August 2015 newsletter

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9,814 Active Members  •  47,560 Members Since 1979

July/August | VOL. 37 | NO. 1


Annual Preview Day Gets a Bit of a New Look Bigger accent on information, less on entertainment

As work begins on our 2016 Tour Catalog, preparations are underway for our annual Tour Preview Day, slated for Saturday, October 3rd, at the Red Lion Hotel (formerly the Woodlake/Radisson). Based on the comments of those attending last year’s event at the Doubletree Hotel, there will be a heavier accent on tour information and less emphasis on general entertainment during the program. There will still be the announcement of our annual scholarship winner, and presentations of the checks to the charities which benefit from your $10 admissions to the event. We’ll “streamline” some other items to reduce the length of the general session, to allow more time for the breakouts which follow and provide information on individual trips.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion............................2 Clayton Place............................................3 The Customers Always Write....................4 The Human Side.......................................5 Casino Trips and Baseball........................6 Day Trips................................................7-9 Teasers...............................................10-11 The Barber Pole......................................12 New Vacations & Getaways...............13-15 Tour Calendar.....................................16-19 Coupons and Tour Updates..... Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor.................................. Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor ...................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers............ P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer........C. Galloway

“Our travelers are telling us Preview Day light refreshments are served (it’s about is where they come to get information, to the trips folks, not the food). Because all find out as much as possible to help them in admissions are donated to charity, refunds making their travel decisions,” said General are not available for those deciding not to Manager Kevin Murphy. “We understand, attend after registering. Reservations are and while we want it to be a fun, interactive required, as Tour Preview Day often sells day, we also want to give our travelers the out. information they are looking for,” Murphy The Red Lion Inn is the venue for this continued. year’s event. Red Lion has had different Nearly 40 new trips for next year will be properties with its flag in recent years. Now announced, with registration beginning the they hang their hat at the old Woodlake Inn following Monday. All attendees receive on Hwy 160. The hotel hosted Preview Day a special discount coupon good on their for a number of years in the 1990’s. It has the next trip and a copy of our brand new 2016 largest hotel meeting space in town and our catalog, Life Experiences. There are over event requires a fairly large space. a dozen completely new destinations inside A preliminary list of new destinations will its pages, with many old favorites having be unveiled in your newsletter arriving just been updated or just given a “vacation” after Labor Day weekend. from the schedule. The result is a decidedly fresh look to the tour and cruise line-up. “In 2016 we’ll offer more new and different destinations than ever before,” observed Vice President Clayton Whitehead. “We’ve been pouring over tour evaluations, making working lists of destinations, narrowing them down as we decide which ones make the cut for next year.” Reservations for Tour Preview Day opened on Monday, July 13th. There is a $10 admission fee, which is donated to charity in its entirety. The morning session runs from 9:30 – Noon, the afternoon show from 1:30 – 4:30. Complimentary See you at the Red Lion on October 3

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion by Mark Hoffmann Accounting for Details

sold coins at Auction City on Folsom Blvd. and Denio’s in Roseville. I started Sports Leisure at the age of 24, and the coin business became a thing of the past. I sold most of what I had, kept a few things, put that part of my life on hold. Now, I’ve decided I’d like to start accumulating coins again, part investment, part hobby. If you have some coins you would like appraised, give Bob or myself a call and we will set up an appointment. There is no charge for simple appraisals. If you have a lot of stuff for me to value, we can discuss it ahead of time. The appraisal price is an offer to buy your coins. That is your option. You can keep your coins, with the knowledge of what they might be worth, should you decide to sell them someday. I only know US coins and bills; foreign issued currency would have to be evaluated elsewhere. If you would like to take advantage of this service, setting up an appointment for you in the office is all that is needed. For larger collections, I can come to your home.


Has been an interesting past month here in Sports Leisure land. Our longtime Controller, Bob Veliky, underwent multiple (6) bypass surgery in late June. He is recovering as expected and has even been in the office for short spells in the last week. Pretty amazing. Not all of you know Bob, because he doesn’t escort trips or answer the phone often. But he’s the man who takes care of your (and my) money. Without him, we thought things might grind quickly to a halt. SportS LeiSure VacationS But then up stepped Clayton. Perhaps the least likely junior accountant candidate in the building, Clayton announced he would be issuing checks and paying the bills. Numbers aren’t really his thing, but details 106 are. He has done an incredible job, getting traveler refunds, vendor payments, deposits and the like all taken care of. Not to mention the daily string of incoming payments. I’m not sure what we would have done without his willingness to step up, and he has done a terrific job. Bob will be in recovery mode for a while and we wish him well, while thanking Clayton for stepping into the breach. If you have encountered any accounting issues in the past month, or anything comes up in the weeks ahead, don’t hesitate to contact Clayton or myself at the office. Thanks for your understanding. 9812 old Winery place, Sacramento, ca 95827 (916) 361-2051 •

After working in the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District, Mark Hoffmann founded Sports Leisure Vacations out of his Fulton Avenue apartment in 1979. Though Mark admits to ‘just sort of happening into it”, he found his niche in the retail tour business, enabling folks to achieve their travel dreams. Given the fact that Mark and his staff strive to exceed customer wants, they’ve been most successful in serving a niche of mature travelers, often those who need a little extra consideration. Sports Leisure Vacations assembles and operates custom tours and vacations of one to fifteen days in length, and can accommodate a wide variety of travel interests. Check out the website to see an amazing array of travel options. The company culture has centered around refusing to put profits ahead of service, and a mantra: “We love our travelers and they love us back.” It’s working- not only is the company thriving in its 32nd year, but community support and acknowledgement have resulted, including a prestigious award for contributions to the Arts from the Sacramento Arts and Business Council. For twenty years Sports Leisure has been an underwriter of KVIE Public Television. VP Clayton Whitehead has served on the KVIE Board and Mark was president of the National Tour Association in 2000. Mark and Tom Romano host the Travel Guys on KFBK, Sundays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.

j a n ua r y 2 0 11 s a c m a g . c o m


An Explanation from the Coin Buyer For a while now, we have been running a small announcement in the newsletter, offering to buy your collectable coins (US issued coins only), along with gold and silver made valuable by their metal content. Since many of you have expressed curiosity, allow me to explain. In a previous life, between the ages of 14-22, I was a coin dealer. I bought and



Remembering a Friend We lost one of my favorite traveling friends last month. Bob Bellows, husband of Dee, left this life on June 27th at the age of 89. A few days later, Clayton brought in the Life Tribute announcement from The Bee. Quoting the short narrative adjoining Bob’s picture, “Bob enjoyed golfing, but his true love was traveling with Sports Leisure Vacations, which he did for over 30 years.” Wow, what a compliment. A man’s life is summarized in five paragraphs and he and his family choose to include us. What an honor. I humbly thank you. Bob was one of our best travelers. Despite having to use a cane to get around in later years, and fighting a variety of ailments that would have gotten any good man down, he soldiered on. His beautiful wife Dee loves to shop, so Bob was often among the “orphaned” guys, sitting on a bench outside a store, waiting for her to return with the announcement that his financial status might have taken a small hit due to her most recent purchase.

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

I remember the night at the melodrama in Oceano on a Christmas trip, when the MC on stage was trying to figure out who in the room had been married the longest. He found a couple who tied the knot 36 years before, but he was still asking if anyone had been married longer. From Bob came the deadpan reply, “oh, yeah.” When the MC asked how many years, Bob responded “62.” The crowd applauded with amazement. The MC followed with something like, “62 wonderful years together, isn’t that nice?” To which Bob quickly deadpanned, “Who said they were wonderful?” The audience roared with laughter. Several of us laughed until our stomachs hurt. Of course, Dee was sitting right there next to him the whole time. Bob got another big laugh from the audience a minute later, so big the MC had to remind Bob that he was the one paid to tell the jokes. That was Bob. He was a great conversationalist at the dinner table, a gentle, honorable man, and he always had your back. Despite having plenty of reasons to complain, he just moved on to the next adventure. Some people leave their mark on you. Bob left one on us. Best of all, I remember the times he made us all laugh. I will suggest that is a good measure of a man’s time on this earth, making people laugh. Not the only measure, but an important one. Farewell Bob, I’m going to miss you. I hope before you left us you told Dee she should keep traveling. We’ll take good care of her for you. When she goes shopping, I’ll wait for her on the bench, just like you used to. HHHHHHHH

The dog days of summer are upon us. May your tail always be wagging. And so it goes…

Mark Hoffmann, CTP Owner/Founder

Clayton Place

Find us on Facebook at www.facebook. com/sportsleisure. We post pictures of recent trips and sometimes trips that are currently on the road… so you may see a fellow Sports Leisure traveler while they are actually on vacation. How awesome is that?



Look What We’re Doing…

been only lightly touched or totally passed the Cold War-era bunker which exists under over on previous Sports Leisure vacations. The Greenbrier, kept secret for decades as As the crow flies, we won’t travel that far, but an escape for the Executive and Legislative the nooks and crannies are extensive and branches of government should our country rich in coastal flavors, scenic beauty, history come under attack. And then there’s the and fun. CMC is now open for reservations. Hatfields and McCoys – real people; real Read more and get a few hints in the “New feud. We’ll tour the area with the nation’s Vacations” section of this edition of The leading expert on the subject, then (with Traveler, and don’t miss the discounts on the no apologies to Kentucky bourbon) sample back page! a bit of REAL West Virginia moonshine, On these hot Sacramento days, it’s distilled by a REAL Hatfield descendent. enticing to think ahead to autumn and the Whether to destinations known or a wellcool, crispness that season brings. Limited guarded mystery, I look forward to traveling space remains on my two October tours to with you in the months ahead! the great states of Kentucky (actually it’s a Commonwealth) and West Virginia, in fact “Your Tour Guy,” I’ll be traveling to Lexington next week to put the finishing touches on our visit. OTOGRA PH P Bluegrass and Bourbon features a comprehensive tour of the Bluegrass Country including visits to three private horse Clayton Whitehead, CTP farms, a full day of racing at Keeneland, Civil Vice President War history, the great museums of Louisville (from the Kentucky Derby to Louisville Slugger) and, of course, bourbon… lots of bourbon. We’ll visit the Woodford Reserve Distillery and the new Evan Williams Experience for a look at the history and legends associated with the storied brew. Wild and Wonderful West Virginia explores the very best of the Mountaineer State. We stay in just two hotels, both fine resorts, including The Greenbrier, the 5-diamond/5-star property thought by many (this writer included) to be the best in America. Adventureseekers are welcome to take a jet boat ride through the New River Gorge, then go “down under” in a real coal mine. History lovers Blueberry visits the Canadian Museum of History in OIttawa, Canada with will not believe the size of his traveling friend Mary Vrablick, the winner of this month’s BPS contest! Y

