Sports International Magazine Issue 6

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The Pro Sports Magazine October 2013

The South African Hockey Team a calling - not a job...

German Women of the Modern Pentathlon Exclusive Interviews

Irish Rugby 7s, The Ashes, Isha Johansen, The Solheim Cup... Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

October 2013 1 Photo Papaya Photography

2 October 2013






International WELCOME What a fantastic two months since the last issue! The Women’s Ashes, Euro Championships and the Solheim Cup, to name a few events that have showcased the fantastic world of women’s sport. In the UK BT Sport have launched a sports channel featuring female presenters and various women’s sport, and the papers are printing bigger and more stories on female athletes and the sports. These are exciting times and I am so pleased to be part of that journey - a journey that started 15 years ago for me. The calibre of people writing for the blog and the magazine is remarkable and showcases the

great talent out there. Please read the bio’s and see for yourselves. The content is exclusive and in many cases we have spent time with teams and athletes getting to know them - this is a privileged position to be in and trusted with, and we seek to put this across in our articles. Football has secured itself as a key area within the blog, thanks to a great writing team and we have secured Fern Cates to write a weekly blog on her adventure as she moves to Sweden to continue her training in the Winter Sports world. Such huge steps this issue and more to come…. There is so much sport and so many stories coming through the access we are being given is incredible and humbling. Look out for more amazing photography

and exclusives in future issues as we continue to expand. In this issue we have stories of playing sport abroad, the privilege and call of playing for your country, nutrition, recipes, being a physio to the most successful team in the world in their sport and much, much more. I hope you enjoy the magazine and share it with all your friends. Thanks again for your belief and support.

Myak-Paul Homberger - Editor

October 2013 Issue No 006

October 2013 3

Papaya P h o t o g r a p h y

S P O R T S ● S P E C I A L I S T E V E N T S ● C O R P O R AT E E V E N T S

4 October 2013



International Contents


Contributors 6 The South African Hockey Team – a calling, not a job.


Francesca “Frankie” Whitby - Team GB Basketball


Lightning Strike - Irish Rugby 7’s


Sports International Magazines Outstanding Athlete


The Ashes - Who said womens sport wasn’t exciting?


Sports International Magazines Unsung Hero


German women of the modern Pentathalon


Is your body in balance or “imbalanced”?


Isha Johansen - Turning heads in the SLFA




The Solheim Cup 48 Sports Explained - Basketball 50 The Bus Éireann Women’s National League (WNL) – Ireland


Fuel for Sport - Are you getting enough?


Recipes and Tips 56 Thankyou’s 58 Contact 59

October 2013 Issue No 006

October 2013 5

Contributors Myak-Paul Homberger aside from being a huge sports nut and champion of women’s sport, has numerous qualifications including being a BAWLA qualified weight training coach, two martial arts black belts alongside his instructor level in Urban Krav Maga. He is also an NLP practitioner and sociologist with an HND in RAB. Photography is his main passion and he has been published internationally. Myak has worked with men’s and women’s national teams, as well as with premiership teams and individual players.

Tony von Thelen Fashion Photographer, TeevonTee Photography, Charlottesville, VA USA Greetings, I am Tony, a Fashion Photographer, Chief Operating Officer, Modern Pentathlon and tennis enthusiast. My step-daughter Lawler Watkins introduced me to this fantastic sport of Modern Pentathlon in January which involved a trip to the US Olympic Training Center in Colorado Springs, CO USA, to shoot and chronicle her training, next a trip to the World Cup event in Palm Springs, CA USA to shoot 6 October 2013

actual competition and then, for this story, to Berlin and Bonn, Germany. The sport has a clear global appeal and I was particularly taken by the incredible women athletes that respond to the call of the sport. When I met Genadijus Sokolovas, one of the coaches at the Training Center, I asked him how he went about selecting a particular athlete who would be his “go to” person for say, fencing or swimming. He smiled and said that they have to be equally proficient in each of the five disciplines – fencing, swimming, horseback riding and combined (running and shooting). Imagine being at the top of your form in all FIVE! I next communicated with German pentathlete Paria Mahrokh. Paria was training with the US Team and I happened to mention my newfound interest in the sport and my desire to shoot some of the athletes from a fashion photographer’s perspective. She suggested that she would facilitate access to the top German women, including Olympic Gold medalist Lena Schöneborn, at their training facility in Berlin and then introduce me to her coaches at the World Cup competition in Bonn. We had such a good time with our photoshoots including some studio time where each of these incredibly capable athletes showed off their fashionista talents. What continues to impress me is the positive role model each of

these women demonstrate for youth of any culture anywhere in the world. They are focused, goal oriented, competitive, proud, educated, intelligent, humorous, unpretentious, smart, kind and generous. Paria introduced me to her advisor, former US swimmer and coach, now Sr. European Correspondent, Swimming World Magazine, Steven Selthoffer when I was in Bonn. I asked Steven why this sport is relatively unknown given the depth of talent each participant must possess to be a player. He covers the swimming aspect on a global basis and he encouraged me to “get the word out” with my story. Let me express my gratitude to Myak-Paul for providing this opportunity to contribute to Sports International Magazine, to the six German pentathletes for giving me unparalleled access to their time, hospitality and personal stories for this article and to the other amazing people who contributed to the effort including my co-writer and digital retoucher Elizabeth Simpson. It’s a great opportunity to showcase the women who are committed to their sport and to tell their story.

Helen West Helen is a UK Registered Dietitian and a graduate of the International Olympic Committees Diploma in Sports Nutrition. Working in the British National Health Service (NHS), she has gained a wide range of clinical experience and is passionate about providing athletes with practical and evidenced based nutritional advice. She is currently working alongside leaders in the world of performance surfing to develop some nutritional guidelines for athletes training in Indonesia. Outside her day job, Helen loves to surf, run and blog about nutrition and healthy living. You can find more of her thoughts and insights into nutritional issues on her blog www.foodandnonsense. com.

Rachael Stack I am delighted to be a part of the football corresponding team for Sports International. I’m a soccer/ football fanatic having been to the Women’s World Cup 2011, London Olympics 2012 and Algarve Cup 2013. You are sure to find me tweeting about the sport or planning my next trip away to see a game. I know the

sport inside out having been on both sides of the line playing and coaching. Despite an early retirement I hope to share both my love and as much information to help grow the game as well as women’s sport.

