Sports International Magazine Issue 2

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The Pro Sports Magazine February 2013




Nikki McSweeney

Team GB Olympic Bobsleigh Team

Lynne Cantwell

Ireland’s most capped female player - EXCLUSIVE Interview

Keeping your identity when the game’s up, Moody Cows, Philippa Tuttiett, Mignon du Preez Top Tips on sports nutrtion and more...

Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

Forward Non Evans MBE

Coverage of women’s sport has been neglected for years. When I was growing up there were very few female role models I could look up to, and as a result, male sportsmen became my inspiration. But recently, with more media coverage, female athletes are finally getting the coverage and attention they deserve. Following this summer’s Olympic Games in London, we now have female athletes who are household names, Jessica Ennis, Jade Jones, Zoe Smith, Nicola Adams, Victoria Pendleton and Rebecca Aldington to name but a few. I have battled for years to get Women’s Rugby the recognition it deserves, and for the public to see us as true athletes. It is happening….. albeit slowly. Following the Womens rugby World Cup in London in 2010 a male colleague in work told me he had seen one of the games live on

television. He said “I watched a game of Women’s rugby today, but by the end of the match I was watching a ‘game of rugby!’…” That proves a point. Sport is sport, and if the quality is high, it doesn’t matter what the gender is. I have known Myak for a few years through his photography and his coverage of Women’s rugby. I am delighted that he has set up Sports International Magazine so that sportswomen get the coverage they deserve and young girls have role models to aspire to in a wide variety of sports. In the first edition he covered numerous sports including rugby, football, hockey, rowing, boxing and Judo. He got to know the athletes as people and really gave a flavour of what it takes and what it means to reach the top.

I am sure this magazine will be a great success and I look forward to seeing more and more female athletes getting the media coverage they deserve. Be inspired, Non Evans MBE



International WELCOME Welcome to the second issue of Sports International Magazine and thanks for taking time to read it. Last month saw the first issue being published, along with Twitter and Facebook going “live”. The response has been amazing and I have been blown away by the messages and positive feedback about the magazine. Contact has come from all over the globe and sports old and new, with offers of help, insight and articles, its been a huge learning curve. As a result of the coverage we are very excited to be working with a new sport that will be launching globally in the new year. The launch, details and information will be showcased here first! Watch this space for the lowdown…. This issue brings a blend of articles from Equestrian sport to retirement


planning, recipes and much, much more. As well as highlighting the professionalism, cost and determination of each athlete and their inspiration for all of us, there are informative articles on injury recovery, hydration and a report by the Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation.

Please support us by ‘liking’ on our TM Facebook page and following us on Twitter as well as letting your friends, family, team and enemies know about us!


Once again my thanks to the athletes, support teams and supporters, who have given of themselves and their time to create this issue. My detailed thanks is on a separate page further on in the magazine.

Until next month, enjoy the magazine and I look forward to hearing from you about your magazine.

Myak-Paul Homberger

I would love to hear your thoughts on new articles, sports and athletes to feature in coming issues. Please send your emails to editor@ It is your magazine, the content is here because of people’s belief and time, so drop me a Tweet, FB message or email.

February 2013 Issue No 002

Irish Passion an Exclusive interview with

Lynne Cantwell By Myak Homberger

Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

Ireland’s most capped female player, with no less than 69 caps and counting... ... Irish 7’s world cup qualifier, Rugby Writers’ of Ireland Women’s Player of the Year 2011, winner of the English Premiership with Richmond, All Ireland cups with UL-Bohemians, Final Fingal Sports Star Of The Year for 2011, Interprovincial winner with Muster, Nomads invitational team, Wooden Spoons invitational team; Sports and Exercise Science (University of Limerick), Masters in Physiotherapy, Diploma in Orthopaedic Manual Therapy and Advanced Sports Rehabilitation, qualified acupuncturist.

Despite all of the accolades mentioned above Lynne is a warm, humble and engaging person to talk to, with passion and energy that oozes out of her. We talked at length about her rugby and it always came back to the same things. The team of girls and the support staff who have made the Irish 7’s team the fastest qualifiers for the World Cup (13 weeks from a standing start!), the camaraderie that they have together and the new vision of what can be achieved: that winning is possible. A mind-set that has seen them propelled onto the world stage - yes, there have been physical and mental challenges, but it has been worth it, because she is doing what she loves and because she enjoys it.

There it is, the elixir I was looking for, it’s a real revelation to me as I have not seen it before in any athlete I have interviewed. An ability not just to be grateful for her gift or the opportunity, but to be able to gently hold it knowing that it may disappear at any moment. This is remarkable, as on the one hand she is passionate and has been very successful with her rugby, yet on the other hand she is so balanced that she says that if her rugby were to end tomorrow then her life wouldn’t be over. It is almost that because she holds it so lightly that she excels, it creates no boundaries for her and so she flourishes within that environment. Maybe then this is the essence of Lynne: her character, her humility and desire to improve and learn all the time. But mostly it’s her ability to hold something so large so lightly. She is devoid of the excess that comes with trying to cling on to something and in so doing she is open to growing, learning and improving. This creates

Lynne Cantwell, whose accolades you have just read, is one of the most humble, down to earth and intriguing people I have ever met. Her presence on the field, her work rate, her ‘chatter’ with her team mates is phenomenal to watch. Couple this with humility, personality and presence off field, it makes her a truly rare person. So with all of this in mind it is obvious that I would want to interview her and discover what ‘makes her tick’. Well, this turned out to be more of a mission than I had thought it would be! Lynne’s desire to remain out of the limelight has resulted in a journey lasting 6 months but finally we got there….well sort of….No cameras, no videos, no dictaphones, just a casual chat over a dinner.

tournament. This doesn’t come across (as some athletes do) with a hard driven, must win at any cost approach, but one that is very relaxed and laid back, one that holds her gift and the sport she loves very lightly.

Underlying this team ethos though, there is a person - and I was keen to try and understand more of that person. Once again I am struck by her humility and we talk around the subject for some time. I find someone who doesn’t want to be put on a pedestal, who genuinely believes there are better players out there than her, who is always wanting to improve, to have the perfect game, the perfect

electricity that is demonstrated in her playing, team interaction and personal connections. Lynne comes across with a wonderful persona, a passion and truly unique approach to sport. I am privileged to have someone as remarkable as a friend; I hope that some of that rubs off on me… thanks Lynne.