Hello Friends! Ready for a little geography lesson? Actually, it’s a pretty BIG lesson. The entire salt-water coast of the United States (Atlantic, Pacific and Gulf of Mexico) totals 12,383 miles “as the crow flies,” but if you were to follow every nook and cranny – trace the edge of each beach, bay, marsh, sound, estuary, island and peninsula from Maine to Key West, Florida then around to the southern tip Texas, and don’t forget to add the rugged terrain from the Mexican to Canadian borders in the West – the coast of the United States measures an amazing 88,633 miles in length! For the past 20+ years my mother and I have had the pleasure of hosting The Colorful Carolina Coast each spring. The vacation has nearly 600 alumni, many of whom have taken it multiple times. (Our friend LaVerne King holds the record at five!) The 10-day adventure from Norfolk to Jacksonville travels along over 10,000 miles of Georgia and the Carolinas’ coastlines. By my calculations, that leaves about 78,000 miles unexplored! Adventure seekers and mystery tour lovers, alike, are invited to join me next spring on The Colorful MYSTERY Coast scheduled for March 4-10, 2016. We’ll explore three coastal destinations in three states (2 nights each), all of which have

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


The Customers Always Write Dear Mark and Sports Leisure team, On behalf of Stanford Youth Solutions, thank you so much for your support! We are truly grateful for your very generous donation of numerous bags of school supplies. These school supplies will make a big difference in the lives of the youth and families that we serve. You are a vital partner in creating a community where every young person has the opportunity to develop as a healthy productive young adult. Thank you for your support of Stanford Youth Solutions. With Sincere gratitude, Laura Heintz, Psy.D., CEO, Stanford Youth Solutions Ed. Note: At our Spring Holiday Preview Day, we asked attendees to bring school supplies for foster children, because those things are REALLY important. You responded and the pile was big. Good job friends. You made life just a little better for a lot of kids in our community. Dear Mark, In the Chinese and Japanese cultures, I’m told, attaining the age of 60 means that you have completed five cycles of the lunar calendar. Reaching this important milestone frees you to explore new paths in your journey, so here’s to future adventures! All the best this year, wherever you’ll be. Jean Wu Ed. Note: Thank you so much Jean. That was very thoughtful. Speaking of birthdays and being thoughtful, my staff thought it would be good if everyone knew it was Mark’s 60th, so they put an ad in The Bee, telling the whole world! I’m on Cape Cod, and I start to get texts and emails, congratulating me on my birthday. I knew something was up. Thanks to everyone who sent greetings and/or a card. Now, how many places offer senior discounts at 60? Anyone got a list? Dear Mark, Please accept my apology for disrupting SLV in my ignorance of not knowing how to cancel a daytrip on a weekend. Somehow in all the years of traveling with SLV this has never come up for me. I don’t know if other


travelers might not know the procedure either – maybe this would be a good thing to mention in the newsletter sometime? Again, please accept my apology. Sincerely, Valerie Cummings Ed. Note: Great idea Val. While we do not have a 24/7 phone staff, we do have a plan for last minute cancelations. If you are canceling a trip which departs before the office reopens, call 916-361-2051 and listen to the message. Towards the end, it will give you a number to call (usually this is Clayton’s cell phone). This is only for trips that are leaving on or prior to Monday morning. We can notify the Tour Director and if needed, a car driver, so they don’t come to your home to take you to the airport on a longer trip. This procedure should be utilized only for urgent/emergency situations. Dear Mark, It is with deep sadness that I’m writing this letter to you but the time has come when I must give up traveling. Thru the years I have had many memorable trips with Sports Leisure. I will be moving to Sunrise Senior Living this month. I wish you and your company many years of traveling. Sincerely, Jean Applegate Dear Clayton, You did it! A year ago, Sacramento’s remarkable haven for abused and neglected seniors was facing imminent closure, but the community banded together and today it is thriving. Your compassion and heartfelt dedication to Volunteers of American’s Senior Safe House is truly inspiring. Thank you for your support and commitment to helping seniors in our community. If you are interested in learning about more ways to give or would like to take a tour to see how your gifts change lives, please contact Erika Fatula at 916-265-3974 or Warmest Regards, Aydee Ferguson, Director of Development Ed. Note: Your admissions to Tour Preview Day last year supported this local charity. Together, chipping in $10 a piece, we made

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

a difference. (Since we began charging a modest admission fee at Preview Day years ago, in order to cut down on the number of no-shows, the admissions we collect are donated to local charities on the day of the event.) Dear Mark, When we attended last year’s Tour Preview Day, “Tulip Time on the Rhine” exactly matched a huge item on our “bucket list.” We both have mobility issues but were assured by the Amadeus rep that walkers would be okay. This was certainly true of the river ship, but not the day excursions. Walkers and cobblestones just don’t mix well! But never mind, the cruise itself was the attraction for us. This letter is to heap praise on both Ramona and Ingrid (as well as some of our fellow travelers) for their generous assistance to us. These two ladies are not only highly skilled professional tour guides but beautiful people as well. We thank them for all they did to make this trip special. Dona Townsend and Don Hecox P.S. – And how can we thank Ralph for the terrific DVD? Ed. Note: That would be Ralph Bunn, our unofficial staff photographer, who takes pictures at Preview Day each year. You aren’t the first person looking for a way to thank Ralph for helping to create the souvenir DVD. Since he’s probably reading this, it’s easy. “Thanks Ralph!” If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect Andy Rooney’s (60 Minutes on CBS) Wordsmith Wisdoms I’ve learned: • That just one person saying to me, “You’ve made my day!” Makes my day! • That being kind is more important than being right! • That money doesn’t buy class. • That to ignore the facts does not change the facts. • That when you plan to get even with someone, you are only letting that person continue to hurt you. • That the easiest way for me to grow as a person is to surround myself with people smarter than I am. • That everyone you meet deserves to be greeted with a smile. • That life is tough, but I’m tougher. • That one should keep his words both soft and tender, because tomorrow he may have to eat them. • That a smile is an inexpensive way to improve your looks. • That when your newly born grandchild holds your little finger in his little fist, that you’re hooked for life. • That everyone wants to live on top of the mountain, but all the happiness and growth occurs while you’re climbing it.

Getting a Hairdryer Through Customs In parochial school, students are taught that lying is a sin. However, instructors also advised that using a bit of imagination was okay to express the truth differently without lying. Below is a perfect example of those teachings: An attractive young woman on a flight from Ireland asked the Priest beside her, “Father, may I ask a favor?” “Of course child. What may I do for you?” “Well, I bought my mother an expensive hair dryer for her birthday. It is unopened but well over the customs limits and I’m afraid

States Trivia – Part II (What States Are Famous For) OHIO: The hot dog was invented here in 1900. OREGON: Has the most ghost towns in the country. PENNSYLVANIA: The smiley face : ) was first used in 1980 by computer scientists at Carnegie Mellon University. RHODE ISLAND: The nation’s oldest bar, the White Horse Tavern, opened here in 1673. TENNESSEE: Nashville’s Grand Ole Opry is the world’s longest running live radio show. VERMONT: Montpelier is the only state capital without a McDonald’s. WASHINGTON D.C.: Is the first planned capital in the world. WISCONSIN: Legend has it the ice cream sundae was invented here in 1881, in part to get around Blue Laws prohibiting soda water from being sold on Sunday. WYOMING: Was the first state to allow women to vote. they’ll confiscate it. Is there any way you could carry it through customs for me? Hide it under your robes perhaps?” “I would love to help you, dear, but I must warn you, I will not lie.” “With your honest face, Father, no one will question you.” When they got to Customs, she let the priest go first. The official asked, “Father, do you have anything to declare?” “From the top of my head down to my waist I have nothing to declare.” The official thought this answer strange, so asked, “And what do you have to declare from your waist to the floor?” “I have a marvelous instrument designed to be used on a woman, but which is, to date, unused.” Roaring with laughter, the official said, “Go ahead, Father. Next please!”

A True Story or Just a Groaner?… Most people don’t know that back in1912, Hellmann’s Mayonnaise was manufactured in England. In fact, the Titanic was carrying 12,000 jars of the condiment scheduled for delivery in Vera Cruz, Mexico, which was to be the next port of call for the great ship after its stop in New York. This would have been the largest single shipment of mayonnaise ever delivered to Mexico... But as we know, the great ship did not make it to New York. The ship hit an iceberg and sank. The people of Mexico, who were crazy about mayonnaise, and were eagerly awaiting its delivery, were disconsolate at the loss. Their anguish was so great, that they declared a National Day of Mourning. The National Day of Mourning occurs each year on May 5 and is known, of course, as – “Sinko De Mayo.“

Remembering Friends We Have Lost… This is the place in our newsletter where we pause to remember our friends. If you know of a travel club member or friend of Sports Leisure who has passed recently, please let us know so we can list them in a future newsletter. Many of the folks on this list made a lot of trips with their friends at Sports Leisure. We remember them for the smiles they brought to our faces, the little courtesies they extended to others, the sense of wonderment that lifted their spirits and ours when we visited a special place. Travel is about discovery and the memories that are created. We lose our friends to time, but God willing, we get to keep the memories that we shared together. It’s a fact that you make more memories going places and meeting people than you do on your couch. We are blessed to have that opportunity together as part of our shared journey. Mabel Wink Bill Tiemann Bob Bellows Jim Federman Arnold Anderson Kenneth Hatt Kathleen Menken

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


Casino Trips and Baseball The 2015 Ballpark Express For over 35 years, the BEST way to get to the major league ballparks in Oakland and San Francisco has been with Sports Leisure Vacations. Our original Ballpark Express allows you to travel to games in comfort without the traffic, tolls, gas, food stops, etc. Refreshments are served on board the motorcoach on your way to and from each game. You’ll enjoy Field Level seating for most A’s games and your choice of Field Level or View Level (3rd Deck) seating for Giants games. Please request your seating area at the time of your reservation.