Manisha Tailor

By profession Manisha is a primary school teacher who qualified as a Headteacher attaining the (NPQH) and MA in Leadership in 2011. Her passion for football stems from her childhood days where she played with her twin brother day in day out. On embarking upon a career change whilst completing her Master’s degree, Manisha now finds herself immersed within the beautiful game. Coaching was a natural progression for her as it gave her the opportunity to transfer her knowledge and skills within education and child development, to a football environment. She works across a range of primary schools in North West London coaching

with The Rachel Yankey Football Programme and is now Education Lead within Rachel Yankey’s ‘Elite Experience Day’ project. She is also a grassroots coach on a Saturday morning at Gibbons wreckers Youth FC, based in Harlesden. Manisha is also a scout for Brentford FC with her remit being 6-12 year olds. She is an ambassador for the British Asian Sporting Talent Foundation, The FA’s Football Needs You campaign and Kick It Out. Manisha sits on the Grants Board for the Women’s Sport Trust and the London FA’s Inclusion Advisory Group where she is the Media lead. Taking a hand to writing, she is a sport columnist for The Asian Image and The Asian Today. Manisha has been given her own page on The Student of The Game Magazine titled ‘Football For All’ where she covers various diversity and equality areas within the game. In April 2013 she was voted in the top 4 at the inaugural Asian Woman of Achievement Awards in the Sport category. She has most recently been shortlisted for the Asian Football Awards – Woman in Football, which take place in October this year.

October 2013 7

The South Afri Hockey Team a calling, not a job. Interviews and article by Myak Homberger

Photo Papaya Photography Photo Geoff Squibb

8 October 2013


I have had the privilege of spending time with many teams over the years, varying from minutes to weekends and closed sessions behind the scenes. One thing is for sure - the more time you spend with a team and the more you are allowed to talk freely with the athletes the harder it is for a façade to be displayed. I spent a week with the South African Hockey team recently coming and going between matches, training, days off, photo-shoot etc., talking to players, management, observing and watching the games. What strikes me most is the connectedness of the team and the genuine enjoyment, support of each other and pride they have in what they are doing. It all seems to start with the desire to play for their country - this is the catalyst. Shelley Russell and Marcelle Keet commenting on this, said “since we were little girls we wanted to play for South Africa. We could think of nothing better.â€? The desire from each player to play for their country has brought a meeting of minds and desire to the team, but more importantly

October 2013 9

“We have been together for a few years now and we are a family, we are sisters,” a huge sense of responsibility that they feel to the country and all the people watching, supporting, and interestingly, to those who have tried but didn’t get there. It’s very easy to carry it as a burden and a pressure, but it seems that it is with a reverence that they take this mantel and they use it as a motivator. Sannani, reflecting on this said, “ it is your choice to be here. You were selected but you didn’t need to accept the call.” This is remarkable, I have never heard it put like that before. It’s a choice to accept the call and it’s one each of them have accepted - and in doing so it has

produced such a level of positivity in the team that it is tangible. You are left with no doubt about how they feel. With each player that I spoke with about representing their country and what it meant, there was an audible intake of breath and such an emotional response. Words such as “wow, oofff, I don’t know how to explain,” kept coming up when trying to explain what it meant to them. These are athletes who have given everything to represent their country and the people of the country. “Only a few people are entrusted with this responsibility and we take it seriously,” explained

10 October 2013 Photo Papaya Photography

Photo Papaya Photography

Sannini Mangisa. “We are proud of who we are and what we represent,” said Jade Mayne - and the quotes could go on and on. You can feel the hairs on the back of your neck stand up as they talk so passionately about representing their country. It’s as if their lives depended on it. There have been weddings missed, birthdays not celebrated, funerals unattended and sports days missed, all part of the price that these athletes pay for taking the calling to represent South Africa - and not one of them has faltered in this. Players sitting recounting the moment they got the call-up as if it was for national service, the goose bumps they still feel now, thinking about it. But not one of them had to think about it, it’s what they do for their country, there is no higher calling. The interesting thing is that a secondary benefit of this is that it creates a motivation and commitment no amount of money could buy. Most of the players have jobs outside of hockey and try and find a working solution balancing hockey and work, but they do it with humility because they want to be there, rather than they have to be - and that is priceless.

There is more to this team than just the above, they are ‘sisters’ as Marcelle kept saying. “We have been together for a few years now and we are a family, we are sisters,” and it seems that this really plays out from jokes to the camaraderie and the genuine way that they talk about each other like family members do. This is a family (albeit with a lot of sisters!) that is connected, that wants the best for each other. The challenge in this environment is that it could become too ‘soft’ and the hard conversations are never had. To the contrary though, Shelley Russell is very clear that these conversations are had. “We all want to be happy but we also want to be the best and there is a job to do. We have a meeting and we are honest but we don’t cut people down, it’s not brutal. It’s objective and it’s work and no one takes it personally.” For me this sets the team apart because it’s easy to knock down, blame and side step the issue - but they are a family and one that has a job to do. They have set clear boundaries of how they deal with each other and as a team that ensures all conversations and actions happen in a safe environment that seeks to bring the best out of the player and thus the team. October 2013 11

12 October 2013

“We all want to be happy but we also want to be the best and there is a job to do. We have a meeting and we are honest but we don’t cut people down, it’s not brutal. It’s objective and it’s work and no one takes it personally.”

October 2013 Photo Papaya Photography


The hard lessons are learned and the focus is there, but it’s done in a constructive way.

This is connection on another level. Is this enough to make a difference? Of course it is.

Bringing in new blood can have its challenges as it’s such a close knit team, but talking with some of the newer players it was interesting to see that the management are aware of the potential pitfalls and so look to support the new players to bring out the best in them and so in turn to give the best to the team. There are no junior/senior divides - seniors are roomed with new players to get to know them and an atmosphere of joking and ‘micky taking’ is encouraged by all - especially the newbies to the seniors. This highlights the holistic approach that the team and management have taken to ensure the family is connected both on and off the pitch.

If ever you want to hang out with a team that will make you walk away with a good feeling and a sense of the calling to represent your country, the South African hockey team will give you that in spadefuls with a joke and a smile. A truly remarkable group of people, players, athletes and friends.

This is a team brought together by a common desire that has given them their connection, but it is that sense of calling that has given them passion and an ability to play out of their socks and hold their own against the best in the world, despite not all being professionals and coming from a third world resource structure. It is truly amazing. The sense of family cements this and creates a bond and a team that focuses on both the person and the team - and interestingly, creates an environment that ensures that they are not only doing their best, but excelling in what they do. Allowing them to speak honestly to help each other has created a remarkable team. 14 October 2013

Photo Papaya Photography

Photo Papaya Photography

Photo: courtesy Frankie Whitby

Francesca “Frankie” Whitby Team GB Basketball By Myak Homberger Frankie was one of the first athletes we spoke to after launching the magazine and it has been great to see how far she has come. Starting at Secondary (High) school, aged 13, she excelled at such a rate that within in two years she was playing U16 England Basketball! Following on came the U18 call up and then senior selection. When I asked her about that moment when she was told that she had been selected, Frankie recalls how she felt that it was “one of the best moments getting selected. Then when my kit arrived, it was amazing - and with my name on it!” Frankie says that pulling on that jersey for the first time will stay with her for the

rest of her life, as it does even now when she remembers it. “I still get goosebumps thinking about my first start”, she says. This is refreshing to hear and Frankie is relaxed about representing GB - but at the same time she recognises completely the honour of representing her country, it’s just that she doesn’t let it phase her. Frankie has risen through the ranks very quickly and looks set to continue doing so. She has no big sponsors paying her way, “I pay for everything myself outside of camp,” says Frankie on the financial impact of training and committing to the sport she loves. You can’t help but admire her for this grit and commitment. Frankie has now been selected for the ‘Future Stars’ team with

a view to going to Rio and when this is mentioned she lights up. This is her next target: Rio and the Olympics beckon this talented athlete! However, athletes don’t get there on talent alone and Frankie knows this only too well so she works hard to improve and work to her goals, training 5 days a week and playing one or both of the other days in the week. Yes, 7 days a week, training, living and breathing basketball. This is what makes representative athletes great and Frankie is certainly putting in the hours. We look forward to seeing Frankie’s career grow and to what the future holds for her. Good luck Frankie! October 2013 15

Feel great. Play tough. Sportswear designed for the female athlete

Rebecca Smith


NZ Football Fern captain 2012 Olympics

I really enjoy pulling on my Emvale gear either to train in or for recovery because I like how it is different from the main stream. It has a story behind it and I know that the gear is made with the thought of what is best for each athlete in mind. While I feel sporty wearing it, I also like that it is feminine and made for women.

