Slv newsletter mayjune2016 web

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9,885 Active Members  •  48,192 Members Since 1979

MAY/JUNE | VOL. 37 | NO. 5


Over 300 Turn Out for the Holiday Tour Preview

Ramona Goodge regales the audience during one of the information sessions at our Spring Preview Day. Over 300 attended the completely sold out twin shows Friday and Saturday, May 13-14. Keeping with the tradition of helping someone in the community at our big events, our travelers brought over 1,400 items for the hungry, which were donated to the California Emergency Foodlink Community Food Closet.

Irene Potter’s family hired the Sacramento Capitolaires to serenade Irene on the occasion of her 86th birthday, to the benefit of everyone in attendance at the Friday morning show. More than two dozen new adventures were rolled out at the event (all can be found on these pages), along with a host of fun more day trips and “teasers” suggesting a host of new destinations which are on our drawing board. Come inside and join in the fun!

INSIDE THIS ISSUE Just One Man’s Opinion............................2 Clayton Place............................................3 The Customers Always Write....................4 Casino Trips & Baseball............................5 The Human Side.......................................6 Day Trips & Theatre Outings..................7-9 Teasers...............................................10-11 New Vacations & Getaways...............12-20 Tour Calendar.....................................21-23 Coupons and Tour Updates..... Back Cover HHHHHHHHHHHH Editor.................................. Mark Hoffmann Executive Editor ...................Kevin Murphy Staff Writers............ P. Hansen, R. Goodge, S. Angeletti & C. Whitehead, D. Anderson Contributing Photographer........C. Galloway

9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 • Sacramento, CA 95827 • (916) 361-2051 • Toll-Free (800) 951-5556 • • CA Travel #2011549-40

Just One Man’s Opinion by Mark Hoffmann More Than Just A Travel Company A successful Spring Preview Day, where we rolled out our schedule of holiday tours and some new adventures for the fall (check the New Tours section on these pages), is now in the rearview mirror. The year is nearly half over. The years roll by faster and faster it seems. As you can see by the photo on the front page, those attending Preview Day “paid” their admission in donations to the hungry in our community. Donate they did, to the tune of over 1,400 non-perishable items. It is a tremendous source of pride to me personally that when Sports Leisure Travelers gather together, people in our community benefit. Our spring event always collects something useful for those in need, from socks to books to toiletry items and even toilet paper itself one year! Each fall, your $10 admission to our annual event provides us with a $5,000-$6,000 kitty from which to support a variety of community organizations. Many companies would see those $10 admissions as a profit center. We see it as an opportunity. Which takes us back to the title of this column. Through good times and bad, recessions and the 9/11 turndown, the community

has supported us for two generations. It is our firm belief that support comes with an obligation to give something of value back to the community. We thank YOU for allowing US the opportunity to do so. Those are your dollars which provide us the profits to share. Without your patronage, none of it happens. HHHHHHHH

It was the end of the day, the first of two Preview Days, and my shoulders were sagging just a bit. We work on the new tours right up until the first guest arrives for the event. The office was about to close and the phone rang. After the third ring, realizing everyone was on the phone, I picked up. It was my old friend Joe. He called, he said, to say thank you. I listened as he told me how he and his wife Nina were both having health challenges, and he needed to cancel a day trip he had scheduled. Turns out Joe’s challenge is a big one, he’s facing heavy chemo for a stage four cancer. Nine weeks of it, and Joe’s not a young guy. He told me how much he had appreciated Sports Leisure all these many years, and how much we meant to him and his wife. Anyone who knows Joe and Nina know that Joe took “for better or for worse” as seriously as any man ever has. I wished Joe well (What do you say to someone with cancer?) in his battle. I reflected for a minute on 37 years and what we have created here. I’m not sure what name to put on it, but I am certain of one thing. This is way more than “just” a travel company. We are a dream company, and it doesn’t matter whether you are dreaming of a trip around the world or just hoping you will make it through chemo and be able to spend time with your friends and family, we are a part of that. I’ve marked my calendar to give Joe a call in a couple of weeks. Just so he knows his friends haven’t forgotten him. HHHHHHHH

Li-Yen Liu, owner of Peking Restaurant on Folsom Blvd. where our Pre-Tour Orientation lunches are held, was the caterer for our Preview Days lunch. Lunch for 300, we thank you!

I thought I knew just the place. After a trip to the “place” last summer, I was certain. I had found a destination with natural beauty and National Park sites, with educational opportunities and in places we could enjoy. No mountains to climb, or five mile hikes. Just the Great Outdoors in a “place” you not only had never visited, but a destination you probably didn’t even know existed. So the National Parks Centennial Mystery Tour was born. It departs on August 7th and is probably one of the best mystery itineraries this writer has ever put together. I really do think it’s the sleeper trip of the summer. If your August travel schedule has a hole, come celebrate 100 years of our National Parks in a very special setting. HHHHHHHH

Thanks to all who attended Spring Preview Days. Browse these pages and please make your selections early to get the trips you want. Perhaps I’ll see you on tour this summer, in Portland, at the Hollywood Bowl, in the Hamptons, on the Mystery Tour or maybe even a baseball trip. And so it goes…

Great Outdoors Anyone?

Mark updates Preview Day attendees on tours and Travel Club issues


Seemed like a good idea last summer. 2016 would mark the centennial year of the National Park Service. What better way to celebrate than a Mystery Tour and

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

Mark Hoffmann, CTP Owner/Founder

Clayton Place

Your Tour Guy,

Clayton Whitehead, CTP Vice President *Mark kindly asks that you NOT try this on a Sports Leisure vacation, and most especially his tour (also introduced herein) to Key West, Miami and The Everglades!

Keep your photos of Blueberry coming in and you might be our next LUCKY WINNER!


annual Spring Preview Days and within these pages is a stunning sampler of holiday trips. Our annual Thanksgiving in New York is joined by a new itinerary, Thanksgiving Celebrations with the Pilgrims and the Rockettes. As the name hints, the history of Plymouth Colony is paired with a short visit to New York City to see the Rockettes. Can’t decide? Then combine the two for one unforgettable adventure! Blueberry enjoys a relaxing breeze on the isle of Molokai thanks to Donna December tours take Sutton, this month’s BPS award winner! Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


countless forms from the 15th annual Christmas Mystery Tour to our overChristmas Eve and Day tour to Solvang and Santa Barbara. We even have Holiday Magic at the Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay & Fairmont San Jose. Can you imagine a more luxurious way to usher in the season? Finally, those wishing to ring in 2017 with a bang should look no further than The Tournament of Roses Parade & A Salute to Vienna, the latter a magnificent performance of Viennese waltzes and dancing on the stage of the renowned Disney Concert Hall! (Our ever-popular holiday daytrips will be introduced later this year.) Whatever you choose, we look forward to making your holidays sparkle!


I’m not sure why I have such a love affair with the Midwest, and specifically the great state of Iowa. Like a favorite pair of jeans it just “feels right.” A few days ago, I returned from America’s Hearland which followed a curvy, hilly path from Madison, Wisconsin to Des Moines, Iowa. There were so many great adventures along the way, hearty meals (meat and potatoes, baby!) and best of all, amazing people – many of whom I’ve had the honor of calling Friend for well over two decades. One is pictured here. Carrie Koelker was fresh out of college and representing the river city of Dubuque when we met. Now she’s married, has four kids – one of whom is in college – and oversees a large regional tourism organization promoting visitation in Eastern Iowa and along the Great (Mississippi) River Road. Of course she had to join us one day to say hello and distribute gifts. She took this “ussie” (plural for selfie) before we parted and posted it on Facebook shortly thereafter. I shared it with a fellow traveler who said, “Wow, Clayton, you sure do look young!” And I guess I do. That’s what being in a favorite place with one of your favorite people will do for you. It’ll make you young! Travel is often about visiting places that make the heart happy; the soul refreshed and the body young. And yes, it’s often about delectable meals that make the midsection slightly larger, but let’s not go there! Travel is also about memories – those that rise from the past and new ones created

to carry us forward. Often these memories include images of family and home, and the holidays we’ve shared. Growing up in a small family of only 2-½ (Toot, a Chihuahua and me), we often packed up and hit the road at holiday times. Truly, the thought of singing “I’ll Be Home for Christmas” is romantic, but totally foreign to me. Why would anyone want to be home when there was a whole wild world of adventure out there to experience and savor? And truly, you haven’t lived until you’ve smuggled a Chihuahua into some of America’s great hotels*. The Fontainebleau on Miami Beach comes to mind, but that’s another story for another day… I’m thrilled so many of you share my appetite for holiday travel. Introduced at our


Hello Friends!


The Customers Always Write Dear Mark, My family and I would like to thank you for placing the Christmas wreaths at the Sacramento Valley National Cemetery. I have a brother who is buried there. He was in the Air Force and was in Vietnam during the war. The cemetery looks very nice at Christmas time with all the wreaths leaning up against the white headstones. I have been a Sports Leisure Vacations member for a long time and have enjoyed all of the trips that I have taken. Sincerely, Barbara Chandler Ed. Note: I attended my first burial ceremony at SVNC in March, as we laid Sports Leisure Traveler Tom Jennings to rest. The cemetery is a special resting place for the brave who served our country and we are proud to be a small part of it. When you sign up for Tour Preview Day in September, part of your $10 admission will go to placing the wreaths on the graves in December. This year, we are going to invite our radio listeners and travelers to help with the wreath laying if they would like. Watch the newsletter for details in November. Dear Mark, On behalf of the entire St. Francis of Assisi Parish, thank you for your donation to the St. Francis Mardi Gras Gala fundraiser that helped us raise much needed funding to help support our parish outreach ministries. Thank you! Sincerely, Galen Unruh, Outreach Coordinator St. Francis of Assisi Parish Dear Mark, Following are some travel ideas for future “Teasers”… Gospel Music National Quartet Convention in Pigeon Forge, Tennessee. Gospel groups from around the USA perform. Convention held end of September every year for a week. The Great Western Southern Gospel Fan Fest held end of April every year in Visalia, CA. Quite a number of seniors from the greater Sacramento area and surrounding cities attend every year. Eight from our church attend Visalia every year and four are going to Tennessee this year. A number


of years ago this fan festival was held in Sacramento. We renew our tickets every year. This event brings gospel groups from the east coast and southern Bible belt to California. It is three days packed full of music. Sincerely, Tom and Lois Campbell Dear Mark and Tom, We appreciate the opportunity to have a quartet sing on the “The Travel Guys” show on Sunday, February 14, 2016 to promote our Singing Valentines. We delivered over two dozen Singing Valentines from February 12-14 in 2015. Thank you from the Sacramento Capitolaires Chorus & Quartets Dear Sir/Ma’am, Thank you for your cash donation of $120.00 to Manzanar National Historic Site. Your contribution will help tell the stories of Manzanar National Historic Site. There are really no words to express the importance of your donation. We greatly appreciate your help in the stewardship of this special place. On behalf of everyone at Manzanar, please accept our sincere thanks for your support. Sincerely, Bernadette Johnson, Superintendent National Park Service Dear Mark, Just thinking of you, and all the hard work you did to make our trip a great adventure! I just wrote a note of thanks to “Docent Ed” at Fenway Park. He was one of the greatest highlights of our trip to Boston. He shared with us the view of a 6-year old seeing the park for the first time. My husband always says that you forget the places and remember the people. I will always remember you and Ed!! Thank you for your many kindnesses, your great laugh, and your upbeat self. You really gave a lot of yourself to make sure everyone had a great time. We sure did – Mary Ellen and I will speak often of you and the trip. The ice skating was beyond our hopes! We loved sitting down below and getting to see the inner workings. Again, thank you! Pat Pascale

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

Dear Mark, Thank you very much for the many enjoyable trips that I was able to make with your fun groups. Unfortunately, I am unable to join your outings anymore due to physical problems. I always enjoyed your bulletins – so enticing that it was hard to choose which trip to take. Thank you so much for enriching my life. Sincerely, Margaret Watkinson Dear Mark, Clayton, and SLV staff, Thank you for your sympathy card for my mother Anne. She too loved to travel and we had a great time many years ago going to visit the grave of John Sutter, as well as Gettysburg with Clayton – me locating that glass of wine for her that wasn’t included! She almost reached 90 years old and was a trooper right up to the end. Amy Hibbitt Notes From All Over... Got a card from Bill and Beverly Sjurson. Appreciate the update and yes Beverly, you and Bill are always welcome. Congrats on your new digs… Jean Farmer sent a congratulatory note about Mark’s NTA Lifetime Achievement Award, and shared “I miss Sports Leisure more than I can say. But I sure have some great memories.” The Carmichael Kiwanis thanked us for a raffle donation at their annual Crab Feed… Claudine Waddington’s granddaughter wrote a wonderful note after the passing of her grandmother, saying “I just wanted you to know she had so many great times with Sports Leisure. Claudine is remembered on The Human Side page. If you have a comment, suggestion or tour idea, we invite you to drop us a line. Due to space limitations, not all letters can be printed (others may be edited). Mail to: Sports Leisure Vacations Attn: Mark/Clayton 9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 Or e-mail Mark or Clayton at:

Casino Daytrips, Ballpark Express The Full Monty Eldorado Hotel & Casino, Reno 2 Days • September 1-2 Based on the hit film of the same name, The Full Monty, a 10time Tony Award-nominee, is filled with honest affection, engaging melodies and the most highly-anticipated closing number of any show. While spying on their wives at a “Girls’ Night Out,” a group of unemployed steelworkers from Buffalo see how much they enjoy watching male strippers. Jealous and out of work, the men come up with a bold and unclothed way to make some quick cash. In preparing, they find themselves extremely exposed; not merely physically but emotionally. As they conquer their fears and their self-consciousness, the men come to discover they’re stronger as a group, and the strength they find in each other gives them the individual courage to “let it go.” Stay overnight at the Silver Legacy Casino Resort with a buffet dinner included prior to the show. There is a $45 credit per person for those not attending the dinner/ show. Stop at John Ascauga’s Nugget for some casino play before heading home the following day. 225/250 Gold Passport Points with dinner/show, 200/225 without dinner/show $225 p.p./dbl.occ., $250 single $180 p.p./dbl.occ., $205 single without dinner/show

The Producers

The 2016 Ballpark Express For over 35 years, the BEST way to get to the major league ballparks in Oakland and San Francisco has been with Sports Leisure Vacations. Our original Ballpark Express allows you to travel to games in comfort without the traffic, tolls, gas, food stops, etc. Refreshments are served on board the motorcoach on your way to and from each game. You’ll enjoy Field Reserved seating for most A’s games and Lower Box seating for all Giants games.

