Sportsman's News December 2017 Digital Edition

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FREE December 2017 | Volume 13 | Issue 12

A Roaring Good Time on New Zealand ’s South Island Gary Lewis

Scimitar Oryx

Page 10

Enter To Win A New Zealand Red Stag Hunt

With Every DVD Purchase See Pg. 5 for details

Chad LaChance

Most Valuable

SPORTSMAN’S NEWS 2322 W. Industry Way Cedar City, UT 84721

PRESIDENT/PUBLISHER Mike Deming President/Publisher 435-669-4624

SENIOR EDITOR Kent Danjanovich 801-231-9838 MANAGING EDITOR Dan Kidder 435-865-1680 PRODUCT SPECIALIST Wes Atkinson EDITORIAL ASSISTANT Lisa Deming VIDEO PRODUCTION MANAGERS Sam Staudt Andrew Saullo Subscribers should contact Managing Editor for changes of address.

Sportsman’s News is published monthly. The entire content of this newspaper is Copyright 2017 © All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form without written consent of the Managing Editor.

SPORTSMAN’S WAREHOUSE 7035 So. High Tech Drive Midvale, UT 84047


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS



nother year comes to a close with this December issue. I want to wish everyone a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year. In this issue, we have our Christmas Gift Guide. I always ask the team members to put together a list of items for this issue which they feel are items they won’t go to the field without or that they have enjoyed throughout the year. Make sure you take a look at this section if you are still shopping for that special sportsman or woman in your life. I will assure you that they won’t be disappointed if they get some of these great items under the tree or in their stocking. I know that most of you are just finishing up your 2017 big game seasons and starting to reflect on your successes and failures over the holidays. But remember, it is time to start planning your 2018 hunting and application process. Alaska drawings have a deadline of December and Wyoming and Arizona have some species deadlines in January. So, it’s time to start planning once again. I’ve never had a year where I fielded more phone calls from hunters who had a miserable fall. They had burned decades of accumulated points and had some horrible experiences. I truly feel sorry for each and every one of these people. I know that everyone thinks that by applying each and every year for these highly, sought after units that you are going to have a trip of a lifetime once you draw a tag. I would bet that less than ten percent of the time the person who draws these premium tags ends up with the trip they imagined, unless they have spent a lot of time in the desired unit. It might take twenty years to draw the premium tag you have been reading about, but don’t forget, many people have been hunting this unit each and every year for the past twenty years. More importantly, people wait this long for a trophy, so your top age class of bucks and bulls are the target. There isn’t going to be a trophy behind every tree and you are going to have to hunt as hard, if not harder, than you have ever hunted in your life to close the deal on that trophy of a lifetime. If you take this long to build points, please do your own homework. It’s great to see the article in the publications of other people’s successes, but that is just one person’s perception of a unit. If they were successful on the first morning out, they might have been just really lucky and not have had a true understanding of the unit. This perpetuates the rumor of some once great units that are long washed up. The west has some great units and just about every one of them can throw a monster every now and then. This year, me and my team went to Colorado’s unit 61. It is known as the Uncompahgre Plateau and takes a monster amount of points for both elk and deer to draw. In some cases, more than two decades worth of preference points. We were there during second season with no moon, but your standard early fall warm conditions. My focus was to see if the unit was worth the points as I have lots of people ask me about applying every year. The landowners sell tags at a ridiculous price because of the demand from high points to draw. The team spent multiple days scouting in the summer and early fall. We had numerous trail cameras in the unit from early summer till we left. I also talked to everyone I could about the unit while we were there. This included ranchers, residents, processors, taxidermists and anyone who would give us the time of day. Here is what we found; most locals had no idea that it was a trophy unit or why it was so hard to get a tag. The processors, taxidermists and outfitters we spoke to, said the deer hunting on this unit was horrible. Lions are abundant, and we saw sign of that by tracks in every drainage. Bears are a problem to say the least and we were there on an extremely drought ridden year. So, if had you burned all of your points on this unit, you would likely have been very disappointed on the hunt. We saw one buck that would likely break the 170” burrier, but nothing else worthy. Wayne Carlton of Native Calls and "Mr. Elk Hunter" himself lives in Montrose, CO and said this unit is a waste of time for quality elk and that you can have a better hunt on an over the counter unit. Wow, what a snapshot we got with thirty days in this unit overall. There are lots more stories like this, so make sure you do your research and spend those hard-earned bonus points wisely. Enjoy your Holiday Season and plan well for your next year’s trips.

By Michael Deming


4 A Roaring Good Time In New Zealand A sampling of the many species of the South Island.

The Blind Without A Blind Spot 10 Primos Double Bull Pop Up Blinds.

12Choose a Sportsman's News Endorsed Guide for your next trip. Platinum Approved Outfitters


Smith & Wesson M&P Compact 2.0 16 The M&P gets even better.

19 Fishful Thinker: Most Valuable The tackle that matters the most.

Pro's Pick: Vortex Viper 20 A red dot sight that won't break the bank. 24 Pro Member Sweepstakes


Over $300,000 In Giveaways. Drawing Every 10 Days.

26 PacWest Outdoors: Scimitars - South of Eden A rare species in the south of Texas.

30 Christmas Gift Guide

The Sportsman's News Team's best gift picks.

46 Business Directory 48 Wild Game Recipe: Venison a la Crock Pot 50 Adventures On A budget: Downtown Ducks Hunting in the Shadow of Mobile.

Writing Contest: Quest for the Wyoming Cutthroat 53 Outdoor Slam

The entire Sportsman's News family wishes you all a very Merry Christmas and the warmest wishes for a Happy New Year.

CONTRIBUTING WRITERS Chad LaChance Gary Lewis John N. Felsher Steve Mayer Jesse Riding

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


A Roaring Good Time on New Zealand ’s South Island By Michael Deming


he “rut” is a very special time of year to have a tag, regardless of the species you are hunting. These are usually limited opportunity hunts because they are putting you in the field when the animals are most vulnerable. This means your chance of that trophy of a lifetime is usually much greater. Whether we are talking about the bugling bulls in September, mulies or whitetail deer in November or big bruins in June, this is a great time to be in the field. On the opposite side of the equator, our spring is their fall and the South Island of New Zealand is home to some of the largest red stag in the world. This is the time of year that those big boys are roaring like lions to show dominance and with no major big game seasons going on in North America, it’s a great time to enjoy the off-season with some prime rutting activity. The Sportsman’s News Team makes this trip every couple of years to hunt with world renowned outfitter, Lindsay Frasier and Woodbury Safari Lodge. This 5-star lodge comfortably supports several groups of hunters each week. With the Sportsman’s News team taking a spot and the SN Pro Membership Sweepstakes winner taking another, there are usually a couple of open spots available to tag along to be part of the experience. This year, Jeff Simpson and his wife, Becky, took one of those extra spots. Chancy Cathcart of Wyoming was our lucky Pro Member Sweepstakes winner who opted to bring his good buddy, Matt Ruzicka, along for some additional trigger time as his guest. Troy and Emily Holm from Nebraska rounded out the group. After making the nearly two-day trek to New Zealand, we were greeted by Lindsay Frasier himself at the Christchurch airport. We then made the one-hour drive to the elite Woodbury Lodge, where we would be living for the next week. My wife, Lisa, who seldom gets the opportunity to travel with me for work, had always wanted to go to New Zealand and since she is a world class photographer, we made sure she was to be my travel partner. The initial assessment of this lodge by the group was a two-thumbs up. Kim is Lindsay’s wife and camp host and Damo, the executive chef, rounded out the group for our stay. A five-course meal, with New Zealand lamb as the main course, is how we started off our first evening, which set the tone for the rest of the week. The plan would be to get up every morning, eat breakfast at the lodge and drive with our guides to one of the numerous ranches where we would hunt our target species for that day. Since I had hired a local cameraman to help with the duties of filming our winners, I would tag along with Jeff and Becky to capture their hunt. The forecast for day one was going to be clear and cool, which meant that we could head high on the mountain and glass for rutting bull tahr. Many people who travel to New Zealand opt to hunt tahr out of a helicopter, which is 100% legal. However, the premium ranches which we would be hunting have roads and access which allows hunters to pursue more of a fair chase style of hunting for these majestic animals. We could take UTV side-by-sides to the top of the mountains and hunt down on them if we could find a trophy to go after. Our guide, Trevor McClintic from Michigan, spends the springs in New Zealand


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Woodbury Safari Lodge is definitely worthy of the Sportsman's News Platinum Approved Status. Its five star accomodations, food, and customer service make it a world class destination. guiding for Lindsay and has for many years. He knows the ranches as well as how to judge these animals and get you what you are looking for. On this day’s hunt, we would be looking for a mature bull tahr, which exceeds the 13” mark with a huge mane. The mane is as much a part of the trophy as the horn quality and a rutted-up bull tahr, with 13-plus inches of horn and a puffed-up mane, is truly a sight to see when he is on a rock, bluff posing for the ladies. A 3,000 foot vertical climb in a side-by-side is much easier and quicker than doing it on foot and Trevor had us looking over some good bulls within minutes on our first day of hunting. Since we were filming, we were holding out for something pretty special. The clear, cool morning made the sound of the roaring stag in the valley floor below carry and I kept finding myself glassing for stag instead of tahr at times. However, Trevor was diligent in his task and found a solid candidate over a mile away. The good news was that we could travel around the mountain in the side-by-side and come in above the bull in hopes of getting a shot. An hour later, we were sitting 800 yards above the area we had watched the big bull from across the valley. However, the morning sun was heating up and our target bull had decided to bed in the tall grass. We decided to wait him out in hopes of getting a good shot later in the day. A short time later we heard a shot from the other side of the ranch, followed by radio communication from the other guide, with Matt and Chancy confirming that they had connected on a huge bull and it was all on film. For several hours we glassed, enjoyed a lunch on the mountain and took in some of the most beautiful fall colors one can imagine. Trevor ended the relaxation with the comment, “He’s up and he is a big one”. Our bull had a couple of other buddies around as well and a slew of ewes parading around the thick grass. You could see glimpses of animals everywhere, but we were too far for a shot. We then moved into just under 300 yards and Jeff settled in on his sticks, but we needed to be sure we were on the right bull and both he and I were communicating to make sure we shot the biggest one and that I indeed had the camera focused on the right one. We played cat and mouse for fifteen minutes before everything came together.

