were literally nonexistent. In the days, weeks and now months that have passed since “Irma” visited our shores, the islands and people of the BVI have demonstrated a resilience that was hard to imagine in the first few hours after emerging from whatever shelter we had and witnessing a new world. From the first shoots of green on the decimated trees, to witnessing scores of volunteers help rebuild homes and roofs, the Territory is starting a rebirth. This devastating Category 5 hurricane passed through the northern Caribbean from 5 – 8 September before hitting Florida as a Category 4 hurricane, although by this time the intensity had lessened and the impacts were less severe. Hurricane Irma reached its peak intensity on 6 September, the day the eye passed through the British Virgin Islands. Sustained wind speeds reached 185 mph with gusts up to 220 mph, although twisters within the hurricane created additional damage, while the 24

minimum pressure fell to 914 hPa (27.0 inHg). This somewhat analytical description of the hurricane belies its intensity, the likes of which few people in the world have experienced. We were fortunate that the storm passed over the BVI during the day and also that the hurricane force winds did not extend out by many miles. Still, the destruction wrought in the hour before and after the eye passed over the BVI, resulted in an estimated $3.2bn worth of damage, countless homes and businesses being damaged or destroyed and the displacement of much of the population. Everyone who went through Irma has their own story to tell, although how many people spent several hours sheltering in their bath or under the stairs is anybody’s guess. Unlike other hurricanes, this one had the potential to kill, and sadly there were five deaths recorded on the day. What no one understands is how more people were not killed or badly maimed. We all experienced the sudden plunge in pressure as the eye approached, resulting in ears popping, and the surreal forty-five minutes as the eye of the hurricane passed. Beyond that, it was a matter of luck. Some people rode out the storm in relative comfort, emergency generator providing power for lights and the a/c, while others literally had their homes torn away from around them. My overriding memory (apart from sharing a small bathroom with my daughter, dog, four cats and two tortoises) was how the building

Photo: Edward Childs

trembled as if in a large earthquake just before the roof on the floor above ripped off. I didn’t know concrete could move around like that. The aftermath of the hurricane was as surreal as the day itself. With little to no communications within the islands, trying to cope with the immediate aftermath proved challenging. Looting started the very next day and the UK was quick to send in the Marines who quickly restored order. The next few weeks were like living on a movie set as a regular parade of helicopters, transport planes and troops driving around in commandeered vehicles kept the islands running. All we were missing was the music. Queuing for food and fuel and living under a curfew became normal. Looking back, I am not quite sure when that “normal” disappeared – probably just before Christmas. For me, the most poignant moments were evacuating my daughter to the UK and seeing the sheer distress of young families at the airport desperate to be evacuated but with no guarantee of a flight out, or passing by homes with no roofs and seeing them still occupied by families with nowhere else to live, despite the constant rains that invaded our lives in the months after Irma. It is very easy living in a wealthy society to assume that natural disasters always happen elsewhere, to poor countries without the means to cope themselves. To experience first-hand the impacts on a society from a natural disaster is to appreciate


Photo: Edward Childs

the long-term consequences that are all too soon forgotten by the rest of the world. Over ten months later, and Irma remains very much a central topic of conversation. While people are trying to look forward, virtually everything that happens in the BVI can now be traced back to September 6 last year. For many, the recovery programme is slow with much of the basic infrastructure still requiring more than just a band aid. However, the potential to improve resiliency in the face of climate change, through improving building standards and mitigating potential impacts, is an opportunity which hopefully will not be missed. A Recovery and Development Agency has been established to lead the recovery and, with the insurance process slowly drawing to a close, many more people are now considering whether to rebuild (although choices are limited by the number of available contractors). The first anniversary of Irma will be tinged with both sadness and hope. Irma has changed so many lives with not everybody able to come to terms with what has happened. Families have been separated while homes and businesses are re-built and in many cases school children will be entering a new school year still in temporary accommodation. People pray that another Irma will not be visiting our shores this year, but recognize that with the peak of the season still to come, it remains a possibility. Preparing for a hurricane has taken on a new meaning. It is no longer a case of making sure you have spare batteries and some extra water, it is now having an escape route should the worse happen. Somewhere in the Caribbean, it will happen again. In the BVI, we hope it won’t be us.

