
I have now been working at Prep—to say nothing of my student years—about as longas I had been alive the frigid morning in December 1998 when I visited as a Freshman for a Day. That’s a lot of daily announcements to glance over, a lot of Fr. Azzarto’s handwriting to decipher, a lot of Emmaus banners to peruse, a lot of highs and lows and friendships and hard work and slices of pizza from Las Americas (formerly Lisbon). It’s a lot of memories of a lot of days spent in a place that means the world to me.
Lately, as I reflect on each day during my sometimes lengthy drive home, I find I don’t always remember everything that happened just a few hours prior. And yet somehow I still remember that one day so vividly. It was the first full day I spent here, and the day I knew this would be my second home. I remember waiting for my freshman ambassador in the small office off the Mulry lobby with Michael Mazur, the “director of public information,” whatever that meant (I know now, because I have his job, though Freshman for a Day is now the purview of the admissions director), elbowing through the crowded Burke Hall cafeteria to get lunch, trying to draw a mental map of the labyrinthine hallways. I remember Jack Raslowsky announcing bottled water was available in the principal’s office due to a water main break on Tonnelle Avenue. I remember World Civ with Michael Guzik, S.J.; Music with Roland Jones; Religion with Jon Dwyer, later one of my favorite teachers and a fellow member of Emmaus 187. I can’t recall all my college professors’ names, but I can tell you the Prep teachers I met that day, even those who never officially taught me. Why is that?
I have two guesses. First of all, it speaks to the experience I had that day, and the incredible people who have taught at Prep through the decades to make those indelible impressions on our students (or even prospective students). I am honored to have called some of them my teachers, some of them my colleagues, and best of all, some of them both. Second, and of greater interest in this context, was the first-period English class I visited that day.
As we squeezed between the parked cars on Warren Street (which was still a street!) toward the English Building, my ambassador turned and said, “Now we have English with Mr. Gomez. He’s awesome. He will curse.” Curiously, I don’t remember whether the cursing came to fruition. But I do remember standing up on the chairs with a roomful of Prep freshmen and their teacher (whose face clearly stated he lived for this), reading from Tennyson: “I am a part of all that I have met,” and “Come, my friends/‘Tis not too late to seek a newer world,” and “To strive, to seek, to find, and not to yield.”
I never spent another period in class with Mr. Gomez. At the end of my junior year, not unlike Ulysses, he headed west (to Omaha, perhaps less dramatic than striking out on the Ionian waves, but still). You’ve probably guessed that our paths crossed last spring, as the now-Dr. Gomez visited ahead of his announcement as Prep’s new president, and yes, full disclosure, he’s now my boss. But in the interim, I came to regard those lines we read in his class as a kind of shorthand for the Prep experience: the brotherly bonds of a shared endeavor that can turn strangers into a family, the hunger for adventure and new challenges, the certainty that not trying would always be worse than failing.
Much has changed at Prep and in the world in 147 years, and for the first time the president of this particular Jesuit school is not himself a Jesuit. But as many of us have seen already, and many more will see in the years to come, there is every reason to believe our proud tradition will continue to grow as we continue to work together, ad majorem Dei gloriam.
Mike Jiran, ’03 Director of CommunicationsFALL 2019
Michael Gomez, Ed.D, ’91 President Jim DeAngelo, ’85 Principal
Mike Jiran, ’03 Editor
John Irvine, ’83, P’11 Sports Editor
Juan Arteaga
Trish Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
Mike Holt, ’99
Jim Horan, ’70
Kate Lillis-Magnus
Dalma Santana Contributors
Mark Wyville, ’76, P’11 Select Photography
Mace Duncan Ohleyer Original Design Concept
Mike Jiran, ’03 Layout and Additional Photography
Prep Magazine is a publication of the Office of Communications of Saint Peter’s Preparatory School. It is distributed in print, free of charge, to Prep alumni, faculty, staff and parents, and online at
Copyright © 2019, Saint Peter’s Prep. All publication rights reserved.
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ON THE COVER: Michael Gomez, Ed.D., ’91, at work in the president’s office. Fittingly, the office has a new look that incorporates several historical artifacts. Prominent here are the sign that adorned Mulry Hall until the mid-1990s and the desk that once belonged to another Dr. Gomez; the late Carlos Gomez, M.D., P’84,’87,’91 used it for many years at his medical practice in Bayonne.
True Believer
If there were an award for the most enthusiastic Prep alumnus, competition would be intense. One of the strongest contenders happens to be Prep’s 28th president.
A Whole New Ball
The Grand Gala is vital to Prep’s mission, but Prep’s advancement team is working to ensure it’s also Prep’s biggest party!
The 2019 President’s Report
Your support gives life to Prep’s mission!
144 Grand
The unbroken bond of the Class of ’19; Class of ’23 gets a jump on service; A greener shade of maroon.
To Whom Much is Given
A Buffalo connection renewed, a surprise tribute, and Prep’s newest endowed scholarship, thanks to the Brentjens family.
5 Questions
Teaching high school chemistry requires a good deal of stamina. Fortunately, Dr. Mike Holt, ’99 is well prepared...he spends his spare time running ultramarathons!
56 Sports
State sectional title for outdoor track; Tennis and Volleyball county champs; five all-county selections for Baseball.
Photo File
The silver anniversary of a golden season.
Spirituality Committee provides a comforting presence; 2019-20 regional reunion tour; ’50s alumni build digital connections
It is a daily experiment in human chemistry. More than 900 young men, hailing from nearly 150 cities and towns throughout the region, swirl together through the doors at Grand & Warren daily. They are the reagents, Prep’s faculty and staff the catalysts, and nearly a century and a half of Prep tradition (and more than five centuries of Jesuit educational tradition) establish the experimental conditions. What will happen?
Prep offered the 141st iteration of its results in May, as the Class of 2019 entered the Yanitelli Center at Saint Peter’s University as seniors, and exited as newly-minted alumni. Rather than electrons, they have shared many experiences, but the result is the same: they have formed a strong bond, and emerged as something quite different from what was there at the start.
Tom Comey, the chair of Prep’s science department and a lifelong student of a more literal kind of chemistry, was the faculty speaker for this year’s ceremony. He related his wonder at atoms’ natural tendency to seek stability and balance by working together—sometimes with others like themselves, and sometimes with atoms that are quite different. As they form bonds and create new molecules, something altogether new takes shape. Sodium and chlorine, both quite dangerous, become ordinary table salt. Highly flammable oxygen and hydrogen become the water that sustains all life. “These combinations and reactions are magnificent displays of what happens when substances come together,” he said. “It is only together can they achieve a purpose greater than themselves. These interactions are absolutely necessary for growth and change of these atoms. They continually seek changes and opportunities to form stable compounds. With each change, they move towards their goal—achieving stability.”
For those of us who are not single atoms but rather large collections of atoms—around 7 x 1027 atoms each, Mr. Comey noted – the need to find those who will balance us and help us to become our best selves is no less essential.
In recent decades, as the geographic diversity of Prep’s student body has exploded, the experience of getting to and from Grand & Warren each day has become as much a part of each student’s experience as classes, club meetings, team practices, and homework. For many, perhaps even most, this will at some point involve travel by train—be it the Light Rail from Bayonne, the PATH from Newark or Manhattan, or New Jersey Transit’s commuter rail network from farther afield. Student speaker Thaddeus Goratowski, ’19 found in his collection of 39 monthly passes from Glen Rock to Hoboken more than just a memento of his daily commute.
Just as the train crew must persevere to overcome obstacles and delays, he explained, the 226 members of the Class of 2019 have pushed forward through their four-year journey through personal hardships, academic challenges, and more. They have each chosen what baggage to bring and with whom they will travel. And they have each learned to pace themselves to travel safely and efficiently through life’s journey. And together, they have arrived at a critical transfer point.
“We’ve made it to one of the largest exchanges in all of life: the transition away from high school,” Thaddeus said. “Each track heads towards its own destination, to many different places across the country and the world…
“A quote from one of my favorite teachers, Mr. Burokas, rings true: ‘There’s always another train leaving the station.’ There are so many options to choose from, so many tracks to depart from, that the pressure and rush of the future can become overwhelming; but, in the same way that we’ve navigated through our time at Prep, we’ll all be prepared for whatever train we decide to go on, no matter when or to where it departs.”
And so on a stormy evening in May, one Prep journey was at an end—the disparate particles that were once lost freshmen had been forged into something new and different, ready to begin their new journeys as the graduates of the Class of 2019.
Members of the Class of 2019 who followed in their fathers’ or grandfathers’ steps through Prep gathered for the traditional photo shoot prior to the ceremony. Pictured below are: John Pettit with grandfather Liam Ryan, ’54 • Matteo Sollecito with father Pietro Sollecito, ’88 • Christian Dello Rocco with grandfather Gregory Schuermann, ’50 • Robert Scheurer with father Bob Scheurer, ’84 • Matthew Russell and father Kevin Russell, ’83 • Liam Christman and father
Brian Christman, ’90 • Patrick Haughney with father Brian Haughney, ’89 and grandfather Dennis Forker, ’58 • John Smith with father Jack Smith, ’76 • Nicholas DeMarco with father Mark DeMarco, ’79 • Philip DeCresce with father Philip DeCresce, ’84 • Thomas Kellner with father Jeff Kellner, ’85
• Domenico Crincoli with grandfather
Jim Jim Deveney, ’53 • Maximilian Contreras and grandfather Michael Guasconi, ’71
• Daniel Ambrosio and father George Ambrosio, ’71.
Inset at right: William Pikus with grandfather Phillip Simms, ’62
ABOVE, LEFT TO RIGHT: Tom Comey, science department chair, gave the faculty address. Phil McGovern, ’76, P’11, chair of Prep’s Board of Trustees, presented the Insignis Award – the highest honor for Prep faculty and staff members – to Fr. Boller. Steve Caslowitz acknowledges the applause for his Bene Merenti award. Mr. Caslowitz joined the Prep faculty in the fall of 1999.In the spring ‘19 Prep Magazine, we brought you the extraordinary story of the late Frank Coyle, ’Jr., ’48, whose historic bequest came as a surprise even to the seasoned eyes of Jim Horan, ’70, Prep’s vice president for planning and principal giving.
As expected, in June Prep received the final distribution from the estate. Not expected, however, was its scope.
Specifically, the new gift—$4,114,524—brings the total Coyle bequest amount to $6,195,524, which is almost $1.4 million above the original projection of $4.8 million that we reported in the spring!
Not surprisingly, the school is thrilled to provide this update!
For our faculty, summer means many things. For some, a re-charge, time with family, perhaps vacation. For others, it is a second job. For others still, it is a chance to deepen knowledge of their subject matter, to broaden their skill set, and to discuss best practices with colleagues from near and far. Remi Pastorek, French teacher, received a scholarship from the French Embassy in the United States to study in Vichy, France, at the CAVILAM (Centre d’Approches Vivantes des Langues et des Médias) Institute for language acquisition pedagogy. The scholarship was awarded to just 35 teachers in the United States, and involved submitting a detailed application and demonstrating advanced proficiency in French. The program was truly multinational with 200 teachers representing 80 nationalities. In addition to discovering the Auvergne region of France, he took classes on different modes of communications (interpretive, interpersonal, and presentational), and on French culture. He said: “I was able to develop innovative methods of teaching French with the help of experienced professors; what I learned will transform my classroom into a truly immersive experience.”
Tom Powers, also of the Modern Language Department, a Spanish teacher, and the Director of Global Programs, was one of four teachers in the U.S. who was awarded a scholarship to study at La Complutense in Madrid, Spain; this prestigious school boasts Saint Ignatius Loyola as one of its alumni. The program was both scholastic and experiential, which is the goal of Prep’s own immersion programs. Profe Powers enjoyed exploring the Malasana neighborhood, with its may cultural offerings. He took eight classes, spanning medieval literature to contemporary Latin American theater. He said: “I am very grateful for this experience and will continue to draw from it in my work with my students and colleagues throughout the year.”
Greg Morrissey, ‘08, of the English Department and moderator of the Adventure Club, had the opportunity to teach at La Colegio de La Inmaculada in June, a school known for a unique feature: its own zoo! After observing classes at every grade level, including kindergarten dance class, he co-taught five sections of 5th graders. Much information was traded with the faculty, as he was able to share some platforms used at Prep, such as Membean and TurnItIn. In turn, he learned various ways to use Google Classroom and Class Dojo. It is hoped that a teacher from Peru will come to Prep, continuing with our commitment to teacher exchanges. At the end of June, Dr. Michael Holt of the Science Department flew to Peru with 15 juniors and seniors to participate in an immersion course entitled “Unearthing the Sacred,” which examined the fusion of Peru’s Catholic and Incan identity. The trip culminated in a 4-day backpacking trek to Machu Picchu. As Morrisey says: “I am grateful to work in a place
The commitment to global education isn’t limited to the summer. This semester, Russ Fiorella of the Religion Department is teaching at in Barcelona at Sant Ignasi, a Jesuit secondary school in the mountainside town of Sarria. This is part of an intercambio between two Jesuit secondary institutions, each of which is in the forefront of the global movement in Jesuit education. Pablo Sitges, an economics and business teacher, is spending the fall at Prep, teaching Spanish and New Testament. It is hoped that more exchanges will develop in the future.
where I can pursue my own dreams and share them with the Prep family.”
Earlier this year, Pope Francis confirmed the Universal Apostolic Preferences the Society of Jesus. These four guiding principles for the Jesuits and their works over the next decade were presented to the pope as the result of sixteen months of collaboration within the Society. Among the preferences is a call “To collaborate in the care of our Common Home,” a challenge to Prep and all Jesuit institutions to “collaborate, with Gospel depth, for the protection and renewal of God’s Creation.” Over the past several months, Prep has taken several new steps to live this commitment more fully. In June, Prep began purchasing 100% of its electricity from renewable sources through the energy supply market. “When it came time to review our energy supply contract, we had the option to switch to 100% renewable electricity,” said Kevin Albers, Prep’s director of operations. “Even better: the cost was lower than our previous contract.”
In addition, as the new school year dawned, two new recycling initiatives provided environmentally friendly disposal solutions for two common waste products in any school environment: whiteboard markers and coffee K-cups!
In partnership with Jazz at Lincoln Center, Prep’s Fine and Performing Arts Department and the Ebony Club hosted four jazz musicians from South Africa for an all-school assembly in September. Kesivan Naidoo (drums), Benjamin Jephta (bass), Linda Sikhakhane (saxophone) and Bokani Dyer (keyboards) were joined during the performance by a special guest...Prep’s own Chase Bradshaw, ’21 on guitar!
Discovering a distinctly American style of music as interpreted by artists immersed in another culture presented a unique opportunity for global learning, and that opportunity was enhanced by a Q&A session at the end of the assembly.
Few women have given as much to the Prep community over the years, albeit behind the scenes of the daily school life. Tracey Thayer, P’01,’04, has served on Prep’s Board of Trustees for 13 years, six of those as the Vice Chair. As a Board member, she has helped to direct Prep’s future by serving on three presidential search committees, self-studies, and strategic plans.
Tracey Thayer is a graduate of Northwestern University (B.A., Anthropology) and University of Michigan, (M.S.W.). Following that, she attended Rutgers Law School, where she met her husband, Jeff Cartwright. They are the parents of two Prep men, Peter, ’01 and Michael, ‘04. Her work has revolved around advocacy, both professionally and also in her current role as a CASA (court appointed special advocate), working with children who have been brought into the court system due to parental abuse, neglect, or abandonment.
How did this family from Plainfield, New Jersey, come to decide on Saint Peter’s Prep for their sons? While at Holy Trinity School in Westfield, they met both Ingrid and John Duffy (P’01,’03,’06,’12) and Mary and John Ryan (P’01), who sang the praises of Prep and urged them to consider a Jesuit education for their children. She quickly overcame her maternal worry about the train, and came to appreciate the independence and awareness which developed in her sons. Her favorite memories of Prep include the fashion show, the mother-son dance, and being both a volleyball parent and a leader in the Prep Parents’ Association.
The late Bill Ahearn, P’01, then Prep’s board chair, invited Tracey to consider joining the board. Our current board chair, Phil McGovern, ‘76, P’11, reflected: “Tracey harbours a unique compilation of intellect, common sense, wit and charm, buttressed by an inner strength and bountiful amount of peer respect earned throughout her years both at Prep and in the legal landscape. She is a consummate professional.”
As for what keeps her involved after all these years, she says it is “Prep’s spirit of welcome and inclusion, its emphasis on spirituality and development of young boys into men of conscience, competence and compassion.” She is also appreciative of Prep’s many supportive alumni, who have kept the school moving forward over the years with both vision and generosity. As she says, “Prep changed their
The Thayer/Cartwrights have relocated to Richmond, Virginia, where they enjoy spending time with their grandchildren and sampling the cultural opportunities in their new city. She will complete a final year on the Board and will take with her many memories and some sadness at not being involved in direct service to Prep. We salute Tracey Thayer, a Woman for Others, and thank her for her many years of service. “Prep for Life” - it’s not just for our graduates, but it is very much in the hearts of the many women who have served Prep as faculty, staff, administration, volunteers, board members, and mothers.
lives, and now they change the lives of our young men today.”
Several members of Prep’s Class of 2023 got an early start on the work of becoming “Men for Others,” jumping into a local service project before their freshman year even began. During the summer, they joined students from Plainfield High School and other local residents to clean up the platforms and waiting areas at the Plainfield station on New Jersey Transit’s Raritan Valley Line.
Nine freshmen participated in one or more cleanup days, including a rain-soaked afternoon in August. Parker Smith and Oliver Vastine each worked four days, while John Dereka joined for three. On hand for one cleanup day each were Niahl O’Neill, Declan Good, Matthew Elder, Stanislav Benda, Vipul Kothakonda, and Garett Lasky.
At the beginning of the 2013-14 school year, the inaugural members of the “Prep Connection” tutoring program took their first walk together down York Street, boarded the Hoboken-bound Light Rail, and began a tradition of service that is now entering its seventh year. Since that first trip to Hoboken Catholic Academy, over 300 Prep students (many of them Ignatian or Sheehan scholars) have participated as homework tutors or STEM/Robotics mentors for the students of Hoboken Catholic Academy every Tuesday after school. For many scholars, being a part of the program is their first experience in service as a Prep student, but never the last.
Matt McGrath, HCA’s principal, offered his insight on the impact the Prep tutors have had over the years.
“The [program] is an incredible success,” he said. “The young men from the Prep who have worked with our students as tutors, Academic Bowl Officials and STEM Advisors have been great. The numbers of HCA students who participate in the program each year speak to its tremendous value. Our students look forward to their weekly visit from their friends from Saint Peter’s and their parents could not be more pleased.
“It is especially heartening when our own alumni come back as Prep students to participate in the program, McGrath added. “Mr. Arteaga [director of the Ignatian Scholars program], all of the chaperones and especially the Ignatian Scholars, have helped all of us understand the Jesuit ideal of service to others. We are blessed to be the recipients of their dedication and altruism.”
If one Jesuit is a tough act to follow, imagine following 27. By all accounts, though, Prep’s first lay president is up to the task, bringing together a deep appreciation for the charism of Jesuit education, an impressive resume as a teacher and administrator, and a vision for forming young men in the 21st century. His unabashed love of Prep’s past and present and boundless enthusiasm for its future don’t hurt, either.
“I’m in awe of this place.”Prep’s new president is beaming. Maybe you, too, were already in awe of Saint Peter’s Prep. Maybe his earnestness in declaring his own reverence has won you over. Either way, you find yourself nodding along and a smile breaking across your face. It’s Thursday, September 5. In the Prep library at the start of his 67th day in office, Michael Gomez, Ed.D.,’91 is addressing Prep’s faculty and staff during the first of a series of opening meetings for the school year. This scene, and that statement, profound in its simplicity, would echo throughout the first 100 days for Prep’s 28th president: in informal conversations with colleagues in July (days 1-31) and various small groups of students in August (days 32-63), at freshman orientation (day 60), and at the President’s Reception (day 80), among others. It carried into day 103 as he met with a group of 7th graders touring the campus. For now, though, back in the library, the mood is infectious, and a tone is being set. Some have wasted no time in donning their 2019-20 Faculty/Staff T-shirts, which proclaim these 130 women and men to be “A Peter’s Team,” and introduce a theme for the year: Hard Work. Good Work. Our Work. Over the next two days, members
of Prep’s adult community will prepare for the year ahead, in part, by sharing pictures and words that answer a simple question: “Why do I work at Saint Peter’s Prep?” The answers are as diverse as the people who share them, but common themes emerge: family, joy, love, faith, commitment. ***
On a Thursday morning in October, Dr. Gomez (who prefers to be addressed as Michael, ”except by students”) sits behind a small wooden desk, his late father’s desk, in his office at the end of Shalloe Hall. Those themes that emerged in the “why” exercise, he explains, are the backbone of Prep’s culture, perhaps its greatest single asset. “Obviously, I think there’s an awesome energy in the building right now. There’s a palpable vibe filled with joy and hope and excitement as we look ahead,” he says. “Our faculty and staff clearly love our young men wholeheartedly, and it’s clear we’re all striving to teach them not just how to make a living, but how to live.”
Culture is lived, seen, heard, felt. The hallway leading to the president’s office is dark, aside from the lights in three trophy cases that arrived this summer. The treasures on display are by no means an attempt at an exhaustive catalog of Prep’s successes; instead they are a collection of athletic, co-curricular, and academic awards, along with other relics, brought together by the various teachers, coaches, and administrators who previously held them—some with a personal attachment, some by the random chance of having inherited an office and found an old trophy in a closet. They were arranged in the cases by many hands:
Dre Bellamy and Rocko Tejada, P’19 of Prep’s operations staff, first and foremost, but also various denizens of Shalloe’s second floor, including Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96, assistant to four presidents over the past 25 years, and Michael himself. The trophies span several decades and run the gamut of Prep life. If there’s a common thread, it’s that they are all first-place trophies, “Except my baseball cap from when I was captain of the best 14-12 Prep baseball team of all time,” he laughs. Past a display case of Prep spirit pins through the years, on the left, is the office that has housed Prep’s presidents starting with the legendary Jim Keenan, S.J. “I saw Fr. Keenan the morning of the Mass of the Holy Spirit,” the current tenant remarks, “and I asked if I could borrow his office for the next fifteen years or so.” If the space itself can be read as a cultural object, a walk through it reveals four things are held in the highest esteem. The first is openness, from the open door to the airy layout of the space that invites conversation with colleagues, students, and other visitors. The second is the responsibility of leadership, as seen in the photographs of world leaders past and present and an extensive library of books on management and pedagogy. The third is Bruce Springsteen. The fourth, more important even than The Boss, is Prep itself: its history, its people, its personal impact.
“I’ve had the opportunity to earn degrees from a number of great institutions,” Michael is fond of saying, and on his office wall is the evidence: Penn, SUNY Binghamton, Columbia, Providence College. “But,” he adds, “the one that has made the greatest difference is right here at 144.” Indeed, his Prep diploma holds a place of pride on the bookshelf, alongside the books he taught as a member of Prep’s English department from 1997-2002.
Directly opposite the desk hangs a framed copy of “I am the Prep,” a poem by Tom Hart, ’61. “I keep it in my line of sight because it’s a reminder to be humble,” Michael explains. “Those last lines, ‘...with full intent that, when I have moved on, each time and place and the lives thereof shall be better for my having been there,’ that’s the goal...My time as president will be limited. I hope it doesn’t end for a long time, but it will end. But I am a Prep
That’s a high bar, of course, because Prep is already in a position of tremendous strength. Under the guidance of the past three presidents (Jim Keenan, S.J., Bob Reiser, S.J., and Ken Boller, S.J.) the past 25 years have seen the campus thoroughly modernized to meet the demands of an ever-growing program of academic, co-curricular, and athletic offerings. The curriculum continues to develop in measured response to the demands of a changing and interconnected world, the desire of many students to challenge themselves with a broader and deeper range of coursework, and the opportunities presented by improvements to the physical plant. The visual and performing arts are thriving. And in the background, through it all, Prep’s downtown Jersey City backyard continues to evolve beyond the imagination of even the most wild-eyed civic booster.
So what comes next? As Prep approaches its sesquicentennial, Michael gives the kind of answer you’d expect from a proud product of Jesuit education—succinct, straightforward, and deceptively simple at first, with the built-in promise of more layers left to unpack:
“We must build up, build on, build always.”
This might sound like just a call for more bricks and mortar; it’s not. “Prep is so much more than our buildings,” Michael explains. “It’s the entire Prep experience that these buildings allow us to provide.”
Rather, “Build up,” “build on,” and “build always” are three distinct but related pathways to Prep’s continued success.
First, “We must continue to build these young men up, build our faculty and staff up, and let everyone know we are in this together, together, together.”This means continuing to provide students with the academic background and the self-confidence to realize “they can put a dent in the universe,” which is, of course, a more modern echo of Ignatius’ call to “set the world on fire.” Sometimes it also means greeting students at the doors in the morning or leading a P-R-E-P chant at a football game. Sometimes it means reminding administrators, teachers, and students alike, “your success is my success; your failure
LEFT: Personalized for the the Gomez family, this copy of “I am the Prep” occupies a place of pride in the president’s office.
BELOW: An array of trophies, reflecting the diversity of Prep’s academic, athletic, and co-curricular achievements, illuminates the hallway leading to the president’s office.
alumnus forever, and I
have been blessed with this opportunity to come back here and try to leave this place even better than I found it.”
is my failure,” or “the greatest sin at Saint Peter’s Prep isn’t failing; it’s not trying your best.”
It’s this embrace of humility that ultimately forms the core of Prep’s identity as a Jesuit institution, striving to love one another the way God loves us. It is, in Michael’s words, “A Prep kind of love, a love that challenges these young men, holds them accountable, teaches them to think independently and critically. It’s a love that teaches them to value collaboration and the powerful statement, ‘I don’t know yet, can you please help me?’”
Like generations of Prep men, Michael expresses a faith fundamentally shaped by Prep’s retreat program. “At the core of my faith is the Emmaus story, which I heard for the first time as a junior on Emmaus 83,” he explains. “The idea of finding God in the mundane, ‘in the breaking of the bread,’ completely changed my way of seeing the world, as did the expression ‘our hearts on fire,’ and just sharing our faith and our joy with others, it all began on that retreat. That’s when I really started to understand something that we try to teach our young men at Prep: we are clearly imperfectible, and will forever be imperfectible, but we will forever be loved by God and called to love one another.”
This is the ground that Prep will build on. “We build on our legacy, our glory, our pride. We build on that foundation.” What is “Our Pride and Our Glory,” aside from the song that now concludes not only assemblies but also the school day each Friday? It’s an indomitable spirit, humble yet resilient. One that ”says ‘we will always win.’ Maybe not immediately, but eventually.” It’s the vision that sees opportunities in challenges, victory in defeat, greater learning in moments of struggle.
In his remarks to the school community following his commissioning at the Mass of the Holy Spirit, Michael cast even Prep’s familiar Marauder athletic logo in the role of this sort of visionary. One theory for the presence of the eyepatch in the stereotypical image of a pirate, he explained, is that 18th-century sailors might have covered one eye while on deck in the sun’s glare, then switched to cover the other in the
gloom below deck, reducing the time it took their eyes to adjust and quite literally find the light in the darkness.
Whatever Prep does, it does from a place of stability, building upon nearly 150 years of history, more than 470 years of Jesuit educational tradition, and a healthy dose of that spirit, the essence of what Michael calls”Prep Magic.” It’s present, he explains, even in Prep’s most challenging moments, from the 1989 football team’s come-frombehind win in the state final, to the first days back after Hurricane Sandy slammed Jersey City, all the way up to his experience as a young English teacher as Prep’s faculty and administration sprung into action, “with no playbook,” as the unimaginable unfolded before their eyes on 9/11. “We rallied to ensure every student was cared for and got home... then set up Prep as a refuge for displaced folks who needed a place to stay.” He often cites this as the moment that inspired him to shift his career focus from the classroom to educational administration.
“But we must build always, always moving forward, forever forward... Let’s not confuse stability with complacency.”
Prep has done great things, through the hard work of so many on campus and with the dedicated support of so many in the broader Prep community, and there’s much to celebrate. But Michael remains realistic about what’s needed if the school is to continue making
strides. “We need a multi-purpose space to provide a home for theatre and concerts. We need more gym space, more places just to play. We need more room for art.” Looking out the window at the roof of what is now O’Keefe Commons, but was Saint Peter’s Church until the Archdiocese closed it a decade ago, he adds, “We need a dining hall that’s not undersized and in a converted church.”And perhaps most significantly for Prep’s mission, in order to make the many gifts of a Prep education attainable for students and their families, “We must continue to build our endowment to provide financial aid and scholarships.”
Pressed to identify one more need, he smiles as he glances over to the office wall and the wooden carving of his favorite building. “We need an updated English building.” The smile becomes a laugh. “I’m sorry, Fr. Joyce,” he adds, referring to his predecessor (and Prep’s president during his student days), Jim Joyce, S.J., who dubbed it the Humanities Building in the early ‘90s. “But now that I’m president, can I just change it to the English building?”
Whatever you call it (indeed, prior generations of alumni might call it the Freshman Building or even the Science Building), the building across Warren Street holds a special place in Michael’s heart. It’s clear his time teaching in E304 left its mark on him, and indeed, he left his mark on the room, too. On each of the three classroom floors in the building, the room numbered “-04” is long and narrow and known to many teachers through the years as “the bowling alley.” Since the installation of an elevator during the Keys to the Future capital campaign of the ’90s, each of these rooms has also had a large closet (or a small office) tucked away behind the elevator. In that out-of-theway space, in E304, there is a note from a former occupant, scrawled on the wall before he left for Omaha to become assistant principal for student affairs at Creighton Prep:
That enthusiasm has only grown stronger in the past 17 years, and if Prep’s new president sounds like its number one cheerleader, there’s something to that. After all, Michael did serve as the Marauder mascot during his senior year, and on an October Friday, he was only too happy to join current Marauder Nick Gronda, ’20 and his henchmen in leading the school in a rousing chorus of the Prep fight song over the PA system. But while the energy he brings to the work is impossible to overlook, it’s just the beginning.
As Prep approaches its sesquicentennial, it does so with a seasoned and substantive leader at the helm. Six years as principal at Saint Joseph’s Prep in Philadelphia and seven as the founding principal of Cristo Rey Philadelphia High School have provided ample experience in every aspect of the life of a Jesuit school: guiding and maintaining an institutional culture, leading and empowering the team that brings the mission to life, supporting the pursuit of excellence in academics, athletics, and co-curriculars, building relationships with donors and other stakeholders who scaffold the work, and everything in between. Working with a team to build a school from the ground up was excellent preparation for the work of leading Prep to the next level. But it’s also plain to see it was a role Michael truly cherished, and that Cristo Rey was a community that embraced him wholeheartedly. “I always said the only reason I’d consider leaving Cristo Rey was if I was asked to come home to Prep,” he reflects.
Among all the superlatives he joyfully heaps upon his alma mater, that might be the most powerful endorsement of all.
“This classroom has been my home for five years, 97/98-01/02. Some of my happiest and proudest moments have taken place here. I’ve
never gotten up to go to work—I’ve gotten up to go to Prep. Good luck. AMDG. Michael Gomez, ’91.”LEFT: Michael’s note to future occupants of his former classroom. Katherine Lochbrunner, who taught Latin in E304 from 2002-2005, followed suit upon her own departure.
As generations of alumni, parents, and friends know, the real joy of Prep life lies in knowing it’s entirely possible to do serious work and have some serious fun in the process. It’s why you’ll hear laughter in the halls of Grand & Warren, emanating from classrooms and even offices where our shared mission takes shape. It’s why high-fives abound on the playing fields. And it’s why we aim to make the Grand Gala the party of the year. The work of making Prep affordable for students and families is vitally important; the night we gather to do that work can—and should!—be the ultimate celebration of Prep Pride & Glory!
With Prep’s new president, Michael Gomez, Ed.D., ’91, on board, the 2019-2020 academic year at Prep has been one of new energy as well as changes large and small. This has been a perfect opportunity to renew and refresh our approach in a number of areas. For Prep’s Office of Institutional Advancement, it’s a fitting opportunity to shake things up when it comes to our largest events. The goal is not just to raise more money—although the fundraising does make a real difference for our mission—but to build up engagement and enthusiasm among alumni, parents, and friends of Prep. In other words, let’s celebrate! The 2020 Grand Gala will be a whole new ball, and it’s GAME ON!
A MISSION REBORN. Prep remians committed to extending the promise of Jesuit education to all students, regardless of financial circumstances. That was the thinking behind the Gala’s creation in 2008. Since then, the event has raised over $4 million in direct support of Prep’s financial assistance program, and has been instrumental in allowing us to double the financial aid we offer each year to about 40% of the student body. This is a great cause, one everyone who loves Prep can get behind. Here are some highlights you can expect to see on April 25 when you join us at the Grand’ll find something new in every corner of the Westin Jersey City Newport!
PRE-GAME COCKTAIL PARTY. Before the bidding begins, before you hit the dance floor, and before you hear from an extraordinary senior whose life has been impacted by supporters of the Grand Gala, get a head start on the fun with the newest component to our evening. Join members of Prep’s faculty and staff in the Westin’s Half Moon Lounge for a pre-game cocktail party featuring several surprise guests. You might catch up with a former teacher, coach, or classmate. You’ll definitely be glad you stopped in!
LET’S GET THIS SHOW ON THE ROAD! We’re moving the start time for our cocktail hour and silent auction earlier, so you have more time for mingling, networking, and dancing as the evening goes on. Experience the live auction, plus the student speaker and Fund-a-Scholar that truly remind us why we gather to celebrate...then stay and let the party continue!