16 October 2013

w w w. e m v a l e . c o m

“Always be a first rate version of yourself and not a second rate version of someone else..” - Judy Garland




October 2013 17

Lightning Strike


Irish Rugby Photos: Papaya Photography

18 October 2013


“A fantastic year for Irish Women’s Rugby,” says John Skurr (Coach of Ireland 7’s Rugby) with a big grin. How right he is! In the 18 months we have known each other it has been a sharp ascendancy for the Irish Rugby 7’s team.

Interview and Article by Myak Homberger

There were two initial challenges for the management team, firstly that Ireland played 15’s and had no 7’s experience to speak of and secondly that they had to prove that they could compete on the world stage to secure funding so that they could compete in the World Cup qualifiers with an eye on the Moscow finals this year. So, what many nations have strategies for and have worked at over years, the Irish have achieved in less than a year! The ‘luck of the Irish’? Far from it, this is a determined, gutsy, hard working and focused team. As their initial incarnation ‘Irish Lighting’, they stepped out last year to little fan fair and delivered the goods winning silverware and gaining funding. Fast forward and further silverware in this year’s inaugural Womens World Series in Hong Kong and China, has brought them to the notice of the world. They also qualified for the World Cup and went to Moscow to boot. This is a remarkable feat for such a young team and one that many established teams would be pleased with. It is a testament to the management team that has kept the team grounded and focused on the job at hand and keeping things in perspective. We have in previous issues written about Gemma Crowley (team manager) and her impact. We spent time with John Skurr Irish Rugby 7’s coach chatting about this meteoric rise having first chatted 18 months ago about what could be - and now, on the other side of it happening, how have they done it? October 2013 19

20 October 2013


7 Photos: Papaya Photography

Photo: Jude Patterson


The key thing seems to be the desire from the team: “they want to do it, want to learn and that helps massively with the drive,” comments John. The historic winning of the Six Nations Trophy in the 15’s format has helped morale immensely and as a number of the girls play for both formats, this has been brought into the 7’s set-up with them. There is always debate about whether 15’s and 7’s can exist together, or if due to the fact that Rio 2016 will be hosting 7’s, if this should be the only format? John is clear that both formats can work together and should work together because of the mutual benefits they bring to the players and the games. As well as this, “the girls want to play both formats,” he says. This is a bold, professional and long term view that is not the easy road given the constant demand for success all the time. But it sums John and the team up perfectly. They have worked together to develop something that brings the best out in them and so in turn brings out the best team on the pitch. John explained that when he started working with the girls, “I thought I would need to motivate and work them harder, it’s the October 2013 21

opposite though. I need to tell them to relax. They are very hard on themselves.” The interesting thing is that John has created a system for the girls to train, work (none of them are full time athletes) and still have that passion. The key thing to the whole structure for me is his view of optimum performance. He says “we are trying to get the balance between this and constant performance, working with nutrition and S&C to ensure the girls have balance.” John isn’t trying to push and train the girls every day, firstly because he can’t - because they aren’t full time - but also because he doesn’t believe it will bring out the best in them. He wants optimum performance and enjoyment, not burnt-out athletes by the time they are 25. So many of the team are young and coming through the ranks, as well as playing two Rugby formats. This is a team of athletes and professionals completely in sync and working together in a way that suits them and their style - and what this has delivered is a team that is punching above their weight after one year and is still improving. As well as this, having seen the development team play this summer, there is a pipeline of very exciting athletes coming through the program now. The team and the system they have developed is working for them because they are being true to themselves and their style of play, being themselves. However the interesting thing in all of this…they all smile, beam and from the newest team member to the management team and coach, they smile. Why? Because they are enjoying doing what they love and doing it well and achieving! Congratulations to John, Gemma and all of the team for a fantastic and exciting 18 months that we have enjoyed watching and at points sharing with you! We look forward to the next 18 months.

22 October 2013


“a fantastic year for Irish Women’s Rugby,”

The key thing seems to be the desire from the team: “they want to do it, want to learn and that helps massively with the drive,�



October 2013 23

Photos: Papaya Photography





AT H L E T E Jasmin Taylor Telemark Skier by Myak Homberger Each issue we choose one athlete who stands out from the crowd - from individuals who have achieved amazing feats, through to Olympians. In this issue we would like to showcase one of the exciting talents coming out of Winter sports. Jasmin Taylor may be only 19 years old, but she has already won the French Championship Cup, French Junior Championship as well as British Titles, silverware galore and a World Ranking of 5. Alongside this she has been invited to become a member of The Ladies Ski Club (High achieving ski athletes). Having started on the traditional dry ski slopes of the UK she progressed to Alpine skiing, to racing, to Ski cross and then Telemark Skiing. Telemark Skiing is unbelievable!! Not only do you ski down hill in excess of 50 miles per hour but you are on a slalom course, with a large jump, with a large turn and a X country section, oh and did we mention that it’s not just about your time, but your technique as well! “It’s an assault course on skis,” laughs Jasmin when I try to get my head around the complexity of her sport. Jasmin is a versatile athlete who has trained and competed in multiple skiing disciples and found her niche. Not only has she found her niche but she is good, really good at it. Consider being off for a chunk 24 October 2013

of the 2012 season seriously ill but still improving on your World Cup ranking by double against the previous year! That is a talented athlete and one who is fast earning respect across Europe. So much so that Adidas have picked her up and are helping her. As Nicky Waller of Adidas explained: “it’s a real honour to help boost the career of a promising and exciting talent such as Jasmin.” Jasmin is grateful for the support she has received from companies such as Adidas and TDS Safeguard. Thanks to their support she can be properly kitted out and fly to events (rather than catch a train to save €40) and live her dream and become a World class athlete. The interesting thing is that despite her obvious talent and potential, she is firmly based in reality. Each summer she comes back from Chamonix where she trains, lives and competes to Photo: Ipswich andPhotography works as a Papaya Gym instructor. Not only this, but local businesses and individuals see this and support her in achieving her goals. This is an internationally local girl set on being the best in the world, supported by the people of Ipswich. Talking with Jasmin there is no arrogance or sense that she is owed something, but more one of a sense of destiny and a calm knowledge of her skills and that they will speak for themselves. This to me is the exciting prospect because athletes such as this stand out from the crowd and become world class - and we think that Jasmin will be talked about the world over, just watch…. Jasmin is an outstanding athlete now, just imagine what lies ahead…..

