1950 Petrean

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T h e H o ly Year has m ad e us conscious o f th e clo se bonds that link us to th e culture and tradi足 tions o f th e E ternal C ity. Our ed ucation that has b een b oth C atholic and classical has m ade us citizens, in spirit, of th e tw o R om es . . . th e R om e fou n d ed in the m ythical, pagan past and the R om e fou n d ed forever in th e blood o f Peter and _

th e Christian Martyrs.



"Of Arms and Man I Sing Who First to tke Lavinian Snore .

V irgil fascinated us w ith his rom antic tale, full of m yth and mystery, heroism and high adventure. Like the Roman school boys, tw o thous足 and years before us, w e enjoyed the story of A eneas and of his mission to found the great city on the Seven H ills. Virgil, aided by Cicero, O vid and Caesar, taught us the traditions of Pagan Rome.

M Si

A f f l i c t us, T o r m e n t us, C r u c i f y us — i n p r o p o r t i o n as we a r e m o w e d d o w n we i n c r e a s e ; tlie L l o o d of C h r i s t i a n s


b h h h h r





i l r f l S

heroes are not Aeneas, « or

Rom ulus nor Caesar. W e trace our ancestry not to the Julii nor the M arcelli but to the Christians, despised b y Pagan Rom e. W e are the children of -th e Martyrs. Through our veins flows the blood that ^ stained the sands of the Coliseum . Our boast is n o t g |||||||

of conquests nor o f triumphs except the tr iu m p ^ ^ B lives offered for Christ.





T h e R om an ro ad s crossed c o n tin en ts an d cen tu ries to carry d o w n to o u r o w n day th e elem ents of R o m an c u ltu re . . • th e religion of th e M arty rs, a tra d itio n of governm ent u n d e r law , classical lite r­ a tu re a n d a love fo r th e spectacle of th e arena.









to a S a in tly


an Inspiring Teacher and

a Dear




B orn A pril 10,1914 E n te re d th e Society of Jesus July 30, 1931 O rd ain e d to th e Sacred P riesthood Ju n e 18,1944 T a u g h t a t St. P eter’s P rep 1946-1949 D ied Jan u ary 20, 1950




In ancient R om e th e “O ptim ates”, Aristocrats, provided leadership, set social standards and preserved tradi­ tions. A t the P rep the Seniors are our Aristocrats.

JOSEPH ALOYSIUS ABBOTT St. Joseph’s, Paterson Sodality 1, 2, 3, Consultor 3; Honor Pins 2, 3; German Club 2; Camera Club 3; Homeric Academy 4,

THOMAS PATRICK AHERN Our Lady of Mercy, Port Chester, N. Y. Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4.

CHARLES JOSEPH AVALLONE Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality I, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 4; Honor Pins I, 2, 3; Class Vice President 1; Class Treas­ urer 2; French Club 3; Petrean 4; Chem Club 3; Tennis 2, 3, 4; Intram ural Council 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 2.

JOHN JOSEPH AVIGNONE St. Anastjusia’s, Teaneck K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality I . Honor Pins I , 2, 3; M edals: g e n e r a l E x ce lle n ce I; Mathematics 1, 2; Class Treasurer 2; Ger­ man Club 2; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Intra­ murals: S o f tb a ll& J ^ -B a s k e tb a ll 1, 2, 3 ,4 .

JOHN PATRICK BARRATTA Our I.ady of Victories, JirsfeylCity K. B. S. 1; Senility 1, 2/^X 4; Hbnor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Secretary 1; Baseball 3; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3.

ROY FREDRICK BARNITT St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Prefect 2, Consultor 1, 4Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Silver Medals 1, 2, 3; Class President 2; French Clulf 3; Classical Club 3, 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Debating 2, 4.

ROBERT EUGENE BASTAN Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City Honor Pins 1, 2; Class Vice President 2; Varsity Football 4; J. V. Football 3; Base­ ball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN JAMES BERGIN Sacred Heart, Jersey City K. B. S. 4; Sodality I, 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Treasurer 1, 2; French Club 2, 3; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 4.

EDWABD JOSEPH BIGGANE St. Thomas, Bloomfield K. B. S. 1, 2; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2, 3; French Club 3; Honor Pins 1 2, 3; Camera Club 3.

MATTHEW PATRICK BOYLAN Sacred Heart, Vailsburg K. B. S. 1, 2, 3; Sodality 2, 3; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Bronze Medal 1; Religion Prize 1; Petroc 3; Debating S; Student Council 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh Basketball.

WALTEBjlROBERT BRATTON St. I'jicKolas’, Jerseyjpity j K. B. S. 1, 2; SfSdality 1; French Club 2; Var­ sity Football 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4. J O S E P H JO H N B R E Z IN A AssjHBptto1*’ Jersey City K B. S a l , 2; Sodality 2; Honor Pins 1, 2 3- Bronze Medal 2; Religion Prize 2; French Prize 2; Petroc 3; Debating 2, 4; Dramatjps 2, 3, 4.

DONALD JAMES BROWNETT St. Henry's, Bayonne German Club 2; Chem Club 3; J. V. Foot­ ball 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basket­ ball 1, 2.

STANLEY JOSEPH BRZENK Our Lady of Czestochova, Jersey City K. B. S. 3, 4; Chem Club 3; Varsity Football 3 4; J. V. Football 2; Intramurals: Basket­ ball 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT WILLIAM BUESSER St. Mary’s, W est New York K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; Debating 2; Intramurals: Basketball 4.

RICHARD JAMES BURKE Good Counsel, Newark K. B. S. 2, 3; French Club 3; Student Coun­ cil 4; Intram uralsr Softball 2, 4; Basket­ ball 1, 3, 4.

EDWARD GEORGE BURKHARD Our Lady of Victories, Jersey* City K. B. S. 1, 2, ^3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

CARMINE JOSEPH CAMPISI St. Peters, Jersey City K. B. S* 4; Class President 3 w Class Vice President 2; French Club 2; Sfrident Council 4; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4.

FRANCIS XAVIER CAREY St. John’s, Paterson K. B. S. 1, 2; Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1; Ger­ man Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

HERBERT FREDRICK CARTER Holy Trinity, Hackensack Sodality 3, 4; K. B. S. 2; Chem Club 3; German Club 3; Petroc 3.

FRANCIS EDWARD CASKEY St. Patrick’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3; German Club 2; Debating 2; J. V. Football 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4.

JAMES PETER CASSIDY St. Joseph’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 4; French Club 3; Class Secretary 2; Sanctuary Club 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1; Softball 2.

MARIO JOSEPH CATANI Our Lady of Liberal West New York Sodality 2, 4 ( K. B. s | j l , 2j_ Debating 2; French Club 2, 3; Petrean 4; Honor Pms 1, 2, 3; Class Treasurer f ; Classical Club 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

LOUIS EDWARD CELLA St. Mary’s, West New York Sodality f , 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals; Bronze 1, 2; Silver 3; Prizes: Re­ ligion 2, 3; Mathematics 3; Chemistry 3; French 3; Class Vice President 2; Debating 2- Student Council 4; Varsity Football 4; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4; Basketball 4.


RICHARD THADDEUS CIECIUCH St. Aedan’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, Prefect 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medal: Religion ] Class President 1, Vice President 2; French Club 2, 3; Petrean 4, Associate Editor; Debating 3, 4; Dramatics 3, 4; Chem Club 3; Glee Club 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; Intramurals: Softball 3.

EDWARD STANLEY CIELUKOWSKI St. Ann’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medal: Algebra I; Class President 1, Vice President 3, Treasurer 2; Debating 2; Student Council 4; Varsity Football 4; J. V. Football 2; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

JOHN JOSEPH CLUNE St. Paul of the Cross, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Student Council 4; Intram ural Council 2, 3, 4; Var­ sity Basketball 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh B a sk e tb a ll; In tra m u ra ls: S o ftb a ll 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT BURNETT COBBAN St. Joseph’SfW est New York Sodality 1, 2; K. B*S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Library Staff I j Glee Club 1; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basket­ ball. 1, 2, 3, 4.

LOUIS'PN O iC O N ^d|N I St.|Vlpcent’^Bayofene'v J Sodality 1, 2, * 1 ; K. B. S. 2; French Club 3; Chem Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD ALOYSIUS CONWAY SSjJPgggand Paul, Hoboken Sodality 1; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4;® [onor Pins 1, 2; Class President 1, Vice president 2, Treasurer 3; French Club 3; B apball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JAMES MICHAEL CORBETT Sacred Heart, W est Brighton, N. Y. K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 3; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2.

ROBERT WILLIAM CORBY St. Paul of the Cross, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 3; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2.

WILLIAM THOMAS COTTER St. Matthew’s, Ridgefield K. B. S. 2, 3, 4; Library Staff 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 3, 4.

DENNIS MATTHEW COUGHLIN St. Mary’s, Bayonne Sodality 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 1; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 1, 2; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basket­ ball 1, 4.

PAUL JOSEPH CUNNINGHAM St. Rose’s, Newark Sodality 1, 2, f 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 2; Varsity Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Cheer­ leaders 1, 2; Intram utals^SaiiS^i^!

PATRICK JOSEPH DeRISI St. Boniface, Jersey CitF S o d a liJ 2; K. B. S. I 2, 3, 4 ;B lass Treas­ urer 2llntram urals: Softball 2 ® , 4; Basket­ ball 1, |1 3, 4.

WILLIAM IGNATIUS DILLON Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City K . B . S . 1, 2, 3 , 4 ; F r e n c h C lu b 3; Petrean 4; J. V. Football 2; Varsity Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2.

GERARD KENNETH DOHERTY Assumption, Wood-Ridge K. B. S. 4; Sodality 1, 4; Class President 3, 4; French Club 3; Petroc 2, 3; Student Council 4; Intramurals: Softball 1.

CONSTANTINO THOMAS DONATO Holy Rosary, Jersey City Sodality 2, 4; German Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 2.

RORERT JOHN DONOHUE St. Aloysius, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals: Silver 2; Bronze 3; Mathematics Prize 2; Class President 2; Stu足 dent Council 4; Varsity Football 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2.

RAYMOND JOSEPH DONOVAN Epiphany, GrantwOod Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4 ; K. B. S. 1,& ; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; French Club 3; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 3; Assistant Manager Football 4; Intramurals: Softball I. 2. 3. 4; Basket足 ball 1, 2, 4.

THOMAS PATRICK DORAN St. Nicholas, Jersey City


Sodality 3, 4; K. B. S. 3, 4 ;p Io n o r Pins I, 2; German Club 2; Debating I; Intra足 murals: Basketball 2, 3; Softball 2, 3.

ROBERT EDWARD DORTON Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality I, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 3; Honor Pins 1 2, 3; General Excellence Medal 1; Class Vice President 4; French Club 3; Petroc. Sports Editor 2, 3, Editor-in-Chief 4; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3.

RAYMOND VINCENT DOWNES Assumption, Wood-Ridge Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 2; Camera Club 2; Petroc 3, 4; Baseball Manager 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

THOMAS PAUL DRENNAN St. Vincent’s, Bayonne K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; French Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 2, 3.

MICHAEL JOHN DUNN St. George’s, Paterson Varsity Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals: Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD FRANCIS DUNSHEATH St. Nicholas^ Passaic K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 1; Class Treasurer 2; Chem Club 3; German Club 3; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2. ^

DONALD GREGORY DZAMBA St. Joseph's, Bayonne K B. S .J l Is 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; A lgebra'Prize 1; Chem Club. 3; Library Staff 1; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3; Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN JOSEPH EDLER St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3; French Club 3.

WILLIAM PATRICK EMLEY St. John’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 1; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 3; Geometry Prize 2; G erm an P riz e 3; M a th e m a tic s P rize 3; Student Council 4; Petroc 2; Camera Club 2; V a rsity F o o tb a ll 3, 4; In tra m u ra ls: Softball 2, 3.