World Champion San Francisco Giants Sat., Aug. 15

Giants vs. Nationals



Sun., Aug. 30

Giants vs. Cardinals



Sun., Sept. 20

Giants vs. D-Backs



Thurs., Oct. 1

Giants vs. Dodgers

12:45pm $134/$118

Field Level Sold Out

Oakland Athletics

The Champagne Express to Harvey’s and Apple Hill

Sat., Sept. 26

A’s vs. Giants



Sun., Sept. 27

A’s vs. Giants



*Plaza Level Seating (2nd Deck) for this game.

Tuesday, September 29 or Wednesday, October 21 Join us for our monthly departures to Harvey’s Resort & Casino at Lake Tahoe in September and October but with our usual fall twist – a stop at High Hill Ranch on Apple Hill! Members of Harvey’s Total Rewards Program will still receive a $20 slot credit and $7 food coupon (must be a member for the bonus). But you’ll also receive a cup of coffee and a tasty treat. The return to Sacramento is a little later in the day because of the extra stop but who would turn down a fresh apple treat? $50

SAVE THE DATE! Sports Leisure’s Annual Tour Preview Day is going to be a little later this year! So mark your calendars now for Saturday, October 3. We’ll be premiering our 2016 tour catalog, chock full of exciting destinations offered next year. Please note: after a long absence, we’ll be returning to the Red Lion Hotel (formerly the Radisson, formerly the Woodlake Inn) off Highway 160 at Canterbury Road. More information, including show times, will be announced in the July/August edition of The Traveler! RSVP today!

The Travel Guys Radio Show

Travel News, updates on your favorite Sports Leisure destinations, Contests,

Cultural Arts and FUN!

EVERY Sunday 3:00-4:00 PM

KFBK, AM 1530, FM 93.1

Each Sunday, someone who has traveled with us recently wins a $100 Travel Card, no winner and the value increases $100 a week!


Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

Tom Romano and Ma

rk Hoffmann

Listen and discover more about SLV destinations: July 26 – The Laguna Pageant of the Masters Aug. 2 – Wild & Wonderful West Virginia Aug. 23 – Sinatra Chicago Christmas Aug. 30 – A Pilgrim Thanksgiving in Plymouth Sept. 13 – Hawaii update Sept. 27 – Tour Preview Day Preview

Day Trips & Theatre Outings Along Tahoe’s South Shore Thursday, July 30 A sellout every summer, our annual trip to escape the heat of the valley to enjoy the cooler weather up at “The Lake” is back. Start with a luncheon cruise on board the paddlewheeler MS Dixie II as she plies the waters of the southern edge of Lake Tahoe and Emerald Bay. From the water, we step back in time with a visit to the Baldwin Museum and Pope Mansion at the Tallac Historic Site. See how the “other half” lived at their summer “cabins” on the lake. $151

San Francisco Your Way Tuesday, August 4 Explore the “City by the Bay” at your pace and on your terms! Our coach will offer stops at Union Square and Pier 39/ Fisherman’s Wharf. Enjoy lunch at your favorite restaurant along the wharf, explore the historic vessels at the Hyde Street Pier, the San Francisco Maritime Museum or maybe get a little shopping done. Have it your way! $85

HMS Pinafore or The Lass that Loved a Sailor Bankhead Theatre, Livermore Sunday, August 23 Celebrating its 62nd Anniversary in style, the Lamplighters of San Francisco bring Gilbert & Sullivan’s first blockbuster hit to the stage. Board one of England’s great Navy ships where the beautiful Josephine must choose between marrying Sir Joseph Porter, the First Lord of the Admiralty – with all of the wealth, prestige and power his title affords – or the “simple sailor, lowly born” who has won her heart. Gilbert devised the plot to make fun of patriotism, social class snobbery and incompetence in high places, and over 130 years later we can still laugh! Lunch is included at Poppy Ridge en route to the 2pm matinee. $152

Visit us 24/7 on the web at:

SF Rocket Boats or Bay Aquarium An exciting new adventure awaits! Wednesday, August 26 Experience the San Francisco Bay in an entirely new way! Strap yourself into the Rocketboat, the fastest and most nimble watercraft on the bay. For 30 minutes, you’ll be flying across the Bay and jammin’ to a great rock and roll soundtrack. You may get wet; and this experience is not for everyone as there is a medical disclaimer! Not your style? Then visit the SF Bay Aquarium. Make your choice at the time of reservation. Lunch is included for all at the Fog Harbor Restaurant on Pier 39. $138

Roll with the Baker Tuesday, September 1 Boudin’s Museum and Bakery tour invites you to witness “history in the baking.” Stroll through Boudin’s collection of historic and interactive exhibits during a docent-led tour while observing the bakers in action from the museum’s floor-to-ceiling window walls and glass-walled cat-walk. Get your hands in the dough and create your own masterpiece. After an included lunch at Bistro Boudin, spend some time on Pier 39; shop, browse or spend some time at the Sea Lion Center learning about these boisterous mammals and the challenges facing them. $132

Phantom of the Opera Orpheum Theater, SF Wednesday, September 2 or 30 or Saturday, September 19 Based on the novel by Gaston Leroux, this spectacular NEW production by Cameron Macintosh of Andrew Lloyd Webber’s award-winning musical is coming to San Francisco. The much-beloved story of the Phantom’s unrequited love for his protégée Christine is now even more beautiful and dramatic under Mr. Macintosh’s direction; new staging, new costumes, new lighting and, of course, new special effects, even for the legendary chandelier! Our Wednesday trips include a snack box served onboard the motorcoach, the show with orchestra

seating, and dinner on-your-own at Pier 39 before returning to Sacramento. Saturday trips include lunch on-your-own in Union Square, the show with orchestra seating, and a return to Sacramento directly after the show. Very limited space on some dates! Wednesday – $171, Saturday – $185

Picnic in the Big Trees Featuring Calaveras State Park Thursday, September 3 A Sports Leisure summertime favorite. Travel into the cooler temperatures of the mountains on this trip and enjoy the beauty of the majestic big trees of Calaveras State Park. You will have time for a “stump” talk with one of the docents, to stroll through the ancient sequoias, and dine “al fresco” among the giants with an included boxed picnic lunch. $98

An Evening with Audra McDonald Gallo Center, Modesto Saturday, September 5 Winner of six Tony Awards (three before the age of 28 for her memorable performances in Carousel, Ragtime, and Master Class), two Grammy Awards and many other accolades, Audra McDonald is a highly regarded performer on both screen and stage. For this intimate concert, the luminous soprano and speaker, who was raised in Fresno, will be performing with a musical trio. Dinner is included at Canal Street Grill prior to the 8pm performance. Orchestra seating. $187

A Day at Safari West Friday, September 18 Nestled in the foothills of Sonoma County, lies a unique 400-acre animal preserve for animals from around the world including giraffes, rhinoceros, lemurs, and monkeys. Safari West has an ongoing mission of wildlife preservation through breeding, education, and public interaction. Your adventure begins with lunch, followed by a 45-minute ride on a guided tram tour. A 45-minute guided walk through the aviaries

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


and small animal compound completes your visit. $168

Jay Leno Gallo Center, Modesto Sunday, September 20 Dubbed the “hardest working man in show business,” Jay Leno is an acclaimed TV late night show host, admired stand-up comedian, best-selling children’s book author, pioneering car builder and mechanic, and philanthropist. Join us for the season opener at the Gallo Center in Modesto with a late lunch included at Surla’s before the 4pm show. $196

Tour and Tea at the Top Tuesday, September 22 Travel to San Francisco for a tour atop fashionable Nob Hill. Once the site of grand mansions owned by the men who built the Central Pacific Railroad, they have been replaced by the luxurious Stanford Court, Huntington, Mark Hopkins, and Fairmont Hotels. With local guides, visit and experience the elegant lobbies and public rooms that have made them world famous places to see and stay. The tour concludes at the renowned Fairmont Hotel to enjoy its traditional Afternoon Tea Service with tea sandwiches, savory scones, and delectable assortment of pastries, tarts, and sweets. $145

San Francisco and The Ducks Thursday, September 24 A new way to see the sights in the City by the Bay! Hop on a “Duck,” a large amphibious vehicle, for a fun ride through the streets of San Francisco and then ride right into the water at China Basin for a view of the Bay Bridge from the waterfront. You get the best of land and bay with this fun tour of our favorite city. Lunch is included prior to the 90 minute ride at the Fog Harbor restaurant on Pier 39. $148

Always, Patsy Cline Fallon House Theatre, Columbia Saturday, October 10 A tribute to the legendary country singer, this show is based on a true story about


Cline’s friendship with a fan from Houston. The musical play, complete with down home country humor includes many of Patsy’s unforgettable hits such as “Crazy,” “I Fall to Pieces,” and “Walking After Midnight.” Lunch is included at Columbia’s City Hotel prior to the 2pm matinee with orchestra seating. $143

Fleet Day on the Bay Sunday, October 11 Enjoy a sumptuous luncheon buffet and cruise aboard Hornblower’s San Francisco Belle. The two-hour cruise is timed to be on the bay during the performance of the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels air acrobatic team. This said, we cannot be responsible for any change in the Fleet Week schedule, including the performance time of the Blue Angles, due to weather or other circumstances. But still, it’s a great day on the bay with free flowing champagne on board the Belle and musical entertainment! $171

Fall in The Sierra Featuring one of our favorite road trips Monday, October 12 Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery along Highway 50 and the American River, passing through the Tahoe Basin in hopes of sneaking a peak at some fall color along the way. Lunch is included at JT’s Basque Restaurant, a Gardnerville landmark; then drive home on Highway 88 through the spectacular Hope Valley looking for the shimmering aspen. $115

Olivia Newton-John Gallo Center, Modesto Friday, October 16 With more than 100 million albums sold, Olivia Newton-John’s career includes four Grammys, ten #1 hits and 15 top 10 singles. It was her co-starring role in “Grease” that catapulted her into super-stardom. Known for such songs as “I Honestly Love You,” “Have You Never Been Mellow,” “Physical,” and “Xanadu,” her appeal seems timeless as she continues to be adored by fans all over the world. Dinner is included at the Canal Street Grille prior to the 8pm performance. Orchestra seating. $196

