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Saint Peter’s Preparatory School 1 4 4 Grand Street Jersey City, NJ 0 7 3 0 2 2 0 1 -5 4 7 -6 4 0 0 www.spprep.org
Going into Prep I wasn’t expecting much for myself. I thought I would just be another body among the students who would receive a diploma. I knew I would be part of some clubs here at Prep and tha t I might take part in some events. As it turns out, this is far from the truth. I have done so much. If it was possible to go back in time, and tell a “little” PTB what he would achieve by the time he was a senior in high school, he would have said that I was exaggerating or even fantasizing. I never thought that I would be writing something tha t will be archived for the next 96 years at Prep. For the majority of my high school career - and actually my life - 1have been a very introverted person who didn't like to speak or attra ct attention. However, toward the end of my junior year, I put my name into the ballot of the student council for the newly-created position of webmaster. To just have my name on the ballot was a point of pride, and an expression of how far I had come. Imagine my happiness when I won! That event popped the bubble that was preventing me from expressing my true self without being ashamed. Over the sum mer I won the HAP Tutor award, an award I still believe that I am not worthy t claim. Retreats like Kairos and Emmaus let me find God in my life. The sporting events that mac me laugh and cry, and the making of life-long friendships tha t I have formed with people I though" would never associate with me continues to amaze me. W orking on all of the dramatics productions for the past four years helped me form a family community. Being named a Stage Manager and Editor-In-Chief in my Senior year really capped off these experiences. The best moment here at Prep is winning the Spirit Award. These are the memories that I will always hole in my heart of my years here at Prep. I know there is going to be emptiness in my heart in a yeai because I know tha t I will not see some of these guys every day. So this is why this year’s Petrea is dedicated to capturing these moments that we have experienced here at Prep. The one thing I want students to take away from this book, no m atter how shy, unathletic, c socially awkward you are, you can always make your mark here at Prep. If I can achieve these things, then the sky is the limit for you! Remember to always live the Magis in your lives so you w be able to achieve your dreams. Ex nihilo nihil fit.
W hen I think of Prep, I find myself lost in a beautiful avalanche of images, memories, and moments. Prep is “both enriched and challenged by its diversity”, but, the truth is, our similarities and differences are the engines upon which our world at Grand and W arren turns. Our collective strength fuels each of us and thrusts us out out into the world, better for our tim e together. The old halls, new labs, gym rafters, paints, pens, and clay of the a rt rooms, offices, doorways, and stage sets in O’Keefe, could never shoulder the weight of what “Prep for Life” really means. The fabric tha t transcends time, distance, and age is like a favorite old shirt, woven by the voices and lives of all of us in this Prep family. Friends ask what life is like here, in a building with over 9 0 0 young men, and over a hundred adults. How can I really tell them our days and hours here are comprised of countless small, sometimes fleeting moments, that really are our everything? The answer is always in the kindness, humor, amount of food consumed, dedication, sweat, tears, songs, ideas, questions, friendship, sweatshirts, heart, and growth th a t goes on in this corner of Jersey City. It can be too easy to be lost in due dates, midterms, quarterlies, quizzes, DBQs, and new ideas or materials, but hold tightly to the rest of it. W e are guardians of a magic that has become a part of us, so be alive to it, because tim e urges us on, often far too quickly. Capture your moments. This is your home. You are loved.
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The th e m e for our yearbook is “C apture the M o m e n t.” Often when we describe w h at makes Prep so special it can be difficult to put it into words, but we can describe th e small daily happenings th a t m ake the halls of Saint P e te rs Prep so special and powerful. For th e past 1 7 years, Signora Romano has called th e E-building home. Countless young men have sat in the desks in her classroom as she tau g h t th em not only about the Italian language, but also the Italian culture. Through the lessons she delivered, Signora Rom ano has inspired her students to see the world through different eyes. The love and passion shown for her culture has expanded th e walls of her classroom and brought a global view of today’s world to her students in a rea way. Through th e Italian Language Competitions, h er students have shown the creativity th a t she has inspired within th em . Through th e Italian Exchange Program , students have learned first hand th e culture and people of Italy, creating bonds with th eir exchange p artn ers th a t form lasting friendships. Through creating these m om ents, Signora Rom ano has truly captured w hat it m eans to be a m e m b e r of the Prep faculty. Thank you, Signora Romano, for being an inspiratior and helping countless Prep men cap tu re the m om ent.
CAPTU The h a llm a rk o f a Prep student is the m y ria d o f w a y s in w h ic h he involves himself. The w id e a rra y o f activitie s a n d clu b s th a t Prep o ffe rs a p p e a ls to the d ive rse g ro u p o f students w h o ro a m the halls o f G r a n d a n d W a rre n . From ro b o tic s to V ox, p o litic s to C h ristia n service, a n d g a m e s o f a ll types, the c o -c u rric u la r a ctivitie s a t Prep c re a te m om ents fo r the co m m u n ity to re m e m b e r fo r y e a rs to co m e .
Student Life
Executive Members: Max Teiemaque, President Noah Byrne, Vice-President Patrick Thoms-Bauer, W ebm aster Representatives Seniors: Brian Savage, Malchijah Hoskins, and Declan Alvidrez Juniors: James Anderson, Henrik Murer, Colby Ruggiero, Kyle Hess, and Diego Perdomo Sophomores: Victor Tyne, Suvan Bhat, Matthew Moreira, and Luke Morrison Freshman: Jordan Scott, Johnnie Brooker, Ian Lee, Patrick McCabe Moderators: Ms. Brooke Simonson Ms. Cheryl Rice
Student Council
Student Life
Founded in 2014, the Technological Terrors is an opportunity for students to work together and solve different challenges. They design a robot which can move objects around a field, climb over obstacles, and scale towers. Working closely with Eastern Millwork Inc., the Robotics Team’s sponsor, members are able to get a deeper understanding of robotics and engineering. In addition, they perform fundraisers, design T-shirts, and print buttons to spread Team 54 38 's Spirit. The team competes in the FRC league of FIRST which is an organization that holds robotics competitions internationally and will be competing at Mt. Olive and Montgomery High School this year. Using the layout they created, the team built a robot that can move in any direction, lift and shoot a crate, and raise itself off the ground.
The campfire its too out of control to handle and before they bum down the whole island, they must stamp the fire out.
Simon(Connor Heaney) starts to get consumed by the madness that has effected all of the boys on the island. The group of the English school boys spot a light of a ship that is near the island, so they start the campfire again, in the hopes that the ship will see the smoke of the fire and come to the rescue of the boys Bill (Nick West) is baptized by Jack, by the soul of the first pig that Jack’s hunters have killed.
A British Naval Officer (Jason Pope-Bayne) questions the boys, on what is the meaning of their game
Student Life
Ralph (Adrian Camamf meets Jack (Nick Ramez), and his his gang made up of Sam(Bryson Shipman), Eric(Matthew Maruri), and Simon (Connor Heaney), on the beach
r fjB P iS 1
Theater has been part of Prep’s tradition since its opening in 1872. The types of plays have changed since, along with where the shows have been performed, but the love that has been put into it has never left. So much time and effort is put into each show by the cast and crew members, so the audience can enjoy their time going to any of the shows. This year for the winter drama, under the guidance of Mr. Dondero, they put on the adaptation of William Golding’s Lord o f the Flies. For the spring musical, the department put on everyone’s favorite high school based musical, High School Muscial. Both on and off the stage, relationships are formed which turn into lasting friendships. Practicing their skills and technique of the theater allows our performers to be able to express their real self.
Performing Arts
Student Life
Thomas Hannan’ 18 plays his bugle horn during the Christmas Concert
Connor Heaney’18 performs at the Christmas Concert with his saxophone
Declan Alvidrez’18 gets a chance to show his talent by getting a saxophone solo at the Christmas Concert
The members of Vox help assist the members of the Jazz band to give out the raffle items to the winners in the Commons.
Top Left: Bayonne’s Interfaith Clergy Association Thanksgiving Prayer Service Top Right: NJN News 12 Christmas Recording Middle: Penn State All Male Choral Festival Bottom Left: Penn State All Male Choral Festival Bottom Right: MetLife Stadium, Rutherford, NJ
Student Life
Vox as many people know comes from the Latin word for voice, ONE voice. The reason why they have that name because each of the vocalist becomes one voice. Since its formation in 2009, Vox has becom e critically acclaimed not just in state and the country, but also internationally. Vox has published six albums and have won multiple awards in the process. It is shocking how far they have come from just five students singing in the basement of Burke Hall, which is now Moriarty Science Center. It has becom e so ingrained into the Prep com munity, that it is hard to imagine them not hearing their angelic voices during mas or P rep’s Open House. People wonder what attracts these students that never sung before and have a believe they have as terrible singing voice. The response that you might hear from them is that they like that stimulus that is felt when they sing. The ability to conjure a powerful feeling towards the music. They want to evoke an em otion into the lister. The one thing that all people agree on about Vox, is that all of the memebers will form a bond that will last past their Prep life here at Grand and Warren.
Capture the Moments
The German Club holds up the Deutschland flag before they begin their meeting on Germen Culture
The French Club tests their fluency in a competitive Kahoot.
The Italian Club immerses in traditional Italian cuisine and culture at Eataly in New York City.
The Spanish Club allows the Prep Community to have a better understanding of Spansh Culture.
Language/Heritage Clubs 22
Student Lifi
Recreational Clubs
The Gaming Club takes the action anywhere, even battling in the halls! #GG
The Culinary Club prepares its hearty (and mouth watering] cuisine. Anyone order some bacon?
Student Life
BSS4W?a?a ffiffe.riSte"
Capture the Moments
William Ince ’19 poses for the TV Studio, which produces films of PREP sports and student life.
The Saint P eters Preparatory Performing Arts Club, known as SPPAC, allows students to experience historic plays and operas throughout the various performing arts centers of New York and New Jersey.
Student Life
Jack Halligan ’18 has a candid photograph taken by the Photography Club.
ents of Model nsequences o' uintessential :an dispute.
Hershal Shah ’18 successfully finesses an answer in Academic Bowl, demonstrating the club’s competitive and effective trivia comprehension.
Baseball Club celebrates the rich culture and sports of Baseball.
The History Club presents a showing of Compulsion (1959), an American crime drama film directed by Richard Fleischer.
Student Life
Capture the Moments
“The new BJ Giannone ‘11 CPR Aw areness Training Class took place on N ovem ber 4, 2 0 1 7 . Being the inspiration fo r this event, BJ was a devoted, hard-working m e m ber of the St. P e te r’s Prep swim team , who unfortunately passed away in 2 0 1 1 . Following exiting the pool directly a fte r his race, BJ had collapsed on the pool deck due to h e a rt com plications. Along with making everlasting im pressions on the com m unity around him, BJ is still with us today. An award fo r sp irit and team leadership was dedicated in BJ's name to the team he once swam for. I, a m em ber of the Prep swim team , had the honor of receiving this award, which is one of my m o st adm irable achievements yet. This award inspired me to organize and initiate th is event, bringing awareness to h e a rt disease and the safety precautions to take in case of an emergency. The event was a success, and I hope the attendees can take w ha t was learned and apply it to possibly saving a life one day.” CeeJay Larino, ‘19
Student Life
n the morning of Wednesday, November 8th, the usual PM in the M was replaced by the very first PrepTalk. Modelled after the resentations under the company TED th a t are performed iroughout the world, PrepTalk is a student-driven program that Hows Prep students a chance at discussing a topic tha t they are assionate to share to the rest of the community. Jeremiah “Jerry” larramore ’18, the first student to present a talk, in which he iscussed his experience studying abroad in Indonesia during his inior year. It has been a successful start, and surely the future will old many more interesting talks!
"D o in g o PrepTalk w a s a g r e a t w a y to tell p e o p le a little a b o u t my experience. B eing a b le to tell my classmates a b o u t the fairly unkn o w n country that I stud ie d a b r o a d in w a s an e nriching e x p e rie n c e ." - Jerry N a r r a m o r e ' I 8
Prep Talks
Above: Victor L opez’18 walks the catwalk for the last time here at Prep
Above: Jarred R osso’18 walks the catw alk with style, with his W ayfarers
Mr. and Mrs. Michael
Hatton P"2I
Student Life
Fashion Show
Spanish Exchange students pose in front of school. Spanish exchange students visit New York.
French Exchange
@Language Exchanges 36
Student Life
@Language Exchanges
St. Peter’s Prep students spending some time in Germany during the German Exchange program. Exchange students from Germany enjoy the view of Manhattan.
Italian Exchange students pose in front of the school.
Exchange students from Italy spending time at the Federal Hall Memorial in New York.
Exchange Programs
Marauder Nation is the first experience a freshman gets to see how enjoyable their next four p years in high school are going to be. It allows the Prep students have an exhilarating time at all of the sporting events. This is more than a club, it is tradition that has been part of Prep since its inception. With painted faces, the chanting of voices from the stand until the end of the game, and the bonds that are formed between classmates at these * events are unique. Over the years, Prep’s sports teams have carried Marauder Nation to many different places and whether they took home a win or a loss, Marauder Nation stood behind their classmates with pride and glory. One of the 8 hallmarks that make Prep a unique place is the brotherhood shown through the greatest fan section in the state.
M arauder Nation
Student Life
Capture the Moments
Student Life
Capture the Moments
CAPJU W h e th e r p la y e d on a fie ld , court, p o o l, river, lane, o r rink, Prep sports a re a lw a y s full o f a c tio n a n d success. The d e te rm in a tio n o f a Prep student-athlete is e a s ily seen in their p e rfo rm a n c e . W e salute o u r a th le te s a n d their h a rd w o rk . It is o u r p rid e a n d o u r
CAPTURE The St. Peter's Prep fo o tb a ll te a m 's re c o rd w a s 9 -3 this se aso n a n d finished as the # 2 ra n k e d te a m in NJ. Led b y C o a c h H ansen, the te a m re a c h e d its third N o n -P u b lic , G r o u p 4 final in the last fo u r seasons w h e re th e y lost to B e rg e n C a th o lic . B e in g o n e o f the to p team s in the n a tio n a n d h a vin g 2 A ll-A m e ric a n athletes, this fo o tb a ll te a m w a s fille d w ith ta le n t a n d p o te n tia l. A m o n g those in c lu d e the 6 seniors w h o w ill b e p la y in g a t the D ivision 1 level.
Clockwise from top right The seniors captains hold hands as they prepare for the coin toss Justin Ademilola ’18 stares down his opponents Sean Verdi ’18 sits down after a long quarter The wide receivers celebrate after the touchdown
Jayson Ademiola ’18 goes fo r the sack Ayir Asante ’19 rushes for the touchdown Chase Jones ’19 runs past the entire defense
#CaptureThePlays #PrepAdvantagi 46
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F^ _ mikecortezIO
3 3 3 likes mikecortezl 0 A season to remember #prepfooty
#PrepFooty 48
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Capture The St. P eter's Prep S o c c e r te a m sta rte d o u t s lo w w ith a 4 -3 re c o rd w ith losses to K e a rn y , U n io n C ity, a n d C lifto n . T h e y then w e n t on a w in n in g streak g o in g u n d e fe a te d all the w a y to the c o u n ty fin a l, w h e re th ey lost to K e a ry 3-2 in a v e ry tig h t g a m e . T h e y c o n tin u e d to w in o u t their le a g u e g a m e s up until the state to u rn a m e n t, w h e re th e y lost to B e rg e n C a th o lic in the q u a rte rfin a l.
Clockwise from top left The varsity team lines up before taking on Kearny. Jacob Brozon ’19 flies past defenders. The team prepares fo r the first half. Coach and player, Jonathan Torres ’19. Christian Arcos '19 using some fancy footwork to get by the other team. Luc Smith ’18 chasing down the ball against Bergen Catholic.
CAPTURE ih e e m t
W h e th e r in S a ra to g a , N Y o r o u r v e ry o w n Passaic River, the Prep C re w te a m b rin g s its A -g a m e . Each ra c e s e e m e d m ore victo rio u s than the next fo r e a c h o f the te a m 's b o a ts, p a rtic u la rly o u r M e n 's V arsity 4 + & M e n 's D o u b le se cu rin g their spots fo r the next H e a d o f the C h a rle s in B oston. The L ig h tW e ig h t 8 + a ls o h a d a lot o f success this y e a r, b e in g o n e o f the te a m 's fastest b o a ts in the p ro g ra m 's history. The V arsity 4 + d e fe a te d rivals such as D o n B o sco a n d the in te rn a tio n a lly c o m p e titiv e M o n tc la ir H ig h S c h o o l. This w a s o n ly a fra c tio n o f the success from the h a rd w o rk the Freshmen, JV, a n d V arsity
fk.11 |
ro w e rs put in y e a r round.
#CapturetheCrew 50
Clockwise from top right: Varsity 8+ mid-race at the Head of the Fish Varsity 4 + racing down the Charles River in Boston The Varsity 4 + Racing at the Head of the Charles The Lightweight 8+ finishing to secure th e ir spot as fa ste st in the state
Q Q < ? Liked by acanale and 5 0 0 others prep_got_ergos W in at the Tail of the Passaic today, road to nationals tomorrow
The team rowing down Overpeck lake during another day at practice
#prepcrew #nationals #maraudemation p.pasquali86 The guy in white is a rower if I’ve ever seen one....
Form is key to St. Peter’s Prep Crew Team
CAPTURE the t acm
For the first time in Prep's history, the boys Cross Country team successfully qualified for the NJSIAA M e e t of Cham pions. O ut of the 21 teams that com peted Prep p la ce d 1 2th. W ith 6 out o f the 7 varsity runners returning next year, Prep Cross C ountry plans to excel and be better than ever!
Clockwise from top right: Edwin Klanke’ 21 finishes strong at the M eet of Champions Varsity wins a race at the Manhattan Invitational Runners from all over New Jersey race fo r a state title Kevin Keegan ’18 sprints towards the finsih line Samay Shamdasanii ’19 leads the pack of runners Liam Keegan ’18 sprints past the curve Liam Christman ’19 pushing his limits during a race
“The faster you run, the faster you’re done.” - Liam Keegan
4 6 0 likes kkeegzruns This is the furthest this program has ever made it in school history. Couldn't be prouder to cross the finish line with these guys Pamesl Gonna miss you Keegz :(
^CaptureTheMedals #PrepXC Cross Country
D espite b e in g on the ro a d fo r the m a jo rity o f the season, o n ly p la y in g tw o h o m e g a m e s, the W a te r P olo te a m w a s a b le to finish w ith a h a rd fo u g h t 4 -6 re c o rd . W in n in g c lo s e g a m e s o v e r Trinity a n d P ennington, w ith the Trinity g a m e b e in g w o n in a sh o o to u t, a n d h a v in g b lo w o u t v ic to rie s o v e r H o ra c e M a n n , a n d Fieldston, the team c lo s e d o u t the season strong b e fo re h e a d in g into the G a r d e n S tate C u p . H a v in g a to u g h sc h e d u le w ith three g a m e s on the last d a y o f the tou rnam e nt, the te a m b a ttle d h a rd lo sin g in clo se , o n e g o a l m argin , to St. B e n e d ic t's Prep. The te a m n e ve r lo o k e d better, re a lly c o m in g to g e th e r to e n d the se a so n on a strong note, a n d raising the b a r fo r next season.
Clockwise from top right: Tom Lee’18 swims advances down the pool. Jack Kramer’19 blocks a shot. Patrick Johnston’19 waits for the action to start. Dario Spina’18 gets into position. The Junior Varsity Squad poses in front of the net. CeeJay Larino’19 winds up. The Varsity Squad poses after a match.
#CapturetheSplash #PrepWoPo 54
“Not only is it a great way to show off jarring tan lines, but I can now understand what’s going on when it's showcased in the Olympics.” - M att Coyne’18 mattdillane
Liked by jkramer_wopo and 9 4 8 7 4 others mattdillane Road to the Garden State Cup #anchorsup #buckets #wopo jkramer_wopo #prepdrown mandrew_axwell #almostbeatbens jtorres_buckets #imnewhere
W a te r Polo
BrendanThiele 3
561 likes BrendanThiele_3 Can’t believe its all over. Gonna miss those late night practices and those Saturday morning games. It’s been a honor to play in The Barn. Thank you Prep. ShanyeSimon32 #Photobombed
#CapturethePoints #PrepBuckets 56
It w a s a p h e n o m e n a l s e a s o n fo r the b a s k e tb a ll te a m this y e a r. In d iv id u a lly , B re n d a n T hiele a n d S h a n y e Sim on c a p p e d o f th e ir s e n io r y e a r b y s c o rin g their 1 0 0 0 th p o in t e a c h . U n d e r C o c h M ir a b e l the te a m w e n t on to its third c o n s e c u tiv e H u d s o n C o u n try T o u rn a m e n t fin a l. The team w o u ld finish th e ir se a so n in the N o n -P u b lic S tate Final a g a in s t D o n B o s c o Prep a t the Rutgers A th le tic C e n te r. W ith such a lo n g list o f a c c o m p lis h m e n ts , this te a m w ill g o d o w n as o n e o f the b e st team s in P rep's history.
