4 minute read
301 NW 103rd Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. The S.W. Point Community Center offers individual and group counseling to registered members ages 60 and over. Our services are confidential and we strive to build a supportive network for adults. Individual counseling is provided by our Counselor on staff. To schedule a counseling appointment or to obtain further information call Social Services at (954) 450-6888.
Se hâbla español. 501 NW 103 Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33026. (954) 251-1497. www.caremax.net.Serving all members of the community. Services include comprehensive primary care, all specialties, including in house dental and optometry, laboratories, pharmacy with delivery, pain management and massage therapy, transportation, Preventive Medicine and Disease Management.
The Children’s Services Council of Broward County funds over one hundred programs that support one in three children and their families county wide. Programs include: helping expectant mothers deliver healthy babies, providing safe and affordable childcare services, helping to keep youth out of the juvenile justice system, assist aging foster care youth to find housing and employment, assist grandparents and relative caregivers in finding support, assisting the special needs youth population to become contributing members of the community and much more. To learn more about the CSC and our funded programs please call us at (954) 377-1000 or visit us on the web at www. cscbroward.org.
Great things are happening here at Silver Palms Elementary where KINDNESS IS OUR CULTURE! Our halls are all a buzz with cheer and excitement for learning and building meaningful lifelong relationships!
Even with the hustle and bustle of the holidays and the beginning of the new year, our students and teachers are engaged in instruction that is based on Florida’s Benchmarks for Excellent Student Thinking or B.E.S.T. Standards. When we visited a third-grade classroom, we saw children reading a variety of non-fiction books. They were sitting in groups with a Venn-Diagram, analyzing the text while engaging in rich conversations about the text features and how those text features help them better understand the text. “I think this is a caption,” proposed one student. Another student agreed but asked, “How does it help us understand the text?” The third student in the group chimed in, “Because it tells us more about the government and tells us about the picture!”
In addition to rich content-based conversations, it is evident that our efforts to teach our children to be kind and respectful helps to create an environment where children thrive! In yet another classroom a nine-year old girl says, “I don’t know how I got a 32!?” when she learns the correct answer to the math problem did not match her own. Her teacher encourages students to have a growth mindset. The kind culture encouraged and fostered at Silver Palms supports the belief that teaching children to have a growth mindset substantially impacts their ability to succeed, but what does it mean to have a growth mindset? According to Carol Dweck, “[those] who believe their talents can be developed through hard work, good strategies, and input from others have a growth mindset” (Dweck). Our teachers are always on the hunt for knowledge and research-based strategies that help to improve our students’ academic success. As a result, our educators stay on the cutting edge of research which further shows that those with a growth mindset “tend to achieve more than those with a fixed mindset (those who believe their talents are innate gifts)” (Dweck).
Furthermore, sharing the joy of the holidays and staying fit helps us address the needs of the “whole child”. Mrs. Linero, our brilliant Music Teacher, and her elves, Mrs. Kavanaugh and Ms. Allen led our Silver Palms Singers in a remarkable Winter Concert that brought many to joyful tears and filled our hearts with the spirit of the season! They told a story of joy, gratitude, and giving while signing beautifully! How wonderful it was to have our families fill our Dolphin Café with applause, smiles, and pride once again. In addition, Coach Brodey, set up a field of fun for our students so they could learn the importance of staying active without even realizing they were learning the importance of physical fitness! Some of our teachers and administrators got in on the fun as they ran the obstacle course while students and parents cheered!
We welcome you to come join the Silver Palms family and let your Dolphin pride shine! Principal Shearer welcomes all to join our Kindness Crew where we are proud to be an “A” school! 1209 NW 155th Avenue, Pembroke Pines 33028. (754) 323-7450.
Broward County Public School Calendar*
Changes may be made. Visit www.browardschools.com for updates.
2023 Calendar
Monday - Friday, January 2 - 6: Schools Closed
Thursday, January 12: Early Release Day, End of 2nd Quarter
Friday, January 13: No School for Students
Monday, January 16: Schools and Administrative Offices Closed
Friday, February 3: Report Cards Issued for Second Quarter
Tuesday, February 14: Early Release Day
Monday, February 20: Schools and Administrative Offices Closed
Thursday, March 16: Early Release Day, End of 3rd Quarter
Friday, March 17: Employee Planning Day - No School for Students
Monday - Friday, March 20 – 24: Spring Break – Schools Closed
Friday, April 7: Schools and Administrative Offices Closed
Friday, April 14: Report Cards Issued for Third Quarter
Thursday, April 20: Hurricane Make-Up Day
Friday, April 21: Schools Closed
Monday, May 29: Schools and Administrative Offices Closed
Thursday, June 8: Early Release Day / Last Day of School
Friday, June 9: Employee Planning - No School for Students
Friday, June 23: Report Cards Issued for Fourth Quarter
Each year, Microsoft selects educators and schools to be part of an exclusive global community paving the way for their peers to share ideas, try new approaches, and learn from each other. Thousands of educators from across the U.S. apply to be Microsoft Innovative Educator Experts (MIEEs) each year. These individuals are self-driven, passionate about their work, have a true collaborative spirit, and strive to inspire students with creative thinking and thoughtful technology integration in the classroom. Pembroke Lakes Elementary teachers make up over 10% of all Florida MIEEs. This year, Pembroke Lakes Elementary School had the honor of hosting a visit of educational leaders from South America to tour the school and classrooms along with members from Microsoft. Pembroke Lakes Elementary was the first school in Broward to be selected as a Microsoft Showcase School. Pembroke Lakes Elementary has been a member of this elite global community since 2016-2017. Principal Marsha Wagner and her entire staff are so proud of this honor. They welcome you to visit the school. Call for a tour (754) 323-6950. 11251 Taft Street, Pembroke Pines 33026.