JOHN THOMAS ENGLISH St. Patrick’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2; Class Treas­ urer 2; Petrean 4; Petroc 3; Library Staff 1.

ROBERT JOHN ENGLISH St. Bridget’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Petroc 3; J. YjaFootball 2; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM PETER FAGAN St. C h a r lJ P lll^ tr k 8 Sodality 1, 2; 3, 4; K. B. S. 1,' 2, B, 4; De­ bating I, 2, 3, 4; French Club 2, 3; Petroc 3; Glee Club 1, 2; Camera Club

HAROLD EDMUND FARGO Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City Sodality 2; Intramurals: Softball 2; Basket­ ball 1. Ss*


JOHN FRANCIS FENNELL Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals: General Excellence 1, 2; Bronze 3; Prizes: Religion 1, 2; French 2; Mathe­ matics 1, 2; Chemistry 3; Baseball 2, 4; Classical Club 3; Student Council 4; J. V. Football 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basket­ ball 1.

DONALD MICHAEL FINN Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Class President 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 1; German Club 2; Student Council Presi­ dent 4; Varsity Football 4; Frosh Basketball; J. V. Basketball 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; Intramural Council 2; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

PETER ROBERT FITZPATRICK SS. Peter and Paul, Hoboken Sodality 1; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Class Vice President 1; Varsity Basket­ b a ll 3, 4; J. V. B asketball 2; Frosh Basketball; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD KENNETH FITZPATRICK Sacred Heart, Jersey City Class President 1; Glass Vice President 2; Class Treasurer 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball I , 2, 3, 4.

JAMES JOSEPH FLEMING St. Paul|fe the CrosSHSSey City K. B. S. 2, 3; Honor Pins 1, 2; German Club 2; Chem Club 3; IntrajH taals^Softball 2.

GERARD JOSEPH FOWLER St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality? 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3 , 1 ; Bowling Club i f 2.

RICHARD MICHAEL GALDON St. Joseph’s, Bayonne Sodality 1, 2, 3; K. B. S. 1,2 , 3, 4; Petrean 4; Debating 2; Chem Club 3; Library Staff 2.

MICHAEL JOHN GALLAGHER St. Mary’s, Bayonne Sodality 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2; Petrean 4; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 1, 2; J. V. Football 3; Class Vice President 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Volleyball 1, 2.

JAMES PATRICK GORDON Holy Cross, Harrison Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; German Club 2; Camera Club 2, 3; Dramatics 1; Bowling 2; Chem Club 3; Ten­ nis 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2.

DONALD FRANCIS HAGAN St. Joseph’s, Bayonne Sodality I, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; General Excellence Medal,^1, 2; Bronze Medal 3; Prizes: French 2; Religion 2; Math 2; Class “President 2; Class Vice President 3; Student Council 4; Varsity Football 3, 4.

JAMES ALOYSIUS HANLEY Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 9* 4; German Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 2, 3, 4.

GEORGE THOMAS HARPER Our Lady of Grace, Hoboken Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals: Bronze 1; Silver 3; Prizes: German 3; Religion 3; Mathematics 3; Class Vice President 1, 2; Student Council 4; J. V. Football 3; Varsity Football 4.

KENNETH PAUL HASTIE St. Aloysius, Jersey City K. B. S. 1; French Club 3; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 2, 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4.

GEORGE FRANCIS HAYDEN Mount Carmel, Jersey City Sodality 1 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; German Club 2, 3; Chem Club 3; J. V. Football 2; Varsity Football 3; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM CYPRIAN HEIDELBERGER Holy Rosary, Edgewater K. B. S. 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 2, 3; Class Vice President 2; Debating 3; Homeric Academy 4; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Bas­ ketball 2, 3.

RICHARD FRANCIS HERING Holy Family, Union City Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Vice President 3; Varsity Football 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT JAMES HEYER St. Joseph’s, Jersey City Sodality 2, 3, 4; K. B. S’: 1.'2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 3; Student Council 4; Class President 1, 2, 3; J. v . Football 2; Varsity Football 3, 4; Intramurajs_:^ Soitball 2 ,3 , 4.

JOHN WILLIAM HLADIK St. Andrew’s, Bayonne S odality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3; French Club 3; C h em Club 3; Intramural Council 1; Frosh B a s k e tb a ll; J. V. B asketball 2; Varsity B asketball 3, 4; Baseball 3, 4,



EDWARD JOSEPH HOGAN St. Joseph’s, W est New York German Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball I, 2.

RAYMOND JOSEPH HRBEK O ur Lady of Grace, Hoboken K. B. S. 1 2, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Debating 1; Petrean 4; Chem Club 3, 4; Algebra Prize 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

DAVID PETER HUMM Holy Trinity, Westfield Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1; Honor Pins 1, 2; French Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4; Basketball 1.

PHILIP JAMES HURLEY Holy Trinity, Westfield Sodality 1, 2; Honor Pin 2; Debating 2; Band 1; Intramurals: Basketball 1.

JAMES JOSEPH HIVING Sacred Hi*art, Jefkey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 5, Sociality I U a , 4, Con­ s u la r 1, 4; Honor P i n ||, 2, S;\Sifver Medal 1; General E ip^lence M edal|3; frizes: Re­ ligion 1, 3; l|tench 3;.lHB!8iatfc& 3; Class President 2;, Class Vice President; 3; Class Treasurer 1; French Club 3; Classical Club 3; P etrean.Businesg Manager H)ramatics 3, 4; Bowling Club 1, 2; Intram urals:'S oft­ ball 2, 3, 4 7 l P ^ S | l

THOMAS FRANCIS JOHNSOxN St. Peter’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. f f 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President 1; Class Treasurer 2; Chem Club 3; Intramural Council 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.


ANDREW ANTHONY KATKO St. Vincent's, Bayonne Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Petrean 4; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 4; J. V. Foot­ ball 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

VINCENT EUGENE KEANE St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 3, Secretary 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Petrean 4; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 4.

THOMAS FRANCIS KELAHER Mount Carmel, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Con­ sultor 4; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 2; Tennis 3, 4; Intramurals; Softball 1.

EUGENE MICHAEL KIELY Our Lady of Grace, Hoboken K. B. S. 1, 4; Sodality* 1, 2, 4; Debating 1, 2; French Club 2; Class Vice President 1, 3; C lass T rea su re r 4 -jIntram urals: S oftball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

RICH A R D /^D WARD KIT A. Mount CarmeE Bayonne Sodality 1, 2, f tf c .B . ^ G e rm a n Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Volley­ ball 1, 2, 3. "

CHARLES CARL KRENTA St. Nicholas, Jersey City K. B. S. 2, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; Honor Pin 1 Class Vice President 1; Class preasurer 4 Petroc 2, 3, 4; Chem Club 3; Flench Club 3 Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 4.

GEORGE ROBERT KRONE St. Mary’s, W est New York Honor Pin 1; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

Softball 2, 3;

RAYMOND JOSEPH LATCHFORD St. Mary’s, W est New York K. B. S. 1, 2; Sodality 1, 2; Honor Pins I, 2; German Club 2; Chem Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 2, 4.

EDWIN CHARLES LAUDANO St. Rose’s, Newark Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT JOHN LISK St. Mary’s, Bayonne Sodality 1; K. B. S. 1; Honor Pin 1; Class Vice President 1; Class Treasurer 2, 3; Intram ural Council 2, 3; Frosh Basketball Manager; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM THOMAS LONG St. Henry’s, Bayonne Sodality 1, Consultor I s Honor Piii 2; Class Treasurer 3; Petroc Photographer 4; Petrean Photographer 4; Chem Club, Secretary 3; Library Staff 1; Intramurals: Softball 2; Volleyball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH FRANCIS LORETI Holy Rosary, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 4; Honor Pin 1; German Club 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Volleyball 1, 2; Basketball I.

JOHN PETER LYNCH St. Rose’s, Newark Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Presi­ dent 1; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Bronze Medal 2, 3; Greek Medal 3; Silver Medal 1; Var­ sity Track 2, 3, 4; Homeric Academy 4; Intramurals: Softball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3.

JAMES HENRY LYONS Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City K. B. S. 3, 4; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Varsity Foot­ ball 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; German Club 2; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Soft­ ball 1, 3.

THOMAS VALENTINE McANDREW Corpus Christi, Jersey City Class Vice President 1; Class Treasurer 2; J. V. Football 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 2, 3; Volleyball 1, 2. jo h n jo se p h

McCa r t h y

St. Joseph’s, Bogota K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 4; Sanctuary Society 3, 4; Class Vice President 1; Petroc Editor 4; Chem Club 3; B. Squad 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basket­ ball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH JOHN McCLOSKEY St. Nicholas, Jersey City K B. S. 1, 2; French C lu b ^ ^ 3 ; Class Vice President’ 1;’ Class Treasurer 2, 3; Intra­ murals: Basketball 2; Softball I, 2; Volleyball 1, 2.

JAMES ARTHUR McCONNELL St. Aloysius, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Assistant Prefect 2; K.B. S.‘ 1, 2; Honor Pin 2; Intramurals: Softball 3.

JAMES FRANCIS McGEEHAN St. Andrew’s, Bayonne K. B. S. 1, 2; Sodality 1; Class President 1; Class Vice President 3; German Club 2; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh Basketball; Var­ sity Basketball 3, 4; Camera Club 1, 2; Intramurals; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 2, 3; Volleyball 1, 2.

EDWIN LYNAM McGOVERN St. Joseph’s, Roselle Sodality 1, 2, 3; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Debating 3, 4; French Club 3; Intram ural Council 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2; Tennis 3, 4.

JOSEPH RAYMOND McGOVERN St. Aedan’s, Jersey City

<• B. S. 4; Petrean 4; Baseball 3, 4; Intra­ mural Council 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN JOSEPH McGRATH St. H enrgs, Bayonne Sodality I; K. B. S. 1” 2, 3, 4; Class Presi­ dent I; Class Vice President 2; Class Treas­ urer 3; German Club ^2, 3; Camera Club 3; Chem Club 3; Intram ural Council 1, 2; In­ tramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN FRANCIS M cH U ^H St. Vjncent’s, Bayonne'


K. B. S. 1, 2, 3^ 4; Sociality 4; Class Vice President 1; Class Treasurer 2; German Club 2, 3; IntramuralS: Basketball 1, 2] 3, 4; Soft­ ball 2, 3, 4.

M A ltllE W THOMAS M liNTYRE Sacred Heart, W est Brighton, jpJ. Y. Sodalityll, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2; Class ^Treasurer 3; Petrol 2; Student Council 4; Chem Club 3; J. V. Basketball 2, 3; Frosh jfasketball 1; Intramural Council 2; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.


BERNARD ALOYSIUS McLAUGHLIN St. Aloysius, Jersey City Sodality 1, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; General Excellence Medal 1; Mathe­ matics Prize 1; German Club 3, President 4; Petroc 1; J. V. Football 2, 3; J. V. Basket­ ball 3; Class Secretary 2, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

FRANCIS JOSEPH McMAHON Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City Sodality 2, 3; Petrean 4; Petroc 2, 3; Base­ ball 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3.

JOSEPH MICHAEL McNALLY St. Aedan’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Class Treasurer 3; German Club 2, 3; Intramurals: Softball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

THEODORE EDWARD MAKOWSKI St. A nthony^ Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; 1, 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; French Club ofyChem Club 3; Intra­ murals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1.

THOMAS VINCENT MALLOY St. Maty’/, Fompton Lakes Sodality 3, 4; M - S. 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Petrean 4; Petroc 3, 4; Chem Club 3; Varsity T r a c k & M j g ^ ^ ^ ^ a l 1 2-

WILLIAM PETER MARESCA St. Aedan’s, Jersey City Sodality] 1 2, 3, 4, Consultor 1; Honor Pins 2, 3; Bronze Medal 2; Petrean 2, 4; Petroc L 2," 3. 1


THOMAS ANTHONY MARION Holy Trinity, Westfield C. B. S. 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Chem Club 5, 4; Camera Club 3, 4; French Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 4; Basketball 4.