Photos courtesy Jasmin Taylor Photo: Papaya Photography

October 2013 25

The Ashes


Photo: Papaya Photography

26 October 2013

Who said women’s sport isn’t exciting? October 2013 27

The Ashes

By Myak Homberger

at 3-9. Not the way to start a match winning batting order. England then dug deep with the

Over the course of a sunny afternoon at

middle order grinding out the runs with grit and

Ashes Series was decided. Many a nail was

over required seemed a challenge but with each

unfold. Given the new system, (awarding points

by Lydia Greenway and Charlotte Edwards was

meant that England needed to win this game to


themselves and end the pain of some fairly tough

In the end the England bench, 6ft away could sit

Southampton’s Rose Bowl the fate of the latest

tenacity. As the countdown began, the runs per

chewed to the stump watching this drama

run England pulled it closer. The nerve needed

for each game in three different formats) it

immense, but a partnership of 67 pulled England

regain the Ashes. Not only this, but to vindicate losses including the recent world cup.

no longer, hanging on the boundary, willing each

Australia set a target of 128 for England. With

a pin could be heard drop in the stadium.

two wickets falling in an over England stood

run to happen. The atmosphere was electric as if As the final run happened the England team

Photo: Papaya Photography

28 October 2013

Photo: Papaya Photography

could no longer contain themselves and they ran

media and the media brings sponsorship to

This was not some boring side show to the mens

wait to see this explode.

onto the pitch as the stadium erupted!

Ashes but exciting Cricket and exciting sport.

support the growth in sport. To this end we can’t

This is the future of women’s sport and we look

Well done to all of the England team, not just for

this is what brings fans and the fans bring the

being a credit to sport and Cricket. Well done!!

forward to more encounters such as this - because

winning on the day, or winning the Ashes but for

“The atmosphere was electric as if a pin could be heard drop in the stadium” October 2013 29

30 October 2013

Photos: Papaya Photography




UNSUNG Jacinta Horan


New Zealand physiotherapist By Myak Homberger Imagine being responsible for the health and wellbeing of 28 elite representative athletes. A team that currently holds the Rugby world cup 15’s and 7’s titles and the inaugural Women’s World Series. Add to this flying them further than most teams around the globe to compete and win. “Travel plans and jetlag are a key challenge for us,” agrees Jacinta when we talk about her role as lead medical provider and physiotherapist for the NZ 7’s Rugby team. From immunisation all the way through to liaising with surgeons, her role is far-reaching. However, given that there is no central program or any plans for one anytime soon, a further addition to her role is to run the medical care for all of the girls while they are in New Zealand, ensuring that they get the right nutrition, medical and physio around the country; choosing and liaising with local providers….for 28 girls! “It’s a big role,” agrees Jacinta, as we delve more into the extent of the role - but she isn’t stressed by it, she revels in it and clearly loves it.

Just as well, as not only does she do all of the above, but it is her sole responsibility to ensure that the girls are fit and on the pitch and that they stay on the pitch for the duration of the tournament. Mixing traditional medicine with techniques such as acupuncture and others, she is open to the things that bring out the best in each athlete, how can she do the best for them and not just stick with old methods. So add forward thinking and cutting edge technology to her armoury and you begin to build up a picture of Jacinta. For any team to have someone like this is invaluable - and the old adage of the team behind the team is never more true than here. However, the reason she is our unsung hero for this issue is that this is not her full-time job! This is incredible, because on returning home from tour there is a week of paperwork and planning for the next tour, but then normal life also needs to be shoe-horned

in. ‘Normal’ life is a clinic that she owns with 9 staff - and she also has 3 children and a social life! Here is a remarkable Kiwi of the most committed type, delivering medical care and physiotherapy to one of the most talented teams in the world. Given that she very rarely rests and the huge responsibility and colossal role that she has, she is gracious, humble, but very focused and clear on her role. The interesting thing is that she isn’t intense, she is relaxed and her love of her job shows through. Her connection with the girls is amazing and she really wants the best for them without pushing them to a point of damage. She walks a fine line with huge pressure and delivers each time. Jacinta, we salute you for your commitment and the amazing work you do. Thank you for letting us into your world.

October 2013 31

“I believe there’s a calling for all of us. I know that every human being has value and purpose. The real work of our lives is to become aware. And awakened. To answer the call.” - Oprah Winfrey


International 32 October 2013


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Photo: courtesy Jordan Taylor

Photos: Tony von Thelen

34 October 2013


Women o f

t h e

Moder n


Interviews and article by Tony von Thelen October 2013 35

German Women of the Modern Pentathlon The candid, inspiring words of five women making waves in the modern pentathlon community, including Olympic and World Cup gold medalist Lena Schöneborn.

What motivates you to train? Paria Mahrokh: I enjoy training, being with other athletes, joking and being goofy. On every trip, I have a long conversation with a person who sits next to me or people who are just curious about my giant pentathlon bag. Rönja Doring: A fascinating aspect of pentathlon is the diversity and change between the disciplines. Additionally, the sport itself gives

They endure training in five separate disciplines:

me the possibility to travel and get to know new

fencing, freestyle swimming, running, shooting

cultures and new people, which at a young age,

and riding. Competition requires them to excel

is a huge privilege that I appreciate.

at every discipline in a single day, gaining points

Claudia Knack: To see where my limits are and

for their performances in each event. For years,

find out how far I can go.

German women have been drawn to the exciting, but grueling world of the modern pentathlon. Below, we ask some of the sport’s brightest to share their thoughts on training, motivation, obstacles and goals for the future.

What led you to become a pentathlete? Annika Schleu: A friend of the family did pentathlons and took me to training when I was 10. I loved the diversity of pentathlon, and so I kept doing it. Rönja Doring: During my school vacation, I always went horseback riding. I enjoyed being with the animals and also the sport itself. Also in my spare time, I went swimming. Hence, pentathlon was convenient for me since I could combine two of my favorite sport disciplines. Claudia Knack: My first real boyfriend was a pentathlete, and I was a swimmer. Now ten years

“I don’t want Softball to become a job, I want to have fun and as soon as that stops and it becomes a task I will hang up my cleets.”

later, the “friend” is gone, but I’m still doing pentathlons. 36 October 2013

Photos: Tony von Thelen

Photos: Tony von Thelen

October 2013 37

What is your typical training schedule?

What do you study?

Lena Schöneborn: Every week, five times

Lena Schöneborn: I have almost finished my

swimming, six times running (of which two are

masters in international marketing management.

combined with shooting), two fencing lessons,

Paria Mahrokh: I want to be a teacher after

two times shooting and two times riding.

finishing my studies in sport science at the

Additionally, we go to the gym twice a week and

German Sports University in Cologne, and

receive physiotherapy.