Keeping your identity when the game’s up -RETIREMENT-

By Jeremy Wisner When forced to drop out of competition, through injury, equipment failure, substitution or deselection, the word RETIRED is often used on the scorecard or team sheet. For a true competitor, the ‘R’ word could be seen as a euphemism for the word ‘failure’. Perhaps it’s this negative association which makes it particularly difficult for many professional athletes to confront the question of what comes next in their lives – when their competitive careers either reach a natural end, or are curtailed by injury or other external factors. The question of ‘what comes next’ for ex-professionals is one that has been recognised by a number of governing bodies in several professional sports. There has been no shortage of media coverage on the subject either –

especially in the wake of this summer’s Olympic games in London. BBC Radio Five Live recently broadcast a 100-minute special program on the subject, featuring James Cracknell, Dame Kelly Holmes, Greg Rutherford and Alistair Brownlee. Many of the initiatives established to help former competitors find a career pathway after sport appear to focus on re-training for a corporate existence. Goal-orientation and single-minded focus are attractive qualities to any employer and these are certainly valuable programs for athletes who have the aptitude and ability to readjust to life as an employee. However, this does not mean that the corporate route is right for everyone. In fact, a competitive career in sport may actually be a

more natural introduction to life as an ENTREPRENEUR. If you pause to consider the ‘career path’ of a sporting professional, it actually looks rather more like that of someone starting in business. True entrepreneurs begin with a passion for their product and a belief in their ability to perform and build a brand. They are prepared to take risks to realise their dream – and they work relentlessly to making it a reality. Just like athletes - entrepreneurs know that ‘if it’s to be – it’s up to me’. Many sports professionals possess an asset that many start-up businesses only dream about – the goodwill of a large number of supporters/followers, i.e. a ‘brand’. In today’s Social Media age, this has never been truer. This means a great pool of potential customers for any new business they may start. There are an endless number of options that athletes can and have taken up from clothing lines to commentating and sales. Of all of the above (and more), sales has proved to be a viable and low-risk option. It’s a true equal opportunities environment (around 80% of the entrepreneurs in this sector are in fact, female). It is a question of finding a great and relevant product that you would be happy to use and refer people to and you can be in the business of Direct Sales. One of the things most often noted by retired athletes is a loss of identity. Success in Direct Sales invites you to embrace your sporting identity and the things you are passionate about – not change it! Jeremy Wisner spent 20 years in the competitive world of top-level motorsport. Following an enforced ‘retirement’ he now seeks to provide helpful information and assistance to sports professionals who are struggling to find an appropriate solution for their lives after competition at www.

Olympic Will the



women? “81% of people think that the female athletes at London 2012 make better role models for young girls than other celebrities.”

The Women’s Sport and Fitness Foundation (WSFF) has warned the All Party Parliamentary Group on Women’s Sport and Fitness in the UK that the Olympic legacy is in danger of failing women. The charity is calling on the Government, sponsors and broadcasters to commit to working with sports bodies to unlock the potential of women’s sport. The meeting addressed by Clare Balding (TV presenter of both the Olympics and Paralympics) and Katherine Grainger (London 2012 Olympic gold medallist and three-time Olympic silver medallist) reflect on

and celebrate an incredible summer of women’s sport before discussing the challenges that still remain. WSFF research shows that problems in women’s sport widespread. Currently:

the are

• Only 5% of all sports media coverage is dedicated to women’s sport; • Women’s sport receives just 0.5% of all commercial sponsorship; • Only one in five Board Members of national sports governing bodies are women. The under-promotion and underfunding of women’s sport is leading to

an inactivity crisis among women, with just 20% of women currently doing enough exercise to benefit their health. Sue Tibballs, CEO of WSFF said: “The London 2012 Olympic and Paralympics were the greatest Games for women ever. The achievements of Jessica Ennis, Sarah Storey, Kath Grainger and so many others have taken support for women’s sport to new heights, and made 2012 a landmark year for women’s sport. “But, we cannot rely on goodwill alone to overcome the obstacles that are preventing women’s sport

taking its proper place in public life. Currently we have a media that values male achievements over females’ and a prevailing culture where girls grow up wanting to be thin rather than active and healthy. This has to change or the Olympic legacy will have failed for women.

• The Culture, Media and Sport Select Committee should undertake an inquiry into the media coverage of women’s sport • Broadcasters and media editors should review their own current coverage of women’s sport and commit to increasing coverage

“The time to act is now. 81% of people think that the female athletes at London 2012 make better role models for young girls than other celebrities. This is great news. However, we need to make sure that young girls and women are given more opportunities to see their female sports heroes in action to inspire them to get active.”

2. A new approach to school sport that prioritises getting girls active:

To secure a positive Olympic legacy, WSFF is calling for a national strategy which connects and examines every aspect of women’s sport from the elite level, through adult female participation at community level, right the way to girls’ participation in PE and sport in school. WSFF believes this strategy should include; 1. Increased media coverage that reflects the growing demand for

A new approach to school sport is needed to encourage girls to get active. Currently only one in ten girls aged 14 meet the official guidelines for physical activity - half the number of boys at the same age. Girls don’t see being sporty as aspirational and the majority believe that boys are given more opportunities to succeed in sport than they are. • A new national strategy for PE and sport should be developed with getting every girl (and boy) active as its primary goal • Schools should be supported to ensure that, where possible, girls are given a choice over the type of activity they are offered in school

• Sport England should ensure that all Boards of governing bodies reach the 25% expectation of female board membership by 2017. 4. More and better opportunities for participation: Currently just one in five women are active enough to benefit their health. We need a culture which celebrates and values physically active women, and we need to ensure that public and commercial investment in sport works as hard as it can to get women active. • Every sport in receipt of public investment should be held accountable for how they have used that money to increase female participation • Sports should signal their commitment to increasing women’s participation levels by adapting and marketing their products to meet the needs of women.

“A new national strategy for PE and sport should be developed with getting every girl (and boy) active as its primary goal” women’s sport; Women’s sport suffers from a lack of interest from the media and commercial sponsors, creating a vicious cycle that keeps women’s sport at the margins. Yet, 75% of people told WSFF that they would like to see more media coverage of women’s sport.