SHAKEN, NOT STIRRED. Some mixologists insist stirring is the way to go, but come’ve always wanted to use that line. And now’s your chance, because we’re rolling out an exclusive, Prep-themed martini bar! Take your pick from the Pride & Glory, Marauder, or 144 Grand, create your own combinations, or stick with the classics. Sean Connery impressions are welcome and encouraged, but not required.
As we celebrate our first Gala with our newest president, join us in a special tribute to all eight living Prep presidents, spanning 40 years of Prep history! This will hopefully bring back some of your favorite memories from Grand & Warren, while also celebrating the legacy of outstanding Jesuit leaders who have helped make Prep what it is today!
O CAPTAIN, MY TABLE CAPTAIN! The Gala is more fun when you bring your friends! Get a table of 10 together and enjoy special Table Captain benefits, including a free ticket for you when you pay for the other nine, plus a great night out with your classmates or fellow parents!
rowseatsatgraduation!Youcanhelpmaketheauctions morefunforeveryoneandmoresuccessfulforPrepby donatingagift!
GET INVOLVED! We’re already hard at work to make the 2020 Grand Gala the Prep celebration of the year, bringing people together from every corner of the Prep community to share our love of Saint Peter’s Prep and help make sure this life-changing Jesuit education is accessible to every qualified student, from every background. Here are some ways you can get involved right now, and help make Prep’s biggest night bigger and brighter than ever:
• Sign up to host a gift gathering party to gather funds for a Live Auction package or collect gifts for one of our Silent Auction categories! In addition to supporting the auctions—and Prep’s financial aid program—this is also a great way to get your friends excited to join you on the big night at the Westin!
• Donate an item for the Gala auction including vacation homes, airline miles, hotel points, premium spirits or Prep gear! Gala guests especially love to bid on exclusive experiences or events, so if you have access or connections you’d like to share, be sure to let us know!
• Become a Gala sponsor via one of our many sponsorship opportunities!
• Save the date and join the party! Bring your friends (don’t forget about that Table Captain discount!) and be a part of Prep’s biggest celebration. Together, we’re going to take the Gala to the next level!
For more information about the Grand Gala, please contact Dalma Santana, Director of Special Events, at or 201-547-6420. You can also visit
Funny the things you remember from your high school days and how they can have an effect on you later in life. As a student at Buffalo’s Canisius High School in the mid-1980s, Prep parent Dr. Renier Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22, recalls wanting to win a special medal called the “Edward Odre, ’76 Award.” Mr. Odre was a swimmer who died of leukemia, and the award is given in memory of his character and athletic achievement. It’s ironic because Dr. Brentjens did indeed win the award at his Jesuit high school and, today, he is a medical oncologist specializing in the treatment of acute and chronic leukemias at Memorial Sloan Kettering Cancer Center.
Another memory Dr. Brentjens recalls from his high school days is that of his principal, former president of Saint Peter’s Prep, Ken Boller, S.J. The two reconnected via email when Fr. Boller, then president of Fordham Prep, sent Dr. Brentjens a congratulatory note after reading an article on the front page of The New York Times about a breakthrough in a cancer treatment where Dr. Brentjens was quoted. Fast-forward a few years later when a friend of Dr. Brentjens mentions that Fr. Boller has been installed as the new president at Saint Peter’s Prep. This bit of news prompted a Sunday drive from Short Hills, New Jersey to Jersey City for a Prep Open House visit and the two former Buffalo residents meet in person once again. “I was impressed that he would recognize me after almost 30 years,” said Dr. Brentjens. It would not be long before both former principal and student would be enjoying dinner together and reminiscing about their days at Canisius High School. While the Brentjens Family had moved to Short Hills for the extolled and nationally-ranked education at Millburn High School, that Open House encounter seemed to seal the deal for the three Brentjens sons to become Saint Peter’s Prep graduates. Jan, ’17, who transferred from Millburn to Prep his sophomore year is now a junior at Davison College, Christopher, ’19, is a freshman at Purdue, and Zachary will graduate Prep in 2022. Both parents have been enamored by their experience at Prep and appreciate how their sons, all with different interests and academic strengths, have thrived. “There’s is a level of respect, ease, and maturity in our kids and their friends that I think is massively instilled by the institution.” Dr. Brentjens stated. “Prep turns boys into fine young men which is not universal in high school education.”
He and his wife, Dr. Tricia Brentjens, are so grateful for their Prep experience that they have pledged $100,000 to establish “The Rev. Kenneth J. Boller, S.J., Scholarship” so that other students can receive all that Jesuit education has to offer. “Fr. Boller has dedicated so much of his life to teaching young men,” Dr. Brentjens said. “It was a pleasure and honor to make this gift in his name.” At a small dinner party in their Short Hills home, the Brentjens revealed their scholarship intention to Fr. Boller and he was “dumbfounded.”
“I was totally clueless and literally speechless,” Fr. Boller recalled. According to Dr. Brentjens, “Whenever you meet someone from Buffalo, you ask where they went to high school because it’s so much a part of your identity. Seeing our boys at Prep and meeting their friends, it’s easy to see that Prep is so much a part of their identity. My relationship with Fr. Boller is the epitome of Jesuit education, that the school will always be a part of you.”
When he’s not teaching chemistry at Prep,Mike Holt,’99 can be found running...and running...and running.In October,Dr.finished theTesla Hertz Run on Long Island in 26:08.That’s 26 hours,eight minutes,because the race was 104.8 miles long.A lifelong appreciation for running has,in recent years,led him to the world of ultramarathons,trail races ranging from“only”50k up to 100 miles,24 hours,or even more.We found him standing still long enough to share more about his athletic adventures. Prep Magazine: How did running come to be a part of your life?
Mike Holt: My father was an early inspiration for me. He incorporated running into his daily commute as he would typically run from Kearny to the Harrison PATH station and then from the World Trade Center to his office in Manhattan. He also completed a number of marathons in New York and New Jersey. Personally, I grew up running on weekends, and participating with family in the annual Spring Lake 5 Mile Run. As an undergrad at the University of Maryland, I would often run on my own or with a friend around College Park. This running was not serious and more for just general fitness. My Organic Chemistry professor was an avid runner and he challenged the Biochemistry students each year in a 2-mile race on the Wednesday before Thanksgiving on the track at the university. Students were able to form 4-person relay teams (with each person running 0.5 mile) to race our professor who would run the 2-miles solo. If any team was able to beat him, he would give the class an A for the next exam. While my team ran the best out of the student relays, our professor beat us by about 100 meters!
PM Tell us about your move toward longer distances.
MH When I first moved to Colorado for graduate school, I decided to challenge myself and signed up for the Denver Marathon. I did some of my training in my apartment’s “gym,” which was a small room off the parking garage that contained one lone treadmill and a lat pulldown machine. I would rationalize to myself that if I could deal with running next to a wall on an old, rickety treadmill in the parking garage, I could endure the 26.2 miles of the marathon! Unfortunately, that race was canceled over a permit issue, but I was determined to run my first marathon. I signed up for the Rock ‘N Roll Arizona Marathon that was only a couple of months away. Some people’s first marathon attempt might have a lot of hype associated with it, but I distinctly remember flying to Phoenix on a Saturday afternoon, walking to the race expo, having takeout spaghetti for dinner, running the race on Sunday, waiting for the hotel shuttle after the race to pick me up, picking up my gear from behind the front desk, waiting for the hotel shuttle to drop me off at the airport, and flying back to Denver later that evening. Although my first marathon was a challenge, I got hooked and have
been running ever since.
PM Are there any lessons or skills from your athletic pursuits that shape your approach in the classroom?
MH I try to utilize some of those skills in terms of preparation, organization, and determination. Whether I’m preparing for a 100 mile run or another year of teaching chemistry, it’s about balancing preparation with flexibility. Even with the most efficient preparation, there are always hurdles that appear beyond my control that must be overcome. Whether during a race or a school day, these hurdles can be frustrating but I try and keep patient. I always remember the words from one of the race directors the night before the race, “you are better than you think you are, you can do more than you think you can.”
PM Which is more grueling: Running 100+ miles or the grading crunch at the end of a marking period?
MH Finishing grades at the end of a marking period has a lot of similarities with running an ultramarathon. There is a hard cut-off for finishing grades and submitting them to our department chair for review as well as getting to the finish line of a race. As such, I need to pace myself accordingly, and break the task down into smaller and manageable chunks, as otherwise it may seem overwhelming. In terms of grades, I try to finalize one or possibly two sections of classes each night. During a race, my goal is to get to the next aid station, and then the next aid station, and soon they add up and you are closer to the finish line. Likewise, each assignment entry gets us one step closer to the completion of grades.
PM What’s something about the ultramarathon experience that might surprise someone unfamiliar with the discipline?
MH Most people ask about if participants sleep during the races. For a 100 mile run, the cut-off time is typically around 30 hours. As such, if you want to take a quick nap during the night, you most certainly can and there are people that do so. I typically try to get into and out of each aid station as quickly as possible. If there are 10 aid stations along a 100 mile course and you spend just 5 minutes at each aid station, that is almost 1 hour less that you have for running. Similarly, any time spent napping also cuts into your allotted time so the vast majority of people will push through.
Some races allow pacers (a family member or friend that will run alongside you in the back end of the race). Pacers are there mainly to serve as encouragement and support. They’re typically not supposed to carry any water, food, or gear for the runner. Some runners have multiple pacers that may rotate in and out at each aid station. I don’t utilize pacers for my ultras, mainly because my family and friends apparently do not share my enjoyment for running extended distances, in the woods, over uneven terrain, throughout the night and into the next morning!
As I began my time as Prep’s president on July 1, my goal was to “hit the ground learning.” Prep has been a part of my life since I was seven years old, riding the 14 bus from Bayonne with my brother Joe to see his new school in Jersey City, wearing my “Prep Pride” pin with—you guessed it—pride. Since then, I have seen and known and loved 144 Grand Street as a little brother, a student, a teacher, a coach, a trustee, and of course, an alumnus. While I will always be grateful for these Prep memories and experiences, I knew there was much to discover and rediscover as we started this new chapter together.
Over the years, your generosity has fueled changes to our buildings, offices, and playing space that preserved our wonderful sense of history but at the same time modernized our campus. Saint Peter’s Prep has not only kept up with the changing scene of downtown Jersey City, but also, in my opinion, has become its gem. We are so grateful.
While Prep’s classrooms and offices and hallways may have changed, I discovered, not surprisingly, the intense love folks have for Grand & Warren has not. That Prep love, the essence of our Pride and Glory, can be experienced through the passionate commitment and hard work of our students, faculty, and coaches. We see it in the Cross Country and Soccer county championships and a teacher’s assistance with a senior’s college essay. We feel it in the homes we open to students from Spain and France and the welcome our community extends to a “Freshman for a Day.” We hear it in the sharing on an Emmaus retreat and the playing of our alma mater at the end of every Friday. We experience Prep spirit in every corner of Prep life—from the Moriarty Science Center to the Browning Center to the Vox Recital Room to the Perkins Athletic Center.
With all I’ve discovered and rediscovered, I am thrilled to be home and to be a part of our 147-year-old legacy of forming men for and with others. We do this as teachers, coaches, and staff members. We do this as parents, alumni, and friends. Thank you so much for your generosity and support of our Saint Peter’s Prep.
Together. Together. Together.
Pride and Glory,
Michael A. Gomez, Ed.D., ’91 PresidentThe Donné Society of Saint Peter’s Preparatory School has been established to recognize men and women who have embraced the Jesuit mission of educating young “men for others” in a very special way. Specifically, the Donné Society honors those who have contributed $100,000 or more to the school throughout their lifetime. This special recognition is a lasting tribute to their profound generosity.
M/M Gerald V. Sheehan, ’48
M/M Donald P. Moriarty, ’48†
$2,000,000 – $6,999,999
The Estate of Frank J. Coyle, Jr., ’48
$1,000,000 – $1,999,999
M/M Brian R. Archer, ’86
M/M Paul L. Audet, ’71
M/M Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ’62
M/M William J. Bell, ’57
M/M Thomas W. Duncan, ’60
The Estate of Stephen E. Hendzak, ’62
M/M Andrew J. Markey, ’48
M/M Edmond N. Moriarty, ’46 & The Moriarty Family Foundation
Mr. William O. Perkins, ’86
M/M Francis A. Tedesco, ’74 & The Tedesco Family Foundation
The Jesuits of Saint Peter’s
$750,000 – $999,999
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph V. Braddock, ’47
The Estate of Robert J. Engel, ’28
M/M Thomas J. Leane, ’65, P’04
M/M Charles M. Lizza, ’74, P’11,’12
M/M Thomas P. McGinty, ’71
M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ’76, P’11
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Rowe, ’62 & The Rowe Family Fund
M/M Robert Zito, ’71 & Cento Amici
$500,000 – $749,999
The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association
M/M Mark D. Hogan, ’83
The George Link Foundation
The Estate of Rev. Maurice L. O’Keefe, ’49
M/M Charles F. X. Poggi, ’49
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, ’53, P’93
The USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus
M/M Charles J. Trainor, ’56
$250,000 – $499,999
M/M Gerard R. Brill, ’57
M/M Thomas W. Burke, ’56
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
M/M Kevin A. Cummings, ’72, P’05,’10
Mr. Michael J. DeMarco, ’77
M/M Vincent B. DiDomenico, Jr., ’84
M/M Laurence T. Fell, ’54
M/M George A. Fleck, ’68
M/M Vito J. Germinario, ’70
M/M Robert P. Groesbeck, ’57
The Estate of Paul M. Kierney, ’66
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02
M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, ’54
Dr. Maureen & Dr. Donald W. Landry, ’72
M/M Bernard F. Langan, ’57
The Estate of Marie Lowe
M/M Joseph A. McBride, ’36
M/M Paul K. Napoli, ’63, P’90
M/M Hubert J. O’Toole, ’51
M/M Joseph M. Petri, ’71
The Provident Bank Foundation
M/M James G. Rizzo, ’77, P’10
Mr. Marc Keane & The Estate of Mary Claire Sheridan
The State of New Jersey
M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ’56
M/M John A. Ward, III, ’63
M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08
$100,000 – $249,999
M/M William J. Ahearn, ’75, P’01
Dr. & Mrs. George J. Ambrosio, ’71, P’00,’03,’19
Ms. Rossella Luppi-Aquila & Dr. Ralph Aquila, ’75, P’06,’11
M/M Armen Avanessians
Bank of America
The Estate of Richard C. Barry, ’63
M/M George T. Beck, ’51
Mr. Peter Behan, ’49
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bier, ’58
M/M Lawrence Bovich, P’09,’11,’15
M/M Matthew P. Boylan, ’50
The Brooklyn Prep Fund
M/M Edward J. Burke, ’58
Dr. Vincent P. Butler, Jr., ’45
M/M Joseph J. Carr, ’61
Dr. Robert M. Carducci, ’54
Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95, ’97
The Estate of Dr. James M. Caulfield, ’46, P’73
Charles Hayden Foundation
Mr. Alec F. Clerihew, ’57
The Estate of Robert B. Cobban, ’50
M/M William H. Connolly, Jr., ’65
M/M Joseph M. Cooney, ’45, P’68,’76, GP’15
M/M William J. Cozine, ’55
Crew Parents Association, Inc.
Dr. John J. Cunningham, ’26
M/M Douglas DeMartin, P’15
Mr. Robert W. Dempsey, ’62
M/M Sam C. DiFeo, ’32, P’63,’66
M/M Sam X. DiFeo, ’66
Dr. & Mrs. John D. Dow, ’59
M/M Patrick J. Downes, ’57
The Estate of Edwin C. Eastwood, ’47
Ms. Angela Chang & Mr. John C. Elliott, ’62
M/M Dennis J. Enright, ’66, P’92
Ms. Margaret Conway & Mr. Bart Erbach, ’74
The Estate of James Escude, ’39
Mrs. Mary C. Finn, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94
Fitzpatrick, Cella, Harper & Scinto
M/M Joseph M. Fitzpatrick, ’42
M/M Thomas M. Flaherty, ’46
Frenkel and Company
The Lewis M. Gabbe Foundation, Inc. & The Mortenson Sons
M/M Edward J. Gargiulo, ’89
The Estate of Anthony J. Giordano
M/M Richard F. Gronda, ’59, P’86,’89,’90
Dr. Madeline R. Romeu & Mr. George P. Gurdak, ’70, P’03
Estate of Patricia M. Haggerty, P’97
M/M Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ’47, P’78
M/M Francis J. Heffron, ’49
The Estate of Elizabeth H. Henson
M/M Kazimierz J. Herchold, ’64
Dr. Denis I. Howe, ’61
The County of Hudson
Mr. Vincent Jordan, ’26
M/M Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19
M/M John F. Kelly, Sr., P’04
M/M Edward F. Kosnik, ’62
Ms. Marcia Durso & Mr. John Kozarich, ’67
Mr. Thomas J. Lally, ’73
M/M Patrick Lee, ’81, P’15
Mrs. Gertrude T. Mahon
M/M Edward J. Mahoney, ’48
M/M Michael C. Mauer, P’14
M/M Allan M. McCarthy, ’58
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McGovern, Jr., ’68, P’99,’05
Mr. Robert J. Meyer, ’49
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Middleton, ’62
M/M Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
M/M W. C. Mortenson, Jr., ’64
The Murray Charitable Trust
The Estate of Mary Margaret Murray
Mrs. Nora Nasif
Mr. Victor J. Paparazzo, ’78
Mr. Joseph A. Pardo, ’51†
The Estate of Joseph R. Pavlitschko, ’59
The Hon. & Mrs. Robert C. Pollock, Jr., ’57
M/M Edward F. Reid, ’55
M/M Edward D. Riedlinger, ’67
M/M James Rowen
M/M William J. Ruane, ’73
M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ’59
M/M James F. Ryan, Jr., ’66, P’04
The Estate of Joseph F.X. Saunders
The Scholarship Fund for Inner-City Children
The Frederick J. Snyder, Jr. Foundation
Dr. & Mrs. Leo J. Spaccavento, ’69
The Seth Sprague Foundation
The Starr Foundation
M/M William J. Stoutenburgh, ’51
M/M William J. Sweeney, P’04, ’06, ’09
The City of Jersey City
Mr. Charles Vickers, ’40
M/M Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ’56
M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08
M/M Kevin J. Ward, ’66
M/M John A. Wickens, ’52
The Estate of Margaret R. Williams
Throughout its 147-year history, the financial stability of Saint Peter’s Prep has been ensured by the consistent and unwavering support of its many benefactors. In addition to the direct support of the Prep Fund, the Imagine Fund, and special initiatives, this generosity has included bequests and other planned gifts from the school’s supporters. In recent years, a number of individuals have indicated that they have provided for Prep in their estate plans, thus becoming members of the Heritage Society
Raymond C. Andrews, ’60
Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ’62
John F. Bassi, ’63
Gerard R. Brill, ’57
Diane M. Casazza, P’95, ’97
Kevin J. Collins, Esq., ’57
Calvin Cook, ’57
Joseph K. Cooney, ’68
John M. Corcoran, ’53
James W. Cox, ’47
John D. Dow, ’59
James J. Finnerty, Jr., ’53
Edward J. Grant, ’43
Donald F. Hagan, ’50
Jonathan J. Hammer, ’68
Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ’47, P’78
Roger A. Hauser, Esq., ’57
William E. Higgins, ’62
James C. Horan, ’70
Paul S. Hummel, ’69
James P. Kelly, Jr., ’60
Richard A. Kelly, ’63
Kenneth F. Kunzman, ’54
Thomas J. Leane, ’65, P’04
Edwin L. Mallette, ’77
Maria Marnell
The McFarland Family
Terence J. McGurn, ’53
Christine M. McKenna
Angela M. McLaughlin
John G. McLaughlin
Robert J. Meyer, ’49
Thomas G. Minigiello, ’73
Rev Michael J. Moran, ’50
Virginia H. Moriarty
William C. Mortenson, Jr., ’64
Vincent J. Murray, ’59
William P. Musto, ’95
Paul K. Napoli, ’63, P’90
Rev. William S. O’Brien, ’53
Rev. John P. O’Neill
Denis J. O’Sullivan, ’70
Hubert J. O’Toole, ’51
Rev. Matthew P. Pawlikowski, ’82
Edward A. Reid, Jr., ’60
Edward F. Reid, ’55
William J. Richards, ’43
Julie and Edward Riedlinger, ’67
Christine A. Ryan
Ralph Sarkisian, ’73
J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
Rev. Arthur B. Schute, ’60
Ronald J. Semple, ’52
William Sette, ’65
Charles J. Steele, Esq., ’48
Stephen Struk, ’65, P’91,’95
Charles E. Waldron, ’50
Joseph C. Weiss, Esq., ’68
George C. Willenborg, ’51
John J. Wolozen, ’70
We gratefully acknowledge the following estates which provided gifts to Saint Peter’s Prep between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019:
Estate of Frank J. Coyle, Jr. ‘48
Estate of James J. Fallon, ‘47
Estate of Patricia Haggerty, P’97
The following pages reflect gifts to all funds between July 1, 2018 and June 30, 2019.
The Estate of Frank J. Coyle, Jr., ’48
Maroon Seal Members
$100,000 - $249,999
Mr. Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ’62
The Estate of Patricia M. Haggerty, P’97
M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ’76, P’11
Mrs. Donald P. Moriarty
Mr. William O. Perkins, ’86
M/M Gerald V. Sheehan, ’48
The Tedesco Family Private Foundation
1872 Members
$50,000 - $99,999
M/M Brian R. Archer, ’86
Hughes Hubbard & Reed
Estate of Gertrude T. Mahon
The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty Charitable Foundation
Petrean Members
$25,000 - $49,999
M/M Paul L. Audet, ’71
The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association
M/M Edward J. Burke, ’58
M/M Samuel X. DiFeo, ’66
Mr. Robert P. Groesbeck, ’57
M/M William C. Habert, ’59
M/M Thomas P. McGinty, ’71
Jesuits of Saint Peter’s
M/M Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19
Ms. Marcia Durso & Mr. John Kozarich, ’67
M/M Thomas J. Leane, ’65, P’04
Mack-Cali Realty LP
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
M/M Joseph Panepinto, P’17,’22
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
Mrs. Ruthanne Wagner
M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08†
$10,000 - $24,999
BCB Community Bank
M/M William J. Bell, ’57
Dr. & Mrs. Dennis M. Bier, ’58
Brooklyn Prep Fund
M/M Thomas W. Burke, ’56
Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
Cento Amici
Mr. Alec F. Clerihew, ’57
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
Ms. Eileen A. Cronin
M/M Julius DeSantis, P’16,’19
Mrs. Helene Dickinson, P’78
M/M James J. Donofrio, ’81, P’11,’14,’20
M/M Patrick J. Downes, ’57
M/M Thomas W. Duncan, ’60
Mr. James J. Fallon, ’47†
M/M Danijel Farkas, P’22
M/M Laurence T. Fell, ’54
Mr. Frank Free, III, ’79
The Lewis M. Gabbe Foundation, Inc.
M/M Michael J. Giambalvo, ’80, P’13
M/M Charles M. Lizza, ’74, P’11,’12
M/M Joseph Mannello, P’22
Dr. & Mrs. Patrick J. McGovern, Jr., ’68, P’99,’05
M/M Hugh J. McManus, ’56
M/M W. C. Mortenson, Jr., ’64
M/M Brian J. Musto, ’99
Mrs. Nora Nasif
M/M Daniel J. O’Connor, ’64
M/M Michael O’Neill, P’20
Mr. Lawrence J. O’Rourke, ’65
Mr. John Pugliese, ’77
M/M James Rowen
M/M Christopher Shannon, P’22
M/M David Swift, P’20,’23
M/M Frank Windels, P’19
Cornerstone Members
$7,500 - $9,999
Mrs. Alice S. Bolger
Drs. Tricia & Renier
Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22
The Bubba Foundation
Mr. Vincent Conti, ’96
M/M Jonathan B.
Foster-Moore, ’98
M/M Thomas C. Kiely, ’68
M/M Patrick Lee, ’81, P’15
M/M Kevin McCabe, P’21
Mr. Edward F. Reid, ’55
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
Regent Members
$5,000 - $7,499
Ms. Rossella Luppi-Aquila & Dr. Ralph Aquila, ’75, P’06,’11
Ms. Alice Lu & Mr. Steven B. Boyd, ’96
M/M James P. Boyle, ’51
Dr. Nancy Chiaravalloti & Mr. Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti, ’90, P’22,’23
M/M Paul Chipelo ’89, P’22
Mr. Christopher Cocca
Connell Foley LLP
M/M William H. Connolly, Jr., ’65
M/M Joseph M. Cooney, ’45, P’68,’76, GP’15
Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ’81, P’12,’16
M/M Mark DeMarco, ’79, P’19
Mr. Michael J. DeMarco, ’77
Mr. Robert W. Dempsey, ’62
M/M Kevin Dibble, P’22
M/M George J. Duva, ’64
Mr. Stephen Elliot & Ms. Andrea deGorgey, P’22
M/M Robert F. X. Feeney, ’74
Fields Development Group
Mr. Michael F. Filosa, ’49
M/M John R. Garbarino, ’67
Mr. James M. Gardner, ’10
M/M Vito J. Germinario, ’70
Ms. Eileen Ross & Mr. Michael S. Giannotto, ’71
Mr. Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ’47, P’78
M/M Kazimierz J. Herchold, ’64
M/M Michael Honig, P’17,’19
JDJ Charitable Foundation
M/M John F. Kelly, Sr., P’04
Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender, P’96,’02,’09
M/M Edward Kostrzewa, ’85
Ms. Donna Preuster & Mr. Lawrence Kramer, P’22
Mr. Christopher E. Kundro, ’82
M/M Kenneth F. Kunzman, ’54
Mr. Raymond Latchford, ’50
Ms. Lori Knight & Mr. Richard Lucken, P’22,’23
Mr. Edward R. Mackiewicz, ’69
M/M Timothy J. Mahoney, ’79
M/M Kenneth T. Maloney, ’79
Mr. Andrew J. Markey, ’48
M/M James P. May
Ms. Andrea Mayendia & Mr. Cristobal Mayendia, P’21
Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian & Mr. Richard McCann, P’21
Dr. Michael A. Meese, ’76
M/M Raymond Mikovits, P’13,’17, ’20
Mr. Richard A. Mina, ’74
M/M Paul K. Napoli, ’63, P’90
Mr. Hubert J. O’Toole, ’51
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00
M/M Edward D. Riedlinger, ’67
M/M William J. Ruane, ’73
M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ’59
M/M James F. Ryan, Jr., ’66, P’04
Dr. Linda DeGaeta & Dr. Patrick J. Ryan, ’68
Mr. Alfred H. Sauer, ’59
Mrs. Mary Sciarrillo
M/M Dante A. Sorrenti, ’76
M/M Thomas J. Sullivan, Jr., ’93
M/M Joseph F. Taglieri, ’49
M/M George T. Taite, ’73, P’11
Mr. Edwin G. Vroom, ’63
Ms. Carmen Webb & Mr. Bruce Woerner, ’74
M/M Nicholas H. Wood, ’86
$2,500 - $4,999
207 Van Vorst St. Realty Company, LLC
M/M Liam D. Ahearn, ’01
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01
Mr. Joseph A. Amatrucola, ’94
M/M David Anderson, P’15
Architectural Design Panels, Inc.
M/M Mark Armstrong, P’10
Athena Capital Advisors NY, LLC
M/M Edward Boll, P’15,’17
M/M Lawrence P. Brady, Jr., ’57
M/M Robert J. Brancatella, ’85, P’16,’18,’21
M/M Allen Burton, P’22
M/M Joseph J. Carr, ’61
M/M Terence H. Carroll, P’15,’16,’18
M/M John H. Cassedy, ’48
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03
Mr. Brian M. Church, ’71
M/M John Colie, P’21
Dr. Robert B. Comizzoli, ’58
M/M Kevin A. Comprelli, ’98
M/M Philip Connelly, ’71, P’16
Mr. John J. Corcoran, III, ’56
M/M Patrick J. Costello, P’03,’05
M/M William J. Cozine, ’55
M/M John F. Crotty, ’56
Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94
M/M Robert Cunningham, P’22
M/M Michael F. Curtin, ’58
Mr. John J. Cutola, P’87,’01
Ms. Morna L. Sweeney & Dr. Joseph R. DePasquale, ’72
M/M Donald Dillon, P’16,’19
Dr. & Mrs. James F. Donohue, ’61
M/M John P. Doran, ’55
M/M Joseph R. Doren, Jr., ’76, P’15
M/M Richard Doren, P’18,’21
The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
M/M David M. Dowden, ’83
M/M Brian E. Dugan, ’58
Mrs. Karen Magnus-Fischbach & Mr. Peter J. Fischbach
M/M John J. Flood, P’21
Dr. & Dr. Eugene G. Galvin, ’60
M/M Gregory G. Gannon, ’57
M/M Edward J. Gargiulo, Jr., ’89
M/M Peter J. Gargiulo, ’77
M/M Joseph Giattino, P’21,’22
Mr. Thomas J. Gibson, Jr., ’75
Dr. Michael A. Gomez, ’91
M/M Robert Goratowski, P’19
M/M William Gray, P’19,’20
M/M Walter J. Greenhalgh, ’67
Mr. Vincent A. Grillo, ’58
Mr. James S. Gutierrez, ’94
Mr. Donald F. Hagan, ’50
Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ’68
Mr. James Hanlon
M/M J. Norris Harding, ’53, P’91
M/M James B. Heaney, ’58
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
M/M James C. Horan, ’70
M/M Thomas Hurley, P’21
Mrs. Madeline Iazzetta, P’77
M/M Stephen F. Izzo
Ms. Ashima Kadyan & Mr. Rajbir Kadyan, P’21
M/M William F. Kehoe, ’45
Dr. B. Melvin Kiernan, ’53
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02
Kramer Portraits
M/M Daniel F. Lally, ’68
M/M Thomas S. Liccardo, ’80
Mrs. Kate Lillis-Magnus & Mr. Stephen Magnus
M/M Timothy LiVolsi, P’06,’08,’11
Mr. Joseph T. Lynyak, III, ’69
M/M Alexander M. Magallon, ’98
Ms. Anne M. Magnus
Mr. Ashok Maliakal & Ms. Marina Thottan, P’22
M/M J. David Manganello, P’15,’17,’19
Ms. Donna Ecton & Mr. Victor H. Maragni, ’55
Mrs. Beverly S. Maresca
Masana Portrait Artwork NYC
Mr. Thomas D. Mauriello, ’79
M/M Robert McDonough, P’19,’21
Mr. Terence J. McGurn, ’53
M/M John P. McIntyre, Jr., ’55
Mr. John C. Meditz
M/M Francis J. Mertz, ’54
Mr. Robert J. Meyer, ’49
Mr. Michael R. Milano, ’70
M/M Kenneth M. Moore, ’88
M/M James G. Mortenson, ’71
M/M Joseph Mouridy, P’22
M/M Albert E. Mullin, Jr., ’52
M/M Patrick J. Murphy, P’08
M/M Thomas J. Murphy, ’74
Ms. Lauren Dwyer & Mr. William P. Musto, ’95
Ms. Maureen Mitchell & Mr. Mark Nikiper
Ms. Jennifer Odell & Dr. Robert Nossa, P’19
M/M John Novello, P’17,’19
Mr. John F. O’Halloran, ’62
M/M J. Bradley Ohlmuller, ’86, P’20
M/M John L. O’Reilly, ’52
Mr. Ira Owens, ’78
Ms. Shawna V. Hudson & Mr. Ralph S. Pantozzi, ’88
M/M Victor Parada, P’19,’22
Mrs. Mary Alyce Pardo
M/M Joseph M. Petri, ’71
Dr. & Mrs. John W. Petrozzi, ’58
M/M Vernal F. Piantanida, ’55
Mr. Peter D. Pizzuto, ’66
Dr. Elizabeth D. Moyer & Dr. Michael C. Powanda, ’59
M/M Joshua Reed, ’90
M/M Philip Reynolds, P’09,’11,’13
Mr. Craig S. Richards, ’84, P’15,’18
M/M Thomas D. Ruane, ’68
Saint Peter’s University
Mr. Richard Santoro, ’91
M/M Donald W. Schroeder, ’87
Rev. Arthur B. Schute, ’60
M/M Charles J. Sciarra, ’87, P’21,’23
Silverman Building LLC
M/M John S. Sirotniak, ’57
Dr. & Mrs. Leo J. Spaccavento, ’69
Mr. William J. Spataro, ’57, P’96,’97
M/M Richard J. Stomber, ’59
The Hon. & Mrs. Mark A.
Sullivan, Jr., ’64
M/M James P. Sweeney, ’71
M/M John Thorburn, P’21
Ms. Susan Carriero-Tomljanovic & Mr. William Tomljanovic, P’15
M/M James E. Tuttle, ’57
Dr. John J. Verdon, Jr., ’57
Ms. Martha Robertson & Mr. Frank Vivero, P’22
Mr. Robert J. Warner, ’71
M/M Stephen T. Wilson, P’22
M/M Robert Wright, P’22
$1,000 - $2,499
Anonymous 3D Exhibits
M/M Nicholas P. Acocella, ’60
M/M Richard W. Agresta, ’70
M/M Edward A. Alberque, Jr., ’59
M/M Kevin Albers
Alliant Insurance Services, Inc.
