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JULY/AUGUST VOL. 36, NO. 1 9,325 Active Members  •  46,618 Members Since 1979

36th Annual Vacation & Tour Preview Day Join us as we “Ask the Audience.” Perhaps you’ll want to “phone a friend” on the way to “Let’s Make A Deal.”

Saturday, September 6th • Doubletree Hotel Across from Arden Fair, near Cal Expo • FREE Parking • Admission $10 in advance

2 Showtimes: 9:30-12:15pm & 1:30-4:30pm • Get your exclusive advance copy of our 2015 catalog – along with the opportunity to register for the tours of your choice ahead of the crowds • Everyone in attendance receives a discount coupon • Participate in our “Ask The Traveler – II” survey, live at the event • Review of “space available” 2014 fall and holiday tours

• Learn about our new destinations – Alabama, Croatia, Nevada’s Ghost Towns, Downton Abbey, Alaska’s Northern Lights, Santa Fe, Boston to Bar Harbor, Ottawa & Niagara Falls, Yellowstone & The Grand Tetons, Sequoia National Park, Poland & Prague, many more popular annual destinations and international adventures • Entertainment, LIGHT refreshments


INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion..................................... 2 Clayton Place......................................................... 3 The Customers Always Write........................... 4 Casino Trips and Baseball.................................. 5 The Human Side................................................... 6 Day Trips.............................................................. 7-9 Teasers...................................................................10 New Vacations & Getaways..................... 11-14 The Barber Pole..................................................15 Tour Calendar............................................... 16-19 Coupons and Tour Updates...........Back Cover

CALL TODAY! Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm to reserve your seats, or reserve online anytime!

(916) 361-2051 or (800) 951-5556

Take the FREE Shuttle Bus!

Service From: 9:30am show – Lincoln, Roseville, Madison & I-80   1:30pm show – South Hills

HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor........................................... Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor .........................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers.................... P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer.......... C. Galloway

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion Considering Our (air) Options

A frequent question from Sports Leisure Travelers involves airlines. “How do you select the airlines for your tours?” Great question. Here’s how it works: When a tour is born, just as soon as the dates have been nailed down, we look at air flights. Michael Downer, our air specialist (who is about as good at his job as anyone who has ever filled the position at SLV), sits down and looks at all the possibilities. If it’s domestic, we have more choices. Not as many as we used to have, but still usually there are choices between Alaska, Southwest, American, United and Delta. On occasion, Jet Blue enters into the mix. Virgin America, Frontier and Spirit airlines do not serve Sacramento. The first thing we look at are fares. Right behind that is flight times and connections. While it’s nice to get the lowest fare, sometimes that comes with a very long or very short layover. Or perhaps the return flight leaves very early in the morning. (As west coasters, we have to travel early in the day when we head east, but we really don’t have to get up in the middle of the night to come home, so generally we do not.) We also try not to return home after 10pm at night. That one is tough sometimes, but we prefer to get home at a reasonable hour if we can. We don’t make airline schedules, we have to work with what’s available. And

Nearly 400 attended our 35th Anniversary Party at the Wells Fargo Pavilion in May. Matilda Greule couldn’t be there in person, so she sent these beautiful roses


sometimes those schedules change after we are booked, and we are stuck with a lousy connection or some other issue. Next, we look at routing. United has the most cross-country lift from Sacramento. Another reality is more of our clients hold United frequent flyer accounts than for any other airline. When we fly United, more of our travelers can collect those miles. We try for the most direct route, but if we can save you $100 by going through Houston instead of Denver, we often will do it. To us, an hour is worth $100. We don’t prefer United, but often times, when you consider fares, times and routes, United comes out on top. Then there’s that pesky little thing called service. The airlines don’t really seem to know that word. It’s been deleted from their dictionaries apparently. Because we fly them more frequently, we know the United staff in Sacramento and, on more than one occasion, they stepped up to resolve or minimize a problem, or eliminate it altogether. Certainly that is a consideration. People do business with people they know. Sports Leisure adheres to that principle. So while we lean towards United, we fly on whichever airline best meets our needs, based on the above criteria. There is one other consideration which has come into play lately. Airlines do not talk about this, because it’s done arbitrarily by airport staff. But at least Southwest and United appear to have adopted a policy of holding the last plane of the night for sizeable groups of people. Southwest has held planes in Phoenix twice when I was flying, once for 7 people, once for 9. United has held planes for our groups three times this spring/summer. That has to be taken into account when selecting an airline. Having a group get unexpectedly stuck overnight is a pretty major hassle. While our staff has handled those situations dozens of times through the years, it’s a lot of work and stress. IF the airline is willing to hold the plane for us, we have to consider that a big factor in selecting an airline. (Ironically, it’s sometimes due to the airline’s own incompetence that the group is running behind.)

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014


On a recent tour, one of our travelers conducted themselves in a very poor and embarrassing manner. He made bigoted and hateful remarks several times on the tour, comments which could often be heard by those around him. The Tour Director admonished him to no avail. He not only embarrassed himself, but his fellow travelers. This gentleman (using the term as loosely as it can be used) will not be traveling with us any longer. We are a family when we travel. And while we go to different churches, vote for different politicians and wear different colored clothing, one thing we do not do is hurt each other or those around us. If you cannot keep your hateful comments to yourself, or if you don’t bathe and brush your teeth each day, and put on clean clothes, you will find yourself unwelcome in our travels. We don’t have a long list of rules, but being clean and civilized tops the short list. If you are ever traveling on a Sports Leisure trip, and one of these rules is in question, don’t hesitate to call it to the attention of your Tour Director. He/she is authorized to do whatever necessary to improve the situation, including sending the person home. HHHHHHHH

Tour Preview Day is moving. After many years at the Marriott, we are returning to the Doubletree Hotel near Arden Fair. Details on the event can be found on the front page. I look forward to seeing you at what is one of the biggest annual travel promotion events in the region. After nearly a decade, the price of admission has been increased modestly to $10, (which is still given to charity). Retired travelers are welcome and encouraged to come out and see their old friends, share a hug or two and partake in the fun and games. And so it goes,

Mark Hoffmann, Owner/Founder

Clayton Place annual pilgrimage to Washington, DC. Wait a second. Is this a Southern city? Check the map and you’ll find its well below the Mason-Dixon line! This year our nation’s capital city will be paired with a couple nights in Pennsylvania’s Amish Country. PNLs are available for all these annual tours. Something old, something new, something borrowed, something Bonnie Blue – that’s what you can expect from Southern Vacations in 2015 brought to you by Mark (Key West), Chris (Alabama and a new fall mystery tour) and yours truly. But remember this: Only when you travel with me does the South win the Civil War! “Your Tour Guy,”

Clayton Whitehead, CTP Vice President and Resident Southern Gentleman




our buses, hotels, restaurants, local guides and attractions – the essential building blocks of any great vacation. Those who know us can anticipate the first question we always ask: “What’s new, different and exciting in your neck of the woods?” For you see, we’re always looking to add that new spark even to familiar destinations we visit year after year. Returning Southern favorites featuring that new spark (or two or three) include March tours to New Orleans and my signature Colorful Carolina Coast. I’m especially excited about New Orleans next year for we’ll be there on St. Patrick’s Day. I’ve never been there on this particular holiday, but knowing the populace there as I do, they never need much of an excuse to throw a party, celebrate a special day or stage a parade. I expect nothing less than lots of good, green fun! Three nights in the Crescent City will be paired with a visit to Biloxi and the Mississippi Gulf Coast, an area of amazing beauty and rebirth following the infamous visit by Katrina. The dates are March 15-20. Colorful Carolina Coast will start on March 24 and trace a familiar course down the coasts of North and South Carolina as well as my native Georgia, ending in Savannah on April 2. Will you visit my home, Clayton Place, for some of Toot’s famous prune cake? You betcha! On April 6-10 we’ll return to San Antonio – a very different South – for a 4-night City Escape. One hotel means you’ll only unpack once. It’s Tex-Mex-South all rolled into one. And there we’ll be joined by my dear friend Ingrid Kokinda to add local color with German style. No trip to Texas (or Switzerland or Bavaria) would be complete without this Sports Leisure friend. May 7-13 brings our Clayton, Scarlett and Rhett relive the good old Southern days


Hey, y’all:

No matter where you happen to see me or the time of year, I’m always eager to tell y’all where I’ve been and where I’m going next. And that usually includes more than a few references to my beloved homeland, the American South. My goodness, where is my learning? I’m eager to tell all y’all about the South. (Everyone knows “all y’all” is plural and “y’all” is singular, right?) My memories are particularly warm at the moment for I’ve just returned from my annual summer sabbatical in Savannah. Why, I’m practically glistening right now (mind you, in the South we don’t sweat) with stories of past adventures and a long list of vacations to tantalize you for the coming year. In the last newsletter, I wrote of a couple new destinations we have on the drawing board for 2015: Alabama (April) and West Virginia (October). By calling in and placing your names on the Priority Notification Lists (PNL) many of you voiced a strong vote of support for both these trips. I’m happy to say you’ll be seeing them in the upcoming catalogue. Of course, those on the PNL will receive advanced notice. Certainly it’s not too late to add your name right now! At any convention we happen to attend, we’re always met by a wonderful group of folks known as Tour Suppliers. These friends and colleagues are the ones who provide

Congratulations to this month’s Blueberry Photographic Society winner Gail Stewart. Here we see our friend hanging out – literally – with his new buddy in South Dakota’s Black Hills. Hang on, Blueberry – looks like that could be a wild ride! (Keeping everything in theme, of course this month’s winner was also visiting the South . . . well, sort of. Check out Ramona’s next great Dakotas adventure in the 2015 catalogue!)

Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


The Customers Always Write Hi Mark, I was recently in Reno for a couple of days, and I went over to the Nevada Museum of Art for their exhibit about Shangri La, Doris Duke’s fabulous home in Honolulu, Hawaii. It was really interesting, and it must be a gorgeous place. I know you do lots of trips to Hawaii, and Shangri La is open to the public for tours so it might be something you would like to look into for a future trip. Or… perhaps you have gone there on a past tour, and I just missed reading about it. Have been on a few day trips, and I have a couple of things marked in the new brochure. Wishing you a great summer, and hope to see you on a trip again soon.... Reggie Ed. Note: Reggie, we have visited Shangri La, the Hawaii home of Doris Duke, in the past, but it has been a few years. We are working on a new Hawaiian itinerary for early December 2015, which will have an Oahu option, and a Shangri La visit. We will have two Hawaii tours in 2015, as we will also offer The Best Trip to Maui Ever, in April. Gentlemen – I didn’t get to see you yesterday after the show, as I tried to beat the crowd out to meet my wife, but I did want to say thank you again for including me in your anniversary show. I hope everyone had a good time, I know I enjoyed myself. As I think I mentioned to you when we worked together last year, I do a lot of corporate events and yours is completely different from the norm. In fact, I hesitate to call it a “corporate” event. I’m not telling you anything you don’t already know when I say it’s really a family event. I know that’s a cliche, but in this case, it could not be more true. I rarely see the heads of a company who honestly care for their clients (friends!) the way that you and all the folks at Sports Leisure do. It is refreshing and inspiring to see. And some of that inspiration comes when you consider the age of your patrons and the fact that in this society they are at a


point in their lives when most people start to disregard them. You and your team are just the opposite. It’s so cool to hear your staff referring to most people in that crowd by name! So, congratulations on 35 years of making people happy and thanks again for thinking of me for the celebration. I hope we get to work together again in the future. Best regards, Jack (Gallagher) Ed. Note: I thank Jack for his generous comments and observations, as it means a lot more coming from someone who has much to compare with. Classy guy. Dear Mark, I had the pleasure of enjoying Clayton’s Carolina Coast trip in March. The trip was incredible – everything from the wonderful people who travel with Sports Leisure, to Kitty Hawk (educating) to the home of Pepsi Cola (interesting), to Myrtle Beach (relaxing), and Charleston and Savannah (charming). I’ve always told my friends that part of the reason I travel with you is because I know that if I lose my luggage, passport, or credit card; or get sick or injured, you would provide the help needed. Well, I got to experience that theory first hand when I tripped on the cobblestones in Savannah, and found myself with a broken leg and in need of surgery. Clayton’s mom, Toot, stayed with me until my husband arrived, Mark and Michael were SO helpful with travel arrangements, and Clayton’s compassion was extremely touching! I feel so blessed, am healing well, and can’t wait to sign up for another trip. Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Rosie Brown Dear Mark, Congratulations on your 35th Anniversary since starting Sports Leisure Vacations. What you have accomplished is remarkable. The anniversary program was a pleasure to attend and to celebrate with you. Thank you for your get-well card. It meant a lot to me. I must tell you I am still mentioning Route 66

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

experiences to family and friends. Betty Horsky Dear Mark, I just wanted to say “Thank You” for inviting us to help you celebrate your 35th Anniversary – It was a very enjoyable afternoon. We get great pleasure going on excursions with Sports Leisure. Thanks again, Lois Penman and speaking also for Marie Cruzen & Christie Hill Mark and Clayton, Thank you for a very enjoyable afternoon. Your entertainment was TOPNOTCH, each person on top of their game!! “Yummee” cup cakes and drinks added to a great day. Fondly, Bill and Ann Ayres Mark, I just wanted to let you know how much I have enjoyed traveling with SLV over the last 25 years. Our first trip with you was a mystery trip to Leavenworth on your 10th Anniversary. Since then we have done mostly mystery trips and ended up all over the country. No matter what, you make it interesting. Your associates always have done an excellent job over the years. They represented your company well. Again congratulations on your 35 years of success. Al & Peg PS – Phyllis sends her best from the beyond. Continued on page 5 If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

Casino Trips and Baseball The Customers Always Write – Con’t from pg. 4 Hi Mark My name is Paul Lindsay. My wife and I just completed the Badlands, Cody, Yellowstone tour. I want to personally thank Ramona for an excellent job as Tour Director and John of Karst Transportation for his bus driving. The tour was incredible but there was one incident that was a little jarring and that is what I want to discuss with you in particular. One of our stops was at Heart Mountain, a Japanese-American internment camp. I found the the visit to be moving and inspiring. Our group included four couples of Japanese American descent who had direct knowledge of family members having to endure the conditions at one of the internment camps and I can only imagine the depths of feelings they underwent at the experience. After viewing the introductory film, one of our group went on a tirade about how it wasn’t so bad and how he personally helped a Japanese American get elected to a judgeship after the war. He was loud, vocal, and his ranting was quite out of place for such a solemn place. Ramona stepped in and asked him to quiet down. He refused, got louder and more belligerent, ultimately accusing Ramona of being a “propagandist.” When you’re shepherding so many people on such an extensive tour, having to deal with a “bad” apple can be very difficult. Ramona was excellent in handling a difficult situation. She’s certainly a great representative of your company. I have left out the gentleman’s name in this email because it is not my intent to cause him or his wife any grief. I simply wanted you to know that Ramona handled an extremely difficult and potentially emotional and racially charged issue in an extremely positive, timely, and forthright way. Her actions do her and Sports Leisure Vacations great credit. Yours truly, Paul Lindsay Ed. Note: I received several letters regarding this situation and have addressed it specifically on page 2 (see Just One Man’s Opinion). I thank you for acknowledging Ramona’s role. She is a pretty strong woman. He’s lucky she didn’t take him out behind the woodshed. Perhaps she should have. Thank you Paul, and the others who wrote me. Dear Mark, This is just to say “Thank You” and keep up the good work. Recently, I have travelled with two other companies. I have to say you all have me completely spoiled. You look after us so well, keeping us informed no matter how many times you have been there or done it before. So thank you, thank you, for making my experiences more enjoyable. May we keep on traveling down the road. Many more place to go and see. Kathy Francies

The 2014 Ballpark Express Very limited space available for these games.

World Champion San Francisco Giants Thurs., Aug. 28

Giants vs. Rockies

12:45pm $123/$109

Sun., Sept. 14

Giants vs. Dodgers



Sun., Sept. 28 Fan Appreciation Day

Giants vs. Padres



Oakland Athletics Wed., Sept. 24 Fan Appreciation Day

Athletics vs. Angels

12:35pm $102

Best In The West Rib Cook-Off Stay at the Grand Sierra Resort in Reno 2 Days • August 26-27 Join us in Reno for the 26th Annual Best In The West Nugget Rib Cook-Off. Victorian Square in downtown Sparks will be transformed into a summertime festival with culinary goodness, music and craft fun for your enjoyment. Meet the motorcoach later in the day and head to Reno where you will check into your room at the Grand Sierra Resort. The afternoon and evening are yours with an optional shuttle to downtown Reno. The Grand Sierra Resort boasts one of the largest casino floors in Reno and Northern Nevada. There are three fine dining restaurants as well as a handful of casual dining options. The next day is yours to enjoy the Cook-Off festivities, and all the great food, at your leisure. You’ll arrive back home around 5:00pm. 175/200 Gold Passport points $169 p.p./dbl.occ., $190 single

The Champagne Express to Tahoe Monday, August 18 Apple Hill: Tuesday, Sept. 30 or Wednesday, Oct. 15 Our monthly trips to Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino on the South Shore include a 6-hour stay with a slot credit of $20 and a free buffet or $7 food credit. You must belong to Harvey’s Total Rewards Program to receive the bonuses. Our September and October trips feature stops at High Hill Ranch for a hot drink and apple treat en route with a slightly longer day. $45 or $49 (AH) Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect The Story of SLV By Eva Trebilcock There lives a competent man, named Mark. He started his business at the ballpark. He is very smart, And works very hard. So, SLV’s future looks very bright and not at all dark.

The natural environment is her niche. She loves the flowers and hugs the trees And tells us about the butterflies and the bees. One of her favorite hiking spots Is Washington’s Hurricane Ridge.

Clayton is a gentleman with southern charm. When the hill is steep, he’ll offer you his arm. He travels South, North and West But it is the East, he likes the best Then he can visit Toots and her llama farm.

There lives a charming lady, named Pat. She is always elegantly clad. Her asset is her interest in culture, She loves architecture, paintings and sculpture And the symphony and opera she does not forget.

There is an office on Old Winery Road. The worker bees there carry a heavy load. Kevin is an intelligent planner Michael a careful flight scanner And the conversation with May, Merrill, Donna and Donnie always ends on a happy note.

There lives a gray haired lady, named Joey Querio. To the casinos she likes to go Wine, chips and coffee she serves, And miraculously she keeps her balance, when the bus swerves. She hopes, some day she’ll get 3 sevens in a row.

There lives an adventurous tour guide, named Scott. The Sports Leisure travelers like him a lot He takes them to mountains, rivers and lakes, At the desert museum he shows them scorpions and snakes. And on the golf course he delivers a pretty good shot.