3. More female leadership at the highest levels of sport: With women making up just one in five Board Members of national governing bodies, sports are lacking the diversity and fresh thinking needed to maximise the potential of women’s sport.

WSFF is committed to continuing to promote active lifestyles for women and ensuring that women’s sport is given its proper place in public life.


Key Principles to Injury recovery

By Louise Armstrong (BSc Physiotherapy, MCSP)

There are three main principles to injury recovery:

1 2 3

Protect the injured soft tissue and control the inflammatory process Ensure restoration of flexibility, strength, muscle balance and proprioception Finally allow sport specific activities to allow return to sport

Stage One is the initial treatment and when the injury in still acute. The reason for this stage is to decrease recovery duration and the discomfort that the athlete may be experiencing as well as the management of bruising and further injury. Many people have heard the acronyms RICE and PRINCE but most of those people aren’t quite sure what they stand for. These are the norm for stage one in recovery.

Protection is required if the injury is extreme. The use of a sling or crutches enables the joint to be rested and unused to ensure no further damage to the joint is sustained before test and checks have been completed. This could be simple medical assessment or further tests such as X-rays or scans. Rest is key to the body repairing from injury. Without rest continuous strain is placed on the area which increases the pain, swelling and further injury. Ice is a brilliant alternative to analgesic and helps reduce inflammation present. Ideally ice should be applied for 20 minutes every 1 – 2 hours. Compression aims to reduce the swelling that is a result of the inflammatory process. Swelling although inevitable can be limited. The use of elasticated bandage such a tubi-grip is recommended in the initial few days post injury. Excess swelling can result in the loss of movement, increased pain and blood vessel restriction. NSAID’s (Nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) are to be used in conjunction with ice, elevation and compression to help in the reduction of the inflammatory process. They provide analgesic and anti-inflammatory effects. Please seek

medical advice prior to taking any sort of medication. Elevation again aims to help the reduction in swelling through drainage along with encouraging and increasing venous return. Elevation should be completed by lifting the injured joint above hip or heart height This stage can vary in time dependant on the extent of the injury and patient compliance. Stage Two can only commence when the inflammatory stage has settled and the patient is able to complete the necessary exercises required. These exercises are designed to restore proprioception, flexibility, correct any muscle balance issue resulting from the injury and increase strength as well as a range of movement that may have been decreased due to inflammation stage of the injury. The exercises vary depending on the injury type and joint. Each athlete I see has an individually detailed programme for the injured area planned and implemented with supervision from myself. Although some of the treatment may be widely used each athlete has their own speed of progression and recovery from injury. These programmes include sport

specific exercises, taping and a home exercise programme for the athlete to complete independently. For example a simple ankle sprain would be given a variety of exercises these include a range of movement exercise of writing the alphabet using foot and ankle joint, standing on the affected ankle for small periods of time first with eyes open then eyes closed for joint proprioception to allow brain to know where joint is in space. Theraband exercises to increase strength, stretching of relevant muscles to help increase the flexibility at the joint. Along with the exercises the possible use of acupuncture and kinesiology taping can also be used. Stage Three is when the client is around 90-95% recovered. When this

percentage of recovery has been reached sport specific activity testing can begin. This testing is joint and sport specific. This allows the athlete to feel confident in their recovery but also allows the medical team and coaching staff to ensure the athlete is recovering well as intended but also to confirm that the athlete is ready for sport specific training and return to sport. No matter what the injury if these three stages are applied it will help with the recovery and rehabilitation of the athlete. With more serious injuries protocols and set time lines are applied especially when surgical management has been involved but these stages are still used with the protocols.

Whether your pain/injury is old or new the key is to get to the root of the problem. The fundamental part is to ensure strength, muscle balance, flexibility, range of movement and proprioception are present as well as ensuring the whole body is working efficiently and without pain. If with an injury there is doubt please consult your local physiotherapist, general practitioner or when in serious doubt visit your local accident and emergency department.

Papaya P h o t o g r a p h y

Covering Womens sport around the World : Beach 7’s Rugby Ibiza 2012

NIKKI MCSWEENY Bobsleigh – ‘To 5G’s and beyond’ Nikki has been part of the Team GB Olympic squad for two years now. We caught up with her to do a photoshoot and learn about her sport and the challenges around being a supported athlete. Caps: Great Britain Sport: Bobsleigh Exclusive interview Homberger

long is it and what does it look like?



Thanks for your time today and doing this photo shoot. Firstly, can you talk us through Bobsleigh and what it is for those who don’t know? There are two-man and four-man events. However, the women only compete in the two-man events. Bobsleigh is in essence about pushing the bob as fast as you can, jumping in and going as fast as you can, keeping your head down. Not very complex (laughs) but it has a lot of technical challenges. Times are measured down to 1/1000th of a second! On the bends you can be pulling 5 G (gravitational force) around the corners - it takes your breath away. We also need to polish the runners and that can take anything from an hour to five hours a session! In the GB squad there are three women drivers in the Europa Cup, World Cup and America Cup, with a total of 40 athletes in the combined men/women’s squad. As a brakeman what is your role? Push as hard and as fast as you can, jump in and move with the driver, and brake at the bottom. Not very complex (haha)! Having said that, if you brake too early or during the race you can be disqualified - oh, and if you don’t pull the brake at all…. hahaha! Talk us through your season, how

We go away the 3rd week in October to three different tracks to help the drivers understand the tracks, ice and training. Then we go to the Europa Cup in Austria mid November and the World Cup stage. I then go to Italy for the World Championship in December, coming home for 4 days for Xmas. Not too much partying as we are then back in Europe for World Cup stages all the way through to February and the World Championship finals in St. Moritz. The season then culminates with Sochin where we get to ride the Olympic track, very exciting!

g’s of force as a result! (Editors note: a dragster will pull 5.3G on the 1/4mile strip to give some context!) What is the support like for you? The support these days is really good - since funding has been established and Team Bath have come on board we have great support. We have summer training and now in the winter we have physios who come out with us. This would never have happened in the past. We also have a lot more coaches than before. There is a strength & conditioning coach, a brake coach and a driver coach. It’s fantastic!

