The Traveler - March/April 2014

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MAR./APR. VOL. 35, NO. 5 9,269 Active Members  •  46,337 Members Since 1979

From the recent National Tour Association Convention in Los Angeles – Clayton leads one of his famous tours of the convention floor. He has been giving the tours to first-timers and special guests for more than a decade. Clayton previously received NTA’s first-ever Volunteer of the Year Award, in recognition of his dedication to his “new-bees” every year.

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion..................................... 2 Guest Column....................................................... 3 The Customers Always Write....................... 4-5 Casino Trips and Baseball.................................. 5 The Human Side................................................... 6 Promo Page............................................................ 7 Day Trips............................................................8-10 The Barber Pole..................................................11 New Vacations & Getaways..................... 12-14 Teasers...................................................................14 Tour Calendar............................................... 15-19 Coupons and Tour Updates...........Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor........................................... Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor .........................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers................... P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer.........C. Galloway

For the opening night Icebreaker at NTA, we brought out the “stars.” The party was held at Universal Studios, and a lot of the Sports Leisure gang was there. Mark served as NTA Chairman in 2013, his second time as the association’s volunteer leader. Speaking of leaders, General Manager Kevin Murphy was elected President of TAP, Travel Alliance Partners, in December. Sports Leisure is a front runner in providing leadership to the travel industry, something we are very proud of.

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • www. • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion You Are Invited to Help Us Celebrate 35 Years On The Road… A lifetime of travel. Most people would dream of a job like that. I fell into one. Thanks to the infamous Proposition 13, a ballot initiative which limited property taxes in 1978, and impacted park districts (Mission Oaks), which was where I was working at the time. So I started running trips to baseball games ($16 included the bus and the game ticket back then) in the summer of 1977. Continued in ’78, and then in June of 1979, we decided to get all legal and start taking folks all over the place. (This is the Reader’s Digest condensed version of the story…) In 1981 we took our first group to Hawaii, by 1984 we were at the World’s Fair in New Orleans and flying across an ocean to Australia and New Zealand. It has been an amazing way to spend one’s journey through life, and I am incredibly grateful for the opportunities my career has given me. Our 20th Anniversary gathering was held at the (then) new Sacramento Library downtown. It was formal and nice. About 75 of our friends joined us for a delightful evening. We celebrated 25 years at Raley Field, watching the River Cats play a day game. Way less formal, and lots of fun. If I’m remembering correctly, the weather was perfect, even in June!

There was no formal celebration at the 30 year landmark, so we decided to roll out all the stops this time around. Richard Lewis, the Executive Producer of California Musical Theater, was very receptive when I asked him if such an event could be held at the prestigious Wells Fargo Pavilion. Not only did he agree to host us, but he offered the venue at a very fair price, allowing us to keep ticket prices reasonable for all. So on Saturday, May 17th, at 2pm in the afternoon, this small locally owned company will mark three-and-a-half decades in business. I hope you will mark your calendar, reserve your tickets and join us for an afternoon of entertainment, memories and even birthday cake! Jack Gallagher, who was a hit at Preview Day last year, returns to fill the room with laughter. Jessie Norman, the beautiful young woman who won our scholarship a few years ago, will return to sing for us. David Walburn, who entertains our Glacier Park groups, and sang at two Preview Days, will bring his high country music and there will even be a few surprises. I really want to emphasize that this event is for everyone. The admission fee (to cover the cost of the venue and entertainers fees and travel) is modest and if you call early, you can even get a ride. I hope some of the folks reading this who haven’t traveled with us for a while will come out and say hello.


Spring Open House

Sports Leisure’s Mark Hoffmann congratulates Alaska Senator Mark Begich, who received a Tourism Award at the NTA Convention in LA in February


This year’s spring rollout of our Holiday Tour Schedule will be held at our office. After two years at the KVIE Studios and a year at Casa de Los Ninos, we have decided to come home. Fri. & Sat., Apr. 11 & 12 are the dates. Three sessions each day (a schedule can be found on these pages) are offered, and each comes with a FREE barbeque lunch. There is a 90-minute domestic (US and Canada) presentation; and for the first time, a special 60-minute international show. While we’d like everyone to attend the domestic program, the international one is optional. When you register, we

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

will send you a schedule of events, so you can plan your visit. Only 45 people can be accommodated at each session, making this a more personal, low-key affair. Tickets for both events can be reserved online. There is limited coach service to the 35th Anniversary affair. No transportation is available for the Open House.


Worthy of Special Mention On many of our daytrips, travelers are served wonderful refreshments, made possible in part by the hard work of Cathy Marshall, who is the Food Service Manager at Raley’s College Greens store. Cathy has been there for six years and has been taking care of us for most of that time. She delivers even small orders for us and frankly, I don’t know what we would do without her. I have shopped at Raley’s stores all of my adult life, because I recognize the value of supporting local businesses. Apparently, Raley’s feels the same way, and they show it in their support of Sports Leisure. So the next time you are enjoying a pastry on the coach, you can thank Cathy. She is a Sports Leisure Superstar. Should your group or organization ever need some deli-style catering, call Cathy at 383-0682. Be sure to tell her you are a Sports Leisure Traveler!

HHHHHHHH A year of being the Grand Pubah at the National Tour Association has come to an end. Our annual convention was held in Los Angeles last month and as you can see on the front page, work was mixed in with play. Lots of great new tour ideas came from the convention. I now have the best leadership job in any organization. Immediate Past Chairman. See you on the radio, every Sunday at 3pm on KFBK 1530 AM and 93.1 FM. And so it goes…

Mark Hoffmann, CTP Owner/Founder

Guest Column


English speaker is standing in front of a bus full of English speakers and conducting a tour. Could you do that in another language? I couldn’t. That’s why I don’t. That is why Sports Leisure Vacations’ Tour Directors work as partners with local guides. We are the conduit. You come to us with an issue or grievance and we work alongside the local guide to remedy the problem. Be patient, kind and considerate. If you can’t manage that, then stay in the U.S. on your travels. That may sound harsh. It’s intended that way. There is a lot of time, planning and consideration that goes into providing a wonderful, educational experience to our travelers and it’s heartbreaking to a Tour Director when a trip is cast in a negative light because someone can’t see past a small annoyance. International travel is rewarding and enriching when approached with the right attitude and with the right amount of preparation. Pictures and text can only provide so much, but the experience of being on the ground walking the walk and talking the talk of a new destination is immeasurable. Your friends may think you’re nuts for traveling to far-flung, mysterious, exotic places but never mind them. Let them be content sitting on the couch. To you I say, “Grab your passport and let’s go!” So, where exactly are we heading next? Let me know where you want to go. Email me OTOGRA PH P at


by Chris Galloway Ed. Note: Clayton Whitehead is on tour. Clayton Place will return in the next newsletter. There is often a very critical point that Americans who travel abroad forget. Allow me to remind you: You’re not in the USA anymore, Toto. Travel is about opening your eyes and minds to new places, cultures, cuisines, ideals, and points-of-view. Please refrain from continually making comparisons about how things differ from home. Otherwise, you figuratively confine yourself in a bubble and you miss the entire point of traveling internationally. Instead, allow your eyes to explore the new sights, appreciate that others do things differently, be open to at least sampling local foods, don’t pass judgment, and strive to put yourself in the shoes of the locals to experience their daily lives. Americans tend to ask questions from a purely American point-of-view. This is understandable; it’s what we know. But there are better ways of asking questions than by setting up a question/statement with a comparison. “Back home we…” or “Do you do [insert activity] like we do in America?”. A better way to ask a question would be to hinge it on a piece of knowledge that you’ve gleaned from your pre-tour research or learned from your local guide. For example, in China, banking is a long arduous process. They do not have the conveniences that we enjoy in the states such as ATMs that can pretty much handle any sort of transaction short of a home mortgage. One must stand in long lines and exercise great patience to complete the simplest of transactions. Instead of asking the local guide, “Why don’t the banks automate procedures like our banks do in the states?”, why not phrase it this way, “How do people plan their daily routines around a visit to the bank?” The guide will not have an answer as to why the banks have not joined the technology age to deliver a speedy experience for customers, but you can learn a lot about the way of life

in China by learning how folks adjust their daily schedules to accommodate a lack of modern conveniences. With the softer approach to the question, you’ve avoided a direct comparison with the USA, as well as a condescending tone. Local cuisine is another wonderful way to experience a new locale. I have a general rule of thumb: If it’s good enough for an entire culture to eat, then I can at least taste it. I know that I have a much more adventurous palate than most, but just because the server puts down a bowl of something that may not be immediately recognizable, doesn’t mean that you should turn up your nose. In Cuba, cassava and taro are eaten regularly in place of potatoes. They are both starchy roots prepared in much the same way as potatoes. They even look similar. Guess what? They taste similar too! You wouldn’t know this unless you tried them. So next time something unfamiliar is placed in front of you, ask what it is, learn about the item, the preparation technique and give it a little taste. I do have one other very important rule of thumb when sampling local cuisine: If it’s still moving, no thanks! Americans, in general, are quite demanding travelers. It’s extremely important to align your expectations with realities. When traveling in a foreign country, especially a third-world country, don’t expect your hotel to be as nicely appointed as in the states. Mattresses may not be as fluffy, electrical outlets won’t be as conveniently located, the water pressure in the shower may be weak, heck, you may or may not even get a washcloth (common in Europe). None of these things should be enough to ruin your trip. If it is, then perhaps international travel just isn’t for you. You must have a relaxed approach to these situations. Again, you are not in the USA. We are some of the most privileged people on the face of the earth. Don’t forget it. When lying on your hard bed listening to the clanking of the air conditioner dreading your morning shower that you will have to run circles in to get wet, remember just how fortunate you really are and contemplate the daily lives and realities of the locals. The last topic I wish to discuss is interaction with your local guide. In most cases, English is not their first language. There may be some things lost in translation. Ponder this for a moment, a person who is not a native