There lives a friendly bus driver, named Greg Gross All over the country he goes. He travels mile after mile And always greets the passengers with a cordial smile. And he never complains changing a tire, when it snows.

There lives a handsome young tour guide named Chris. Hiring him for Sports Leisure was a bliss. He makes the trips a lot of fun. The little old ladies all want to adopt him as their son. A trip with him they hate to miss.

Sports Leisure Vacations Takes us to and through many nations. It is not a mystery: They are a strong pillar of our community. On your 35th Anniversary: Heartfelt Congratulations! Definitely not by Shakespeare!

There lives a woman named Ramona Goodge.


Love you guys! E.T.

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

Actual Complaints Received By Thomas Cook Vacations (a British company) from Dissatisfied Customers 1. “I think it should be explained in the brochure that the local convenience store does not sell proper biscuits (cookies) like custard creams or ginger nuts.” 2. “The beach was too sandy. We had to clean everything when we returned to our room.” 3. “We found the sand was not like the sand in the brochure. Your brochure shows the sand as white but it was more yellow.” 4. “They should not allow topless sunbathing on the beach. It was very distracting for my husband who just wanted to relax.” 5. “No-one told us there would be fish in the water. The children were scared.” 6. “Although the brochure said that there was a fully equipped kitchen, there was no egg-slicer in the drawers.” 7. “We went on holiday to Spain and had a problem with the taxi drivers as they were all Spanish.” 8. “The roads were uneven and bumpy, so we could not read the local guide book during the bus ride to the resort. Because of this, we were unaware of things that would have made our holiday more fun.” 9. “It took us nine hours to fly home from Jamaica to England. It took the Americans only three hours to get home. This seems unfair.” 10. “I compared the size of our onebedroom suite to our friends’ threebedroom and ours was significantly smaller.” 11. “My fiancé and I requested twin-beds when we booked, but instead we were placed in a room with a king bed. We now hold you responsible and want to be re-reimbursed for the fact that I became pregnant. This would not have happened if you had put us in the room that we booked.” Thanks to John and Sue Hunter for forwarding this list.

Day Trips and Theatre Outings Bonsai and Brunch Sunday, August 3 Enjoy the Bay Area’s best views of the San Francisco skyline from HS Lordship’s Restaurant at the Berkeley Marina. Its Champagne Brunch is a special production, offering over 100 specialty items including made-to-order pasta and omelets, carved meats, decadent desserts and more. Following brunch, visit The Bonsai Garden at Lake Merritt, home to some of the finest bonsai displays on the West Coast. It’s a leisurely Sunday out and about. $131

Filoli & The Fish House Tuesday, August 5 You are sure to take pleasure in the beautiful blooming roses and annual flowers of this lovely award-winning historic garden in Woodside. The 16-acre estate is a masterpiece of color and architectural design from the early twentieth century. A guided tour of the estate gardens is followed by time to wander the grounds on your own. A garden shop and visitor’s education center are also available for your perusal before an included lunch at the always popular Fish House. $139

The Sound of Music Sonora Theatre Wednesday, August 6 Based on the true story of the Von Trapp family, this show has it all – a heroine who finds her calling, children who find a mother, a Naval officer who finds a wife, and a family that finds courage in one another as they escape the evil of Hitler’s Third Reich. Featuring the beloved songs, “My Favorite Things,” “Do-Re-Mi,” “Climb Ev’ry Mountain,” and “Edelweiss,” lunch is included at Christopher’s in Sonora preceding the 2pm matinee. $130

Date for Lunch at the “C.I.A.” Thursday, August 21 No background or security check will be required for lunch at The Culinary Institute of America in the Napa Valley. Commonly

referred to as the “C.I.A.,” it is the premier school for chefs in America. Enjoy a threecourse lunch prepared and served by the students under the tutelage of their professional instructors. Before lunch, enjoy a tour and tasting of award-winning wines on our visit to the historic mansion and natural caves of Beringer Winery in St. Helena. This tasty day concludes with a short stop in Yountville to browse its variety of culinary and gift shops. $146

The Pirates of Penzance Bankhead Theater, Livermore Saturday, August 23 Come carouse to one of the most popular and ageless comedic operas of all time, Gilbert & Sullivan’s The Pirates of Penzance. Presented by the talented Lamplighters Theatre Group of San Francisco, the rousing score and hilarious lyrics make this tale of tender-hearted pirates, a squadron of bumbling blue-coated bobbies, a bookish and eccentric Major-General well-versed in everything but military matters, and his bevy of beautiful maiden daughters a delight for one and all. Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee at the Poppy Ridge Restaurant overlooking the popular golf course. $142

Walt Disney and Sausalito Too! Monday, August 25 Travel to Sausalito to enjoy the panoramic views of the San Francisco skyline from Spinnaker’s floor-to-ceiling glass-walled dining room. After lunch immerse yourself in the remarkable life story of the man who raised animation to an art at the Walt Disney Family Museum. Enjoy a guided tour and visit its newest exhibit: Leading Ladies and Femmes Fatales: The Art of Marc Davis. In his 43 years at Disney Studio, Davis brought life to many iconic female characters: heroines such as Tinkerbelle and Aurora, as well as villainesses Cruella de Vil and Maleficent, the latter being the subject of a new movie debuting this summer. $135

Valley’s Got Talent! Gallo Center, Modesto Friday, August 29 You’ve been a fan of American Idol – cheering and texting your vote for your favorite contestants. Now you can be a part of a live talent show audience and vote in person! The 5th Annual Valley’s Got Talent features local performers; Exceptional singers, dancers, instrumentalists, bands and specialty acts will be competing for glory and cash prizes, and you will get to cast your vote! The winners are announced the following day, and we will notify you of the final outcome. An early dinner at Shangri-La, our favorite Modesto Chinese restaurant, precedes the 7pm performance. $122

Wayne Thiebaud in Napa Napa Valley Museum, Yountville Tuesday, September 2 On display at the Napa Valley Museum is a selection of prints and drawings from our own resident artist, Wayne Thiebaud. Featuring more than 100 pieces, Wayne Thiebaud: Works on Paper is a collection of his efforts since 1948 when he began studies at Sacramento State University to his professional work through 2004. Enjoy pop art of favorite subjects such as cakes, desserts, and gumballs with a docent guide at the museum. Lunch is included at Hurley’s Restaurant in Yountville with some free time to browse the shops of this culinary and art mecca. Peruse the painted murals in downtown Napa and stop at the Oxbow Market before returning home. $134

Glass, Fish & Ships Tuesday, September 9 Begin with visits to Nourot and Smyers Glass Studios in Benicia. The studios are known for outstanding quality and value in vivid colored original designs. Next it’s lunch at Venticello’s Italian Restaurant. In the afternoon, cruise around the US Navy’s “Mothball Fleet” aboard the m/v Journey. You cannot board any of the naval vessels but it is a great way to see some of America’s

Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


powerful and historic ships including destroyers, cruisers, oilers, and merchant ships. This tour is limited to 30 so reserve early! $144

San Francisco & The Ducks Thursday, September 18 A new way to see the sights in the City by the Bay! Hop on a “Duck,” a large amphibious vehicle, for a fun ride through the streets of San Francisco and then ride right into the water at China Basin for a view of the cityscape from the waterfront. You get the best of land and bay with this fun tour of our favorite city. Lunch is included prior to the 90-minute ride at Fog Harbor Restaurant on Pier 39. $137

Hello, Dolly! Woodland Opera House Sunday, September 21 Winner of ten Tony Awards, Hello, Dolly! is one of the most enduring Broadway classics. Strong-willed matchmaker Dolly Levi travels to Yonkers, New York, to find a match for the ornery “well-known, unmarried, half-amillionaire” Horace Vandergelder. Featuring an unforgettable score, Hello, Dolly! has been charming audiences around the world for nearly 50 years. Lunch is included at Seasons Restaurant in Davis prior to the 2pm matinee. $127

“Wok & Walk” in Chinatown Monday, September 22 Enjoy a day of exploration and discovery touring San Francisco’s colorful Chinatown. This historic neighborhood is the oldest Chinatown in North America and with Craig Smith as guide, visit historic sites that make it so intriguing and picturesque. Included in our walk are Portsmouth & St. Mary’s Square, a Taoist temple, fortune cookie factory, tea shop, street of painted balconies, and the Chinese Telephone Exchange. A traditional lunch served family-style is included at the Cathay House with time for shopping and exploring on your own before returning home. $119

Visit us 24/7 on the web at:


East Meets West in Folsom Thursday, September 25 Why does a 400-year-old Japanese company select Folsom for its first western outpost? Learn all about Gekkeikan Sake as we tour the brewery and tasting room. Enjoy a light buffet and sample Gekkeikan Sake and Plum Wine during a hands-on sushi-making class. Make two California Rolls and two California Hand Rolls (no raw fish involved!). There will be judging and prizes! In Old Town Folsom, it will seem as if you traveled through time to the Old West. Visit the History Museum and enjoy free time to explore Pioneer Village, browsing the quaint shops and maybe having an ice cream cone. $110

An Evening with Bob Newhart Gallo Center, Modesto Friday, September 26 Comedian Bob Newhart’s career has spanned two successful television shows, fourteen feature films, millions of albums sold worldwide, and he still performs in front of adoring crowds all over the country. Fans flock to live performances to hear such Newhart standards as The Driving Instructor, Sir Walter Raleigh, and The Submarine Commander. These timeless classics are enjoyed by young and old alike in sold-out concert halls across America. We return to Canal Street Grille for dinner prior to the 8pm performance. $184