Wow, ok, so Germany, Italy, Austria then Germany and France, back to Germany and Austria? (Laughs)…yup! What is your favourite track? St. Moritz - it’s the only natural track in world. It changes slightly every year, which is brilliant - the horseshoe is like a hairpin! This is assisted by having a brick wall built to encourage the ice flow and absorb the pressure of the bend. The pressure around the corner is insane - because it’s natural it’s so much smoother. It’s lovely to slide on such a smooth track. Tell us the physics of the sport, you say the corners can be insane? Well, because of the speeds (80/85mph) we end up at 90 degrees around corners in a bob weighing 170kg. Aside from this you can pull 5

What is the cost to you? I’m really lucky to be one of the few that are on the world class performance plan, which means that I get a monthly allowance. It’s just enough to get by, but I have childminding job to help. I am also a trained physio but I can’t do this at the moment . My dream is to be an Olympic champion and if that means scraping by then I will do that to achieve my dream.

Is there a shelf life for Bobsleigh athletes?

call saying ‘don’t come in today’ and you lose your allowance?

We are reviewed every 3 months and if we don’t make the cut then you’re out even during season. You should be at your best/ peak during season and if you aren’t then you have to ask yourself questions.

Well, its not quite like that, there is a panel that decides. You’re on a 3 month rolling contract, so given all of the reviews, you would be spoken to through the term of the contract, so it wouldn’t come as a surprise. But yes, you would lose your allowance - it keeps you on your toes. There should be no reason for you not to be at your best, as you are being paid to be the best you can. The challenge is new to me as when I first started there was less interest in the sport - but with the increased interest now, people want to try for it and so spaces are more competitive, which is good.

Ouch! So do you wake up to a text or a

As in other sports are there drugs tests? Yes, I need to give 1 hour slots where I am available for drugs testing and let them know when I am competing every day, so they can come and test me at any time.

30 teams all needing runs. It’s only a minute, but x2 runs plus 2mins to take bob off the track x30 teams - this ends up taking a long time. When we are finished we take the runners of the bob, pack the bob and tools up and drive home for lunch. After lunch we are back in the garage in the afternoon. Typically we will undo the steering panels, bolts off, adjust and sort the steering, polish the runners. The polishing alone could take anything from 1-5 hours depending on how scuffed the runners are. We use sanding from 100-2 grade depending on driver requirements. Scuffs could take hours to buff out. If it’s going to take 1/100 sec off your time then you will do it and spend the time! What is your Bobsleigh?




To be an Olympic champion in Sochi 2014. I will be brakeman for that and then look to be the driver in 2018.

What does a week look like?

What is your plan after Bobsleigh?

X 3 Weights Monday, Wednesday, Friday Sprints Tuesday, Thursday Push track twice a week, maybe x3 One hour physio each week (without injury) Core exercises, nutritionist and mental agility It takes up a lot of time but it’s totally worth it!

Return to rugby, depending on injuries, maybe horse riding as I have been riding since I was 3. But obviously physio is my vocation so I will look to set up doing that. Life however doesn’t run in straight lines so I try to keep things loose.

When you are away what do you do?

I can’t make excuses because of weather! The ultimate goal of being an Olympic champion, that drives me. I know that my driver needs support and if I can do anything to help her drive us to a medal then I will do it. Some mornings you think why, but once you are there it’s fine.

Start at 5am (if not earlier), load the bob, have breakfast, take the bob to the track for 6.30am. Drivers then do track walks and the brakemen unload the bob onto camion to drag it up to the track, offload it and then we check the rollers, flip it, check the bolts etc. If the bolts are even slightly out this could affect the steering and at best cause the driver to have a bad run, at worst it could end with an accident. We will then do two training runs. But that could take a few hours if there are Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

What drives you to get up in the cold, rain and snow?

When do you realise that you are representing Great Britain at each event? I have represented GB for 2 years and still look at athletes and think wow, they are representing GB! Maybe this

year when I see myself on TV it may sink in. I feel like a county athlete. Please talk us through your preparation prior to pushing the Bob down the track? Warm up 1 hour before, 30 min before I uncover bob for inspection, making sure all regulations are followed including the width of runners, temperature ( if the runners are too hot they will cut the ice quicker.) We get a count down: 5 bobs to go, 3 etc. At 60 seconds I take my ipod out, warm clothes come off and I go out, ready to push. Then we are off! Its around 50-70 sec for a run, then its over… What goes through your head when you are about to race? Nothing! (Laughs) Focus on corners and braking. Count corners. It’s not till the brakes go on that you come round. I hold my breath focussing! Tell me how it compares to ‘Cool Running’? Hahaha! I love that film - many despise it, but its fun. As always there are things that you look at and know wouldn’t work - like carrying the bob on the shoulders, no way! But it’s a feel good film, so why not?

Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

Moody Cows - an inspiration! Article by Myak Homberger & Lou Stewart

I have had the privilege of working with and supporting the Moody Cows over the years and have on many occasions been truly touched by how they conduct themselves and the grace with which many have either endured or known people who have had cancer. There are no egos and they are a family who supports each other through everything. I wish I could share some of their stories, but they are personal to those people and not mine to share. You will have to go a long way to find people as selfless as the Moody Cows. Special acknowledgment should go to Louise “Lou” Stewart who, despite having a challenging job in London, manages the team and the whole Moody Cow family. Unique, humble and always fun to be around, carrying the mantle of her late friend Kay

Photo Credit: Papaya Photography

Booker, with grace. So what and who are the Moody Cows? Well, they are the crowd favourites on the UK and International 7s circuit: they are an invitational rugby 7s team made up of players from high profile and premiership clubs across the UK, including Rosslyn Park, Saracens, Richmond, Wasps, Darlington Mowden Park and Bristol to name a few. The squad enters tournaments in the UK and abroad where they get to play some fun 7s as well as giving the girls chance to play rugby with players from the different teams that they usually face on a Sunday in the English Premiership. It was Kay Booker, a rugby player at Rosslyn Park, who, along with fellow Park players Trish Nash and Laura Heywood, decided in 2004 that she wanted to play some rugby 7s and entered a social team into the first ever women’s competition at the Dubai International 7s tournament. Kay was someone who did a huge amount to promote women in rugby.