German language and literature studies at the

Rönja Doring: Today I started with horseback

University of Cologne. I also have the dream of

riding for one hour, then combined (shooting

becoming a coach one day!

and running). Then swimming before lunch. In

Annika Schleu: I study biology and sports in

the afternoon, I rehabilitate for two hours and


in the evening, fencing practice. This sums up a

I’m in the German army, as they support the

usual training day of approximately eight hours.


Photos: Tony von Thelen

38 October 2013

Janine Kholmann: I’m studying to become a police officer. Claudia Knack: Next to sports, biotechnology is the biggest part of my studies.

What do you do in your leisure time? Lena Schöneborn: I take dancing lessons or have coffee with friends. Rönja Doring: I love going on ski vacations, but also painting. It helps me to relax and find inner balance.

What is your best event in a pentathalon? Lena Schöneborn: I often score high in fencing and running. Annika Schleu: Combined event (shooting and running), as I am exceptionally good in shooting. Photos: Tony von Thelen

What is your favorite event? Annika Schleu: Combined event. Rönja Doring: Since horseback riding is my best

Are there any obstacles that interfere with you reaching your full potential?

event, I honestly enjoy it the most. Also because

Paria Mahrokh: I have a blood disease called

you are not just depending on yourself. I often

thalassemia. I was born with it, and I have to

manage to get along well with the horse and

deal with all its drawbacks. I need to watch out

adapt to it.

for my body and listen to it a lot. Pete Sampras has the same illness, and I have the dream of

Which event is hardest and why?

talking to him about how he handled it during his career.

Lena Schöneborn: I would say shooting because

Janine Kholmann: The day has too few hours.

you have to be precise and concentrated,

Rönja Doring: I am a very ambitious person, but

although there is much going on around you and

ambition can be counterproductive. With high

you are exhausted from the run.

ambition comes equally high disappointment

Paria Mahrokh: I guess fencing makes it difficult

or fear of disappointment. Sometimes I find it

for the mind. If you don’t have the control of your

hard to have it in balance in order to focus fully

mind, you will fail.

on the event. October 2013 39

Photos: Tony von Thelen

Who inspires you?

What’s your favorite meal?

Paria Mahrokh: My parents came from Iran to

Lena Schöneborn: Pizza, pasta and salad.

Germany. When they arrived, they had nothing.

Rönja Doring: Luckily I do not have a strict meal

They couldn’t understand a word in German.

plan, so I eat what I like. Of course, I try to eat

They reached so much in their life and sacrificed

healthy but I often eat pasta, rice and potatoes.

everything to make us happy. They are my heroes!

After a long training day, I allow myself some

Rönja Doring:This might sound a bit romantic,


but I admire those who come back stronger after personal loss or defeat.

40 October 2013

Photo: Louise Poynton

What would you do, if you could do anything?

Paria Mahrokh: [In 2011, while competing in the

Paria Mahrokh: I would eat a huge giant gummy

only finish walking the competition. But still it

bear! Janine Kholmann: I would travel around the world.

How do you typically prepare for an event? Paria Mahrokh: I talk to myself a lot, listen to music, try to focus and have fun! Annika Schleu: Before the event, I just have a relaxed and normal evening, and I try not to become too nervous. We meet in the room of a teammate and chat a little bit.

Have you ever wanted to quit? If so, why?

US] I was dealing very hard with the altitude and the thalassemia in that competition and could made me realize, my time was not over yet. I met [fencer] Elaine Cheris and other great American athletes and coaches. I decided there is still a long way to go!

What gets you out of bed in the morning? Lena Schöneborn: A good coffee. Rönja Doring: For me, a sunny day makes a significant difference. When I see the sun is out, no problem to get out of bed.

What is your ultimate goal by training for pentathlons? All: Reaching the Olympic games in Rio 2016!

Lena Schöneborn: Yes, after the enormous change in our rules which resulted in the combination of shooting and running. There was no chance for us athletes to take some time to adapt to the situation.

“For years, German women have been drawn to the exciting, but grueling world of the modern pentathlon”. October 2013 41

Is your Body ‘In’ Balance or Imbalanced


Speed Endurance By Chris Peden Ex Royal Navy Physical Trainer S&C coach Exercise Rehab Trainer As athletes, PT’s or Coaches, we all like to think that we, or the people we train are in the best physical condition possible to take on the tasks required for our sport or general health. That is until we succumb to the dreaded world of being injured!! This is where I would like to share my personal experience with you. Now I’ve been very fortunate throughout my sporting life and career as a PT to not have what people would call a major injury such as any fractures, however I believe that having any kind of injury which stops you doing what you really love is pretty serious in my eyes. In early 2011 I started suffering with anterior knee pain in my left leg. The pain was just about

42 October 2013

bearable to put up with and I did the usual stubborn minded thing of taking some ibuprofen and cracking on with my workouts and daily business in the hope everything would be ok. We’ve all done that right?? Well as it turned out, ibuprofen wasn’t the answer, well not on its own anyway! My persistence to carry on training made my symptoms worse, to the point where I couldn’t turn the pedals on my bike without being in pain, every step whilst walking was an issue and going up a set of stairs was a big no no as the pain was excruciating!! I was diagnosed with Patella Tendonitis, also known as Patelofemoral Syndrome or Jumpers Knee as its more commonly known amongst

Volleyball/Basketball Players etc. All I knew, is that it hurt…..a lot!! I stopped all my physical activity and was put on a physio programme of eccentric leg presses, ultrasound and massage, treating ‘site of pain’ only. This kind of soft tissue work is extremely painful but it works, similar to like weight training leaving you feeling sore the next day. Treatment is actually a stimulus. In effect what the physio does is irritates the tissue to produce a chemical response and the chemicals produced are what begin the healing process. I did this until I was pain free and able to train again. All good right?? Well that’s what I thought but I was wrong! Due to not finding or treating the cause of my injury, my problem had never truly gone

away and my knee flared up again whilst on a 2 day walking expedition in the summer of 2012. Walking was once again an issue which isn’t great especially when it is our basic form of exercise! By this point I had qualified as an S&C Coach and an Exercise Rehab Instructor so I took more of an interest of what was going on due to the fact I had more of an understanding of what was wrong. Speaking with the physio, it was becoming quickly apparent of what the issue was, I had a huge imbalance of the muscles in my legs, not only in size, but in which muscles were working and doing their job and the ones that weren’t. Now the term ‘weak’ gets bounced around a lot, but I prefer to use the term ‘underactive’. It turned out that my left leg was smaller than my right when looking in the mirror, most noticeably my Vastus Lateralis (VL) and my Vastus Medialis Oblique (VMO), but the main issue was my glutes, (my right side surprisingly being worse than my left even though it was my left knee that was injured) as these as it seems had gone into hibernation and were extremely underactive.


