SportsNation Issue 3 2022

Page 48


GOING Sustainability is on everyone’s lips. But how can the sport and physical activity sector – which relies on facilities that are often energy and resource “hungry” – do its bit?


ver the past two decades,

Climate change, and the risks of

climate change and

extreme weather that it brings, are already

environmental sustainability

understood and the impact on community-

have become salient

based sport is very real. The need to

topics for debate among

raise awareness, find solutions and build

government leaders

resilience is an ever more pressing matter.

and corporations on a global scale. It is

As part of its sustainability guidance to

no longer something only discussed in

the sector, Sport England states that while

pockets – among academics, scientists

responding to climate change is not an easy

or people with a specific interest in

task, there’s “no choice” not to address it.

the environment – but by everyone. The changing climate is also changing the

“The sport and physical activity sector is a force for good and has a major contribution

way we live our lives. Extreme weather, forest

to make,” Sport England says. “We know

fires, water shortages and rising sea levels

sport and physical activity is essential to

are among the very real threats now faced

physical and mental wellbeing, and part

by millions of people around the world – all

of encouraging and enabling physical

attributed to the warming of the planet. Even

activity is about making positive choices

in areas which have so far escaped existential

– choosing to get around without using

environmental threats, the changes have

polluting vehicles, making neighbourhoods

affected everything from transport and

more easily negotiated on foot or by

energy to housing and diets – and sport.

bike and connecting neighbourhoods to where we need to get to and from.

Sustainable sport

“Sports organisations should continue

The search for alternative, more

to lead by example, take a critical look

environmentally sustainable ways of doing

at how we operate, quantify and record

things has now reached every sector –

consumption and waste, and set challenging

including sports and physical activity.

targets to reduce or eliminate it.

Therefore, as we enter a crucial period in

“Everyone understands there’s much

time, in which we must do everything to

more to be done, from the management

cut down our carbon footprints – in order

of major events, sustainable travel

to curb rising temperatures – sustainability

policies and selection and use of

should play an increasingly important

recyclable materials, to the creation and

role in the design and management of

operation of less energy and resource-

sports, recreation and leisure facilities.

hungry sports and play facilities.”



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