SpringerArchitektur - Books - Preview spring 2012

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Architecture, Art & Culture Spring 2012 New Titles



Modern Construction Handbook Andrew Watts

3rd Edition Hardcover approx. 505 pages 1000 ills. in color ISBN: 978-3-7091-1009-6 English  approx. EUR 79.95 | $ 109 | £ 72

Modern Construction Series Available May 2012


More information: more annotation of drawings, more text on the page

Updated “future” chapter with more emerging construction techniques

More technical data in the “materials” chapter

ArChiTekTeN ediTOriAl | Gebäude || 33

Dear Colleagues, Today we are pleased to present to you our Spring Preview for 2012. Modern Construction Handbook in its third edition! This in news worthy of a headline! it’s no mean feat to establish a new book on construction as a standard work on the international level. in an interview (see p. 9) Andrew Watts claims: “Communication and competence are the true keys to success” – which is equally true for architects, one might add. The Modern Construction handbook (MCh) has been extremely well received among professors and students alike because of its combination of generally valid principles and detailed 3d illustrations of contemporary examples. The new third edition offers even more information, new illustrations and informative explanatory texts to accompany them – all in a book the same length as its predecessor. Neue Architektur in Südtirol |New Architecture in South Tyrol 2006–2012 is the title of the sequel to the successful book of the same name that covered the years 2000–2006. Once more a group of experts, this time headed by Flavio Albanese, has taken a closer look at the region, discovering various new and at times breathtaking aspects in the process. The results are available in book form and can be seen in the eponymous exhibition kunst Meran (in Meran from January to May). Wo Kunst entsteht | Art Starts Here! Over 90 artists show us where and how they work. The accompanying texts by Theresia hauenfels and onsite photographs by Markus rössle offer truly immersive insights and a level of contact with the artists that is anything but ordinary. i wish you every success with our new programme; we’re confident that its multifaceted content at such a high level of quality will make it a valuable addition to your bookstore’s collection. Thanks again for your continued interest and commitment!

best regards, david Marold, Senior editor Architecture / Art & Culture david.marold@springer.at SpringerWienNewYork

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kunst Meran / Merano Arte (eds.)

2006–2012 Neue Architektur in Südtirol | Architetture recenti in Alto Adige | New Architecture in South Tyrol PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

352 450 in color 22.5 x 29.0 cm Softcover Approx. € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-1076-8 english / German / italian

Available April 2012

breathtaking architecture in one of europe’s most beautiful landscapes Overview of current trends in architecture in South Tyrol exhibition in kunst Meran | Merano Arte from January 27 to May 6, 2012 Featuring buildings from Alles Wird Gut, Feld 72, Christoph Mayr Fingerle, and many more

The architecture scene in South Tyrol has experienced an enormous boom in the last two decades. The success of the previous edition, which is unfortunately now out of print, covering the years 2000–2006 resoundingly confirmed the global interest in this topic, as does the international award “New buildings in the Alps” given by Sexten kultur. This second volume introduces current trends

in architecture in South Tyrol, while seamlessly picking up where the first volume left off in 2006. Published in the usual quality, “New Architecture in South Tyrol” documents 36 buildings, making it an extensive and upto-date reference for architecture while at the same time serving as a guide for the exhibition in kunst Meran, which emphasises the quality of South Tyrolean architecture.

ArChiTeCTure | MONOGrAPh | 5

Gert Walden (ed.)

Baumschlager Eberle 2007-2012 bauten und Projekte | buildings and Projects PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Approx. 232 300 in color 23 x 32 cm hardcover Approx. € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-1045-4, english / German

Available April 2012

baumschlager eberle: Quality for 30 buildings, carried out in 5 years New volume on the sustainable architecture of baumschlager eberle 30 building projects in the fields of living spaces, business, health etc. With first-class contributions by Philip ursprung, Otto kapfinger, Oliver herwig and dominique Gauzin-Müller

in the last five years, the architecture office of baumschlager eberle has continued to be successful on an international level. between 2007 and 2012 over 30 building projects have been commissioned in Austria, Germany, the Netherlands, belgium and Switzerland. Among the most important projects are the hospital in kortrijk, belgium, the Quartier Connect in Zurich and the Nordwesthaus in

Fußach, Austria. This publication documents trends in architecture in the last five years. With its entries on competitions, it points towards the future of architecture with a focus on the symbiotic relationship between technical and aesthetic sustainability. This special conception of baumschlager eberle won the Austrian State Award for Architecture by public ballot in 2010. related Titles: Nerdinger, Winfried (hrsg.): baumschlager – eberle 2002–2007 Architektur | Menschen und ressourcen | Architecture | People and resources, 2008, 978-3-211-71468-3

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This is the Sliver lecture Collection – a collection of essays of high profiled architects and theorists

Wolf d. Prix (ed.)

Massive Attack ioA Sliver lecture Series – Selected Friends and enemies PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

200 220 illus., 200 in color 20.6 x 26.6 cm hardcover Approx. € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-1025-6 english

Massive Attack is an assembled and edited critical mass of lectures extracted from the iOA Sliver Series entitled. Selected Friends and enemies. The lecturers include 24 leading architects, designers, critics, curators, and artists performing within the realm of the non-standard, at the extremities of their respective fields and viewpoints. The resulting spectrum of work ranges from innovative buildings, detailed aliens, bloated sculptures, scripted worlds, to atmospheric islands. The goal of the publication is tri-fold, on critically archive the series, frame insights on Vienna and the institute of Architecture, and cross-pollinate ideas by looking at the series as a whole. The publication oscillates between deep critical input and superficial glances, appealing to a broad user base.

edition Angewandte book Series of the university of Applied Arts Vienna Available April 2012

New volume of the ioA Publication Series high-profile contributors like Zaha hadid, hans hollein and many others Comprehensive reader on most recent architectural theory and practice

related Titles: Wolf d. Prix (ed.): Studio Prixuniversity of Applied Arts 1990-2011 Series: edition Angewandte, 2012, 978-3-7091-0844-4

Which architectural strategies will we have in urban development in the next 30 years?