She represented women’s rugby both commercially and as a player, supporting Castle Cary RFC, Rosslyn Park RFC, Moody Cows and Bristol Rugby. In addition, Kay was one of the first West Country women to be appointed as a director for the RFUW. Sadly, Kay lost her 6 year battle with cancer in July 2009 at the age of 39. Fellow Rosslyn Park player, Louise ‘Potter’ Stewart, took over the reigns of managing the Moody Cows in Kay’s memory and vowed to take things that one step further and to make the Moody Cows bigger and better than ever and to make Kay proud. Last year the Moody Cows became officially affiliated with the charity Macmillan Cancer Support. This was both in memory of Kay and also due to the number of Moody Cows, past and present, who have been affected by cancer; as well as the amazing job that Macmillan does. The squad wear the green Macmillan logo on their already famous Friesian Akuma

kit and raise money and awareness throughout the year for the charity in various activities. So far for this year, Lou Micklewright ran the London Marathon in April, raising over £1,400 for Macmillan; Laura Heywood raised £650 by

Kay was one of the first West Country women to be appointed as a director for the RFUW. competing in a triathlon; and this summer Poppy Cleall cycled 1748 miles from John O’Groats to Lands End AND BACK raising nearly £2,500 all in aid of Macmillan Cancer Support. The Moody Cows also actively sell Akuma Friesian Supporter Shirts, with

all proceeds going to the charity. Current players in the squad include England’s Maggie Alphonsi, Sophie Hemming, Hannah Gallagher and Amber Reed, Irish 7s International Rachael Potter, Canadian International Mandy Marchak and rising stars on the UK circuit such as Kay Wilson, Bex Hughes, Zira Hanley and Poppy Cleall. The most important ethos of being a Moody Cow is that you play hard both on and off the pitch. They want to keep Kay’s memory alive within the current Moody Cows squad, and at the same time make new memories along the way. Being a Moody Cow involves some great rugby, great friends and lots of laughter, the latter of the three coming naturally when the first two are put into place. For more information email or find them on Facebook – Moody Cows Rugby.

Photo Credit: Papaya Photography





AT H E L E T E Kate Walsh This issues outstanding athlete is Kate Walsh, Captain of Team GB Hockey, Olympian and bronze medallist at London 2012. In the final minuets of play against Japan, Kate was hit in the jaw by a player that missed the ball sending ripples of “oooff” through the crowds. Having initially been ruled out of the rest of the Olympics she recovered from her surgery so well that she was back with the team again, amazingly only missing one game! Her grit, determination and leadership saw her and the team win a fantastic bronze medal. The reason we have chosen Kate is because of the way in which she conducted herself and continues to. We spent some time with her recently and her grace and humbleness around the event and her conduct is genuine and disarming. Kate Walsh displays all the marks of leadership, true character, humility and determination that sets the good apart from the great and to this end we salute her and her addition to our “Outstanding athletes section” no one deserves it more. For information on how you can get involved in Hockey please visit www.


30 hours a day A profile of Philippa Tuttiett

Interview and article by Myak Homberger

Philippa does. Even whilst going over my notes now, I still can’t quite see how it all happens!

Early one wet and windy Sunday morning I caught up with TV celebrity, businesswoman and International Rugby player Philippa Tuttiett. There was a slight delay in meeting up - which given that it was a Sunday would have been understandable (lieins etc.!) However, Philippa had actually been on the pitch doing kicking practise for Wales and was caught up in ‘getting it right.’

It all began when Philippa started helping her father and uncle out in their building business, learning the trade and earning money before going to University. She enjoyed it so much that for her thesis she proposed the concept of an all-female building company - earning praise and support from lecturers who encouraged her to make this a reality on leaving University.

I am privileged to know and work with a huge selection of successful athletes and business people, but I have not come across anyone who fits as much into 24 hours as

Thanks to a grant from the Welsh assembly this did happen: fast forward and the business has been very successful, booked out ahead and with six tradeswomen working

for her. She could therefore have sat comfortably on her laurels and been a good and unique businesswoman and builder. Well, many regular people would have been happy to do so, but Philippa does not march to the beat of this drum… Whilst doing everything to not sit on her laurels, a call came out of the blue. A television company offered Philippa a job presenting a renovation program: a program which became known as ‘The Renovation Game’. There was a catch though. Philippa her assistants needed to increase the value of each property they were given by at least £15,000 - with only three days in which to do it and on a budget of £3,000! The final rub….if they didn’t achieve this, none of them would be paid! Needless to say Philippa decided to take the challenge, succeeded in 8/10 properties, became a celebrity in the process and saw a boost to her business as well. As if a fantastic career in television and building wasn’t enough, there was something else to add to the mix. Since 2004 Philippa has played representative Rugby for Wales, requiring her to train during the week and fly around the world on tours. So I asked Philippa to run through her training week for me so I could try and understand how she fitted this around the TV filming and building work…. This turned out to be amusing for me as I struggled to compute how it all fits in. See if you can do any better. One week’s training: • X3 Weights sessions • X2 Fitness sessions • X1 Cross fit session • X3 Kicking sessions for Wales • X2 Club sessions • X1 Training session for Wales Physio and recovery sessions as required. Yes, all of this is on top of TV and building! Philippa has now also been commissioned to do her own program, providing DIY tips for people on a budget - so very shortly she will be

building, doing two TV shows, running a successful business and playing International Rugby. One of the amazing things about so many of the female athletes around the world is that they have regular jobs as well as international sporting careers - and Philippa is a shining example of this. When I asked her if she felt disadvantaged as a woman at having to both work and play International Rugby rather than just play Rugby, she replied that “I see that I am lucky to be able to do all these things, because if I was a male athlete I wouldn’t be able to do all these things and have these opportunities.” This is the attitude that has driven her to achieve all that she and so many female athletes have achieved. There is no chip on her shoulder, no hard-done-by sense of disadvantage, but one of wringing every drop of opportunity out of life and enjoying it, leaving nothing to chance. Philippa is relaxed doing what she does, because it’s her choice, her desire to do the best and to leave no opportunity unopened. Her view is that “I don’t want to think ‘if only I had done an extra session or kicked a bit more’. Yes, it means I’m training before and after a full day’s work, but then I have no doubts. I’m a cause and consequence girl, train hard and you get there.” Her matter-of-fact approach to the huge amount that she does is

disarming and she is very quick to acknowledge the understanding and support of her close friends and family with her erratic schedule; as well as her team mates, physio’s etc. without whom she wouldn’t be able to do half of what she does. Are they an entourage? No. They are a support system that keeps someone (who is as far from being a diva as is possible) going and achieving more and more. As a final note, Philippa is not a celebrity who happens to be an international athlete, she is there on merit. A good player who goes in for the tackles, focusing on that game and on nothing else in that moment. Come Monday morning she will deal with the bruises and knocks when she is trying to renovate a house - but you won’t hear her complaining, that’s for sure!