Being a Good International Traveler

This month’s Blueberry Photographic Society winner is Bee Tham, who snapped this photo of Blueberry in Santa Rosa. If you would like to get your own Blueberry, and join the society, email Clayton at

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


The Customers Always Write December 19, 2013 Hobby Lobby Stores 7707 S.W. 44th Street Oklahoma City, OK 73179 ATTN: Management RE: Sacramento Store in the Point West Plaza, Arden Way & Exposition Blvd. To explain the problem. I travel occasionally with Sports Leisure Vacations of Sacramento. This company has several pick-up points for its travelers. Sacramento is large and the metropolitan area is spread out. For many years on day trips or one-night overnight trips only, we had permission and were allowed to park our automobiles in the far corner of the Point West Plaza parking lot to catch the bus. It was safe area and we have had no problems in the past. If the trip was more than one night we did not park in this lot. Well earlier this year Hobby Lobby moved into the plaza with a nice new store. Just a couple weeks ago the Hobby Lobby manager called the travel company and stated any time a traveler parked their car in his parking lot it would be immediately towed. Also heard a few travelers were verbally confronted by the manager in the parking lot. Big inconvenience to travelers around that area. We are only talking about three to six automobiles at any time. I have never noticed the parking lot to be overcrowded. Since I can no longer park in this area, I also will no longer shop at this store. You will also lose others who parked there and returned to shop, or told others about your new parking lot rules. But I guess asking potential customers to shop elsewhere is best for your company. Questions: Do you own the entire parking lot? Do you own the entire Point West Plaza or just lease one building? Is this the policy of all Hobby Lobby stores regarding parking or just the case of one over zealous manager who needs to use a little more common sense? Your company likes to take pride in advertising being a “Christian” store. However, the recent actions and words of your store manager on Arden Way did not reflect the “Christian” attitude. Sincerely, Lois Campbell Editor’s Note: Here is the response Lois received for Hobby Lobby. Dear Lois Campbell, Thank you so much for your letter regarding the parking situation. I will pass this onto the appropriate personal for consideration. Thank you for shopping at Hobby Lobby. Melissa Patton Hobby Lobby Stores, Inc. Editor’s Note: No, we never heard anything from the Hobby Lobby people. I thank Lois for writing the letter, and confess we could find little reason for the attitude displayed by the Hobby Lobby manager. He was rude and threatening more than once, and there was no reason for it. I would not personally shop in their store here or anywhere else after the way the manager spoke to our travelers and staff. It should be pointed out our travelers parked in a corner of the lot, in spaces that were not used, even during the Christmas shopping season.

Dear Mark, Thank you so much for your company’s generous donation in December of unwrapped toys for Bev’s Angel Project. We appreciate your support and are so blessed to have wonderful people such as you embrace what we are doing for children. With the support of generous community and wonderful volunteers we serve over 3,000 children during each holiday season. We provide the children with blankets, stuffed stockings, age appropriate toys, gloves, socks, and stuffed animals, as well as games, books, and school supplies. This was our biggest giving year ever. Mrs. Claus and her volunteers go to schools, shelters, hospitals and more, and brighten the lives of children and families who are less fortunate than ourselves. If you could see the happy faces on the children it would warm your heart. Again, thank you so much for supporting Bev’s Angel Project. Angel Hugs, Jan Strickland, President Dear Supporter, Thank you for your donation of $1,110 to, benefitting the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery annual Wreath Project. Due to your generosity and support, every grave site there was honored with a wreath again this year – one of only three national cemeteries in the country to accomplish this. As the demand for financial support increases each year with the growth of the cemetery, we appreciate your contributions and help to spread the word about this special project.. Thank you, again, for all your support of this very worthwhile community event! Curtis and Susie Stocking Dear Mark, It is with regret that I can no longer travel, as I do miss the many trips I’ve made with Sports Leisure over the years. They go way Continued on page 5


Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

Casino Trips and Ballpark Express back to when you first started your company and your mother took phone reservations. I never attended the ball games (not my “cup of tea”) but when you started making trips to the casinos in Reno and Lake Tahoe in the 70’s, I went on several of those. That old bus wasn’t built for comfort as SuperCoach is now! This note is to inform you that you can remove my name from your mailings; and also to wish you many more successful years, Sincerely, Pat Weeks, Gold Member Dear Clayton, I want to personally thank you for your continued support of Loaves & Fishes. As you may know, we are in our 31st year of providing services to the poor and homeless. Without the support of people like you, this would have been impossible. Although we started with a simple lunch program, we have expanded our services to better serve those with mental, emotional, and behavior problems, as well, as those with other disabilities. Sincerely, Robert Pinkerton, Member, Board of Directors If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

The Travel Guys Radio Show

Travel News, favorite

Contests, updates on your Sports Leisure destinations,


Sundays at 3:00 PM

World Champion San Francisco Giants Wed., May 14

Giants vs. Braves

12:45pm $108/$97

Wed., May 28

Giants vs. Cubs

12:45pm $107/$97

Sun., June 8

Giants vs. Mets



Sun., July 27

Giants vs. Dodgers



Wed., July 30

Giants vs. Pirates

12:45pm $128/$97

Sun., Aug. 17

Giants vs. Phillies


Thurs., Aug. 28

Giants vs. Rockies

12:45pm $123/$109

Sun., Sept. 14

Giants vs. Dodgers



Sun., Sept. 28 Fan Appreciation Day

Giants vs. Padres




*Includes ferry service from Vallejo to AT&T Park **Field Level Seating Only

Oakland Athletics Thurs., May 29

Athletics vs. Tigers

12:35pm $132*

Sun., Jun. 15 (Father’s Day)

Athletics vs. Yankees


Wed., Sept. 24 Fan Appreciation Day

Athletics vs. Angels

12:35pm $102


*Take Amtrak to the game

A’s & Giants Doubleheader with Fireworks! Thursday, July 3

The Champagne Express to Tahoe

KFBK, AM 1530, FM 93.1 A Sports Leisure traveler wins a $50 gift card on every program!

For 35 years, the BEST way to get to the ballparks in Oakland and San Francisco has been with Sports Leisure Vacations. Our original Ballpark Express allows you to travel to games in comfort without the traffic, tolls, gas, food stops, etc. Refreshments are served on board the motorcoach on your way to and from each game. You’ll enjoy Field Level seating for all A’s games and your choice of Field Level or View Level (3rd Deck) seating for most Giants games. Please request your seating area when making your reservations.

Enjoy TWO Major League games on the same day as the Giants take on the Cardinals at AT&T Park (12:45pm) and the A’s face the Blue Jays at the Coliseum (6:05pm) with early 4th of July Fireworks. Field level seats for the A’s game with your choice of Field Level or View Level (3rd Deck) seating for the Giants game. $146 (Field), $133 (View/Field)

Cultural Arts and

The 2014 Ballpark Express

Tom Romano and Mark


Thursday, April 10 or Tuesday, May 13 Our monthly trips to Harvey’s Lake Tahoe Casino on the South Shore include a 6-hour stay with a slot credit of $20 and a free buffet or $7 food credit. You must belong to Harvey’s Total Rewards Program to receive the bonuses. $45 Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect You learn something new every day… Here are some facts about the 1500’s

Most people got married in June because they took their yearly bath in May, and they still smelled pretty good by June. However, since the recent cleanliness was starting to fade, brides carried a bouquet of flowers to hide the body odor. Hence the custom today of carrying a bouquet when getting married. Baths consisted of a big tub filled with hot water. The man of the house had the privilege of the nice clean water, then all the other sons and men, then the women and finally the children. Last of all the babies. By then the water was so dirty you could actually lose someone in it. Hence the saying, “Don’t throw the baby out with the bath water!” Houses had thatched roofs-thick strawpiled high, with no wood underneath. It was the only place for animals to get warm, so all the cats and other small animals (mice, bugs) lived in the roof. When it rained it became slippery and sometimes the animals would slip and fall off the roof. Hence the saying, “It’s raining cats and dogs.” There was nothing to stop things from falling into the house. This posed a real problem in the bedroom where bugs and other droppings could mess up your nice clean bed. Hence, a bed with big posts and a sheet hung over the top afforded some protection. That’s

how canopy beds came into existence. The floor was dirt. Only the wealthy had something other than dirt. Hence the saying, “Dirt poor.” The wealthy had slate floors that would get slippery in the winter when wet, so they spread thresh (straw) on the floor to help keep their footing. As the winter wore on, they added more thresh until, when you opened the door, It would all start slipping outside. A piece of wood was placed in the entrance-way. Hence: a thresh hold. In those old days, they cooked in the kitchen with a big kettle that always hung over the fire. When visitors came over, they would hang up their bacon to show off. It was a sign of wealth that a man could, “bring home the bacon.” They would cut off a little to share with guests and would all sit around and chew the fat. Those with money had plates made of pewter. Food with high acid content caused some of the lead to leach onto the food, causing lead poisoning death. This happened most often with tomatoes, so for the next 400 years or so, tomatoes were considered poisonous. Bread was divided according to status. Workers got the burnt bottom of the loaf, the family got the middle, and guests got the top, or the upper crust.