Clockwise from top left The team high-fives Brendan Thiele ’18 as he takes the court D im irtris Plexidas ’18 blocks the layup Jack Pettit " I 9 shoots the 3-pointer Will W hite ’18 call out a play M ark W alker ’18 scores the put-back Shanye Simon '18 emerges with excitement after scoring
F o llo w in g an an u n d e fe a te d run to the state title last season, the fe n c in g te am lo o k e d to c o n tin u e its run o f d o m in a n c e . Led b y c a p ta in s O w e n Possick, S e a n F itz G ib b o n , a n d D e c la n A lv id re z , the te a m c a p tu re d the D istrict Five title fo r the s e c o n d tim e in three ye a rs. S e e d e d th re e in the state to urn am ent, victo rie s a g a in s t In d ia n Hills, C h ristia n B rothers A c a d e m y , a n d C o lu m b ia H ig h S c h o o l le d to a S tate C h a m p io n s h ip m e e tin g w ith R idge. The fe n c in g te a m c o m p le te d a n o th e r u n d e fe a te d season w ith a 14 - 1 3 vic to ry , securing a s e c o n d stra ig h t S tate C h a m p io n s h ip .
Clockwise from top right: Christian M atos competes in his firs t bout of the State Championship against Ridge. Damiano Servidio sits en garde waiting fo r the bout to begin. Sean FitzGibbon’1 8 gives Joaquin M atam is’18 some pointers. Robbie W alker adds some flair with a jump parry-riposte.
Bryce Payne’19 and David Garrelick’19 talk it over with Coach Settem brino’9 9 while Robbie W alke r'2 0 watches a bout. Lucas M o tir’2 0 m eets his opponent. The team poses fo r a photo before a match.
#CaptureTheTouch #PrepFencing 58
3 0 0 likes damianoserv642 #touche #prepfencing #CaptureTheTouch #statechamps #repeat
3 0 0 likes jaredamabowler rolling towards that 3 0 0 game #prepbowling #doingitforschlitzer mavericklindo during a game or at tryouts? #diditforthematch #tryoutgamestrong
#CaptureThePins #PrepBowling 60
th e yhihi.i
2 0 1 8 w a s a s o lid se a so n fo r Prep B o w lin g . Even th o u g h w e w e re n 't a b le to w in the H u d s o n C o u n ty le a g u e o r to u rn a m e n t, w e w e re a b le to w in o u r g ro u p a t State S e c tio n a ls a n d m o ve o n to the S tate C h a m p io n s h ip w h e re w e p la c e d 10 th o u t o f 4 0 team s! I am v e ry p ro u d o f h o w w e c a rrie d o u rse lve s th ro u g h o u t the se a so n a n d e ven w h e n w e w e re n 't d o in g so w e ll, w e s ta y e d p o sitive a n d e n d e d the y e a r on a stro n g n o te ! H u g e thanks to the seniors Jared, Lynken, a n d C h ris w h o m a d e it a fun a n d m e m o ra b le season w h ile k e e p in g us lo c k e d into the m o m e n t!
Clockwise from top left: The team huddles up before a match. Maverick Lindo’1 9 is congratulated by his teammates. The team comes together for a quick cheer. Zack Oswald’2 0 anticipates the results of a team m ate’s approach. Jordan Veverka’19 hoping fo r a strike. Lynken Lanting'18 striking fo r the magis
Prep W re s tlin g h a d a g re a t se a so n this y e a r. The te a m w o n its 10th stra ig h t H u d s o n C o u n ty D uals C h a m p io n s h ip . T hey la ter w e n t o n to the S e c tio n a l S em ifinals in the N o n -P u b lic A T o u rn a m e n t w h e re th e y w re s tle d a g a in s t S eton H a ll Prep. The te am sent 5 w re stle rs to the N J S IA A In d iv id u a l C h a m p io n s h ip s . P atrick A d a m s '2 1 , M ik e K e lly ' 1 8, Jam es C ru z '1 9 , N ic c o lo C o lu c c i '1 9 a n d S e a n R e in d e ro '2 1 all w re s tle d a t B o a rd w a lk H a ll in A tla n tic C ity.
Clockwise from top right The team watches as on of their team m ate wrestles Zach Lewis ’18 gets the win Niccolo Colucci’ 19 goes in fo r the grab Tate Fryczynski ’18 prepares to wrestle Patrick A d a m s’21 goes fo r the pin Mike Kelly ’18 moves onto the next round Sean Reindero’21 looks fo r a pin
#CaptureThePins #PrepWrestling 62
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[always bleed Mgroon’m y*ss>l - Mike K k
4 3 3 likes byrningup Through the ups and downs, I’ve learned so much from this sport. I’m thankful fo r being blessed with some of the best coaches and teammates in the world. Definitely gonna miss not being able to wrestle next year. #Prep4Life
W restling
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‘Throughout the four Years, I learned the the vo of hard work, commitment, and camaraderie iron my teammates. I am always inspired by and grateful for Prep Swimming, as we have created memories that I will cherish for the rest of my life.. ■Thomas Lee’18 mMSm.
2 5 8 likes sppswimstigram I am not sure if it's the bleach in the water, but the smiles of our swimmers are whiter than ever. #marauder swimming #prepsplash t_lee4 Prep men do it best...
#CaptureTheLanes #PrepSplasl 6‘4
The S a in t Peter's B oys s w im m in g te a m is a fo rc e that is u n d e rs ta n d a b ly n o t to b e re c k o n e d w ith . S w im m ers, such as se n io r A n d re s O rb e , his s o p h o m o re b ro th e r G a b e O rb e , a n d ju n io r M a x G e lle r, a re w e ll k n o w n to strike fe a r in the c o m p e titio n w ith their a b ility to a ttra c t p o in ts w ith e a se . The u n fo rtu n a te u p se t o f n o t m a k in g it to states, w a s m et w ith y e t a n o th e r c h a m p io n s h ip . The m a ra u d e rs w o n their 8th c o n s e c u tiv e c o u n ty title, se c u rin g th e ir ro le as a fie rc e ly c o m p e titiv e team .
Clockwise, top left to right: Captain, Thomas Lee ’18. speeding down the lane The whole team huddling up prior to their meet Sophomore, Chris Mejia, and juniors, Ryan Gray & Kieran Scanlon, pleased at their team's results Christian Sanducci ’18 stares down the competition Senior, Andres Orbe, leaps to start, what would be, a definite victory for the marauders The pool faces the wrath of Maxim Geller ’19 as he swims his way to victory
tk e M c m id io t Prep Puck finished o ff their se a so n w ith a 1 2 -1 1 -2 re c o rd . The te a m finishe d their se a so n o ff in the N o n -P u b lic A T o u rn a m e n t w h e re th e y lost to M o rris to w n -B e a rd . The M a ra u d e rs ska te d a n d p la y e d a g a in s t som e o f the best team s in the state in the G o r d o n C u p . W ith m a n y p la y e rs returning next y e a r, it is d e fin ite ly so m e th in g th at the c o a c h e s ha ve their e ye s set on. Prep h o c k e y finished w ith a final ra n kin g o f 14th in the state.
Clockwise from Top right Prep Hockey skates onto the rink Players cheer as Prep scores a goal Geno Keohane ’18 looks for an open shot M att Zdanowicz’19 lines up fo r a shot Ed Seborowski ’18 races to steal the puck Phil Decresce ’19 awaits fo r the puck The defense works together as they prevent a goal
#CaptureTheSlapshot #PrepPucl< 66
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1 ,0 2 4 likes brennancollier24 No regrets. Put everything into this. 24...out #chumbucket #shovelszn @shaneshell @edseborowski
#CaptureTheLead #PrepTracl 68
CAPTURE P rep's in d o o r tra c k te a m h a d a g re a t se a so n . From c a p tu rin g the Jesuit R elay, p la c e d 3 rd a t the N J S IA A C h a m p io n s h ip , 4 x 8 0 0 p la c e d third a n d 4 x 4 0 0 p la c e d s e c o n d in the E m e rg in g Elite s e ctio n o f the N e w B a la n c e N a tio n a ls . In d iv id u a lly , M a rk u s B a g le y w a s the N o n -P u b lic G r o u p A 4 0 0 m S tate C h a m p io n a n d E dw in K la n k e p la c e d s e c o n d in the Freshm an M ile a t the N e w B a la n c e N a tio n a ls . P rep's o u td o o r te a m w e n t into the se a so n as re ig n in g 4 x 2 0 0 A ll-A m e ric a n s . This y e a r's te a m w a s b a la n c e d a n d p re p a re d to c o m p e te a t a high level.
Clockwise from top left: Prep hurdlers competing against each other at City Championships. James Conti ’2 0 clears the hurdle. Kevin Keegan ’18 attempts to pass a competitor. Gus Nations ’19 in full stride. Markus Bagley ’18 making a last push in the 400. Mike Mangual ’18 gets ready for his throw Richard Luzzi-Liggins ’19 bolting in the 55m dash.
Indoor and Outdoor Track
A fte r w in n in g H u d s o n C o u n ty C h a m p io n s h ip s , The R hode Island T o u rn a m e n t a n d the Livingston In vita tio n a l, the S aint Peter's Prep V o lle y b a ll te a m is lo o k in g to m a k e a b ig c o m e b a c k this y e a r. A lth o u g h 1 0 seniors g ra d u a te d last y e a r, the team is g o in g to a c c o m p lis h b ig things. W ith so m e n e w c o a c h e s , a n d n e w p la y e rs the S a in t Peter's Prep V o lle y b a ll team is g o in g to b e w o rk in g h a rd e r than e v e r to re p e a t all o f the w in s from last se a so n a n d h o p e fu lly e ven m ore.
Clockwise from top right The Saint Peter’s Prep volleyball team celebrating after winning the Hudson County Championship Paolo Samin spiking a ball against the opposing team The volleyball team getting blocks Practicing the triple block The Saint Peter’s Prep team getting ready fo r a big game Chris Larkin blocking a ball against the opposing tarn
#CaptureTheSets #PrepVolleybal 70
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3 2 0 ,0 0 0 likes PaoloSamin: Big things are going to happen this year, just wait #Jiggy CoachMo: Take off Paolo MattCoyne: W e are and forever will be the best looking team in the state
2 4 7 ,3 6 5 likes RJDornz Winners never quit and quitters never win. #RingChasing #YNK #Magnolia JCarey23 Lets get it!! M atteo_S15 # 4 4 on the field, #1 in my heart DMeleo Ring Chasing
#CapturetheRuns #PrepBaseball 7^
CAPTURE After a 1 8-9 season last year, the Saint Peter's Prep Baseball team looks for a c o m e b a ck season and a run in States and Counties. W ith 15 returning varsity members, the M arauders look to com e into this season with experience and an underdog mentality. The Prep Baseball team w ill be playing under C oach Laguerre and his coaching staff for yet another year. The baseball team is traveling to C alifornia this y e a r for a business trip w hile also playing a highly com petitive schedule. The M a ra u d e rs w ill be led by their three senior captains: Jack C arey, Ryan Dorneo, and Thomas G a n n a w a y
Clockwise from Top Right Correl Caddie ’18 gazes on as Prep destroys Dickinson in County Quarterfinals Jack Carey ’18 celebrates after scoring a run by high-fiving Tom Gannaway '18 Dom Meleo '1 8 takes a lead on the bases during a game against Bayonne Frankie Vuolo ’18 catching a game at Rutgers Stadium The team lines up during the national anthem during a game in Florida p Baseball team prays before a ne against Union City
. B a S G D S lI
CAPTURE Each y e a r Prep la cro sse has o n e g o a l in m ind - to b e b e tte r than the y e a r b e fo re . The te a m tries e a c h a n d e v e ry y e a r to b e c o m e o n e o f the g re a t sports team s h ere a t p re p . Last y e a r; th e y m a d e history, m a kin g it to the sem i-finals o f the state to u rn a m e n t in o n e o f the m ost d iffic u lt g ro u p s in the cou ntry. T hat w a s just the first step the te a m to o k into turning the Lacrosse p ro g ra m into an elite, c o m p e titiv e te a m a n d th e y p la n to k e e p p ro g re s s in g to w a rd s e x c e lle n c e , b e in g b e tte r than the y e a r b e fo re .
Clockwise from top right The team lines up as they listen to the national athem Tracy Bowers ’19 prepares to clear the ball Liam Brown ’19 ready fo r a save Will Vespole ’18 carries the ball downfield Coaches cheer with joy as Prep scores Patrick Murphy '19 gets ready fo r the shot The team comes in fo r a huddle after the goal
#CapturetheCelly #Prepl_acrosse 74
R 5 ,1 3 9 likes Instakink2 Set the bar high, and hurdle that jawn #getoverbeingasugarcookie #lafayette vespole4 you can’t even jump that high though #tinylegs #swarthmore heimo2 @vespole4 you can’t even remember the plays though #mll
#CapturethePar #PrepWedge 76
CAPTURE m e/m i
G o lf is o n e o f the m ost u n d e rra te d sports h e re a t Prep. T h ey p ut all o f their hearts a n d efforts into e a c h g a m e they p la y. T h e y must k n o w the c o rre c t form w h e n th e y ta k e a sw in g in h o p e s o f a lo n g d riv e . The sm all b u t v e ry d e d ic a te d te am w o rk s to g e th e r w e ll. O v e r the y e a r th e y h a v e le a rn e d a lot a b o u t g o lf a n d c o n tin u e to p ra c tic e th e ir g a m e . C o a c h O 'F la h e rty has c h a n g e d these n o v ic e mini g o lfe rs to full b lo w n p ro g o lfe rs .
Clockwise from top left: Pavol Spiska’2 0 swings while team m ates watch. Pat G arrigan’18 swings under the guidance of Coah O’Flaherty. Pat G arrigan’1 8, Miles Brancatella’1 8, and Pavol Spiska’20, carry th e ir golf bags to the green at an approach. Garrigan and Spiska discuss which club to use. Pavol Spiska aims his putter. Ty Pezzola lines up his shot.
m m sm
CAPTURE ik e iu e A The Prep ru g b y te a m enters e v e ry sp rin g se a so n w ith c o n fid e n c e b e c a u s e o f the p la y e rs fearlessness, p a ire d w ith their y e a rn to ta c k le a n y o n e in sight. It is no surprise th e y consistently w in the H u d s o n C o u n ty c h a m p io n s h ip b y d e fe a tin g their in te rcity rivals H u d s o n C a th o lic . Their h a rd w o rk a n d d e d ic a tio n sh o w s itself on the fie ld e a c h m atch. The team consiste ntly g ro w s e a c h y e a r, in c re a s in g the s ta n d a rd o f c o m p e titio n in N e w Jersey.
Clockwise, left to right: The team posing after defeating Hudson Catholic fo r the County Championship A scrum fo r the ball mid-game David Vovor ’18 running with he ball Jacob Quinones ’19 and Ethan MacMillan ’19 enthusiastic after a try Juniors Jake Quinones and James Anderson Seniors take part in a line-out out for possession
#CaptureTheTries #PrepRugby 78
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O Q 1 3 0 likes davev rubgy is more than a sport (and two guys running at each other full force], but life.... #p4l #preprugby jake_quinones they simply can’t handle dave vovor #train
R ugby
2 2 2 likes davidoffduos another tennis tournament and another win for us. Looks like we are going to surpass the old record of top doubles teams here at prep. #goforthewin #wontstop
#CaptureTheNet #PrepAdvantage 80
CAPTURE w w ne£
Prep tennis has b e e n d o m in a tin g the g a m e in H u d s o n C o u n ty fo r the p a s t fo u r ye a rs . W ith the le a d e rs h ip o f seniors M a tth e w D illa n e a n d M a n a v Parikh th e y a re on the righ t p ath fo r a n o th e r successful se a so n . Prep tennis has m e a n t m ore to the te a m than just p la y in g a g a m e . T h e y h a ve c re a te d a fa m ily e ve n in an in d iv id u a l sport. W ith the return o f som e ke y p la y e rs as w e ll as the c o a c h in g staff o f P a d re Fencik a n d Emily F encik th e y lo o k to the 2 0 1 8 sp rin g season.
Clockwise from top left: Team huddle before a m atch against MKA. Ethan Gaynor ’19 Christian Cunningham ’19 The team at introductions prior to the match. Manav Parikh ’18 smiling at a won point. M a tt Dillane ’18 destroying a forehand.
Love is s h o w n m o re in d e e d s than in w o rd s .
A s a Jesuit sc h o o l, the students o f Prep a re c h a lle n g e d to put their faith into a c tio n . Each sum m er a n d th ro u g h o u t the y e a r, the C a m p u s M in is try O ffic e p la n a n d run m u ltip le a ctivitie s th a t a n im a te this c o n c e p t. The d e p a rtm e n t he lp s students u n d e rsta n d faith a n d justice, a n d h o w to put it into a c tio n .
Campus Ministry
The Campus Ministry Team S a in t PETER'S p r e p HUMANITIES BUILDING ♦
Capture the Mom ent
Top Row: Hugh Carrol, Tyler Hansen, Dan Rowe, Declan Alvidrez, Gerald Graves, MaxTelamaque, J Griffin Gonzalez, Ben Kelly, Robert Onoz, Tate Fryczynski, William Woltmann, Kevin Goines, David Chase Lerner, Billy Slaski, Billy McHugh, Malchijah Hoskins, Tyler Finerty, Andrew Chiurazzi, Matthew Baldowski, Brendan Thiele Middle Row: Mr. O’Connell, Steven Ferrales, Jeremiah Narramore, Joseph Trombecky, Joseph Mastrodonato Sean FitzGibbon, Andrew Tobin, Ashon Stewart, Chima Ohadike, Nick Charas, Vic Lopez, Ryan Kirkwood, Noah Byrne, Jack Halligan, Will White, Griffin Gudaitis, John Gaccione, Ryan Ramos, Durkin McCarthy, Tom Lee, Ashton Williams, Owen Heim, Dan Brown, Mr. Dougherty Bottom Row: Daniel Nunez, Joaquin Matamis, Rob Dungan, Chris Shaw, Brian Savage, Ryan Dorneo, Ralph Mason, Will Perlman, Nick Ramirez, Connor Heaney, Andrew Maxwell, Matthew Dillane, Fernando Cordova
Campus Ministry Team
-■'■I The “IgNite” retreat is an overnight experience tha t introduces freshmen to the Jesuit mission and community of Saint Peter’s Prep. The retrea t’s name IgNite is a play on words, symbolizing how students spend the night being introduced to the beliefs and stories of Ignatius, the founder of the Society of Jesus (the Jesuits]. In addition to acquainting students to Prep’s Jesuit traditions, also helps them come to better know themselves, their family and friends, and God. IgNite serves as the first experience freshman have of the brotherhood present at Prep.
Capture the Moment
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Prep believes tha t it is invaluable fo r each student to spend time serving the underprivileged of his community, witnessing and coming to understand a different way of life. Freshman take part in a day of service through various organizations that work with populations from the elderly to very young children. The days of service can be spent having a picnic, a dance, Easter egg hunts, or a Christmas party. This program integrates freshman into the Prep community and introduces them to service.