Pippin Golden Gate Theater, San Francisco Saturday, September 27 or Wednesday, October 1 Last year’s Tony Award-winner for Best Musical Revival, Pippin tells the story of a young prince on a death-defying journey to find meaning in his existence. Will he choose a happy but simple life? Or will he risk everything for a singular flash of glory? Lunch will be on your own in the area of Union Square preceding the 2pm matinee on Saturday with orchestra seating. Return home immediately following the performance. Our Wednesday show will include a light box lunch served on the

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

motorcoach preceding the 2pm matinee, also with orchestra seating. Afterwards, there will be a no-host dinner stop at Pier 39 before returning to Sacramento. Wednesday – $159, Saturday – $169

Emmylou Harris in Concert Gallo Center, Modesto Wednesday, October 1 Thirteen-time Grammy Award-winner Emmylou Harris is greatly respected for her eloquently straightforward songwriting and incomparable expressive singing. For a sublime example, listen to “Hard Bargain,” her recently released semi-autobiographical album. Few in pop or country music have achieved such honesty or revealed such maturity in their writing. Dinner is included at Skewers Kabob House in Modesto preceding the 7:30pm performance. $174

Fall in the Sierra Friday, October 3 Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery along Highway 50 and the American River, passing through the Tahoe Basin in hopes of sneaking a peak at some fall color along the way. Lunch is included at JT’s Basque Restaurant, a Gardnerville landmark; then drive home along Highway 88 through spectacular Hope Valley looking for the shimmering aspen trees. $111

Mark Twain’s A Murder, A Mystery and A Marriage Fallon House Theatre, Columbia Sunday, October 5 Heroes! Heroines! Villains! Great tunes, goofy jokes, and red hot fiddlin’ all spun from a Mark Twain yarn. The zany town of Deer Lick, Missouri is thrown into frenzy when a mysterious visitor arrives. A young romance is tested and a town patriarch is murdered. Was it the town clerk or the suave Frenchman? Who will Mary marry? Clues to these questions and more will be delivered in classic Mark Twain style. Return to Firenze Restaurant in Oakdale for an early lunch prior to the 2pm matinee with orchestra seating. $132

Eleanor Roosevelt in WWII: What We Are Fighting For Gallo Center, Modesto Thursday, October 9 A Sports Leisure favorite! Storyteller Susan Marie Frontczak returns with another chapter in Eleanor Roosevelt’s life. The stakes of war are high if you have been working for world peace for over 20 years and your husband is the president as the United States goes to war. Hear how Mrs. Roosevelt both effected and was affected by a world at war. The program includes a Q&A with Frontczak staying in character as Mrs. Roosevelt as well as time with the scholar/ actress herself. Dinner at the Canal Street Grille precedes the 7pm performance. $141

Fleet Day on the Bay Sunday, October 12 Enjoy a sumptuous luncheon buffet and cruise aboard Hornblower’s San Francisco Belle. The two-hour cruise is timed to be on the bay during the performance of the U.S. Navy’s Blue Angels air acrobatic team. This said, we cannot be responsible for any change in the Fleet Week schedule, including the performance time of the Blue Angles, due to weather or other circumstances. But still, it’s a great day on the bay with free flowing champagne on board the Belle with musical entertainment! $165

Dewey Bunnell quickly harmonized their way to the top of the charts on the strength of their signature song “A Horse with No Name” and put forth an impressive string of hits that included “Ventura Highway,” “Tin Man,” “Lonely People,” and “Sister Golden Hair.” Enjoy dinner at the Canal Street Grill prior to the 7:30pm show with orchestra seating. $175

Cirque du Soleil’s Kurios – Cabinet of Curiosities AT&T Park, San Francisco Sunday, November 16 or January 11 Delve into a world of curiosity where seeing is disbelieving: the world of Kurios – Cabinet of Curiosities from Cirque du Soleil. The show immerses you in a mysterious and fascinating realm that disorients your senses and challenges your perceptions, leaving you to wonder: “Is it real, or just a figment of my imagination?” The show is an ingenious blend of unusual curiosity acts and stunning acrobatic prowess showing you anything is possible through the power of imagination. This trip will include lunch on your own in Union Square preceding the 1:30pm matinee with prime seating at the show. Return home immediately following the performance. $165

Return of the Cranes

Wells Fargo Center, Santa Rosa Sunday, October 26 The Santa Rosa Symphony Orchestra and Broadway star Haven Burton team up for an afternoon of the award-winning music of Marvin Hamlich, with a special tribute to one of his favorite singers, Barbara Streisand. Lunch is included at the Union Hotel Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee performance with orchestra seating. $155

Monday, November 17 Sandhill Cranes return to the rich farmland of the Delta each year as they make their way down the great Pacific Flyway from the north. The optimum time to view these large birds is at dusk as they take flight, returning to the Isenberg Crane Reserve at sunset. At the reserve, listen to their haunting calls that are like the sound of a distant French horn. A late lunch is included in Lodi following an earlier visit to the Consumnes River Nature Preserve. This trip returns after dark and is a rain or shine experience. $123

America in Concert

I Love Lucy

The Way We Were: Streisand & Hamlich

Gallo Center, Modesto Wednesday, November 5 This year marks the 44th anniversary of the perennial pop group favorite America. Founding members Gerry Beckley and

Curran Theatre, San Francisco Wednesday, November 19 It’s 1952 and you are a member of the studio audience awaiting the filming of two hilarious and oh-so-familiar episodes

of I Love Lucy. The episodes begin and you witness, firsthand, the side-splitting antics of that crazy redhead in the Ricardo’s New York apartment and thrill to the Cuban sounds of “The Ricky Ricardo Orchestra” at the famed Tropicana Nightclub. In-between scenes? The Crystaltone Singers perform live advertising jingles of the show’s newest sponsors in perfect 50’s-style harmony. Can you say “Brylcreem?!” This trip will include orchestra seating for the show and an early dinner at No. 9 Fishermans Grotto preceding the 7:30pm show. $188

Beach Blanket Babylon Club Fugazi, San Francisco Sunday, November 23 or 30 Our holiday departures always sell out so it just goes to show you there’s nothing quite like Beach Blanket Babylon. San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show pokes fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing is wonderful, and the hats are really, really big! Reserved seats are upstairs in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included lunch at Viva Italian Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee. $161

A Sports Leisure Christmas Mystery Party Friday, December 19, Saturday, December 20 or Sunday, December 21 Like holiday gifts, mystery tours come in all sorts of shapes and sizes and you never know what the surprise is until they are “unwrapped.” Enjoy an evening or afternoon out with a lovely meal followed by a holiday-inspired performance. Theatre? Musical? Concert? Maybe Mark has hired a group of musicians to entertain you on a street corner in Vallejo? Maybe YOU’RE the entertainment! You’ll just have to wait until the holidays to find out! Our Friday trip includes an evening performance. The weekend trips are matinees. And with any Sports Leisure trip, getting there will be half the fun! $164

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Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


Teasers The following are destinations we are considering for 2015. If you have an interest in exploring these places, please contact us at (916) 361-2051 or email to place your name on the Priority Notification List. Once we receive enough interest, you will be given the first chance to sign up for the tour and be able to take advantage of our Early Payment Di$counts!

Sweet Home Alabama! 7 Days • April 2015 Tour Alabama’s heartland and visit the capital city of Montgomery. Explore Selma, where Civil War and Civil Rights history were made. In Huntsville, discover NASA’s southern base of operations. Finish off your adventure with sun and fun on Alabama’s beautiful Gulf Coast in the bayside community of Fairhope. A thorough study of a state few Californians have visited! Is it on your bucket list?

Ottawa & Niagara Falls 7 Days • May 2015 Explore the capitol city of Canada during its Spring best – during Tulip Festival! Explore Parliament Hill, see the changing of the guards, and participate in the festival’s activities. Then discover the natural beauty of Niagara Falls – see the falls from below on the Maid of the Mist, from behind on “Journey Behind the Falls,” and from above with lunch at Skylon Tower.

Norway’s Fabulous Fjords 12-14 Days • Summer 2015 Explore the majestic coastline of Norway aboard one of Hurtigruten’s comfortable cruise ships. Visit Bergen, Trondheim, and cross the Arctic Circle on your way to Kirkenes. Small towns and villages are spread across the passage with unmatched scenery. Shall we include a rail passage on the famous Flam Railway to Oslo to roundout the tour?


Alaska by Land & Sea 12 Days • June 2015 Explore Alaska’s interior and scenic waterways. Begin in Anchorage with local touring and passage on the Alaska Railroad to Denali National Park. Your seven night cruise aboard Holland America’s m/s Oosterdam begins in Seward and ends in Vancouver, BC. Ports of call include Haines, Juneau, and Ketchikan with cruising inside Glacier Bay. Want just the land or just the cruise? Just let us know!

Boston to Bar Harbor 7 Days • June 2015 Explore the northeast coast from Boston to Bar Harbor, Maine. Discover Boston, Salem, a little of New Hampshire and then head north along the beautifully rugged coast of Maine through Portland, Freeport, Rockport and on to the summer island home of Bar Harbor and Acadia National Park. Love the ocean and scenic drives along the coast? This tour is for you!

The Best of the Canadian Rockies 11 days • Early or Mid-July 2015 Sit back and enjoy the magnificent scenery of the Canadian Rockies aboard the comfort of one of the world’s most exquisite trains, The Rocky Mountaineer. With its new service, SilverLeaf, take in the views through the panoramic windows of custom-designed single level dome coaches. This signature train ride, originating in Seattle, includes 2 days of daylight travel through the Rocky Mountains. Other sites include Vancouver, Jasper National Park, Lake Louise and the Columbia Icefield.

