The benefits and advantages of online video marketing
Think about it people remember 20% of what they hear, 30% of what they see and 70% of what they hear and see.. (click here to see all Online video statistics and facts). This is why use of video marketing has taken the world of commerce by storm. Simply said online video advertising is the future of marketing, especially for small business.
People have very short attention spans. Infact 80% watch only videos of 30 seconds or less. The use of video is the best way to grab them by their lapels and DEMAND their attention. Video presentation provides for an easy, one click and watch way to deliver your message – powerfully. You can also sustain people’s attention and articulate an image of your brand as well as gain the trust that makes all the difference- in terms of sales and prospects. When you publish a quality video on sites such as youtube, not only do they last a lifetime, but it shows your business has a message worth listening to and a service which people can trust. You can clearly demonstrate what you have to offer. The use of video is especially handy for small businesses which have to compete with Fortune 500 companies that have millions for publicity. The ROI is great and
enables these companies to reach an audience that they would otherwise not be able to reach through expensive traditional media such as Television, newspapers and radio.
Here are the top benefits of using Online video marketing, that can help convince your peers or higher ups on the need to use video in your marketing efforts.
1. Consumers are watching videos. Youtube has revolutionized the way we consume videos. It gets over 4 billion views per day and comes second after Google in terms of traffic. Google saw the potential of video when it purchased youtube. Almost 80% of people watch video once a week with 55% watching every day. 78 percent of people watch a video at least once a week and 55 percent watch every day. A study by A.C. Nielsen in 2011 showed that people in the US watched more than 21 billion videos online, demonstrating the power of this medium and the clear advantages of video marketing.
2. Your competition is already using video According to a study by Marketingprofs, 81% of senior marketing executives now use online video marketing in their marketing efforts. So you can cede the ground or you can get right there with your competition.
3. Video is highly searchable. Every time you conduct a search on Google you will notice that it prioritizes videos. Indeed your video uploaded to youtube is likely to appear higher on the search listings than your regular website for your preferred terms. According to Marketing Week, video results appeared in about 70% of the top 100 search listings in Google in 2012.
4. Video is easily and frequently shared Did you know that over 700 youtube videos are shared on Twitter every minute and over 500 years’ worth of Youtube videos are watched on Facebook. There is simply no content that can be shared that often and easily. When is the last time someone shared an article with you?. Social media has now become a big part of our lives and sharing of videos is a critical part of it. Indeed with an online video you can have multiple presences online, from uploading it to websites such as YouTube, and then embedding it in your website to sharing it on Twitter. Unlike your website, a video can be shared even via email.
5. Video has leveled the playing field. Like the Internet , videos have now leveled the playing field for small businesses faced with better funded competition. Indeed some savvy small businesses and organizations have better online video presence than some large firms with huge media buying budgets. However small businesses have to be more creative and target their customers better to get most bang from their online videos.
6. Video wins the trust of consumers and builds brand A study by Retail Touchpoints showed that shoppers who viewed a video were more than 174 % more likely to purchase than those who did not. Use of video wins the trust of audience as they understand that it takes time and dollars to do so. They create an impression that your company , even if it’s small, is serious and cares about its products as well as its customers.
Trust is an important factor for consumers. People do business with people they like and trust. With a video the prospects get a better feel for you than words or audio could . With your foot through the door , prospects now listen to what you have to sell, learn more and hopefully take the next step that you want them to.
7. Video is entertaining, educative and inspiring. Did you know that according to more than 60% of consumers are likely to spend at least two minutes watching a video of a product they are thinking of purchasing? Watching a video is effortless, just like watching TV. So it is possible to retain people’s attention much longer than making them slog through webpages. Video is better equipped to affect our senses including our ability to laugh cry, get emotional , learn and take action than words or images can . Nothing will keep consumers glued to your website than a great video . Indeed use of online video marketing is a way to avoid the clutter that the media throws at us every day which makes it hard to remember anything or even get the attention of a potential client or customer. With busy lives many people want to watch a 1 minute’s video as opposed to spending 15 to 20 minutes reading text. With videos you can communicate critically important information to a target audience in minimum time. Word of mouth is very important in business. With video that is shared , one consumer is actually recommending the product or service to his or her friends. With over 81% of users turning to word of mouth to make product buy decisions, video literally provides the word of mouth.
