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JULY/AUGUST VOL. 35, NO. 1 8,858 Active Members  •  45,861 Members Since 1979

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2013-14 Tour & Vacation Preview Day Win your share of prizes in the Sports Leisure Game Show!

Saturday, September 7th •  Marriott Hotel Sunrise Blvd. & Hwy. 50  •  FREE Parking  •  Admission $5, call early, sell-out expected!

3 showtimes to choose from: 9:00-11:45am • 12:45-3:30pm • 4:15-7:00pm Door prizes at all shows, plus special bonus for everyone at the 4:15pm show only! • Get your advance copy of our 2014 Tour & Vacation catalog, along with the opportunity to register ahead of the crowd for your favorite new tours • Everyone in attendance receives a tour discount coupon • 2013 Holiday Tour Review • Comedian Jack Gallagher headlines the entertainment

• Breakout sessions featuring new 2013 tours right in the USA and Canada along with great regional tours; and 2014 international destinations – Cuba, Scotland, Israel/Jordan/Dubai, Vietnam, Spain, and an Italy/Greece/Croatia Cruise • Complimentary light refreshments

H ADVANCE RESERVATIONS REQUIRED, SEATING LIMITED H CALL TODAY! (916) 361-2051 or (800) 951-5556 Monday through Friday 8:00am – 4:30pm to reserve your seats, or reserve online anytime!

Take the FREE Shuttle Bus! Service From: 9am – Woodland, South Hills, Arden/Expo 12:45pm – Lincoln, Rocklin, Roseville 4:15pm – South Hills, Arden/Expo

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion..................................... 2 Clayton Place......................................................... 3 The Customers Always Write........................... 4 Casino Trips and Baseball.................................. 5 The Human Side................................................... 6 Day Trips.............................................................. 7-9 Teasers...................................................................10 New Vacations & Getaways..................... 11-13 The Barber Pole..................................................14 Tour Calendar............................................... 15-19 Coupons and Tour Updates...........Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH

Sports Leisure Travelers watch as Richard Clark picks and explains vegetables from the garden for lunch. Maui’s unique “upcountry” microclimate makes for an educational and delicious Farm-to-Fork experience at O’o Farms.

Editor........................................... Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor .........................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers................... P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer.........C. Galloway

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion To the Persistent Goes The Cup In May, we decided we had waited long enough to offer trips to the America’s Cup in San Francisco this summer. To gauge the interest, we first offered two dates in a By Invitation Only e-mail. The response was quick and overwhelming. The remaining seats were snapped up as soon as the newsletter hit the streets. We filled 4 trips and were well on our way to filling a fifth. Until… Until one of the three remaining challenge boats had to undergo repairs, in essence eliminating many of the preliminary rounds SportS LeiSureSince VacationS of racing. we had chosen practice racing days for our trips, we were faced with people paying $180 for a day trip, with no guarantee of seeing anything. We contacted everyone, offering refunds to those who wished. There were over 150 cancellations. As a courtesy to the folks who still wanted to go, we kept two trips on the schedule. Each bus ran with 20 people, which meant instead of a $3-4,000 profit (on a total of 5 trips), we lost about $500 on each bus, plus had to process both payments and refunds. Twice as much work to lose $1,000. But something pretty cool happened. On the first trip, two of the challengers actually raced. So those who hung in there, and took the chance, were rewarded with the opportunity to see what they had hoped for, two America’s Cup Yachts with sails unfurled on the waters of the bay. (On the second trip, they got to see one yacht practicing on the course.) Sometimes it takes a huge leap of faith. Congrats to the hearty few who persisted. SUCCESS STORIES—A SpECIAl AdvERTISIng SECTIOn

9812 old Winery place, Sacramento, ca 95827 (916) 361-2051 •

After working in the Mission Oaks Recreation and Park District, Mark Hoffmann founded Sports Leisure Vacations out of his Fulton Avenue apartment in 1979. Though Mark admits to ‘just sort of happening into it”, he found his niche in the retail tour business, enabling folks to achieve their travel dreams. Given the fact that Mark and his staff strive to exceed customer wants, they’ve been most successful in serving a niche of mature travelers, often those who need a little extra consideration. Sports Leisure Vacations assembles and operates custom tours and vacations of one to fifteen days in length, and can accommodate a wide variety of travel interests. Check out the website to see an amazing array of travel options. The company culture has centered around refusing to put profits ahead of service, and a mantra: “We love our travelers and they love us back.” It’s working- not only is the company thriving in its 32nd year, but community support and acknowledgement have resulted, including a prestigious award for contributions to the Arts from the Sacramento Arts and Business Council. For twenty years Sports Leisure has been an underwriter of KVIE Public Television. VP Clayton Whitehead has served on the KVIE Board and Mark was president of the National Tour Association in 2000. Mark and Tom Romano host the Travel Guys on KFBK, Sundays 2 p.m. to 3 p.m.


j a n ua r y 2 0 11 s a c m a g . c o m

“And that’s the news… From Lake Wobegon, where all the women are strong, all the men are good looking and the children are above average.” Long time


fans of a Prairie Home Companion will recognize that line. Garrison Keillor uses it each week to end the monologue about his mythical home town on the public radio show which has been running for nearly 40 years (heard in Sacramento on Saturdays and Sundays on NPR). Recently, Keillor brought his road show to the Community Center stage downtown. Before a packed house, Garrison, who is now 70 years old, brought his familiar style of Midwestern home-spun humor to town and truly delighted his fans, this writer included. There is really no way to describe the radio program or the traveling show to those who have never experienced it. You just have to see it for yourself. Next spring, I’m absolutely going to see him perform one more time, live at the Fitzgerald Theatre in St. Paul. 3 days, 2 nights, it will be a “come if you like trip.” ‘Cause if no one goes, I’ll go by myself. Seems like the Spring Training trips started that way, oh so many years ago. (I took 7 with my on the first “if you want to come trip.”) Speaking of Spring Training, our baseball fans will be delighted to know we have already secured former major league umpire Al Clark as one of our guest speakers next spring. Clark was one of the umpires in the 1989 World Series between the Giants and A’s, also known as the “earthquake” series. Details on the trip will be in our annual catalog, released in early September.

So as we go to press, 300 of the 675 spaces are already spoken for. If you would like to join us, call now. If the office is closed, go to and click on the Tour Preview Day post-it note at the top of the page and you can request your space that way. Your modest donation of $5 goes entirely to charity. It’s my favorite day of the year, for despite being non-stop work, I get to see so many of the folks who have traveled on tour with me during the past year(s). It’s a day for dreams, big and small, and please consider this my personal invitation for you to join us. You DO NOT have to be an active traveler; all members of our travel family and their friends are welcome.

HHHHHHHH And so it goes. There was a song by folk singer Harry Chapin (“Cat’s in the Cradle,” was his biggest hit) years ago, that said, “All my life’s a circle, sunrise and sundown, The moon rolls through the nighttime, ‘til the daybreak comes around; All my life’s a circle, And I can’t tell you why, The seasons keep spinning ‘round again and the years keep rollin’ by.” Indeed, the seasons and the years do keep rolling by, far too quickly. Thank you for letting us be a part of your travel dreams. It is an incredible privilege to arrange your adventures. Of course, that is Just One Man’s Opinion…

Tour Preview Day Looms It’s that time of the year at Sports Leisure. By the time you read these words, our staff will be hard at work, preparing our annual catalog of adventures, released at Preview Day, then sent to everyone else the following Monday. As you can see by Clayton Place on the next page, we have a special guest we think will add a bit to the program. Even before this piece of information was shared and the date formerly announced in this newsletter, many members have already called and made their reservations (they “saved the date” from the last newsletter).

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

Mark Hoffmann, CTP, Owner/Founder

Who is this Amazing Beauty? Look closely at this pictrure and stop reading until you’ve had a chance to guess or just give up because the answer is… She is Francis Bavier – better known as Aunt Bee on the Andy Griffith Show.

Clayton Place



I’m writing you today from Atlanta International Airport as I await the plane that will whisk me back to my West Coast home. My summer sabbatical was everything I needed it to be: Restful. Lots of good home cooking. Beach time and a suntan (perhaps better called a burn on my fair skin). A chance to see friends and relations. And not a little bit of work. I spent a couple days driving the “Tracing Sherman’s March” tour with my best friend Joy as pilot, solidifying the route, reminding myself of such important things as restroom locations at featured stops and locking in restaurant menus and reservations. As with all good things, it’s time for my vacation to come to an end. But like many of you, I’m already anticipating my next departure. It will be a long one—all the way to Frankfurt where the “Backroads of the Alps” begins. That’s going to be exciting for me in more ways than one. Our arrival in Europe on August 11 will be a pretty big day for me… none other than my 50th birthday. How’s that for a present!?!?!? But don’t let me put the cart before the horse! Between now and then the staff and I have a tour catalog to publish. Soon you’ll have our 2014 Dream Book in your hands so you can join me in planning your next vacation in Sports Leisure style. In these pages you’ll find your invitation to Vacation Preview Day. I’m especially excited about this year’s event and hope you will plan to attend. Our entertainer is someone not to be missed. I first “met” Jack Gallagher over a decade ago as he offered his self-scripted one-man show Letters to Declan at the B Street Theatre. It was poignant, touching and extremely funny—a dad’s story of life to his first-born son. There was something missing, however,

in this two-plus hour monologue preformed by a nationally-known comedian: Blue language. Can a 21st-century funny-man actually be funny without dropping more than a few F-bombs and other “colorful” language? When the entertainer is Jack Gallagher, the answer is a resounding YES. Since then, I’ve been a bit of a Gallagher Groupie. I’ve followed Jack in movies (“Heartbreak Ridge” with Clint Eastwood), on stage (three more plays followed Declan) and on television. He’s done the circuit from Jay Leno to Conan O’Brien (the Irish have to stick together!) to our beloved KVIE. His nationally syndicated shows for PBS have won him three Emmy Awards. And now, we’re thrilled to bring him to you for a special performance at each of our Preview Funnyman Jack Gallagher appears at all sessions of Day presentations. Though we can accept Vacation Preview Day on September 7 nearly 700 reservations (225 +/- per session) “on the road again” in 2014. May your travel on September 7, our event is historically a dreams begin to take wing with Jack and “sell out.” Don’t miss your opportunity to the entire Sports Leisure gang at Vacation see Jack in person. And while you’re there, I Preview Day on September 7. I look forward bet you’ll find a vacation (or two or three or to seeing you then! Gotta run. My flight’s more) that strikes your fancy. actually on time. (Those of you who traveled On his website ( with me this spring will appreciate the his bio ends saying, “When he’s not working, pleasant irony in that statement!) Jack can be found at home with his wife Jean and sons Declan and Liam trying to figure “Your Tour Guy,” out ways to stay off the road.” I certainly appreciate that feeling. Home is great, but like many of you, too long in one place only makes me itch for my next vacation. Though OTOGRA PH P Clayton Whitehead, CTP I’m cutting back next year, you can count on Vice President me for more great tours all over my beloved Southland (including the 20th Annual “Colorful Carolina Coast”), as well as Scotland, the homeland of my people next summer. Our growing staff will also offer you their invitations to join them at destinations near and far, including our first-ever trips to Cuba and the Holy Land. Home is where the heart is, but only on the road is my heart truly free. I hope you’ll Congratulations to Georjan Gee, with this shot from Yosemite this join Sports Leisure Vacations month’s winner from the Blueberry Photographic Society Y

Hello friends and travelers!

Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


The Customers Always Write Hello Clayton, I was awarded the Chuck Evans Santa Claus Scholarship at your Tour Preview Day last year and I just wanted to let you know how much the award helped me. It was an amazing pleasure and honor to be chosen for the award and the money has helped me immensely with books and living expenses. The scholarship money allowed me to avoid taking a job as a cashier while I searched for work related to my major and that I could feel passionate about. I ended up getting a job in media services at San Francisco State and they are now going to pay for me to get my masters in broadcasting. It’s a very exciting opportunity. I wanted to let you know how grateful I am for the award last year and how much it helped me. Thank you! Ray Tarara Ed. Note: Isn’t that awesome? Your $5 donations at Preview Day help fund a scholarship which helps young people with their education. Over $15,000 has been given out in the last 8 years. $1,500 is available this year, but so far, we have no applicants. If you have a grandchild or know of someone who could use the help, contact Kevin, Clayton or Mark at our office. The application process is amazingly simple. Hi Mark, I’m a Gold Club member with SLV and take a lot of day trips and overnighters, even some longer ones to Key West, New York, San Antonio and New Zealand. I’ve noticed some of the older clients, probably ones that have traveled with SLV from the beginning, are now getting into their 80’s and have a lot of mobility issues. The mind still wants to go, but the body is not cooperating! This is evidenced by Clayton’s article in the most recent newsletter about how many wheelchairs were requested on the San Antonio trip! I know you put a paragraph on the back of the day trip information stating the trips are designed for active seniors, but I don’t think they imagine it applies to them, or they don’t even read that far.


May I suggest that you and the trip planners have a rating system, similar to Road Scholar, OAT, Trafalgar, and Gold Circle Tours, that gives a clearer idea of abilities necessary to enjoy a trip. Then when someone signs up for a trip, they know if there are stairs, uneven walking conditions, no elevators, or just how far they will need to walk on their own. It seems quite a liability issue for SLV to have people on the trips that need so much “special help.” The Tour Directors do their best to make it fun and safe, but these few are an accident waiting to happen. It makes the others on the trip concerned for their well being too. Thanks for considering this suggestion. It has been on my mind for some time and I just wanted to make it easier for your staff and all of us traveling with SLV to have a worry free good experience. Ed. Note: This is a suggestion (rating system) which comes up from time to time, rating the tours. We did it once, years ago, and abandoned the idea. The problem is this: What is strenuous for one person may not be for another. There is no “one size fits all.” We found ratings caused people to skip trips they were perfectly capable of taking. Generally, our travelers have been good at recognizing when it’s time to cut back. It’s one reason we offer such a variety of tours, especially day trips. It gives folks the opportunity to “stair step” down in their travels as age creeps up. See page 14, The Barber Pole, for some additional guidelines to assist you in deciding if your mobility is up to par for the trip you wish to take. Clayton – I’m sorry to tell you that Ann Stoudt passed away on May 16th. Her health had been deteriorating during this past year and she was unable to travel. But we did recall our many happy trips with SLV. I am not giving up on SLV and expect to be back someday. My best to you and Mark – our favorite trips were North Carolina and the 5-park baseball trip several years ago! Charlotte Benedict

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

Dear Mark: We have received renewal of your important membership investment and are most grateful for your continued commitment in support of the Better Business Bureau (BBB). Sincerely, Gary Almond, President Dear Friends: Thank you for your June 26, 2013 generous donation of BART Tiny Tickets to the Alameda County Community Food Bank and the people we serve. On behalf of the 49,000 children and adults the Food Bank serves every week – please accept my gratitude for your gift. Sincerely, Suzan W. Bateson, Executive Director Ed. Note: Our GM Kevin Murphy realized some of our BART cards were going to expire before our next trip, and donated them to this worthy cause. Dear MarkThank you again for your support of our Lincoln Highway National Conference. We really appreciate your sponsoring our conference bags. They did turn out nice with the Centennial Logo on the side. We will ship the remaining bags to you soon by UPS. Thank you also for your kind comments. We really appreciated them. Sincerely, Bob and Lenore Stubblefield Ed. Note: The 100th birthday party for America’s first cross-country road was in Continued on page 5 If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

Casino Trips and Ballpark Express The 32nd Annual Eldorado Great Italian Festival

The 2013 Ballpark Express

October 13-14 Time to awaken your inner Italian and join us as we head to downtown Reno for the 32nd Annual Great Italian Festival. The festival is a celebration of Italian culture and tradition and transforms downtown Reno into Little Italy. Browse the Italian farmer’s market, see the grape stomp and find out who can eat the most gelato in the kids’ contest. There will be bocce ball, a sauce cooking competition, free live entertainment, and much more! Bravissimo! Arrive in Reno just as the festival is in full swing and check in later that afternoon at the Silver Legacy Resort Casino for an overnight stay. The next morning you can stay right where you are for some leisure time or, if you’re feeling lucky, head over to John Ascagua’s Nugget Casino for a few hours of play. You’ll receive $5 slot play bonus. Head back to Sacramento in the early afternoon. 175/200 Gold Passport Points $159 p.p./dbl.occ., $185 single

For nearly 34 years, the BEST way to get to the major league ballparks in Oakland and San Francisco has been with Sports Leisure Vacations. Our original Ballpark Express allows you to travel to games in comfort without the traffic, tolls, gas, food stops, etc. Refreshments are served on board the motorcoach on your way to and from each game. You’ll enjoy Field Level seating for all A’s games and your choice of Field Level or View Level (3rd Deck) seating for all Giants games. Please request your seating area when making your reservations. Game times are subject to change. Please note: all remaining Giants games are currently sold out with waitlists available.

Ice Fantasy Overnighter Cirque meets ice at the Eldorado Showroom in Reno November 20-21 Veteran Las Vegas producer Jeb Rand created and directs this new original production. He combines the excitement and popularity of figure skating with the thrill and wonder of circus acts – on ice! Champion figure skaters along with some of the best ice specialty acts from around the world will be part of this awe-inspiring show! You’ll see aerialists whisking by in skates overhead, acrobats executing tricks that few would attempt, pairs teams creating Olympic level lifts and spins, soloists performing double & triple jumps and, of course, comedic character routines. A dinner buffet is included prior to the 7pm performance. Overnight at the Silver Legacy Resort Casino. The next morning you can visit John Ascagua’s Nugget Casino for a few hours of play. You’ll receive $5 slot play bonus. Return to Sacramento in the early afternoon. 200/250 Gold Passport Points $199 p.p./dbl.occ., $219 single

World Champion San Francisco Giants Sun. Sept. 29 (Fan Appreciation Day)

Giants vs. Padres



Oakland Athletics Sun., Sept. 22 (Fan Appreciation Day)

Athletics vs. Twins



“You see, you spend a good piece of your life gripping a baseball, and in the end it turns out that it was the other way around all the time.” ~Jim Bouton, Ball Four, 1970

The Champagne Express to Tahoe Wednesday, August 14 or Friday, September 27 (Apple Hill) Our monthly trips to Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino on the South Shore includes a 6-hour stay with a slot credit of $20 and a free buffet or $7 food credit. Your must belong to Harvey’s Total Rewards Program to receive the bonuses. Our September trip includes a brief stop at High Hill Ranch on Apple Hill, en route to the lake, for complimentary coffee and an apple treat. $40

The Customers Always Write – Con’t from pg. 4 Kearney, Nebraska in July and it was grand. The extra tote bags have arrived in our office. If you traveled with us on the Lincoln Highway Tours, 2009-11, stop by and ask for one, or get yours at Tour Preview Day. Or if you are just a fan of the old roads, we’d be happy to offer you one as a souvenir, picked-up at the office.


What follows is a copy of a letter sent to the management of the Adrift Motel in Long Beach, Washington, part of our recent On the Seaside, By The Long Beach tour. …On July 10 and 11 we had the unique experience of your hotel as part of the 36 member tour group of Sports Leisure Vacations from Sacramento, California. Although we had advance notice of your “minimalist” goals, we did feel initial shock when meeting the reality

of the actual décor and reduced amenities. Eventually, what you are bravely offering made perfect sense and your bold approach became admirable. You also have a staff that endorses your vision and their friendly outlook is a pleasant change from the distant, programmed ritual of many hotels today. Keep up your lofty goals and combat the hypocrisy seen in many “green” hotels. Sincerely, Ralph L. Anderson, Ph.D; Betty D. Anderson, RN, MA Ed. Note: This trip stayed in an eco-friendly motel on the coast in Long Beach, WA. It probably wasn’t everyone’s “thing,” but travel is about discovering something new. Sports Leisure is a company that doesn’t always use cookie-cutter hotels. For some, it’s a bit of a culture shock, for others a welcome part of the adventure. Thanks to Betty and Ralph for their objective commentary and for sharing it with the property and with us. Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect Think About It…

Fore a Sunday

The Loss of Traveling Friends

• When chemists die, they barium. • Jokes about German sausage are the wurst. • I know a guy who’s addicted to brake fluid. He says he can stop any time. • I stayed up all night to see where the sun went. Then it dawned on me. • This girl said she recognized me from the vegetarian club, but I’d never met herbivore. • I’m reading a book about anti-gravity. I just can’t put it down. • I did a theatrical performance about puns. It was a play on words. • We are going on a class trip to the CocaCola factory. I hope there’s no pop quiz. • Be kind to your dentist. He has fillings, too.