M/M Steven Alonso, ’78
Mr. Mark P. Amatrucola, ’94
Capt. Joseph B. Amejka, ’67
Dr. Anthony T. Annunziato, ’68
Antica Roma, LLC
M/M Jose Antigua, P’22
M/M Daniel A. Apruzzese, ’81
M/M William A. Arata, ’53
Mr. Anthony J. Arnone, ’94
M/M Stanley A. Aslanian, ’43
M/M Peter Bankuti, P’22
M/M James Barrett, ’58
M/M Stephen T. Barry, ’56
M/M Joseph F. Basil, Sr.
M/M Richard Bassler, P’22
M/M Drew Bauman
M/M Peter P. Begans, ’71
M/M Richard J. Bender, ’74, P’04,’09
Dr. & Mrs. Robert M. Benedetti, ’69
M/M Bernard J. Berry, Jr., ’63
Beyer, Blinder, Belle
M/M George Blaney, ’57
M/M Michael Blaney, ’71, P’05
Mr. Sherman J. Bligh, ’51
Mr. William R. Bludgus, ’01
Mrs. Ann Bodner
Mr. Charles J. Boguszewski, ’90
M/M Edward J. Borrone, ’57
M/M Eugene C. Boyle, ’56
Capt. & Mrs. Philip A. Bozzelli, ’62
Mr. Christopher T. Bracco, ’92
Rev. Msgr. Edward G. Bradley, ’58
M/M John E. Bradley, ’71
M/M Bernard C. Brady, ’64
Ms. Vanitha Pushparaj & Mr. Michael Brandon, P’18,’21
M/M Vincent F. Brennan, ’57
M/M Roger W. Breslin, Jr., ’55
M/M Francis P. Briamonte, III, ’86
Mr. Robert P. Broderick, ’69
M/M Kevin Brown, P’18,’19
Mr. William A. Brown, ’11
Mr. Anthony Bryk, ’66
M/M Daniel J. Burgers, ’92
Ms. Claudine Liss & Mr. Hugh Burgess, P’20
M/M Philip Buzzerio, P’10
Mr. James P. Byrne, ’54
Mr. Vito Cammarota, ’94
M/M David M. Canale, P’05,’09
Mr. Thomas J. Cannon, III
M/M Vincent P. Cannon, P’02
Capital Group
M/M Peter J. Capizzi, ’87
M/M John P. Caravello, ’65
M/M Steven A. Carlsson, P’04
M/M Timothy Carney, P’08,’12,’14,’17
Mr. Timothy Carney, ’08
Mr. John J. Carroll, Jr., ’61
Mr. Robert J. Carroll, ’72
Rev. Kevin E. Carter, ’78
Mr. Robert N. Caruso, ’56
Mr. Christopher J. Casazza, ’97
Mrs. Helen M. Cascio
Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Casler, USN, ’86
M/M Louis F. Castelli, ’66, P’01
M/M Christopher B. Caulfield, ’03
M/M John T. Chester, ’74, P’03,’05
Mr. E. Mark Chiappara, ’84
Ms. Maureen Doherty & Mr. Brian Christman, ’90, P’19,’20,’23
M/M Tony Chrysikos, P’21
M/M Frank A. Ciatto, ’84
Ms. Claire Dienes & Mr. Michael Cinquina, P’21
Ms. Toni-Ann Citera-Anderson
Mr. John I. Ciuppa, ’71, P’00
Ms. Carol Parks Clancy & Mr. Patrick Clancy, P’16
M/M Joseph A. Cleary, ’62
M/M Patrick J. Cleary, ’73
Mrs. Catherine Vennat & Mr. Antoine Clement, P’20
M/M Glenn M. Colacurci, ’67
Dr. Jeanne Pare & Mr. Peter G. Colford, ’74
M/M Charles A. Colombo, ’55, P’96
M/M Edward V. Connell, ’71, P’02
Mr. William E. Conrad, ’71
M/M Arthur J. Coradine, ’59
CoreMedia Systems, Inc.
M/M Michael Cortese, P’20
M/M Francis X. Cotter, P’22
Mr. John M. Coyle
M/M Michael E. Cozine, ’52, P’86
M/M Vincent M. Cronen
Ms. Maryann Crowe
M/M Matthew Cugliari, P’20,’22
M/M John J. Curley, ’66
M/M Javier Dager, P’21
M/M Alfred J. D’Amico, ’84
M/M Wellington J. Davis, Jr., ’61
M/M William S. Deakyne, Sr., P’87
M/M John R. Dearborn, Jr., ’75
M/M Justin A. DeBenedectis, ’98
M/M Charles M. DeFuccio, ’56
M/M Richard Del Boccio, ’57
M/M David Descalzi, ’72
M/M Rob DeSopo, P’22
Mr. Alexander J. Diaz
Mr. Joseph DiFeo
Mr. Bernard J. Doherty, ’69
M/M J. Michael Doherty, ’58
Mr. Thomas J. Dolan, ’60
M/M David P. Donnelly, ’88
Mr. Richard K. Donnelly, ’63
Mr. Christopher Doroszczyk, ’88
Mrs. Helen M. Dougherty, P’84
M/M James C. Dowden, ’78
Mr. & Dr. Michael P. Downey, ’87
Mr. Charles P. Doyle, ’69
M/M John Doyle, P’09,’12,’15
M/M Vincent I. Drobny, Jr., ’67
M/M F. Gerard Drummond, ’58, P’94,’97,’99,’08
M/M Leo P. Duffy, ’46
M/M James J. Dugan, ’53
Mr. Keith A. Duncan, ’94
Mr. T.J. Dermont Dunphy
Ms. Jennifer Dusel & Mr. Christopher Eig, P’21
Mr. John C. Elliott, ’62
M/M Dennis J. Enright, ’66, P’92
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Erath, ’52
M/M Robert R. Esti, ’55 EvensonBest LLC
Ms. Lana Walsh-Falcicchio & Mr. Joseph A. Falcicchio, ’99
M/M Thomas J. Favia, Jr., ’77
M/M Cataldo F. Fazio, ’77
M/M John T. Feeney, ’80
Mrs. Marie B. Feeney, P’74,’76,’78,’80
M/M Terence M. Feeney, ’76
M/M John P. Fencik, ’70, P’98
Mr. Christopher D. Fernando, ’00
Mr. Peter T. Feury, ’45
M/M Anthony S. Fiedorowicz, ’55
M/M John C. Fink, Jr., ’52
Mr. David P. Finn, ’07
Dr. Edward J. Finn, ’47
M/M James T. Finn, ’85
Mr. Ryan B. Finn, ’13
Mr. Carl J. Finneran, ’44
M/M Frank Fiore, P’22
M/M William Fischer, P’22
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
Four Seasons Food Service Management, Inc.
M/M Michael C. Freeman, P’22
M/M David J. Gallagher, ’59
M/M James Gallagher, P’21
M/M Michael Gallo, P’17
Louis Gargiulo Co., Inc.
Mr. Fran Garry
M/M John H. Gavin, ’58
M/M Kevin Georgetti, P’19
M/M Frank V. Geremia, ’58
M/M Joseph Giannella, ’86
Mr. Thomas P. Giblin, ’89
Ms. Claudia Gibson
Ms. Nora Gelperin & Mr. Joseph Giglio, ’87
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C.
Ms. Yasmin Meah & Mr. Peter Gliatto, P’22
Ms. Kara Goski & Mr. John Glynn, P’21
Goldman Sachs Gives
M/M Andrew J. Gonos, ’60
Mr. Edward J. Grant, ’43
M/M Francis G. Grather, ’54
Dr. Eugene M. Graziano, ’52
M/M Gaetano T. Gregory, ’70
Ms. Megan Griffin, P’18
Dr. & Mrs. Douglas R. Gronda, ’86
M/M Matthew Groo, P’22
Dr. & Mrs. James Haemmerle, ’64
Mrs. Patricia Haggerty, P’97
M/M Henry J. Hamilton, ’67, P’02
Mr. Richard E. Hamilton, ’90
M/M James Han, P’21
Mr. Daniel Hanks, ’86
M/M Victor Harris, P’11
M/M Edward A. Hartnett, ’78, P’08
Hartz Mountain Industries, Inc. Haven Savings Bank
M/M Steven Hayes, P’10
Mr. Patrick B. Healey, ’92
Ms. Mary Anne Gibbons & Mr. Michael F. Healy, ’71
Mr. David Heiss
M/M Hernan Hernandez, ’89
Mr. Robert Hertling
M/M Jonathan H. Hetherington, P’08,’11
Mr. Gregory P. Hochstein, ’62
Mr. David P. Holt, ’00
Mr. Michael J. Holy, ’69
M/M Stanley Hreniuk, ’71
Mr. Christopher S. Hudik, ’81
M/M Leo J. Hurley, ’70
M/M Rodney Hutton, P’21
M/M Jay Imus, P’12,’16
In-Line Air Conditioning Co., Inc.
Ms. Erin McGarry & Mr. Brendan Intindola, P’17
M/M Gerald P. Iorio, ’98
M/M Frederick J. Jacques, Jr., ’66
M/M Stephen C. Jennings Sr., P’20
Mrs. Madeline Jiran, P’03
M/M Carl H. Kaminski, ’66
M/M Thomas J. Karaty, ’57
M/M Donald J. Keating, ’60
Mr. John E. Keating, ’52
Ms. Patricia Keegan- Abels
M/M Thomas F. Kelaher, ’50
M/M Blake Kelley, P’19
M/M James P. Kelly, Jr., ’60
Ms. Jeanne Kelly
M/M John P. Kelly, ’62, P’85,’91
M/M Richard R. Kelly, ’56, P’83
Mr. John R. Kennedy, ’58
M/M Michael J. Kennedy, ’79
M/M Thomas E. Kessler, ’67, P’99,’02
M/M Eugene M. Kiely, Jr., ’50
M/M James M. Kiernan, ’56
Dr. Joseph Kim, ’77
Ms. Mary D. Kinahan-Ockay, P’07,’05
Dr. Francis H. Koch, ’61
M/M Robert Kolakowski, ’97
M/M Henry S. Kolokowsky, ’57
Mr. John M. Korn, ’59
M/M Edward F. Kosnik, ’62
Mr. Michael Kostrzewa, ’84
The Hon. George A. Krol, ’74
M/M George R. Krone, ’50
M/M Brian LaBau, P’11
M/M Gerald P. Lally, ’56
M/M Ralph J. Lamparello, ’70
Mr. Michael T. Lampariello, ’05
M/M David M. Lang, P’01,’04,’07
M/M Patrick Lawler, P’22
Ms. Michelle Johnson-Lewis & Mr. Earl Lewis, P’14
M/M James Lewis, P’04
M/M Michael Lezynski, P’19
M/M Patrick T. Lipka, ’71
Mr. William T. Long, ’50
M/M James J. Loughlin, ’60
Mr. John P. Lynch, ’79
Mr. Joseph Lynch, ’80
Mrs. Marybeth Lyons
M & R Capital Management, Inc.
Dr. Richard J. Macchia, ’59
Ms. Deb Day & Mr. Dennis F. Madej, ’69
M/M William Patrick Maguire, P’08,’15,’20
Mr. Christopher L. Mahler, ’78
Mr. Kenneth J. Mahon, ’69
Mr. Greg Malakauskas, Jr., ’00
Ms. Pamela J. Slater & Mr. Peter P. Malecki, ’66
M/M John D. Manna, ’67
M/M Michael S. Mara, ’98
Ms. Kimberly Marchese
Mr. Wayne P. Marshall, ’63
M/M Ralph Mason, P’18
M/M Frank Massaro, ’57
Prof. Dennis J. McAuliffe, ’59
Ms. Ying Pu & Mr. William C. McCahill, Jr., ’64
M/M George I. McCusker, ’45
Mr. James G. McDermott, Jr., ’86
Mrs. Suzanne McDermott
M/M Michael J. McGeehan, III, ’83
Mr. Philip F. McGovern, ’11
M/M Timothy McGovern, P’20
M/M Donald C. McLaughlin, ’58
M/M Thomas J. Meloro, ’54
M/M David F. Mertz
Dr. & Mrs. James L. Merz, ’54
M/M James T. Messano, ’58
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Middleton, ’62
M/M Edward Mignone
Dr. Vincent J. Milazzo, ’77
Mr. John P. Miller, ’64
M/M Neil Miller, P’19
Mrs. Anne Modarelli
M/M Alan Molina, ’86
M/M Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
D/D Matthew P. Monteleone, ’98
M/M Ramon Morales, Jr., ’85, P’14
M/M Christopher F. Morgan, ’53
M/M John Morris
M/M Timothy J. Mortenson, ’74
Mountain Development Corp.
M/M Marc E. Mruz, ’75
M/M Edward J. Mullins, P’98
Ms. Christina Butler-Murphy & Mr. David Murphy, P’19
Mr. Thomas J. Murphy, ’69
M/M James J. Murtha, ’83
M/M John P. Murtha, ’50
M/M Gerard Musico, P’21
M/M Edward Myer
Mr. Joseph G. Nemeth, Jr.
M/M William J. Netchert, ’62, P’09
New Jersey Manufacturers Insurance Company
M/M Richard M. Newton, ’70
Rev. Msgr. Walter E. Nolan, ’50
M/M Lars Novak, P’20
M/M Jorge Obando, P’22
M/M John J. O’Brien, P’08
M/M Joseph O’Connor
M/M Martin P. O’Connor, ’69
Mr. Brandon O’Keefe-Caroprese, ’06
M/M Thomas J. Ondreyka, ’60
Mr. Donald M. Onorato, Jr., ’78
Dr. & Mrs. William F. Oser, Jr., ’77, P’15
Mr. Joseph T. Pacilio, ’02
Dr. Anthony Panariello, ’68
M/M Gregory Pease, P’19,’22
Ms. Renita Persaud
M/M John Pflug, Jr., P’06
Mr. Richard A. Phalon, Sr., ’44
M/M Ferdinand S. Pieroni, ’57
M/M James A. Pilla, ’67
M/M Christopher A. Piparo, ’82
The Hon. & Mrs. Francis P. Piscal, ’57
M/M Thomas M. Podesta, ’67
Mrs. Mary P. Poggi
Dr. Eileen L. Poiani
Ms. Caroline M. Maragni & Mr. Samuel D. Polese, ’74
The Hon. & Mrs. Robert C. Pollock, Jr., ’57
Dr. Joseph F. Popovich, ’79, P’14,’16
M/M Ronald P. Prezioso, ’68
Ms. Elena Koebel & Mr. William T. Price III, ’87
Mr. Edward S. Purcell, Jr., ’52
Ms. Hillary Quist & Mr. Kevin Quist, P’21
Ridgewood Savings Bank
M/M Louis L. Rizzi, ’50
M/M James G. Rizzo, ’77, P’10
M/M Mark A. Rizzo, ’72, P’03,’08
M/M Conrad L. Romanick, ’52
M/M Gerard Rooney
Ropes & Gray, LLP
Dr. & Mrs. Paul J. Roses, ’74, P’18
M/M James J. Ruane, ’67
M/M Jared M. Rusman, ’87
Ms. Mary Vidal & Mr. David Russo, P’22
M/M William Ruvo, P’15,’17
M/M Michael Sabatell, P’15
M/M Charles A. Sabino, ’57
M/M Avelino Sambade, ’75, P’09
Mr. David S. Sarch, ’03
Ms. Mary Anne Yates & Mr. Alfred Sattelberger, ’66
M/M John E. Savage, ’57
M/M Michael Scarpa, P’14,’19
M/M Thomas A. Schember, ’55, P’79
M/M Anthony Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18
Scholarship America
Ms. Kim Huang & Mr. Michael Schreiber, P’22
Ms. Ingrid Schultze-Lagos & Mr. Walter Lagos, P’09
Mr. R. Jeffrey Schundler, P’99
Mr. Theodore K. Schundler, ’99
M/M Robert C. Schwarze, ’54
M/M Paul Sciarra, ’80
Ms. Margaret Rice & Mr. William Sette, ’65
Sgt. Jake R. O’Donnell, Jr. USMC, ’04 Scholarship Fundraisers
Dr. Robert J. Shalhoub, ’48
Mr. Gary M. Siems, ’76
Chief & Mrs. William C. Sinnott, ’61
M/M Robert M. Slaski, P’09,’12,’18
Mr. Matt D. Slootsky, ’94
M/M John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19,’21 Society of the Friendly Sons of St. Patrick in the City of New York
M/M Frank Sorochen, ’64
M/M William J. Spendley, ’53
M/M Stephen P. Spiewak, ’03
Standard Motor Products, Inc.
M/M Andrew Stewart, P’21
Ms. Patricia Young & Mr. James R. Stock, Sr., ’50
M/M Garrick J. Stoldt, ’74
Mr. Craig S. Styles, ’09
Estate of Joseph F. Sullivan
Mrs. Deirdre D. Sullivan, P’12,’17
Mrs. Frances Surdi-Kopcak
M/M Mark Tahmoosh, P’22
Dr. Richard M. Terek, ’75
Mr. Ashish P. Thaker, ’01
The Grove
The USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus, Inc.
Theresa Artigas Photography
Ms. Kacey Tillotson
M/M Joseph Tintle, P’06,’11
Rear Adm. & Mrs. Steven J. Tomaszeski, ’68
M/M J. T. Toolen, P’21
M/M Charles J. Trainor, ’56
M/M John R. Ubhaus, ’60
Mr. Donald J. Unger, Sr., ’55
M/M Daniel J. Urbanovich, ’06
Mr. James P. Van Etten, ’65
Ms. Ellen Rigas & Mr. Peter Venetis, ’75
M/M David J. Viggiano, ’79
W.B. Mason, Inc.
M/M John T. Waldron, ’69
M/M Patrick T. Wallace, ’63
M/M Martin W. Walsh, Jr., ’57
Mrs. Ethel L. Ward
M/M John A. Ward, III, ’63
Prof. & Mrs. John B. Wefing, ’60
Mr. John A. Weglinski, ’56
M/M Joseph C. Weiss, ’68
Mr. Frederick J. Wethly, ’50
M/M John A. Wickens, ’52
Mr. Barry Wiegmann
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Williams, ’57
M/M Melvin Woodard, P’19
Mr. Joseph B. Wraga, ’67
Xavier High School
Mr. Raymond F. Yannuzzi, ’66
M/M Thomas M. Zappia, ’70
M/M Christopher J. Zegler, ’78
Dr. Kenneth J. Zienkiewicz, ’65
M/M Rene J. Ackerman, ’55
Mr. Mark T. Adams, ’94
M/M Michael R. Agresta, ’62
Mr. Steven Ahn, ’96
Mr. Edward J. Ambrosio, ’82
Mr. Thomas Ambrosio, ’81
Mr. Joseph C. Amoroso, ’94
Mr. Vincent A. Aniello, Jr., ’89
Mr. Paul M. Antinori, ’71
M/M James Appello, P’17,’19
Mr. George E. Apsley, ’64
M/M Robert T. Armistead, ’67
M/M Frank Ashe, ’55, P’90
Mr. Peter S. Babits, ’65
Mr. Richard V. Baker, ’65
M/M Anthony P. Balestrieri, ’55
Mr. Michael K. Ball, ’53
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
M/M George F. Barnes, Jr., ’68
Barone Engineering Associates, LLC.
Mrs. JoAnn Barrett
Mr. Christopher R. Barry, ’77
M/M Dennis K. Barry, ’68, P’94,’96
Mr. George C. Barry, ’74
Col. & Mrs. Thomas J. Belton, ’58
M/M Greg Benkovitz, P’22
Ms. Catherine Landherr-Blinken, P’20
Mr. Joseph T. Boccassini, ’85, P’21
Dr. Joseph A. Bonanno, ’56
Mr. William J. Borden, ’57
Boutique Realty, LLC
Mr. Gene L. Boyle, III, ’62
M/M John T. Boyle
Capt. & Mrs. Peter B. Boyne, ’53
M/M Robert M. Bozzo, ’64
M/M Robert J. Bradley, ’47
Mr. Joseph Bredehoft, ’69
Ms. Megan Hobbs Brodbeck & Mr. Kevin Brodbeck, ’89
M/M Joseph F. Brower, III, ’69
M/M Frank Brzenk, ’58
M/M Dennis J. Bucceri, ’60
M/M Joseph A. Bucci, ’85
M/M Neil Buckley, P’22
Dr. & Mrs. Joseph I. Budnick, IV, ’47
Dr. & Mrs. Eugene F. Burke, ’61
Mrs. Nancy J. Burke
Dr. & Mrs. John L. Butler, ’64
Mr. John G. Byram, ’70
M/M John P. Callahan, ’70
Mr. Paul J. Callahan, ’72
Mr. Brendan F. Canale, ’09
Dr. Nicholas A. Cannarozzi, ’57
Mr. Lou Cappadona, ’57
Mr. Jon Cardell, ’72
Dr. & Mrs. Gary P. Cardiello, ’73
Mr. Ronald J. Carney, Sr., ’47
M/M John B. Cassidy, ’57
Mr. Edmund Caulfield, ’00
Mr. Jack J. Cavari, ’68
M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10
Dr. & Mrs. Charles D. Cheek, ’62
M/M Tony Chrysikos, P’21
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel Y. Chu, Jr., ’77, P’14,’15
Ms. Nella Cicchino, P’20
J. Robert Ciminera Family
Mr. Leo H. Clossey, ’59
Mr. Paul D. Colford, ’71, P’09
Mr. James J. Collins
M/M David A. Connolly, ’58, P’91
M/M Richard F. Connors, Jr., ’81, P’15
M/M Joseph J. Contreras, ’59
Mr. Joseph K. Cooney, ’68
Mr. Denis J. Corbett, ’60
M/M Dennis J. Corwin, ’87, P’23
Ms. Noel Cotter, P’15
M/M Frank G. Cronin, ’45
Mr. Brian H. Crowe, ’94
M/M Kevin M. Cullen, ’79
Dr. & Mrs. Terrence Curran, ’88, P’18
Mr. Thomas F. Curtin, ’95
M/M Thomas Da Costa Lobo, P’21
Mrs. Grace R. Davis
Ms. Emily Seelaus & Mr. James C. DeAngelo, ’85
Dr. Frank A. DeCicco, ’61
Mr. Paul A. Deibel, ’67
Ms. Lucy Del Gaudio & Mr. Michael A. Todd, P’19
M/M Anthony J. Del Tufo, ’62
M/M Michael Delaney, ’73, P’02
Mr. Samuel R. DeLuca, Jr., ’86
Mr. Edward J. DePascale, ’66
M/M Alex Diaz, P’19
M/M Salvatore DiBrita, P’12
Mr. Robert A. Diehl, ’67
M/M Timothy G. Dillane, P’16,’18
M/M Paul DiNardo, P’88
M/M Richard E. Dobronsky, ’83, P’21
M/M Harold J. Doherty, ’55
Dr. J. Ernani S. Domingo, ’87
M/M John L. Donnelly, ’54
M/M James J. Doolan, Jr., ’69, P’06
M/M Joseph J. Drennan, ’42
M/M Robert J. Duda, ’59
M/M Bernard D. Dugan, ’62, P’96,’05
Mr. Robert Veal Dungan, ’18
M/M Stephen M. Dutkiewicz, ’86
M/M Thomas M. Eagan, P’04,’07
M/M Dennis A. Edwards, ’82
M/M James J. Egan, ’64
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Egan, P’09,’13
M/M Mark H. Englert, ’83
Mr. Louis R. Erhardt, ’68
Mr. Domenico Esposito, ’92
M/M Orlando Esposito, ’82
M/M Joseph D. Facchini, ’98
Mr. Daniel J. Fallon, ’00
M/M Vincent J. Farrell, ’52
Ms. Elizabeth Goodbread & Mr. Zeferino D. Ferreira, ’96
M/M Edward F. Finn, Sr., ’67, P’93,’99
M/M Peter C. Finn, ’66
Ms. J. Hollie Lofton & Dr. Donald P. Finnerty, ’65
Dr. Robert J. Fiocco, ’54
M/M Thomas Fitzpatrick, ’72
M/M George E. Flimlin, Jr., ’70
M/M John D. Flinn, ’49
Mr. Robert Forcillo, ’84
Mrs. Catherine Ford
M/M J. C. Forhecz, ’69
M/M James Forsythe, Jr., P’13,’14
Ms. Jessica Freeman
Ms. Michelle Frungillo
M/M John M. Furka, ’72
M/M Steve Gabriel
Dr. Tyeese Gaines, P’22
M/M Charles A. Gallagher, ’63
Ms. Rhonda DeStefano-Galup & Mr. Luis Galup, P’19
M/M Michael J. Garito, ’68
M/M Richard J. Gaven, ’58
Mrs. Ledis Gazic, P’94,’99
Ms. Linda M. Gelson, P’14
M/M Richard J. Gelson, ’56
M/M Robert J. Genatt, ’65
M/M Angelo R. Giacchi, ’83
M/M Michael Giacone, P’12
Mr. Michael A. Gifford, ’87
M/M Thomas E. Gill, ’77
M/M Michael Glennon, ’79
M/M Thomas J. Goger, ’62
Ms. Maria Barnett & Mr. Timothy Gray, P’20
M/M Richard F. Gronda, ’59, P’86,’89,’90
M/M Richard M. Gronda, ’89, P’20
M/M Glenn Gualtieri, P’19
Mr. Vincent R. Gurzo, ’67
M/M Gordon Haas, P’18,’19
M/M Monty Hagan, P’20
Mr. William J. Haggerty, ’56
Mr. Kenneth R. Hampton, ’59, P’90
Mr. John J. Hanlon III, ’53
M/M Raymond Hannan, P’18
M/M Charles J. Harrington, III, ’84
Ms. Laraine K. Harrison
M/M Joseph M. Hartnett, ’66
M/M Michael M. Harvey, ’89
Mrs. Cynthia C. Haubold
M/M Joseph A. Haviland, ’55
Rev. William F. Heagen
M/M David J. Healy, ’62
M/M Patrick Henry, P’17
Ms. Belinda Herazo, P’22
Mr. Greg Herenda, ’79
M/M Emil C. Herkert, ’56
M/M Joseph P. Herlihy, ’53
Ms. Kathleen Morales & Mr. Michael Hernandez, P’19
M/M Cornell J. Hess, P’17,’19
Hidden Valley Camps Inc.
Mr. William E. Higgins, ’62
Mr. Robert M. Hill, ’64
Mr. William Hoffman, ’90
M/M James J. Horrigan, ’59
Hudson County Chamber of Commerce
Mr. Stephen J. Hudik
Mr. James E. Hurley, ’44
M/M Richard H. Hussey, ’06
M/M Francis C. Iacobelli, ’56
M/M John T. Irvine, ’83, P’11
M/M Gerard Jablonski, P’11,’14
Mr. Richard W. Jacobs, ’62
Dr. Clifford R. Jacobson, M.D., ’67
Mr. Chester M. Janiszewski, III, ’98
M/M Nelson Jimenez, P’22
M/M Michael J. Jiran, ’03
Mr. John Jobbagy
M/M Richard G. Kabrt, ’79
M/M Joshua Kagel, P’19,’23
M/M John A. Kakolewski, ’62
Dr. Raymond Kane, ’61
Kate’s Covers
Mr. James H. Keale
Mrs. Edward T. Keane
M/M Anthony E. Keating, ’78, P’10
Mr. Thomas R. Keating, ’55
Mr. Thomas F. Kelly, ’64
Dr. & Mrs. Thomas J. Kelly, ’64
M/M Charles F. Kenny, Jr., ’66
M/M Eugene J. Keohane, ’88, P’18
Mr. J. Michael Kerwan, ’66
M/M Edward Kingsley, P’17
Ms. Nancy Lecyn-Kirby & Mr. Theodore J. Kirby, ’67
Dr. Thomas A. Kirk, ’59
M/M Stuart Klein, P’20
Mr. Jamie Knapp
Mr. Adrian Krawczeniuk, ’79
Mr. Chris Krzak, ’82
M/M Peter Kusen, P’06
Mr. Thomas P. Kusen, ’67
M/M Andrew Landsbergis, P’21
M/M Richard Lanning, P’10
M/M Anthony Larino, P’19
Ms. Cherylyn Harley & Mr. Kenneth
L. LeBon, Jr., Esq., ’83
Lehigh Gas Wholesale, LLC
Mr. Jerome R. Lemanowicz, ’94
M/M Andrew Leonard, P’14,’15
M/M Todd Leong
M/M John M. Lillis, ’77
Mr. William Lillis, ’80
M/M William P. Lillis, P’10
Ms. Jocelyn Lim-Delacruz, P’21
Mr. James P. Linehan, ’60
Mr. John J. Lipinski, ’68
M/M Anthony D. Locricchio, ’96
Logan Amusement Co., Inc.
M/M Stephen Long
M/M Brian J. Lowe, ’70
Ms. Linda Gonzalez & Mr. Dominic Lucivero, P’12,’17
Mr. William R. Lund, ’55
Ms. Niki Luzzi, P’19
Ms. Frances Lyons, P’19
M/M Jeffrey Macanka, P’20
Ms. Tracey Tully & Mr. Edward J. Macchi, ’82
M/M James J. Mack, ’58
M/M William MacLaney, P’19
M/M Timothy H. Mahler, ’76
M/M Gerald F. Manna, ’59
Mrs. Janice A. Martineau
M/M Michael Masone, ’71
Ms. Judy de la Rosa & Mr. Marc Matamis, P’18
M/M Andrew J. Matthews, ’55
M/M Rob McCafferty, P’21
Dr. & Mrs. Peter E. McCarren, ’60
M/M Allan M. McCarthy, ’58
M/M Brian McClean, P’22
M/M James A. McCoy, ’68
Mr. James J. McDonald
M/M Robert McEntee
Mr. Patrick McGeehan, ’82
M/M William J. McGovern, III, ’70
Mrs. Dana McGrath
M/M Kevin M. McGrath, ’01
Mr. Stuart J. McGregor, ’62
Dr. & Mrs. Francis A. McGuire, ’69
Ms. Ann McHugh, P’18
M/M John McKivergan, P’14,’15
M/M Maurice McLaughlin, P’22
Dr. Thomas J. McLaughlin, ’61
M/M Sean McNally, ’97
Mr. Michael McNamara
Ms. Michele Byrd-McPhee & Mr. Keith McPhee, P’19
M/M Joseph Mernar, P’19
M/M John W. Meyers, ’70
Mr. John J. Monahan, ’66
Mr. Mark Mongelluzzo
MongoDB, Inc.
Mrs. Edmund J. Mooney
M/M Marco E. Morais, ’91
M/M Robert Morgan
M/M Thomas Moriarty, P’16
M/M J. Brian Morrissey, ’54
M/M Edwin P. Murray, ’57
Mr. Brian Napack
M/M Anthony Nappi, ’96
M/M Theodore J. Natoli, ’51
Mr. Vishnu M. Nayak, ’05
M/M Edward Nestor, ’88, P’20
Mr. Patrick C. Nestor, ’90
Mr. Anthony S. Neusch, ’58
New Jersey Devils
New Jersey Institute of Technology
NJM Insurance Company
M/M Frank Obara, P’20
Mr. Joseph C. O’Connell, ’74
The Hon. & Mrs. Edward T. O’Connor, Jr., ’60
M/M James J. O’Connor, ’40
Ms. Mary O’Farrell & Mr. John O’Farrell, P’21
O’Hara Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Mr. Sean O’Malley
M/M Rafael Oro, P’13,’15
M/M Kevin Owens, P’21
Mr. Joseph V. Page, Jr., ’67
M/M Joseph Paolini, P’20
M/M Michael Parlavecchio, ’89
Dr. & Mrs. Fredrick J. Paternoster, ’69, P’09
M/M Michael Pearce, P’19
M/M James A. Peko, ’85
M/M Thomas A. Pelliccio, P’20
Mr. Matthew J. Peterkin, ’78
M/M Richard Peters, ’85
Mr. Charles M. Pfeifer, ’76
PGA Tour, Inc.
Mr. William C. Podurgiel, ’66
M/M Michael Pompeo, ’86
M/M Christopher Ponczek, P’22
M/M Stephen A. Popovchak, ’79
M/M Jay R. Post, P’20
M/M Matthew Power, P’08
Ms. Virginia Sordi-Preite & Mr. Francis Preite, P’19,’23
M/M Robert Puhak, P’16, ’22
Mr. Jeffrey P. Quirk, ’64
M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III, P’08,’10,’12
M/M David Rangel, P’22
M/M John R. Raslowsky, II, ’79
Raymond Glass Co., Inc.
M/M Richard J. Reid, ’71
Ms. Maria M. Reyfman
M/M Willie Richardson, Jr., P’19
M/M John A. Ridley, ’61
M/M Albert A. Rinaldi, ’98
M/M Michael P. Ring, ’57
Mr. John T. Riordan, ’59
M/M Jose Rodriguez
M/M Douglas Ross, P’20
M/M Christopher Rowe, P’18,’22
M/M Harry W. Rowe
Mr. Edward P. Rumain, ’58, P’94,’98
M/M Vincent A. Russo, P’97
Ms. Christine A. Ryan
M/M Robert M. Ryan, Sr., ’62
Ms. Sherri McLaughlin-Ryan & Mr. Steven Ryan, P’14
Mr. Craig R. Rygiel, ’01
Rev. Edward F. Salmon, S.J., ’54
Ms. Jeanne-Marie Durkin & Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez, P’21
M/M Charles G. Sanders, ’61
M/M Robert SanGiacomo, P’07
Dr. John D. Santaniello, ’59
M/M Billy Santomauro, P’89
M/M Arvind Sawh, P’01
Mr. Daniel Scagliarini, P’17
M/M Patrick Scanlon, P’19
M/M Robert M. Schiereck, P’08
Mrs. Jacqueline Paz-Schimmel & Mr. Louis Schimmel, P’22,’23
Mr. Walter H. Schneider, Jr., ’88
Ms. Sonia Hernandez-Schulman & Mr. Neil Schulman, P’22
Mr. Richard D. Schwartz, ’79
M/M Christopher Sclafani, ’86
M/M Joseph F. Scutellaro, Jr., ’78
Mr. Bart Sexton, ’89, P’21
Mr. Donald G. Shalhoub, ’68
Mr. Peter G. Shalhoub, ’03
Mr. Ihor Shevchuk, ’80
M/M Michael J. Sheyker, ’57
Ms. Gwen Shook
M/M Robert J. Simone, P’03
Dr. Walter A. Sinopoli, ’68
M/M Michael Slootsky, P’94
Mr. James W. Smith, ’61
M/M Patrick T. Smith, ’01
Classes of 1936–1942
Total Gifts: $2,150
Joseph M. Arbree, ’36
Joseph F. Coda, ‘36
James J. O’Connor, ‘40
William J. Cronin, ‘41
James P. Devaney, ‘42
Joseph J. Drennan, ‘42
Thaddeus F. Zuber, ‘42
Class of 1943
Total Gifts: $3,650
Participation: 27%
Stanley A. Aslanian
John J. Daub, Jr.
