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Be My Neighbor
Moore Public Library Features Mr. Rogers Reading Program
The Moore Public Library is paying homage to a beloved character in its new special Sunday story time. “Won’t You Be My Neighbor,” is a program that debuted at the library in January and will continue most Sunday afternoons. The activities are inspired by Mr. Rogers, famous for decades on the television program “Mister Rogers’ Neighborhood,” which is garnering a lot of attention now because of the recent movie starring Tom Hanks. Elaine Harrod, children’s services assistant at the library said “Won’t You Be My Neighbor” story times are created for all ages and parents are encouraged to attend with their children. “Sunday is great for working parents or parents who can’t come during our traditional hours,” Harrod said. The program, which is held from 2 to 3 p.m., will end the last Sunday in February. So far, the program has had a great turnout, Harrod said. The story time with inspiration from Mr. Rogers has a different theme each week. They include community helpers and families as well as love and kindness. Programs include singing, music and other interactive activities. “We have a display of books that go along with our theme and people are encouraged to check them out,” Harrod said. A playtime is also incorporated into the story time. “As we are finishing, we encourage people to stick around and play with the interactive toys and activities. For exam
ple, during our “Families” theme, we set up a play area with baby dolls, a pretend cooking area and a building area where children and parents can build a house to put their baby dolls in.” All ages are welcome, and no advance registration is required. OTHER STORY TIME EVENTS INCLUDE: Preschool Story Time - 10 a.m. Tuesdays, for ages 2 and up Lapsit Story Time - 10 and 10:45 a.m. Wednesdays, ages 24 months and younger Pre-K Play - 10 a.m. Thursdays for preschool age Families Explore - 11 a.m. Sundays Yoga, Nursery Rhymes and More will be held Feb. 7 and 21 from 10 – 11 a.m. “It’s a yoga, nursery rhymes and more,” Harrod said. All ages are welcome, but it is designed for early pre-school age and younger. Design Squad Junior is a spinoff of Design Squad for older kids, but this is for Kindergarten, 1st and 2nd graders and requires registration. It will be held Thursdays in February from 4:30-6 p.m. and explores engineering through funpacked high impact activities. “They’ll learn about some type of engineering concept and then they will actually put that concept into build something,” Harrod said. Story time also goes on the road once a month to The Boxcar Coffee, 2100 N. Eastern Ave., typically at 2 p.m. on the third Thursday of each month. –19SM