Well not only were they underactive, they were also very tight, along with short and tight hamstrings, short and tight hip flexors which were pulling me into lordosis and ITB’s you could play a tune off they were so tight. To put it bluntly, my lower body was an absolute mess so it was no wonder that I eventually broke

down with an injury.  Right, now I knew what was up with me, it was time to sort it all out. I not only had to treat the ‘site of pain’ but more importantly I had to treat the ‘cause of pain’ as this is what really mattered. My cause of pain in my knee was from my glutes, strange hey! But why you ask?? Well the glutes are key stabilisers of the hips and legs, and without any stabilisation at the hip, my knee was getting put into an unfavourable position every time I applied any force through my legs. Also my lack of glute function was inhibiting my VMO development which helps with the tracking alignment of the patella also. So what did I have to do? Well I had to go back to basics in glute r ehab to try and get control of them. I was given very low level exercise drills to teach me how to get control of my glutes by contracting and activating the muscle along with mobility exercises to help strengthen the muscle such as clams or hip extensions. Although this low level programme was working, purely as my glutes had never been worked before, I knew this wasn’t enough so I sat down and revisited my strength and conditioning programme for the gym. Exercise selection was crucial, not only for my glutes but as a cyclist I wanted to make sure I had a direct carry over onto the bike. Anyone involved with weight training will know that Bi-lateral Squats and Deadlifts are staple exercises for a sound foundation

October 2013 43

of strength and power but their uni-lateral counterparts are equally as good, if not better depending on what you are trying to achieve. Now I needed to strengthen up my glutes and my hamstrings to reduce any muscular ‘working’ imbalances and I also had to work on the muscular ‘size’ imbalance I had between my right and left leg so I chose a sound mix of Bilateral and Uni-lateral exercises. My two favourite exercises were Front Squats with heels raised for Quad development and Single Leg Deadlifts for hip stabilisation and glute and hamstring activation/strengthening. This hasn’t been an overnight fix for me and my work is still on going as my glutes still aren’t 100%. I’m still following a structured periodised S&C programme but my rehab sessions have now turned into prehab in my warm ups before each gym session to save time and to wake up my muscles and get them activated before I start lifting. I have also adjusted the position on my bike to enable my muscles in my legs to work more efficiently without me being too quad dominant like I have always been. In a way I am kind of glad of this injury as I have stripped everything back, rebuilt my foundations and have become a more stronger and efficient athlete due to the way I am programming my S&C sessions working between my strengths and weaknesses. Well that is my story, but why have I shared it?? Well I would say that the majority of people that have any kind of lower limb

44 October 2013

injuries have got some form of imbalance and underactive glutes, in particular, runners, triathletes and cyclists. Knee injuries especially stem from issues in and around the pelvis or the foot/ankle and not the knee itself. A pulled hamstring is generally due to underactive glutes and the list goes on. The classic imbalance we see in most gym goers as they’re trying to get ready for the beach is that they’ve got heavily protracted shoulders due to overworking their chest. These imbalances, along with people with rotator cuff problems, have poor or severe lack of scapula control. Next time you are in the gym, have a look around and see for yourself, have a look at your own posture in the mirror and see if you are in proportion.

posterior, anterior and lateral and train your body globally rather than just in one area all the time and becoming overdeveloped in some areas and underdeveloped in others. Make sure to regularly foam roll and stretch to rid the body of trigger points and if possible, work with a qualified PT or S&C coach and watch your body and athletic performance improve two fold!!

Contact us: info@exerformance

The point I’m trying to make is that our bodies aren’t always 100% ‘In Balance’ and we usually only realise this when it is too late and we are injured. Then when we are injured we spend too much time trying to treat an injury at the site of pain instead of trying to find the root of the cause of why we are actually injured in the first place. If you have an injury, start looking for the weak synergist in the body and treat it all!! Think to yourself of why you are training in the first place, what is your purpose, what is your goal?? It’s pointless trying to do 7 chest exercises to try and look good if you’re only going to do 2-3 back exercises. Try thinking of your training in movements rather than muscles, so push, pull, horizontal, vertical,

Photo: Papaya Photography

Isha Johansen Turning heads as first female President of Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA) By Manisha Tailor

Living in a male dominated society, she had no choice but to embrace football “if only to survive.” Recently elected as the new president of the Sierra Leone Football Association (SLFA),Isha Johansen speaks about her vision and life as a female leader Photos courtesy Manisha Tailor

of a national governing body. October 2013 45

Johansen’s appointment makes her the second active female president of the Football Association in the world, alongside Lydia Nsekera of Burundi Football Federation (BFF). A remarkable achievement by a positive, hardworking and genuine woman. “On a personal level it almost feels surreal because the magnitude of it only hits you when it is spelt out for you so openly.” Since 2004, Johansen has been CEO of FC Johansen, and it comes to no surprise that it is billed as one of the most successful youth football clubs in the country. “My quest and my pursuit for my boys throughout my years as CEO was to expose my talents and put my country in a better more positive light.”

“The will and desire to aspire is a god given gift. When you have that power within you, you will know it.” Johansen boasts great strength in character working not only in a field that is male dominated, but a country that still questions the role of women working in key positions. “For a woman to enter a male dominated arena and excel is no child’s play. But like everything in life, it’s the confidence, determination and genuine intention to enter into whatever field with the true purpose to bring about meaningful and positive change.” With her achievement instilling hope and inspiration to women globally working within the game, there is a definite air of positivity in the foreseeable future. “I think women are gradually beginning to realise that the days of being marginalised are diminishing quite rapidly. I am excited to see the rise of more women 46 October 2013

working in key positions, not just in football, but other areas as well.” A role model and breath of fresh air within the country’s national governing body, Johansen speaks of the ‘success above the odds’ stories that have inspired her to achieve. “I admire Oprah Winfrey, women like the wife of Nelson Mandela, Madam Gracia, Angelina Jolie, Coco Chanel and Michel Obama. Basically women who in their own way, have taken control of their situation and turned it around to make a positive global impact stimulate me. Women to possess creativity and strength really inspire me.” The ‘beautiful game’ appears to have family history as Johansen states, “football has always been in my DNA so to speak.” Her father, a retired banker, played a pivotal role in football administration in the 70’s right through to the early 90’s. He was also one of the founder patrons of East End Lions, one of the oldest and most successful clubs in Sierra Leone. “I grew up with my two brothers, their friends and a whole bunch of football mad people at home. Being the only girl I had no choice but to embrace football, if only to survive” (laughs). Like with any competition highs and lows are inevitable. For Johansen though, the win was not simply just her victory, but that of her people, her country. “It’s like a football final where there can be only one winner and I have emerged as that winner. This was not a personality fight but a fight to change the face of Sierra Leone football and we have all won; there is no loser.” Her vision from here was clear – unity and integration through the game. “I want to see that football is played in all corners of our country and not just in the capital. I would love to see youth football and education work hand in hand; grassroots football should grow and attain greatness.” Nurturing and

developing female football is also on the agenda. Inevitably Sierra Leoneans thrive on major global competitions such as the African Nations Cup and World Cup, and Johansen is confident that they will put on a show. “To this I say, YES WE CAN.” Presently there are major changes that the new executive will need to execute. “Premier and other national leagues have to be encouraged. This needs a lot of funding so that is a big challenge. Marketing, branding and sponsorship will all play a big role in bringing about this change. Collaborations with international clubs, exchange programs will create a healthier sporting atmosphere in our country.”