Edward J. Grant
William F. McLaughlin
Richard V. Reeves
Anthony F. Turro
William F. Wraga
Class of 1944
Total Gifts: $3,350
Participation: 36%
Paul F. Bernhardt
Thomas J. Blackwood †
David I. Canavan
Carl J. Finneran
James E. Hurley
Louis J. Parisi
Richard A. Phalon, Sr.
Donald R. Rasmusson, Sr.
Francis H. Walsh
M/M George L. Sommers, ’53
Mr. Brian Spadora, ’94
M/M John C. Spadora, ’59, P’88,’94
M/M Dario Spina, P’18
Mr. John A. Stapienski, ’56
M/M Charles E. Starkey, ’52
Ms. Ann Beth Stebbins
Ms. Bette Mohr & Mr. Charles J. Steele, ’48
Mr. Robert A. Stefan, ’54
M/M Frederick W. Stevens, ’70
M/M Robert Sugrue, ’90
Mr. Dermot Sullivan, ’12
Mr. Mark Sullivan
M/M Carl Sullo
Dr. & Mrs. John J. Swetits, ’60
The Anthony J. Petocelli Charitable Trust
Class of 1945
Total Gifts: $10,143
Participation: 18%
Joseph M. Cooney
Frank G. Cronin
Peter T. Feury
William F. Kehoe
George I. McCusker
Joseph M. O’Leary
Class of 1946
Total Gifts: $2,120
Participation: 10%
Edouard Beaugard
Leo P. Duffy
William T. Valente
Class of 1947
Total Gifts: $23,296
Participation: 25%
Robert J. Bradley
Joseph I. Budnick, IV
Ronald J. Carney, Sr.
James J. Fallon †
Edward J. Finn
Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr.
Michael A. Prokop
Edward J. Rooney
Ms. Julia Unferth & Mr. John Thieroff, P’17
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Thomsen, ’68
Dr. & Mrs. John S. Tochko, ’68
M/M Vincent Tomassi, P’99,’08
Mr. Frederick J. Tomkins, ’63
Dr. Anthony M. Tonzola, ’62
Ms. Alice Gonzalez & Mr. Ivan Torres, P’22
M/M Richard Torres, P’19,’21
Mr. Michael A. Tozzi, ’72
M/M Henry P. Troy, ’61
Mr. Gerald P. Tyne, ’66
Mr. Paul L. Tyrrell, ’68
M/M Leonard H. Van Orden, ’83
M/M Anthony Venditti, P’12
M/M Robert Veverka, P’19
M/M Kenneth von Schaumburg, ’50, P’86
Ms. Patricia von Schaumburg, P’20
M/M Michael Vuolo, P’18,’20
M/M Joseph F. Wajszczuk, ’64
Dr. John M. Walsh, ’64
M/M Thomas E. Walsh, ’54
M/M Ralph A. Walter, ’50
M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08
M/M Elnardo J. Webster, II, ’87
Mr. James M. Werner, ’11
M/M Jeffrey Whitworth, P’20,’22,’23
Rev. Benjamin J. Williams, ’80
M/M Todd Williams, P’20,’21
M/M Donald J. Williamson, ’54
D/D Joseph Yap, P’06,’08,’19
Mr. Mark L. Zatta, ’11
Class of 1948
Total Gifts: $110,025
Participation: 20%
Robert J. Brady
John H. Cassedy
James J. Degnan
John J. Galvin
Edward Juchniewicz
Andrew J. Markey
James Roleke, S.J.
John G. Rooney
Robert J. Shalhoub
Gerald V. Sheehan
Charles J. Steele
Class of 1949
Total Gifts: $8,450
Participation: 32%
Donald Babo
William J. Carducci, Jr.
Raphael DeMartino
Michael F. Filosa
John D. Flinn
Earle L. Markey, S.J.
Robert P. McDonald
Charles E. Meyer
Robert J. Meyer
Thomas J. Murtha
Robert E. Nielsen
Joseph A. Rizzi
Michael J. Ryan
Robert J. Sadur, Sr.
Joseph F. Taglieri
Class of 1950
Total Gifts: $23,705
Participation: 48%
Walter R. Bratton
Francis E. Caskey
Mario J. Catani
Richard T. Cieciuch, Sr.
Michael J. Dunn
Donald M. Finn
Donald F. Hagan
Richard F. Hering
Robert J. Heyer
David M. Humm
Thomas F. X. Johnson
Thomas F. Kelaher
Eugene M. Kiely, Jr.
George R. Krone
Raymond Latchford
William T. Long
James F. McGeehan
John P. Murtha
Walter E. Nolan
Joseph J. O’Neill
Louis L. Rizzi
Vincent J. Saunders
Gregory D. Scheuermann
Louis A. Sonz
James Stock, Sr.
Kenneth von Schaumburg
Ralph A. Walter
Alphonse Warczakowski
Frederick J. Wethly
Class of 1951
Total Gifts: $15,625
Participation: 26%
Michael F. Ball, Jr.
Sherman J. Bligh
James P. Boyle
Thomas J. Canty
Richard E. Granda
William E. Indyk
Patrick J. Keenan
Alfred Kinn
Charles E. Lowden
John D. Murphy
Theodore J. Natoli
Hubert J. O’Toole
Bernard C. Schroeder
George J. Stauble
Donald E. Sullivan
John P. Sullivan
David A. Weeks
John B. Wehrlen
Benjamin H. Winters
Thomas R. York
Class of 1952
Total Gifts: $17,465
Participation: 31%
Charles D. Bathman
Michael E. Cozine
John F. Erath
Vincent J. Farrell
John C. Fink, Jr.
Eugene M. Graziano
Richard A. Joel, Sr.
John E. Keating
Declan J. Intindola
James P. McGuire
Joseph B. Millroy
Eric V. Nieves
Liam T. Nolan
Chirayu B. Shah
Connor F. Sullivan
Class of 2018
Total Gifts: $488
Participation: 5%
Declan J. Alvidrez
Nicholas S. Charas
Matthew Coyne
Matthew J. Dillane
Anthony D. Franconeri
Joaquin G. Matamis
Damiano M. Servidio
Anthony J. Tejada
Patrick G. Thoms-Bauer
Brendan P. Walsh
Marek K. Wlodarski
2019 Senior Class Gift
Total Gifts: $1,575
Participation: 33%
Dylan C. Abanilla
Matthew R. Adams
Christopher J. Amaral
Daniel Ambrosio
Christian X. Arcos
Brandon Balatbat
Anthony Barrera
Edwin W. Baumgartner
Nathan J. Blumenfeld
Nathan G. Bryant
Charles A. Camilleri
Harold L. Carter
Andrew B. Chaparro
Justin E. Chaparro
Liam V. Christman
Nicholas E. Cocciadiferro
Quinton C. Conlin
James Cruz
Emmanuel Dadulla
Mark J. Del Castillo
Nicholas K. DeMarco
Sean D. Demo
John P. Dillon
Christopher Dunkin
Royce G. Flores
Maxim D. Geller
Jeffrey Gerger
Vincent A. Grimaldi
Griffen S. Haas
Mina A. Hanna
Max Honig
Matthew J. Italiano
Chase D. Jones
Martin D. Kasilag
William T. Kelley
Thomas J. Kellner
Justin Koroglu
Matthew T. Lee
Aidan M. Lezynski
Eric A. Liao
Desmond B. Luck
Richard A. Luzzi-Liggins
John J. Lynch
Sean G. MacLaney
Christian K. Madlansacay
Christian P. Matos
Jordan K. McPhee
Alessandro Memmolo
Jack L. Meyer
John C. Millar
Alexander M. Miller
Xavier M. Morales
Tyler Najara
Matisse M. Nelson
Mark C. Niland
Aidan P. Nolte
Alexander P. Novello
Julian Ongay
Paolo S. Pasquali
Steven M. Prokop
Jacob J. Quinones
Dominic J. Ragno
Jeremy P. Resurreccion
Colby T. Ruggiero
Grant C. Saunders
Samay S. Shamdasani
John J. Smith III
Biagio Stoduto
Julian M. Todd
Richard E. Torres, Jr.
Gabriel J. Trojanowski
Jared D. Veloso
Lucas J. Vinci
Paul N. Weeks
Joseph M. Yap
Class of 2019
Ms. Ellen Walsh & Mr. John Amaral, P’19
M/M Hugh Ames, P’19,’21
M/M Craig Anderson, P’19
M/M James Appello, P’17,’19
M/M Michael Barrera, P’15,’19,’21
M/M Michael Blumenfeld, P’19,’21
Drs. Tricia & Renier Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22
Mr. Todd Bristol, P’19
M/M Kevin Brown, P’18,’19
M/M Paul Brozon, P’19
M/M Graham Bryant, P’19
M/M Anthony Camilleri, P’19
M/M Edward Chaparro, P’19
Ms. Maureen Doherty & Mr. Brian Christman, ’90, P’19,’20,’23
M/M Peter Conlin, P’15,’19
Ms. Patricia Guasconi-Contreras & Mr. Ahmed Contreras, P’19
Ms. Vielka Cruz, P’19
M/M Kenneth D’Angelico, P’19
Ms. Lucy Del Gaudio & Mr. Michael A. Todd, P’19
M/M Alfredo Del Castillo, P’08,’12,’19
M/M Mark DeMarco, ’79, P’19
M/M Julius DeSantis, P’16,’19
M/M Alex Diaz, P’19
M/M Donald Dillon, P’16,’19
Ms. Erin Jensen & Mr. Wilfrido Flores Cisneros, P’19
Ms. Luisa Frey, P’19
Ms. Rhonda DeStefano-Galup & Mr. Luis Galup, P’19
M/M Robert Garrelick, P’19
M/M Kevin Georgetti, P’19
Ms. Sarah Golin & Mr. Daniel Gerger, P’19
M/M Robert Goratowski, P’19
M/M William Gray, P’19,’20
M/M Robert Grimaldi, P’19,’22
M/M James Grueter, P’19
M/M Glenn Gualtieri, P’19
M/M Gordon Haas, P’18,’19
M/M Cornell J. Hess, P’17,’19
M/M William Ince, P’19
M/M Walter Jones, P’17,’19
M/M Joshua Kagel, P’19,’23
M/M Noe Keenaghan, P’19
M/M Blake Kelley, P’19
M/M Jeffrey Kellner, ’85, P’13,’15,’19
M/M Anthony Larino, P’19
M/M Christopher Lee, P’19
M/M Michael Lezynski, P’19
M/M John Andrew Lovito, P’16,’19
Ms. Lynn Mullins & Mr. Andrew Luck, P’19
Ms. Niki Luzzi, P’19
M/M William MacLaney, P’19
Ms. Sharon Williams & Mr. Ali Malik, P’19
M/M J. David Manganello, P’15,’17,’19
M/M Thomas Maruri, P’19,’21
M/M Anthony Matos, P’19
M/M Manuel Matos, P’19,’22
M/M Robert McDonough, P’19,’21
Ms. Michele Byrd-McPhee & Mr. Keith McPhee, P’19
M/M Joseph Mernar, P’19
Ms. Margaret Meyer, P’19
M/M Patrick Millar, P’19
M/M Neil Miller, P’19
M/M James Muller, P’19
M/M Fredrik Murer, P’19
Ms. Christina Butler-Murphy & Mr. David Murphy, P’19
M/M Henry Najara, P’19
M/M Richard Narramore, P’18,’19
M/M Gus Nations, III, P’19
Ms. Marla Higginbotham & Mr. Rooney Nelson, P’19
Ms. Jennifer Odell & Dr. Robert Nossa, P’19
M/M John Novello, P’17,’19
M/M Victor Parada, P’19,’22
M/M Michael Pearce, P’19
M/M Gregory Pease, P’19,’22
M/M John Pettit, P’19
M/M Christian Plunkett, P’19
Ms. Virginia Sordi-Preite & Mr. Francis Preite, P’19,’23
M/M Sandeep Punjani, P’19
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo Quinones, P’19
M/M Joseph G. Ragno, P’19
M/M Willie Richardson, Jr., P’19
Ms. Odra Rodas, P’19
M/M Joseph Romano, P’19
Ms. Deirdre Poe-Sanders & Mr. Fred Sanders, P’19
This society is named for Charles F.X. Dolan, S.J., ’32, a Prep Legend and a longtime fixture in the Prep community. It honors the wives of deceased alumni who, through their generosity, have continued to make Saint Peter’s Prep an important part of their lives.
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01 (William, ’75)
Mrs. Patricia Allen (Edward, ’43)
Mrs. Janet E. Bausch (James, ’53)
Mrs. Ann Marie Beaman (John, ’41)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Berkowitz (Michael, ’61)
Mrs. Ann Bodner (Michael, ’58)
Mrs. Alice S. Bolger (Edward, ’55)
Mrs. Marsha Borkowski (Frank, ’58)
Mrs. Doreen Bulzis (Francis, ’66)
Mrs. Nancy J. Burke (James, ’67)
Mrs. Suzanne L. Burke (Thomas, ’52)
Mrs. Patricia Butler (James, ’50)
Mrs. Helen M. Cascio (Joseph, ’71)
Mrs. Sandra J. Cashman (Thomas, ’54)
Mrs. Margaret Clark, P’81 (James, ’52)
Mrs. Kay Collins (Victor, ’55)
Mrs. Sylvia R. Connors (John, ’58)
Mrs. Antoinette C. Corrigan (Walter, ’40)
Mrs. Patricia M. Crifo (Daniel, ’65)
Mrs. Pamela Crowe, P’91,’94 (John, ’62)
Mrs. Grace R. Davis (William, ’53)
Mrs. Margaret Deley (John, ’51)
Mrs. Eileen F. Diverio, P’71,’73,’75 (Ralph, ’46)
Mrs. Irene Alane Finnerty (Robert, ’56)
Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick, P’96 (Patrick, ’57)
Ms. Mary Gibney, P’81 (John, ’52)
Mrs. Anita M. Glynn (John, ’51)
Mrs. Cynthia C. Haubold (Frederick, ’51)
Mrs. Barbara Hill (John, ’61)
Mrs. Margaret Hughes, P’88 (John, ’63)
Mrs. Lorraine A. Hurley (Michael, ’56)
Mrs. Beatrice Imhoff (John, ’59)
Ms. Pat A. Johnson (James, ’56)
Ms. Marie Kavanagh-Mercun (John, ’66)
Mrs. Barbara Keane (Edward, ’53)
Ms. Mary D. Kinahan-Ockay, P’05,’07 (David, ’70)
Mrs. Patricia Lempa, P’88 (Paul, ’63)
Mrs. Janice Lombardi (Robert, ’57)
Mrs. Donna M. Malloy, P’01,’04 (Thomas, ’71)
Mrs. Beverly S. Maresca (William, ’50)
Mrs. Carol L. Martowlis (Charles, ’64)
Mrs. Dana McGrath (Patrick, ’56)
Mrs. Irene McMahon (Joseph, ’46)
Mrs. Patricia A. Metzger (William, ’42)
Mrs. Anne Modarelli (Robert, ’59)
Mrs. Jean M. Molloy (Cornelius, ’40)
Mrs. Eleanor Mooney (Edmund, ’43)
Mrs. Mary Eileen Moriarty (Donald, ’48)
Mrs. Virginia H. Moriarty (Edmond, ’46)
Mrs. Joan Murtagh (Norman, ’49)
Mrs. Virginia Myer, P’89,’94 (George, ’53)
Mrs. Nora Nasif (Louis, ’62)
Mrs. Margaret M. Natelli (Albert, ’47)
Mrs. Dorothy O’Connor (Thomas, ’72)
Mrs. Carolyn M. Olsen (Charles, ’69)
Mrs. Mary Ellen Page, P’21 (Mark, ’82)
Mrs. Judith A. Paquin (Alfred, ’58)
Mrs. Mary Alyce Pardo (Stanley, ’53)
Mrs. Andrea J. Payne (David, ’54)
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00 (William, ’49)
Mrs. Janet A. Pochis (Ronald, ’65)
Mrs. Mary P. Poggi (Charles, ’49)
Mrs. Carolyn W. Rooney (George, ’51)
Mrs. Mary F. Sheridan (James, ’42)
Mrs. Deirdre D. Sullivan, P’12,’17 (Thomas, ’80)
Mrs. Doreen J. Thomas (Joseph, ’53)
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Thomas (Benjamin, ’50)
Mrs. Patricia T. Verdon (Thomas, ’52)
Mrs. Ruthanne Wagner (Marcel, ’56)
Mrs. Ethel L. Ward (Kevin, ’66)
M/M Willys Sarmiento, P’19
Ms. Diane D’Agostino & Mr. Richard Saunders, P’19
M/M Patrick Scanlon, P’19
M/M Michael Scarpa, P’14,’19
M/M Robert X. Scheurer III, ’84, P’19,’21
M/M John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19,’21
Ms. Ellen Gonzales & Mr. Francis So, P’19
Ms. Judy Soto-Holland, P’19
M/M Charles Sykes, P’19
M/M Richard Torres, P’19,’21
Ms. Aymee Torres-Orgueira & Mr. Rolando Orgueira, P’19
M/M James Valente, P’19
M/M Robert Veverka, P’19
M/M Paul Weeks, P’19
M/M Frank Windels, P’19
M/M Melvin Woodard, P’19
D/D Joseph Yap, P’06,’08,’19
Class of 2020
M/M James Ashe, P’20
M/M Michael Bacha, P’20
Ms. Claudine Liss & Mr. Hugh Burgess, P’20
Ms. Mary Jo Chagnon-Harkins, P’20
M/M Chris Charas, P’18,’20
Ms. Maureen Doherty & Mr. Brian Christman, ’90, P’19,’20,’23
Mrs. Catherine Vennat & Mr. Antoine Clement, P’20
M/M Matthew Cugliari, P’20,’22
Mrs. Andrea Mess-Davis & Mr. Michael Davis, P’20
M/M Christopher Del Sordo, P’20
M/M Nicholas DiLullo, P’20
M/M Sean Doherty, P’14,’16,’20,’22
Ms. Brittin Bleakley & Mr. Vishwanath Dookie, P’20
Mr. Michael Hoagland & Mr. Michael Eaton, P’20
M/M Jan Egan, P’20
M/M Richard Elliott, P’20
Mrs. Rafiatou Raimi & Mr. Said Gbadamassi, P’20
M/M Joseph Gilhawley, P’20,’23
Ms. Maria Barnett & Mr. Timothy Gray, P’20
Ms. Megan Griffin, P’18,’20
M/M Richard M. Gronda, ’89, P’20
Mr. Peter Gudaitis, P’18,’20
M/M Monty Hagan, P’20
M/M Sharad Hegde, P’20
M/M Robert Hunter, P’20
M/M Nicholas Ioakimidis, P’17,’20
M/M Nicholas Ionta, P’20
M/M Stuart Klein, P’20
M/M Anthony LaMalfa, P’20
M/M Kevin M. Larkin, ’82, P’12,’17,’20
M/M Kevin Leonte, P’20
M/M William Patrick Maguire, P’08,’15,’20
M/M Patrick Matts, P’20
M/M Timothy McGovern, P’20
M/M Raymond Mikovits, P’13,’17,’20
Mrs. Joie Piderit Morrison & Mr. Christopher Morrison, P’20,’22
Ms. Stephane Motir & Ms. Fatima Gordon, P’20
M/M Ronald Munkittrick, P’20
M/M Lars Novak, P’20
M/M John Nowak, P’20
M/M Frank Obara, P’20
M/M J. Bradley Ohlmuller, ’86, P’20
M/M Michael O’Neill, P’20
M/M Joseph Paolini, P’20
M/M Douglas Ross, P’20
M/M Arsenio Saldua, P’20
M/M Joselito Santiago, P’20
M/M Marcelo Schnettler, P’20
M/M Paul Sheppard, P’20
M/M John Silva, P’20
M/M David Swift, P’20,’23
Mrs. Simonet Tan-Uy & Mr. Arturo J. Uy, P’20
M/M Timothy Vazquez, P’20
M/M John Velasquez, P’20
Ms. Eileen McMorrow & Mr. Michael Walsh, P’18,’20
Mrs. Annelisa Blake-Wasden & Mr. Mark Wasden, P’20
M/M Steven West, P’20
M/M Jeffrey Whitworth, P’20,’22,’23
M/M Todd Williams, P’20,’21
M/M Douglas Adams, P’21
M/M Hugh Ames, P’19, ’21
M/M Gary M. Apito, P’08,’15,’21
M/M Luis O. Ayala, ’91, P’21
M/M Tristan Baccay, P’21
M/M Michael Barrera, P’15,’19,’21
M/M Michael Blumenfeld, P’19,’21
Ms. Therese Bruck & Mr. Patrick Boll, P’21
M/M Robert J. Brancatella, ’85, P’16,’18,’21
Ms. Vanitha Pushparaj & Mr. Michael Brandon, P’18,’21
M/M Edward Brown, P’21
M/M Tony Chrysikos, P’21
Ms. Claire Dienes & Mr. Michael Cinquina, P’21
M/M Dwight Clark, P’21
M/M John Colie, P’21
M/M Jason Cooper, P’21
M/M Thomas Da Costa Lobo, P’21
M/M Javier Dager, P’21
M/M Jacob DeLemos, P’21
Ms. Judith Disla, P’21
M/M Richard E. Dobronsky, ’83, P’21
M/M Richard Doren, P’18,’21
Ms. Jennifer Dusel & Mr. Christopher Eig, P’21
Ms. Josefina Estrella, P’21
M/M James Fennell, P’21
M/M John J. Flood, P’21
M/M James Gallagher, P’21
Mr. Andrzej Gasak, P’21
M/M Joseph Giattino, P’21,’22
Ms. Kara Goski & Mr. John Glynn, P’21
M/M Paul Gobel, P’21,’23
M/M Andrew Ha, P’21,’23
M/M James Han, P’21
Ms. Joanne Hixson & Mr. Peter Mazurczyk, P’21
M/M Thomas Hurley, P’21
M/M Rodney Hutton, P’21
M/M Jeffrey R. Jablonski, ’88, P’21,’23
M/M Jose Manuel Jimenez, P’08, ’21
Ms. Ashima Kadyan & Mr. Rajbir Kadyan, P’21
M/M Conrad Karbowniczak, P’19,’21
M/M Michael King, P’21
M/M Andrew Landsbergis, P’21
M/M Zev London, P’21
Ms. Gina Lugo, P’21
Mr. Richard Lugo, ’85, P’21
M/M Matthew Lusky, P’21
M/M Thomas Maruri, P’19,’21
M/M Philippe Matti, P’15,’21
Ms. Andrea Mayendia & Mr. Cristobal Mayendia, P’21
M/M Kevin McCabe, P’21
Ms. Bhavani Balasubramanian & Mr. Richard McCann, P’21
M/M Robert McDonough, P’19,’21
M/M Gene Mead, P’21
M/M Brian Mooney, P’21
M/M Gerard Musico, P’21
M/M Michael Nalbandian, P’21
Ms. Anne Ndungu, P’21
M/M Timothy O’Brien, P’21
M/M Mr. John O’Farrell, P’21
M/M Thomas Osterling, P’21
M/M Kevin Owens, P’21
Mrs. Mary Ellen Page, P’21
M/M James Pelliccio, P’21
M/M Juan Pena, P’21,’22
M/M Harry Persaud, P’21
M/M Frank Pestana, P’10,’21
Ms. Hillary Quist & Mr. Kevin Quist, P’21
M/M Cary Repka, P’21
M/M David Reynolds, P’21
M/M Kenneth Reynolds, P’21
M/M Thomas Rooney, P’21
M/M Romario Rueda, P’21
Ms. Jeanne-Marie Durkin & Mr. Rodolfo Sanchez, P’21
Ms. Maria Andrews-Sanchez & Mr. Christopher Sanchez, P’15,’21
M/M Robert X. Scheurer III, ’84, P’19,’21
M/M Charles J. Sciarra, ’87, P’21,’23
Ms. Alesscia Scott, P’21
M/M Mark Scribner, P’21
Mr. Bart Sexton, ’89, P’21
M/M John J. Smith, Jr., ’76, P’19,’21
Mr. Lonnie Sobel, P’00,’21
Ms. Colleen Quinn-Steineke & Dr. Thomas Steineke, P’21
M/M Andrew Stewart, P’21
M/M John Thorburn, P’21
M/M J. T. Toolen, P’21
M/M Richard Torres, P’19,’21
M/M Gregory Van Sant, ’81,P’21
M/M Jeffrey Van Sant, P’21
M/M Todd Williams, P’20,’21
Ms. Aimee Wilson, P’21
Mr. John Wilson, P’21
M/M James Yaegashi, P’21
M/M Alfonso Zamarra, ’86, P’21
M/M Claudio Zamarra, ’90, P’21,’23
Class of 2022
M/M Jeff Alvidrez, P’18,’22
M/M David Amalraj, P’22
Mr. Lloyd G. Ang, ’89, P’22
M/M Jose Antigua, P’22
M/M Peter Bankuti, P’22
M/M Richard Bassler, P’22
M/M Greg Benkovitz, P’22
M/M Michael Blomgren, P’22
Mr. Joseph T. Boccassini, ’85, P’21,’22
Mr. Christian Borges & Ms. Lavine Surtanii, P’22
Drs. Tricia & Renier Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22
M/M Neil Buckley, P’22
M/M Ronald Burgers, P’22
M/M Allen Burton, P’22
M/M Francesco Cascione, P’22
Ms. Monique Cavalli, P’18,’22
Dr. Nancy Chiaravalloti & Mr. Nicholas A. Chiaravalloti, ’90, P’22,’23
M/M Paul Chipelo ’89, P’22
M/M Andre Clarke, P’22
M/M Michael Conlon, P’22
M/M Francis X. Cotter, P’22
M/M John Coyle, P’17,’22
M/M Matthew Cugliari, P’20, ’22
M/M Robert Cunningham, P’22
M/M Rob DeSopo, P’22
M/M Kevin Dibble, P’22
M/M James Dino, P’22
M/M Sean Doherty, P’14,’16,’20,’22
M/M John Duane, P’18,’22
M/M Derek Edwards, P’22
Ms. Andrea deGorgey & Mr. Stephen Elliot, P’22
M/M Dennis Espiritu, P’22
M/M Danijel Farkas, P’22
M/M Jose Fernandez, P’22
M/M Frank Fiore, P’22
M/M William Fischer, P’22
M/M Michael C. Freeman, P’22
M/M Stephen Freeman, P’22
Dr. Tyeese Gaines, P’22
M/M Frederick Galano, P’22
Mr. Russell Borrelli & Ms. Linda Gazdag, P’22
M/M Joseph Giattino, P’21,’22
Mrs. Colette Gill-Pierre & Mr. Patrick Gill Pierre, P’22
Ms. Yasmin Meah & Mr. Peter Gliatto, P’22
M/M Salvatore Grasso, P’22
M/M Robert Grimaldi, P’19,’22
M/M Matthew Groo, P’22
Ms. Lorena Guzman, P’22
M/M Karl Halligan, P’22
Ms. Belinda Herazo, P’22
Ms. Julie Hyde, P’22
Ms. Paula Keung, P’22
Ms. Donna Preuster & Mr. Lawrence Kramer, P’22
Ms. Melissa Landera, P’22
M/M Patrick Lawler, P’22
M/M Mark Lefkowitz, P’22
Ms. Lori Knight & Mr. Richard Lucken, P’22,’23
Ms. Marina Thottan & Mr. Ashok Maliakal, P’22
M/M Joseph Mannello, P’22
M/M George Mariscal, P’22
M/M Manuel Matos, P’19,’22
M/M Theodore Mauseth, P’22
M/M Brian McClean, P’22
M/M Maurice McLaughlin, P’22
M/M Marek Mickiewicz, P’22
Mrs. Joie Piderit Morrison & Mr. Christopher Morrison, P’20,’22
M/M Joseph Mouridy, P’22
M/M James Muller, P’19,’22
Ms. Anne Ndungu, P’21
M/M Jorge Obando, P’22
M/M Jason O’Donnell, P’22
M/M Joseph Panepinto, P’17,’22
M/M Victor Parada, P’19,’22
M/M Gregory Pease, P’19,’22
M/M Juan Pena, P’21,’22
M/M Christopher Ponczek, P’22
M/M Robert Puhak, P’16,’22
Parents who had a son at Prep during the 2018-19 academic year are listed in the Honor Roll listing and in the Current Parents section. If the father is an alumnus, the gift is listed in the Honor Roll listing and in his alumni class listing.
