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VOL. 34, NO.3

8,902 Active Members

45,248 Members Since 1979

NOV.–DEC. 2012

Tour/Vacation Preview Day Draws Huge Crowds Indeed, the last Saturday of August found nearly 700 Sports Leisure Travelers at the Marriott Hotel in Rancho Cordova, picking up a copy of our 2013 catalog, “Born Under a Wandering Star.” Each of the three sessions was “sold out” at 225 attendees. After Preview Day, sales have been very brisk. Some popular tours for next year are already sold out, while a number have only limited space available (see the back cover for a complete list of these tours). Consider reserving now for the best availability. Remember, Sports Leisure offers a unique “no risk until 60/75 days” cancellation policy. If you register and purchase Cancellation Protection, you can cancel for any reason up until 60 (U.S. and Canada) or 75 (international) days before departure and receive a complete refund, including the cost of the cancellation protection. Within the 60-75 day mark, restrictions apply. Take advantage of this very friendly policy.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion..................................... 2 Clayton Place......................................................... 3 The Customers Always Write........................... 4 Casino Trips and Teasers.................................... 5 The Human Side............................................... 6-7 Day Trips............................................................8-11 New Vacations & Getaways............................12 The Barber Pole..................................................13 Tour Calendar............................................... 15-23 Coupons and Tour Updates...........Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor........................................... Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor .........................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers................... P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer.........C. Galloway

Zip-lining requires a little preparation, as you can see, before…

Not The Same Old Sports Leisure, Zipping Along Through The Treetops For the second straight year, our Catalina Island tour featured an adventure opportunity taken advantage of by several of our travelers. Tour Director RoseMarie Holt, who is a few French fries short of a Happy Meal (if you know what we mean), has made it a habit of getting her charges to push the envelope a little bit. Last year, several of her group took the opportunity to try zip-lining on the island. That tradition continued again this year, as you can see by the photos featured. A similar opportunity may present itself on our Hawaii tour in April. Is there an activity on your “Wish List,” something you’ve promised yourself you would do someday? Former President Bush (senior) still jumps out of airplanes. We can’t promise you something that adventurous, but we are ready to expand the boundaries. Don’t be shy about sharing your dreams of

…you hurl yourself into space, just like these adventurous travelers on Catalina Island

adventures. Times are changing and people of all ages are discarding age labels and living their dreams! We’d love to help, or at least watch… Congrats to RoseMarie and her “Indiana Jones” travelers. We are proud of you!

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion The Travel Guys go on Vacation and Tourism Cares for Sacramento First of all, thank you. Thank you to all those who attended our annual Preview Day in August; and to all who reserved your vacation after the big event or upon receiving your catalog by mail. You helped create the biggest sales day and week in our company’s history. Indeed, it appears some of the new offerings have struck a chord with many of you… Checks were sent to our three charities and you have now passed the $25,000 mark in contributions to local non-profit groups in the last 8 years. Those little $5 admission SportS LeiSure VacationS donations truly add up. The Chuck Evans Santa Claus Scholarship, which honors the late Sports Leisure staff member, was awarded to two deserving students this year. Because of a tie in the voting, it was decided to split the $2,000 stipend between two winners. SUCCESS STORIES—A SpECIAl AdvERTISIng SECTIOn

9812 old Winery place, Sacramento, ca 95827 (916) 361-2051 •

After working in the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District, Mark Hoffmann founded Sports Leisure Vacations out of his Fulton Avenue apartment in 1979. Though Mark admits to ‘just sort of happening into it”, he found his niche in the retail tour business, enabling folks to achieve their travel dreams. Given the fact that Mark and his staff strive to exceed customer wants, they’ve been most successful in serving a niche of mature travelers, often those who need a little extra consideration. Sports Leisure Vacations assembles and operates custom tours and vacations of one to fifteen days in length, and can accommodate a wide variety of travel interests. Check out the website to see an amazing array of travel options. The company culture has centered around refusing to put profits ahead of service, and a mantra: “We love our travelers and they love us back.” It’s working- not only is the company thriving in its 32nd year, but community support and acknowledgement have resulted, including a prestigious award for contributions to the Arts from the Sacramento Arts and Business Council. For twenty years Sports Leisure has been an underwriter of KVIE Public Television. VP Clayton Whitehead has served on the KVIE Board and Mark was president of the National Tour Association in 2000. Mark and Tom Romano host the Travel Guys on KFBK, Sundays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.


j a n ua r y 2 0 11 s a c m a g . c o m

Making Sacramento a Little Better On Friday, September 28th, over 200 volunteers from the tourism industry, including Sports Leisure staff members Clayton, Kevin, Donnie, Ramona, Michael, May, Bob, RoseMarie and Merrill all took a day and pitched in. (Chris, Scott, Joey and I were on tour.) In Old Sacramento, at our historic cemetery and at Sutter’s Fort, hundreds and hundreds of hours of labor were donated, building fences, painting and cleaning up Sacramento landmarks. Tourism Cares is the name of the organization behind the “clean up” day. Sacramento was the choice for this twice-ayear event. See photos on page 23.

Here, There and Everywhere Since our Preview Day, I’ve been on the road, scouting this year’s and next year’s Christmas Mystery Tours, attending a


meeting in Boston, escorting tours to Oregon, San Diego and a Mystery Tour to Kansas. (Living, History, Nuts was the name of the trip.) The Boston trip came on the heels of Sandy, the now infamous storm that almost wiped part of New Jersey completely off the map. As I dodged the hurricane in the skies for the better part of two weeks, and watched the pictures on TV like the rest of you, I think I might have identified the real heroes in this tragic disaster. It might be the linemen and utility workers, many from other parts of the country, who waded in (literally) before the storm was even over, trying to restore power and with it public order. Those men and women work in sometimes horrible conditions, all in the name of getting us back to our normal lives a little faster. After all, lose electricity and you’ve lost a lot. Just ask the folks in the Northeast. Our Thanksgiving in New York tour will go on as scheduled. The best way to help them recover is to get back there and spend some money, support the economy. New York is a city that knows how to get up off the deck and by the time you read these words, I have no doubt they will be well on their way to recovery. Let’s hope the folks in Hoboken and the Jersey side of the Hudson can put the pieces back together also. A quick check by Clayton found our guides and other friends in the city to be safe and sound.

The Travel Guys Take a Vacation Next year, I will have the honor of serving as the volunteer leader of the National Tour Association for the second time (2000 was the first). It carries some hefty responsibilities with it, and the first effort proved to be quite helpful to our company. How? When we give our time and expertise to others in our industry, they favor our tours with better prices, special attractions and little extras which help make our trips a cut above. Kevin Murphy, our General Manager, is the Vice President of Travel Alliance Partners; Clayton, our Vice-

Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

President, will be a headline speaker at the NTA Convention in Orlando and is the first recipient of the assocation’s Volunteer of the Year Award. The point? We make it a habit to be involved in our industry. It helps us make friends who help you have a better travel experience. It’s an important part of our business plan. So what does this have to do with our weekly radio show, The Travel Guys, which has aired for the last 3 years on KFBK (and since last December on 92.5 FM) on Sundays at 2pm? The radio show is one of my true loves. I did some sports announcing on KSAC from 1990-94 and it was a dream come true. The current commitment is a little different, but equally enjoyable. But now, the radio station wants a 60% increase in the fee they charge us and it is increasingly hard for me to find the time to tape interviews, write copy, find news items and attend trade shows to locate the truly unique guests. That time needs to go to my NTA commitment for next year. So, The Travel Guys’ last broadcast for now will be on Sunday, November 25th. Both that show and our November 18th program will be filled with special guests and blasts from the program’s past. Tom Romano and I have been working together for over 30 years. It’s an interesting and often funny story. I hope you will tune in and listen. We’ll be clearing out our prize closet, and it’s been noticed that a reasonable percentage of our winners are Sports Leisure Travelers. When my one year commitment winds down next winter, The Travel Guys will resurface, either on KFBK or another local station. To those of you who were regular listeners, thank you. Watch for an announcement about the return of The Travel Guys radio show next year. And so it goes. Those are just, of course, one man’s opinions…

Mark Hoffmann, CTP Owner/Founder

Clayton Place Hello friends: In this issue I’m employing the old adage which tells us “a picture’s worth a thousand words.” At the bottom of the page, please find the winners of the Blueberry Photographic Society contests for fall and winter 2012. On the left, “Blueberry’s got a Girlfriend,” taken by Shirley Thornton (with help from her friend Nita Webster). This, our first-ever winner, was selected by members who attended Vacation Preview Day in August. On the right, “Blueberry Hitches a Ride,” submitted by Myrletta Downes. Both ladies receive a $50 gift certificate to The Cheesecake Factory. Would you C SOCIET HI



On October 12, we were the proud Producing Sponsor of the Arts & Business Council’s annual awards gala, Prelude to the Season. I was asked to announce one of the winners. Imagine my surprise to see Steve, son of Flora and the late John Carrillo, nominated in the category of Individual Leadership in the Arts. I was thrilled to open the envelope and read his name before the group of nearly 350 Sacramento arts supporters. Congratulations Steve and Flora!

her favorite Princess Cake from Ettore’s and a lead crystal decanter engraved with her initials. Wishing you good luck and happy travels, Patricia! Back in the 90’s, we launched the Happy One-Derers, a singles club of sorts, designed to give our single ladies a chance to mix, mingle and meet new travel buddies. After about a decade, the club lost its steam and we put the idea back on the shelf. Is it time to try again? If the idea of a private, online community made up of only Travel Club members interests you, please let me know. Ideas include having an area on the website where you can post vacations you’d like to take with a roommate. Additionally, quarterly socials offered at cost would give you the opportunity to meet face to face. Let me hear your thoughts at “Your Tour Guy,”


Clayton Whitehead, CTP Vice President

like to join the Society? If so, send your request to, subject line JOIN. You’ll receive your very own Blueberry by mail. Then when you capture him (Her? It?) in the perfect pose, send your electronic photo to the same address, subject line CONTEST. You could be our next winner!

After over 17 years of service, our dear Patricia Hansen has decided to pull back a bit, citing a desire to spend more time traveling with her dear husband Vance. She stresses she’s not retiring just yet! You’ll still see her on her “signature” outings throughout the year. So at her NOT-aRetirement party, staff presented her with

Mark, Clayton and RoseMarie hosted the firstever Vacation Preview Day for residents of Del Webb Reno last week, preceded by a luncheon at Boomtown Casino of active Travel Club members who live in Northern Nevada. Special thanks to member Claudine Waddington, our local pied piper, for inviting so many of her friends to join in. Both events enjoyed a nice turnout. We continue to be excited and extremely optimistic about our expansion “over the hill.”

Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


The Customers Always Write Hi Ramona – So delighted with the group photos from Mt. Rushmore and Crazy Horse with our merry band. Why go to the Dakotas? Because to me it’s almost like time travel, to another era in American life. Being there is a reminder of who we are, where we’ve been. If not for the winters, I’d move there in a heartbeat! Thanks for being an expert leader. Best, Ann Saibeni Kevin – It would save time for your office staff and me if you would put “No Roseville pick-up,” for trips not available to me and others. It’s frustrating to choose a trip that’s not available. Thanks for your consideration, Elaine Fox Editor’s Note: As a guideline, trips headed up Hwy 50 or down Hwy 49 do not pick-up in Roseville. The Arden pick-up is the closest when the bus is headed to Tahoe or the Gold Country. Generally, all other trips include a Roseville stop. Dear Mark & Clayton – Please remove my name from your mailing list, as I can no longer travel. My husband and I enjoyed many trips with you. May you continue to be successful in helping people who love to travel. Sincerely, Edith Chamberlain Mark Hoffman(n) – I attended I Love A Piano at the Fallon House and had the flat iron steak for lunch at the City Hotel. We weren’t given a choice in how the steak was cooked and it arrived so rare that 3 of us at our table, which included the Tour Director, couldn’t eat it. We heard many others complain. I wish you would make a change in where we eat in Columbia. Also, the itinerary is misleading, stating the restaurant in adjacent to the theater. It is actually quite a walk to those who have difficulty walking. Pat Weeks Ed. Note: Kevin discussed your comments with the City Hotel and they assured us they would do a better job. If the reviews from those I spoke with who were on the next trip


were any indication, they appear to have responded favorably. We’ll see if the menu can be varied from time to time, keeping in mind that folks who go to Columbia only once or twice a year often look forward to having the same menu item they remember favorably. It should be noted that not just any restaurant can accommodate a group for dining and do it quickly and efficiently, while serving a tasty meal. In small towns like Columbia, the choices are often very limited. Certainly, if you have a suggestion for another restaurant you like to see us utilize, we’d be happy to research it. For the record, the Fallon Theater is what I would call three short city blocks from the restaurant. As our tours are advertised as being for mature active adults, I must suggest the ability to walk that distance (2-3 blocks) without extreme difficulty is really a minimum level any tour-taker needs to be able to travel with us. That applies to any of our trips. Mature active adults. I will ask Kevin to change the wording in the itinerary to reflect a more accurate description. It’s not my intention to sound mean or exclude anyone, but the reality is we all reach points in our lives when we have to compromise the level of activity we can reasonably tolerate. I’d love to play baseball at age 57, but I realistically can’t (without endangering myself and maybe others – I was never THAT good on the ball field anyway). We depend on you to make those decisions and downscale your travels as physical limitations require. We are always here to help provide any information we can to help you make those decisions. Hi Mark and Clayton, Another great Tour Preview Day. I love the new catalog. So much to see. So little money. Thanks for all the good times. Amy Rath Ed. Note: Attendance at Tour Preview Day was the highest in 8 years. 675 people attended and checks for over $1,000 each were sent to our three designated charities. They were our friend Lori Brandon’s medical insurance fund, Mustard Seed School (part of the Loaves and Fishes Ministry) and The

Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Wreath Project, a group that places wreaths on the graves of veterans who have passed. Mark: A while back on one of your trip rating sheets where you ask if we have any ideas for future trips, I suggested a trip to France which would include the D-Day beaches and American Cemetary. Well, what did I find in the new catalog at Preview Day but such a trip. I don’t know if it was my suggestion or if you had it in the works anyway, but I want to thank you. This was a Bucket List item. I immediately signed up and hope I am still alive a year from October. Jeanne Pitts Mark – What a delightful surprise to open the very recent Sports Leisure Vacations Newsletter and to see that the San Francisco Symphony concert has been scheduled as requested. Wonderful!! Thank you! I have already booked this day trip. I’m really looking forward to this very extraordinary concert. Also, I thought of what you said about the importance of seizing the moment and not allowing a good opportunity to pass by. I went to see Glen Campbell with SLV and he gave a wonderful concert. He was really “on” that night last June at the beautifullyrestored theater in Stockton. Recently, the newspaper reported that Glen Campbell had to cancel his international tour due to illness. Guess the SLV travelers who attended his concert on June 21 really did get a treat! Best wishes. Barbara Hurley, Sports Leisure Traveler since 2004 Dear Mr. Hoffmann, The casino trip to Tahoe in September (12th) was a bit disturbing. Being told that casino trips offer a cheap fare and are not profitable for the company is at the least a “cheap” shot. When the announcement was made that Travel Club Gold Cards would not be signed for casino trips was news to everyone. No one had been informed. It was Continued on page 7

Casino Trips and Teasers Thanksgiving at the Nugget 2 Days • November 22-23 Sports Leisure Vacations’ annual Thanksgiving outing to John Ascuaga’s Nugget in Sparks returns this fall. Travel on board SuperCoach III on Thanksgiving Day, arriving in time to check-in to your room and enjoy the hotel’s lavish Thanksgiving Day Buffet Dinner. Leave the cooking (and the clean-up) for someone else. The evening is yours to enjoy as you please. Before returning home the following day there is a three hour stop at the Silver Legacy in downtown Reno where you will receive a $5 slot credit. The package includes overnight accommodations with $10 in cash gaming bonuses and a $3 food bonus. 200/225 Gold Passport Points $199 p.p./dbl.occ., $219 single

Take the Snow Train to Reno All aboard Amtrak’s California Zephyr for the Sierra Nevada 2 Days • February 11-12 or March 6-7 Last year two sold-out groups experienced our Snow Train tour to Reno on board Amtrak’s California Zephyr. Begin with a pickup from one of our four convenient locations. The train departs from Sacramento’s rail station at 11am. Once on board the train, enjoy relaxing views from your reserved seat or from the domed observation car. A box lunch is included for you to take on the train so you won’t miss a thing! The scenery should be beautiful with snow-capped mountains and gorgeous views of Donner Lake from high above its southern shore. Arrive in Reno at 4pm and enjoy dinner at your leisure and gamble the night away. Your accommodations are at the Silver Legacy Hotel & Casino. An optional stop at The Nugget in Sparks on the second day will be offered or you can stay downtown – the choice is yours. Return to Sacramento on board SuperCoach III. The package includes rail passage from Sacramento to Reno, a boxed lunch, hotel accommodations, casino bonuses (subject to change), and return transportation on board SuperCoach III. 250/300 Gold Passport Points $239 p.p./dbl.occ., $259 single

The Champagne Express to Tahoe Harvey’s Casino Wednesday, February 13 or Monday, March 11 Our monthly trips to Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino on the South Shore of Lake Tahoe includes a 6-hour stay with a slot credit of $20 and a free buffet or $7 food credit. You must belong to Harvey’s Total Rewards program to receive the bonuses. $40

Visit us anytime on the web at:

Laguna Beach Pageant of the Masters August 2013 Our annual visit to the one-of-kind Festival of Arts & the Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach sells out every year. The Festival of Arts is one of the premier fine arts gatherings on the West Coast and the Pageant of the Masters recreates famous works of art in three dimensions using real people on stage; it is without a doubt one of the most unique cultural events you will ever attend. Each year we try to add something different to the itinerary and next year we will hope it will be a performance at the Hollywood Bowl. We are hoping to announce the full itinerary in the next newsletter but are dependent on the Hollywood Bowl schedule, which may not be out until spring. Until then, please call to place your name on the Priority Notification List so you will receive first notice once the tour is ready.

See The Shuttle & The USS Iowa Summer 2013 Remember that big white bird that flew over the city a few weeks ago? That was actually the Space Shuttle Endeavor riding piggyback on a Boeing 747 on its way to Los Angeles and its new home at the California Science Center. We’re giving some thought to a trip that wouldn’t just visit the shuttle but also see another historic icon, the USS Iowa, which recently relocated to San Pedro after many years in the “Mothball Fleet” near Benicia. How about a behind-the-scenes tour of Van Nuys Airport, the busiest general aviation field in the country or a catered lunch under the wing of a former Air Force One at the Reagan Presidential Library & Museum? Call now to place your name on the Priority Notification List!

Classic Ballparks Featuring Giants and A’s Road Games in Texas & New York with a visit to Cooperstown & Washington DC September 2013 In September of next year, the Giants will be on the road in New York to play back-to-back series with the Mets and the Yankees. Tickets will be tough to come by but we’re going to give it a shot. But how many tickets to buy? That depends on you! We’ll mix in a visit to Cooperstown to visit the National Baseball Hall of Fame and maybe return to the Yogi Berra Museum, where you never know who will show up. We are also adding the opportunity to see the A’s play their division rivals, the Texas Rangers, on our way to New York and a visit to our nation’s capitol to see the Washington Nationals take on the Miami Marlins in the Nationals’ new ballpark on the way home. Can’t do the full trip? We have some options: Include just the A’s and Cooperstown portions (5 Days, September 14-18), include just the Giants ballgames in New York and the visit to Washington Continued on page 23 Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect Remembering Our Friends… Sadly, in the four months since our last formal newsletter, a number of our traveling friends have been laid to rest. While we have many stories to share, space limits us that luxury here. We reflect on their memories, on the great times we had together on the road, completing life’s journey together, and we wish them God speed. A few tidbits follow. This list contains many good friends this month. We shall miss them. Already do. Lori Brandon was our folk-singing friend. We met her one night in the National Hotel in Jamestown, when the company was on a staff retreat. She performed at four Tour Preview Days, and was with us on our Christmas trip to Ashland in 2010. Her battle with cancer was a long one, with Lori Brandon was a longtime member of the Sports some victories Leisure family, entertaining us over the years that gave us more time together. Her medical bills were twice the recipient of part of your Tour Preview Day donations. Lori loved performing for you, and always said Sports Leisure audiences were her favorites, because they were so attentive and enthusiastic. We lost Lori last month, but the sound of her music lives on. Farewell, good friend. Lori was 56. Marilou Nevis was one of our original baseball gang. She traveled with us on Classic Ballparks tours to all corners of the country. She loved the outdoors and her time enjoying America’s pastime. A huge crowd of family and friends turned out to celebrate her life. Our friend Jon Holloway of Holloway Travel Outfitters lost his father Warren. We pause to express our sympathies to our buddy Jon. If you know someone who’s name appears below, and the thought of them brings a smile to your face, or a tear to your eye, then their time on this earth is not forgotten. Should you know of one of our friends who should be Lois Biggs (standing) with her daughter Leslie on last year’s Christmas Mystery Tour – Lois was listed here, please drop one of the most giving members of our travel us a note or an e-mail. family, always taking care of others


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Norma Jean Wolfgang always had a smile to share...

Mary Lou Nevis at the ballpark, her favorite hangout

Friends We Have Lost... If you have a friend or traveling companion we can remember here, kindly drop us a note. Our list this month is long, which means our hearts are heavy. The names below represent many, many miles of adventures together. They were part of our family and they will be missed. Doris Farrell James Robinson Norma Jean Wolfgang Dorothy Retallic Jim & Kay Morandi Lori Brandon Carolyn Mark

Warren Holloway Mary Lou Nevis Roy Nollsch Delma Wilson Jong Sook Kim Mary Moore Beth Lusar

Art Altman Pete Lien Sharon Ratcliff Lois Biggs

The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect If You are Thinking of Messing with a Seasoned Citizen, Perhaps Think Again… An older lady decided to give herself a big treat for her significant 70th birthday by staying overnight in an expensive hotel. When she checked out the next morning, the desk clerk handed her a bill for $250.00. She exclaimed and demanded to know why the charge was so high. “It’s a nice hotel but the rooms certainly aren’t worth $250.00 for just an overnight stay! I didn’t even have breakfast.” The clerk told her that $250.00 is the “standard rate,” so she insisted on speaking to the Manager. The Manager appeared and, forewarned by the desk clerk, announced: “This hotel has an Olympic-sized pool and a huge conference centre which are available for use.” “But I didn’t use them,” the woman said. “Well, they are here, and you could have,” explained the Manager. He went on to explain that she could also have seen one of the in-hotel shows for which the hotel is famous. “We have the best entertainers from the world performing here,” the Manager said. “But I didn’t go to any of those shows,” she said. “Well we have them, and you could have,” the Manager replied. No matter what amenity the manager mentioned, she replied, “But I didn’t use it!” and the Manager countered with his standard response. After several minutes of discussion with the Manager unmoved, she decided to pay, wrote a check and gave it to him.

The Manager was surprised when he looked at the check. “But madam this check is for only $50.00.” That’s correct. I charged you $200.00 for sleeping with me,” she replied. “But I didn’t!” exclaimed the very surprised Manager. “Well, too bad, I was here, and you could have.” For the moral to this story, see the title above.

Always, Always Protect The Organ Miss Beatrice, the church organist, was in her eighties, and had never been married. She was admired for her sweetness and kindness to all. One afternoon the pastor came to call on her and she showed him into her quaint sitting room. She invited him to have a seat while she prepared tea. As he sat facing her old Hammond organ, the minister noticed a cut glass bowl sitting on top of it. The bowl was filled with water, and in the water floated, of all things, a condom! When she returned with tea and scones, they began to chat. The pastor tried to stifle his curiosity about the bowl of water and its strange floater, but soon it got the better of him and he could no longer resist. “Miss Beatrice”, he said, “I wonder if you would tell me about this?”, pointing to the bowl. “Oh, yes,” she replied, “Isn’t it wonderful? I was walking through the park a few months ago and I found this little package on the ground. The directions said to place it on your organ, keep it wet, and that it would prevent the spread of disease. Do you know I haven’t had the flu all winter!”