Photos courtesy Manisha Tailor

What is seemingly obvious is Johansen’s passion for creating an environment that promotes inclusion, integration and integrity. Her drive, forward-thinking attitude combined with strong morals, values and beliefs is certainly a winning formula for the success of football in Sierra Leone. “The will and desire to aspire is a god given gift. When you have that power within you, you will know it. I had to face all kinds of challenges. I was mimicked, bullied, cheated, you name it! But, there was the will to go on. My declaration, followed by my campaign to become president of the FA was met with the most humiliating attacks I have ever endured, but the will to go on was there. So whether you are male or female, take it from me, where there is genuine will, trust me, there will be a way to succeed.”

October 2013 47

The Solheim Cup Photos: Tristan Jones

By Myak Homberger The Ryder Cup is known the world over as the Golf competition, bringing Golfers and sports fans alike together. The Solheim Cup is a less well known competition (but not for long), with the same format for professional women golfers, contested by teams representing Europe and the United States. The figures speak for themselves of close encounter after close encounter since its inception in 1990. In fact, closer than their male counterparts! This is a competition played out over 3 nailbiting days, alternating between Europe and America with this year’s Cup being played in Colorado. Speak to any player on tour and they want to be part of the Solheim Cup. The strange thing is that Golf is a singular sport, yet the Solheim Cup, as with the Ryder Cup is about team. So why do players want to jump format so readily? We spent time with players, officials and Solheim Cup Europe captain Lotta Nuemann 48 October 2013

during the European Masters to find out why and what makes this tournament so special. With each player that we spoke to there was no doubt in their minds that they wanted to be a part of the Solheim Cup and in a team. The theme always seemed to be the same, one of camaraderie, playing in the highlight of the Golfing calendar and the opportunity to play alongside friends in a team environment. The players all agree that it’s a privilege, an honour to represent their respective teams, not a right - and this is one of the key differences and one that is fundamental in creating the feel that there is amongst the players. There seems to be no bitter rivalries or scores to settle, but a genuine desire to have an eventful few days playing Golf with the finest golfers of the moment on a beautiful course with the prize, the Solheim Cup, as the spoils for the winners.

Nordqvist’s hole in one. That’s a whole season of drama in one weekend! What a thrilling weekend of records being broken. This is what makes for great sport and great TV!

What a thrilling weekend of records being broken. This is what makes for great sport and great TV!

This competition has been approached by both teams and individuals with excitement, positivity and fun. With this approach there is only one outcome: success. Success for those taking part, for the game, for women’s sport, for the fans and the Solheim Cup. There is such a good feeling surrounding this competition, which in some sports is sorely missing.

So until 2015 we look forward to Women’s Golf benefiting from the afterglow of the Solheim Cup and for Women’s Golf to grow on the world sports stage. But in the meantime, thank you to all the players that took part in the Solheim Cup for such a great spectacle of sport.

Fast forward 3 exciting days in Colorado and despite the knowledge that Europe had never won on American soil the young team played out of their socks! Where do you start? Caroline Hedwall was just one of a hand full of record breakers, sinking a four foot birdie putt at the final hole to beat Michelle Wie and retain the Solheim Cup for Europe. She is the first player to win five out five matches. 18-10 was the biggest ever margin of victory. From Europe winning its first Cup on USA soil, to the 17-year-old Charlie Hull, the youngest ever Solheim Cup player and Anna October 2013 49

Sports Explained Basketball Women’s basketball is one of the few women’s sports that has developed in tandem with its men’s game. The rules for women’s basketball are the same as the rules for men’s basketball with the exception of one rule: the circumference of the women’s basketball is 1in. smaller than the circumference of the size of the men’s basketball. Also, in American professional basketball, the women’s threepoint line is slightly closer to the basket than men’s. Basketball is a sport played by two teams of five players on a rectangular court. The objective is to shoot a ball through a hoop 18 inches (46 cm) in diameter and 10 feet (3.0 m) high mounted to a backboard at each end. A team can score a field goal by shooting the ball through the basket during regular play. A field goal scores two points for the shooting team if a player is touching or closer to the basket than the three 50 October 2013

point line and three points (commonly known as a 3 pointer or three) if the player is behind the three-point line. The team with the most points at the end of the game wins, but additional time (overtime) may be issued when the game ends with a draw. The ball can be advanced on the court by bouncing it while walking or running or throwing it to a team mate. It is a violation to move without dribbling the ball, to carry it, or to hold the ball with both hands and then resume dribbling.

Photo: courtesy Frankie Whitby

October 2013 51

The Bus Éireann Women’s National League (WNL) Ireland Article by Rachael Stack

The Bus Éireann Women’s National League (WNL) is the women’s national soccer league of Ireland. The league is sponsored by Bus Éireann which is the Irish bus service. The league was founded in 2011. Founding teams are Castlebar Celtic (Mayo), Cork Women’s FC, Peamount United (Dublin), Shamrock Rovers (Dublin), Raheny (Dublin), Wexford Youths and DLR Waves (Dún Laoghaire). The





throughout Ireland giving players with potential and





opportunity to play at a competitive level. The geographical stretch provides opportunity for players from other counties to both trial and play for WNL clubs. The league is Semi Professional and was established based on UEFA guidelines. All club management must possess UEFA licensing; this ensures players attain the best training and management possible to maintain a high playing standard. 52 October 2013

The Football Association of Ireland (FAI) made it

in the Euro u17 qualifying stages. The girls in

aware to all players within Ireland if they want an

green making history again as they recorded the

opportunity to play International they must play

highest winning score line at any International

with the WNL. Ireland suffering from both the

level in Ireland.

heartache and pressure of never qualifying for a Senior Women’s competitive tournament such as

The WNL allows players over the age of sixteen

the UEFA Euro’s and FIFA World Cup with the new

to play. With a league that is filled with a variety

league in place this enables Ireland to develop

of players, it has been a success so far. In the first

at National level. There is no doubt the future is

two years, there have been two different league

bright with the youth coming through. In 2010, a

winners. Peamount United won the inaugural

spark of hope was lit when the Ireland under17’s

season and Raheny United edging past their

qualified for the European championships.

rivals this year in the final game of the season to secure the 2012 league title.

The girls got through the group stages and went on to knockout the powerhouse Germany

Not only have both clubs won the most prestigious

in a thrilling 1 – 0 semi final from a well struck

league for women’s football in Ireland but they

free kick from Senior International defender

also have an opportunity to qualify for the UEFA

Megan Campbell to reach the countries first

Champions League. The winner of WNL is placed

ever European football final. Unfortunately 2010

into the draw for Champions League qualifying

wasn’t the year to dust the trophy case, the girls


in green unluckily lost the final to Spain after undergoing extra time and penalties. This year the u17 team are dominating again with a historic 12 – 1 victory versus Bosnia & Herzegovina October 2013 53

Fuel for Sport Are you eating enough? By Helen West

Inadequate nutritional intake is more common in female than male athletes. It’s no wonder really; the ever present media pressure on women to have the ‘perfect body’ (whatever that is) is everywhere these days. Combine that with the pressure of achieving the right aesthetic for elite level sport and it’s not surprising that female athletes may feel the heat. Many women find balancing sports nutrition recommendations with body composition goals a tricky business.