Matt Ruzicka was the guest of Pro Member Winner Chancy Cathcart and opted to shoot a stag and this great fallow buck. December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Pro Member Jeff Simpson capitalized on the five percent discount with this outfitter and brought his wife Becky. He took this great tahr with Woodbury Safaris. Trevor and I both confirmed that we were on the right bull and Jeff executed a perfect shot, dropping the big bull in his tracks. There were more tahr in the grass than we thought and nearly thirty animals bolted at the report, as we all celebrated a great stalk and shot. Trevor was spot-on with his assessment of this bull and he was everything he thought he was; massive, old and a great trophy. The lodge was abuzz at dinner with all of the stories of the day’s hunts as well as the photos and video which were shared by all. We were only on day one and we had already experienced a trip of a lifetime, with five more days of hunting to go. Everyone in the group was looking to harvest stag and most of them wanted to upgrade to larger stag than they had originally purchased. This was the case with our winner, Chancy and his buddy Matt and since we had seen some great stag roaring down below, I could hardly wait for day two to kick off. Jeff and Becky chose to take a day off, so I hunted with Emily and Troy for a stag for her while Matt and Chancy stayed together. Emily smoked a great stag around 400” SCI late on the first morning and Troy shot a whopper 500” plus SCI stag as well (article in SN-Pro Member Update Column in June 2017). Matt shot up the countryside looking to connect on a huge fallow buck, as we were sure his gun was off and a borrowed rifle put the big buck down for good. A later test at the range proved the rifle was okay and Matt’s great sense of humor attributed the problem to be the ‘NUT’ behind the bolt, which I have since used in many of my writings. Chancy spent the better part of the day sizing up different stag and in the later afternoon put the smack down on an upper, four hundred’s type bull.

The red stag is one of the premier trophies in the region and the reason so many go to New Zealand to hunt. Chancy upgraded his stag to this 450+ -inch giant.


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS



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Troy and Emily Holm were also along on the trip and Troy took the largest stag of the group at 519 inches.


Over the next couple of days, the Sportsman’s News group put the smack down on just about everything Woodbury Safari Lodge has to offer and enjoyed some of the finest cuisine and lodging anyone could ask for. We even took a day off to sight see and relax before we decided to pursue Jeff’s last trophy. Seeing Troy’s big 500” stag in the horn pile had him focused on getting a whopper and that would be our target for the day. Stag of this caliber aren’t found around every corner, but Trevor said that he knew of at least one big one that he felt was just what we were looking for. It would just be a matter of time before we could turn him up and with a stag like that as the target, everyone wanted to be involved, so it was all-hands-on-deck with spotters everywhere. The sun was just starting to light up the canyons when Trevor chimed in over the radio and said, “I’ve got our target spotted”. We watched him for the better part of an hour and he finally went to bed in a perfect position for a stalk. Jeff is a good longrange shooter and he had the rifle to get it done. Within an hour, we were set up about four hundred yards from the big stag and could see his antlers protruding from the brush. As the sun started to heat him up, the stag rose and Jeff about forgot we were filming and executed a precise shot just as I got the camera rolling. The big boy dropped in his tracks. Due to the steepness of the hill, it took a while to get up to that massive rack and he didn’t disappoint. There was truly no ground shrinkage on this stag and he eventually stretched the tape at 517” SCI and is truly a trophy of a lifetime. The entire group was either there or watching from a distance, which made it such a great experience for everyone. In the end, everyone had harvested everything they had ventured to New Zealand to experience, made some great friends and probably gained ten pounds from Damo’s world-class cooking. The Sportsman’s News team will make this pilgrimage to New Zealand with Lindsay and his crew once again in April of 2019. We have also purchased one trip for a winner and a guest for a red stag up to 400” SCI along with a bull tahr, as well as airfare for two from the nearest major metropolitan airport which will be given away in June of 2018. Entering is as simple as buying an SNTV DVD for $2.99 from your cashier at any Sportsman’s Warehouse and registering your receipt at These DVD’s make great stocking stuffers and each purchase gets you another ticket in the drawing for this $20,000 trip. The Pro MemberJeff Simpson with another of his many ship Sweepstakes at www. trophies he took on this trip. promembershipsweepstakes. com will give away the same hunt minus the airfare as well for that 2019 hunt. This will leave a couple of spots for anyone wanting to be part of our group as well. If you want a guaranteed spot to go, reserve one of the open spots with me at mdeming@ December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS




Simple, ONE BUTTON Takedown

While the heavily redesigned Ruger® Mark IV™ maintains the same classic outward appearance as the Ruger® Mark III™, it incorporates a significant improvement customers will love – a simple, one-button takedown for quick and easy field-stripping. A recessed button in the back of the frame allows the upper receiver to tilt up and off of the grip frame without the use of tools. The bolt simply slides out of the receiver and the barrel can be properly cleaned from chamber to muzzle.

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Simple, One-Button Takedown for Quick and Easy Field-Stripping (No Tools Required)

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December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


The Blind Without a Blind Spot Double Bull Introduces SurroundView Blinds


ouble Bull has been the premier brand in hunting blinds for many years. What started as a small Minnesota company founded by two hunting buddies, grew to be the most trusted name and the originator of the pop-up-style, five-hub ground blind. Ever since that original product, Double Bull has continued to introduce advances, such as the double-wide door, 180-degree window, silent slide buckles, and many other innovations. And throughout that history, Double Bull has been revered as having the highest quality and longevity. In 2018, Double Bull is again turning the hunting blind industry on its head.

A New Innovation

Always looking for the next advancement, Double Bull engineers are first and foremost hunters. They are constantly on the lookout for innovation that provides true value to the user. A little over two years ago, Double Bull began experimenting with a new fabric technology. This exclusive fabric has unique properties that allow it to function like a two-way mirror—hiding the hunter from the game outside the blind, but offering a full view without gaping windows. The basis of the technology, now dubbed SurroundView, is a special tiny pinhole pattern. When printed with a camouflage design, the holes are hidden and appear solid. Yet, when colored in solid black, they allow a near-transparent view. “It’s a sort of optical illusion,” explained Jason Harris, Senior Product Manager for Double Bull. “From the outside, the camouflage pattern tricks the eye, human or animal, into thinking it’s completely solid. The inverse is when you’re on the inside, your eyes are able to focus through the pinholes and your mind disregards the blank black fabric between the holes.” The benefits to hunters are pretty obvious: No more silent gobblers sneaking in the back door. No wary bucks skirting the setup just out of view of a window.

Hunting Without a Blind Spot

Anyone who has hunted in a pop-up blind, or even a shooting house, can under-

10 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

stand the limitations to a reliance on windows. It seems you are always trying to see what you can’t see, because narrow shooting portals, or windows, only provide a limited point of view. With SurroundView, there are no surprises. You can see when a deer is coming from the far corner of the field. You can see if it was a squirrel making noises… or a raccoon… or a deer. It gives you ample opportunity to prepare yourself if an animal is approaching in what would traditionally be a blind spot. It gives you the ability to anticipate and be prepared for when it’s time to take the shot. “It is a huge benefit to be able to see your entire surroundings, know what’s about to happen, and also prepare for it,” Harris said. “Also, if you’re sitting with kids, or someone who’s new to the sport, they can just sit still and see everything. That’s a big difference from what I’ve seen happen a lot in other kinds of blinds. The kids are having to hunch over, move back and forth, and look through each window to really see what’s going on around them. With SurroundView technology, you can sit comfortably and survey all around without much movement, yet you’re totally hidden.”

Three Versions of the Ultimate Hide

SurroundView blinds incorporate other Double Bull innovations that hunters have come to love. First and foremost, the SurroundView technology uses Primos Truth Camo, which is a proprietary camo pattern that was created specifically for large-format applications, such as blinds. There are plenty of camouflage patterns on the market that perform well in a tree, or in certain conditions, but Truth camo was developed specifically for the ground-level, no matter the conditions or environment. It works spring or fall, in green cover or brown, and breaks up large objects such as blinds exceedingly well. SurroundView blinds will be available in three models. Named for the degrees of see-through viewing provided by the exclusive SurroundView fabric, there will be a SurroundView 360, SurroundView 270 and SurroundView 180. Each one is configured slightly differently. SurroundView fabric does cost more to produce, and in many applications, hunters will not need a full 360-degree viewing experience. But for those that do, the Sur-

roundView 360 offers a 77-inch hub-to-hub dimension, with a 60-inch floor space and The new SurroundView blinds will have MSRPs of $499, $399 and $299 for the 70-inch height. It’s great for two full-grown hunters, or an adult and a couple of kids. 360-degree model down to the SurroundView 180. To find out more visit www. It incorporates the 180-degree shoot-through window configuration that is on the The Primos team will be using the blinds on the top-rated Truth About current Double Bull Deluxe Blind. It also comes with a blackout curtain that can be Hunting TV show and product information videos will be posted to YouTube at positioned on any of the four wall panels. Primos’ Stream the Language channel: next size is the SurroundView 270. It incorporates one black-out wall with three ingVideo. SurroundView walls, and features more traditional port-style shooting windows. It is 73 inches hub-to-hub and has a floor that is 55 inches. The windows are vertical to allow hunters to For 2018, Double Bull is introducing a swivel stool to compliment blinds that use bow or rifle, plus larger, horizontal shooting windows are located above the rod and hub systems. offer far greater viewing areas than ever before. The SurroundView 180 is the smallest of the three. It has the “We’ve had a lot of success with our current QS3 stool,” said Jason Harris Sesame window configuration as the SurroundView 270, but is nior Product Manager for Double Bull. “It’s a triangle blind stool that’s designed 64 inches hub-to-hub, with a 48-inch floor space, and a 65-inch to house guys over 300 pounds with a small footprint height. It’s perfect for the solo hunter. It incorporates two SurroundView see-through panels, giving you a 180-degree field in the blind. But consumers have continued to ask for of view.