The Customers Always Write – Continued from page 4 pointed out to Chris Galloway that other Tour Directors had been signing the cards, has response was “they need to be talked to.” I realize that Sports Leisure is a “for-profit” company. Perhaps in the future, we could be notified of policy changes in advance. Sincerely, Mrs. Virginia Kamil Ed. Note: It indeed has been our policy for many years not to sign Gold Registration Cards on Casino Day Trips. Chris was correct in stating it is because those trips (day trip to Reno/Tahoe) have become “lost leaders” for us. The fares are about $15 less than they should be. We operate these trips as a courtesy to those who wish to occasionally enjoy the casinos in the mountains and accept the fact they will never again be a source of profit for us. Even with the fares discounted, it is difficult to fill one bus a month to Tahoe. To those on the Tahoe bus in September, please accept my apology for the way the situation way presented to you. That was

my fault as much as anyone’s. It was not my intention to make you feel unwelcome, but rather to allow you to understand what I stated above. Neither Chris or I handled the situation as well as we could have. When the Casino Day Trips return to the schedule in the spring, all travelers will receive both Gold Registration and Day Tripper credits on every trip. The travelers have spoken.

Sports Leisure People: I just got back from the visit to Alcatraz (Sept. 2 trip). The two guides, Chris and Ryan, were great. They were friendly and had a great sense of humor. I was amazed at their extraordinary memory in the information they shared about San Francisco. They helped make sure we had a good time today! Thanks again, Sherril Jonte

Mark, A long time ago I saw “The Wave Organ” on Huell Howser’s California Gold show on TV. I would like to experience this unique attraction on a future trip. Thanks, Dolores Anderson Ed. Note: Thank you for the suggestion Dolores. Thanks also to Georgia McDonald, Howard Eastham and others who submitted their ideas by regular and e-mail. All noted and appreciated. Please continue to submit your suggestions. We are listening.

If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


Day Trips and Theatre Outings ‘Tis the Season for Science Featuring the CA Academy of Sciences Monday, November 26 The California Academy of Sciences gets into the festive spirit with indoor snow flurries in the piazza and live reindeer in the east garden. A giant snowman theatre is also a delight for kids of all ages. During your five-hour visit to the academy you’ll discover the diverse and often surprising ways that birds, bears and other animals survive and thrive in the winter. Stroll through the rainforest, aquarium, and natural history museum at your leisure; and be sure to take in the latest show in the planetarium. Lunch is on your own in the café. $91

Going to the Birds Tuesday, December 4 Begin with a drive up old Highway 99 to the Tehama County Museum for a look at a most unique collection of bird pictures created by a local artist. In the late afternoon, visit the Gray Lodge Wildlife Area, home to thousands of waterfowl, including the migrating snow geese. Sunset is a spectacular viewing time as the skies fill with birds returning to the ponds after a day of feeding in the fields. Lunch is included in Chico at “Mom’s.” Please note: this trip will return home late in the evening and will require some walking over uneven ground. $107

Christmas Shopping in the City Wednesday, December 5 Our annual trip to downtown San Francisco to browse, shop, or just enjoy the bright and festive window displays and in-store decorations! Lunch is on-your-own in Union Square with an optional afternoon shuttle to Pier 39/Fishermen’s Wharf before returning home to Sacramento. $78

Every Christmas Story Ever Told… and Then Some! East Sonora Theatre Saturday, December 8 Instead of performing Charles Dickens’ beloved holiday classic for the umpteenth time, three actors decide to perform every Christmas story ever told – plus share Christmas traditions from around the world, seasonal icons from ancient times to topical pop-culture, and every carol ever sung. It’s a madcap romp through the holiday season, sure to bring a smile to your face! Lunch is included prior to the 2pm matinee. $124

Inspecting Carol Woodland Opera House Sunday, December 9 A Christmas Carol meets The Government Inspector meets Noises Off in this hilarious hit. A man who asks to audition at a small theatre is mistaken for an informer for the

National Endowment for the Arts. Everyone caters to the bewildered wannabe actor and he is given a role in the current production, A Christmas Carol. Everything goes wrong and hilarity is piled upon hilarity. Lunch is included at Kitchen Four Twenty-Eight (formerly Morrison’s Upstairs) before the 2pm matinee. $122

Handel’s Messiah with the SF Symphony & Chorus Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco Thursday, December 13 Few pieces can deliver a fresh perspective each time they are heard. Composed in 1741, it reportedly was a favorite work of Beethoven for its “sublimity of language.” For modern listeners, it holds a place of reverence in the canon for its universal appeal and timeless expression. Conducted by Maestro Ragnar Bohlin, the performance begins at 7:30pm. Orchestra seating is included with dinner at No. 9 Fishermen’s Grotto. $181

Beach Blanket Babylon Club Fugazi, San Francisco Sunday, December 30 Our second departure is almost sold out so it just goes to show you there’s nothing quite like Beach Blanket Babylon. San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show pokes fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing is wonderful, and the hats are really, really big! Reserved seats are upstairs in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included Italian lunch at Viva Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee. $158

Sweet Impressions with Degas

Everyone’s a winner at Golden Gate Fields during “A Day at the Races”


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Carnegie Art Center, Turlock Thursday, January 10 The great French artist Edgar Degas was one of the founders of Impressionism in the late 19th Century and was known for his striking paintings of ballerinas, horses

and Parisian nightlife. Get to know the man behind the art in the exhibition“Edgar Degas: The Private Impressionist” at the Carnegie Arts Center in Turlock. The show features more than 100 works, including drawings, prints, sculpture and photographs by Degas as well as works by other artists from the era including Mary Cassatt, Henri de ToulouseLautrec and Paul Cezanne. Lunch is included at popular Vito’s Ristorante in Turlock with a brief stop at the always sweet Ghirardelli Chocolate Outlet. $108

Anything Goes Golden Gate Theatre, San Francisco Saturday, January 12 or Wednesday, January 23 All aboard for this saucy and splendid Cole Porter production, winner of three 2011 Tony Awards including Best Musical Revival and Choreography. When the S.S. American heads out to sea, etiquette and convention get tossed out the portholes as two unlikely pairs set off on the course to true love…proving that sometimes destiny needs a little help from a crew of singing sailors, an exotic disguise, and some good old-fashioned blackmail. Peppering this timeless classic are some of musical theatre’s most memorable standards, including “I Get A Kick Out Of You,” “You’re the Top,” and of course, “Anything Goes.” The trip on Wednesday includes a box lunch served en route to San Francisco with a stop for dinner on your own at Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39 after the show. Our Saturday departure includes lunch on your own at Union Square preceding the show. Wednesday – $150, Saturday – $165

Godspell Woodland Opera House Sunday, January 13 Based on the Gospel according to St. Matthew, this musical features a sparkling string of well-loved songs including “Day By Day,” “Learn Your Lessons Well,” “All For The Best,” and “By My Side.” The parables of Jesus Christ come humanly and hearteningly to life as the cast draws on various theatrical traditions, such as clowning, pantomime, charades, acrobatics and vaudeville.

Good friends, beautiful weather on Angel Island in San Francisco Bay

Godspell is a groundbreaking and unique reflection on the life of Jesus, with a message of kindness, tolerance and love. Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee at Kitchen Four Twenty-Eight (formerly Morrison’s Upstairs). $124

The Highwaymen – A Musical Tribute Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Monday, January 14 The greatest super group in country music history, the original Highwaymen, formed in 1985, consisted of Kris Kristofferson, Willie Nelson, Waylon Jennings and Johnny Cash. The Highwaymen – A Musical Tribute, a loving recreation of that amazing, never-tobe-seen-again band, continues the legacy. All of the performers deliver an earnest tribute to each of these world famous country music superstars. This 90-minute show is full of the upbeat, honky-tonk hits that fans know and love like “Ring of Fire” and “On the Road Again.” Dinner is included prior to the 7pm evening show. $141

Norman Rockwell in Sacramento Crocker Art Museum Wednesday, January 16 Recognized as the most familiar and beloved illustrator of American life, a collection of Norman Rockwell comes to Sacramento’s own Crocker Art Museum.

Celebrating the full range of his work, this rarely circulated collection from the Norman Rockwell Museum in Massachusetts, includes Saturday Evening Post covers, oil paintings, drawings, war bond posters, personal correspondence and photographs. Docents from the Crocker will take you through the exhibit followed by some time to peruse the exhibit and museum on your own. Enjoy an included three-course lunch at the Rio City Café in Old Town followed by an afternoon tour of art in the Federal Courthouse with docents from the Sacramento Metropolitan Arts Commission. $116

The New York Tenors Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Saturday, January 19 Since the inception of The Three Tenors, Domingo, Carreras and Pavarotti, doors have opened for other great voices, among them the Irish Tenors and the Canadian Tenors. Now three of New York’s premier voices, Andy Cooney, Daniel Rodriguez and Michael Amante have joined together to honor the city of New York and our nation. The New York Tenors combine the artistry of three men who alone are superb, but together provide an overwhelming showcase of some of the world’s greatest vocalists and repertoire. Dinner precedes the 8pm performance at the Canal Street Grill. $152

Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


Nunset Boulevard Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Friday, January 25 This latest production from the producers of Nunsense features hilarious TV icon Cindy Williams (“Laverne & Shirley”) as Mother Superior. The Little Sisters of Hoboken have been invited to sing at the Hollywood Bowl. They are thrilled at the prospect until they realize they are booked into the Hollywood Bowl-A-Rama! Featuring wonderful music, witty one-liners and a whole host of bowling alley announcements, the sisters end up putting on a first-class show. Dinner is included prior to the 8pm show. $170

Wicked Orpheum Theatre in SF Wednesday, January 30 or February 6 or Sunday, February 10 A limited engagement! With its timeless story of friendship and good and evil, audiences of all ages embrace this musical precursor to The Wizard Oz that centers on the early lives of the witches. Featuring beautiful music and memorable songs, audiences continue to rave with each performance. Seating is in the orchestra for the 2pm matinees. The trip on Wednesday includes a box lunch served en route to San Francisco with a stop for dinner on your own at Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39 after the show. Our Saturday departure includes lunch on your own at Union Square preceding the show. Wednesday – $160, Saturday – $175

Yesterday Once More – A Carpenters Tribute Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Saturday, February 16 Showcasing the songs that began their life with Karen and Richard Carpenter, Yesterday Once More takes audiences back in time, recapturing the music an entire generation fell in love with, and fell in love to. The show is enhanced with behind-the-scenes stories and anecdotes of the pop culture of the 70’s, along with lush arrangements of songs like “We’ve Only Just Begun” and ”Close To You!” Dinner is included at the Canal Street Grill prior to the 8pm show. $140

The Russian National Ballet’s Cinderella Marin Civic Center, Santa Rosa Sunday, February 17 In Cinderella, the magical tale of the wistful young woman tending the hearth skips along to Tchaikovsky’s spritely score. Despite the scorn of her wickedly jealous stepsisters, Cinderella radiates jubilance after her Fairy Godmother descends and sends her off in style to the Prince’s ball. With pluck and wonder, she takes the love of the Prince and yet keeps true to her own warm heart. Lunch included at Chalet Basque Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee. $143

All Hands on Deck! – The USO Revue

two-act revue performed by four charismatic performers and a 9-piece orchestra . Act One features the songs, dances and laughs that America has loved since the ‘40s. Act Two becomes a live radio show complete with on air antics, classic commercials, timeless songs and hilarious, impromptu skits. Songs include “Chattanooga Choo-Choo,” “Atchison Topeka And the Santa Fe,” “I’m In The Mood For Love,” and more! Lunch is included at the Canal Street Grill prior to the 2pm matinee. $126

“Girl with a Pearl Earring” de Young Museum, San Francisco Thursday, February 28 One of the most famous and recognizable paintings throughout the world, Girl with a Pearl Earring by Johannes Vermeer, comes to the de Young Museum as its first venue in America. From the Royal Picture Gallery Mauritshuis in The Hague, this prestigious collection representing the Golden Age of 17th-Century Dutch Masters, has not been lent out in 30 years and affords a rare opportunity to experience its pieces in person. Also included at the de Young is Rembrandt’s Century. This exhibit explores Rembrandt and his impact and influence on other 17th-Century artists and includes etchings, drawings, watercolors, and prints. An audio guide is included and lunch is on your own in the museum café. $98

Black Watch & Scots Guard

Swagger & Swing in San Francisco

Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Saturday, February 23 Based on Bob Hope’s 1942 USO tour to the troops in the field, All Hands on Deck! is a new,

