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Adlee Ray

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Verma Studios


for Models & Modeling - Adlee Ray


What are the challenges faced by models

and photographers due to covid-19? One of the biggest challenges has been the number of photographers and models who had to take a break from working since they are in a high risk group. Also, the travel restrictions have made it harder on everybody.

In general as a model how difficult has it been to get assignments due to covid-19? It has definitely been tougher over the past year. Especially in the beginning when there were so many people in hospitals, states were issuing stay at home orders and everybody was scared. Also, there were a lot of artists who stopped working because they didn’t want to put their families at risk.

What safety precautions do you take while going for shoots in view of covid-19? I ask photographers, make up artists, and anybody else attending the shoot if they are symptomatic or if they have had contact with anybody with Covid in the last 10 days. Then I ask everyone to wear a mask and try their best to maintain social distance without compromising their ability to still capture great photos.

Do you feel things have improved as compared to say in June July 2020? Despite the recent surge in cases, there are a lot more photographers shooting and events are taking place. I think a lot of people have Covid-fatigue, but I still try to follow the CDC’s guidelines. Also, I am traveling more now, but I take extra precautions to ensure I am being safe. With vaccines coming to the market, how long you feel it would take for things to become totally normal for models and photographers? I am hopeful things are back to normal by the end of the year, but I still see a lot of fearful people. Some afraid of Covid, and some afraid to get the vaccine. Depending on how many people actually get the vaccine will ultimately determine how long it takes for things to return to normal…or even the new normal, whatever that may be.

What would be your advice to models in view of covid-19, which going for shoots? Other than follow the CDC guidelines of wearing a mask and social distancing when possible, I would advise them to be aware and avoid (or even reschedule) shoots where somebody is symptomatic. While it may actually just be allergies, I have seen several instances where it turned out to be Covid and then that impacts others and they have to get tested and quarantine. Also, if you think you have been exposed, you should get tested. You don’t want to pass it along to somebody else and be responsible for either hurting them or maybe even their family.

You may add any other points you feel may be important along with any new pics you have got. Masks have become the new fashion accessory and you can have fun finding, buying, and even wearing new ones.

How do feel about remote shooting and do you do it? This has really boomed for a lot of models and

model @adleeray photography @altrealityphotography

honestly, I am blown away by some of the shots I’ve seen. While some models have simple setups (camera on tripod with a helper), other models have camera sliders and remote operated gimbals which give the remote photographer a tremendous amount of control over the experience. Being knowledgable about modeling, lighting, cameras and the software are great skills that some models have leveraged to continue working despite COVID. I’ve just begun doing remote shoots, but I’m working on getting the equipment and software I need to do it right. I think this way of shooting will be around for awhile so it’s worth the effort.

Where can the fans find you? Instagram: @Adleeray Facebook : Adlee Ray Model Mayhem : 3845805 Twitter : iamadleeray Onlyfans: www.onlyfans.com/iamadleeray Email : iamadleeray@gmail.com

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