Father Sullivan woke up Sunday morning and realizing it was an exceptionally beautiful and sunny early spring day, decided he just had to play golf. So... he told the Associate Pastor that he was feeling sick and persuaded him to say Mass for him that day. As soon as the Associate Pastor left the room, Father Sullivan headed out of town to a golf course about forty miles away. This way he knew he wouldn’t accidentally meet anyone he knew from his parish. Setting up on the first tee, he was alone. After all, it was Sunday morning and everyone else was in church! At about this time, Saint Patrick leaned over to the Lord while looking down from the heavens and exclaimed, “You’re not going to let him get away with this, are you?” The Lord sighed, and said, “No, I guess not.” Just then Father Sullivan hit the ball and it shot straight towards the pin, dropping just short of it, rolled up and fell into the hole. IT WAS A 420 YARD HOLE IN ONE! St. Patrick was astonished. He looked at the Lord and asked, “Why did you let him do that?” The Lord smiled and replied, “Who’s he going to tell?”

“Bill Reece called,” began the e-mail. “He made a reservation for a day trip, and he wanted you to know his wife Jean passed in February.” Generally, I hate those kind of e-mails. Jean was a good friend, as is Bill. It made me sad to hear the news. But as I sat at my desk, a smile formed through the tear in my eye. I remembered a grand evening a number of years ago. Bill and Jean invited me to join a couple of their friends, first at their home for evening refreshment, then to ride in a limousine to Arco Arena. We had seats 15 or so rows from the stage, on the floor of the arena, to see Neil Diamond. It was a great night, shared with good friends, the way a great night should be. Jean will be sorely missed by her many friends, and I count myself among them. They say people remember you for the way you make them feel. I will always remember Jean fondly for that night she shared Neil Diamond. It was the kind of night memories are made from. Farewell, my friend. Lost longtime Mather Toastmaster member (the club meets at our office each Wednesday night) Bill Pasztor also recently. Bill was preceded in death by just a couple of months by his wife Dorothy. Knowing how close the two of them were, I suspect he may have died of a broken heart. Bill and Dorothy were both longtime Sports Leisure Travelers, and though Bill was the absolute definition of a “curmudgeon,” he was a loveable guy in his own way, and incredibly loyal to SLV. He must have sent us two dozen travelers over the years. Since Bill had (at his request) no formal memorial service, we dedicated an evening to him and gave him a memorial “roast” on a recent Wednesday. So if you were a friend of Bill and Dorothy and you are reading this now, know your friends got a proper farewell.

The Latest Economic Indicator: The Club Sandwich released its annual Club Sandwich Index, which ranks the average costs for a club sandwich in cities around the world. Geneva, Switzerland topped the list at $30.45. On the domestic front, New York serves the most costly clubs in America, with a $17.51 double decker – number 13 on this year’s world ranking. Canada: $15.25 – 18th, Mexico: $10.54 – 27th of 28. Researchers calculated the Sandwich Index using real prices for a “sandwich staple,” according to A representative from the company said that the chicken, bacon, egg, lettuce, and mayo club is “available on hotel menus across the globe.” Overall, analysts looked at menus at 30 hotels in popular cities for travel across the globe, scanning sandwich prices at a total 840 properties.


Quotes from All Over “As I hurtled through space, one thought kept crossing my mind – every part of this rocket was supplied by the lowest bidder.” – John Glenn “When the white missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said ‘Let us pray.’ We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.” – Desmond Tutu “America is the only country where a significant proportion of the population believes that professional wrestling is real but the moon landing was faked.” – David Letterman “After the game, the King and the Pawn go into the same box.” – Italian proverb

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm

Day Trips and Theatre Outings Art & Artifacts of Ancient Persia Asian Art Museum, SF Thursday, August 15 Described as “the first charter of human rights,” the Cyrus Cylinder marks the foundation of the Persian Empire by Cyrus the King of Persia after his conquest of Babylonia. On loan from the British Museum, the Asian Art Museum is one of only five venues in the U.S. in this historic tour. After a private tour of the exhibit, enjoy time to explore other collections with lunch on your own in the café. $91

California Academy of Sciences: Speed & Grace Monday, August 19 Learn more about the speed demons of the sea… with streamlined body shapes, retractable fins and piston-like muscles. From ocean animals to the world’s fastest sailboats, examine ORACLE TEAM USA’s catamaran, defender of the 34th America’s Cup, and more, including the academy’s loveable penguins. Pause at the Golden Gate Bridge Pavilion while returning home. Lunch is at your leisure at the academy. $92

Cookies, Cream & The Cathedral Thursday, August 29 Explore the “sweet & heavenly side” of that other city by the bay! Travel to Oakland for a tour of the Fortune Cookie Factory, still owned by the personable Wong Family for over 30 years. Is there anything better than ice cream for lunch? Fenton’s Creamery, recently voted by readers of USA Today as one of the Top Ten Creameries in the country, is your host! After dessert, pause at the beautiful Cathedral of Christ the Light near Lake Merritt for another kind of inspiration! $115

Glass, Fish & Ships Tuesday, September 3 Begin with visits to Nourot and Smyers Glass Studios in Benicia, known for outstanding quality and value in vivid

designs. Next it’s lunch at Venticello’s Italian Restaurant. In the afternoon, cruise around the US Navy’s “Mothball Fleet” aboard the m/v Journey. You cannot board any of the naval vessels but it is a great way to see some of America’s powerful and historic ships. This tour is limited to 30 so reserve early! $143

A Day at the Races Wednesday, September 4 Our always popular Day at the Races includes a buffet lunch and seating in the enclosed Turf Club at Golden Gate Fields by beautiful San Francisco Bay in Berkeley. Enjoy the races from a comfortable table with betting windows conveniently nearby and television monitors throughout the dining room. We’ll arrive to get settled before post time and the first race. $106

Hello? You Have a Date for Lunch… with Ma Bell! Thursday, September 5 Journey down memory lane at the unique Roseville Telephone Museum, home of the finest collection of antique telephones and telephone memorabilia in the country. You will think we are in France’s wine country when we lunch at La Provence Restaurant and Terrace, the multi award-winning Roseville restaurant featuring “French Cuisine with a California Flair.” $99

SF Symphony’s An American in Paris Davies Symphony Hall, San Francisco Friday, September 6 Maestro Michael Tilson Thomas and the San Francisco Symphony kick off the 2013-14 Season with a festive program of American masterpieces. The riotous Jazz Symphony by George Antheil precedes Samuel Barber’s soulful Violin Concerto, featuring virtuoso James Ehnes. The program concludes with An American in Paris, Gershwin’s jazzy, rhapsodic portrait of the French capital seen through American eyes. Orchestra seating with dinner included prior to the 8pm show at No. 9 Fisherman’s Wharf. $185

Brunch and Burbank Sunday, September 8 Spend Sunday in Santa Rosa at two famous landmarks: the Flamingo Hotel and the Luther Burbank Home. After a fabulous brunch at the Flamingo, visit Burbank’s home to learn about this man who was a creative genius with plant life. Tour his home, walk through the blooming summer gardens. $116

Chocolate & Chowder Monday, September 9 Begin with a tour of San Francisco’s newest “sweet spot:” TCHO Chocolate. Discover how a small upstart is changing the chocolate world, one taste bud at a time! Just down the Embarcadero, enjoy a late lunch at No. 9 Fishermen’s Wharf with your choice of entrée and a cup of its famous clam chowder. A ferry ride across the bay to Vallejo completes your visit to San Francisco. $130

San Francisco “Inside & Out” Tuesday, September 10 Craig Smith has put together another new tour just for us! Begin the day at the new San Francisco History Museum to explore collections and photos spanning history from the Barbary Coast, the 1906 Earthquake, Alcatraz, and from Hollywood stars that have lived and filmed in the city. Following an included lunch at the Golden Gate Grill, Craig will escort a short walk of the area around Union Square with other downtown highlights. $111

Silent Movie in the Sierra Foothills Saturday, September 14 Looking for something different? How about lunch and a silent movie? The Gold Rush, a full length “moving picture,” features Charlie Chaplin in one of his most memorable and funniest roles. The film will be accompanied by the pipe organ from the old Alhambra Theatre! This private showing at beautiful Ironstone Vineyards in Murphys includes a buffet lunch. Pause in Sutter Creek before returning home. $108

Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


Angel Island & Tiburon Too! Tuesday, September 17 Travel to Tiburon and enjoy the quick ferry ride across Raccoon Straights to Angel Island, the Ellis Island of the West. Explore the island on a guided tram tour and discover its impressive history as a military outpost and immigration center with your informative guide. Return to the mainland for lunch at Servino’s, a long-time familyowned Italian restaurant, with some time to explore Tiburon. $145

By Coach, Ferry & Train Wednesday, September 18 Enjoy a variety of travel modes as we journey by SuperCoach to San Francisco and begin with a docent tour of the historic Ferry Building. Following a guided tour by San Francisco City Guides, enjoy free time to explore, shop, and lunch on your own before boarding the Alameda/Oakland Ferry for the short ride across the bay. In Oakland, board Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor for a relaxing and scenic train ride to Sacramento. $107

Alcatraz: “The Rock” Tuesday, September 24 The sights and sounds of Alcatraz come alive during your visit to “The Rock.” Cross over the Golden Gate Bridge and travel to Fisherman’s Wharf for lunch at one of the area’s oldest restaurants, #9 Fisherman’s Wharf, where you will have a choice on site from a limited menu, including the fresh catch of the day. Our cruise departs for Alcatraz mid-afternoon with time on the island for exploring on your own with the included audio tour. $134

Bob Hope’s Road Show Woodland Opera House Wednesday, September 25 Look who’s coming to the Woodland Opera House! Bob Hope, Red Skelton, Jack Benny, W.C. Fields, Benny Goodman, and Jimmy Durante! The Bob Hope Show is staged as a 1940’s NBC radio broadcast complete with an on-stage staff announcer reading live commercials and presenting recorded jingles of the era, as well as interacting with Bob and his legendary


guests. It’s a laugh-out-loud and music-filled nostalgic trip back to the golden days of radio! Lunch at Mimi’s Café in Natomas will precede the 2pm matinee. $116

The Art of Bulgari: La Dolce Vita & Beyond de Young Museum, SF Thursday, September 26 Since its founding in Rome in 1884, the name Bulgari has become synonymous with innovation and luxury in jewelry design. With a focus on the decades after World War II, The Art of Bulgari: La Dolce Vita and Beyond, 1950-1990, presents 150 show-stopping pieces from this era, along with sketches and other materials from the Bulgari archives. An audio-guide is included for the exhibit. Also enjoy the permanent collection or take an optional shuttle to the Legion of Honor Museum. Lunch is on your own in the museum cafés. $95