Rrazz Room, San Francisco Thursday, February 14 Spend Valentines Day in The City with this excellent tribute show. Though Frank Sinatra and Bobby Darin never shared a stage, veteran singer Jonathan Poretz does the impossible, bringing these two musical giants together in concert for the first time in a true Clash of the Titans. Mr. Poretz, sings everyone’s favorites including “I’ve Got You Under My Skin,” “Beyond The Sea,” “Mack The Knife,” “Fly Me To The Moon,” and many more. Lunch is included at popular Buca Di Beppo’s prior to the 2pm matinee. $142

Three generations enjoy High Tea at the Fairmont Hotel in San Francisco


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Gallo Center for the Arts, Modesto Sunday, March 3 The legendary pipes, drums and highland

dancers of Scotland’s Black Watch will join forces with the Band of the Scots Guards for a celebration of four nations: England, Scotland, Wales and Ireland. This performance will feature bagpipes, traditional military marches, drum solos, Celtic dancing and beloved songs. The event promises a spectacular evening of pageantry and excitement for the entire family. Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee show at the Canal Street Grill $140

Snow White and Scoma’s in San Francisco Celebrating 75 years of Disney magic Monday, March 4 The Walt Disney Family Museum has created a special exhibition, Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs, in honor of the 75th anniversary of Walt Disney’s first featurelength animated film. This exhibition, which is showcased in a building separate from the new Walt Disney Family Museum, features more than 200 works of art as well as conceptual drawings, character studies, story sketches and never-before-seen works. Lunch is included at Scoma’s. In the afternoon, you have a choice of free time on Fisherman’s Wharf or returning to the Walt Disney Family Museum for a closer look at more of the Disney story. $125

Chinese New Year in SF Saturday, March 9 This always popular tour takes you to Buddha’s Universal Church in San Francisco in celebration of the Chinese New Year through traditional Chinese theatre. Presented in both English and Cantonese, this year’s production of Turmoils at Professor Ming’s Mansion continues the story of Golden Pearl and her devious mother who scheme and plot to ruin White Peony, the close friend of Professor Ming’s son. With music, song & dance, colorful costumes, and hand-painted scenery this is a wonderful day out in the city that sells out quickly each year. A Chinese lunch is included at the historic Cathay House Restaurant in Chinatown. $102


Jersey Boys

Woodland Opera House Sunday, March 10 Bernard Slade’s wonderful play, brought to life by Jack Lemmon on stage and screen, comes to the Woodland Opera House. Scottie Templeton’s a charming, irresponsible fellow. A sometime Broadway press agent and former scriptwriter, he’s everyone’s friend, nobody’s hero and a great womanizer who’s managed to live over fifty years without taking anything seriously including love, marriage and fatherhood. But at age fifty-one, he finds the script’s been rewritten as a tragedy: he is fatally ill. His son Jud, alienated by years of neglect, comes to visit. Scottie’s only concern before his life ends is to make amends with his son. Lunch precedes the 2pm matinee at Kitchen Four Twenty-Eight. $118

Curran Theatre, San Francisco Wednesday, April 17 or 24, or Saturday, April 20 Jersey Boys is the Tony, Grammy and Olivier Award-winning Best Musical about Rock and Roll Hall of Famers The Four Seasons: Frankie Valli, Bob Gaudio, Tommy DeVito and Nick Massi. This is the story of how four blue-collar kids became one of the greatest successes in pop music history. The show features their hit songs “Sherry,” “Big Girls Don’t Cry,” “Rag Doll,” “Oh What a Night” and “Can’t Take My Eyes Off You” to name a few. The trips on Wednesday include a box lunch served en route to San Francisco with a stop for dinner on your own at Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39 after the show. Our Saturday departure includes lunch on your own at Union Square preceding the show. Wednesday – $142, Saturday – $175

Kenny Rogers Gallo Center for the Arts Wednesday, March 20 Known for his instantly identifiable, sweetly raspy vocals and an extraordinary ability to vividly inhabit each song he performs, Kenny Rogers has sold more than 120 million records worldwide and won innumerable awards during 52 years in show business. His long list of timeless classics includes an impressive twenty-four #1 hits including “The Gambler,” “Lady,” “Lucille,” “She Believes in Me,” “Islands in the Stream,” and “We’ve Got Tonight.” Dinner is included prior to the 7pm evening show. $179

Mary Poppins Orpheum Theatre, San Francisco Thursday, May 9 Mary Poppins returns to San Francisco for a very limited engagement. Join in the fun as the magical nanny shares her world of fantasy with the children of the Banks Family in turn-of-the-century London. Featuring such memorable songs as “Spoonful of Sugar,” “Supercalifragilisticexpialidocious,” and “Chim Chim Cheree” you’ll leave the theater with a spring in your step and a song in your heart. The trip features a boxed lunch served en route to the 2pm matinee performance with orchestra seating. A stop at Pier 39/Fisherman’s Wharf for dinner on your own follows the show. $145

Ballpark Express for 2013 Congratulations to the World Series Champions – the San Francisco Giants and the American League West Champions – the Oakland A’s!!! We’re not sure anyone could have predicted what a wonderful season each team would have but we are busting with pride over the results! Our Ballpark Express trips to San Francisco and Oakland will continue in 2013 and while the preliminary schedules for each team have been announced, the game times are still a few months away. And, because winning teams usually attract more season ticket holders, and higher prices in many cases, we are bracing for the possibility of increased prices and perhaps different seating locations or simply fewer options. Sports Leisure Vacations will continue to work with both teams to insure these trips to the ballpark will continue to offer the best in value and convenience for our loyal baseball fans. Keep your eye out for our next newsletter in January for schedules and more information. Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


New Vacations and Getaways Foodie Fun in Santa Rosa More Culinary Adventures! 2 Days • April 4-5 1. Your culinary journey begins aboard SuperCoach III headed to Healdsburg and Relish Culinary Adventures. Experience “Lunch and Learn” with a three-course cooking demonstration by a local chef as he prepares a meal right before your eyes. You’ll have some time to freshen up before your dinner tonight at Johnny Garlic’s Restaurant. Before Guy Fieri became a Food Network Star with his show Diners, Drive-In’s and Dives, he opened this restaurant in Santa Rosa. Hampton Inn Windsor (L,D) 2. Were you inspired by yesterday’s cooking demo? Find what you need to make your own special dish at your next stop, the Sonoma Farmer’s Market. Bring home as much as you want; there’s lots of storage onboard Supercoach III. Lunch is at The Oxbow Market in Napa, followed by a gourmet cupcake from Kara’s Cupcakes. You get to pick your own flavor at this shop where the owner was a contender on the TV show Cupcake Wars. Arrive back in Sacramento in the late afternoon. (B,L) This tour package includes motorcoach transportation, accommodations, two lunches and a dinner as indicated in the itinerary, baggage handling and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 500/550 Gold Passport Points $499 p.p./dbl. occ., $549 single $ave $10 by December 18

The NEW Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound The Rosario Resort & the San Juan Islands 6 Days • September 15-20 From the moment you step off your float plane on the dock of the Rosario Resort, you will be a part of a very special vacation experience. Orcas, Whidby and Bainbridge Islands provide your home bases. Each is a different island experience. Because of the unique nature of this vacation, only a limited number of people may participate. Single travelers are urged to register early,


as the number of single accommodations represents a small portion of our block at Rosario and cannot be increased. 1. Fly to Seattle. Transfer to downtown. Depending on flight schedules for the sea planes to Rosario, some may eat lunch downtown and some at the resort. The 45 minute flight from Lake Union to Orcas Island is, if the weather cooperates, a scenic wonder. Past the islands of the sound, some with beautiful homes, many of them accessible only by boat. We will all arrive on Orcas Island at our resort in mid-afternoon. Our luggage arrives by motorcoach in late afternoon. Rosario Resort – 2 nights (L,D) 2. Spend the day “ferry hopping” around the San Juan Islands. In Friday Harbor, take time for shopping and visit the resort at Roche Harbor. Back at Rosario, dinner and entertainment await. (FB,L,D) 3. Leave Orcas Island aboard the ferry bound for the mainland. From Anacortes to La Conner, over Deception Pass onto Whidby Island, your final destination for the day. Best Western Plus Oak Harbor (FB,D) 4. From Langley to Coupeville, the island is a fascinating place, from the air base to the early explorers, stories abound and our guide will share. Slip across to Clinton by ferry for lunch at Ivars in Mukilteo and browse the shops of Langley. (B,L) 5. Board the ferry bound for Port Townsend. This old seaport town has a lot of character(s). You’ll meet one of them and enjoy a tour, followed by free time for lunch in one of the eclectic eateries. Finish the day on Bainbridge Island. Best Western Plus Bainbridge Island (B) 6. Explore the bakeries of Poulsbo this morning, before catching a ferry back to Seattle for a mid-afternoon flight home. (B) The package includes roundtrip airfare Sacramento/Seattle, and the seaplane fare Lake Union/Rosario Resort; 11 meals, home pick-up and the service of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 2950/3300 Gold Passport Points $2910 p.p./dbl.occ., $3260 single $ave $75 by December 18

Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Leavenworth and the Cascades Summer theatre and the Cascades 5 Days • August 8-12 Like a storybook tale, the community of Leavenworth recreated itself from a dying lumber town into a quaint Bavarian village in order to keep itself alive. Today this thriving village is a bustling community, vibrant with colorful flowers adorning its streets, charming alpine hotels and of course, those intriguing shops. The second half of the trip is a journey through the most magnificent and beautiful North Cascade Mountains. Your hotel in Leavenworth is one of the finest in town, the Bavarian Lodge (2 nights), a short walk from the heart of the village, with shopping and restaurants. Local touring will acquaint you with more history as you explore the Wenatchee Valley. Visit Liberty Orchards, the makers of “Applets and Cottlets,” the fruit confections everyone loves. Enjoy a traditional Bavarian dinner served family-style before a performance of Joseph & the Amazing Technicolor Dreamcoat under the beauty of the open sky. Discover the small western town of Winthrop and continue to Sun Mountain Lodge for an overnight stay perched atop the mountain, under the shadow of Mt. Robinson. With the peaks of Cascade Range all around, the scenery is beautiful from this lodge. Following the sun towards the coast, you’ll pass through some of the Pacific Northwest’s most beautiful scenery in North Cascades National Park. Settle in this evening just outside of Seattle, at the Hampton Inn and Suites for your final night. A pleasant finale to the trip is the beautiful Japanese Gardens tucked within the grounds at the University of Washington. An afternoon flight from Seattle returns you home. The tour includes door-to-door service, roundtrip air, motorcoach service, all tours and attractions listed, 7 meals (3B,3L,1D) and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 2200/2550 Gold Passport Points $2180 p.p./dbl.occ., $2505 single $ave $50 by December 18

The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly To our Northern Nevada Friends Our expansion into the Reno/Truckee/ Carson area continued November 7th, with a Tour Preview Day presentation at Sun City Reno and a luncheon for our existing Reno/ Truckee/Carson travelers. If you have friends in the greater Reno area, they can now travel with us, enjoying the same door-to-door service, from Northern Nevada. Clayton is heading up the Reno program. Contact him at the office with any questions, or to add your Reno friends to our Travel Club with a free six month membership. After 33 years of business in Northern California, and literally dozens of opportunities to expand, we are proud to bring our services to Northern Nevada travelers. It’s exciting to us, but something we are moving very slowly on. Welcome Nevadans!

