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VOL. 33, NO.6

8,472 Active Members

44,816 Members Since 1979


The Latest from your Travel Friends at Sports Leisure Vacations… As you receive this, our spring season will be winding down and we’ll be putting the finishing touches on summer departures. A number of tours are already at sold out status and others are nearing their maximum capacity. As we limit a growing number of extended tours to 25 or 30 participants, it’s important to keep an eye on trips you are considering. (The back page of The Traveler provides a list of sold out or nearly sold out tours.) A list of our holiday offerings can be found inside. As a reminder, our new program, By Invitation Only, allows you e-mail notification of last-minute additions to our schedule, and the opportunity to make reservations before the newsletter is mailed. Register online at www.sportsleisure.com.

Mark receives the James Santini Award for Tourism Advocacy on behalf of the National Tour Association (NTA) on May 8th in Washington, DC. Mark will serve as Chairman of NTA in 2012, one of the country’s most prestigious travel groups. Pictured with Mark are current NTA Chairman Jim Reddecopp from Hawaii (left) and Congressman James Santini (right), Mark’s longtime mentor for whom the award is named.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion..................................... 2 Clayton Place......................................................... 3 The Customers Always Write........................... 4 The Human Side................................................... 5 Casino Trips and Baseball.................................. 6 Day Trips.............................................................. 7-9 The Barber Pole..................................................10 New Vacations & Getaways..................... 11-20 Tour Calendar............................................... 21-23 Coupons and Tour Updates...........Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor........................................... Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor .........................Kevin Murphy Contributing Writers......................... P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead Contributing Photographer.........C. Galloway

Janet Robinson, Audrey Glockner, Joanne Ott, and Janet Doll at Hearst Castle, San Simeon, California; posing in front of a rather “hunky” male sculpture – no wonder they are smiling.

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. sportsleisure.com • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion Books, Books, Everywhere Our Spring Open House at the KVIE Studios was a roaring success. Once again, those in attendance heeded our call for donations of children’s books. KVIE staff could barely get the books off the table and into a box before there was another big stack in front of them. Amazing, just amazing. Response to the roll out of our holiday tours was extremely good. The annual Christmas Mystery Tour was an instant sellout. Scott developed a wonderful new overnighter to Half Moon Bay, staying at the Ritz Carlton Hotel. That also proved to be a fast mover. You’ll find a complete SportS LeiSure VacationS listing of new tours for the holidays and non-holidays elsewhere on these pages. A combined total of over 300 attended the morning and afternoon sessions. SUCCESS STORIES—A SpECIAl AdvERTISIng SECTIOn

9812 old Winery place, Sacramento, ca 95827 (916) 361-2051 www.sportsleisure.com • travelguysradio.com

After working in the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District, Mark Hoffmann founded Sports Leisure Vacations out of his Fulton Avenue apartment in 1979. Though Mark admits to ‘just sort of happening into it”, he found his niche in the retail tour business, enabling folks to achieve their travel dreams. Given the fact that Mark and his staff strive to exceed customer wants, they’ve been most successful in serving a niche of mature travelers, often those who need a little extra consideration. Sports Leisure Vacations assembles and operates custom tours and vacations of one to fifteen days in length, and can accommodate a wide variety of travel interests. Check out the website to see an amazing array of travel options. The company culture has centered around refusing to put profits ahead of service, and a mantra: “We love our travelers and they love us back.” It’s working- not only is the company thriving in its 32nd year, but community support and acknowledgement have resulted, including a prestigious award for contributions to the Arts from the Sacramento Arts and Business Council. For twenty years Sports Leisure has been an underwriter of KVIE Public Television. VP Clayton Whitehead has served on the KVIE Board and Mark was president of the National Tour Association in 2000. Mark and Tom Romano host the Travel Guys on KFBK, Sundays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.


Sports Leisure turns 33

j a n ua r y 2 0 11 s a c m a g . c o m

Indeed, Sports Leisure Vacations, on the 8th of June, will celebrate its 33rd anniversary, the date of our first official trip, to a Lake Tahoe casino whose name has changed twice since (from Park Tahoe to Caesar’s, to

Mont Blue). On that June evening, a third of a century ago, we headed up the hill to Tahoe, with no idea I would be writing these words over three decades later. How many of you worked 33 years at the same job? I hope it was something you enjoyed doing. How lucky can you be in this life, to be able to do what I do? To make dreams come true for a living, and have the opportunity to ride along. At the Open House, Kathy, a longtime client, asked me if I was considering retiring anytime soon? “Who will take us to all these great places,” she asked? Not to worry. While this has been a wonderful way to make life’s journey, there are no retirement plans in my foreseeable future. I told someone a couple of years ago when asked that I thought 50 was a nice round number. That’s 17 more years. And really, what would I do if I “retired.” Travel? Alone? How boring. So your favorite travel company will be around many, many more years. I hope it will continue long after I am gone. We are a family. We have traditions, and reunions and important annual gatherings. We laugh together and we even occasionally shed a tear together. We remember our friends and share our memories. Besides, why in the world would I consider quitting now? I’m just starting to get the hang of it.

The Best Destination/Trip? Gosh, there are so many. Some are simple – the first exciting visit to New York City, standing on a cruise ship near Tahiti and seeing a sky bursting with stars, meeting friends and characters along America’s roads and byways. The day Yogi Berra came unexpectedly into his museum to talk to our group was special, particularly for us baseball fans. It’s hard to pick out just one. Of course, as the years pile up, so do the trips. But there are no regrets, not from this writer. I’ve seen things others will never see. I just visited (for the third time) the town where a true American hero named John Glenn (New Concord, Ohio) grew up. Last winter, I discovered What a Wonderful Life it is in Jimmy Stewart’s hometown of Indiana, PA. Talk about off the beaten track. I love the old highway trips the most. I guess that’s an indicator that “it” is running through your blood. It’s whatever you get when you love and enjoy something so much, you want to pay it forward and help others discover what you have found. See you on the road. And so it goes…

Mark Hoffmann, CTP Owner/Founder

Memories of Mark from his (Mira Loma) High School Principal Mark Hoffmann founded Sports Travel (the original name of Sports Leisure Vacations) for real on June 8, 1979. He had been running buses to baseball games as a “kitchen table business” for about a year. He turned 24 years old the following day. Recently, one of Mark’s high school principals was asked if he had any memories of students while he was the top administrator at Mira Loma, where Mark was a student (Class of ’73). We thought you might enjoy reading what he wrote: “The first student who comes to mind was this pint-sized freshman with big ideas who wanted to start a coin club… a worldwide coin club, not just the school version. He was a born wizard, somewhat of a visionary, a dreamer, natural


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

entrepreneur and enterprising owner/ founder of successful enterprises starting at age 18 or sooner; who, with no family capital and no father figure to serve as a role model, somehow modeled for himself.” “He was neither a great or even a good high school student by most standards, but he had uncommon insights, inner resources, dreams and chutzpah that buoyed him along in his initial ventures until he struck gold and is now somewhat legendary amongst Sacramento travelers. His reputation has grown from ‘loyal impudence’ in high school to ‘leisure travel genie’ for the past several decades… a reputation he achieved ‘the old fashioned way,’ he earned it. Ask anyone who has taken one of his trips.” – Targe Lindsay

We asked Mark for his response: Wow. He pretty much hit it right on, especially the student part. I learned as much about life outside of class as I did inside. I had some incredible teachers at Mira Loma and I am proud to be a member of the first Board of Directors for our Alumni Association. Our old school is doing some phenomenal things and I want to be a part of paying it forward. Thanks to Targe, who somehow kept me out of major trouble and was a mentor beyond the call of duty. It was he who took me to the Auction City Flea Market on Folsom Blvd. one morning and “introduced” me to the business world. He believed in me. It made all the difference. – Mark

Clayton Place UEBERR Y BL

it on? Turn it off? OTOGRA See my pictures? PH P Change the battery? Change the film? (I at least know the answer to that last question—you don’t!) Well, friends, you’ll have to wonder how to operate your camera only a little while longer. Sports Leisure is teaming up with local photographer Wes Davis to offer a series of Digital Photo Workshops, daytrips in the region on which you’ll receive instruction on using your camera in a variety of settings with the vast beauty of Northern California as your subject. Watch future editions of The Traveler for details. Until then, I remain… “Your Tour Guy,” C SOCIET HI

In the past few years, photography as both an industry and an art form has suffered some powerful blows in America. Kodachrome is no longer made. Polaroid discontinued the manufacture of the original instant-print camera and its film. Finally and most unbelievably, the venerable Eastman Kodak Company filed for bankruptcy in 2011. From cars to customers, those who know me are aware I prefer all things classic: Those who have age, experience and even a little patina, and aren’t afraid to show it—things that have stood the test of time and keep on standing proud. What will future generations become without “Kodak Photostops” at scenic overlooks across the country, or the sincere request from friends and relations to “smile for the camera.” Somehow “smile for the iPhone” just doesn’t have the same ring! Do you agree? Are you with me? Yeoman photographers in search of purpose, look no more! You are cordially invited to join the Blueberry Photographic Society and help put an end to camera neglect. You might even win fame and fortune. Blueberry!?!?!? Surely you remember the furry Sports Leisure mascot introduced at the 2011 Vacation Preview Day. It’s time for him to take his rightful place on the road of travel, and you can help! Membership is easy. Just send an e-mail to blueberry@sportsleisure.com with the subject line JOIN and request your very own Blueberry. You’ll receive one soon by mail. Then take him with you wherever you go and snap away. Of course, bonus points are given whenever Blueberry is captured enjoying an adventure with Sports Leisure Vacations.

When you’ve captured what you believe to be million dollar shot, send your photo digitally to the same address, subject line CONTEST. Be sure to include the allimportant what, where and when, along with a caption if you like. One winner will be selected and have their photo published in each newsletter. They’ll also receive a gift certificate to a popular local restaurant. Every August, a Grand Prize winner will be selected from all entries. In addition to having your photo published in our Vacation Dream Book, you’ll win a $500 Sports Leisure Travel Certificate. If you don’t have e-mail, then please mail in your membership request and photo submissions. “Kodak Moments” are worth remembering and creating! Join the Blueberry Photographic Society today. Though it began the swift decline in the use of Kodachrome and film in general, the invention of the digital camera certainly breathed new life into an industry quickly going the way of the dinosaur. Today, nearly everyone has one. And if you don’t now, you probably will very soon. With regard to digitals, how often am I asked, “How do I (fill in the blank)?” Turn


Sports Leisure Photographers, UNITE!

Clayton Whitehead, CTP Vice President

In Memory of Joan Smith On April 10th, Joan Smith passed away. Joan (Jo-ann) was the wife of Richard Smith, our bookkeeper here at Sports Leisure for the last 26 years. Joan was a regular at Sports Leisure events, and had attended our company holiday gathering in December. Her health declined in recent months and she left us as winter turned to spring. She is survived by four children and a big ol’ batch of grandchildren and great grandchildren. Around Sports Leisure, we will miss her smile. She always kidded us that if we ever got tired of Richard working for us and couldn’t afford him, to let her know and she would consider supplementing our cash flow to get him out of the house three days a week! She even presented Mark with a “rubber” check at Christmas one year, to show her willingness to “help out.” You have to love a lady with a sense of humor. Richard and Joan Smith, who celebrated 65 years of marriage last September – Joan passed in April Farewell, our friend. Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


The Customers Always Write Dear Mark, I am going to offer what is probably a minority opinion for “By Invitation Only.” Believe it or not some of us do not have/ will never get computers or online access or email, therefore we are excluded from this new program. If I were to predict the future I would guess there would be a big response to this new program and that somewhere down the pipe the newsletter will be converted to e-mail only, thereby excluding those of us not in the 21st century; as you may come to believe sending the newsletter by email will be “the cost effective way.” While we may be in the minority, those without online access will thereby be discriminated against. Since we are probably some of your longest time members, it would be a crime to exclude us in this way in our “declining years.” Plus we might be “forced” to take fewer trips since we won’t have a way to find out about them (in the short term that would not be cost effective for you). Just one woman’s opinion. I’m sure there are others. Sincerely, Valerie Cummings P.S. Receiving emails at a friend’s address would be a imposition on that person. Editor’s Note: I thank Val for taking the time to write. I expected a letter like hers and I’d like to address the points she made. While you are correct that doing business electronically is more cost effective in many ways, we have never discussed not printing The Traveler. I don’t foresee the printed edition being eliminated in this lifetime (meaning mine). But I certainly can see the day (soon) when confirmations or other communications are sent online to those who wish. We lease a bus (SuperCoach III) for 20 days each month, ten months a year. We pay for it whether it moves or not. In recent years, casino-related trips, which previously made up 30% of that total, have dropped off to 5-10%. In order to have our own coach and the amenities it provides, we have to constantly