Cruising on the Canadian Empress 8 Days • Summer/Fall 2015 The Canadian Empress plies the mighty St. Lawrence River. The small replica steamboat hosts only 66 passengers and is small boat cruising at its best. Set sail from Kingston, on the northeastern shores of Lake Ontario,

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

and voyage through the Thousand Islands to Montréal and Québec City. The six-night cruise features many activities and local fare for dining. Pre or post cruise stay in Québec City.

Spain & Portugal 14 Days • September 2015 Spain and Portugal are two of the most fascinating countries in Europe with their unique Roman, Moorish, and Christian history and grand sea-faring legacy. Savor the best of Spain in Seville, Toledo, Córdoba, and Madrid. Explore Portugal’s capital of Lisbon and the World Heritage Sites of Sintra and Evora. It’s a perfect time: pleasant temperatures, sunshine, and the beginning of the grape harvest.

Mexico’s Copper Canyon 9 Days • Late October/Early November 2015 Our tour this year is nearly sold out! Travel through majestic beauty and experience ancient traditions and indigenous cultures. Ride the legendary El Chepe train through one of the biggest and most impressive canyon systems in the world with vertical rock walls climbing over a 1000’ above the track, and deep canyons below. Travel by day on the train with overnight accommodations in comfortable lodgings en route.

Polar Bears of the Great North 8 Days • October/November 2015 A once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to see these great bears in their natural habitat. Travel to Winnipeg, the provincial capital of Manitoba. After three years of construction, visit the Human Rights Museum and tour the beautiful capitol. Journey north on board VIA Rail, with comfortable onboard accommodations and meal service for two nights, taking in the spectacular scenery. Discover the Polar Bears of Churchill with three days to encounter these beautiful animals on board a specially outfitted Tundra Buggy. Return to Winnipeg by air for one more evening before returning home.

New Vacations and Getaways Sedona & Grand Canyon National Park Featuring a visit to Bearizona Wildlife Park 5 days • November 2-6 • Brunch at the Scottsdale Conference Center • 2 nights at the Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa • Lunch at the Enchantment Resort & the historic El Tovar Hotel • Trolley tour to the Chapel of The Holy Cross • Tour along the rim of the Grand Canyon • VIP guided tour of the Grand Canyon Village historic sites • Roundtrip air, to/from Phoenix • 9 meals: 4 breakfasts, 1 brunch, 4 lunches • Tour Director: Scott Angeletti • 2000/2200 Gold Passport Points 1. Fly direct on Southwest Airlines to Phoenix. Enjoy a lavish brunch at the Scottsdale Conference Center, a Sports Leisure favorite. A two-hour drive brings you to the Red Rocks of Sedona and your beautiful accommodations with large rooms, fireplaces, balconies, and a world-class spa. Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa – 2 nights (BR) 2. Start the day off with a private, fullynarrated trolley tour of Sedona to learn about the history, geology, flora and fauna of the area. The tour takes you through the Mexican-style village of Tlaquepaque, nestled beneath the shade of the sycamores on the banks of beautiful Oak Creek. Also stop at the famous Chapel of the Holy Cross. Gaze through floor-to-ceiling windows at dramatically towering red sandstone cliffs while enjoying lunch at the Enchantment Resort. The afternoon is at your leisure; browse the shops of uptown or Tlaquepaque. (B,L) 3. Head north through scenic Oak Creek Canyon to Williams and one of Northern Arizona’s newest attractions: Bearizona, a 150-acre drive-through wildlife park that promises to give you a close encounter of the wild kind with big horn sheep, buffalo, and of course, bears and many more animals all roaming free. In the afternoon arrive

in the town of Tusayan, just outside Grand Canyon N.P., where you will view the IMAX movie “Grand Canyon: The Hidden Secrets.” Best Western Squire Inn – 2 nights (B,L) 4. Enter one of the world’s greatest natural wonders, Grand Canyon National Park, and take a private guided tour along the rim to Hermits Rest. Capture the colors of the canyon during your photo stops along the way and enjoy lunch at the historic El Tovar Hotel before the afternoon’s private guided tour of the village; Visit the Bright Angel history room telling the story of Fred Harvey and his Harvey Girls, stop at Mary Jane Colter’s architectural marvel known as Lookout Studio and go behind-the-scenes and view the fascinating art exhibits of the Kolb Studio, which clings to the edge of Grand Canyon. It was the home and photographic studio of pioneers Emery and Ellsworth Kolb. (B,L) 5. There’s one more must-see attraction before exiting the park’s east entrance. The Desert View Watchtower, constructed in 1932, is a replica of a prehistoric 70-foot Indian tower and commands a magnificent view of the Grand Canyon and the Painted Desert. During your visit view the interior walls of the tower, which feature murals by Hopi artist Fred Kabotie. Travel back to Phoenix this afternoon for your return flight. (B,L)

$1980 p.p./dbl.occ., $2180 single $ave $75 until August 12

The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay With a Christmas visit to Filoli 2 Days • November 30 – December 1 1. Depart Sacramento from one of our convenient pick up points aboard Supercoach III to the charming town of Half Moon Bay, nestled on the coast between Santa Cruz and San Francisco. Lunch is hosted with free time in town before checking into your hotel, which resembles a grand European country estate, set on a rocky bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean all decked out for Christmas. The hotel’s amenities include a walking coastal trail, gas fire pits overlooking the ocean, a fitness center, indoor pool, hot tub and sauna. Spa services are available for additional costs. Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay (L) 2. Enjoy a free morning at the hotel along with a hosted lunch before a special Christmas visit to Filoli, one of the finest remaining country estates of the early 20th Century. Experience the excitement of Filoli’s spectacular nine–day Holiday Traditions event and explore the estate’s Holiday Boutique, with its wide-range of unique holiday gifts. Return home in the late afternoon. (L)

Nestled on an ocean bluff, The Ritz Carlton is your holiday home Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


This package includes deluxe motorcoach transportation, accommodations, 2 lunches, all tours and attractions as listed in the itinerary and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 600/750 Gold Passport Points $595 p.p./dbl.occ., $735 single $ave $10 until August 12

Cruising the Panama Canal On board Holland America’s ms Statendam 17 Days • January 28 – February 13, 2015 A popular itinerary we offer every two years or so. Fly to Fort Lauderdale for a brief overnight stay. Board Holland America’s beautiful ms Statendam the next day and settle in to your floating home for the next two weeks. With impressive service, delicious meals and a variety of onboard activities, as well as exceptional shore excursions, Holland America remains perfectly suited as our chief cruise line. Ports of Call include Holland America’s private beach at Half Moon Cay, Cartagena (Columbia), Puerto Caldera (Costa Rica), Corinto (Nicaragua), Puerto Quetzal (Guatamala), Zihuantanejo/Ixtapa and Cabo San Lucas (Mexico) before arriving in San Diego. Your quick flight returns you home on the day you step off the ship!

Prices include airfare to Ft. Lauderdale/ from San Diego, pre-cruise overnight hotel accommodations, cruise accommodations based on cabin category and all standard meals, taxes, transfers and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. Gold Passport Points are dependent on cabin category. Inside Cabin Prices start at $3740 p.p./dbl.occ., $4875 single Outside Cabin Prices start at $3915 p.p./dbl.occ., $5140 single $ave $150 until August 12 This tour requires a valid passport!

Winter at the Ahwahnee Featuring an overnight stay in Yosemite National Park 2 Days • February 8-9 This trip is a Sports Leisure Vacations’ favorite! And the focus is all about the Ahwahnee Hotel… enjoy an elegant brunch in the grand dining room, have a docentguided historic tour of the public areas, and spend one night in what is considered the Grand Dame of National Park hotels. 1. Travel through the Central Valley to Yosemite National Park and the historic Ahwahnee Hotel, built in 1926. Sunday Brunch is presented in the Ahwahnee Dining






29 Jan 2015

Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US

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30 Jan 2015

Half Moon Cay, Bahamas TR

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31 Jan 2015

At Sea


01 Feb 2015

At Sea


02 Feb 2015

Cartagena, Colombia

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03 Feb 2015

Enter Panama Canal Cristobal CO P1

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03 Feb 2015

Cruising Panama Canal CO 07:00 PM

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03 Feb 2015

Exit Panama Canal Balboa CO P1


04 Feb 2015

At Sea


05 Feb 2015

Puerto Caldera, Costa Rica

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06 Feb 2015

Corinto, Nicaragua

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07 Feb 2015

Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala


08 Feb 2015

At Sea


09 Feb 2015

Zihuatanejo (Ixtapa), Mexico TR


10 Feb 2015

At Sea


11 Feb 2015

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico TR


12 Feb 2015

At Sea


13 Feb 2015

San Diego, California, US


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

07:00 AM

Room, with its 34-foot high ceilings and floor-to-ceiling windows. A guided tour of the public areas deepens your appreciation for the architecture and interior design of this grand structure. Pause for a cup of tea in the Grand Lounge while awaiting check-in at 5pm. The evening is yours to enjoy the historic surroundings. Ahwahnee Hotel (BR) 2. Exploring the valley in winter is very different than during other times of the year; perhaps you will wake up to a fresh dusting of snow. Learn more about winter in Yosemite and enjoy the spectacular views as you explore from one end of the valley to the other from the comfort of a heated coach with a local guide this morning. Enjoy lunch on your own before returning home. This package includes deluxe motorcoach transportation, accommodations, 1 brunch, all tours and attractions as listed in the itinerary and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 700/800 Gold Passport Points $685 p.p./dbl.occ., $780 single $ave $15 until August 12

