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This year’s World Anti-Doping Agency (WADA) Therapeutic Use Exemption (TUE) Symposium was held in Incheon, Korea from 31 May to 2 June. The Symposium allows international anti-doping and medical professionals to share ideas, discuss the latest findings, chat about challenges and work together in the fight against doping for fair and safe sport.
The 2023 theme was “Balancing Medical Care with Fair Play” with WADA President Witold Bańka commending the global commitment to provide a level playing field while focusing on athlete health.
“Active participation and the critical arguments and discussions that take place among delegates during the Symposium are invaluable,” Banka said. “Through continued collaboration and by embracing the diversity of the anti-doping community, we can continue to raise the game for athletes around the world.”
Kim Reynolds, our Australian Sports Drug Medical Advisory Committee (ASDMAC) Officer represented Sport Integrity Australia at the event with Dr Susan White, ASDMAC Chair and Chair of the WADA TUE Expert Group who moderated several sessions. Dr Larissa Trease delivered a presentation on the Risk Management of Supplements, with Dr David Humphries presenting on Off Label Stimulants and Dr David Handelsman on infertility and clomiphene.
“One of the key objectives of the Symposium is to ensure processes are in place for athletes with legitimate medical conditions to participate in sport despite their need for medicines or treatments that might be otherwise prohibited,”
Dr Naomi Speers, Chief Science Officer explained.
“The health of athletes is foremost and Symposiums such as this allows experts in the field to ensure fairness is maintained around the world regardless of their sport, geographical location or medical situation.”
Topics at this year’s event included:
• Balancing medical care with fair play
• The Prohibited List
• Practical tips for living in a world of supplements
• Challenging medical cases
• Legal issues
• Challenges for TUE Committee Physicians
• Glucocorticoids
• The athlete’s perspective
Reynolds took the opportunity to meet with several National Anti-Doping Organisations prior to the Symposium to discuss challenges and share knowledge. Australia will continue to play an important role through our collaborative approaches and expertise in the TUE space.