Ms. Mary Frances Carmona & Mr. Mariano Abanilla, P’16
M/M John J. Adams, P’91,’03
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01
M/M Kevin T. Ahern, P’15
M/M Michael J. Albanese, Sr., P’85
Ms. Deborah Alberti, P’15,’17
Ms. Cinderella Alegria, P’03,’07,’14,’16
M/M Augustine Aloia, P’12
Mrs. Miriam Amatrucola, P’94
M/M Juan J. Anderson, P’15,’17
M/M David Anderson, P’15
M/M John A. Angermeyer, P’97
Dr. Norma Talbo & Dr. Arnaldo Apolito, P’01
M/M Mark Armstrong, P’10
M/M Conrado Arroyo, P’18
M/M Walter A. Baber, P’97,’99,’02
Mrs. Patricia Backus, P’89
M/M John Barbarula, P’06
M/M Frank J. Barletta, P’92
M/M Thomas A. Barone, P’05,’07
M/M Lewis C. Battista, P’02,’14
M/M Stephen Beckmann, P’06,’09
M/M Stanley E. Beldowicz, P’93,’96,’97
Mr. Frank Bello, P’81
M/M Gerry Bellotti, P’88
Ms. Margaret Williams-Bendtsen, P’83
M/M Carmine Beni, P’06,’08
Mrs. Bernice L. Bennett, P’83
M/M Jerry Bennett, P’06
Mr. Joseph J. Bernero, P’00
Ms. Aretha Hughes-Berry & Mr. Deavaul Berry, P’11
Ms. Rosemarie Pullano, P’22
M/M Joseph G. Ragno, P’19,’22
M/M David Rangel, P’22
M/M Vincent Rappa, P’22
M/M Martin Richards, P’22
M/M Jose Rodriguez, P’22
M/M Christopher Rowe, P’18,’22
M/M Steven Rubin, P’22
Ms. Mary Vidal & Mr. David Russo, P’22
M/M Daniel Scepkowski, P’22
M/M Joseph M. Scheurer, ’86, P’22
Mrs. Jacqueline Paz-Schimmel & Mr. Louis Schimmel, P’22,’23
Ms. Kim Huang & Mr. Michael Schreiber, P’22
Ms. Sonia Hernandez-Schulman & Mr. Neil Schulman, P’22
M/M Christopher Shannon, P’22
M/M David A. Birch, P’97
M/M Carl Biscaldi, P’13
Ms. Joyce Bukowiec & Ms. Carol Blazejowski, P’17
M/M Zbigniew Blicharz, P’08,’10
M/M Richard Boggiano, P’96,’98
M/M James J. Boland, P’93
M/M Edward Boll, P’15,’17
Mr. Joseph Borden, Sr., P’79
M/M Zenon Boryszewski, P’01,’02
M/M Lawrence Bovich, P’09,’11,’15
Mrs. Addie Boyd, P’96, ’01
M/M Patrick E. Boyle, P’92,’00
Mrs. Mary Ann Brand, P’88
M/M Mark John Brenneis, P’08
M/M Eusebio Brinas, Jr., P’10
Mrs. Maria Brito, P’01
Mrs. Karen Brodbeck, P’89
M/M Edward Broderick, P’89,’95
Ms. Katherine Flannery & Mr. George P. Brown, P’01,’05,’07
Ms. Maureen O. Brown, P’01
M/M Andrew J. Brusgard, Jr., P’98,’05
M/M Richard Budka, P’13
M/M Ronald Burgers, P’92
M/M Matthew Burns, P’94
M/M Daniel H. Butko, P’12,’14
M/M Philip Buzzerio, P’10
M/M Peter Byram, P’07,’09,’13
M/M Joseph Calabrese, P’95
M/M Rodolfo Camacho, P’93,’96
M/M Joseph Camargo, P’07,’09
M/M Myles Campbell, P’15
M/M David M. Canale, P’05,’09
M/M Vincent P. Cannon, P’02
Ms. Diana Capetola, P’02,’05
Mrs. Marie P. Cappadoccia, P’83
Mrs. Maureen E. Caprio, P’99,’01
M/M Steven A. Carlsson, P’04
M/M Timothy Carney, P’08,’12,’14, ’17
Ms. Santina L. Carpenter, P’95
M/M Terence H. Carroll, P’15,’16,’18
M/M Mark Tahmoosh, P’22
M/M Mehmet Tomruk, P’22
Ms. Alice Gonzalez & Mr. Ivan Torres, P’22
M/M Timothy Vazquez, P’20,’22
Ms. Maria Velez, P’22
Ms. Martha Robertson & Mr. Frank Vivero, P’22
M/M Joseph Weiss, P’22
Ms. Lisa Davis & Mr. James Welsh, P’22
M/M Jeffrey Whitworth, P’20,’22,’23
M/M Stephen T. Wilson, P’22
Mrs. Ranene George-Wimberly & Mr. Terrell Wimberly, P’22
M/M Robert Wright, P’22
M/M Thomas Zwiener, P’22
Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
M/M Dominic Casulli, P’87,’89
M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10
M/M Michael Chambers, P’17
Dr. & Mrs. Kim K. Chan, P’04
M/M Agostino Chiaravalloti, P’90,’93
M/M Andrew Chiurazzi, P’15,’18
M/M Stephen J. Chopek, P’92
Dr. Sylvia Christakos & Dr. Manuel Christakos, P’94
Mrs. Harry A. Murphy, P’91
Ms. Carol Parks Clancy & Mr. Patrick Clancy, P’16
M/M John Coccioli, P’01
M/M Henderson Cole, IV, P’08
Ms. Joan Colegrove, P’14
M/M Francisco Colom, P’12
M/M Frank Colucci, P’08
M/M Frank Colucci, P’03
M/M David Colville, P’14
M/M Biagio Congiu, P’04
M/M Daniel Convery, P’08,’11
M/M Vincent Costello, P’17
M/M Patrick J. Costello, P’03,’05
Ms. Noel Cotter, P’15
Mrs. Rosemary Couillou, P’01,’03
M/M Nicandro Creer, P’13, ’15
Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94
M/M Paul Cuccinelli, P’17
M/M Patrick Cunningham, P’08,’11,’13,’16
M/M Loreto Curmi, P’07
Mr. John J. Cutola, P’87,’01
M/M Donald S. Cymbor, Sr., P’98
M/M Kenneth Dalton, P’06
M/M Vincent J. Damato, P’95
Mrs. Rosa Danilchick, P’91
M/M William S. Deakyne, Sr., P’87
M/M Cornelius F. Degnan, P’89,’95
Mrs. Margaret DeMarco, P’77,’79,’82,’85
M/M Salvatore DiBrita, P’12
Mrs. Helene Dickinson, P’78
M/M David DiCrisci, P’10
Mrs. Kathleen Diffley, P’02
M/M Timothy G. Dillane, P’16,’18
Ms. Denise Tajan-Dillon & Mr. Thomas Dillon, P’16
Mrs. Mary M. Dimler, P’88
M/M Paul DiNardo, P’88
Mrs. Eileen F. Diverio, P’71,’73,’75
M/M Peter Dobbs, P’17
M/M John Donaleski, Sr., P’08, ’15
M/M Victor Donofrio, P’81
Mrs. Helen M. Dougherty, P’84
M/M John Doyle, P’09,’12,’15
Mrs. Joyce A. Dubon, P’86
Mr. Barry Dugan, P’82,’84
M/M Charles Dullea, P’07
Ms. Kimberly Wolansky & Mr. Eric Dungan, P’18
Mr. Kenneth Dunn, P’92
M/M William J. Dwyer, P’04
M/M Thomas M. Eagan, P’04,’07
Mrs. Susan Edwards, P’90
Dr. & Mrs. Kevin Egan, P’09,’13
Ms. Eileen Enrico, P’95,’98
M/M Gilberto Estupinan, P’07
M/M Timothy Evans, P’10,’15
Mrs. Julia S. Fagan, P’81
M/M Paul Faherty, P’15
M/M George Fall, P’89
M/M Gerald A. Farley, P’01,’04
Mrs. Marie A. Fatal, P’89
M/M Antonio D. Favetta, P’86,’94
Mrs. Marie B. Feeney, P’74,’76,’78,’80
M/M William P. Fennell, P’15
M/M Andrew Ferrier, P’17
M/M Carl M. Figur, P’95
Ms. Vivien Finn, P’83, ’85
Mr. Anthony R. Fischetti, P’02
M/M Thomas Fisher, P’97
Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick, P’96
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
Mrs. Doris S. Fleming, P’92
Ms. Faye Cargill-Flores & Mr. Pedro Flores, P’18
M/M Victor V. Fonseca, P’99
Mrs. Catherine D. Forrester, P’76,’83
M/M James Forsythe, Jr., P’13,’14
M/M Anthony Franconeri, P’18
Mr. Gary Eric Fraser, P’94
Mrs. Antoinette N. Frees, P’74
Ms. Jean O’Reilly & Mr. David Furtzaig, P’16
M/M Eddie Gabot, P’12
M/M John Gaccione, P’18
Ms. Mara Galeano, P’16
M/M Michael Gallo, P’17
Ms. Clare Begley & Mr. Glenn Garber, P’12,’15
M/M James Gardner, P’10,’16
M/M Joseph L. Garofalo, P’99
M/M Richard Garrigan, P’07,’11
Mrs. Ledis Gazic, P’94,’99
M/M Robert Geary, P’05
M/M Joseph Gelchion, P’05,’06
Ms. Linda M. Gelson, P’14
M/M Michael Giacone, P’12
M/M Thomas Giblin, P’89,’92,’93
Ms. Mary E. Gibney, P’81
Mrs. Theresa Gifford, P’84,’87
M/M Christopher J. Gill, P’14,’15
Mrs. Barbara Giordano, P’83
Ms. Anna Githens, P’13, ’15
M/M Barry Gnecco, P’88
Dr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Goldrich, P’88
Ms. Dina Brachman & Mr. Neil Goldstein, P’12
Ms. Eileen M. Duggan & Mr. Terry J. Golway, P’14
M/M John Greco, P’04
M/M Joseph R. Guarino, P’86,’89,’92
M/M Armando Gutierrez, P’91,’94
M/M Richard Gutierrez, P’01
Mrs. Patricia Haggerty, P’97
M/M Richard Hahn, P’12
M/M John Halecky, P’85
M/M Edward Hanley, P’03
M/M Andrew W. Hanlon, P’02
M/M Raymond Hannan, P’18
M/M Joseph Hannon, P’05
M/M Victor Harris, P’11
Mrs. Angelica Harrison, P’85
M/M Steven Hayes, P’10
Mrs. Rita M. Healy, P’97,’99,’01
M/M Thomas Heim, P’18
M/M Patrick Henry, P’17
M/M Jonathan H. Hetherington, P’08,’11
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
M/M William C. Hoffman, P’90
M/M Raymond Holowienka, P’11,’14
M/M Thomas J. Holt, P’99,’00
M/M Charles Hood, P’06,’09
M/M Riley Horton, P’17
M/M Genesio Iacocca, P’92
Mrs. Madeline Iazzetta, P’77
M/M Frank W. Ilaria, P’98,’99
M/M Jay Imus, P’12,’16
M/M Carlito Inocencio
Ms. Erin McGarry & Mr. Brendan Intindola, P’17
M/M David M. Iorio, P’98
Mrs. Corinne D. Irvine, P’67,’83
M/M Gerard Jablonski, P’11,’14
M/M Stephen Jasko, P’14
Mrs. Madeline Jiran, P’03
M/M Keith Johnson, P’15
M/M Richard Jones, P’06
M/M Victor Jusino, P’14
Mrs. Patricia F. Kachel, P’89,’94
M/M Joseph Kahle, P’12
M/M Michael T. Kahrer, P’10
M/M Richard J. Kaminski, P’05,’07
Mrs. Kathleen Kane, P’84
M/M Kevin Kearns, P’11
Ms. Helen Keegan, P’18
M/M Robert Keller, Jr., P’07
M/M John F. Kelly, Sr., P’04
M/M George R. Kelly, P’99
Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender, P’96,’02,’09
M/M Bernard F. Kenny, Jr., P’01,’05
Ms. Barbara Keohane, P’88
Dr. Edward M. Killilea, P’98
Ms. Mary D. Kinahan-Ockay, P’07, ’05
M/M Edward Kingsley, P’17
M/M William F. Kiniery, P’99,’02
M/M Eugene Kirkwood, P’16,’18
Ms. Megan Klim & Mr. Richard Hedden, P’16
M/M Brian T. Kloza, P’91,’94,’02
M/M Casimir Kolakowski, P’95,’97,’00
M/M Robert F. Komorowski, P’03
M/M Carl J. Kraus, P’05
Mrs. Ellen M. Kudlacik, P’96
M/M Peter Kusen, P’06
M/M Brian LaBau, P’11
M/M James Lampariello, P’05
M/M David M. Lang, P’01,’04,’07
Mrs. Eleanor R. Langevin, P’80
M/M Richard Lanning, P’10
M/M Gregory A. LaScola, P’01
M/M William J. Lau, P’89
M/M Alan Laverty, P’04
M/M Edward Lawrence, P’08,’11
M/M John Leale, P’07
M/M Robert Leber, P’17
M/M William Lee, P’14
M/M August T. Lembo, P’04
Mrs. Patricia Lempa, P’88
M/M Andrew Leonard, P’14,’15
Ms. Michelle Johnson-Lewis & Mr. Earl Lewis, P’14
M/M James Lewis, P’04
M/M Frank Liggio, P’15,’17,’23
Mrs. Patricia Lillis, P’77,’80†
M/M William P. Lillis, P’10
M/M David Lipyanka, P’10
M/M Timothy LiVolsi, P’06,’08,’11
Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96
M/M Dennis M. Loesch, P’04
M/M Martin T. Loftus, P’06
M/M Cal LoPorto, P’96,’98
Ms. Teresita Lorenzo, P’97
Ms. Linda Gonzalez & Mr. Dominic Lucivero, P’12,’17
M/M Federico Lupo, P’09
M/M Michael C. Lyons, P’02, ’14
Mrs. Geraldine B. Lyons, P’89
M/M Michael Maffei, P’07
Mrs. Donna M. Malloy, P’01,’04
M/M John Manley, P’09,’12,’14
M/M Eugene Manlongat, P’92,’96
Dr. Joan Cangiarella & Dr. Steven Marini, P’18
M/M Richard Marino, P’15
Mrs. Virginia Martin, P’88, ’92
M/M Ralph Mason, P’18
M/M David Mastrodonato, P’16,’18
Ms. Judy de la Rosa & Mr. Marc Matamis, P’18
Mrs. Kathryn B. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
M/M William McBride, P’05
M/M Laurence McCarthy, P’11,’13
Ms. Charlotte McLain Wallace, P’06
Ms. Kelly McClelland, P’17
M/M Kevin McDermott, P’06,’08
Mrs. Vincent S. McGeehan, P’80,’82
M/M Mark McGlynn, P’08
M/M Brian McGorty, P’01
M/M Hugh A. McGuire, Jr., P’87
M/M Michael McGuire, P’17
Ms. Ann McHugh, P’18
M/M John McKivergan, P’14,’15
M/M Kenneth McManus, P’11,’15
M/M Michael E. McNally, P’97
M/M John P. McPartlan, P’98
M/M Brian F. Meehan, P’03,’05
M/M Henry J. Mellody, P’94
M/M Anthony Menafro, P’12,’15
Ms. Marjorie Pierre-Merritt & Mr. Wade Merritt, P’14
M/M Charles Meuse, P’09,’13
M/M Sergio Mezzina, P’99,’02
M/M Roy L. Miller, P’97
M/M Michael Miselis, P’12
M/M Michael Mitchell, P’16
Ms. Patricia Mongini, P’04
M/M Joseph P. Monteleone, P’98,’02
M/M Timothy X. Mooney, P’05
M/M Manuel A. Morais, P’91
Ms. Judith Moran, P’12
M/M John T. Moran, P’99
M/M Thomas Moriarty, P’16
M/M Frank Mottola, P’16
Dr. & Mrs. Gabriel M. Mulcahy, P’79,’81,’82,’84,’85,’87
M/M Edward J. Mullins, P’98
M/M Gregory E. Mulroy, P’00,’02,’06
M/M Galicano C. Munar, P’98
M/M Sean P. Munroe, P’15
M/M Dennis P. Murphy, P’03
M/M Francis Murphy, P’95,’96
M/M Patrick J. Murphy, P’08
M/M Timothy J. Murphy, P’04
M/M Patrick E. Musto, P’95,’99
Mrs. Virginia Myer, P’89,’94
M/M Theodore Nacheff, P’18
Mr. Anthony M. Napierski, P’81
Ms. Maya Kutateladze & Mr. David Natsvlishvili, P’17
M/M Christopher Novak, P’17
M/M John J. O’Brien, P’08
Mrs. Mary A. O’Connor, P’88
M/M John R. O’Donnell, P’04,’16
M/M Donald O’Halloran, P’13
M/M Fidelis Okoh, P’16
M/M Rafael Oro, P’13,’15
Mr. Carlos G. Ortiz, P’05,’07,’12
M/M Rafael Ortiz, P’10
Ms. Anne O’Sullivan, P’92
M/M Gregorio Paciello, P’95
M/M Raul A. Padilla, P’85
Ms. Rosa Pagnillo-Lopez, P’18
M/M Thomas Palumbo, P’92
M/M Panayatis N. Panayotopoulos, P’03
M/M Ralph F. Pantozzi, P’88
M/M Raymond Pardo, P’10,’12
M/M Sameer Parikh, P’18
M/M Manuel R. Pata, P’05
M/M Joseph J. Pavlica, P’02
Mrs. Angela Peko, P’85
M/M Frank Pellegrino, P’17
Mrs. Lydia Perez, P’99
M/M Robert H. Petersen, P’94,’96
M/M John Pflug, Jr., P’06
M/M Louis Picardo, P’15
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00
M/M Thomas Pimpinelli, P’13
M/M Michael Pocelinko, P’05
Mr. Andrew Popovchak, P’79
Mr. Charles M. Poppe, P’90
Ms. Catherine Villa & Mr. Andrew Possick, P’18
M/M Matthew Power, P’08
M/M Robert Prendergast, P’91
Mrs. Ann Presa, P’75,’86
M/M Julius Pulmano, P’14
M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III, P’08,’10,’12
Mrs. John R. Raslowsky, P’79,’82,’86,’87
M/M David Reidy, P’16
M/M John J. Reilly, Jr., P’85,’87
M/M Philip Reynolds, P’09,’11,’13
M/M Anthony T. Rinaldi III, P’12,’16
M/M Peter Ripkey, P’01
M/M Hugh Roarty, P’91,’96,’00
M/M John Rodger, P’02,’04,’08
Ms. Diane Hoey & Mr. Craig Rothenberg, P’12
M/M Thomas Ruane, P’07,’11,’18
Ms. Deborah Ruge, P’18
M/M Vincent A. Russo, P’97
M/M William Ruvo, P’15,’17
Ms. Sherri McLaughlin-Ryan & Mr. Steven Ryan, P’14
Mrs. Carol Saam, P’93
M/M Michael Sabatell, P’15
Mrs. Barbara Salmon, P’91
M/M Manuel Sambade, P’75,’78
M/M Louie Samin, P’11,’18
M/M Michael P. Samra, Sr., P’85
M/M Richard Sanducci, P’18
M/M Robert SanGiacomo, P’07
M/M Richard Santoro, P’91
M/M Michael Santucci, P’99,’01,’03
M/M Robert Sarch, P’03
M/M John A. Sari, P’00
Mrs. Marta Sawczuk, P’86
M/M Arvind Sawh, P’01
M/M Martin W. Schade, P’00,’04
M/M Anthony Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18
M/M Robert M. Schiereck, P’08
M/M Henry Schroeder, P’84,’90
Mr. Walter Lagos & Ms. Ingrid Schultze-Lagos, P’09
M/M Judson Schumacher, P’16
Mr. R. Jeffrey Schundler, P’99
M/M Francis Scott, P’07,’09
Mrs. Cheryl Scott Cashman, P’00
M/M Damiano Servidio, Jr., P’18
M/M Pasquale Settembrino, P’01
M/M Robert J. Shalhoub, P’01,’03,’05,’08
M/M James A. Sharrock, P’98
M/M George Sheppard, P’98
M/M James T. Sherry, P’05
Ms. Sally Shovlin, P’10
Ms. Silena Shuta, P’13
M/M Giacomo V. Silvestri, P’98
M/M Robert J. Simone, P’03
M/M Matthew Siracuse, P’13,’16,’17
M/M David Sirianni, P’13
M/M Raymond J. Skinner, P’91,’95
M/M John J. Skripak, P’93,’98
M/M Robert M. Slaski, P’09,’12,’18
M/M Michael Slootsky, P’94
M/M Raymond Smith, P’06
M/M Gerald Smith, P’18
M/M Dario Spina, P’18
Ms. Kathleen Kowana & Mr. Ronald Sprofera, P’15
Ms. Kisha Walton-St. Vil & Mr. Benoit St. Vil, P’17
M/M Richard Stortz, P’12
Mrs. Elaine Styles, P’05,’09
Mrs. Dorothy M. Sullivan, P’72
Mrs. Deirdre D. Sullivan, P’12,’17
Ms. Carole F. Swanstrom, P’95
M/M Daniel Sweeney, P’01
M/M William J. Sweeney, P’04,’06,’09
Ms. Kathleen Szubiak, P’92
M/M James M. Tanella, P’16
M/M Joseph Territola, P’01,’04
M/M Kenneth A. Teschlog, P’02
M/M Thomas Tether, P’17
Ms. Julia Unferth & Mr. John Thieroff, P’17
M/M Alexander Thomson, P’12
M/M Joseph Tintle, P’06,’11
M/M Louis Tiscornia, P’01
M/M Kevin Tobin, P’18
Ms. Susan Carriero-Tomljanovic & Mr. William Tomljanovic, P’15
M/M Patrick G. Toner, P’13
M/M Richard Toy, P’87
M/M Anthony Traina
Mrs. Patricia Tubridy, P’84
M/M Steven Ulrich, P’12
Ms. Suzanne Urban Ryan, P’08
Mr. Louis S. Usarzewicz, Jr., P’87
Mrs. Giovina Uva, P’77,’83
M/M Vedasto Valencia, P’15
M/M Adolfo R. Vargas, P’93
M/M Anthony Venditti, P’12
M/M Sean Verdi, P’18
M/M Rene F. Vezina, P’99
M/M Warren Vincentz, P’14
Ms. Gail E. Visone, P’97,’01
Mrs. Janice Vizzacchero, P’96,’00
M/M Robert Walsh, P’14,’17
Ms. Eileen McMorrow & Mr. Michael Walsh, P’18,’20
Mr. Fred W. Walters, P’83
M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08
M/M Robert Weeks
M/M Paul Werner, P’11
M/M Richard Allen White, P’08
Ms. Jeannine Redd & Mr. Thomas White, P’14,’18
M/M William M. Whitford, P’04,’07
M/M John F. Williams, P’03,’08
M/M Thomas Wilton, P’93
Mrs. Judith A. Wolfe, P’90
M/M Anthony Yasneski, P’06,’08,’09
Ms. Katherine Albers
M/M Kevin Albers
Mr. John F. Anderson
M/M Carl Angermeyer
M/M Joseph F. Basil, Sr.
M/M Drew Bauman
Mrs. Janet E. Bausch
Mrs. Ann Marie Beaman
Rev. Thomas G. Benz, S.J.
Ms. Shubha Bhat
Mrs. Ann Bodner
Mrs. Alice S. Bolger
Rev. Kenneth Boller, S.J.
Mrs. Marsha Borkowski
M/M John T. Boyle
Ms. Judith E. Brophy
Mrs. Doreen Bulzis
Ms. Joan Burke
Mrs. Nancy J. Burke
Mrs. Suzanne L. Burke
Mrs. Patricia Butler
M/M Jack Campion
Mrs. Helen M. Cascio
Mrs. Sandra J. Cashman
Mr. Steven B. Caslowitz
M/M R. Cianflone
Mrs. Margaret Clark
Mr. Christopher Cocca
Mr. James J. Collins
Mr. Thomas Comey, II
Ms. Abigail R. Concepcion
Ms. Patricia Corcoran-Buonomo
Mr. Joshua Crandall
Ms. Maryann Crowe
Ms. Marie Curry
M/M Thomas Curtin
Ms. Belkise Dallam & Mr. Jose Concepcion
Mrs. Grace R. Davis
Mrs. Margaret Deley
Mr. Joseph DiFeo
Ms. Mary Doolan
Mr. Joseph G. Dorgan
Sister Frances M. Duncan, O.S.F.
Ms. Mary Durante & Mr. Tim O’Donnell
Mrs. Monica Effner
Ms. Agatha Emmer
Mr. George T. Evans
Ms. Colleen Farley
Ms. Tracey Fekete
Mrs. Gloria G. Felder
Miss Emily Fencik
Ms. Alexis Fershing
Ms. Elizabeth M. Finnerty
Mrs. Irene Alane Finnerty
Mr. Peter J. Fischbach & Mrs. Karen Magnus-Fischbach
Ms. Rose Fitzsimmons-Capezza
Mrs. Catherine Ford
Ms. Sandra Garcia
M/M John M. Geraghty
Ms. Claudia Gibson
M/M Eliot Glazer
Mrs. Anita M. Glynn
Mrs. Gloria Grogan
Mr. Damian Halligan
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey Hartling
Mrs. Cynthia C. Haubold
Mr. Dennis J. Hayden
Mr. Joel R. Heller
Mrs. Barbara Hill
Rev. Michael R. Hoag, S.J.
Ms. Florence Holmes
Mr. Joy S. Hurd
Mrs. Lorraine A. Hurley
M/M Hugh C. Irwin
M/M Stephen F. Izzo
Mr. John Jobbagy
Ms. Sarah Johnson
Ms. Marie Kavanagh-Mercun
M/M John J. Kealty, Jr.
Mrs. Edward T. Keane
Ms. Jeanne Kelly
M/M Robert Kelly
Mrs. Isabella Keshishian
Mrs. Bernadette Kline
Mr. Raymond Kowalski
M/M Joseph LaBruno
Mrs. Kate Lillis-Magnus & Mr. Stephen Magnus
Mrs. Janice Lombardi
Mrs. Marybeth Lyons
M/M Louis D. Magnan
Ms. Anne M. Magnus
Mr. Nader Mahmoudi
Ms. Bernadette M. Powis & Mr. William M. Mancini
Mrs. Beverly S. Maresca
Ms. Gertrude Marley
Mrs. Janice A. Martineau
Mrs. Carol L. Martowlis
M/M James P. May
Ms. Diane McCabe
Mrs. Suzanne McDermott
M/M Robert McEntee
Rev. Michael C. McFarland, S.J.
Ms. Genie McGowan
Mrs. Dana McGrath
Mrs. Irene McMahon
Ms. Suzanne McMahon
Mr. Michael McNamara
Mr. John C. Meditz
M/M David F. Mertz
Mrs. Patricia A. Metzger
M/M Joseph Miceli
Mr. William B. Mitchell
Mrs. Jean M. Molloy
Mr. Mark Mongelluzzo
Mrs. Donald P. Moriarty
Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty
Ms. Jennifer Mulcahy
Mr. James Mulligan
Ms. Revathi Narasimhan
Mrs. Nora Nasif
Mrs. Margaret M. Natelli
Ms. Jessica Norton
M/M Joseph O’Connor
Mr. John P. O’Donnell
Ms. Kaila M. O’Donnell
M/M Erwin J. O’Grady
M/M Jeffrey O’Hara
Mrs. Carolyn M. Olsen
Mr. Sean O’Malley
Mrs. Judith A. Paquin
Ms. Rosa Pardilla
Mrs. Mary Alyce Pardo
Mr. Kevin R. Parks
Mrs. Tania Payamps
Ms. Renita Persaud
Mrs. Janet A. Pochis
Mrs. Mary P. Poggi
Dr. Eileen L. Poiani
Mr. Thomas J. Powers
Ms. Sharon A. Quinn
M/M Frank Raczynski
Mrs. Nora Rahaim
Ms. Dolores Raimondo
Ms. Maria M. Reyfman
Mrs. Maria Reynolds
Mrs. Carolyn W. Rooney
M/M Gerard Rooney
M/M James Rowen
Mr. Louis A. Ruberton, Jr.
Ms. Christine A. Ryan
Ms. Dalma L. Santana
Ms. Maureen T. Savage
M/M Steve Schlitzer
Mrs. Mary Sciarrillo
Dr. & Mrs. Dominic Scibilia
Mrs. Mary F. Sheridan
Ms. Gwen Shook
M/M James E. Smith
Mr. Louis I. Squitieri
Ms. Erin K. Stark
Mr. Vincent Sullivan
Mrs. Doreen J. Thomas
Mrs. Maura Toomb-Estevez
Ms. Nicole Trivigno
Mrs. Ruthanne Wagner
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
Mrs. Ethel L. Ward
Mr. Peter Welch
M/M Thomas Whelan, H’08†
Ms. Frances Wolansky
Ms. Brenda Wolther
M/M Robert Zawistowski
Ms. Elizabeth Zipf
We make every effort to ensure the proper listing of donors in the President’s Report. However, in reports of this size and scope, mistakes sometimes occur. If your name has been omitted or improperly listed, please accept our apologies, and email any corrections to
This report acknowledges gifts received from July 1, 2018, to June 30, 2019.
The following donors made gifts in honor or in memory of a Prep alumnus, parent or friend.
In honor of Jeffrey J. Angermeyer, ’97
M/M John A. Angermeyer, P’97
In honor of Julian Ayala ’21
Mr. Luis O. Ayala, ’91, P’21
In honor of Rev. Anthony Azzarto, S.J.
M/M Drew Bauman
M/M James J. Boland, P’93
Mrs. Karen Brodbeck, P’89
M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10
Mrs. Rosemary Couillou, P’01,’03
Dr. J. Ernani S. Domingo, ’87
M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ’65, P’07
Dr. Joseph Grillo, ’67
M/M Eugene J. Keohane, ’88, P’18
M/M Thomas S. Liccardo, ’80
M/M Anthony F. Lipnicki, ’68
M/M Richard Marino, P’15
M/M William McBride, P’05
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
Mrs. Joie Piderit Morrison & Mr. Christopher Morrison, P’20,’22
M/M Erwin J. O’Grady
Mrs. Carol Saam, P’93
Saint Anne Church
M/M Donald W. Schroeder, ’87
M/M Joseph Tintle, P’06,’11
In honor of Geoffrey Sean Bald
M/M James F. Bald, Jr., ’60
In honor of Connor Bankuti, ’22
Mrs. Alice A. Shanahan
In honor of Dr. Thomas F. Bejgowicz, ’55
Ms. Ann Beth Stebbins
In honor of Mark P. Bender, ’71
Mr. Mark P. Bender, ’71
Ropes & Gray, LLP
In honor of Marion & Frank Bergamo
Mr. Patrick A. Bergamo, ’69
In honor of Dejohn B. Berry, ’21
Ms. Aretha Hughes-Berry & Mr. Deavaul Berry, P’11
In honor of Rev. Kenneth J. Boller, S.J.
Drs. Tricia & Renier Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22
Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96
Mr. Mark Mongelluzzo
M/M John R. Raslowsky, II, ’79
Mr. Anthony R. Tartaglia, ’60
In honor of Edward J. Barrone, ’57
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
The Hon. & Mrs. Robert C. Pollock, Jr., ’57
In honor of Rod Brennan
Ms. Lucy McMichael & Mr. Donald J. Brennan, ’60
In honor of Edmund M. Broderick, ’20
M/M David Broderick, ’89, P’20
In honor of Rev. George G. Butler
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
In honor of Alden B. Calilap, ’94
Ms. Abigail R. Concepcion
In honor of Rev. Matthew Cassidy, S.J.
Mr. Timothy Rosa
In honor of Anthony A. Chrysikos, ’21
M/M Tony Chrysikos, P’21
In honor of Frank R. Ciesla, 59
M/M Frank R. Ciesla, ’59
Giordano, Halleran & Ciesla, P.C.
In honor of The Class of 1983
M/M Angelo R. Giacchi, ’83
In honor of Keith Cummings, ’10
Ms. Florence Holmes
In honor of James C. DeAngelo, ’85
Mr. John Jobbagy
In honor of Gerald J. Degnan, ’48
Ms. Patricia Lynch
In honor of Carl S. DeLorenzo, ’67
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
In honor of Joseph R. Doren, Jr., ’76
Ms. Jeanne Kelly
In honor of John P. Doyle, ’09
M/M John Doyle, P’09,’12,’15
In honor of Sister Frances M. Duncan, O.S.F.
Ms. Kristen Halus
In honor of Ryan Finn
Ms. Mary Louise Ellis
In honor of George A. Fleck, ’68
M/M John T. Boyle
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. James Garito
Ms. Nancy Lecyn-Kirby & Mr. Theodore J. Kirby, ’67
In honor of Giulio Giovine
Mr. Domenico Giovine, ’08
In honor of David I. Goldrich, ’88
Dr. & Mrs. Erwin H. Goldrich, P’88
In honor of Dr. Michael A. Gomez, ’91
Mr. Nicholas R. Hamilton, ’02
In honor of Richard Hansen, ’03
M/M Richard Hansen, P’03,’09
The Mercier Club
In honor of Ryan Hartnett, ’18
M/M Drew Bauman
In honor of James C. Horan, ’70
Ms. Sherri McLaughlin-Ryan & Mr. Steven Ryan, P’14
In honor of Robert P. Howard, ’41
Dr. Albert W. Romano, ’67, P’98
In honor of John T. Irvine, ’83, P’11
Ms. Sherri McLaughlin-Ryan & Mr. Steven Ryan, P’14
In honor of the Jesuits of Saint Peter’s
Dr. & Mrs. John F. Erath, ’52
Mr. John P. O’Donnell
In honor of John K. Kalehua
Mr. Daniel Scagliarini, P’17
In honor of Sean G. MacLaney, ’19
Mr. Osvaldo F. Lleonart, ’87
In honor of Rev. Earle L. Markey, S.J., ’49
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
In honor of Edward R. Martin, Sr., ’61
M/M Edward R. Martin, P ’88
In honor of Joaquin G. Matamis, ’18
Ms. Judy de la Rosa & Mr. Marc Matamis, P’18
In honor of Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ’76, P’11
Mr. Daniel Cohen
Mr. Patrick J. Disanto
Mr. Ralph P. Dodd
Mr. T.J. Dermot Dunphy
EvensonBest LLC
Robert Hertling
Hudson County Chamber of Commerce Mountain Development Corporation
Dana Nalbantian Silverman Building LLC
In honor of Mr. & Mrs. William J. McGovern, ’41
Dr. & Mrs.Timothy J. McGovern, ’84
M/M William J. McGovern, III, ’70
In honor of Alessandro Memmolo, ’19
Ms. Aymee Torres-Orgueira & Mr. Rolando Orgueira, P’19
In honor of Michael Murcia, ’08
Mr. James Shalhoub, ’08
M/M Vincent Grillo, ’58
In honor of William J. Meyer, ’89
M/M Edward Myer
In honor of Josephine A. Naughton
M/M John J. Prout
In honor of Rev. Thomas O’Connor, S.J.
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
In honor of Frances O’Donnell’s 90th Birthday
Ms. Lisa Gallipoli
In honor of Linda & Martin O’Flanagan, P’20 City Connections Realty, Inc.
In honor of Dr. Ralph S. Pantozzi, ’88
M/M Ralph F. Pantozzi, P’88
In honor of Louis J. Parisi, ’44
Ms. Linda L. Gordon
In honor of Daniel Payamps
Mrs. Tania Payamps
In honor of Mary Peragine
Mr. David R. Murphy-Colonna, ’05
In honor of Gino Percontino
Mr. Luigi R. Percontino, ’98
In honor of John Pettit, ’19
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
In honor of Sebastian R.Pierre, ’22
Mr. Kirk Goodrich
In honor of Robert Pollock, ’57
M/M Edward Miller
In honor of Augustine “Gus” Pushparaj
Ms. Vanitha Pushparaj & Mr. Michael Brandon, P’18,’21
In honor of Rev. Robert E. Reiser, S.J. The USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus
In honor of Rev. Joseph Riordan, S.J.
Mr. John T. Riordan, ’59
In honor of James F. Ryan, Jr., ’66
Mr. Peter D. Pizzuto, ’66
In honor of Evan Sanders, ’19
Ms. Deirdre Poe-Sanders & Mr. Fred Sanders, P’19
In honor of Louis Scarpa
M/M James Serpico, ’79, P’15
In honor of J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
M/M Louis D. Magnan
In honor of Helene & Walter Schneider, P’86,’88
Mr. Walter H. Schneider, Jr., ’88
In honor of Martin Shanahan
M/M Peter Bankuti, P’22
In honor of Conor Sharp, ’15
Ms. Noel Cotter, P’15
Mr. Donald Sharp, P’15
In honor of Gary M. Siems, ’76 (60th Birthday)
M/M Robert J. Colacurcio, ’73
Mr. Brian J. Loftus
In honor of Owen J. Sirianni, ’13
M/M David Sirianni, P’13
In honor of the Society of Jesus
Mr. Thomas J. Sullivan, ’53, P’93
In honor of Erin Stark
Mr. Joy S. Hurd
In honor of John M. Stemkowski, ’15
Mr. Flynn P. Munroe, ’15
M/M Sean P. Munroe, P’15
In honor of Richard E. Torres, Jr., ’19
M/M Richard Torres, P’19, ’21
In honor of Michael Trueheart
Ms. Jeanne Kelly
In honor of Rev. Michael E. Tunney, S.J. Xavier High School
In honor of Brian T. Wilton, ’93
M/M Thomas Wilton, P’93
In honor of Denis Woods
Ms. Susan Palmer & Mr. Richard F. Westphal, ’63
In memory of Joseph Amatrucola, P’94
Mrs. Miriam Amatrucola, P’94
In memory of Ann Ambrosio, P’81
Mr. Thomas Ambrosio, ’81
In memory of Reverend Anthony S. Aracich, S.J.