World Champion San Francisco Giants Wed., Aug. 17

vs. Pittsburgh Pirates

12:45pm $165

Sun., Aug. 21

vs. New York Mets


Wed., Sept. 14

vs. San Diego Padres

12:45pm $160*

Sun., Sept. 18

vs. St. Louis Cardinals


Sun., Oct. 2

vs. Los Angeles Dodgers

12:05pm $165

$165 $165

*Includes one-way transportation on the Vallejo Ferry

Oakland Athletics Sat., Aug. 6

vs. Chicago Cubs



Wed., Sept. 21

vs. Houston Astros

12:35pm $111

❝Playing baseball for a living is like having a license to Eldorado Hotel & Casino, Reno steal.❞ – Pete Rose 2 Days • October 6-7 Based on the Academy Award-winning 1968 film of the same The Champagne Express to Tahoe name, this Mel Brooks masterpiece chronicles the side-splitting Tues., June 14, Wed., July 13 or Thurs., August 18 adventures of washed-up Broadway producer Max Bialystock Our popular Champagne Express to Harvey’s at Lake Tahoe and his mild-mannered accountant Leo Bloom, as they scheme to continues in 2016. Your 6-hour stay includes a $20 slot credit and get rich quick by producing the most notorious flop in the history $7 food credit. You must be a member of Harvey’s Total Rewards of showbiz. It’s a comic tour-de-force that spoofs the big, oldProgram to receive the bonus! $50 fashioned Broadway musical while paying tribute to it at the same time. Hailed as one of, if not the funniest Broadway musicals of all time, The Producers features a riotous mix of eccentric characters and show-stopping songs including “I Want to Be a Producer,” “When You Got It, Flaunt It,” “Prisoners of Love” and, of course, “Springtime for Hitler.” Stay overnight at the Silver Legacy Casino Contests, , updates Resort with a buffet dinner included prior to Sports Leisure the show. There is a $45 credit per person on your for those not attending the dinner/show. Stop destinations, Cultural Arts and FUN! at John Ascauga’s Nugget for some casino play before heading home the following day. EVERY Sunday 3:00-4:00 PM 225/250 Gold Passport Points with dinner/ KFBK, AM 1530, FM 93.1 show, 200/225 without dinner/show Each Sunday, someone who has traveled $225 p.p./dbl.occ., $250 single with us recently wins a $100 Travel Card, no winner and the value increases $100 a week! Tom Romano and Mark Hoffmann $180 p.p./dbl.occ., $205 single without dinner/show

The Travel Guys Travel News

Radio Show


Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


The Human Side Learn, Laugh, Reflect A Different Point of “View” Two men, both seriously ill, occupied the same hospital room. One man was allowed to sit up in his bed for an hour each afternoon to help drain the fluid from his lungs. His bed was next to the room’s only window. The other man had to spend all his time flat on his back. The men talked for hours on end. They spoke of their wives and families, their homes, their jobs, their involvement in the military service, where they had been on vacation. Every afternoon, when the man in the bed by the window could sit up, he would pass the time by describing to his roommate all the things he could see outside the window. The man in the other bed began to live for those one hour periods where his world would be broadened and enlivened by all the activity and color of the world outside. The window overlooked a park with a lovely lake. Ducks and swans played on the water while children sailed their model boats. Young lovers walked arm in arm amidst flowers of every colour and a fine view of the city skyline could be seen in the distance. As the man by the window described all this in exquisite details, the man on the other side of the room would close his eyes and imagine this picturesque scene.

One warm afternoon, the man by the window described a parade passing by. Although the other man could not hear the band – he could see it in his mind’s eye as the gentleman by the window portrayed it with descriptive words. Days, weeks and months passed. One morning, the day nurse arrived to bring water for their baths only to find the lifeless body of the man by the window, who had died peacefully in his sleep. She was saddened and called the hospital attendants to take the body away. As soon as it seemed appropriate, the other man asked if he could be moved next to the window. The nurse was happy to make the switch, and after making sure he was comfortable, she left him alone. Slowly, painfully, he propped himself up on one elbow to take his first look at the real world outside He strained to slowly turn to look out the window besides the bed. It faced a blank wall. The man asked the nurse what could have compelled his deceased roommate who had described such wonderful things outside this window. The nurse responded that the man was blind and could not even see the wall. She said, “Perhaps he just wanted to encourage you.”

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THE GENEROUS BARBER One day a florist went to a barber for a haircut. After the cut, he asked about his bill, and the barber replied, “I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.” The florist was pleased and left the shop.

When the barber went to open his shop the next morning, there was a “thank you” card and a dozen roses waiting for him at his door.

Later, a cop comes in for a haircut, and when he tries to pay his bill, the barber again replied, “I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.” The cop was happy and left the shop.

The next morning when the barber went to open up, there were a “thank you” card and a dozen donuts waiting for him at his door.

Then a Congressman came in for a haircut, and when he went to pay his bill, the barber again replied, “I cannot accept money from you; I’m doing community service this week.” The Congressman was very happy and left the shop.

The next morning, when the barber went to open up, there were a dozen Congressmen lined up waiting for a free haircut.


Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

May all their travels be on the wings of angels… Travel brings people together. We meet people in destinations along the way, and break bread with our fellow travelers. Friendships are formed which endure forever, and are renewed when you walk down the aisle of Supercoach, seeing a familiar face. Many of those friendships exist only on tour, but many of them expand outside travel. Often, folks meet a new travel companion on a trip. Indeed, we have become a giant travel family. Travel enriches our lives by taking us to new places and making new friends. Because many of our travel friends are long distance friendships, each newsletter we pause to say our goodbyes to our traveling friends who are no longer with us. This month, the list includes Claudine Waddington, who despite moving to Reno years ago, continued to come “down the hill” to travel with us. Unshakable loyalty, for certain. It also includes Keith White, who was a deputy sheriff for 30 years, and a longtime SLV Traveler. Keith’s childhood friend, Jane Butler, went with him on innumerable trips. Jane, please don’t be a stranger. In memoriam… Dorothy Souza

Lorilei Olin

James Drennon

Christina Ong

Dan Piotrowski

Keith White

Bob Rath

Elizabeth Sorge

Claudine Waddington

Help Wanted – Part Time Day Trip Tour Director We need another Tour Director for day trips and overnighters. We are looking for a people-person who is nimble on their feet on a moving motorcoach. Must be available 2-3 times a month to escort short trips. Submit a letter of interest/resume to Kevin Murphy, SLV General Manager, at

Day Trips & Theatre Outings Wish Upon a Star: The Art of Pinocchio Monday, June 27 Wish Upon A Star: the Art of Pinocchio is a special exhibit at the Walt Disney Family Museum. With a combo ticket you will have the opportunity to discover the artistic process and explore how one of the most influential animated films in history was produced in the pre-digital era. Get a glimpse into how the legendary animators worked and thought as they created this1940’s masterpiece, along with the other Disney films of the era. Lunch is included at Swiss Louis’ Restaurant on Pier 39. $140

Carmen San Francisco Opera House Sunday, July 3 Carmen returns to the San Francisco Opera in a bold production of love, lust, and murder. Set in post-Franco Spain, this version of Bizet’s masterpiece with the ultimate femme fatale, lovesick soldier, and dashing bullfighter, retains the pulsating beat and haunting arias you have always known. Your choice of seating is in the side sections of the Orchestra or Dress Circle of the first balcony for the 2pm matinee. Be advised that Dress Circle requires use of steep stairs to reach with no availability of handrails. A stop is included in Union Square for a no-host lunch prior to the performance. Orchestra – $246, Dress Circle – $188

Beauty and the Beast Orpheum Theater, SF Wednesday, July 6 Disney’s Beauty and the Beast is the classic story of Belle, a young woman in a provincial town, and the Beast, who is really a young prince trapped in a spell placed by an enchantress. If the Beast can learn to love and be loved, the curse will end and he will be transformed to his former self. The musical features a wonderful score including “Be Our Guest” and, of course, “Beauty and The Beast.” Our trip includes a snack box lunch served on the coach, orchestra seating for the 2pm matinee, and

a no-host dinner stop at Pier 39 directly after the show. $150

State Fair At the Fallon House Theatre Saturday, July 16 Spend a summer day in the foothills with the Sonora Theatre Company as it celebrates summer and the magic of Rodgers & Hammerstein, two of our country’s greatest composers. State Fair is a warm-hearted tale of the adventures of the Frake family as they leave the farm for 3 days of adventure and romance at the annual Iowa State Fair. Includes favorites, “It Might As Well Be Spring” and “It’s a Grand Night for Singing.” Lunch is included prior to the 2pm matinee at the City Hotel in Columbia. $141

San Francisco by Coach, Ferry, and Train Monday, July 18 Enjoy a variety of experiences and adventures as we travel to and from San Francisco by “coach, ferry, and train.” Begin the day in San Francisco with a first stop at the historic Ferry Building. With docents from San Francisco City Guides, learn about its history and architecture while visiting both the public and private spaces of today. Following the tour, explore and have lunch on your own before boarding a Blue & Gold Ferry for a short ride across the bay to Oakland. Disembark at Jack London Square and board Amtrak’s Capitol Corridor for a scenic ride home. $123

Gardens of Golden Gate Park Wednesday, July 20 Celebrate the splendor of summer enjoying the many different gardens of majestic Golden Gate Park in San Francisco. Begin the day at the historic Conservatory of Flowers and continue touring throughout the park with additional stops at the Dutch Windmills, secluded Shakespeare Gardens, and conclude at the serene Japanese Tea Gardens. Lunch is included mid-day at the Beach Chalet with views overlooking Ocean

Beach and the Pacific Ocean. A beautiful way to enjoy a mid-summer day! Be sure to bring cameras and wear comfortable shoes for walking! $140

Along Tahoe’s South Shore Thursday, July 21 A sellout every summer, our annual trip to escape the heat of the valley to enjoy the cooler weather up at “The Lake” is back. Start with a luncheon buffet cruise aboard the paddlewheeler MS Dixie II as she plies the waters of the southern edge of Lake Tahoe and Emerald Bay. After being on the water, explore what is below the surface of Lake Tahoe with a visit to the U.S. Forest Service’s Taylor Creek Stream Profile Chamber, which allows visitors to view a diverted area of Taylor Creek through panels of aquarium-like windows. $145

Emperor’s Treasures, Chinese Art from the National Palace Museum, Taipei Asian Art Museum, SF Tuesday, July 26 In celebration of the 50th anniversary of the renowned National Museum in Taipei, more than 150 artworks of paintings, calligraphy, ceramics, lacquer ware, jades, and textiles, make their American debut at the Asian Art Museum. Spanning the Song to the Qing Dynasties, the exhibition includes rare masterpieces from the early 12th through the early 20th Centuries and highlights differing styles, subjects, and craftsmanship. May Wong in our office has been to the museum in Taipei and says this is a show not to be missed! After your private tour with docents of the Treasures exhibit, enjoy free time to explore the permanent collections and lunch on your own in the museum café. $105

The Presidio & The Palace Thursday, July 28 Serving as a military post under Spain, Mexico, and the United States from 17761994, the Presidio is now a part of the Golden Gate National Recreation Area.