Welcome Home An elderly man is stopped by the police around 2 a.m. and is asked where he is going at this time of night. The man replies, “I am on my way to a lecture about alcohol abuse and the effects it has on the human body, as well as smoking and staying out late.”’ The officer then asks, “Really? Who is giving that lecture at this time of night?” The man paused for a second, then replied, “That would be my wife.”

Visit us anytime on the web at: 6

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

The Old Prospector & The Young Gunslinger She walked up and tied her old mule to the hitch rail. As she stood there, brushing some of the dust from her face and clothes, a young gunslinger stepped out of the saloon with a gun in one hand and a bottle of whiskey in the other. The gunslinger looked at the old woman and laughed, saying “Hey old woman, have you ever danced?” The old woman looked up at the gunslinger and said, “No, I never did dance… never really wanted to.” A crowd had gathered as the gunslinger grinned and said, “Well, you’re gonna’ dance now,” and started shooting at the old woman’s feet. The old prospector – not wanting to get her toe blown off – started hopping around. Everybody was laughing. When his last bullet had been fired, the young gunslinger, himself laughing, holstered his gun and turned around to go back into the saloon. The old woman turned to her pack mule, pulled out a double-barreled shotgun, and cocked both hammers. The loud clicks carried clearly through the desert air. The crowd stopped laughing immediately. The young gunslinger heard the sounds too, and he turned around very slowly. The silence was almost deafening. The crowd watched as the young gunman stared at the old woman and the large gaping holes of those twin gun barrels. The barrels of the shotgun never wavered in the old prospector’s hands, as she quietly said, “Son, have you ever licked a mule’s butt”? The gunslinger swallowed hard and said, “no m’am… but… I’ve always wanted to.” There are a few lessons for us all here: 1 – Never be arrogant. 2 – Don’t waste ammunition. 3 – Whiskey makes you think you’re smarter than you are. 4 – Always, always make sure you know who has the power. 5 – Don’t mess with old women; they didn’t get there by being stupid. Don’t you just love a happy ending?

You are invited… Two REALLY Special Events for Travel Club Members

Spring Open House & Holiday Preview Friday, April 11 and Saturday, April 12 Session #1 9am-Noon

Friday and Saturday Sessions Session #2 Session #3 11am-3pm 1:30pm-4:30pm

Early session is available to a maximum of 40 people – No admission charge


• 70 minute presentation highlighting new fall and holiday tours, plus a look at the selected previously announced tours • FREE BBQ lunch, compliments of Sports Leisure Vacations, catered by JR’s BBQ • Optional 60 minute international presentation, featuring Scotland, Italy, The Copper Canyon, Israel and Jordan, plus a 2015 preview – Croatia, Poland, 15 day/8 country Europe tour, Downtown Abbey/England, and Cuba

Call the office or make your reservations 24/7 at

35th Anniversay Party at the Wells Fargo (Music Circus) Pavilion Saturday, May 17th • 2-4pm 1419 H Street • Sacramento Starring Jack Gallagher Also featuring: from Montana, David Walburn; Vocalist and former SLV Scholarship winner, Jessie Norman Don’t miss this special event! Tickets $15

Tickets with SuperCoach* Transportation $30

*Picks up Roseville, I-80/Madison, Arden & Watt only. Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


Day Trips and Theatre Outings Endive & Cookies

Wildflowers and Roses

Wednesday, March 26 Visit the largest grower of endive in America and learn about this exotic Central Valley vegetable that is a delicacy in salads and entrees. After an included lunch in Woodbridge, visit Spaan’s Cookie Company, home to the Spaan Family tradition of baked goodies using only the finest ingredients. $115

At the beautiful Eleven Roses Ranch Friday, April 18 In April there is an explosion of flowers in the little valley that is the 1895 homestead of Eleven Roses Ranch near Clear Lake. Meet Anne Garner who will share some stories about her heritage and her connection to the ranch. A wagon ride through the valley accompanies a chuckwagon BBQ. There is also time to walk around and enjoy the beautiful setting. Pause briefly at Granzella’s in Williams before returning home. $121

A Castle in Wine Country Wednesday, April 9 Another second departure! Tour Calistoga’s Castello di Amorosa, an authentic 13th-century Tuscan castle. View the handpainted Great Hall, dungeon, chapel, cellars and caves on a 60-minute leisurely walking tour followed by a tasting of premium wines paired with Belgian chocolates. A delicious lunch is included nearby at Napa’s Ristorante Allegria. $152

Spring in San Francisco Tuesday, April 15 Celebrate the beauty of spring with a visit to the San Francisco Flower Market to savor the scents, sights, and shopping for plants and flowers to brighten your own home for the Easter holiday. Then on to the Union Square area to visit Macy’s with its annual flower show of events and displays with free time for more shopping and lunch on your own. $95

Women Fully Clothed The Gallo Center, Modesto Wednesday, April 16 This critically-acclaimed theatrical comedy features four brilliant talents: Robin Duke (“Saturday Night Live”), Jayne Eastwood (“My Big Fat Greek Wedding”), Kathryn Greenwood (“Whose Line Is It Anyway”) and Teresa Pavlinek (“The Jane Show”). Whether exploring mother-daughter relationships or craft shows, these women deliver uproarious sketches and razor sharp songs. Dinner at Surla’s precedes the 8pm show with orchestra seating. $135


San Francisco’s Cherry Blossom Festival Saturday, April 19 The Northern California Cherry Blossom Festival in San Francisco’s Japantown is the second largest festival outside of Washington, DC. There will be food booths, cultural performances, martial arts demonstrations, live bands and more. You will have ample time to enjoy the festival and lunch on your own from the onsite vendors or local restaurants. $85

Easter in the Delta Champagne Brunch at the Ryde Hotel Sunday, April 20 No need to travel far to enjoy an awesome holiday Champagne Brunch. Just a short Sunday drive away is the historic Ryde Hotel, perched above the Sacramento River south of Walnut Grove in California’s Delta and voted one of the “Top 5 Spots for Brunch in the Sacramento Area.” Enjoy a wide variety of tasty, gourmet items and your ever-full glass of champagne! $128

The Stockton Asparagus Festival Friday, April 25 Celebrating its 28th anniversary, the Stockton Asparagus Festival is a regional party honoring that strange green stalk of a vegetable! The festival takes place along the waterfront in Stockton and includes cooking demonstrations, a farmers market, arts and

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

crafts, and, of course, lots of opportunities to eat asparagus: asparagus ice cream anyone? Pause at the Stockton Cambodian Buddist Temple and discover its 90 larger-than-life hand-painted statues, as featured on Huell Howser’s “Road Trip.” $88

Intimate Impressionism Legion of Honor in San Francisco Tuesday, April 29 Second departure! On loan from The National Gallery of Art in Washington D.C., Intimate Impressionism exhibits illustrious Impressionist and Post-Impressionist paintings close to home. Approximately 70 pieces showcase a variety of landscapes, seascapes, still life’s, and portraits by Claude Monet, Auguste Renoir, Camilie Pissarro, Edgar Degas, Paul Gauguin, and Edouard Vuillard. An optional shuttle provides access to the de Young Museum to explore its permanent collection and exhibits. Lunch is on your own at the museum cafes. $98

A Walk in Her Shoes & “Royal-Tea” Saturday, May 3 Marvel at a rarely displayed, original hand-sewn apron worn by 12-year-old Sallie Fox on her journey to California in 1858-59. The Vacaville Museum exhibit highlights the experiences of four women traveling West on the overland trail followed by a short guided driving tour of historic Vacaville homes. Enjoy “Royal-Tea” with soup, salad, tea and assorted scones, savories and desserts at the elegant Victorian-decorated Linde Lane Tea Room in Dixon where you will feel like a princess. Hats and gloves not required! Pause at the Hattie Weber Museum in Davis before returning to Sacramento. $112

Miss Saigon Nevada Theatre, Nevada City Sunday, May 4 From the creators of Les Misérables, Miss Saigon is based on Giacomo Puccini’s classic opera, Madame Butterfly. In the turmoil of the Vietnam War in the 1970’s, an American

soldier and a Vietnamese girl fall in love, only to be separated during the fall of Saigon. Their struggles to find each other over the ensuing years end in tragedy for her and a fighting chance for the child he never knew he had. Community Asian Theatre of the Sierras (CATS) presents its annual performance at the historic Nevada Theatre in Nevada City. Lunch is included prior to the 2pm matinee. $128

Combines, Bovines, & Fine Wines Friday, May 9 This exciting 3-stop tour will give you an understanding of why small grains, cattle grazing, and vineyards dominate food production in Yolo County. Visit Heidrick Ag History Center in Woodland, tour a working ranch, and enjoy a Cowboy Barbecue with all the home-cooked trimmings at Yolo Land & Cattle Co. near Winters, before visiting The Old Sugar Mill in Clarksburg to learn about the wine-making process. $134

A Second Helping: The Church Basement Ladies Sequel

extraordinary and idyllic setting and climate of California during the period of 1930-1950. As these remarkable watercolors show, one could still be poor and struggling through the Great Depression, but one was always blessed by living the California life. Lunch at Ciao Bella Cuisine precedes a docent-led tour at the Haggin Museum, Stockton’s art jewel, with time to browse. $112

You Have a Date for Lunch… with State Parks Featuring the (new) California State Park Archives Tuesday, May 20 California State Parks has consolidated its archives at a new location: McClellan Air Park, right here in Sacramento. The new facility features many of our state park’s most valued documents and photographs for the public to access, examine and enjoy. Enjoy a private guided tour of the archives with State Park staff followed by lunch inside the Lions Gate Hotel, the former Officers Club and VIP Visitors Quarters of the former McClellan Air Force Base. $118