Ignite and Freshman Day of Service
A new addition to the Campus Ministry programming this year was the Koinonia retreat for sophomores. Koinonia is a Greek word tha t means “fellowship” and the heart of the retreat is centered on building the brotherhood tha t builds memories through a young man’s time at Prep. “The Koinonia retreat is a great experience to encounter. This retreat is all about working together. There are multiple activities that are provided in which everyone works together as a team. Other than the concept of team bonding, I believe there is a stronger meaning behind this retreat. It makes you realize how lucky you are to have these people by your side. The obstacles were impossible to do with only one person. W ith ten people helping each other out and communicating, we were able to complete all of the challenges. This retreat brings everyone closer as a whole, and as a family. “ - Michael Canosa ’20
Capture the Moment
Koinonia-a Greek Word meaning “fellowship,” communion
“Koinonia was a great opportunity to learn and grow closer with my fellow sophomores. A fter some discussion about what it means to be a community, we put our reflection into action through several engaging group activities, including an obstacle course and relay races. When we returned inside after a rewarding time of competition and teamwork, there was plenty to discuss; we considered our original perception of how a community should operate and compared this with our approach to the physical obstacles we had faced as groups. Then we applied our retreat experience to our roles in the Prep community, questioning what it means to lead and to serve. In addition to discussing these topics in general term s, we opened up about how we fit in at Prep as individuals and the unique qualities we each bring to the table. W ith this in mind, I think the main takeaway from the retreat was that each role in a community is equally essential, which is an idea we were challenged to implement on a daily basis.” - Victor Tyne ’2 0
Kairos is a time for juniors to pause and reflect on the influence of God in their lives. Kairos retreats are a powerful moment in a Prep man’s journey. “Going into Kairos I didn’t really know what to expect, to be honest I wasn't really expecting anything to change me, but boy was I wrong. During my time on Kairos I found a deeper meaning for life and people as a whole. All forty two of us on K53 walked in with our small groups of friends but left brothers and family for life. W hat you feel on this retreat is something you can’t describe, but something you just experience there are no words to describe it. This retreat is really special and is cherished by every Prep man who has taken part in one. Kairos in my opinion is what makes Prep such a special place, because of this it makes Prep not just a school but a family and a brotherhood bigger than oneself.” -Steven Panzariello’19
Capture the Moment
Kairos-the “right time”, the Lord’s special time
<airos. An experience tha t teaches you perspective. That is my main take away from the retreat, got to know my peers more in depth. I got a chance to really know myself. It helped me realize yvhat I need to do to be a better person. I was able to recognize my purpose to the world. W hat <airos meant to me was th a t you have to make connections with other people and nature. To be jnderstood, you have to be understanding -Tracy Bowers ’19
Emmaus 2 8 9 Retreat at the Capuchin Family and Youth Ministry Garrison, NY “One of my favorite m em ories of Emmaus 2 8 9 was walking into the dining hall on Sunday morning to see a t least a small group standing around the coffee m aker w atching and waiting. No one was talking, each person had a cup of cocoa mix anticipating the firs t drip signaling a yummy shot of caffeine and chocolate would soon be ingested. W hile coffee and cocoa inspire unity, so too did this re treat. I have been w arm ly welcom ed here a t Prep and I realized th a t the h e a rt of this welcoming com es fro m the s p irit th a t is created and sustained on re tre a t experiences. The adult leaders supported and affirm ed the student leaders who supported and affirm ed the re tre a ta n ts on th e ir journey within the Prep com m unity and as they prepared to move beyond. The stories and m em ories created a mosaic th a t reflects the fabric of our school th a t tru ly makes it a loving and welcoming com m unity. Each person brings his unique and special gift to our community, his personal th re a d of brilliance and color. On Emmaus 2 8 9 (INFL), I was w itness to the gifts of the re tre a ta n ts, student leaders and adults th a t bless me richly each and every single m om ent of my Prep experience and I am eternally g rateful!” Ms. Tracy Kessler, Religion D epartm ent, E 289
Capture the Moment
“Then their eyes were opened and they recognized Him, but he vanished from their sight. Then they said to each other, “W ere not our hearts burning within us while he spoke to us on the way and opened the Scriptures to us?” (Luke 24:31-32).
“The story of Emmaus is applicable to many aspects of life, but it is especially applicable to my time here at Prep. Emmaus 289 was a special experience for me as I finally realized and recognized the many Prep brothers I have had all along. I went into the retreat without the expectation of it being “life changing” because of what I heard from those who went years prior. “Dumb free time” was the commonly used phrase. While we still had “dumb free time”, our group used each and every second to connect and come closer together (a.k.a get in our bags)... making Emmaus 289 second to none.” □wen Heim, ’18, E289
Service and Immersion Trips W hen leading an Im m ersion trip my firs t th o u g h t is always “Do the guys know w ha t they are getting involved w ith? ” I found this past su m m ers group to surpass every expectation I had. Going into the week with a group of young men fro m the Class of 2 0 2 0 to W heeling, W e s t Virginia I w ondered if they knew the tru e meaning behind Country Roads. W hen visiting “God’s C ountry” of the rolling hills and valleys of W e s t Virginia you never know w h a t will happen. One day may be hot and humid while the next you barely hit 5 0 degrees. This trip was ju st that! From o ur tim e a t the Appalachian O utreach C enter to Grow Ohio Valley and finally the opportunity to serve the people of the com m unity a t the G reater W heeling Soup Kitchen, each new day was filled with such w a rm th in my h e a rt and those around me. Finally we ended each day with a chance to visit d ifferent areas including many trip s to Olgebay Park and finishing the day with a meaningful reflection. -Ms. Emily Fencik, Fine and P erform ing A rts D epartm ent
Capture the Moment
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“When the heart is touched by direct experience, the mind may be challenged to change.” Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, S.J.
My experience cn the Camden Immersion Trip was excellent; and, I am thankful to have participated in both the hands on opportunities for service as well as time set aside for prayerful reflection. As part of its Catholic and specifically Jesuit identity, Prep looks to emphasize contemplation in action and this trip was no different. Each day of the trip consisted of both active service and intentional conversations and reflection in small groups. I found the trip to be a week of genuine fraternity amongst Prep brothers and a great spiritual consolation. By far the most impactful day of the trip was when I spent a few hours at a senior day care. While there I tried to play board games with the senior citizens, but mostly just sat with a woman named Ms. Dona. I confess at one point I became agitated that I was ‘wasting time’ sitting with a woman I didn’t know who would likely never remember me. However, I corrected myself, and recalled that she was created onto the likeness of God and was by simply being a woman of great dignity. From that point on, I strived to intentionally spent my time with her until it was time to leave. God reminded me that I had been with Him while I ‘simply sat’ with Ms. Dona. That day was a personal experience that reminded me that sometimes we must simply spend time with people and recognize God’s presence in them. These powerful moments make me very grateful to Prep for providing these immersion trips and making our faith something lived out intentionally. -Matthew Forget’19 Immersion Trips
-2 likes canalogies just another day around the halls #idseason #dresscode #got’em #recordsetter #jugsfordays morris quite the haul there Mr. Canale #subjugum canalogies @morris #justiceunderGod
2 ,2 2 2 likes 1 kcafe for this year’s mission drive w ere offering rides on the ol’ scooter take it for a spin #missiondrive #scootscoot
Capture the Moment
4 ,2 2 4 likes scannapiecoclaw killing time waiting for that Hogwarts letter #verticalleap #latin I #podiumchallenge #Hogwarts #ravenclawforlife
fennywap I’m not sure which I like better, tacos or singing # definitelysinging #Vox #tacos sppvox wow Ms. Fencik thanks! we knew you really cared #bestmusicteacherever I fennywap now if it were nachos... #yep | #nachosoversinging
Faculty and Staff
The a c a d e m ic a n d a d m in is tra tiv e d e p a rtm e n ts th a t m a ke S aint Peter's Prep run on a d a ily b asis m a y v a ry in their fu n ctio n , but their m ission re m a in s the sam e. To fo rm y o u n g men o f c o m p e te n c e , c o n s c ie n c e , a n d c o m p a s s io n . Each serves their o w n p u rp o s e a n d sta ffe d b y ta le n te d w o m e n a n d men. W h e th e r the m e m b e rs a re in v o lv e d w ith d ire c t instruction o r w o rk in g b e h in d the scenes, e a c h is ta s k e d w ith a p a rt o f this h o n o ra b le mission.
■ ■ I
M r.D avid B urokas’85, M r.A ndre B am bara, M r.M atthew Scannapieco (Chair), Mr. Patrick M cG overn’99 Not Pictured: M rs. Em m a Coultrap-Bagg
100 SBHK
Back Row: Mr. Bhim a G addy’Ol, M r.Peter G eary ’05, M s.K itty M cN ally, M r.A dam B ouley, M s.B rooke Sim onson, M s.A drienne M cLoghlin, M r.R ichard P eters’85, M r.Juan A rteaga Front Row: M rs. Janet A ngerm eyer, M r.W illiam Reese, M r.G reg M o rrissey ’08, M r.C hristopher C aulfied ’03 (Chair)
Language and English
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Back Row: Ms. A drienne M cLoghlin, Mr. Patrick M cCoy, Ms. Emily Fencik Front Row: Ms. M egan K lim (Chair), Mr. Steve Caslow itz
Back Row: Mr. Brian Innis, Mr. A m aechi O k o ro ’Ol, Mr. A nthony V erd i’95 (Chair), Mr. Patrick Laguerre, Mr. B rendan Roche Front Row: Mr. A nthony K eating’78, Mr. Paul C unneen, Fr. M atthew Cassidy, S.J., M s. M ary A nne M cElroy
Fine Arts and History
Back Row: M r.M ichael S circak ’ 11, M r.Jam es H o lly w o o d ’66, M s.Theresa LaB runo, M s.Suzanne Dillane P ’ 16,18 ,M s.Erin Stark (Chair), M r.G erald C am pbell-Clark, M r.C arlos T ab o ra’87 Front Row: Mrs. Ella G lazer, Fr.R obert O ’Hare S J , M r.Casey Q uinn, M r.C harles Coccaro
□ I
C m n > ->I □ HI
o ^ Mr. Jose Q u e’99, Mr. R ichard H ansen ’03, Mr. Ryan O ’Flaherty
Math and Physical Education
Back Row: Ms. A ym ee Torres P ’ 19, Ms. N ery G om ez, Ms. Rosalie Rom ano (Chair) Front Row: Mr. Salvatore V eniero’05, Mr. T hom as Pow ers, Mr. Rem i Pastorek, Mr. Patrick M cG overn’99
Back Row: Mr. G regory H artm an, Ms. Cheryl Rice (Chair), M s. T racy K essler, Mr. M ichael Prescia, Dr. Jeffrey H artling Front Row: Mr. M ichael Fletcher, Dr. N atalie W illiam s, Mr. Russell Fiorella, Fr. A nthony A zzarto, S.J.
Modem Language and Religion
Back Row: Mr. N athan Riley, Dr. M ichael H o lt/9 9 , Mr. K enneth Trotta, Ms. Jan Merski, Mr. Thom as Com ey (Chair), Mr. K enneth Pam iloza, Mr. A lex C a n ale/0 5 Front Row: Mrs. Siobhan Rios, Ms. C atherine Eppler, Mrs. C arm ela Schlitzer, Ms. Lisa Bui
Mr. Raphael O rtiz’10, Ms. M ary D urante (D irector o f S tudent Services), Mrs. C hristine D avis (D irector o f the Brow ning Center), Mr. Renato R o d rig u es’10
Back Row: Fr. John M ullin, S.J., M rs. Sarah M orissette, Mr. Joe G iglio (D irector o f C ollege and G uidance Counseling), Ms. B elkise D allam Front Row: Fr. A nthony A zzarto S.J., M rs. Janice M artineau, Ms. Jessica N ordstrom , Mrs. G race M orris, Ms. M ary D urante (D irector o f Student Services)
Science and G uidance
Mr. W illiam Reese and Ms. A shley Hoffm an
1 I I
Back Row: Mr. John D ougherty (D irector o f C am pus M insitry), Mr. K evin A lbers (D irector of Operations), Mr. Robert Furlong (V ice-Principal o f A cadem ics, Mr. Joe G ig lio ’87 (D irector o f C ollege and G uidance Counseling), Mr. John M orris (Dean o f Students), Mr. Jam es D eA ngelo’85 (Principal) Front Row: Mr. John Irvine’83 (D irector o f A dm issions), Fr. K enneth Boiler, SJ (President), Mr. Richard Hansen (D irector of A thletics), Mr. D avid B ailey ’95 (D irector o f Educational Technology), Ms. Boreta Singleton (D irector o f Faculty Form ation), Mr. A nthony L ocricchio’96
110 Administration and Staff
Ms. K ate Ford (A ssistant V ice-President o f Finance), Mr. John C au lfield ’71, Ms. D iane M cCabe, Ms. Jessica N orton
Mr. M ichael M urcia’08 (D irector o f A lum ni R elations), Ms. D alm a Santana (D irector o f Special Events and Parent R elations), Mr. M ichael Jira n ’03 (D irector o f C om m unications), Ms. D ebbie Peko-Lillis P ’ 10, M rs. K ate L illis-M agnus (D irector o f A nnual G iving), M rs. Liz W alsh, Mr. Steve Izzo (C hief A dvancem ent O fficer)
Administration and Staff
Mr. Rocko Tejada P’18
Administration and Staff
Ow en K ealy’19, Mr. Jan Butrym , Mr. M ichael K elly, N icholas D em etriades’18
Administration a id Staff
Mrs. Trish Fitzpatrick P ’0 7 ,’16, Mr. Raphael O rtiz’10, Mr. John Irv in e’83 P ’l 1, Mrs. D iane Casazza P ’9 5 ,’97
Mrs. Grace Gualario, Assistant to the Principal
Mrs. Erica Abbondante, Assistant to the Athletic Director
Ms. Cecelia Collins Attendance Office
Ms. Katie Albers Front Desk
Administration and Staff
Mrs. Phadadria Randall, Mr. John D ougherty (D irector o f C am pus M inistry), Mr. Ryan O ’Connell (A ssistant D irector o f C am pus M inistry), Mr. A nthony R u v o ’15 (ASC V olunteer)
Administration and Staff
CAPTU P rep's F aculty a n d S taff c o m e from a v a rie ty o f b a c k g ro u n d s . Y e a rs from n o w w h e n P rep students lo o k b a c k on their tim e a t Prep, m a n y o f them w ill n o t re m e m b e r a ll o f the lessons taught, but w ill re m e m b e r the d e d ic a tio n s h o w n b y the w o m e n a n d men w h o w a lk e d the halls a t G r a n d a n d W a rre n .
Faculty and Staff
Assistant to the Director of Athletics
Director of Educational Technology
14 Years at Prep
B.A., New Jersey City University
B.S., University of Scranton
Erica Abbondante
res Department
BA, University of M aryland Katie Albers
B.Th. Institute d e Theologie d e la C om p ag n ie d e Jesus/ University of West Africa B.Phil., Institute d e Philosophie Saint Pierre C anisius of Kim wenza
Andre Tilado Bambara
M.B.A., B.S., Saint Peter's College Kevin Albers
English Department
M.A., Rutgers University; B.A.,
M.Div., Woodstock College; B.A. Fordham University
[Janet Angermeyer
Kenneth Boiler, SJ
Assistant Dean of Students an d English
English Department 5 Years a t Prep
\ M.A., New York University; B.A., Saint Joseph's University
\% \ w X X W
M.S., City College of New York; B.A., Canisius Coll<
[Juan Arteaga
G uidance an d College Counseling, Religioi Departments Bene Merenti 38 M.Th., Woodstock College; M.A., B.A., Fordham University Anthony Azzarto, SJ
M.A., B.A., New York
Faculty and Staff
David Burokas, '85
Educational Technology
Vice President for Finance
17 Years a t Prep
6 Years a t Prep
ew Jersey Institute of Technology Jan Butrym, '01
B.S., Fordham University John Caulfield, 7 1 , P’00, ’03
M athem atics Depi
Browning Center Assistant
6 Years a t Prep
6 Years a t Prep
M.S., Fordham Univeristy; B.S.
Gerald Campbell-Clark
M ary Beth Caulfield, P'00, '0 3
Science Department
M athem atics D epartment 4 Years a t Prep
B.S., Loyola M aryland /ola University Uni
B.S., Montclair State University
Alexander Canale, '05
Charles Coccaro
isistant to the Diri :tor of Admissions
sistant to the Deans Bene Merenti 20
Diane Casazza, P'95, '9 7
Cecelia Collins
ing Arts D epartment
Science Departm ent Chair 7 Years a t Prep
niversity; land Conservatory of Music Steven Caslowitz
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., New Jersey City University Thomas Comey II
Classical Languages D epartment Year a t Prep rt.Div., Weston Je su it! Fordham University;
Theology; on College
MA., New York Univeristy; BA, Dartmouth University
Matthew Cassidy, SJ.
M.S., Fordham University; M.A., BA., Boston College Christopher Caulfield, '03
Faculty and Staff
M athem atics Department
History Department
rs a t Prep
17 Years at Prep M.S., University of Rochester; BA, College of the Holy Cross Paul Cunneen
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.S., University of Notre D<
ISuzanne Dillane, P 'l6, '1 8
Guidance an d College Counseling Department
G uidance a n d College Counseling Department
5 Years at Prep
Bene Meienti 30
M.S., Fordham University BA, LeMoyne College
M.A., Montclair State University; B.S., Saint College
Belkise Dallam
James Dondero,16 6, P'00
Cam pus Shop
Director of Cam pus Ministry
8 Years a t Prep
7 Years a t Prep M.A., Bost
Ms. I Catherine
Daly, P '02,'04
liege; B.A., Loyola University Maryla
John Dougherty
Learning Specialist, Browning Cen
G uidance an d
2 Years a t Prep
13 Years a t Pre
L.D.T.-C., Caine University; M.A., Monmouth University; B.A., Rutgers University- New Brunswick
J.D., Prof. Dipl., M.S., BA., For
Christine Davis
M ary Durante
Operations Staff
Operations St
6 Years at Prep
Bene Merentii 21
Jerry Davis
Mr. I Hugo
Bene Merenti 28 M.A., Samt Peter's College; B.A., Boston Co
James DeAngelo/85
M.A., Saint Peter’s Uj 'College Catherine Eppler
ears a
M., University of North Carolina at Greens
Faculty and Staff
Ms. I Emily Fencik
Religion D epartment
English D epartm ent
2 Years a t Prep
8 Years a t Prep
B.A., Canisius College
M.S.Ed., Fordham University; BA., Loyola University M aryland
Russell Fiorella
Peter Gea
KIM" 1
Director or of Marketing a n d Public Relatio
Director of G uidance an d College Counselling
9 Years a t Prep
7 Years at Prep
M.BA, Fairleigh Dickinson University; B.A., Fairfi University
B.A., College of the Holy Cross
Trish Fitzoatrick P'O7, '1 6
Giuseppe Gialio, '8 7
Religion Department
M athem atics D epartment
16 Years a t Prep
17 Years a t Prep
M.A., Boston College; B.A., Wheeling Jesuit College
B.A., Kean University
Michael Fletcher
ice President for Finance Merenti 29
Modern Languages Department 11 Years a t Prep A., University of Salam anca; MA , University of avana; .A., Universidad Central M arta Abreu Las Villas Cuba
Catherine Ford Vice Principal for Academics
Nerv Gomez Assistant to the Principal Bene Merenti 28
tuel College; BA., Boston University Grace Gualario
Richard Hansen, P'03,'09 Bhima Gaddv, '01 Director of Financial
BA., Seton Hall Universil
Frederick Galano
Assistant Director of Athletics a n d Physical Education Department Chair
Vice President for Planning an d Principal Giving Bene Meienti 44
15 Years a t Prep M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.S., St. Peter's College
M.A., Fordham University; B.A., M arquette University
James Horan,
Religion Department
History Department
13 Years at Prep
7 Years a t Prep
Ph.D., M.A., Catholic University; B.A., College of the Holy Cross
MA., B.A., Montclair State University
Brian Innis Religion D epartment
Director of Admissions
1 Year a t Prep
Bene Meienti 29
B.A. & B.S. Xavier University (OH) Ed.M. Harvard G raduate School of Education
B.A., Samt Peter s College
Greaory Hartman
John Irvine, '8 3 , P'l 1
Assistant Librarian 2 Years a t Prep
M.A., Queens College; B.S., SUNY
Ashley Hoffman
Chief A dvancem ent Officer 1 Year at Prep
B.A., Saint Peter's
Steven Izzo
M athem atics Department Director of Communications 15 Years a t Prep 11 Years at Prep M.S., Stevens Institute of Technology; B.S., Saint Peter's College James Hollywood, '6 6 Science Department
B.A., New York University /y \l\ IM ichael Jiran,'03
History Department
3 Years a t Prep Ph.D., University of Colorado; B.S., University of M aryland Michael Holt, '99
J.D., G onzaga University; B.A., Boston College
Anthony Keating, *78.P' 10 Technology
B.S., University of Scranton
Faculty and Staff
Michael Kell
Religion Department
Assistant to the President
2 Years at Prep
Bene Merenti 26
M.P.S., Loyola University of New Orleans; BA, University of North Carolina at Wilmington I
fs S M f
Tracy Kessler
Maryphyllis Locricchio, P95,'96|
IM.F.A., Cranbook A cadem y oi B.F.A, The College of New Jen
M eaan Klim, P' 16
Janice Martineau
M athem atics D epartment
Finance Office Bene Merenti 26
B.A., Saint Peter's
Diane M cC abe
Theresa LaBruno in of Students, History D epartment
Fine Arts a n d Performing Arts Department 2 Years a t Prep
a t Prep
B.A., Jacksonville University atrick M cCo
Patrick LaGuerre
History Departm ent living
13 Years a t Prep ears at College
M A, Saint John’s University; BA., Saint Joseph's College
Kate Lillis-Maanus rainer
Modern L anguages Department 3 Years at Prep
J.D. Rutgers School of Law - Newark; M.A., BA , Georgetown University
Hall Joseph Lisella
Patrick McGovern, '9 9
Dean of Student Life 17 Years at Prep M.A, Saint Peter's College; BA, The College of Nev/ Jersey Anthony Locricchio, ’96
Faculty and Staff
)epartm ent Chair
Head Librarian
Modern Langi
4 Years a t Prep
17 Years a t Prep
M.L..I.S., Rutgers University; M.M., University of South Carolina; B.A., Columbus State University; B.M., Columbus State University
MA., M iddlebury College; MA., New Jersey < University, B.B.A., Pace University
William Reese
Rosalie Romano
Religion Departmentm Chair
Director of Special Events an d Parent Relations
5 Years a t Prep
Years a t Prep
M.T.S., Boston College; BA., Mount Saint Mary's University B.A., Rutgers University Cheryl Rice
Dalma Santana
Science Department
Operations Staff
2 Years a t Prep
Bene Merenti 28
Sc. M., Sc. B., Brown University; M.Ed., St. John’s University
HVAC Cert., Lincoln Technical Institute
Nathan Rile
Arvind Sawh, P'Ol
Science Department
Classical Languages Department Chair
1 Year a t Prep
10 Years a t Prep
B.S Stevens Institute of Technology MA. St. Peter’s College
M.A., Saint Peter's University; B.A., Temple Univers:
Siobhan Rios
Matthew Scannaoieco
History Department
Science Department
4 Years at Prep
7 Years at Prep
A.B., Harvard University
B.S., B.A., William Paterson University
MA., Saint Peter’s University v. Brendan Roche
Bowning Center an d Modern
Carmela Schlitzer
Department 11 Years a t Prep
2 Years a t Prep
M.A., B.S., Saint Petei
B.S., Kean University
Michael Settembrino, '0 ^
1School Nurse 10 Years a t Prep
B.S., Montclair State University
'in. Ms. 1Maureen Sheooard J26
Faculty and Staff
English D epartment
Science an d Fine an d Performing Arts Departments
7 Years at Prep
5 Years at Prep
M.A., Teachers' College, Columbia University; BA., Santa Clara University
B.A., Rutgers University
Brooke Simonson
Kenneth Trotta
Director of Faculty Formation
Modern Languages Department 7 Years a t Prep
10 Years a t Prep
M.S., N eum ann College; M.A., University of Notre Dame; B.A., Santa Clara University
B.A., Catholic University
Salvatore Veniero, '05
Boreta Sinaleton
History Departm ent Chair Computer Science Department 18 Years a t Prep [3 Years at Prep HstnasawRBHaaaHOBSBB^ «
M.A., Saint Peter's College; B.A., Monmouth University
| B.S., Saint Peter's University
Anthony Verdi, '95
Michael Skircak, '1 1 A dvancem ent Office cs D epartment Chair
Bene Meienti 32
Years a t Prep Peter's College; B.A., Douglass College, University
B.S., New York University; B.S., Saint Peter's University
Elizabeth Walsh Erin Stark Religion Departm ent M athem atics Department
Engineering from New Jersey ology
Carlos Tabora
1 Year a t Prep BA Berry College MTS Vanderbilt Divinity School PhD Drew University Natalie Williams
Rocco Teiada, P'l 8 Modern Languages D epartment 10 Years a t Prep
ersity; M.S., Universidade < M.A., New Jersey City Univers of H a v a n a : Sao Paulo; B.S., Polytechnic University U Avmee Torres, P'l 9
Faculty and Staff
CAPXU Each y e a r, a n o th e r g ro u p o f y o u n g m en e a rn the title o f Prep G ra d u a te , These y o u n g men h a v e c h a n g e d since their d a y s as a freshm an. T hey h a ve m a tu re d a n d g ro w n in to men fo r a n d w ith o thers w h o a re o p e n to g ro w th , in te lle c tu a lly c o m p e te n t, lo v in g , c o m m itte d to d o in g justice, a n d re lig io u s . The a c c o la d e s a n d a c h ie v e m e n ts o f the C la s s o f 2 0 1 8 a re w id e ra n g in g a n d tell their story.