Fakultät für Architektur der Tu Graz (ed.)

gAM.08 Dense Cities. Architecture for living Closer Together PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Approx. 352 200 illus. in color 22.6 x 27.3 cm Softcover Approx. € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-7091-1058-4 english / German

GAM 08, entitled „dense Cities“, focuses on the topic of the density of urban areas and architectural production. Since 2008, more than half of the world’s population now lives in urban areas and forecasts by the uN predict this rate will rise to 70% by the year 2050. A large part of this development is taking place in the megacities in Asia and South America. The open development of midsized historical cities with clear centralized concentration serves as a basis for new approaches to architectural design and planning. if a city is considered to be an urban area with a certain density, we are then able to apply such terms as „densification“ or „increased densification“ new perspectives to all a range of scales. The contributions to this volume range from the topic of urban landscapes to the development of new building types.

dense Cities – one of the most pressing issues of our time With first-class contributions from dietmar eberle, richard rogers, Michael Sorkin, Paola Viganò and others New edition of GAM

Available April 2012 Graz Architecture Magazine

related Titles: GAM 07, 2011, 978-3-7091-0536-8 GAM 06, 2010, 978-3-211-990209-8

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Wojciech Czaja (ed.)

Wohnen in Wien 20 residential projects by Albert Wimmer PAGeS FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Approx. 180 23 x 30 cm hardcover Approx. € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-7091-1036-2 english / German

Available February 2012

The other residential book: This is where tenants and owners also have their say! First-hand impressions of living in Vienna: concept vs. everyday life 20 buildings designed by Albert Wimmer are tested interviews by Wojciech Czaja, photographs by lisi Specht

A snapshot of housing. Apart from a few initial texts and interviews, the main text of the book contains a total of 20 home stories and interviews with tenants as well as portraits and

snapshots of lisi Specht. it is mainly about the comparison: What was the concept of the architect? And what is the reality in everyday life inside the realized buildings?

related Titles: Albert Wimmer, doris rothauer (hrsg.): Stadien / Stadiums. Marktplätze der Zukunft / Market Places of the Future, 2008, 978-3-211-75830-4

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Andrew Watts

Modern Construction Handbook PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

approx. 505 1000 in color 21 x 29.7 cm hardcover approx. eur 79.95 | $ 109 | £ 72 978-3-7091-1009-6 english

Modern Construction Series

3rd Ed i t i o n

Available May 2012

The progressive companion for students and young practitioners in architecture More information: more annotation of drawings, more text on the page updated ‘future’ chapter with more emerging construction techniques More technical data in the ‘materials’ chapter

The Modern Construction handbook has become a building construction classic and is used in many courses as a textbook. its systematic approach with chapters on materials, walls, roofs, construction and environment offers clear and efficient orientation. digital fabrication techniques are included as well (complementing traditional production processes) and presented in an instructional book for the first time. The third edition has been thoroughly updated by providing now:

More information – more annotation of drawings, more text on the page. updated ‘future’ chapter with more emerging construction techniques. updated essays on construction in the introduction chapter 1. Mote technical data in the ‘Materials’ chapter. The third edition has undergone an overall sharpening of its content which makes it an even more valuable companion for students and young practitioners! related Titles: Watts, A.: Modern Construction envelopes, 978-3-7091-0257-2

ArChiTeCTure | CONSTruCTiON | TheOrY | 9

interview with Andrew Watts (given to david Marold), 7.10.2011 David: What are the duties and responsibilities of an architect today?

lectures: Do you have a “positively message” for architecture students and professional beginners?

Andrew: Architects are expected to work with a range of relationships between building owners, contractors, and fellow professionals such as engineers. in many cases an ability to work with this team on a project is central to the way architects are expected to work. in our case, as facade specialists at Newtecnic, we bring that aspect of architecture where structure, environment and the visual expression of a building come together. The connection between these aspects of design is central to the Modern Construction handbook, based on an understanding of both the physical properties and the intended use of building materials.

A.: We consider the design of buildings to be a collaborative process. Newtecnic likes to work with the architect at the beginning to find out what they really want; rather what they think might be achievable; allowing them to be more ambitious. We look at the complete construction process, contacting firms who might be interested in making the facade from early stages to determine costs as well as moving to prototypes as soon as we can. We encourage students to take an informed approach to design, based on an understanding of accepted principles as described in the Modern Construction handbook.

D.: You do a lot of teaching and guest lectures, students respond very posetively to your

D.: Would you tell us briefly about your most demanding project?

A.: The projects we are working on at time always seem to be the hardest! For the heydar Aliyev Cultural Centre in baku, Azerbaijan, for which we are completing our work, Newtecnic have generated fabrication drawings for 17,000 panels all of different shape. This meant us generating a huge 3d model as a ‘kit of parts’ to make all the sides of the panels and show how they fit together. Panels which cover the curved roof elements also extend across a paved area next to the building, so that facade and street flow from one to the other. More on YouTube: Interview on Building-Envelopes Book http://youtu.be/Lxvkpm6s6YE Trailer Modern Construction Handbook, 2nd Edition http://youtu.be/RpGAOIjrhmE

“how many urbanists does it take to switch a light bulb?“ José luis de Vicente

dietmar Offenhuber, katja Schechtner (eds.)

Inscribing a Square urban data as Public Space PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

124 15 in color 16 x 24 cm Softcover Approx. € 21.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 19.99 978-3-7091-1053-9 english

Available June 2012

The mental image of the city has become complex. Since mobile phones have become geo-social devices, location-based data is increasingly shaping the way we experience public space. until recently, the physical and the virtual spaces have been separate domains, now they are tightly packed together into what Malcolm McCullough calls the “Ambient Commons” – the collectively shared domain of environmental information. Media art practices have played an important role in shaping this development. This book investigates the potential of experimental and artistic forms of inquiry for helping us making sense of the city. The sections explore the sensory, structural and cultural aspects of new urban systems literacy – a re-examination of what constitutes public space in the real-time city.

Senses: environmental information as a Shared resource Systems: new infrastructures for Civic Action Places: the redefinition of Public Space

eric Fischer: The Geotaggers’ World Atlas – locals and Tourists #2: New York, © 2010

related Titles: Christoph kronhagel (ed.): Mediatecture, 2010, 978-3-7091-0299-2

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New publication on the postgraduate program on urbanism.