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


Learn its history, tour the grounds, and see the changes now in place for the current use of this historic site. After included lunch at the Presidio Golf Course Café, conclude the day with stop at the Palace of Fine Arts and Lucas Arts Headquarters. $126

Gilroy Garlic Festival Friday, July 29 Last year we offered this daytrip to the Gilroy for its famous Garlic Festival and it quickly sold out! Here’s your next opportunity to try everything under the sun made with garlic, even ice cream! Arrive when the gates open at 10am (7am departure from Sacramento) to beat the summer heat. We’ll also stop at Casa de Fruta to purchase fresh fruits and vegetables on our way home, arriving home around 4pm. $95

Beehive East Sonora Theater Saturday, July 30 A rocking 60’s musical sensation, this high-energy revue samples the exciting emergence of the 60’s best girl groups and solo singers. Presented at the East Sonora Theatre, this show features five women, sizzling hit music (think tunes like “R-ES-P-E-C-T” and “My Boyfriend’s Back”), poodle skirts, tie-dye, and gallons of hair spray! Lunch is included at the City Hotel in Columbia prior to the 2pm matinee. $143

San Francisco Museum of Modern Art Monday, August 1 After a two-and-and-a-half year closure for expansion, the San Francisco Museum of Modern Art (MOMA) is ready to reopen. Recognized as the first museum on the West Coast devoted to 20th Century art, its collection contains over 33,000 works of painting, sculpture, photography, design, architecture, and media arts. With the remodel now complete, gallery

Our office hours are changing! Beginning Tuesday, May 31, we will open our office at 9am. Our staff will still be in the office after 8am, but phones will not be answered until after 9am. Our office will still close at 4:30pm.


space has more than doubled. Enjoy a docent-led Architectural Tour of the new building followed by free time to explore the expanded galleries and new exhibits. Lunch is on your own in the museum café. $113

Rosie the Riveter Featuring Home Front National Historic Park Tuesday, August 2 Who was “Rosie the Riveter?” Was she a specific woman? An advertising icon encouraging women to come work in the factories? A symbol of the support for WWII on the home front? Join us for a visit to one of our newest sites in the National Park system, located in Richmond. Learn about “Rosie” and the role of the home front during your exploration of the waterfront that served as the industrial epicenter of the war effort in the Bay Area. Lunch is included at Assemble Restaurant, adjacent to the Rosie the Riveter Education Center. $125

The Mission, Murals & Mosaics Featuring Mission Dolores & District in San Francisco Tuesday, August 9 Spend a colorful day exploring the historic and culturally fascinating area of San Francisco known as the “Mission District.” We’ll begin at the Basilica Parish of Mission Dolores. Founded in 1776, it’s the oldest building in San Francisco that continues to both influence and reflect the diversity and vibrancy of the city. San Francisco has been named the #1 Best City for street art due to the number of stunning works in the Mission District. Famous for its variety of painted pieces, mosaics, and some 3D elements, both locals and visitors are drawn to the area for mural tours of the art on display. Bring your cameras and wear comfortable shoes for the art walk. Lunch is included at nearby Delancey Street Restaurant. $132

The Great American West de Young & Legion of Honor Museums, SF Thursday, August 11 The Fine Arts Museums of San Francisco have put together two outstanding exhibits in celebration of the American mythology of our “great & wild west.” Begin the day

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

at the de Young with: Ed Ruscha and the Great American West. In celebration of his influential career and fascination with the west, the exhibit includes more than 80 artistic works of landscapes, desert-scapes, iconic billboards, gas stations, and stretches of roadways that reveal both his romantic and realistic engagement with the American West. In the afternoon travel to the Legion of Honor for its companion exhibit: Wild West: Plains to the Pacific. Wild West combines a collection of paintings, prints, sculptures, drawings, photographs, and artifacts by artists including Albert Bierstadt, Maynard Dixon, Eadweard Muybridge, Frederic Remington, Ed Ruscha, and our own Wayne Theibaud. Lunch is on your own at either of the museum cafes. $109

The Mikado

Bankhead Theatre, Livermore Sunday, August 28 Celebrating its 64th season in style, the Lamplighters of San Francisco bring to the stage Gilbert & Sullivan’s popular operetta with a new twist and setting – Renaissance Italy! In a time when flirting was a capital offense, a handsome wandering minstrel has fallen in love with the beautiful fiancée to the recently appointed Lord High Executioner. Classical songs, chaos, desperation, and comical mayhem ensue in classic Gilbert & Sullivan style, with impromptu marriages, substitute executionees, forged death certificates, and the revelation of a prince in disguise. Lunch is included at The Grill at Poppy Ridge Golf Club en route to the 2pm matinee. $154

Beach Blanket Babylon Club Fugazi, San Francisco Sunday, September 4 There’s nothing quite Beach Blanket Babylon! San Francisco’s longest-running staged comedy show poke fun at everyone – politicians, celebrities and other folks in the public eye. The songs are hilarious, the dancing wonderful, and the hats are really, really big! Reserved seats are upstairs (no elevator) in this historic theatre in the center balcony. Enjoy an included lunch at Sports Leisure favorite Viva Italian Restaurant. $163

Beautiful: The Carol King Musical Orpheum Theatre, SF Wednesday, September 7 or 14, Saturday, September 10 or Sunday, September 11 Beautiful: The Carole King Musical tells the inspiring true story of King’s remarkable rise to stardom, from being part of a hit songwriting team with her husband Gerry Goffin, to her relationship with fellow writers and best friends Cynthia Weil and Barry Mann, to becoming one of the most successful solo acts in popular music history. Along the way, she made more than beautiful music, she wrote the soundtrack to a generation. The show features a stunning array of beloved songs written by Gerry Goffin/Carole King and Barry Mann/Cynthia Weil, including “I Feel The Earth Move,” “One Fine Day,” “(You Make Me Feel Like) A Natural Woman,” and “You’ve Got A Friend.” Saturday and Sunday trips include lunch on your own in Union Square, the 2pm matinee with orchestra seating, and a return to Sacramento following the show. Wednesday trips include a box lunch onboard the coach en route to San Francisco, the 2pm matinee with orchestra seating, and dinner on your own at Pier 39 following the show. Limited space on some departures. Wednesday – $165, Saturday or Sunday – $185

Picnic in the Big Trees Featuring Calaveras State Park Thursday, September 8 Travel into the cooler temperatures of the mountains on this trip and enjoy the beauty of the majestic big trees of Calaveras State Park. Experience a “stump” talk with one of the docents, stroll through the ancient sequoias, and dine “al fresco” among the giants with an included boxed lunch. $99

Alcatraz: “The Rock” Monday, September 12 The sights and sounds of Alcatraz come alive during your visit to “The Rock.” Cross over the Golden Gate Bridge and travel to Pier 39 for lunch at one of the area’s oldest restaurants, Swiss Louis’. Our cruise departs for Alcatraz in mid-afternoon with time on the island for exploring on your own with the

included audio tour. Return to Sacramento following your visit. $145

A Day at the Races Golden Gate Fields, Berkeley Thursday, September 15 Our always popular Day at the Races includes a sumptuous buffet lunch and seating in the enclosed Turf Club at Golden Gate Fields by beautiful San Francisco Bay in Berkeley. Enjoy the races from a comfortable table with betting windows conveniently nearby and television monitors throughout the dining room. We’ll arrive to get settled before post time and the first race. $115

Hedwig and the Angry Inch Golden Gate Theater, San Francisco Saturday, October 8 Brilliantly innovative, heartbreaking, and wickedly funny, Hedwig and the Angry Inch is the landmark American rock musical by John Cameron Mitchell and Stephen Trask. The show is about fictional rock and roll band fronted by a genderqueer East German singer named Hedwig. Hedwig, formerly Hansel, assumes a female persona after a botched sex change operation which was performed to allow her to marry an American man and escape East Germany. This genrebending musical is not a family-friendly show. This show is for adults and contains very adult language. San Francisco’s own Darrin Criss will once again be in the lead role of Hedwig, reprising this same critically acclaimed role he had on Broadway. This Saturday trip includes lunch on your own in Union Square and orchestra seating for the 2pm matinee. $166

Fall in The Sierra One of our favorite road trips! Tuesday, October 18 Enjoy the beautiful fall scenery as we drive along picturesque Highway 88 through Hope Valley, looking for the shimmering Aspen Tree. Lunch is included at JT’s Basque Restaurant, a Gardnerville landmark; then drive home on along Highway 50 and the American River, passing through the Tahoe Basin, in hopes of sneaking a peak at some fall color along the way. $118

Disney’s The Lion King Orpheum Theater, San Francisco Thursday, November 3 or Saturday, November 19 Giraffes strut. Birds swoop. Gazelles leap. The entire Serengeti comes to life as never before. And as the music soars, Pride Rock slowly emerges from the mist. This is The Lion King, making its triumphant return to San Francisco. Experience the aweinspiring visual artistry, the unforgettable music, including songs like “Circle of Life” and “Can You Feel the Love Tonight,” and the uniquely theatrical storytelling of this Broadway spectacular – one of the most breathtaking and beloved productions ever to grace the stage. The Thursday trip includes a snack box lunch on board the coach to San Francisco, orchestra seating for the 2pm matinee, and dinner on your own at Pier 39 following the performance. The Saturday trip features lunch on your own in Union Square prior to the 2pm show with a return home following. Thursday – $161, Saturday – $181

Anthony Bourdain’s The Hunger Tour War Memorial Opera House, SF Wednesday, November 16 Internationally renowned best-selling author, television host and multiple Emmy Award®-winner Anthony Bourdain visits San Francisco’s War Memorial Opera House for one show only! The Hunger Tour serves audiences an all-new live show featuring an unyielding, brutally honest monologue reflecting on diverse culture, street cuisine, and his travels to lesserknown locations around the world, followed by an open questions and answer session. Bourdain promises to bring the audience a menu loaded with lots of laughs, serious discussions and unapologetic irreverence. A no-host dinner stop at Pier 39 is included prior to 7:30pm curtain is included. A limited number of Prime Orchestra seats (Rows N through P) are available and include a copy of Bourdain’s first cookbook in 10 years, Appetites. Regular orchestra seating will be in Rows T through V at a reduced price. $215 (Prime Orchestra), $170 (Orchestra)

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


Teasers & Teaser Updates The following are destinations we are considering for 2016 and beyond. If you have an interest and would like to be among the first contacted to sign up if these tours come to fruition, please call or email our office to place your name on the Priority Notification List!

Branson and the Ozark Mountains Christmas Spectacular 6 days • November 25-30, 2016 Scott has escorted 15 tours to Branson and he would love to show you why he goes back year after year. Enjoy five nights at the 4-star luxurious Hilton Convention Center Hotel located in the heart of historic downtown Branson. Tentative shows include Dublin’s Irish Tenors & The Celtic Ladies, Kenny Rogers’ farewell tour with VIP seating, lunch with Bill & DeeDee Lennon of the Lennon Sisters and Brothers as they discuss their entertainment careers and favorite memories, The Lettermen matinee show and The Osmond Brothers and Lennon Sisters evening show, The Hughes Family morning show, and “Moses” at the Sight and Sound Theatre. The Sight and Sound Theatre employs a million watts of lights, sixty-thousand watts of sound, and a massive stage over twenty-thousand square feet in size! In between shows enjoy a local sightseeing tour, Dolly Parton’s Dixie Stampede dinner show, and a Christmas lights drive.

U.S. Figure Skating Championships 5 or 6 Days • January 2017 Mark wants to know if there is any interest amongst our many ice skating fans to see the U.S. championships in Kansas City next year. People generally don’t have a whole lot going on in January and Kansas City is a great town with lots to do in between the events on the ice. Tickets would most likely be All Events Passes that would allow you to come and go and see the events that you most want to see. Optional morning visits will be offered and may include the


Steamboat Arabia Museum, the American Jazz Museum, the Negro Leagues Museum and maybe a side visit to the town of Independence, home of the Harry S. Truman Presidential Library.

Meet Mr. Las Vegas! Wayne Newton and Shenandoah 4 Days • Winter 2017 We have been presented with a very unique opportunity – not only to tour Wayne Newton’s home, Shenandoah, but to meet and greet Mr. Las Vegas himself! We’ll fly to Las Vegas, spending three nights at Treasure Island Resort & Casino. We’ll explore the strip and provide you plenty of time to tempt Lady Luck. But the centerpiece of this tour is to meet one of the most famous residents of Las Vegas. No doubt this will be one of our most popular tours ever. By getting your name on the list, you will be the first to get the itinerary and have the opportunity to register. Mr. Las Vegas is waiting to meet you…

Cuba is Calling! 10 Days • Spring 2017 This year marked our third visit to Cuba! Big changes continue to take place on the small island and the mystique may soon disappear. While independent travel is becoming more accessible, traveling by group is much more dependable. Working with professional companies is the only way to guarantee hotel and restaurant space. Cruise in a classic American car, meet artists and civic leaders spurring social change, savor Havana’s exploding restaurant scene, and dance to lively Latin Jazz. After three successful tours escorted by Chris, this may be one of SLV’s last visits for a while! ¡Vamos!

Hollywood & Jeopardy! 3 Days • Spring 2017 We sold out two trips earlier this year to see television show tapings in Southern California. Should we go back again? Head to Hollywood and stay at an iconic Los Angeles luxury hotel – the Beverly Hilton!

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

Walk in the footsteps of the stars on a guided tour of Hollywood. Step back in legendary time on a tour of Sony Pictures Studios and get a rare glimpse of old Hollywood’s glory days. Dine with the local talent at the studio cafeteria before participating as an audience member in tapings of the popular game show Jeopardy! and The Dr. Phil Show with its mystery topic before enjoying a leisurely afternoon at the Historic Farmers Market.

Desert Beauty: Anza Borrego and Joshua Tree March 2017 Our annual visit to Death Valley will be on hiatus next year as repairs are made to the road to Scotty’s Castle. In its place Ramona will share another of her favorite desert destinations. Within a few hours’ drive of some of the most populated areas in our state lays Anza-Borrego State Park. This 600,000 acre refuge is a place of beauty and wonder: from spectacular wildflowers in the springtime to fossils of saber tooth tigers. It is a place of silence, light and space, weaving a desert spell upon you. The itinerary will include flights into San Diego with a return through Palm Springs and Joshua Tree National Park.