M/M Michael W. Cardino, ’92
In memory of Peter J. Awn
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
In memory of Claire Baker, P’61,’71
M/M Frank J. Barletta, P’92
M/M Daniel J. Urbanovich, ’06
In memory of Ernest J. Baker, Jr., ’38, P’67, ’71
M/M Ernest J. Baker, ’67
M/M Frank J. Barletta, P’92
M/M Rick A. Briamonte, ’99
M/M Daniel J. Urbanovich, ’06
In memory of Rev. Raymond J. Balduf, S.J.
Ms. Bernadette M. Powis & Mr. William M. Mancini
In memory of Martha Bann, P’83 Fields Development Group
In memory of Richard C. Barry, ’63
Mr. Christopher R. Barry, ’77
In memory of Richard S. Barry, P’56,’61
M/M Stephen T. Barry, ’56
In memory of John J. Beaman, ’41
Mrs. Ann Marie Beaman
In memory of Frank A. Begans, P’75
Mr. James F. Begans, ’75
In memory of Justin Bellini, ’08
Mr. Anthony Pane, ’08
In memory of John Benson
Prof. Dennis J. McAuliffe, ’59
In memory of Michael A Berkowitz, ’61
Mrs. Mary Ellen Berkowitz
Mr. Erich B. Sekel, ’98
In memory of Mary Ann Bernero, P’00
Mr. Joseph J. Bernero, P’00
In memory of Michael F. Bodner, ’58
Mrs. Ann Bodner
In memory of Dr. Edward M. Bolger, ’55
Mrs. Alice S. Bolger
In memory of Frank S. Borkowski, ’58
Mrs. Marsha Borkowski
In memory of Philip M. Bosco, ’48
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Richard Bradley
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Thomas J Broderick, Sr.
Mr. Robert P. Broderick, ’69
In memory of Arthur J. Brown, ’57
Ms. Elizabeth Marino, P’92
Mr. Robert N. Marino, ’57, P’92
In memory of Rev. John E. Browning, S.J., ’46
Ms. Margaret Williams-Bendtsen, P’83
M/M George E. Flimlin, Jr., ’70
Ms. Shawna V. Hudson & Mr. Ralph S. Pantozzi, ’88
In memory of Michael Brunda, P’04
Ms. Patricia Mongini, P’04
In memory of Donald Brynes
M/M Kevin T. Ahern, P’15
Mrs. Frances O’Donnell
In memory of Francis A. Bulzis, ’66
Mrs. Doreen Bulzis
In memory of James J. Burke, ’67
Mr. Joseph J. Bernero, P’00
Mrs. Nancy J. Burke
In memory of Dr. John F. Burke, ’41
Mr. Robert D. Burke, ’53
In memory of Thomas F. Burke, ’52
Mrs. Suzanne L. Burke
In memory of James D. Butler, ’50
Mrs. Patricia Butler
M/M Danijel Farkas, P’22
In memory of Dr. Vincent P. Butler, Jr., ’45
Ms. Judith E. Brophy
Mrs. Patricia Butler
M/M Harry J. Kegelman, Jr., ’69
Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty
In memory of Jan Butrym, ’01
Mr. Edgar A. Cabrera, ’01
Ms. Marie Curry
M/M Carl S. DeLorenzo, ’67
M/M Frederick Galano, P’22
Ms. Mara Galeano, P’16
M/M Robert Grimaldi, P’19, ’22
Ms. Colleen Quinn-Steineke & Dr. Thomas Steineke, P’21
Mr. Marek K. Wlodarski, ’18
In memory of Frank & Concetta Calandriello, P’72
M/M John Calandriello, ’72
In memory of Elena & Albert Cannarozzi, P’57
Dr. Nicholas A. Cannarozzi, ’57
In memory of Louis Capezza
Ms. Rose Fitzsimmons-Capezza
In memory of Karen Ann Caputo
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Joseph Casazza P’95,’97
Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
In memory of Joseph A. Cascio, ’71
M/M Rick A. Briamonte, ’99
Mrs. Helen M. Cascio
In memory of Thomas M. Cashman, ’54
Mrs. Sandra J. Cashman
In memory of Ellie & Victor Castro, Sr.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
In memory of Louis E. Cella, ’50
M/M William Ard
Mrs. Patricia Butler
CoreMedia Systems, Inc.
Mr. Donald M. Finn, ’50
Mr. Donald F. Hagan, ’50
M/M Thomas F. Kelaher, ’50
M/M Garrett F. Kennedy
M/M George R. Krone, ’50 MGIS
M/M John P. Murtha, ’50
Ms. Joann L. Nehr
Rev. Msgr. Walter E. Nolan, ’50
Mrs. Amy Rapuano
M/M Louis L. Rizzi, ’50
M/M James F. Ryan, Jr.,’66, P’04
Mr. Gregory D. Scheuermann, ’50
M/M Louis A. Sonz, ’50
M/M Kenneth von Schaumburg, ’50, P’86
M/M Ralph A. Walter, ’50
Witherspoon Media Group
In memory of Alexander J. Ciesmelewski, ’75
Ms. Joan Ciesmelewski
In memory of Col. John J. Clune, USAF, ’50 Cmdr. & Mrs. Edward M. Clune, ’54
In memory of Anita Co
Mrs. Simonet Tan-Uy & Mr. Arturo J. Uy, P’20
In memory of Michael F. Cocca, ’56
Mr. Christopher Cocca
In memory of Victor Collins, ’55
Mrs. Kay Collins
In memory of Andrew Colucci, ’08
Ms. Elizabeth Zipf
In memory of Flora M. Comizzoli
Dr. Robert B. Comizzoli, ’58
In memory of John H. Connolly, ’51
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Robert Connolly, ’55
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
In memory of Edward J. Conway, ’52
M/M Paul T. Conway, ’56
In memory of Daniel C. Cooney, ’15
Mr. Joseph K. Cooney, ’68
Ms. Patricia VanTassel-Cromie
In memory of Thomas J. Corbett, ’28
Mr. Denis J. Corbett, ’60
In memory of Vincent G. Corcoran, ’37
Ms. Patricia Corcoran-Buonomo & Mr. Albert W. Buonomo
Ms. Patricia Corcoran-Buonomo
In memory of Dr. Walter E. Corrigan, ’40
Mrs. Antoinette C. Corrigan
In memory of Edward J. Coughlin
Ms. Boreta Singleton
In memory of Rev. Robert G. Cregan, ’S.J., ’52
Fr. Thomas G. Benz, S.J.
In memory of Daniel A. Crifo, ’65
Mrs. Patricia M. Crifo
In memory of John J. Critelli, ’46
Mr. Robert Critelli, ’55
In memory of James B. Cronin
Ms. Eileen A. Cronin
In memory of John R. Crowe, ’62
M/M James Johnson
In memory of Cumberlidge
M/M Monty Hagan, P’20
In memory of William E. Cummings, P’67
Mr. William D. Cummings, ’67
In memory of John M. Cuniberti, ’49
Mr. Thomas R. Keating, ’55
In memory of Dr. James G. Cunningham, ’31
M/M Frank Vardy
In memory of Anne & Alfred D’Amico, P’84
M/M Alfred J. D’Amico, ’84
In memory of William G. Davis, ’53
Mrs. Grace R. Davis
In memory of Vincenzo DePinto
Ms. Agatha Emmer
In memory of Deceased Members of the Class of 1959
M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ’59
In memory of Deceased Members of the Class of ’72
In memory of John J. Deisler, ’60
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
In memory of John P. Deley, ’51
Mrs. Margaret Deley
In memory of Peggy Dennehy-Coyle
Mr. James G. Coyle, ’54
In memory of Anna DePinto
Ms. Agatha Emmer
In memory of Myron Diduryk, ’56
Maj. & Mrs. Stephen K. Trynosky, ’94
In memory of Julia DiFeo, P’63,’66
M/M Samuel X. DiFeo, ’66
In memory of Sam C. Difeo, ’32, P’63, ’66
M/M Samuel X. DiFeo, ’66
In memory of Ralph J. Diverio, ’46
Mrs. Eileen F. Diverio, P’71,’73,’75
In memory of Rev. Charles F. X. Dolan, S.J., ’32
Mrs. Gloria Grogan
In memory of Rev. Edward Dolan, S.J.
Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ’81, P’12,’16
In memory of Rev. James F. Dolan, S.J., ’38
Mrs. Gloria Grogan
In memory of John Dondero, ’60
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
In memory of Rev. Joseph A. Dorgan, S.J., ’43
In memory of William J. Dorgan, ’46
Mr. Joseph G. Dorgan
M/M John Christel
M/M John L. Donnelly, ’54
Mr. Joseph G. Dorgan
In memory of Cecelia & Charles Doyle, ’30, P’69
Mr. Charles P. Doyle, ’69
In memory of Richard J. Doyle, ’60
M/M James E. Bambrick, ’60
In memory of George A. Dreher, ’43
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
In memory of Helen & Bill Drexler
Mr. William F. Kiniery, ’99
In memory of Richard Drozd, ’67
Mrs. Corinne D. Irvine, P’67,’83
M/M John T. Irvine, ’83, P’11
In memory of Mary & Joseph Duncan
Sister Frances M. Duncan, O.S.F.
In memory of Marilyn Dunn
Mr. Michael J. Dunn, ’50
In memory of Kenneth J. Dwyer, ’31
M/M Thomas K. Dwyer, ’67
In memory of George Edwards, P’82,’90
M/M Dennis A. Edwards, ’82
In memory of Joshua R. Esformes, ’05
Lt. & Lt. Philip F. M. Rodino, ’05
In memory of Christopher Esposito, ’88
M/M John Adornato
In memory of John L. Faherty, Jr., ’44
Mr. Alan Vail
In memory of Nolan Fallahay
M/M Dennis M. Loesch, P’04
In memory of Norma F. Fay
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Daniel M. Finn, ’99
M/M Rick A. Briamonte, ’99
M/M Joseph R. Garofalo, ’99
In memory of Jack Finn, ’52, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94
M/M James T. Finn, ’85
In memory of Mary C. Finn, P’81,’82,’85,’87,’94
M/M James T. Finn, ’85
In memory of James J Finnerty, Jr., ’53
M/M Andrew J. Cevasco, P’00,’07,’10
In memory of Robert J. Finnerty, ’56
Mrs. Irene Alane Finnerty
In memory of Gerald J. Fitzgerald, ’47
M/M Alan Bilsky
Mrs. Monica Effner
M/M William Hunt
Ms. Linda Machado
M/M Kenneth Parkinson
M/M Frank Patti
Mrs. Andrea J. Payne
M/M Christopher Walsh
In memory of Agnes M. Flinn
M/M John D. Flinn, ’49
In memory of Gertrude & Frank Frey
Ms. Luisa Frey, P’19
In memory of Dr. Carl P. & Irene Fuardo, P’73,’78
M/M Carl P. Fuardo, ’73
In memory of Charles E. Gallagher, ’36
M/M Charles A. Gallagher, ’63
In memory of James Gallo, ’70
M/M Gaetano T. Gregory, ’70
In memory of Anthony S. Gargiulo, ’46, P’77
M/M Peter J. Gargiulo, ’77
In memory of James & Dorothy Garito
M/M Michael J. Garito, ’68
In memory of Zachary Gaulkin
Dr. Thomas N. Tavarone, ’83
In memory of John F. Gelson, ’49
Mr. Conor H. Gelson, ’14
M/M Richard J. Gelson, ’56
In memory of George the Chesterfeld King
M/M Michael P. Gurney, ’67
In memory of Annie Giambalvo, P’80
M/M Michael J. Giambalvo, ’80, P’13
In memory of BJ Giannone, ’11
Mr. Matthew R. LaBau, ’11
Mr. David Lizza, ’11
Mr. Timothy J. Manning, ’11
In memory of John A. Gibney, Sr., ’52, P’81
Ms. Mary E. Gibney, P’81
In memory of Brendan M. Glennon,’74
Mr. Kevin M. Glennon, ’72
M/M Michael Glennon, ’79
In memory of Edmund P. Gloriande, ’64
Mr. Robert J. Diesner, ’64
In memory of John J. Glynn, ’51
Mrs. Anita M. Glynn
In memory of Mark T. Gnecco ’88
M/M Barry Gnecco, P’88
Mr. Walter H. Schneider, Jr., ’88
In memory of Catherine Golden
Ms. Bernadette M. Powis & Mr. William M. Mancini
In memory of Agustin Gonzalez, ’01
M/M Marc J. Amadeo, ’03
M/M Drew Bauman
Mr. Edgar A. Cabrera, ’01
Capt. Audley B. Campbell, ’01
M/M Michael W. Cardino, ’92
Mr. David M. Lang, Jr., ’01
Mr. Ronald S. Samia, ’01
In memory of Frank W. & Mary A. Grather
M/M Francis G. Grather, ’54
In memory of George Greeley, P’90,’91
Mr. Matthew Greeley, ’90
In memory of Br. Joe Griffin, S.J.
Mr. James J. Collins
Mr. Barry Dugan, P’82,’84
In memory of Johanna Griffin
M/M Patrick Griffin, ’83
In memory of Joseph T. Gualario
Mr. Joseph Bross
Mrs. Diane M. Casazza, P’95,’97
M/M Anthony Gualario
Mrs. Grace Gualario
M/M Vito Gualario
Mrs. Janice A. Martineau
M/M William P. Lillis, P’10
Mr. Basil J. Romeo
Mr. James Vandervort Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
M/M Gary Yuro
In memory of Diego H. Gutierrez
Mr. James S. Gutierrez, ’94
In memory of Dolores Hagan
Mr. Donald F. Hagan, ’50
In memory of Daniel R. Haggerty, ’97
Mrs. Patricia Haggerty, P’97†
In memory of Hamill Family
M/M Edward K. Hamill, ’74
In memory of Gloria M. Hamill, P’69,’71,’73,’74,’79
Mr. Laird A. Bates
M/M Drew Bauman
Ms. Kathryn Boucher
M/M Matthew Burns, P’94
J. Robert Ciminera Family
Ms. Kerry Della Santi
M/M Edward K. Hamill, ’74
M/M William Koczan
Ms. Carol A. Leone
Ms. Karen Leschak
M/M Steven Livell
M/M Stephen Long
Mr. Arthur H. McGuire
Ms. Barbara Anne O’Neil
Ms. Lois Padawer & Mr. Oscar Jaeger
Raymond Glass Co., Inc.
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
Ms. Eileen Smith
In memory of Valerie Alijan Hammer
Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ’68
In memory of John R. Hanlon, ’43
Mr. James Hanlon
In memory of Frank Hansen, ’74
Rev. Damian Hansen, ’64
In memory of Allan S. Harrison, P’85
Mrs. Angelica Harrison, P’85
In memory of Bernard M. Hartnett, Sr. ’18, P’47
Mr. Bernard M. Hartnett, Jr., ’47, P’78
Eleanor K. Hartnett
In memory of Mortimer J. Harvey, ’53
Mr. Timothy F. Harvey, ’53
In memory of Frederick G. Haubold, ’51
Mrs. Cynthia C. Haubold
In memory of George F. Heller, ’48
Mr. Joel R. Heller
In memory of Rev. Peter Hess, S.J.
Dr. Anthony T. Annunziato, ’68
M/M Robert W. Barkovitz, ’69
In memory of John J. Hill, ’32
Mr. Robert M. Hill, ’64
In memory of John J. Hill, Jr., ’61
Mrs. Barbara Hill
Mr. Robert M. Hill, ’64
In memory of Jeffrey P. Hoens, ’17
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
Ms. Kelly McClelland, P’17
Ms. Joseph B. Millroy, ’17
Ms. Revathi Narasimhan
In memory of Thomas J. Hogan, ’57
Mr. John J. Fay, ’56
In memory of Cenona Holgado
Dr. & Mrs. Ronaldo Holgado, ’77
In memory of Frank Holt
Ms. Maureen McKenna-Holt & Mr. Gary Holt, ’74, P’07
In memory of Annette Horan, P’68,’70
M/M William R. Horan, ’70
In memory of Gertrude & James D. Horan, P’70
M/M James C. Horan, ’70
In memory of Irving Houser
Ms. Cherylyn Harley & Mr. Kenneth L. LeBon, Jr., Esq., ’83
In memory of James E. Hurley, P’44
Mr. James E. Hurley, ’44
In memory of Michael D. Hurley, ’56
Mrs. Lorraine A. Hurley
In memory of John “Jay” Imhoff, ’56
Mrs. Beatrice Imhoff
In memory of Peter J. Imus, ’12
Ms. Linda Bilella
M/M Borett Borelli
Ms. Jennifer A. Bristol
Ms. Nancy J. Bristol
Mr. William A. Brown, ’11
Ms. Amy Faris & Mr. Daniel Bruk
Ms. Lucy Campanella
Ms. Lisa Chernick
M/M Peter Conlin, P’15,’19
Ms. Lynda Dexheimer
Ms. Patrice Alycia Donohue
M/M John Duffy
Elysian Charter School Staff
Ms. Shannon Engler
Ms. Dawn Raffel & Mr. Michael Evers
Mr. Raymond Gabriel
M/M Steve Gabriel
M/M. Frank Gambuzza
Ms. Maria Gambuzza & Mr. Robert Gasgard
M/M Norbert Gambuzza
M/M Angelo R. Giacchi, ’83
Mrs. Theresa Giudice-Brady
Mr. Timothy Gordon
Ms. Wendy Graham
In memory of Peter J. Imus, ’12 (continued)
M/M Gordon Haas, P’18,’19
Ms. Jean Halloran
Mr. Tyler Hanson, ’12
Ms. Amanda Heath
Hidden Valley Camps Inc.
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
M/M Jay Imus, P’12,’16
Ms. Debbie Jacobus
Mr. R Jesmajian
Mr. Dean Karrel
Ms. Carol Keating
M/M John Kelly
Ms. Adrianne Kolebuck
Mr. Daniel Koonmen
Ms. Melissa Landera, P’22
M/M Todd Leong
Mr. Michael G. Lunny
Ms. Carolyn Lyons
M/M Richard Marino, P’15
M/M Robert D. Markoff
M/M Jeffrey Marshall
Ms. Laurie Matthews
Ms. Alison Mazer
Ms. Mary Ann McGovern
Ms. Ashley Melando
Ms. Laura Miani
Morris County School of Glass
M/M Joe Murphy
Mr. Brian Napack
Ms. Kim Nelson
Ms. Monika Nemeth
Dr. Virginia O’Brien
Ms. Dawn Peters
PGA Tour, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Pino
Ms. Hillary Quist & Mr. Kevin Quist, P’21
Mr. Ralph Rossini
Mr. Jeffrey Rucker
M/M Eric Schnabolk
Ms. Aileen Shinaman
M/M Christopher Smith
Ms. Jenny Strang
Ms. Susan Carriero-Tomljanovic & Mr. William Tomljanovic, P’15
Ms. Lenore Vanden Handel
Ms. Gladys Villanueva
Ms. Theresa Virgona
M/M John Ward
Mr. Charles A. Weening, ’12
Ms. Joan Weinman
Ms. Kimberly Weisz
Mr. Graeme Whitley
John Wiley & Sons Inc., CMGA
In memory of William R. Kology
M/M John E. Savage, ’57
In memory of Robert J. Kopcak
Mrs. Frances Surdi-Kopcak
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Marketing Department
Ms. Suzanna Zeitler
M/M Bill Zide
In memory of Dr. Robert C. Irwin, M.D., ’35
M/M Hugh C. Irwin
In memory of Joseph J. Jiran, Jr., P’03
Mrs. Madeline Jiran, P’03
M/M Michael J. Jiran, ’03
In memory of James T. Johnson, ’56
In memory of Barbara Juelke
M/M William R. Kretzer, ’58
In memory of Jeffrey Kachel, ’89
Mrs. Patricia F. Kachel, P’89,’94
M/M Frank Raczynski
In memory of Michael J. Kane, P’84
Mrs. Kathleen Kane, P’84
In memory of Rev. Joseph Kavanaugh, S.J.
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
In memory of Edward T. Keane, ’53
Mrs. Edward T. Keane
In memory of Dorothy M. & Joseph M. Keegan, ’40
Ms. Patricia Keegan- Abels
In memory of Joseph A. Kelleher, ’32
Mrs. Monica Effner
In memory of Rosetta & James Kelly
M/M James P. Kelly, Jr., ’60
In memory of Richard Kelly
Ms. Margaret Kelly
Mr. Glenn Kessler
In memory of William J. Kemple, ’55
Ms. Barbara Hanselmann
Ms. Randi Hanvey
John F. Cryan Association
Ms. Margaret P. McDermott
In memory of Rev. Gregory G. Kiehne, S.J.
Mr. John Coyle
In memory of Eugene Klim
Ms. Megan Klim & Mr. Richard Hedden, P’16
In memory of Daria & Stephan Krawczeniuk, P’79
Mr. Adrian Krawczeniuk, ’79
In memory of Theresa Lee
Mr. Donald R. Lee, ’54
In memory of Paul R. Lempa, ’63, P’88
Mrs. Patricia Lempa, P’88
In memory of Patricia A. Lillis, P’77,’80
M/M Oliver J. Armas, ’82
Mrs. Margaret DeMarco, P’77,’79,’82,’85
Mr. William Denitzio
M/M Richard Elliott, P’20
Mrs. Karen Magnus-Fischbach & Mr. Peter J. Fischbach
M/M Thomas J. Holt, P’99,’00
M/M David M. Iorio, P’98
M/M Isabella Keshishian
M/M Francis E. McGurk, Jr., ’61, P’96
M/M William P. Lillis, P’10
Ms. Johanna Galasso & Mr. Joseph Repka, ’62
Ms. Christine Rodriguez
M/M Donald Rodriguez
M/M John E. Savage, ’57
M/M Anthony Schiavo, P’13,’14,’18
Ms. Anne M. Magnus
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
In memory of Eugene Lippi
Mrs. Dawn Dinardo-Lippi & Mr. Jon Lippi
In memory of Robert A. Lombardi, ’57
Mrs. Janice Lombardi
M/M Ferdinand S. Pieroni, ’57
In memory of Aurelio Lugo
Ms. Gina Lugo, P’21
In memory of Kenneth W. Maddox, P’94,’96
Mrs. Janet M. Maddox, P’94,’96
In memory of Anthony & Rose Magliano, LM
M/M Gerald R. Magliano, ’58
In memory of Nora F. Maher
Mr. Joseph G. Dunn, ’66
In memory of Jeff Mahon
M/M Robert T. Mahon, ’53
In memory of John W. Mahoney, Jr., P’02
M/M Drew Bauman
In memory of Rev. Walter Malone
M/M Nicholas Ionta, P’20
In memory of Helen O. Maloney, P’75,’79,’81
M/M Kenneth T. Maloney, ’79
In memory of Lucas R. Maloney, ’08
Mr. Paul M. Desisto
Mr. Saul Eisenberg
Ms. Jennifer Esser
Mr. Michael Green
Mrs. Norma Green
J D O Properties, LLC
Ms. Laurie Jesolosky
Mr. Howard B. Katz
M/M Gordon Kerner
M & R Capital Management, Inc.
Mr. George Merrill
Ms. Heidi Strauss
In memory of Patrick J. Maloney, P’75,’79,’81
M/M Kenneth T. Maloney, ’79
In memory of William P. Maresca, ’50
Mrs. Beverly S. Maresca
In memory of Charles P. Martowlis, ’64
Mrs. Carol L. Martowlis
In memory of Daniel J. Massarelli, ’49, P’77, ’80
Dr. & Mrs. Daniel R. Massarelli, Jr., ’77
In memory of Elvira & Harry Matti
M/M Philippe Matti, P’15, ’21
In memory of Dominic A. Mauriello, P’71,’75,’79
Mr. Thomas D. Mauriello, ’79
In memory of Kevin J. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
Mrs. Kathryn B. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
Mr. Kevin J. McAuliffe
In memory of William J. McCarren, ’60
Most Rev. John W. Flesey, ’60
In memory of Rev. William C. McCusker, S.J., ’38
M/M George I. McCusker, ’45
In memory of Hugh McDonald, ’69
M/M James J. Doolan, Jr., ’69, P’06
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gleason, ’69
Mr. Robert J. Grillo, ’72
Mr. Thomas A. Grillo, ’69
Mr. Raymond Kowalski
M/M Scott McGinn
Mr. James Mulligan
Ms. Kaila M. O’Donnell
Mrs. Carolyn M. Olsen
Mr. Matthew N. Townsend
In memory of Vincent McGeehan, P’80,’82
Mr. Patrick McGeehan, ’82
In memory of John McGovern, ’80
M/M Thomas Wyville, ’80
In memory of Mary & John McGovern, P’75
M/M Thomas A. McGovern, ’75, P’13,’15
In memory of Virginia McGovern, P’76, ’80
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01
Mrs. Patricia Allen
M/M Matthew W. Bauer
Ms. Arlene Brown
Mr. Edmund Caulfield, ’00
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03 Connell Foley LLP
M/M Vincent M. Cronen
Ms. Jill A. Dalton
Ms. Joanne Davis
M/M Charles R. Daye, Jr.
M/M Brian E. Dugan, ’58
Ms. Ellen Egan
M/M William J. Egan III
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
M/M Theodore Grubowski
Ms. Maureen Hulings
Ms. Susan Mancino
M/M Vincent J. McFadden, ’63
M/M John P. McLean
O’Hara Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
M/M Jeffrey O’Hara
Mr. Thomas Powell
Mrs. Barbara A. Sabaitis
Mrs. Marsha Wasserman
In memory of Rev. William McGowan, S.J.
Mrs. Geraldine B. Lyons, P’89
In memory of Edward M. McKenna, ’67
M/M Gene Mead, P’21
In memory of Joseph E. McMahon, ’46
Mrs. Irene McMahon
Ms. Suzanne McMahon
In memory of Rev. Francis J. McNamara, S.J.
Mr. William M. Burke, ’53
In memory of Robert A McNamara, ’51
Mr. Michael McNamara
In memory of George A. Meluso, ’60
M/M Donald J. Keating, ’60
In memory of Frank Meola
M/M Donald C. McLaughlin, ’58
In memory of William J. Metzger, ’42
Mrs. Patricia A. Metzger
In memory of Dr. Benjamin A. Michalik, P’76,’79
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
In memory of Emery Mikula, ’60
Rev. Stanley J. Okonsky, S.J.
In memory of Margaret & Nicholas A. Mina, P’74
Mr. Richard A. Mina, ’74
In memory of Robert C. Minrel, ’64
Dr. & Mrs. James Haemmerle, ’64
In memory of Dr. Robert Modarelli, ’59
Mrs. Anne Modarelli
In memory of Col. Cornelius J. Molloy Jr., USA (Ret.), ’40
Mrs. Jean M. Molloy
In memory of Rev. William F. Molloy
Mrs. Jean M. Molloy
In memory of John J. Montague, Sr., P’55
Mr. John J. Montague, Jr., ’55
In memory of Richard D. Moriarty, ’62
M/M Thomas Curtin
In memory of Lawrence Moser, ’57
Col. (Ret.) & Mrs. William R. Moser, ’53
In memory of Mary Ellen Mottola
Mr. Paul A. Mottola, ’67
In memory of Theodore Mouyeos, ’77
M/M Joseph F. Scutellaro, Jr., ’78
In memory of Gerald F. Mullin, ’38
M/M John J. Kealty, Jr.
In memory of Rose Aiello Mullin & Nicholas Mullin
Logan Amusement Co., Inc.
In memory of Catherine Murphy
M/M Arthur J. Coradine, ’59
In memory of Frank J. Murphy, Jr., ’65
Mr. David E. McClave, ’65
In memory of John T. Murphy, ’30, P’74
M/M Thomas J. Murphy, ’74
In memory of Thomas J. Murray, ’69
M/M Joseph M. Murray, ’73
In memory of Rev. Thomas P. Murray, S.J.
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
M/M Joseph C. Weiss, ’68
In memory of Robert E. Nadler, P’93,’97
Dr. & Mrs. James Haemmerle, ’64
In memory of Albert A. Natelli, ’47
Mrs. Margaret M. Natelli
In memory of John P. Nealon, Jr., ’76
Ms. Catherine Nealon
In memory of William B. Neenan
M/M Patrick Lawler, P’22
In memory of Michael Nemeth, ’70
Mr. Joseph G. Nemeth, Jr.
In memory of Patricia Nolan
Rev. Msgr. Walter E. Nolan, ’50
In memory of David P. Ockay, ’70, P’05,’07
M/M Andrew C. Cevasco, ’07
Mr. James Cowart
M/M Charles Dullea, P’07
Mr. David P. Finn, ’07
M/M David P. Finn, Sr., ’65, P’07
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
M/M Peter J. Geary, ’05
M/M Robert Geary, P’05
Mrs. Mary Graham
M/M Brian Hess
M/M Richard D. Kaminski, ’05
Mrs. Erin Kelly
Ms. Mary D. Kinahan-Ockay, P’05,’07
M/M David Lipyanka, P’10
Ms. Mary E. Meehan
Mr. John F. Ockay, ’07
Mr. Michael D. Ockay, ’05
Dr. Eileen L. Poiani
M/M John R. Raslowsky, II, ’79
Mr. Terrence Ruane
Mr. Gregory Shapiro
Mr. Edward G. Smith
M/M Anthony Spera
Mr. Peter Spiewak, ’06
Mr. Louis I. Squitieri
M/M Kenneth A. Teschlog, P’02
Xavier High School
Ms. Donna H. Zervoulis
In memory of John F. O’Connell
M/M Michael Slootsky, P’94
In memory of Joseph Barry O’Connell
M/M Hugh Roarty, P’91,’96,’00
In memory of Joseph O’Connor, ’73
Mr. Raymond Schultz, ’73
In memory of Thomas R. O’Connor, ’72
Mrs. Dorothy O’Connor
In memory of John O’Donnell, ’04
M/M Joseph Hannon, P’05
In memory of Charles J. Olsen, lll, ’69
M/M James J. Doolan, Jr., ’69, P’06
Mr. & Mrs. James E. Gleason, ’69
Mr. Robert J. Grillo, ’72
Mr. Thomas A. Grillo, ’69
Mr. Raymond Kowalski
M/M Scott McGinn
Mr. James Mulligan
Ms. Kaila M. O’Donnell
Mrs. Carolyn M. Olsen
Mr. Matthew N. Townsend
In memory of Rev. Harold J. Oppido, S.J.
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
In memory of Sophia & Tadeusz Orlowski, P’58
M/M Randolph F. Orlowski, ’58
In memory of Denis D. O’Sullivan, P’70
Mr. Denis J. O’Sullivan, ’70
In memory of Thomas A. Pakenham, ’63
Ms. Mary Porter Ballard & Mr. William J. Keller, ’63
In memory of Alfred J. Paquin, ’58
Mrs. Judith A. Paquin
In memory of Joseph A. Pardo, ’51
M/M Betram Firestone
Mr. Alan Jacobs
Mr. Akira Murotani
Mr. Richard Pappalardo
Maj. Leonard M. Quigley
In memory of Robert E. Parks, Jr., ’72
M/M Thomas Fitzpatrick, ’72
M/M John M. Furka, ’72
Mr. Kevin M. Glennon, ’72
Mr. Kevin R. Parks
In memory of Jerome B. Pedersen, ’92
M/M Rick A. Briamonte, ’99
In memory of William Petro, ’64
Ms. Joyce C. Havey
Ms. Patricia Havey
Ocean County College Foundation
Cmdr. Gina O’Donnell
Mr. Michael Otchy
In memory of John D. Pflug, ’06
Mr. Jim Buckets
M/M Michael J. Gorman, III, ’06
M/M Richard H. Hussey, ’06
In memory of William P. Pickett, ’49, P’00
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00
In memory of Daniel P. Pietruska
Mr. Daniel P. Pietruska, Jr., ’87
In memory of Ronald E. Pochis, ’65
Mrs. Janet A. Pochis
In memory of Victor Pollio
Ms. Gina Lugo, P’21
In memory of Angelo Preite
Ms. Virginia Sordi-Preite & Mr. Francis Preite, P’19,’23
In memory of Timothy J. Purcell, ’75
Mr. William P. Loelius, ’75
In memory of James J. Quinn, ’38
Ms. Sharon A. Quinn
In memory of Thomas Raimondi
Mrs. Nora Nasif
In memory of Henry J. Raimondo, ’65
Ms. Dolores Raimondo
In memory of Patricia Rasmusson, P’72,’75,’79
Mr. Donald R. Rasmusson, Sr., ’44, P’72,’75,’79
In memory of William Richardson
Dr. Thomas J. McLaughlin, ’61
In memory of Salvatore Rinaldi
Mr. Michael A. Rinaldi, ’67
In memory of Frank Rizzo, ’70
M/M Dennis F. Rizzo, ’66
In memory of Charley Rooney
Dr. Albert W. Romano, ’67, P’98
M/M Charles J. Rooney, Jr., ’69
In memory of George D. Rooney, ’51
Mrs. Carolyn W. Rooney
In memory of Philip A. Ryan, ’88
Mr. Walter H. Schneider, Jr., ’88
In memory of Manny Sambade, ’78
M/M Manuel Sambade, P’75,’78
In memory of Thomas E. Sasso, ’70
M/M Joseph Miceli
Ms. Brenda Wolther
In memory of Robert C. Sunga, ’01
In memory of Vincent J. Saunders, ’50
Mr. Samuel Gentile, ’13
In memory of Francis X. Scerbo, ’48
Ms. Hope R. Cantor
In memory of Paul Schroeder, ’84
M/M Henry Schroeder, P’84,’90
In memory of James J. Seaman, ’65
Ms. Johanna R. Galasso
M/M Edward P. Pritzlaff, ’78
M/M Ken D. Walter, ’81, P’10,’12
In memory of Rev. Francis Shalloe, S.J.