Don’t Dress for Dinner Fallon House Theater, Columbia Saturday, September 28 A philandering husband, hoping to entertain his mistress for the weekend, has arranged for a chef to furnish the gourmet delights as his wife packs to visit her mother’s! It’s foolproof! Except the missus has a few secrets of her own. The chef is mistaken for the mistress, an extra husband shows up, and each outlandish explanation is more ludicrous than the last. It is sidesplitting farce served up at break-neck speed. Lunch (with an all new menu) at the City Hotel precedes the 2pm matinee. $129

Gordon Lightfoot Gallo Center, Modesto Monday, September 30 Canadian singer-songwriter Gordon Lightfoot has been a major international musical force for 50 years. His numerous hits include “If You Could Read My Mind,” “Sundown,” “Rainy Day People,” and the unforgettable ballad “The Wreck of the Edmund Fitzgerald.” His guitar playing, whether folk, country or pop, adds up to an unforgettable evening of music! Dinner is included prior to the 7:30pm show at Canal Street Grille . $159

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

Eleanor Roosevelt: My Story Gallo Center, Modesto Thursday, October 10 Susan Marie Frontczak, who vividly portrayed Marie Curie before a sold-out Gallo Center audience last season, returns with another compelling performance! Relentless idealism, political pragmatism, and genuine compassion fueled Eleanor Roosevelt through the turmoil of the 1930s. Both fierce criticism and ardent praise followed this unconventionally outspoken First Lady and her lessons still ring true today. Dinner is included at Surla’s in Modesto prior to the 7:30pm show. $138

The Joy Luck Club Gallo Center, Modesto Friday, October 11 The stage adaptation of Amy Tan’s timeless tale with universal relevance tells the story of four Mahjong-playing mothers, all from different provinces in China. It follows their paths and the relationships they have with their American-born daughters, their hopes, fears, and tragic pasts. A family-style dinner is included at The Shangri-La China Bistro prior to the 8pm performance. $138

The Spitfire Grill East Sonora Theatre Saturday, October 12 The Spitfire Grill has become one of the most often-produced new American musicals. It depicts the journey of a young woman just released from prison who decides to start her life anew in a rundown mining town. When she begins changing the lives of the townsfolk, she sparks a journey within the town toward its own reawakening. With penetrating honesty, the uplifting folk and bluegrass-tinged score soars. Lunch at Christoper’s Ristorante Italiano precedes the 2pm matinee. $123

The Wizard of Oz Orpheum Theater, San Francisco Wednesday, October 16 or Saturday, October 19 Andrew Lloyd Webber’s new production is an adaptation of the all-time classic. Join Dorothy, Toto, the Tin Man, Scarecrow and

Cowardly Lion as they band together on an adventure along the Yellow Brick Road and face the wrath of the Wicked Witch of the West. True to the movie, the score includes “We’re Off to See the Wizard,” “Over the Rainbow” and “Follow the Yellow Brick Road,” and new songs by Tim Rice and Andrew Lloyd Webber. A box lunch is included en route to the 1pm matinee with orchestra seating. Return home following the show. Wednesday – $144, Saturday – $174

Fall in the Sierra Friday, October 18 Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery along Highway 50 and the American River, passing through the Tahoe Basin in hopes of sneaking a peak at some fall color along the way. Lunch is included at JT’s Basque Restaurant, a Gardnerville landmark; then drive home along Highway 88 through spectacular Hope Valley looking for the shimmering aspens. $107

The Lincoln Highway Turns 100! Travel the old road from Sacramento to San Francisco Saturday, October 26 This July, America’s first cross-country highway turned 100 years old. The Lincoln celebrated its centennial and now you can travel part of the old road. Ever wonder how cars got across the Yolo Causeway before there was a bridge? Have you seen historic downtown Vacaville, Davis and Dixon? Want to learn about how the trip to San Francisco was 100 years ago? Join us for a history lesson, complete with lunch in San Francisco at the Presidio Golf Course. $114

Bright Lights in the City Tuesday, October 29 This new itinerary takes you to San Francisco for an evening tour highlighting the Bay Bridge aglow with 25,000 LED lights scheduled to remain for only two years. With Craig Smtih as our guide, traverse the city taking in the sights and vistas that highlight its coastline, architecture, skyline, monuments, and the lights adorning both bridges. Enjoy dinner at the Fog Harbor Fish House on Pier 39 before the tour. $117

Napa & The Di Rosa Estate Art Preserve Wednesday, October 30 Join us for a Sports Leisure first – a visit to the Di Rosa Estate, a 53-plus acre art preserve where Rene and Veronica Di Rosa have amassed an amazing collection of more than 1,600 unusual and unique pieces of art. Docents will guide us on a tour filled with paintings, sculpture, photography, and more! Lunch is included at Ristorante Allegria followed by some free time for shopping at the Oxbow Public Market. This walking tour is limited to 29 active participants. $134

Cranes and Champagne Monday, November 4 An estimated 7,000 Sandhill Cranes return to the rich farmland of the Delta each year as they make their way down the great Pacific Flyway from the north. The optimum time to view these large birds is at dusk as they take flight, returning to the Isenberg Crane Reserve at sunset. Sip champagne as the cranes fly in for the night and listen to their haunting calls that are like the sound of a distant French horn. A late lunch is included in Lodi following an earlier visit to the Consumnes River Nature Preserve. $126

The Barber of Seville SF Opera House Sunday, November 17 Gioachino Rossini’s eternally fresh masterpiece returns to the San Francisco Opera to delight and entertain. With the help of a cunning barber, “love conquers all” with comedy and confusion set to a familiar and lyrical score. Your choice of seating is in the side sections of the Orchestra or Dress Circle of the first balcony. Be advised the Dress Circle involves steep stairs without availability of handrails. A stop is included in Union Square for lunch on your own prior to the 2pm matinee. Orchestra – $229/Dress Circle – $174

ABBA Mania! Gallo Center, Modesto Friday, November 22 Enjoy a top notch concert by one of the world’s best ABBA tribute bands. ABBA Mania! celebrates the music and style of ABBA in a respectful and enjoyable way,

reviving special memories of when the group ruled the airwaves with such timeless hits as “Mamma Mia,”“Voulez Vous,”“Dancing Queen,” “Winner Takes It All,” “Super Trouper” and many more! Dinner at Canal Street Grille will precede the 8pm show. $149

Cirque du Soleil’s Amaluna AT&T Park, SF Saturday, Nov. 23 or Thursday, Dec. 5 Life under the Grand Chapiteau at AT&T Park comes alive once again! Cirque du Soleil’s new Amaluna invites the audience to a mysterious island governed by goddesses and guided by the cycles of the moon. Queen Prospera directs her daughter’s coming-of-age ceremony, triggering an epic, emotional story of love between her daughter and a brave young suitor. This love story is performed in a magical world only Cirque du Soleil can create. Time is allowed for lunch on your own in Union Square prior to the 4:30pm late matinees. Thursday – $135, Saturday – $174

A Night with Martin Short Gallo Center, Modesto Saturday, November 23 Join us for a wonderful night of laughter, song and surprises! Martin Short, since his breakout season on “Saturday Night Live” almost 30 years ago, has won fans and accolades throughout his long career. Remember how you laughed at his hilarious performances in “Father of the Bride” and “The Three Amigos?” Revisit some of his comic characters: Ed Grimley, lawyer Nathan Thurm, and “legendary songwriter” Irving Cohen. Dinner will precede the 8pm show at Surla’s. $185

Beach Blanket Babylon Club Fugazi, SF Sunday, November 24, December 1 or 8 There’s nothing quite like Beach Blanket Babylon. San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show pokes fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing is wonderful, and the hats are really big! Seats are upstairs in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included lunch at Viva Pizza Restaurant prior to the 2pm matinee. $160

Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


Teasers It’s Post Time at Santa Anita 3 Days • February 2014 Enjoy a day of racing with a view from the clubhouse, at historic Santa Anita Racetrack. Dine in classic SoCal eateries and tour the “old money” city of Pasadena. High tea at Huntington Gardens and a visit to the Nethercutt Collection (classic cars, jewelry and unique automated musical instruments highlight the display) are also featured. Historic Graber Olives and Logan’s Candy shop are a part of your adventure. Two nights in Pasadena/Glendale. There’s nothing quite as classy as a day of pickin’ the ponies at Santa Anita.

Springtime in Washington, DC & Colonial Williamsburg 7 Days • May 8-14, 2014 The people have spoken and our visit to Washington, DC next year will include a visit to historic Williamsburg, just south in Virginia. It’s a history lesson you won’t soon forget with visits to new memorials, including the Martin Luther King, Jr. and World War II memorials, along with a half day to visit your favorite Smithsonian museum! There’s a cruise on the Potomac River, tours of the U.S. Capitol and Arlington National Cemetery, and time to explore Virginia’s capital of Richmond en route to a two-night stay in Colonial Williamsburg. Call now to place your name on the Priority Notification List.

tunnels and over 38 bridges while riding aboard the legendary El Chepe railroad. Join Ramona as we visit with the Tarahumara artisans, the Mennonite farmers, and gaze in awe at the grandeur of the sweeping canyon views from the train.

Fall On The Mississippi River Early October 2014 Shall we drive or cruise? The driving option is almost entirely along the Great River Road from St. Louis to St. Paul, one of America’s most historic and scenic thoroughfares. Featured destinations include Hannibal, Mark Twain’s hometown, and a day of paddle-wheeling from the Quad Cities to historic Dubuque, Iowa’s oldest city. We’ll visit “The Field of Dreams” in Dyersville and see John Deere tractors being made on a factory tour in Waterloo. The drive ends in St. Paul with a visit to the Minnesota State Capitol and other notable Twin City sights. The tour will be nine days spotlighting small riverboat towns, lots of meat ‘n taters, fall foliage and a drive you’ll never forget. The second option is a steamboatin’ cruise aboard the American Queen from the Twin Cities to St. Louis. Ports of call on this 9-day tour (7 night cruise—one night spent in St. Paul before embarkation) include Red Wing, LaCrosse, Dubuque, Davenport (Quad Cities)

Mexico’s Copper Canyon A Mountain Fantasy...ancient traditions, indigenous cultures and majestic beauty 7 or 8 Days • Fall 2014 The Copper Canyon is one of the biggest and most impressive canyon systems in the entire world with vertical rock walls thousands of feet high; waterfalls that drop dramatically from the rim; and canyons that are wider and deeper than the Grand Canyon in Colorado… And it is in this majestic yet difficult landscape that the Tarahumara people have lived for centuries… And it is here that today travelers pass through 86


Mark met up with Harry recently in Independence, MO. You can meet Harry too on our anniversary trip to Kansas City & Omaha in May 2014. More details will be available at Tour Preview Day!