The NEW Colorful Coast Featuring St. Augustine, Savannah and Charleston 7 Days • March 10-16, 2017 Perfect for the first-time traveler or return visitor, this new itinerary along the Atlantic coast visits the most picturesque and historic destinations in the South. America’s oldest city, St. Augustine, was founded in 1565. Your visit includes the 17th-Century Castillo de San Marcos. A day on Jekyll Island reveals the Millionaire’s Village – hideaway for America’s rich and famous in the early 20th Century – and the Georgia Sea Turtle Center. Savannah is famous for so many things, but not the least of which is the progressive dinner that includes Toot’s prune cake served at Clayton Place! The holy city of Charleston completes the

itinerary with a tour by horse and carriage and Ft. Sumter, birthplace of the Civil War. Enjoy all 2-night stays, with Savannah and Charleston accommodations located in the heart of both historic districts.

Take the Sunset Limited to New Orleans 4 Days • March 19-22, 2017 We have many rail fans that travel with Sports Leisure; people who have hopped many trains! One we have never traveled aboard is the Sunset Limited, from Los Angeles to New Orleans. Fly to LA, enjoy some limited local touring and dinner at the Pacific Dining Car, and board the Sunset Limited for an evening departure to New Orleans. Your two nights of accommodations are in bedrooms or smaller, less expensive accommodations called roomettes. All meals are included on board. After arriving in New Orleans, check into your hotel for the final evening of the tour. Before departing, explore the fascinating National World War II Museum with a USO Show Luncheon. If you would like to extend your stay in the Crescent City, you can join Clayton’s full tour of New Orleans, outlined below. When you call to place your name on the Priority Notification List, please specify if you would like the rail tour, the New Orleans tour, or both!

New Orleans… and All That Jazz Explore the city’s rich history, flavors & FUN! 5 Days • March 21-25, 2017 The city’s motto is Laissez les bon temps rouler! – Let the good times roll! And that’s exactly what we’re going to do! Her history runs the gambit from regal to downright quirky. She was the social and political capital of New France in America – the epitome of refinement. She’s also home to debauchery dispatched nightly along Bourbon Street. A city known for food, her flavors range from strange to mouthwatering. Famed chef Emeril calls it home… as does the alligator sausage industry. These dichotomies are what make New Orleans one of the most unique destinations in the world. City tours, awesome meals (including a lesson at the New Orleans School of

Cooking), hot beignets, cold hurricanes (the intoxicating elixir – NOT the storm), a full day at the National WWII Museum (complete with USO lunch show) and a drive out into Cajun Country to sample the plantation days make it a trip to remember! Our hotel is the Sheraton Downtown, right on famous Canal Street.

Ireland’s Castles, Manor Houses and Gardens All accommodations in historic residencesturned-hotels 9 Days/7 Nights • April 2-10, 2017 Our unique itinerary features the very best of the Emerald Isle. Visit attractions and destinations in both Ireland and Northern Ireland including Irish National Stud, Waterford, Kilkenny Castle, Hook Head Lighthouse, Trinity College (and see the Book of Kells), Strokestown House, Belleek Pottery, Derry, Slieve League, Ardara and the Ulster American Folk Park. But it’s the accommodations that are truly amazing: 3-nights each at the Mt. Juliet Estate and Solis Lough Eske Castle, plus a stunning farewell dinner and final night at the Barberstown Castle. This may be the most unique itinerary to Ireland we have ever offered!

Croatia by Land and Sea

highlight of the tour is the 7-day private yacht cruise just for Sports Leisure. Featuring only 19 cabins, the ship was just built this year. Breakfast and lunch are served on the ship. We cruise during the day with afternoon walking tours to learn the history and get you orientated to each port. The evening is at your leisure. Ports of call include Dubrovnik, Korcula, Hvar, Bol, Omis and Split. The land tour will include one of the world’s most impressive National Parks, Plitvice Lakes, with its dramatic waterfalls, and Opatija the vacation spot of European royalty. Also visit Lake Bled one of the most popular destinations in Slovenia and Venice, Italy.

The Preakness Stakes Join us for the 142nd running of the second jewel of the Triple Crown 6 Days • May 18-23, 2017 Away to Baltimore for a day of horse racing and so much more! Steeped in history, it was here that Francis Scott Key wrote The Star Spangled Banner – you’ll visit the spot at Ft. McHenry. Edgar Allen Poe and Babe Ruth were both born here – the Ravens won’t be in season, but how about an Orioles game and a visit to the Sports Legends Museum? Pimlico supports a small, but dynamic thoroughbred industry in the region which we’ll explore. And the waters of the Chesapeake are teeming with sweet, succulent “bluies.” Crab cakes, anyone? Accommodations are downtown at the trendy new RL Hotel. So get your hats ready and join us for the Run for the BlackEyed Susans!

Featuring a 7-day cruise on a private yacht and a land tour to Venice, Italy and Lake Bled, Slovenia 17 days • May 2017 Last year’s cruise and land tour was such a success we have brought it back with different sights to see! In fact, as you read, this Scott Angeletti is traveling in Italy, Slovenia and Croatia in order to fine tune the itinerary! Croatia is a beautiful country across the Adriatic Sea from Italy. The ocean is turquoise, the landscape is dramatic, the people are friendly, and the food and wine Watch the second jewel of the Triple Crown come alive: The Preakness Stakes are fabulous! The in Baltimore! Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


New Vacations & Getaways Postcards from Puget Sound 4 Days • September 5-8 Discover the stunning natural beauty of the Pacific Northwest by land, air, and sea! Idyllic coastal towns, artist enclaves, boutique shopping and upscale cuisine showcase the best of the San Juan Islands. 1. Fly to Seattle and travel north to Mukilteo. Lunch is at Ivar’s, famous for its clam chowder! Visit the historic lighthouse before boarding the Washington State Ferry headed for Whidbey Island. Langley is your first stop to shop, with an included gift card. Start with chocolate truffles at Sweet Mona’s. An early dinner is served waterside at the Front Street Grill before arriving at the hotel. Best Western Oak Harbor (L,D) 2. Explore with a local guide and learn of Ebey’s Landing, the absolute end of the Oregon Trail. Visit Admiralty Head Lighthouse on the grounds of Fort Casey, dating back to the Civil War. Pause in La Conner for lunch with time to stroll the main street shops. In Anacortes, the gorgeous Majestic Inn is your home for the next two nights. Get an overview of the town’s history at a local museum prior to check-in. A farm-to-table dinner at the 5th Street Bistro, located inside your hotel, features locally sourced ingredients. Enjoy at your leisure. The Majestic Inn – 2 nights (B,L,D) 3. Sail through the San Juan Island’s picturesque scenery to Roche Harbor at

the north side of San Juan Island. Have you ever heard of the Pig War? This was a real skirmish (sort of) between American and British forces. Visit an alpaca farm and taste lavender-infused vanilla ice cream at Pelindaba Lavender Farm. Grab your camera to capture the amazing views during flightseeing over the island archipelago created by glacial activities. Lunch is in Roche Harbor at Madrona Grill. If you thought the morning sail was beautiful, just wait until you see it at sunset. Breathtaking! (FB,L) 4. In nearby Everett, home of Boeing, learn about the company’s storied history and groundbreaking technology during the Future of Flight tour. At the assembly plant for the 787 Dreamliner, see the assembly process for yourself! The charming riverside town of Snohomish is your lunch stop with time to browse the eclectic antique shops before an early evening flight home. (FB,L) This tour includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare to/from Seattle, deluxe motorcoach transportation, ferry transporation, all tours and attractions listed in the itinerary including a flightseeing tour of the San Juan Islands, 9 meals (1B,2FB,4L,2D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 2100/2300 Gold Passport Points $2095 p.p./dbl.occ., $2300 single $ave $75 until June 20

The Coast Starlight passes through spectacular scenery


Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

Catch the Coast Starlight Featuring the popular rail journey from Southern California to Puget Sound 4 Days • September 18-21 H  Highlights  H • Ride the Coast Starlight from Los Angeles to Tacoma • Deluxe sleeping cabins or roomettes and all onboard meals included • Historic Union Station Tour in Los Angeles • Explore Chihuly Garden and Glass & the Space Needle • Shop famous Pike Place Market • Accommodations in Los Angeles, in Tacoma and onboard the Coast Starlight • 7 meals: 1 full breakfast, 4 lunches, 2 dinners • Roundtrip air to Burbank/from Seattle • Door-to-door airport service • Gold Passport Points based on cabin Rail tours have long been a favorite with Sports Leisure travelers. This short vacation getaway hasn’t been offered since 2012 and stars Amtrak’s Coast Starlight. With overnight stays at both ends of the rail adventure, this is an easy-paced, relaxed itinerary that reminds travelers of the romance of the rails. Due to limited overnight accommodations onboard the train, this tour is limited to 25 passengers. Compartments on board are deluxe bedrooms with an enclosed private bathroom/shower. Or you can choose a roomette, a smaller accommodation with shared bath and shower rooms. Both compartment types can accommodate two people, but the roomette is a much smaller space. Questions about Amtrak? Please contact Kevin or Michael in our office. 1. Downtown Los Angeles is your destination following a morning flight to Southern California. Enjoy lunch at the historic Pacific Dining Car, a railfan favorite. A private tour of Union Station with the Los Angeles Conservancy winds up the afternoon. Your accommodations for the evening are in the heart of downtown. Hilton Checkers Hotel (L) 2. Return to Union Station this morning where the Coast Starlight awaits your arrival. Soon you will be underway on the 35 hour,

1,300 mile journey. Enjoy lunch and dinner served in the dining car as you travel north along the Pacific Coast to Santa Barbara, then turn inland to the fertile Central Valley. Between meals, enjoy the scenery and the company of other riders in the observation car, catch a movie or play a game of cards in the dome car. Wine and Cheese tastings are included on board in the private Pacific Parlour Car. This car, accessible only to sleeping car passengers, also features a separate dining option for breakfast, lunch and dinner in addition to the main Dining Car. On board the Coast Starlight (L,D) 3. Rise and shine near in Oregon. As the train continues through the Willamette Valley, you’ll be surrounded by vineyards in this renowned wine-producing region. Pass through the capital city of Salem, followed by Portland, then cross the mighty Columbia River. Traverse the state of Washington as the sun begins to set until your evening arrival in Tacoma at the southern end of Puget Sound. Your hotel is also a museum, featuring glass art from Pacific Northwest artists. Hotel Murano (FB,L,D) 4. Discover the best of Seattle with visits to Chihuly Garden and Glass, featuring works by the famed artist, and a view unsurpassed from the top of the iconic Space Needle. Lunch is a real treat on the water at Cutters Crabhouse, just adjacent to famed Pike Place Market. After a brief amount of time to explore the market on your own, your lateafternoon flight will return you home. (L) $1875 p.p./dbl.occ., $2450 single (bedroom) $1440 p.p./dbl.occ., $1650 single (roomette) $ave $40 until June 20

history as the playground of kings, movie stars, politicos and wannabes. The popular Manager’s Reception awaits you upon check-in at your hotel. Embassy Suites La Jolla – 2 nights (L) 2. Tour posh La Jolla from top to bottom with your local guide, ending with free time for lunch and personal exploration midday. Later in the afternoon, travel to nearby Escondido’s famous Welk Resort for dinner and an amazing performance by Neil Diamond tribute artist, Jason Lohrke. (Search Jason on YouTube for a sampling of his “Next to Neil Real” performances.) Discover a Diamond in Escondido tonight! (FB,D) 3. It’s the San Diego Zoo’s Centennial Celebration and you’re invited to join the party with a visit to the 100-acre park, home to over 3,500 rare and endangered animals, and 700,000 exotic plants. The guided highlights bus tour around the perimeter of the park is included, as well as unlimited rides on the Skyfari aerial tram and a special 100th birthday luncheon. A late afternoon flight returns you home as the sun sets on another memorable adventure. (FB,L) This tour includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare to/from San Diego, deluxe motorcoach transportation, all tours and attractions listed in the itinerary, 5 meals (2FB,2L,1D), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1400/1600 Gold Passport Points $1365 p.p./dbl.occ., $1555 single $ave $40 until June 20

Chinese Lanterns in Spokane 3 Days • October 14-16 Chinese Lantern Festivals are all the rage, appearing all over the country, everywhere from Philadelphia to LA. Last year, one such festival came to Spokane’s spacious Riverfront Park. It was a huge success and will be returning again this fall. Perhaps the best part of this whole package is the accommodations. They are at the Red Lion Hotel in town and overlook the Lantern Festival in the adjacent park. So not only will you be able to walk through the illuminations, you will be able to see them at night from your room! Fly to Spokane, where you’ll enjoy some local hospitality, including the wonderful Sunday Brunch at the Davenport Hotel. There’s a visit to nearby Coeur d’Alene, Idaho, home to the lake by the same name. Enjoy lunch with a view and perhaps browse the town’s quaint shops for an early Christmas treasure or two. There’s not a tremendous amount of walking on this trip. It’s also over a weekend, and travelers of all ages are welcomed. Come discover the beautiful cultural phenomenon of the Chinese Lanterns. The package includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare to/from Spokane, and all 7 meals. Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann. 1450/1600 Gold Passport Points $1440 p.p./dbl.occ., $1575 single $ave $40 until June 20

Luxury in La Jolla Featuring the Neil Diamond Experience in Escondido 3 Days • September 27-29 1. A morning flight to San Diego and a quick transfer by motorcoach lands you on the magical island of Coronado. Your luxurious experience begins with lunch served al fresco at the famous Hotel del Coronado, THE place to see and be seen since 1888. A tour of the island paradise follows bringing you up to date on her fabled

Last year’s Chinese Lantern Festival in Spokane Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


issues which might make it difficult to enjoy the tour, you can opt out and receive a credit of $109 off either package price. Please also note: all evening shows are STANDING ROOM only as well. Questions??? Call our office and ask for Mark, Chris or Kevin and we will be happy to help you pick the right package.