The NextGen Component

Primos, who owns Double Bull, is getting behind the SurroundView blind fully with a strong marketing campaign. One component is a smartphone app that will allow users to test drive the SurroundView models. Using Augmented Reality software like that found in Pokemon Go and other next-generation apps, the SurroundView app will let the user “place” a blind in a location via their smartphone’s camera. They can then “step inside” the blind to see if the placement is right before ever setting up a blind. “It’s going be useful for determining blind setups in the field,” Harris said. “But I think it’s also going to really showcase at the store level the kind of experience these blinds can provide.”

an adjustable stool that has the ability to swivel. This year, we’re meeting that demand with a stool that marries nicely with having a blind that lets you see 360 degrees.” The Double Bull Swivel Stool is rated for weights over 275 pounds. It also has adjustable legs, so users can level it regardless of the terrain. This also helps in adjusting your height for making a perfect shot through the window of the blind. The Double Bull Swivel Stool will have an MSRP of $79.99 and will be available through Double Bull dealers as well as online at

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


The Sportsman’s News Platinum Approved Outfitter is an outfitter book. These are outfitters you would be proud to refer to a friend. that has excelled in every aspect of their business. They put We know this because we are proud to endorse each one of these people and customers before profit. They do what it takes to make sure that they will be outfitters based upon our staff members personally visiting each one of these in business for the long haul and ensure that they have repeat customers. They practice operations. These outfitters have proven to us that they have what it takes to be good game management, which will ensure a top quality trip with them every time you “Sportsman’s News Platinum Approved.” AFRICA HUNTING


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12 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS



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December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS




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14 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

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December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Smith and Wesson M&P Compact 2.0 By Dan Kidder Managing Editor


n January, Smith and Wesson introduced the world to the upgraded versions of their popular M&P pistol line. Version 2.0 fixed everything that I felt was lacking or substandard in the otherwise excellent pistol, without sacrificing any of the features that made the gun superior to other striker fired pistols on the market. The M&P has a lower bore axis, which makes for less muzzle rise and faster target reacquisition. This makes for quicker follow up shots. Smith and Wesson kept the low bore axis, the interchangeable grip inserts to allow shooters with different hand sizes to comfortably shoot the gun and the grip angle that feels more natural in the hand. All of these features made it an excellent striker fired pistol. What they fixed was what was arguably the worst trigger on any gun out there. The original M&P had an 8 to 8.5-pound trigger with a rough and gritty pull and a sloppy break. A roller cam on the connector gave a false reset, that made people think the trigger had fully reset when it had not. In version 2.0, the trigger is very crisp at around 6 pounds and they have removed that false reset, so it audibly clicks when it is ready to fire the next round. A bump molded into the back of the trigger guard against the frame prevents overtravel of the trigger beyond the break and a short take-up means less movement to prep the trigger for firing. I absolutely love the new trigger enhancements. I have upgraded components in many standard M&Ps to make the trigger as good as the 2.0 trigger is out of the box. Another modification that Smith and Wesson made is the aggressive texturing on the grip of the 2.0. It is so rough that it feels like grit tape on a skate board deck, but it is checkered into the grip and inserts so it won’t wear off. This gives you positive control of the pistol and prevents it from pivoting in your hand. This grip texture is especially noticeable when your hands are sweaty or wet. Additional stability comes from a stainless-steel chassis molded into the polymer grip to prevent flexing of the gun when firing. On top, S&W carries their stylish and functional slide serration scallops to the front of the gun for press checks or just more options for racking the slide. Placing these just above the accessory rail allows those who find themselves in need of more gripping areas to unload and show clear, while capturing their ejected live round. The grip comes with four different inserts, small, medium, large and extra-large, with different length of pulls and various widths, so the gun can be customized to the hand of the shooter. The inserts are easily swapped in just a few seconds by rotating the frame tool assembly at the base of the magazine well. This retaining pin also functions as an armorer’s tool for complete disassembly of the gun. To round out the comfort and ease of operability, the M&P 2.0 features an easier to use and access ambidextrous slide lock lever that feels better ergonomically under the

16 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

thumb. Locking and unlocking the slide can be more easily achieved than on the previous version. Heavy duty steel, three dot sights in the front and back give you an excellent sight picture and will stand up to a lot of abuse without distorting or breaking. The magazine release has been extended for easier access and all the gun’s controls are comfortable to operate with minimal readjustment of your grip. It is almost as if Smith and Wesson hired an ergonomics engineer to ensure everything was configured for your comfort. The delivery mechanism is an Armornite coated stainless-steel barrel with a 1:10 twist. The Armornite coating is also on the slide and resists rusting, scratching and the elements, while providing a micro texture that aids in gripping. It looks great, but is also very durable and will hold up to a lot of use and abuse. I was already a fan of everything about the M&P, pistols other than the trigger and with this latest upgrade, Smith and Wesson has made one of the best striker fired pistols on the market. It would be a great pistol for home defense, competition or daily carry and the size and weight make it very concealable without sacrificing functionality or comfort. The Compact model comes with two 15-round magazines and two extra slide-on gap fillers to allow use of full-sized magazines. It even works with first generation M&P magazines. Check out the new and improved Smith and Wesson M&P Compact at your local Sportsman’s Warehouse and see if it would be a good fit for your defensive toolbox.

M&P Compact 2.0 Model: M&P9 M2.0 Compact Caliber: 9mm Capacity: 15+1 Barrel Length: 4” / 10.2 cm Overall Length: 7.3” Front Sight: Steel - White Dot Rear Sight: Steel - White Two Dot

Action: Striker Fire Grip: Polymer Weight (unloaded): 24.0 oz / 680.4g Barrel Material: Stainless Steel Armornite Finish

Slide Material: Stainless Steel Armornite Finish

Frame Material: Polymer

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


18 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Most Valuable


VT - it’s kind of like MVP only different, a little less animated, yet equally important to the success of the team. You can probably guess that the “MV” part of the acronym is Most Valuable -but what is the “T”? This is a fishing column; it stands for Tackle of course. Fishing isn’t commonly a team sport so you, dearest angler, are the only player and your team is comprised of your Chad LaChance tackle. Just in case it might help a few of you with your tackle buying decisions, let’s take a look at the tackle combo most useful to our 2017 success in both guiding and filming a full season of Fishful Thinker TV. Without question, the single most valuable tool we had for the entire year, regardless of species or location, was a “soft plastic” three-inch minnow body. The reason I put soft plastic in quotation marks is because in many cases the minnow body was not plastic at all, instead made out of a water-based resin and impregnated with amino acid-rich liquid - yep, I’m talking Gulp! The 3” Gulp! Minnow has won the MVT award since I first fished pre-production prototypes back in the early 2000’s and it seems every year I lean on this humble, inexpensive and unassuming little bait, more and more. Why? Simple, it catches fish, all kinds of fish large or small, in all kinds of situations, fresh or saltwater. Big fish eat little fish and the 3” minnow body is the most versatile “little fish” you can cast. The cases where we did not use the Gulp! Minnow, we used a brand new, just hitting the market, Powerbait MaxScent Flatnose Minnow. We started using them in the spring as pre-production models and were immediately impressed. It’s more durable than Gulp! because it is made of PVC instead of resin. The trick is that the PVC is extremely porous in its make-up, allowing it to absorb Gulp!-like liquid for scent and flavor - aka MaxScent. I suspect that Flat Nose Minnow will challenge the mighty little Gulp! Minnow for 2018 supremacy based on durability alone. For the record, a large part of the versatility of this style of plastic body is that it can be fished on a jighead, dropshot rig, split-shot rig or even threaded on a hook cast on fly tackle. Also works great under ice. Later in the season we finally got our hands-on Berkley’s new Snap Jig, a jighead with a built clear glide wing built in, which proved to be especially effective when paired with the Flatnose Minnow, snapped aggressively and then allowed to glide down on semi-slack line. The minnow style of body accompanies us on every single trip, regardless of species or location, wherever legal. I guess it stands as no surprise given the effectiveness of the various minnow bodied rigs, but the reel MVT goes to the Abu Garcia Revo Rocket 30. The Rocket’s performance advantage revolves around the fact that it recovers about 37” of line per revolution of the reel handle (depending on reel size). That allows us to get tight on fish biting on slack or semislack line as they most often do when fishing jigs. We missed fewer bites and lost fewer fish on this reel than other spinners. It also gets my lure back very quickly when I’m done with a retrieve, allowing more casts per day. I used the Rocket for nearly all of our finesse fishing and the real bonus occurs in rivers; the super-fast retrieve speed is excellent for maintaining line and lure control in fast moving water. It goes without saying that the bail and drag are superb as well. Pairing the Rocket and Gulp! Minnow with a St Croix worthy of of MVT status was easy; I chose the 6’9” medium light power, extra fast action for finesse stuff and feel that the Avid X line of rods represents the best value when consid-

ering performance vs. cost. Don’t get me wrong, I dearly love the Legend Elite and Xtreme rods, but the Avid X is a very solid performer for a fraction of the cost, allowing me to carry it in more crazy places (think nasty riverside hiking, kayaks and stand-up paddleboards) without worry of loss or damage. This mindset results in more catching, earning the MVT status. The last part of my finesse system that earned MVT status this year is of course the line and I really struggled with choosing one, because the results were sooo close. In the end, I have to give the award to 8# NanoFil, though 100% Trilene Fluorocarbon XL was a very close second. The NanoFil took the title for the same reasons as the others; versatility. Given the wide range of rigging options for the Gulp! or Flatnose Minnow, the line needs to be equally versatile and the NanoFil edged out the fluoro because I prefer it when drop-shotting, snap jigging around weed growth or in running water. NanoFil casts better on spinning tackle than any line out there, bar none, doesn’t mind line twist and cuts current very well due to its thin diameter. Great stuff. Given the amount and range of fishing we do, combined with variety of tackle on hand, MVT status is a legit tackle honor. Consider assembling an MVT combo in some version yourself. I’m pretty sure the fish will be very unhappy that you did!