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

and Hannibal. The beloved steamboat is back and better than ever. A basic tour of each port of call is included in the price, with optional upgraded experiences available for those wishing to explore a port in greater detail. Wine is now included with dinner each evening and there is never a charge for sodas or bottled water. Two dining venues exist on the new American Queen offering full-service dining or a casual buffet at every meal. Your price would be based on the cabin category you select. As you can see, many of the featured towns are the same. The driving tour will give you the opportunity to explore each stop in greater detail, not to mention many hidden gems along the way including the Great River Road itself. The steamboatin’ option gives you all the amenities of a first-class cruise such as food that is both awesome and plentiful, onboard entertainment and nightly dancing, but port visits are brief and should only be viewed as an introduction. If this vacation interests you, please call and place your name on the Priority Notification List and let us know if DRIVING or STEAMBOATIN’ is your first choice. The “winner” will be announced in our 2014 vacation catalog.

Off to the Carolinas with Chris October 2014 There’s a lot more to the Carolinas than just the coast! Come home with Chris and travel to Asheville, NC, nestled in the Blue Ridge Mountains. The fall colors put New England to shame (damn Yankees). Visit George Vanderbilt’s magnificent Biltmore Estate, the Hearst Castle of the east. Experience the speed of “The New South” at the Charlotte Motor Speedway, enjoy elegant dining and down-home country cooking. South Carolina’s capital city of Columbia is full of Civil War history and Chris’ hometown of Spartanburg is known for its high quality moonshine (Chris says everyone gets a sample). It’s a week of Southern culture. If you thought you’ve seen it all, the answer is, you haven’t! Let’s get goin’! Mama’s waitin’!

New Vacations and Getaways The Ritz Carlton in Half Moon Bay With a Christmas visit to Filoli 2 Days • December 3-4 1. Depart Sacramento from one of our convenient pick up points aboard SuperCoach III to the coast and the charming town of Half Moon Bay. Lunch is hosted as well as some free time in town before checking into your hotel/resort. Resembling a grand European country estate set on a rocky bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean, The Ritz Carlton Resort will be decked out for Christmas. Amenities at the resort include a walkable coastal trail, two gas fire pits overlooking the ocean, fitness center, indoor pool, hot tub and sauna. Spa services are available for an extra cost. (L) 2. Enjoy a free morning at the Ritz and a hosted lunch before a special Christmas visit to Filoli, recognized as one of the finest remaining country estates of the early 20th century. Experience the excitement of Filoli’s spectacular nine-day Holiday Traditions event. Shop the Holiday Boutique, with its wide range of unique holiday gifts. (L) The tour includes roundtrip motorcoach transportation, accommodations, two lunches, and the services of a Sports Leisure

Vacations Tour Director. 600/700 Gold Passport Points. $565 p.p./dbl.occ., $695 single $ave $10 until August 23

Cuba: The Culture & The People 10 Days • January 6-15, 2014 H Highlights H • Explore Historic Havana; a walking tour through cobblestone streets of “Old Havana,” the artist collective of Taller de Gráphica, National Literacy Museum, Yorubá Association Cultural Institute, Cannon Blast Ceremony at La Cabaña Fortress (opt.) • Visit the Viñales Valley & UNESCO “Cultural Heritage of Humanity” site Cienfuegos in picturesque Jagua Bay • Discover the brightly colored Spanish architecture of colonial Trinidad • Experience musical & dance performances by internationallyrecognized Cuban groups • Prepare Cuban cuisine alongside local chefs • Interact with local artisans in their studios • Learn about cigar production and meet local tobacco farmers

Learn about tobacco production and cigar rolling. Smoke ‘em if you’ve got ‘em because you can’t bring ’em home!

• Roundtrip flights Sacramento to Ft. Lauderdale & chartered coundtrip fight Miami to Havana (add’l cost) • 2 Nights Miam/Ft. Lauderdale area, 5 nights Havana, 2 nights Cienfuegos • Door-to-door airport transportation • 24 meals: 9 full breakfasts, 7 lunches, 8 dinners, including memorable meals at the Havana Culinary Association & the Cienfuegos Yacht Club • Services of a local guide and Sports Leisure Tour Director, Chris Galloway • 6000/6550 Gold Passport Points At long last, the wait is over! Our Cuba: The Culture & The People tour has been scheduled and confirmed. Spend 2 nights (the first and last days of the tour) in the Miami/Ft. Lauderdale area, 5 nights in Havana and 2 nights in Cienfuegos. We will use Havana and Cienfuegos as our bases for day trip excursions. From Havana we will travel to the Viñales Valley and Cienfuegos is perfectly located to visit Trinidad and Santa Clara, home of the Che Guevara Museum. In addition to the people we will meet, we’ll be exposed to the unique culture of Cuba with performances by the dancers from Santa Amalia Community Jazz Project, the Ballet Folklórico de Trinidad, and The Choir of Cienfuegos. For the complete day-byday itinerary, please call our office or visit Current prices do NOT include the cost of the roundtrip charter flight from Miami to Havana. The charter flight will be scheduled by our partner company 15-45 days before our departure. You will be billed separately for this. Currently, the average cost of the flights is $450-$500 (but could be as high as $600) and covers the cost of the Cuban Visa and all administration fees. For this trip to operate we must have 20 participants by November 28, 2013 so make your reservations as early as possible. In the event the trip does not operate, you will receive a full refund. $5975 p.p./dbl.occ., $6540 single $ave $100 until August 23

Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


Mountain. Your first night will be spent in the Owens Valley, surrounded by the majestic Sierra Nevada and White Mountain ranges. Bishop Creekside Inn (L) 2. Wake up this morning to the crisp clear air of the high desert and a stunning view of the mountains. South of Bishop, tucked into the base of the Sierra Join us for the final performances of the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies Nevada, sits Manzanar National Historic Site, a windswept reminder Death Valley and of those Americans of Japanese ancestry Palm Springs that were interned here between 1942-1945. Featuring Manzanar National Historic Site, In the afternoon, travel over the Panamint Scotty’s Castle, and the breathtaking scenery Mountains arriving into Death Valley late of Highway 395 in the day. Our accommodations are at the 7 Days • March 2-8 historic ranch. Furnace Creek Ranch – 3 H Highlights H nights (B,L) • Visit Manzanar Nat’l Historic Site and 3. Explore the treasures and surprises Joshua Tree Nat’l Park of the Lower Valley. Lunch at the historic • Tour Scotty’s Castle, with visits to Furnace Creek Inn is sure to please both the Ubehebe Crater, Zabriske’s Point, and eye and palate. In the afternoon travel north Badwater Salt Flats to Scotty’s Castle and learn the colorful • Enjoy a luncheon at the historic Furnace story of Death Valley Scotty and the Spanish Creek Inn villa that bears his name. Following a tour • Enjoy one of the final performances of of the castle, explore the Upper Valley and the Fabulous Palm Spring Follies, featuring hear a few tales of the other characters who Maureen McGovern roamed the valley. (FB,L) • 12 Meals: 1 breakfast, 3 full breakfasts, 4. This morning we weave our way out 6 lunches, 2 dinners of Death Valley and south towards Palm • Door-to-door transportation Springs. A lunch stop at Peggy Sue’s Diner • Roundtrip travel on SuperCoach III is always great fun! In Palm Springs a larger • 2200/2550 Gold Passport Points than life Marilyn Monroe greets visitors at This year we have combined two very the corner of Palm Canyon Drive. Your hotel different desert experiences into one trip. for the next two nights is nearby. Palm Death Valley… its name alone conjures Springs Hyatt Regency – 2 nights (FB,L) up all sorts of images: lonely prospectors, 5. Relax at your leisure this morning, teams of mules on boxes of borax, and early choosing to explore on your own or taking television westerns. And then there is Palm a ride up the Palm Springs Aerial Tram for Springs, a land of opulence: boutique shops, a bird’s eye view of the valley ($15 credit at fine dining, rich green golf courses, and the time of registration if you opt out of tram). long-legged lovelies of the Palm Springs rd In the afternoon, enjoy the Fabulous Palm Follies. The show for their 23 season is Springs Follies’ 23rd season matinee show literally the Follies’ Last Hurrah! as the curtain “The Last Hurrah.” The “long-legged lovelies is coming down for good. and follies gents” (55 to 85 years young) 1. Traveling aboard SuperCoach III ride past will be kicking up their heels to the music Lake Tahoe and along the rugged eastern of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s… and performing Sierra Nevada as you travel down Highway their favorite numbers from the past three 395, past Mono Lake and Mammoth


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

decades of shows. Maureen McGovern, one of the greatest female voices of our generation with her hits “The Morning After” and “We May Never Love Like this Again,” will be the featured performer in the second half of the show. Enjoy the show from your premier center orchestra seating. Following the show, walk across the street for dinner at the Kaiser Grill. Later find Palm Canyon Drive alive with “VillageFest,” featuring arts and crafts vendors and musical entertainment. (D) 6. Leaving Palm Springs this morning, pause in Joshua Tree National Park before crossing the Tehachapi Mountains for an evening arrival at our hotel in Bakersfield. Hilton Garden Inn (L,D) 7. Catch a few glimpses of the western slopes of the Sierra Nevada as you make your way north up Highway 99, making a few stops along the way. Arrive in Sacramento in early evening where you will be greeted by Carey Transportation and returned home to your front door. (FB, L) $2160 p.p./dbl.occ., $2505 single $ave $75 until August 23

Palm Springs Getaway Featuring the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies’ FINAL SEASON! 3 Days • April 2-4 H Highlights H • Laugh and sing along with the Fabulous Follies performers and headliner, Darlene Love • Enjoy the “celebrity” history of Palm Springs • Ascend Mt. San Jacinto aboard the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway • 4 meals: 3 lunches, 1 dinner • Door-to-door transportation • Roundtrip airfare • 1250/1400 Gold Passport Points 1. En route to Palm Springs, lunch is included at a Route 66 landmark restaurant, The Magic Lamp. Continue to your desert hotel, located in the heart of downtown Palm Springs and convenient to all the boutiques and restaurants along Palm Canyon Drive. Enjoy the evening at your leisure. Palm Springs Hyatt – 2 nights (L) 2. This morning, take a guided tour of Palm