Postgraduate Program / Wolf d. Prix (eds.)

Urban Strategies Postgraduate Program investigations 2005–2011 PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

established in 2005, the urban Strategies Postgraduate Program at the university of Applied Arts Vienna investigates the urban domain focusing on the scale where architecture and urbanism overlap. urban Strategies Postgraduate Program investigations 2005–2011 summarizes the works of 70 students from all over the world, including statements of current and past teachers and visiting critics such as Wolf d. Prix, Sanford kwinter, Thom Mayne, reiner Zettl, John McMorrough and hernan diaz Alonso among others. richly illustrated, the book discusses various urban models and modes of intervention, using a wide range of tools and methods.

Publication which summarizes the work of the program includes contributions by experts like Prix, kwinter and many others Publication within the series “edition Angewandte”

200 200 in color 21.0 x 24.6 cm Softcover Approx. € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-7091-1022-5 english

edition Angewandte book Series of the university of Applied Arts Vienna

related Titles: Wolf d. Prix (ed.): 99+ iOA Studios. hadid, lynn, Prix. Selected Student Works 2004–8. design = Thinking, 2009, 978-3-211-89798-0

Available April 2012

Art as research, research as art, anything goes?

Valerie deifel, bernd kräftner, Virgil Widrich (eds.)

An envelope for arts, sciences, politics and us Mixing realities and mediating myths & methods PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

244 155, 98 in color 18 x 24 cm Softcover € 24.95 | $ 39.95 | £ 22.99 978-3-7091-0989-2, english

edition Angewandte book Series of the university of Applied Arts Vienna Available

Sealed in the book/envelope are a variety of thoughts, images, considerations, and theoretical references about the immediate and broader context of establishing an Art & Science class at the university of Applied Arts of Vienna. Two main sources of material are combined: first, contributions that document the development of the department, and second, contributions by invited guests and interesting positions that refer to a wider art/science field. The compiled materials reflect upon experimental investigations into the reality of production of systems, discourses, and institutional structures. The book contributes to the questions of how artistic and scientific methods and practices relate to each other, and how these relations can be enriched and transformed.

A material ensemble of investigations in social and political processes that relate to artistic and scientific positions, methods, media, and organisations An attempt to overcome disciplinary boundary work and to understand interdisciplinary sharing of knowledge and strategies in research and art

ArT | MONOGrAPh | 11

Amt der NÖ landesregierung / Alexander Tischer (eds.)

Wo Kunst entsteht. Art Starts Here. Werk [stätten] in Niederösterreich / Work [spaces] in lower Austria PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Approx. 336 300 in color 24 x 27 cm hardcover Approx. € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-1041-6, english / German

Available July 2012

Watch – listen. The first picture book which you can listen too! Visits to the studios and workspaces of architects, artists, authors, composers and directors interviews by Theresia hauenfels and photographs by Markus rössle includes an Audio-Cd with spoken text and compositions

lower Austria’s art-friendly atmosphere results in an active influx of artists, with recent additions including daniel Spoerri and Felix Mitterer. The book introduces over 80 cultural figures from the fields of music, theater, film, cabaret, literature, the visual arts, design and architecture. Markus rössle’s uniquely personal photographs show the artists in their respective and disparate

workspaces. in their statements we get to hear from the artists themselves, who share their thoughts on inspiration, living in lower Austria and the landscape. The accompanying audio book, a collaboration by Theresia hauenfels and the composer rupert huber, collects and records the visits as a journey through lower Austria.

related Titles: related Amt der NÖTitles: landesregierung (hrsg.): bau[t]en für die Marte.Marte; 2008; for the arts, 2010, künste / building[s] 978-3-211-79199-8; € 54.95 / £ 49.99 978-3-211-99147-3

12 | ArT | MONOGrAPh

Susanna Fritscher (ed.)

Blanc de Titre / Blanc of Title The Art of Susanna Fritscher PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Approx. 400 150 in color 18.5 x 26 cm hardcover Approx. € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-1061-4 english

Available April 2012

First substantial retrospective of Susanna Fritscher

Artist’s book and catalouge of work Texts on her work by Jean-luc Nancy, Sabine Folie and many more With a graphic layout co-designed by ruedi baur

Susanna Fritscher’s installation works cannot be separated from their environment. On the basis of core elements such as space and movement, they directly address our visual perceptions. Among others, this book documents 16 of her completed works, e.g.: the new Vienna Airport (with baumschlager eberle) and the Centre des Archives Nationales in Pierrefitte-sur-Seine (with Massimiliano Fuksas). in the first third of the book,

the artist explains her guiding concept of artistic space. Together with the book designer ruedi baur, she develops a symbiosis of her own art with ink and the printed page. With texts by Philippe Alain Michaud (Centre Georges Pompidou), Sabine Folie (director of the Generali Foundation), hugues Fontenas (hochschule für Architektur Val de Seine) and Jean-luc Nancy (Prof. emeritus, philosopher). related Titles: Stephan ettl (hrsg.): Marte.Marte; 2008; Oswald Oberhuber Plakate 978-3-211-79199-8; Posters, 2009, 978-3-211-89111-7 eur 54.95 / GbP 49.99

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Manfred Wakolbinger

Unter der Oberfläche / Underwater PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

180 150 in color 29 x 26 cm hardcover Approx. € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-1074-4 english / German

Available April 2012

20 moving and astonishing photography stories of underwater creatures The mysterious First monographworld on Caramel of underwater archi- life tectural office insightful portraits of exotic sea life All important realized projects essays by Christoph ransmayr and bibliophilic Wolf d. Prix layout

Manfred Wakolbinger is a renowned sculptor, and now his photography work on the enchanting world of underwater life is also attracting more and more attention. Underwater is a collection of roughly twenty photography stories about bizarre creatures and the amazing behaviour of exotic sea life. This series of photos is enhanced by short explanations written by Wakolbinger. in addition to his photography

stories and an essay on the “making of”, there is also a contribution by Christoph ransmayr, who accompanied Wakolbinger in the Caribbean and wrote “Silverbanks” based on his experience with humpbacked whales, which is also illustrated by Wakolbinger’s portraits of humpbacked whales. Wolf Prix writes about the relationship to space and form as a scuba diver and as an architect. related Titles: Marte.Marte; 2008; 978-3-211-79199-8; eur 54.95 / GbP 49.99