First JUG Chima Ohadike: I forgot I had group guidance so I just chilled with the boys. Got a clean 3 jugs fo r a class cut. Then, I forgot again the next cycle. I’m a forgetful person. Hugh Carroll: Late to school, thought I didn’t have to go to JUG review, additional JUGs, then I didn't know I had to go to JUG review fo r the additional JUGs so I got a grand total of 5 JUGs to kick off the year.
William McHugh: When Kevin Fell left the table unclean in the commons
“The place with the most expensive treasure is the Cemetery because of all the untold ideas and stories.” -Les Brown
“I like thinking big. If you’re going to be thinking anything, you might as well think big.” - President Donald Trump Kairos 48; Emmaus 292; Rugby 3,4; Spanish Exchange 4; Spanish Club 1,2,3,4; Fencing 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Video Game Club 1,2,3; Vox 1,2; TV Studio 1,2,3,4
Luis Aguiar
Football 3, Ireland Trip 3, Peru 3
Adetayo Akano
“Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in a pretty and well preserved body, but rathe r to skid in broadside in a cloud of smoke, thoroughly used up, totally worn out, and loudly proclaiming ’W ow! W h a t a Ride!” -Hunter S. Thompson
“Everyone has a plan ’till they get punched in the mouth” - Mike Tyson
Kairos 47; Costa Rica Trip; Yellowstone Trip; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Soccer 1
Prep Dramatics 1,2,3,4
Nicholas Albano
Jorge Alicea-Lopez
“Ain’t no need to watch where I’m goin, just need to know where I’ve been” -M ater
“You either die Spongebob, or live long enough to see yourself become Squidward.” Anonymous
Band 1,2,3,Vice President 4; Jazz Band 1,2,President 3,4; Fencing 1,2,Captain 3,4; Student Council 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 46, Leader 54; Emmaus 288, Leader 289; Academic Bowl 4; Ecuador Mission Trip 1 Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Pax Christi 2,3,4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Spirit Award 3; National Honor Society 3,4
Bowling 1,2 Captain 3,4; Volleyball 1,2; French Club 3,4; SPPAC 2,3,4; Petrean 2; HAP T utor 2; Asian Society 1,2,3; Stock M arket Club 1,3; Kairos 4 5
Declan Alvidrez
Jared Ammugauan
“You can make something of your life. It just depends on your drive.” -Eminem
It’s not what I was expecting.
Hockey 1,2,3; Kairos 4 8 Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 2 9 4
Prep Disc 1; Culinary Club 1; Robotics Club 2,3; Tennis Club 3,4; A rt Club 4
Conrado Arroyo
Noah Andriani
"Give a man a fish and feed him for a day. Don't teach a man to fish and feed yourself. He's a grown man. And fishing's not th a t hard.”
“I’m smiling because I can finally go to school with some girls.”
- Ron Swanson
Kairos 48; Petroc 2,3,4; German Club 3,4; Campus Ministry Team; Big Brother; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Emmaus 291
Varsity Football 1,2,3,4; Varsity Track and Field 1,2,3,4
Matthew Baldowski
Markus Bagley
“Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of human freedoms to choose one’s attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way.” - Viktor Frankl
“The only thing worse than starting something and failing is not starting something." - Seth Godin
Adventure Club 3,4; Grand Canyon Adventure Trip 2; Global Opportunities Scholarship 3,4; Stock M arket Club 2,3,4
Basketball 1; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3; Young Americans For Freedom 2,3; Baseball Club 4; Emmaus 292
Austin Bennett
Louis Bizien
Senior Portraits
“W e ’re all a little weird. And life is a little weird. And when we find someone whose weirdness is compatible with ours, we join up with them and fall into mutually satisfying weirdnessand call it lovetrue love.” - Robert Fulghum
“Either finesse, or be finessed” -Original
Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 3
Bowling 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Volleyball 1, 2; German Exchange 3; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Kairos 45; Emmaus 293;
Christopher Brady
Cameron Blair
“I haven’t even begun to peak. And when I do peak, you'll know.” - Dennis Reynolds from It's Always Sunny in Philadelphia
“I may be stupid but I’m not dumb.” - Patrick Star
Soccer 1,2.3.4; Kairos 47; Emmaus 291; Golf 2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Operation Smile 3.4; Petroc 2,3,4; Ecuador Mission Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity 3; Big Brother 3; Eucharistic Ministry Team 4; Spanish Exchange 4; National Honor Society 3.4; National Spanish Society 3; Marauder Nation Henchmen 4
History Club 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 4; French Club 2,3,4; Model UN 2,3; Big B rother 3; Kairos 47; Ignation Family Teach In 4; Eucharistic M inister 4
Q Miles Brancatella
Jack Brandon
“Remember Danny - Two wrongs don’t make a right but three rights make a left.” - Ty Webb (Caddyshack)
“By all means let’s be openminded, but not so open-minded th at our brains drop out” - Richard Dawkins Wrestling; Rugby 1.2; Debate Club 1.2; Model UN 1.2: Power and Politics Club 2; Spanish Club 3.4; National Spanish Honor Society 3.4; National Honor Society 3.4; Big Brother 3.4; Kairos 45; Campus Ministry Team 4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Student Council Vice-President 4; Game of Thrones Club 3.4; TV Studio 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ecuador Service Trip 2; Spanish Exchange 3; Deans Advisory Board 3: Ignation Family Teach-In 4; AMDG 6; Magis Award 1; Marauder Nation 1,2.3. 4
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46, Leader 52; Emmaus 289; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Tree Planting Club 4; Intramural Champion 3; Campus Ministry Team 4
henchman; Breaking Barriers 3.4
Daniel Brown
Noah Byrne
“I been finessing since the 6th grade” - Jay Critch
“ Marco ... you were supposed to say Polo” -Everyone I’ve ever m et
Kairos 47; Italian club 1,2,3,4; Italian Exchange 4; Stock M arket club 2,3;
Kairos 4 5
Correl Caddie
Marco Califano
“Music... will help dissolve your perplexities and purify your character and sensibilities, and in tim e of care and sorrow, will keep a fountain of joy alive in you.” -Dietrich Bonhoeffer
“Your vision of where or who you want to be is the greatest asset you have.” - Paul Arden
Robotics Team 1,2,3,4; Cross Country 3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; League Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 289, 2 9 0
Vox 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Camden Immersion Trip; Kairos 50; Emmaus 291; CLC 3,4
Nicholas Cao
Adrian Camano
“Never give in, never give in, never, never, never, never-in nothing, great o r small, large o r pettynever give in except to convictions of honour and good sense.” -W inston Churchill
“You said we’re a team. One person struggles, we all struggle. One person trium phs, we all triu m p h ” - Jason Lyle (Coach Carter) Baseball 1,2 Captain 3,4 ; Hudson County Baseball Champion 1,2, 4; Photography Club 4; Intramural Champs 2,3,4; Emmaus 29,2 New York Encounter 4; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 2
Kairos 45; Kairos 52; Emmaus 290; Emmaus 291; 2017 IGNITE; W est Virginia Mission Trip; Rugby 1, 2, 3; Football 1; Asian Society 1,2,3,4; French club 1,2,3; Greek Club Secretary 4; Game of Thrones Club 4; Photography Club 2,3, Secretary 4; Teenage Republican Club 2,3; Big Brother; CMT 4; MAGIS Award 1; Class of '62 Scholarship 3,4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4; Head Marauder
Jack Carey
Hugh Carroll
Nikolas Carter
Christopher Caruso
“To hell with circumstances; I create opportunities.” - Bruce Lee
Basketball; Track; Kairos 47; Ebony Club; Comic Book Club
2 0 1 8 Will and Testament
“The inner machinations of my mind are an enigma” - Patrick Star
J Griffin Gonzalez: To Sean Rendeiro, I leave all of my snacks I have hidden in and around school.
Crew 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 3,4; Costa Rica Trip 2 ; Kairos 4 5 ; Emmaus 2 8 9 ; Stock M arket Club 1, 2, 3; Ski trip 1,4; Subway run 2; Open house 3; MXK 4 ; Adventure Club 3,4; Freshman Ambassador 1; FFD 2,3,4
Thomas Hannan: To Thaddeus Goratowski, I leave my excessive collection of Dunkin Donuts receipts that I have accumulated over the years.
Christopher Casiano
Nicholas Charas: To Michael Charas, I leave to you the back left corner of Mrs. Romano’s room. This corner is better known as “the failing corner.”
Senior Portraits
“I have no idea what I’m doing, but I know I'm doing it really, really well.” -Andy Dwyer, Shoeshinist
Student-Faculty Doppelgangers Ian Robson and Mr.Cunneen Hugh Carroll and Mr.O’Connell Paolo Samin and Mr. Pamiloza Jason Pope-Bayne and Mr.Coccaro Sean FitzGibbon and Mr. Roche Josh Oakley and Mr. Innis Michael Richards and Mr. Prescia
Career Club 4, Culinary Club 1,2, Engineering Club 4, Volleyball 1,2,3,4, Kairos 47, Emmaus 2 9 2
Ca J u U )
Keith Castaldo
“Strive fo r essellence” - Gucci Mane
Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Kairos 46; Kairos 51 Leader; Emmaus 291; Big Brother 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Greek Club 4, Italian Club 2, 3, 4; Operation Smile 3, 4; Concert Band 1, 2; Jazz Band 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Soccer 1; Crew 1,2, 3 ,4
Nicholas Charas
Isaiah Chagas
T m very important. I have many leather-bound books and my apartm ent smells of rich mahogany.” - Ron Burgundy
“W hen you arise in the morning, think of what a precious privilege it is to be alive - to breathe, to think, to enjoy, to love.” -Marcus Aurelius
Baseball 1,2,3; Hockey 1,2,3, captain 4; Marauder Nation 1,2,3, Henchman 4; Stock Market Club 2,3,4; Hockey Club 3; Ski and Snowboard club 1,2,3; Kairos 45; Emmaus 293; Ecuador Immersion Trip 3
Football 1,2,3,4; Wrestling 2,3,4; Freshmen Ambassador 1; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 9 3
/jfj^ U
Andrew Chiurazzi
Brennan Collier
“How can the sky be the limit when there are footprints on the moon.” -Logic
“Do or do not. There is no try.” - Yoda Vox 1, Assistant Manager 2, Vice President 3,4; Spanish Club 1, 2, Secretary 3, Vice President 4; Prep Dramatics 2, 3,4; Feminism Club 2, 3; Model UN 3; Gaming Club 1; Student Diversity Leadership Board 3,4; Ignatian Family Teach-In for Justice 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; HAP Tutor 1,2. 3; LSC Summer Volunteer 4; National Honor Society 3, 4; National French Honor Society 3, 4; Camden Immersion Trip 3; HFH Coastal, NJ 3; Kairos 47: Emmaus 291
Simir Cooper
Fernando Cordova
“Alright, let me ask you this. Tell me if you think this is creative. When I was five, I imagined that there was such a thing as a unicorn. And this was before I had even heard of one, or seen one. I just drew a picture of a horse that could fly over rainbows and had a huge spike in it’s head. I was five! Five years old. Couldn’t even talk yet.” -Michael Scott
“Don’t cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” - Dr. Suess
Kairos 46; Soccer 1 ,2 ,4 ; Soccer Captain 4
Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Spanish Club 3; Tree Club 4; Soccer 1; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291
John Corrao
“Get your facts first, then you can distort them as you please.” -Mark Twain
Michael Cortez
“Ka-Chow!” - Lightning McQueen
Swimming 1,2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; W a te r Polo 4; Emmaus 294; Baseball Club 3,4
Hockey 1; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291
Andrew Coyne
Matthew Coyne
“I am Beyonce, Always” - Michael Scott (The Office)
“The people I’ve m et and the places I've been, are all what make me the man I so proudly am.” - Kid Cudi
Crew 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 292; Game of Thrones Club 3,4 (copresident); Stock Market Club 1,2; Big Brother 3; Operation Smile Club 3,4; Philadelphia Urban Plunge 2;
Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; Italian Club 1,2,3 [VP],4 [Pres.]; Photography Club 2; Stock Market Club 2,3; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Big Brother; Freshman Ambassador, Lacrosse 1; Indoor Track & Field 2; Bethlehem Farm Immersion Trip 2: Habitat for Humanity Newburgh. NY 3
Jared Cruciani
Marc Cozzarelli
“I’m just here so I won't get fined.” - Marshawn Lynch
“Nobody gets a second chance to make new old friends” -Luke Bryan
Rugby 1; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Newark Immersion Trip 2; The Petroc 3,4; TV Studio Club 2,3,4; Sports Broadcasting 2,3,4
Baseball, Emmaus, Philly Immersion trip 2 0 1 6
John Curran
Michael Daly
Senior Portraits
“True te rro r is to wake up one morning and discover th a t your high school class is running the country.” -Kurt Vonnegut Greek Club 4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; Medical Club 2,3; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3; Engineering Club 4; National Honor Society 3,4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Chrome Depot 3,4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 92
Robotics Team 1,2,3, captain 4; Kairos 48; Tennis 1,2,3,4; Chess club 1,2,3; Christmas Video 4; Video Game Club 1,2,3
Nicholas Demetriades
Jason Davidoff
“It is hard to make the boat go as fast as you want to. The enemy of course, is the resistance of the water, as you have to displace the amount of water equal to the weight of the men and the equipment, but that very water is what supports you and that very enemy is your friend. So is life: the very problems you must overcome also support you and make you stronger in overcoming them ” -George Pocock
“This isn’t flying. This is falling with style!” -Buzz Lightyear W a te r Polo 1,2,3, Captain 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Tennis 1,2,3, Captain 4; National Honor Society President 3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother; 3,4; French National Honor Society 3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; CLC 3,4; Kairos 45, Leader 50
Crew 1,2,3,4; Vox 1,2,3,4; Kairos 48; Spanish Exchange 3; Medical Club 2;
Dante Dias
Matthew Dillane
“Thanks for coming guys.” - Chance the Rapper
"When you can’t make them see the light, make them feel the heat.” - Ronald Reagan
Kairos 49; Emmaus 292; Crew 1; W restling 2,3 ;Tennis 3
Philip Donald
Stock M arket Club 2,3,4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 2 8 9
Robert Donald
“In some instances, music is actually better than the spoken word, because it doesn’t need to be understood.” -Victor Wooten
“Sell me this pen...”
Football 1,2,3; Kairos 49; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Sports by numbers 2,3
Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Kairos 4 9
Dylan Dordevic
Richard Doren
“Impossible is nothing.” - Muhammad Ali
“W hen I started flirting with the hustle, failure became my ex. Now im engaged to the game, and m arried to success.” -Dwayne C arter
Kairos 48; Fencing 1,2; League of Legends Club 2,3,4; Robotics 3,4; Engineering Club 4; Medical Club 4; Volleyball 4; Musical Forum 3; German Club 2,3,4;
Baseball 1, 2, 3,4, Captain 4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Kairos 46, Leader 53; Emmaus 289, Leader 290; Campus Ministry Team 4; Intramural Androball Champions 3; AMDG Retreat 4; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Ignation Scholar 1 .2 .3 .4 ; CLC 3,4; Pax Christi 2, 3; Yearbook Club 4; Baseball Club 1, 2, 3,4; Tree Planting Club 4; Operation Smile 2, 3,4; Stock Market Club 1, 2; Photography Club 2, 3,4; Anonymous Poets Society 4; Asian Society 1,2. 3.4;
Ryan Dorneo
Kevin Druciak
“Use power to help people. For we are given power not to advance our own purposes nor to make a great show in the world, nor a name. There is but one just use of power and it is to serve people.” -George W. Bush
“Every battle is won before it is ever fought” -Sun Tzu Stock M arket Club 1,2,3; Kairos 47; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 2; Football 1; Rugby 1,2; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 3
Crew 1,2,3,4; Vox 2, Librarian 3, Vice President 4; Adventure Club 1,2,3, President 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3; Kairos 46. Leader 53; Emmaus 289; Italian Exchange 2,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Big Brother 3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4; AMOG 6; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 2; Habitat for Humanity Wilmington 3; Pax Christi 1.2.3; Tri-M National Honor Society 4
Robert Dungan
Matthew Duane
“The will to win is important, but the will to prepare is vital.” -Joe Paterno
Let’s think about that.