Ponderings & Thoughts “Life’s too short to dwell on what has been . . . and goes too fast to plan and wait for something to happen . . . so make what you want and give what you need. . . to live life with no excuses’”

A Dream Turns True for Mignon du Preez

She won her very first trophy in a mini cricket game at age 4½, for being the best batter on the day. And on that dusty field a dream was born. By admax , in gStar With natural sporting abilities abounding, she chose cricket. Whether it was beating the boys at beach cricket while camping with her family in Hartenbos for the December holidays, or spending hours and hours in exercise and training. She chose cricket. gsport’s November gStar recalls winning the 2010 SA Women’s Cricketer of the Year Award – and spending the whole evening with the Protea men’s cricket team at a very glamorous awards function in Sandton – as a sporting career highlight. And yet another highlight also shares happy memories, one of the most memorable evenings of her life, when she went all-out for the very first time, having to dress up for her Matric

and a girl playing sport. And she should know! With five half-centuries – including one in vain against the mighty Australians, this talented batswoman has scored 545 runs in 17 innings at a handy average of 49.54 in ODI’s. Hello Mignon, thanks for taking time to talk with gsport! Where were you born, and where do you live now? I was born in Pretoria. I’ve been living my whole life in the same house in Centurion.

I realized my love for cricket the very first moment I picked up a cricket bat and played my first Bakers mini cricket game at the age of 4½. I have a passion for lots of different sports, including athletics, table tennis, tennis, indoor cricket, tumbling, hockey, netball, soccer, softball and chess. I also have provincial colors in Hockey, Softball (All Stars), table tennis and tumbling, and have national colors for indoor cricket. Can you remember your first cricket match? What contribution did you make, and how did the game go?

“Always follow your heart and dreams, because dreams do come true!“

What makes you a proud South African? The things that make me a very Proud South African would have to be all our very different cultures (we are wellknown for being a rainbow nation), our amazing people, our fantastic sport achievements and definitely our beautiful country. What nicknames do your friends know you by? How did they come about?

Farewell. She fondly recalls feeling like a princess! Because this talented athlete of the month doesn’t believe in seeing a conflict between a girl being a girl,

How old were you when you realised that the love of cricket is in your blood? Were there any other sports that competed for your full attention?

The nickname that I’m mostly known for is Minx. My parents gave this nickname to me when I was still very little, and ever since then all my friends have been calling me that as well. Sometimes even people I just meet would also prefer to call me Minx, because they can’t really pronounce my name.

Unfortunately I can’t completely remember my first match, however I remember it was a Bakers mini cricket match. I wasn’t supposed to play that day, but I was a great supporter of my big brother and always went along to watch him play (I even had the whole Bakers mini cricket outfit as a proud supporter.) At the end of the day I ended up playing in my brother’s U/7 team, because one of their players couldn’t make the game, and since I was already dressed, I got asked to help out and ended up as being the best batswomen of the day. What does it mean to you to represent South Africa in international cricket? It is really such an amazing honor and I can’t even try to put it into words, because words can’t describe the true feelings I have. Ever since I played my very first cricket match I had this dream of one day becoming a SA women’s cricket player and eventually, after many years of hard work and hours of

sweating it all paid off, and my dream came true. What do you rate as one of your personal best moments on the oval? One of my most memorable moments would be scoring my double century (258 in 96 balls) at the age of 13 in a provincial match (Northerns vs Gauteng). The two other memorable moments will be scoring my first ODI 50 in my second match for SA on my debut tour against Pakistan, and also scoring my first T20 50 against Australia, in the T20 World Cup in West Indies this year. Your batting prowess, for Northerns first and now also for the Proteas, has punished many an opposition – To what do you owe your phenomenal scoring abilities? I am truly blessed with a talent that I received from God. I feel that when you receive a talent, you should really utilize it to the full of your ability so by training hard, staying positive and always remaining focused on a specific goal, all things are possible. Your exploits on and off the field have culminated in you being awarded the CSA Woman Cricketer of the Year award, earlier this year – What does this acknowledgement mean to you? It is also one of those things that words can’t really describe. It is such a great honor to be part of a small selected few South African women that have had the honor of receiving that trophy. It truly means the world to me. What is your regular fitness regime to keep in shape? We have a five-day training program that consist of two days of gym training, and three days of core, fitness and speed training. Then I would have a skill specific net session with a private coach, where I will focus on specific areas in my batting at least once a week. During

cricket season we will also have training with our Provincial teams at least once a week, where we would be doing a bit of nets and fielding. Do you have any professional sponsors?

me to where I am to day.

Great thanks should go out to Vampire

What is your favourite spectator sport? I love watching cricket, especially the T20 format. Then I also like watching Rugby while having friends and family over for a lovely ‘braai’.

BAS. They have been a truly amazing sponsor providing me with every need regarding my cricket equipment.

gsport strives to celebrate femininity. How would you define femininity, and what role does it play in your life? I strongly believe that you can be a “girly-girl” while playing a men’s sport, you don’t need to look like a guy, to play a men’s sport. I am a very “girly-girl” that likes girly stuff such as straightening my hair, dressing up, wearing make-up and painting my tone nails!