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

Rosanne Cash Gallo Center, Modesto Saturday, October 17 Often classified as a country artist, Rosanne Cash’s music draws upon many genres. In the 1980’s she had a string of record topping hits including “I Don’t Know Why You Don’t Want Me” and “Never Be You” and last year she released what is perhaps the most critically admired album of her distinguished career, winning three Grammy Awards for “The River and The Thread.” Dinner at the Canal Street Grille prior to the 8pm show. Orchestra seating. $162

The Lincoln Highway Saturday, October 24 Come with us as we travel the historic Lincoln Highway from Sacramento to Truckee. The Lincoln preceded US 40, and at Donner Summit, we can show you the routes of both old roads. There are lots of nooks and crannies along I-80 you didn’t even know existed, and we are joined by an expert Lincoln Highway guide who can point them out and give you the stories that go along with the route. From Gold Run to Baxter, Rollins Lake to Nyack, hear the tales of three different highways and how they came to be. Over 100 years of history, as we cover one of two official routes into California. Lunch in Truckee is included and fall colors should dot the mountain landscape. $125

Great Ladies of Swing Wells Fargo Center, Santa Rosa Sunday, October 25 Maestro Michael Berkowitz and the Santa Rosa Symphony will be joined by jazz vocalist Dee Daniels, acclaimed for her wit, warmth, charm, and dazzling fouroctave range, as together they showcase a collection of timeless standards, including signature songs by Ella Fitzgerald, Billie Holiday, Peggy Lee, and Sarah Vaughn. You will be delighted by an afternoon of music paying tribute to the Great Ladies of Song, including “A Tisket, A Tasket,” “God Bless the Child,” “Fever,” “Mack the Knife,” and “Bill Bailey.” Upgraded orchestra seating and lunch are included in Santa Rosa prior to the 3pm show. $163

Jewel City; Art from San Francisco’s PanamaPacific International Exposition The de Young Museum, SF Tuesday, October 27 San Francisco’s Centennial Celebration of the Panama-Pacific International Exposition continues with this special show that reassembles a cross-section of the works first displayed here 100 years ago. With approximately 250 works, the collection includes key artistic trends of 1915 from conservative to modern and avantgarde, painting and sculpture, and major European and American artists including Mary Cassatt, John Singer Sargent, James McNeill Whistler, and Winslow Homer. An audio guide is included for your enjoyment and a shuttle will be available for those who would like to visit the Legion of Honor in the afternoon. Lunch is on your own at either of the museum café’s. $99

A Day at the Races Golden Gate Fields Thursday, October 29 Our always popular Day at the Races includes a buffet lunch and seating in the enclosed Turf Club at Golden Gate Fields by beautiful San Francisco Bay in Berkeley. Enjoy the races from a comfortable table with betting windows conveniently nearby and television monitors throughout the dining room. We’ll arrive to get settled before post time and the first race. $115

Return of the Cranes Featuring a sunset viewing of the Sandhill Cranes Monday, November 2 Sandhill Cranes return to the rich farmland of the Delta each year as they make their way down the great Pacific Flyway from the north. The optimum time to view these large birds is at dusk as they take flight, returning to the Isenberg Crane Reserve at sunset. At the reserve, listen to their haunting calls that are like the sound of a distant French horn. A late lunch is included in Lodi following an earlier visit to the Consumnes River Nature Preserve. This trip returns after dark and is a rain or shine experience. $130

Find yourself in the winner’s circle during our Day at the Races on October 29

Riverdance 20th Anniversary Tour

Beach Blanket Babylon

Golden Gate Theatre, SF Wednesday, November 4 or Saturday, November 7 The international Irish dance phenomenon is back by popular demand! Drawing on Irish traditions, the combined talents of the performers propel Irish dancing and music into the present day, capturing the imagination of audiences across all ages and cultures in an innovative and exciting blend of dance, music and song. Nothing from Ireland has carried the energy, the sensuality and the spectacle of Riverdance. Our Wednesday trip includes a snack box served on board the motorcoach, the show with orchestra seating, and dinner on-your-own at Pier 39 before returning to Sacramento. The Saturday trip includes lunch on-your-own in Union Square, the show with orchestra seating, and a return to Sacramento directly after the show. Wednesday – $139, Saturday – $180

office hours:

Club Fugazi, San Francisco Sunday, November 22, December 20 or 27 There’s nothing quite like Beach Blanket Babylon, especially for the holidays! San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show pokes fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing wonderful, and the hats are really, really big! Reserved seats are upstairs (no elevator) in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included lunch at Sports Leisure Favorite Viva Italian Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee. $158

Remember Meal Choices When you receive your itinerary/ confirmation for a trip, check to see if a meal choice is needed and take a minute to make your selection by calling or emailing our office or returning your choice with your payment. Thank you. Proud members of the

8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


Teasers As we consider tours for 2016, we have many different ideas for destinations. Some are close by, some a great distance. Some are sports-oriented, some are centered around unique international experiences. All are in the mix for 2016 and beyond! If any of these ideas tickle your fancy, please contact our office and let us know. By placing your name on the Priority Notification List, you are assured of being among the first we contact if the tour materializes!

Christmastime in ‘Vegas See a show or two, pull a handle 3 Days • December 7-9, 2015 How about a short visit to Sin City preChristmas? Two nights at Treasure Island, a wide open itinerary to add entertainment as you wish. Your Tour Director serves as your concierge to make it all happen. The package will include home pick-up, airfare, hotel, dinner at a German-style Haus Brau and a night tour of the lights on The Strip.

Cuba is Calling! 10 Days • January 2016 The time to visit Cuba now! Big changes are taking place on the small island and the magic may soon disappear. Cruise in a classic American car, meet artists and civic leaders spurring societal changes, savor Havana’s exploding restaurant scene, and dance to lively Latin Jazz. After two successful tours escorted by Chris, this may be one of SLV’s last visits for a while! ¡Vamos!

The World Figure Skating Championships 5-6 Days • Spring 2016 The World Figure Skating Championships are coming to Boston in late March and you’re invited! We have a very large group of loyal figure skating fans and need to know if you’d like to travel back east for a look at the best skaters in the world. We would include several skating events as well as some local touring around Boston as the skating schedule allows.


Hollywood & Beverly Hills 3 Days • March 2016 We frequently get requests to attend the tapings of TV shows in Hollywood. This getaway gives you the chance to see two different types of shows being produced (game show and situation comedy), plus tour the active back lot of Warner Brothers Studios. Two nights in Hollywood and the chance to visit some of the little known historical landmarks which are part of the entertainment industry’s colorful history.

Cowboys and Trains 7 Days • April 2016 Is this an odd combination? Sure, but we’ve put together lots of others! Begin with 2 nights in Oklahoma City with local touring to include the OKC National Memorial. Travel aboard Amtrak’s Heartland Flyer to Ft. Forth and discover the Stock Yards and the Grapevine Vintage Railroad. After another 2 nights, board Amtrak’s Texas Eagle for the final leg to Austin. Enjoy 2 more nights to explore the Texas capital, see its famous bat colony, and tour the LBJ Presidential Library and Lady Bird’s Wildflower Center.

Ghost Towns of Old Nevada 5 Days • April & October 2016 First offered this spring, Mark declared this the most fun he’s ever had on a Sports Leisure tour. Come to the desert and talk to ghosts. Visit the century-old Pioneer Saloon in Good Springs, hear the ghostly stories at the Eldorado mine and stay in the magnificently haunted Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah. Goldfield and Gold Point, Belmont and Rhyolite, all ghost towns you will visit along the way. Robert George Allen is our real-life ghost hunter and he will join us for much of our adventure. Two nights at Treasure Island, two nights in the Mizpah. Fly to Las Vegas, return by motorcoach. Two departures are planned for next year, because the ghost hunt is limited to 28 people. There is no other tour like this one anywhere in the country.

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

Tulips of Ottawa & Québec City 7 Days • May 2016 Explore the capitol city of Canada during its Springtime best! Explore Parliament Hill, see the changing of the guards, and see lots of tulips! Then travel by train to discover historic Québec City. Explore the walled city and enjoy tea at the majestic Chateau Frontenac. It’s almost like being in France without the long flight and jetlag!

Classic Baseball: Ballparks & The Hall of Fame 7-8 Days • May 2016 Every few years we offer the opportunity to travel from city to city and watch baseball. Sometimes we are able to line up Giants and A’s road games. Sometimes we include newer ballparks because hey, someday they will be considered “classics.” While the 2016 game schedule is still months away, we will be including a stop in Cooperstown, home to the National Baseball Hall of Fame. Over Memorial Day Weekend each year, the Hall hosts a classic ballgame at charming Doubleday Field featuring former baseball players. And we’ll be there!

The Hamptons – The Life of the Rich & Famous 6 Days • Late May/Early June 2016 If you loved the Cape Cod or Boston/ Bar Harbor tour, you’ll love the Hamptons. Our beautiful little hotel, The Inn at Sag Harbor, is the perfect hub-and-spoke spot to explore where the rich and famous spend their summers. We’ll be there just at the beginning of the season, to avoid the crowds and take advantage of lower prices. Finish with a night in New York and see a Broadway show.

Boston to Bar Harbor 7 Days • June 2016 Explore the northeast coast from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine. Discover Boston, Salem, a little of New Hampshire and then head north along the beautifully rugged coast of Maine through Portland, Freeport, Rockport

and on to the summer island home of Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Love the ocean and scenic drives along the coast?

Montana, Big Sky Country Land of Lewis & Clark 5 Days • June 2016 It’s been nearly a decade since we celebrated the bicentennial of the historic journey of Lewis & Clark. Now that Scott’s Glacier Park tour is taking a vacation, Mark would like to offer a trip outside the national park. Trace part of the journey of the original dynamic duo through the state. Meet members of the Lewis & Clark Honor Guard, visit the renowned C.M. (Charlie) Russell Museum of Western Art, enjoy some really fine dining and discover why they call it “The Land of the Big Sky.” Small towns, nice people, great fun.

Norway’s Fabulous Fjords 12-14 Days • Summer 2016 Explore the majestic coastline of Norway aboard one of Hurtigruten’s comfortable cruise ships. Visit Bergen, Trondheim, and cross the Arctic Circle on your way to Kirkenes. Small towns and villages are spread across the passage with unmatched scenery. Shall we include rail passage on the famous Flam Railway to Oslo to roundout the tour?

