2 minute read

By SEPNZ President Blair JarrattEDITORIAL

Welcome, to another jam-packed SEPNZ bulletin delivered straight to your inbox. It's a bumper bulletin this time tapping out at 23 pages. Perfect for this time of year when Game of Thrones has finished, and you can't seem to find your next evening fix.

As a feature in this bulletin, we look at Lacrosse. It's a little known sport in NZ, but its popularity is on the increase. In 2000 the senior men's league was started in Auckland, and a year later NZ Women's Lacrosse Association was formed and a Women's league established. It's estimated that over 900 school children are playing or learning the skills at Lacrosse, and the number is growing. As a sports physiotherapist you need to know your sports and the skills and demands it places on players. SEPNZ member Andrew Muir gives us an insight into common Lacrosse injuries and prevention. If you want to know more, including a full History of the sport and a video of the NZ U18 v Victoria game then check out the NZ Lacrosse website https://www.nzlacrosse.com


Our bulletin also is a chance to get to know your SEPNZ executive better. Rebecca Longhurst talks about her position on your SIG committee and her experiences as a sports physiotherapist. She is currently on maternity leave from her HPSNZ position but is still actively putting together the SEPNZ education program - which recently delivered three concussion workshops across NZ. The SEPNZ upcoming courses are on page 21 of this bulletin so please save the dates for those that interest you.

While I am on the subject of concussion, earlier this year we sent out a concussion survey from AUT. The results of this survey are in this bulletin and the excellent work Duncan Reid and the team are presenting to ACC. There is a real push going on in the background to get Physiotherapists recognised as appropriate providers for concussion, and again we ask you to have a look at the survey link by Dr Ewan Kennedy from Otago University. I encourage you to head to this survey and fill this in as this data may help physiotherapists be able to make decisions around return to play along-side medical practitioners as is currently possible in other countries. I will include the link to the survey at the bottom of my editorial. Also in this bulletin, there is another superb APP review suggested by SEPNZ member Andrea Marchand on insight timer with an excellent rundown on its clinical uses, pros and cons, plus a clinical review on wrist injuries in tennis players.

Ok so that's a roundup of the bulletin - on an executive front we held a meeting in Wellington with PNZ in regards to the up and coming unity plan. As your executive we will be discussing the outcome of this meeting at our Face to Face and letting you know our next steps and how we can and always want to deliver a SIG that you find of great value. Any suggestions for our executive, please send to Michael Borich so we can discuss this at our upcoming Face to Face meeting in July.

Until then it's business as usual for SEPNZ. We have passed the longest day, so summer is on the way......

Kind Regards BlairJarratt SEPNZ President

Concussion survey here: https://otago.au1.qualtrics.com/jfe/form/ SV_2lzkGFQVTBLZOOV

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