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800-829-2285 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Vortex Viper Red Dot Sight PRO'S PICK

By Dan Kidder Managing Editor


s my eyes get older, sometimes the front sight focus I have come to take for granted gets a little fuzzier and harder to find. It is no wonder, that so many avid shooters are looking to improve their sighting systems and a great method to accomplish that is with a red dot reflex sight. I set out to find a decent red dot pistol reflex sight that I could mount without sending off the slide of my gun to be milled. One great option I looked at is the Vortex Viper Red Dot sight. With a 6 MOA red dot, the Viper is very easy to acquire. Some red dots on the market with smaller aiming points, can be difficult to find in the viewing window, but because it has a larger dot, the Viper is quick to get on target. With the typical ranges that I engage targets with a pistol, the dot is still plenty small so that it doesn’t obscure the target, but that extra bit of mass cuts down on time spent searching for the point of aim. The rugged single-piece chassis protects the lens and internal electronics from harsh use and accidental drops. Fully multi-coated lenses provide excellent light throughput as well as clarity, while protecting them from scratches and smudges. Adjustment screws allow 1 MOA per click for quickly setting zero and because the Viper has such a low profile, it can be co-witnessed with suppressor height iron sights for additional fine tuning. The Viper comes with a Picatinny mount for attaching it to an ARstyle rifle, but I was looking to add it to a pistol without the expense and time of sending my slide off to be milled for a red dot. The answer the good folks over at Vortex gave me was that it was available in the form of the Red Dot Backup Mounting System for Multiple Red Dots from Dueck Defense ( The RBU mounts to your Glock or M&P pistol can be used by using the existing rear sight dovetail. Just tap out the rear sight and tap in the RBU. The RBU is a snug fit and care has to be taken to tap it in straight to prevent the notch from binding in the dovetail. I found that oiling the slot and using a piece of wood as wide as the mount let me keep it properly aligned, but it still took some heavy blows from a dead blow hammer to get it seated. I used a depth gauge to make sure it was centered. The RBU has a set screw to lock it in place, but as snug as the fit was, I don’t imagine it will be necessary. I believe mounting this would be much easier with a Glock sight pusher tool. While there are several dovetail mounts on the market for red dots on pistols, the Dueck Defense RBU features a pair of sup-

20 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

pressor height sights to co-witness the red dot. The front sight has a tritium vial just below the plane of the sight and the rear notch sights have another tritium vial in the center. The mount is made of steel, so it is far superior to the cheap plastic Glock sights I replaced. Dueck Defense makes four different mounting plates for the majority of red dots on the market. This was a much better solution than having the slide milled, as I can easily transfer my Viper to another handgun and I haven’t made permanent modifications to my pistol. The $149 price tag was much cheaper than slide milling as well and I had the mount in three days after I ordered it which is much faster than the average turn-around time for milling. Additionally, milling your slide locks you into only using one of the four standard footprints and this way I can easily still use any red dot on the market on my gun without a permanent modification. A pair of holes drilled in the rear sight allow easy access to the Viper’s locking screws, which prevent the elevation and windage adjustment from drifting from recoil. This allows them to be unlocked and locked without removing the Viper from the mount. Once I had the Viper mounted, it was a simple matter to get it zeroed. I just picked a fixed distance and co-witnessed the red dot with the RBU mount sights. A few rounds at the range and a little tweaking for a few MOA and I was putting hole on top of hole in no time.

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


PRO'S PICK The Viper has a parallax free aiming window, so I was able to rapidly acquire the dot and not worry about it being perfectly centered in the window. It has a long battery life and shuts down after 14-hours of inactivity. A quick press of the rubber buttons on the side and the dot springs back to life at the previously set brightness setting. Two-button operation turns the sight on or off and adjusts the brightness up or down through all 10 of the settings. The advertised battery life of 30,000 hours is only for level 1 use. Average use at level 5 is going to be in the range of 400 hours, which means that it will need to be changed out every 4-5 weeks, if used daily. It takes a simple and widely available 2032 button battery, but the sight does need to be removed from the mount to get to the battery compartment underneath. Using the red dot takes a little practice to get used to, but it does demonstrate that most of the time, on presentation, I am slightly pointing the gun at an upward angle. Once I aligned the irons in the window, I was able to pick up the red dot quickly and get on target rapidly. This helped identify an issue that I needed to work on and after a few hundred draws, I was quickly picking up the red dot and had eliminated my tendency to cant the pistol upward. So, in addition to helping me get on target more quickly, the Viper also helped me retrain away a bad habit. It will also force you to achieve a proper grip angle, because if the wrong angle is used, it will be too high or too low in the aiming window to see. You will be amazed at how much your accuracy will improve because the dot forces you to do things the right way and with some practice and diligent effort, you will be getting on target much faster and more consistently than with just iron sights. The Viper weighs in at 1.1 ounces and the RBU mount is about the same. Since the weight is in direct alignment with the grip axis, it isn’t the least bit noticeable and doesn’t influence bore alignment by causing muzzle rise or dip. All the weight pushes straight down at the grip and you don’t even realize it is there. All told, between the $229 Viper and the $149 Dueck Defense RBU mount, I was into this for under $400 total and that is a vast savings over permanent modification to my pistol. If your eyes are getting hard of seeing and you would like to gain a bit of a tactical edge, check out the Viper Red Dot Sight at your local Sportsman’s Warehouse optics counter.

22 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

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December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


24 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


in W o T e c an h C r u o Y r o F

Become a Sportsman’s News Pro Member for your chance to win one of these great trips, guns or gear, valued at over $300,000. Multiple prizes given away every ten days. Less than $2 a ticket. All members receive exclusive discounts with “Platinum Approved Outfitters.” Go to


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


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Hunting the scimitar-horned oryx in the Hill Country where Texans helped save the species from extinction. By Gary Lewis


ead ahead, five hundred yards distant, on the fringe of a feather-leafed patch of mesquite and prickly pear at the edge where grass as green as the day of creation gave way to forest, stood three scimitar-horned oryx. They gave no indication they had seen us, but we were not fooled, Roger Schmidt least of all. With their horns flashing in the early light, they fed into tall cover. Ryan Lentz let out his breath. He carried a Nosler Custom rifle in 300 Winchester Magnum stoked with Nosler AccuBonds. If there was one in our party whose heart didn’t race at the sight, it was Sakura, the boxer that walked alongside Lentz or rode in the ATV at his side. Sakura breathed heavy in the early morning air, her chest protected by a Cordura vest, proof against rattlers and cactus spines. Where there were three oryx there would be more. Schmidt led the way and Lentz followed, Sakura at his side. Their eyes on the glimpses of horn and hide ahead of us, they missed the rattler coiled up in the groundcover. The size of a saucer, it was quiet, deadly, in the cool of the morning. With the wind in our favor, we stayed on the move, using the cover of the tree trunks and low-hanging limbs to get closer. Still alert, the animals moved, and we saw more as the group of three joined a larger band. Then the wind changed, and one animal gave the warning. The herd flowed like water, their horns flashing, their legs churning, their muscles rippling. A herd of more than 70 oryx live on Schmidt’s ranch and to keep from exceeding the carrying capacity, he allows a few to be removed each year. If all went right, we would get to take some meat home to sample some of the legendary taste of North Africa. How often does a hunter get to put steaks from an endangered species on a grill?

Scimitars - South of Eden

There is only one place where oryx dammah exist in sufficient numbers to be hunted. That place is Texas Hill Country. Roger Schmidt is a rancher, attorney and veteran, a Renaissance man - lover of animals, fine wines and finer firearms. A conservationist to his core, the scimitar oryx is his most prized and favorite species. When he extended me the offer to carry a rifle on his Texas ranch there was no turning that down. But, I had another plan in the works. There was a fellow I knew of in Dallas - a good friend of a good friend - who would shoot the rifle. I called Heath Gunn, of Honored American Veterans Association and he called Ryan Lentz, a Marine Corps veteran. Tracy Wilson, a friend from Vancouver, Wash., would join us and Samuel Pyke, too, camera in hand. On a mid-May evening that crackled with electricity, when thunder boomed horizon to horizon, we rolled the rented Ford down a gravel road south of Eden.

Photo by Gary Lewis

A Species on Its Way Back

In early 2016, twenty-five scimitar-horned oryx were herded onto an airplane in Abu Dhabi and made the nine-hour flight to their new home in Chad. Fourteen more scimitar oryx were turned out into the desert in early 2017. With these releases into an unfenced area the size of the state of Indiana, the scimitar oryx will no longer be classified extinct in the wild. Status will be downgraded to critically endangered. Once the scimitar oryx thrived across Northern Africa. The last herds were wiped out in Chad and in the year 2000, the species was pronounced extinct in the wild. But special reserves in Tunisia, Morocco, Senegal, United Arab Emirates and in Texas have kept the species alive and saved the scimitar-horned oryx for the world.

Scimitar Oryx Fast Facts Scientific Name: Oryx dammah Discovered By: Lorenz Oken, 1816 Height: 3.3 feet at shoulder Weight: 450 pounds Former Range: Northern Africa Reintroduced: Chad Introduced: Texas Hill Country Status: Extinct in wild, downgraded to critically endangered

26 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

On the rifle, Ryan Lentz was steady and the dog, Sakura was steadiest of all. There is no hunting for scimitar oryx in their home country; African hunters have to travel to Texas for a chance at this trophy.