WILLIAM GEORGE MARK St. Nicholas, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Bronze Medal 2; German Prize 2; German Club 2, 3; Band 2; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH ANGELO MASTROGIACOMO St. Patrick’s, Jersey City I. B. S. X, 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 3; French 21ub 3; Varsity Track 1; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; )rchestra 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; tasketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

PETER DOMINICK MATARAZZO Our Lady of Libera, W est New York Sodality 2, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; General Excellence Medal 1; Bronze Medal 2; French Club 3; Debating 2.

GEORGE MICHAEL MATASOVSKY St,< Joseph’s; Bayonne iodality 4; K. B. S. 3; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; -■hem Club 3; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1. 2 3. 4.. ... „

EDWARD HAROLD MERRIGAN Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City Sodality 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, |h; Algebra Medal 1; Mathematics Medal 2; Frosh Bas­ k e tb a ll; In tra m u ra ls: S o ftb a ll 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.


ROBERT BERNARD MESSINA St. Paul’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Vice President X; Bowling Team 2, 3; German Club 2, 3; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4; Softball 1, 2, 3; Track 2, 3.

MICHAEL JOHN MORAN St. Vincent’s, Bayonne Sodality 1, 2, 3; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 1; Petrean 4; Intramurals: Basket­ ball 1, 2, 4; Softball 2, 3.

GEORGE EDWARD MORRISSEY St. Lucy’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 4, Conulstor 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Football 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; Varsity Track 2; Intramural Council 2; Intratramurals: Softball 2, 3 ,4; Basketball 2, 3,4.

JOSEPH ROBERT MULCAHY St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Bronze Medal 1; General Excellence Medal 2; Beligion Medal 2; Class President 1; German Club 2, 3, 4; Debating 3, 4; Track 1, 2; Homeric Academy 4.

JOHN JOSEPH MULKEEN St. Vincent’s, Bayonne Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, French Club 3; Chem Club 3; Class Vice President 2; In­ tramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3,4.

ROBERT LEO MULLALY St. Anastasia’s, Teaneck Sodality 1; K .B .S . 1, 2; Class Treasurer 4; Petrean, Managing Editor 4; Varsity Track 3, 4; Baseball 4; Intramurals: f Softball 2; Basketball 3, 4.

ROBERT ANDREW MURPHY St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Chem Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN PATRICK MURTHA St. Paul's, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Class President 2; Class Vice Presi­ dent 4; Class Treasurer 1; Student Council 4; Varsity Football 3, 4; Frosh Basketball.

MICHAEL JOSEPH NIMBLEY St. Paul's, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Treasurer 1, 2; Var­ sity Football 3; ■Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 3.

JOHN JOSEPH NOLAN St. Michael’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2; Cjjj$pn Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2.

JOSEPIp BENEDICT NOLAN Cit^ Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

#A LTER EDWARD JfoLAN St. John's, Jersey City Sodaljify 1, 2; K« B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins !■» 2, §; Bronze Medal 1; Class'Treasurer 1.

WILLIAM JOSEPH O’BRIEN St. Nicholas, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Student Council 4; Class President 4; Class Treasurer 1; German Club 2, 3; Honor Pins 1, 2; Var­ sity Football 3, 4; Intramurals: Basket­ ball I 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD MAURICE O’CONNELL St. Patrick’s, Jersey City Sodality 2; Honor Pin 2.

THOMAS JOHN O’GRADY Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality I, 2, 3, 4, Prefect 1, Assistant Pre­ fect 4; K. B. S. 4, Consultor 1, 2, 3; Medals: General Excellence 1, 2, 3; Religion 1, 2, 3; Mathematics 1, 3; German 2, 3; Greek 3; Latin Classical Academy Medal 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Treasurer 2; German Club 3; Debating 1, 2; Dramatics 1; Intramural Council 2, 3; Varsity Basketball 4; J. V. Basketball 3; Baseball 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

MARTIN THOMAS O’HARE St. Paul’s,' Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Class Treasurer 3; U V. Football 3; Intramurals: Basketball 4. ^

JOHN FRANCIS. O’MALLEY Holy/Cross, Harrision Sodality 1, 2 A . B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Presi­ d e n t 1' Class V i c e P re sid e n t 2; Class Treasurer 3 ; F r e n d ^ l u l y ^ ^ ° tba11 2, 3; Dramojjpwil, 4.

JOHN ALLAN O’NBLLL St. Andrew’s, Bayonne S o d a litjf 4; I n tr a m u r a ls :

Honor Pin 1; Chem Club 3; Softball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3.

JOSEPH JAMES O’NEILL Holy Rosary, Elizabeth Sodality 1, 2; K, B. S. 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Debating 2; Intram ural Council 4; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

STEPHEN ROBERT PETERS St. Patrick's, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3; Frosh Basketball; J. V. Basketball 2, 3; Intram ural Council 2, 3, 4.

JOHN JOSEPH PHALON St. Paul’s, Clifton Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 2, 3, 4; French Club 2; Chem Club 3.

GERARD JOSEPH PROVINZANO St. Paul of the Cross, Jersey City Sodality 4; K. B. S. 4; Honor Pin 1; Class Vice President 3; Class Treasurer 4; Student Council 4; Varsity Football 3, 4; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1 ,2, 3 ,4 .

NICHOLAS STEPHEN PURO St. Paul of the Cross, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 1; Debating 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball I, 2, 3.

JOSEPH RICHARD QUINN Sacred Heart, Elizabeth Sodality 1, 3; Student Intramural Softball 3;

4; K. B. S. I, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins Council 4; J. V. Basketball 2, 3; Council 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 4.

ROBERT LAWRENCE RACK St. Mary's, Rahway Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2, Secretary 1; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; German Club 2; Petrean Editor 4; Debating 1, 3; Glee Club 3, 4; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Homeric Academy 4; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3.

DONALD JOSEPH REED St. Paul’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; German Club 2, 3; Chem Club 3; Camera Club 1; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 3; Basketball 1, 2.

THOMAS EDWARD REILLY Sacred Heart, Jersey City Sodality 1; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Class Treas­ urer 1; Petrean 4; Intramurals: Softball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT REYNIK St. John's, Bayonne Sodality 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; German Club 2, 3; Debating 4; Camera Club 2; Homeric Academy 3, 4; Glee Club 4; Library Staff 2; Accordian Band 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 3 ,4; Basket­ ball 1.

KENNETH MARTIN REYNOLDS St. Paul of the Cross, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Treasurer 3; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3.

EDWARD THOMAS RICHARDS St. Joseph’s, West New York K. B. S. 1, 4; Sodality 1, Consultor 1; Honor Pins 1 2 3; Class Treasurer 3; German Club 2; Varsity Basketball 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh Basketball; Intramural Council 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

LOUIS LEON RIZZI St. Joseph's, Union City K. B. S. 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Assistant Pre­ fect 4, Consultor 3; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Silver Medal 3; Chem Club, President 3; Petrean 4; Classical Club 3, 4; Varsity Track 3; Intramurals: Softball 2.

ALBERT THOMAS ROCHE O ur Lady Queen of Peace, North Arlington Sodality 3, 4; Debating 3, 4; Baseball 3; Intramurals: Softball 3; Basketball 1, 2.

EDWARD WILLIAM RYAN St. Henry's, Bayonne Sodality 1; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 2, 3; French Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 1; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANTHONY ERNEST SANTANIELLO St. Joseph's, Union City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4^K . B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 2, 3; French *Club 3.

VINCEN* JOHIM |A U N pE R S St;?PsMl’s, Jprsey City s Sodality 1, 2 |W 4; K. j . S. 4; H|onor Pins 1, 2; V arsity |tia ck 1, Iriiramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3,-4.

GREGORY DAVID SCHEUERMANN Holy Trinity, Westfield Sodality 1, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; Gerittan Club 2; Student Council 4; J. V. Football 2; Varsity Football 3, 4; Varsity Track 1, 2, 3,4 ; Intramurals: Sdftball 1, 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2.

EDWARD WILLIAM SCHMIDT St. Joseph’s, Union City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Chem Club 3; German Club 2, 3; J. V. Football 3; Varsity Football 3, 4; Frosh Basketball; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ANTHONY WILLIAM SELLITTI St. Brendan’s, Paterson Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2* 3; Silver Medal 2; German Medal 2; German Club 2; Student Council 4; Camera Club 3; Homeric Academy 3, 4.

EDWARD KENNETH SHABET St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 4.

ROGER AUSTIN SHARP Mt. Carmel, Ridgewood K .B. S. 4; Sodality” ! , 2, 3, 4, Consultor 3; Class Treasurer Club 3; Varsity Track 3: Intramurals; Softball 2, 3.

JA M E| RAYMOND SflEA S(| Imcy’s, Jersey City i K. B. S. 1, 2 , « 4; Sodality 1, 2, 4, Consultor 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Bronze Medal 1; J. V. Football 3- Varsity. .TiacU * jg tramurals: Softball !)J4; Basketball 4.

HENRY ALOYSIUS SHIELDS St. Peter’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2;jBand 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 1.

WALTER BRYAN SHOEMAKER St. John’s, G uttenberg K. B. S. 1; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Presi­ dent 1; German Club 2; J. V. Football 3; Band 1, 2; Homeric Academy 3, 4; Glee Club 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3.

EDWARD CASIMIR SMARACKO Holy Rosary, Elizabeth S o d a lity 1, 2; Debating 1, 2.

H o n o r P in s

1, 2 , 3;

JAMES NICHOLAS SMITH St. Anne’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; Religion Medal 1; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3.

LOUIS ALEXANDER SONZOGNI St. Anthony’s, Union City Sodality 1, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals: Religion 3; Bronze 3; Class Vice. President 3; German Club 2, 3; Petrean 4, Sports Edi­ tor; Chem Club 3, 4; Camera Club 1; Intra­ murals: Basketball 1, 2.

THOMAS JOSEPH SPINELLO Our Lady of Victories, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; German Club 3; Baseball 3, 4; J. V. Football 2; Var­ sity Football 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN FRANCIS STEFFICH SS. Peter and Paul, Hoboken •K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Varsity Baseball 3, 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh Basketball; Intra­ murals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JAMES ROBERT STOCK St. Nicholas, Passaic

SYDNEY MICHAEL STOLDT St. Cecilia’s, Englewood K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 4; Honor Pins 1, 2; French Club 2, 3; Petrean 4; Debating 1; Camera Club 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3; Volleyball 1.

JAMES EDWARD SULLIVAN St. Aloysius, Jersey City K. B. S. I, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1; Basketball 1.

JAMES BENEDICT SULLIVAN St. Mary’s, Bayonne K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 2, 3, 4; Honor Pins l! 2, 3; Medals: Geometry 2; Greek 3; Class President 3; French Club 3; Petrean 4; Student Council 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4.

JAMES HENRY SULLIVAN St. Michael’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3* 4; Class Treasurer I; French Club 2, 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

RICHARD FRANCIS TAMBOURI St. Aloysius, Jersey City Sodality I; Honor Pin 2; Baseball 2, 3, 4; Class President 1, 2, 3; Varsity Football 3,4; J. V. Football 1, 2; Varsity Track 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Basketball 1.

BENJAMIN FRANKLIN THOMAS St. Cecilia’s, Englewood Sodality 4; Honor Pin 1; Class President 4; Petrean 4; Petroc 4; J. V. Football 2; Intra­ murals: Softball 3. 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

ROBERT JOHN TRUSKOWSKI St. Joseph’s, Bayonne Sodality 1 Varsity Track 1, 2, 3, 4; Band 1; Intramurals: Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

KENNETH LEONARD VON SCHAUMBERG St. Henry’s, Bayonne K. B. S. 1, 2; Sodality 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Class Treasurer 1; Chem Club 3; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

CHARLES EDWARD WALDRON St. Andrew’s, Bayonne Sodality 1; Class Vice President 2; Class Treasurer 3, 4; F re n c | Club 3; Baseball 3, 4; Varsity Football 3/ 4; J. V. Basketball 2; Frosh Basketball; Intramurals: Softball I, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

JOHN DAVID WALSH Si; Andrew’s, Bayonne' K. B. S. 1,- £, 3, 4; Sodality 3, 4; German Club 2; Petrean 4, Associate Editor; Chem Club 3;-*Camera Club 2; Intramurals: Soft­ ball 2, 3 ? 4 ; Basketball 1, 2; J K y b a l l 1.