Springs…drive through the neighborhoods where Frank Sinatra, Bob Hope, and the Rat Pack lived and played…You’ll hear stories about Roy Rogers, Dale Evans, Sony Bono and other famous residents. In the afternoon enjoy the Fabulous Palm Springs Follies’ final season with its matinee show “The Last Hurrah.” The “long-legged lovelies and follies gents” (55 to 85 years young) will be kicking up their heels to the music of the 50’s, 60’s and 70’s… dancing the stroll, the twist, and even some disco as they perform some of their favorite pieces from over the years in this their final production. Singer Darlene Love, a Rock-n-Roll Hall of Famer, is the featured headliner of the show. You may recall her hit from the 60’s “He’s A Rebel” and her annual Christmas performance on the David Letterman Show. Enjoy the show from your premier center orchestra seating. Following the show, walk across the street, for dinner at the Kaiser Grill. Later as you return to your hotel, Palm Canyon Drive is alive with “VillageFest,” featuring arts and crafts vendors and musical entertainment. (L,D) 3. Ride the gondolas of the Palm Springs Aerial Tramway to the top of nearby Mt. San Jacinto. The gondolas have windows all around and the floor rotates slowly as you travel up the mountainside, giving you 360-degree view of the valley below. Following lunch on the mountain, transfer to the airport for your afternoon flight home. (L) $1245 p.p./dbl.occ., $1380 single $ave $35 until August 23

• Learn about the history and significance of Spanish bullfighting in the hill-perched town of Ronda, home to Spain’s first professional bullring • Explore two of Spain’s most magnificent palaces, the Royal Palace in Madrid and the Alhambra in Granada, by private tour • Experience the massive cathedral of Seville, the final resting place of Christopher Columbus • View the art of Spain’s greatest masters: Velázquez, El Greco, Goya, and Picasso • Enjoy flamenco music and dance at its finest in Seville • Appreciate Spain’s rich history, culture, art, and architecture through the eyes of our local guides each day • Travel in luxury in a modern, comfortable coach with an experienced Spanish driver and aboard a short flight from Granada to Barcelona • Stay in 4-star modern hotels in historic city centers • Time at leisure with expert advice on where to shop, dine, and explore on your own • 16 meals: daily breakfast, 5 lunches, 2 dinners • Roundtrip airfare: Sacramento to Madrid/ Barcelona to Sacramento • Door-to-door airport transfer • Tour Director: Patty Thayer • 6600/7500 Gold Passport Points

Spend Easter in elegant Spain where the sun will be shining and the flowers will be blooming. View the incredible spectacle of Easter pageantry in all its glory while staying in a restored medieval monastery. Taste the local wine and food at a traditional Spanish bodega, located in the village of Valdepeñas, famous for its long history of producing a distinct style of wine. Ride through the historical heart of Spain, La Mancha, to see the windmills that Don Quixote battled. Experience the prestigious Prado Museum in Madrid, El Greco paintings in Toledo, exotic flamenco dance and music in Seville, the majestic Alhambra Palace at Granada, and fantastic Gaudí architecture in Barcelona. Visit these artistically rich cities as well as charming towns perched high on cliffs. Spain is a land of massive cathedrals, priceless art, white-washed villages, historical castles, and lavish palaces. Ruled by the Moors for almost 800 years, followed by the Golden Age of exploration, Spain’s unique history has created a richness of cultures, languages and customs. Join us on this 12-day journey of this remarkable country and immerse yourself in the distinct music, dance, art, food, and lifestyle of this spectacular destination. For the complete day-by-day itinerary please call our office or visit $6595 p.p./dbl.occ., $7485 single $ave $200 until August 23

Easter Holiday in Spain 12 Days • April 16–27 H Highlights H • Experience the pageantry of a traditional Spanish Easter while staying in a restored 15th- century monastery in the village of Almagro • Tour a winery in the renowned Valdepeñas wine region and taste the local wine and food • Discover the sophisticated cities of Madrid, Toledo, Córdoba, Seville, Granada, and Barcelona with expert local guides

Explore the culturally diverse country of Spain during the Easter holiday Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly Is This Trip for Me? While we don’t offer a “rating” for our tours, because everyone has a different idea of what physical exertion is, we would like to suggest the guidelines below for those who find themselves with mobility or other issues which limit their travel. To be able to fully enjoy a Sports Leisure Vacation, and more importantly, not be a drag on the Tour Director or the operation of the tour, and therefore the enjoyment of your fellow travelers, we offer the following: Stairs – Because our itineraries include historical buildings and sites not subject to ADA regulations, some stair climbing is unavoidable. You must be able to climb a short flight of stairs (or maybe two or three, perhaps in the same day). On and Off the Coach – Realistically, you need to be able to get up and down the front stairs on the coach without causing a delay to other travelers. Walking – Many of our tours include short walks in pedestrian friendly areas. Sometimes, it simply makes sense to walk a few blocks, rather than pay $20 a person for a bus. Our popular Key West tour is a good example of a trip which is in an area where walking is often the best choice. Sometimes a taxi service is available, sometimes it isn’t. We are happy to assist, but realistically, if you cannot walk a few city blocks without issue, you need to carefully consider your travel choices. Handicap/Disabled Serivces – Because of the increased demand for these services, they aren’t always available when you might need them. Your Tour Director isn’t going to leave you by the side of the road (or airport), but you may find that the need for these services requires a level of patience not previously necessary. Staying on the Bus – It is not always possible for you to “skip” an attraction and stay on the bus. Sometimes, the driver has to fuel the coach (against the law for you to be on board outside of an emergency), might want to get a snack or take care of a personal errand, may have to park somewhere where he/she cannot keep the engine running and


therefore you have no heat/air conditioning. There are probably other reasons. The point is, you often cannot depend on the bus as a back-up for your lack of stamina. Staff Expectations – Our travelers seem to think it’s extremely unfair for someone to come on a tour, particularly when they are traveling by themselves, knowing they will need a lot of extra attention and assistance from the Tour Director and/or the Coach Driver. If there are 30 people on a tour, it’s unfair to expect staff to spend 20% of their time rearranging your meals (if you didn’t tell us about your diet restrictions until you got on board) or fighting your daily battles. If you need regular assistance – You should travel with someone capable of and willing to provide that assistance. We cannot tell anyone, by law, that they cannot travel. We can only point out that if you join the trip and create issues for your fellow travelers, or lower their enjoyment of the trip, they will probably not react positively to your presence. Sorry, it’s just a fact. Having said all that, we recognize that everyone needs a hand from time to time, and we are there to help. We just can’t help one person all the time. Also, a positive attitude doesn’t hurt when you are dependent upon the kindness of others. In our experience, this is a determining factor

in how “welcome” someone feels who is a little slower than the rest of the group.

Limo Safety After two recent limousine fires in California, we received calls from two clients about limousine safety and contacted Ron Ponder, owner of Carey Transportation. We regularly speak with Ron regarding driver compliments and complaints, along with your suggestions to improve the service. He reminded us the cars are regularly inspected and invites anyone with questions to call him at 916-485-7268.

Arden Parking Update, Why not Coco’s? Construction continues to disrupt parking at our Arden Way stop. You still must walk a block or so to and from the bus. We strongly urge you not to park in the construction area, or close to Olive Garden. More than one person has asked about parking near Coco’s. Coco’s has not given permission for anyone to use their lot for many years. If they let one, they end up with many, and they don’t have parking to spare. We are always open to suggestions about how to improve parking at any pickup point. If you know of a reasonably safe, unused parking area, give us a call.

SLV Travelers take shots from the Jammer Cars along the Going to the Sun Highway… our tour to Glacier National Park will be back next year

Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced Tours) 4 Days

Sept. 10-13 Oktoberfest in Oregon

If you love small town adventures, here’s a new one for you. Scott has created a “seasonal” Oregon adventure. It features a 3-night stay at the Oregon Gardens Resort in Silverton (near Salem). Of course, you’ll visit the gardens and the Frank Lloyd Wright House, then venture into the small Bavarian town of Mt. Angel, with its Benedictine Abbey and glockenspiel tower. There’s a day at the state’s oldest and most beloved Oktoberfest. Live music, arts and crafts booths, German beer gardens galore, sounds like fun! Visit the Spruce Goose and the Evergreen Aviation Complex. 8 meals, roundtrip air to/ from Portland, 1500/1700 Gold Passport Points. $1495 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1695 single. 3 Days

Sept. 11-13 Santa Cruzin’ at The Dream Inn, plus The Follies

Right next to the famous Boardwalk in Santa Cruz, the historic Dream Inn is a longtime landmark in the city. This package features two oceanfront nights at the inn, dinner at the famous Shadowbrook Restaurant, lunch and tasting at Wente Vineyards, plus tickets to the all-senior revue, “Those Magical Musical Memories,” the annual follies show to benefit senior activities in the area. 6 meals included, 1100/1300 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Donnie Anderson. $1095 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1295 single 6 Days

Sept. 15-20 The NEW Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound

3 seats available! This unique itinerary is limited to just 25 persons because of the nature of our accommodations. Featuring 2 nights Rosario Resort in the San Juan Islands, 6 ferry rides, seaplane flight out to Rosario from Seattle, Whidby Island, Port Townsend. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, 11 meals, 2950/3300 Gold Passport Points. $2910 p.p./dbl.occ., $3260 single 9 Days

5 or 6 Days

Sept. 16/17-21

In The Big Apple with the SF Giants

3 seat available at press time. There are two itineraries. The first is 6 days and includes a visit to the Baseball Hall of Fame in Cooperstown. Fly to Albany, overnight, then head to Cooperstown for a visit to the Main Street of America. While in Cooperstown, overnight and dine at the magnificent Otesaga Resort, a classic hotel. Enjoy a visit to the hall and stroll the picturesque downtown. The next day, make your way by coach to New York/New Jersey to join the second group. The second itinerary is just New York and baseball, without the Hall of Fame. Fly to Newark and spend 4 nights at the Sheraton Lincoln Harbor on the New Jersey side of the river (resulting in a hotel savings of about $150 a night). It’s a beautiful hotel, right at a ferry stop to take you into Manhattan. The second group has a morning of sightseeing in Manhattan, viewing the new 9/11 Memorial and the New York Sports Museum. The Hall of Fame gang joins at the end of day two and you head to Citi Field to see the Giants and Mets. Another game follows the next afternoon, with the Yankees and Giants on tap the next night. Nestled in between the games is a tour of Yankee Stadium and lunch and a tour in Hoboken, where the first baseball game was played. 6 meals, airfare, tickets to 3 ballgames, Gold Passport Points depend on your choice of itinerary. 2900/3500 or 2550/3050 Gold Passport Points. 6 Day with Cooperstown – $2895 p.p./ dbl.occ., $3455 single; 5 Day New York only – $2545 p.p./ dbl.occ., $3050 single