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Find Ruger: December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


28 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Photo by Gary Lewis

Africa has all manner of critters that bite, but Texas has its share of beasties to watch for. The hunters almost stepped in this saucer of rattlesnake. A 30-inch rattlesnake slithered across the track from the neighbor’s ranch onto Schmidt’s as we opened the gate. That one was too fast for us to draw a flashlight and a bead on. We might have to deal with it later. We drove up to a ranch house and a campfire where we met Charles and Julie Burleson, who would cook for us and Ronnie Bakios, Schmidt’s brotherin-law and top guide for the ranch. When we mentioned the serpent at the gate, someone harkened back to Rooster Cogburn’s words in True Grit. “Everything in these woods’ll either bite ya, stab ya or stick ya.” Watch yourself, sister.

Out in the Mesquite

Photo by Gary Lewis

Mixed in with this band of scimitar-horned oryx were a few gemsbok, a different kind of oryx native to the Kalahari - and also at home in Texas. and flexible for walking long distances in both sand and rocky terrain. And walk they do. Out in the open again in the afternoon, we found the herd on the grasslands at the other end of the ranch. These environs are as close to their native North Africa habitat as can be found south of Eden. Reverting to type, the scimitar oryx stayed in sight where they could keep an eye out for trouble. This time trouble was Tracy Wilson with the Nosler rifle in hand. We knelt in the shadow of a tree and waited and when the herd flowed our way, Tracy knelt and shot his oryx. The animal dropped its head and turned around in a circle and laid down, while around it the twin scimitars of fifty oryx glittered like swords in the afternoon sun. To order a signed copy of John Nosler Going Ballistic, send $24.95 (includes S&H) to GLO, PO Box 1364, Bend, OR 97709 or visit www.GaryLewisOutdoors. com

Perhaps the shape of the oryx horn gave its form to the back-sword that gained widespread fame from the Ottomans onward. Its variants are the shamshir (Iran), the kilij (Turkey and Egypt), the nimcha (Morocco), the pulwar, the talwar, the kirpaan and the shotel. Well-named is the scimitar-horned oryx with swept back curving, needle sharp horns that can stretch the Out in the grass, a little bit of cover tape to almost four feet. From the open grassland and a lot of camouflage and stillness into the broken country with dry creek bottoms and paid off for Tracy Wilson. thick stands of mesquite, the oryx ghosted ahead of us. Spotting for us, Ronnie Bakios and Heath Gunns caught glimpses of the herd from high points and in small openings. When we caught up to them, they had located the bulk of the herd where they moved through a series of small meadows. This time we had a calm, steady breeze in our faces. Schmidt, Lentz, Kura and I took cover behind a screen of small mesquite trees and eased along to get a look at a specific animal. “There. That one.” The one Schmidt had picked out had longer horns than the other ones around it, but to our untrained eyes, it was hard to see the difference. Less than a hundred yards now. Still nervous, the herd moved through the knee-high grass and Lentz’s animal was at once in the open and then again obscured by another cow or bull. Up on the sticks, his eye down in the ocular of the scope, Lentz waited and then he flicked the safety to fire and pressed the arc of the Nosler’s trigger. Hit, the animal staggered into the trees, while the rest of the animals streamed away. Built for survival in the desert sun, the oryx coats are white with a reddish-brown chest. Light brown markings on the face run down the forehead and cross Photo by Gary Lewis through the eyes. When we could examine Lentz’ trophy up close, we looked at the hooves, which are large

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Sportsman's News Christmas Gift Guide ALPS Outdoorz Pursuit Bow Pack

The Pursuit Bow Pack is perfect for keeping your bow secure and stowed away when you’re trekking through the fields and rugged terrain. The lashing straps, along with the expandable bow pocket, make a great combination to securely keep your bow in place. Having a pack that will hold your bow is nice so you can keep your hands free. There is a large main pocket, large front pocket and lower side mesh pockets to keep your gear organized. The waist belt is padded so when you’re carrying a little bit of extra weight, the comfort level is still going to be top of the line. A blaze orange rain cover is included in case you are in the great outdoors when some rain rolls through. The Pursuit is offered in RealTree Xtra or Mossy Oak Break-Up Country.

GoPro Hero 6 Black Hybrid Light PUC150 Flashlight and Charger The Puc Expandable Lantern is a portable and light weight lantern that can also double as a flashlight when collapsed. It’s a versatile, water resistant lantern that shines at 75 lumens. You’ll get 40 hours of light on one full charge from the 4000 mAh rechargeable lithium-ion battery (holds a charge for 7 years). The Puc has a USB port for charging your mobile devices. It also features a Micro USB port for rapid charging or you can simply use any light source to keep your Puc charged through its built-in solar panel.

Outdoor Edge Razor-Lite EDC Knife

This is the sharpest, strongest, replacement razor-blade knife available, with blades that change safely and easily at the push of a button. The black-oxide coated blade holder supports the razor-blade for the strength of a standard knife and sharpness of a surgeon’s scalpel. The 3.5” Japanese 420J2 stainless razor-blades are precisely heat treated and hand finished shaving-sharp. The double molded Grivory handle features rubberized TPR inserts for a nonslip grip, even when wet. The double-sided thumb stud allows easy, one-hand opening and the replaceable pocket clip contours with the handle so it feels like an integral part of the grip. The Razor-Lite EDC is available with orange, blue or gray handles and comes complete with six replacement blades. Replacement packs of 6 blades sold separately.

Midland Radio X-Talker T71 38-Mile Radios

Pushing the envelope of range and battery life, the T71 Radios in the Midland X-Talker line provide up to 15 hours of constant standby use from a single charge and reach 38 miles in range. With Midland’s patented NOAA Weather Alert and Weather Scan technology, 36 channels and 121 privacy codes, they are one of the most robust handheld radios you can have without an FCC license.

30 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

With features like better contrast so you don’t have a bright sky and a dark foreground, digital zoom capability, waterproofing without a case, and a touch screen built into the camera, the GoPro Hero 6 strikes out into new territory in the action camera market. The new GP1 custom image processor delivers stunning 4K video with truer color and better stability, coupled with GoPro’s software to make editing and sharing high quality video easier and more intuitive than ever before.

Take it hiking. Take it hunting. Take it on the water. Montana™ 650t features a bold 4-inch color touchscreen display with dual orientation capabilities. Preloaded 100K TOPO maps come standard, plus support for multiple mapping options like BirdsEye Satellite Imagery and BlueChart® g2 (each sold separately). Montana packs a 3-axis tilt-compensated compass, barometric altimeter, and a 5-megapixel camera to boot. Buy the power mount and City Navigator® and it’ll give you spoken turn-by-turn driving directions. It’s big. It’s versatile. It’s tough. It earned the name Montana – the ultimate in touchscreen toughness. NASDAQ GRMN ©2012 Garmin Ltd. or its subsidiaries

Sportsman’s Warehouse: America’s Premier Hunting, Fishing & Camping Outfitter

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide SNTV DVD

With seven hours of quality outdoor programming, product reviews, and some of the best hunting and fishing shows available, the Sportsman’s News team, with partners Love of the Hunt, The Fishful Thinker, and Eastmans’ Hunting provide excellent programming in your downtime. These DVDs are excellent stocking stuffers. Every purchase entitles you to an entry to win a gold medal trophy red stag and tahr hunt in New Zealand, including airfare for two and accommodations at Woodbury Safari Lodge (see cover story). Pick it up at the checkout at Sportsman’s Warehouse.



Become a Sportsman’s News Pro Member for your chance to win one of these great trips, guns or gear, valued at over $300,000. Multiple prizes given away every ten days. Less than $2 a ticket. All members receive exclusive discounts with “Platinum Approved Outfitters.” Go to

For Your Chance To Win

Sportsman’s News Pro Membership Sweepstakes

The ultimate gift for the sportsman or woman who has everything, and annual membership to the Sportsman’s News Pro Membership Sweepstakes automatically gives the member 5 chances to win drawings every 10 days for up to $300,000 in world class hunting trips, guns, and gear. We have hand selected these outfitters for the best in the business and each prize is a hunt of a lifetime experience. Additional member benefits keep your outdoorsperson occupied with digital subscriptions to Eastmans’s Journal, Eastmans’ Bowhunting Journal, BaseKamp, and much more. Buy your special loved one a membership at www.promembersweepstakes. com. See Page 24 for the full list of prizes. If you email and let us know the name of the recipient by December 18th, we will create a certificate and Christmas card to place under the tree for Christmas morning.

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32 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS 17-WRA-163_SX4_Ad_9_75x5_375_Stack.indd 1







4/28/17 4:59 PM


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December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide Benchmade Mini Barrage Assisted Opening Knife

Sportsman’s Warehouse Exclusive Mini Barrage 2.91 inch Assisted Opening Knife by Benchmade. The blade is made of CPM-S30V premium stainless steel that has a reversible tip-up pocket clip. The handle is stabilized wood with laser-etched gunstock checkering. This knife also features Benchmade’s AXIS Assist mechanism that makes it easy to open with one hand and locks blade into place. This mechanism also features an integrated safety lock system.

Blackhawk Omnivore Holster

No more searching to find a holster for every pistol. The Omnivore from Blackhawk uses a locking tab connected to your accessory rail to secure your pistol in the holster. The best part is that a single Omnivore will accommodate 150+ handguns. The thumb release is optimally placed for easy access and secure retention. It comes with an extra tab for a second gun and additional tabs can be purchased from Blackhawk. It has attachments for both belt slide as well as a paddle.

Nite Ize Steelie Dash Ball Car Mount Kit

Using a small magnetic disk that attaches to your phone and a magnetic ball that attaches to your dash, the Steelie gives you easy viewing of your smartphone for navigation right on your dash. Just place the phone on the dash ball, orient it for best viewing and have hands free use of your device. No latches to operate, just a strong attachment that you pluck your device from. Great stocking stuffer.