Meals on Tour As time goes on, arranging dining on the road becomes more of a challenging experience for our staff. The reason: dietary restrictions. We kindly call your attention to a section in our Important Tour Notes and Information brochure. There we state, if you have severe dietary restrictions, this type of travel may not be for you. Recently, on a Mystery Tour in Kansas, we dined at a restaurant which only offered fried chicken dinners. It meant that two of our travelers dined at an entirely different eating place. With the help of the hotel manager, the logistics were worked out. But indeed, we often arrange for meals on the road with only one or two entrée choices. These sometimes involve special settings and entertainment programs. Would it be right to skip an important component of the trip to meet a dietary requirement for one or two people; or not to include a highly-rated stop because of those dietary restrictions we are talking about? What is a severe dietary restriction? Really and truly, we do our best to rely on your judgment. After all, some people are much pickier eaters than others (include

this writer in that group). Scott Farrell, a longtime former employee of Sports Leisure, is a vegan vegetarian. He and I would often travel together on the road. A meat and potatoes boy and a vegan (no meat or dairy) vegetarian. Made finding a place for dinner a bit of a challenge sometimes, and required some flexibility on both of our parts. But we made dozens of trips together, and laughed at the funny situations which sometimes happened while dining. As friends, we made it work. Since call ourselves a travel family, this doesn’t seem like an insurmountable barrier while on tour. If you have mild dietary restrictions and are flexible, we’ll do just fine. If you have serious restrictions and are very particular, or insist on causing a public display when the restaurant cannot cater to your specific needs, then you need to consider that there are others traveling with you and act accordingly. If we feel you have crossed the line, we will let you know; but it’s always better if people make their own intelligent decisions in matters such as this. Our bottom line is that we will do our best to accommodate special requests. Can you meet us halfway? If your diet restrictions mean you can’t go to a dinner party at someone’s else’s house without a lengthy discussion of the menu; or when you go out to eat you are limited to one or two places because they are the only places which serve food you prefer or must eat, then indeed traveling with a group of people may not be your best choice. Questions??? Call Mark, Clayton or Kevin at our office to discuss your specific situation.

Fine dining, fine friends and fine wine are always a part of Sports Leisure tours

Carry On Bags on the Bus – Extended Tours Just a quick clarification on our policy for carrying on bags on trips longer than one day. If the carry on will fit in the overhead rack (whether you choose to put it there or at your feet), you are welcome to bring it on the bus. If it is too large to fit above, it should be tagged and placed under the coach as a carry on bag. Those bags will be available coachside at the end of the travel day for you to claim. Return them to that spot upon departure and the process will be repeated. The reason for this policy is simple. Seats are for people. While your bag may comfortably fit on the floor, it will probably block a seat from being occupied. In fairness to everyone, bags that large need to be in the baggage bin. Questions??? Inquire with your Tour Director before boarding the bus the first day, and he or she can tag your bag if needed. Thank you for helping us maximize the space inside the coach for everyone’s comfort.

Cuba, Just Not Meant to be This Time Around Complications with the licensing caused us to postpone our trip to Cuba, originally scheduled for January of next year. Unexplained delays in the issuance of the people-to-people cultural exchange licenses were what made it impossible, from a timing standpoint, for us to be assured the package we were offering could be executed as contracted. No one’s fault, except for the bureaucrats who have slowed down the approval process and hindered the ability of legitimate travelers to go to Cuba, to learn about the people and their culture. We are not giving up. Quite the contrary. We are already working on rescheduling our trip for the same time next year, in the hopes cooler heads will prevail and the economic boycott of Cuba will finally come to an end. If you’d like to know about the trip when the new dates are announced, call and place your name on the Priority Notification List.

Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


Spain In fourteen hundred ninety-two, Columbus sailed the ocean blue headed for Japan, barely missed Florida, landed in the Bahamas, and thought he was in China. This eventful journey marked the beginning of trans-Atlantic tourism. Sailing for the king and queen of Spain, Columbus’ next three voyages opened up the greatest human migration in history. That same year, Queen Isabella and King Ferdinand conquered the last stronghold of the Moors in Granada. So awed by the beauty of the Alhambra Palace, they moved in and made it their home, thereby preserving this magnificent palace for future generations. Under the Moors, Spain had been one of the world’s most advanced civilizations for almost 800 years and then with wealth pouring into Spain from the “New World”, Spanish architecture, art, and culture flourished for the next two centuries. Fast forward to 2007 when Spain became the second most visited country in the world, reversing the course of Columbus’ explorations. After spending much of the 20th century in dictator-imposed isolation, Spain had opened its doors to the world revealing an elegant, culturally diverse, and geographically stunning country. Travelers continue to journey to Spain to discover and experience the historic and modern marvels on display: paintings, palaces, castles, cathedrals, flamenco, flowers, and fountains. But it is the charm of the Spanish people and their admirable lifestyle that make the most lasting impression. Proud of their ancient heritage and flawed history, proud of their modern independence and young democracy, the Spanish people warmly welcome visitors to their beautiful country. Join us on our discovery of Spain this spring! See page 18 for more details. There’s a discovery around every corner in Spain

KVIE and Sports Leisure Premier “The Dust Bowl”

Locally underwritten by

AIRS: November 18 and November 19 at 8PM Nationally underwritten by

Funding is provided by Bank of America, Corporation for Public Broadcasting, The Arthur Vining Davis Foundations, Public Broadcasting Service, National Endowment for the Humanities, The Rockefeller Foundation, Wallace Genetic Foundation and members of The Better Angels Society, including the Dana A. Hamel Family Charitable Trust and Robert and Beverly Grappone.


Ken Burns’ latest essay on American history will be of special interest to a small group of Sports Leisure Travelers. The story Mr. Burns tells is of the people of the Midwest, during the 30’s, when the rain stopped falling and the skies were windy and warm. The skies were full of dust and dirt, the very dirt that had sustained their farms. It is a uniquely American story. It will be of interest to some Sports Leisure Travelers because the route the dust bowlers took was, in many cases, Route 66. The old highway was the escape hatch for desperate families, hoping California held something better. Sometimes it did; often times the “okies” were treated like animals. The story will fascinate you, as only Ken Burns can. If the film makes you want to explore some of America’s most famous highway, we have a “sampler” tour in Southern California in February, and the entire eastern section of the road, from Chicago to Oklahoma City in October of next year. Whether you choose to join us for a short stretch in California, to explore the ranch with trees made of bottles or to sleep in a tee-pee, you will discover the kinds of attractions you see on those cable television shows. Except you’ll be living it in person! A trip down Route 66 is a slice of history and it’s ever-changing. What you see this year will be different from what was seen last year. Unique people and unique experiences. Enjoy “The Dust Bowl,” which airs on KVIE, Channel 6, on the evenings of November 18 amd 19. Sports Leisure Vacations is extremely proud to once again be associated with a Ken Burns production, and to have helped underwrite the program. See you on “The Mother Road.”

Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced Tours) 2 Days

Dec. 31 – Jan. 1

New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch

Overnight at the hacienda-style hotel, wine and appetizers delivered to your room, social hour, five-course dinner with wine, 7 piece dance band, New Year’s Eve Toast (at midnight). All 4 meals, SuperCoach III transportation, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. 700/800 Gold Passport Points, $659 p.p./ dbl.occ., $779 single 2 Days

Feb. 11-12 or Mar. 6-7

Feb. 11-13

Feb. 14-17

The Route 66 California Dreamin’ Tour

An invitation to travelers old and new to discover The Mother Road. See roadside oddities like The Bottle Farm, the Wigwam Hotel and Barney’s Beanery. Discover highway history at the Route 66 Museum in Victorville. Dine at Route 66 landmarks, including The Sycamore Inn, The Summit Inn, The Golden Spur and The Lobster (on the Santa Monica Pier) – 6 meals included. Sleep in a tee-pee – a limited number of single bedded rooms are available at The Wigwam (or you might prefer the Comfort Inn next door). Visit olive and candy stores, tour historic Pasadena, lunch at Santa Anita Park. Live the route of the old road, from San Bernardino to Santa Monica. Airfare, home pick-up, services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director, 1050/1200 Gold Passport Points for frequent travelers, catalog see page 20. $1035 p.p./dbl.occ., $1165 single, $20 EPD**

Winter scenes of the High Sierras pass before your eyes on board Amtrak’s California Zephyr

Winter Wings Festival

Discover the raptors and waterfowl of Klamath Falls. All 3 nights at the Shilo Inn – Klamath Falls, tour the Lower Klamath Refuge, private hosted reception in Bear Valley. Visit Crater Lake National Park, spectacular in winter, 10 meals: 3 breakfasts, 4 lunches, 3 dinners, 1200/1350 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 15. $1170 p.p./dbl.occ., $1315 single, $20 EPD** 6 Days

Feb. 18-23

Take the Snow Train to Reno

Join our Snow Train tour to Reno on board Amtrak’s California Zephyr. The train departs Sacramento at 11am and arrives in Reno around 4pm. Stay at the Silver Legacy. The package includes rail passage to Reno, a gourmet boxed lunch, hotel accommodations, casino bonuses, and return transportation on board SuperCoach III. 250/300 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 12. $239 p.p./dbl.occ., $259 single 3 Days

4 Days

Death Valley and the Eastern Sierra Nevada

Featuring Manzanar National Historic Site, Scotty’s Castle and Mono Lake. Spend 2 days touring Death Valley National Park, visiting Scotty’s Castle, Ubehebe Crater, Zabriske’s Point, and Badwater Salt Flats. Enjoy a luncheon at the elegant Furnace Creek Inn. 12 meals: 1 breakfast, 3 full breakfasts, 6 lunches, 2 dinners. 1700/2000 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 13. $1690 p.p./dbl.occ., $1995 single, $20 EPD** 2 Days

Feb. 24-25

Winter at Ahwahnee

This trip is all about the Ahwahnee Hotel… enjoy the elegant brunch in the grand dining room, have a docent-guided historic tour of the public areas, and spend one night in what is considered the Grand Dame of National Park hotels. After brunch, a guided tour of the public areas deepens your appreciation for the architecture and interior design of this grand structure. Learn more about winter in Yosemite and enjoy the spectacular views as you explore from one end of the valley to another from the comfort of a heated coach with a local guide. Includes transportation on SuperCoach III, accommodations, brunch, all tours and attractions as listed above and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 700/800 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 12. $655 p.p./dbl.occ., $765 single, same price as 2012! 3 Days

Mar. 1-3

Oregon Chocolate Festival

This is the SWEETEST TRIP you’ll find! Come along with us to The Oregon Chocolate Festival. Unpack once for a two-night stay in Ashland and enjoy two days indulging in your every chocolate fantasy. Our hotel for two nights is the Ashland Plaza Inn & Suites, in the heart of downtown Ashland. The first event of our chocolate weekend is the elegant Chocolate Maker’s Dinner. Enjoy breakfast at the hotel on day two before attending the Chocolate Festival Vendor Showcase at the Ashland Springs Hotel. Chocolatiers from all over Oregon showcase their chocolate specialties. This package includes: accommodations, six meals (2B,2L,2D), all attractions as listed above and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 950/1050 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 15. $925 p.p./dbl.occ., $1040 single Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


10 Days Mar. 1-10

Steamboatin’ on the Mighty Mississippi

Cruise aboard the grandest paddle-wheeler ever built, the American Queen. 7-night Dixiefest-themed cruise, with stops in Oak Alley, St. Francisville, Natchez, Vicksburg and Helena. All basic shore excursions, showboat-style entertainment and dancing nightly; daily history talks by the “Riverlorian.” Overnight pre-and-post cruise with attractions and meals in New Orleans and Memphis. 24 meals: 9 breakfasts, 6 lunches, 9 dinners. Beer and wine included with on-board dinners; complimentary bottled water, sodas and special coffees. Roundtrip airfare to New Orleans/from Memphis, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. Gold Passport Points based on cabin category, catalog see page 26. Prices based on cabin category, starting at $3995 p.p./dbl.occ., $6390 single inside; $4695 p.p./dbl.occ., $7790 single outside, recommended on board gratuity is $16.50 p.p./day. Limited Space. , $50 EPD** 11 Days

Mar. 15-25

St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland

Explore the Emerald Isle during its most jubilant holiday season. 2 nights Dublin with grandstand seating for the St. Patrick’s Day Parade,1 night Kilkenny with a visit to Kilkenny Castle, 3 nights Killarney with drives along the Ring of Kerry and Dingle Peninsula, 2 nights in the shadow of Bunratty Castle, overnight in 13th-century Barberstown Castle, host of our Farewell Dinner. Visit the Guinness Storehouse and Blarney Castle, take a jaunting car ride in Killarney National Park. 17 meals: 9 full breakfasts, 8 dinners including the Medieval Feast at Bunratty Castle. Roundtrip air to San Francisco/from Dublin, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti, 4450/4950 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 11. $4415 p.p./dbl.occ., $4945 single, this vacation requires a valid passport! 5 Days