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

come up with new destinations and ideas. By Invitation Only is a way, frankly and honestly, to put the bus on the road more often, by adding in an occasional trip we wouldn’t be able to offer otherwise. Survey’s show the number of people without access to a computer has dropped off dramatically in the last 12 months. At this point in time some level of acceptance of modern technology seems necessary. I’m not crazy about all of it either. Like Val, and many others, I wasn’t “wired” for technology. I don’t understand it quickly (or even slowly sometimes) and it often frustrates me. BUT, I understand it has to be a part of my world. By Invitation Only is designed to create opportunities that wouldn’t otherwise exist because we have the ability to communicate quickly and cost-effeciently. I cannot afford to ignore that reality, despite the potential downside you point out. I guess my comment would be that you are not losing anything by not participating. It simply creates some extra opportunities for those whose lifestyle includes a computer. I respect your opinion, but not to incorporate more technology into our daily operations is simply not good business. – Mark Good afternoon Clayton and Mark, I hope you had a successful Open House. I’m sorry to have missed it. Thank you very much for holding another book drive. We received 597 books plus: 457 new, 10 other (DVD or coloring), and 130 gently used. We don’t generally purchase hard cover books because of the higher cost so we are thrilled to receive so many from this book drive. We’ll include a bookplate in each book that indicates it was provided from a book drive from Sports Leisure. We appreciate your ongoing support to KVIE and, in particular, to our literacy program! Thank you! Regards, Arcelia Chávez / VP of Education & Outreach KVIE Public Television Ed. Note: We asked those attending Open House to bring a book and from 300 people,

we got almost 600 books. Helping kids, paying it forward. Must be the travelers from Sports Leisure Vacations. Dear Mark: Your Spring Open House & Holiday Preview Day was very informative and enjoyable. The knowledge of vacation areas that you and your tour planners possess is amazing. SLV tours often include those “different” destinations not offered by other tour companies which is definitely a “plus.” Many thanks to you and your staff for great adventures. Dick and Marie McClellan Mark, I’m dropping you a note to let you know how much my parents enjoyed “Sports Leisure.” Mom died in August and Dad is in “memory care” in Fair Oaks. Please remove them from your mailing list. I would be interested in your day tours. Please add me to your mailing list, and tell me how to join Sports Leisure. Thank you. Sincerely, Susan Keim Ed. Note: (The parents mentioned are Lee and Betty Kirtley.) Sorry to hear about your Mom’s passing and Dad’s decline. But I am thrilled to hear you would like to explore being a part of our family. We have many second generation SL Travelers and are pleased to add your name to our list.

If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at: markslt@aol.com clayton.whitehead@sportsleisure.com

The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect Favorites No matter what we all say, or how much we try and treat all the people in our lives equally, we all have favorites. Grandmas are especially good in this role. Grandpas too, especially then we are younger. Over nearly 33 years here at Sports Leisure Vacations, I confess to having favorites. Marilee Denio was one. As a kid, I had a booth at Denio’s Farmers Market and Auction. You could say I grew up there. When Marilee and her husband Jim started traveling with us, it gave me a sense of pride. Plus, Marilee was a hoot and a holler. Then there was Dottie. Actually, in the beginning, there were two Dotties. They both had blue jackets, with dozens of

patches sewn on them from the places they’d been. Everyone knew them as “the two Dotties” or “the jacket ladies.” As the years rolled on, two Dotties became one, and Dorothy (Dottie) L’Heaureax and I became good friends, through thick and thin. One time, we were on a sightseeing tour which included a cruise to Tillicum Village on an island near Seattle. Part of the “appetizer” was “clam nectar.” Why the idea of clam nectar was so funny to us, I cannot tell you to this day. But tears were literally rolling down our cheeks. On the return cruise, we were having so much fun, they came over and asked us to kindly stop drinking. Except no one in our little group (ok, the group was only two in number, Dottie and I) had

Sadly, we have lost two members of the Sports Leisure family in this photo. Dottie L’Heaureax (seated left) and Ed McAdams (middle rear, powder blue shirt). Ed is survived by his wife Gloria (his hand on her shoulder), he was a longtime SL Traveler.

Remembering Our Friends… We travel together, create memories, share laughs and discoveries. So it seems appropriate to pause to honor members of our travel family who have passed. If you know of someone who deserves a remembrance here, drop us a note. Ernie Edwards, 94, former owner of the Pig Hip Restaurant, a Route 66 landmark Genevieve Spencer Annie Rossi Eileen Orman Peggy Billigmeier Edna Salmen Bernita Rohl Thank you all for the times we shared together. We shall cherish the memories.

partaken in a drop. We were just happy and having fun. Laughing at things ordinary people would have missed. Getting our money’s worth out of life. About a dozen years ago, I hit a rough patch in my life. I’d been traveling a lot and got disconnected from reality. I was drinking too much and decided it was time to call a halt. As I worked my way through a 4-week rehab stint, a few friends came to visit. One day, a staff member asked if Dottie could come. Alcoholism had been in her family and had touched her life in a tragic way. Dottie wanted to make sure it didn’t happen a second time, to a friend. I’m sure others would have come if asked, but I wasn’t in a position to do that. Dottie just wanted to be there for her friend Mark. That visit cemented our friendship forever. Yes, she was my favorite. Diabetes took her eyesight and her opportunity to travel. But she would still come to our parties and previews, and we would laugh about the clam nectar and all the wonderful memories we shared. Dottie passed away last month. At her request, there were no services or a memorial. So that is what we are doing here. We are remembering a fun-loving, caring lady, who always had time for her friends. So long Dottie. We made a lot of memories together. Someday, I hope we get to sit on the wings of an angel and share them again.

Farewell to a Tiger Back last fall, I wrote of the neighborhood feline who considered Clayton and my residence to be her second home. Tiger had been particularly attentive during my recovery period from two wisdom teeth extractions. Tiger lived two doors down, having previously belonged to the owner of our residence before she sold and moved to Maine. So Tiger felt she could drop in anytime and hang out. Not long after I wrote that tribute to Tiger, she disappeared. We recently learned that a tumor developed and Tiger had to be put to sleep. I will miss her, because she was there when I needed her. So allow me, if you will, one final tribute to the finest cat I have ever had the privilege of knowing. Tiger was loyal and kind and everything a cat should be. Clayton and I (and her mommy) miss her a lot. Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


Casino Trips and Baseball Oh What A Night At the Eldorado August 12-13 Touring internationally since 2009, “Oh What a Night” takes you on a nostalgic trip down memory lane to celebrate the hit songs of Frankie Valli and the Four Seasons. The show is a spectacular production with singers, dancers and video projection, reflecting the era when the group was on top of the charts. Your accommodations will be at The Silver Legacy Hotel & Casino where you will receive $5 in slot play and a $3 food credit. A buffet dinner is included at the Eldorado Hotel & Casino if you choose to see the show this evening. There will be an optional casino stop on day two at Boomtown. 200/225 Gold Passport Points. $189 p.p./dbl.occ., $209 single (incl. show) $149 p.p./dbl.occ., $169 single (no show)

Thanksgiving at the Nugget 2 Days • November 22-23 Sports Leisure Vacations’ annual Thanksgiving outing at John Ascuaga’s Nugget in Sparks returns this fall. Travel to The Nugget on board SuperCoach III on Thanksgiving Day, arriving in time to check-in to your room and enjoy the hotel’s lavish Thanksgiving Day Buffet Dinner. Leave the cooking (and the clean-up) for someone else. The evening is yours to enjoy as you please. Before returning home the following day there is a three hour stop at the Silver Legacy in downtown Reno where you will receive a slot credit. The package includes overnight accommodations with $10 in cash gaming bonuses and a $3 food bonus. 200/225 Gold Passport Points $199 p.p./dbl.occ., $219 single

The Champagne Express to Tahoe Harvey’s Casino Tuesday, May 15, Thusday, June 14 or Wednesday, July 11 Our monthly trips to Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe includes a 6-hour stay with a slot credit of $20 and a free buffet or $7 food credit. You must belong to Harvey’s Total Rewards program to receive the bonuses. $40

The Travel Guys

The 2012 Ballpark Express For over 30 years, the BEST way to get to the ballparks in Oakland and San Francisco has been with Sports Leisure Vacations. The original Ballpark Express allows you to travel to the game in comfort without the traffic, tolls, gas and food stops, etc. Refreshments are served on board the motorcoach on your way to and from each game. You’ll enjoy Lower Deck seating for all A’s games and your choice of Lower Deck Outfield seats (first price listed) or View Level Infield seats (second price listed) for Giants games. Please request your seating area when making your reservation. Early reservations advised, lower level seating already limited for many games.

San Francisco Giants Sun., July 29

Giants vs. Dodgers



Sun., Sept. 9

Giants vs. Dodgers*



Thurs. Sept. 27 (Fan Appreciation Day)

Giants vs. Diamondbacks

12:45pm $107/$99

Field Level (First Deck) seats are generally located in Section 132 in Left Field. View Level (Third Deck) seats are gernerally located in Section 317, behind home plate. * Includes a one-way ferry ride to the ballpark on board the Baylink Ferry from Vallejo. Return to Sacramento on board SuperCoach III.

Oakland Athletics Sun., June 24

Athletics vs. Giants



Sun., July 22

Athletics vs. Yankees



Sun., Sept. 2

Athletics vs. Red Sox



Wed., Oct. 3 (Fan Appreciation Day)

Athletics vs. Rangers

12:35pm $99

Field Level Seats located in Right Field, just past First Base.

“It breaks your heart. It is designed to break your heart. The game begins in the spring, when everything else begins again, and it blossoms in the summer, filling the afternoons and evenings, and then as soon as the chill rains come, it stops and leaves you to face the fall alone.” – A. Bartlett Giamatti

Sunday from 2:00-3:00pm with Tom Romano & Mark Hoffmann

2 Days

News Talk 92.5 FM & AM 1530 KFBK www.travelguysradio.com Brought to you by:



Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

July 30-31

Rivercats Road Trip to Reno

The Reno Aces are the Rivercats’ closest competition. This two-game getaway features baseball, a talk from a member of the Rivercats organization about the team, overnight accommodations at the Silver Legacy and one lunch. Tour Director: TBA. 350/400 Gold Passport Points. $335 p.p./dbl. occ., $355 single

Day Trips and Theatre Outings Glen Campbell’s Farewell Concert Tour

Tahoe: From Shore to Summit

Bob Hope Theater, Stockton Thursday, June 21 Despite his diagnosis and battle with Alzheimer’s disease, Glen Campbell has hit the road for his “Goodbye Tour.” Join us for an evening with this country music icon, who brought us hits we instantly recognize including “Wichita Lineman,” “Gentle On My Mind,” “Galveston,” “Southern Nights,” and, of course, “Rhinestone Cowboy.” Dinner is included at Ciao Bella Italian Restaurant before the 7:30pm performance. Reserved orchestra seating at the theater. $168

Thursday, July 12 A sellout every summer, our annual trip to escape the heat of the valley to enjoy the cooler weather up at “The Lake” is back. Start with a luncheon cruise on board the paddlewheeler MS Dixie II as she plies the waters of the southern edge of Lake Tahoe and Emerald Bay. From the shoreline we go to the tree line with an exhilarating ride on the Heavenly Valley Gondolas. The entire Lake Tahoe Basin lies at your feet from the observation deck located at 9,000 feet. $145

The Magic Flute San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House Sunday, July 8 Inventive, charming, beguiling, and unique, Mozart’s final opera is a profound but lighthearted tale of romantic love. With an international cast and artistic new production for San Francisco, this lyrical favorite will be sung in English. Your choice of seating is in the side sections of the Orchestra or the Dress Circle of the first balcony. Be advised that Dress Circle seating involves use of steep stairs and there are no handrails. A stop is included in Union Square for lunch on your own before the 2pm matinee. Orchestra – $215, Dress Circle – $165

Gardens and Wildlife of Walnut Creek Tuesday, July 10 The Lindsey Wildlife Museum is dedicated to connecting people with wildlife in order to inspire a sense of responsibility and respect for the world we share. Started by a local businessman, this small museum is now a world-class wildlife rehabilitation center. Nearby, another incredible person, Ruth Bancroft turned her passion for gardening into an education enterprise as she experimented with water-conserving plants, garden design and drought resistant varietals. Enjoy an included lunch in between your visits to these two hidden gems in Walnut Creek. $126

Johnny Cash & Patsy Cline: A Tribute Woodland Opera House Saturday, July 14 Johnny and Dee Price with the Rhythm Riders present their tribute to Johnny Cash and Patsy Cline in a concert at the Woodland Opera House. With Johnny portraying the “Man in Black,” you’ll here all of Johnny Cash’s signature hits including “Ring of Fire,” “Folsom Prison,” and “Walk the Line.” Dee shares many Patsy Cline favorites including “Walking After Midnight” and “Crazy.” Dinner is included at the restaurant formerly known as Morrison’s Upstairs, now called Kitchen 428, prior to the 7:30pm evening performance. $136