Iceland – Land of Fire & Ice 7-8 Days • July 2016 A study in contrasts, the island nation is known for its scenic wonder and friendly people. Explore the national capital of Reykjavik, discover glaciers, waterfalls, villages and farms. Bathe in hot springs generated by the volcanic activity the island is known for. It’s on the bucket list of many so please join us!

Cruising on the Canadian Empress 8 Days • Summer/Fall 2016 The Canadian Empress plies the mighty St. Lawrence River. The small replica steamboat hosts only 66 passengers and is small boat cruising at its best. Set sail from Kingston, on the northeastern shores of Lake Ontario, and voyage through the Thousand

Islands to Montreal and Québec City. The six night cruise features many activities and local fare for dining. Pre or post cruise stay in Québec City.

Mexico: Puebla and Oaxaca

option includes dinner at a 14th Century monastery and a working vineyard estate, a Flamenco show while ashore in Spain, and a Portuguese Fado show on board the ship. Let us know your choice when you call in!

Capital to Capitals

10 Days • Fall 2016 After two years of exploring Mexico’s Copper Canyon by rail, Sports Leisure travelers have asked to see more of our neighbor to the south. Join Ramona for another excursion into the heartland of Mexico. This time we will focus on the foods and artistry in addition to the cultural history of these two beautiful colonial cities.

Magical Malta 12 Days • Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 If you have enjoyed our visits to Cuba or Croatia, this may be your next unique tour! Considered by many to be a microcosm of the Mediterranean, the islands of Malta lay between the continents of Europe and Africa. Home to many languages, religions and cultures, the people of Malta are amongst the most friendly and easy-going people you may ever encounter. After all, throughout 7,000 years of civilization on the islands, many a visitor has passed through! Local guides escort a group limited to 16!

Spain & Portugal – With a River Cruise? 10 to 14 Days • September 2016 Spain and Portugal are two of the most fascinating countries in Europe with their unique Roman, Moorish, and Christian heritages and grand sea-faring legacies. Help us choose how we visit these unique destinations with two options: Option 1 is a land journey to savor the best of Spain from Madrid to Granada to Seville with an exploration of Portugal’s capital city of Lisbon and its surrounding World Heritage sites of Sintra and Evora. Option 2 is a river cruise along the peaceful Duoro River, primarily in Portugal but with a touch of Spain. Spend two days exploring Lisbon before embarking on an unforgettable 8-day cruise. Along the way explore a famous pilgrimage site, ancient universities, and medieval castles. End at the famed city of Porto. The cruise

6 or 7 Days • October 2016 Because we live in a capital city, many Sacramentans enjoy visiting other capitals and their capitol buildings. We are thinking of a tour which starts in Bismarck (ND), travels south through Lawrence Welk’s hometown to Pierre (SD) and then perhaps visits Lincoln (NE) or another nearby capital. This is just an idea, until we see if there are enough Capital to Capital travelers out there. Sound interesting? Have a capital you would like to see on a tour itinerary? Let us know! (Note: Dover, DE, will be on Clayton’s Virginia Tattoo tour next spring, if you are a fan of capitals we rarely visit.)

Buenos Aires, Iguazu Falls, & Rio De Janeiro 10 or 11 Days • November 2016 Travel to the “Paris of South America!” Spend several days touring the city and its famous landmarks and neighborhoods. Enjoy two day trips from Buenos Aires: San Antonio de Areco to experience gaucho culture on a working estancia (ranch) and, a short ferry ride away to Colonia del Sacramento, Uruguay’s oldest and most charming colonial town. Take a short flight to breathtaking Iguazu Falls, deeper and twice as wide as Niagra Falls. In the colorful city of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, spend a few days exploring by boat, cable car, and coach.

Australia & New Zealand 14 Days • Fall 2016 or Spring 2017 We have visited these countries several times. Sometimes together, sometimes apart. Our last visit was a full exploration of both the north and south islands of New Zealand. Should we offer just Australia this time? Or maybe both countries? The natural scenery of New Zealand and the culture and history of Australia make it a hard choice. Let us know your preference when you place your name on the Priority Notification List!

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly Airport Assistance Update In the last newsletter, we related a situation where two SLV Travelers were left in the Houston Airport. A week later, it almost happened again. Now comes word from Alaska Airlines, admitting they are having similar problems in the Seattle airport, their hub. Once again, wheelchairs are not getting people where they need to go, in the case of Alaska, not even showing up to transport the passenger(s). We reiterate our advice. If you or someone you know is requesting assistance in an airport, you must be able to advocate for yourself. You should have a boarding pass, with a gate and departure time on it and be familiar with that information. You should have a cell phone and it should be turned on. If you are traveling with us, your Tour Director’s cell phone number is generally on your itinerary. That would be handy to be able to call your TD in the event of a transit delay in the airport. We remind you that passengers requesting assistance are in the care of the airline, and we cannot be responsible should the airline fail to get you to your connecting flight. Anyone encountering issues in an airport with passenger assistance is strongly encouraged to complain directly to the Department of Transportation (DOT). They can be found at You can contact them by US mail, email or phone. The more people who share horror stories, the quicker we can get the airlines’ attention.

I Need a Roommate On a regular basis, we get requests from single travelers for a traveling companion. Many ask if we have a “matching” or “guaranteed roommate” program like some travel companies. The short answer is, we do not. The long is answer is, well, long. A number of years ago we tried a “guaranteed roommate” program. If you registered at least 60 days before departure, we guaranteed to put someone with you, or you traveled single at the double rate. Great deal for the traveler, not so much for the tour


company. But there was a serious flaw in that system. You had to accept whomever came along. Over the course of the two years the program was in existence, one thing became very apparent to us. While most single travelers were/are very nice people who would be great to travel with, a reasonable number were not. People you’d want to share a room with, that is. The reason they needed a roommate was no one who knew them would travel with them. (One lady locked her roommate out of the room in New York City on an SLV tour. True story.) So the guaranteed roommate program ended. In its place, we created the Happy ONEderers Travel Club. Clayton headed it up and they met a number of times for socializing and getting to know potential travel companions. It was moderately successful, but eventually took more time and attention than we had to give it and it drifted away. Today, we get just as many requests for traveling companions. We try to match people up, suggesting they meet for lunch or take a day trip together before making a major commitment towards traveling together. It’s successful on occasion, but it doesn’t come close to meeting the demand. Our idea is to bring back the Happy ONEderers Travel Club. We are planning not one, but two holiday parties for our single travelers in search of companions. The dates and locations will be announced in the next newsletter. There will be a nominal charge, which will cover lunch. Watch for your opportunity to register in the September newsletter.

A Word About Refunds & Cancellation Protection The underwriter for our Cancellation Protection Policy has informed us that the number of people requesting refunds within 30 days of departure, often within 7 days of departure, has jumped dramatically in the last 12 months. For that reason, there will be an increase in the cost of Cancellation Protection beginning October 1.

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

In addition, our underwriter has advised us that they have uncovered several instances where doctor’s notes were not legit. They were signed by staff that didn’t have the authority to do so, and/or didn’t contain a specific diagnosis, as required by the terms of the coverage. So they informed us they are checking all physician’s notes carefully, and randomly calling to verify them, particularly when the signature doesn’t match one they have from the doctor in question. To put it bluntly, some people are gaming the system it appears, submitting invalid medical claims, in hopes of securing a refund. At the underwriter’s request, we are sharing this information with you. If you are one of the many people who travel with Sports Leisure who on a rare occasion needs to cancel a tour and request a refund for a valid reason because you have purchased the protection, you will be fine. If you are one of the folks submitting questionable documentation, you are forewarned. Here’s an example: Sometimes a traveler will call and ask if they can cancel a trip without penalty because a personal issue has come up. When told they can’t, the same client magically appears the next day with a doctor’s note, excusing them from the trip. We are required, by our underwriting agreement, to report any knowledge of any cancellation request. When we see someone try to cheat the system as described above, we must report it. We are looking at expanding our coverage to include “cancel for any reason” protection. That coverage is more expensive and generally does not offer 100% cash refunds, but rather a 50/50 refund, with half in cash and half credit towards a future trip. Coverage of that type, if taken, would eliminate the need to beat the system, because the reason you canceled wouldn’t be an issue. We are always looking for ways to improve the products and services we offer our travelers.

Visit us on the web at:

New Vacations & Getaways Disneyland’s Diamond Celebration Relive a piece of the past with a visit to the most wonderful place on earth 3 Days • November 2-4 Chris thought it might be fun to celebrate Disneyland and Mark’s 60th birthdays, since they were “born” a month apart. So expect some craziness in the Sports Leisure tradition along the way on this one. Fly to Orange County, then head to Disneyland for a guided walking tour, featuring some little known landmarks within the park. Enjoy lunch at one of the park’s many restaurants and then head to your hotel for a midafternoon check in. Return to the park in the evening to experience the light show, the parade, the fireworks. Since July of 1955, Disneyland has been making children of all ages smile. Day 2 is an all-park day. You can choose a package that allows you to visit both Disney parks (Disneyland and California Adventure), or just concentrate on the original. We will take a break in the evening to have dinner at The White House in Anaheim, and then return for evening activities if you wish. On Day 3, tour the greater Orange/Anaheim area, and learn how it used to be. Have a chicken lunch at Mrs. Knott’s restaurant at Knott’s Berry Farm, and learn about the

invention of the boysenberry. Fly home midafternoon on Day 3. Two nights accommodations at Embassy Suites, airfare, 5 meals. TD: Mark/Chris. Prices available after July 25

“New Year’s Eve, A Night in Vienna” is Back! See a magnificent classical performance in San Diego 3 Days • December 31 – January 2 Important announcement: Due to our inability to reserve group air over this holiday period, we can only guarantee the price listed until August 31. We strongly encourage you to make reservations early. Highlight of this trip is your chance to witness a magnificent celebration of the New Year, just like it was done in Old Vienna. A grand orchestra, tenors and ballet dancers, everything you’d expect in a first-class stage performance. Stay two nights at the Hilton on Harbor Island, enjoy a New Year’s Day Brunch cruise on the bay, spend New Year’s Eve at the Lawrence Welk Village Theater (where Meet Me in St. Louis is performed) and take a trolley tour of San Diego. Fun, simple, special. From lunch at Peohe’s to the New Year’s buffet on the water and a nice meal at Lawrence Welk’s, you will not

go hungry. There are even complimentary cocktails and breakfast at the Hilton. Airfare and 6 meals included. TD: TBA, 1400/1550 Gold Passport Points. $1360 p.p./dbl.occ., $1525 single $ave $40 until August 11