Mar. 16-20

Spring Training in Arizona with the Giants and A’s

Four nights at the Phoenix Crowne Plaza, 8 meals: Daily breakfast buffet, Sunday Brunch at the Scottsdale Conference Resort, lunch in a suite at Scottsdale Stadium, 3 dinners. Tickets to 5 ball games, generally featuring the Giants and/or A’s. See The Duttons from Branson, a family variety act that will provide an evening’s entertainment. “Baseball Today” roundtable with Lou Klimchock, former major leaguer who will share his observations on the year ahead and what he sees in Spring Training. Two additional guest speakers, one former player and one broadcaster (announced when they are confirmed, two weeks prior to the trip), lots of baseball talk. Roundtrip airfare, 2000/2200 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 21. $1965 p.p./dbl.occ., $2160 single until Nov. 15, $2065 p.p./dbl.occ., $2260 single after Nov. 15, , $25 EPD**


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

3 Days

Mar. 20-22

Palm Springs Getaway

Laugh and sing along with the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies performers and headliner, Lesley Gore. Experience the West Coast’s only institution dedicated to Abraham Lincoln, discover the “local residents” at the Living Desert, ascend Mt. San Jacinto aboard the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway. 6 meals: 2 full breakfasts, 3 lunches (including lunch at the top of the tram), 1 dinner, roundtrip airfare. 1300/1400 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 17. $1255 p.p./dbl.occ., $1385 single, $20 EPD** 5 Days

Mar. 31 – Apr. 4

Look to the Sky Mystery Tour

Fly to a beautiful resort for four nights where you’ll unpack once and visit a host of nearby scenic, historic and always unique attractions. During this stellar tour, we hope you “wood” meet some feathered friends. Take a step back in time. Don’t forget to look down where the water comes out. Wonder what Bing Crosby would think of this place? Tour Director: Scott Angeletti, the package includes door-to-door service, airfare, 4-nights accommodations, and 10 meals (4B,1BR,3L,2D), 2050/2300 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 23. $2015 p.p./dbl.occ., $2260 single 3 Days


A Spring Visit to Wonder Valley Ranch

Travel to historic Wonder Valley, a 75-acre ranch resort nestled in the Sierra Foothills east of Fresno. The beautiful surroundings and plentiful activities await you. Get into a “western mood” with a hayride and campfire, who knows, you may even find a singing cowboy or two… or maybe a cowboy poet next to the campfire. Day two, visit one of the oldest chapels in California, The Chapel of St. Nicholas. Lunch is included at the St. Nicholas Ranch, a Greek Orthodox retreat and monastery. Return to Wonder Valley for an afternoon relaxing in the shade near Dalton Pond, taking in the sights of the museum, or participating in resort activities (horseshoes, tennis, ping pong, pool, swimming). There is more fun included with a buffet dinner as the ranch staff entertains our group. A stop at a local stand for fresh fruit and dried nuts is a must before returning home. And at the Forestiere Underground Gardens you are sure to be intrigued by the maze of tunnels and living rooms that are beneath the ground. Beautiful stonework and stained glass windows grace this historical site. Arrive back in Sacramento in the late afternoon. The tour includes 2 nights Wonder Valley Resort, 7 meals (2FB,3L,2D); all tours and attractions listed, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 900/1000 Gold Passport Points, catalog page 22 (Central Valley Wonders). $895 p.p./dbl.occ., $965 single, a value-priced no-fly tour. $20 EPD**

6 Days

Apr. 1-6

New York City: Broadway, Brooklyn & The Bronx

A brand new itinerary. 5 nights at the Marriott Marquis Times Square, one of New York’s finest hotels and a spectacular location; Brooklyn’s “Sounds, Sights and Slices” – Tour from Coney Island to the bridge (yeah, dat bridge) stopping for pizza along the way; The Bronx – come on a trip to the real Little Italy, we’ll show you the Bronx Zoo and the new Yankee Stadium. Visit the new 9/11 Memorial. Theater and Entertainment – Tickets to a concert at Carnegie Hall and a Broadway show. A wide variety of wonderful dining experiences are included – 7 meals: 4 lunches, 3 dinners. Experienced Tour Director(s) and your roundtrip airfare are included. 3350/4000 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 31. Special note: While we welcome all travelers, realistically, this trip requires some walking in the neighborhoods. If you cannot easily walk 3-4 city blocks without difficulty, we would not recommend this itinerary for you. Our trips are advertised as being for active, mature travelers. $3350 p.p.dbl./occ., $4000 single, $50 EPD** 6 Days

Apr. 9-14

California’s Marvelous Missions

Visit 11 of California’s Missions and the Father Junípero Serra Museum. Travel Southern California’s scenic coast aboard Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner, enjoy lunch on the Ventura Pier. Two nights in the Danish-inspired community of Solvang, tour the Santa Inés Valley with a local guide, overnight at the luxurious Fairmont Hotel in San Jose. 9 Meals: 1 breakfast, 1 full breakfast, 3 lunches, 3 dinners and a champagne brunch at the Dolce Hayes Mansion, short one-way flight to San Diego, transportation aboard Supercoach III, 2050/2350 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 29. $2050 p.p./dbl.occ., $2310 single, $50 EPD**

5 Days

Apr. 12-16

The Scottsdale Culinary Festival and the Red Rocks of Sedona

Fly to Phoenix, lunch and tour of the Wrigley Mansion. Attend The Great Arizona Picnic, experience a Chef’s Wine Dinner, enjoy brunch at the Scottsdale Convention Center, spend two nights at the Hilton Garden Inn Scottsdale. Also two night at the Hilton Sedona Resort & Spa, lunch at the Enchantment Resort, trolley tour to the Chapel of the Holy Cross in Sedona – see the red rock country at its springtime best. 6 meals: 1 full breakfast, 1 brunch, 3 lunches, 1 dinner. Roundtrip airfare to/from Phoenix, 2050/2350 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 28. $2050 p.p./dbl.occ., $2340 single, $40 EPD** 8 Days

Apr. 16-23

The REAL Hawaii – Maui & Molokai are Calling

An extended stay on Maui and a day trip to the unknown Island of Molokai. Non-stop flights to/from Maui on Alaska Airlines, 7 nights accommodations at the Royal Lahaina Hotel, a classic accommodation that has returned to its place as an icon on the Kaanapali coast – guaranteed upgraded oceanview rooms with balconies for all, 15 meals: Daily breakfast (7), 4 lunches, 4 dinners. Unique cultural adventures on the island – including the Surfing Goat Dairy Farm, the Maui Ocean Center & Aquarium, lunch at the Culinary Academy, easy walking tour of Old Lahaina, a farm-to-fork lunch that you help pick, ancient Chinese Temples. Optional, included day trip to Molokai by ferry – includes a guided tour of the island and lunch. Exciting Entertainment – a traditional luau at the Royal Lahaina, Hawaiian Slack Key Guitar show and Ulalena, a look at Hawaiian history in song and dance. Two free days to add optional tours (price of tours additional) as you wish – take the famous trip to Hana or go to the crater at Haleakala, ride the Sugar Cane Train to/from Lahaina or just lay by the pool. Add a two-day optional stay on Oahu on the front of your Maui package, to see the brand new Valor in the Pacific Memorial at Pearl Harbor and tour the home of Doris Duke – ask about this option when you register. The services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director, 3500/4200 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 30. $3495 p.p./dbl.occ., $4180 single

Look What We’re Doing…

The stunning architecture of many historic California Missions still survives today

We encourage you to find us on Facebook at We’ve been posting pictures of recent trips and sometimes even trips that are currently on the road… so you may see a fellow Sports Leisure traveler while they are actually on vacation. How awesome is that? Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


4 Days

Apr. 23-26

On the (Pismo) Beach

3 nights wonderful beachfront accommodations, attend the Great American Melodrama in Oceano, off road tour on the Oceano Dunes, culinary walking tour in San Luis Obispo. 5 meals: 4 lunches, 1 dinner; transportation on SuperCoach III. 1250/1400 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 22. $1205 p.p./dbl.occ., $1385 single, $25 EPD** 3 Days

Apr. 27-29

Lilacs, Tulips & Gourmet Eats

Spring flowers and fun foods everywhere in Vancouver, Washington. Visit the Hulda Klager Lilac Gardens, home of beautiful hybrid lilacs; tour the Holland America (no relation to the cruise line) Tulip Farm. At the Wildlife Botanical Garden, learn how to create a backyard garden that will attract birds and friendly critters. Visit the Fort Vancouver Nat’l Historic Site – hear the history of gardens in the area and see the oldest apple tree in the state. Discover how to blend your own gourmet wine at East Fork Cellars Winery and taste gourmet chocolates and roll your own tuffles, plus visit a local chocolate shop. 2 nights at Heathman Lodge, one of the Northwest’s finest, in Vancouver just across the river from Portland. 4 meals (3L,1D), roundtrip air, 1050/1150 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 23. $1045 p.p./dbl.occ., $1150 single, $25 EPD** 2 Days

Apr. 29-30

“Those Were The Days” in Bodega Bay

Featuring a private concert with William Florian. Travel to Occidental, for an Italian lunch served family-style. After lunch, travel to Bodega Head to catch sight of the Pacific Ocean. Your hotel this evening is at the four-diamond Bodega Lodge and Spa. Enjoy a docent-led stroll through the ancient giants of Armstrong Woods. Join William Florian for lunch at a lodge nestled in the redwoods along the river, an upbeat musical journey of America’s great songs of the 1960’s. The tour includes roundtrip transportation aboard SuperCoach III, two lunches and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 500/600 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 17. $490 p.p./dbl.occ., $565 single, $10 EPD** 11 Days Apr. 30 – May 10

Apr. 30 – May 8

Exploring the Santa Fe Trail

America’s commerce road in the early 1800’s moved people and goods west. Now you travel in the footsteps of the pioneers. An American history lesson, from Jesse James to Buffalo Bill – see the landmarks, even the wagon ruts of the early explorers. Leisurely itinerary – two night stays in Independence and Santa Fe. See the remains of the internment camp of Amache, near Granada, CO, and hear the story of how Japanese Americans dealt with being uprooted from their homes and businesses at a time of war. Dine in historic landmarks like the St. James Hotel in Cimarron, NM and the Hays House, circa 1858, in Council Grove, KS; “Welcome Pioneers” Luncheon at the National Frontiers Trails Center in Independence, MO. History comes to life in Pioneer Bluffs, where you’ll meet “The Schoolteacher and The Scout,” a true piece of living history, and Dodge City where “Doc” Holliday is waiting for you. Visit Pecos National Historical Park, where the ruins of a pueblo stand. 16 meals, airfare, the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director and 2800/3050 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 40. $2780 p.p./dbl.occ., $3050 single, $40 EPD** 6 Days

May 1-6

The Kentucky Derby

See “The Most Exciting Two Minutes in Sports” and mark it off your bucket list! Stay 5 nights at the pastoral Embassy Suites Hotel, Lexington. Attend the 139th running of the Kentucky Derby. Horse around in Lexington, the Bluegrass Country, Frankfort and Louisville. Visit Undulata, Keeneland and Kentucky’s Derby Museum and Horse Park. Reserved seating for the nighttime Pegasus Parade, tour the Louisville Slugger Plant & Museum and Buffalo Trace Distillery. 11 meals: daily breakfast, 2 lunches, 4 dinners and the popular nightly Manager’s Reception. Roundtrip airfare to Cincinnati/from Louisville, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead, 3300/3800 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 44. $3265 p.p./dbl.occ., $3755 single, $50 EPD**

Springtime in Spain

Where the sun shines, the flowers bloom and the scent of oranges fills the air – the best time to visit. 2 nights each in Madrid, Seville, Granada and Barcelona, overnight in Almagro. Visit the beautiful cities of Toledo, Rhonda and Córdoba during the Festival of Flowers, discover the artistic genius of Gaudí and Picasso. Experience the traditional song and dance of flamenco, rest well in 4-star, modern hotels near the city centers. 14 Meals: daily breakfast and 5 special dinners, roundtrip airfare to Madrid/from Barcelona. Services of Sports Leisure Tour Director Patty Thayer assisted by a Spanish guide throughout. 5900/6450 Gold Passport Points, catalog page 32. $5900 p.p./dbl.occ., $6405 single, this vacation requires a valid passport! $100 EPD**