14 | ArT | MONOGrAPh

utopics or projects to shelve? – A theoretical and practical exploration in visual On the realization architecture culture – art-workof bydedicated Sonvilla-Weiss

Arkan Zeytinoglu (ed.) Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss

geometry of Light Synthesis and Nullification The Architecture Works 1991–2011 of Arkan Zeytinoglu Approx. 180 16.5 x 23.5 cm approx. 350 Softcover 300 in color Approx. € 32.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 29.99 19.5 x 26.0 cm 978-3-7091-1028-7 english hardcover PriCe approx. eur 49.95 | uSd 69.95 | GbP 44.99 Available April 2012 iSbN 978-3-7091-0538-2 German / english PAGeS

FOrMAT PAGeS biNdiNG illS. PriCe FOrMAT iSbN biNdiNG

Synthesis and Nullification is the first Arkan Zeytinoglu calls his projects “built retrospective thehe career of Stefan theory.” Since covering many years, has dealt with Sonvilla-Weiss aslight”, a visual artist, graphic “the geometry of which describes designer, multimedia developer, writer, best his special approach to architecture. researcher, educatorZeytinoglu, and visionary but as an architect, whoconcepstudied tualist. Synthesis and Nullification is used at university of Technology Tu Graz under here metaphorically, it stands for a Günther domenig andas later on at Cooper complex and wide and union in New York, ranging devotes theoretical himself mainly practical to buildingexploration activities. in visual culture. The book divided four main Sinceis his office’sinto foundation inchapters, 1995, realiwhich in chronological zationsbundle have included works in order the field of artwork, concept installahotels and resorts,visualizations, gastronomy, and luxury tions, photographs and multimedia work residences. in May 2010, the internationally in chronological order. pavilion at expo much-noticed Austrian it contains numerous previously 2010 Shanghai (ArGe SPAN & Zeytinoglu) un published texts and artwork from the was inaugurated. last two decades, the discovery The book containsallowing all essential realizations of whole textual and visual as awell as auniverse work listofand an outlook at the material. for mediasoon. scholars, buildings Written to be completed media artists, designers, art historians, communication experts and curators.

architect First monograph on Sonvilla-Weiss‘ work Arkan Zeytinoglu Contains 20 years of work as an multimedia realized buildings in the fields of hotel, artist, writer and theorist residing, gastronomy, administration, etc. lavishly illustrated Austrian Pavilion at expo 2010 Shanghai (ArGe SPAN & Zeytinoglu)

Available April 2011

related Titles: Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss Günther domenig – recent (ed.):Work; Mashup 2005 Cultures, 2010, 978-3-211-83876-1; eur 31.77 / GbP 28.99 978-3-7091-0095-0

urban residual asabout a parameter for The artist Sarahspace Morris Philip Johnson, experimental designrobert of architecture Mies van der rohe, Venturi and many more.

Guy lafranchi (ed.) Cristine bechtler (ed.)

Sarah Morris on Architecture, HighwayIng Film Art in & Conversation lukas&ingold Fabio Tammaro with Hans Ulrich Obrist 120 100 color Approx. 110 21.0 x 21.0 cm 15 in color Softcover 17 x 21 cm eur 19.95 | uSd 29.95 | GbP 17.99 Softcover 978-3-7091-0227-5 english Approx. € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 rieAeuropa book-Series iSbN 978-3-7091-1031-7 english PAGeS

illS. PAGeS FOrMAT illS. biNdiNG FOrMAT PriCe biNdiNG iSbN PriCe

Available Art and Architecture in discussion Available April 2012

The American When cars emerged artist Sarah in the last Morris century, talks with people the curator began hans connecting ulrich Obrist their about cities her through films androadways. paintings,inwhich the course explore of buildtime, a narrow ings, cities gridand of roads structures originated. as well but aswhat permits of centers great power. mobility The focus is, in of thethe urban convercontext, sation is aher barrier longtime to urban interest relations in urban and movement flows developments, architecture beyond the and use architects of cars. like Philip Johnson, Mies van der rohe, The urban robert Venturi potential and many lying others. in theseSarah residual spaces(born Morris is explored 1967) lives by the and experimental works in New design York and studio london. of professor Since thelafranchi mid-1990s, at she burgdorf has beenuniversity making complex for Applied abstract Sciences, paintSwitzerland. ings and films. documented These works in this are book, derived the project from close of a inspection research center of architectural and a world of experience details combined “Fascination with aof critical automobile sensitivity and traffi to thec”psychology by lukas ingold of a city and and Fabio itsTammaro key prois based, inShe tagonists. its constructive showed her design, work in on many conceptsexhibitions solo of automotive including engineering hamburger as well as the parameters bahnhof in berlin of the (2001), loop-shaped Palais dedynamics Tokyo in of a highway Paris (2005) and hub with MMkits instreets, Frankfurt ramps, (2009). bridges, and residual surfaces.

First volume monograph onand architect New in “Art Architecture in Arkan Zeytinoglu duscussion” series realized buildings the fieldsofofart hotel, Contributions to theininterface and residing, gastronomy, administration, etc. architecture Austrian Pavilion at expo lead by hans ulrich Obrist2010 Shanghai (ArGe SPAN & Zeytinoglu)

Sarah Morris: kate Moss

related Titles: related Titles: John C., Cristina bechtler (ed.): On the beyond – Günther domenig – recent Work; 2005 A Conversation between Mike kelley, Jim Shaw, and 978-3-211-83876-1; eur 31.77 / GbP 28.99 John C. Welchman, 2011, 978-3-7091-0260-2

deSiGN | iNTerACTiON | MONOGrAPh | 15

how do i present my business: Checkpointmedia shows how it’s done

Virgil Widrich, Stefan reiter, Stefan unger (eds.)

Inszenierung und neue Medien – Presentation and New Media 10 Years checkpointmedia: Concepts, Paths, Visions PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG PriCe iSbN

Since 2001 the Vienna based company checkpointmedia AG has produced complete multimedia works of art for exhibitions, museums, visitor centers and organizations. To mark its 10-year anniversary, the company invited today’s leading actors in these fields to contribute essays on current discourses in media, experiential worlds, communication and the internet. Their expert papers are divided into seven chapters and illustrated with corresponding checkpointmedia projects. The book offers valuable insights into the various aspects of the company’s work – from research and the mediation of design, to communication and implementation.