Spirits and More Spirits

Fallon Theatre, Columbia Saturday, May 10 Second Departure! You loved the down-to earth charm, humor and hilarious antics of our favorite flock of Lutheran ladies from rural Minnesota. A Second Helping picks up the story in 1969 as Vietnam War protests swell and women everywhere demand equal pay for equal work. Meanwhile, the finelytuned ladies running the church basement kitchen face changes of their own, from the elderly matriarch to the young mom-to-be, these women find strength in each other. Lunch at Christopher’s in Sonora precedes the 2pm performance. $123

Saturday, May 24 Join Clayton and a few of his fellow OCC thespians to learn the true and often colorful, sometimes tragic stories that lie “six feet under” in the Sacramento Old City Cemetery. Residents will come alive to tell their tales on this 90-minute walking tour. These aren’t fabricated ghost stories, but real people who helped shape our great city and state into what they are today. Then head to a favorite local haunt, the Riverside Clubhouse, for brunch and more spirits in the form of bottomless mimosas. A donation for the preservation of the cemetery will be made on your behalf. $111

The Good Life, California Watercolors, 1930-1950

Thoroughly Modern Millie

The Haggin Museum, Stockton Thursday, May 15 The Good Life, selections from The Mark and Janet Hilbert Collection, is not a show about being fantastically rich, but about having an otherwise ordinary life in the

Woodland Opera House Sunday, May 25, 2014 Millie Dillmount, a fearless young lady fresh from Salina, Kansas, determined to experience life, sets out to see the world in the rip-roaring Twenties. With high spirits and wearing one of those new high

hemlines, she arrives in New York to test the “modern” ideas she had been reading about back in Kansas: “I’ve taken the girl out of Kansas. Now I have to take Kansas out of the girl!” Enjoy this wonderful musical comedy along with lunch at Aria on Main in Woodland, which will precede the 2pm matinee. $121

Days of Wine & Root Beer Friday, May 30 Lodi is a little town rich with history and stories. Explore our own backyard, delving into San Joaquin County history, beginning with a visit to the San Joaquin Historical Society Museum complex, which houses eight buildings showcasing the lives and stories of people who lived and thrived in the Central Valley. In the afternoon, lunch is included at Woodbridge Crossing and the day is complete with a frosty root beer float from the original A&W stand, opened in 1919 to honor WWI veterans. $120

SF Symphony Plays Disney’s Fantasia Davies Symphony Hall, SF Saturday, May 31 Join the San Francisco Symphony for a thrilling performance of Disney’s groundbreaking marriage of symphonic music and animation, Fantasia. Magnificent repertoire from the original 1940 version and Fantasia 2000, including The Sorcerer’s Apprentice, Beethoven’s Fifth Symphony, and Nutcracker Suite, will be performed while Disney’s stunning film is shown on the big screen. Experience iconic moments and childhood favorites as you never have before! Orchestra seating with dinner preceding the 8pm performance, at No. 9 Fisherman’s Wharf. $215

By Land, Ferry & Train Wednesday, June 4 Enjoy a variety of travel experiences as we begin the day on SuperCoach to San Francisco with a first stop at the historic Ferry Building for a guided visit by San Francisco City Guides. Following the tour, enjoy free time to browse, shop, and lunch on your own before boarding the Alameda/Oakland

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Ferry for the short cruise across the bay to Oakland. We depart the ferry at Jack London Square and board Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor for the scenic and relaxing ride returning us home to Sacramento. $116

The Covered Bridge Thursday, June 5 One of our most popular daytrips! Spend the day in Chico beginning with a visit to the Orient & Flume Glass Studio where you can watch master artisans at work. Discover the Chico Museum, housed in the city’s historic Carnegie Library, and browse the shops of Chico’s quaint downtown. Finish the day with a visit to one of Northern California’s remaining covered bridges – the Honey Run Bridge. Lunch is included at Mom’s Restaurant in the heart of downtown. $110

Roll with the Baker Learn to form your own bread animal Monday, June 9 Boudin’s Museum and Bakery tour invites you to witness “history in the baking.” Stroll through Boudin’s collection of historic and interactive exhibits during a docent-led tour while observing the bakers in action from the museum’s floor-to-ceiling window walls and glass-walled cat-walk. Get your hands in the dough and create your own masterpiece as you stand side-by-side with the artisans. After an included lunch at Bistro Boudin, spend some time on Pier 39 at the Sea Lion Center learning about these boisterous mammals and the challenges facing them. $125

A Day at Safari West Wednesday, June 11 Nestled in the foothills of Sonoma County, lies a unique 400-acre animal preserve for animals from around the world including giraffes, rhinoceros, lemurs, and monkeys. Safari West has an ongoing mission of wildlife preservation through breeding, education, and public interaction. Your adventure begins with lunch, followed by a 45-minute ride on a guided tram tour. A 45-minute guided walk through the aviaries and small animal compound completes your visit. $146


Following The Lincoln Highway to Tahoe – US 40 & 50 Saturday, June 14 There are two routes of the historic Lincoln Highway to/from Sacramento. Heading east, both US 50 and old US 40 were the updated, modern versions of the original road. On this trip, you’ll travel I-80 and old US 40 to Truckee, enjoy lunch in Tahoe City with a beautiful view of the lake at Sunnyside Lodge, then head down the lake to US 50 for the trip home. Stop at Donner Summit and see the original Lincoln winding up the hill (and you thought old US 40 was scary), learn the origins of those places you have only seen on the highway signs. Because of the unique routing on this trip, pick-ups will be available only at South Hills, Arden & Watt, and the SLV office. $120

Showboat SF Opera House Sunday, June 22 This most classic of American musicals comes to life in this new production by San Francisco Opera Company. With the familiar music by Jerome Kern and Oscar Hammerstein, enjoy an afternoon of tender romance, poignant reconciliation, exhilarating dancing, colorful costumes, and memorable melodies including “Can’t Help Lovin’ Dat Man,” “Make Believe,” and “Ol’ Man River.” Your choice of seating is in the side sections of the Orchestra or Dress Circle of the first balcony for the 2pm matinee. Be advised that Dress Circle involves steep stairs without availability of handrails. A stop is included in Union Square for lunch on your own prior to the 2pm matinee. Orchestra – $234/ Dress Circle – $179

Once Curran Theatre, San Francisco Tuesday, June 24 Winner of eight Tony Awards in 2012 including Best Musical, and featuring an impressive ensemble of actor/musicians who play their own instruments onstage, Once tells the story of a Dublin street musician who’s about to give up on his dream when a beautiful young woman

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takes a sudden interest in his haunting love songs. As the chemistry between them grows, his music soars to powerful new heights… but their unlikely connection turns out to be deeper and more complex than your everyday romance. Dinner will be on your own in the area of Union Square prior to the 8pm performance, with seating in side orchestra or the first two rows of the loge section. $153

Pump Boys and Dinettes East Sonora Theatre, Sonora Saturday, June 28 The “Pump Boys” sell high octane on Highway 57 in Grand Ole Opry country and the “Dinettes” run the Double Cupp Diner. With heartbreak and hilarity, they perform on guitars, piano, bass and kitchen utensils. The musical comedy, nominated for a Tony Award for Best Musical, features lots of fun music to get your toes tappin’. Lunch at Christopher’s precedes the 2pm matinee. $134

Brunch on the Bay Featuring a Hornblower Yacht Cruise Saturday, July 12 Gentle waves and soft breezes set the mood for Hornblower’s Champagne Brunch Cruise, a good-morning getaway featuring free-flowing bubbly. The enticing outing includes a buffet stocked with classic breakfast dishes, lunch entrees and desserts. And, live music and views of the San Francisco Bay’s renowned sights make it the perfect way to spend the day! Pause in Sausalito in the late afternoon. $146

Beach Blanket Babylon Club Fugazi, San Francisco Sunday, July 13 There’s nothing quite Beach Blanket Babylon. San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show pokes fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing wonderful, and the hats are really, really big! Reserved seats are upstairs (no elevator) in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included lunch at Sports Leisure favorite Viva Italian Restaurant. $158

The Barber Pole, or Once Over Lightly United limits carry-on bags: Our view The Editorial Board, USA TODAY