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Ping Pong Club 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2; Stock M arket Club 1; Intermural Basketball 1,2.
Baseball 2,3
Jordanis Espinal
Kenneth Einhorn
W hat is your most memorable moment at Prep? Be humble, be big in mind and soul, be kindly; you will like yourself th a t way and so will other people.”
Matthew Goodman: W hen
we were rehearsing at Prep fo r the w inter concert, we were with the band. The dru m m er was going a bit slow and Ms. Fencik was getting annoyed and walked up to the drum m er, began clapping, and scream ing “not my tem po!”
-Norman Vincent Peale
Miles Brancatella: Storm ing the
Soccer 1; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; Robotics 1,2,3
field at Caven Point after beating
Paramus Catholic.
Noah Byrne: W hen
I was a freshm an, M r. M orris called me into his office because he confused me with Noah Brennan. He pulled up my profile on PowerSchool, found out my dad’s name was David Byrne, and proceeded to play songs by the Talking Heads (lead singer David Byrne] fo r the entire lunch period.
Luis Espinal
Dennis Kirby: I'd say winning
at Metlife my freshm en year. It was probably one of the firs t tim es I truly fe lt like I was apart of the Prep community.
Senior Portraits
I am the Siri before Siri
W hat is the funniest thing that happened to you at Prep? PatrickThoms-Bauer: During my junior year a freshm an thought th a t was Mr. Scannapieco fo r a whole year, until he saw me talking to Mr. Scannapieco Jasiri Evans: W hen
I Soccer 1; Basketball 1,2; Ebony Club 2,3,4; Kairos 4 9
I ripped my pants and had to wear Mr. M o rris’
Harshal Shah: During junior year, a freshm an came up and asked me if I was a freshman fo r a day. Joaquin Matamis: I once
had a gripping conversation with Mr. M orris about Katy Perry’s song "Hot and Cold”
Jasiri Evans
“Don’t worry about my brothers cause I got 'em” -Fetty Wap
“If the game was played 1 -on-1, I’d be the champion of the world.” - LaVar Ball
Kairos 47; Emmaus 294; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2
Basketball 1; Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 47; Emmaus 291; German Club 2, 3, 4; German Exchange 3; Game of Thrones Club 3, 4; Operation Smile 4.
Adrian Fernandez
Kevin Fell
Steven Females
Sean Fitzgibbon
“W hat man actually needs is not a tensionless state but rather the striving and struggling fo r some goal worthy of him.” - Viktor Frankl
Immature is a word th at boring people use to describe fun people.” -W ill Ferrell
Emmaus 290; Kairos 47; AMDG 4; Campus Ministry 4; Model U.N. 1,2,3,4; Law Society 3,4; Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Prep Connection Tutoring 2,3,4; Wrestling 1,2; CLC 1,2,3,4
Hockey 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Hockey Club 3; Operation Smile 3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 9 4
Tyler Finerty
“W h a t lies behind us and what lies ahead of us are tiny m atters compared to what lives within us.” - Henry David Thoreau
“Taxation Is Theft”
Fencing 1,2,3,4 Captain 4; French Club 2,3,4; Academic Bowl 4; Big B rother 3; Campus M inistry Team 4; Kairos 46, 50; Emmaus 28 9, 290, 292
Video Game Club 1,2; Model UN 2, Kairos 48, Emmaus 293
Peter Flores
“You have no idea how high I can fly.” -Michael Scott
“You, me, o r nobody is gonna hit as hard as life. But it ain’t about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forw ard.” -Rocky Balboa Baseball 1,2,3,4; A rt Club 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Architecture Club 1,2,3; Young Entrepreneurs Club 3,4; Ping Pong Club 2,3; Intramural Androball 2; Kairos 47; Emmaus 291
Anthony Franconeri
Christopher Florim
“Stop saying I look like Chicken Little! He’s dumb and he's a coward! And I am not a coward!” - Packie
“Rock it Out!” -Original Quote
W restling 1,2,3, Captain 4; Rugby 1,2; Medical Club 2,3,4; VOX 2,3,4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 294; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4; Engineering Club 1; Yellowstone Adventure Trip 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Dramatics 4; Campus Ministry Team; Spirit Award
W a te r Polo 1 ,2 ,3 , Captain 4; Operation Smile Vice President 3, 4; Baseball Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 290 ; W e st Virginia Immersion Trip Gilbert 2; Habitat for Humanity 3; Spanish Exchange 4
Gavin Freeman
Tate Fryczynski
“Be happy, but never satisfied.” -Bruce Lee
“Mr. Gorbachev, te a r down this wall!” - President Ronald Reagan
Prep Connection 1,2,3,4; Petroc 2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 48; Kairos 51; Emmaus 2 9 4
Baseball 1,2,3, Captain 4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 4; MXK 4; French Club 2,3; Intramural Champ 3; French National Honors Society 2,3,4; Operation Smile 4; Greek Club 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 292;
Thomas Gannaway
John Gaccione
“Don’t cry because it's over. Smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss
“Life moves pretty fast. If you don’t stop and look around once in a while, you could miss it.” - Ferris Bueller (Ferris Bueller's Day Off] Kairos 49; Emmaus 294; Sophomore Immersion Trip: Appalachian Institute; Stock Market Club; 2,3,4; Operation Smile: 4; French Club: 2,3,4;
Golf 1,2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 4 5
Ice Hockey 1,2,3,4
Ryan Gannon
Patrick Garrigan
Senior Portraits
“If you can’t convince them, confuse them .” - Harry S. Truman
“Never w orry about the things you cannot control; but instead focus on the way you react to any situation.”
Kairos 45; Kairos 50; Indoor/O utdoor Track and Field; Ebony Club 1 ,2 , 3 ,4
Kairos 45, Kairos Rector 50, Emmaus 292, Spirit Award 4; Wrestling 1,2,3,4; Rugby 1,2; CMT 4, Big Brother 3, Crew 1,2; Medical Club 1,2,3; Book Club 3,4; Spanish Club 1,2,3; Engineering Club 1; Camden Immersion Trip 2;
J Griffin Gonzalez
Kevin Goines
“I’m doing pretty good as fa r as geniuses go” -Kanye W e st
“Be kind to one another” - Ellen DeGeneres
Bowling Team 1 ;Track and Field 2; Young Americans for Freedom 2, 3
Spanish Club 3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Vox 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4
TVljMfa'</ "
Matthew Goodman
Kennith Gonzalez
“Steady with the crew, steady with the crew, And you never liked it, and you never liked them ” - Travis Scott
“In case I don’t see ya, good afternoon, good evening, and good night!” - Truman Burbank
Spirit Award 3; Concert Band 1 ,2 ,3 , President 4 ; Jazz Band 2. 3 .4 ; Basketball 1 ,2 ; Kairos 46, Kairos 52 Leader; Emmaus 288 ; Emmaus 289 Leader; Ebony Club 2, Treasurer 3, Representative 4 ; MXK 4 ; Founding Member Student Diversity Board 3, 4; Co- Founder Habitat For Humanity Club 4; Photography Club 4 ; Campus Ministry Team 4; Marauder Nation Henchman 4; Big Brother 3 ; AMDG Retreat 4 ; Bethlehem Farm 3 ; Habitat for Humanity 4 ; Freshman Ambassador 1; Intramural Champion Coach 3;
Robotics 2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Kairos 45; Emmaus 290; JusticeWorx Trenton 3; Big Brother 3; Spanish Exchange 3; HFH Wilmington 4
James Gordon
Krystoffer Green
Gerald Graves
“It’s not possible to experience constant euphoria, but if you're grateful, you can find happiness in everything.” - Pharrell Williams
“If I don’t die in a plane crash or something, this country has a rare opportunity to watch a great talent grow.” -Eddie Murphy
Indoor Track 2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Ebony Club 1
Engineering Club 1; Stock M arket Club 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Crew 1; Fencing 2; Lacrosse 1, 2, 3, 4; Kairos 4 7
John “Jack” Gregory
Dm “The roof is not my son, but I will raise it.” - Shinji Ikari
“Life’s simple, you make choices and you don't look back.” -Sung Kang
Kairos 45, Leader 50; Emmaus 291; Campus Ministry Team 4; AMOG Retreat 4; University of Dallas Latin in Rome Program 4; National Honor Society 3,4; Lacrosse 1, JV Captain 2,4; Montclair State University Latin Trip 3; National Junior Classics League 4; Latin Honor Society President 4; Latin Tutor 2,3,4; Big Brother 3; Ecuador Mission Trip 1; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Grand Canyon Trip 3; Costa Rica Trip 4; Ski Club 1,2,3,4; CLC 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2; Yearbook Club 1,2; Literama 3; Petroc 2; History Silver Medal 1; Crew 1; Photography Club 2,4; Game of Thrones Club 4
W restling 4
A S -'
Justin Guzman
Griffin Gudaitis
‘Boy!! Seize the day!”
“Now th a t’s what I call high quality H 2 0 ” - Bobby Boucher, The W aterboy
Karios 48, Koinonia
Soccer 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46; Big Brother 3; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Stock Market Club 3,4; Soccer Club 3;
lain Hallenborg
Sebastian Haas
“If you think you are too small to make a difference, try sleeping with a mosquito.” -Dalai Lama
“Sometimes you gotta work a little, so you can ball a lot.” -Tom Haverford, Parks and Recreation Crew 1,2.3 Captain 4; Photography Club President 2,3,4; National Honor Society 4; Spanish National Honor Society 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 46, Leader 52; Emmaus 2B9, Leader 291: AMOG Retreat 4; Ignite 1,3; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Appalachian Institute Immersion Trip 3; Ecuador Immersion Trip 4; Habitat for Humanity Wilmington 4; Pax Christi 1
Indoor Track 1, 3, 4 ; Outdoor Track 3, 4; Kairos 4 6
John “Jack” Halligan
Aidan Hamilton
Who is your favorite teacher and why? “Electricity is really just organized lightning” - George Carlin
Jared Such: Mr. Riley because he knows h ow to teach students to learn while still making sure the class is fun.
Andrew Tobin: Ms. McElroy because she has inspired me to
Swimming 1,2,3,4; W a te r polo 2,3,4; Band 1,2,3; TCG Club 2, President 3.4; League Club 2,3, Co-President 4; DS.D Club 3, Treasurer 4; Comic Book Club 2,3,4; Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 1,2,3; Board Game Club Secretary 3,4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 2 9 3
look beyond the basic information and to truly determine why the events in history happened the way they did and find connections between seemingly unrelated events.
Thomas Hannan
Fernando Cordova: My favorite teacher would have to be Fr. Cassidy because he truly made me enjoy history more as a subject. I always looked forward to his AP W orld History classes because they were enjoyable and the way he taught made me highly engaged in the class.
Senior Portraits
“I was thinking...and then I started talking, I think, but now I’m not...but I want to ” - Original
W hat do you plan on studying in college? Peter Flores: Game D esign/ Computer Science Tate Fryczynski: Biology Te-Nye St. Bernard: Medicine or Engineering M atthew Duane: Finance Aidan McMahon: Aviation Max Telemaque: Business and economics Adrian Camano: Music Education Nicholas Ramirez: Theater Ralph Mason: Sports Management Anthony Franconeri: Architecture and Interior Design
Football 1; Basketball 1,2; Rugby 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Ebony Club 2; Kairos 47, 54; Emmaus 288 , 289 ; Campus Ministry Team 4; AMDG Retreat 4
Tyler Hansen
“I will always choose a lazy person to do a difficult job... Because a lazy person will find an easy way to do it.” - Bill Gates
“Life needs things to live” - Percival Fredrickstein Von Musel Klossowski de Rolo III Dramatics 2,3,4; Band, D&D Club 3,4; Kairos 45, Emmaus 2 9 4
Ebony Club 1,2,3; Sports Analytics Club 2,3; Photography Club 3,4; Soccer Club 1,2,3; Kairos 46; Emmaus 290; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2; Man for Others 1,2,3,4; Spanish Club 3
Ryan Hartnett
Connor Heaney
“Trust the process” - Joel Embiid
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail.” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Adventure Club 2,3,4; Grand Canyon Trip 2; Yellowstone Trip 3; Costa Rica Trip 4; French Club 3,4; Tree Club [Co-founder] 4; National Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 47, Kairos 53 (Leader); Emmaus 289; Campus Ministry Team 4
Owen Heim
Medical Club 3; Spanish Club 3,4
Marvin Heredia
"Money has been a little tight lately. But, at the end of my life, when I’m sitting on my yacht, am I going to be thinking about how much money I have? No, I'm going to be thinking about how many friends I have, and my children, and my comedy albums. I mean, I have a yacht so obviously I didn't pretty well money-wise.” -Michael Scott
“I shoulda popped that shirt off...really shoulda popped that shirt off.” - Dennis Reynolds
Baseball 2,3; Operation Smile 1,2; Law Society 3,4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4
Kairos 4 7 3; Emmaus 2 9 0 and 29 1; Musical Forum 3, 4; Fencing 1, 2; Big Brother 3; National Honor Society 3, 4
]« fy ' I —
— /A
Antonio Hernandez
Jared Holzman
“Sometimes people try to destroy you, precisely because they recognize your power, not because they don’t see it. but because they see it and they don’t want it to exist.” -Bell Hooks
“Today I consider myself the luckiest man on the face of the earth” -Lou Gehrig
Feminism Club 2 President, 3 President. 4 President. Kairos 49. Campus Ministry Team 4- Kairos Leader.Diversity Board 3,4, Student Council 3,4,Literary M ag-1-Editor and W riter 3-Editor and W rite r 4-Writer, Petroc- W rite r and Editor 2. Breaking Barriers 2 3-president, 4-president. CLC 2 3 4, Vox 2,3,4, HAP Tutor 2. Freshman Ambassador. A rt Mag 1 2, Spirit Award Selection Committee 4. Outdoor Track 1. Movie Club 1. Prep Dramatic Board 4-Social Media Manager and Chairman of The Board, Spring Musical 1.2,3,4, W inter Drama 2,3,4, Poets Society 1. 2- Vice President, 3- President, Model UN 1,2.3, Power and Politics-1. Ebony Club 1,2,3.4. National Honors Society 3.4, National Spanish Honors Society 3.4. Tri-M Music; Honors Society 4, Emmaus 293.
Stock M arket Club; Kairos,
Ray Jasinski
Malchijah Hoskins
“I once worked with a guy fo r three years and never learned his name. Best friend I ever had. W e still never talk sometimes." -Ron Swanson
“It is certainly not society’s job to fill in the gaps where you have failed. It is your job to pick yourself up.” -Ben Shapiro
JV Lacrosse 1; Kairos 46; Emmaus 292; German Club 2,3,4
Kairos 47; Emmaus 29 4; Volleyball 1, 2; Tennis 3; National Honor Society 3,4; French National Honor Society 3,4;
Vatche Kafafian
“Consider again that dot. That’s here. That’s home. That’s us. On it everyone you love, everyone you know, everyone you ever heard of, every human being who ever was, lived out their lives. To me, it underscores our responsibility to deal more kindly with one another, and to preserve and cherish the pale blue dot, the only home we’ve ever known.” -Carl Sagan
Daniel Kamel
“I’m tired of reading about the achievements of better men” -Samwell Tarly, Game of Thrones Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; French Club 2, Junior President 3, President 4; Ignatian Leadership Team 3,4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 290; Spirit Award Committee 4; Societe Honoraire de Francais 3,4; French Exchange 4; Robotics 1,2; Ecuador Service Trip 2
Crew 1,2,3; Comic Book Club 3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; Literama 3; D&D Club 3,4; French National Honor Society 3; Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 3
Kevin Keegan
Brendan Kane
“Everyone is entitled to th eir own wrong opinions” - Unknown
“Give me six hours to chop down a tree and I will spend the first four sharpening the axe.” -Abraham Lincoln
Swimming 1; Kairos 49,54; Emmaus 2 9 0 ,2 9 2 ; Robotics 3,4;
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3,4; Outdoor Track 2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 0
Liam Keegan
Benjamin Kelly
Senior Portraits
“I like to get one pair of shoes and wear them till they’re dirty. Besides, I don't walk - 1glide, like butter. Float like a vampire. I'm like Louis Vuitton, but smoother. He wishes he were like me.” - Kid Cudi
“You m ust play boldly to win.” -Arnold Palmer
Rugby 1,2,3,4; Culinary Club 1,2,3,4
Kairos 49; Emmaus 293; W restling 1,2,3,4; CLC 1,2
Richard Kelly
Michael Kelly
“How am I ever gonna get to be old and wise, if I ain’t ever young and crazy?" - Frankie Ballard
“Well I’m not usually one for speeches. So, goodbye” -Ron Swanson
Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholar 1,2,3,4; Ice Hockey 1,2,3, Captain 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 45; Kairos 50 Leader; National Honor Society 3,4; National Italian Honor Society 3; Spirit Award 4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Hockey Club 3,4; CLC 1.2,3,4; Bethlehem Farms 3; Habitat For Humanity (Newburgh) 4; Eucharistic Minister 4; Campus Ministry Team 3,4; Operation Smile 4; Italian Club 3; Higher Achievement Program (HAP) Tutor 1; Brooklyn Jesuit Prep Tutor 1; Hoboken Charter School Tutor 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 1; Career Day Club 4;
Soccer 1; Prep Rugby 1,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3; Italian Club 2,3,4; Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 8 9
Dennis Kirby, Jr.
Eugene Keohane
“Do not go where the path may lead, go instead where there is no path and leave a trail” -Ralph Waldo Emerson
“Damn, thats a good burger” - Michelle Obama
Lacrosse 1,2 Captain 3, 4 Big B rother 3, Campus M inistry Team 4, W e s t Virginia Immersion Trip 3, Kairos 45, Leader 51, Emmaus 29 2,
Ryan Kirkwood
Soccer 1,2,3,Captain 4; German Club 2,3,VP 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 2 9 2
Paul Kondratowicz
“W hoever is happy, will make others happy too” - Anne Frank
“There’s a rabbit stuck in a tree and I want to return that rabbit to the wild, so it can lay it's eggs.” -Michael Kelso
j •A ® § l f |
1j p
Kevin Kwon
Kairos 46; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Rowing 1,2,3; Tree Planting Club 4
Ultimate Frisbee 1; Bowling 1,3; Engineering Club 4; Baseball Club 1,2; Stock M arket Club 2,3,4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 9 0
Dylan La Bruno
“If a man has not discovered something th at he will die for, he isn’t fit to live.” -Martin Luther King, Jr.
“Only those who will risk going too fa r can possibly find out how fa r one can go” -T.S. Eliot
Asian Society 1,2,3; Kairos 45; Volleyball 1,2,4; Bowling 2,3,4
Baseball, Baketball, Stock M arket Club, Ultimate Frisbee Club, Pax Christi
Lynken Lanting
Sean Lavin
“Rule # 7 6 : No excuses, play like a champion.” - Jeremy Grey (Wedding Crashers)
“An apple a day keeps the doctor away” - English Proverb Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; W a te r Polo 2,3,4; Kairos 49; AMDG 6; Emmaus 289; Operation Smile 2, Co-President 3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Concert Band 1,2, Treasurer 3, Secretary 4; Jazz Band 1,2,3,4; Nazareth Farm 2; Ecuador Immersion Trip 3;
Crew 1,2,3,4; Crew Captain 4; Ecology Trip 2; Kairos 4 6,5 1; Campus M inistry Team 4; GOT Club 3,4; Entrepreneur Founder 2,3,4; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Literary Magazine 3; Operation Smiie 4; Greek Club 4
Campus Ministry Team 4
David “Chase” Lerner
Thomas Lee
“Bears eat beats, bears, beats, Battlestar galactica.” - Jim Halpert
“I’m responsible fo r my own happiness? I can't even be responsible fo r my own breakfast!” -Bojack Horseman
Soccer 1,2,3,4, Freshman Am bassador 1, Baseball Club 1, Intramural Champ 1,2,3, Stock M arket Club 1,2, Photography Club 4, Big Brother 3, Kairos 47, Emmaus 289, Basketball 1, MXK 4; Ecuador Immersion Trip 4,
Football 1,2,3,4; W restling 1,2,3,4; K49
Victor Lopez
Zachary Lewis
W hat do you do during your free periods? “It ain’t about how hard you hit. It's about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward. Thats how winning is done.” -Rocky Balboa
Jack Brandon: T hink ve ry h ard a b o u t doing m y w o rk and th e n end up playing g am es on m y C hrom ebook. Dan Brown: A tte m p t to do h om ew o rk, instead w a tch F o rtn ite videos on YouTube.