Garmin Fenix 5 Sapphire GPS Watch

One of the most functional devices you can wear on your wrist, the Garmin Fenix 5 Sapphire is an upgraded version of the Fenix 5. Various modes for every sport you can imagine; tracks elevation change, peak heart rate, miles travelled and much more. It features a built-in heart rate monitor, fitness tracking and GPS Navigation. Order an Uber, read text messages, control your playlist, the list goes on and on. The Fenix 5 Sapphire has so many functions that it could take hours to list them all. The outdoorsman in your life will love this under the tree.

Hornady RAPiD Safe 2700

Keeping your gun locked in a vehicle just got more convenient. Using RFID technology, the RAPiD Safe from Hornady comes with a locking cable to secure the safe to your vehicle. It also includes an RFID bracelet, key fob, access card and can accept up to five different RFID access keys. It is large enough to accept most handguns and small enough to discretely hide out of sight under your seat.

34 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

ZEISS Conquest V6 Riflescope The new precision scope for wide-open pursuits. Made in Germany for the rugged demands of any hunting or shooting style, the new Conquest V6 with 6x zoom, 30mm center-tube and up to 103 MOA elevation adjustment is engineered to reach beyond expectations. ZEISS FL (Fluoride) Glass, enhanced T* lens coatings and LotuTec ÂŽ protective coating provide industry-leading resolution and shooter accuracy. Three models: 1-6x24 / 3-18x50 / 5-30x50. Available with new ballistic turret and ballistic reticles ZMOA and ZBR for long-distance hunting or shooting. Protected by the ZEISS 5-Year No Fault Policy and Limited Lifetime Transferable Warranty.

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


You’ll find Remington VERSA MAX® and other Remington arms and ammunition at all Sportsman’s Warehouse locations. Also shop December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide Camp Chef Sear Box

The ultimate grilling experience - In the past, if you wanted a delicious smoky taste with that satisfying seared finish, you had to fire up both your pellet grill and your gas grill. Two grills for one cookout? Not anymore. With Camp Chef’s BBQ Sear Box, you can do it all with one unit. The Sear Box offers 180 square inches of cooking space, a 16,000 BTU propane burner, enamel-coated cast iron and specially designed heat diffuser plates to vaporize grease drippings. It’s easy to add to your pellet grill with a simple mounting system and the included propane tank holder. You can have the best of both worlds—tell Santa you have just got to have one!

Browning’s Pet Antler Chew Toy

How about a little something for your loyal hunting partner? The Browning Antler Dog Chew Toy is made of soft, durable TPR rubber for hours of chewing, training and allaround play. This antler-shaped chew stick from Browning will appeal to your dog’s natural hunting instincts. It’s soft, durable materials will massage and stimulate their teeth and gums. The Browning Antler Dog Chew Toy is ideal for medium and large dog breeds. Check out this and all of the great Browning dog training products at your local Sportsman’s Warehouse.

Pelican 1750 Long Case

The Pelican 1750 Protector Case for long rifles gives up to two rifles the ultimate protection. As one of the leading manufacturers of protective cases, Pelican hard gun cases provide watertight security that you can take virtually everywhere so you can be assured that your firearms will remain safe and functional throughout your travels. Interior 50.50”L x 13.50”W x 5.25”H. Available in black, desert tan and OD green.

Buck Shadow ATACS boot

Have you seen Browning’s new signature big game hunting boot? The Buck Shadow is built for spot-and-stalk hunting in demanding backcountry terrain, where lightweight, stealth and complete weather protection are essential. Their patented OutDry, a one-step direct lamination of its membranes, provides the most advanced waterproofing technology available in the industry. Silent Cell provides long lasting cushioning with more rebound and is collapse resistant. Symmplate is Browning’s integrated external shank process, adding torsional rigidity for carrying heavy loads in unpredictable terrain. Do yourself a favor and check these great new boots out and maybe if you’re lucky, Santa will leave a pair under the tree for you this year. December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide 5.11 Rush 72 Pack

Gerber Swagger AO Assisted Opening Knife

This pack is designed for a threeday trip in any terrain, however it is versatile enough for anybody to use. From the hunter to the college student, this pack contains two large compartments and a multitude of storage pockets to store all of your gear and is equipped with a compression strap system which enables you to expand or contract the pack depending on how much gear you are carrying.

This lightweight 2.8oz pocketknife is quick, compact and versatile for anybody to use. I’ve owned a Gerber knife for years and being right at my side it’s been used as my go to tool for a multitude of heavy duty purposes that tested its durability. These knives are built to last. This knife is equipped with a pocket clip, an ambidextrous thumb stud for easy access to the blade, a plunge lock for safe storage, a lanyard hole, G-10 scales in the handle for easy grip and a drop point across the top of the blade with serrations across the bottom.

Klean Kanteen Classic Stainless Steel Bottle

This is a great container for storing a variety of beverages for anybody and suitable for a multitude of activities, terrain and conditions. This is my go to container when I go out for a day hike or a 2 to 3 day backpacking trip. It keeps your beverages well insulated by keeping hot drinks heated up to 6 hours and cold drinks chilled beyond 24 hours. Its built to last with its 18/8 food grade 100% stainless Steel interior. Its BPA free and completely recyclable. It also comes in a multitude of sizes and colors to suit your likings and needs.

Handcrafted, American Made, Precision Ammunition Available in the following calibers:

.380 ACP 9MM+P .38 Spec. .357 Mag. .40 S&W 10MM .41 Rem. Mag.

.44 Spec. .44 Mag. .45 Colt .45 ACP .454 Casull .500 S&W .300 Win. Mag.

Scan with your smartphone to see it in action.

This affordable, compact sleeping bag is rated for 40 F and -40 F weather. This bag has multiple configurations designed for various weather conditions, but you don’t have to take it apart if you’re hot or cold; all you have to do is pick a layer to sleep in as if they were sheets on your bed. With seven different configurations, it has an inner and outer bag that can be configured into a 2-person sleeping bag as well. The outer layer is made of a thick, rugged canvas material, built to last and keep you warm.


Package includes: 7 Nights Lodging 5 Days Guided Fishing in Five Different Locations 1 Halibut Trip at Cook Inlet 1 Flyout Trip for Silver Salmon 1 Upper Kenai River Float Trip 1 Seward Multi-species Trip (Halibut, Ling Cod, Salmon, Snapper, Rockfish) 1 Silver Salmon Trip on the Kenai River

Aug 4-Sep 1, 2018

$2,495 per person


Learn more at 38 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Rustic Ridge 7-in-1 System Sleeping Bag

Call (877) 462-5752 for a FREE DVD!


Short Takeup Trigger with Positive Reset

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Safe, Easy Takedown with No Tools or Trigger Pull Required

Anything Else Would Be Un-American.

Designed with the latest U.S. Military standards in mind, the Ruger American Pistol is built ®

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Ambidextrous Slide Stop, Manual Safety and Magazine Release Allow Actuation with Either Hand (Pro Models Come without External Safety)

through a rigorous “Voice of the Customer” process – where numerous law enforcement and military trainers, firearms experts, distributors and retailers provided input, feedback and testing in the determination of the form, function and features of this firearm. The resultant new pistol is a revolutionary platform for Ruger, one that utilizes the combination of a recoilreducing barrel cam (which is designed to better spread recoil energy over time) with a low mass slide, low center of gravity and a low bore axis to provide an unparalleled shooting experience.

Complete Your Ruger American Pistol® with the Officially Licensed Blade-Tech® Total Eclipse Holster at Your Local Retailer or Online at RUGER.COM/AMERICANPISTOL

© 2017 Sturm, Ruger & Co., Inc.


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide Kelty Grand Mesa 2 Person Tent

This is an excellent lightweight and affordable tent for any backpacker. No need to waste time trying to slide poles through frustrating thin sleeves. This tent comes equipped with clips that allow you to quickly fasten your tent poles, allowing you to set up camp on the fly if you happen to be in a predicament where time is a factor. The base and rainfly are made of PUcoated polyester-taffeta, keeping you dry and free of moisture. The upper half of the tent is fashioned with mesh for maximum ventilation and the rainfly is designed to cover it in its entirety, keeping it free of any moisture. Not only does the rain fly protect you from moisture, but it is also a great barrier against the wind as well as a thin insulator for heat in mild weather. This tent is compact enough to store while backpacking and roomy enough to sleep two people in comfort.

5.11 Mike Class Rush Delivery Tactical Bag

This bag is a personal favorite of mine. I used it while enrolled in college to carry my laptop, books and other various school supplies. This bag is light and compact as well as durable and protective. You can travel at ease while carrying your valuables in this bag equipped with a padded laptop sleeve and a heavy-duty nylon exterior. There are also several other smaller compartments in which you can store smaller objects like a flashlight or multi tool.



40 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS CanAm_1_2016_9.125x10.5.indd 1


5/1/17 3:22 PM

Christmas Gift Guide Nikon Monarch Fieldscope

True to its legendary name and reputation, the MONARCH Fieldscope brings the excitement of awe-inspiring observation and incredible visual experiences to the eye of its beholder. It’s advanced Apochromat Optical System with ED (extra-low dispersion) glass minimizes chromatic aberration to the furthest limit of the visible light range, realizing a contrast-rich, clearer field of view. The Monarch’s Field Flattener Lens System provides consistent sharpness across the entire field of view, all the way to the periphery and multilayer coatings are applied to all lens and prism surfaces for natural and bright images.

Browning X-Bolt Stainless Stalker Rifle

The X-Bolt Stainless Stalker is anything, but high maintenance. With Dura-Touch Armor Coating and a matte Stainless-steel barrel and action, it will endure punishing weather and terrain and still give you the performance you can expect from a Browning rifle. It has a comfortable palm swell for right-hand shooters, textured gripping surfaces for keeping your hands where they should be on the stock, even in wet and cold conditions. The X-Bolt Stainless Stalker also features a deluxe Inflex Technology recoil pad and sling swivels. If you are looking for a hard-core bolt action rifle that you can rely on, in the rugged areas and inclement weather conditions hunting deer, elk, varmints and the like, the X-Bolt Stainless Stalker is your rifle.