Winter at the Ahwahnee Featuring an overnight stay in Yosemite National Park 2 Days • January 31 – February 1 This trip is a Sports Leisure Vacations’ favorite! And the focus is all about the Ahwahnee Hotel… enjoy brunch in the grand dining room, join a docent-guided historic tour of the public areas, and experience one night in what is considered the Grand Dame of National Park hotels. 1. Travel through the Central Valley to Yosemite National Park and to the historic Ahwahnee Hotel, built in 1926. Sunday Brunch is presented in the Ahwahnee Dining Room, with its 34 foot high ceilings and floor to ceiling windows. A guided tour of the public areas deepens your appreciation for the architecture and interior design of this grand structure. Pause for a cup of tea in the Grand Lounge while awaiting check-in at 5pm. The evening is yours to enjoy the historic surroundings. Ahwahnee Hotel (BR) 2. Exploring the valley during winter is very different than during other times of the year; perhaps you will wake up to a fresh dusting of snow? Learn more about winter in Yosemite and enjoy spectacular views as you explore from one end of the valley to the other from the comfort of a heated coach with a local guide this morning. There is time for lunch on your own in Yosemite Village before returning home. This package includes motorcoach transportation, accommodations, 1 brunch, all tours and attractions as listed above and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 700/800 Gold Passport Points $685 p.p./dbl.occ., $780 single $ave $15 until August 11

Celebrate Disneyland’s 60th anniversary – “Walt’s Folly” has never looked so good! Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


Death Valley and the Eastern Sierra Nevada Featuring Manzanar National Historic Site, Scotty’s Castle and the breathtaking scenery of Highway 395 5 Days • February 28 – March 3

H Highlights H • Tour Scotty’s Castle, visit Ubehebe Crater, Zabriske’s Point, and Badwater Salt Flats • Enjoy a luncheon at the historic Furnace Creek Inn • Spend 3 nights at the Furnace Creek Ranch • Visit Manzanar Nat’l Historic Site • 9 Meals: 1 breakfast, 3 full breakfasts, 5 lunches • Fly into Las Vegas; return by motorcoach • Door-to-door transportation • Services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director • 2000/2250 Gold Passport Points Death Valley… its name alone conjures up all sorts of images: lonely prospectors, teams of mules on boxes of borax, and early television westerns. You are sure to be surprised by the beauty, intrigued by the stories, and awed by the splendor that is Death Valley National Park and the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Join us for this journey through spectacular scenery, awesome beauty; relive a bit of history and make some new friends as we traverse the deserts of California. 1. A short plane ride brings us to Las Vegas, a “small” oasis in the desert. After a quick bite to eat, follow in the footsteps of the early emigrants as we travel into Death Valley. Furnace Creek Ranch – 3 nights (L) 2-3. Learn more about the early hardy travelers and the consequences of their haste over the next two full days of touring as you visit the sights in Death Valley… Badwater Salt Flats, Zabriske’s Point, the Borax Works, Ubehebe Crater and of course, Scotty’s famous “Spanish villa.” (2FB,2L) 4. A day of transition as you weave your way out of Death Valley towards the Sierra Nevada. Visit Manzanar National Historic Site, a windswept reminder of those Americans of Japanese ancestry who were interned here at the base of the mountains from 1942 to 1945. Settle in for the night


in Bishop, surrounded by the majestic Sierra Nevada and White Mountain ranges. Creekside Inn (FB,L) 5. Travel Highway 395, past Mammoth Mountain and Mono Lake, towards the Carson Valley. Stop for a Basque lunch at JT’s Restaurant before returning home. (B,L) $1980 p.p./dbl.occ., $2245 single $ave $60 until August 11

Chocolate Festival in Ashland Oregon The Sweetest Weekend Ever 3 days • March 4-6, 2016 This will be the 12th year the Ashland Springs Hotel will host the Oregon Chocolate Festival and you’re invited to come along with Sports Leisure Vacations for the Sweetest Weekend Ever! Your chocolate festivities start the evening of your arrival with the always elegant Chocolate Maker’s Dinner, a beautiful three-course event featuring a bit o’ the sweet stuff incorporated into every dish. The Festival starts the next morning with the Vendors Showcase and over 40 chocolate companies offering you samples of their chocolate creations. In the past, the festival was a showcase of Oregon’s finest chocolatiers; but it has now expanded to include chocolate artisans from all over the West Coast. With the addition of more vendors, you will have the opportunity to explore the Vendors Showcase on both Saturday and Sunday.

You will stay two nights at the newly renovated Ashland Hills Hotel. Your sweet weekend also includes an optional trip into nearby Medford to visit Harry and David’s Country Village Store. For those who can’t go to Ashland without seeing a play (it’s the home of the Oregon Shakespeare Festival), we will help you get tickets to a play (at an additional cost). The 2016 show schedule will be announced in late summer. We will contact you with more information at that time. The tour includes door-to-door service, motorcoach service, accommodations, the Chocolate Festival, 6 meals (2B,2L,2D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 900/1050 Gold Passport Points. $895 p.p./dbl.occ., $1040 single $ave $25 until August 11

Colorful Mystery Coast Is the ocean calling your name? 7 Days • March 4-10 There’s no better way to shake off a gloomy winter than by taking a springtime trip to the coast! Visit three states and discover a world previously unknown to Sports Leisure travelers. This is a land of islands, beaches and lighthouses where big, modern cities rise alongside historic hamlets seemingly lost in time. Here you can play like a pirate, live as royalty and chart new territory like explorers of old. And when we say old, we mean really old! Princes and kings will have nothing on you

Discover all things chocolate at the Oregon Chocolate Festival in Ashland

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

as you triumph where Spanish armies failed. Rich and poor alike have woven an intricate tapestry that envelops this land as the rolling fog on a crisp, spring morning. You’ll hear the voices of both and sample the priceless treasures they have to share. Feeling a bit crabby? This vacation is guaranteed to elevate your spirits while keeping you safely grounded at sea level! The pace is easy (sleep in three hotels for two-nights each) and filling (14 included meals – 6 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners – feature a local bounty from land and sea). Will there be prune cake? Hmmmmm… I wonder. Of course, roundtrip airfare is included, along with door-to-door service, daily sightseeing and the guidance of your First Mate, Clayton Whitehead. (Just beware of any invitations to join him aboard The Minnow on a 3-hour tour!) 3300/3600 Gold Passport Points. $3260 p.p./dbl.occ., $3570 single $ave $100 until August 11

Alaska’s Aurora Borealis Featuring small group travel with unique winter attractions 7 Days • March 8-14

H Highlights H • View the Aurora Borealis from a remote lodge outside Fairbanks • Experience a VIP tour of the 2016 Ice Art Championship displays • Stay at the spectacular Alyeska Resort, charming Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge and spacious Fairbanks Springhill Suites • Travel on the Alaska Railroad from Talkeetna to Denali • Dogsled at the Dallas Seavey Kennel, winner of the 2012, 2014 & 2015 Iditarod • Enjoy an exclusive winter cruise on Prince William Sound • See all the big land mammals at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center • Star Lady Aurora presentation • Limited to 20 passengers • Roundtrip air to Anchorage/from Fairbanks • Door-to-door airport transportation • 14 Meals: 3 full breakfasts, 3 continental breakfasts, 5 lunches and 3 dinners • 4800/5200 Gold Passport Points Fly to Anchorage and begin your tour with

lunch followed by a scenic drive down the Turnagain Arm, one of the most scenic byways in America! This All-American Road will be a highlight today as you travel between the ocean and the towering Chugach Mountains. Your accommodations are beautiful; amenities include several restaurants, a sundry and gift shop, a mountain sports store for winter gear, a fitness center, spa and an indoor saltwater pool & whirlpool. It also features an aerial tram with fine dining at the top of the mountain. Alyeska Resort – 2 nights (L) 2. This morning explore the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, a 200-acre rescue and rehabilitation center for Alaskan wildlife. Meet moose, wood bison, herds of musk ox and caribou, and many other Alaskan animals who call the Portage Glacier Valley home. The afternoon takes you to Prince William Sound’s Blackstone Bay. A voyage on the water takes you close to shore to admire the sheer cliff walls and tumbling waterfalls en route to two tidewater glaciers, Beloit and Blackstone. You will be sitting face-to-face with an expansive wall of ice tucked up in a safe nook between Blackstone and Northland glacier. The rest of the day will be spent exploring a kittiwake rookery and bald eagle nests. Cruise into nooks to examine waterfalls and find a nice beach to step ashore on to experience the natural geology of this glacial-carved fjord. This evening is at your leisure. (B.L) 3. A city tour of Anchorage begins the morning, along with a visit to the headquarters of Alaska’s Iditarod Trail Sled Dog Race. Talkeetna is a quaint “mountain climbing” town, featured on several TV shows for good food and fun personalities. Enjoy a hosted dinner and the Star Lady Aurora presentation this evening. The Star Lady will share with you her knowledge of constellations, aurora activity, and the Alaskan night sky. Ask questions and get to know this local personality, and stock up on knowledge before you head outside. Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge – 2 nights (B,D) 4. Breakfast at the famous Talkeetna Roadhouse is included this morning before heading out for an adventurous day! Visit the homestead of Dallas Seavey, the 2012, 2014 and 2015 Iditarod Champion, to learn

what it takes to train and race in the “Last Great Race.” Cuddle with the puppies, tour the kennel, and go for a wilderness ride on a real dog sled with Iditarod Champion sled dogs! (B,L) 5. A journey on the Alaskan Railroad is on the bucket list of many. As you travel along the rails, keep an eye out for Mt. McKinley and the various animals that may be spotted. Leave the train near Denali National Park and continue by motorcoach to Fairbanks. After checking into your hotel enjoy a hosted dinner followed by aurora viewing this evening with your local Alaskan guide. The remote location will allow you to get away from the city lights of Fairbanks to enjoy the aurora and photograph this spectacular show! Marvel at the beauty from the coziness of your comfortable lodge NOTE: The aurora is weather and solar flare dependent – it takes a clear sky and active solar activity to make for a great viewing experience. Fairbanks Springhill Suites by Marriott– 2 nights (B,L,D) 6. A guided tour of Fairbanks includes a visit to the Trans-Alaska Pipeline and the Fairbanks Ice Park featuring the 2016 Ice Art Championship displays. The single block and multi block carvings will be quite impressive as you explore the park, enjoy complimentary hot beverages, and join a VIP Ice Park Tour. Dinner is hosted before heading back to the Ice Park to see the sculptures once again, but this time illuminated! (B,L,D) 7. You will not soon forget the magic you experienced in the Great North. It is time to take your photos and memories back home to share with your families and loved ones. Depart from Fairbanks International Airport for home. (B) Special Note: Due to the nature of this tour and the season in which it is offered, you must be prepared for cold weather from 0 to 30 degrees Fahrenheit. Snow or other inclement weather is to be expected. Boots and jackets may be rented (extra cost) if you do not own them. Additional information about preparations for this tour will be provided to you in advance of departure. $4775 p.p./dbl.occ., $5190 single $ave $150 until August 11

Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced) 2 Days

Aug. 1-2

Mystery Entertainment Overnighter

An evening concert under the stars at a winery highlights the itinerary. The featured entertainer is the mystery, but we will tell you it’s a popular headliner from our Key West tours, accompanied by a small town symphony orchestra. Sunday Brunch and a wonderful luncheon cooking demonstration are included, along with your accommodations. (Due to uneven ground at the winery, we cannot accommodate walkers on this itinerary.) All three meals included, 600/700 GPP, TDs: Mark/Chris. $595 p.p./dbl.occ., $675 single 6 Days

Aug. 25-30

The Tapestry of Vancouver Island

Vancouver Island is more than just Victoria. In fact, this itinerary does not provide more than a glimpse of that magnificent city, and instead shows you the rest of the island. Fly to Vancouver and catch the ferry to Nanaimo. After an overnight, head for the west coast of the island and the town of Tofino. The paved road has only gone to Tofino for 40 years, so it’s an unspoiled region. Stay 2 nights at the Tin Wis Resort. Visit old growth forests, beautiful gardens and visit a local tea room. Back on the east side, travel the Comox and Cowichan Valleys, on to Chemainus and Duncan, home of magnificent murals and totem poles respectively. Depart from Sidney, but first, there’s time for a two hour tour of Victoria, so first-time visitors can see the city (note: the tour does not stop at Butchart Gardens due to time limitations). 9 meals (5FB,4L), door-to-door service, 3250/3650 Gold Passport Points, airfare to Vancouver/from Victoria TD: Ramona Goodge. $3245 p.p./dbl.occ., $3620 single, this vacation requires a passport 6 Days

Sept. 9-14

The Redwoods of the North Coast & The Rogue River Jet Boats

Head for the California coast near Eureka, to “meet” the Coastal Redwoods. Then travel on into Oregon for the opportunity to ride the jet boats that deliver the mail to remote locations on the Rogue River. Walk through ancient redwood groves, enjoy oceanview accommodations for 2 nights in Oregon (Brookings), travel the famous “Avenue of the Giants” and ride through Redwood National Park. Stroll the Sundial Bridge in Redding. The package includes 13 meals, door-to-door service and 2100/2450 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $2080 p.p./dbl.occ., $2405 single 3 Days

Sept. 16-18

Santa Cruzin’ and The Follies

It’s the Diamond Anniversary of the famous Seniorama Follies, where all performers are 55+. Two nights at the Hilton Scott’s Valley, Roaring Camp Railroad ride and BBQ lunch, dinner on your own on the beach in Santa Cruz, second dinner at The Crow’s Nest. 6 meals, 950/1100 Gold Passport Points, TD: Donnie Anderson. $930 p.p./dbl.occ., $1080 single


Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

Explore the beautiful scenery of Washington’s San Juan Islands by ferry

6 Days

Sept. 10-15

Ferries and Towns of Puget Sound

Year after year, this is one of our most popular itineraries. Our featured Pacific Northwest tour got a new look last year, as we moved from the San Juan Islands for 2 nights to Anacortes, and the beautifully modernized Majestic Hotel. We still go flightseeing in the San Juan Islands and visit all the wonderful little towns along our route. In order, from Poulsbo to Port Townsend, on Whidby Island from Coupeville to Langley, on to La Conner, Anacortes and Friday and Roche Harbors in the San Juan Islands. This really is the perfect tour, visiting and shopping in small towns, a leisurely pace, often hitting some of the best weather of the year in Puget Sound, and without the summer crowds. Overnight in Poulsbo, 2 nights on Whidbey Island, 2 nights at the Majestic Hotel in Anacortes. 11 meals (2FB,3B,3L,3D), doorto-door service, airfare to/from Seattle, 3100/3350 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Chris Galloway. Important notes about the ferry boats: Many of the boats have elevators for passengers, but some offer stairs as the only way to access the passenger deck. If you have mobility issues, please discuss them with staff before registering. $3080 p.p./dbl.occ., $3320 single 33 Days

Sept. 21 – Oct. 24

All The Way to Asia

As Holland America retires the ms Statendam, you get a great bargain on a month-long cruise. From Seattle to Hawaii (3 stops), then to Guam, the Marshall Islands, Philippines and Malaysia, before ending in Singapore (2 nights post cruise with sightseeing). Call our office or go online to see the complete schedule. Includes air to Seattle, home from Singapore, all meals on board ship, 6000/8000 GPP, Cruise Tour Director: Joey Querio. Inside cabins start at $5950 p.p./dbl.occ., $7950 single, Add $300/495 p.p. for outside cabins, this vacation requires a valid passport

8 Days

Sept. 30 – Oct. 7

Fall Foliage in New England, featuring Vermont & The Berkshires

There’s nothing like the autumn colors in New England. While hitting it perfectly is no guarantee, our trip arrives at the traditional peak of the season. We pay a little more for these dates, but you get the prime foliage week. Fly to Burlington, and spend 2 nights at the Jay Peak Resort in the mountains. Visit Stowe, and the Von Trapp family lodge. Tour Ben & Jerry’s original ice cream factory, cruise Lake Champlain, tour Hildene, once the home of Robert Todd Lincoln, and hear the magnificently restored pipe organ. Stay 3 nights at the Basin Harbor Resort, enjoy a hands-on experience at the New England Culinary Institute, have fun at the Maple Museum (learn how they “tap” the trees). End with two nights at the historic Red Lion Inn in The Berkshires (not the west coast chain, an independent historic property). Visit the Rockwell Museum before your travels come to a close. The package includes 14 meals, airfare (to Burlington, return from Albany, NY), door-to-door service and 3900/4450 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $3855 p.p./dbl.occ., $4430 single 4 Days

Oct. 4-7

Catalina Island Getaway

Our annual visit to Catalina Island, off the Long Beach coast, features a 3-night stay at the Pavilion Lodge. It offers a great location and nice accommodations. By going in early October during the week, you miss the crowds and still get great weather. Fly to LA, enjoy Sunday Brunch on the historic Queen Mary, then take the fast ferry (little over an hour) to Catalina. Lots of sightseeing highlights your stay on the island. 6 meals, 3 tours on Catalina, airfare and 1600/1800 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Patty Thayer. $1595 p.p./dbl.occ., $1830 single 6 Days

Oct. 9-14

Wild & Wonderful West Virginia

Deluxe, luxurious accommodations, with 2 nights at the renowned Greenbrier Resort and 3 nights at The Resort at Glade Springs. Explore Hatfield and McCoy country with a historical expert (yes, there really are Hatfields and McCoys). There’s a daring adventure in the New River Gorge, a tour of the state capitol, a visit to a moonshine still and a look at the world of coal mining. Door-todoor service, 13 meals, roundtrip airfare to/from Charleston, WV. 3250/3700 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. $3240 p.p./dbl.occ., $3690 single 4 Days

Oct. 13-16

The Autumn Days of Mendocino

Overnight Ukiah, two nights Ft. Bragg. Visit the final resting place of Seabiscuit, the race horse, near Willits, then head to the coast. Visit the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens, the lighthouse at Point Cabrillo, MacKerricher State Park (right on the ocean) and even ride the California Western Railroad’s “Skunk Train” through the redwoods. All meals (10) incl., 1400/1550 Gold Passport Points. $1365 p.p./dbl.occ., $1540 single

Visit us anytime on the web at:

6 Days

Oct. 18-23

Bluegrass & Bourbon

Go behind-the-scenes in Kentucky Horse Country. Lexington is where Derby winners are bred. Stay 3 nights at the Embassy Suites, visit farms and other sites important to the Kentucky equine industry. Spend a day at Keeneland and watch future Derby winners begin the Run for the Roses while you wager on the results. In Louisville, tour Churchill Downs and watch baseball bats being made at the Louisville Slugger Museum. Door-to-door service, 10 meals, airfare, 2850/3200 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. $2840 p.p./dbl.occ., $3190 single 10 Days

Oct. 20-29

Mexico’s Copper Canyon by Rail

Join Ramona on a trip to view one of the biggest canyons in the world. Fly to El Paso, travel to Chihuahua, Creel, El Fuerte, the Copper Canyon (2 nights on the rim), Cuauhtemoc and Nuevo Casas Grandes. See the complete itinerary online or call for a copy. Door-to-door service, 26 meals, airfare, 3600/3850 Gold Passport Points. $3555 p.p./dbl.occ., $3810 single, this vacation requires a passport 5 Days

Oct. 24-28

Rails Around Oregon

A brand new tour featuring 5 train rides, a visit to Mt. St. Helens, a ride through the scenic Columbia River Gorge and more. It has been very popular and is filling quickly! Fly roundtrip to/from Portland, 3 Amtrak rides (Empire Builder, the Cascade and Coast Starlight), Mt. Hood Railroad, Oregon Pacific Railroad, 9 meals, 2000/2300 Gold Passport Points. Complete itinerary available online, or a hard copy will be sent on request. $1995 p.p./dbl.occ., $2295 single 6 Days