8. Video enables real-time feedback and interaction. Few things can get a rise out of people than videos. This is why comments on creative videos stretch for pages. So the feedback from your consumers , positive or negative, can be very useful in gauging how they are reacting to your product or service. People don’t want to digest complicated information. With a video you can easily and quickly provide information with pictures, and audio. For example if someone is demonstrating how to fix something, a video is much easier than reading through a manual.
9. Video is measurable. With videos you can measure how successful your marketing efforts are. With many other media there is a lot of guesswork involved. Indeed as your continue to publish more videos, you will learn which topics most interest your consumers. You will know which videos are leading to sales and which are not.
10. Video last a life time –making them cost effective. We have videos that we posted in youtube many years ago which still deliver leads and sales today. It is like receiving royalties from music produced many years agono wonder movie stars and musicians are among the wealthiest personalities in our society. Unlike TV, newspaper , or radio ads which have to be removed when the duration paid for expires, videos hosted in places such as youtube and or embedded on your website will last a lifetime. Many videos have potential to go viral if they are creative enough. Very few mediums allow consumers to become your salesmen like video can. We have all seen cases of videos which went viral and were shared millions of times creating serious buzz and getting their producers handsomely paid. If you are familiar with Search engine optimization, your video can rank higher and higher on the search engines giving you exposure to potentially millions of people .Top websites on youtube generate exposure to millions and some thousands of dollars for their owners a day However poorly produced videos and some free videos that are being mass produced on some sites are constantly being removed from sites such as youtube as they try to keep their sites spam free. Some of our clients have tried free videos without success. Some of their accounts have been blocked by Youtube as these videos are considered spam. The cost of production of professionally done videos has come down greatly. You no longer have to pay 1000$ or more for a professionally produced video . So let the videos work for you every day for years and reduce your overall media buying.
11. Video is very close to the „buy‟ button. Have you ever seen a TV commercial of something you really liked , but forgot about it afterwards? With video you don’t have to drive to the store, or pick up the phone, you simply click the “buy” button below and get your service instantly or in the mail in a few days. Indeed you can have consumers click a link inside a video or below it or in the text surrounding it. The more opportunities for the consumer to click the more opportunity you have to close a sale.
12. Video focuses on selling not entertainment There are a lot of commercials on TV which are meant to build a brand, make people remember the brand for future interaction. With online videos, and for small businesses, the intention is to have the consumer buy the product or service that you are promoting. Well done video such as the ones here are are meant to sell not to play around. We can develop a script that is meant to sell and not to entertain.
13. Video is mobile. According to some recent studies(Bytemobile Mobile Analytics Report) online videos now account for 50% of all mobile phone traffic and up to 69% of traffic on
some networks. Indeed 30 seconds videos have over 88% completion rate according to Rythmn Insights. For videos which are below 1 minute, it is easy to watch them on a smartphone while on the train or on a plane. With videos you can reach people where they are whether they are on the move or not. These people are also a click away from buying your product.
13.Video adds the “wow� factor to your online marketing Many people opt for cheap or free videos which are uninspiring and have no value for consumers . Indeed websites such as youtube are on the lookout for these types of videos. You can test their ability to filter out these videos. At most your free video will stay on for maybe a month but just lick clockwork the admins at Youtube come around and delete these videos. On the other hand a professional done video, such as those produced at , have a wow factor that you can never get with other content. They are simply more memorable than other forms of communication. And youtube loves these quality videos.
14. Video sets you apart from the crowd If don’t professionally a video will set you apart from your competition. You can gain an edge over your competition with a great video. With current competition , it helps to stay ahead of the herd. However poorly produced videos can actually hurt your brand or company image.