Portrait of a communications company Numerous practical examples essays by experts like Peter Weibel and Werner hanak



habib habib al al mulla mulla & company & company


lawyers lawyers

mohammed ben sulayem sportsman

total communications full service PR agency

uae desert challenge racing competition

al-futtaim group real estate real estate developers in dubai


248 350 in color 23.4 x 29.5 cm Softcover € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-0980-9 english / German

investment and development in dubai

related Titles:


kronhagel (ed.): Mediatecture; 2010 978-3-7091-0299-2

First book on the successful company bene Office Furniture

kunstbank Ferrum – kulturwerkstätte, Niederösterreichische landesbibliothek (ed.)

Alles eine Frage der Kultur / A Question of Culture The contribution of bene to the development of architecture and design awareness in Austria and beyond


120 100 in color 22.5 x 27 cm Softcover € 18.14 | $ 29.95 | £ 16.99


978-3-7091-0878-9, english/German



PAGeS illS. FOrMAT biNdiNG

“Our product is space,” explains Manfred bene in an ongoing interview that flows through the work like a river. The cultural journalist Thomas Jorda guides readers through the conversation between the entrepreneur and his longtime companion, the architect laurids Ortner, while the graphic design by bohatsch and Partner lends form to the concepts and chronology, producing an immersive reading of the dialogue. A wealth of historical visual material rounds up the work. The following key topics are examined in individual chapters: Architecture (dietmar Steiner), design (lilli hollein), Commercial innovation (Johanna Zugmann), and Communicative Strategies (Theresia hauenfels). The office furniture manufacturer, founded as a carpenter’s workshop in Waidhofen/Ybbs in 1790, works closely together with prominent architects worldwide to create new working worlds.

interview with Manfred bene and laurids Ortner

16 | bACkliST | hiGhliGhTS

Andreas russ-bovelino (ed.)

rudolf Finsterwalder, Wilfried Wang (eds.)

rudolf Finsterwalder (ed.)

Caramel. Forget Architecture, Schätzchen

Álvaro Siza From line to Space

 First

 Accompanying

Form Follows Nature A history of Nature as Model for design in engineering, Architecture and Art

monograph on Caramel architectural office  All important realized projects  bibliophilic layout 2012. 432 p. 559 illus in color. hardcover € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-0511-5 english / German

catalogue to the exhibition at the Museum of Architecture on the island of hombroich  Sketches and models reveal Álvaro Siza’s philosophy and working methods  Bibliophile-friendly design 2011. 120 p. 150 illus. Softcover € 22.68 | $ 39.95 | £ 19.99 978-3-7091-0853-6 english / German

 richly

illustrated overview of the history of nature in architecture / civil engineering / art  interview with Frei Otto  Anonymous engineering, light construction, organic engineering, animal buildings, etc. 2012. 512 p. 450 illus in color. hardcover € 63.59 | $ 89.95 | £ 57.99 978-3-7091-0855-0 english/German

Abteilung für hochbau 2 Tu Wien (eds.)

Wonderland, Silvia Forlati, Anne isopp (eds.)

Astrit Schmidt-burkhardt

Housing … Density?

Wonderland Manual for Emerging Architects

Maciunas’ Learning Machines From Art history to a Chronology of Fluxus

 horizontal

vs. vertical housing densification  14 renowned Austrian architects run design studios  Contributions of experts and interviews with harry Glück and roland rainer 2012. 176 p. 60 illus. in color. Softcover € 31.77 | $ 49.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-7091-0358-6 english / German


step by step guide for managing young practices  indispensable for beginners and all who want learn about their chances and options  based on experiences of young offices throughout europe 2012. 352 p. 100 illus. in color. hardcover € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 31.99 978-3-7091-0822-2 english

 enables

students, researchers, and interested people to quickly enter into art history, avant-garde, and russia  Comprises about 65 partly large-format diagrams related to history, art history, and avant-garde, mainly as reprints  includes 37 maps related to russian history 2011. 216 p. 224 illus. with two posters. Softcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-7091-0479-8 english

bACkliST | hiGhliGhTS | 17

Studio Zaha hadid institute of Architecture, Patrik Schumacher, Zaha M. hadid (eds.)

Total Fluidity Studio Zaha hadid, Projects 2000–2010 university of Applied Arts, Vienna  Featuring

10 years of unique academic research in parametric architecture  An inspiring design manual for students and practitioners  Perfect presentation with fascinating architecture graphics and illustrations

bryan Cantley, dora eppstein-Jones (ed.)

architektur.aktuell (ed.)

Mechudzu: New Rhetorics for Architecture

Architectural Map of Vienna 30 recent buildings

 experimental

 Current

architecture design  The latest volume in the rieAch series  bibliophile-friendly

2011. 120 p. 80 illus. in color. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0834-5 english rieAeuropa book-Series

field guide to Vienna’s new architecture  30 objects + special points of interest on one Viennese map  Selection by the editor of architektur. aktuell 2011. 31 illus in color. Map € 9.05 | $ 19.95 | £ 8.99 978-3-7091-0505-4 english / German

2011. 248 p. 955 illus. in color. Softcover € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 31.99 978-3-7091-0486-6 english edition Angewandte book Series of the university of Applied Arts Vienna


Herausgegeben von Matthias Boeckl

Cordula rau (ed.)

Why Do Architects Wear Black?  100

contemporary architects, designers and draftsmen explain  Collection of handwritten explanations in an A6-format notebook  Contains statements by Peter eisenman, Françoise-helene Jourda, Jaques herzog, rem koolhaas etc. 2009. 228 p. 111 illus. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-211-79191-2 english

die Walverwandtschaften; Cordula rau; eberhard Tröger; Ole W. Fischer (eds.)

Matthias boeckl (ed.)