Nov. 8-13

Tonopah, Laughlin & Las Vegas by SuperCoach

We have returned to the route through Tonopah, because of the reopening of the historic Mizpah Hotel there. Our spring Ghost Towns Tour stayed there, and besides being haunted, it’s a wonderful old property. It has some room-type limitations, and some guests may be housed at the nearby Best Western (which just finished a complete upgrade, very nice, some of our Ghost Tour guests stayed there). You’ll enjoy dinner in the dining room and perhaps even meet a ghost or two… A night in Tonopah, two nights in Laughlin, two nights in Las Vegas (Treasure Island Hotel/Casino), return motorcoach back to Sacramento. The complete itinerary can be viewed online. 6 meals, 1400/1600 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Joey Querio. $1390 p.p./dbl.occ., $1595 single

We appraise and/or buy old coins Just about everyone has a jar of old coins sitting around. Turn those coin collections, big and small, into cash. Mark was a coin dealer in his previous life and is interested in expanding his collection. Call for an appointment to have your coins appraised and/or purchased. Find out what your treasures are worth! 916-361-2051 and ask for Bob or Mark. Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015


3 Days

Dec. 3-6

Sinatra’s Palm Springs

Limited space, call soon. A private tour of Sinatra’s former downtown Palm Springs home is featured, along with a show of Frank’s hits at a Palm Springs restaurant. Ride to the top of Mt. San Jacinto by tram, enjoy a holiday concert by The Ten Tenors and watch the annual Christmas Parade as it passes right by your hotel’s front door. There’s a Celebrity Tour, to learn about the rich and famous and a farewell lunch at the Mission Inn. 3 meals, airfare inc. TD: Ramona Goodge, 1850/2100 Gold Passport Points. $1849 p.p./ dbl.occ., $2065 single 5 Days

Dec. 10-14

Explore Kauai’s Na Pali Coast by private flightseeing tour

9 Days

Nov. 11-19

Food & Fun In Hawaii – Kauai & The Big Island

4 nights Kauai, 4 nights Big Island. Smaller, comfortable resorts on each island (Marriott Courtyard Coconut Beach & Marriott Courtyard King Kamehameha). Lot of unique sights to see. A chocolate (Kauai) and a vanilla farm (Big Island) are visited, there is an all day food sampling tour on Kauai, flightseeing over the spectacular Na Pali Coast (Kauai) and Volcanoes Nat’l Park ( Big Island), a Kona coffee education day, great dining and much more. You can even add two nights on Oahu if you wish. 16 meals and airfare incl. 4800/5600 Gold Passport Points. Tour Directors: Mark & Chris. $4765 p.p./dbl.occ., $5570 single 2 Days

Nov. 9-10

Oahu, A Special Extension to Your Vacation

Fly to Oahu before the 9-day excursion listed above. See the new WWII Valor In the Pacific National Monument (formerly Pearl Harbor, and completely re-done), tour Doris Duke’s Shangri La Estate and the historic Iolani Palace. Two nights accommodations in downtown Waikiki, dinner at Chuck’s Steak House (Remember when they were at Town & Country Village?) and your flight to Kauai to join the group. 2 meals, 800/1100 GPP, TD: Mark/Chris. $795 p.p./dbl.occ., $1015 single 5 Days

Nov. 20-24

A Pilgrim Thanksgiving In Plymouth

A Chicago Christmas Entertainment Spectacular, Featuring Frank Sinatra’s 100th Birthday Party

See the Broadway hit, Beautiful, about the life of vocalist/writer Carol King, and a brand new show, Gotta Dance, a show about an all-senior dance team in its pre-Broadway engagement. You’ll be a guest at Frank Sinatra’s 100th Birthday Party, where you’ll be entertained by a Sinatra impersonator. See the 75 international Christmas trees at the Museum of Science & Industry, enjoy holiday tea at The Drake, dine in an authentic Polish restaurant, visit the German-style Christmas Market, tour Macy’s (formerly Marshall Fields) and have lunch in the historic Walnut Room. 4 nights at the Palmer House Hotel, 9 meals, airfare incl. 2600/2750 GPP, TD: Chris Galloway. $2555 p.p./dbl.occ., $2735 single, $ave $40 EPD* 4 Days

Dec. 23-26

A California Classical Christmas in Riverside

3 nights at the Marriott Hotel in Riverside, holiday dinner at the Mission Inn, visit the candy store which invented the famous “ribbon” Christmas candy, stop in at a couple of Route 66 landmarks, make a day trip to Palm Springs. Santa’s Elves are on hand, gifts are exchanged, if you don’t have anyone to spend Christmas with (or would rather not spend it with those you have), come and enjoy the holiday with us! 9 meals, air r/t Ontario incl. TDs: Mark & Chris, 1600/1800 GPP. $1590 p.p./dbl.occ., $1795 single

Head to the spot where the first Thanksgiving was held. A special parade, Thanksgiving feast, living history day at Plimoth (correct spelling) Plantation, a tour of Lexington and Concord. Give your Thanksgiving a special meaning this year and still be home for the actual holiday. 8 meals, TD: Chris Galloway, 2650/2950 GPP. $2610 p.p./dbl.occ., $2920 single, $ave $60 EPD* 6 Days

Nov. 22-27

Thanksgiving in New York

5 nights at the Marriott Marquis Hotel, New York’s best address in the middle of Times Square. Tickets to An American in Paris and a second Broadway show you select, plus tickets to a performance at Radio City Music Hall by The Rockettes. Theater talk, optional visit to Ellis/Liberty Islands, 9/11 Memorial & Museum, Radio City Music Hall tour, 4 meals. 3700/4400 GPP, TD: Clayton Whitehead. $3695 p.p./dbl.occ., $4370 single


Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015

The lights of the Mission Inn paint a lovely portrait for the holidays

2 Days

Dec. 31 – Jan. 1

The Spectacular Tournament of Roses Overnighter

An abbreviated version of our popular trip to see the granddaddy of all parades! Fly to Burbank, enjoy lunch at the Reagan Library, under the wing of Air Force One. Take time to visit the rest of the Presidential Library, overnight in Burbank at the Holiday Inn. Enjoy an east coast New year’s toast at 9pm Pacific Time, and turn in early because the morning comes very early. Enjoy reserved seats at the parade, along with a parade program and even a souvenir seat cushion. Enjoy a nice lunch after the parade before your flight home. Even though it’s only a 2-day trip, we have included door-todoor service, 3 meals and airfare. 1100/1200 GPP. $1095 p.p./dbl. occ., $1195 single 7 Days

Jan. 22-28

Key West, Miami & The Everglades

Overnight Fort Lauderdale with dinner at a South American Steakhouse, ride an airboat and meet a few alligators, city tour of Miami including Coral Gables and South Beach, overnight Key Largo (great seafood dinner and spectacular sunsets). Visit the Turtle Hospital in Marathon on your way down the Intracoastal Waterway to Key West, where you stay 4 nights at the historic La Concha Hotel in the heart of town. Attractions include a trolley tour of the city, a Key West Tasting Tour, the Little White House, the first public aquarium in the US, the Hemingway House and the Butterfly & Nature Conservatory. Enjoy lunch on a private island and take a cruise on an authentic schooner sailing ship. There’s even a cabaret show with an adult twist at LaTeDa. 13 meals, airfare (Sacramento/ Fort Lauderdale and Key West/Sacramento), 3900/4650 GPP, TDs: Mark/Chris. $3890 p.p./dbl.occ., $4620 single

5 Days

Feb. 26 – Mar. 1

Winter on the Rails – The California Zephyr from Chicago to Sacramento

One of this year’s most popular trips returns for an encore next year, with an longer stay in Chicago. Fly to The Windy City, where you stay two nights at the historic Hilton Hotel Chicago. Sights include the Museum of Science and Industry, the historic rail community of Pullman and tour of the city with a unique “gangster-style” twist. Then you board the Zephyr for the ride across the country. For 48 hours, you ride the rails. Accommodations on board are your choice. Pick a full stateroom for more space or a roomette for a more economical trip. Our office will be happy to help you make your decision. Roomette: $1705 p.p./dbl.occ., $2085 single; Full Stateroom: $2310 p.p./dbl.occ., $3350 single, $50 EPD*


Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. *Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD*,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/ Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary.

From a traditional Maine Lobster Bake, stunning panoramic views atop Mt. Cadillac in Acadia National Park, idyllic coastal towns, to the reading of The Declaration of Independence followed by 4th of July fireworks over the Charles River in Boston, this year’s Bar Harbor to Boston tour had it covered. Pictured above are Leslie, Chris and Alan dressed for a Lobster Dinner. Along with Amy, Susan, Judy and Judy, and Linda celebrating America’s birthday in Boston. Check out more pictures and video on our Facebook page – Chris is already working on our 2016 departure and will have details at Tour Preview Day or you can contact our office and ask to get on the Priority Notification List! Sports Leisure Vacations / July – August 2015




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration Payment Di$counts listed here expire on August 11, 2015; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Nov. – Disneyland’s Diamond Celebration – $ave $30 Nov. – A Pilgrim Thanksgiving in Plymouth – $ave $60 Dec. – Chicago Christmas Spectacular – $ave $40 Dec. – New Year’s Eve, A Night in Vienna – $ave $40 Jan. – Winter at the Ahwahnee – $ave $15 Feb. – Winter on the Rails – $ave $50 Feb. – Death Valley – $ave $60 Mar. – Oregon Chocolate Festival – $ave $25 Mar. – Colorful Coast Mystery – $ave $100 Mar. – Aurora Borealis in Alaska – $ave $150

Visit us anytime on the web at: office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm Or visit us anytime on our website at:


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the double-occupancy price of the tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

TOUR UPDATE… A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available) Castles, Cathedrals & a very special “Abbey” All Around Olympic Peninsula Laguna Pageant of the Masters Great Gatsby at the Grand National Treasurers of the West When You Wish Upon a Star Mystery Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta & Mesa Verde Christmas Lights Mystery Ritz & Fairmont at Christmastime

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) Laguna Pageant of the Masters – 8/16 (1) The Tapestry of Vancouver Island (9) Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound (3) Mexico’s Copper Canyon by Rail (7) Rails Around Oregon & Columbia River (5) Thanksgiving in New York (8) Sinatra’s Palm Springs (6) Key West (7)

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