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 45; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Engineering Club 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2,3
Gavin Freeman: Playing s o lita ire Jason Davidoff: S it a t th e Kelly C o m e r Tyler Hansen: S it in M rs . M o r ris ’s office w ith Vic Lopez Lance Lucarelli
doing absolutely nothing
Senior Portraits
“ You can catch a lot of flies with honey, but you catch more honeys being fly..” - Calvin Cooke
Where did you spend the most time during community period? Joseph Mastrodonato: W a lking aro un d p re te n d in g th a t I have s o m e w h e re to be.
Eugene Keohane: M s. E ppler’s Room
Track 1,2,3 Football 1,2,3,4
Brendan Walsh: Legal G rounds Steven Females: I spend m o s t of m y tim e during co m m u n ity period in th e Lib ra ry w o rryin g w ith o th e r Prep se niors a b o u t an a s sig n m e n t usually due th a t sa m e day.
Charles Mainor, Jr.
“I want people to be afraid of how much they love me” - Michael Scott
“Everybody wants to be a beast, until it’s tim e to do what real beasts do.”
Crew 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4 ; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Italian Club 1,2,3,4 Photography Club 3,4 MXK 4; Medical Club 1,2,3,4; Science Club; Freshman Ambassador 1; Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 4
Football 1,2,3, Capt. 4; Track & Field 1,2,3,4; Kairos 48
□ante Malleo
Michael Mangual
“All stories are true, some of them actually happen and when you hear a story it happens to you”
“It’s something unpredictable, but in the end it's right. I hope you've had the tim e of your life” -Green Day
Comic Book Club; Anime Club; Diversity Committee; Emmaus 2 9 0
------- ---
Luke Marasigan
Matthew Marcano
“If you take everything I’ve accomplished in my entire life and condense it down into one day, it looks decent” - George Costanza
“The m ost terrifying words in the English language are: I’m from the government and I'm here to help.” -Ronald Reagen
Baseball Club 1,2,3, Vice President 4; Operation Smile 1,2,3, Treasurer 4; Big Brother 3; Kairos 49; Emmaus 294; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; Eucharistic M inister 4; National Honor Society 3,4
Matthew Marini
Volleyball 1; Kairos 49
Daniel Marshall
“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in th e ir shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have th e ir shoes.” - Jack Handey
“So many books, so little tim e.” -Frank Zappa Jazz Band 1,2,Vice President 3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,Vice President 3,4; CLC 1.2,3,4; Performing A rts Club 1,2,Vice President 3, Co-President 4; Ping-Pong Club 1,2,President 3,4; Academic Bowl 1,4; History Club 1,2; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Campus M inistry Team 4; Gilbert, W e s t Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Habitat fo r Humanity, Newburgh 4; ignatian Family Teach-In For Justice 3,4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 289 , Leader 292 ; National Honors Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society Secretary 4
Kairos 47; Emmaus 29 1; Baseball 1,2,3; baseball club 1,2,3,4; soccer
Ralph Mason
“There is something pagan in me th a t i cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything.” - Lord Byron
Joseph Mastrodonato
“Change is invigorating! If you don’t accept new challenges, you become com placent and lazy! Your life atrophies!" -Calvin and Hobbes
Asian Society 1,2; Culinary Club 1,2; League of Legends Club 1,2; Operation Smile 1,2; Pax Christi 1,2; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Fencing 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Speech and Debate Club 2; Robotics 2,3; Petroc 2,4; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 3; TCG Club 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Academic Bowl 4; Psychology Club 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Nazareth Farm 3; AMDG Retreat; Kairos 48; Emmaus 288, 289; Koinonia 2
W a te r Polo, Swimming, Crew, AP C om puter Science, Adventure Club, Campus M inistry Team; Appalachian Institute - W e s t Virginia, Kairos 49 , Kairos 53, Emmaus 2 9 0
Joaquin Matamis
Andrew Maxwell
“I’m not actually funny, I’m just mean and people think I’m joking.”
“Nothing in the world is w orth having o r worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Campus M inistry Team 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291 ; National Honors Society 3, 4; Tutor 3, 4; CLC 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1; Stock M arket Club 1, 2, 3; Ecuador Immersion Trip 3; Game of Thrones Club 4;
Crew 1, 2,3. Captain 4; Basketball 1; Magis Award 1; Kairos 46; Kairos 52; Emmaus 291; Vox 1,2; Sheehan Scholar 1, 2 ,3 ,4 ; Game of Thrones Club President 3,4; Intermurals 1,2, Champion 3,4; Campus Ministry 4; AMDG VI; 2P4F 2; SPP Performing Arts Club 1, 2,3, 4; Pax Christi 1,2, 3,4; Big Brother 3; Bethlehem Farms Immersion Trip 3; Newburgh Habitat for Humanity 4; Petroc 2; Freshman Ambassador 1; HAP Tutor 1; Eucharistic Minister 4; CLC 1, 2,3, 4; Altar Server 4.
Durkin McCarthy
“Believe in your flyness, conquer your shyness” -Kanye W est
William McHugh
“Sometimes you m ust hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain” -Nagato
Football 1,2,3,4 (Captain]; Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 48; National Honor Society; National Spanish Honor Society
Ebony Club 2,3,4; Kairos 4 8
Cleophus “Maxwell”McIntosh
Christian McKoy
Senior Portraits
“Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it.” -Billy Madison
Swimming 3,4; W a te r Polo 3,4; __ Hnr.kpy 1 .2: Lacrosse 1,2;
W hat teacher inspired you the most and why? M a tt Goodman: Ms. Torres because she is a great teacher, and is one of the reasons as to why I want to be a teacher. Ray Jasinski: Mr. Skircak, he just gives a feeling of inspiration. Eugene Keohane: Mr. Arteaga truly inspired me, he taught me values of responsibility, taking action, and determination th at I will carry with me beyond my years at Prep. Victor Lopez: Mr. Comey inspires me everyday because of how hard he works, even when tim es are tough and the pressure builds up.
“Play your heart out fo r what your jersey says on the front and everyone will rem em ber what it said on the back” -Unknown
“Has easy ever worked as well as hard? No. Next question.” - M ark Rippetoe
Rugby 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Kairos 48; Newark Immersion Trip 2; Pax Christi 2; Engineering 1; Tutor 2; French National Honors Society 2,3,4; Sheehan Scholar
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 2,3,4; Ice Hockey Manager 4; Emmaus 291
Dave Vovor
Francis Vuolo
“Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots” -Lesane Parish Crooks
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” - Yogi Berra
Band 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 47; Emmaus 292; Freshman Ambassador 1
Basketball and Football
Mark Walker
Brendan Walsh
“Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.” -A Boogie
“You Can’t Beat Me.” -Me
Kairos 49; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; a
n .
/ i o o / i .
A • D ~ 1 ^ 4 - U « 11 A
“Great minds think alone.” -Wiz Khalifa
“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” -Dalai Lama
Kairos 45; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4, W est Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Big Brother 3; Ski Trip 1,2,3,4; Hockey Club 3
Crew 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 289; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
William White
Daniel Whitehead
“W ork hard, be somebody, be something more than what you see in the mirror. Let the world be your mirror, don't let them judge you, cause the m irror can’t judge you. You judge what you see in the m irror.” -Dwayne Carter
“W hen we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” -Viktor Frankl
Crew; Kairos 47; Kairos 51; Campus Ministry Team; Emmaus 292
Kairos 49; Emmaus 293; Football 3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,4
Ashton Williams
Jared Wilson
“People always clap fo r the wrong things.” -Holden Caulfield
“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” -Thomas A. Edison
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Robotics 1,2,3, Co-Captain 4; Kairos 46; Indoor Track 1; Lacrosse 1; NHS; Psych Club 4;
Kairos 48, leader 53; Emmaus 290; Football 1,2,3, captain 4; Indoor and Outdoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 3; National Honor Society 3.4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Sheehan Scholar 1,2.3,4; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 1; Chemistry Gold Medal 2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 2,3,4; Sports by Numbers 2,3; Chemistry Lab Assistant 4; Science Society 1; Debate Club 1; Freshman Ambassador 1
b j j JIL coak.
Marek Wlodarski
William Woltmann
2 0 1 8 Will and Testament Declan Alvidrez: To David Garrelick, I leave my good looks and charm.
The days are slow, but the years fly.
M a tt Baldowski: To Jacob Brozon, I leave my spot on defense as I can no longer single-handedly save every game. Brennan Collier: To Aidan Seborowski, I leave my driving skills. Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 0 Dante Dias: To any aspiring lightweight rower, I leave my spot on the rowing team as eternal bow seat. I kept it warm fo r you, so pull hard. #littlebodiesbigpuddles
Morgan Wyville
Gavin Freeman: To Liam “Leeroy” Regan, I leave you the w ater polo team. Take care of it, continue our storied success and bring home a state chip fo r your boy.
Senior Portraits
Future President l.M ax Telemaque 2. Brian Savage 3.Noah Byrne
Best Dressed l.Malchijah Hoskins 2.M arc Cozzarelli 3 Jaso n Pope-Bayne
Future Jesuit
Best Hair
l.Patrick Thoms-Bauer 2 Jaso n Pope-Bayne 3 Jeth ro Ng
1.Bryan Van Ness 2.Griffin Gudaitis 3 Jo sep h Ruge
Future Prep Teacher
Biggest Trendsetter
1.Griffin Gudaitis 2.M atthew Goodman 3.Brian Savage
Future Dean of Students 1.Griffin Gonzalez 2.Noah Byrne 3.Hugh Carroll
1John Corrao 2.Cleophus M cIntosh 3.M alchijah Hoskins
Most Changed Since Freshman Year 1.Noah Byrne 2 .Jared Wilson 3.Greg N acheff
Best Nickname
Most Intelligent
1.Andrew “Chewy” Chiurazzi 2.Connor “Red Lighting’ Heaney 3.Greg“C h ie f’N acheff
1.Matthew Dillane 2.Harshal Shah 3.Dan Rowe
Future Millionaire
Most Artistic
1.Shayne Simon 2.Matt Dillane 3.Dan Rowe
1.Ashton Williams 2.Gabriel Tejada 3.Nikolas Carter
“So many books, so little tim e.” -Frank Zappa
“Before you criticize someone, you should walk a mile in th e ir shoes. That way when you criticize them, you are a mile away from them and you have the ir shoes.” - Jack Handey
Jazz Band 1,2,Vice President 3,4; Stage Crew 1,2,Vice President 3,4; CLC 1,2,3,4; Performing A rts Club 1,2,Vice President 3, Co-President 4; Ping-Pong Club 1,2,President 3,4; Academic Bowl 1,4; History Club 1,2; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Campus M inistry Team 4; Gilbert, W e s t Virginia Immersion Trip 3; Habitat fo r Humanity, Newburgh 4; Ignatian Family Teach-In For Justice 3,4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 2 89 , Leader 292 ; National Honors Society 4; National Spanish Honors Society Secretary 4
Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 1 ; Baseball 1,2,3; baseball club 1,2,3,4; soccer
Joseph Mastrodonato
Ralph Mason
“There is something pagan in me th a t I cannot shake off. In short, I deny nothing, but doubt everything." - Lord Byron
“Change is invigorating! If you don’t accept new challenges, you become com placent and lazy! Your life atrophies!” -Calvin and Hobbes
Asian Society 1,2; Culinary Club 1,2; League of Legends Club 1,2; Operation Smile 1,2; Pax Christi 1,2; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Fencing 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Speech and Debate Club 2; Robotics 2,3; Petroc 2,4; German Club 2,3,4; German Exchange 3; TCG Club 2,3,4; French Club 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; Academic Bowl 4; Psychology Club 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Nazareth Farm 3; AMDG Retreat; Kairos 48; Emmaus 2 88 , 289; Koinonia 2
W a te r Polo, Swimming, Crew, AP Com puter Science, Adventure Club, Campus M inistry Team; Appalachian In s titu te -W e s t Virginia, Kairos 49, Kairos 53, Emmaus 2 9 0
Joaquin Matamis
Andrew Maxwell
“I’m not actually funny, I’m just mean and people think I’m joking.”
“Nothing in the world is w orth having o r worth doing unless it means effort, pain, difficulty I have never in my life envied a human being who led an easy life. I have envied a great many people who led difficult lives and led them well” ~ Theodore Roosevelt
Crew 1, 2, 3, 4; Campus M inistry Team 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; National Honors Society 3, 4; Tutor 3, 4; CLC 1, 2, 3, 4; Soccer 1; Stock M arket Club 1, 2, 3; Ecuador Immersion Trip 3; Game of Thrones Club 4;
Crew 1, 2. 3. Captain 4; Basketball 1; Magis Award 1; Kairos 46; Kairos 52; Emmaus 291; Vox 1,2; Sheehan Scholar 1, 2, 3,4; Game of Thrones Club President 3,4; Intermurals 1,2. Champion 3,4; Campus Ministry 4; AMDG VI; 2P4F 2; SPP Performing Arts Club 1, 2, 3,4; Pax Christi 1 .2 ,3 , 4; Big Brother 3; Bethlehem Farms Immersion Trip 3; Newburgh Habitat for Humanity 4; Petroc 2; Freshman Ambassador 1; HAP Tutor 1; Eucharistic Minister 4; CLC 1 ,2 ,3 ,4 ; Altar Server 4.
William McHugh
Durkin McCarthy
“Sometimes you m ust hurt in order to know, fall in order to grow, lose in order to gain because life’s greatest lessons are learned through pain” -Nagato
“Believe in your flyness, conquer your shyness” -Kanye W e st
Football 1,2,3,4 (Captain); Basketball 1,2; Baseball 1; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 48; National Honor Society; National Spanish Honor Society
Ebony Club 2,3,4; Kairos 4 8
Cleophus “Maxwell”McIntosh
Christian McKoy
Senior Portraits
“Stay here as long as you can. For the love of God, cherish it.” -Billy Madison
Swimming 3,4; W a te r Polo 3,4; Hockey 1,2; Lacrosse 1,2; Kairos 4 9
Football 1,2,3,4; Kairos 4 7
Seth McLaughlin
Aidan McMahon
“You get one chance in life, to do whatever you 're gonna do, to lay your foundation, to leave your legacy, everyday is a new day...” - Leonard Foumette
W h a t comes easy won’t last, and what last won’t come easy.
Football 1,2,3, Captain 4; Baseball 1,2,3,4
Prep Band: Track and Field; Football team.
Zamir Mickens
Dominic Meleo
“Don’t take it so seriously. It's your yearbook quote, not your mortgage.” - Declan Alvidrez Rugby 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Fencing 2, 3; Cross Country 3; French Club 2, 3, 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 292;
Joseph Moceri
Zachary Moeller
“I’m just thankful 18 years of suffering gone, just like th a t” -Kerney Thomas
“ W hatever you do in this life, Its not legendary unless your friends are there to see it.” -Barney Stinson
Ebony Club 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Kairos 4 9
Gibran Muhammad
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 290, Leader 291; Quito Immersion Trip 3; Habitat fo r Humanity 4; TV Studio 3,4; Young Americans fo r Freedom 2; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
Dillon Murray
“Perfection is not attainable, but if we chase perfection we can catch excellence.” -Vince Lombardi Kairos 47; Emmaus 290; Justice Worx [Trenton]; Game of Thrones Club; Philosophy Club; Baseball Club; Sports/Sports by Numbers Club; Spanish Club; Ping Pong Club
Charles Nadrowski
Gregory Nacheff
“W e are such stuff as dreams are made on, and our little life is rounded with a sleep.” -William Shakespeare
“If you’re doing what everyone else is doing, you're doing it wrong.” - Casey Neistat
Cross Country 1,2,4; Euro Challenge 2; Campus M inistry Team 4; Kairos 50; Emmaus 2 9 0
Law Society 1,2,3, President 4; Outdoor Track 3,4; Stock M arket Club 1,2,3,4; Big B rother 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 4 6
Jethro Ng
Jeremiah Narramore
“Slam poetry. Yelling. Angry. Waving my hands a lot. Specific point of view on things. Cynthia. Cyn-thi-a. Jesus died for our Cynthia’s. Jesus cried. Runaway bride. Julia Roberts. Julia rob-hurts. Cynthia. Mmmmm Cynthia, you’re dead. You are dead. Be boop beep you’re dead.” -Schmidt, 22 Jump Street
“A good laugh and a long sleep are the two best cures for anything” -Irish Proverb Stock M arket Club 1,2; Stage Crew 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3; Diversity Board 3,4; Petrean 4; Petroc 4; Cross Country 2,3; Lacrosse 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 48, 53; Emmaus 293; Immersion Trip 3
Crew 1,2,3; Hockey 1; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; Italian Exchange 4; PAX Christi 1; Baseball Club 1; Italian Club 1,2; Big Brother 3; Wheeling W V Immersion Trip 3
Daniel Nunez
David Niland
W hat would you do with a million dollars? “Stay hungry. Stay foolish.” - Steve Jobs
Michael Richards: Create a business for making custom turtle necks. The market is on the rise and its a fact turtle necks will forever be in style.
National Spanish Honor Society 3, President 4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 292; Philadelphia Immersion Trip 3; National Honor Society 3, 4; Model UN 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Spanish Club 1 , 2 , 3 , 4; Spanish Exchange 4
Andrew Maxwell: Buy a nice beach house in Normandy beach
David Lerner: Buy my mom a house Jason Pope-Bayne: I would use it to help fund local theaters to get more kids involved with the stage. Joshua Oakley
Senior Portraits
"Couple thousand on my w rist and my neck is on froze, Too much racks in my pocket that my wallet can’t fold.” -Lil Pump
W hat would you say to your freshman self? Michael Kelly: I didn’t come here to play school.
Stock M arket Club 1; Architecture Club 2,3,4; Soccer Club 3,4; Kairos 47; African Club 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4; Emmaus 2 91 ; Soccer 1,2,3,4; Captain 4;lntramural Player 1,2; Intramural Coach 3,4; Koinonia Leader 4; M arauder Nation 1,2,3,4
M ark Walker: Cherish these moments. Chris Casiano: It’s all down hill from here. Tyler Finerty: Get it together. Cameron Blair: Don’t worry, just stay focused. Everything will come together in time.
Chima Ohadike
“Creativity is intelligence having fun” - Albert Einstein
“I am serious. And don’t call me Shirley” -Leslie Nielson Kairos 49; Emmaus 294; Robotics 3; Swimming 1,2,3,4; President of the Jim W ood Fan Club 1,2,3,4; President of Yiddish Club 4, M em ber 2,3; The Kelly Corner 1,2,3,4; Straight-Gay Alliance 2;
MarARTer A rt Magazine 1,2,3,4; A rt Club 1,2,3,4; Video Production 2,3,4; Petroc Newspaper 2,3,4; Science Club 3,4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 2 8 9
Andres Orbe
Robert Onoz
“Not bad huh? For some im m igrants” Jay Z
“W e are part of this universe; we are in this universe, but perhaps more im portant than both of those facts, is th at the universe is in us.” -Neil deGrasse Tyson
Football 1,4; Rugby 1,2; Kairos 5 0
Patrick Orth
Karios 45; Robotics 4;League of Legends 2,3,4; Spanish Club 4; Gaming Club 4
Domanrovil Ovalle
“Did one of you tell everyone I have asthma? If it gets out they won’t let me scuba, and if I can scuba what's this all been about? W h a t are we working tow ards?” - Creed Bratton
“I firmly believe that any man’s finest hour, the greatest fulfillment of all that he holds dear, is that moment when he has worked his heart out in a good cause and lies exhausted on the field of battle - victorious." -Vince Lombardi
Stock M arket Club 2; Italian Club 4; Tennis 1,2,3,4; National Italian Honor Society 3,4
Petroc 2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2; Spanish Club 2,3,4
James Paradiso
Manav Parikh
“I can do all things through Christ who strengthens m e” Philippians 4 :13
“High School is like th at one ex girlfriend you really loved. You’re really gonna miss her, but you're excited for a new chapter.”
Spanish Club 2,3,4; Medical Club 1,2,3
Lorenzo Perez
Daniel Payamps
Always rem em ber th a t you are absolutely unique. Just like everyone else.