Mike Eastman

Founder Eastman’s Hunting Journals

Surgical razor blade performance with the strength of a standard knife. Second gutting blade opens game like a zipper. Includes six replacement blades and Mossy Oak belt sheath.

Available at Sportsman’s Warehouse

42 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


The all-new 2018 Yamaha Wolverine® X4 delivers proven off-road performance when and where hunters need it most. From its adjustable four-seat configuration for superior versatility and cargo capacity, to the smooth, ultra-quiet 850-class twin engine and compact, agile chassis with self-leveling rear shocks, the Wolverine X4 provides the perfect balance of trail-conquering capability and comfort for even the longest days spent in the field. The Wolverine X4: built to help you REALize your Adventure.

REALize your Adventure: visit Always protect the environment and wear your seat belt, helmet, eye protection and protective clothing. Read the owner’s manual and product warning labels before operation. • Professional riders depicted on a closed course. Models shown with optional Genuine Yamaha Accessories. ©2017 Yamaha Motor Corporation, U.S.A. All rights reserved.

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Christmas Gift Guide Jetboil Flash Stove

Jetboil Flash Stove - Like all of Jetboil’s innovative systems, Flash is an all-in-one design, combining burner and cooking vessel in one compact unit. Cook meals, boil water and more in minutes or less with this compact cooking stove!

Alps Outdoorz RMEF Ridge Stalker X Bino Case The RMEF Ridge Stalker X Bino Case has a front u-shape design that allows for easier access to binoculars, as well as a padded back panel, which provides added comfort as well as fleece lining for added protection to your bino’s lenses. The Ridge Stalker Case was a new addition to my hunting equipment this fall and will definitely be part of it for years to come.


Sitka Men’s Boreal Jacket

Flyout Fishing 6 days guided fishing 7 nights lodging

$2395* *June, July, Aug.

Guided fishing:

• 2 salmon trips • 2 halibut trips • 2 flyout trips & bear viewing

Call Toll-free (877) 462-5752 for a FREE Brochure and DVD!

44 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Why should cold winter temps keep you from going after waterfowl? Sitka’s Boreal Jacket features a GORE-TEX lining and plenty of insulation to keep you warm and dry while chasing your web-footed targets, allowing you to focus on the hunt, not on being cold. The Boreal Jacket gives you maximum warmth with minimal layers and bulk, so you have the freedom to swing and shoot. It incorporates two chest pockets as well as two shell pockets, additional hand warmer slots, a fully adjustable hood and water sealing cuffs.







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46 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

The Secret Weapon of BBQ Perfection... Now at Sportman’s Warehouse December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Presents Wild Game Recipes of Steve Mayer "The Wine Guy"


Venison Roast a la Crock Pot

ere is a comforting recipe for the holidays that is quick to prepare, easy to cook, and extremely satisfying. You can utilize whatever roast you have from deer to wild boar for this recipe. You only need a crock pot and allow ample time to cook. Feel free to add any additional items you fancy, as there is nothing precise about crock pot cookery. Dial up some flavor and enjoy this for the holidays!


• 2-3 lb. Venison Roast • 1 lb. carrots chopped • Vegetable oil • 1 parsnip chopped • Kosher salt and fresh cracked black • 1 can (10.5 ounce) cream of mushroom pepper soup • 1 onion • 1 can (10.5 ounce) coffee • 5 cloves garlic • 1 teaspoon horseradish • 1 lb. mushrooms • 1 envelope (1 ounce) onion soup mix

Preparation Method

I like to use part of the sirloin for this recipe. Salt and pepper the roast to taste. Heat some oil in a hot large frying pan and sear all sides of the roast until they are nicely browned. Cut the onion latitudinally into 3 slices. Lay these in the bottom of your crock pot to keep the roast off the bottom. Place the meat on top of the onions.

48 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

Dice up the garlic and add it in next. Rough chop 1 pound of mushrooms. I like the cremini or “baby bella” mushrooms in this dish. Do the same with the carrots and the parsnip. When you have all the vegetables chopped in bite sized pieces add them into the crock pot. In a large measuring cup, mix the cream of mushroom soup with a can of warm coffee. Add in the horseradish, blend well, and pour over the meat. Add a pinch of salt and pepper, and sprinkle the onion soup mix over the top. Cover the crock pot, set to low and cook 4-6 hours. The meat should be tender and flaky at this point. If you feel it should go longer, go ahead and give it another couple of hours. Remove the meat and vegetables to a serving tray. You can then thicken the gravy if desired, or just use the juice as is poured over the top. Serve this with some garlic mashed potatoes and a loaf of hot French bread. While any robust red wine will accompany the meal well, I would lean toward a Syrah or Merlot. On the beer side a hearty Brown Ale or a rich Stout will be very welcome at this table. Cheers and a Happy Holiday season to all!

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Downtown Ducks Adventures On A Budget

Wet Wilderness Offers Hunting in the Shadow of Mobile


By John N. Felsher ractically in the shadow of downtown Mobile, Alabama, waterfowlers can hunt a vast wet wilderness. Second in size only to the Mississippi for North American river deltas, the Mobile-Tensaw Delta spreads across about 250,000 acres of swamps, marshes and waterways between the Mobile and Tensaw Rivers. These rivers further subdivide into myriad other streams, lakes and waters surrounded by wetlands. The swampy Upper Delta Wildlife Management Area covers 42,451 acres north of Interstate 65 near Stockton. The more estuarine Mobile-Tensaw Delta-W. L. Holland WMA includes 51,040 acres of marsh, swamps and open water between Interstates 65 and 10 on the northern edge of Mobile Bay.

The Lower Delta

Most waterfowlers head to the Mobile-Tensaw Delta-W. L. Holland WMA, also known as the Lower Delta. In these marshes, sloughs, bays and ponds, waterfowlers might bag just about any duck that winters along the Gulf Coast, but the bag mostly contains gadwalls and green-winged teal. Occasionally, sportsmen shoot a few pintails, wigeon, ring-necked ducks, scaup and other species. “The Lower Delta has a ton of gadwalls and a lot of teal,” Harms advised. “Chacaloochee Bay is a good spot as is Bay John near Meaher State Park. Polecat Bay and Delvan Bay are also good areas to look for ducks. Big Bateau Bay is another great spot, especially since the new rules about limiting motors in certain areas went into effect. Since we put the motor restriction in place, Big Bateau Bay and the Apalachee Refuge are holding a lot more ducks in the area.” Before the 2016-17 season, the state created the Waterfowl Management Zone. In the zone, which includes Big Bateau Bay, boaters cannot operate any gasoline-powered motors during the fall and winter. People can still hunt Big Bateau by poling, paddling or running an electric motor to their spots. The state also created the 210-acre Apalachee Refuge, a triangular waterfowl sanctuary between I-10 and the Mobile Causeway at the southern edge of the Lower Delta, west of the Apalachee River. In this sanctuary, people cannot hunt nor operate gasoline-powered motors. In addition, people cannot hunt on Mondays and Tuesdays from the CSX Railroad south to I-10 and must stop waterfowl hunting every other day by 1 p.m. throughout the WMA. “I was glad when they made that rule change in the Lower Delta,” commented Cody Young, a waterfowler. “That gives birds a little place to rest. That’s key to keeping ducks in an area. If they are getting harassed every day, they leave.” To hunt the WMAs, sportsmen need to buy a state hunting license, plus state and federal migratory bird stamps. In addition, they need to purchase an Alabama Wildlife Management Area license, good for all WMAs in the state. See They must also obtain a free map and permit for each WMA they plan to hunt, available to download off the internet at

The Upper Delta

“The Upper Delta mainly has wood ducks, but sportsmen can get some other ducks that pass through or stop in some of the ponds,” explained Thomas Harms, an Alabama Division of Wildlife and Freshwater Fisheries biologist in Spanish Fort. “Some delta ponds can only be reached by walking so they don’t get much hunting pressure. The area also has many private ponds next to the delta. These ponds can hold ducks in the area. Mifflin Lake, Alligator Lake and Fisher Lake are also pretty good areas. Any of the small creeks might hold some ducks.” The Upper Delta WMA remains open for waterfowl hunting every day of the season until 1 p.m. The season opens on Nov. 24-25 and then again from Dec. 2 through Jan. 28, 2018. However, the WMA closes for other types of hunting during firearms, dog and primitive weapons deer hunts. Check the WMA permit for specific dates.

A beautiful drake wood duck taken while hunting in the Mobile-Tensaw River Delta near Mobile, Ala.

50 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


More Public Hunting Spots

When pressure grows too intense for ducks in the delta, they commonly fly to the open waters of Mobile Bay or Mississippi Sound, part of the Gulf of Mexico. Mobile Bay covers 413 square miles and measures about 31 miles long by 24 miles at its maximum width. Since navigable waters belong to the public, sportsmen can hunt practically all open waters in the bay or sound. South of I-10, sportsmen can hunt ducks all day long every day of the season. In the open waters, sportsmen usually kill redheads, canvasbacks and scaup, but they might occasionally down a few green-winged teal, gadwall, perhaps even pintail and other puddle ducks. “I’ve hunted divers in the bay and had good success,” Young recalled. “It’s a completely different type of hunting than looking for puddlers in the marsh. Don’t try to set-up right where a large group of birds wants to sit. I like to get between two large groups of birds and pick off singles, pairs and small groups flying back and forth between the two big concentrations.” Sportsmen could also hunt Grand Bay Savanna WMA, which covers 5,151 acres on Mississippi Sound near Bayou La Batre in extreme southern Mobile County. Some people also hunt Mississippi Sound or several small barrier islands along the coast.

