PRESIDENT’S REPORT Spark Freedom was founded five years ago with the goal to help policy groups get their messages heard by learning to market their organizations more creatively and by developing effective messages that mobilize support for some of the most pressing public policy issues of the day. Since that time, some of the issues we have fought for have changed. One thing that hasn’t changed is our core mission. We continue to work with state-based and national policy groups to create messaging that resonates with the hearts and minds of individuals who are most directly impacted by political decisions including healthcare, education, labor, income tax, and pension reforms. We’re proud of the meaningful and lasting change that Spark Freedom has helped to create over the past five years. In that time, we have worked with organizations in 32 states and have had significant policy wins in 25 of those states. We are now the “go to” resource for organizations learning to put a face to complex ideas. Spark Freedom teaches them how to get their policy solutions heard. Within this annual report are three stories. Each one reflects a project that energized us and proves that Spark Freedom has real impact: the adoption of “Financial Ready” by state legislators in Idaho, which helps lawmakers easily see the strings attached to federal funds; the momentum building in South Carolina as the local think tank begins to flourish and gain ground for freedom; and using storytelling to push back Medicaid expansion in 22 states. There are still many critical issues facing the fight for limited government. We need your support to spread the ideas of liberty even further. We look to the future inspired, optimistic, and ready for our next big victories. As we embark on an exciting and challenging new year of growth, we thank our amazing partners, grantors, and donors for their ongoing interest in and support of Spark Freedom – we couldn’t do any of this without them. In Liberty, Nicole Williams President