ReTrain to ReTain A new skills, funding and support programme will help up to 50,000 professionals and volunteers working in sport and physical activity, as Tara Dillon, CEO of CIMSPA explains.
t’s been an incredibly challenging
The scheme will help people return to work in sport
time for the sports and physical activity sector, particularly for its workforce. The lockdowns have
seen many people leave the sector, which has left operators with staff shortages. This is why CIMSPA launched the ReTrain scheme will support up to 50,000 sport and physical activity professionals and volunteers in England who have had to find work outside the sector during the
to ReTain programme. The job retention
pandemic. The programme provides training, resources and tools to help people
into work or increase their working hours
return to work and remain in the sector.
- covering job applications, interview
Launched in November 2021, thousands
techniques and managing finances.
of fitness professionals, group exercise
● A job matching service to support people in
instructors, sports coaches and volunteers
gaining new employment or additional hours.
have already signed up to scheme, which
● Discounted endorsed training from
is part of an ambitious £5m job retention
CIMSPA education partners.
and support package to help the sector
● Discounted training from
recover from the pandemic. Funded by Sport
a range of providers
England, it is being delivered by CIMSPA,
● Regular bulletins from CIMSPA
alongside UK Coaching and EMD UK.
to keep in touch with the latest
ReTrain to ReTain is now being opened up
developments in the sector.
to professionals whose working hours weren’t
● Sports coaches who live in areas of
affected by the pandemic but who deliver
socioeconomic deprivation will receive 12
sessions that tackle inequalities, such as
months unlimited access to more than 500
working with people from culturally diverse
learning resources provided by UK Coaching.
communities, those with disabilities or people
The sport and physical activity workforce
with long term health conditions. Sport
has a critical role to play in supporting the
professionals are also invited to apply for the
health of the nation. By upskilling staff and
scheme where they can take advantage of
funding essential training, ReTrain to ReTain
the wealth of resources based on individual
will help to plug significant skills deficits
roles and personal circumstances.
so employers can return to full capacity,
Benefits of the programme include access to:
community sport has the volunteers needed
● The Digital Marketing Hub, a free hub
to return to play and the sector can tackle
of on demand training, webinars and
the inequalities that have been exacerbated
mentorship to help people upskill.
by the pandemic to help those who benefit
● 20 pieces of digital learning and 30
most from sport and physical activity. ● For more info: https://retrain.cimspa.co.uk
webinars to help professionals get back