RALPH ALBAN WALTER Sacred Heart, Jersey City


ALPHONSE IGNATIUS WARCZAKOWSKI St, Anthony’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 3; Class Vice President 2; French Club 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

CHARLES STANISLAUS WARD St. Vincent’s, Bayonne Sodality 1, 3, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Intra­ murals: Softball 2, 3, 4; Basketball 2, 3, 4.

JOSEPH ARTHUR WEISS St. Nicholas, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Honor Pin 2; German Club 2, 3; Chem Club 3; Band 1, 2, 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

FREDERICK JEROME WETHLY St. Paul’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2, 4; K. B. S. 1, 2, 4; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; Medals: Mathe­ matics 1; Bronze 2;<|jpmeric Academy 3, 4; Class Vice President % German Club 2, 3; Glee Club 4; Petroc 2, 3, 4; Debating 2, 3,4; Dramatics 2, 3, 4; Camera Club 2; Tennis 2; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4.

JOSEPH THOMj§iWICKENS SttlRose’s, Jjewark K B. S. 1, 2, 3 / 4; Sodality 1; Honor Pin 1; Chem C lub 3; Intram urals: B asketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

KENNETH JAMES WICKHAM St. Joseph’s, Hoboken K B S. 2, 3, 4; Sodality I; Honor Pins 1 2, 3; Religion Medal 1; Intramurals. Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.


FREDERICK ANTHONY WILHELM St. John’s, Dumont Sodality 1; German Club 3; Intram ural Council 2; Library Staff 1; Varsity Football 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 2, 3, 4.

WILLIAM JOSEPH WILLARD Grace Episcopal, Jersey City Honor Pins 2, 3; German Club 2; Debating 1, 2; Chem Club 3; J. V. Football 3; Intra­ murals: Softball 2; Basketball 1, 2, 4.

DAVID EDMUND WILSON Our Lady of Libera, W est New York K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 3, 4; Silver Dramatics Medal 2; French Club 2, 3; Petroc 3, 4; Petrean Art E ditor 4; Debating 1, 2, 3, 4; Dramatics 1, 2, 3, 4; Chem Club 2, 3; Glee Club 3, 4; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

EDWARD ZENON WITULSKI St. Joseph's, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4; French Club 3; Debating 2; Intramurals: Softball 3, 4; Basketball 1, 2, 3, 4.

LOUIS LAWRENCE ZAMARRA St. Bridget’s, Jersey City K. B. S. 1, 2, 3, 4; Sodality 1; Honor Pins 1, 2; Varsity Football 3; Varsity Track 1, 2, 3; Intramurals: Softball 1, 2, 3, 4; Basket­ ball 4.

ROBERT FRANCIS ZUTIC St. Patrick’s, Jersey City Sodality 1, 2, 3, 4, Consultor 2; Honor Pins 1, 2, 3; General Excellence Medal 1; Ger­ man Medal 2; Chem Club 3.



— Fitzpatrick, Bi;

SH I m

■i Fr. Riordan, S.J., Barnitt, Phalon, Brezina.

'Learn the R atio”

Johnson, Fargo, Lisk, Shea, Ryan, Hladik, Nimbley, Witulski.

“ The Teacher Is Looking


Avignone, Scheuermann, Richards, Finn, Downes.

;Ve»s llectw WmsW Irite1

McGovern, Malloy, Mr. Yates, S.J., Wilhelm, Celia, DeRisi, Ahearn, McHugh.

“It m ay be true for all we know b u t . . .1”

Campisi, Spinello, W aldron, Donovan, Steffich, Avallone.

“Six Sunny Smiles.’’ O’Connell, Pnro, Saunders, McNally, Thomas.

“N ifty N ick and His M obsters”

H o lla n d e r, 0



izakowski, S u lliv a n .

jacel 1

■Wilson, ° ’U * b n d t h e r l tomenDork, we

Truskowski' Mora“ ' -atari, f J eHe t ^„< Bored. M

|McGovern, living' Lunch.”

Carter, Drennan, Dillon, Cassidy, McCarthy. Coughlin, English, Sharp, O’Neill, Cotter, W ard, Conconi, Latchford.

“ The Lord said, and I quote:”

“ Watch the B irdie!”

Mr. McNally, Tambouri, Morrissey, Fagan, Hagan, Cieciuch.

“Goodbye, m y Coney Island B a b y!”

Sh&bet, Sonzogni, Kita, Marion, Schmidt, Reynolds.

“Campus Cuties”

Bastan, Harper, Hering, Father McEvoy, S.J., Brzenk, Lyons, Emley.

“Perhaps, Perhaps, Perhaps."

|Corbett l n t he """■nertitne.



V onS cK a^D o


Dohe* y n


Very th in g th a ° tg o e *t °',ilaano> Zam

S0esup^ c 0: : z n^


McLaughlin, Sullivan, McAndrew, Long.

“Baby, I t ’s Cold Outside.”

Mr. Neubeck, S.J., Mastrogiacomo, Walter, Buesser, Carey, Xiely, Makowsld, Gordon, Kelaher, Rizzi, Keane.

“The Knights of the Round Table.”

“Mule Train.”



FR. RAYMOND YORK, S J. Latin, Greek, Religion

“N othing like H om eric G reek to add a little culture

MR. CLEMENT C. O’SULLIVAN, A.B., LL.B. French, History, Speech

£ f lO N T RO W - S tn


gan» Kennedy?

MR. JAMES C. FINLAY, S.J. Latin, Greek, Religion

3B Successful Prep Grad MR. BOCCO L. CAMPAGNA, B.S. Mathematics, Physics

MR. JOHN F. DUFFY, A.B. Geometry, Latin

“Is this th e place w here M r. Trainer gives sw im m in g lessons?”


x/fTorlT n i Sullivan, Kiely, Clark, York, Mr. Duffy, Bell, Moran, Murphy, Coyle, Colaszewski. MIDDLE ROW: Pappalardo, Howes, Morrissey, Kinn, Prindiville, Johnson, Schroeder, Ward, Connolly, Deveney, Goulding. BACK ROW: Russell, Graham, Ring, Gofa, McCole, Salkowski, DeKeersmaeker, Natoli, Aiello, Lee, Rollins, Yorey, Smith.

FRO NT ROW: Bulwicz, Deley, W illenborg, Cunnane, Estavanik, Mr. Farrand, S.J., Shanahan, Moran, Stauble, Im bom one, Driscoll. M ID D LE ROW: Maresca, Gallagher, Rafter, Kretchman, Harkins, Bligh, Dolan, Haussener,' McCabe, Zirk, Keating. BACK ROW: Mannion, Kaniecki, Guerra, Crotty, Cozzarelli, Muller, Piantka, Pardo', Bodson, W inters, Hanley.

MR. JOHN L. FARRAND, SJ. Latin, English, French, Religion

MR. ANTHONY R. COSGROVE, Civics, Chemistry G r id ir o n H o p

"Y ou are not on the football field now.

MR. WILLIAM D. O’TOOLE, A.B. English, Speech




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m o n d , B e g lm .


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S w ie r_ G o rd a n ,


FR. RAYMOND I. PURCELL, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

N ow w hen I w ent to school things were different**



FRONT ROW: Bollinger, Rickard, Schreiber, Slagus, DniQn Mn Haus S J., Griffin, Halpin. M IDDLE ROW: McCann Shabet, B u rk e N .e s Calm< BACK ROW: Stanton, Seide, Ryan, Gray, Therkilsen, Manoney, mm ,


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9P 9 1 SSk



FRONT ROW: Cherry, Bums, Bozarth, Waller, Vayda, Father Malone, S.J., Borjes, O’Donnell, Kunzman, Torpey, Marino. M IDDLE ROW: Grazioso, Semple, Hartnett, Sullivan, Connelly, Papaccio, Hirchak, Taormina, Ruskie, Nagurka. BACK ROW: Conway, Wojciechowski, Giarratano, Osborne, Tagliareni, Burke, Carney, Sorrentino.


v Teresiak, Ve[d0^ X r

Kitteen, D u g a n , Burke, Taylor,

MR. ROBERT H. NEUBECK, S.J. Latin, English, Religion


FR. WILLIAM A. RIORDAN, S.J. Latin, Greek, Religion


FR. FRANCIS X. BROCK, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

P u ttin g in an evening o f hard study.

MR. JOHN F. YATES, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

FRONT ROW: Delaney, Cregan, Keating, Kile, Iannaccone, Father Brock, S.J., Zanowski, Hinchliffe, Jajncson, Cappock, Fedorka. MIDDLE ROW: Calton, Ahem, Foley, Woodward, Burke, Cooney, Borkowski, Basile, Erath, D’Amato, Cook. BACK ROW: Harrigan, Jedzinak, Joel, Danielson, Steele, Dente, Walker, Kennedy, Doles, Tiedemann. NOT PICTURED: Becker. -

FRONT ROW- Hobin O’Donnell, Galdieri, McLaughlin, Gilbertson, Father Kennedy, S.J., Miele, Cullimore, Carr, Sweeney, Kalafsky. M ID D LE ROW: Cozine, Costello, Geiger Cribbin Contey, Krone, Malloy, Hesson, Monaco Bergin. BACK ROW: Murphy, Moran, Giglio, Clark, Foran, Cardillo, Ellenberger, Manzo, Madden, Note. NOT PICTURED: Kennedy.

FR. JAMES J. KENNEDY, S.J. Latin, English, Speech, Civics, Religion

2F MR. JOSEPH G. ZUCCONI Physical Training

“W onder if I w ill get jug for being late?




BACK ^ROW?" Finn, Murray, g


G o r-a n

Grady, Reehill, PattMSon, Mr. McNamara S.J., Meany, ar0> Ig0e, T L e Fallon, Konzelman, Gonneny, onnell, R l, McLaughhn, Egan, O

r,^aclc Onarato, Cusack, O | ^




MR. ROBERT A. McGUINNESS, A.B. Geometry, English, Speech


front row




>a «k'

FR. ANTHONY D. BOTTI, S.J. Latin, Speech, Religion



' ' , ; * • *— •

FR. THOMAS P. MURRAY, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

“T h e last thing I heard w as: ‘Step u p .9 ”

FR. EDWARD J. KENNA, S.J. Mathematics

K=f ^

^ B utterw orth, Spendlev f ^ I \ n o t H C T U B E D ? ’Wa1sh n ° '

n,laus> Q uinn f e l l


C a,vetto. Pine, g ° ’ W iiliam s>

FR. THOMAS E. AMBROSE, S.J. Latin, Civics, English, Religion


“A few m ore tests like this and I w ill be able to go into the confetti business.”






S p ^ e : Licwinko, Markey, B l a c k y



B fe



l i i i i









1;®; IM

Sw aM B •




M W M iii

D oran, * Piber g ACK ROW Bauh, Hennessy, Kelber. d

MR. ROBERT A. HAUS, S.J. Latin, Geometry, Religion

MR. CHARLES J. ROONEY, B.S. Algebra, Civics

E very class has a clown.


Alerine. M I J D D l ^ ^ n w 6^ ! ? ^ ’ Kelaher, Moore Fletch



ID FR. AUGUSTINE MEAGHER, S.J. Latin, English, Religion

FR. LEONARD V. ABBOTT, S.J. Speech, Civics, Religion

“Gosh, I overslept. What’s a good excuse?”