Mosaics & Murals of San Francisco Tuesday, July 17 Our favorite San Francisco guide Craig Smith has put together another new and interesting day of sightseeing for us in “The City by the Bay.” With his direction we will explore the many new works of art that brighten and beautify neighborhoods, business, and public places. Considered the mural capitol of the USA, San Francisco is experiencing a renaissance of art resurfacing in new and fascinating ways throughout the city. A three-course lunch is included at the Blue Muse Restaurant. $108

Carousel Fallon House Theater, Columbia Wednesday, July 18 When mill-town girl Julie Jordan meets carnival barker Billy Bigelow on a carousel ride, her life is changed forever. Flirtation gives way to love as the two are irresistibly drawn to each other in this glorious tale of love and redemption. The Tony Awardwinning musical features a score packed with classics like “June is Bustin’ Out All Over,” “You’ll Never Walk Alone” and “If I Loved You.” Sierra Repertory Theater shares this splendid score and brilliant lyrics, which Time Magazine called “the Best Musical of the Twentieth Century.” Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee at the City Hotel. $126

Chocolate & Chowder Thursday, July 19 A new trip to the City by the Bay and limited to just 28 passengers! Begin with a visit to San Francisco’s newest “sweet spot:” TCHO Chocolate. Discover how a small upstart is changing the chocolate world, one taste bud at a time! Just down the Embarcadero, enjoy a late lunch at No. 9 Fishermen’s Grotto with your choice of entrée and a cup of its famous clam chowder. It’s a favorite of several Sports Leisure Travel Club members! A ferry ride across the bay, past Alcatraz and Angel Islands, to Vallejo completes your culinary visit to San Francisco. $112

“The Rock” Featuring a cruise to Alcatraz Thursday, August 9 or Sunday, August 26 The sights and sounds of Alcatraz come alive during your visit to “The Rock.” Cross over the Bay Bridge and travel along the Embarcadero to Fishermen’s Wharf for lunch at one of the area’s oldest restaurants, Scoma’s, where you will have a choice on site from a limited menu, including the fresh catch of the day. Our cruise departs for Alcatraz midafternoon with time on the island for exploring on your own with the included audio tour. Return to Sacramento following your visit. $139

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


The Music Man Nevada Theater, Nevada City Thursday, July 26 Watch out! Professor Harold Hill is coming to River City and he’s up to no good! A purveyor of boy’s band equipment, the sleepy town in Iowa is turned upside down when the charismatic con man arrives to win the hearts of the townspeople. All except one: the suspicious Marion, the town’s librarian, whose heart counts most of all. Featuring such wonderful songs as “Trouble in River City,” “Till There Was You,” and “76 Trombones,” The Music Man will put you in the mood to sing. Dinner precedes the 7pm evening performance at the Trolley Junction Restaurant in Nevada City. $128

Les Miserables Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco Wednesday, August 1 or 15 Come see what the New York Times is calling “an unquestionably spectacular production from start to finish.” Based on Victor Hugo’s classic novel, this is an epic and uplifting story about the human spirit and the life journey of Jean Valjean during the tumultuous years of the French Revolution. The magnificent score of includes the classic songs “I Dreamed a Dream,” “On My Own,” “Bring Him Home,” “Master of the House,” and many more. Seating is in the orchestra for the 2pm matinee performances. A box lunch is included with a no-host dinner stop at Pier 39 following the show. $148

Happy Birthday Golden Gate! 75th Anniversary of the Golden Gate Bridge Saturday, August 4 The Golden Gate Bridge is the most famous iconic landmark of San Francisco and this year celebrates its 75th Anniversary. Built in 1937, it is the most recognized, most photographed, and still considered the most beautiful bridge in the world. Join the celebration with a champagne brunch cruise aboard a Hornblower Yacht as you sail San Francisco Bay under the bridge followed by the option to walk across it. Approximately 2 miles long, the walk across the bridge will be a memorable experience offering majestic views of San Francisco, the bay, and Pacific Ocean beyond. For those not choosing to


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

walk, enjoy free time to browse and sightsee in Sausalito before returning home. $141

The Mikado The Footlighters at Napa Valley Opera House Sunday, August 5 Very possibly the most popular musical comedy in the English language, The Mikado is a playful satire set in a fanciful (and wholly imaginary) Japan. In a time when flirting is a capital offense, wandering minstrel Nanki-Poo has fallen in love with the beautiful Yum-Yum, fiancée to the recently appointed Lord High Executioner Ko-Ko. When the honored Mikado, emperor of Japan, demands the execution of Ko-Ko, and Nanki-Poo volunteers to take Ko-Ko’s place under the condition that he first be allowed to marry Yum-Yum, chaos, desperation, and comical mayhem ensue in classic Gilbert and Sullivan style, with impromptu marriages, forged death certificates, and the revelation of a prince in disguise. Lunch is served at Ristorante Allegria prior to the 2pm matinee. $153

By Land, Ferry, and A Train Tuesday, August 7 Enjoy a variety of travel experiences as we journey by SuperCoach III to San Francisco and begin at the historic Ferry Building. First opened in 1898, it continues to be a thriving hub and terminal for both residents and travelers to and from the city. Following a docent tour by City Guides of San Francisco, enjoy free time to explore, shop, and lunch on your own before boarding the Alameda/ Oakland Ferry for the Amtrak Train Station in Oakland. In Oakland we board the Capitol Corridor for a relaxing train ride to Sacramento and conclude the travel adventures on SuperCoach III back to where we began the day. $104

You Have a Date for Mystery! Saturday, August 18 We’ve brought you Mystery Daytrips in the past, but this one includes a twist: a theatre performance which adds even more mystery to this intriguing day out! We will tell you lunch is included at an old favorite and that the performance is a matinee so you won’t get home too late. But that’s all

we can say. Of course, there will be several characters you’ll meet along the way which may seem suspicious. Naturally, there will be a dead body – can’t have a mystery without a dead body! But there will be lots of laughs too as this show is a comedy! One thing about this trip that won’t be a mystery – it will sell out so reserve your space soon! $109

Take the Train to Berkeley Tuesday, August 21 Journey to Berkeley on Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor train. Your first stop? Lunch, of course, at venerable Spenger’s Fresh Fish Grotto, located right across the street from the train station. Enjoy some time to browse the shops along 4th Street and then have afternoon “cocktails” at Takara Sake. Sake production in California, you say? Of course! Pure Sierra Nevada snow melt and superior Central Valley rice combine to create a high quality sake that you’ll get to taste for yourself in the tasting room and sake museum. $132

There Goes the Bride Wednesday, August 22 It’s a madcap, comedic race to the altar for the Westerby family. The father-ofthe-bride tries to handle his daughter’s wedding arrangements while juggling his frenetic advertising business. After a bump on the head, he meets a beautiful and rambunctious 1920’s flapper, but only he can see her. Compounding his problems are his intrepid wife, a critical mother-in-law, his hard-of-hearing father-in-law, a sarcastic business partner and a suspicious fatherof-the groom. Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee at the Willow Steakhouse. $122

Say Cheese! Thursday, August 23 We know we have many chocolate lovers… how about cheese lovers? Begin in Petaluma at Spring Hill Jersey Cheese. Rich, organic 100% Jersey milk is the secret of Larry Peter’s gourmet cheeses. Learn the process from start to finish with a tour of the facility along with a tasting. A private lunch at Estate Restaurant is included in nearby Sonoma, with your choice of a cheese plate for dessert if you so choose! End the day on the historic Sonoma Square with a visit to

Vella Cheese, family-owned and operated since 1931. Its Golden Bear Dry Jack is a sure bet! Free time for exploring the shops on the square is included. $139

Return to the Gardens of Golden Gate Park Tuesday, August 28 With so much to see and never enough time, our San Francisco guide extraordinaire Craig Smith has come up with Part 2 of this popular tour to further explore the many gardens of Golden Gate Park. This new itinerary includes visits to the Botanical Gardens, National Aides Memorial Grove, the newly restored Murphy’s Windmill, Lawn Bowling Greens, and the Merry-Go-Round built for the Golden Gate Exposition in 1939. Lunch is included at the Beach Chalet. This new tour promises another opportunity to experience and enjoy the vastness of this scenic and beautiful park. $118

War Horse Curran Theatre, San Francisco Saturday, September 1 Winner of 6 Tony Awards including Best Play, and now a popular motion picture, War Horse is the powerful story of young Albert’s horse, Joey, who has been enlisted to fight for the English in World War I. When Joey is caught in enemy crossfire he ends up serving both sides of the war before landing in no man’s land. Albert, not old enough to enlist, embarks on a treacherous mission to find his horse and bring him home. At the heart of the show are life-sized puppets which bring breathing, galloping, charging horses to thrilling life on stage. The departure includes a no–host lunch stop prior to the show in the area of Union Square. Due to the popularity of the show, all group seating is in the Center Mezzanine (no elevator). If you have SEVERE accessibility issues, a limited number of accessible seats in the last row of the orchestra section are available. Please inquire at the time of reservation. $152

Angel Island & Tiburon Too! Featuring lunch on the water in Tiburon Tuesday, September 4 Angel Island is an old favorite and a beautiful place to visit in late summer. But here’s a new twist: a beautiful new

restaurant along the waterfront called Servino’s! Travel to Tiburon and enjoy the quick ferry ride across Raccoon Straights. Explore Angel Island, the Ellis Island of the West, on a guided tram tour. Discover the island’s impressive history as a military outpost and immigration center through your informative guide. On the mainland, lunch is at Servino’s, a long-time family restaurant, with some time to explore the town before returning to Sacramento. $143

a little more about Twain through his alter ego, Pat Kaunert, an impersonator who channels Twain and his wonderful experiences, during lunch at the City Hotel in historic Columbia State Park. Following lunch, travel to Railtown 1897 State Historic Park for a fascinating guided tour of the working roundhouse and repair shop and a trip on historic Sierra #3, a steam train featured in many Hollywood movies. $123

Glass, Fish & Ships

Monday, October 1 Our spring trip sold out quickly so here is another chance to “talk to the animals!” Nestled in the foothills of Sonoma County lies this unique 400-acre animal preserve for animals from around the world including giraffes, rhinoceros, cheetahs, lemurs, and monkeys. Safari West has on ongoing mission of wildlife preservation through breeding, education, research and public interaction. Your adventure begins with lunch, followed by a 45-minute ride on a guided tram tour. A 45-minute guided walk through the aviaries and small animal compound completes your visit. $139

Thursday, September 6 Another tour that sells out early because of limited space! Begin with visits to Nourot and Smyers Glass Studios in Benicia. The studios are known for outstanding quality and value in vivid colored original designs. Next it’s lunch at The Dead Fish Restaurant overlooking the Carquinez Straights – a silly name but great food! Following lunch, cruise around the US Navy’s “Mothball Fleet” aboard the m/v Journey. You cannot board any of the naval vessels but it is a great way to see some of America’s powerful and historic ships including destroyers, cruisers, oilers, and merchant ships. This tour is limited to 30 so reserve early! $139

Cruisin’ the Lincoln Highway Saturday, September 15 Hidden in the suburbia of Sacramento, and the foothills and mountains of the Sierra, is one of California’s most famous landmarks. Many of us cross or travel on the historic Lincoln Highway on a regular basis without knowing it. Now you can learn about this historic road that turns 99 years old this year. Travel through Penryn, Newcastle, Gold Run, and several other communities along Highway 80 (Historic Highway 40), pausing in several locations for a little history and lore from your expert guide. Lunch is at the Truckee Diner, itself famous after being featured on Drive-Ins, Diners & Dives. $110

You Have a Date for Lunch with Twain & a Train Saturday, September 22 Mark Twain spent several years tramping in the foothills of the Sierra Nevada, prospecting for gold and stories. Learn

A Day at Safari West

The Lion King Orpheum Theater, San Francisco Saturday, November 3, Sunday, December 9 or Wednesday, January 9 Experience the phenomenon of Disney’s fantastic family musical The Lion King. Marvel at the breathtaking spectacle of animals brought to life, whose visual images for this show you’ll remember forever, with an unforgettable score including Elton John and Tim Rice’s Oscar-winning songs “Can You Feel The Love Tonight” and “Circle of Life.” Let your imagination run wild with the story of Simba, the lion cub, as he faces adversity and the challenges of growing up. Seating for the matinee performances are in the orchestra section of the Orpheum Theater. The Wednesday trip features a box lunch served en route to the performance with a no-host stop for dinner at Pier 39 following the show. The weekend performances include a no-host stop for lunch prior to the show in the area of Union Square with a return to Sacramento following the show. Sat./Sun. – $174, Wed. – $151

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly Hard at Work on Next Year’s Dream Book On these pages, you will find most of the remaining vacations and getaways for this year. Other excursions will be added in the months ahead, but by and large this year’s schedule is pretty well set. Now we turn our attention to 2013 and start planning our next Dream Book (annual catalog), which will be released in late August. It’s this time of the year when our customer-driven company openly asks for your input. Where would you like to go? Far away or close to home, all suggestions are appreciated. If you see a printed article or one online, feel free to share. Tell us where you dreams will come true and we’ll do our best to make it part of an itinerary. This is also the time when the Priority Notification Lists take on even greater importance. The number of responses we get when we “tease” a destination has a direct connection to how soon that destination makes it to our schedule. So make sure to acknowledge your favorite. Your response could be the one that makes a difference.