While in the Area

Being close to a major city, southern Alabama offers practically any type of dining, lodging or entertainment one might desire. Several excellent restaurants along the Causeway prepare tasty fresh seafood. Many people camp or rent cabins at Meaher State Park ( right on the Causeway. Across U.S. 98 from the park, area visitors might tour the Five Rivers Delta Resource Center, an 80-acre complex set aside for outdoor education and recreation. See People might also visit historic sites in Mobile, which dates back to 1702. Explore museums, old plantation homes, gardens or old forts. For more modern military hardware, visit the U.S. Alabama Battleship Memorial Park on the Causeway. See www. For information, contact the Mobile Bay Convention & Visitors Bureau at 1-800-5-Mobile or visit For Baldwin County information, see

Top: Daniel Felsher shows off some mixed ducks he killed. Left: Daniel Felsher retrieves another drake wood duck he shot while hunting in the Mobile-Tensaw Delta near Mobile, Ala.

52 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS


Quest for the Wyoming Cutthroat Slam By Jesse Riding


look forward to new fishing adventures more than just about anything else. I enjoy fishing new waters and finding remote locations where you can have an entire watershed all to yourself. I love spending weeks and sometimes months, researching and planning a fishing adventure. I pour over books, maps, and Google Earth searches. Researching when and where to go is all part of the fun. Couple that with a little challenge and it makes the adventure even better. That is exactly what the state of Wyoming did with the introduction of the “Wyoming Cutt Slam” program. For those that are new to this contest, here is a brief description. Back in 1996, the Wyoming Game and Fish Department put together a program in order to attract more anglers to their state and educate them about its native fish species. Wyoming has four native species of cutthroat trout (i.e. Yellowstone (Oncorhynchus clarkii bouvieri), Snake River Fine-Spotted (Oncorhynchus clarkii ssp), Bonneville (Oncorhynchus clarkii utah), and Colorado (Oncorhynchus clarkii pleuriticus) and the Cutt Slam program challenges anglers to catch them all in their native waters. As a side note, the resident Wyoming biologist informed me that the Yellowstone and the Snake River Fine-Spotted Cutthroat are genetically identical and classified both as Yellowstone cutthroats, but the Snake River Fine-Spotted Cutthroat are isolated to the Snake River drainage and have markings as their name implies. Although they have different colors and spots, they are only truly different by the watersheds they inhabit. The Cutt Slam has no time limit, but can easily be completed over a period of a few days, months or a calendar year. To complete the Slam, you will need to provide the catch date, name of the river/creek or lake you caught the fish in and a picture of yourself with the species for identification and verification. Once completed, a state biologist will verify your catches and mail you a nice frame-able certificate with your name, your verified catch info and an artists’ rendering of each subspecies of cutthroat. The nice part of this challenge is that it covers the entire western side of Wyoming and will take you to some of the most beautiful country on God’s green earth. My personal quest for the Cutt Slam started in early July, in the far west

Bonneville Cutthroat from Hobble Creek

Yellowstone Cutthroat

Sportsman’s News Outdoor Writing Contest Winner See pg. 4 for entry details.

central part of Wyoming, chasing the Bonneville cutthroat. Native to the Bear River, the Bonneville cutthroat can be found in the Smith’s Fork and Thomas Fork drainages, both tributaries to the Bear River. I chose to fish Hobble Creek, a very remote tributary to the Smith’s Fork. You can access Hobble Creek from the Smith’s Fork north of Cokeville, WY or drive to the self-named campground near Lake Alice where it continues up the slope starting in Bull Gulch. Both options require river fords and a lot of hiking and are not for the faint of heart. A better option would be to stick to the Smith’s Fork, but even that has scattered access and is only open due to snowpack for a few months of the year. I fished both and caught cuts in both, but Hobble Creek was truly the adventure I was looking for. Hobble Creek is a wonderful meandering stream with plenty of large cutties. The river held good pools, runs and river bends that produced lots of large fish. I fished a beetle pattern at first and got my first few fish, but when the river slowed down in the meadows, I switched to streamers and targeted the “dark” water for the big ones. My strategy paid off and I landed many 15-20” cutties that day and even had a few giants come out for a look at the meal ticket I was providing. A few weeks later I continued my adventure and headed to a little spot called the Tri-Divide. It is truly a magical place. Not only is it relatively easy to get to, but it is still very remote and pristine and you can catch three subspecies of cutthroats within a few hours. A perfect trifecta. The Tri-Divide is the headwaters of three streams (i.e the Greys River (tributary to the Snake River ), La Barge Creek (tributary to the Green River ) and the Smith’s Fork (tributary to the Bear River )). They start out of the Tri-Divide area and within a mile, turn into significant rivers draining into three of the four arteries of the west: the Columbia (Pacific), Colorado(Pacific) and Great Basin (Great Salt Lake via the Bear River ). Although I had already caught my Bonneville cutthroat, I still took the opportunity to fish each drainage of the Tri-Divide. The Grey’s flows to the north where you can get Snake River or Fine-spotted cutthroat, La Barge Creek flows to the south where you can catch Colorado cutthroat and the Smith’s Fork to the west that holds the Bear River or Bonneville cutthroat. The fish were relatively small near the headwaters, but as the water grows downstream, so do the fish. Access is very good, but you do have to hike a little to access the river in some spots. In a short period of time, I was able to catch a few cutthroat in each drainage and enjoy the beauty and wonder of the Tri-

Smith Fork Bonneville Cutthroat December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS



Colorado Cuttthroat Divide. The streams are pretty ‘skinny’ and shallow for the most part in this area, so wading is not really an issue. La Barge Creek is smaller and a little deeper and you can easily find good holding water. The Grey’s River is a little wider and shallower and I found it a bit more challenging to find fish. In both cases, I used small attractor dries like stimulators and parachutes to search for and catch fish. Nymphing is not particularly effective due to the shallow water. Also with it being a warm, sunny day in July, it made more sense to try and match some of the dry activity going on. There are many other options for getting the Colorado and Snake River cutthroat, but this was just a fun option to get two or three at one time. Other popular spots for catching the Snake River cutthroat are in the Salt, Hoback and even in Jackson Lake. Other good places for Colorado cutthroat would be in the upper Green River and its various tributaries, like Hams Fork; Also, Rock Creek, Cottonwood Creek, North Piney and South Piney. All are good spots, depending on what direction you are traveling from. In late August, I finished my pilgrimage for the Cutt Slam through the great waters in Yellowstone National Park. Though you can catch the Yellowstone cutthroat trout outside the park, I thought it would be fitting to catch mine in the national park that shares its name. I spent three days there on return from a business trip and must say, “it was heaven on earth”. It was even better than I anticipated. Though not my first time visiting Yellowstone National Park, I was as excited as my first time with the possible completion of my quest. One of the easiest and most accessible rivers that hold an abundance of Yellowstone cutthroat in the park is the Lamar River. Located just inside of the northeast entrance, the Lamar and its tributaries are all good choices and offer easy access near the main road. Just make sure you carry a rain jacket and bear spray with you. You never know what kind of wildlife or weather you may encounter in the backcountry of the park, so be prepared. I chose to fish an, off the beaten path and chose a remote section of Soda Butte, at one of its tributary confluences. It was not long until I came upon an amazing pool with good holding water that looked promising. I placed a small ant pattern right

54 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

in the edge of the ripple and within seconds, a nice, healthy Yellowstone cutthroat slammed my fly and it was ‘fish on’. I gently netted him, took a quick selfie and then with a soft “thank you”, I released him back into his dark lair. MISSION ACCOMPLISHED!!! I remember getting that last cutt on my list like it was yesterday. I just about tripped and fell in the pool because I was so excited and worried about losing it. After releasing my prize, I just sat on the bank, taking it all in. All the beautiful surroundings and the great sense of relief and accomplishment rushed through my body, leaving a smile from ear to ear. Now, this is just the way that I did my Cutt Slam. There are many other options. Plan your own fishing adventure. There are many different streams in Wyoming that contain native cutthroats. Research waters that appeal to you and get out there and give them a try. Wyoming daily fishing licenses for non-residents cost just $14. Yellowstone Park entrance fee is $30 for a week and you must also get a Yellowstone fishing permit. It costs $18 for three days and $25 for 7-days. You don’t have to have a Wyoming license to fish the park, but you can’t buy a Yellowstone license online. You have to buy it at one of the small towns before you enter the park or at one of their main lodges in the park. You might want to call ahead to confirm a place that sells them near the different entrances you might go in, to save time. I spent 45-minutes in the little town of Cooke City, MT trying to find the one place that sells them. If you choose the Northeast entrance, the only place you can get one is in the Cooke City Store on Main Street. I know you can also purchase them at a handful of fly shops in West Yellowstone. Completing the Wyoming Cutt Slam was one of the most fun things I have done within fly fishing. Kind of similar to catching a fish on the first fly you tied or seeing a young child you have been mentoring catch their first fish. I will remember each drainage and the fish that made their mark on my life forever. I encourage everyone to participate in Wyoming’s Cutt Slam. Do it with a friend, with a brother or sister or your wife. Then do it again. You will create many amazing experiences and every time you see your certificate hanging on the wall, you will remember those amazing experiences. In 2016, the State of Utah put together a Utah Cutthroat Slam program. Utah is my home and I have probably already fulfilled this challenge several times over. However, Utah requires you to register prior to participating in the Cutthroat Slam. So, now I am planning and researching waters for my next fishing adventure. I am going to try and catch them all in waters or sections I have never fished. A whole new adventure just opened up again for me. I know my next quest! Jesse Riding is a Utah Native and has fished throughout the intermountain west his whole life. He has worked in fly fishing industry now for over 30 years. Jesse is currently the General Manager of Rainy’s Flies in Logan, Utah with an emphasis on sales and product development. He splits his time interfacing with dealers, sales reps, and fly designers as well as fishes every week of the year somewhere in the world. Jesse has also designed over 50 unique fly patterns that are commercially available through Rainy’s Flies.


December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS




56 December 2017 | SPORTSMAN’S NEWS

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