9 Days

Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Enjoy seating at the final turn for the Kentucky Derby

7 Days

May 8-14

Your Kind of Towns: Chicago & St. Louis

Visit two of America’s greatest cities, complete with several “Choose it yourself” options. 4 nights inside Chicago’s “L” at the Palmer House Hilton, 2 nights at the St. Louis Drury Plaza downtown. Tickets to The Book of Mormon and the Second City Comedy Show. St. Louis’ Budweiser, Fox Theatre and Gateway Arch tours. Choose-it-Yourself Chicago tours and attractions. 10 meals: 2 full breakfasts, 1 brunch, 3 lunches, 4 dinners. Roundtrip airfare to St. Louis/from Chicago, Amtrak between cities. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead, 2850/3150 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 42. $2820 p.p./dbl. occ., $3150 single, $50 EPD** 4 Days

May 13-16

Take the Empire Builder

Take an air/rail journey along one of one of Amtrak’s most scenic routes, through the northwest. Explore the rail history of Chicago with a visit to the historic company town of Pullman, home of the Pullman Car Company. Then enjoy deluxe sleeper accommodations on board Amtrak’s Empire Builder for your 44-hour journey from Chicago to Seattle. A day in Seattle, featuring lunch at Cutter’s Crabhouse & Pike Place Market. Fly to Chicago, then a pre-train overnight in downtown Chicago at the historic Hilton Palmer House. 8 meals included (2FB,4L,2D), fly to Chicago/return flight from Seattle. 2350/3000 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 43. Considered by many to be one of the most beautiful of Amtrak’s routes, perhaps second only to the Coast Stalight, the Empire Builder traverses a portion of the country visited by precious few and passes within a glimpse of Glacier National Park. Inquire to combine this rail trip with our Chicago/St. Louis tour for a special vacation. $2335 p.p./dbl.occ., $2995 single, $50 EPD** 8 Days

May 15-22

Canyonlands of Utah and Arizona

Featuring Lake Powell, Monument Valley and Moab. Enjoy lakeview rooms at the Lake Powell Resort, walk through spectacular Antelope Canyon. Experience a boat tour on Lake Powell and an “off-road” tour in Monument Valley. Stay two nights at Red Cliffs Resort on the banks of the Colorado River in Moab. Tour Arches National Park, take a jet boat tour on the Colorado River. Witness the spectacular view of Canyonlands Nat’l Park from Dead Horse State Park. Guided tour of the Thanksgiving Point Gardens. 13 Meals: 5 full breakfasts, 8 lunches; 2850/3250 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 37. $2840 p.p./dbl.occ., $3210 single, $50 EPD**

From the museums of the Smithsonian to Capitol Hill to Gettysburg, discover the history of our nation

7 Days

May 23-29

Memorial Day in Washington, DC & Gettysburg

Our nation’s capital and the Pennsylvania countryside are yours to explore. 4 nights (Hyatt Arlington) in our Capital City, 2 nights in Gettysburg. Tour Washington, DC by day and night. Visit Arlington National Cemetery, the US Capitol and the National Cathedral. Explore the Smithsonian Institution and National Museums on the Mall. See National Monuments including Lincoln, Jefferson, WWII, Vietnam, Korea and more. Gettysburg’s Memorial Day Parade, Battlefield tour and Cyclorama. 150th Anniversary of the Civil War in Gettysburg. 12 meals: 6 full breakfasts, 2 lunches (one served on a Potomac River cruise), 4 dinners. Roundtrip airfare to Washington/from Baltimore, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. 2750/3000 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 36. $2735 p.p./dbl. occ., $2965 single, $50 EPD** 2 Days

May 28-29

The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe

Join the Ritz Club! From Half Moon Bay to Lake Tahoe, stay at the Ritz! SuperCoach III meets you at one of our convenient pickup locations before heading east into the High Sierras. Pause in Truckee for a hosted lunch and free time to browse the shops before arriving at your mountain retreat. The RitzCarlton Resort is situated mid-mountain at the Northstar Resort. Experience luxury rarely found at any other mountain retreat. Your accommodations include in-room fireplaces, floor-to-ceiling windows and private walk-out balconies with extraordinary views of the mountains and Martis Valley. A late checkout allows you to further enjoy the resort with a free morning. Travel along the north and west shores of Lake Tahoe to Homewood and the Lake Tahoe Maritime Museum. Lunch is hosted on the water in Tahoe City. The tour includes transportation on SuperCoach III, accommodations, 2 lunches and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 450/550 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 25. $430 p.p./dbl.occ., $525 single, $10 EPD** Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


3 Days

May 28-30

Sequoia and Kings Canyon National Parks

Featuring the ancient giants, alpine meadows, and the Canyon of Kings. 2 nights at the Wuksachi Lodge, within Sequoia National Park. Sightseeing including the General Grant Tree, General Sherman Tree, Kings Canyon National Park, & Zumwalt Meadow. 6 meals: 2 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 1 dinner; roundtrip on SuperCoach III, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, a former Sequoia Park General Manager, 1050/1250 Gold Passport Points. $1030 p.p./dbl.occ., $1220 single, $25 EPD** 7 Days

June 9-15

A Mid Summer Night’s Mystery

6 Days

6 Days

5 Days

5 Days

Crater Lake & the Umpqua National Scenic Byway

Featuring natural scenic wonders and the Oregon Shakespeare Festival. Guided rim tour of Crater Lake National Park with lunch at Crater Lake Lodge, travel the Umpqua Scenic Byway. Up close animal encounters at Wildlife Safari and an excursion on the scenic Rogue River a jet boat tour. Optional (extra cost) show at Ashland’s Oregon Shakespeare Festival. 9 meals: 3 breakfasts, 1 brunch, 3 lunches and 2 dinners. Travel in comfort on SuperCoach III, 1500/1700 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 46. $1490 p.p./dbl.occ., $1675 single, $25 EPD** 5 Days

July 8-12

By The Seaside, On The Long Beach

A summer visit to the Oregon-Washington Coast. 2 nights in Seaside, OR, oceanview at the Shilo Inn; 2 nights in Long Beach, WA, oceanview at the new Adrift Inn. Walk the famous oceanfront promenade in Seaside – it and the ocean are right at the property’s edge. Browse the quaint shops in both Seaside and Long Beach. Admission to the Seaside Aquarium, Lewis & Clark history – optional (included) visit to Fort Clatsop near Seaside, and a stop at Cape Disappointment in Washington. Tour historic Oysterville and see the Cranberry and World Kite Museums in Long Beach. Great food – from a roadside seafood stop to fine dining restaurants, this package has it all. 10 meals, r/t airfare to/from Portland, services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director and 1400/1700 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 47. $1365 p.p./dbl.occ., $1640 single, $25 EPD**


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Glacier and Waterton National Parks

Featuring wonderful national park lodges in the mountains. Travel Going-To-The-Sun Road through Glacier National Park. Overnight at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Waterton, Alberta, three scenic boat cruises, 2 nights at St Mary’s Bear Lodge, 2 nights at Grouse Mountain Lodge in Whitefish, 8 meals: 3 full breakfasts, 4 lunches, 1 dinner. Roundtrip airfare at/ from Kalispell. 2850/3300 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 48. $2870 p.p./dbl.occ., $3330 single, this vacation requires a passport! $50 EPD**

You may think Scott Angeletti has taken you off-the-beaten track before, but you haven’t seen anything yet. This destination is awesome. “Trust me.” It’s an early-June excursion to… wait, we can’t tell you where! Just be patient, you’ll find out on the first day. But if you like spectacular vistas, seeing wildlife in its natural habitat and traveling to remote destinations, this is the trip for you. It will definitely be the coolest mystery tour you’ll ever take. You’ll have to fly there, but don’t worry about jet lag. The scenery will have you up in arms. Visit the village on the cliff and get the inside scoop on a little place with a big heart. This package includes transfers, airfare, 6-night’s accommodations and 10 meals. 3700/4100 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 23. $3675 p.p./dbl.occ., $4055 single, $100 EPD** July 3-7

July 11-16

July 30 – Aug. 4

Flowers & Fireworks in Victoria & Vancouver

Featuring the best of British Columbia and the 23rd Annual Festival of Light fireworks. 3 nights at the Chateau Victoria, a terrific location in the heart of Victoria Harbor, Tour Victoria by double-decker bus, have high tea with the “Queen” at the Empress Hotel. Enjoy an elegant luncheon at Butchart Gardens, 2 nights in Vancouver with a city tour and visits to Stanley Park & Granville Island. Dinner Cruise during the Festival of Light, Vancouver’s Annual Fireworks Spectacular. 6 meals: (1HT,4L,1D), roundtrip air, 2550/2850 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 50. $2515 p.p./dbl.occ., $2825 single, this vacation requires a valid passport! $50 EPD** Aug. 8-12

Leavenworth and the Cascades

Combine outdoor summer theatre and the beauty of North Cascades National Park. Enjoy the old world charm of Bavaria, with Washington hospitality in Leavenworth. Enjoy a performance at the Leavenworth Summer Theater Festival. Drive through scenic North Cascades National Park. Overnight at the luxurious Sun Mountain Lodge. Visit the Japanese Botanical Gardens of “U.W.,” Liberty Orchards “Home to Applets & Cottlets,” and stop to shop in historic Winthrop. 7 meals: 3 breakfasts, 3 lunches, 1 dinner, roundtrip airfare to/ from Seattle, catalog see page 49. 2200/2550 Gold Passport Points, $2180 p.p./dbl.occ., $2505 single, $50 EPD**

The Bavarian village of Leavenworth is a special story waiting to be told

12 Days Aug. 10-21

Backroads of the Alps

7 Days

Sept. 13-19 Michigan & Mackinac

A unique itinerary which travels by plane, railroad, gondola, cog train, cable car, postal transport, ferry steamer, funicular and motorcoach. 4-night stay in the car-less village of Wengen; 2-night stays in Rothenburg and St. Moritz; overnights in Oberammergau and Zurich. History and breathtaking scenic beauty at literally every turn. 20 meals include daily breakfast and dinner, roundtrip air from San Francisco to Frankfurt/from Zurich. Home pickup and SuperCoach III to San Francisco. Enjoy the services of German speaking Ingrid Kokinda and Tour Director Clayton Whitehead throughout. 6600/7200 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 34. $6595 p.p./dbl.occ., $7195 single*, this vacation requires a valid passport! *Prices based on estimated airfare of $1400 p.p. Price of tour may adjust after air is confirmed, $50 EPD**

A signature vacation featuring North America’s favorite island. Only Sports Leisure stays three nights on Mackinac Island. Lunch at Mackinac’s famous Grand Hotel, tours by horse and carriage. Overnight stays in Grand Rapids, Traverse City and the Bavarian village of Frankenmuth. Visit the Gerald Ford Presidential Museum; tour the Music House, filled with oneof-a-kind musical instruments; history abounds at The Henry Ford Museum’s Greenfield Village. 14 meals: Daily breakfast, 4 lunches, 4 dinners; roundtrip airfare to Grand Rapids/from Detroit, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. 2750/3100 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 53. $2735 p.p./dbl.occ., $3065 single, $50 EPD**

7 Days

Attend the 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Chickamauga! Who better to re-write… we mean share… Civil War history than Clayton? What a trip! 2 nights each in Chattanooga, Marietta & Savannah, 1 night in the land of Tara and GWTW-themed dinner, Chickamauga, Kennesaw and Ft. Pulaski National Parks, Atlanta’s Cyclorama and the Margaret Mitchell Museum. Travel Jonesboro’s Road to the Tara Museum. Visit Milledgeville, Georgia’s Antebellum capital; and Savannah, President Lincoln’s Christmas present in 1864. 15 meals: Daily breakfast, 3 lunches, 5 dinners; roundtrip airfare to Chattanooga/from Savannah. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead, 3000/3400 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 52. $2960 p.p./dbl.occ., $3370 single, $50 EPD**

Aug. 26– Sept. 1

The International Selkirk Loop

Featuring a breathtaking beautiful drive through the Rocky Mountains. Multiple-night stays in waterview rooms: two nights in Bonners Ferry, ID and three nights in Nelson, BC. Walk through history aboard the S.S. Moyie, a restored sternwheeler, nestled along the banks of Kootenay Lake. Learn about the culture of the Doukhobors at Castlegar and the history of Japanese Canadians at the Nikkei Memorial Center in New Denver. Visit the small communities of Crawford Bay, Rossland and Ymir with their fascinating place in Selkirk history. Enjoy a night of contemporary luxury at the Davenport Hotel, with an elegant Sunday Brunch. Roundtrip airfare, 12 meals: 5 breakfasts, 1 brunch, 6 lunches. 2700/3000 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 51. $2695 p.p./dbl.occ., $2985 single, this vacation requires a valid passport! 5-8 Days

Sept. 2013

Classic Ballparks & Cooperstown

Every three years or so, we put together a trip which combines the chance to tour ballparks, see games at ballparks, and then at the conclusion, offers an optional opportunity to visit Cooperstown, the ultimate temple for baseball fans. When in Cooperstown, we stay at the Otesaga Resort, where the Hall of Famers stay. The ballparks we visit will depend on the MLB team schedules, but we are looking at the Giants visit to New York City in September if we can get tickets. That would be part of the package, there would be at least two other ballparks. Put your name on the Priority Notification List for this trip and we’ll notify you as soon as we have an itinerary.