H ope I a m five blocks fro m th e school FR. GEORGE D. McANANEY, S.J. Latin, English, Religion


„ ,

C u n n in g h a m , K u d e ra .



B a ld o w s k i, M o h n a n .





n ’N p i l l

B u rk e , Jo y c e ,

L o m a u ro ,

Donohue, B

S f i K B t e g f t j j g f e j f e M e ^ H a n f n CEv0yt S J - Breitenbach, Shaw Bachand Crowley, O L eaiy , NOT PICTURED: Kubica^M ackay.

IF JAMES MARR Coach of Dramatics

MK. P. JOSEPH CAULFIELD, A.B. Algebra, Civics


MR. JOSEPH W. SINNOTT, A.B., LL.B. Latin, English, Speech


FRONT ROW: Flinn, Kaniewski, Halligan, Zegler, McGrath, Mr. Sinnott, Heller, McCann, Dayspring, Burt, Murphy. M IDDLE ROW: Scheuer, Brady, Kiernan, Myer, Scozzafava, Zielinski, Riordan, Daniels, Garrity, Collins, O’Keefe. BACK ROW: Lucey, Tighe, Dimeck, Cribbin, Ruchalski, Angyal, Mideaker, Kozuch, Domasica, Cox, Mastro.

FRONT ROW: Schmidt, Crawford, W ilhelm, Kiernan, Klimek, Father Miller, S.J., Mascuch, Boyne, Didomenico, Davis, McGrath. M ID D LE ROW: Egan, Jackson, Riegler, Kelly, Morano, Scheuermann, Oetting, Gunnip, Collins, Bernstein, McBride. BACK ROW: Sumenek, Young, Meehan, Mullins, Forster, Budd, Harz, Rizzi, Fitzgerald, Burke, Amabile.

FR. MAURICE J. MILLER, S.J. Latin, English, Religion FR. EDWARD N. MAY, S.J. Algebra

FRONT ROW: Goebel, Potocki, Schrader, Harkins, Purcell, Father May, S.J., Dussich, Chioffi, Finnerty, Cunningham, Herlihy. M ID DLE ROW: Zindel, Boyle, Hull, Marren, Lynch, O Bnen Schaible, Deveney, Mahon, Messano, Keane, Greene. BACK ROW: Benko, McCarthy, Fahey, Stevens, Ryan, Witkowski, Coleman, Wadas, Milone, Weber.

P P P .

'P P I

I S E iS S ® # '


' '


R om e's gri », p o ets an d artists w ere fro m the t^ & S^,U ^.e.cq,U th em “T h e K nights ” a n d oj at who labor to jB sS ^ W /'tk e iir school in « ■" J jo u r n a lis m , putiJSm& ' d r a m a tic s a n d works o f C hristian i|

Veteran “W haler� Bob Dorton, Editor-in-Chief, finds his keys cluttered with little Whales.


FATHER RAYMOND YORK, S.J. The Old W hale’s head and heart.

Busy Ben Thomas cleans up the editorial staff: Fred W ethly, Jack McCarthy, Charlie K re n ta , T om M alloy a n d R ay D ow nes.

Humorist Jack Bergin tries to stamp out his rival, Dave Wilson

The Junior editors, Cunning­ ham, Harkins, Rollins, Pelican, Shanahan, and Estevanik, wait patiently for the Seniors to move out so that they can move up.

Mr. Marr, “The Old Master Painter,” puts the finishing touches on star Joe Brezina.

Stage-crewmen Dougherty, Morrissey, O’Neil and McGovern were the only ones that cleaned up on this show.

Curtain Call—Jungerman, Wysong, Brezina, Wethley, Wilson, O’Malley, Fox, Collins, Bamitt, Sullivan, Irving, Fagan, DeRosa, Sciangalepore, Sweeney, Manning, Cieciuch.

DIRECTOR James J. Marr

AGE George Morrissey, Mgr. Robert Zutic James Shea Edwin McGovern Joseph O’Neill William Rollins

FACULTY MODERATORS Mr. John F. Yates, SJ. Mr. Robert H. Neubeck, S.J.

CREW Hugh Doherty Francis Teresiak Bernard Woods Charles Budenbendei Charles Bathman Edward Taylor

Manning puts the squeeze on “Chubby” Collins. “Take me to Billy Bones or I’ll break your arm.”

O’Malley isn’t impressed as “Bill Bones” Sullivan exclaims . . . “Don’t you like the sound of blood, you white-faced lubbers.”



Mr. Illy directs the attention of Husk, Travers, Keegan, Nesbit, Staubel, M cLaughlin and Dolan to the tainous enrollment in the 1950 German Club.


LaUss? g p lt

O t* l




JAGE JBS The Homeric Heroes: Father York, S.J., Jack Avignone, Tom O’Grady, Joe Abbott, Bob Reynik,.John Lynch, Brian Shoemaker, Fred Wethly, Bob Rack, Joe Mulcahy, Tony Selitti, and W alt Nolan.

Mr. Farrand, S.J., the Moderator, points out Notre Dame Cathedral to Wehrlen, Lucey, Sullivan and Carlucci.

TWO KlStS Cf FOftttfUl



T onney Strunak

M ilwid

A lC O H O L S o r H y d r o x y h i r o f f i n i









F rench



The Grand Street^ Chemical Warfare Department: Doherty, Capanegro, Aiello, Adams, Sullivan, McNamara, Keenan, Travers, Kontje, Pardo, Margoli. Carlucci




« . t j '

'-i t i* Mr. Cosgrove assures Sullivan, Gavin, Beck and Wehrlen that t ticre is a difference between carbon tetrachloride and cafeteria cottee.

C fU U lO S I * A C o rb o h v d ftM


- -

« ai<CO. OiNO law

WMUB* V * 1*-

Tforey, Bat^bsten sten'to Brown Cailucci:I’and ’f a n n in g LEFT'


Bob Rack

Harry Shields

Joe Mastrogiacomo


Ball, Flynn, O’Keefe, Rothman, Murtha, Wysong, Egan, Jungerman, Bunt, Mideaker and Defusco surround their placid leader, Mr. Richard Roszel, S.J.

Forester, Sloman, O’Neill, Dury, Joe McGovern, Jim Boyle, and E d McGovern.



M r. H aus, S.J. brings his C am era C lub into focus: O Brien, Scott, G ilbertson, Kalafsky, M onaco, L ucey, Baldowski, Bielecki, Zegarsla.

T he D ark Room Crew: Carey, H obin, and Fertakos.


SERVERS T h e K B S M ass Servers line u p for a Solem n M ass: M urohv Q uin n , D ow nes, W allum , Cassidy, M cC arthy, Coyle, R yan an d R ic h ^ d s ’

F ath er Botti, S.J. directs the Glee C lub at the Mass in honor of St. Francis Xavier. In front we can identify G ob n g h t, L agan, M cTigue, Towle an d Burke. In the back we see Rooney, W ilson, Cieciuch and Sweeney.


C onsultors of the Senior-Junior Sodality m eet w ith the M oderators: M c C a r th y , A ie llo , K e la h e r, C ie c iu c h , M a re s c a , I rv in g , W e th ly , O’G rady, B am itt, L ucey, G allagher, Avallone, Keane, Shields, Bizzi. F a th e r T hom as Ambrose, S.J. and M r. John Yates, S.J.


M arkow ski, F a th e r P urcell, S.J., Jungerm an, H alp in and E g an m eet to p lan even g reater hospital drives for th e Sophom ore Sodality.

FRESHMAN T h e M oderators and officers of th e F reshm an Sodality pose after a m eeting: Young, Rizzi, M arkey, Lieshm an, M ackay, F r. M iller, S.J., K iem an, F lynn and Smith. In th e back­ ground, M r. H aus, S.J., Schm idt, and Scheuerm ann.


F reshm an Socialists fight i t out in a religion quiz program .

aoaausts piay Santa w a u s to th e children a t St. Joseph’s H om e for the Blind.

the sick

A11 s° d alities


c o m b in g to

sPread cheer thrt 'OU« h the ho,,sPitaI



Rack an d Reynik supply the m usic, the glee club supplies the words and i t was all for the Christmas party for the blind.

‘Sure we are featuring Dave Wilson. I drew the stuff, didn’t I?”

Jack English and Vince Keane: Fnend, wanna buy an ad?”

Bill Maresca and Bill Long: “Hey, Rizzi, come back to the darkroom.” Fack McCarthy down on the ji Lou Rizzi— tied down to his desk. i

Bob Mullaly: “ Friends, Romans y^gj-and countrymen, lend me some clothes.”

Sid Stoldt hunts and pecks.

Jim Sullivan: “ Cleciuch must have written these captions. They are aw ful/’

Jim frying: “Wonder what' I ’ll /d o with the profits?” j

-S' ^vlurtha

Jack “Lucius Beebe Walsh covers the social front.

Lou Sonzogni: "Ho, hum! This editing business is a bore

Richie Galdon

Sir. Finlay* S.J. the M oderator.

TipiTol'i Bob Rack: "When is the last train leaving for Rahway?� .

Charlie Avalonne celebrates a brainstorm.

T h e heroes -m($j$^£: tw c n e ^ w e r ^ th e ‘G ladiators' . 'frurG ladiators struggled in m any arem ^fyrid, w hether in vic­ to ry or defeat, (hey always strove lik e heroes. -kvS^CvSj.'



V~ . j t f g THE MARAUDERS’ FIRST PLATO; ivinzano^RT Donohue, RG /Emley, C m rin g , LG I A.NDING: RH Cielukowski, FB Murtha, QB Avignt

;nk, LT Cnmpisi, LE Scheuermann. | LII Tambouri.

The Mastermind: Bill Cochrane.

* V — J “ I -------


Hagan, -Glynni

The Marauders opened Bill’s fifth season before 4,000 shirt-sleeved fans with the most tremendous opening day performance ever seen in Hudson . . . the backs ran well, the blocking was sharp, the club hit as a unit. P u la sk i fa ilin g to p e n e tra te the steel-shouldered Prep line, punted to their own 35 before the game was a minute old. Here Tambouri rifled through as the big hole yawned and raced all the way. T hat was to set the pattern for the rest of the afternoon— the stonewall stand of the Prep defense — the ensuing scores of the furious Finn, the radiant Ryan, the slippery Cielukowski and the hasty Hart, who along w ith fu m b le -fin d e r B rzenk’ raised the halftime score to 38-0. ’ The Tradesmen toughened under the Demmy tongue-lashing and held the second-half Prep barrage to two " ip S— a two yard hit by Harper and Connollys buck from the three.



Scheuermann (70) slashes wide on end around with Wilhelm (48) leading the parade and Cielukowski (68) following.

George Harper

Tambouri (63) steamrolls for seven and Finn (67) scouts ahead.

Mulemen Emley (73), Heyer (85), Brzenk (75) bobble blocked Pulaski Scheuermann (70) and Avignone (53) watch.


46 FORDHAM PREP 0 Gerry Provinzano

Bastan blasts in to bulldoze Ram as Morrissey (72) follows.

Game two was the one they wondered about two weeks pre­ vious; raved about three weeks after. For the Marauders, still sizzling under the late Septem­ ber sun, steamrolled the mys­ tery men, and did it, 46-0. Again it was the bearded Tambouri who started the scor­ ing rolling, slashing over from the twelve as the quarter ended. Finn, hotter than a firecracker, shelled in from the three and TD No. 2; and Tam closed the half with a buck from the four. The crowd could sit back and relax, Prep had the upper hand. F in n a n d C ielukow ski w ere looking like all-County hold­ overs. The club still hit hard, hit as one. Compared to this, the second half scores regis­ tered by Tambouri, Cielukowski and Ryan were hardly more than significant.

Finn (67), the Fanatic, greets the Golden-Headed Guyj.

Dick Tambouri

Hering gritsi ‘‘SehaeP’ growls; Chet says “Sic 'em.