Traveling with Technology In the past few months, we have noticed a remarkable increase in the number of electronic gadgets our travelers are bringing with them on the motorcoach. Smart and cell phones of all types, iPads and Kindles (readers), even an occasional laptop computer are regular companions for some. Travelers are using these to enhance their travels, looking up landmarks and scheduled stops and attractions along the way, communicating with friends and family, even amusing themselves with games. Our travelers come in all ages, shapes and sizes, and not everyone is into the “technology thing.” But increasingly more people are being shown, or realizing themselves, that these technical advances can make life easier and even more enjoyable. (Ladies, remember your husband driving around lost for 30 minutes, refusing to stop for directions. I’m certain someone out there knows this story. Now imagine


you are sitting in the passenger seat with your iPad, looking at step-by-step directions and a map. Now he doesn’t need to stop for directions.)

Manners, From a Technical Point of View So many of you are embracing these opportunities, we thought it time to discuss a bit of travel etiquette in relation to “toys on tour.” It’s important to those who bring them along, as well as those who don’t (and won’t ever). First and most important item. If you see your Tour Director tapping into his or her phone/Blackberry, they are generally answering e-mail related to their duties, letting people down line know if the group is arriving as scheduled, reminding the facility of any special requests, etc. If you see your Tour Director answering e-mail on his or her phone, it is ALWAYS ok to ask a question or interrupt in any way. (Personally, I don’t know how to play games on my phone, but I do check my stock portfolio or the baseball scores on occasion.) Our first mission is to take care of our travelers. While additional methods of communication are terrific, they don’t replace face-to-face customer service. If you have a question or need assistance, don’t let

our tapping on our phones stop you from asking. Please. Travelers come first. Please turn off the ringing sound(s) while on the coach. Most phones have a vibrate feature. If you don’t know how to use yours, ask Chris, Kevin or Ryan (or your grandson or daughter)to show you.  If you don’t know how to do that, you can always turn the phone off. Saves the battery and you would be updated on any missed calls when you turn it back on later. If you get a call on the coach. This has started happening with some regularity. The proper etiquette here is to let the caller know you are traveling with a group on a bus (yeah, use the “b” word, it’s quicker) and you will call them back at your first opportunity. Of course, we all will be understanding in the event of a serious emergency. But if you are chit-chatting with your friends and family while the guide is talking or we are resting or whatever, we reserve the right to politely ask to you turn your phone off. It’s simply common courtesy, which is alive and well on SLV trips. Watching movies, Playing Games, etc. If that’s how you’d like to occupy your time, please feel free to play and watch away. Just disable any sounds, or wear personal headphones, if you would be so kind.

Who is that masked man . . . make that RACCOON??? It’s none other than our very own Clayton Whitehead (with teacher friend Kathy Hiramoto) at the Rancho Cordova Kid’s Day on April 28. Clayton is on the board of the Rancho Cordova Police Activities League. You just never know where accepting a leadership position will take you! Ah, the joys of wearing a fur coat on a warm, spring day…

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

Teasers… Destinations under consideration for future visits If any of these destinations strike your fancy, please give us a call or send an email to the office and let us know. We’ll put your name on the appropriate Priority Notification List and we will notify you of any new departures before advertising them to the rest of the Travel Club or the public.

Winter in Yellowstone & The Grand Tetons January or February 2013 Fly in and out of Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Enjoy a private safari tour into the National Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park in search of the area’s abundant wildlife including mule deer, elk, moose, big horn sheep and bison. Get a close-up view of elk on your sleigh ride through the refuge and visit the National Museum of Wildlife. Explore Yellowstone National Park by a private chartered (and heated) snowcoach. Winter in Yellowstone is magical.

Steamboatin’ on the Mighty Mississippi March 2013 Not one, but two paddlewheelers return to the Mississippi River this summer and a third may be on her way soon. To date, we are leaning towards an early-March cruise aboard the American Queen from Memphis to New Orleans with ports of call to include Natchez (during the Spring Pilgrimage), Vicksburg and St. Francisville. We will spend an additional day on each end to visit Graceland and to drink in (no pun intended) the music, food and fun of New Orleans

Death Valley and the Eastern Sierra 6 Days • Early to Mid-March 2013 You are sure to be surprised by the beauty, intrigued by the stories and awed by the splendor that is Death Valley National Park and the Eastern Sierra Nevada. Discover Manzanar National Historic Site, Scotty’s Castle, and the breathtaking scenery of Highway 395 Travel through all this natural beauty in comfort aboard SuperCoach III.

San Antonio: Deep in the Heart April 2013 Our 2012 tour was an early complete sellout. Is there enough interest to return to the city of Alamo-fame next year? Let us know. Four nights on the famed Riverwalk, lots of good food and sightseeing, even a daytrip through the scenic Hill Country to Fredericksburg to visit the National Museum of the Pacific War in Admiral Nimitz’s hometown.

Kentucky Derby May 2013 If attending The Two Most Exciting Minutes in Sports is on your “bucket list,” let us know and we’ll do it again next year. The 6-day trip includes lots of sightseeing throughout central and eastern Kentucky including the famed Bluegrass Country. You’ll visit a horse farm, bourbon distillery, the state capitol and more.

Rails Around California/ National Train Day 6 Days • May 2013 The second Saturday in May is National Train Day. In several stations throughout the country, people gather to see exhibits and rolling stock up close and personal. We’ll include a stop in LA for the festival to begin our original Rails Around California tour which includes all daytime excursions on several trains including Amtrak’s San Joaquin down the Central Valley to Bakersfield, the Surfliner from LA to San Diego and from San Diego to Santa Barbara, the Coast Starlight from San Luis Obispo to San Jose and the Capitol back to Sacramento. The best part? Our luggage stays on board SuperCoach III while we ride the rails.

Washington, DC and Gettysburg Spring or Fall 2013 Our nation’s Capital City is a great destination in any season. We’ll tour the Mall and all the monuments including the

new MLK Memorial. You’ll have a free day to explore your choice of Smithsonian and National Museums. Take a drive up Embassy Row to the stunning National Cathedral. Visit Arlington National Cemetery and George Washington’s Mt. Vernon. Then head north of the Mason-Dixon to the village of Gettysburg where history was made “four score and seven years ago.” Special exhibits and activities have been created to commemorate the sesquicentennial of the July 1863 battle. You’ll even pay tribute to our city’s founder, John Sutter, with a visit to his grave in nearby Lititz.

Custer State Park Buffalo Round-Up September 2013 This unique itinerary also includes an arts festival, a buffalo steak dinner, a ride on the 1880 Black Hills Train, a visit to Badlands National Park and more. Accommodations will be in Rapid City. Additional attractions will be added. Not a trip for those will mobility restrictions, due to the area where the round up is viewed.

Springtime in Spain April 17-29, 2014 (tent.) Experience Spanish Easter traditions with the locals while spending the holiday weekend at a historical parador in a charming village. Explore the highlights of Spanish life and culture: the prestigious Prado Museum in Madrid, exotic flamenco music and dance in Seville, the Moors’ majestic Alhambra Palace in Granada. Visit elegant cities as well as quaint villages perched high on cliffs.

SAVE THE DATE! Sports Leisure’s Annual Tour Preview Day will be Saturday, August 25 at the Marriott Hotel in Rancho Cordova. Three sessions will be held with specific times announced in the next issue of The Traveler and online at www.sportsleisure.com. Reservations will be accepted by phone or email beginning Tuesday, July 10.

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


New Vacations and Getaways Shakespeare at the Lake Featuring the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival 2 Days • August 14-15 Venture into the mountains for a bit of Shakespearean fun as the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival revives one of the Bard’s most familiar comedies this summer. With live music, dazzling sets and spectacular Lake Tahoe as the backdrop, this is sure to be a great hit this season. Won’t you join us for a night under the stars with William and friends? The Two Gentlemen of Verona is a comedy masterpiece which centers on the friendship of two young men and the women they love. Proteus and Valentine are the best of friends until Proteus also falls for the new object of Valentine’s affections – Silvia. Forsaking his own betrothed, Julia, Proteus sets out to betray his unsuspecting friend, only to find that both Silvia and Julia have a thing or two to teach him about loyalty and love. Located at Sand Harbor on the northeast side of the lake, the outdoor amphitheatre features assigned seating in Adirondack chairs on the first level. Food vendors are readily available. Pause in Nevada City on your return to Sacramento. The tour includes roundtrip transportation aboard SuperCoach III, accommodations at the Hampton Inn and Suites in Truckee,

3 meals (B,2L), all tours and attractions listed, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 550/650 Gold Passport Points $545 p.p./dbl.occ., $610 single $ave $10 until June 12

Genoa Candy Dance Faire 2 Days • September 29-30 The Genoa Candy Dance Faire began in 1919 as a way for the town to raise funds for street lights. Nearly 100 years later, the festival is still going strong and features not only candy making, but arts and crafts booths and many food vendors. Enjoy some free time on the South Shore in the afternoon and then travel over Kingsbury Grade to Genoa for the festival’s annual outdoor BBQ and dance with live music. Stay at the Park Tahoe Inn, just two blocks from the casinos of Stateline. If you choose to remain on the South Shore to do some gambling, receive a $30 credit for the dinner/show. The next day, enjoy Sunday Brunch at the Forest Buffet, before returning to Genoa to see the wares of the vendors at the faire grounds. Return to Sacramento in the mid-afternoon. 400/450 Gold Passport Points. $369 p.p./dbl.occ., $409 single (including BBQ/Show) $339 p.p./dbl.occ., $379 single (no BBQ/Show) $ave $10 until June 12

Enjoy Shakespeare under the stars on a summer Lake Tahoe evening


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

Thanksgiving in New York Visit the Big Apple at the most wonderful time of the year! 6 Days • November 18-23 H Highlights H • 5 nights at the Westin Times Square • Tickets to 2 hit Broadway shows: Ghost and one of your choosing • Radio City Music Hall’s Rockettes Christmas Spectacular • 5 memorable meals featuring dinner at Sardi’s & a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner cruise • Theatre talk with nationally-syndicated critic Peter Filichia • City driving tours with expert local guide • Visit the Statue of Liberty and Ellis Island • Round trip airfare to/from New York • Home pick-up and return • 3550/4100 Gold Passport Points 1. Fly to New York City this morning. As Thanksgiving ushers in the Christmas season, you’ll be in the middle of it all with a 5-night stay at the trendy Westin Times Square. 2. Joined by your entertaining and informative local guide, sightseeing today features Midtown and Downtown with stops at scenic Battery Park, Trinity Church, Wall Street and the World Trade Center site. Take a break from touring at midday to dine at historic Fraunces Tavern, George Washington’s favorite restaurant! (Remember this was our nation’s first capital.) Here you’ll be joined by syndicated theatre critic Peter Filichia to learn what’s hot and what’s not on the Great White Way. In the evening, you’ll have the option of seeing the longest-running musical in theatre history, The Fantastics, preformed “Off-Broadway” on Times Square. (L) 3. Join your Tour Director for a morning adventure to Liberty and Ellis Islands by subway and ferry. The afternoon is yours for personal exploration. How about a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or shopping on famed Fifth Avenue? Dinner at world-famous Sardi’s Restaurant is followed by your first taste of Broadway. Critics

are raving about Ghost, the new musical adaptation of the popular movie. (D) 4. Uptown is highlighted on today’s guided tour, with stops at Central Park, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Rockefeller Center. Ice skating, anyone? The family-style Italian lunch at Carmine’s is a New York tradition. You won’t leave hungry! This evening, enjoy a performance of the Broadway show of your choice. A list of recommendations will be forwarded to you when you confirm your reservation. Or you can check it out now at www.broadway.com. (L) 5. It’s the exciting Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Join the anxious throngs on the streets or watch on television in the comfort of your room. In the afternoon, journey to Radio City Music Hall for the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular. A Thanksgiving dinner cruise follows aboard the elegant glass-roofed Bateaux New York featuring excellent food and great sightseeing as the stars come out over the Big Apple. (D) 6. A farewell luncheon and the short trip to LaGuardia Airport is all that remains as your Thanksgiving in New York comes to a close. (L) $3520 p.p./dbl.occ., $4100 single $ave $100 until June 12 Add The Fantastics for an additional $50 per person