Tonopah, Laughlin & Las Vegas by SuperCoach III

Last year’s group poses inside the entrance to the “Happiest Place on Earth.”

Destination: Disneyland! 3 Days • November 1-3 Last year we celebrated both Mark and Disneyland’s 60th birthdays with a special tour of the park and a fascinating tale of the early history of “Walt’s Folly” with author David Koenig. The tour sold out quickly and several people asked us to return again this year. It was truly magical to see people reliving special memories during our visit to the park. Some people didn’t even wait for a quick orientation on arrival – they were off to the Teacups, Pirates of the Caribbean or their other favorites! The smiles and the laughter were contagious! There are several unique dining experiences, with dinner at the Anaheim White House and lunch at Mrs. Knott’s Chicken Restaurant during a quick stop at the shops of Knott’s Berry Farm. Go behindthe-scenes of Disneyland on a tour called “A Walk in Walt’s Footsteps.” Above all, spend two days visiting Disneyland exclusively, or enjoy both theme parks if you wish (Disney’s California Adventure is pretty spectacular too). There are a number of options, allowing you to customize your package while still participating in several special events – including daily parades, entertainment and, of course, the nightly fireworks show! We have worked to design the itinerary for different levels of activity. Our own private shuttle will run to/from the hotel during both days so you can come and go as your needs dictate. Of course, you will get more value if you spend more time in


the parks. If you opt for a ticket that allows you to visit both parks, know that Disney’s California Adventure is more “ride-oriented.” It isn’t the best value for folks with limited mobility. You can do your homework about the parks before you register for our tour by visiting the parks’ website at The tour includes door-to-door service, roundtrip airfare to/from Southern California, two nights accommodations at the Anaheim Marriott Hotel (very near the park), two days park admissions (see below), dinner at The Anaheim White House, lunch inside Disneyland if you take the “Walk in Walt’s Footsteps” tour, lunch at Knott’s Berry Farm on the final day. Transportation is provided on all scheduled activities. Your Tour Director will have details on times, pick-up locations, etc. Gold Passport Points based on package. Available Packages: Two-day Disneyland ONLY pass, with everything above: $1555 p.p./dbl.occ., $1740 single Two-day, two park flex pass (Disneyland AND California Disney admissions), with everything above: $1595 p.p./dbl.occ., $1780 single $ave $40 until June 20 on either tour. The “Walk in Walt’s Footsteps” tour is included in both packages above. It is a three hour walking tour. You must be able to stand at points during the tour. If you wish to skip this tour and explore Disneyland on your own when you arrive, or have mobility

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

6 Days • November 13-18 1. Our fleet of Sacramento Limousine vehicles will pick you up at your home and transport you to the Sports Leisure office. Depart for the south shore of Lake Tahoe where you will enjoy the popular Forest Buffet at Harrah’s. Continue your travels down Hwy 395, criss-crossing between California and Nevada. Your final destination for the day is Tonopah. Indulge yourself at the Mizpah Hotel, a landmark of luxury since 1907. Its origins date back to the days when Tonopah was the last of the Wild West boom towns, bustling with those seeking fortunes in the silver mines. For those wanting more modern accommodations, you may choose the Best Western Hi-Desert Inn. The Mizpah Hotel also has a very limited number of twobedded rooms. Please choose your room at the time of booking. Mizpah Hotel or Best Western Hi-Desert Inn (BR) 2. Heading south, pass a number of ghost towns as you make your way to Beatty where you will have a hosted lunch. After a rest stop in Las Vegas, arrive in Laughlin in late afternoon. Golden Nugget Laughlin – 2 nights (B,L) 3. Step back in time to the western town of Oatman, Arizona. Visit the historical Oatman Hotel where Clark Gable and Carole Lombard spent their honeymoon in the 1939. Enjoy a hosted lunch and have your picture taken with a burro before returning to Laughlin. (L) 4. Head to Las Vegas, stopping for lunch at Sam’s Town’s popular Firelight Buffet followed by some free time to hit the slots or tables. Tonight see the lights of Vegas during your narrated city tour which will include the Fremont Street experience in downtown Las Vegas as well as the strip. Treasure Island Casino Resort – 2 nights (L)

5. Today tour the home of “Mr. Las Vegas,” Wayne Newton. Your guided tour of Casa de Shenandoah takes you to the museum to view never before seen memorabilia, admission to its rare automobile collection, and a chance to step aboard Wayne’s private jet. You also will view the Arabian horses and exotic animals onsite before finishing your visit inside Wayne’s mansion. The rest of the afternoon is at your leisure to explore some of the amazing hotels that surround you. Your hotel sits in a great location in the middle of the strip, with the Venetian and Wynn Hotels across the street as well as The Mirage and Caesars Palace right next door! 6. Depart Las Vegas this morning for the trip back to Sacramento. There will be rest and meal stops en route, arriving home via Mojave, Bakersfield and Fresno about 9pm. Vehicles will be waiting at our office to return you to your front door! (L) This tour includes door-to-door service, deluxe motorcoach transportation, all tours and attractions listed in the itinerary, 6 meals (1B,1BR,4L), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 1400/1600 Gold Passport Points $1390 p.p./dbl.occ., $1595 single $ave $50 until June 20

Thanksgiving Celebrations with The Pilgrims & The Rockettes 6 Days • November 18-23 We really can’t think of a more unique combination, but they are both holiday related and it’s a chance to experience a piece of pilgrim-style history and a piece of Broadway on the same tour. That has never happened before. 1. Fly to Boston, and travel to nearby Plymouth. Hampton Inn – 2 nights 2. Today brings the annual America’s Hometown Thanksgiving Parade. The Saturday morning celebration festivities begin on the Plymouth historic waterfront with ceremonies and entertainment. Reserved seats in the grandstand are included for America’s only historically accurate chronological parade. We grab some lunch (on own) in one of the many food tents along the waterfront. A photo

stop will be made at Plymouth Rock before boarding the Mayflower II. Finish with a tour of Plymouth Plantation’s English village where the cast of characters have no idea they are not really living in the 1600s. We’ll enjoy our THANKSGIVING DINNER at the plantation, a living museum that shows the original settlement of the Plymouth Colony established in the 17th Century by English colonists, some of whom later became known as Pilgrims. What a historic day! 3. After breakfast, step through the Portal to the Past and into America’s Hometown Historic Village. Located within the historic and scenic Brewster Gardens, adjacent to the America’s Hometown Parade route, you are invited to explore four centuries of American History. Filled with authentic camps and scenarios, the Historic Village is brought to life through dedicated living historians and their careful portrayals of the people of each period. The Historic Village interpreters will inform and entertain – and serve as guides as you personally travel among the centuries. Catch an afternoon train to New York City from Providence and arrive in the Big Apple in time for dinner. Your accommodations for three nights are at the Marriott Marquis Hotel in the middle of Times Square, New York’s very best address. 4-5. Explore Manhattan. We’ll take you to Grand Central Station for a tour and a chance to shop in the wonderful market there. Drive to Central Park, visit Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral. Go downtown to the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. See the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular at Radio City Music Hall one evening and a Broadway show the second. Fly home the morning/afternoon of Day 6. The package door-to-door airport service, airfare, the attractions and admissions included in the itinerary, and 7 meals (2B,1L,4D). 3350/3800 Gold Passport Points $3335 p.p./dbl.occ., $3755 single $ave $200 until June 20

office hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm

Thanksgiving in New York Visit the Big Apple at the most wonderful time of the year! 6 Days • November 20-25 H  Highlights  H • 5 nights at the Marriott Marquis Hotel on Times Square • Tickets to 2 hit Broadway shows – Shuffle Along and one of your choosing • Radio City Music Hall Rockettes Christmas Spectacular • Theatre talk with nationally-syndicated critic Peter Filichia • City driving tours with expert local guides • Visit Liberty and Ellis Islands, Rockefeller Center and St. Patrick’s Cathedral • Tour the 9/11 Memorial Museum and see the city from Freedom Tower • View the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade • 5 memorable meals featuring a spectacular Thanksgiving dinner cruise • Roundtrip to/from New York’s LaGuardia Airport • Door-to-door airport service • 3900/4500 Gold Passport Points 1. As Thanksgiving ushers in the Christmas season, you’ll be in the middle of it all as you check-in to New York’s best address, the Marriott Marquis, located directly on Times Square. Count on our welcome dinner to set the mood! (D) 2. Joined by our entertaining and informative local guide, sightseeing today takes you downtown where New York was founded as New Amsterdam by Dutch settlers in 1625. You’ll see Trinity Church, Federal Hall, Wall Street and the 9/11 Memorial and Museum. Over lunch, meet syndicated theatre critic Peter Filichia to learn what’s hot and what’s not on the Great White Way. The afternoon ends with a visit to the top of Freedom Tower to take in the view from 1776 feet above the city. In the evening you’ll have the option of seeing the longest-running musical in theatre history, The Fantastics, preformed “Off-Broadway” just north of Times Square. (L) 3. Uptown is highlighted on today’s guided tour, with a drive through Harlem and stops

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


at Central Park, St. Patrick’s Cathedral and Rockefeller Center. Lunch is served at the popular Capital Grille. Tonight is your first sampling of that wonderful institution known as Broadway. Nominated for an amazing ten Tony Awards, Shuffle Along stars Broadway gold and Tony winners Audra McDonald, Billy Porter and Brian Stokes Mitchell in this old-fashioned, feel-good show set in the golden age of jazz. As the name suggests, there WILL be dancing. (L) 4. Join your Tour Director for a morning adventure to Liberty and Ellis Islands by subway and ferry. The afternoon is yours for personal exploration. How about a visit to the Metropolitan Museum of Art or shopping on famed Fifth Avenue? The family-style Italian dinner at Carmine’s is a New York tradition, followed by a Broadway performance of your choice. You tell us the show – play or musical, on or off-Broadway – you wish to see and we’ll take care of the rest. Check out the possibilities now at com. (D) 5. It’s the exciting Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade! Join the anxious throngs on the streets or watch on television in the comfort of your room. The parade route is along 6th Avenue only one block from the hotel. In the afternoon, journey to Radio City Music Hall for the Rockettes Christmas Spectacular. A Thanksgiving dinner cruise follows aboard the elegant glass-roofed Bateaux New York featuring a traditional dinner and great sightseeing as the stars come out over the

Big Apple. (D) 6. A late-morning drive to LaGuardia Airport brings Thanksgiving in New York to an end. $3890 p.p./dbl.occ., $4465 single $ave $150 until June 20 Add The Fantastics for an additional $50 per person (estimate)

A Coastal, Colonial & Confederate Christmas Celebration in Virginia 6 Days • November 30 – December 5 1. Arrive in Norfolk, Virginia. A short drive takes you to your oceanfront room in Virginia Beach. Dinner is at local landmark, Waterman’s Surfside Grille. Hilton Garden Inn – Virginia Beach Oceanfront – 3 nights (D) 2. For the next three mornings, sip your coffee in bed and watch the sunrise over the Atlantic Ocean. What’s that sound? That’s the “Sound of Freedom” as fighter jets from Oceana AFB complete training runs overhead. Learn of the rigorous training and stringent measures taken to secure our nation. A casual lunch is served at the Military Aviation Museum while decorated veterans share their stories. Take the afternoon to rest and watch the waves or stroll the oceanside boardwalk in front of your hotel. After dinner, cruise by motorcoach to see the boardwalk aglow with the annual Holiday Lights at the Beach display. (FB,L,D) 3. This morning, your step-on guide shares

Radio City’s Christmas Spectacular features The Rockettes


Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

the natural beauty of the Mid-Atlantic Coast. View two lighthouses with the opportunity to climb one. Who’s in? Lunch is included before a visit to The Royal Chocolate for tasting and shopping. We provide a gift card to begin your spree. At the Francis Land Plantation, sip tea with the lady of the house. A true Southern lady never gossips, but you’ll learn everything about the latest happenings over “polite” conversation. This evening, dinner is on your own at the hotel or at one of the many nearby restaurants. (FB,L) 4. In Colonial Williamsburg, the Revolutionary City will be decorated for the holidays. Costumed docents will guide your journey through Christmases past. Afterwards, check in to your Marriott hotel, ringside to tonight’s festivities. Hollidazzle, a very impressive fireworks display, lights up the sky right outside your front door before the official tree lighting. Newport News Marriott at City Center (FB,D) 5. Richmond, Virginia’s capital, is where you’ll visit the Museum of the Confederacy and the Confederate White House. An extravagant Champagne Sunday Brunch is served at the Jefferson Hotel, the most prestigious address in town, and where you’ll be staying for the evening! We go lowbrow tonight on the Tacky Lights Tour, featured on CNN as one the country’s top Christmas lights displays. Some are tackier than others. You be the judge! Dinner tonight is a pizza party. The Jefferson Hotel (FB,BR,D) 6. Relive Richmond’s glory days as your local guide brings the city’s history to life before touring the state capitol building. Dine at the historic Tobacco Company Restaurant, a Confederate-era warehouse dating back to 1866, before your late afternoon flight home. (L) This tour includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare, deluxe motorcoach transportation, all tours and attractions listed in the itinerary, 12 meals (4FB,1BR,3L,4D) and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 2750/3150 Gold Passport Points $2750 p.p./dbl.occ., $3140 single $ave $125 until June 20