Sept. 19-27 Tracing Sherman’s March

3 seats available! Attend the 150th anniversary reenactment of the Battle of Chickamauga! 2 nights each in Chattanooga, Marietta & Savannah, 1 night in the land of Tara and a Gone With The Wind-themed dinner, Chickamauga, Kennesaw and Ft. Pulaski National Parks, Atlanta’s Cyclorama and the Margaret Mitchell Museum. Travel Jonesboro’s Road to the Tara Museum. Visit Milledgeville, Georgia’s Antebellum capital; and Savannah, President Lincoln’s Christmas present in 1864 (he left it alone). 16 meals: Daily breakfast, 3L, 5D; roundtrip airfare to Atlanta/from Savannah, 3100/3550 Gold Passport Points and the rare opportunity to learn Civil War history from a Southern Gentleman, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. $3060 p.p./dbl.occ., $3520 single There’s no finer address in Santa Cruz than along the beach at the Dream Inn Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


4 Days

Sept. 25-28 The Great Custer Buffalo Roundup

Two seats available at press time. Feel the thunder and the heart pounding excitement at the 48th Annual Custer State Park Buffalo Roundup as over 1,000 American Bison travel by your viewing area. A short, compact visit to the Black Hills featuring Custer State Park, Crazy Horse Memorial and Mt. Rushmore. Exclusive viewing of the Buffalo Roundup. 3 nights lodging in one of Rapid City’s newest hotels, 5 meals: 3B,1L,1D; roundtrip airfare, 1650/1800 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $1615 p.p./dbl.occ., $1765 single 4 Days

Oct. 1-4

Mendocino’s Colorful Coast

Update: After a tunnel collapse put the future of the “Skunk Train” in doubt, the Save The Redwoods folks have riden to the rescue. The train is expected to be running again by mid-July. Our trip features 3 nights at the Harbor Lite Lodge, overlooking Noyo Harbor in Fort Bragg, a guided docent walk in Mendocino and a visit to the ocean at MacKerricher State Park. Also featured: Pt. Cabrillo Lighthouse and the Mendocino Coast Botanical Gardens; plus the final touch, a ride on the “Skunk Train,” the California Western Railroad through the redwoods to Willits. Includes all meals (10), SuperCoach transportation and 1250/1450 Gold Passport Points. $1235 p.p./dbl.occ., $1420 single 7 Days

Oct. 1-7

Taos and the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

One room left! Featuring the Cumbres and Toltec Railroad, a visit to an original Harvey House, guided tour of Taos Pueblo, Balloon Fiesta: balloon glow and mass ascensions with upgraded seating, lunch on Sandia Mountain. 14 meals, r/t air to/from Albuquerque, 2600/2950 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2590 p.p./dbl.occ., $2905 single 7 Days

Oct. 2-8

Fall Foliage in Pennsylvania’s Laurel Highlands

Visit the hometowns of Jimmy Stewart, Arnold Palmer and Stan Musial. Spend 3 nights at the renowned Seven Springs Resort in the scenic and fall foliage covered (especially at this time of year) Laurel Highlands, 2 nights in Indiana, hometown of Jimmy Stewart, a reunion from our 2011 Christmas Mystery Tour – tour the museum named for the town’s favorite son. See the new Flight 93 Memorial, honoring the heroes of 9/11. Lunch at the Latrobe Country Club, home of Arnold Palmer. Visit the Amish village of Smicksburg for an Amish Wedding Feast, meet Punxsutawney Phil of Groundhog Day fame. Photograph a covered bridge, see the autumn leaves and learn about the Whiskey Rebellion. Includes airfare, 15 meals, the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director, 2550/2800 Gold Passport Points. $2530 p.p./dbl.occ., $2795 single

6 Days

Oct. 5-10

All Around California by Rail

For those who don’t like to fly, here’s an all-rail tour within the state. The rail itinerary: Sacramento to San Jose on the Capitol Corridor, San Jose to Oxnard on the restored Silver Lariat car on the Coast Starlight, Oxnard to Los Angeles on the Pacific Surfliner, Bakersfield to Stockton on the San Joaquin. Four train rides, SuperCoach following you throughout, deluxe accommodations (Embassy Suites – Milpitas, Hilton Garden Inn – Oxnard two nights, Holiday Inn – Burbank, Hilton Garden Inn – Bakersfield). Added sightseeing: Reagan Presidential Library, California Oil Museum, guided tour of LA’s Union Station, Allensworth State Park. Lunches in Union Station in LA and in the historic rail depot in Techachapi, two of a total of 9 meals. 2200/2550 Gold Passport Points. $2195 p.p./dbl. occ., $2515 single 11 Days

Oct. 11-21

Route 66, The Main Street of America – Chicago to Oklahoma City

The repeat of a classic Sports Leisure adventure – our 8th journey down the classic highway. Two-night stays in Springfield, IL, and Miami, OK; and for the first time staying in the old highway towns of Pontiac, IL, and Miami, OK (pronounced mi-am-ah). Meet the people of Route 66 – special guides, speakers and guests. Includes airfare Sacramento/ Chicago and Oklahoma City/Sacramento, a Sports Leisure Tour Director and 26 meals. A journey down Route 66 is like cutting yourself a slice of All-American Pie. You’ll discover people and places you didn’t know existed – like the murals that line the walls of Pontiac, IL and Cuba, MO; Ted Drewes Frozen Custard in St. Louis and the magnificent new Lincoln Presidential Library & Museum in Springfield, IL. Meet published Route 66 authors and experts, roadies and characters like the “Four Ladies on the Road” in Galena, KS. 3400/3950 Gold Passport Points, Tour Directors: Mark and Chris. $3370 p.p./dbl.occ., $3935 single

Is that the proverbial “elephant in the room”? Of course, not! It’s outdoors and you’ll see it right along historic Route 66 near Springfield, IL


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

4 Days

Oct. 6-9

Catalina Island Getaway

3 nights at the Pavilion Lodge on the island, roundtrip fast ferry, sightseeing tours in the island (Catalina’s famous Ballroom & Casino Building, submarine tour of the harbor, Inland Motor Tour, visit to the Catalina Fox Island Habitat. Sunday Brunch on the Queen Mary before the island, lunch in Long Beach after. 6 meals, airfare included, 1500/1800 Gold Passport Points, $1495 p.p./dbl.occ., $1755 single 6 Days

Oct. 13-18

Arkansas & Art at Crystal Bridges

Clayton has just returned from Arkansas, where he saw the new, impressive Crystal Bridges Museum of Art. It’s in Walmart’s hometown of Bentonville and you are going to visit. In fact, Clayton spent several days scouting the entire itinerary. 2 nights each in Little Rock and Bentonville; and overnight in Fort Smith, home of Miss Laura’s Social Club (scandalous to say the least). There’s a full day to explore the new art museum. Tour the Clinton Presidential Library and Sam Walton’s original Five and Dime; visit Hot Springs National Park and Will Rogers’ Claremore, OK. 11 meals: Daily breakfast, 2L, 3D; roundtrip air to Little Rock/from Tulsa. 2250/2550 Gold Passport Points. $2250 p.p./dbl.occ., $2550 single 11 Days Oct. 16-26

Canada Coast to Coast by Rail

First-class train accommodations aboard VIA Rail as you travel across the continent (3 trains), Halifax: 2 nights at the Delta Barrington Hotel, city sightseeing including Citadel Hill; Montréal: Overnight at the Fairmont Queen Elizabeth Hotel, visit Vieux Montréal (Old Montréal) and the Basilica of Notre Dame. Niagara Falls: 2 nights at the Embassy Suites, Maid of the Mist Cruise, Toronto: Dinner at the CN Tower, high atop the city. Visit picturesque Peggy’s Cove & quaint Niagara-on-the-Lake. 19 meals: 6FB,8L,5D; roundtrip airfare to Halifax/from Seattle, 5700/6150 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! $5690 p.p./dbl.occ., $6140 single 3 Days

Oct. 20-22

Fall in Yosemite

Always a popular excursion. Featuring the Mariposa Grove of Big Trees and Glacier Point. Stay two nights at Yosemite Lodge, right in the park. Dine on Sunday Brunch at the Ahwahnee Hotel and enjoy a tour of the historic accommodation. Ranger talks are available in the evenings. Lunch on the Glacier Point tour is at the Wawona Hotel. 3 meals, 1150/1400 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $1125 p.p./dbl.occ., $1380 single

4 Days

Nov. 1-4

Luxury in La Jolla and an Afternoon In Balboa Park

Bringing back one of our most popular itineraries with some new twists. 3 nights accommodations at the Embassy Suites in La Jolla, lunch at Peohe’s on Coronado Island, tours of La Jolla Village and Coronado Island (with lunch at the glorious Hotel del Coronado), Sunday Brunch cruise on San Diego Bay, followed by a free afternoon to explore the many museums and galleries in Balboa Park (or even visit the famous San Diego Zoo). It’s your choice (admissions are not included within the park or at the zoo), and your Tour Director will provide maps and direction. Includes airfare, 7 meals (cooked-to-order breakfast each morning, manager’s reception each evening at the Embassy Suites), 1500/1650 Gold Passport Points. $1465 p.p./dbl.occ., $1625 single, $ave $20 until Aug. 23 5 Days

Nov. 3-7

The Grand Canyon & The Red Rocks of Sedona

2 nights Hilton Sedona, 2 nights BW Squire Inn at the Grand Canyon. The perfect time to visit, as fall begins to turn to winter. Sightseeing in and around Sedona, including spectacular views of the famous Red Rocks. Big screen IMAX at the Grand Canyon, lunch at the historic El Tovar Hotel, lots of canyon views. 9 meals, rountrip air to/from Phoenix, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. 1850/2100 Gold Passport Points. $1850 p.p./ dbl.occ., $2070 single 6 Days

Nov. 10-15

Bishop, Laughlin & Las Vegas by Coach

One significant change to this annual excursion: The first night is in Bishop instead of Tonopah. The shadow of the mountains instead of the desert the first night. After Bishop, two nights in Laughlin (Golden Nugget) and two nights in Vegas on the strip (Treasure Island) follow, before making your way home up the valley. Includes a visit to Lake Havasu, the buffet at Sam’s Town, the Nat’l Atomic Testing Museum, and downtown Las Vegas. 6 meals and r/t transportation on SuperCoach, 1300/1500 Gold Passport Points. $1285 p.p./dbl.occ., $1470 single

REMEMBER MEAL CHOICES When you receive your itinerary/confirmation for a trip, check to see if a meal choice is needed and take a minute to make your selection by calling our office or returning your choice with your payment. Thank you.