The Holiday Magic of Hollywood Featuring the Magic Castle & Hollywood Christmas Parade 3 Days • November 25-27 It’s been years since we have visited Hollywood for its annual Christmas Parade. Add in Sunday Brunch at the fabulous Magic Castle and a two-night stay at the Renaissance Hotel in the heart of Hollywood, and you have a wonderful way to start the holiday season. 1. Transfers to the airport are provided by Carey Transportation. Fly to Southern California and head straight to The Magic Castle for its popular weekend brunch. While enjoying the wonderful food, you’ll be entertained by several magicians who hold invitation-only membership at the Castle. After brunch, check-in to your hotel for the

next two nights. The Renaissance Hotel Hollywood has a prestigious address, right at the corner of Hollywood and Highland. Walk to shops and restaurants located right outside your door! Tonight, your reserved grandstand seats are just a few blocks away for the 81st Hollywood Christmas Parade. Renaissance Hotel Hollywood – 2 nights (BR) 2. Explore Hollywood on a guided tour this morning, pausing at several popular spots including Grauman’s Chinese Theatre. Lunch is included at Canter’s Deli on Fairfax Avenue; open since 1931, the restaurant estimates it has sold over 9 million pounds of corned beef in its history! In the afternoon, discover the Hollywood Silent Movie Theatre. A guided tour will explain the colorful history of the theatre and you’ll have a chance to watch a few shorts. The popcorn is on us! The late afternoon and evening are free for you to explore a bit and perhaps find your favorite Hollywood Star, along the boulevard. (L) 3. The Kodak Theater is just outside the door of your hotel. Explore this home of the Academy Awards on a private tour. Lunch is at another Hollywood original: The Musso & Frank Grill. The restaurant has hosted several generations of television and movie stars and the stories are many: It was Mary Pickford and Douglas Fairbanks who helped introduced a recipe for Fettuccini Alfredo they discovered on their honeymoon to Italy to the restaurant! Following lunch, get up close to your favorite stars at Madam

Tussauds Wax Museum. They won’t even mind posing for a few photos! Your late afternoon flight returns you to Sacramento. (L) The tour includes roundtrip air to/from Southern California, deluxe motorcoach transportation, accommodations, all attractions and meals listed above, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1350/1550 Gold Passport Points $1330 p.p./dbl.occ., $1540 single $ave $40 until June 12

The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay With a Christmas visit to Filoli 2 Days • November 27-28 1. Depart Sacramento, from one of our convenient pick up points aboard Supercoach III, for the coast and the charming town of Half Moon Bay. Lunch is hosted and you will have some free time in town before checking into your hotel. Resembling a grand European country estate set on a rocky bluff and overlooking the Pacific Ocean, The Ritz Carlton is one of the most luxurious and beautiful hotels on the West Coast. Amenities include a coastal walking trail, gas fire pits overlooking the ocean, a fitness center, indoor pool, hut tub, sauna, chipping and putting green. (Think Scott might have a putting contest?) Golf and Spa services are available for an extra cost. Ritz Carlton Hotel Half Moon Bay (L) 2. Today enjoy a free morning at the Ritz and a hosted lunch before a special

Stay at the 5-diamond Ritz Carlton on the coast and live in luxury overnight Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


Christmas visit to Filoli, recognized as one of the finest remaining country estates of the early 20th century. Experience the excitement of Filoli’s spectacular Holiday Traditions event. Shop the Holiday Boutique, with its wide range of unique holiday gifts, while performers sing and play seasonal melodies. (L) The tour includes deluxe motorcoach transportation, overnight accommodations, admission to Filoli, two lunches and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 450/600 Gold Passport Points. $449 p.p./dbl.occ., $559 single

A Cajun Country Christmas Join Papa Noel as he ushers in the holiday season along the Gulf Coast 6 Days • November 29 – December 4 H Highlights H • 3 nights in festive New Orleans • Tour Houmas House and Laura Plantations along the Great River Road • Attend the Krewe of Jingle Christmas Parade and Jingle Mingle Block Party • Visit Biloxi on the Mississippi Sound • 2 nights in historic Mobile, Alabama • Tour the USS Alabama, historic Mobile churches and Carnival Museum • Airfare to New Orleans/from Mobile • 12 meals – 3 dinners, 3 lunches, 1 brunch and daily breakfast • Home pick-up and return • Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead • 2350/2650 Gold Passport Points 1. Fly to New Orleans and check-into your tastefully restored hotel home, conveniently located just two blocks off Canal Street, the gateway to the French Quarter. The Carondelet Building was New Orleans’ first skyscraper at 14 stories tall. Oversized rooms, 10+ foot ceilings, tasteful furnishings and decor give your accommodations a distinctively Southern feel. Get your taste buds ready. A Welcome Reveillon Dinner begins your march through a city famous for its food. Hampton Inn Downtown – 3 nights (D) 2. Take a drive out the Great River Road to visit two historic plantation homes, each beautifully decorated for the season. Houmas House is the “traditional” white-


columned mansion where lunch will be served—perhaps your first chance to enjoy Louisiana crawfish. Laura is an equally lovely, albeit more human-scale Creole manner house and the birthplace of the Uncle Remus tales. In the evening, join Chef Anne (who might just be the real Mrs. Clause) as she cooks up a traditional Cajun feast at the New Orleans School of Cooking. (B,L,D) 3. The first Saturday in December is the official start of the Holiday Season in New Orleans as this is when Papa Noel rides into town. Have a free day to enjoy the “Krewe of Jingle” Christmas Parade and the Jingle Mingle Block Party, or explore the French Quarter and complete your Christmas shopping in one of the many shops and galleries. At sundown, visit historic City Park for Celebration in the Oaks, an amazing walk-through lights festival staged in a lush, botanical setting, followed by another memorable dinner. (B,D) 4. Head due east to Mobile, Alabama, stopping along the way in Biloxi, Mississippi for brunch and a scenic drive along the surf. Marriott Hotel – 2 nights (B,BR) 5. Mobile is the site of the first Mardi Gras celebration in North America. Learn all about this festive tradition dating back to 1704 at the Carnival Museum. A lunch of Southern favorites is served “where the locals eat.” With a local preservation architect as your guide, explore this historic port city and learn its story through visits

to historic churches, renowned for their stained glass. You ARE in the “Bible Belt,” after all. In the evening, Bellingrath Gardens and its annual Magic Christmas in Lights awaits, including over 950 displays aglow in 3 million lights. The gardens as well as the historic home are host to these displays, and live music is offered nightly. (FB,L) 6. Visit the largest ship in the port, the battleship USS Alabama, where a traditional lunch will be served in the company mess. Then on to the airport for all that’s left of this Cajun Country Christmas is your return flight home. (FB,L) $2340 p.p./dbl.occ., $2635 single $ave $100 until June 12

Captain Jeff’s Holiday Cruise Featuring a holiday parade of boats, quaint towns and the Lights of Christmas 4 Days • November 30-December 3 1. Depart Sacramento for Seattle. Lunch along the water is included at Ivar’s in Mukilteo before checking into your hotel in the mid-afternoon. Tonight marvel at more than 1 million Christmas lights that will be displayed – a spectacle spread over 15 acres at Warm Beach Camp in the nearby town of Stanwood. The largest holiday lights display in the Northwest, The Lights of Christmas, offers live music, crafts, carolers and more. Staybridge Suites Mukilteo (L) 2. Return to Seattle this morning and

No one has more fun during the holidays than our own Scott Angeletti, seen here on board the Island Spirit during last year’s Captain Jeff’s Holiday Cruise

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

board the Island Spirit with Captain Jeff Behrens at the helm being ably assisted by his wonderful crew. Your ship has 16 cabins, a dining room, living room, lounge, two outside decks and is the best in small ship cruising. Enjoy a welcome luncheon as you cruise the inland waterways. Travel along Lake Union with its floating homes and houseboats and then head east to view Bill and Melinda Gates’ lakeside home followed by the exclusive waterfronts of Medina and Meydenbauer Bay. Your crew will narrate and provide information on this exclusive area and the homes. Afterwards, enjoy an included cocktail hour followed by a wonderful dinner on board. Anchor in a quiet Lake Washington cove at Seward Park. Get a great night’s sleep while you’re “swinging on the hook.” (B,L,D) 3. Enjoy a morning stroll or relax before Sunday Brunch. Visit the Kirkland Wharf and unique shops on the east side of Lake Washington. Do a little Christmas shopping and explore the area on your own before continuing to the Seattle waterfront to rendezvous with the special parade of Christmas ships. Many decorative and colorful vessels ply the waters of Puget Sound. We’ll join up with carolers and many brightly lit ships for the enjoyment of those watching from the shore. Great food and holiday spirit is the order of the day. (BR,D) 4. After a hearty breakfast, say farewell to Captain Jeff and the crew of the Island Spirit. Pause at Pike Place Market for some Pacific Northwest goodies before returning home to Sacramento. (FB) The tour includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip air Sacramento/Seattle, motorcoach transportation, overnight accommodations in Mukilteo, passage on board the Island Spirit with private cabins and all meals included on board, all attractions as listed in the itinerary, 7 meals (B,FB,BR,2L,2D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 1600/1800 Gold Passport Points $1595 p.p./dbl.occ., $1795 single $ave $50 until June 12 Because of the limited amount of cabins we can only accept 2 single travelers.

The Capital, Kennedy, Rockettes, Boston Pops Christmas Concerts Celebration 7 Days • December 10-16 H Highlights H • Tickets to holiday concerts at the Boston Pops Holiday Concert at the Symphony Hall in Boston, the Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall and the National Symphony Orchestra’s Christmas Pops at the Kennedy Center • Ride the Acela express train from Boston to New York • 12 meals (6 breakfasts, 1 brunch, 3 lunches, 2 dinners) • Deluxe accommodations • Round trip airfare Sacramento to Washington/from Boston • Door-to-door airport service • 2950/3400 Gold Passport Points We take last year’s holiday spectacular and improve it just a little. This year, we’ll start by flying into Boston and traveling south to New York and Washington, DC. The city is the home of the Boston Pops Orchestra, which offers a holiday concert each year that can only be described as memorable in their home at Symphony Hall. Our two-night stay at the Embassy Suites includes some time for holiday shopping, a little sightseeing and the Pops concert. Our second stop is New York City and we’ll get there via the Acela Express Train from Boston. It’s a brief stay, just overnight at the Millennium Hotel Times Square, but long enough to see the Christmas Tree at Rockefeller Center and the Rockettes perform at Radio City Music Hall. We travel to Washington by motorcoach. Stay three nights at the Embassy Suites on Embassy Row. On two of those evenings, enjoy a variety of guided and self-chosen sights, and each evening we’ll treat you to dinner and a lovely holiday celebration. Visit George Washington’s Mt. Vernon for a colonial-style Christmas. See the Nation’s Christmas Tree and enjoy a Christmas Pops Concert at the Kennedy Center, featuring the National Symphony Orchestra. Three incredible holiday concert venues, Boston Symphony Hall, Radio City Music

Hall and the Kennedy Center. First class hotels throughout. Great ticket locations, a variety of fine dining experiences and even a train ride, this is a new tradition you’ll want to be a part of. $2950 p.p./dbl.occ., $3380 single $ave $100 until June 12

Christmas on Monterey Bay Join our annual holiday journey and spend Christmas on the coast December 23-25 1. Head to California’s Central Coast aboard SuperCoach III via Salinas for lunch at popular First Awakenings and a chance to check out the new exhibits at the National Steinbeck Center. On to Monterey where your address for the next two nights is the waterside Portola Hotel. Take a walk on the harbor. Check out the ice skating rink. Or simply relax in the lobby and enjoy the beautiful decorations. Tonight following dinner, take a drive around the community aglow in twinkling lights. (L,D) 2. A morning guided driving tour of this beautiful community begins your Christmas Eve, followed by free time on historic Cannery Row for lunch and a visit to the Monterey Bay Aquarium. In the evening, an early dinner allows time to visit one of the area’s many churches for Christmas Eve services. (FB,D) 3. Merry Christmas! After breakfast, meet with your fellow travelers for a time of fellowship, stories and a gift exchange. A gala holiday lunch buffet awaits you before saying goodbye to Monterey. On the way back to Sacramento, a stop at Casa de Fruta never fails to please. (FB,L) This vacation includes home pick-up, SuperCoach III transportation, 2 nights at the Portola Inn, 6 meals (2 dinners, 2 lunches, 2 full breakfasts), admissions to the National Steinbeck Center and the Monterey Bay Aquarium, guided local tour, the services of not one, but two Sports Leisure elves and LOTS of holiday cheer! 1000/1150 Gold Passport Points $999 p.p./dbl.occ., $1149 single $ave $20 until June 12