Mickey H art (61) mits it to Murtha as the mule-team tightens.

Everyone said this was to be the real test . . . and sweetly did the Marauders pass. O u t of W e s tc h e s te r cam e mighty Iona—•big, strong, ex­ perienced; once beaten in three seasons. O ut of the “minors” roared the Marauders to slug the Black and Gold; do it 7-6. B a ttlin g trem en d o u sly a ll afternoon, the underdog Ma­ ra u d e rs, le d b y th e - sp e a rfingered Provinzano, the magic H art and the bulldozing Tambouri, drove within the Iona 25 on four occasions in the first half of play, but failed to crash the Golden’s gate labeled “end zone” . The Black finally broke the scoring ice early in the third quarter on a 35-yard pass play from all-Met acrobat Kryla to q u a rte rb a c k D ra u d t. P rep, though, struck back to march seventy yards, Tam going over from the three. Dick’s 7-up was the pause that refreshed . . . the crowd, the club, the coach.

Dick Hering

Cielukowski (68) smacked after smash; “Tubby” Heyer (85) floats up.

Gene Kiely

Tambouri (63) swings wide for six with “Harpo” Provinzano (65) coming furiously.

PREP 1 2


Fully refreshed after the an­ n u a l tw o weeks* grace* th e Marauders returned to action w ith Snyder*s sad, cynical, sharp-clawed Tigers. Rattled by the riddles of the multi-patterned Tiger defense, a hatful of holding penalties and the scorn of the stubborn Tiger line, Prep kicked away a quartet of gilt-edged scoring cnances before the game was eighteen minutes old. Not to be denied in the scoring col­ umn, though, Cielukowski broke loose for a 37-yard sideline scraper, Murtha throwing the key block. Prep scored again in the third period on a 30-yard third quarter drive, which Dick docked with a three yard smash. And folks began to muse . . . “9 for 9 in *49? Hmm. Could be. Could be.”

Tam (63) toes the little pig to market.

Finn (67) dances Tiger prances.

Don Hagan

Bratton clawed by Snyder Tiger as Greg (70) gets set for key block.



Harper (66) hugs the Bees’ honey and hustles off,

A flick of the finger opens number five. Co-captains Waldron and Emley keep their eyes on Buddy Hertz, the Big Bee. Cielukowski chugs to a stop after a quick five, with Avignone missing the boat.

Game number five—and the best club in five years to rep­ resent Bayonne moved in; they had will, they had power, they had Hurtz. But once again it was the granite guys up front who saved the day, holding the rock-hard “Black Diamond” scoreless for the first time in three years. Brzenk, Emley, and Heyer were particularly outstanding . . . O ffensively it was prim itive football all the way — tight, hard, practically yardless, full of punts. The Marauders managed to score midway in the second period as Tambouri, continuing to “rack up”, went ten in a sixtyfive yard maneuver. In the final quarter, Cielukowski slapped on twenty-seven to set the way for Harper to hip it the final yard.

Murtha (51) rips through. Spinello blasts Bayonne.


I I I I I || I I



23 H art plasters a punt as Snelling (70) powers up to meet Provinzano (65).

Tambouri whacked— the Mule-team cracked.

E d Cielukowski

Snelling blocks Mike’s punt for first Lions’ score.'

Halloween's hag hustled in early to break Campisi’s ankle bone and send the Marauders into the crucial test minus Prep's greatest lineman in a decade. She cackled, too, as the ldckoff keeled from Harper’s hands and out of bounds on the nine. Lincoln, taking over after the rattled Marauders failed to click, romped to the 11 and then to the 7, only to be smeared by the valiant Prep line, led by the blaz­ ing Brzenk, Hudson's top guard. Lincoln finally did score, though, as Fryson blocked Hart's punt for a safety and the ensuing punt re­ turn set up teedee two, Ripnick scoring. The Lions continued to roar on over the Campisi-less tackle slot, marching eighty yards to score in fourteen plays and closing their scoring books as Ripnik ripped over from the one. Prep, rough, tough, disheartened yet glorious in defeat, finally cashed in as Hart hit Cielukowski on a 75-yarder in the closing minutes.

Lou Celia


50 ST. MICHAEL’S 0 The Mems were a week away and it was tuneup time as the Marauders, led by the leather­ necked Tambouri and the rocket­ toed Ryan, steamrolled to num ber six. Line backer Avignone, head­ in g th e b r illia n t P re p d e fen se , ro a re d th ro u g h to blo ck th re e punts, setting up a trio of scores. Tambouri opened the scoring before the frost-bitten fans could flicker an eyelash. An Avignoneblocked p unt set the Marauders in business on the fourteen, whence Tam tracked over on two plays. Cielukowski slammed in nine min-

Celia (49) slips into the clear behind the mighty Mule-team led by Schmidt (82).

utes later, Morrissey recovered blocked punt in the end zone an an Avignone-rebounder rolled ou for a safety. As quarter thrq opened, Tambouri knifed over tj clim ax an 8 6 -y ard drive anl H arper hit from the two. A pal of dandies from Ryan and “Bq Bratton’s fifty yard punt retuzj closed the day’s doings and opens a week of buzzing.

Murtha comes tumbling down as the ref’s whistle sounds.



20 Moran makes an end meet . . . the ground, that is.

The storm clouds threatened all after­ noon but, like the Marauders, who held off courageously for two and a half quarters, finally yielded and cracked open. Prep, with Campisi back, was really “up” for this one. Memorial, fast, decep­ tive, granite-hard, pulled every trick in the Coviello catalogue, yet the Marauders grew tighter, stronger, keener as the min­ utes slipped by, closing the half a score­ less tie. The Mems finally did hit on a brace of breaks— a pair of fumbles and a pass interception—to break the scoring ice. Recovering a fumble on the Prep 24, the Orange powered to the six, whence S ach er k n ife d over. G o om rigian h it DePaola on a circus-corker three minutes later, and Sacher, Hudson’s top scorer, zig-zagged thirty-eight yards on a reverse field dazzler to close the scoring.

Waldron (52) knifes through for a quick two.

Cielukowski bolts across the forty.

Jim L yons



Moran (74) cuts down a Ram and shakes Donnie loose.

Rambunctious Rams roll in to block Tam’s PAT.

Turkey time in ’49 . . . fifteen thousand fans . . . the seniors’ last game . . . the cracking of peanuts . . . the brown-patched carpet of green . . . the crisp, sunny day. Thus unfurled the scene of the '49 Marauders’ most brilliant show. Never before did the club hit with such precision, such spark, such might, as they converged for a pair of teedees and a Shelley-dumped safety. The whole club listed as top performers, topped only by the show of Myers’ Trophy winner Murtha, who ran, blocked

and backed the line with the roughness of a beard and the torment of a bug. Ardito fumbled on the second play. Avignone hit W aldron on the 12, Tam knifed for four, and Cielu­ kowski swung the weak Ram leg to go all the way. Number two came ten minutes later as Murtha went nine to climax a Cielukowski-sparked 45-yard drive . . . it was a great show . . . a great job . . . a great year.

Ryan (62) on the rampage; Stan (75) stands by.






„ 52 _ 36

Hudson County Championship


P R E P ..^ _ . 41 PREP 49 45

FERRIS ______ _ EMERSON _ ____

4 7

51 57 45 31 51

FORDHAM PREP 50 REGIS 1 _______________37


* PREP______ 54 PREP____ ... 53 PREP_____ 58

ST. JOSEPH’S________ UNION HILL________ DICKINSON________


o N C

o u N T

MP I ON S J Co-Captain Don Finn All-County

Co-Captain Jack Clune All-County

T H E “IR O N ” M E N G .T.




F in n ___ ___





M cG eehan





Clune __ ___










H ladik





__ .

Jim McGeehan

Ed Richards Scully Bob Kinsey

Scully heaves it high against Dickinson. O’Grady watches and hopes.

A beautiful hook shot by All County Don Finn catches McGeehan’s eye.

Tom O’Grady pushes one in from the side in the last hectic minutes against the Rams.

F itz p a tric k show s his A ll C o u n ty fo rm as h e b r e a k s th r o u g h th e F o rd h a m P re p d efe n se to score.

Clune, unanimously All County, scores from 'w ay out against Fordham. McGeehan lends moral support.

Father York looks supremely confident as Dynamo Don slips past Bookman and puts in a “chippy” .

Managers Charlie Lowden and Steve Peters.

McGee taps one in. Finn leads the chorus of “ Ohs”.

E d Richards’ eyes sparkle. The one-hander from the foul line hits.

Oops! How did this picture get in? Clune’s shot is being blocked by Emerson’s Dolan and he is only 6’7’ .

Coach Tom Mitchell lines up Ben Thomas, Sid Stoldt, Bell, Rada, Waller, McCann, and Jameson.


From top to bottom: The Varsity Stalwarts: Heidelberger, Mullaly, Saunders, Truskowski, Goodfriend, Shabet, Dillon and Ryan. Timber-toppers Don Ryan,


The Tireless Truskowski piles up some extra points in the broad jump against Memorial.

Catholic Champion and Bill Dillon.

City Mile Relay Champs: Truskowski, Heidelberger, Goodfriend, and Ryan.

FRESHMAN FLASHES: BACK ROW: Alerine, Reardon, Dolts, Arata, Waddleton. p d a v t n n w - Rail. Pearson. Lino, Scheuermann, Harvey.

I PREP B A S E B A lj 1950 I 1

Carmen Campisi powders the poor pill.

Joey Sullivan eases one across the line.

m m

Kirvvan, Avallone, Sullivan, Kelaher, McGovern, Haubold and Weeks, the Prep’s Davis Cup Team.

Kirwan overheads a high one.

Ed McGovern prays to put a low one across.

“ Big Joe” sounds off for the Junior Marauders.

JAY VEES SOUTH HUDSON JAY VEE CHAMPS STANDING: McHugh, Vayda, Reilly, M oranno, M ills, F een an , L arkin. KNEELING: Burke, Markey, Erath, Crowley, Waddleton.

UNDEFEATED FRESHMEN FRONT ROW: Morano, O’Brien, McHugh, Markey, Waddleton. SECOND ROW: Burke, Costello, Pasternack, Crowley, Spendley. THIRD ROW: Deveney, Dayspring, Purcell, Riegler, King, Maclsaac. BACK ROW: Halhgan, M cG rath, Bowman, Bednar. Mr. McNamara, S. J., the Coach, gives a few friendly words of advice.

ACKNOW LEDGM ENTS The Staff of the 1950 Petrean wishes to extend its sincerest thanks to all who helped to make this book a success: To the School Officers of Administration To the members of the Faculty To our families and friends, our Patrons and our Advertisers whose financial help made this book possible. To Culver Picture Service for the picture: “The Christian Martyrs.” To The American Express-Catholic Travel League for the use of their air view of St. Peter’s in Rome.








SENIOR DIRECTORY JOSEPH A. ABBOTT 99 - 17th Avenue, Paterson, N. J. THOMAS P. AHEARN 18 Exchange Place, Port Chester, N. Y. CHARLES J. AVALLONE 242 Stegman Street, Jersey City, N. J.

Saint P e t e r ’s C o llege Three Quarters oj a Century D evo ted to Catholic Education

JOHN J. AVIGNONE 1148 Julia Street, Teaneck, N. J. JOHN P. BARATTA 373 Woodlawn Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ROY BARNITT 336 Fulton Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J. ROBERT BASTAN 205 Orient Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

The College of A rts and Sciences Courses leading to Rachelor of Arts or Rachelor of Science Degrees Pre-Medical


Majors in Biology or Chemistry and Social Scienccs

JOHN J. BERGIN 71 Bidwell Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. EDWARD BIGGANE 43 Sussex Road, Clifton, N. J. MATTHEW BOYLAN 9 W hitman Avenue, East Orange, N. J. WALTER BRATTON 136 Booraem Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH BREZINA 150 Van Hom e Street, Jersey City, N. J.