Holiday Magic at The Ritz Carlton Half Moon Bay & Fairmont San Jose Featuring Sunday Brunch at the Hayes Mansion and a Christmas visit to Filoli 3 Days • December 3-5 1. Door-to-door service delivers you to the Sports Leisure Vacations office where your coach bound for the Bay Area is waiting. Make a special Christmas visit to Filoli, recognized as one of the finest remaining country estates of the early 20th Century. Experience the excitement of Filoli’s spectacular Holiday Traditions event. Shop the Holiday Boutique, with its wide range of unique holiday gifts. Tonight, settle into the luxurious and elegant Fairmont Hotel in San Jose, a Sports Leisure favorite! Directly across the street you’ll find Christmas in the Park, a local celebration of the holiday, with decorated, themed trees and scenes. (BL) 2. An award-wining Champagne Sunday Brunch is hosted at the popular Dolce Hayes Mansion before heading to the coast and the charming town of Half Moon Bay. Enjoy free time to explore before checking into your hotel, which resembles a grand European country estate set on a rocky bluff overlooking the Pacific Ocean. A festive evening will be had by all when the Ritz lights up its Christmas tree tonight. The amenities of the Ritz Carlton Resort at Half Moon Bay include a coastal trail, gas fire pits overlooking the ocean, a fitness center, indoor pool, hot tub and sauna. Spa services are available for additional costs. (BR) 3. Enjoy a free morning at the resort this morning and a hosted lunch before heading back home where the cars from Sacramento Limousine will be waiting to take you home. (L) This package includes door-to-door service, deluxe motorcoach transportation, all attractions listed above, and 3 meals (1BL,1BR,1L). 1050/1250 Gold Passport Points $1040 p.p./dbl.occ., $1225 single $ave $25 until June 20

Visit us on the web at:

Palm Springs’ Desert Holidays 4 Days • December 6-9 H  Highlights  H • See 2 shows at the McCallum Theatre in Palm Desert – The Irish Tenors’ Christmas and Oh, What a Night featuring the music of Frankie Valle, Andy Williams and their contemporaries • Learn many entertaining and educational stories as you tour through “the desert” past more than 50 celebrity homes • Visit the Living Desert at night for its fantastic “Wildlights Show” • Take the Palm Springs Aerial Tram to the top of Mt. San Jacinto for lunch • Tour the grounds and dine at the historic Mission Inn, a historic landmark hotel located in Riverside, decked out for the holidays • Spend 3 nights at the Hilton’s Palm Springs Resort, located in the village on Tahquitz Canyon Way • Door-to-door airport service • Roundtrip airfare to Southern California • 7 meals: 3 full breakfasts, 3 lunches, 1 dinner • 1900/2150 Gold Passport Points 1. Arrive at Ontario Airport after a midmorning flight. Lunch is included at a Route 66 landmark, The Magic Lamp, before continuing on to Palm Springs. This evening the Irish Tenors celebrate the season with a special holiday concert of traditional carols and classic Irish ballads. Hilton’s Palm Springs Resort – 3 nights (L) 2. A leisurely breakfast awaits you this morning, and then it is time for one of the city’s famed Celebrity Tours. Your guide will have you laughing at the stories and antics of the rich and famous in Palm Springs. Drive by homes both modest and outrageous as you tour the playground of the Hollywood elite. This afternoon, spend some time on Palm Canyon Drive or perhaps you would like to learn about the very early history of Palm Springs with a visit to the Village Green Heritage Center. Tonight, travel into the desert for a fantastic display of lights set up at the Living Desert Zoo and Botanical Gardens. (FB,D) 3. Travel by aerial tram to the top of Mt. San Jacinto for a view of the Coachella

Valley and maybe just a glimpse of some snow. This evening you have just a bit of time to explore the weekly Village Fest before returning to the McCallum Theater for another night of music as the Desert Symphony plays tribute to Frankie Valle & The Four Seasons. The stars of “Oh What A Night!” sing in the season with all the hits from the Four Seasons, as well as a special holiday tribute to Andy Williams. (FB,L) 4. An afternoon flight out from Ontario leaves time to visit the Mission Inn Hotel. During the early decades of the 20th Century, Riverside was the winter destination for many of the country’s elite seeking a warmer climate and western adventure. Today the Mission Inn is considered one of the largest Mission Revival Style buildings in the United States. You will enjoy a tour of the beautiful hotel and grounds, followed by an early lunch in this historic hotel. (FB,L) $1890 p.p./dbl.occ., $2120 single $ave $50 until June 20

Christmas Mystery Tour 5 Days • December 8-12 Eagerly anticipated by many who have made it an annual tradition, our Christmas package of mysterious fun is more regional this year. A plane flight is involved, but it’s a bit shorter than our recent cross-country visits to Virginia Beach (2015) and Chicago (2014). So not quite as much distance to travel, but still full of unique holiday attractions and old fashioned fun! In fact, this year, we revisit one of the destinations from our very first Christmas Mystery Tour 15 years ago. There are two major destinations, and a host of smaller ones. In fact, it’s in the small towns that you’ll find the most unique activities. How about a visit to a family farm stocked with holiday treats? A lights show…no make that two lights shows you can walk through. Very easily. Traditional entertainment with a Christmas theme one evening, lots of lots of great shopping opportunities along the way. More than you can imagine. Can a Christmas tree really sing? Did early pioneers have Christmas lights? These and other important and pressing questions will be answered along the way. The package

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includes 9 meals and airfare. 1850/2150 Gold Passport Points $1850 p.p./dbl.occ., $2115 single $ave $50 until June 20

Christmas in Solvang & Santa Barbara 4 Days • December 23-26 Our annual Christmas trip is always popular. This year we offer a brand new itinerary, featuring two exciting destinations and a unique “coach one direction/fly home” itinerary, to minimize the amount of time spend on the bus. Depart Sacramento and travel south to the quaint Danish village of Solvang, with a lunch stop en route. Stay in one of the village’s finest accommodations, the Hotel Corque. A Danish-style smorgasbord dinner waits. The following morning, after a breakfast liberally sprinkled with Danish-specialties, enjoy a short guided tour of the center of town. Along the way, we’ll point out a number of unique shops and bakeries, then give you gift cards to start your shopping spree in each of them. Think of the treasures you can find, wonderful souvenirs, many of them edible! The afternoon brings us through Santa Barbara (we’ll be back) and to Ventura, to our home at the Ventura Marriott for two nights. Perhaps you’d like to attend Christmas Eve services at the historic mission? On Christmas morning, we return to Santa Barbara. The stretch of highway between Ventura and Santa Barbara is without any doubt one of the most scenic in the entire state. A guided historic tour by trolley awaits, along with a stroll on the pier (weather permitting). Return to Ventura for a wonderful Christmas dinner. Our two gift exchanges, one serious and one not-somuch, help fill the holiday schedule. On our final day, after breakfast and a bit of sightseeing, we travel to Burbank for our flight home, avoiding the long return ride by motorcoach over the same roads. We feel this is one of the best features of the itinerary (ok, maybe the shopping tour in Solvang with all the freebies is a bit better). We’ve included door-to-door transfers, 8 meals (3B,2L,3D) and your one way airfare


home! 1700/1850 Gold Passport Points $1655 p.p./dbl.occ., $1815 single $ave $50 until June 20

The Tournament of Roses Parade & A Salute to Vienna!

to that theme. Following the parade, lunch is served en route to the airport where you will meet your flight for the return trip home. (B,L) This tour includes roundtrip air, deluxe accommodations, 4 meals, reserved seating for the Tournament of Roses Parade along with a seat cushion and parade program, all attractions listed in the above itinerary, and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director Tour Director. Prices will be available by June 1. Please call to place your name on the Priority Notification List.

Featuring the 128th Tournament of Roses Parade & Disney Concert Hall 3 Days • December 31 – January 2, 2017 Here’s your chance to check-off one of those items on your bucket list! Experience the nation’s premier New Year’s Day event, the Tournament of Roses Parade, a day later! Because the parade can never be held on a Sunday, we will celebrate the New Cruising the (NEW) Year with the spectacular Salute to Vienna at Panama Canal the Walt Disney Concert Hall. Travel in comfort aboard Holland America’s 1. Door-to-door service delivers you to m/v Rotterdam the airport for your quick one hour flight to 17 Days • January 12-28, 2017 Southern California. Enjoy a very special H  Highlights  H buffet luncheon in the shadow of a former • Pre-cruise overnight stay at the Hilton presidential jet at the Ronald Reagan Library Garden Inn in Miramar in Simi Valley and learn a little more about • Bon Voyage Dinner at Texas de Brazil our 40th president. Join your Tour Director Restaurant in Fort Lauderdale for an “East Coast Toast” at 9pm tonight after • All meals included on board the your day of travel. Hotel TBA – 2 nights (L) m/v Rotterdam 2. It’s New Year’s Day and what better • Prices include all transfers, port taxes way to begin the new year than PANAMA CRUISE ITINERARY with a Champagne Sunday Brunch aboard the Queen Mary In Long Date Port Beach Harbor? A short highlights 13 Jan 2017 Fort Lauderdale, Florida, US tour precedes brunch and then you 14 Jan 2017 Half Moon Cay, Bahamas are off to Downtown Los Angeles 15 Jan 2017 At Sea for A Salute to Vienna. The matinee 16 Jan 2017 At Sea performance at Walt Disney Concert Hall celebrates the ageless beauty 17 Jan 2017 Cartagena, Colombia of Viennese music with Strauss 18 Jan 2017 Enter Panama Canal Cristobal waltzes and sweeping melodies from 18 Jan 2017 Cruising Panama Canal operettas which are performed by 18 Jan 2017 Exit Panama Canal BalboaC hand-picked European singers and 19 Jan 2017 Cruising Golfo Dulce a full orchestra. Beautifully costumed dancers present romantic vignettes. You’ll fall for the Blue Danube Waltz all over again! (BR) 3. The 128th Tournament of Roses Parade kicks off at 8am and your reserved seats are right along Colorado Boulevard. This special anniversary year’s theme is “Echoes of Success.” The floats, bands and other entrants from all over the Western Hemisphere will be playing

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

20 Jan 2017

Puerto Caldera (Puntarenas), Costa Rica

21 Jan 2017

Corinto, Nicaragua

22 Jan 2017

Puerto Quetzal, Guatemala

23 Jan 2017

Puerto Chiapas, Mexico

24 Jan 2017

At Sea

25 Jan 2017

At Sea

26 Jan 2017

Cabo San Lucas, Mexico

27 Jan 2017

At Sea

28 Jan 2017

San Diego, California, US

• Roundtrip air to Ft Lauderdale/from San Diego • Door-to-door airport service • Fully escorted by a Sports Leisure Tour Director • Gold Passport Points based on cabin Sail from Florida to California on one of Holland America’s best-known ships, the m/v Rotterdam. Spend one night in Fort Lauderdale before boarding the ship. Sailing from east to west provides you the advantage of getting the long, cross-country flight out of the way first, leaving just a short hop home from San Diego at the end of the cruise. The 15-night cruise stops at Holland America’s private island, Half Moon Cay, and Cartagena, Columbia before its full transit of the Panama Canal, called by some the Eighth Wonder of the World. The canal is nearing the end of a nearly 10-year expansion project that will double its amount of maritime traffic. It is on track to open this summer. Additional port calls include Puerto Caldera (Costa Rica), where you can experience a tropical rainforest, Corinto (Nicaragua), Puerto Quetzal (Guatamala), and Puerto Chiapas and Cabo San Lucas (Mexico). We continue to partner with Holland America Line for this adventure because of its commitment to service and because we know and believe in the quality of its ships, programs and shore excursions. The m/s Rottersam is a midsize ship which carries passengers with style and grace – it’s large enough to offer a host of exciting amenities but more personal and intimate than the floating cities of other cruise lines. The tour includes airfare to Fort Lauderdale and home from San Diego, a pre-cruise hotel stay and dinner in Fort Lauderdale, all meals aboard ship, door-to-door airport service, transfers and taxes. Gold Passport Points dependent on the price category of your cabin. Inside Cabin Prices start at $3880 p.p./dbl.occ., $5155 single Outside Cabin Prices start at $4075 p.p./dbl.occ., $5470 single $ave $125 until June 20 This vacation requires a valid passport!