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


Take the Train to the Rose Parade Featuring the 124th Tournament of Roses Parade and A Salute to Vienna at the Walt Disney Concert Hall 4 Days • December 29 – January 1, 2013 The most comfortable rail excursion you have ever taken is waiting to deliver you to the nation’s premier New Year’s Day event, the 124th Tournament of Roses Parade. Experience personal attentive service aboard your private railcar, The Silver Lariat escorted by Amtrak’s Coast Starlight, as the farms of the coastal valley give way to the stunning California coastline. 1. Carey Transportation provides you with door-to-door service to the Sports Leisure office where SuperCoach III is waiting for you. After a short drive to Oakland, meet The Silver Lariat, hitched to the rear of Amtrak’s Coast Starlight. Once aboard and en route, enjoy lunch and dinner served in the comfort of your private seats of this beautifully restored railcar. A full staff will take care of your every need with the entertainment provided by the countryside and coastline ever changing outside your window. Arrive in Van Nuys around 8pm and transfer to your home for the next three nights. Marriott Hotel Burkank – 3 nights (L,D) 2. Huntington Gardens is a true jewel in Southern California. Known for its meticulous gardens and library housing many historic volumes, enjoy an private behind-the-scenes tour followed by a tea luncheon buffet in the Rose Garden Tea Room. This afternoon, is an event to remember as dancers, singers and musicians take the stage of the Walt Disney Concert Hall and its performance, A Salute to Vienna. The performance combines the brilliant talents of The Strauss Symphony of America with stellar European maestros, tenors, sopranos and dancers to perform and celebrate the glorious, uplifting music of Vienna’s “Waltz King” Johann Strauss Jr. and his contemporaries. The experience is reminiscent of Vienna’s famous and beloved Neujahrskonzert, the 70 year old tradition performed by the Vienna Philharmonic Orchestra and televised annually to 1.3 billion people around the globe. The


program includes the ever popular operetta excerpts, waltzes, polkas and marches. (FB,L) 3. Return to Pasadena this morning for another popular experience: The Parade Float Decorating tour. This private tour will give you a close-up view at the floats having their final touches applied prior to parade day. A tour and lunch in Pasadena follows in the early afternoon as we join Lisa from Melting Pot Food Tours. Discover a popular restaurant and learn first-hand about food from your knowledgeable guide. Back at your hotel, take some time to relax prior to an early evening “East Coast New Year’s Toast” at 9pm so you can get a good night’s sleep prior to parade day. (FB,L) 4. It’s New Year’s Day so arise early and enjoy a box breakfast on your way to Pasadena! The 124th Tournament of Roses Parade kicks off at 8am and your reserved seats are right along Colorado Boulevard. This year’s theme is based on a Dr. Seuss favorite Oh, The Places You’ll Go. The floats, bands and other entrants from all over the Western Hemisphere will be playing to that theme. Following the parade, lunch is served en route to the airport where you will meet your flight for the return trip to Sacramento. (B,L) This tour includes rail transportation to Southern California and return airfare, deluxe accommodations, 8 meals (1 box breakfast for parade day, 2 full breakfasts, 4

lunches, 1 dinner), reserved seating for the Tournament of Roses Parade, all attractions listed in the above itinerary, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1800/2000 Gold Passport Points $1790 p.p./dbl.occ., $1990 single $ave $50 until June 12

New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch 2 Days • December 31 – January 1, 2013 We have found a great New Year’s Eve Party for you! Located in the heart of the Central Valley, the Harris Ranch Inn is famous for its warm hospitality and cozy accommodations. Each year the inn hosts a wonderful dinner party to ring in the New Year, and this year, you’re invited! 1. Your New Year’s Eve will begin with later than usual pickups from our four convenient locations in Sacramento. A light lunch stop will get you into the hotel in plenty of time to prepare for your evening of dining and entertainment. Upon arrival at your delightful California hacienda-styled hotel, enjoy wine and welcoming appetizers delivered to your guest room, followed by a social hour with a seafood grotto stocked with delightful delicacies fresh from Morro Bay and the Pacific. But don’t fill up yet as it’s time to partake in a five-course dinner featuring Harris Ranch reserve beef prepared by the inn’s award winning culinary team. Each course is paired with

The Tournament of Roses Parade should be on everyone’s “to do” list

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

specially selected wines. Following dinner, enjoy the music of a seven piece dance band until you welcome the New Year with a balloon drop and champagne toast at the stroke of midnight. (L,D) 2. This morning enjoy a relaxing breakfast, perhaps catch a bit of the Rose Parade on the television, or enjoy the beautiful grounds at the inn before returning to Sacramento, arriving in the late afternoon. (FB,L) The tour includes roundtrip transportation aboard SuperCoach III, accommodations, 4 meals (FB,2L,D), all tours and attractions listed, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 700/800 Gold Passport Points $659 p.p./dbl.occ., $779 single $ave $20 until June 12

The Magical Worlds of Ecuador Featuring the Galapagos, Andes and the Amazon! 13 Days • January 14-26, 2013 H Highlights H • Five days onboard the first class yacht M/Y Galapagos Odyssey • Three days in the Ecuadorian jungle at the head waters of the Amazon • Five days in the city of Quito in the Andes • Local Ecuador guide and Sports Leisure Tour Director throughout the tour • 26 meals • Door-to-door airport transportation • Round trip air to and from Quito and internal flights to Coca and the Galapagos Day 1 – Upon arrival at Quito’s Mariscal Sucre Airport, you will meet your local guide and transfer to your hotel. Anahi Boutique Hotel – 2 nights Day 2 – Quito Day Tour: Old Town + Middle of the World. After breakfast, tour the city center of downtown Quito, which was declared a UNESCO World Heritage Site in 1978. View Alameda Park, the Basilica, the presidential palace, the main cathedral, and the gold-plated La Compañía Church. Then head north to the equator for a trip to the monument at the Middle of the World. (B)

Explore the magical islands of the Galapagos and meet some new friends

Day 3 – Ecuadorian Jungle Depart from Quito on a 30 minute flight over the eastern Andes mountain range to Coca. After landing embark onto a comfortable covered motor boat ride along the Napo River. Along the way birds like herons, kingfishers and others can be spotted. Enjoy a majestic and peaceful dugout canoe ride paddling along a narrow creek that connects to the lake where your lodge is located. Look for monkeys as well as large birds like toucans, parrots or even macaws. Napo Wildlife Lodge – 3 nights (B,L,D) Day 4 – Ecuadorian Jungle Wake up early to reach the best and easy access parrot clay licks in Ecuador. Reach there just before parrot activity kicks off. A total of 11 species of parrots, parakeets and macaws can be seen. (B,L,D) Day 5 – Ecuadorian Jungle Coca Today visit the Kichwa Community of Añangu, spending some time with the local people and learn about their culture and way of life. At the Community, you’ll visit the local school and walk on a trail that leads to the Añangu lagoon. (B,L,D) Day 6 – Quito Depart early for the last excursion canoeing back to the Napo River. The creek may reveal new sights of giant otters, Monk Saki monkeys or many other rare birds. Retrurn back to Coca in a motorized canoe and fly back to Quito. Anahi Boutique Hotel (B)

Day 7 – Galapagos – Dragon Hill, Santa Cruz Island Fly to the Galapagos Islands, then board the M/Y Odyssey. On Dragon Hill walk a trail that leads to a hyper-saline lagoon behind the beach, frequented by flamingos, pintail ducks and other species of birds. M/Y Galapagos Odyssey – 5 nights (B,L,D) Day 8 – Galapagos – Rábida Island Rábida Island is unique because of the red color of the rocks and sand. A short walk along a trail leads to a coastal lagoon behind the beach and permits the observation of land birds likes finches, doves, yellow warblers and mocking birds. Visit Chinese Hat for an interpretation of geological features such as lava tubes and lava flows. The landscape is covered by sea lions colonies, marine iguanas and Galapagos penguins. (B,L,D) Day 9 – Galapagos – Darwin Bay, Genovesa Island This bay originated when the crater of this island collapsed below sea level. The wet landing is on a beautiful white coral sandy beach. This is a favorite island for birdwatchers: red footed-booby, lava gulls, whimbrels Yellow-crowned, black-crowned and lava herons, with and yellow warblers can be seen in the area. (B,L,D) Day 10 – Galapagos – Bartolomé Island Situated across Sullivan Bay, the island has an altitude of 375 feet from where we can observe one of the most beautiful

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


sceneries of the Galapagos Islands: Volcanic cones, lunar-like craters, lava fields, and the famous Toba formed pinnacle eroded by the sea. There is very little vegetation on this island. It has two breathtaking beaches where marine turtles exist at the base of the pinnacle, as well as a small colony of Galapagos penguins. (B,L,D) Day 11 – Galapagos – Quito Today’s trail leads to the highlands from Bellavista and passes through the agricultural zone, near the National Park boundary, the Miconia Zone, and then goes to the Fern and Sedge zone. With clear weather this area affords beautiful scenes of rolling hills and extinct volcanic cones covered with grass and lush greenery all year round. Transfer back to Baltra for embarkation on a flight back to Quito. Anahi Boutique Hotel – 2 nights (B) Day 12 – Quito Depart Quito, heading to Otavalo, the town famous for its weekly artesian market. On route on the Panamerican Highway we will stop at Calderon, a town where the famous masapan dolls are made. Visit the textile market at Otavalo, one of the most famous markets in South America. You will find all kinds of handcrafts including tapestries made on the Spanish weaving loom. Return to Quito in late afternoon. (B)

Day 13 Quito Your Ecuador adventure has come to an end. Your flight home departs in the afternoon. (B) $6695 p.p./dbl.occ., $9450 single $ave $150 until June 12

Key West, Miami and The Everglades Featuring Key Largo and 4 nights in Key West 7 Days • January 26 – February 1, 2013 or January 18-24, 2014 H Highlights H • Visit Florida Everglades National Park and experience an air boat ride • History abounds in Key West – visit the Hemingway Home, The Aquarium, Truman’s “Little White House” and the Shipwreck Museum, tour the island aboard the famous Old Town Trolley • Day cruise on an authentic clipper ship (optional), Butterfly and Nature Conservatory visit • Cabaret Dinner Show at La Te Da, lunch at Sloppy Joe’s, dinner atop the La Concha Hotel – weather permitting, spectacular sunset views; all Key West Landmarks • 4 nights in Key West at the Crowne Plaza La Concha, in the heart of town on historic Duval Street • Overnight near Miami – city tour featuring South Beach and Coral Gables

Harry Truman’s favorite spot is just one of many Key West attractions you’ll visit


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

• Overnight in Key Largo – glass bottom boat cruise • 13 meals: 2 breakfasts, 4 full breakfasts, 2 lunches, 5 dinners • Door-to-door transportation • Round trip airfare Sacramento/Miami, return Key West/Sacramento • Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann • 3450/4000 Gold Passport Points Key West is a place you can visit over and over. It’s very pedestrian friendly, and in fact our itineary includes several short (3-4 block) walks in town to attractions. Warm weather (even in January the average high is 76, the average low 66) is the norm. Because of the intimate nature of this tour, it is limited to just 25 travelers and sells out early every year. 1. Arrive in Fort Lauderdale in the late afternoon after your flights from Sacramento. At a small local South American steakhouse enjoy a unique dinner with an international twist before retiring for the evening. Courtyard by Marriott Fort Lauderdale (D) 2. Our morning city tour delivers you first to Florida Everglades National Park. Learn about this delicate and fragile environment, then board an air boat for a short everglades experience. Back in Miami, there’s time for lunch on your own, followed by a tour of famous South (Miami) Beach, Coconut Grove and Coral Gables. It’s an hour to Key Largo, made famous in story and song. Partake in the sunset off the back porch of our hotel before dining tonight at another local dining favorite, The Fish House. Hampton Inn Key Largo (B,D) 3. Begin the day with a ride on the glass bottom boat that plies the largest living coral reef off our coast(s). Next, it’s on down the Intracoastal Highway we go, the Atlantic Ocean on one side and the Gulf of Mexico on the other. The remnants of Henry Falgler’s historic railroad remain and we’ll tell you the story. Arrive in Key West, the literal end of the highway, in late afternoon. Tonight, a glorious welcome dinner on the top floor of your hotel, the “Top of the Conch,” perhaps one of the most famous sunset watching spots in these United States. You’re in a wonderful location

on historic Duval Street, with shops and restaurants on both sides. Key West is a very pedestrian friendly city and we walk to several attractions that are within two or three blocks of our hotel. Crowne Plaza La Concha – 4 nights (B,D) 4-6. From Hemingway to Tennessee Williams to Robert Frost, many famous artisans have called the Keys home. Dozens of ships were wrecked on its reefs. Visit the homes of two famous Americans, Harry Truman and Ernest Hemingway. Tour the area aboard the famous Old Town Trolley, stop in search of buried treasure at Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum and visit the “Little White House,” frequented by presidents Eisenhower, Kennedy and Truman. Nature enthusiasts will enjoy the Butterfly & Nature Conservatory and the Key West Aquarium. Cruise along the shores of the island on an authentic Clipper Ship (you can opt out of this activity and receive a refund if you aren’t a “water” person). Walk to dozens of the shops, restaurants and attractions from your hotel. This year, for the first time, we’ve added a local tour activity or two with a unique souvenir surprise. Why spend all your time in the regular tourist haunts? Who doesn’t like to eat on vacation? How about lunch where the Sloppy Joe was invented, or a midday meal in one of the funkiest “joints” you’ll ever wander into? There’s a great Italian dinner, and a dinner and cabaret drag show in the Key West tradition you’ll never forget. Breakfast is included each morning at your hotel, which Is conveniently located In the middle of Duval Street, with shops and restaurants in both directions, right out the front door. (3FB,2L,2D) 7. It’s time to leave our island paradise and head for home. Our return flight leaves directly from Key West and connects via Atlanta and Los Angeles on Delta Airlines. (FB) $3435 p.p./dbl.occ., $3985 single 2014 prices will be available May 1, 2013* *We expect about a 3% price increase for 2014, but a much larger increase in 2015, due to the expiration of favorable hotel contracts). If you are registering for the 2014 departure, pay a $100 per person deposit

upon registration. No further payment is due until May 1, 2013, when you’ll have payment options, including the Early Registration Discount or the right to cancel and receive your deposit back.