What is the best career opportunity you’ve received? I would say my best cricket career opportunity would have been to represent my country in a World Cup tournament oversees, without having to pay a cent for the amazing experience. What would you say to a young South African girl, who has the dream of representing South Africa as an international cricketer? Always follow your heart and dreams, because dreams do come true! Remember to work hard for what you want and to set clear and achievable goals for yourself. Lastly, never ever come to a point where you think you’re better than the game, there is ALWAYS room for improvement (practice makes permanent). Who would you like to acknowledge for having had faith in you, and having supported your career choices? I would definitely have to acknowledge my mom and dad first of all, without their support, time and money it just simply wouldn’t have been possible for me to come as far as I have! Then also the support from my brother, sister, grandparents, boyfriend, friends and coaches all contributed into getting

Femininity plays a big role in my sport career because I like to show people out there that they have a misperception to think only “butch” girls can play cricket. On my first SA oversees tour I packed a huge pink suite case (with an outfit for everyday even though I’m going on a cricket tour…lol) and a vanity case. I almost got into trouble for my baggage being too heavy. I’m also known as the Barbie of our SA women’s cricket side. Who are your role models? My parents are mainly my two role models, and then from a cricketing perspective I would have to say Sachin Tendulkar. He is an all-time legend. What is your greatest ambition? My greatest ambition in life is to become the best women’s cricket player in the World, and together with that being a very successful sports marketer/ business women. I also want to be a wonderful wife to my husband, a loving mother to my children, and a person they will look up to, respect and admire most. Your message to South Africa in FIVE or less words: “Live life to the full”

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Sports Explained

Equestrian Dressage by Jessica Gale Team GB

Not very many people know about the sport of dressage but our team and individual gold medals at the Olympics this year brought a wider audience to the sport. The success of Team GB has motivated me even more to pursue my dream of being at Rio in 2016. There are three main equestrian sports: dressage, show jumping and eventing. My sport, dressage, is a combination of athleticism, skill and concentration accompanied by a lot of training! An easy way to describe dressage is to say that it is ballet for horses: the horses are expected to move in a way that makes it look effortless and when this is accomplished the effect is beautiful.

Champion 2011. Throughout the winter I underwent a lot of training with the squad to prepare me for the 2012 season and this brought many successes for me

Dressage is a very expensive sport. Luckily, I am supported through many schemes including TASS, Lloyds Local Heroes scheme and the BEF Excel Talent Squad who have all helped me to achieve my best. An experienced and supportive team is also essential in helping me to compete to my full potential so I have a fabulous team of vets, physios, nutritionists and psychology experts who all support me in my sport. Other riders have sponsors or owners who provide funding, equipment, clothing or horses to help them to reach their goals.

However, not only does the rider need to have full power over their body and movements but also over a 500kg horse. Each competitor performs a test made up of specific movements in front of a panel of up to 7 judges who mark each individual movement as well as the overall performance. International competitions are divided into pony, junior, young rider and senior levels depending on a competitor’s age. As a 16 year old dressage rider I compete in the junior section of the sport which is for riders aged up to 18 years old. I have been competing in the sport since 2010 and was selected for the GB team at the end of 2011 after being National Medium Reserve

I compete. My first horse, Rebellski is 8 years old and I have trained him from a 6 year old. I am hoping he will be my reserve horse for the Europeans in 2013. My second horse, Umbro-S is my top horse and he is 12 years old. He was the horse I was selected on for the Europeans in 2012.

and my horse Umbro-S, including a win internationally in France which led to me being selected for the Europeans. Unfortunately, like in many sports, disappointment can come at the worst time and Umbro-S suffered an injury that meant I was unable to compete at the Europeans. However, luckily, with the help of my team we have managed to bring Umbro-S back into fitness and he is now ready for the 2013 season and has been re-selected onto the GB squad. I currently have two horses with which

I am currently taking my A-levels at St Swithuns School, Winchester so I have to fit in both my training and my education. This means that I train for around 12 hours a week in term time and around 18 hours in holidays and training includes gym work as well as training on the horse. Nutrition, like in any sport, is extremely important as I have to make sure I have the right amount and type of food to optimise my performance as well as making sure that I eat the right foods to help my body recover after a hard training session.

The Importance of Hydration

The human body is made up of over 70% water. Our blood is more than 80%‚ our brain ... over 75%‚ making this key for concentration levels. If we have a drop in these levels whilst performing, this could mean the difference between winning and losing.

Energy Levels and Water. • Our energy level is greatly affected by the amount of water we drink. • It has been medically proven that just a 5% drop in body fluids will cause a 25% to 30% loss of energy. With a 15% drop in body fluids causes death! • Water is what our liver uses to

metabolise fat into useable energy. • It is estimated that over 80% of athletes suffer energy loss due to minor dehydration. • Functions of Water: • Suppresses the appetite. • Helps regulate body temperature. • Helps metabolise fat within the body giving you more energy. • Transports oxygen, nutrients, hormones, and antibodies. • Helps eliminate toxins and other wastes from the body. • Water cushions joints and protects tissues and organs like the brain from shock and damage. • * Water helps maintain a healthy weight. It is hard to distinguish between hunger and thirst. If you feel hungry, drink some water first and then reassess your hunger status. Next Issue: Please send in any questions and these can be answered in the next issue.

Contact Us:


BE IT - Top Tip The amount of water we drink depends on the activity level and the sport we play. As athletes try and weigh yourself pre and post competition. For every 1kg of body weight lost through sport or activity replace with 1 litre of water.

Race Against

Danica Patrick in a new Sega Game I must confess that I am not the biggest computer games addict but this story did jump out at me as being quite significant. Sega are releasing a new race game where you race against the various current stars, nothing unusual there other than it will feature Danica Patrick NASCAR and current fastest female race driver. Never before has a female athlete featured on the same roster as her male counterparts! An amazing moment for her and female athletes all over the world, what an achievement. For those of you who don’t know anything about Danica, she is an American auto racing driver, currently competing in the NASCAR Sprint Cup Series, and the NASCAR Nationwide Series, as well as being a model and advertising spokeswoman. Danica was named the Rookie of the Year for both the 2005 Indianapolis 500

and the 2005 IndyCar Series season. With her win in the 2008 Indy Japan 300, Danica became the first woman to win an Indy car race. She placed 3rd in the 2009 Indianapolis 500, which was both a personal best for her at the track and the highest finish by a woman in the event’s history. In 2010, Danica began racing in the NASCAR Nationwide Series, driving the #7 Chevrolet Impala for JR Motorsports part-time. She also has an equity stake in her #7 team. In 2012, Danica moved full-time to NASCAR, driving the #7 Chevrolet Impala for JR Motorsports full-time in the Nationwide Series, and the #10 Chevrolet Impala for Stewart-Haas Racing parttime in the Sprint Cup Series. She has also been voted most popular driver in the NASCAR series this year.