Key West, Miami and The Everglades Featuring Key Largo and 4 nights in Key West 7 Days • January 28 – February 3 H  Highlights  H • Visit Florida Everglades National Park, experience an air boat ride and meet an alligator or two up close • History abounds in Key West – visit the Hemingway Home, The Aquarium and Truman’s “Little White House,” tour the island aboard the Old Town Trolley • Exclusive lunch on private Sunset Key at Latitudes, a short ferry ride from Mallory Pier in Key West • Exclusive “Taste of Key West” food tour by trolley, where you sample lots of local culinary treats (including Key Lime Pie, Conch Fritters, Cuban Sandwiches) • Sunset at Mallory Square in Key West, with an exclusive meet and greet with one of the street performers for a closer look at his craft • Day cruise on an authentic clipper ship (optional), visit the Butterfly and Nature Conservatory • Cabaret Dinner Show at La Te Da; lunch at Hemingway’s Sloppy Joe’s, a local landmark • 4 nights in Key West at the Crowne Plaza La Concha, the very best location, in the heart of town on Duval Street • Overnight Ft. Lauderdale – Miami city tour featuring South Beach and Coral Gables; overnight in Key Largo • Tour the Turtle Hospital in the Keys • Roundtrip air to Ft. Lauderdale (United), return from Key West (Delta)

Red Sails in the Sunset…in Key West

• 14 meals: 2 breakfasts, 4 full breakfasts, 4 lunches, 4 dinners • Door-to-door airport service • 3850/4400 Gold Passport Points Key West has become one of our most popular destinations with our annual tour selling out every year, months ahead of departure. Key West is a pedestrian-friendly destination and, because of that, we walk to many attractions. For this reason, we do not recommend this tour for travelers with serious mobility issues. $3840 p.p./dbl.occ., $4400 single $ave $150 until June 20

Winter in Yellowstone Featuring a stay at the Old Faithful Snow Lodge in Yellowstone National Park 7 Days • February 10-16 Join our select group for a trip to the winter wonderland that is Yellowstone National Park. It’s an adventure you’ll never forget… 1. Fly from to Jackson Hole, Wyoming. Settle into your four-diamond hotel listed on the National Register of Historic Places, located in downtown Jackson. The Wort Hotel – 2 nights (L) 2. In the National Elk Refuge and Grand Teton National Park, embark on a private safari tour in search of the area’s abundant wintering wildlife. Your local guides will search out mule deer, elk, moose, big horn sheep and bison that migrate into the valley in search of food. Imagine yourself taking a horse-drawn sleigh ride amongst an elk herd numbering in the thousands. Visit the National Museum of Wildlife Art with collections of nearly twenty-three hundred works of art. The museum’s award-winning architecture is known for its amazing synergy with the Jackson Hole landscape (B,L) 3. Enjoy a free morning to explore the shops of Jackson Hole. In the early afternoon, travel west and north from Jackson Hole, through Idaho’s Targhie National Forest, to the town of West Yellowstone, Montana. Lunch is hosted en route before checking into the Holiday Inn. (B)

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


4. Today, discover the incredible landscape of Yellowstone National Park. Sit back and enjoy the spectacular scenery in comfort as you move easily across the snow in custom snow coaches chauffeured by experienced guides. Along the way, learn about the park’s history and view thermal features such as the Fountain Paint Pots. Arrive at Old Faithful in time for a hosted lunch at the Snow Lodge before exploring the upper Geyser Basin. Your accommodations are just steps away from the famous geyser. Old Faithful Snow Lodge (B,L) 5. Snow-coach today to the Grand Canyon of the Yellowstone where you’ll have the chance to see spectacular Yellowstone Falls, chronicled by artists such as Thomas Moran and Ansel Adams. Stop along the way and take pictures – lots of pictures! Overnight back in West Yellowstone at the Holiday Inn. (B,L) 6. Today visit The Grizzly & Wolf Discovery Center, a home for grizzly bears from as far away as Alaska. Each bear and its story are unique, but they all have something in common: they came to reside here after becoming nuisance bears or orphaned cubs of a nuisance bear. Head back to Jackson for one more night. Homewood Suites (B) 7. Fly home this afternoon following a memorable trip you will not soon forget! (B,L) This tour is limited to 21 people and includes door-to-door airport service, roundtrip airfare, accommodations, all attractions and meals listed in the itinerary (6B,5L), and the services of a Sports Leisure Vacations Tour Director. 3600/4100 Gold Passport Points $3585 p.p./dbl.occ., $4090 single $ave $125 until June 20

Alaska’s Aurora Borealis Featuring small group travel with unique winter attractions 7 Days • March 17-23 H  Highlights  H • A small group experience – 20 people • View the Aurora Borealis in the dark skies outside of Fairbanks • Tour of the BP Ice Art Championship sculptures


• Travel on the Alaska Railroad from Talkeetna to Healy • Dogsled at the Dallas Seavey Kennel, winner of several Iditarod Races • Winter cruise on Prince William Sound • See all the big land mammals at the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center • Door-to-door airport transportation • Roundtrip air to Anchorage/from Fairbanks • 14 Meals: 3 full breakfasts, 3 continental breakfasts, 5 lunches and 3 dinners • 4700/5100 Gold Passport Points 1. Fly to Anchorage and begin the tour with lunch and then a scenic drive down the Turnagain Arm, one of the most scenic byways in America! This all-American Road will be a highlight today as we travel between the ocean and the towering Chugach Mountains before checking into our overnight accommodations. The Alyeska Resort is a beautiful property; amenities include several restaurants, a sundry and gift shop, mountain sports store (for winter gear), a fitness center, spa and an indoor saltwater pool & whirlpool. It also has an aerial tram with a fine dining restaurant at the top of the mountain. Alyeska Resort – 2 nights (L) 2. Explore the Alaska Wildlife Conservation Center, a 200-acre rescue and rehabilitation center for Alaskan wildlife. Meet moose, wood bison, a musk ox herd, caribou herd, and other Alaskan animals that call the Portage Glacier Valley home. The afternoon take a cruise on Prince William Sound’s Blackstone Bay. The journey takes us close to shore admiring the sheer cliff walls and tumbling waterfalls en route to two tidewater glaciers, Beloit and Blackstone. The rest of the day will be spent exploring a kittiwake rookery and finding bald eagle nests. We’ll cruise into nooks to examine waterfalls and find a nice beach on which to step ashore to experience the natural geology of this glacial carved fjord. (FB,L) 3. Visit the homestead of Dallas Seavey, the Iditarod Champion, to learn what it takes to train and race in the Last Great Race. Tour the kennel and go for a wilderness ride on a real dog sled with Iditarod Champion sled dogs! Lunch will be served at the kennel before we travel to the town of Talkeetna, a quaint “mountain climbing” town, featured

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

on several TV shows for good food and fun personalities. Enjoy a hosted dinner and the Star Lady Aurora presentation this evening. The Star Lady will share with you her knowledge of constellations, aurora activity, and the Alaskan night sky. Talkeetna Alaskan Lodge – 2 nights (FB,L,D) 4. Today wake up and look out your window and hopefully view the majestic Alaska range and North America’s highest mountain Denali! Tour the town of Talkeetna and an optional (extra cost) flightseeing tour. (B,L) 5. Breakfast at the famous Talkeetna Roadhouse is included this morning before your journey on the Alaskan Railroad. As you travel, keep an eye out for Mt. Denali and various animals that may be spotted along the tracks. Depart the train near Denali National Park and continue by bus to Fairbanks. After checking into your hotel, enjoy a hosted dinner followed by aurora viewing this evening. The remote location will allow us to get away from the city lights of Fairbanks to enjoy the aurora and photograph this spectacular show! NOTE: The aurora is weather and solar flare dependent – it takes clear skies and active solar activity combined to make for a great viewing experience. Pikes Waterfront Lodge – 2 nights (FB,L,D) 6. Enjoy a guided city tour of Fairbanks to include a stop at the Trans Alaska Pipeline and a visit to the Museum of the North. Get ready to be amazed at the BP World Ice Art Championships; single and multi blocks of ice are sculpted into exquisite master pieces. The detail will astound you! Dinner is hosted before heading back to the Ice Park to see the sculptures all lit up! (B,D) 7. You will not soon forget the magic you experienced in the Great North. It is time to take our photos and memories back home to share with your families. (B) Note: You must be prepared for cold weather from 0 to 40 degrees. Boots and jackets may be rented (extra cost) if you do not own them. More information will be provided in advance of the tour. $4655 p.p./dbl.occ., $5060 single* $ave $150 until June 20 *Prices based on roundtrip airfare of $600 per person – Subject to change.

The Tour Calendar (Previously Announced) 7 Days

July 2-8

Boston to Bar Harbor

Two seats available. Celebrate the 4th of July in Boston and relax ocean side in Bar Harbor. Fly to Boston, and stay 3 nights in Woburn at the Hilton, chosen because it’s in the middle of the attractions you will be visiting downtown and in the ‘burbs. Before the fireworks, hear the story of American independence in Lexington and Concord. Visit Salem, and learn about the 1692 Witch Trials. Tour Boston on the 4th of July, including the Kennedy Presidential Library, ending with fireworks with music by the Boston Pops Orchestra. Travel north to Kennebunkport for a tour (this is the home of the Bush family compound). Visit Acadia National Park, enjoy a “lumberjack” show and shop in the quaint stores in town. On the way back to Boston, stop at famous LL Bean in Freeport. Includes roundtrip air to/from Boston and 12 meals. Tour Director: Chris Galloway. $3320 p.p./dbl.occ., $3675 single 4 Days

July 11-14

Rocky Mountain High

One seat available. Join Tour Director Chris Galloway for a trip to his old college stomping grounds in Boulder (where you’ll tour Celestial Seasonings), and spend 2 nights at the historic Stanley Hotel (yup, the guy who invented the Stanley Steamer) in Estes Park, and enjoy the spectacular natural surroundings. Drive through the park, and overnight in Central City, another historical spot, an authentic Wild West gambling town. On the last day, tour the Mile High City. In addition to the regular sites like the Molly Brown House (and lunch at the famous Brown Palace Hotel), you’ll learn a little about Colorado’s newest industry by visiting a grow house where legal marijuana is produced. It’s entirely possible you’ll pick up a gardening tip or two that will work at home in your own garden for legal plants. Sorry, no sampling of the product is allowed! The package includes 7 meals and roundtrip air. $1885 p.p./dbl.occ., $2145 single 3 Days

July 14-16

Progressive Portland

Looking for something fun, not too strenuous and close to home for the summer? Why not this new itinerary? Our all-City of Roses trip, full of the types of things that make Portland different (Keep Portland Weird is the city’s unofficial motto). At the Portland Art Museum, enjoy a light lunch and a scavenger hunt as part of your visit. Dinner at the City Grill offers a view of the entire city. On Day Two, start with a visit to one of Portland’s specialty donut stores, followed by a ride on a street car and an aerial tram, right downtown. Enjoy an afternoon of unique shops, foodie tastings and a tour of the Tiny House Hotel. Dine at a food cart cluster in the evening (How Portland is that?). A final day features two great markets: The Portland Saturday Market and the Farmer’s Market in nearby Vancouver (Mark’s favorite). Get some fresh berries and other goodies to bring home with you! 2 nights at the Doubletree Hotel, 5 meals, airfare, all included. Maximum 25 travelers, 8 seats available. Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann. $1255 p.p./dbl.occ., $1475 single

6 Days

July 24-29

Sights & Sounds of Hwy 101 – Long Beach, Washington to Coos Bay, Oregon

One seat available. This itinerary features a night at the Coos Bay Music Festival, and a unique fly/drive route. You’ll fly to Portland to begin the tour, then fly home from Coos Bay (via SFO), eliminating the long day-and-a-half ride home from the southern Oregon coast. Arriving in Portland, head for the coast, with a stop at the Vancouver Farmer’s Market to pick up important supplies and goodies for the trip. Rumor has it there is a scavenger hunt involved. Long Beach is a small community just over the Washington border. It’s famous for kites, cranberries and oysters. Stay 2 nights at the Best Western and a day exploring the community. Traveling along the coast, you stop in Seaside for lunch, and at Fort Clatsop for a piece of Lewis & Clark history. Two nights in Newport at the Elizabeth Street Inn offers everyone a full ocean view. Learn about the critters of the ocean on a Marine Discovery Cruise and a visit to the Oregon Aquarium. In Reedsport, see the Elk Refuge. Arrive in Coos Bay in mid-afternoon, to relax a bit before the evening pops concert at the Oregon Music Festival. 12 meals, roundtrip air to Portland/from Coos Bay, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $2285 p.p./dbl.occ., $2615 single 7 Days

Aug. 7-13

A Mystery Tour Celebrating Our National Parks Centennial

2016 marks the 100th birthday of our National Park Service. To celebrate, we have created a Mystery Tour which visits a number of park sites we think you may not have visited. Don’t worry, there is no mountain climbing or bungee cord jumping. But there are lots of beautiful places to see and experience: State Parks, National Parks, Historic Sites. Remember not all park locations are built around scenery, many are all about history. Here are a few clues about your travels: Every great adventure should have a Yellow Brick Road, don’t you think? This trip is no exception. For those who think we are going to Kansas, think again. Picture yourself on the shores of a mighty lake or river, sailing along and viewing shapes carved by the winds of time. Many more people once lived here, but it isn’t a ghost town by any means. Since you are “exploring,” isn’t it appropriate one of your destinations is named for a famous sailor. We won’t “hound” you to go inside one attraction, but you will find generations of movement inside. In one place, putting in your “two cents worth” would be particularly appropriate. If you love the great outdoors and like to learn, this is your trip. 15 meals, roundtrip air, Tour Directors: Mark and Chris. $3120 p.p./ dbl.occ., $3490 single, $40 EPD*

Visit us anytime on the web at: Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016