BCIC celebrates a successful first year on Barbadian soil


fter breaking ground in Barbados on July 10, 2017, BCIC Barbados has reaped much success by introducing an innovative insurance experience to the Barbadian market that can only be described as groundbreaking. Since its establishment in Jamaica in 1962, BCIC has been constantly evolving, allowing customers’ needs to shape its products and service delivery. “It’s our Brave New World philosophy,” says BCIC Managing Director Peter Levy, “We are reinventing the idea of the insurance company, moving away from the traditionally complicated and exhausting systems to one hallmarked by simplicity and customer-centricity, which allows the company to design products that meet the ever-changing needs of our customers and provide value-added solutions. As part of this approach, we use cutting-edge technology and data intelligence to simplify and digitise the insurance process from getting a quote to claim submission, making the entire experience mobile, simple and fast. Our online insurance solutions for brokers, agents and customers alike allow for instant quotes, reporting and settlement of claims, anytime and from any device.” In 2018, this kind of convenience is more important than ever. “There is a much bigger picture here,” says General Manager–Distribution & Sales, Michelle Anderson, “When we save customers’ time, we are contributing to more productive and healthy lifestyles, which in turn makes for a better, happier society. Life should not be interrupted by unprofitable tasks like waiting in line to deal with insurance matters, these activities come at a cost to the customer - gas, time and stress. We intimately understand that our role is more than the provision of products and services, but rather the overall improvement of our Caribbean society. This drives us. Exceptional customer service is what the Barbadian public value most and our team’s key objective is to deliver the service they deserve.” BCIC entered an already well-serviced Barbadian market in the height of a recession, yet felt they had something to offer that Barbadians just couldn’t refuse - the addition of unique benefits at much more affordable prices. Though motor insurance is mandated for all vehicles, many risk leaving their homes uninsured because they see insurance as an unnecessary and unaffordable cost. “We know people cherish their homes,” says Branch Manager Amanda-Jayne Nurse, “We know what a home means to a family - to the person who sat with the architect to design his dream kitchen, master bed and bathroom and walk-in closet with ceiling high shelving for shoes and an island for jewellery. We understand the solace a home is for family and friends and the memories and dreams that fill each room. It’s a treasure deserving of the best coverage. This is why we strive to offer superior benefits at competitive prices.” BCIC understands the need to adjust, to innovate and adapt to changes in this economic climate. “In a brave new world where we are constantly innovating, it means we’re forever in listening mode” says Nurse. “If not, we would miss the mark in terms of what our customers need and want from us.” Nurse expressed gratitude for the support BCIC received in the market so far. “We came into this market brand new and the brokers, agents and customers have given us phenomenal support. We look forward to even more mutual success for our partners, customers, our brokers, agents and our company.”


We are AN ESSENTIAL SERVICE and we understand that!


s an essential service, Light & Power is at the forefront of national emergency preparation and restoration efforts in the event of a hurricane. Given the importance of electricity to the economy and everyday life of citizens, the Company has an enormous responsibility to all Barbadians. Understanding our purpose and our work, we remain committed to customers who count on us for energy to power every moment of every day. With that, our aim as a company is (1) to be prepared, (2) to be a source of vital information, (3) to influence behavior in a manner that can reduce the loss of life and property and (4) to be capable of responding quickly, safety in any disaster. As we prepare for the hurricane, we also encourage the same level of preparation; same level of attention to safety by home and business owners. Assess your risk, know your vulnerability to flooding and wind and prepare for it, have a plan of action for before, during and after a hurricane, and brief your family or employees on the plan. If you are prepared for hurricane season, when an alert is raised you can await with readiness for all instructions. Be safe this hurricane season. Photo: Edward Childs


Welcome to Hurricane Season! Get to Know Your Insurance Broker!



Scott Stollmeyer

t’s that time of year again! The winds are not as strong; the temperature of the winds are warmer; the nights are a bit more muggy and the days are humid; and the seas are noticeably warmer. That’s right, we are into the rainy season, and by extension…Hurricane Season. It is also a time to ensure that where insurance coverage is already in place, the Sums Insured are a true reflection of the replacement cost of the property covered. Your values should reflect what it would cost you to replace the property as new. Underinsurance can lead to disappointment with the claims process where settlements are far less than expected as a result of inadequate Sums Insured. If you have any questions on underinsurance, please feel free to give us a call. Take the opportunity now to revisit the Sums Insured on your Policy and also do a careful review of all your property to see whether you have inadvertently omitted any items that should have been insured, as this will have a direct impact on your claims settlement should a loss occur. In short…get to know your insurance broker. At CGM Gallagher Insurance Brokers, we are the largest and one of the oldest insurance brokers in the English speaking Caribbean. Here’s what we can do for you.