What Architects Desire

Paul Ott. Photography about Architecture

 250


contemporary architects draw their desire  Facsimile of the original drawings  handy, bibliophilic format 2010. 400 p. 200 illus. in color. Softcover € 27.23 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-7091-0328-9 english

monograph on one of the most outstanding architectural photographers of our time  Photo documentation of significant european buildings since 1989  Photography as an artistic transformation of our surroundings 2012. 224 p. 200 illus in color. hardcover € 54.50 | $ 79.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-7091-0820-8 english / German Available december 2011

18 | bACkliST | hiGhliGhTS

Sabine Seymour

Sabine Seymour

uta von debschitz, Thilo von debschitz

Fashionable Technology The intersection of design, Fashion, Science and Technology

Functional Aesthetics Visions in Fashionable Technology

Fritz Kahn Man Machine – Maschine Mensch

 Technology

 The

 highly

 Follow-up

topical, unpublished projects of well-known designers, companies and researchers  A compact introduction to the theory and application of electronic textiles and wearable technology  A unique list of all the pertinent information on a world-wide basis

and fashion: the present state volume to “Fashionable Technology”  history and theory with new examples from research and everyday life 2010. 232 p. 160 illus. in color. hardcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-7091-0311-1 english

2009. 208 p. 259 illus. in color. hardcover € 46.68 | $ 69.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-211-99181-7 english/German

2009. 249 p. Softcover € 24.95 | $ 39.95 | £ 22.99 978-3-211-79591-0 english

Otto kapfinger (ed.)

Hermann Kaufmann WOOD WORKS Ökorationale baukunst – architecture durable  Monograph

on hermann kaufmann’s sustainable architecture  Winner of the “Global Award for Sustainable Architecture 2007”  Awarded design by Studio Atelier reinhard Gassner corrected reprint 2011. 256 p. illus in color. hardcover € 56.03 | $ 79.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-211-79175-2 German / english / French

life and work of Fritz kahn, the bestselling German-American author  editors are the winners of the “deutscher Fotobuchpreis 2009” (2009 German Photo book Award)  With essays by Cornelius borck and Miriam eilers  incl. poster “Man as industrial Palace”

Stefan Marte, bernhard Marte, Otto kapfinger, A. Zabalbeascoa, e. Caille (eds.)

Marte.Marte Architects  First

monograph on marte.marte, a Vorarlberg architecture office  essays by internationally respected architecture critics  Awarded, bibliophile edition, designed by Atelier reinhard Gassner  Silver Medal leipzig 2009 corrected reprint 2011. 415 p. 250 illus. in color. hardcover € 54.95 | $ 79.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-211-79199-8 english

brigitte Groihofer (ed.)

Raimund Abraham – [UN]BUILT  The

one and only book on raimund Abraham’s complete work  updated second edition contains all of his latest realizations  bibliophile design, based on Abraham’s own ideas on layout 2011. 348 p. 340 illus., 200 illus. in color. hardcover € 69.95 | $ 99.– | £ 62.99 978-3-7091-0468-2 english

bACkliST | hiGhliGhTS | 19

Tobias Waltjen; Walter Pokorny; Thomas Zelger; karl Torghele; hildegund Mötzl; barbara bauer; Philip boogmann; Gabriele rohregger; ulla unzeitig (eds.)

Passivhaus-Bauteilkatalog | Details for Passive Houses A Catalogue of ecologically rated Constructions  100

standard cross-sections and 75 connection specifications with full-colour drawings to scale  100 construction materials and their technical characteristics  A comprehensive description of the construction physics

Andrew Watts

Andrew Watts

Modern Construction Handbook

Modern Construction Envelopes

 Classical

 Manual

building construction presented in a clear overview  expanded to contain current digital architecture tools  Glossary following every chapter containing explanations of terminology and related information 2010. 504 p. 1000 illus. in color. hardcover € 79.95 | $ 129.– | £ 73.50 978-3-211-99195-4 english

of construction and representation of envelopes  Current examples of internationally renowned architects  New 3d drawings with abundant detailed explanations 2011. 522 p. 1100 illus., 800 illus. in color. hardcover € 79.95 | $ 109.– | £ 72.– 978-3-7091-0257-2 english Modern Construction Series

Modern Construction Series 2009. 357 p. illus. in color. hardcover € 93.41 | $ 129.– | £ 82.– 978-3-211-99496-2 German / english

New edition see page 8

Petra Gruber

Christoph kronhagel (ed.)

Alison J. Clarke (ed.)

Biomimetics in Architecture Architecture of life and buildings

Mediatecture The design of Medially Augmented Spaces

Design Anthropology Object Culture in the 21st Century

 Overview

of the present state of research in the field of biomimetics in architecture  Shows the innovative potential of this relatively young scientific field  Case studies on vernacular architecture to space exploration

 Media

 First

2011. 280 p. 466 illus. Softcover € 59.95 | $ 89.95 | £ 53.99 978-3-7091-0331-9 english

2010. 448 p. 1000 illus. in color. hardcover € 63.59 | $ 89.95 | £ 57.99 978-3-7091-0299-2 english

+ Architecture = Mediatecture comprehensive manual on the media facade and media spaces  Perspectives, technology, and impact: numerous examples and contributions by renowned specialists  First

volume ever to address this hot topic  Contributions by leading innovators in design, corporate research and anthropology  Appeals to every designer, corporation, media concern and academy dealing with users and contemporary interdisciplinary approaches 2011. 256 p. 100 illus., 80 illus. in color. € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 31.99 978-3-7091-0233-6 english edition Angewandte book Series of the university of Applied Arts Vienna

20 | bACkliST

Housing Moves On Architects and their Views LWW, Ebner, Gerstenberg, Höllbacher, Sassen (Eds.) 2009. 196 p. Softcover € 42.01 | $ 59.95 | £ 36.99 978-3-211-79173-8 English / German

IOA Studios. Hadid Lynn Prix Selected Student Works 2009 Wolf D. Prix (Ed.) 2011. 160 p. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-211-99199-2 English

Julie Monaco 19972011 Gerald Bast (Ed.) 2012. 172 p. Hardcover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-0434-7 English / German

geometry of Light The Architecture of Arkan Zeytinoglu Arkan Zeytinoglu (Ed.) 2012. 336 p. Hardcover € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-0538-2 English

Hans Wolfsbauer-Schönau Salzburg Gemälde und Grafiken Paintings and Drawings Karin Wolfsbauer (Ed.) 2009. 208 p. Hardcover € 32.66 | $ 49.95 | £ 25.99 978-3-211-98121-4 English / German

im:print 2011 zustandsprotokolle aktueller druckgrafik | journal for the state of current printmaking Schneider; Maurer (Eds.) 2011. 160 p. Softcover € 27.23 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-7091-0494-1 English / German

Public Art Lower Austria, Volume 10 Katharina Blaas-Pratscher (Ed.) 2011. 259 p. Hardcover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-0780-5 English / German

Die sechziger Jahre: Eine phantastische Moderne The 1960s: A Fantastic Modernism Berthold Ecker, Wolfgang Hilger (Eds.) 2011. 559 p. Hard cover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-0743-0 English / German

Ernst Logar - Invisible Oil Ernst Logar (Ed.)