Below is the article courtesy of “Just in time for the holidays, Sega is releasing Sonic and All-Stars Racing Transformed Bonus Edition, which is your standard go-kart racing game with a couple of twists. One of those twists is that the fastest female race car driver, Danica Patrick has joined the character roster. Danica, by the way, just finished her first season in NASCAR ending 10th in the Nationwide Series points — the best finish ever for a woman in NASCAR. The new Sega game enables players to race on land, sea and air transforming from one vehicle type to the next on the fly. Danica was involved in the production of the game, even recording voice-over for her character. The original game was a fun romp through some of Sega’s most popular franchises but this game expands on the concept with plenty of tracks, transformation types and power-ups to keep the action fresh. The best part is that the game now has both splitscreen and online modes, in addition to tons of unlockables, not to mention our favorite race car driver. So if you want to try your hand at racing against Danica Patrick, now is your chance. This game’s got everything but the G-forces. Available for PlayStation 3, Xbox 360, PC, PlayStation Vita, and Nintendo Wii U




Here are some of the regular contributors with their backgrounds. They will be supporting all the questions and articles coming in. There will be others who will appear in future issues as well, depending on the subject matter.




James Davies brings a wealth of knowledge to Sports International, having worked with the Welsh National Rugby team during a number of their campaigns, as well as Cardiff City FC and Welsh Hockey. James’ key areas of involvement have been around aiding periodised performance enhancement, hydration and training load analysis, along with the delivery of sport science support on match days. As well as this he has worked with other support staff in an S&C role. He also works with a number of the national squad girls and GB athletes on a one to one basis giving nutritional and S&C support. James has a BSc (Hons) Sport and

Support Panel Exercise Science, whilst also holding a number of other professional body qualifications. James now owns his own consulting business (EXERFORMANCE) where he offers advice and support to numerous athletes, both amateur and professionals who are looking to improve their game and performance.

Dr Zietsman has a passion for sport, and the treatment and rehabilitation of sports people. She is currently involved in researching sports injuries and the effect of sport on elite female players’ neck movement and function; it is an on-going project with the results looking to be published in the next year.

Dr Bianca B Zietsman, MChiro is a certified chiropractor who has always been involved in sport and has represented provincial and national sides in netball, swimming and touch rugby. She enjoys participating in triathlons and climbing in her spare time; as well as a season of Rugby 7’s this year. Dr Zietsman is a qualified lifeguard, swimming instructor, sports masseur and touch referee and coach. She is the current Elite Performance Manager for the Welsh Touch squad, which comprises of 7 male and female teams.

Myak-Paul Homberger, aside from being a huge sports nut and champion of women’s sport, has numerous qualifications including being a BAWLA qualified weight training coach, two martial arts black belts alongside his instructor level in Urban Krav Maga. He is also an NLP practitioner and sociologist with an HND in RAB. Photography is his main passion and he has been published internationally. Myak has worked with men’s and women’s national teams, as well as with premiership teams and individual players.

Recipes and Tips Myak’s Energy Bar This is a really easy energy bar to make and it’s around 800 calories (40g slice) depending on the size. 125g Peanut butter 125g Butter 150g Brown sugar 75g Honey 1 Orange zest 1 Lemon zest 200g Oats

150g Dried fruit (use what you like, finely chopped. I use apricots and a mixed fruit mix) 150g Mixed seeds (again use the ones you like, chopped roughly) Melt the butter, peanut butter and honey together in a pan gently. Add the zest and stir. Stir in the oats, fruit and seeds. Lay parchment in a baking tray and spread the mixture in the tray, pat down firmly and bake at 160 degrees till golden brown. Cool and cut into slices. It can be frozen very easily as well.

30 Seconds with

Alex Corbisiero England and London Irish

Alex, you have just finished your commentating on the England V France game for the RFU. Your first experience commentating for an International, how was that and what did you think of the game, given that you have represented England men’s against France before? ‘A really entertaining game. England gave a positive performance, showing real positives through the game. They held out well against a big French pack. The back line looked dangerous when out wide. This isn’t the first Women’s International game I have watched though - the women often play after us at Twickenham and I enjoy watching those games with the boys. The commentating on the other hand…I enjoyed it, it was interesting I have a little work to do (laughs..) but it was good to do it and to offer my perspective to the game’.

Thank you’s I’m sure that I will forget people, but it is due to my memory rather than their contribution. To: Bianca, my thoughts are with you, thanks for your support. Philippa, you’re a legend, thanks for your time. Nikki, thanks for your time and enthusiasm, looking forward to seeing those medals! Lynne, an example to me of how all people should be and a great athlete. Louise for writing and giving your time when there was nothing to show for it, thank you. To the SA netball girls, dankie vir alles. Ma/Pa for more than can be captured here. Kydah, my longsuffering sister, thank you. Lou, thanks for everything, it’s an honour to be a part of the Moody gang. Non, as always you are so helpful and supportive, a truly lovely person. The team at WSFF, I look forward to working together more. Roger, you’re insanely good! Kate, your drive consistently amazes me. Neal, I couldn’t ask for anyone more supportive and helpful, always doing something for me, thanks buddy! Minx as always so supportive. Polly, love your input, a true friend. Jess, big up and thanks for being a part of the journey. Corbs as always mate, thanks for your time. Jackie, my wingman. Webby, always there with sensible input and some Jagermeister for me! Finally to all the people, teams, associations, federations etc. who have supported the launch - I look forward to your continued input and growth!


International We want to cover as many sports and countries that women are actively involved in and so here is a page to highlight this. Please send us in your information, articles, stories of hopes and dreams. We would love to hear from you. Just because a sport has been covered doesn’t mean we don’t want to hear any more about it, send it in and let’s watch the list grow! Judo – GB Kickboxing – UK NASCAR - USA Bobsleigh - GB Rugby – Holland, Canada, Ireland Equestrian - GB Cricket - South Africa Physio - England Soccer/Football – England Hockey – South Africa

Sports and Countries coming up…. • • • • • • • •

Bodybuilding Crossfit Touch rugby Fitness Polo Netball Clay shooting Brazil, Sweden, UAE, New Zealand





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Team GB Olympic Bobsleigh Team


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