Enforcing rules on the size of cabin bags is long overdue Well, hallelujah. A major airline finally seems to be cracking down on passengers who board planes with carry-ons the size of dumpsters, or who try to game the system at the gate. Better late than never, United has begun enforcing its rules on the size of carry-on luggage, even turning back some passengers at security checkpoints and requiring them to return to the counter to do what they should have done in the first place. This is long overdue. Ever since airlines began charging for checked luggage in 2008 (supposedly to offset a spike in jet fuel prices), passengers have responded the way people do when you make one thing expensive and the other free: To avoid fees of $25 or more per flight for checked bags, fliers have been bringing carry-ons into the cabin for nothing, even when they clearly exceed the allowable size. In a perfect world, all airlines would allow at least one free checked bag. Or they would charge for large carry-ons, or roll everything into the ticket cost instead of nickel-anddiming passengers. The least they can do, however, is to politely carry out their own size limitations. Those limits have largely been a joke. Airlines have been too short staffed, or too fearful of offending their customers, to enforce them. By catering to passengers who think they have a right to bring aboard anything they can roll or lug into the cabin, and by checking some of these monsters for free when they won’t fit, the carriers have created another class of customers: those who are regularly infuriated by this clueless rudeness. Oversized carry-ons take extra time and effort to stow, delaying departures. Even if the big bags can wedge into overhead bins, they take up more space than legal-sized

bags. That’s why there’s a rush for the bins, and why passengers last to board often have to have their legal-sized bags gate-checked — there’s no more room. Of course, airlines have capitalized on this anxiety by charging more to board early. Predictably, the complaints about United’s new policy have already begun: It’s really about getting more money from fliers. Passengers need more time to adapt. Gate agents enforce the size limits harshly. Oh, please. United and its competitors should have done this years ago. Cutting down on the baggage wars inside aircraft cabins will make travel a little less unpleasant. Now if only airlines could also do something about seats that fit passengers the way factory-farm cages fit chickens. Ed. Note: United recently announced they will crack down on oversized carry-on bags. Little known secret: United’s gate sizers (which you set your bag into to make sure it’s of the legal size) are actually an inch larger than the allowable size on every side. So if your bag doesn’t fit easily, you are goIng to have to pay to get it on the plane. This is going to cause some arguments at airports, but we share the opinion of the USA Today Editorial Team, this is long overdue, and in the end, it’s to everyone’s benefit. It’s interesting to note that Sports Leisure Travelers are rarely the ones to cause this to be a problem. In fact, because our travelers don’t bring the kitchen sink when they travel, the planes we get on tend to have plenty of room. So this rule will only make things easier for our gang.

Remembering Our Traveling Friends and Companions We pause in this space three times a year to remember our friends who have recently passed. While they have left this earth, their memories live on. They will forever be a part of our journey. We cherish our times together, we wish them God Speed. Bernard Byrne William Fong Agnes Harkness Cyndi Wolfe Judy Speck Dave Holmes If you know of a member of our travel family who should be remembered here, please contact Donnie ( at our office. We sincerely try to list everyone. Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


New Vacations and Getaways The Sounds of Music in the Cascades 4 Days • August 4-7 1. Begin your day with door-to-door service to the airport. A few hours later, lunch is included on the waterfront in Seattle at Cutters Bayhouse. Just adjacent to the restaurant is famous Pike Place Market where you will have a short time to shop or perhaps just watch the flying fish! In the late afternoon, board Amtrak’s Empire Builder for a short journey into the majestic mountains of Washington. Enjoy dinner at your leisure on board and watch the scenery dance by your window. At the heart of the state you’ll find the small community of Leavenworth, Washington’s own Little Bavaria. Bavarian Lodge – 3 nights (L) 2. Cashmere is the home of Liberty Orchards, makers of “Applets and Cottlets,” the fruit and nut confections. Tour the factory this morning before paying a visit to Cashmere’s Pioneer Village and Museum. Back in Leavenworth, enjoy lunch at your leisure and an optional walking tour of historic downtown and learn how Leavenworth broke with its industrial past to remake itself as a Bavarian Village. Dinner is included at King Ludwig’s German Restaurant, served family-style, before the popular musical The Sound of Music. Performed outdoors with the mountains of the Wenatchee Forest in the background, you’ll feel like you’re in the hills of Switzerland with the Von Trappe Family! (B,D) 3. Wenatchee, the largest town in central Washington, is home to Rocky Reach Dam and the Columbia River Museum. Explore the museum and the dam’s adjacent powerhouse. After an included lunch, visit Ohme Gardens. Situated on top of a large bluff overlooking the Columbia River, the nine-acre gardens features beautiful water features and alpine floral and fauna. Tonight, an indoor staged performance of the Tony Award-wining Broadway Musical, The Drowsy Chaperone. (B,L) 4. Bid farewell to Leavenworth and begin your journey westward toward Seattle by


motorcoach. Pause for lunch before visiting the Boeing Museum of Flight. More than just the story of a local airplane company made good, explore the historic collection of 85 aircraft and learn how far manned flight has come in just 100 years. A return flight from Seattle returns you home in the evening. (B,L) The tour includes roundtrip air, deluxe motorcoach transportation, passage aboard Amtrak’s Empire Builder, accommodations, all attractions and shows listed, seven meals (3B,3L,1D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1950/2250 Gold Passport Points $1940 p.p./dbl.occ., $2205 single $ave $60 until April 9

Laguna Beach & The Pageant of the Masters A second departure for California’s most unique cultural arts event 3 Days • August 17-19 Our first tour sold out in just a few weeks after we announced it. Here’s another opportunity to experience one of our finest signature tours of the year. Enjoy a lavish Champagne Sunday Brunch on board the Queen Mary, and a tour of the exhibit “Diana: Legacy of a Princess,” chronicling

her private and royal life. Explore the small town of Orange with a docent-guided tour, showcasing over 50 different architectural styles. Discover the Festival of Arts and Pageant of the Masters in Laguna Beach, presented in an outdoor theatre with reserved orchestra seating providing comfortable and excellent viewing. This year’s theme The Art Detective will surprise and amaze with life-size recreations of famous art works from all around the world in three dimensions with live persons. There’s even an included lunch and speaker from Pageant who will provide insight and answers to all your questions about the memorable event you experience. The tour includes door-to-door airport transportation, roundtrip air to/from Southern California, deluxe motorcoach transportation, accommodations, 3 meals (1BR,1L,1D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1300/1450 Gold Passport Points $1285 p.p./dbl.occ., $1430 single

Catalina Island Getaway 4 Days • October 12-15 Catalina Island isn’t a destination; it’s a state of mind. And October is the perfect time to visit, with mild temperatures and

View Avalon Harbor from high above during an inland motor tour

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

long after the summer crowds are gone. Our annual escape to the island “26 miles across the sea” features three nights at the Pavilion Lodge, in the center of Avalon, right on the harbor and within walking distance of countless shops and restaurants. Begin with a short flight to Southern California. Enjoy a tour and spectacular Sunday Brunch aboard the Queen Mary, moored in Long Beach Harbor. Travel aboard the high-speed Catalina Express ferry to the island. At your hotel, enjoy a wine reception each night and a continental breakfast each morning. The itinerary includes several adventures on the island as well as plenty of free time to enjoy additional activities or time to relax on your own. Included in the package is a behind-the-scenes tour of Catalina’s famous ballroom and Casino Building. Get a look at the underwater world surrounding the island by a semi-submersible vehicle. Additionally, view Avalon and its beautiful harbor from high above on the Inland Motor Tour: follow the island’s original stagecoach route aboard a specially designed bus and visit the Catalina Fox Island Habitat and the Nature Conservancy Center. A final night dinner is included at the Avalon Grill, across from the harbor, just steps from your hotel. A mid-morning return to the mainland by ferry allows you time for lunch in Long Beach prior to your late afternoon flight back to Sacramento. The tour includes home pickup, roundtrip airfare from Sacramento to Southern California, accommodations and three tours on Catalina Island, 6 meals (3B,1BR,1L,1D), deluxe motorcoach transportation, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1600/1850 Gold Passport Points $1585 p.p./dbl.occ., $1810 single $ave $50 until April 9

All Around California by Rail 5 Days • October 22-26 Experience a rail adventure around the Golden State! Four trains await to show you scenery like no other, all from the comfort of your chair. The best part? SuperCoach III will follow you from city to city, platform to platform, keeping you free of your luggage!

1. Drivers from Carey Transportation meet you at your door and deliver you to SuperCoach III for the quick drive to Stockton to meet Amtrak’s San Joaquin. Enjoy views of the farmland and the distant foothills, along with a box lunch, as you make your way to Bakersfield, at the southern end of the Great Valley. Dinner is included at an old favorite tonight. Hilton Garden Inn (L,D) 2. Over the Grapevine and into the Los Angeles Basin with a stop in Fillmore to discover the Fillmore & Western Railroad. Because of their close proximity to Hollywood, the engines and cars of the F&W have been featured in countless movies and television shows. Explore Heritage Valley by train with a three-course lunch served en route to Santa Paula. Enjoy docent-led tours of the California Oil Museum, Santa Paula Art Museum and Ventura County Agricultural Museum. Dessert is served on the way back to Fillmore on board the train. Holiday Inn Burbank (L) 3. While known for its fine collection of western art and artifacts, The Autry Center is featuring a new exhibit called Route 66: The Road and the Romance. The exhibit allows you to discover the facts and fiction of the Mother Road through more than 200 extraordinary artifacts that trace the history of the route and its impact on American popular culture. Lunch is included inside Los Angeles’ Union Station, followed by a historical tour before boarding Amtrak’s Pacific Surfliner for a ride along the coast to Santa Barbara. Your accommodations tonight are nearby in Buellton. Marriott Hotel (L,D) 4. Discover Solvang, California’s Little Denmark, on a morning tour by horse-drawn trolley. Free time for shopping and lunch at your leisure follows. We’ll meet up with Amtrak’s Coast Starlight in San Luis Obispo in the mid-afternoon for the trek to San Jose. Enjoy dinner in the dining or lounge cars en route. Fairmont Hotel 5. Sunday Brunch at the Dolce Hayes Mansion precedes your final rail trip aboard Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor from San Jose to Sacramento, where the cars from Carey will be waiting to return you home. (BR) The tour includes home pick up, deluxe

motorcoach transportation, accommodations, 6 meals (1BR,3L,2D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director. 1700/1950 Gold Passport Points $1690 p.p./dbl.occ., $1905 single $ave $50 until April 9