Are you prepared for hurricane season? Hurricane season is a very worrying time

Covering the Caribbean for over 40 Years

and with the season fast approaching now is

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the time to prepare and make sure you are

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covered for the worst. At CGM Gallagher Insurance Brokers we have been providing protection to the Caribbean for over 40 years – make sure you are ready for the hurricane season and contact us to find out how you can protect your home and business providing you with some peace of mind at this hard time of year.

9 Risk Management 9 Commercial Risk Transfer 9 Reinsurance 9 Life and Benefits 9 Captive Management 9 General Insurance Broking


Insurance broking - We represent our client and not the insurance company. We assess the risks of our clients and recommend appropriate insurance programs for them. We obtain quotations from the various insurance companies and present these to our clients along with our recommendations based on our vast experience in the local and regional insurance business. Once the program is agreed to by our client, we implement and monitor it during the year for any updates needed, as well as provide comprehensive reports and summaries for our clients. Claims handling - We advise our clients throughout the claim process and negotiate with the loss adjusters who represent the insurance companies. If there is a severe loss event (hurricane etc.) on an island where we do business, we will move specialist claims people from other offices into that island to assist. We have done this on many occasions and clients benefit significantly. Reinsurance broking - We have a separate reinsurance broking division that arranges reinsurance protection on behalf of insurance companies. Sometimes this reinsurance may be ultimately protecting our client’s insurance program.

Photo: Edward Childs

Employee benefits programs - We have very strong skills and experience in putting together cost effective benefit programs for employees of companies across the Caribbean. Programs include travel insurance, medical, dental and vision, life and personal accident, credit life, pension, self-administered / self-insured health plans, and international medical programs. Risk assessment and surveys - We strongly believe that this service is a key benefit for our clients. We will assess the risks (insurance and non-insurance) of our client’s operations and make recommendations to reduce them where possible. There is no additional cost for this service unless it involves more complex modelling and the like. Compliance & integrity – A good broker should pride themselves on being fully compliant with the insurance regulations on the island. Compliance has become a major factor in the business world in general, and this applies to the insurance industry. Your broker should have a full time Compliance Officer to ensure all regulatory standards are met. Rest assured that we at CGM Gallagher are here to assist you whenever the need arises.

An Adventure Turned Nightmare by Kashka King


t all started out to be quite the adventure. A bunch of young successful lads and one girl, setting off from Barbados to a nature reserve in the mountains of Dominica. Days of foraging, trekking, climbing, hiking, swimming in secret emerald pools and just being one with nature. Bliss! “You guys do know it’s the hurricane season?” laughed one of the fathers of the gang. It was like an omen waiting to happen. Kashka King, a young up and coming architect on the island, and his friends Daniel Cooper, Steven Atwell, Joseph Richards and Janelle Zaccio had no idea what it was they were about to face. Two days before Hurricane Maria made a direct hit over Dominica, they were told when they ventured close to a town that a ‘Category One’ hurricane was on it’s way. How bad can that be? They were staying in a nature retreat 36

called Beyond Vitality Cabins where they pitched tents on site and used composting toilets. They had solar electricity generated on site with water piped in to the cabins from a near by river and ate the food from the area, prepared in a separate building which housed the kitchen. There was another family from Canada in another cabin on the compound with two young children. All there to experience the amazing nature island that is Dominica. They bought some food supplies in the town, and were upbeat and determined to stay put and wait out the storm. “The wind started to pick up that afternoon and we all stayed together in the cabin, huddled in one spot,” recalls Kashka “By nine o clock it was like everything was going mad. The noise was horrendous. All we could hear all around us was bang, bang , bang and a constant loud howl from the wind. Water was being forces through the walls, while Trees were hitting the sides