M/M Edmund J. Campbell, ’58
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
M/M David J. Healy, ’62
In memory of Rev. James Shalloe, S.J.
Mr. William M. Burke, ’53
M/M Thomas J. Foley, ’55
In memory of James J. Sheridan, ’42
Mrs. Mary F. Sheridan
In memory of M/M Walter F. Sheridan, P’68 & M/M Salvatore Manderino
M/M Dennis M. Sheridan, ’68
In memory of Matthew Sinopoli
Dr. Walter A. Sinopoli, ’68
In memory of James Sisk, P’10
Mrs. Margaret Hughes
Mrs. Cheryl Scott Cashman, P’00
Mr. James B. Shovlin, ’10
In memory of Patrick Sloyan, ’85
Ms. Helen Keegan, P’18
In memory of George J. Smith, ’37
Maj. General George J. Smith, ’66
In memory of Rev. Edwin Snyder, S.J.
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
In memory of John A Spaziani
Mr. John C. Spaziani, ’63
In memory of Charles Starkey, ’17
M/M Charles E. Starkey, ’52
In memory of Catherine Stefan
Mr. Robert A. Stefan, ’54
In memory of James Styles, P’05,’09
Mrs. Elaine Styles, P’05, ’09
In memory of Thomas G. Sullivan, ’80, P’12,’17
Mr. Dermot Sullivan, ’12
Dr. Michael R. Sunga, ’98
In memory of Rev. Paul J. Swick, S.J.
Mr. William M. Burke, ’53
In memory of Ann Tedeschi
M/M Joseph J. Carr, ’61
Dr. George J. Searles, ’62
Mr. Thomas J. Tudisco, ’62
Mrs. Cecelia Zakhar, P’94
M/M Robert M. Zakhar, ’62, P’94
In memory of Mark Testa
M/M Derek Edwards, P’22
In memory of Benjamin F. Thomas IV, ’50
Mrs. Jacqueline C. Thomas
In memory of Joseph D. Thomas, ’53
Mrs. Doreen J. Thomas
In memory of Eugene E. Torpey, ’62
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
Mr. Brian M. Torpey
In memory of Andrew F. Tyrrell, ’74
M/M Kevin J. McCarthy, ’74
Ms. Peg Scott
Dr. & Mrs. John A. Tyrrell, ’74
Mr. Mark N. Tyrrell, ’72
Mr. Paul L. Tyrrell, ’68
Mr. Peter M. Tyrrell, ’77
In memory of Joseph G. Urciuoli, ’58
M/M Frank Brzenk, ’58
Mrs. Michelle Edgar
Mr. John Obolsky
In memory of Nicolo Uva, P’77,’83
Mrs. Giovina Uva, P’77,’83
In memory of Sergio S. Valente, P’ 88, ’92
M/M Michael W. Cardino, ’92
In memory of Dr. Arthur S. Verdesca, ’47
Ms. Susan Gordan
In memory of Gail Verdi, P’95
Ms. Monique Cavalli, P’18,’22
M/M Richard F. Gronda, ’59, P’86,’89,’90
M/M Joseph LaBruno
M/M Anthony D. Locricchio, ’96
Mr. Damien C. Locricchio, ’95
Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96
Mr. Christopher Maiorino
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
In memory of Thomas J. Verdon, ’52
Mrs. Patricia T. Verdon
In memory of Robert Vignone, ’65
Mr. David E. McClave, ’65
In memory of Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ’56
M/M Eugene C. Boyle, ’56
In memory of Peter J. Walsh, Jr.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
In memory of Dolly & Peter J. Walsh, Sr.
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
In memory of Lynn A. Walters, P’83
Mr. Fred W. Walters, P’83
Mr. Thomas R. Walters, ’83
In memory of Cynthia Brophy Ward
M/M Martin J. Ward, ’66
In memory of Kevin J. Ward, ’66
Mrs. Ethel L. Ward
In memory of Rev. Ercel Webb, P’81,’83,’89
Mrs. Gloria G. Felder
In memory of Aloysius B. Whalen, ’34
M/M Bernard A. Whalen, ’58
In memory of David R. Williams, ’66
Dr. & Mrs. Lewis E. Williams, ’57
In memory of Doris Williams, P’96,’00
In memory of Robert Wolansky
M/M Lawrence Boss
Ms. Joan F. Clancy
Ms. Sarah Crane
M/M Frederick Davis
M/M Dave Distel
M/M James Dunphy
Environmental Industrial Services Corp. of New Jersey
Ms. Una Evers
Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick, P’96
Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick
Mr. Leo Gerris
M/M Fred Gower
M/M Anthony Infante, P’02
M/M H. Gordon Kimball, M/M David Martinez
M/M Djordje Mijaljevic
Ms. Susan Moldt
Ms. Lorinda M. Morgan
Ms. Barbara Ryan
In memory of Robert Wolansky (continued)
Ms. Emily Sonnessa
Ms. Charlene Sozansky
Velvet Salon
Ms. Frances Wolansky
In memory of Mary & Jack Wood
M/M Nicholas H. Wood, ’86
In memory of John Wooden, ’03
M/M Stephen P. Spiewak, ’03
In memory of Rev. Raymond York, S.J.
Dr. Phillip J. Campana, ’58
Rev. Msgr. Vincent J. Doyle, ’55
M/M Peter J. Golas, ’54
In memory of Patricia Ypelaar
M/M Robert A. Ypelaar, ’93
In memory of Robert M. Zakhar, ’62, P’94
M/M Alexander W. Booth, Jr., ’62, P’06
Mr. James Dellisanti
Mr. Robert W. Dempsey, ’62
M/M Lawrence DeRogatis
M/M John P. Kelly, ’62, P’85,’91
M/M Carl J. Kraus, P’05
Dr. & Mrs. David Leshock
Mr. Cosmo G. Mendolla
M/M Daniel F. Murphy, ’62
Dr. & Mrs. Ronald J. Palmieri, ’62
M/M Thomas Pimpinelli, P’13
M/M Jason M. Russell, ’94
Ms. Tara McCann & Mr. Brian Spadora, ’94
Ms. Emily Stern
MM John Talbot
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Zaborowski, ’62
The Adventure Club Fund
M/M Lawrence Boss
Ms. Maritza Candelaria, P’16
Ms. Joan F. Clancy
Ms. Sarah Crane
M/M Frederick Davis
M/M Dave Distel
M/M James Dunphy
Environmental Industrial Services Corporation of New Jersey
Ms. Una Evers
Mrs. Catherine Fitzpatrick, P’96
Ms. Margaret Fitzpatrick
M/M Fred Gower
M/M Anthony Infante
M/M H. Gordon Kimball
M/M David Martinez
M/M Djordje Mijaljevic
Ms. Susan Moldt
Ms. Lorinda M. Morgan
M/M Robert Morgan
Ms. Barbara Ryan
Ms. Emily Sonnessa
Ms. Charlene Sozansky
M/M Vincent Tomassi, P’99,’08
Velvet Salon
Ms. Frances Wolansky
The Agape Award Scholarship Fund
Dr. & Mrs. John R. Middleton, ’62
The Fr. Tony Azzarto, S.J., Lunch Program Fund
M/M Liam D. Ahearn, ’01
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01
Mr. Lloyd G. Ang, ’89, P’22
M/M Michael J. Anthony, ’67
M/M Jose Antigua, P’22
Mr. William Armbruster
M/M Frank Ashe, ’55, P’90
Mr. Luis O. Ayala, ’91, P’21
M/M Walter A. Baber, P’97,’99,’02
Mr. Thomas J. Barone, ’05
M/M Michael Blumenfeld, P’19,’21
Mr. Christian A. Bontigao, ’92
In memory of Louis Zamarra, ’50
M/M John E. Zamarra, ’58
In memory of Wanda & Roy Zarnowski, P’63
M/M Raymond M. Zarnowski, ’63
In memory of Joseph E. Zeller, Jr., ’49
M/M Robert J. Zeller, ’76
In memory of Doris Zeman
Mr. Bruce V. Zeman, ’64
M/M Lawrence Bovich, P’09,’11,’15
Mrs. Addie Boyd, P’96, ’01
Mrs. Karen Brodbeck, P’89
M/M David Broderick, ’89,P’20
M/M Edward Broderick, P’89,’95
M/M Kenneth G. Browne, P’21
Mr. Brendan Bryant, ’08
M/M Ronald Burgers, P’22
M/M Peter J. Capizzi, ’87
M/M Frank X. Cardiello, ’67
M/M Timothy Carney, P’08,’12,’14,’17
M/M Louis F. Castelli, ’66, P’01
M/M Christopher B. Caulfield, ’03
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03
Ms. Monique Cavalli, P’18,’22
M/M Michael Chambers, P’17
M/M Edward Chaparro, P’19
M/M John T. Chester, ’74, P’03,’05
M/M Andrew Chiurazzi, P’15,’18
Ms. Joan Colegrove, P’14
Dr. Joseph E. Colford, III, ’68
Dr. Jeanne Pare & Mr. Peter G. Colford, ’74
M/M Frank Colucci, P’08
Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ’81, P’12,’16
M/M Paul Cuccinelli, P’17
M/M Matthew Cugliari, P’20, ’22
Mr. James A. DeVoursney, ’12
Mrs. Kathleen Diffley, P’02
M/M Vincent J. Donatacci, ’78, P’14,’17
M/M James J. Doolan, Jr., ’69, P’06
M/M F. Gerard Drummond, ’58, P’94,’97,’99,’08
Mr. Joseph Dunning
Ms. Eileen Enrico, P’95,’98
M/M Thomas J. Favia, Jr., ’77
M/M Cataldo F. Fazio, ’77
M/M John P. Fencik, ’70, P’98
M/M Edward F. Finn, Sr., ’67, P’93,’99
M/M James Forsythe, Jr., P’13,’14
M/M Michael Gallo, P’17
Ms. Ana J. García
Mrs. Barbara Giordano, P’83
Ms. Anna Githens, P’13, ’15
M/M Robert Goratowski, P’19
Ms. Megan Griffin, P’18
Mrs. Grace Gualario
Rev. James Hederman, S.J.
M/M Brian Hess
M/M Cornell J. Hess, P’17,’19
M/M Stephen Jasko, P’14
Mr. Kenneth T. Jennings, ’65
M/M Richard J. Kaminski, P’05,’07
M/M Anthony E. Keating, ’78, P’10
M/M Eugene J. Keohane, ’88, P’18
M/M Thomas E. Kessler, ’67, P’99,’02
M/M Leonard P. Kiczek, Sr., ’68, P’94,’04
M/M William F. Kiniery, P’99,’02
Ms. Nancy Lecyn-Kirby & Mr. Theodore J. Kirby, ’67
M/M Thomas S. Liccardo, ’80
Mr. William Lillis, ’80
M/M Timothy LiVolsi, P’06,’08,’11
M/M Charles M. Lizza, ’74, P’11,’12
M/M Dennis M. Loesch, P’04
M/M Jeffrey Macanka, P’20
M/M Paul P. Malecki, ’74
M/M J. David Manganello, P’15,’17,’19
M/M John Manley, P’09,’12,’14
Mr. Matthew Marinello, ’03
M/M Richard Marino, P’15
M/M Manuel Matos, P’19,’22
Mrs. Kathryn B. McAuliffe, P’89,’92,’99
Ms. Diane McCabe
M/M Robert McDonough, P’19,’21
M/M Mark McGlynn, P’08
M/M Raymond Mikovits, P’13,’17,’20
Rev. Lawrence Miller
M/M Brian Mooney, P’21
M/M Edward J. Mullins, P’98
Ms. Margaret Murray, P’18
Mr. James P. Nolan, ’12
M/M Frank Obara, P’20
Mr. Joseph C. O’Connell, ’74
M/M Erwin J. O’Grady
Mr. Rey M. Osma, P’04,’06
M/M Daniel J. Osnato, ’67
Mr. Jigar N. Patel, ’98
M/M Peter A. Patrone
Ms. Renita Persaud
M/M Frank Pestana, P’10,’21
M/M John Pflug, Jr., P’06
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00
M/M Edward Pickett, ’00
Dr. Eileen L. Poiani
M/M Ronald P. Prezioso, ’68
Ms. Elena Koebel & Mr. William T. Price III, ’87
M/M Daniel Quinn, ’80
Dr. & Mrs. Hugo Quinones, P’19
M/M John R. Raslowsky, II, ’79
Mr. Craig S. Richards, ’84, P’15,’18
M/M Michael P. Ring, ’57
M/M John F. Roake, ’82, P’10
Mr. Francis X. Romano, Jr., ’06
M/M Louie Samin, P’11,’18
Ms. Diane D’Agostino & Mr. Richard Saunders, P’19
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
M/M Raymond Schaetzle, ’75
M/M Charles J. Sciarra, ’87, P’21,’23
Ms. Alesscia Scott, P’21
Mr. Erich B. Sekel, ’98
Mrs. Catherine Smith
M/M Kevin Tobin, P’18
Mr. Salvatore J. Veniero, ’05
Ms. Patricia Von Schaumburg, P’20
Ms. Robin Walters
Mr. Thomas J. Ward, ’14
Ms. Sharon Warne
M/M Paul Werner, P’11
M/M Robert Wilson, Jr., P’18
The Dan Cooney, ’15 Baseball Award Fund
Capital Group
M/M Joseph M. Cooney, ’45, P’68,’76, GP’15
Mr. Ryan B. Finn, ’13
M/M John D. Van Tassel-Cromie
The Andrew J. Colucci, ’08 Scholarship Fund
Carlitos Barber LLC
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03
M/M Frank Colucci, P’08
Corey Matthew, Inc.
Dan Swayze & Son, Inc.
M/M Dominick Dilillo
Mr. Lawrence Evans
Mr. Thomas P. Foley
Ms. Kara Kennelly
Mario’s Tutto Bene
Mr. John D. McCann, P’03,’08
Premier Business Solutions, Inc.
PRR Hospitality Group LLC
DBA River & Rail Cantina
Ms. Niki L. Swayze
The Red Cadillac
TL More, Inc.
The Ebony Club Fund
Maj. Gen. Chris Wood, ’84
The BJ Giannone Memorial Fund
M/M R. Cianflone
The Brother Paul Harrison, S.J. Fund
Mr. Barry Dugan, P’82,’84
The Higher Achievement Program Fund
Brooklyn Prep Fund
Mrs. Marybeth Lyons
Mr. James G. McDermott, Jr., ’86
Ms. Julia Unferth & Mr. John Thieroff, P’17
The Jeff Hoens, ’17 Fund
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
M/M Riley Horton, P’17
The Kiely Family Scholarship Fund
Ms. Laraine K. Harrison
M/M Eugene M. Kiely, Jr., ’50
M/M Thomas C. Kiely, ’68
M/M Harry W. Rowe
The Kozarich Science Enrichment Fund
Ms. Marcia Durso & Mr. John Kozarich, ’67
The MakeSPP 2.0 Event Fund
Goldman Sachs Gives
JDJ Charitable Foundation
Jill K. Biggs, LLC
JP Morgan Chase
Mile Square Insurance Agency
New Jersey Institute of Technology
Standard Motor Products, Inc.
Upperline LLC
The Restricted Gifts Fund
3D Exhibits
American International Group, Inc.
M/M George Andews
Ms. Erin Baronas
Mrs. Ashley Bauers
M/M Drew Bauman
Mr. George Bennett
Ms. Linda Bilella
M/M Borett Borelli
M/M Daniel Braker
Ms. Jennifer A. Bristol
Ms. Nancy J. Bristol
Mr. William A. Brown, ’11
Ms. Amy Faris & Mr. Daniel Bruk
Ms. Lucy Campanella
M/M Louis F. Castelli, ’66, P’01
Ms. Lisa Chernick
M/M Peter Conlin, P’15,’19
M/M Charles M. DeFuccio, ’56
Ms. Lynda Dexheimer
Ms. Patrice Alycia Donohue
M/M John Duffy
Elysian Charter School Staff
Ms. Shannon Engler
Ms. Dawn Raffel & Mr. Michael Evers
Mr. Michael F. Filosa, ’49
M/M Edward F. Finn, Sr., ’67, P’93,’99
Mr. Raymond Gabriel
M/M Steve Gabriel
M/M. Frank Gambuzza
Ms. Maria Gambuzza & Mr. Robert Gasgard
M/M Norbert Gambuzza
M/M Angelo R. Giacchi, ’83
Mrs. Theresa Giudice-Brady
Mr. Timothy Gordon
Ms. Wendy Graham
M/M Gordon Haas, P’18,’19
Ms. Jean Halloran
Mr. Tyler Hanson, ’12
Ms. Amanda Heath
M/M Sharad Hegde, P’20
Hidden Valley Camps, Inc.
Ms. Karym Hawrylak-Hoens & Mr. Thomas Hoens, P’17
M/M Jay Imus, P’12,’16Ms. Debbie Jacobus
Mr. R Jesmajian
Jesuits of Saint Peter’s
John Wiley & Sons Inc., CMGA
John Wiley & Sons, Inc., Marketing Department
Mr. Dean Karrel
Kate’s Covers
Ms. Carol Keating
Ms. Jeanne Kelly
M/M John Kelly
Ms. Amelia J. Janisz & Dr. John R. Kender, P’96,’02,’09
M/M Stuart Klein, P’20
Ms. Adrianne Kolebuck
Mr. Daniel Koonmen
M/M Joseph LaBruno
Ms. Melissa Landera, P’22
Lehigh Gas Wholesale, LLC
M/M Todd Leong
M/M Anthony D. Locricchio, ’96
Mr. Damien C. Locricchio, ’95
Ms. Maryphyllis Locricchio, P’95,’96
Mr. Michael G. Lunny
Ms. Carolyn Lyons
M/M Richard Marino, P’15
M/M Robert D. Markoff
M/M Jeffrey Marshall
Ms. Laurie Matthews
Ms. Alison Mazer
M/M William McBride, P’05
Ms. Mary Ann McGovern
Ms. Ashley Melando
Ms. Laura Miani
MongoDB, Inc.
Mrs. Edmond N. Moriarty
Morris County School of Glass
M/M Patrick J. Murphy, P’08
M/M Joseph Murphy
Mr. Brian Napack
Ms. Kim Nelson
Ms. Monika Nemeth
Dr. Virginia O’Brien
Mr. Adrian Oryshkevych
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Holy Name Society
Our Lady of Mount Carmel Rosary Society
Peace Care St. Joseph’s
Ms. Renita Persaud
Ms. Dawn Peters
PGA Tour, Inc.
Ms. Elizabeth Pino
M/M Kevin Quist, P’21
Mr. Ralph Rossini
Mr. Jeffrey Rucker
Saint Anne Church
M/M Eric Schnabolk
Scholarship America
Ms. Aileen Shinaman
M/M Christopher Smith
Ms. Jenny Strang
M/M David Swift, P’20,’23
The Anthony J. Petocelli Charitable Trust
Ms. Susan Carriero-Tomljanovic & Mr. William Tomljanovic, P’15
Mr. Gerald P. Tyne, ’66
Ms. Lenore Vanden Handel
Ms. Gladys Villanueva
Ms. Theresa Virgona
Mrs. Elizabeth R. Walsh
M/M John Ward
Ms. Joan Weinman
Ms. Kimberly Weisz
Mr. Graeme Whitley
Ms. Suzanna Zeitler
M/M Bill Zide
The Restricted Scholarship Fund
Capt. Joseph B. Amejka, ’67
The Brooklyn Prep Alumni Association
Mr. Jonathan J. Hammer, ’68
M/M Patrick Henry, P’17
JDJ Charitable Foundation
Logan Amusement Co., Inc.
The Edmond N. & Virginia H. Moriarty
Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Donald P. Moriarty
Ms. Ingrid Schultze-Lagos & Mr. Walter Lagos, P’09
The Transportation Fund
Mr. George D. Demetriades, ’79, P’18
Ms. Linda M. Gelson, P’14
M/M Leo J. Hurley, ’70
M/M Thomas S. Liccardo, ’80
M/M John M. Lillis, ’77
Mr. William Lillis, ’80
Mr. Michael R. Milano, ’70
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
M/M George T. Taite, ’73, P’11
M/M David J. Viggiano, ’79
The Gerald V. Sheehan, ’48 Scholarship Fund
M/M Gerald V. Sheehan, ’48
The Marcel E. Wagner, Jr., ’56 Restricted Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Ruthanne Wagner
The William J. Ahearn, ’75, P’01 Scholarship Fund
M/M Liam D. Ahearn, ’01
The Alba Scholarship Fund
Ms. Ana J. García
The Lawrence & Emma Babbio, P’62 Scholarship Fund
Mr. Lawrence T. Babbio, Jr., ’62
The James Blauvelt JDJ Marauder Scholarship Fund
M/M James J. Blauvelt, ’09
The JDJ Charitable Foundation
The Fr. Kenneth J. Boller, S.J., Scholarship Fund
Drs. Tricia & Renier Brentjens, P’17,’19,’22
The Breckenridge Avenue Scholarship Fund
M/M Albert O. Nicholas
M/M Nicholas Rabiecki, III, P’08,’10,’12
Mr. Nicholas Rabiecki, ’08
The Class of 1958 Scholarship Fund
M/M Frederick J. Baran, ’58
M/M James Barrett, ’58
M/M Edward J. Burke, ’58
Dr. Robert B. Comizzoli, ’58
M/M Richard J. Gaven, ’58
Mr. Vincent A. Grillo, ’58
Mr. John R. Kennedy, ’58
M/M John E. Zamarra, ’58
The Class of 1962 & Stephen E. Hendzak, ’62 Memorial Scholarship Fund
M/M Michael R. Agresta, ’62
Rev. Michael L. Barber, S.J., ’60
Mr. Gene L. Boyle, III, ’62
M/M Joseph J. Carr, ’61
Mr. Robert W. Dempsey, ’62
M/M Bernard D. Dugan, ’62, P’96,’05
Mr. John C. Elliott, ’62
M/M John P. Kelly, ’62, P’85,’91
Mr. John G. Kirincich, ’62
M/M Joseph V. McCarthy, ’62
Mr. Stuart J. McGregor, ’62
Mr. John F. O’Halloran, ’62
M/M Robert M. Ryan, Sr., ’62
Dr. George J. Searles, ’62
Mr. Thomas J. Tudisco, ’62
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley M. Zaborowski, ’62
M/M Robert M. Zakhar, ’62, P’94
The Class of 1964 Scholarship Fund
M/M Kazimierz J. Herchold, ’64
Mr. Robert W. Richards, ’64
The Class of 1965 Scholarship Fund
M/M John P. Caravello, ’65
M/M Thomas A. Crowley, Jr., ’65
M/M Thomas J. Leane, ’65, P’04
Ms. Margaret Rice & Mr. William Sette, ’65
The Class of 1967 Scholarship Fund
Capt. Joseph B. Amejka, ’67
M/M Vincent I. Drobny, Jr., ’67
M/M John R. Garbarino, ’67
M/M Walter J. Greenhalgh, ’67
M/M Henry J. Hamilton, ’67, P’02
M/M Joseph P. Hearns, ’67, P’02
Mr. Dennis P. Lahiff
M/M James J. Ruane, ’67
The Class of 1979 Scholarship Fund
Ms. Stephanie Latour & Dr. Marc Dolan, ’79
M/M Mark DeMarco, ’79, P’19
Mr. Frank Free, III, ’79
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
Guy T. O’Donnell, Esq., ’79
Mr. William T. Petrick, ’79, P’15
The Michael F. Cocca ’56, P’92 Scholarship Fund
M/M Jack Campion
Mr. Christopher Cocca
Ms. Elena Koebel & Mr. William T. Price III, ’87
The Joseph E. Colford, ’38, P’68,’71,’73,’74,’81 Scholarship Fund
Dr. Joseph E. Colford, III, ’68
Mr. Paul D. Colford, ’71, P’09
Dr. Jeanne Pare & Mr. Peter G. Colford, ’74
The Collins ’57/Dalton W’57 Academic Excellence Scholarship Fund
M/M Kevin J. Collins, ’57
The Coyle Family Scholarship Fund
Estate of Frank J. Coyle, Jr., ’48
The Cregan-Watters Class of ’52 Scholarship Fund
Fr. Thomas G. Benz, S.J.
The John R. Crowe, ’62, P’91,’94 Scholarship Fund
Mr. Sean A. Adams, ’91
Mr. Brian H. Crowe, ’94
Ms. Maryann Crowe
Mrs. John R. Crowe, P’91,’94
M/M James Johnson
M/M Terence Landrigan
Mr. Joseph H. Weinkam, Jr.
The Julia & Sam DiFeo, ’32, P’63,’66 Scholarship Fund
M/M Samuel X. DiFeo, ’66
The Dolan Family Scholarship Fund
M/M John J. Adams, P’91,’03
Mr. Sean A. Adams, ’91
Mr. Nicholas P. Corrado, ’81, P’12,’16
The General Endowment Scholarship Fund
M/M Michael O’Neill, P’20
The Larry Fell, ’54 Scholarship Fund
Capt. & Mrs. Jeffrey C. Casler, USN, ’86
M/M Joseph O’Connor
The Blanche & George Fleck Scholarship Fund
M/M John T. Boyle
The Friends of Jersey City Scholarship Fund
M/M Brian R. Archer, ’86
The Alfreda Fromfield, P’91 Scholarship Fund
M/M Brendan J. Ward, P’06,’08
The BJ Giannone, ’11 Memorial Scholarship Fund
Mr. James M. Werner, ’11
The Robert P. Groesbeck, ’57 Scholarship Fund
Mr. Robert P. Groesbeck, ’57
The Haggerty Scholarship Fund
Estate of Patricia M. Haggerty, P’97
The John F. & Gloria Hamill, P’69,’71,’73,’74 Scholarship Fund
Mr. Laird A. Bates
M/M Drew Bauman
Ms. Kathryn Boucher
M/M Matthew Burns, P’94
J. Robert Ciminera Family
Ms. Kerry Della Santi
M/M Edward K. Hamill, ’74
M/M William Koczan
Ms. Carol A. Leone
Ms. Karen Leschak
M/M Steven Livell
M/M Stephen Long
Mr. Arthur H. McGuire
Ms. Barbara Anne O’Neil
Ms. Lois Padawer & Mr. Oscar Jaeger
Raymond Glass Co., Inc.
Mr. J. Paul Schaetzle, ’71
Ms. Eileen Smith
The Legends of Prep Scholarship Fund
Mr. Paul J. Callahan, ’72
M/M Louis F. Castelli, ’66, P’01
Ms. Joan Ciesmelewski
Mr. Daniel Cohen
Mr. Patrick J. Disanto
Mr. Ralph P. Dodd
T. J. Dermont Dunphy
EvensonBest, LLC
Mr. Anthony J. Fazio, ’70
Mr. Thomas J. Gangemi, III, ’79
Mr. Robert Hertling
Hudson County Chamber Of Commerce
Mr. James H. Keale
Ms. Donna Preuster & Mr. Lawrence Kramer, P’22 Mountain Development Corp.
M/M Dana Nalbantian
Mr. Connor E. Obara, ’20
M/M John Pascale
Mr. Peter D. Pizzuto, ’66
M/M Frank Powell
Ms. Mary Anne Yates & Mr. Alfred Sattelberger, ’66
Silverman Building LLC
The USA Northeast Province of the Society of Jesus
M/M Christopher J. Zegler, ’78
The Lizza Family Scholarship Fund
M/M Charles M. Lizza, ’74, P’11,’12
The Lynyak-Ryan Scholarship Fund
The Dorsey & Whitney Foundation
Mr. Joseph T. Lynyak, III, ’69
The Justin D. Mahon,’27 Scholarship Fund
Estate of Gertrude T. Mahon
The William P. Maresca, ’50 Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Beverly S. Maresca
The Patricia & Allan McCarthy, ’58 Scholarship Fund
M/M Allan M. McCarthy, ’58
The Robert McDermott Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Suzanne McDermott
The John McGovern, ’80 Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Seton C. Ahearn, P’01
Mrs. Patricia Allen
Mr. Rafael E. Auz, ’07
M/M Matthew W. Bauer
Ms. Arlene Brown
M/M John V. Caulfield, ’71, P’00,’03
Ms. Mary Jo Chagnon-Harkins, P’20
Connell Foley LLP
Ms. Jill A. Dalton
Ms. Joanne Davis
M/M Charles R. Daye, Jr.
M/M Brian E. Dugan, ’58
Ms. Ellen Egan
M/M William J. Egan III
M/M John T. Feeney, ’80
M/M Terence M. Feeney, ’76
M/M William P. Fitzpatrick, P’07,’16
M/M Michael J. Giambalvo, ’80, P’13
M/M Theodore Grubowski
Ms. Maureen Hulings
M/M John T. Irvine, ’83, P’11
M/M Thomas S. Liccardo, ’80
Ms. Susan Mancino
M/M Vincent J. McFadden, ’63
M/M Philip F. McGovern, Jr., ’76, P’11
M/M John P. McLean
M/M Michael Slootsky, P’94
M/M James E. Smith
The Pickett Family Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Dorothy A. Pickett, P’00
O’Hara Family Fund of the Princeton Area Community Foundation
Mr. Thomas Powell
Mrs. Barbara A. Sabaitis
M/M Kenneth A. Sisk, Jr., ’80
Mr. Paul E. Venino, ’80
M/M David J. Viggiano, ’79
Mrs. Marsha Wasserman
M/M Craig J. Zegler, ’80
The Mertz Family Scholarship Fund
M/M David F. Mertz
M/M Francis J. Mertz, ’54
The Helen & Benjamin Michalik, P’76,’79 Scholarship Fund
Mr. Joseph A. Michalik, ’79
The Mortenson Family Scholarship Fund
The Lewis M. Gabbe Foundation, Inc.
M/M W. C. Mortenson, Jr., ’64
The Musto Family Scholarship Fund
M/M Brian J. Musto, ’99
Ms. Lauren Dwyer & Mr. William P. Musto, ’95
The Dr. Louis P. Nasif, ’62 Scholarship Fund
M/M Edward Mignone
Mrs. Nora Nasif
The Bill “Bubba” O’Donnell, ’95 Scholarship
The Bubba Foundation
The Jake O’Donnell, ’04 Scholarship Fund
M/M Kevin T. Ahern, P’15
Mr. Brian Bynes
Ms. Lisa Gallipoli
Mrs. Frances O’Donnell
M/M John R. O’Donnell, P’04,’16
M/M Robert M. Schiereck, P’08
Sgt. Jake R. O’Donnell, Jr. USMC, ’04 Scholarship Fundraisers
The Thomas & Linda Podesta Scholarship
M/M Thomas M. Podesta, ’67
The Mary & Charles F.X. Poggi, ’49 Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Mary P. Poggi
The Vera M. & Charles J. Poggi Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Mary P. Poggi
The Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Riedlinger Scholarship Fund
M/M Edward D. Riedlinger, ’67
The James Rowen Scholarship Fund
M/M James Rowen
The Gerard S. Russoniello, ’62 Scholarship Fund
M/M Joseph P. Russoniello, ’59
The Leo S. Sullivan, ’22 Scholarship Fund
M/M Laurence T. Fell, ’54
The Thomas G. Sullivan, ’80 Scholarship Fund
Mrs. Helene Dickinson, P’78
Mrs. Deirdre D. Sullivan, P’12,’17
Mr. Dermot Sullivan, ’12
The Donald J. Unger, Jr. Scholarship Fund
M/M Vernal F. Piantanida, ’55
Mr. Donald J. Unger, Sr., ’55
The Thomas W. Zito, Sr., P’66,’71 Scholarship Fund
Cento Amici
Mr. Robert T. Zito, ’71
The varsity baseball team finished with a final record of 18-10. The season began with victories over Kearny and Dickinson before the Marauders traveled to Florida to train in a warmer climate. The trip included a win against Cooper City. The team finished the spring with a second straight trip to the Hudson County Finals. Kyle Hess, Jeremiah Guzman, Matteo Solecito, Kyle Hoog, and Zach Oswald garnered First Team All-County honors.
The varsity tennis team won both the Red Division (6th in the past 7 years) and Hudson County (5th in 6 years) Championships last spring, ending a 14-5 campaign in the state tournament.Coach John “Padre” Fencik, ’70, P’98 earned HCIAL Coach of the Year honors in his 20th season at the helm of the program.
In addition to All-County recognition, Jeremiah Guzman was also an All-Parochial selection. Jeremiah will be playing for Liberty University this year.
will continue playing golf in college, after committing earlier this year to attend Lehigh University.
Prep’s golfers tallied a record of 4-5 with victories over Seton Hall and St. Joseph’s (Montvale). Junior Edmund Broderick won the Blue Devil Tournament held at Echo Lake, finished in the top 5 in the Fairleigh Dickinson University North Jersey Open and also placed in the top 5 in the NJSIAA Non Public State Sectional Finals. With his performance in the Sectionals, Broderick advanced to the New Jersey Tournament of Champions.