Off to the Carolinas with Chris 8 Days • October 23-30 Time to head down South for mountains, mama and moonshine! Visit Charlotte Motor Speedway and learn about the fastest growing sport in America. Did you know that Nascar was born from bootlegging moonshine? You’ll even get to sample some at a new moonshine bar known for craft cocktails! Slow down in Mt. Airy, NC, Andy Griffith’s hometown and inspiration for fictional Mayberry. Aunt Bea will ready you a room! For dinner, dig into a plate of slow-smoked Lexington style BBQ and hushpuppies. Wind along the scenic Blue Ridge Parkway at the height of fall colors and spend two nights in the low mountains in downtown Asheville, NC. Tour and dine at the Biltmore Estate, the Hearst Castle of the Southeast. Take in the charm of Hendersonville, NC and attend a John Denver tribute concert. Pass though Chris’ little hometown of “Sparkle City” (Spartanburg, SC) and hear the local gossip before stepping back in time in historic downtown Columbia, SC. For you foodies, experience nouveau Southern cuisine at Saluda’s, an popular upscale eatery. The last stop is Atlanta, GA to visit the Margaret Mitchell Home, CNN Studios and The World of Coca-Cola. Dinner is at The Varsity, a local institution where the question is, “What’ll ya have?” Try the famous Frosted Orange to wash down a slawdog (a hotdog topped with chili and coleslaw…a Southern favorite!) before pigging out on “Hot Now” Kripsy Kreme Doughnuts. From high cotton to down-home backwoods charm, this tour has a little something for everyone. Put on your eatin’ pants and let’s get goin’! Mama’s waitin’! This tour includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip air, accommodations,

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all attractions listed, deluxe motorcoach transportation, 18 meals (7FB,6L,5D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. Prices available Wednesday, March 26 Call now to be placed on the Priority Notification List!

Bishop, Laughlin & Las Vegas by SuperCoach III

Vegas during your narrated city tour which will include the Fremont Street experience in downtown Las Vegas as well as the strip. Treasure Island, Las Vegas – 2 nights (L) 5. Today is at your leisure to explore some of the amazing hotels that surround you. The Venetian and Wynn are across the street as well as the Mirage and Caesars Palace next door. 6. Depart Las Vegas this morning for the trip back to Sacramento. There will be rest and meal stops en route; arriving home via Mojave, Bakersfield and Fresno, about 9pm. Carey vehicles will be waiting at the Sports Leisure office to return you home! (L) The tour includes home pickup, roundtrip deluxe motorcoach transportation, accommo­­dations, 6 meals (1B,1BR,4L), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1300/1500 Gold Passport Points $1295 p.p./dbl.occ., $1485 single $ave $35 until April 9

6 Days • November 9-14 1. Our fleet of Carey vehicles picks you up at home and transports you to the Sports Leisure office. Depart on board Supercoach III for the south shore of Lake Tahoe where you will enjoy the popular Forest Buffet at Harrah’s. Continue your travels down Hwy 395 pausing near Mono Lake before arriving in Bishop, California. Creekside Inn (BR) 2. This morning make a rest stop in Tonopah then make your way to Beatty for a hosted lunch. After a rest stop in Las Vegas, arrive in Laughlin where your resort sits on the banks of the Colorado River, with everyone enjoying riverview rooms. Golden Nugget Hotel, Laughlin – 2 nights (B,L) 3. Step back in time to the western town of Oatman, Arizona and visit the historical Oatman Hotel where Clark Gable and Carole Lombard spent their honeymoon in 1939. Enjoy a hosted lunch and have your picture taken with a resident burro before returning to Laughlin. (L) 4. Head to Las Vegas this morning. Stop for lunch at the popular Firelight Buffet at Sam’s Town followed by some free time to hit the slots or tables. Check into your hotel centrally located on the strip. Tonight, see the lights of The lights of Las Vegas are waiting to dazzle


Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


As we finalize plans for the rest of 2014 and new tours for 2015, here are a few destinations we are considering. Are these on your “bucket list?” If so, place your name on the Priority Notification List!

A’s/Giants Roadtrip

4 Days • September 2014 Still on the list for 2014 but we’ve changed our focus. How about a roadtrip to San Diego to follow the Giants as they look to return to the postseason? Two games at fabulous Petco Park against the Padres and maybe a game in Los Angeles versus the Dodgers.

Miami & Key West

7 Days • January 2015 Our signature tour to the Florida Keys continues to sellout every year. Begin in Miami with a tour of South Beach and an airboat ride through Gator Country. Overnight in Key Largo and stay four nights at Key West’s best address. See Truman’s Little White House, the Hemingway House, and the Shipwreck Museum.

Aurora in Alaska

6 or 7 Days • March 2015 Experience the Northern Lights of Alaska on this late winter tour. Stay in Anchorage and Fairbanks with opportunities to catch the Aurora Borealis from a private lodge. Rail transportation between Anchorage and Fairbanks provides a scenic element.

Colorful Costa Rica

8 Days • Spring 2015 Explore the beaches, rivers, flora and fauna of the Pacific Coast. Climb the Continental Divide to the cloud forest of Monteverde and to the rainforests and volcanic hot springs of Arenal. End in the “golden city” of San Jose.

The Heart of Europe

16 Days • Fall 2015 Holland, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, France and Belgium with two-night stays in Amsterdam (Holland), the Stubaital Valley (Austria), Verona (Italy), and Lake Lucerne (Switzerland). Airfare, deluxe motorcoach accommodations and 22 meals included.

The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced Tours) 3 Days

Apr. 3-5

Harmony & The Sea, Hearst Castle

Overnight Harris Ranch, overnight San Simeon. Travel the WEST side of the valley on Hwy 33. Tour and browse the goodies at Stewart & Jasper’s Orchards, visit Harmony’s wine-cask chapel, stop at Camp Roberts for an inside look, evening tour of Hearst Castle. 5 meals, travel on SuperCoach III, door-to-door service, 1000/1150 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $970 p.p./ dbl.occ., $1110 single 2 Days

Apr. 27-28

Back to Bodega Bay

Brunch at the Flamingo Hotel in Santa Rosa, overnight Bodega Bay Lodge, visit Armstrong Redwoods, lunch at the Union Hotel in Occidental, concert by William Florian. 3 meals, SuperCoach III transportation, 550/650 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $540 p.p./dbl.occ., $610 single, add door-todoor service for $80 p.p. 6 Days

May 7-12

New York City: Broadway, Brooklyn and The Bronx

Three seats available at press time. Just added: Tickets to “The Bridges of Madison County,” a new musical. Featuring a symphony concert at Carnegie Hall and 5 nights at the Millennium Times Square, a spectacular location convenient to theaters and attractions. Brooklyn’s “Sounds, Sights and Slices” tour, stopping for pizza and dessert. The Bronx – the real Little Italy, with lunch, dessert and pasta shopping. Optional Tours (admissions included): Bronx Botanical Gardens or Zoo, and the new Yankee Stadium. The new 9/11 Memorial, tickets to a symphony concert at Carnegie Hall and a Broadway show. 6 meals: 3 lunches, 3 dinners; roundtrip airfare, door-to-door airport service, 3200/3700 Gold Passport Points. Special note: While we welcome all travelers, realistically, this trip requires some walking in the neighborhoods. If you cannot easily walk 3-4 city blocks without difficulty, we would not recommend this itinerary for you. Tour Directors: Mark and Chris, $3185 p.p./dbl.occ., $3695 single

Jackie Lindberg checks out a spot in Austin, NV on Old Hwy 50. Most of the people survive the journey. Truly off-the-beaten-track, and FUN!

Beautifully appointed rooms are waiting for you at the Ritz

2 Days

June 1-2

The Ritz-Carlton, Lake Tahoe

Have you joined our “Ritz Club?” Twice a year we offer overnighters to these fabulous five-star hotels, simply to enjoy the lap of luxury. Sure, there are a few attractions and meals (Tahoe Maritime Museum, brunch in Truckee, lunch in Tahoe). But it’s mostly about the amazing hotel, located mid-mountain at the Northstar Resort on the north end of the lake. 450/550 Gold Pass port Points, Tour Director: Scott Angeletii. $440 p.p./dbl.occ., $535 single, add door-to-door service for $80 p.p. 7 Days

June 7-13

The Ferries, Islands and Towns of Old Cape Cod

Two seats available at press time. Ferry rides from Boston to Provincetown, Hyannis to Martha’s Vineyard, then on to Nantucket, Nantucket to Hyannis. Overnight Boston, 2 nights Provincetown on the Cape, overnight Hyannis, 2 nights Nantucket. Guided tours in Provincetown (Cape Cod National Seashore), on Nantucket, and Martha’s Vineyard. 12 meals: breakfast each morning, 1 lunch, 5 dinners, including a lobster feast. Door-to-door airport service, airfare, 3400/3800 Gold Passport Points. Tour Directors: Mark and Chris, $3390 p.p./dbl.occ., $3795 single 6 Days

June 17-22

U.S. 50 and 93 – America’s Loneliest Highways

Settlements in Nevada are few and far between, but most are worthy of an explorer’s curiosity. If you’ve never roamed these parts, there’s more to see than you thought. This journey across Nevada travels first by train, then by coach, along two very quiet and scenic legendary highways. Ride Amtrak through the Sierra from Sacramento to Winnemucca. Authentic Basque-style lunch in Elko; see the original airfield of the Enola Gay, the WWII atomic bomber, in Wendover. Visit McGill Drugs, frozen in time from 40 years ago, ride the Ghost Train of Old Ely, visit a bordello and meet the girls… optional, of course. Tour Eureka & Austin, tiny historical outposts on the highway. Brunch at the Forest Buffet at Harrah’s Tahoe the last day, one of 14 included meals. Door-to-door service, 1550/1750 Gold Passport Points. Tour Directors: Mark and Ryan Quinn, $1505 p.p./dbl.occ., $1750 single