St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

3. Arise to a full Irish breakfast this morning and don’t forget to wear green as it’s Saint Patrick’s Day. The festivities of this special day in Dublin are done with true Irish style and your hotel’s central location will really be appreciated as most of the City Centre will be closed to vehicular traffic. Enjoy an unobstructed view of the annual parade with included seating in the grandstand. This evening, dinner is accompanied by traditional Irish entertainment. (B,D) 4. Full Irish breakfasts continue today and each day of your tour. Leave Dublin for Kilkenny, traveling through the beautiful Wicklow Mountains to Glendalough, the

Explore the Emerald Isle during its most jubilant holiday season 11 Days • March 15-25 H Highlights H • 2 nights Dublin with grandstand seating for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade • 1 night Kilkenny with a visit to Kilkenny Castle • 3 nights Killarney with drives along the Ring of Kerry and Dingle Peninsula • 2 nights in the shadow of Bunratty Castle • 1 night in 13th century Barberstown Castle, host of our Farewell Dinner • Tour Blarney and King John’s Castles Enjoy St. Patrick’s Day on the streets of Dublin, Ireland and Glendalough Monastery ruins of a sixth-century monastery with • Visit the famous Guinness Storehouse, the finest round tower in Ireland. A stop at Trinity College & Book of Kells Avoca Handweavers will acquaint you with • Take a jaunting car ride in Killarney the country’s wool culture. Visit historic National Park Kilkenny Castle this afternoon. Ormande • 17 meals: Daily breakfast, 8 dinners Hotel Kilkenny (B,D) including the Medieval Feast at Bunratty 5. Today’s journey will feature stops at the Castle Jameson Distillery in Midleton for a tour and • Door-to-door airport transportation whiskey tasting. In Blarney, visit the famous • Round trip air San Francisco/Dublin castle (anyone wish to kiss the stone?) and 1-2. Enjoy transportation to a central its impressive woolen mills. The day ends in Sacramento meeting point, then travel by Killarney with an extended stay. Killarney SuperCoach III to San Francisco International Plaza Hotel – 3 nights (B,D) Airport for your direct flight to Ireland 6-7. Spend two days along Ireland’s scenic aboard Aer Lingus. Upon arrival at Dublin southwest coastline driving the famous Ring International Airport, embark on a short city of Kerry. Visit Kissane Sheep Farm and take a orientation tour including Trinity College, jaunting car ride in Killarney National Park. St. Patrick’s Cathedral and the Guinness Drive along the scenic Dingle Peninsula as Storehouse. Hotel check-in follows, along well. (2B,D) with evening cocktails and a Welcome 8. The village of Adare is regarded as one Dinner. Davenport Hotel – 2 nights (D) of Ireland’s most picturesque destinations. Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


A small village with thatched cottages dotting the town, it’s the Irish countryside just as you have imagined it. Continue on to Bunratty Castle and Folk Park. The castle is one of the most complete and authentic medieval castles in Ireland. Within the grounds is Bunratty Folk Park. The Folk Park demonstrates everyday life in rural Ireland in the 19th century. It contains reconstructed farmhouses, cottages and shops. It is a living museum where animals are tended, bread is baked, milk is churned, walls are whitewashed and roofs are thatched. You may visit an Irish farmhouse, attend a weaving demonstration, and bake and eat scones at the local teahouse. Bunratty Castle Hotel – 2 nights (B,D) 9. Rathbaun Farm is located in Ardrahan, County Galway. It is an interesting visit to a working farm where you’ll discover the life of a real Irish family. Your host, Fintan Connolly, will demonstrate his skills as a shepherd as he works his dogs and sheers his sheep. Your hostess, Geraldine, will welcome you to her 150-year-old farmhouse, where you will have the opportunity to sample some home-baked scones and a cup of tea. Visit one of Ireland’s top attractions, the soaring Cliffs of Moher, before returning to your hotel. Dinner tonight is the entertaining Medieval Banquet at Bunratty Castle. (B,D) 10. Limerick is the location of King John’s Castle. Built as a 5-sided fortress with four stout round towers, the castle houses an excellent exhibition, which is full of color and drama and tells the story of this famous landmark. Your hotel on this final night is a 13th-century castle and country manor house. A Farewell Dinner will be hosted. Barberstown Castle (B,D) 11. Following breakfast, it’s only about 20 miles back to Dublin International Airport and your return flight to San Francisco. (B) $4415 p.p./dbl.occ., $4945 single $ave $150 until June 12 Proud members of the


The Colorful Carolina Coast Meander the beautiful Southern Atlantic coastline from Norfolk to Jacksonville 10 Days • March 19-28 H Highlights H • Visit North Carolina’s Outer Banks, Kitty Hawk, Wilmington, USS North Carolina and Tyron Palace • See South Carolina’s Myrtle Beach, Brookgreen Gardens, Charleston and Ft. Sumter • Enjoy Georgia’s first city, Savannah, and historic Jekyll Island • 2-night stays oceanfront on Myrtle Beach and in Charleston and Savannah’s Historic Districts • Overnights in Norfolk, Buxton (Outer Banks) and New Bern • 17 meals: 4 full breakfasts, 3 expanded continental breakfasts, 5 lunches, 5 dinners • Round trip air to Norfolk/from Jacksonville • Door-to-door airport service • Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead Few Sports Leisure tours have the continuing popularity of this tour. Clayton has put together an impressive journey of our country’s Southeast Coastline that includes the popular and the unique. Of course, one of the highlights has to be a progressive dinner in Clayton’s adopted hometown of Savannah, which includes dessert at his own home! 1. Begin with door-to-door airport service provided by Carey Transportation. Fly east to Norfolk, your gateway to the southeast and the starting point of your exploration of the Colorful Carolina Coast. Hilton Hotel 2. Drive along one of America’s most unique and scenic geological features, the Outer Banks. Stops include the birthplace of flight, Kitty Hawk National Monument, and the great Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. Dinner tonight is provided by the “church ladies” of St. John’s, a special treat. Hatteras Island Inn, Buxton (B,L,D) 3. A picnic lunch aboard the ferry through Pamlico Sound highlights this day of travel en route to New Bern, Carolina’s royal capital

Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

city, where you’ll tour Lord Tryon’s Palace before checking into your riverside hotel. New Bern Hilton Hotel (ECB,L) 4-5. Say hello to Wilmington with a visit to the Battleship USS North Carolina for a tour and lunch onboard. Myrtle Beach awaits where your home is an oceanfront condominium with a million dollar view. Dinner and a performance at one of the Strand’s live musical theaters end your second day. Beach Cove Resort – 2 nights (B,L,D) 6. Brookgreen Gardens, the nation’s largest outdoor sculpture display, is your host for a beautiful morning. Continue south to Charleston for a harbor cruise to Fort Sumter National Monument where the first shots of the Civil War were fired in 1861. Your hotel is on famed Meeting Street. Mills House Hotel – 2 nights (D) 7. Begin the day with a city tour by horse and carriage. Following lunch at the City Market, join Clayton for a stroll to the Battery, take in a museum or repose in you’re historic accommodations where Robert E. Lee stayed in 1863! (B,L) 8. Next, it’s off to the shining city of Savannah. Following hotel check-in, embark on a trolley tour past sites portraying the city’s rich past and present. In the evening, a mouth-watering dinner of real Southern cooking is followed by a rousing display of music, dance and comedy at the historic Savannah Theatre. DoubleTree Hotel Historic District – 2 nights (B,D) 9. The morning is free for your personal exploration. Depart in the early afternoon on a progressive dinner with libations and appetizers passed on a river cruise, a traditional “Low Country Boil” served on Tybee Island for dinner and a visit to “Clayton Place” for Toot’s famous prune cake dessert. (ECB,D) 10. Depart for Jekyll Island, hideaway of the rich and famous a century ago. Tour by trolley, then dine in the historic Millionaire’s Village before heading to Jacksonville for your return flight to Sacramento. (ECB,L) $3545 p.p./dbl.occ., $4090 single $ave $100 until June 12

The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced Tours) 3 Days

June 15-17

Take the Train to Truckee and Virginia City

Experience the golden age of steam aboard the Virginia-Truckee Railroad, ride Amtrak from Sacramento to Truckee on the California Zeyphr, travel between train rides on SuperCoach III, 6 meals, overnights in Truckee and Virginia City (B&B optional upgrade in Virginia City, extra charge), 6 meals, door-to-door service. 850/950 Gold Passport Points, $825 p.p./dbl.occ., $935 single 5 Days

June 22-26

Strawberries, Beaches and Flower Fields

Featuring Santa Barbara, the Lompoc Flower Festival and Solvang. Visit historic Santa Barbara landmarks, including the courthouse and the mission. 2 nights at the Crowne Plaza Ventura Beach (on the water), see Lompoc’s annual Flower Festival Parade and the huge flower fields, overnight at the Apple Farm, old time melodrama, 5 meals. 1350/1500 Gold Passport Points. $1320 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1490 single 4 Days

June 28 – July 1

US Olympic Gymnastic Trials in San Jose

Sports Leisure Travelers get some unique opportunities. This is one of those, the chance to see the best gymnasts in the United States compete for the opportunity to represent us at the Olympic Games in London just one month later. You’ll see some of the best young athletes in the world. Tickets are in an excellent location for all events. See all the finals competitions and the awards ceremonies, and still have time to visit Santa Cruz and ride the Roaring Camp Railroad into the Redwoods and learn a little about San Jose and the Silicon Valley on a city tour. We’ve even arranged for an exclusive talk with a coach and/or athlete from the US team. 3 nights at the Embassy Suites in nearby Milpitas, tickets to 4 events, 7 meals, sightseeing, 1500/1650 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: TBA. $1470 p.p./dbl.occ., $1625 single 5 Days

July 3-7

Crater Lake & The Umpqua Scenic Byway

2 Days

July 27-28

The Great Gilroy Garlic Festival

Overnight at the spectacular Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, attend the festival on Friday, before the big weekend crowds arrive. 2nd day: Your choice of attractions – The Winchester Mystery House or San Jose’s Tech Museum. It’s your choice! 2 meals, 500/550 Gold Passport Points. $455 p.p./dbl.occ., $515 single 2 Days

July 30-31

Rivercats Road Trip to Reno

The Reno Aces are the Rivercats’ closest competition. This two-game getaway features baseball, a talk from a member of the Rivercats organization about the team, overnight accommodations at the Silver Legacy and one lunch. Tour Director: TBA. 350/400 Gold Passport Points. $335 p.p./dbl.occ., $355 single 2 Days

August 1-2

Broadway Pops in the Pines

Now an annual favorite, this trip has limited accommodations and traditionally fills early. Witness the Bear Valley Music Festival from your covered, reserved seating under the tent. Stay the night at Bear Valley Lodge. Added attractions: A William Florian concert and a stop in Murphy’s on the second day, lunch in Sonora the first day, a last minute stop in Sloughhouse for fresh veggies just before returning home. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, 3 meals, Supercoach III transportation. 600/650 Gold Passport Points. $580 p.p./dbl.occ., $620 single 4 Days

August 9-12

The Sound(s) of Music in Leavenworth

In the Cascades outside Seattle is a picturesque little Bavarian-style village. You’ll enjoy a 3 night visit staying at the Bavarian Lodge. On two evenings, you’ll be treated to magnificent performances, one in the outdoor amphitheater. The Sound of Music and Thoroughly Modern Millie are the featured classics. You’ll feel like you are with the Von Trappe family in the Swiss Alps. Lunch in Seattle at Cutter’s Crab House, Amtrak to Leavenworth, 7 meals, Tour Director: Chris Galloway. 1650/1900 Gold Passport Points. $1625 p.p./dbl.occ., $1875 single