During the 2019 season, Prep’s outdoor track and field team further solidified itself as one of the top teams in the state. The squad continued its winning streaks in the Jersey City, Hudson County and Jesuit Championships. The Marauders also captured the NJSIAA North Sectional Title for just the second time in school history, beating runnerup Bergen Catholic by an amazing 47 points.
The 4x100 relay of Ayir Asante, Gus Nations lV, Mason Holland, and Richie Luzzi-Liggins smashed both a Hudson County and school record running 41.65 at the NJSIAA Non Public A Championships.
Individually, Richie Luzzi-Liggins captured Sectional Titles in both the 400 and 200 meter dash, a State Title in the 100 and 200, as well as a third place finish in the 200 at the NJSIAA Meet of Champions. With a time of 21.17 at the Meet of Champions, Luzzi-Liggins broke the school record in the 200 previously held by Najee Glass, ’10. Adonis McGee took home yet another State Championship in the high jump with a leap of 6’2”. Joseph Morrone won a Sectional Title in the 400 intermediate hurdles, breaking Randall Wall’s school record with a time of 55.36.
Coach Chris Caulfield, ’03 commented, “Our Athletes learned from their second place finish in the sectionals last year. They responded to that letdown with hard work and determination, ultimately turning a negative experience into a positive one.”
First-year head coach Greg Steward guided his team to Division and Hudson County Championships and a final record of 19-5. Led by seniors Mason Matos and Michael Ribiero, junior Chris Larkin, and sophomore Aidan Apito Prep swept the season series against county rival Bayonne and defeated Harrison 2-0 in the championship match. Coach Steward remarked, “The boys surpassed even their own expectations from the beginning of the season.”
Prep rugby posted a 3-3 record for the spring 2019 season, taking wins against CBA, St. Paul’s (Winnipeg) and McQuaid Jesuit. The squad also placed third at the Fairfield Prep Northeast Rugby Tournament. The program is currently planning its first international tour (to Scotland) in April, 2020.
Prep Rowing has much to look forward to, as the freshman 8+ qualified for nationals in the spring. They became Prep’s first freshman boat to race at SRAA, the rowing National championship. In addition, the former locker room in the basement of Mulry Hall has been reborn as a dedicated workout space for the team, giving the program a permanent base of operations on campus.
The scoreboards at the old Giants Stadium told the shortest version of the story: Prep 26, Bergen Catholic 24. When Coach Rich Hansen had convened his rising seniors the previous spring, the team leaders agreed their goal for ’94 was straightforward, if lofty: a state title and a perfect 11-0 record. And before 22,000 witnesses at the Meadowlands, they had made good. This fall marks the 25th anniversary of Prep football’s 1994 state championship, which saw the undefeated Marauders end nationally-ranked (and favored) Bergen’s three-year reign as state champions. The team finished the campaign ranked #1 in New Jersey and #6 in the nation.
The stingy “sea of maroon” defense had held its nine regular-season opponents to a total of 34 points, including a 14-7 win over Hoboken that marked the Red Wings’ only loss. In the state final, stout defensive work helped Prep to open a 12-3 gap in the first half, handing Bergen its first halftime deficit of the year. The lead would hold despite two late Bergen scoring drives, and Prep’s (and Coach Hansen’s) second state title in six years was secure. With 11 wins, the first undefeated Prep Football squad since 1958 had set a new program record for wins in a season.
Some faces in the Will Cofunk photo above, which appeared in the Spring ‘95 Prep Magazine are still familiar around Prep, age notwithstanding. Aside from Coach Hansen (accepting the trophy), who has since led Prep to two more state titles, then-president Jim Keenan, S.J. (second from right) remains a fixture at various Prep events, and team co-captain Anthony Verdi, ’95 (#65, kneeling) is now chair of Prep’s History and Social Sciences department.
Bright sunshine and gentle June breezes awaited the golfers in Prep’s 42nd annual tournament when they arrived at Galloping Hill Golf Course in Kenilworth. It was a perfect day for golf, and a perfect day to continue this ever-popular Prep tradition.
With the number of participants capped to promote a relaxed atmosphere on the course, the 140 players made the most of the weather, as well as a course that had weathered recent downpours surprisingly well. And with the generous support of our sponsors – including Mack-Cali, Athena Capital Advisors, Fields Development Group, and Connell Foley – the day was certain to be a success for Prep and its mission of Jesuit education. Congratulations to the 2019 Wagner Cup Champion, Ignacio Duarte, for posting the lowest gross score of the day. A full listing of award winners can be found at
As Prep students will hear dozens of times between orientation and commencement, graduation is just the start of a lifelong journey. Nearly 250 alumni from nine Prep classes proved the point last spring, as they came home to Grand & Warren to mark another five-year milestone together. Mass, cocktails, and the silver diploma presentation for the 25th Reunion class remain the mainstays of the event, and the beefsteak dinner menu returned for a second straight year. As the beef and waffle fries made the rounds, and the piles of toast grew higher on the tables, laughter and memories from “the days of long ago” filled the air. The Classes of ’59 and ’69 celebrated their 60th and 50th reunions, respectively, in October, and next spring we’ll welcome back classes ending in -5 and -0 for the 2020 Milestone Reunion.
A major focus for Prep’s new president, Michael Gomez, Ed.D., ’91, has been connecting and re-connecting with as many members of the Prep community as possible. It’s an opportunity to share ideas, hear from a diversity of voices and viewpoints, and simply catch up with some of his fellow alumni. So it’s no surprise that 2019-20 will feature Prep’s busiest regional reunion tour ever! Here’s an overview, so you can save the date for when Dr. Gomez, Mike Murcia, ‘08, and Jim Horan, ’70 (and maybe some additional guests) will be coming your way!
November 20 Boston, MA
January 10-16 (details TBA)
February 13
San Diego, CA April 2
Los Angeles, CA April 22
San Francisco, CA April 29
February 11 West Palm Beach, FL April 30
Venice, FL
Philadelphia, PA
Washington, DC
Raleigh-Durham, NC
Atlanta, GA
February 12 Bonita Springs, FL May 5 New York, NY
Given his stature as one of the nation’s leading historians and historical novelists, the late Tom Fleming, ‘45 was no stranger to accolades during his esteemed career. Thus, it is most appropriate that Military History Quarterly magazine–for which he was a frequent and valued contributor–has created the Thomas Fleming Award, granted annually to a contributing writer who submits a noteworthy original article on an aspect of military history. A frequent guest on PBS, A&E, and the History Channel (when the latter two were still showing serious historical documentaries!) Tom was an authority on the American Revolution and other periods of American history, and his numerous books included several New York Times best-sellers in both the fiction and non-fiction categories. Appropriately, his memoir Memories of My Father includes a number of anecdotes about his years attending Prep in the early 1940s. In 2006, Tom was an inaugural inductee of Prep’s Hall of Fame in the category of Professional Achievement.
It’s no secret that the internet is a vital part of how alumni keep in touch, but if you think that’s reserved for graduates of the past few decades, think again! The Class of 1955 ( and the Class of ‘58 ( have robust online presences of their own, packed with photos, stories, and more.
In addition to helping classmates keep in touch more than 60 years after graduation, both sites also provide a great window into Prep life in a particular place and time. The “Prep Memories” section on the ’58 site, for example, includes a kind of oral history of a legendary food fight, with classmates sharing their varied perspectives on what happened!
Both sites also include updates from recent reunions, as well as a tribute to classmates who have passed away. Special thanks to Ray Aumack, ’55 and Vince Grillo, ’58 for their efforts in maintaining these online communities. If you’re a member of these classes (or even if you’re not) be sure to take some time to pay them a visit online!
8 Share your photos, class notes and other news with us... and the Prep community!
Richard Brady, ’45, retired from industry for 28 years, has been spending his time on local politics, hospital and hospice service, and watching his grandchildren and great-grandchildren excel. One great grandson is now playing in the Junior Baseball World Series in Michigan. “Life by the ocean here in Maryland is great,” he writes, “Just wish there was a Prep!”
Michael Murphy, ’51 and his wife, Linda, just welcomed their eleventh grandchild, Sonny Day Murphy.
Eugene Graziano, ’52 is retired after 50 years of OB-Gyn practice in N.J. He now lives in sunny Florida and works two days a week in a weight clinic. “I gave up golf,” he explains, “because I was buying expensive golf balls and, despite hitting them straight down the middle of the fairway, they would wind up in the woods...defective balls!” He’d love to hear from a classmate!
Joe Herlihy, ’53 and wife Terri are “enjoying the good life in our patio home in Dayton, Ohio.” Joe and his son David own a business,, south of Dayton. His four children and 11 grandchildren are “fine and spoiled rotten,” and although “a couple of hiccups” have cut down on his and Terri’s golf and pickleball, he concludes “The Good Lord has really been good to us. Thanks to him and the wonderful instruction I received at The PREP!”
Francis Ferrante, ’54 received his M.D. degree in 1977 from UMDNJ New Jersey Medical School and practiced Medicine in Woodland Park for 40 years. He’s now retired and living in Normandy Beach, N.J.
Ray Aumack, ’55 is the author of Into the Wind, which has been selected as one of the top ten collections of poetry published in 2018. Ray also writes The Sermon I Wish I Heard, a ministry of the class of 1955 for the past ten years. It has now reached an audience of 12,000 weekly readers. He also writes for Duchas, an e-magazine of the Irish American Cultural Institute, currently a series of interactive short stories published monthly.
Art Askew, ’56 retired for a fourth time this year, this time after ten years as a teacher at Early College High School in South Carolina. He’ll celebrate the start of year 82 in October, and in November the 23rd year since his heart transplant. “What will the next 10 years be like?” he wonders.
Charlie Burke, ’56, at age 81, is still an active basketball sharpshooter. In June of this year, he won three First Place medals at Pasadena Senior Olympics Basketball shooting contests. At his local court, he set two new shooting records: He shot 61 consecutive free throws & 28 consecutive bank shots (17 feet from the basket). He still plays pickup basketball almost every day.
Hank Quense, ’56 published his newest book, How to Selfpublish and Market a Book, on September 15. It integrates the publishing and marketing processes into a single unified project. It’s available in ebook and print versions.
Roger La Gratta, ’59 and his wife, Constance, celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary by renewing their vows in Rome. Their four children and their spouses as well as their eight grandchildren were all on hand for the celebration. A week spent in a private villa with a chef completed the memory.
Joe Parkes, S.J., ’62 reported his plans to attend the Georgia-Auburn football game on November 16 with lifelong friend Tim Hawkes, ’65 as well as Tim’s sons Tim, ’90 and Bryan, ’93. This would mark their 13th consecutive year they attending college football games together, in 13 different venues stretching up and down and across the country.
Neil Heskin, ’63 and wife Katherine (52 years in September!) are enjoying retirement at their Wisconsin lake house. Neil says, “Our greatest joys are our 3 happily married sons and 7 grandkids.” The Heskins missed the Jersey Shore this summer but hope to make it back in 2020.
Paul Kelly, ’63 sends his greetings from Portland “on the Left Coast.” He’s enjoying A Place Like Hoboken, a collection of short stories by classmate Bill Keller. He recommends the book for a nostalgia trip through Hoboken, “where I spent many a day (and night) with classmates/residents Joe Rafter and John Halpin, and a St. Al’s girlfriend while attending Prep.”
Ed Regenye, ’63 was “blown out by Hurricane Irma” after 11 years in the Caribbean. He and Judith (“33 years solid!”) now live in Malta, three hours from their grandchildren in England. “Vinnie McF, Dennie B. Steve S. all my mates drop me a line on” he adds. “John Ward where are you now?”
Joseph Wajszczuk, ’64 and his wife Rose, as well as his classmate George Chalmers and wife Barbara, are celebrating their 50th wedding anniversaries this year.
Greg Riley, ’67 recently relocated his law practice to share offices with the firm of Ruderman & Roth in Springfield. There, he met Jeff Berezny, ‘91, who is an associate at the firm. Jeff practices employment law while Greg has a general practice. They frequently reminisce over lunch comparing their years at Grand & Warren. Greg and wife Nancy also recently celebrated the wedding of their daughter Meghan to Andrew Reed in Portland, Maine.
In this very space a year ago, Mike Holy, RN, '69 told his fellow alumni he’d "finally met a hurricane which he was not going to be responding to, via the Red Cross!” In the previous two years, Mike had deployed with Red Cross Disaster teams, twice to North Carolina (Hurricane Matthew ) for two weeks each in 2016, and then to Texas for two weeks (Hurricane Harvey ) and Puerto Rico for three weeks (Hurricane Maria ) in 2017. But it wasn’t long before Mike put the lie to his own prediction that he wouldn’t be responding to Hurricane Florence, and soon enough, there he was with the Red Cross in North Carolina. After a two-week stint there, it was off to Panama City after Hurricane Michael, before Mike returned home and told his wife Miriam there would be no more back-to-back deployments for him, because they were too taxing at his age. Still, it only took until the Thanksgiving holiday before he was back on the road, this time helping residents burned out by the Paradise wildfires in California. His only deployment this year (thus far) was to Virginia Beach, doing counseling and trauma work following a mass shooting incident. He did manage to take a break from his “hurricane hopping” schedule, though, to make an appearance at his 50th reunion in September.
Mike Argyelan, ’68 is the CEO of Maple Guild, the largest producer of single-source organic maple syrup in Vermont. Bloomberg profiled the company in May, after it tripled its sales last year. Maple Guild initially sold syrup primarily to private-label distributors, but the line has expanded to include specialty products under the Maple Guild brand –including coffee- and salted-caramel-infused syrups made from Mike’s own recipes.
Joe Weiss, ’68 requests prayers for former classmate Ron Nicolai, who left Prep upon moving to Florida in 1966. Ron is in hospice care and is grateful for prayers and good wishes. He’d also be glad to hear from classmates at
T.J. Elliott, ’69 and co-author Joe Queenan have written four problem comedies, and expect a full Off-Broadway outing for their latest work, Alms, in 2020. TheaterLab in New York staged a sold-out Equity Showcase production of Alms this past May.
Ed Hrinewski ‘69 retired last September from AECOM after a 45 year career in Project Management on major power and transit projects after graduating from Stevens in ‘73. A major project of interest to North Jersey residents was the Hudson Bergen Light Rail system, which occupied him from 1996 to 2006 as senior Project Director. “I hope it has been a useful transit asset to current Prep students with the nearby stops at Marin Boulevard and Essex Street,” he says. Ed has been married to Teresa for 43 years. They have three children and two grandchildren.
(Editor’s note: Ed, you’ll be glad to know the Hudson Bergen Light Rail has been completely woven into the fabric of Prep life, delivering legions of students to Grand & Warren from Bayonne, from northern Hudson County, and from Morris, Essex, Bergen, and Passaic counties via Hoboken Terminal each day! See the Spring 2014 cover story, “All Roads Lead to Prep,” for more.)
Nicholas Prontnicki, ’70 is in his 30th year as pastor of the Maple Glen Bible Fellowship Church, near Philadelphia. He and wife Lynn recently celebrated their 44th anniversary, and they are thankful for their five sons, three daughters-in-law, and four grandchildren.
Bob Argyelan, ’71 served as president of the California Chiropractic Association before retiring from practice in 2014 after nearly 25 years. He went on to serve two years as CEO of the Ramona Chamber of Commerce, and a year as CEO of the Williams-Grand Canyon Chamber of Commerce, where he also served as the City of Williams’ Director of Tourism. He retired again and returned to Ramona, CA, in San Diego County. He now heads a botanical nursery that provides therapy to traumatic and acquired brain injury residents. He hopes to one day retire yet again!
Gerry DeMan, ’71 and wife Lorraine celebrated the wedding of their daughter Mary and Michael Sanducci in August.
Ihor Sypko, ’72 is now 3 years retired after 38 years working as an archaeologist at NJDOT.
Thomas Larson, ’73 retired from New Jersey State service in January of this year. He is now working in a private psycho-therapy practice in Montclair.
Ralph Quaglia, ’73 and his wife Nancy have finally retired and will be leaving the Philadelphia area to move to Lewes, Delaware. Ralph was a teacher and worked for the Commonwealth of Pennsylvania. His retirement came after spending his last 4 years with the state. He and Nancy have three boys and a granddaughter, Sasha Rose, who just celebrated her first birthday in April.
Paul Florio, ’74 is “sliding into retirement” after 40 years as a pharmacist. He’s enjoying his NYC street photography (@ nycsundays on Instagram) and his stab at being in film (Paul Nicholas Florio on IMDb). “Life is good,” Paul writes.
Len De Pinto, ’76 and wife welcomed their tenth, 11th, and 12th grandchildren: William Vincent De Pinto on June 6, Xavier Augustus LaRocca on August 2, and Maddox Joseph Woodward on September 16. A triple threat for the Class of 2037?
Joseph Nestor, ’76 and his wife Janice are looking forward to the wedding of their daugther Brittany Marie to Jonathan Nieves. The celebration will take place on December 14 in Tampa. Florida.
Joe Ryan, ’76 is chairing the City of Bayonne’s committee for the 2020 Census. This fall, he is also teaching American National Government at St. Francis College in Brooklyn.
Bill Burnett, ’77 and wife Renee have purchased land overlooking Polnell Point on Whidbey Island, WA, and will be building a house there in the next couple of years. Bill’s travel tip: “summer weather along the Pacific Northwest coast is better than 99 44/100% of the rest of the US.”
Richard Dwyer, ’77 recently completed his 50th performing arts production (47 plays, three films) in the last ten years. His most recent role was a police officer in the film Aunt Sadie Loved a Lady and based on the book My Journey as an AIDS Nurse by Dominick Varsalone and Sally Deering.
Tony Wiersielis, ’77 received his second “Author of the Year” award from Keynotes, the magazine of the Associated Locksmiths of America. He also reports his oldest grandson, Evin, just joined the US Coast Guard, and will specialize in Maritime Enforcement.
Steve Keating, ’79 was recently nominated and selected to be the first United States Observer to the Advisory Board on the Law of the Sea (ABLOS), a joint board established by the International Hydrographic Organization (IHO) and the International Association of Geodesy (IAG). The objective of ABLOS is to provide information and advice on technical aspects of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea. Steve has practiced international law for the National Geospatial-Intelligence Agency for the past 17 years where he has become an expert on the application of law in the maritime domain. He retired from the U.S. Naval Reserve as a captain in 2013 following 30 years of service.
Thomas Gmahle, ’83 celebrated his 25th wedding anniversary to Madeline on September 10, and his 30th anniversary with MercedesBenz Financial. He currently resides in Milton, GA.
Luke Phillips, ’84 was named president of the 200 Club Of Hudson County.
Joseph Boccasini, ’85 was voted Managing Partner at McCarter & English for five more years. Richard Lugo, ’85 sends his congratulations to his friend and classmate.
Joseph Giannella, ’86 was named president of the 200 Club Of Hudson County.
Scott Wentworth, ’88 was promoted to Battalion Chief at Belleville Fire Department, and is assigned as Tour 1 Commander.
Americus Abesamis, ’89 recently appeared in episodes of TNT’s Animal Kingdom and AMC’s Lodge 49, as well a music video with Iggy Azalea and Kash Doll.
John Fleming, ’84 (left), a CIA officer for more than 30 years, now serves as Asssistant Director for the Korea Mission Center. This summer, he welcomed Paul McNellis, S.J. for a visit to CIA headquarters. Now a professor of philosophy at Boston College, Fr. McNellis taught religion at Prep as a Jesuit scholastic in the early 1980s.
John recalls the then-Mr. McNellis was “the first person to ever encourage me to seek out the wider universe and try to understand it. He actually said to me plainly that I should consider a career at the CIA, something I kept filed away in the back of my mind until I graduated from Lehigh University in 1988.”
John Tudek, ’90 became a field geologist for the West Virginia Geological Survey.
Sean Morton, ’94 has been chosen to produce and perform the Roast of Chuck Wepner, a local Bayonne hero who was the inspiration for the movie Rocky. He is also performing stand-up at Howie Mandel’s Comedy Club at The Hard Rock Casino in Atlantic City during Thanksgiving week and was just asked to perform on his first cruise – to Honduras, Belize and Mexico in March 2020.
Steven Boyd, ‘96 and his wife, Alice, welcomed the arrival of their second son last fall, Sebastian. Dad reports Sebastian has been doing well and getting along with his older brother JP.
Alex Salas, ’97 received the HR Breiger Award which is equivalent to the HR professional of the year in NYC. It credits leaders who have made outstanding contributions to the profession and HR community.
Ray Addas, ’00 and his wife Katie have embarked on a yearlong sabbatical “to travel the entire United States in an RV.” They will be documenting their adventures through photography, and Ray invites anyone who would like to follow along to contact him at
Patrick Collins, ’03 became Head Coach and Director of Competitive Aquatics of the Summit YMCA swim team in August 2019.
Jesse Luis, ’03 and his family relocated to sunny Southern California earlier this year. The move was prompted by Jesse’s job.
Todd Schild, ’04 is the owner of Paramount Dental Arts in Clifton. Dr. Schild has pledged to donate $100 to Prep for any new patient who mentions his alma mater.
Vincent De Pinto, ’05 was promoted from captain to major in the United States Marine Corps on August 1.
Joshua Teves, ’05 is the founder of Ironbound Performance Athletics, on Newark Avenue in Jersey City. The gym offers group classes and private training with certified personal trainers.
Daniel Libatique, ’06 earned a Ph.D. in Classical Studies at Boston University in 2018, and is now teaching at the College of the Holy Cross as a Visiting Assistant Professor in Classics.
Robert Cole, ’07 was named Assistant Director of Athletics & Director of NCAA Compliance at New Jersey City University.
Piero Iberti, ’07 received his first professional script credit, on the upcoming Season 3 The Sinner on USA. He’s very grateful for all the support fromn the Prep community over the years.
Kevin De Pinto, ‘08, a captain in the United States Marine Corps and formerly Company Commander at San Diego Recruiting Depot, is now at Fort Benning, Georgia in the Army’s Maneuver Captain’s Career Course.
Christian Baranok, ’09 received his NJ Funeral Director’s License in November 2018 and is currently working as a Funeral Director at McLaughlin Funeral Home in Jersey City.
Charles Costello, ’09 returned to his Prep roots as an Associate Attorney at Zarwin Baum DeVito Kaplan Schaer & Toddy, P.C. in downtown Jersey City.
2019 isn’t an official reunion year for the Class of ’88, but that didn’t stop a few classmates from celebrating “31st reunions” of their own!
In April, Walter Schneider, John Hughes, Gene Keohane, Dave Cardino, John Bernardo, and Mike Valente caught up in Jersey City, while Dave was in from California for a few days.
In August, Richard Nugent and Cesar Pernia met up at the New Jersey Men’s 45+ Clay Court Championships at Upper Ridgewood Tennis Club in Ridgewood.
Isaac Atayero, ’13 released his debut album After Bells and Whistles under the stage name ADEOLUWA.
The album is available on all digital music platforms (links at and you can follow @iambabacrown on your favorite social media.
Dan Rasmusson, ’06 and Tom Mauriello, ’79 met for the first time last spring when Prep visited La Jolla, California for a regional reunion.
Tom is a classmate of Dan’s father, Peter Rasmusson, ’79, P’06,’08,’10,’12.
Matthew Hedden, ’16 recently published a book of poetry. Poetry of Abandon: Ode to Vacant Rooms and Filled Windows is available on Amazon (or in the Prep library, as pictured!)
Ryan Ribeiro, ’17 is majoring in broadcast journalism at Emerson College. He’s the co-host of Colbert & Dubs, a sports radio talk show at Emerson that earned the school’s prestigious EVVY award for Outstanding Radio News Program last year.
As the Alumni Spirituality Committee continues to grow its presence within the Prep community, the group has branched out to offer a helping hand to fellow alumni and their families at various waypoints of their life journeys.
One recent initiative is the creation of a team to reach out in times of illness or bereavement. During the summer, a call for volunteers yielded 30 members for the program, and a commissioning ceremony took place in October (pictured below). Team members send get-well and sympathy cards on behalf of the Prep community, visit homes, hospitals, and funerals as appropriate, and generally reinforce the vital message of Prep for Life. As of this writing, funeral arrangements for 39 alumni or relatives of alumni have been reported to Prep since the program began, and one or team members have attended the wake or funeral in 26 cases. Even in the most trying times, and even many years after graduation, the family formed at Grand & Warren stands together and looks out for one another.
“Team members have received a warm and grateful welcome from families when they see Prep reaching out to remember their loved one,” noted team leader John Chester, ’74, P’03,’05. “The response, both in person and in acknowledgement cards, has been overwhelming.” New members are welcome, John added, and alumni living in Ocean, Bergen, Warren, Hunterdon and Mercer Counties would be particularly helpful in expanding the program’s reach. If you would like to join in this ministry, please contact John Chester at
For more information on Alumni Spirituality Committee activities, including the ever popular Prep on the Road events, please visit
Robert P. Howard, ’41
Former math teacher; 2001 Legends of Prep honoree; Father of Robert E. Howard, ’67, Kenneth Howard, ’73, and Rita Anne Howard (former classics teacher)
James J. Fallon, ’47
Gerald J. Fitzgerald, ’47
Rev. Timothy J. Horgan, ’47
Gerald K. Doherty, ’50
John H. Connolly, ’51
David M. Heller, Sr., ’53
Michael Pedone, ’56
Uncle of Fred Turco, ’14
Anthony Bianciella, ’59
William Reid, ’59
Cornelius Lane, ’60
Mario Basile, ’61
Brother of Carmine Basile, ’55
Arthur Vespignani, ’61
Kenneth Del Vecchio, ‘62
Eugene Torpey, ’62
Brother of William Torpey, ’65 and Brian Torpey, ’68
Col. Nickolas F. Monteforte, ’63
Brother of Gary Monteforte, ’67
Glenn A. Grieco, ’64
John “Jay” Scott, ’64
John Mescall, ’64
James Seaman, ’65
Rev. Patrick F. Kane, ’66
David P. Vergaretti, ’69
Michael Baranski, ’70
William Horan, ’70
Brother of John Horan, ’68; cousin of Joseph Horan, ’78
Michael P. Whelan, ‘70
Through September 30, 2019
George Dawybida, ’73
Father of Nicholas Dawybida, ’15
Andrew Gray, ’81
Arthur DiMaya, ’91
Stephen Smera, ’92
Maj. Agustin “Augie” Gonzalez, ’01
Edilberto Andres
father of Erwin Andres, ‘90 and Eric Andres, ‘98
Guillermo Ayerbe
Father of William Ayerbe, ’85
Lewis Battista
Grandfather of Joseph Battista, ’02 and Michael Battista, ’14
Edwin Baumgartner
Father of Edwin Baumgartner, ’19
John Boland
Father of Todd Boland, ’91; brotherin-law of Eugene Boyle, ’56
Helen Capetola
grandmother of Stephen Capetola, ’05; great-aunt of Peter Cecinini, ’02 and Jordan Cecinini, ’05
Eric Christie
Son of Robert Christie, ’65
Loraine Crohan
Mother of thomas Crohan, ’98
Richard Dwyer
Father of Richard Dwyer, ’77, Frank Dwyer, ’78, and Michael Dwyer, ’84; Grandfather of Eamonn Dwyer, ’14 and Thomas Dwyer, ’21
Joanne Fencik
Sister-in-law of Very Rev. John Fencik, ’70 (Prep tennis coach); aunt of Jonathan Fencik, ’98 and Emily Fencik (Prep faculty member)
Joan Fitzgibbons
Former assistant to seven Prep presidents; mother of James Fitzgibbons, ’75
Marilyn French
Mother of Kenneth French, ’80, former Prep librarian
Gwendolyn and Noelle Gonzalez
Daughters of Agustin Gonzalez, ’01
Elizabeth Granelli
Mother of Michael Granelli, ’84, Bryan Granelli, ’85, Kevin Granelli, ’87 and Dennis Granelli, ’91
Carole Kaczka
Widow of Thaddeus Kaczka, ’48†; mother of James Kaczka, ’75† and Jeffery Kaczka, ’77
Susan C. Kip
Wife of John Kip, ’56
Arelene LaMonica
Mother of Thomas LaMonica, ’81
Margaret Ann Mussel
Sister of Anthony Iacocca, ’92
Peter J. Norcia, Sr.
Father of Peter Norcia, Jr., ’93
Marion C. O’Sullivan
Widow of Denis D. O’Sullivan, P’70,’76; mother of Denis J. O’Sullivan, ’70 and Stephen M. O’Sullivan, ’76
Antoinette Paczkowski
Mother of George Paczkowski, ’82; aunt of Giancarlo Sari, ’00
Thomas Petrick
Father of William Petrick, ’79 and John Petrick, ’81; grandfather of Andrew Petrick, ’15
Frank Palmisano
Father of Rev. Peter Palmisano, ’76; grandfather of Leo Milito, ’11†; father-in-law of Cataldo Fazio, ’77; uncle of Pat Cappiello, ’80;greatuncle of Pat Cappiello, ’09
Garth A. Richardson
Father of Phillip Richardson, ’15 and Adrian Richardson, ’19
George Ripnick
Father of George Ripnick, ’78
John P. Ryan
Father of Brendan Ryan, ’01
Michael Santucci
Father of Michael A. Santucci, ’99, Kenneth Santucci, ’01 and Alexander Santucci, ’03
Vasan Thatham
Father of Ram Thatham, ’17
Robert Theobald
Father of Stephen Theobald, ’79 and Michael Theobald, ’82
Thomas S. Turner
Father of Thomas R. Turner, ’87
Jessica Veniero
Sister of Salvatore Veniero, ’05 (Prep faculty member)
Gail Verdi
Mother of Anthony Verdi, ’95, Prep faculty member, and Rich Hansen (Prep athletic director and head football coach) grandmother of Rich Hansen, ’03 (Prep faculty member and assistant football coach), Daniel Hansen, ’09, and Sean Verdi, ’18
Kimberly Walker Arendt
Fiancée of Anthony Pane, ’08
Grace Armenio
Mother of Grace Gualario, assistant to the principal
Carol Maranto
Sister of Robert E. Reiser, S.J. (former Prep president); aunt of Russell Fiorella (Prep faculty member)
Harold F. Miller, Jr.
Brother of Rev. Msgr. Lawrence Miller, friend of Prep and former guidance counselor
Vita mutatur, non tollitur. Life is changed, not ended.
John Rodino, ’07 and Daniela Trapani March 23, 2019
Robert Cole, ‘07 and Kelsey Alvino June 14, 2019
Jim Coe, ‘04 and Kristina Handal June 30, 2019
Daniel Kiczek, ’04 and Patty Riady July 27, 2019
Brian Lang, ’04 and Tory Worthen September 28, 2019
Kyle Lillis, ’10 and Andrea Tesoriero October 11, 2019
Dominick Zero, ’03 and Dani Heller October 26, 2019
Lauren and JT Rooth, ’03 son Marsden Patrick, born May 15, 2019
Kate and Rob Simone, ’03 daughter Claire Kathryn, born May 29, 2019
Kaitlyn and Vincent De Pinto, ’03 son William Vincent, born June 6, 2019
Caitlin and Dan Urbanovich, ’06 daughter Jane Elizabeth, born May 30, 2019
Julie and Alex Canale, ’05 daughter Marcy Kathleen born July 22, 2019
Victoria Clark and Savon Huggins, ’11 son Zion Gary, born September 25, 2019
Allison and Paul Curmi, ’07 son Noah Paul, born October 27, 2019
This spring, Prep bid farewell to the seniors of the Class of 2019, while welcoming them into the community of Prep alumni. As they have taken on new challenges, building upon the academic, spiritual, social and athletic foundations they formed during their four years at Grand & Warren, Prep is proud to salute the Class of 2019. This fall, we invite you to join us in wishing them the very best at these and other colleges and universities, throughout the United States and beyond:
American University
Arizona State University
Boston College
Boston University
Brandeis University
Bucknell University
Caldwell University
Catholic University
Clemson University
College of Charleston
College of the Holy Cross
Cornell University
Dartmouth College
Denison University
Drexel University
Duke University
Elon University
Embry-Riddle University
Fairfield University
Fairleigh Dickinson University
Fashion Institute of Technology
Fordham University
George Washington University
Georgetown University
Georgia Institute of Technology
Gettysburg College
Hofstra University
Holz Technik Academy
Howard University
Hudson County Community College
Indiana University
James Madison University
Johns Hopkins University
Lehigh University
Liberty University
Louisiana State University
Loyola Marymount University
Loyola University Chicago
Loyola University Maryland
Manhattan College
Manhattanville College
Marist College
Marquette University
Michigan State University
Montclair State University
Morehouse College
New Jersey City University
New Jersey Institute of Technology
New York Institute of Technology
New York University
Northeastern University
Ogelthorpe University
Pace University
Pennsylvania State University
Princeton University
Providence College
Purdue University
Quinnipiac University
Ramapo College
Rowan University
Rutgers University – New Brunswick
Rutgers University – Newark
Sacred Heart University
Saint Joseph’s University
Saint Michael’s College
Saint Peter’s University
Sarah Lawrence College
Seton Hall University
Siena College
Southern Methodist University
St. Bonaventure University
St. John Fisher College
St. John’s University
Swarthmore College
Syracuse University
Texas A&M University
The College of New Jersey
The Hill Academy
The Taft School
Trinity College
Tulane University
U.S. Merchant Marine Academy
U.S. Naval Academy
University of Arizona
University of Colorado – Boulder
University of Connecticut
University of Delaware
University of Georgia
University of Hartford
University of Miami
University of Michigan
University of Mount Union
University of New Hampshire
University of Notre Dame
University of Oregon
University of Rhode Island
University of Scranton
University of Wisconsin
Villanova University
Virginia Tech
Wake Forest University
Xavier University