Unbuildable Tatlin?! Wolf D. Prix (Ed.)

2011. 96 p. Hardcover € 22.68 | $ 39.95 | £ 19.99 978-3-7091-0460-6 English / German

2012. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 15.99 978-3-211-99201-2 English / German

The Vienna South Station and its demolition. 2007–2010 A Photographic Essay by Roman Bönsch Roman Bönsch (Ed.)

Solar Cooling Handbook A Guide to Solar Assisted Cooling and Dehumification Processes H.-M. Henning, Mario Motta (Eds.)



Drawing as Universal Language. Hugo A. Bernatzik Collection Doris Byer, Christian Reder (Eds.) 2011. 360 p. Hard cover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-0799-7 English/German

Kunst im öffentlichen Raum Steiermark / Art in Public Space Styria Projekte / Projects 2010 Werner Fenz (Ed.) 2012. Softcover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-0818-5 English / German

Architecture Linz 1900-2010 Andrea Bina, Theresia Hauenfels, Elke Krasny, Lorenz Potocnik 2012. 352 p. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0831-4 English Available 2012

2012. 256 p. Hardcover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-7091-0837-6 English / German

Studio Prix University of Applied Arts 1990–2011 Wolf D. Prix (Ed.)

Migrations: Interdisciplinary Perspectives Michi Messer, Renee Schröder, Ruth Wodak (Eds.)

(IN)VISIBLE Learning to Act in the Metaverse Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss

Soshana Leben und Werk Life and Work Angelica Bäumer, Amos Schueller (Eds.)

2012. approx. 250 p. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0844-4 English Available February 2012

2012. 600 p. Hardcover € 169.95 | $ 239 | £ 153 978-3-7091-0949-6 English

2009. 168 p. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-211-78538-6 English

2010. 320 p. Hardcover € 54.50 | $ 79.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-7091-0274-9 English / German

3rd Ed., 2012, Approx. 270 p. 250 illus. in color. € 59.95 | $ 89.95 | £ 53.99 978-3-7091-0841-3 English Available 2012

Christa Sommerer & Laurent Mignonneau Interactive Art Research Stocker; Sommerer; Mignonneau (Eds.) 2009. 232 p. Hardcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 36.99 978-3-211-99015-5 English


bACkliST | 21

Bau[t]en für die Künste / Building[s] for the Arts Contemporary Architecture in Lower Austria Grassegger, Tischer (Eds.) 2010. 288 p. Hardcover € 32.66 | $ 49.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-99147-3 English / German

Architecture Vienna 700 Buildings August Sarnitz 2008. 592 p. Softcover € 31.77 | $ 49.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-71578-9 English

Architecture as City Saemangeum Island City Florian Beigel; Philip Christou (Eds.) 2010. 152 p. Hardcover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-0367-8 English

Food Design XL Sonja Stummerer; Martin Hablesreiter 2010. 350 p. Hardcover € 37.34 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-211-99230-2 English / German

Light Shadow Space Architectural Rendering with Cinema 4D® Horst Sondermann 2008. 238 p. Hardcover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-211-48761-7 English

Advances in Architectural geometry 2010 Cristiano Ceccato; Lars Hesselgren; Mark Pauly; Helmut Pottmann; Johannes Wallner (Eds.) 2010. 242 p. Hardcover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-0308-1 English

Elementares zum Raum | A Primer to Space Roger Boltshauser Werke | Works Roger Boltshauser, Aita Flury, (Eds.)

Dietrich | Untertrifaller Bauten und Projekte seit 2000 | Buildings and Projects since 2000 Walter Zschokke (Ed.)

2009. 230 p. Hardcover € 51.36 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-211-79179-0 English / German

2008. 308 p. Soft cover € 53.22 | $ 79.95 | £ 47.99 978-3-211-71529-1 English / German

Viennese Kineticism. Modernism in Motion Gerald Bast, Agnes HussleinArco, Herbert Krejci, Patrick Werkner (Eds.) 2011. 256 p. Hardcover € 45.41 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-211-99143-5 English / German

Photoshop® in Architectural graphics Horst Sondermann 2009. 328 p. Hardcover € 44.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-211-71591-8 English

Harald Szeemann – with by through because towards despite Catalogue of all Exhibitions 1957–2005 Bezzola, Kurzmeyer (Eds.) 2007. 759 p. Hardcover € 89.95 | $ 129.– | £ 81.– 978-3-211-83632-3 English

Drawing A Hypothesis Figures of Thought Nikolaus Gansterer 2011. 352 p. Softcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-7091-0802-4 English

Öffentliche Kunst Public Art Lower Austria, Volume 9 Katharina Blaas-Pratscher (Ed.) 2009. 256 p. Hardcover € 37.34 | $ 59.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-99013-1 English / German

Baumschlager – Eberle 2002–2007 Architecture | People and Resources Winfried Nerdinger (Ed.) 2008. 232 p. Hardcover € 46.68 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-211-71468-3 English / German

Space & Texture. Hertl. Architekten Matthias Boeckl (Ed.) 2009. 208 p. Hardcover € 37.34 | $ 59.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-79161-5 English / German

Treusch Architecture Matthias Boeckl (Ed.) 2010. 208 p. Hardcover € 36.32 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-211-48961-1 English / German

Baumschlager Eberle Annäherungen | Approaches Gert Walden (Ed.) 2010. 148 p. Hardcover € 27.99 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-211-79158-5 English / German

Edvard Ravnikar Architect and Teacher Ales Vodopivec; Rok Znidarsic (Eds.) 2010. 348 p. Hardcover € 59.95 | $ 89.95 | £ 55.99 978-3-211-99203-6 English

Sehnsucht – The Book of Architectural Longings Die Walverwandtschaften, Rau, Tröger, Fischer (Eds.)

