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Melissa Juarez
Model @princessmahja Photography @frederickthephotographer @beyondhorizonsphotography

47 Cabin Crew 2 Model Crew
-Melissa Juarez-Borden
Ihave been very blessed to have lived what I think is an interesting life. I am the youngest of five children. It would not be untrue to describe me as spoiled but not rotten. I came from a great family and grew up with a lot of love. My parents were awesome but very strict. I still have a great relationship with all my siblings.
In 1982 I entered the Miss Teen Arizona. It was such agreat opportunity and experience. In 1989 I had planned to get married and move to San Diego, but it did not work out. I needed to find a direction for my career and my life. My sister-in-law showed me that America West Airlines was hiring. I applied and got the job. I was super excited. There was a lot of competition, but I was selected. Being a flight attendant was always a dream of mine. The training was very intense, so when I completed it, it was such a relief. I was on reserve for 6 years, and that was tough. Being on reserve meant that I had to work the ticket counter, the gates, outside on the tarmac on the ramp, reservations and even the commissary or food service. The hard work was worth it and I knew it wouldn’t last forever. So I stuck it out, and I am so glad I did.
Being a flight attendant really changed my life, I was able to travel all over the world, what a blessing. After 6 years of working at American, I met my husband who also worked for American . We started dating and then married after 2 years of dating. II thank God, that I was blessed to have met him. We were married for 25 years. I wouldn’t of met him if I hadn’t been working for the airline. In 2020 my husband passed away. he had been ill for 4 years prior to his death. It is still very raw for me, and very difficult. He was such a good Man and husband.
In 2014 A gentlemen from India noticed my photos on Facebook, from all my selfies I would post, he messaged me and said that I should model. I told him I was only 5” 1, he replied that I could do print modeling. Modeling had always been a dream of mine also. So that gave me confidence to try it. I signed up with the modeling site Model Mayhem that he had recommended. I started to get very busy with photoshoots that was good because I needed photos for my Portfolio. In 2015 I entered Dancing with the Stews, a dancing competition in New York. The competition was a fundraiser for an awesome school in Africa. Working at American Airlines gave me the opportunity to travel to New York every week to practice. The flight attendants were paired with professional dancers. I was thrilled to have placed third. The best part was that my family was able to travel to New York to watch me compete.
In 2018 a co-worker noticed my modeling photos on Facebook, and he worked at an agency for models and actors. He said that I should go in and audition. I was accepted into the agency. I was so excited to start their training program. I had a good time, met many good friends that will be friends for life, and the agency taught me a lot about finding casting calls for fashion shows and walking as a model. I was in several fashion shows and also started entering beauty contests after my training.

I entered Miss Fashion Global and made some important contacts. One of the models that had been “America’s Top Model” was one of the judges at that competition. Even though I did not make the finals, she recognized me and knew I had potential to do fashion shows. I was able to model fashion for New York Fashion Week and LA Fashion Week, and several other fashion shows. Which I consider a pretty big deal, since I am only 5’1”
I continued to do fashion shows and photoshoots which kept me occupied. Unfortunately, my husband was very ill. I was working full time and taking care of my husband. Modeling helped to keep me busy and was also something I enjoyed. My husband was so amazing. He always supported me in anything I did.
I Was published for the first time in December 2020 to May 2021 in magazines 7 different times. My hard work as a model had period off. In 2021, I was contacted by a broadcasting company and I was offered the opportunity to be an intern in Los Angeles. I was super psyched and so excited. I couldn’t believe it. This had also been a dream of mine.. I have been blessed over and over. I have always been very active. My desire to be in the limelight must have started back in high school, when I was a Cheer Leader.
I just Celebrated my 30th year with American Airlines.
A dream does not become reality through magic, it takes sweat , determination and hard work. If you put your mind into something you want to accomplish, you can do it, never give up on your dreams.