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Comfort in Canine Form
Comfort in Canine Form
BY: Callie Collins
Grief comes in many forms, but the same can be said for comfort. While funeral homes are accustom to grief, Havenbrook Funeral Home strives to also offer comfort, utilizing what some might consider an unexpected source for a funeral home.
Benny, a four-year-old English cream golden retriever, is a certified therapy dog who spends his days greeting visitors at Havenbrook as they go through the process of saying goodbye to a loved one.
He can shake, offer a high five and bring a basket of tissues to those who need them. His vest reads “Therapy Dog - Please pet me” to make sure people know he’s there for them in their time of need.
“Being able to see a dog breaks the mood for a moment,” Deana Kelly, managing partner at Havenbrook, said. “To see the dog can be a source of relief.”
Benny helps push aside feelings of uncertainty, especially for visitors who aren’t comfortable with a funeral home setting.
“He’s really good with children,” Kelly said. “The only issue we have isn’t really (Benny’s) fault. He sheds. He might leave some white hairs on visitors but they’re usually so glad to have a dog to pet, it isn’t much of an issue.”
Benny belongs to Kelly. She moved from North Carolina a little over a year ago, where both she and Benny did the same type of work.
“I got him as a puppy,” Kelly explained. “He worked with a trainer who specializes in service and therapy dogs. She worked with him every day for about nine months... to gauge his temperament to make sure he would be open to people, especially strangers, wanting to pet him.”
Benny goes to and from work with Kelly.
“I think Benny has a happy life,” she shared. “He finds purpose in it. He enjoys coming here and being around people.”
Kelly said that having a dog on-site for company and support is one of the ways Havenbrook “goes above and beyond” to meet the needs of the families they serve.
“People may have the impression that a funeral home is a dark place but Benny is one way doing things differently can bring some light. We’re here to meet people where they are... to meet everyone’s needs in the family.”

Offering good moments during a difficult time is important to Havenbrook staffers.
“We make our services very personable for everyone involved. We are reverent and compassionate towards families and get to know them. We keep in touch and they do remember Benny.”
Benny’s family also plans to take him to nursing homes and other community centers when the public health situation due to COVID-19 improves.
Want to learn more about Benny and his work at Havenbrook Funeral Home, follow Benny on Facebook at www.facebook.com/benny.havenbrook.7– BSM