Conclusion One of the reasons why many people don’t use online videos is not that they don’t understand their importance, but they are simply camera shy and don’t want to appear in front of viewers. However one can create slide shows and or graphic videos . Many also choose to produce professionally done videos with professional voiceovers. Consumers are looking for your products and services but if you are not using video marketing you are invisible to them. While video products costs for a professional video production have always been high and only affordable by the big boys, the costs have come down considerably .There is no excuse for a small business not to use online video marketing as it has better ROI than any other form of marketing at its disposal. Click here to learn how you can have a video similar to this one produced for your company. This entry was posted in Importance and tagged advantages of online marketing pdf, advantages of online video marketing, benefits emarketing, benefits internet marketing, benefits of online advertising and marketing, benefits of online marketing to customers, benefits of online video marketing, importance of online video marketing, marketing benefits of online business, online marketing advantages and disadvantages small business branding web design services agency or consultant
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One of the questions that small businesses face is how to increase their name or brand recognition without spending an arm and a leg for it. There are many branding services, web design agencies and consultant that can help- but most cost a lot of money. Small businesses understand that the way their company is viewed is critical. Consumers must like and trust the brand for them to patronize it. It’s hard if not impossible to do that without a positive image or brand recognition. This must be done continuously even for fortune 500 companies such as CocaCola, MacDonald’s, and Pepsi etc. Well there are several ways in which you can do so without breaking the bank. Here are a few of those ways: 1. Use the Internet. The internet has revolutionized how marketing and brand recognition is done. For example companies such as Facebook have become behemoths all because of the internet. Companies such as amazon are internet based and are so large that they are eclipsing brick and mortar companies. Small business can set up functional and good looking websites , create helpful information that your potential customers or clients may be looking for such as “how to” and also maintain a social media strategy such as use of twitter , Facebook and instagram. The use of online video advertising such as that found at is also one of the best ways to leverage the internet and get great ROI. At you don’t have to part with thousands of dollars for branding that you would with many branding companies. Aidenvideo offers a cheap one stop shop for great video production.
2. Establish your company as the go to company One of the best ways to brand your company is to make yourself or your company the go to company in relation to your business. SO if you sell tires, you should become an authority on the best tires, the cheapest tires etc. You should be able to provide helpful information about tires. People who are looking for this kind of information re potential clients. They will tank you with sales if you provide them tips, reviews and recommendations without trying to make hard sales. 3. Traditional advertising is not dead. You can still use traditional media advertising such as radio, TV and Radio. While these are expensive mediums and not pocket book friendly for small business, there are always specials on which can be worth the dollars. .
4. Events sponsoring Any company no matter how small can afford to sponsor some local events. Some such as high school basketball competition cost very little to sponsor. Just a few prizes and drinks and you have an opportunity to have a table or tent without company information for parents who will attend such an event. 5. Placing products One of the best ways to promote your company is to get your product in the consumer’s line of sight. Is can be done by placing your products where your consumers are likely to be found whether at events, banners, road signs or other
local spots . This can work wonders for your company. When people think of the product or service you provide whether air conditioning or heating they will think of your company first.
5. Non-traditional advertising There are new mediums to use for advertising apart from traditional advertising. For example the use of viral videos, email marketing, and other digital marketing strategies may make sense for a company with a small budget. However one must be careful not to spam consumers with unwanted messages. This is the wrong way to build your brand- in fact you can hurt your brands with the use of such tactics. Conclusion There are many more ways for a company to build a brand. These are just a few of the ways that you can get started. We highly recommend the use of high quality video such as those on to build your brand. These videos don’t cost as much as they used to. They make a great impression on your consumers and make your brand more memorable and more trusted. So if you are looking for small business branding services, agency or consultant start at Click here to learn how you can have a video similar to this one produced for your company. This entry was posted in Business advice and tagged brand awareness strategy, brand exposure, creating brand awareness, how to increase brand awareness, how to increase brand awareness for a service, increase brand awareness service, small business branding agency, small business branding and web design, small business branding consultant, small business branding ideas, small business branding package, small business branding services, small business branding strategy, small business branding tips, ways to increase brand awareness, why is increasing brand awareness important on May 5, 2014. Edit Post navigation
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