On the Prowl for Eagles & Owls Unique birds of prey viewing and agricultural education experience 3 Days • February 20-22 H Highlights H • Eagles & Agriculture Opening Reception • Experience private ranch and barn owl tours • Enjoy Sunday Brunch at Harrah’s popular Forest Buffet • 3 meals: 1 brunch, 1 lunch, 1 dinner • Deluxe motorcoach transportation • Door-to-door service • Tour Director: Scott Angeletti • 800/900 Gold Passport Points 1. Depart the Sports Leisure office pausing at Lake Tahoe’s south shore before continuing to town of Minden, Nevada. The 13th Annual Eagles and Agriculture festival is focused on the influx of majestic bald eagles and other birds of prey that come to the scenic Carson Valley each year during the winter calving season. This remarkable interaction between nature and

agriculture attracts photographers, birders and nature-lovers of all kinds who come to closely observe bald and golden eagles, hawks, falcons, owls, and a variety of other bird and wildlife species. Tonight meet fellow enthusiasts at the opening reception. A cash bar and guest presenters set the tone for an evening of socializing and education. Carson Valley Inn – 2 nights (D) 2. Dive into your surroundings with a private “Ranch and Eagle” tour. As a guest of the ranches, you’ll observe their operations up close and meet the men and women who run them. Learn about Carson Valley ranching and conservation and have the opportunity to observe birds of prey from vantage points not available to the general public. This is a once-in-a-year opportunity for eagle viewing and photography. In the afternoon, the Owl Prowl Tour is led by a local naturalist to historic area barns to view owls in “their” habitat. (L) 3. This morning a local guide joins us for a tour of the town of Genoa and the Carson Valley Museum. Pause at Harrah’s on Lake Tahoe’s south shore for its popular Forest Sunday Brunch Buffet. (BR) $795 p.p./dbl.occ., $895 single $ave $15 until August 12

WHO… do you think you’ll meet on the prowl for eagles & owls?

The iconic Furnace Creek Ranch hosts lunch in Death Valley

Death Valley and the Eastern Sierra Nevada Featuring Manzanar National Historic Site, Scotty’s Castle and the breathtaking scenery of Highway 395 5 Days • March 8-12 H Highlights H • Visit Manzanar Nat’l Historic Site • Tour Scotty’s Castle, with time at Ubehebe Crater, Zabriske’s Point, and the Badwater Salt Flats • Enjoy a luncheon at the historic Furnace Creek Inn • Stay 3 nights at the Furnace Creek Ranch • 9 Meals: 1 breakfast, 3 full breakfasts, 5 lunches • Fly into Las Vegas; motorcoach home on SuperCoach III • Door-to-door transportation • Tour Director: Ramona Goodge • 1950/2200 Gold Passport Points Death Valley… its name alone conjures up all sorts of images: lonely prospectors, teams of mules on boxes of borax, and early television westerns. You are sure to be surprised by the beauty, intrigued by the stories, and awed by the splendor that is Death Valley National Park and the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Join us for this ride through spectacular scenery, awesome beauty, relive a bit of history and make some new friends as we traverse the deserts of California. 1. A short plane ride brings us to Las Vegas, a “small” oasis in the desert. After a quick bite to eat, follow in the footsteps of

the early emigrants as you travel into Death Valley. Furnace Creek Ranch – 3 nights (2FB,3L) 2-3. Learn more about the early hardy travelers and the consequences of their haste over the next two days as you visit the sights in Death Valley…Badwater Salt Flats, Zabriske’s Point, the Borax Works, Ubehebe Crater and of course, Scotty’s famous castle. 4. A day of transition as you weave your way out of Death Valley towards the Sierra Nevada. Visit Manzanar National Historic Site at the base of the mountains before settling in for the night in the small community of Bishop. Creekside Inn (FB,L) 5. Travel north along Highway 395, past Mammoth Mountain and Mono Lake towards the Carson Valley. Stop for a Basque lunch at JT’s Restaurant before returning over the Sierra Nevada to Sacramento. (B,L) $1940 p.p./dbl.occ., $2175 single $ave $60 until August 12

Look What We’re Doing…

We encourage you to find us on Facebook at We’ve been posting pictures of recent trips and sometimes even trips that are currently on the road… so you may see a fellow Sports Leisure traveler while they are actually on vacation. How awesome is that?

Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


Alaska’s Aurora Borealis Featuring small group travel with unique winter attractions 7 Days • March 18-24 H Highlights H • Discover Alaska in a small group; 20 people maximum • View the Aurora Borealis in remote lodges outside Fairbanks • Experience a VIP displays tour of the 2015 Ice Art Championship • Stay at the spectacular Alyeska Resort, charming Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge and spacious Fairbanks Springhill Suites by Marriott • Travel on the Alaska Railroad from Talkeetna to Fairbanks • Dog sled at the Dallas Seavey Kennel, winner of the 2012 & 2014 Iditarod Race • Exclusive winter cruise in Prince William Sound • Roundtrip air to Anchorage/from Fairbanks • Door-to-door airport transportation • 12 Meals: 3 full breakfasts, 3 continental breakfasts, 3 lunches and 3 dinners • 4350/4950 Gold Passport Points Discover the amazing beauty of America’s Last Frontier on this custom adventure, hosted by local guides in a small-group atmosphere. This is the way to see Alaska! 1. Fly to Anchorage; the tour begins with a scenic drive down the Turnagain Arm, one of the most scenic byways in America! Before arriving at your overnight accommodations, explore the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, a 200-acre rescue and rehabilitation center for Alaskan wildlife. Meet the moose, wood bison, musk ox herd, caribou herd, and other Alaskan animals that call the Portage Glacier Valley home. Alyeska Resort – 2 nights (L) 2. This morning finds you on an adventure in Prince William Sound’s Blackstone Bay. The journey takes you close to shore, admiring the sheer cliff walls and tumbling waterfalls in route to two tidewater glaciers, Beloit and Blackstone, where you will be sitting faceto-face with expansive walls of ice. Tucked up in a safe nook between Blackstone and Northland glacier enjoy a delicious Alaskan style lunch. The rest of the day will be spent


exploring a kittiwake rookery and bald eagle nests. Cruise into nooks to examine waterfalls and find a nice beach to step ashore to experience the natural geology of this glacial carved fjord. (FB,L) 3. Today stop at the homestead of Dallas Seavey, the 2012 and 2014 Iditarod Champion, to learn what it takes to train and race in the Last Great Race, the Iditarod. You will be able to cuddle the puppies, tour the kennel, and go for a wilderness ride on a real dog sled with Iditarod Champion sled dogs! Lunch will be served at the kennel before traveling to the town of Talkeetna, a quaint “mountain climbing” town, featured on several TV programs for good food and fun personalities. Enjoy a hosted dinner and the Star Lady Aurora presentation this evening. The Star Lady will share with you her knowledge of constellations, aurora activity, and the Alaskan night sky. Ask questions and get to know this local personality to stock up on knowledge before we head outside. If you are up for it you may take an (optional) snowshoe walk with your Alaskan guide. They will get you suited up with snowshoes and headlamps and take you outside to look for the Northern Lights! Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge (FB,L,D) 4. Breakfast at the famous Talkeetna Roadhouse is included this morning before your rail journey to Fairbanks on the Alaskan Railroad. As you travel keep an eye out for Mt. McKinley, various animals may also be spotted along the tracks. Upon arrival at the rail depot in Fairbanks, a local guide will

meet you and escort you to your home for the next three nights. Springhill Suites by Marriott, Fairbanks – 3 nights (FB) 5. Enjoy a guided city tour with visits to the Morris Thompson Cultural Center, Santa Claus House at the North Pole, and the Trans Alaska Pipeline. A hosted dinner tonight is followed by aurora viewing with a local guide. The remote location will allow your group to get away from the city lights to enjoy the aurora and photograph this spectacular show! NOTE: The aurora is weather and solar flare dependent – it takes clear skies and active solar activity to make for a great viewing experience. (B,D) 6. Today’s visit to the Fairbanks Ice Park features the 2015 Ice Art Championship displays. The single block and multi block carvings will be quite impressive as you tour around the park and enjoy complimentary hot beverages, as well as an ice carving demonstrations. Following your VIP tour, dinner is severed at the Silver Gulch Brewery followed by additional aurora viewing. The locations for aurora viewing will vary and your guide will choose the best viewing locations. Marvel at the beauty of the Alaskan northern lights from the coziness of the comfortable lodge or step outside and find best conditions to make your dream pictures of the aurora borealis. (B,D) 7. You will not forget the magic you experienced in the Great North. It is time to take your photos and memories back home. (B) $4340 p.p./dbl.occ., $4925 single $ave $150 until August 12

The beautiful lights of the Aurora Borealis point the way north to Alaska

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly In this section of the newsletter, we address issues of general interest to our travelers. Always worth reading.