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9 Days

June 18-26

The Black Hills, Cody and Yellowstone National Park

Upscale accommodations and lots of time in Yellowstone are the benchmarks of this vacation. Featuring Mount Rushmore, Crazy Horse Memorial and Custer State Park, along with Yellowstone, this really is one of our premier National Park tours. Experience the beauty of South Dakota, Wyoming and Montana. Three western treasures, a combination of mountains, plains, unique cultures and history. Two days of sightseeing in the Black Hills including both day and night visits to the patriotic Mt. Rushmore; ride a jeep through Custer State Park, where the deer, antelope, bison and other wildlife play. Stand on top of the fingertip of Crazy Horse Memorial (a memorable opportunity, to be taken to the top of Crazy Horse, no other company offers this exclusive). From the base of Devils Tower, behold the magnificence of this awesome monolith; visit the Buffalo Bill Historical Center in Cody. Take a boat ride through the Bighorn Canyon National Recreation Area, 2 days of sightseeing in Yellowstone National Park featuring time at Old Faithful Geyser, Hayden Valley, the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone, and Mammoth Hot Springs. 14 meals: 2 breakfasts, 5 full breakfasts, 6 lunches, 1 dinner; roundtrip airfare to Rapid City/from Billings, door-to-door airport service, 4150/4750 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $4130 p.p./dbl. occ., $4740 single 11 Days July 11-21

Maine and The Maritimes

A magnificent, small group journey to some of North America’s most incredible scenic places in three Canadian provinces (New Brunswick, Prince Edward Island, Nova Scotia). Go online to see the complete day-by-day itinerary. Explore the history of Maine and Atlantic Canada with tours of Bar Harbor, Saint John, Prince Edward Island, and Halifax. Discover the natural beauty of Acadia National Park, Fundy National Park, Reversing Falls, the Cabot Trail, and the Cape Breton Highlands. Enjoy tea at Campobello, summer home of Eleanor and Franklin Roosevelt. Learn about Alexander Graham Bell at his historic site in the Cape Breton Highlands. Two-night stays in Bar Harbor, Baddeck, Charlottetown, and Halifax, overnights in Manchester and Saint John. 17 meals: 3 breakfasts, 7 full breakfasts, 1 box lunch, 1 lunch, 5 dinners; roundtrip airfare to Manchester, NH/from Halifax, NS; door-to-door airport service, 5850/6850 Gold Passport Points. Not cheap, but worth every penny. $5850 p.p./dbl.occ., $6850 single This vacation requires a valid passport! $50 EPD*

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Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

5 Days

July 14-18

Oregon – Covered Bridges and The Coast

Dine on a covered bridge, ride a dune buggy, enjoy the views from your oceanfront room on the coast. Two nights Cottage Grove at the Village Green Resort – 25 miles south of Eugene, on 14 acres of themed gardens; 2 nights Elizabeth Street Inn, Newport. Dine on a covered bridge – lunch on a landmark; ride a carousel in Salem and visit a Carousel Museum in Albany. Lots of “foodie fun” – Chocolate Decadence, a pizza party, dinner in the Oregon Aquarium, a cooking demo that becomes lunch in Lincoln City. Ride a dune buggy on the coast – choice of scenic or adventurous route; explore old towns in Florence & Newport; cocktail cruise on Newport Harbor. New! Visit Toledo, an artistcommunity just inland from Newport, railroad museum, farmer’s market, BBQ lunch. 11 meals, airfare, door-to-door airport service, 1700/1900 Gold Passport Points. Tour Directors: Mark and Chris,$1685 p.p./dbl.occ., $1895 single 6 Days

July 17-22

Glacier and Waterton Lakes National Parks

Three seats available at press time. This has become one of Scott’s trademark tours. Travel famous Going-To-The-Sun Road through Glacier National Park, then cross into Canada to Waterton Lakes International Peace Park. Three scenic lake cruises, overnight at the Prince of Wales Hotel in Canada, 2 nights at St. Mary’s Bear Lodge at Glacier Park, 2 nights at Grouse Mountain Lodge near Kalispell. 8 meals: 3 full breakfasts, 4 lunches,1 dinner; airfare, door-to-door airport service, 3250/3800 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! $3205 p.p./dbl.occ., $3755 single

Old Faithful still impresses

11 Days July 25 – Aug. 4

Bonnie Scotland

Join us on a comprehensive tour around Scotland with a spotlight on off-the-beaten-path destinations from the wee isles of Orkney, Iona and Skye to the vast, barren Highlands. The trip ends with two nights in the Capital City for The Royal Edinburgh Military Tattoo. This small-group tour is limited to only 25 participants. Presently only one single-occupancy reservation remains, though doubles can get on the waiting list! 6000/6550 Gold Passport Points. $5990 p.p./dbl.occ., $6550 single. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. 6 Days

July 29 – Aug. 3

Planes, Trains and Fireworks!

Explore the best of the Pacific Northwest by rail from Portland to Vancouver, BC. Travel twice on Amtrak’s Cascade between Portland and Tacoma and Everett and Vancouver, BC. Wind through beautiful mountains between Whistler and Vancouver on board the Whistler Mountaineer. Choose your option in Tacoma: Museum of Glass or the new LeMay Auto Museum. Discover the Northwest Railway Museum in Snoqualmie, explore Stanley Park with a tour and lunch at the Fish House. Overnight in Tacoma, 2 nights each in Everett and Vancouver, BC. 8 meals: 2 full breakfasts, 5 lunches, 1 dinner; Roundtrip airfare to Portland, return Seattle; Door-to-door airport service. 2750/3050 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! Tour Director: Chris Galloway, $2735 p.p./dbl.occ., $3045 single 4 Days

Aug. 4-7

The Sounds of Music in the Cascades

A classic short, summer vacation. Fly to Seattle, enjoy lunch at Pike Place Market, take Amtrak into the mountains to Leavenworth. Stay 3 nights, enjoy local sightseeing in this Bavarian-style village, plus an evening performance of The Sound of Music in the outdoor amphitheater. Also featured: an indoor stage performance of The Drowsy Chaperone, a Broadway-style musical comedy; a tour of the plant where Applets & Cotlets candy is manufactured and a visit to the Boeing Museum of Flight. Daily breakfast plus 3 additional meals, air and Amtrak fare, Tour Director: Chris Galloway, 1950/2250 Gold Passport Points. $1940 p.p./dbl.occ., $2205 single, $20 EPD*

Get up close and personal with a jet boat cruise on the Snake River in Idaho

7 Days

Aug. 9-15

Off-the-Beaten-Track in Oregon and Idaho

Eight seats remaining. Lifeseeing in Baker City, Joseph, McCall and Hells Canyon. Stay 2 nights at the historic Geiser Grand Hotel, tour a bronze foundry, experience a gondola ride and a jet boat on the Snake River, enjoy a cruise on Payette Lake. 14 meals: 6 full breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners; roundtrip airfare to/from Boise; door-to-door airport service, 2500/2800 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Scott Angeletti, $2490 p.p./dbl.occ., $2790 single 4 Days

Aug. 10-13

Horsing Around in Mendocino

When the summer days are long and hot, the Mendocino Coast is the perfect getaway. Spend two nights at Noyo Harbor at the Harbor Lite Lodge. Visit a lighthouse, a botanical garden, a state park on the ocean and the village of Mendocino. Ride the famous California Western Railroad (the Skunk Train) back to Willits. On the way to the coast, stop for brunch in Santa Rosa, in Ukiah at the Grace Hudson Museum and visit the final home of Seabiscuit, the beloved racing horse. The package includes ALL MEALS (10). Tour Director: TBA, 1300/1500 Gold Passport Points. $1300 p.p./dbl. occ., $1465 single, $20 EPD* 3 Days

Aug. 17-19

Laguna Beach & The Pageant of the Masters

Our first departure was an immediate sellout, so we have added this second, identical trip. Fly to LA/Long Beach and enjoy Sunday Brunch on the Queen Mary. Following a tour of the ship, check into the Marriott Newport Beach for two nights. Tour the small village of Orange, enjoy prime seating for The Pageant of the Masters and have time to explore The Festival of the Arts. The following morning, a speaking program fills you in on behind-the-scenes facts. Year after year, one of our most popular tours. Includes air, 3 meals, 1300/1450 Gold Passport Points. $1285 p.p./dbl.occ., $1430 single

Fine food and lodging can be found in Leavenworth

Visit us anytime on the web at: Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014


7 Days

Sept. 8-14

The International Selkirk Loop

11 Days

Sept. 14-24

Italy, That’s Amore!

The Selkirk Loop is a 280-mile international scenic drive encircling the Selkirk Mountains of eastern Washington, northern Idaho and southeastern British Columbia. The entire loop nearly follows alongside a river or lakeshore, with vast views of the valleys and mountains one minute, intimate water scenes or dense forest the next.

