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ARTISTIC STREAMING Talented Artist RedFury Shares Her Story
Interview by GoddessAuraNova
Artwork by RedFury
Other images taken by GoddessAuraNova
Location : Outdoor Artsy Home of RedFury
I have been a fan of RedFury’s stream since the moment I laid eyes on it and was delighted when she granted me permission to get to know the warm, cultured lady behind the avatar better.

Follow Redfury1 on IMVU and redsjourney_wishes on Instagram.
RedFury’s home loaded in front of my eyes a lot like I was expecting it might. It has the look of a not-so-blank canvas where anything is possible and one of those landscapes that you inherently know constantly evolves.
Expansive sands with bursts of color here or there and specifically chosen, decidedly artistic pieces. Much like how it is on RedFury’s stream, you become intrigued and pensive landing in her space; in the mood to explore your thoughts and what your own place in the world is.
AURA : I’m excited to finally have a chance to sit down and chat with you. Of course, I have to ask what originally brought you to IMVU?
REDFURY : Originally, two years ago, my real-life best friend asked me to come on here because she thought it would be a good social outlet. I live in a very rural area and it was a great way for us to spend time together since we live about an hour away. I have to thank her for doing that as I have learned a new art form and have met many intriguing people during my time with IMVU.

Image taken by GoddessAuraNova
AURA : I find your stream to be one of the most creative I’ve seen. Every image you post is like looking at art on the wall of a museum. Where does your inspiration come from?
REDFURY : My images are often very personal. They stem from what I may be feeling, something I am reading or listening to, a relationship, a poem or a song or even a memory. Most often lately, I am trying to communicate more about sacred wisdom.
I aim to facilitate love, understanding and a more united, cohesive and spiritual awakening. I want to be an inspiration to others to think positive, be more loving, and to expand their consciousness, raising vibrations and to share what I am learning and experiencing.
AURA : I can assure you that your efforts are working as your work is most definitely positive and inspiring. What do you think keeps you here producing such thought-provoking images?
REDFURY : Every day I strive to learn something new, and figure out how to integrate new dimensions, emotions, or ideas into my images. I like to find new ways to make the client work for me and find new ways to use it as an art medium more proficiently.
What keeps me here is creating images I would enjoy looking at and finding like a treasure. My work has evolved greatly over the course of the last year, as that is how long I have been editing. I want to see what limits I can stretch and push beyond creatively.
I have a close friend in here who inspired me and taught me initially a great deal. He taught me how to see the art in here, showed me possibilities and gave me great ideas on how to use light, dimension, and how to look closely and how to zoom out.
I owe a lot to him and the others who have shown me what kinds of tools are available and who have spent their time to show me the boundless creations the imagination can expand upon and what kinds of styles can be created in a scene, room, persona, or outfit. Now days, I spend my time focusing on the art and what I can bring to life in a picture.
AURA : Who are three of your favorite real-life artists?
REDFURY : That is a hard question. I was an art history major in college till my last two semesters and I wanted to teach art history because I loved so many aspects of art; the history, and how it impacted society, beliefs, and vice versa. I have to say I have way too many who inspire me to just name three. Back in high school and college I was mesmerized by Ansel Adams’ photograpy and Maya paintings/prints, an artist out of Colorado.
One of my favorite paintings is by John William Waterhouse entitled “My Sweet Rose”. I wake every morning to that print for the last twenty years. It reminds me to stop and smell the roses and I have been told numerous times that it reminds friends of me.

Image by John William Waterhouse - Unknown source, Public Domain, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=1170903
Of course I love Dali, Davinci, Cassat, Picasso, just to name a few. I also look at music as a huge artistic influence. What’s better than to find a song that says what you are feeling perfectly? I love all kinds of music. Then there is architecture, I love the classic Greek styles and want to live in an old Victorian or farm house and sleep in a classic pyramid.
Then there is Mesopotamian and Egyptian art, the religious/spiritual elements therein, and don’t even get me started on literature....hahaha.
AURA : Your responses validate my reasons for wanting to interview you. In a prior game I used to play, I had an interest in opening a virtual museum but I never got around to it. Your work inspires me to want to try that here in IMVU. I’m curious, Would you allow your work to be put on display in a credible, classy museum?
REDFURY : I think it is important to be able to find, see and be exposed to a myriad of art in general and especially on IMVU. I struggle to find quality artists on the game, but have now found quite a few brilliantly creative souls, mostly through Instagram of late. I would love to see more diverse art styles stem from IMVU; to see it used as a medium like I use it and to have an area where artists can view each others work and come together as a collective.
I am apart of a family who does a weekly competition which brings people together and taught me a great deal about shooting good images without any edits, with the limited IMVU capacities.