“As for me, all I know is th a t I know nothing.” -Socrates Student Council 1,2; Kairos 46; Kairos 53; Lacrosse 1,2,4; Indoor Track 2; Campus Ministry Team 4; HAP Tutor 2
William Perlman
“W hat brings me joy is life. I think you can find joy anywhere, in life. I think it’s a conscious choice. I think you choose joy, in life. And no m a tte r how bad things are, no m a tte r how crummy, no m atter how dark, you find joy. I find joy whatever I do. I don’t always do things right, and I don't always do things smart. But whatever I do, I find joy in it. Because, a t the end of the day, th a t’s all you got, is looking back on the joy you had and the joy you found and the joy you gave other
Dimitris Plexidas
“If you’re not failing, you’re not pushing your limits, and if you’re not pushing your limits, you’re not maximizing your potential” - Ray Dalio Varsity Fencing 1,2,3,4; Spanish Exchange 3; Prep Connection 1,2,3,4
people.” -Clint McElroy
VOX 1,2,3,4; Dramatics 2,3,4; Dungeons and Dragons club VP 3,4; Fencing 1,2; Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 3
S * f \ k 2.
Owen Possick
Jason Pope-Bayne
“Remember licking doorknobs is illegal on other planets.” - Spongebob SquarePants
“Our greatest glory is not in never falling, but in rising every tim e we fall” -Confucius
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Football 1; Crew 2,3; Kairos 47; Emmaus 291; Tree Club 4; Operation Smile 3,4
Baseball Club 1,2; Pope Francis Alive 1,2; Soccer Club 3; Robotics Club 4; Engineering Club President 4; Rugby 1; Fencing 1,2,3; Spanish Club 4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 2 8 9
Tyler Powers
Andrew Prescott
Senior Portraits
“I think we’re all in the m idst of moving on to bigger and better things. Not necessarily high school or college or anything like th at but just anything.” -Dylan Owen
“Some people say that life is a marathon, not a sprint. Well, I sprint m arathons.” -Jimmy Tatro Crew 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ecuador Service Trip 3; Bethlehem Farm Service Trip 2; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Asian Society 1,2,3,4 President; Jazz Band 3,4; Big Brother 3
Improv Club 1, 2, 3, 4; Prep Dramatics 2, 3, 4; VOX 3, 4; Basketball manager 1, 2, 4; Nazareth Farm Immersion Trip 3; Kairos 45; Kairos 54; Emmaus 292; CMT 4; CLC 3, 4
Nicholas Ramirez
Ryan Ramos
“One of the great things about books is sometimes there are some fantastic pictures.” - George W . Bush
Kairos 48; Robotics 3; Fencing
1,2; Engineering Club 4
David Reverendo
Joseph Ribaudo
60% of the time, it works every time -Brian Fantana
Cairo Cooked it - Cairo
Ebony club 1, Kairos 45, Outdoor Track 1, Indoor track 2,3
Football 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1,2; Kairos 47
Brian Richards
Cairo Richards
“I’ll never sell out” - Donny Berger
“If you want to change the world get over being a sugar cookie and keep moving forward.” - U.S. Navy Admiral William H. McRaven
FootbalM ,2,3,4; Indoor Track 2,3, Captain 4; Outdoor Track 1,2,3, Captain 4; Ebony Club 1; Student Council 2; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Prep Connection 2,3; Kairos 47; Romero Center Immersion 3, Big B rother 3, National Honor Society 3,4
Michael Richards
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; Photography Club 4; CLC 1; Ebony Club 1, President 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2; Nazareth Farm
Xavier Ritter
“Progress always involves risks. You can’t steal second base and keep your foot on first.” -Frederick Wilcox
“When in doubt, we follow our hearts. W ords can be false, images and sounds can be manipulated. But this...’ He tapped his chest, over his heart. 'This is always true.” -Michael Scott
Volleyball 3, 4; Ice Hockey 1; Ultimate Frisbee Club 2; Ping Pong Club 3,4; 3D Printing Club 3; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 9 4
Model UN 1,2; Kiaros 45; Emmaus 290; Vox 3,4; Chess Club 2; Big Brother 3
Q on\S '
GianLuca Roses
Ian Robson
“W h a t you are in love with, what seizes your imagination, will affect everything.” - Pedro Arrupe
“Don't cry because it's over, smile because it happened.” -Dr. Seuss
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 45; Stock M arket Club 1,2; Baseball Club 1,2
Emmaus 2 8 9 Emmaus 290; Kairos 48; French Club 2,3,4; Diversity Board 3,4; Psychology Club 4; Cross Country and Track 1,2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry 4; Pax Christi 2,3,4
Jarred Rosso
Daniel Rowe
You sleep like you’re rich. I’m up like I’m broke.
“Any man who can drive safely while kissing a pretty girl is simply not giving the kiss the attention it deserves.” -Albert Einstein
Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 8 9
Immersion Trip 2; Rugby 2, 3, 4
Joseph Ruge
Brian Ruane
W here do you see yourself in 1 0 years? “I am usually not one fo r speeches, so goodbye.” -Ron Swanson, Parks and Recreation
Marc Cozzarelli: Living in New York City working in the financial district and wearing a nice Italian suit. Sean FitzGibbon: Ideally I will have cyborg shoulders that way I can finally play androball again.
Volleyball 1,2, Captain 3,4; Kairos 45; Vox 2,3, VP 4; Petroc 4; Tri-M Music Honor Society 4; Ignatian Family Teach-In For Justice 3; Sports By Num bers 2; CLC 3,4
Durkin McCarthy: In the Marines Tate Fryczynski: I see myself helping other people by giving
Paolo Samin
them advice and to make them better people not by discipline, but by words tha t are simple to help them reach their goals. I also see myself as a Dentist to help people who need their teeth clean and fixed.
Senior Portraits
W hat is one thing you wish you did while you were at Prep?
“It’s always good to be underestimated” -Donald Trump
Conrado Arroyo: I wish I would have found out if there was a pool on the roof of the school.
Swimming 1,2,3, Captain 4; W ater Polo 2,3,4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 294; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Big Brother 3,4; Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 2,3,4; Business Club 4; Eucharistic Minister 4
Jared Cruciani: I wish I took part in an exchange program since I only heard good things from the kids th at came back. Anthony Fraconeri: There’s nothing I regret not doing at Prep. I did everything I wanted to. Andrew Tobin: Had a philosophical conversation with Doc Hartling. No explanation needed.
Christian Sanducci
“No man has a good enough memory to be a successful liar.” - Abraham Lincoln
They say you are what you eat, but I don’t rem em ber eating any Savages.
TV Studio 2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus
Rugby 1,2.3.4; Ice Hockey 1; Cross Country 2; Fencing 3; Student Council 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4 (Treasurer 4); Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Band 1,2,3,4 (Treasure 4); Ecuador Service Trip 1; Philadelphia Service Trip 2; Wilmington Habitat Trip 3; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Petroc 1,2.3,4 (News Editor 3.4), Kairos 46 (L51), Campus Ministry Team 4. Habitat for Humanity Club 4
Christian Santos
Brian Savage
“I’ve been called the songbird of my generation by people who've heard me. That good.” -Brennan Dovak/Huff
“Rule 17: Don't turn your back on bears, men you have wronged, or the dominant turkey during mating season. There are 4 0 rules all Schrute boys must learn before the age of five” -Dwight K. Schrute
Kairos 47; Basketball 1, Baseball 1,2,3,4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4
Rugby 1,2,3 Captain 4; German Exchange 3; German Club 1,2,3,4; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 3,4; National Honors Society 3,4; National German Honors Society 3,4; Kairos 46; Big Brother 3; Photography Club 3,4
Mark Schiavo
Keith Schmidt
“Death is nothing to us, since when we are, death has not come, and when death has come, we are not.” - Epicurus
“W ork fo r it? Come on. I got into this business so I wouldn’t have to work fo r it.” -Vinny Chase
Hockey 1, 2, 3, Captain 4 ; Hockey Club 3,4 ; Big Brother 3; Kairos 45; Emmaus 293; Marauder Nation 1,2,3,4
German Club 2,3,4
Jared Sebalos
Edward Seborowski
“Between a battle lost and a battle won, the distance is immense and there stand empires.” -Napoleon Bonaparte Fencing 1,2,3,4; Model UN 1,2,3, President 4; Student Council 3; Concert Band 1,2,3,4; Academic Bowl 4; French Club 1,2,3,4; National Honor Society 3,4; French Honor Society 3,4; Tri-M Honor Society; French Exchange 4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 2 9 3
K airos 4 9
Adam “Hunter “Seymour
Damiano Servidio
“Life ain’t tied with a bow but it's still a gift though” - Kodak Black
“Opportunity is missed by m ost people because it is dressed in overalls and looks like work.” -Thomas Edison
Soccer 1; Track and Field 1, 2; Football 2, 3, 4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 292; Campus Ministry Team 4; Kairos 5 3 Leader
Fencing 2,3,4; Soccer 1,4; Academic Bowl 1,2,3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Psychology Club 4; Kairos 4 8
C. Christopher Shaw
Harshal Shah
“Only a man who knows what it is like to be defeated can reach down to the bottom of his soul and come up with the extra ounce of power it takes to win when the match is even.” - Muhammad AN
“Give me money. Money me. Money now. Me a money needing a lot now.” -Charlie Kelly
Stock M arket 3,4; Varsity Hockey 2,3,4; Romero Center Immersion Trip 2; Hockey Club 3
Football 1,2,3,4; Basketball 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,4;
Shayne Simon
Shane Shell
W hat teacher inspired you the most and why? “They laughed at Louis Arm strong when he said he was gonna go to the moon. Now he’s up there, laughing at them .” -Chazz Michael Michaels Blades of Glory
Pat Orth: Ms.
Kessler, because she believed in me with every ounce of emotion in her body. She always believed th a t I had m ore and pushed me to grow and be a be tte r thinker.
Dan Whitehead: M r.
Comey, because he is the realest and m ost brutally honest tea cher th a t I have ever met, and everybody needs th a t at some point in th e ir life.
Crew 1.2,3,4 Captain; Basketball 1; Stock Market Dub 1,2; German Club 2,3,4; Operation Smile 3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 291; German Exchange 3; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ecuador Service Trip 2; Big Brother 3; Game of Thrones Club 3.4; National Honor Society 3,4
Thomas Gannaway: W ith o u t a doubt M r.
M orrissey because of his passion in class and his eagerness to help every student learn. He always pushes his students to th e ir best ability and has inspired me and many oth er students a plethora of times.
William Slaski
Rich Doren: M r. Canale, because he helps me to see things th a t can’t be tau ght in school and teaches me things th a t are not taught in school
Senior Portraits
“I know I’m gonna get got, but I'm going to get mine more than I get got.” - Marshawn Lynch
How would you define senioritis? Noah Byrne: Senioritis is waiting until two days before the research paper is due before you sta rt it. Sorry Mr. Caulfield. John Corrao: Having 3 0 tabs open on your Chromebook and not a single one being school related.
Ebony Club 1; Italian Club 2,3;
M a tt Duane: Strategically planning your “sick days” every few weeks Chris Brady: A disease you don’t think is real.... Until senior year hits...
George Small
I’m out these waters.
“Sometimes you will never know the value of a moment until it becomes a memory.” - Dr. Seuss Cross country 2,3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,3; Yellowstone Trip
Kairos 45; W restling
l a
Isaiah Smalls
Andrew Smith
“Do not pray fo r easy lives, my friends. Pray to be stronger men.” -John F. Kennedy
“I’m not fat. I’m cultivating mass.” -Fat Mac
Video Game Club 1,2,3,4; Anime Club 2,3,4; Track 1; Robotics 3;
Brandon Smith
Luc Smith
Varsity Football 3,4
Grady Smith
“ 1% Chance, 99% Faith” - Neymar Jr.
“Anyone can be confident with a full head of hair; but a confident bald man there’s your diamond in the rough.” - Larry David
Soccer 1,2,3, Captain 4; National Spanish Honor Society 3,4; Spanish Club 3,4; German Club 4; Soccer Club 3
Waterpolo 1,2,3, Daptain 4; Swimming 1,2,3,4; Operation Smile 2, CoPresident 3,4; Italian Club 2,3,4; W est Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Italian Exchange 4; Kairos 49; Emmaus 2 94
Dario Spina
“I believe in rules. Sure I do. If there weren’t any rules, how could you break them ?” - Leo Durocher
“You can learn the game or change it. The choice is yours.”
Culinary Club 2,3,4; Ebony Club 2,3; Engineering club 4
Kairos 46; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4
Sv.^Wtcxrei William Stevens
Te-Nye St. Bernard
I believe there's a hero in all of us, th a t keeps us honest, gives us strength, makes us noble, and finally allows us to die with pride, even though sometimes we have to be steady, and give up the thing we w ant the most. Even our dreams. - Aunt May (Spiderman) EPI Costa Rica Immersion Trip 1; Soccer 1; Big B rother Program 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Italian National Honor Society 3,4; Kairos 49, Kairos leader 50; Campus Ministry Team 4; Ebony Club VP 2,3,4; Bethlehem Farms Immersion Trip 3; Indoor/Outdoor Track and Field 2,3,4 Captain 4; Spirit Award Recipient 4; Basketball □
Engineering Club; Ice Hockey Team; Rugby Team
Jared Such
Ashon Stewart
“Don’t bend; don't w ater it down; don't try to make it logical; don't edit your own soul according to the fashion. Rather, follow your m ost intense obsessions mercilessly.” -Franz Kafka
“It’s never the person who you most suspect. It's also never the person you least suspect since anyone with half a brain would suspect them the most. Therefore, I know the killer to be Phyllis...The person who I m ost medium suspect.” - Dwight Schrute, The Office
German Club 3; Kairos 49
Rugby 1; Fencing 2; Model UN 1, 2; Stock M arket Club 3, 4; TV Studio 2, 3, 4; A rt Club 3, 4; Robotics 3; Comic Book Club 2, 3, 4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 2 8 9
Anthony Tejada
Gabriel Tejada
W hat class was your favorite and why? “My perspiration is an inspiration to others” -Orginal
Jack Carey: Finding God in All Films because we got to watch great movie and relate them to God’s teachings.
Football 1,2,3,4; Student Council 1,2,3,4; Karios 47; Emmaus 293; French Club 2,3,4; SPPAC 1,2,3,4; Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1; Quito, Ecuador 1; Gilbert W est Virginia 2; Peru Exchange 3; Band 1
M a tt Dillane: Mr. Quinn’s Precalculus class because you can never listen to too many dad jokes. Luke Marasigan: My favorite class was creative writing because it showed me what I wanted to do artistically. M arek Wlodarski: AP Chemistry because it’s really w itchcraft in disguise.
Max Telemaque
Senior Portraits
“W e keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we’re curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.” - W a lt Disney
Which emoji sums up your time at Prep? Chris Casiano: The backpack Emoji Nicholas Demetriades: I don’t need an emoji. Just the letter ‘L’ will suffice.
A rt Club 1,2,3,4; Video Game Club 1,2,3,4
Adrian Fernandez: The Waves emoji Gerald Graves: Prayer Hands Aidan Hamilton: The money emoji because money is always on my mind.
Nikolas Theodoracopoulos
"Never give in. Never give in. Never, never, never, neverin nothing, great or small, large or pettynever give in, except to convictions of honour and good sense. Never yield to force. Never yield to the apparently overwhelming might of the enemy.” -Winston Churchill
“You can’t build a reputation on w hat you're going to do” - Henry Ford Basketball 1,2,captian,3,4; Kairos 45, leader 54; Photography Club 3,4; German Club 2,3,4; Bethlehem Farm 3; Pax Christi 3; Campus M inistry Team 4;
Brendan Thiele
Model UN 1; Freshman Ambassador 1; Pax Christi 1,2,4; Hockey Club 3; Teenagers Fighting fo r Freedom 3; Big Brother 3,4; Petrean 3, Editor in Chief 4; Stage Crew 1,2,3, Stage Manager(President) 4; HAP Tutor 1,2,3,4; Student Council W ebm aster 4; Kairos 48; Emmaus 290; Diversity Board 4
Patrick Thoms-Bauer
Life is not about how hard you can hit, it’s about how hard you can get hit and keep moving forward
“I am ready to face any challenges that might be foolish enough to face me" - Dwight Shrute
Baseball Club 1,2,3,4; Model UN 2,3,4; Volleyball 1,2,3,4; Kairos 45,50; Emmaus 289; CMT 4, Ecuador Immersion Trip 2, Ignatian Scholars Leadership Team 3,4; National Honor Society 4,
Andrew Tobin
John Tomei
“The ultimate measure of a man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience, but where he stands at times of challenge and controversy.” - Martin Luther King Jr.
“Real knowledge is to know the extent of one’s ignorance.” - Confucius SDLC; Ignatian Family Teach-In; E289; Kairos 4 9 & Kairos 50; Petroc 2,3,4; Robotics 1,2,3; Asian Society 1,2,3; Pax Christi 1,2,3,4
Ebony Club 1,2, Secretary 3, Representative 4; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Movie Club 1,2 ; Track 1 ; Big Brother 3 ; Student Ambassador 1; Current Events Club 3; Academic Bowl 3; French Club 3,4; Model UN 1,2,3,4; Kairos 4B; Emmaus 2 92
Khadim Toure
Joseph Trombecky
“My moms always told me, ’How long you gonna play the victim?' I can say I'm mad and I hate everything, but nothing really changes until I change myself.” -Kendrick Lamar
Football 1; Volleyball 2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4
Denzel Ufomaduh
Jevon Tull
“You miss 100% of the shots you don’t take” - Wayne Gretzky
“Actually, throughout my life, my two greatest assets have been mental stability and being, like, really sm art.” - President Donald J. Trum p
Robotics 2, 3, 4; SPPAC 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Asian Society 1 ,2 ,3 , 4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 29 0; Soccer 1; Engineering Club 4
Hockey 2; Kairos 4 9
Bryan Van Ness
Zachary Uhler
Everyone fights their own battles.
“If you’re not firs t you're last.” - Ricky Bobby
History Club 1,2, 3
Football 1,2,3,4; Baseball 1,2; Ping Pong Club 1,2,3,4; Kairos 4 7
Nico Vega
Sean Verdi, Jr.
Who is your favorite teacher and why? “Good judgm ent comes from experience, and a lot of th a t comes from bad judgment.” -Will Rogers
Peter Flores: Mr. Skircak because he always explains things very well and acted as a m entor fo r me. M a tt Marini: Mr. Coccaro because we share sadness over the Giants.
Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; W a te r Polo 2,3,4; Kairos 45; Emmaus 29 2; Operation Smile 2,3,4; National French Honor Society 3,4; French Club 2,3,4; Newark Immersion Trip 3
Dillon Murray: M rs. Dillane because she finds a way to keep Math interesting and comprehensible. Greg Nacheff: Doc Hartling because he is very realistic and laid back but at the same tim e very intelligent and willing to help you with anything.
William Vespole
Bryan Van Ness: M r. Keating because he is incredibly nice and funny.
Senior Portraits
W hat teacher inspired you the most and why? M a tt Goodman: Ms. Torres because she is a great teacher, and is one of the reasons as to why I want to be a teacher. Ray Jasinski: Mr. Skircak, he just gives a feeling of inspiration. Eugene Keohane: Mr. Arteaga truly inspired me, he taught me values of responsibility, taking action, and determination th a t I will carry with me beyond my years at Prep. Victor Lopez: Mr. Comey inspires me everyday because of how hard he works, even when tim es are tough and the pressure builds up.