and the roof of the cabin. Next door the roof came completely off and landed on our cabin – like completely off – rafters and allthe family of 4 hid in a wardrobe for about 4 hrs –that’s how they survived! We kept laughing and joking saying, heck if this is a Category one storm what must a five be like!!! We had no idea it actually was five with winds over 200mph! We were so wound up and terrified that keeping it light was all we could do but we were all aware that the next minute could be our last. It was like the longest panic attack ever. It was a horrible experience.” “When the eye passed, we awaited the rest of the storm but in a strange way, we were relieved. At least we knew it could not possibly get any worse,” says an emotional Kashka. In the midst of it all, a mud slide occurred and they were in the Cabin for 12 hours with the mud up to the height of the bed. And after the wind, came the rain, three days of non- stop rain. When day dawned and they ventured out of the only standing cabin on the mountain, the devastation around them was crippling. “Not a tree had a leaf on it, not one. It was like the Apocalypse. The coconut trees were all snapped in half. The other two cabins were gone – one was completely gone, with only the foundations left, the other was shattered to bits. How ours survived in some form was incredible.” Kashka and his mates soon took control. They made a structure of sorts, fixed the gas stove and Janelle, who is a chef, became adventurous with the many coconuts lying around and their meager supplies. They caught water and boiled it. They saw two helicopters but they knew no help was coming. They used a chain saw and started to clear the road. After three days, they realized that they were running out of food and they prepared to start their 12 hour trek to Roseau – from one side of the island to the other on impassable roads, through rivers where the bridges had collapsed, over mountains. Kashka could hardly talk about some of the things they saw – whole towns destroyed, 40 foot containers bent in half, a dead cow on top of electric wires, debris everywhere. A harrowing experience. Meanwhile back in Barbados, their parents were frantic with worry as no contact was made with them for 3 days. When they got close to Roseau, one of the guys finally got a phone signal and they were told the Barbados Defence Force were in the port and they would be taken back to Barbados with them. One can only imagine the relief. Yet, these young adventurers were so shocked and overwhelmed by what they had experienced they could only feel sadness for those left behind to cope in the aftermath. When Kashka was asked how you should prepare for a hurricane in Barbados, he immediately suggested that everyone should have a GO BAG.

Kashka King

An Adventure turned nightmare CONTINUED

“In your go bag should be a few sets of clothes with at least 1 hoody/ windbreaker and waterproof socks, in plastic bags to keep them dry – we went around in soaking clothes for days and it’s not a nice feeling – pack in canned or dried foods like granola bars, tuna, biscuits , nuts e.t.c. In terms of gear a camping hammock with tarp, flashlight with extra batteries, a medium sized strong knife. Have something to start a fire with. That’s really important because you can boil water etc. A flair gun can be of some help to attract attention and invest in a LIFE STRAW which will filter the dirty water. Get a satalitte phone if you can and a camp stove. 38

These are some of the essentials that should be in your GO BAG.” Listen to Kashka King and his friends. They have seen it. They have been through it. Bajans like to say whenever we have been spared ’God is a Bajan”. We have just been incredibly lucky. But our day may come and we MUST be prepared. Kashka and his group of friends have struggled to compute what they have gone through. It’s taken months for Kashka to get over it. As he left the interview, he soberly said “I’ve told you the things I can talk about, some things…there are no words.”




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BEAVA News Over the past few months, BEAVA has been working on a number of projects. We are excited to announce that we will be launching the George Ramsay “Agent of the Year” Award. Named in honour of one of our industry stalwarts, George Ramsay, the award will recognize the work and commitment of one outstanding agent every year. George was a much loved member of our community who worked tirelessly and extensively to better our association and its members. Nominations for this special designation can be submitted to BEAVA by our membership and indeed by the general public who wish to bring attention to a special agent they have worked with. For further details and to submit your nomination, please email Jeanine Jones Nominations will be open until November 30th and the Award will be presented at our AGM and Christmas Party. On this note, please Save The Date – 7th December at Mahogany Ridge. A formal invitation with details will follow. In other news, BEAVA will now be issuing ID cards to all members in good standing. These professional cards certify our agents as qualified members of the Real Estate and Valuation communities



and up to date members of the association. Our goal is to have all cards issued at our next AGM. BEAVA continues to offer its educational modules both in real estate and in valuation. The next module is Valuation 101 and will be held on Thursday August 16th at 2:00 pm at The Barbados Yacht Club. Kindly RSVP to should you wish to attend. We are also very excited to announce that BEAVA is now a member of the Barbados Chamber of Commerce and Industry. The BCCI frequently hold meetings and luncheons on various relevant topics and we hope that our membership will take the opportunity to attend when they can.

BPN Editor Our thoughts go out to the Realtors family as we learned of “Mr. Nick” Parravicino’s death on going to press. He was a legend in the Barbados real estate world and will leave a huge gap. May he rest in peace.

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