Please see the complete itinerary online. It includes Venice, Pisa, Rome and Vatican City. Doge’s Palace, the Duomo and the famous Leaning Tower, a gondola ride in Venice, a train ride through the countryside, all featured. 19 meals, airfare, 5900/6700 Gold Passport Points, Tour Director: Clanton Whitehead. $5855 p.p./ dbl.occ., $6695 single, $50 EPD*

Many of the communities featured on this very unique tour have populations of fewer than 500 inhabitants. Multiple-night stays in waterview rooms: 2 nights in Bonners Ferry, ID and three nights in Nelson, BC. Walk through history aboard the SS Moyie, a restored sternwheeler nestled along the banks of Kootenay Lake. Learn about the culture of the Doukhobors at Castlegar; visit the small communities of Crawford Bay, Rossland and Ymir with their fascinating places in Selkirk history. Enjoy a night of contemporary luxury at the Davenport Towers, and the elegant Sunday Brunch at the Davenport Hotel. Door-to-door airport service; roundtrip airfare to/from Spokane, WA; 12 meals: 5 full breakfasts, 1 brunch, 6 lunches; 2950/3400 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $2950 p.p./dbl. occ., $3390 single

8 Days

Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Carey Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners.

Sept. 19-26 Rails Around Colorado

Three scenic trains rides: The Rio Grande Scenic Railroad, the Cumbres & Toltec Railroad and the Durango & Silverton Railroad. Great Sand Dunes National Park, curator reception at the Durango Train Museum, 2 nights at the luxurious Zermatt Resort, lunch at the Robert Redford’s Sundance Resort. 14 meals: 7 full breakfasts, 6 lunches, 1 dinner; roundtrip airfare to Albuquerque, from Salt Lake City; door-to-door airport service; 3400/3800 Gold Passport Points. $3400 p.p./dbl.occ., $3800 single 7 Days

Sept. 28 – Oct. 4

La Belle Québec

The pedestrian village of Mont-Tremblant, nestled in the middle of the Laurentian Mountains, is the perfect combination of European ambiance and Québécois hospitality. The beauty continues as you spend two nights in the Walled City of Québec City. Then it’s on to Tadoussac for whale watching and a night in the Charlevoix Region. Spend the final night in vibrant Montréal, a world-class city unlike any other in North America. Spend 2 nights within the walls of Old Québec City; minke whale watching and fjord cruise. Six nights deluxe accommodations; lunch at the Château Frontenac, dinner at the Canadian Sugar Shack; 12 meals: 6 full breakfasts, 3 lunches, 3 dinners. Door-to-door airport service; roundtrip airfare, Sacramento/Montréal; services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director and a local bilingual Tour Guide; 3800/4300 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! $3785 p.p./dbl.occ., $4290 single, $50 EPD*

*Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD*,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary.

For the complete day-by-day itinerary of any extended tour, go to 18

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014

The unique spirit of France lives in Québec City

4 Days

Sept. 24-27 Riding on the City of New Orleans

Enjoy private train accommodations from The Crescent City to Chicago. The Pullman Car Company pioneered luxury rail travel by creating the first sleeping cars which could truly be called “firstclass.” Today, Pullman Rail Journeys revives the iconic spirit of American rail travel with its carefully restored Pullman Rail Cars. In an effort to be as historically accurate as possible, each classic Pullman Car has undergone a painstakingly detailed restoration and upholds the Pullman tradition of style, ambience and craftsmanship. With your private cars attached to Amtrak’s City of New Orleans, you’ll travel overnight in comfort. Accommodations on the train are in cars generally set for double occupancy with upper and lower berths. All cars operated by the Pullman Company are unique and exact cabin assignments and layouts will not be available until two weeks prior to departure. All cars have windows, electrical outlets, individual lighting controls and Wi-Fi is available depending on the location of the train. Overnight rail accommodations on board private restored Pullman Cars from New Orleans to Chicago. Overnight in the French Quarter of New Orleans and one night in Chicago. City Tours of New Orleans & Chicago. Discover the historic community/company town of Pullman, IL. 6 meals: 3 full breakfasts, 1 lunch, 2 dinners; roundtrip airfare to New Orleans, from Chicago; door-to-door airport service; 2600/3100 Gold Passport Points. $2579 p.p./dbl.occ., $3070 single 9 Days

Oct. 3-11

Steamboatin’ on the Upper Mississippi

It’s a new day for the majestic American Queen as evidenced by all the inclusions. Non-alcoholic beverages are available and complimentary all day long. Beer and wine is included with dinner, and multiple dining choices are now offered, full-service to buffet. Onboard, an all-American staff assures no language barriers. Portside, “steamcoaches” follow the Queen down the river to facilitate your complimentary shore excursions. Upgraded, smallgroup excursions are available at most ports for an enhanced experience. (Optional, add’l cost.) Your onboard Riverlorian will have all the details during daily talks introducing each port of call. 7-night cruise aboard the American Queen with ports of call in Red Wing, La Crosse, Dubuque, Davenport, Burlington and Hannibal. All basic shore excursions included; showboat-style entertainment and dancing nightly; daily talks by Riverlorian. Pre-cruise overnight in St. Paul; 21 meals: 8 full breakfasts, 6 lunches, 7 dinners (beer and wine included with onboard dinners; complimentary bottled water, sodas and special coffees). Door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare to Minneapolis/from St. Louis, Gold Passport Points based on cabin category. Prices based on cabin category, starting at $4230 p.p./dbl.occ. (inside), $4980 p.p./dbl.occ. (outside). Single prices upon request. Recommended onboard gratuity is $16.50 p.p./day. $50 EPD*

7 Days

Oct. 6-12

Carlsbad Caverns & The Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

See the famous Caverns and visit the new Spaceport America in the New Mexico Dessert, where space travel is coming to life. Over 600 balloons are part of the festivities in Albuquerque, where we have private seating for the evening and morning viewings. Overnight El Paso, two nights Las Cruces, three nights Albuquerque. 15 meals, airfare and attractions as listed, 2800/3200 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2765 p.p./dbl.occ., $3190 single, $40 EPD* 9 Days

Oct. 28 – Nov. 5

Mexico’s Copper Canyon

Ride the legendary railroad into one of North America’s most scenic canyons. Fly to El Paso,overnight, then cross into Mexico at Juarez. Stay In Creel, meet the Mennonites, see sand dunes and pecan orchards. Two nights El Fuerte, with two day rides on the train. Visit the marketplaces, see the waterfalls, float on the El Fuerte River if you wish. Enjoy a colorful Ballet Folklorico, meet the Tarahumara Indians, tour the home of Pancho Villa. Return via Chihuahua and El Paso. includees 21 meals, all tours and attractions, airfare, home pick-up, 3100/3400 Gold Passport Points. Tour Director: Ramona Goodge, $3100 p.p./dbl.occ., $3355 single 14 Days Nov. 8-21

The Magic of Israel and Jordan

Discover a land of contrasts: modern cities, sunny beaches, colorful deserts and lush oases. Home to the earliest settlements of human history. A land of Biblical tales, Islamic conquests, remarkable architecture and archaeological treasures. Spend 4 nights in the 6,000 year-old city of Jerusalem, 2 nights in the modern Mediterranean city of Tel Aviv, 3 nights in the Galilee, 1 night on the shores of the Dead Sea, and 1 night each in Aqaba and Petra. Descend to the lowest point on earth; float in the mineral rich, buoyant waters of the Dead Sea. Ascend by cable car to walk the ruins of Masada, King Herod’s fortress palace. Wander the artist’s colony town of Safed (Tsfat), named by CNN as one of the “Ten Most Beautiful Cities of the World.” Explore the Golan Heights by jeep, Israel’s most beautiful region, discover the pink sandstone city of Petra, one of the new Wonders of the World; stay in 4 and 5-star modern hotels with daily full breakfast and dinner. Roundtrip airfare from San Francisco to Tel Aviv, door-to-door service, airport transfers, deluxe air-conditioned motorcoach, services of a Sports Leisure Tour Director and local, Englishspeaking tour guides throughout the tour, 6150/7300 Gold Passport Points. This vacation requires a valid passport! Tour Director: Merrill Mixer, $6150 p.p./dbl.occ., $7290 single, prices based on estimated airfare of $1400 p.p. The cost of tour may adjust after airfare, fuel surcharges and exchange rates are confirmed. $100 EPD*

Sports Leisure Vacations / March – April 2014




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration/Payment Di$counts listed here expire on Wednesday, April 9; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. July – Maine & The Maritimes – $ave $50 Aug. – The Sound of Music in the Cascades – $ave $60 Aug. – Horsing Around in Mendocino – $ave $20


$ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the price of your tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.


Sept. – Italy, That’s Amore! – $ave $50

A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Oct. – Carlsbad & Albuquerque Balloon Festival – $ave $40

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available)

Sept. – La Belle Québec – $ave $50

Oct. – Catalina Island Getaway – $ave $50 Oct. – All Around California by Rail – $ave $50 Oct. – Mexico’s Copper Canyon– $ave $50 Oct. – Steamboatin’ on the Upper Mississippi – $ave $50 Oct. – The Magic of Israel & Jordan – $ave $100 Nov. – Bishop, Laughlin & Las Vegas – $ave $35

office hours: 8:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm Or visit us anytime on our website at:

Spring Training in Arizona Colorful Carolina Coast Hawaii: Maui & Molokai Palm Springs & The Follies San Antonio: Deep in the Heart The Big Mystery Tour Springtime in Washington DC & Williamsburg Thirteen Countries Mystery Tour Pageant of the Masters (1st departure – August 24-26)

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) NYC: Broadway, Brooklyn & The Bronx (3) Ferries, Islands & Towns of Old Cape Cod (2) Glacier & Waterton Lakes National Parks (3) Bonnie Scotland (1) Off the Beaten Track in Oregon & Idaho (8) Girls Getaway Cruise: Vancouver to San Diego (6)

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