I love this weekly camaraderie, but I would like to see a museum showcasing and bringing together different styles, ideas, themes and other types of digital art that stems from the IMVU digital platform. I would be honored to be apart of a virtual museum. That would be phenomenal.
AURA : What gives you the most incentive to share your art in the picture contests? I have a feeling it isn’t the size of the award.
REDFURY : I simply want to improve and hone my skills. In competition and daily, I strive to be different from the masses. I want to present the theme from an unexpected perspective or vantage point. I am always grateful to place in competition, but even when I don’t, I know I gave it my all and made it unique. Rarely do I get to collab, but when I do, that makes some fun memories. I do love that too.
AURA : Is your mind filled with ideas and then you look for the products to fit them or do you see the products first and become inspired to turn them into parts of your art?
REDFURY : I often use what I have, but sometimes a product will inspire too. I will go get what I need if I can figure out where to go get it. I create the desired scene with an idea of what kind of story I want to tell or emotion I want to convey. The pictures kind of have a life of their own sometimes. They tell me what they want to be. Each picture is different. It may start with one intention, but when I am done editing it is something completely different. In any case, one must start with a great base picture and then build from there.
AURA : What gives you the most incentive to share your art in a picture contest? I have a feeling it isn’t the size of the award.
REDFURY : I simply want to improve and hone my skills. In competition and daily, I strive to be different from the masses. I want to present the theme from an unexpected perspective or vantage point. I am always grateful to place in competition, but even when I don’t, I know I gave it my all and made it unique. Rarely do I get to colab, but when I do, that makes some fun memories. I do love that too.
AURA : Aside from creating artistic pictures, what other activities do you enjoy in IMVU?
REDFURY : I enjoy spending time with true friends, scrolling through other peoples creations, creating new combinations of outfits, learning how to use new tools, lights, filters and learning how to set up rooms. I absolutely deplore shopping. I hate to shop and hunt for what I am looking for. Things are not easily found for me in the shop. I was looking for hair made of daisies the other day, I spent hours looking for something I never found.
AURA : You have so many amazing pieces, if you had to narrow it down to your very favorite of your own work, could you?
REDFURY : Some of my favorites are the most simple because of the memories associated with the special people I was with when I took them. I couldn’t possibly choose otherwise. Many are special for different reasons.
AURA : I’m going to try and choose three of my favorites that you’ve done. Do I have your permission to surprise you with which ones they are and publish them with the interview?
REDFURY : Of course, I would be honored to see what you choose. I love to see what people pick as their favorites and love even more their explanation of why. I always think it is interesting because what I have as favorites are always so different from what others like.
Even in competition, the ones I think are far better are not the ones the judges like. It all comes down to personal preference and perspective. Everyone is different and sees it from a different set of experiences and expectations.
AURA’S FAVORITES: After the interview, I did attempt to find my three favorites. I could immediately see why Red couldn’t possibly choose just one. I chose three that stood out to me.

Artwork created by RedFury
Image copied from https://www.imvu.com/next/feed/feed_element-a0795080-122f-11eb-0000-002ab4cbe40b/
In the first one, Red is wearing baby blue hair which caught my eye because it’s different from her norm. In my explanation of the piece, I seperated Red herself from what I think it means and looked at her as playing a role, like in a play to help me see what I see.
The “blue-haired lady” is idealistic, extremely optimistic and also formerly heartbroken, possibly many times. However, she doesn’t give up on looking and seeks to find a type of love that matches her uniqueness. She is strong and diverse with her thoughts on the many different paths that are available to her. She is aware that her greatest love is out there to be found.

Artwork created by RedFury
Image copied from https://www.imvu.com/next/feed/feed_element-71d72780-1878-11eb-0000-002b2bea9182/
In the second one, I see a time traveler without bounds. A classic beauty who enters the dreams of those who need her wisdom. She always leaves the soul more peaceful than before she came, where there is light at the end of their personal tunnels and a positive shift in thinking.

Artwork created by RedFury
The third one caught my eye because it’s just so beautiful, the reds and pinks in different tones, roses surrounding the most feminine of entities. She seems to be merged with the flowers, all of the color pulled from her skin to add to the vibrancy of the world around her.
The hand pointing up isn’t her own hand, but it is like her guardian reminding her to keep focused on what her life’s purpose is. What would these roses become without her keeping chaos away? •