The Red Rocks of Sedona have little competition for natural beauty Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013


6 Days

Nov. 12-17

An Ozark Mountain Christmas Extravaganza in Branson

Our annual trip takes on a superstar appearance, featuring Johnny Mathis, Tony Orlando, The Lennon Sisters, The Osmonds, The Oak Ridge Boys and more (VIP seating at all shows – 8 shows in all). Stay in Branson’s finest accommodations in the best location, the Hilton Promonade at Branson Landing, with lots of shopping and dining choices close by. Additional Shows: Hughes Brothers, Yakov Smirnoff, 12 Irish Tenors, Miracle of Christmas; 12 meals, airfare, 2900/3250 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2880p.p./dbl.occ., $3240 single, $ave $40 until Aug. 23 6 Days

Nov. 24-29

Thanksgiving in New York

Get your Kinky Boots on! That’s right, we have tickets to the Tony Award winner, Kinky Boots, plus The Rockettes at Radio City Music Hall Christmas Spectacular and tickets to a show you choose. 5 nights at the Millennium Hotel, a half block from Times Square. 5 memorable meals, including a Statue of Liberty dinner cruise on Thanksgiving. Manhattan sightseeing with our team of expert local guides, visit the 9-11 Memorial. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead, 3650/4100 Gold Passport Points. $3625 p.p./dbl.occ., $4085 single 3 Days

Dec. 6-8

A Small Town Christmas In the Central Valley

Ramona’s favorite holiday trip is back! All the shops of Exeter and Visalia, Christmas Tree Lane in Fresno, deluxe accommodations (Hilton Garden Inn – Clovis, Visalia Marriott), 6 meals, lots of small town holiday fun. 950/1050 Gold Passport Points. $910 p.p./dbl.occ., $1020 single, $ave $20 until Aug. 23 5 Days

Dec. 23-27

Christmas in Coos Bay

At this time, this tour is a complete sell out. To place your name on the waiting list, call our office. To see the complete itinerary, go to and click on “holiday” on the home page. 1500/1700 Gold Passport Points, Tour Directors: Mark and Chris. $1475 p.p./dbl.occ., $1675 single

Christmas is special on a Sports Leisure tour because you’re there


Sports Leisure Vacations / July–August 2013

3 Days

Dec. 30 – Jan. 1

Take The Train (or the plane) To The Rose Parade

Ride the Silver Lariat, a restored luxury train car, attached to the back of the Coast Starlight. It’s a leisurely, all day trip from Sacramento/Oakland to Los Angeles. You’ll be pampered all the way in your private car. Or fly to Burbank, and skip the train. Everyone returns by air and attends the big parade. 2 nights at the Marriott Hotel Burbank Airport, parade tickets, float viewing before the parade, and a narrated tour of Old Pasadena, including lunch. After the parade, dine at the Tam O’ Shanter Restaurant, an LA tradition. Those not taking the train will also enjoy High Tea at Huntington Gardens on Day 1. Gold Passport Points vary according to the package selected. Take the train, return by air: $1599 p.p./dbl.occ., $1799 single; Roundtrip air, no train (limited space): $1455 p.p./dbl.occ., $1635 single 3 Days

Dec. 31 – Jan. 2

A Salute to Vienna, New Year’s in San Diego

Brand new offering. See the impressive recreation of a New Year’s Eve in Vienna on Jan. 1; enjoy a unique New Year’s Eve party on board the USS Midway Aircraft Carrier – with dinner, an open bar and swing music. 2 nights at the Embassy Suites downtown, right across from Seaport Village shops and restaurants. All 7 meals, airfare included, 1500/1600 Gold Passport Points. $1455 p.p./dbl.occ., $1595 single, $ave $20 until Aug. 23 2 Days

Dec. 31 – Jan. 1

New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch

Drive down the valley for an extravagant holiday experience. It begins right after you arrive and continues until after midnight (if you wish). A five course dinner, a dance band, wine and a balloon drop at midnight! Lunch is included each day, a total of 4 meals. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, 700/800 Gold Passport Points. $679 p.p./dbl.occ., $799 single, $ave $10 until Aug. 23 7 Days

Jan. 18-24

Key West, Key Largo, Miami and the Everglades

Next year’s February trip is sold out, but we have 3 seats on the January trip. It features four nights in beautiful Key West. During your visit, see the Hemingway Home, the nation’s very first public aquarium, Truman’s Little White House, and Mel Fisher’s Treasure Museum. The dinner and drag show at La Te Da, and the small but amazing Butterfly & Nature Conservancy; plus Mark promises a surprise new attraction this time around. Before you get to the Keys, overnight in Miami with an air boat ride in the Everglades and overnight in Key Largo with a visit to a Sea Turtle Hospital. Miami city tour including Coral Gables and South Beach. Roundtrip air, 13 meals, doorto-door service, Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann and/or Chris Galloway. 3550/4100 Gold Passport Points. $3530 p.p./dbl. occ., $4080 single

6 Days

Feb. 6-11

Winter In Yellowstone

One seat left! If it fills before you call, we invite you to add your name to the waiting list as the trip is a long way off. It is likely to be offered again in 2015, due to its popularity. The trip features accommodations in Jackson Hole at the famous Wort Hotel (two nights) and an overnight stay at the Old Faithful Snow Lodge in the park. For more itinerary details, visit and click on USA (it’s on the bottom of the second page). 11 meals, airfare, 3100/3400 Gold Passport Points. $3055 p.p./dbl.occ., $3395 single

What’s all the hubbub about iPads? If you pay attention long enough, you’ll probably hear quite a few people talking about iPads and tablets these days. You may have wondered what all the commotion was about and whether or not it was time to hop on the bandwagon. We’d argue yes, and here’s why: • It does everything you do on your computer already, but actually makes sense. • Remember the first time you tried to use a computer? Nothing made sense and nothing worked the way it should. Sure, you’ve probably come to an “understanding” with the machine by now – IT does what you want and YOU don’t chuck it out the window (an even trade) – but it’s still a strenuous relationship at best. Tablets are different – touch something to open it, pinch it to SLV’s Director of All Things zoom in and out, drag it to the Tech, Ryan Quinn trash to delete it. Simple. • You can take it everywhere – we know this to be true, cause we’ve watched you carry them on tour all over the world. • The best reading experience in the world. • Access to every book on the planet without lugging them around, and you can make the words as big as you want. • Decidedly cool – Just wait until you’re grandson sees you whip out your new iPad to show off that travel picture at the next get together. If you have any questions, email at

Look What We’re Doing…

We encourage you to find us on Facebook at We’ve been posting pictures of recent trips and sometimes even trips that are currently on the road… so you may see a fellow Sports Leisure traveler while they are actually on vacation. How awesome is that?

7 Days

Mar. 9-15

NOLA & Natchez

2 nights French Quarter in New Orleans, 2 nights Lafayette (in the heart of Cajun country), 2 nights Natchez (Spring Pilgrimage Pageant). 14 fabulous meals, sightseeing at every stop, roundtrip air, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead, 2950/3300 Gold Passport Points. Limited to 25 travelers and selling quickly. $2935 p.p./dbl.occ., $3295 single, $ave $50 until Aug. 23 10 Days Mar. 18-27

The Colorful Carolina Coast

Clayton’s signature journey, featuring Toot’s Prune Cake (We can’t explain it, you have to experience it… or ask Clayton). Fly to Norfolk, then travel the Outer Banks to New Bern, then on to Myrtle Beach, Charleston and Savannah. This tour has the personal touch and it is the only way to see the historic southern cities. 17 meals, lunch on Jekyll Island and a tour of Tyron Palace, sights in every city, airfare, 3750/4200 Gold Passport Points. $3730 p.p./dbl.occ., $4160 single, $ave $50 until Aug. 23 5 Days

Apr. 6-10

San Antonio: Deep In The Heart

4 nights at the historic Drury Plaza Hotel along the Riverwalk, city tour featuring The Alamo and Mission San Jose, LBJ Ranch visit, Riverwalk luncheon cruise. 8 meals, airfare, 1850/2100 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. $1845 p.p./dbl.occ., $2095 single, $ave $50 until Aug. 23.

Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. **Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD**,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary. Sports Leisure Vacations / Ju;ly–August 2013




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration/Payment Di$counts listed here expire on August 23, 2013; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Nov. – Luxury in La Jolla – $ave $20 Nov. – An Ozark Mountain Christmas – $ave $40 Dec. – A Small Town Christmas – $ave $20 Dec. – Puttin’ on the Ritz in Half Moon Bay – $ave $10 Dec. – New Year’s Eve at Harris Ranch – $ave $10 Dec. – New Year’s Eve in San Diego – $ave $20 Jan. – Cuba: The Culture & The People – $ave $100 Mar. – Death Valley & Palm Springs – $ave $75 Mar. – NOLA & Natchez – $ave $50 Mar. – Colorful Carolina Coast – $ave $50 Apr. – Palm Springs Getaway – $ave $35 Apr. – Easter Holiday in Spain – $ave $200

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office hours:

8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the price of your tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

TOUR UPDATE… A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available) Laguna Pageant of the Masters Back to Back at the Hollywood Bowl The International Selkirk Loop Michigan & Mackinac Exploring the Seine: Paris to Normandy Christmas Mystery Christmas in Coos Bay Christmas in Victoria

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) On the Road with the Giants in NYC (3) New Ferries & Towns of Puget Sound (3) Great Custer Buffalo Round-Up (2) Tracing Sherman’s March (5) Taos & The Albuquerque Balloon Fest (7) Canada Coast to Coast by Rail (9) Thanksgiving in NYC (9) Key West, Key Largo, Everglades – Jan. (3)

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