Mammoth Lakes Tour Celebrates 150 Years of Yosemite This October, an itinerary we don’t offer often in on the schedule, a trip to Mammoth Lakes. On the eastern side of the Sierra, it’s a frequently missed destination, just because its hard to get to. But it’s worth the effort. Besides the awesome Devil’s Postpile Nat’l Monument, the unique ghost town of Bodie is featured. Kept in a state of “arrested decay,” it is well worth a visit. The tour travels through Yosemite Nat’l Park in one direction, going over Tioga Pass, a route generally not taken unless you are going to or from Mammoth. The scenery is spectacular, and in the early fall, the high country will be an explosion of color. It often happens that an early rain will restore some of the seasonal waterfalls. This year, the park is celebrating its 150th anniversary. Take a longer look and check out the day-by-day itinerary on our website. It’s really one of the best trips of the year, particularly if you look for tours that don’t involve air travel.

Menu Restrictions & Special Requests Everyone loves to eat great food while traveling. Many enjoy sampling local specialties, like eating a lobster while on Cape Cod, or an Italian Beef sandwich in Chicago. We try, when selecting menus, to give folks those opportunities, and to mix gourmet choices with “down-home-cookin.’” Our travelers tell us our imaginative culinary selections are one of the reasons they choose Sports Leisure. Increasingly, travelers want to “customize” their meals on tour. This is one reason we generally don’t include “all” meals on tour. We want you to eat what you like, when you like it. Choices often abound when we dine, and sometimes getting those choices can be a huge amount of effort. We work very

hard to make dining on a Sports Leisure trip a wonderful experience every time. Our challenge is coming from people who, perhaps for non-medical reasons, are choosing a vegan, vegetarian, gluten-free or other type of diet. On a recent 7-day tour, a traveler didn’t tell us they wished a vegan diet. They simply rewrote the menu at every meal. When the Tour Director became aware of the situation (by way of a frustrated waiter), he told the client she could not do that in the future. A huge argument ensued, in the restaurant, in front of many people. The traveler didn’t understand why “only one person” making changes would be an issue. Except if one person can change the menu, why can’t everyone? And that’s exactly what happens. Chaos then reigns, as the restaurant, which planned to deliver a set menu in an efficient fashion, has to fix custom meals. Other people wait longer for their meals, sometimes the tour is delayed, creating scheduling problems the remainder of the day.

Here’s what’s appropriate. If you have a medical reason for a specific diet, we will do our best to deliver. If you have a personal reason for a special diet, we will attempt to accommodate you when reasonably possible. You must make us aware of those needs when you register for the tour. If you wait until a week or two before departure, or until you are traveling, you limit our ability to accommodate you, often creating a tremendous amount of extra work. Remember to point out your special needs each time you register for a tour, because situations change and we do not keep records of specific dietary needs. In our Special Tour Notes brochure we address this issue in a straight-forward fashion. The words ring true, so we repeat them here. “If you have serious dietary restrictions, this type of travel (with a group) may not be for you.”

Remembering Our Traveling Friends… We lost a number of longtime travelers since we last met on these pages. Our friend Sandy Kitchen (pictured at right) made many a trip with her mom Judy. On her last trip to Maui with Mark and Chris in April, she bought Mark a pair of “coconut shells.” Attached with string, they make a tacky “mens brassiere.” Mark had mentioned early in the trip his “Honolulu Helen” character was in need of some new coconuts. One evening after dinner, Sandy produced a “lovely pair of coconuts” for “Helen.”They shall forever be known as the Sandy Kitchen Memorial Coconuts. If that made you laugh, Sandy would be happy. She was always up for anything that included laughter. Tony Jurach, survived by his wife Bernice, had been a Sports Leisure Traveler for over 20 years. Dorothy Ellis dated back to the late 1980’s with her travels. Everyone on this list was special to us. Everyone. Leon Worley Janet McMannis Marlyn Carlson Ray Norling Dorothy Ross Mary Mabey Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced Tours) 11 Days

Sept. 14-24

Italy, That’s Amore!

Please see the complete itinerary online. It includes Venice, Pisa, Rome and Vatican City. Doge’s Palace, the Duomo and the famous Leaning Tower, a gondola ride in Venice, a train ride through the countryside, all featured. 19 meals, airfare, 5900/6700 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. A valid passport is required. $5855 p.p./dbl.occ., $6695 single 8 Days

Sept. 19-26

Rails Around Colorado

Three scenic trains rides: The Rio Grande Scenic Railroad, the Cumbres & Toltec Railroad and the Durango & Silverton Railroad. Great Sand Dunes National Park, curator reception at the Durango Train Museum, 2 nights at the luxurious Zermatt Resort, lunch at the Robert Redford’s Sundance Resort. 14 meals: 7 full breakfasts, 6 lunches, 1 dinner; roundtrip airfare to Albuquerque, from Salt Lake City; door-to-door airport service; 3400/3800 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $3400 p.p./dbl.occ., $3800 single 7 Days

Sept. 28 – Oct. 4

La Belle Québec

The pedestrian village of Mont-Tremblant, nestled in the middle of the Laurentian Mountains, is the perfect combination of European ambiance and Québécois hospitality. The beauty continues as you spend two nights in the Walled City of Québec City. Then it’s on to Tadoussac for whale watching and a night in the Charlevoix Region. Spend the final night in vibrant Montréal, a world-class city unlike any other in North America. Spend 2 nights within the walls of Old Québec City; minke whale watching and fjord cruise. Six nights deluxe accommodations; lunch at the Château Frontenac, dinner at the Canadian Sugar Shack; 12 meals: 6 full breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners. Door-to-door airport service; roundtrip airfare, Sacramento/Montréal; services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director (Chris Galloway) and a local bilingual Tour Guide; 3800/4300 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! $3785 p.p./dbl.occ., $4290 single

Beautifully-restored Pullman cars are your accommodations from New Orleans to Chicago

4 Days


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

Riding on the City of New Orleans

Enjoy private train accommodations from The Crescent City to Chicago. The Pullman Car Company pioneered luxury rail travel by creating the first sleeping cars which could truly be called “first-class.” Today, Pullman Rail Journeys revives the iconic spirit of American rail travel with its carefully restored Pullman Rail Cars. In an effort to be as historically accurate as possible, each classic Pullman Car has undergone a painstakingly detailed restoration and upholds the Pullman tradition of style, ambience and craftsmanship. With your private cars attached to Amtrak’s City of New Orleans, you’ll travel overnight in comfort. Accommodations on the train are in cars generally set for double occupancy with upper and lower berths. All cars operated by the Pullman Company are unique and exact cabin assignments and layouts will not be available until two weeks prior to departure. All cars have windows, electrical outlets, individual lighting controls and Wi-Fi is available depending on the location of the train. Overnight rail accommodations on board private restored Pullman Cars from New Orleans to Chicago. Overnight in the French Quarter of New Orleans and one night in Chicago. City Tours of New Orleans & Chicago. Discover the historic community/company town of Pullman, IL. 6 meals: 3 full breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners; roundtrip airfare to New Orleans, from Chicago; door-to-door airport service; 2600/3100 Gold Passport Points. $2579 p.p./dbl.occ., $3070 single 7 Days

The “Glowdeo” is one of the fan favorites of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Sept. 24-27

Oct. 6-12

Carlsbad Caverns & The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

See the famous Caverns and visit the new Spaceport America in the New Mexico Dessert, where space travel is coming to life. Over 600 balloons are part of the festivities in Albuquerque, where we have private seating for the evening and morning viewings. Overnight El Paso, two nights Las Cruces, three nights Albuquerque. 15 meals, airfare and attractions as listed, 2800/3200 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2765 p.p./dbl.occ., $3190 single

8 Days

Oct. 23-30

Off to The Carolinas with Chris

Charlotte (visit to the Speedway), Andy Griffith’s hometown of Mt. Airy, NC (truly Mayberry); Blue Ridge Parkway, Asheville, Biltmore Mansion, Chris’ hometown (Spartanburg), historic Columbia, SC; Margaret Mitchell’s home, Coca-Cola and CNN in Atlanta. Moonshine tasting, mansion touring, praline purchasing, it’s all there. 18 meals, airfare, 3100/3400 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Chris Galloway. $3075 p.p./dbl.occ., $3390 single 9 Days

Stroll around Catalina’s iconic casino building on a behind-the-scenes tour

4 Days

Oct. 12-15

Catalina Island Getaway

Discover one of California’s most interesting destination, 26 miles across the sea. 3 nights at the Pavilion Lodge in Avalon, round trip ferry from Long Beach, Sunday Brunch on the Queen Mary, sightseeing on the island, airfare to/from LAX/LGB, 6 meals, 1600/1850 Gold Passport Points. $1585 p.p./dbl.occ., $1810 single 4 Days

Oct. 16-19

Mammoth Lakes, Bodie & 150 Years of Yosemite

Travel over Tioga Pass, through the Yosemite Nat’l Park back country, to Mammoth Lakes. Sights include Devil’s Postpile Nat’l Monument, the restored (sort of) ghost town of Bodie, the scenic June Lakes Loop Drive, hear the story of Mono Lake and return via Hwy 395 through Lake Tahoe (Sunday Brunch at Harrah’s). 8 meals, 3 nights Sierra Nevada Resort.$1270 p.p./dbl.occ., $1420 single 7 Days

Oct. 16-22

Oct. 28 – Nov. 5

Mexico’s Copper Canyon

This trip was once full with a wait list, but there have been a few cancellations and now we have 3 seats available in our group of 30. Ride a legendary railroad into one of North America’s most scenic canyons. Fly to El Paso, overnight, then cross into Mexico at Juarez. Stay in Creel, meet the Mennonites, see sand dunes and pecan orchards. Two nights El Fuerte, with two all-day rides on the train. Visit the marketplaces, see the waterfalls, even a float trip on the El Fuerte River if you wish. Enjoy a colorful Ballet Folklorico, meet the Tarahumara Indians, tour the home of Pancho Villa, Return via Chihuahua and El Paso. Includes 21 meals, all tours and activities, airfare, home pick-up, 3100/3400 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $3100 p.p./dbl.occ., $3355 single 4 Days