8 Days

4 Days

September 20-27

Sept. 25-28

Tracing Sherman’s March

The Great Custer Buffalo Roundup

Featuring Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial and Mt. Rushmore. Exclusive viewing of the Buffalo Roundup. 3 nights lodging in one of Rapid City’s newest hotels, 5 meals: 3 breakfasts, 1 lunch, 1 dinner; roundtrip airfare, 1650/1800 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 45. Feel the thunder and the heart pounding excitement at the 48th Annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup as over 1,000 American Bison travel by your viewing area. A shorter, more compact visit to the Black Hills than some of our other itineraries. $1615 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1765 single, $35 EPD**

office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm

For over 100 years the Cyclorama has shared the story of the Battle of Atlanta Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012


7 Days

Oct. 2-8

Fall Foliage with the Famous in Pennsylvania

Visit the hometowns of Jimmy Stewart, Arnold Palmer and Stan Musial. 3 nights at the renowned Seven Springs Resort in the scenic (especially at this time of year) Laurel Highlands, 2 nights in Indiana, hometown of Jimmy Stewart, a reunion from our 2011 Christmas Mystery Tour – tour the museum named for the town’s favorite son. See the new Flight 93 Memorial, honoring the heroes of 9/11. Lunch at the Latrobe Country Club, home of Arnold Palmer. Visit the Amish village of Smicksburg for an Amish Wedding Feast, meet Punxsutawney Phil of Groundhog Day fame. Photograph a covered bridge, see the autumn leaves and learn about the Whiskey Rebellion. Includes airfare, 15 meals, the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director, 2550/2800 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 56. $2530 p.p./dbl.occ., $2795 single, $60 EPD** 11 Days

Oct. 11-21

Route 66, The Main Street of America – Chicago to Oklahoma City

The repeat of a classic Sports Leisure adventure – our 8th journey down the classic highway. 2-night stays in Springfield, IL, and Miami, OK; and for the first time staying in the old highway towns of Pontiac, IL, and Miami, OK (pronounced miam-ah). Meet the people of Route 66 – special guides, speakers and guests. Includes airfare Sacramento/Chicago and Oklahoma City/Sacramento, a Sports Leisure Tour Director and 26 meals. A journey down Route 66 is like cutting yourself a slice of All-American Pie. You’ll discover people and places you didn’t know existed – like the murals that line the walls of Pontiac, IL and Cuba, MO; Ted Drewes Frozen Custard in St. Louis and the magnificent new Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum in Springfield, IL. Meet published Route 66 authors and experts, roadies and characters like the “Four Ladies on the Road” in Galena, KS. If you love “off-the-beaten-track,” you’ve found your trip! 3400/3950 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 18, $3370 p.p./dbl.occ., $3935 single, $75 EPD**

Explore one of the largest collections of American art at the new Crystal Bridges Museum

6 Days

Oct. 13-18

Come to Arkansas to see the newest and grandest art museum in the country. Even if you are not a art enthusiast, there’s still lots to do. 2 each nights in Little Rock and Bentonville; overnight in Fort Smith, home of Miss Laura’s Social Club. A full day to explore the new Crystal Bridges Museum of American Art in Bentonville. Tour the Clinton Presidential Library, Heifer International and Sam Walton’s original Five and Dime. Visit Hot Springs National Park and Will Roger’s Claremore, Oklahoma. 11 meals: Daily breakfast, 2 lunches, 3 dinners; roundtrip air to Little Rock/from Tulsa. 2250/2550 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 55. $2250 p.p./dbl.occ., $2550 single, $60 EPD** 11 Days Oct. 16-26


Sports Leisure Vacations / November–December 2012

Canada Coast to Coast by Rail

First-class train accommodations aboard VIA Rail as you travel across the continent ( 3 trains), Halifax: 2 nights at the Delta Barrington Hotel, city sightseeing including Citadel Hill; Montréal: Overnight at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, visit Vieux Montréal (Old Montréal) and the Basilica of Notre Dame. Niagara Falls: 2 nights at the Embassy Suites, Maid of the Mist Cruise, Toronto: Dinner at the CN Tower, high atop the city. Visit picturesque Peggy’s Cove & quaint Niagara-on-theLake. 19 meals: 6 full breakfasts, 8 lunches, 5 dinners; roundtrip airfare to Halifax/from Seattle, 5700/6150 Gold Passport Points, catalog see page 38. This vacation requires a valid passport! $5690 p.p./dbl.occ., $6140 single, $100 EPD** 11 Days Oct. 17-27

Just one of the many eclectic attractions you’ll discover along Route 66: The Main Street of America

Arkansas & Art at Crystal Bridges

Exploring the Seine from Paris to Normandy

Explore the Seine River from aboard the exceptional m/v AmaLegro. 7 nights cruising the Seine between The City of Light and the beaches of the Normandy Coast; 2 nights at the Hotel Pullman Montparnasse, 4-star accommodations in Paris, with a city tour and visit to the d’Orsay Museum. Explore the towns and villages of the Seine River including Vernon, Giverny, Rouen, Conflans, Les Andelys, and a choice of historic Caen or the beaches of Normandy and the poignant cemetery at St. Laurent. Deluxe accommodations on board the AmaLegro, all meals included on board ship. Gold Passport Points dependent on cabin category, catalog see page 33. Prices start at $5650 p.p./dbl.occ., $6985 single, $50 EPD**

7 Days

Jan. 18-24, 2014

Key West, Key Largo, Miami and the Everglades

Four nights in beautiful Key West is the best feature of this trip, but it’s not the only highlight. During your Key West visit, see the Hemingway Home, the nation’s very first public aquarium, Truman’s Little White House, & Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum. The dinner and drag show at La Te Da, an authentic clipper ship cruise (optional, included) and the small but amazing Butterfly & Nature Conservancy plus Mark promises a surprise new attraction this time around. Before you get to the Keys, overnight in Miami with an air boat ride in the Everglades and overnight in Key Largo with a glass-bottom boat ride. Miami city tour including Coral Gables and South Beach. Roundtrip air, 13 meals, door-to-door service, Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann or Chris Galloway. For the 2014 tour, call now to reserve your seat with a $100 fully refundable (until May 1, 2013) deposit. $3435 p.p./dbl.occ., $3985 single, please note this is 2014, our 2013 trip is sold out!

Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices.

Teasers – Continued from page 5 DC, without Cooperstown (5 Days, September 18 – 22), or include the whole tour from start to finish (9 Days, September 14 – 22). One thing is for certain, if you call now to place your name on the Priority Notification List, you’ll have the first shot for signing up for this tour. Please let us know when you call which option you are most interested in. Prices and more details are expected to be ready for the January newsletter.

Colorado Culinary Tour September 2013 Colorado has emerged as one of the country’s culinary capitals with a focus on organic farming and the latest culinary trend, Farmto-Fork dining. Visit the world-renowned Haystack Goat Cheese Farm, Celestial Seasonings Tea factory, sample micro-brewed beers, enjoy cooking demonstrations and even have the opportunity to collect your own ingredients right from the field. Join Chris and return to his old college stomping grounds. From mountain peaks to meringue peaks, there is something for the “Foodie” in everyone. Call now to place your name on the Priority Notification List.


Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. **Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD**,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary.

Does Your Group or Organization need a Speaker? Let Mark or Clayton share humorous travel stories and tips for avoiding hassles on the road. Door prizes and complimentary Travel Club Memberships are provided. Call the office to reserve your date today!

In September over 200 volunteers from the tourism industry, including several employees from Sports Leisure Vacations, participated in Tourism Cares’ Annual Service Project, this year benefitting Sacramento. Immediately above are several of our employees who participated. From left to right: Merrill Mixer, Clayton Whitehead, Ramona Goodge, RoseMarie Holt, Michael Downer, Kevin Murphy, and Bob Veliky. Not pictured: May Wong and Donnie Anderson. Sports Leisure Vacations / November –December 2012




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EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration/Payment Di$counts listed here expire on December 18, 2012; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Feb. – Route 66 California Reunion Tour – $ave $20 Feb. – Winter Wings Festival – $ave $20 Feb. – Death Valley & The Eastern Sierra – $ave $20 Mar. – Palm Springs Getaway – $ave $20 Mar. – Spring Training with the Giants & A’s – $ave $25 Mar. – Steamboatin’ on the Mighty Mississippi – $ave $50 Apr. – California’s Marvelous Missions – $ave $50 Apr. – Central Valley Wonders – $ave $20 Apr. – Exploring the Santa Fe Trail – $ave $40 Apr. – Foodie Fun in Santa Rosa – $ave $10 Apr. – Lilacs, Tulips & Gourmet Eats – $ave $25 Apr. – NYC: Broadway, Brooklyn, & The Bronx – $ave $50 Apr. – On the (Pismo) Beach – $ave $25 Apr. – Scottsdale Culinary Festival & Sedona – $ave $40 Apr. – Springtime in Spain – $ave $100 Apr. – “Those Were the Days” in Bodega Bay – $ave $10 May – Canyonlands of Utah & Arizona – $ave $50 May – The Kentucky Derby – $ave $50 May – Memorial Day in Wash., DC & Gettysburg – $ave $50 May – The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe – $ave $10 May – Sequoia & Kings Canyon National Parks – $ave $25 May – Take the Empire Builder: Chicago to Seattle – $ave $50 May – Your Kind of Towns: Chicago & St. Louis – $ave $50 Jun. – A Mid-Summer’s Night Mystery – $ave $100 Jul. – By the Seaside, On the Long Beach – $ave $25 Jul. – Crater Lake & The Umpqua Scenic Byway – $ave $25 Jul. – Flowers, Fireworks in Victoria & Vancouver – $ave $50 Jul. – Glacier & Waterton National Parks – $ave $50 Aug. – Leavenworth & The Cascades – $ave $50 Aug. – Backroads of the Alps – $ave $50 Sept. – The Great Custer Buffalo Round-Up – $ave $35 Sept. – Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound – $ave $50 Sept. – Michigan & Mackinac – $ave $50 Sept. – Tracing Sherman’s March – $ave $50 Oct. – Arkansas & Art at Crystal Bridges – $ave $60 Oct. – Canada Coast to Coast by Rail – $ave $100 Oct. – Exploring the Seine: Paris to Normandy – $ave $50 Oct. – Route 66, The Main Street of America – $ave $75 Oct. – Fall Foliage with the Famous in Pennsylvania – $ave $60


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the price of your tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

TOUR UPDATE… A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available) Thanksgiving in New York The Ritz Carlton at Half Moon Bay Captain Jeff’s Holiday Cruise Christmas Lights Mystery Christmas on Monterey Bay Take the Train to the Rose Parade Key West, Key Largo, & The Everglades (Jan. 2013) Winter in Yellowstone The Colorful Carolina Coast San Antonio: Deep in the Heart

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) Panama Canal Cruise on Holland America – 2 Steamboatin’ on the Mighty Mississippi – 2 St. Patrick’s Day in Ireland – 6 New York City, Broadway, Brooklyn & Beyond – 6 The REAL Hawaii, Maui & Molokai – 2 Springtime in Spain – 5 Exploring the Santa Fe Trail – 4 The International Selkirk Loop – 1

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