SPORT LAB IN CANARY ISLANDS The expansion approach of SPORT LAB has joined Pedro González’s interest to create the Canary Island’s SPORT LAB branch. After a long and intense training period close to Pablo Fernández Gálvez, specialist and SPORT LAB founder, Pedro González will assert himself as Sport Functional Evaluation Technician. SPORT LAB Canary Islands becomes the most advanced sport laboratory in the archipelago and will develop its speciality in physiological studies and training for cyclists, runners and triathletes. It will give coverage to the area and also to the ones who wish to combine holidays and sport. We wish every kind of luck to SPORT LAB Canary Islands and its team in their new turn. For further info, check us at Facebook, Twitter or www.sportlab.es
SPORT LAB Canarias. Calle El Carmen, 1. Comercial Palmera, Local 5. 38280 Tegueste, Tenerife. Spain. +34 922 88 33 10. canarias@sportlab.es
Urbanización Llanos de Silva, c/Lisboa, 16. 18230 Atarfe, Granada, Spain. t (+34) 958 49 94 05. contacto@sportlab.es