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Teaching Norman
Boyd Street Teacher Feature
BY: Lindsay Cuomo
Jessica Bigbee

For Jessica Bigbee, school was her safe place, a place she could explore, learn and have fun.
“I have wanted to be a teacher since I was in kindergarten,” she remembered. “My teacher was amazing and instilled a love of learning and community.”
Today, Bigbee works in special education, cultivating a safe place for her young students.
“I chose special education because of some relationships in my life. You are able to work with students for multiple years and really see their growth and success.”
She said that relationship is key to helping her students succeed.
“In my first year of teaching, I had a student who had difficulty in all aspects. I was told that he most likely wouldn’t learn to read.
“By the end (of our third year), he was reading, doing math independently and no longer tried to leave the building. This was so influential on my view of how important it is to establish relationships, keep your word and know that anything is possible.”
Bigbee teaches eight students in grades kindergarten to second grade, focusing on academic, behavior, emotional and social support. She also helps at-risk students.
“I teach all subjects to my students so that involves a solid routine that my paraprofessionals help me implement daily.”
Bigbee was named this school year’s Teacher of the Year for Washington Elementary.
“I was very surprised,” she said. “I didn’t expect it and it was a great feeling to be appreciated by your colleagues… truly an honor.” – BSM
Richard Strayer

Teacher Richard Strayer
Richard Strayer is on his second career. After 25 years in the United States Navy, he decided his next adventure was to become a middle school teacher.
“I chose social studies because I really enjoyed learning about history, traveling and studying places around the world,” Strayer said.
After only four years in teaching, he said that his favorite moment so far was when he got the news that he had landed his first teaching job.
“When I learned that I was getting hired to teach at Whittier Middle School, I felt like I had gotten a big break. Whittier was my first choice, geography was my first choice, the combination of the two was just awesome!”
He teaches Eastern Hemisphere Geography, which focuses on Europe, Africa, Asia and Australia, and a current events class. He also helps support his colleagues too.
“I am the seventh-grade team leader which means that I collaborate and lead 20 awesome teachers every day.”
Strayer said he loves teaching and exploring new strategies to use in his classroom.
“It is only my fourth year, and I still have a lot to learn and put into practice. I just love teaching and hope that I can continue to be a positive force for students for years to come.”
Strayer, who was named Whittier’s Teacher of the Year, has two children.
Both attend Norman Public Schools.
“One is graduating this year and the other is going to be a sophomore next year.” – BSM