Scott has come up with this wonderful small-town holiday trip that has been “resting” for the last couple of years. He has expanded the previously popular itinerary to include a wildlife safari, a ride on the jet boats of the scenic Rogue River and and two nights near Ashland (giving you an opportunity to attend one of the Shakespearean Festival shows – optional, not included). Of course, there’s a visit to Crater Park and a drive to the rim (around it if conditions permit), fireworks in Roseburg, wine tasting and a stop at Harry and David’s BIG store. 10 meals, transportation on SuperCoach III, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. 1450/1650 Gold Passport Points. $1445 p.p./dbl. occ., $1630 single

See the performance of Thoroughly Modern Millie at the FestHalle Theatre Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


4 Days

September 1-4

Balloons, Glass & Ducks: A Washington State Adventure

Featuring the Sequim Hot Air Balloon Festival and the artistry of Dale Chihuly. Sequim is a tiny, favorite town of ours on the northern tip of the Olympic Peninsula. Spend 3 nights at the very nice Holiday Inn Express. Lunch in Tacoma, the Museum of Glass, a tour of Seattle before you come home on the amphibious “ducks” that takes you in and out of the water. Seattle’s newest attraction, the Chihuly Gardens and Glass Exhibit, is on the itinerary. Enjoy the view from the observation deck of the Space Needle, and most of all, see the balloons rise from the hotel’s rooftop patio garden. There’s even a side trip to colorful Port Townsend for shopping and lunch. 6 meals, airfare, door-to-door service, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, 1700/1950 Gold Passport Points. $1695 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1915 single 6 Days

September 6-11

Jammin’ Through Montana’s Glacier National Park

Travel Going-To-The-Sun Road through Glacier National Park, overnight at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Alberta, 2 nights at Many Glacier Hotel, 2 nights at Grouse Mountain Lodge – Whitefish, 3 scenic boat cruises, the music of David Walburn, 10 meals, airfare from Sacramento/Kalispell, door-to-door service, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. 2800/3100 Passport Points. $2780 p.p./dbl.occ., $3185 single, passport required, 3 seats available

2 Days

Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners.

The Santa Cruz Follies

A quick overnighter featuring one of our favorite, all-senior variety shows in Santa Cruz. Stay at the Hilton Scott’s Valley, lunch at the Crow’s Nest, a visit to the famed Boardwalk and a ride through the Redwoods on the Roaring Camp Railroad. 2 lunches, 500/550 Gold Passport Points. $485 p.p./dbl.occ., $535 single, $15 EPD** 6 Days

September 15-20

“Show Me” TV Stars In Branson

9 shows: Andy Williams & Dick Van Dyke, Yakov Smirnoff, Shoji Tabuchi, Twelve Irish Tenors, Joseph at the Sight & Sound Theater, The Oak Ridge Boys, Greg Brady from the Brady Bunch in his own show, Presley’s Julibee, The Brett Family. 5 nights at the best hotel in town (Hilton Promenade), visit the Titanic Museum, private performer chat, 12 meals, r/t airfare direct to/from Branson, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2770 p.p./dbl.occ., $3070 single, filling quickly 4 Days

September 16-19

The Redwoods of Northern California, Big Trees in the Wild

A great trip on SuperCoach III. Visit The Avenue of the Giants on Hwy 101 with a local guide, home of the coastal redwoods. Walk through the groves, visit the marshes of Arcata, teeming with waterfowl, Luther Burbank Home. 7 meals, overnight Garberville, two nights Eureka. 1200/1400 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $1175 p.p./dbl.occ., $1365 single, $20 EPD** 4 Days

Things to Know Before You Go:

September 12-13

September 21-24

Return to the Oregon Coast

3 nights in Newport on the central Oregon Coast at the Elizabeth Street Inn (where all rooms have a full ocean view), wonderful meals (both casual and gourmet), harbor dinner cruise, Sunday Brunch on the coast, Lincoln City float blowing and culinary demonstrations, Hatfield Marine Research Center and NOAA (National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration) visits, Spruce Goose at the Evergreen Aviation Museum, 10 meals, airfare to/from Portland, Tour Director: Chris or Mark. 1550/1700 Gold Passport Points. $1540 p.p./dbl. occ., $1700 single, $20 EPD** 8 Days

September 22-29

Fall in Love with Colorado & Utah

The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations.

For those of you who have asked for a different itinerary in the Canyonlands area, Scott has created this new adventure. Featuring first class service on the Durango-Silverton RR. 2 nights at the Zermatt Resort, visits to Durango and Ouray – Colorado mountain villages, lunch at Robert Redford’s Sundance Retreat, Dinosaur Nat’l Monument, round trip air to Albuquerque/return from Salt Lake City, door-to-door service, 12 meals. 3050/3400 Gold Passport Points. $3020 p.p./dbl.occ., $3400 single, $35 EPD**

Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at www.sportsleisure.com for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary.

Visit us anytime on the web at: www.sportsleisure.com

**Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD**,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/Payment Discounts.


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012

7 Days

Sept. 29 – Oct. 5

New England Fall Foliage Sampler

Visit Vermont and New Hampshire at their colorful best – a taste of Maine, too! Cruise Lake Champlain, see the leaves on the Kangamagus Highway, visit Quechee Gorge and Shelburne Farm. 12 meals, airfare Sacramento/Manchester, door-to-door service. 3150/3550 Gold Passport Points. $3125 p.p./dbl.occ., $3525 single, $35 EPD** 4 Days

Sept. 30 – Oct. 3

Catalina Island Getaway

Our annual visit to California’s favorite island. Fly to LA, Sunday Brunch on the Queen Mary, then ferry to Avalon, 3 nights Pavilion Lodge, wide variety of sightseeing on the island, 6 meals, airfare, door-to-door service, round trip Catalina ferry, 1450/1650 Gold Passport Points. $1420 p.p./dbl.occ., $1650 single, $20 EPD** 7 Days

October 3-9

Living History Nuts – A Mystery Tour

Living History Nuts. Wait a minute, didn’t that read Living? History? Nuts? last time around. Yeah, well Mark has been playing around with the clever little name of this tour. Those in the office (who don’t know where the trip is going either) can’t decide if he’s lost his mind, or really come up with something unique. Is he touring a nut factory? For food, not people. Are these historic sites he is visiting on the itinerary? How does the “living” part play in? This better not be spending a week in Stockton, that’s all we can say. The package includes 17 meals (every feeding except one lunch), your airfare to this place no one has ever heard of and of course, we’ll pick you up at home. Living. History. Nuts. No kidding. Mark and Ryan Quinn say it’s the best tour of the year, but then, they created it and are taking you on it. Those of us in the office are still wondering what it could all be about. 2400/2650 Gold Passport Points, $2365 p.p./dbl.occ., $2615 single 7 Days

October 4-10 Oktoberfest & Thanksgiving in Canada

Absolutely one of the most popular new itineraries in a long time. A wonderful new tour featuring a Canadian holiday and a brief visit to Niagara Falls. Oktoberfest in Kitchner, Ontario – with beer barrel racing, music, foods and crafts. Visit quaint Canadian villages, enjoy a different sort of Thanksgiving Parade (reserved seating), 2 nights fallsview rooms at Niagara Falls in the Embassy Suites. 12 meals, airfare Sacramento/Buffalo. 2900/3350 Gold Passport Points, $2885 p.p./dbl.occ., $3340 single, valid passport required 4 Days

October 9-12 Mendocino’s Colorful Coast

Autumn on the coast. Spectacular! 3 nights Harbor Lite Lodge, all 10 meals, a ride on the famous “Skunk Train,” The California Western Railroad and time in historic Mendocino. A botanical garden, a coastal walk, a lighthouse, an evening of theater. $1145 p.p./dbl. occ., $1330 single. $20 EPD**

6 or 9 Days

Oct. 10-15 or Mammoth Lakes, Movies & Ghost 10-18 Towns

A brand new tour. 3 nights Mammoth Lakes (Mono Lake, Devil’s Postpile, Lone Pine Movie Museum), Death Valley for lunch, the new Mob Museum in Las Vegas – extended tour includes the ghost towns of Goldfield and Rhyolite, and lunch at the restored Mitzpah Hotel in Tonopah. Truly off-the-beaten-track. 6 Days – $1755 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1950 single (coach from Sacramento, fly home from Las Vegas); 9 Days – $2095 p.p./dbl.occ., $2335 single (all SuperCoach III, no flying), EPD $40-$60** 3 Days

October 21-23

Fall In Yosemite

Stay in the park at Yosemite Lodge, convenient to park attractions. Three brunches/lunches at National Landmarks: The Groveland, Ahwahnee and Wawona Hotels (the last two in Yosemite Park), full day tour of Yosemite including the valley, El Capitan, Yosemite Falls and Glacier Point (subject to weather availability), plus free time to enjoy the indoor or outdoor atttractions of the park. 1150/1400 Gold Passport Points. $1115 p.p./dbl.occ., $1355 single 6 Days

November 11-16

Laughlin & Las Vegas by SuperCoach III

From Sacramento to Tonopah (overnight) to Laughlin (2 nights), Las Vegas (2 nights); stay in the Golden Nugget Hotel/Casino in Laughlin and Las Vegas. Discover the Neon Museum on the streets of downtown at night, see the new Mob Museum, visit historical Oatman (where Clark Gable and Carole Lombard spent their wedding night). 6 meals, SuperCoach III transportation, Tour Director: Joey Querio. $1150 p.p./dbl.occ., $1295 single, $25 EPD** 7 Days

Jan. 26 – Feb. 1, 2013 or Jan. 18-24, 2014

Key West, Key Largo, Miami and the Everglades

Four nights in beautiful Key West is the best feature of this trip, but it’s not the only highlight. During your Key West visit, see the Hemingway Home, the nation’s very first public aquarium, Truman’s Little White House, & Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum. The dinner and drag show at La Te Da, an authentic clipper ship cruise (optional, included) and the small but amazing Butterfly & Nature Conservancy plus Mark promises a surprise new attraction this time around. Before you get to the Keys, overnight in Miami with an air boat ride in the Everglades and overnight in Key Largo with a glass-bottom boat ride. Miami city tour including Coral Gables and South Beach. Roundtrip air, 13 meals, door-to-door service, Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann or Chris Galloway. For the 2014 tour, call now to reserve your seat with a $100 fully refundable (until May 1, 2013) deposit. $3435 p.p./dbl.occ., $3985 single

Find us on Facebook: www.facebook.com/sportsleisure Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration/Payment Di$counts listed here expire on June 12, 2012. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Aug. – Shakespeare at the Lake – $ave $10 Sept. – Genoa Candy Dance Faire – $ave $10 Sept. – The Santa Cruz Follies – $ave $15 Sept. – Redwoods/Big Trees in the Wild – $ave $20 Sept. – Return to the Oregon Coast – $ave $20 Sept. – Fall in Love with Colorado & Utah – $ave $35 Sept. – New England Fall Foliage – $ave $35 Sept. – Catalina Island Getaway – $ave $20 Oct. – Mendocino’s Colorful Coast – $ave $20 Oct. – Mammoth Lakes, Movies & Ghost Towns – $ave $40-$60 Nov. – Laughlin & Las Vegas by SuperCoach III – $ave $25 Nov. – Thanksgiving in New York – $ave $100 Nov. – The Holiday Magic of Hollywood – $ave $40 Nov. – A Cajun Country Christmas – $ave $100 Nov. – Captain Jeff’s Holiday Cruise – $ave $50 Dec. – The Capital, Kennedy, Pops Christmas – $ave $100 Dec. – Christmas on Monterey Bay – $ave $20 Dec. – Take the Train to the Rose Parade – $ave $50 Dec. – New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch – $ave $20 Jan. – The Magical Worlds of Ecuador –$ave $150 Mar. – St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland – $ave $150 Mar. – Colorful Carolina Coast – $ave $100


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the price of your tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see Early Payment Di$count Coupon on page 23), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

TOUR UPDATE… A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed. Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available) Over the River & Through the Woods Off to Sisters, Just Around the Bend Everything’s Coming Up Roses Roses & Rose-Colored Glass in Victoria Alaska’s Denali Park & Kenai Peninsula The Dakotas: Rushmore & Crazy Horse

Luxury in La Jolla Old Cape Cod Call of the Wild Mystery Tour Laguna Pageant of the Masters Christmas Mystery Tour

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) Broadway Pops in the Pines (4) The Sounds of Music in Leavenworth (9) Balloons, Glass & Ducks (8) Jammin’ Through Montana’s Glaciers (3) Living. History. Nuts. A Mystery Tour (5) Oktoberfest & Thanksgiving in Canada (8) The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay (8) Key West, Miami & The Everglades – 2013 (8)

The Travel Guys

Win a trip to Hawaii or New York in the Mystery Spot Contest beginning March 25 Sunday from 2:00-3:00pm

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Tom Romano and Mark


Sports Leisure Vacations / May–June 2012


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