The School of Business Adm inistration • Accounting Major

Management Major

• Market Major

General Business Major

DONALD J. BROWNETT 9 Bayview Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. STANLEY J. BRZENK 203 Washington Street, Jersey City, N. J ROBERT BUESSER 500 - 74th Street, North Bergen, N. J. RICHARD J. BURKE 13 Holler Parkway, Newark, N. J.

D a y and Evening Sessions

EDWARD G. BURKHARD 32 Stegman Place, Jersey City, N. J. CARMINE J. CAMPISI 92 Bright Street, Jersey City, N. J.

For further information Petrean readers should contact the Registrar of either college at

2645 Boulevard

FRANCIS X. CAREY 343 Van Houten Street, Paterson 1, N. J. HERBERT F. CARTER 287 Hamilton Place, Hackensack, N. J.

Jersey City 6, N. J. FRANK E. CASKEY 141 Monticello Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

Five M inutes from Journal Square

JAMES P. CASSIDY 194 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. MARIO CATANI 8609 Newkirk Avenue, North Bergen, N. J.



6410 Polk Street, W est New York, N. J RICHARD CIECIUCH 236 Summit Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. EDW ARD CIELUKOWSKI


54 Van Winkle Avenue, Jersey City 6, JOHN CLUNE 311 Sherman Avenue, Jersey City, N.



ROBERT COBBAN 7604 Park Avenue, North Bergen, N. J. LOUIS L. CONCONI 250 Avenue B, Bayonne, N. J. RICHARD CONWAY 1116 Hudson Street, Hoboken, N. J. JAMES M. CORBETT 167 Bement Court, Staten Island 10, N ROBERT CORBY 232 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City, N. J,

Jam es Me Connell

W ILLIAM T. COTTER 652 Maple Avenue, Ridgefield, N. J. DENNIS M. COUGHLIN 316 Avenue A, Bayonne, N. J. PAUL J. CUNNINGHAM 213 North 7th Street, Newark, N. J, PATRICK J. DeRISI 38 Trenton Street, Jersey City 6, N. J.


W ILLIAM I. DILLON 2358 Boulevard, Jersey City, N. J. GERALD K. DOHERTY 332 Roosevelt Avenue, Hasbrouck Heights, N. J. COSTANTINO T. DONATO 394 - 7th Street, Jersey City, N. J. ROBERT J. DONOHUE 27 Roosevelt Avenue, Jersey City 4, N. J RAYMOND DONOVAN 296 Knox Avenue, Cliffside Park, N. J. THOMAS P. DORAN I I Booraem Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ROBERT E. DORTON 83 Van Winkle Avenue, Jersey City, N. I RAYMOND V. DOWNES 419 Sussex Road, Wood-Ridge, N. J. THOMAS P. DRENNAN 25 W est 47th Street, Bayonne, N, J. MICHAEL J. DUNN 143 Knickerbocker Avenue, Paterson, N. W


SENIOR DIRECTORY (Continued) RICHARD DUNSHEATH 5 Myrtle Avenue, Passaic, N. J. DONALD G. DZAMBA 29 East 24th Street, Bayonne, N. J. JOHN EDLER 277 Linden Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.



W ILLIAM EMLEY 40 Romaine Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JOHN ENGLISH 798 Grand Street, Jersey City 4, N. J. ROBERT J. ENGLISH 288 Monmouth Street, Jersey City, N. J. W ILLIAM P. FAGAN 442 Badger Avenue, Newark, N. J. HAROLD FARGO 74 Williams Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JOHN FENNELL 275 Woodlawn Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

J e rs e y F u e l O il C o ., Inc.

DONALD M. FINN 152 Wilkinson Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. RICHARD K. FITZPATRICK 214 Bayview Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J. PETER FITZPATRICK 12-17 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. JAMES J. FLEM ING 240 Cambridge Avenue, Jersey City 7, N. J GERARD FOWLER 6 Cator Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

RICHARD M. GALDON 131 W est 28th Street, Bayonne, N. J. MICHAEL J. GALLAGHER 67 W est 15th Street, Bayonne, N. J. JAMES P. GORDON 531 Harrison Avenue, Harrison, N. J. DONALD HAGAN 139 W est 29th Street, Bayonne, N. J.

FOOT OF HOWELL STREET JAMES P. HANLEY 144 Bostwick Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


GEORGE T. HARPER 821 Washington Street, Hoboken, N. J. KENNETH P. HASTIE 203 Harrison Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. GEORGE F. HAYDEN 70 Corbin Avenue, Jersey City 6, N. J. WILLIAM C. HEIDELBERGER 739 Undercliff Avenue, Edgewater, N. J.


j |j

RICHARD F. HERING 645 - 37th Street, Union City, N. J. ROBERT J. HEYER 12 Concord Street, Jersey City 6, N. J.


JO HN HLADIK 80 Garretson Avenue, Bayonne, N. J. EDW ARD J. HOGAN


I !

501 - 85th Street, North Bergen, N. J.




802 W illow Avenue, Hoboken, N. J. DAVID HUMM


Existing loans refinanced and new loans made against the loan value of life insurance policies


at low interest rates.

904 Boulevard, Westfield, N. J.


828 Shadowlawn Drive, Westfield, N. J. JAMES J. IRVING 106 Bidwell Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. THOMAS JOHNSON

We attend to all details.

311 Montgomery Street, Jersey City, N. j ANDREW A. KATKO 898 Avenue C, Bayonne, N. J. VINCENT E. KEANE

No Brokerage—No Service Fees

320 Garfield Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J. THOMAS F . KELAHER 104 Corbin Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


EUGENE M. KIELY 800 Hudson Street, Hoboken, N. J. RICHARD E. KITA 49 Humphreys Avenue, Bayonne, N. J. CHARLES C. KRENTA

33 Hancock Avenue, Jersey City 7, N. J. I GEORGE R. KRONE

Hudson County National Bank JERSEY CITY, NEW JERSEY

6207 Jackson Street, W est New York, N. 11 RAYMOND J. LATCHFORD 1307 - 81st Street, North Bergen, N. J. EDW IN LAUDANO 267 Parker Street, Newark, N. J. ROBERT LISK 44 W est 12th Street, Bayonne, N. J.


W ILLIAM T. LONG 873 Avenue C, Bayonne, N. J. JOSEPH F. LORETI 380 - 7th Street, Jersey City, N. J. JOHN P. LYNCH 533 West Market Street, Newark, N. J. JAMES H. LYONS 144 Virginia Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


SENIOR DIRECTORY (Continued) THOMAS McANDREW 117 Gerhume Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J.

UNion 7-2852 MOrsemere 6-5891 R

j. M cC a r t h y 100 Jefferson Avenue, River Edge, N. J.

jo h n

JOSEPH J. McCLOSKEY 121 M anhattan Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

A r tis tic Flooring Com pany Terrazzo Mosaic

JAMES McCONNELL 112 Gifford Avenue, Jersey City 4, N. J. JAMES F. McGEEHAN 112 W est 6th Street, Bayonne, N. J. EDW IN McGOVERN 136 W est Third Avenue, Roselle, N. J.

Magnesite Terrazzo

Composition Floors

JOSEPH McGOVERN 7 Britton Street, Jersey City, N. J. JOHN J. McGRATH 880 Boulevard, Bayonne, N. J. JOHN F . McHUGH 157 W est 48th Street, Bayonne, N. J.


MATTHEW T. McINTYRE 56 Decker Avenue, Staten Island, N. Y.


BERNARD A. McLAUGHLIN 80 Gautier Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

Established 1900

UNion 7-3964

FRANCIS E. McMAHON 327 Ege Avenue, Jersey City 4, N. J. JOSEPH M. McNALLY 274 Monticello Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

Sonzogni Bros. TILING Tile Setters of the Following Buildings

THEODORE E. MAKOWSKI 221 Brunswick Street, Jersey City 2, N. J. THOMAS V. MALLOY Newark-Pompton Turnpike, Riverdale, N. J. WILLIAM MARESCA 340 Fairmount Avenue, Jersey City 6, N. J


WILLIAM G. MARK 141 Booraem Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH MASTROGIACOMO 29 Virginia Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. PETER MATARAZZO 1501 - 91st Street, North Bergen, N. J. GEORGE M. MATASOVSKY 262 Prospect Avenue, Bayonne, N. J.

527 Eighth Street B asem ent H a ll a t Science Building

Union City, N. J.

EDWARD H. MERRIGAN 342 Armstrong Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. ROBERT B. MESSINA 350 Danforth Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


SENIOR DIRECTORY (Continued) M ICHAEL J. MORAN 135 W est 50th Street, Bayonne, N. J. GEORGE E. MORRISSEY 227 - 16th Street, Jersey City, N. J. JO SEPH R. MULCAHY 14 D anforth Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JO HN J. M ULKEEN

T he B est

310 Avenue B, Bayonne, N. J. ROBERT L. MULLALY 779 How ard Street, Teaneck, N. J.


ROBERT MURPHY 7 Rutgers Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

th e Class o f '5 0 rr

JO HN P. MURTHA 11 Eastern Parkway, Jersey City, N. J. MICHAEL NIMBLEY 41 New Street, Jersey City 5, N. J. JO SEPH B. NOLAN 67 Gautier Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JO HN J. NOLAN 286 Ninth Street, Jersey City, N. J.

Prep Men at Georgetown

W ALTER E. NOLAN 66 Romaine Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. W ILLIAM J. O’BRIEN 35 Carlton Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


RICHARD O’CONNELL 21 Clinton Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. THOMAS J. O’GRADY 40 Bayview Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J. MARTIN T. O’HARE 281 Old Bergen Road, Jersey City 5, N.


MR. and MRS.



JOHN F. O’MALLEY 314 Davis Avenue, Harrison, N. J. JOHN A. O’NEILL 89 Garretson Avenue, Bayonne, N. J. JOSEPH J. O’NEILL 450 Veron Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J. STEPHEN R. PETERS 9 Charles Street, Jersey City, N. J. JOHN PHALON 160 Piaget Avenue, Clifton, N. J.


GERARD J. PROVINZANO 3498 Hudson Boulevard, Jersey City, N.


NICHOLAS PURO 510 Palisade Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH QUINN 1010 Flora Street, Elizabeth, N. J.

SENIOR DIRECTORY (Continued) ROBERT L. RACK 1376 Bryant Street, Rahway, N. J.

F o rd h am U n iversity

DONALD REED 275 VanNostrand Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. THOMAS E. REILLY 183 Myrtle Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

N EW YORK 58, N. Y.

ROBERT J. REYNIK 33 East 26th Street, Bayonne, N. J.


KENNETH M. REYNOLDS 113 Hague Street, Jersey City, N. J.

Fordham Road, Bronx 58, New York

Liberal Arts • Graduate and Undergraduate • Pharmacy • Business CITY H A LL DIVISION

EDWARD T. RICHARDS 6118 Hudson Avenue, W est New York, N. J LOUIS L. RIZZI 1217 Morris Street, Union City, N. J.

302 Broadway, New York 7, New York

Education • Law • Business • Adult Education

ALBERT T. ROCHE 166 Riverview Avenue, North Arlington, N. EDWARD RYAN 68 W est 34th Street, Bayonne, N. J.

SOCIAL SERVICE 134 E ast 39th Street, New York 16, New York

ANTHONY SANTANIELLO 1427 Paterson Plank Road, North Bergen, N. J. VINCENT J. SAUNDERS 212 Danforth Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.

Catalogues of E ach School Sent on Request

GREGORY D. SCHEUERMANN 1531 Rahway Avenue, Westfield, N. J.





EDWARD W. SCHMIDT 1513 Summit Avenue, Union City, N. J. ANTHONY W . SELLITTI 228 Maryland Avenue, Paterson, N. J. EDWARD K. SHABET 216 Princeton Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. J. ROGER A. SHARP 15 Godwin Avenue, Ridgewood, N. J.