Jason Vicari
“Play your heart out for what your jersey says on the front and everyone will remember what it said on the back” -Unknown
“Has easy ever worked as well as hard? No. Next question.” - M ark Rippetoe
Rugby 2,3,4; Indoor Track 3,4; Kairos 48; Newark Immersion Trip 2; Pax Christi 2; Engineering 1; Tutor 2; French National Honors Society 2,3,4; Sheehan Scholar
Baseball 1,2,3,4; Baseball Club 2,3,4; Ice Hockey Manager 4; Emmaus 291
Francis Vuolo
Dave Vovor
“It’s tough to make predictions, especially about the future.” - Yogi Berra
“Some say the blacker the berry, the sweeter the juice. I say the darker the flesh then the deeper the roots” -Lesane Parish Crooks
Band 1,2,3,4; Crew 2,3,4; Kairos 47; Emmaus 292; Freshman Ambassador 1 Basketball and Football
Mark Walker
Judah Wehner
Brendan Walsh
“Real eyes, Realize, Real lies.” -A Boogie
“You Can't Beat Me.” -Me
Kairos 49; Football 1,2,3,4; Ebony Club 1,4
Kairos 49; Ebony Club 1,2,3,4; Lacrosse 1; Basketball 1,2; Track & Field 3,4
Justin White
“Great minds think alone.” -Wiz Khalifa
“Know the rules well, so you can break them effectively.” -Dalai Lama
Kairos 45; Lacrosse 1,2,3,4; Campus Ministry Team 4, W e st Virginia Immersion Trip 2; Big Brother 3; Ski Trip 1,2,3,4; Hockey Club 3
Crew 1,2,3,4; Photography Club 2,3,4; Kairos 46; Emmaus 289; Big Brother 3; Freshman Ambassador 1
cj ^ i / l /
6 0
Daniel Whitehead
William White
“W ork hard, be somebody, be something more than what you see in the mirror. Let the world be your mirror, don’t let them judge you, cause the m irror can’t judge you. You judge what you see in the m irror.” -Dwayne Carter
“W hen we are no longer able to change a situation, we are challenged to change ourselves.” -Viktor Frankl
Crew; Kairos 47; Kairos 51; Campus Ministry Team; Emmaus 2 92
Kairos 49; Emmaus 293; Football 3,4; Indoor Track 1,2,3; Outdoor Track 1,2,4
Ashton Williams
Jared Wilson
“People always clap fo r the wrong things.” -Holden Caulfield
“The chief function of the body is to carry the brain around.” -Thomas A. Edison
Cross Country 1,2,3,4; Robotics 1,2,3, Co-Captain 4; Kairos 46; Indoor Track 1; Lacrosse 1; NHS; Psych Club 4;
Kairos 48, leader 53; Emmaus 290; Football 1,2,3, captain 4; Indoor and Outdoor Track 1,2,3, captain 4; Campus Ministry Team 4; West Virginia Immersion Trip 3; National Honor Society 3,4; Spanish National Honor Society 3,4; Sheehan Scholar 1,2,3.4; Sheehan Leadership Retreat 1; Chemistry Gold Medal 2; Stock Market Club 1,2,3,4; Medical Club 2,3,4; Sports by Numbers 2,3; Chemistry Lab Assistant 4; Science Society 1; Debate Club 1; Freshman Ambassador 1
Marek Wlodarski
William Woltmann
2 0 1 8 Will and Testament Declan Alvidrez: To David Garrelick, I leave my good looks and charm.
The days are slow, but the years fly.
M a tt Baldowski: To Jacob Brozon, I leave my spot on defense as I can no longer single-handedly save every game. Brennan Collier: To Aidan Seborowski, I leave my driving skills. Kairos 47; Emmaus 2 9 0 Dante Dias: To any aspiring lightweight rower, I leave my spot on the rowing team as eternal bow seat. I kept it warm fo r you, so pull hard. #littlebodiesbigpuddles
Morgan WyviHe
Gavin Freeman: To Liam “Leeroy” Regan, I leave you the water polo team. Take care of it, continue our storied success and bring home a state chip fo r your boy.
Senior Portraits
M H H I Future President l.M ax Telemaque 2. Brian Savage 3.Noah Byrne
Best Dressed l.Malchijah Hoskins 2.Marc Cozzarelli 3 Jaso n Pope-Bayne
Future Jesuit
Best Hair
1.Patrick Thoms-Bauer 2 Jaso n Pope-Bayne 3 Jeth ro Ng
1.Bryan Van Ness 2.Griffin Gudaitis 3 Joseph Ruge
Future Prep Teacher
Biggest Trendsetter
1.Griffin Gudaitis 2.Matthew Goodman 3.Brian Savage
1.John Corrao 2.Cleophus M cIntosh 3.M aichijah Hoskins
Future Dean of Students
Most Changed Since Freshman Year
1.Griffin Gonzalez 2.Noah Byrne 3.Hugh Carroll
1.Noah Byrne 2 .Jared W ilson 3.Greg N acheff
Best Nickname
Most Intelligent
1.Andrew “Chewy” Chiurazzi 2.Connor “Red Lighting” Heaney 3.Greg“Chief”Nacheff
1.Matthew Dillane 2.Harshal Shah 3.Dan Rowe
Future Millionaire
Most Artistic
l.Shayne Simon 2.M att Dillane 3.Dan Rowe
1. Ashton Williams 2.Gabriel Tejada 3.Nikolas Carter
H H M i
lost Likely to Be Late to his Own Wedding
Most Likely to Become Famous
1.William Perlman 2.Joseph M oceri 3.Adrian Fernandez
1.Nicholas Ramirez 2.Shayne Simon 3.A drian Camano
Most Athletic
Best Musican
l.Shayne Simon 2.Brendan Thiele 3.Michael M angual
1.Dylan Dordevic 2.Gerald Graves 3.A drian Camano
lest Sense of Humor
Video Game Champion
l.Chima Ohadike 2.M ike Richards likolas Theodorecopulous
1.Isaiah Chagas 2.Ben Kelly 3.Nicholas Ram irez
Class Clown
Social Media Addict
1.Joseph Moceri 2.Gavin Freeman 3.Jared W ilson
l.Jarsiri Evans 2 Jo se p h Trom becky 3.Chris Casiano
Best Company on a Dessert island
Most Likely to Receive JUG
1.Rob Dungan 2.George Small 3.William W oltmann
1.Patrick Orth 2.George Small 3.Richard Doren
Future Mad Scientist
1.Chris Casiano 2.Dario Spina 3.Marc Cozzareli
l.M arek Wlodarski 2.Daniel Rowe 3.Robert Onoz
Senior Superlatives
p i
y b i l l
Every S e p te m b e r as a n e w s c h o o l y e a r d a w n s , the halls a t G ra n d a n d W a rr e n ta k e on a n e w life o f their o w n . W h ile the h a llw a y s m a y h a v e a n e w lo o k a n d the students ro a m in g them m a y lo o k d iffe re n t, their p ro m is e re m a in s the sam e. These future Prep men a re the le a d e rs o f a w o rld th a t is e v e r c h a n g in g . The m om ents th e y sh a re w ill d e fin e w h o th e y b e c o m e .
JUNIORS Dylan M atthew Abanilla Andrew Adablah M atthew Adams Christopher Amaral Daniel Ambrosio Paul Ames
Jam es Anderson M ichael Appello Christian Arcos David Arroyo Ayir Asante Ahmaz Athias
Justinian Aurora Brandon Balatbat Anthony Barrera Edwin Baumgartner Bryce Belser Humberto Belvis III
Nathan Blumenfeld Tracy Bowers Ian Bradshaw Christopher Brentjens Jam es Bristol Christopher Brooks
Liam Brown Jacob Brozon Nathan Bryant Zhim ing Cai Charles Camilleri Harold Carter
Evan Casas Daniel Cetera Andrew Chaparro Justin Chaparro Stephen Chowanec
Liam Christman Michael Coacher Nicholas Cocciadiferro Niccolo Colucci Quinton Conlin M aximilian Contreras
O rlando Cortez Jr. Thomas Cotter Domenico Crincoli Jam es Cruz Christian Cunningham Emm anuel Dadulla
Anthony D’angelico Jaiden David Philip Decresce M ark Del Castillo Christian Della Rocco N icholas Demarco
Sean Demo Stanley Dennis M ichael Desantis Thomas Desantis Ethan Diaz John Dillon
Brian Downey Christopher Dunkin Ryan Emma Dam ani Falconer Cole Ferrara Thomas Fitzhenry
Royce Flores Byron Flores Jr. M atthew Forget Nicolas Galup Tim othy Garcia Tyriek Garcia
David Garrelick Nicholas Gayle Ethan Gaynor M axim Geller Tim othy Georgetti
Junior Portraits
Jeffrey Gerger Julian Gibson Antonio Gigante Michael Giordano Miles Gold Alexandra Gonzalez
Thaddeus Goratowski John Gorski Tyler Goyanes Ryan Gray Vincent Grimaldi Phillip Grimaud
Jam es Grueter Garrett Gualtieri Jerem iah Guzman Griffen Haas Mina Hanna Patrick Haughney
Elliott Hayward Kyle Hess Mason Holland Max Honig Courtney Hymes W illiam Ince
Nicholas Iniashvili Matthew Italiano Jam es Jensen Patrick Johnston Chase Jones Liam Kagel
Asa Kahn Jake Karbowniczak Martin Kasilag Owen Kealey Patrick Keenaghan William Kelley
Thomas Kellner Justin Koroglu Jack Kramer Ceejay Larino M atthew Lee
Jin Leem Aidan Lezynski Eric Liao Ying Lin M averick Lindo Nicholas Lojo
M ark Lovito Desm ond Luck Richard Luzzi-Liggins John Lynch Sean MacLaney Christian M adlansacay
Daniel M aher Naji Malik Nicholas M anganello Andrew M arrero Brandon Maruri Kakuyon Mataeh
Christian Matos M ason-W illiam Matos Maasai M aynor Robert McDonough Jam es McGann A donis McGee
Jordan McPhee Alessandro M emmolo John M em ar Jack M eyer John M illar Alexander Miller
- -
Xavier M orales M ichael Morano Jam es M oriarty Samuel M ullaney Thomas Muller Henrik Murer
Patrick Murphy Sahil Naik T yler Najara Thom as N arram ore Gus Nations IV
Junior Portraits
Matisse Nelson Mark Niland Aidan Nolte Alec Nossa A lexander Novello Roman Oben Jr
Philip Okoh Julian Ongay Sky Ozagar Steven Panzariello Marcos Parada Kyree Parker
Nicholas Pascarello Paolo Pasquali Bryce Payne Jam es Pearce Gregory Pease Diego Perdomo
John Pettit Ty Pezzolla William Pikus Colin Plunkett Hudson Poreda Matthew Preite
Steven Prokop Shashwat Punjani Jacob Quinones Steven Racki Dominic Ragno Anthony Rego
Jeremy Resurreccion Andre Reyes M ichael Ribeiro Adrian Richardson W ade Richardson W illie Richardson Iii
Edwin Rivera Troy Roberts Iii Khyree Robinson Roberto Rodas-Hem don Ulises Rodriguez
Joseph Rom ano Colby Ruggiero M atthew Russell Jacob Saavedra Tristan Sarmiento Grant Saunders
Kieran Scanlon Anthony Scarpa Robert Scheurer Justin Scocco Samay Shamdasani Braden Shivas
John Smith Iii M atteo Sollecito Biagio Stoduto Christopher Stultz Daniel Stusnick A nthony Summey
Harrison Sykes Julian Todd Christopher Tolkin Jonathan Torres Richard Torres Jr. Gabriel Trojanowski
Jack Umphrey Iii Augustus Valente Jared Veloso Jordan Veverka Lucas Vinci Ethan W ang-So
Paul W eeks Elijah W hite Charles W illiams Francis W indels N icholas W ondolowski M arcus W oodard
Ekow Yankey Joseph Yap Devan Yee T yler Young Matthew Zdanowicz
Junior Portraits
0 MORES Miles Adedjoum a V eer Advaney Christopher Anderson M ark Apadeer Pax Ardanz Jam es Ashe
Adam Aziz Jacob Bacha Andrew Bannon Dean Baquiran Bryan Barahona Joseph Basilio
David Benoit, Jr. Suvan Bhat Gordon Biebel Adam Botti Nicholas Brady Edmund Broderick
Max Burgess Dylan Burrs Jaden Caban M ichael Caceres Thomas Cahill Antonio Callegari
Jonathan Camaya Joseph Canosa Michael Canosa Daniel Cao M atias Carrion Andrew Carter
Gabriel Caruso Noah Casco Christopher Cerbone Julian Chandler Connor Chapman
M ichael Charas W illiam Charvala Youness Cheboubi Andrew Cherry Justin Chipatecua Luke Chmiel
Aidan Christman Thomas Christo Gabriel Clement Liam Concannon Jam es Conti Patrick Corrao
Diego Crespo Matthew Cugliari Michael Davis Donald Davis Jr. M arco De Lucia Matthew Del Sol
Darren Del Sordo Andrew DeLucia Joseph DeM arco Jude Demo Arthur des Clers Kevin Diaz
Dominic DiLullo Jackson DiLullo Aidan Doherty Luke Donofrio Joseph Doody Adrian Dookie
Owen Dougherty Jonas Eaton Trinity Edwards Jan Egan Colin Elliott Sean Emm ert
M ichael Farrell Quam ek Fearon Tyler Fearon Andrew Fenton Brendan Finerty
Sophomore Portaits
George Flanagan Aidan Foca M ichael Frontera George Garcia Cameron Garlin Luqman Gbadamassi
David Gerges Samuel Gilhawley Joshua Glatman Benjamin Gomez Gabriel Gonzalez M atthew Gonzalez
Carlos Goyburu Jr. Alexander Gray Kurt Gray Justin Green Tyler Greene Javier Grillo
Nicolas Gronda Aidan Guam uccio A lexander Gudaitis Daniel Hagan Cade Harkins Sidharth Hegde
Jam es Henry David Hernandez Eduardo Hernandez Roddy Hernandez Kyle Hoog M iles Hooper
Aidan Hunter Salvatore Im bomone Demetri Ioakimidis Anthony Ionta David Jachimski Stephen Jennings Jr.
W illiam Johnny Roderick Kelly Ryder Klein Joseph Knox Tim Konrads
M aclej Kowalczyk Tyler Krauth Jake Lacy M atthew LaM alfa Christopher Larkin Charles Lawal
Austin Lawson-Hogban Colin Lemke Quentin Lemon Samuel Leonte Lucca Lem er Brian Liriano
Janos Lukacs Tyler Macanka Ethan MacM illan Liam Maguire Brennan M aillet Steven Makino
Joseph M astandrea Owen Matts Graziano Mazzella Jack McGinley Liam McGovern Christian M ejia
Hendry M ejia Daniel Merchel David M ezzina Brian M ikovits Juan Miranda Matthew M oreira
Luke M orrison Lucas M otir Peter M unkittrick Thomas Navitski Brandon Negron Brendan Nestor
Benjam in Norris W illiam Note A lexander Novak M ichael Novicio Jake Nowak
Sophomore Portaits
Connor Obara Samuel O'Flanagan Michael Ohlmuller Michael O'Neill Daniel Onorato Gabriel Orbe
Raymond Ortiz Jr. Zack Oswald Nicholas Paolini Tyler Parrado Thomas Pelliccio M ateo Pereira
Jerem y Perez John Petrosino Jr. Jay Post A lexander Prescott Oleg Prots Deven Quinones
Dylan Quintana Christopher Quintas Liam Regan Sergio Restrepo Jack Riley Andrew Robinson
Cooper Rogan Cody Ross Gabriel Rothkegel Joseph Rubino Salvatore Russo Jam es Ryan
Sean Ryan M elvin Saldua Andrew Santana Gabriel Joachim Santiago Andrew Schm utter Alejandro Schnettler
Matthew Schreier Aidan Seborowski Christopher Sheppard Bryson Shipman Byron Shipman
Alexey Shulov Benjamin Silver Cody Simon Zubin Sood Giovanni Sotomayor Pavol Spiska
Jelani Sweet Shepard Swift Jason Tarantino Jonathan Thiele Kevin Tiem ey Luis Tolentino
Joshua Torres Brady Truppner Tyler Tucker V ictor Tyne M ichael Uhler M ichael Uy
Nicholas Uy Peter Vazquez John Velasquez Joseph Vuolo Robert W alker Jacob Walsh
Christopher W arren Jr. A lexander Wasden Desmond W atkins Declan W eeda Nicholas W est W illiam White
Peter W hitehead Ryan W hitworth Andrew W illiams M ason W oodard Glenn W right Jr. Christian Yanez
Sophomore Portaits
Aria Acosta Patrick Adams Riley Adams Noah Adedjoum a Calvin Allume Andrew Almeida
John Amato III Michael Ames Rami Amin Sebastian Andrews-Sanchez Aidan Apito Ricardo Arias
Eidan Arriaga Anthony Asante-Danso Robert Auld Julian Ayala Lucas Baccay Jonathon Balboni
Dylan Baquiran Francesco Barone Jake Barrera Kenneth Baumann Serge Beaucejour Vincent Bello
Rino Bemabe Dejohn Berry Eli Blumenfeld Patrick Boll Tomasz Botwicz Andrew Bowling
Terence Boyle Chase Bradshaw Colin Brancatella Joseph Brandon Johnnie Brooker
Henry Brown Kenneth Browne Zachary Bucher Tahjam ell Bullock W illiam Byington Connor Caloni
Nathaniel Camiscioli Jordan Campbell Joseph Cangiano Michael Caracappa Andre Carcamo Matthew Carey
Da'Johnn Carter Nicholas Centrone Vincent Chirichella Anthony Chrysikos Anthony Cinquina Dorian Clark
M ason Cohen Sebastian Colie Egan Collier Finnian Collier David Collins Titus Cooke
Sam Cooper M atthew Coronel Thomas Da Costa Lobo D onovan Da Silva Enrique Dager Jack Daly
N icholas De Pinto Justin DeJesus G erald DelaCruz Julian DeLemos Ryan Della Rocco Ethan Diaz
Johannes Dirx Alexander Disla Matthew Dobronsky Brendan Donnelly M yles Dorante
Freshman Portraits
Anthony Doren Gabriel Doria Patrick Downey Jonathan Duarte M yles Dubovy Thomas Dwyer
Ethan Eig Nicholas Escobar John Fernandez Shane Flannery Owen Fletcher Connor Flood
Rashawn Ford, Jr. John Galasso Jam es Gallagher Seshan Ganesan M atthew Gasak Joseph Giattino
Nicholas Gilberti Thomas Gingerelli Jack Glynn W illiam Gobel Joshua Graves Christopher Green
Ryan Ha Eric Han Felix Heinrich Sean Herold Thomas Hurley M arcello Hutton
Nathaniel Jablonski Mitchell Jackson Jesse Janson Lawrence Jenkins Timothy Jimenez Vikram Kadyan
Ryan Karbowniczak Kevin Keogh Ryan King Danil Kirichenko Edwin Klanke
Peyton Koehler Joshua Kover Shivansh Kumar Kevin Kwah W ade Lance, Jr. Jake Landsbergis
Joseph Laurenza A ram chan Lee Ian Lee Andrew Lin Dario Lojo Leo London
Henry Longo Reyhan Lopez Dylan Lord Angelo Loscrudato Benny Love Ian Lozano
Richard Lugo Xavier Lusky Max Malanga Lucas Martin Alec M artinez Daniel M artinez
Joseph Martins Matthew Maruri Joaquin Matti Soren M ayendia Lukas M azurczyk Patrick McCabe
Robert M cCafferty Charles McCann M atthew McDonough Connor M cElroy Barker Tyler M cGeehan M ichael McGowan
Ryan Mead Chike M elie III Edward M ignone Z yeiar Miller Aidan M onteiro
Freshman Portraits
Liam Mooney Isaiah M oore Tristan Moran Joseph Morrone Teague Mulcahy Callum Murray
Nicholas M usico Pius M wemba Nicholas Nalbandian Kevin Nally Kevin N andkum ar Lazaro Negrin
Jam es Norris Tim othy O'Brien Gavin O'Farrell Donald Oguejiofo Aidan Osterling Kevin Owens
M atthew Page Landon Paradine Dean Pelliccio Sebastian Pena Dylan Perez Gavin Perry
Daivik Persaud M ichael Pestana Sean Rendeiro Ryan Repka Teodulfo Reyes Ciaran Reynolds
Kenneth Reynolds Trey Richardson Aaron Rodriguez George Rooks Patrick Rooney Lucas Rosario-Rodriguez
Christopher Rudolph Jack Rudolph M aximillian Rueda Frederic Sagna Eduardo Sanchez
Rodolfo Sanchez John Scheurer M ichael Scheurer Max Schwede Alexander Sciarra David Scobar
Jordan Scott Evan Scribner Charles Sexton Jack Sipperly Andrew Smith Tyion Smith
Tighe Steineke Matthew Stewart Sebastian Stile Shazir Sullivan Joshua Sumague Rish Sutherland
Iker Taboas Jacob Taubman Justin Thomas John Thorburn John Toolen Christian Torres
Casey Truppner G regory Van Sant Jeffrey Van Sant Antonio Villatoro Ryan W allace Tracy W are, Jr.
Anthony W armuz Colin Williams Ian W ilson Samuel Yaegashi Alfonso Zamarra Lorenzo Zam arra
Freshman Portraits
Back Row: Patrick Thoms-Bauer (Editor-In-Chief), Gerald Graves, Dan Nunez, Vincent Grimaldi, Ethan Wang-So
Back Row: Patrick Keenaghan, Max Honig, James Bristol, Ryan Dorneo, Hugh Carroll
Not Pictured: Victor Lopez, Jeremy Resurreccion Roberto Rodas-Herndon
Thank you to our photographers Mr. M ark Wyviile M arc Cozzarelii’18
M oderator Mr. Thomas Comey