11 Days

Aug. 9-21

Cruise Tahiti & The South Pacific on the m/s Paul Gauguin

We didn’t choose any ordinary ship for your adventure to Tahiti, we picked the upscale Paul Gauguin. The ship has been cruising the South Pacific for many years. Tahiti is a very different destination, and a cruise ship is absolutely the best way to see the islands. Fly to Papeete and board your ship. Ports of call include Huahine, Bora Bora, Moorea and Taha’a in the Society Islands; plus Rangiroa and Fakarava. For the complete itinerary and cruise details, we invite you to visit our website at and click on “Cruises.” This tour requires a valid passport. Cruise Director: Scott Angeletti. $6495 p.p./dbl.occ., $8395 single 2 Days

Aug. 14-15

Shakespeare on the Lake

Enjoy the Lake Tahoe Shakespeare Festival, outdoors, on the shores of the lake, in an amphitheater. See The Comedy of Errors in the evening. Stay at the Lake Tahoe Resort Hotel (formerly the Embassy Suites) on the South Shore. Lunch one day atop Harrah’s, the second day on the ms Dixie II for brunch (you may opt out of this one and receive a credit if you wish to gamble). $475 p.p./dbl. occ., $540 single 7 Days

Aug. 22-28

The International Selkirk Loop

Ramona created this itinerary as a Mystery Tour several years ago. It was so popular, we have brought it back (for the third time) as a known destination. The Selkirk Loop is a 280-mile international drive in southern BC, northwestern Washington and northern Idaho. From Bonner’s Ferry, ID, into Canada and around the mountains it combines the best of the great outdoors with small town living. Fly to Spokane to begin your travels and back from Spokane at their conclusion. We encourage you to see the entire itinerary online. 12 meals, roundtrip air including Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. This tour requires a valid passport. $3115 p.p./dbl.occ., $3485 single 7 Days

Sept. 23-29

An Arkansas Rendezvous: Cowboys & The Crystal Bridges Museum

3 nights Little Rock, 2 nights Fayetteville, overnight Ft. Smith. Old Southern Dinner/Entertainment at Marlsgate Plantation, Little Rock tour featuring the Clinton Presidential Library, historic Central High School and the Old State House. Hot Springs’ Garvan Gardens, Southern BBQ in an Arkansas Castle (sounds like fun), tour the University of Arkansas in Fayetteville and finally spend time at the world-class Crystal Bridges Museum of Art in Bentonville. The complete day-by-day itinerary is online. 13 meals and airfare included. Tour Director: Clayton Whitehead. $2935 p.p./dbl.occ., $3255 single, $75 EPD*

7 Days

Sept. 24-30

Rails Around Colorado

Three seats remain in our group of 25. Fly to Colorado Springs and then visit Canon City (the Royal Gorge). There are 3 train rides, the Royal Gorge Scenic Railway, the Cumbres & Toltec and the Durango-Silverton (the last two are narrow gauge). Visit the historic cities of Ouray, Durango and Telluride. The package includes 11 meals and roundtrip air to Colorado Springs/from Durango. See the complete itinerary online. $3330 p.p./dbl.occ., $3740 single 12 Days

Oct. 2-13

A Cruise on the Blue Danube

3 nights in Prague, Czech Republic, with breakfast and city tour; 7 nights on the Amadeus Royal river cruise ship. includes shore excursions in Passau, Budapest, Bratislava, Vienna, Melk, and Durnstein. All meals on board ship. Launched in 2005 and refitted in 2015, your ship is one of the finest on European rivers. Because she draws a small amount of water, low water levels do not generally impact her (a recent problem with fall cruises on the rivers when water is low). All cabins have unrestricted views of the scenery through wide, glass panoramas. For more details on this unique vacation, we recommend you call Michael Downer at our office to reserve your cabin. This tour requires a valid passport. Prices start at $5735 p.p./dbl.occ., $6535 single, $50 EPD* 4 Days

Oct. 2-5 or Oct. 5-8

The Albuquerque International Balloon Fiesta

Fly to Albuquerque, check into your hotel on Day 1. This evening is the Balloon Glow (plus fireworks). You have an upgraded experience with seats in the Chasers Club Lounge for all three events, which offers private outdoor seating where you can enjoy food and refreshments right on the field where balloons rise right in front of you. The next two mornings all participating balloons launch. Please note that balloons need good weather to fly, which is why we stay 3 nights. In case one day is “weathered out,” we still have other viewing options. There is a balloon museum tour, turquoise museum presentation, Sandia Tram with lunch on top of Sandia Peak and a visit to Albuquerque’s Old Town on the itinerary. 6 meals, rt air Sac/Albuquerque, Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. Limited space on Oct. 5-8. $1830 p.p./dbl.occ., $2100 single

office hours: 9:00am – 4:30pm MON. thru FRI. Closed weekends & major holidays CLOSED TUES. 12:00pm – 1:15pm


Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016

The Mass Ascension is one of the highlights of the Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

3 Days

Oct. 14-16

Magnificent Mammoth Lakes, A Fall Foliage Tour

See the fall colors of the Sierra on this “look out the window” trip. Stay 2 nights at the Shilo Inn in Mammoth Lakes and spend a day sightseeing in the area. Activities include visits to Devil’s Postpile and Mono Lake and a drive around the June Lakes Loop, taking in the colors of autumn. Your route to Mammoth is over Yosemite’s Tioga Pass, a spectacular route through Yosemite National Park. The trip home is via Hwy 395 to Lake Tahoe, where you’ll enjoy Sunday Brunch at the Forrest Buffet in Harrah’s. All meals (7) are included (2 are continental breakfasts), Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. $940 p.p./dbl.occ., $1035 single 5 Days

Oct. 22-26

Rails Around Oregon

First offered last year and very popular, this rail trip is back for an encore. Fly to Portland, and head for Union Station for lunch and a visit to the Oregon Rail Heritage Center. Ride the Empire Builder from Portland to White Salmon, WA. Cross back into Oregon and stay in Hood River. Sunday Brunch aboard the Mt. Hood Scenic Railroad is featured on Day 2. Visit Mt. St. Helens, a truly fascinating place, on the morning of Day 3; return to Portland by train from Kelso on Amtrak’s Cascade. One more Amtrak ride on Day 4, on Amtrak down to Eugene on the Coast Starlight. This is only a recap of the train rides, there are sightseeing elements to the itinerary also and can be viewed online (page 17 in your catalog), or call our office for an itinerary. 8 meals, roundtrip air and all train tickets, Tour Director: TBA. $2060 p.p./dbl.occ, $2360 single

Things to Know Before You Go: Airfare: On all trips where air travel is indicated, airfares are included in the listed prices. Home Pick-up: Our exclusive home pick-up is included on all trips listed here of three days or longer. Sacramento Limousines and their partners provide transportation to/from the airport, Sacramento’s Amtrak station or the Sports Leisure Vacations office. Meals: Please refer to the day-by-day itinerary for a break down of the included breakfasts, brunches, lunches and dinners. *Early Registration/Payment Discounts: Trips with a note like this after the price “$40 EPD*,” indicates there is a discount available for Early Registration and Payment. Please refer to the back page of the newsletter for more details on Early Registration/ Payment Discounts. The Fine Print: Our Special Tour & Vacation Notes brochure contains the answers to many often-asked questions. A copy is sent with your reservations. Sports Leisure online: You are invited to visit our website at for more information on any tour listed here, or call our office and we will be happy to send you a detailed itinerary.

5 Days

Oct. 23-27

Sedona & The Grand Canyon

Three seats available. 2 nights at the Hilton Sedona Resort, 2 nights BW Squire Inn at Grand Canyon. Lunch at the historic El Tovar Hotel, guided trolley tour of Sedona, guided tour of the South Rim of the canyon and VIP tour of Grand Canyon Village historic sites. 9 meals and airfare incl. Tour Director: Scott Angeletti. $2030 p.p./dbl.occ., $2325 single 5 Days

Oct. 29 – Nov. 2

Ghosts & Ghost Towns of Old Nevada

Imagine spending Halloween Eve hunting for lost spirits. Now pretend it’s Halloween Night and you are staying in the haunted Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah, in the middle of the dessert. Will your friends ever hear from you again? Or will you become part of a bizarre TV program about the disappearance of an entire tour group… Never mind that Area 51, where the aliens land, is just a few miles over the next hill…. Fast becoming one of our signature tours, this special departure will soon be advertised nationwide. Come meet the ghosts and see the old ghost towns of Nevada. We take you on an authentic ghost hunt, where you can decide for yourself if the spirits are talking to you. (Warning, even the biggest skeptic will be amazed.) After two nights in Las Vegas at Treasure Island, your ghost and mobster tours with Ghost Hunter/Vegas Historian Robert George Allen, and assorted side attractions like the Neon Museum, we head north to Beatty, Rhyolite, Gold Pointe, Goldfield, Tonopah, Belmont and Bodie. Hear the tales and see the sites that make up history in rural Nevada. Two nights at the haunted Mizpah Hotel in Tonopah (Please note that due to the limited number of 2-bedded rooms at the Mizpah, some guests may be accommodated at the nearby Best Western – which is also available to those afraid of ghosts at the Mizpah.) follows your Las Vegas stay, with a side trip to Belmont, to see the old courthouse and meet local folks. 10 meals, air to Las Vegas from Sacramento included, Tour Director: Mark Hoffmann. $1935 p.p./dbl.occ., $2295 single, $35 EPD* 10 Days

Nov. 4-13

Mexico’s Puebla & Oaxaca

Experience the colors, sights and flavors of Colonial Mexico. This vacation is designed to let you experience the regional specialties in three of Mexico’s most interesting cities, Puebla, Oaxaca and Mexico City. Your Mexico City stay is brief, just one full day so you can get a glimpse of the city. 2 nights in Puebla, home of the colorful pottery. Oaxaca is your home for 4 nights, giving you plenty of time to familiarize yourself with the people, the artisans and the Unesco World Heritage sites. One night in Mexico City at the end of the trip is scheduled to position you for your return flight home. Please view the entire itinerary online, or request a printed copy from our office. 24 meals, all airfares and transportation included, Tour Director: Ramona Goodge. This tour requires a valid passport. $4350 p.p./dbl.occ., $4645 single

Sports Leisure Vacations / May – June 2016




Sacramento, CA PERMIT NO. 517


9812 Old Winery Place, Suite 1 Sacramento, CA 95827 ADDRESS SERVICE REQUESTED

EARLY PAYMENT Di$count Coupon Early Registration Payment Di$counts listed here expire on Tuesday, June 20, 2016; or may be withdrawn when 50% of the available space has been reserved. To receive the discount, you must pay in full within ten days of registration. If you accept this option, the monies paid, including the cost of Cancellation Protection, are returned to you in full if you cancel more than 60 days prior to departure for US and Canadian tours or 75 days prior for International tours, regardless of the reason for cancellation. Within the time limits noted above, restrictions on refunds apply. See the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for complete details. Aug. – National Parks Mystery Tour – $ave $40

VALUABLE Coupon $ave $10–$40 per person on Cancellation Protection Valid only when used with the adjacent coupon on the tours listed. Your savings depend on the double-occupancy price of the tour. $ave $10 on tours priced from $451-$800, $ave $20 on tours priced from $801-$2250, $ave $30 on tours priced from $2251-$3500, $ave $40 on tours priced at $3501 or more. The regular cost of this protection is $15-$295, depending on the tour price. To receive the above discounts, you must pay in full within ten days of registration and purchase the protection at the time you pay for your tour. Within 60/75 days of departure (see adjoining coupon), coverage is limited to verified medical emergencies. Please refer to the Special Vacation Notes & Information brochure for details, or call our office.

Sept. – Postcards from Puget Sound – $ave $75 Sept. – Catch the Coast Starlight – $ave $40 Sept. – An Arkansas Rendezvous – $ave $75


Oct. – A Cruise on the Blue Danube – $ave $50

A brief list of tours which are sold out, or have only a limited amount of space (10 or fewer seats, number in parenthesis) remaining. Day trips are not listed.

Oct. – Ghosts & Ghost Towns of Old Nevada – $ave $35

Sold-Out Tours (waiting list available)

Sept. – Luxury in La Jolla – $ave $40

Oct. – Chinese Lanterns in Spokane – $ave $40 Nov. – Destination: Disneyland – $ave $40 Nov. – Tonopah, Laughlin & Las Vegas – $ave $50 Nov. – Thanksgiving in NYC – $ave $150 Nov. – Thanksgiving Celebrations w/Pilgrims – $ave $200 Nov. – A Coastal, Colonial, Confederate Christmas – $ave $125 Dec. – Palm Springs Desert Holiday – $ave $50 Dec. – Holiday Magic at the Ritz & Fairmont – $ave $25 Dec. – Christmas in Solvang & Santa Barbara – $ave $50 Jan. – Cruising the Panama Canal – $ave $125 Jan. – Key West, Miami & Key Largo – $ave $150 Feb. – Winter in Yellowstone – $ave $125 Mar. – Alaska’s Aurora Borealis – $ave $150

Fireworks & Prairie Home Companion Flowers & Fireworks in BC Sounds of Music in Leavenworth (both departures) Laguna Pageant of the Masters (both departures) Wildlife Viewing in British Columbia Asheville to Nashville National Treasures of the West

Limited Space (10 or fewer seats) Boston to Bar Harbor (3) Progressive Portland (8) Sights & Sounds of Highway 101 (3) National Parks Mystery Tour (7) International Selkirk Loop (3) Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta – (both departures 7) Catalina Island Getaway (9) Sedona & The Grand Canyon (1)

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