JAMES SHEA 7 W est 15th Street, Bayonne, N. J. HENRY A. SHIELDS 86 Sussex Street, Jersey City, N. J. WILLIAM B. SHOEMAKER 7409 Second Avenue, North Bergen, N. J. EDWARD SMARACKO 450 First Avenue, Elizabeth, N. J.

JAMES T. SMITH 113 Nelson Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. LOUIS A. SONZOGNI 1711 Palisade Avenue, Union City, N. J.


THOMAS SPINELLO 237 Boyd Avenue, Jersey City, N. J.


JOHN STEFFICH 407 Bloomfield Avenue, Hoboken, N. J.


SENIOR DIRECTORY (Continued) BAyonne 3-0006

JAMES R. STOCK 117 Luddington Avenue, Clifton, N. J. I

SYDNEY V. STOLDT 158 Hillside Avenue, Englewood, N. J. j JAMES SULLIVAN 37 W est 14th Street, Bayonne, N. J.



JAMES E. SULLIVAN 429 Fairm ount Avenue, Jersey City, N. JAMES H. SULLIVAN 286 Ninth Street, Jersey City, N. J.


RICHARD TAMBOURI 95 Clendenny Avenue, Jersey City, N. J (moving—Gifford Towers)

BENJAMIN THOMAS 169 Grand Avenue, Englewood,'N. J. ROBERT J. TRUSKOWSKI 42 East 40th Street, Bayonne, N. J.


KENNETH VON SCHAUMBURG 27 W est 36th Street, Bayonne, N. J. 14 NORTH STREET CHARLES E. W ALDRON 3 East 1st Street, Bayonne, N. J.

M em b er F e d e ra l R eserve System an d F e d e ra l D ep o sit Insurance C orporation


JOHN D. WALSH 155 Humphreys Avenue, Bayonne, N. Jij RALPH WALTER 137 Jackson Avenue, Jersey City 5, N. JI

D Elaware 3-6040 COMPLIMENTS


ALPHONSE I. WARCZAKOWSKI 351 Seventh Street, Jersey City, N. J.


CHARLES S. WARD 28 W est 35th Street, Bayonne, N. J.

JOSEPH A. W EIS 63 Reservoir Avenue, Jersey City, N. J. I j



FRED J. WETHLY 15 Stegman Court, Jersey City, N. J. JOSEPH WICKENS 185 North 7th Street, Newark, N. J. KENNETH WICKHAM 60 Monroe Street, Hoboken, N. J. FRED A. W ILHELM 16 Tulip Street, Bergenfleld, N. J.

W ILLIAM J. WILLARD 380 Van Nostrand Avenue, Jersey City, 1 9 DAVID E. WILSON 8214 - 3rd Avenue, North Bergen, N. J. J I 137 MONTICELLO AVENUE


EDMUND WITULSKI 130 Chestnut Avenue, Jersey City 6, N. jij



LOUIS L. ZAMARRA 185 Mercer Street, Jersey City 2, N. J. 1 ROBERT F. ZUTIC 462 Bramhall Avenue, Jersey City, N. J-i 1









Camp Notre Dame


★ T






BArclay 7-7954


O’Mealia Outdoor Advertisement Co.


“The House of Pure Altar Wines” Complete Outdoor and W ALTER T. MacGOWAN

| j

Commercial Facilities


In Bergen and Hudson Counties N ew York Office an d Cellars





-------- 1


CLiffside 6-0048

George Casagrande Compliments of


The Casa Market Prime Meats and Poultry Groceries

Harz Bros., Incorporated

Frozen Foods


660 Anderson Avenue

Cliffside Park, N. J.

Jersey City, New Jersey


The Provident Institution For Savings in Jersey City A Friend


Member Federal Deposit Insurance Corp.

BAyonne 3-1292 Compliments of

DeWitt Cleaning and Dyeing Shop Fellini Family


549 Broadway

Compliments of

Bayonne, N. J.

Compliments of

James Brown

Pettit and Reed


38-40 North Moore Street

Compliments of

New York City

Compliments of

Val Michalski, II

Atzingen-Whitehouse Dairy


Joseph Michalski 153-165 Beacon Avenue

Jersey City 6, N. J.



BErgen 4-1261

Compliments of


Pienkowski’s Pharmacy


269 Grove Street, Opposite City Hall


Jersey City, N. J.'


Compliments of

Assumption Church

Wood-Ridge, New Jersey

Compliments of


Harold Braun

Andrew A. Katko, D.D.S.

BAyonne 3-1256

National Television and Radio Co. ! (

SP E C IA L IS T S IN T E L E V ISIO N C lassical and Popular Records

Schaumburg Agency


C all D Elaw are 3-1135, 3-0036 for pickup and delivery service.

Real Estate . . . Insurance


Com er of Bergen and Montgomery Streets Jersey City 6, New Jersey


27 W est 36th Street

Bayonne, N. J.

JO urnal Square 2-4351


Louis R. Liberatore & Sons




280-282 Newark Avenue, Com er Third Street


Jersey City 2, New Jersey

William Otto

244 W arren Street Jersey City, N. J.

BErgen 4-3534 j

Compliments of

Ray’s Prescription Pharmacy j

Jones Pies, Inc.


Hillside, New Jersey

The Store W ith the Prescription Reputation

216 Washington Street


Jersey City, N. J.

PATRONS Berghold Family Mr. and Mrs. George F. Boyle Doris Buesser Dr. J. Frank Burke Ed. Burkhard “50” H. V. Burlock Mr. and Mrs. W alter A. Byrne Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Canzonier Margaret Carey Mario Catani Mrs. Helen Cieciuch Co. “C” 50th A. M. Bn. Mr. and Mrs. Robert Cobbin Miss Jean Collins Mr. and Mrs. Daniel Collins Mr. and Mrs. N. Consour Michael Conway Richard Conway “50” William J. Cooke Mrs. Anna Corcoran William Crowley Mrs. Agnes Currid Miss Mary Currid Miss Rita Currid Mr. and Mrs. Michael Curry Herbert Datterweich Mr. and Mrs. John A. Davis Mr. and Mrs. W alter Davis Mr. and Mrs. John F. Dayspring John Deley “51” Mr. and Mrs. John A. Demko Rose T. DeRosa Hugh Doherty Michael V. Donovan Raymond Downes Mr. and Mrs. Vincent J. Downes Mrs. C. Draw John Duroska John C. Fink Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Finn James J. Finnerty, Jr. James A. Fisher Mr. Patrick Fitzpatrick Mrs. Helen B. Forrester Mr. and Mrs. J. Forster Mr. and Mrs. George J. Galdon Martin J. Garille Mr. and Mrs. T. Garille

Phil. Gogarty “52” Mrs. M. Graufort Mr. and Mrs. L. Grazioso H elen A. Harney Anna V. Harz Claude J. Harz John J. Harz Mr. Fred E. Haubold Mr. Francis B. Heer Mr. and Mrs. Stanley E. Heller Mr. and Mrs. R. M. Hobin Mrs. Robert F. H rbek Mr. and Mrs. Victor Humenuck Miss H elen V. Irving Mr. and Mrs. John C. Irving John F. X. Irving “45” Mr. and Mrs. Lester Jackson Cletus Joyce “45” Rev. A. J. Kalafsky V. Kaniewski Mr. and Mrs. Eugene C. Keane Mr. Thomas Kelly Mary Kienan Mr. and Mrs. B. M. Kiernan Luke A. Kiernan, Jr. Mr. and Mrs. John Kiemey Marilyn J. King, A. S. A. “50” Mrs. A. C. Kinn Mr. and Mrs. William P. Kozuck Mrs. Alice E. Lotti Mrs. Donald MacKay Mrs. Agnes MacKean Leonard Mackesy Mr. and Mrs. W. Mark Mary M. Marlowe Margaret Marrow Mr. and Mrs. Matthew Martine The Mastro Family Mrs. William McAndrew Miss Helen McCaffrey Eugene C. McCarthy Mr. and Mrs. T. McDonald Mr. and Mrs. William McLaughlin Mrs. Anna E. McMahon Mr. E. McNally Mr. and Mrs. W. McNamarra James A. Meaney Mary A. Meaney

W alter S. Meaney Frank J. Miele Mr. and Mrs. B. Milwid C. J. Molloy Mrs. James A. Moore Mr. and Mrs. Thomas F. Moser Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Moynihan Mr. and Mrs. H enry J. Muller Mr. and Mrs. W. F. O'Brien Mr. and Mrs. James O'Keefe John P. O'Keefe “22” Mr. and Mrs. Edw ard O'Neill Mr. and Mrs. Charles A. Osinsld Mrs. Anne Pappalardo Mrs. W alter F. Patterson Mrs. A. Provinzano Mr. and Mrs. E. S. Purcell Raymond Purcell Mr. and Mrs. L. Rack Mr. and Mrs. C. Ravick Mr. and Mrs. James Rizzi Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rizzi Mrs. Anna Rochford Kathryn D. Rochford Mr. and Mrs. A. Rothmen Mr. and Mrs. A. Sandowick Mrs. P. Sciancalepore C. Daniel Shoemaker Sarah J. Shoemaker Mr. and Mrs. G. J. Smith Mr. and Mrs. Charles Starkey Miss Helen Stock Mrs. William Stock Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Stoldt Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Stoutenburgh Mr. and Mrs. John L. Sullivan John C. Sweeney Mr. and Mrs. C. Szczesny Mr. and Mrs. F. Teresiak Mr. and Mrs. Harvey N. Thompson Joseph Valenti Albert W aldstein Mr. and Mrs. Harold Wallum Mr. and Mrs. Peter Wasko Mr. and Mrs. Albert F. Wickens Mr. and Mrs. August Wiselfing

w. w. c.


LAW LER BROS. SALES CORP. Paul Lawler, President

Class of ’36 MR. AND MRS. J. I. LIEBERMAN 340 Fairm ount Avenue

EGERMANN & FRAHER 545 Broadway, Com er 25th St., Bayonne, New Jersey

REGINA HU NT’S NURSES AGENCY 7 Britton Street, Jersey City, New Jersey

MORITZ BAKERY CO. 229 Old Bergen Road Jersey City, New Jersey


“STANLEY” PAINTING AND DECORATING 141 Fulton Avenue Jersey City, New Jersey BErgen 3-0243

CHA RLIE’S TAILORING AND CLEANING L E O GUARDINO 7710 Bergenline Avenue North Bergen, New Jersey


NEUMAN FURNITURE CO., INC. All Types Electrical Appliances Juvenile Furniture 343-347 Grove Street, DElaware 3-8490, 3-6437 Easy Terms

JO HN P. HOGAN AMERICAN DAIRY COMPANY Louis Gatkin 232 Congress Street, Jersey City, New Jersey DElaw are 4-0339

HUDSON RESTAURANT Bar and Grill— Choice Wines and Liquors 116-20 Newark Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey Compliments of W ILLIAM CHURCH 213 W ashington Street Jersey City, New Jersey

LUXOR DAIRY Benjamin Torfleld, Prop. 745 Bergen Avenue, Jersey City, New Jersey BErgen 4-8625

Compliments of VINCENT BARCARO 242 W arren Street Jersey City, New Jersey

CHESTER’S DAIRY Milk and Cream BAyonne 3-8318


ROBERT’S GROCERY 20 Erie Street BErgen 4-9147

ELLA R. RYAN 642 Main Street Paterson, New Jersey

HUDSON TYPEW RITER EXCHANGE 1 Newark Avenue M. Kochansky, Prop.

KOZAK BROS. Paints and Painters7 Supplies 906 Broadway, Near Cor. of 34th Street Bayonne, New Jersey

JOHN G. PAVLICH Meats and Provisions 86 W est 19th Street Bayonne, New Jersey BAyonne 3-4863

Compliments of MR. AND MRS. HENRY BYRNE


Official Photographers for the 1951 Petrean




W isconsin 7-1713

362 Fifth Avenue New York 1, N. Y.







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