Nov. 7-10

Luxury (and Theater) in La Jolla

3 nights at the Embassy Suites in La Jolla, lunches at Peohe’s and the Hotel del Coronado on Coronado Island, tours of the island and La Jolla Village, Sunday Brunch cruise on San Diego Bay, visit the Birch Aquarium, tickets to the premier of the Broadway-bound new musical The Hunchback of Notre Dame at the La Jolla Playhouse. Space is very limited. $1465 p.p./dbl.occ., $1645 single

A Prince & An Abbey, An English-style Mystery Tour

2-3 night hotel stays highlight the itinerary. One stay is in a historical city, one in a historical property. Allow us to offer some clues: There is lunch one day in an exclusive club, and at one point in your travels, you’ll ponder where to cross the river. You’ll meet a prince and a general, and learn of some fictional characters from a place called “Downton Abbey.” It’s fall, so enjoy the foliage. Will it be better inside or out? The colors we mean. Both hotels are named for famous American families. Explore a famous campus. Limited to 30 travelers. Includes air and 13 meals. Tour Directors: Mark and Chris, $2950 p.p./dbl.occ., $3450 single, $40 EPD* 5 Days

Oct. 22-26

The New All Around California by Rail

Coach to Stockton, Amtrak to Bakersfield; coach to Fillmore, ride the Fillmore & Western Railroad; lunch in LA’s Union Station, Amtrak to Santa Barbara; Solvang, ride the Coast Starlight from San Luis Obispo to San Jose; Sunday Brunch at the Hayes Mansion, Capitol Corridor train back to Sacramento. 6 meals, 1700/1950 Gold Passport Points. $1690 p.p./dbl.occ., $1905 single

La Jolla is the perfect fall getaway, no matter how you pronounce it Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014


6 Days

Dec. 2-7

A Tender Tennessee Christmas

Live concerts by Vince Gill & Amy Grant, Lee Greenwood & Michael W. Smith, Sandy Patti and John Carter Cash. Attend performances of the Grand Ole Opry and A Christmas Carol. Branson is not on the schedule this fall, because this package offers such an outstanding group of entertainers! Visit the log mansion of Barbara Mandrell, tour Ryman Auditorium (original home of the Opry), the Country Music Hall of Fame and even famous Studio B. Airfare to/from Nashville, 12 meals, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. Very limited space available. $2880 p.p./dbl.occ., $3235 single 3 Days Ancient architecture like Roman aqueducts highlight each day in Israel

14 Days

Nov. 8-21

The Magic of Israel and Jordan

Spend 4 nights in the 6,000 year-old city of Jerusalem, 2 nights in the modern Mediterranean city of Tel Aviv, 3 nights in the Galilee, 1 night on the shores of the Dead Sea, and 1 night each in Aqaba and Petra. Visit us online for the full itinerary. Roundtrip airfare from San Francisco to Tel Aviv, door-to-door service, airport transfers, deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach, services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director and local, Englishspeaking tour guides throughout the tour, 6150/7300 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! Tour Director: Merrill Mixer, $6150 p.p./dbl.occ., $7290 single, prices based on estimated airfare of $1400 p.p. The cost of tour may adjust after airfare, fuel surcharges and exchange rates are confirmed Sept. 8. 6 Days

Nov. 9-14

Bishop, Laughlin, Las Vegas by Coach

Bishop, Beatty, Laughlin (2 nights), Las Vegas (2 nights – Treasure Island). Historic Oatman, Sam’s Town, Fremont Street, free day in Vegas. 6 meals, 1300/1500 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Joey Querio. $1295 p.p./dbl.occ., $1485 single

Dec. 6-8

Christmastime at the Dream Inn, Santa Cruz

Featuring the Holiday Lights Train and dinner at the Shadowbrook. 2 nights at the Dream Inn on the Boardwalk. Visit Gilroy Gardens and learn about the “circus trees,” and see the Christmas lights. 6 meals, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $1075 p.p./dbl.occ., $1225 single 6 Days

Dec. 6-11

The 13th Annual Christmas Mystery Tour, A Big City Holiday

The annual edition of a holiday tradition is highlighted by 5 nights in an Embassy Suites hotel, and all the benefits (breakfast, cocktails, two-room suite) that comes with them. You’ll have to act now to join us, there are only five seats available as we go to press. Some clues as to where we might be going/what we might be doing: Our hotel is in/near one of Clayton’s favorite places. A nearby museum offers a phenomenal display of decorated trees, and you’ll see them in person. This particular destination is known for its food, so expect great local treats to highlight the menu. Want to go out on the water? You may have to skate on it… We’ve included holiday treats like high tea and gingerbread houses in fancy hotels, and even the chance to shop in a unique Christmas market and see mile-after-mile of twinkling lights. 12 meals, airfare, deluxe accommodations, all included. Come with Chris and Mark and celebrate the holidays! $2725 p.p./dbl.occ., $2985 single

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Descended from prospector animals, the wild burros of Oatman love visitors


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2014

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7 Days

Jan. 24-30

Key West, Miami & The Critters of the Keys & the Everglades

Tour name changed slightly to reflect the wildlife factor that has become a big part of the trip. An airboat ride in the Everglades to see alligators, the Turtle Hospital in Marathon, the Butterfly Conservatory and a Parrot Garden (rescues) in Key West give you some great learning experiences. The Hemingway House, Truman’s Little White House, Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum, The new “Taste of Key West” Tour, a drag show at La Te Da, this is truly one of our most popular trips, featuring four nights in Key West at the historic La Concha Crowne Plaza Hotel. See the complete itinerary online. 13 meals, airfare included, Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann. $3580 p.p./dbl.occ., $4265 single Explore San Jose’s colorful Christmas in the Park, just outside the Fairmont Hotel

4 Days

Dec. 23-26

The Apple Farm & The Fabulous Fairmont for Christmas

If you’re looking for a “safe” place for Christmas, a place away from relatives and cooking and entertaining and cleaning, you’ve found it. This year, we return to a favorite place of Christmases past, The Apple Farm Inn in San Luis Obispo. Sightseeing around SLO, the opportunity to attend Christmas Eve services at the mission and lots of opportunities to share the holidays with your two elves and the activities they have planned. The last night is at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. Christmas buffet, lights right outside your door, Capitol Corridor Amtrak ride home the next day. 9 meals (all except one lunch) included, Mark and Chris are your Tour Directors. $1590 p.p./dbl.occ., $1860 single 3 Days

Dec. 30 – Jan. 1

Take The Train (or Plane) to the Rose Parade

Fourth and final year for this popular method of getting to the big parade. Limited space available on both packages. Two choices, take an all-day private train ride with meals and personal service all day, or fly to Burbank and enjoy a guided tasting tour of the famous Farmer’s Market. Day two finds the entire group at the Reagan Library and Museum, enjoying a private buffet luncheon under the wing of Air Force One. Informal New Year’s Eve because of the early start for the parade. Reserved seating for the 126th Tournament of Roses Parade, airfare (one way or round trip), 7 meals for train passengers, 5 for roundtrip flyers. Two nights Holiday Inn Burbank. $1699 p.p./dbl.occ., $1899 single (rail), $1495 p.p./dbl.occ., $1695 single (fly) 2 Days

Dec. 31 – Jan. 1

New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch

3 time for this trip. Those who have taken it say it’s the best New Year’s party they’ve ever experienced. Partake in a five-course dinner which really starts when you arrive with goodies delivered to your room. Dance music highlights the evening, stay up until midnight if you wish. Ramona is your Tour Director. $679 p.p./dbl. occ., $799 single (same price as last year), $10 EPD* rd

Harry Truman loved Key West; discover why at the Little White House

Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. *Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD*,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary. Sports Leisure Vacations / July– August 2014




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration/Payment Di$counts listed here expire on Tuesday, August 12; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Oct. – A Prince & An Abbey Mystery Tour – $ave $40 Nov. – Sedona & Grand Canyon National Park – $ave $75 Nov. – The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay – $ave $10 Dec. – Harris Ranch New Year – $ave $10 Jan. – Cruising the Panama Canal – $ave $150 Feb. – Winter at the Ahwahnee – $ave $15 Feb. – On the Prowl for Eagles & Owls – $ave $15 Mar. – Death Valley & The Eastern Sierra – $ave $60 Mar. – Alaska’s Aurora Borealis – $ave $150

office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm Or visit us anytime on our website at: Proud members of the


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the double-occupancy price of the tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

TOUR UPDATE… A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available)

The Sound of Music in the Cascades Bonnie Scotland Laguna Pageant of the Masters – both departures The International Selkirk Loop Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound Steamboatin’ on the Mississippi Girlfriend’s Getaway: A Pacific Cruise Thanksgiving in NYC Christmas in Victoria The Spirit of Christmas with the Mormon Tabernacle Choir Costa Rica, Natural Wonder

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) Italy, That’s Amore (3) La Belle Quebec (3) Off to the Carolinas with Chris (6) Mexico’s Copper Canyon (2) Luxury in La Jolla (9) A Tender Tennessee Christmas (2) Christmas Lights Mystery (1) Key West, Miami & The Everglades (4)

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