In the quest for improved

performance, some athletes can take to extreme dieting measures to reshape their bodies and achieve what they perceive as the ‘perfect’ sporting physique. often



Unfortunately, as athletes



following an overly-restrictive diet plan can have

a negative impact on the body’s ability to train, recover and perform in competition.





athletes is also associated with adverse health consequences, namely menstrual dysfunction and loss of bone density. These three conditions

occur together on a spectrum of severity from ‘healthy’ (optimal bone mass, healthy menstrual

cycle and adequate energy intake) to ‘disease’ 54 October 2013

in what is described as the Female Athlete Triad. (Figure 1). Signs of the triad may not occur simultaneously and can progress at different rates, but women whose health status falls

somewhere on the scale risk progression towards the ‘disease’ end of the spectrum. So, who’s at risk?

It’s thought that those who participate in

aesthetic sports which have a high emphasis

on weight and appearance are at a higher risk of developing these conditions compared to

other athletes. That said, if you participate in a

sport which dramatically drives up your energy requirements, an inadequate energy intake

may not be a conscious decision. Stress, travel and a busy lifestyle can all interfere with eating

patterns and so it is important that both athletes and coaches are aware of the signs and prevent its progression, even if there does not appear to be a pattern of disordered eating.

What are the common signs of the Female Athlete Triad?

On top of its impact on sporting performance, insufficient

(eating disorders, amenorrhea and osteoporosis)

Common signs include:

• Constantly feeling tired or fatigued

• Irregular or absent menstrual cycles

• Recurrent injuries or stress fractures • Cold hands or feet

• A restricted diet (often with a desired goal of losing weight to improve performance)

(Figure 1) Female Athlete Triad. • Difficulty sleeping

• Preoccupation with being ‘thin’ or weight loss How you can combat the triad?

• Consult a registered sports dietitian to help

recurrent injury or stress fractures.

• Speak up! If you have any issues or worries,

speak to your coach, doctor, family or whomever you feel comfortable

you design a nutritional plan which is specific to your individual sporting needs and body composition goals.

• Adapt your intake to match your requirements - this can be through a decrease in activity or an increase in intake.

• Monitor and keep a note of your menstrual cycle so you can identify any changes .

• Consult a doctor if you are experiencing any irregularities with your period or suffer from

More information and support for athletes, coaches and health professionals can be found at the website. October 2013 55



Carrot Soup Recipes and Tips sponsored by

The haricot bread company 56 October 2013

Hand-crafted Artisan Bread

Photo Credit: Zac Peatling

Recipes and Tips Lentil and Carrot Soup Good-for-you ingredients Lentils are rich in protein (for building muscle and repairing damaged tissue), soluble fibre (for gut health, helping to reduce cholestrol and lowering the risk of heart disease). Lentils also contain iron (for healthy blood and transporting oxygen around the body), zinc (for healthy immune system and wound healing), magnesium (transmission of nerve impulses, bone and heart health) potassium (for regulating body fluids) and B Vitamins (essential for a healthy nervous system and releasing energy from food). The low GI of lentils helps keep blood sugar levels steady and provides a slow release of energy. Combined with a grain based food (e.g. bread, rice or pasta) lentils and other pulses (e.g. beans) provide a complete protein. Carrots contain beta-carotene (Vit. A), important for healthy eyesight; Vitamin C and anti-oxidants. Wholemeal bread forms a healthy and nutritious part of a daily diet. It contains carbohydrates, fibre, magnesium, B vitamins and protein. Choose bread made from organic or stoneground flour, and free from emulsifiers, flour improvers and other additives. Hints Lentils are easy to cook - they don’t need soaking and cook within 20-25 minutes. Try different kinds of lentils for a variety of taste, colour and texture. Sprinkle a handful of grated cheese op top for extra taste and goodness. The soup freezes well and makes very useful ready made meals!

Recipe 250g carrots 250g red lentils 1 medium potato 2t paprika 1 litre hot vegetable stock 200ml milk 1 T olive oil

Method Chop the carrots and potato into large chunks Gently warm the olive oil in a large saucepan or stockpot Add the carrots, potato and paprika, stir to coat with the oil Add the lentils, stir to mix with vegetables, then add the hot stock Bring to the boil, cover and turn down the heat Simmer for about 20 minutes until the lentils are soft Remove from the heat and pureĂŠ the soup with a blender Return to heat and add about 200ml milk, stir well and heat soup through (Add more milk or stock for a thinner soup if preferred) Serve with crusty wholemeal bread By Isa du Toit October 2013 57

Thank you’s With each issue that goes by I am humbled by the huge number of people who give of themselves,

are open in interviews and help out, thank you. As

always there will be someone I miss out - but this is an error and I apologise in advance! Thanks to:

John and the gang at Under Armour for their

support of the magazine and of female athletes.

Fiona and all the ECB folk for great access to the team and the Ashes tour over the summer. My tireless proof reader FANKS! Tony, such beautiful work.

Jasmin for her time and all her sponsors for their input and feedback;

Frankie for your patience,

Helen for an outstanding article! Rachael you’re a star!

Manisha such dedication and insight into the beautiful game.

Last but by no means least to Jen, Shell, Dirkie,

Pietie, Sannani, Marsh, Keet, Lilian, Jade and all of the South African Hockey team for their time and

accepting me being around for the week and sharing their lives.

Thanks to everyone again!

58 October 2013




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Non Evans, New Zealand Rugby, Serita Stone, Crossfit... Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...




Holly Calvin

Keeping your identity when the game’s up, Moody Cows, Philippa Tuttiett, Mignon du Preez

Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...

The Pro Sports Magazine


Ireland’s most capped female player - EXCLUSIVE Interview


Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...



Lucy Shuker

The Pro Sports Magazine August 2013


Photo courtesy of Team GB



The Pro Sports Magazine October 2013

Paralympic tennis player

Pathway to Gold

The South African Hockey Team

Women in Sport

Women in Sport

German Women of the Modern Pentathlon

a calling - not a job...

Australian Rugby 7s

The current state of affairs - By Katie Halliday

Exclusive Interviews

The current state of affairs - By Katie Halliday

Jenny Tinmouth, Anita North , Esther Tang, Nigel Francis...

Irish Rugby 7s, The Ashes, Isha Johansen, The Solheim Cup...

Jenny Tinmouth, Anita North , Esther Tang, Nigel Francis...

Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

Sports nutrtion, top tips and more...

Photo Papaya Photography

Photo Papaya Photography

Photo Papaya Photography

October 2013 59

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