Eckhard Schulze-Fielitz Metasprache des Raums / Metalanguage of Space Wolfgang Fiel (Ed.)

2010. 256 p. Hard cover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-0326-5 English / German

2010. 536 p. Hardcover € 56.03 | $ 59.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-211-99197-8 English / German

22 | bACkliST

Nordic Talking 4 1/2 Years in Studio with Kjetil Thorsen Kjetil Thorsen, Ursula Ender, Petra Cernusca (Eds.)


2009. 368 p. Soft cover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-211-99213-5 English

Yo.V.A.3 - Young Viennese Architects Stadt Wien, Magistrat (Eds.) 2010, 128 p. Softcover € 27,23 | $ 39,95 | £ 24,99 978-3-7091-0334-0 English/German

Basics Architecture and Dynamics Franziska Ullmann 2011. 208 p. Softcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-7091-0323-4 English

On the Beyond A Conversation between Mike Kelley, Jim Shaw, John C. Welchman Kelley; Shaw; Bechtler (Ed.) 2011. 132 p. Softcover € 22.68 | $ 39.95 | £ 19.99 978-3-7091-0260-2 English

gAM 06. Nonstandard Structures TU Graz (Ed.)

APOPliving ... apartments, houses, cities Georg Driendl (Ed.)

2010. 256 p. Softcover € 18.64 | $ 29.95 | £ 14.99 978-3-211-99209-8 English / German

2010. 336 p. Softcover € 45.40 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-7091-0116-2 English

The Evolution of 20 th Century Architecture: A Synoptic Account Kenneth Frampton

ARTISTS-IN-LABS: Networking in the Margins Jill Scott (Ed.)

2007. 159 p. Softcover € 32.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 29.99 978-3-211-31195-0 English

2010. 212 p. Softcover € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 31.99 978-3-7091-0320-3 English

Eastmodern Architecture and Design of the 1960s and 1970s in Slovakia Hurnaus; Konrad; Novotny

HighwayIng Lukas Ingold & Fabio Tammaro Fabio Tammaro, Lukas Ingold, Guy Lafranchi (Eds.)

Über Wohnbau / House-ing Carlo Baumschlager & Dietmar Eberle Liesbeth Waechter-Böhm (Ed.)

2007. 238 p. Softcover € 39.95 | $ 59.95 | £ 35.99 978-3-211-71531-4 English

2010. 120 p. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0227-5 English / German

2000. Hardcover € 21.45 | $ 39.95 | £ 15.– 978-3-211-83228-8 English / German

Rieß Wood³ Modulare Holzbausysteme Otto Kapfinger, Ulrich Wieler (Eds.)

Kunst und Forschung. Art and research. Können Künstler Forscher Sein? Can artists be researchers? Ritterman, Bast, Mittelstraß (Eds.)

99+ IOA Studios. Hadid, Lynn, Prix Selected Student Works 2004–8. Design = Thinking Wolf D. Prix (Ed.)

2011. 257 p. Softcover € 22.68 | $ 39.95 | £ 19.99 978-3-7091-0752-2 English / German

2009. 208 p. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 15.99 978-3-211-89798-0 English

Biennials – Art on a global Scale Sabine B. Vogel

Visual Catalog: greg Lynn’s Studio at the University of Applied Arts Vienna Kristy Balliet; Brennan Buck (Eds.)

2007. 159 p. Hardcover € 42.01 | $ 59.95 | £ 37.99 978-3-211-32771-5 English / German

Secret Passion Künstler und ihre MusikLeidenschaften / Artists and their musical desires Koller, Bartz, Bast (Eds.) 2010. 280 p. Soft cover € 27.23 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-7091-0075-2 English / German

Coded Cultures New Creative Practices out of Diversity Russegger; Tarasiewicz; Wlodkowski (Ed.) 2011. 384 p. Softcover € 49.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-7091-0457-6 English

2010. 144 p. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0250-3 English

Marianne Maderna historysteria Marianne Maderna 2008. 304 p. Hardcover € 37.34 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-211-75582-2 English / German

2010. 176 p. Softcover € 24.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 22.99 978-3-211-99192-3 English

Interactive Environments with Open-Source Software 3D Walkthroughs and Augmented Reality for Architects Wolfgang Höhl 2009. 239 p. Hardcover € 49.95 | $ 79.95 | £ 44.99 978-3-211-79169-1 English


bACkliST | 23

Art in the Age of Technoscience Genetic Engineering, Robotics, and Artificial Life in Contemporary Art Ingeborg Reichle 2009. 422 p. Softcover € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 32.99 978-3-211-78160-9 English

Handbook of Detailing The Graphic Anatomy of Construction Ralph W. Liebing

The Other Architecture Tasks of Practice Beyond Design Ralph W. Liebing

2009. 424 p. Hardcover € 59.95 | $ 89.95 | £ 55.99 978-3-211-99134-3 English

2010. 428 p. Hardcover € 59.95 | $ 89.95 | £ 53.99 978-3-211-35739-2 978-3-7091-0262-6 English

Fashion in Context Gerda Buxbaum (Ed.) 2009. 352 p. Softcover € 32.66 | $ 49.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-78924-7 English

Oswald Oberhuber Plakate Posters Werkverzeichnis Catalogue Raisonné Stephan Ettl (Ed.) 2009. 520 p. Hardcover € 56.03 | $ 69.95 | £ 49.99 978-3-211-89111-7 English/German


Living Streets - Wohnwege Access Galleries in Residential Buildings LWW, Peter Ebner, Julius Klaffke (Eds.) 2009. 188 p. Softcover € 37.34 | $ 59.95 | £ 28.99 978-3-211-79177-6 English / German

Style and Scale, or: Do You Have Anxiety? Ken Adam, Katharina Fritsch, Hans Ulrich Obrist, Bice Curiger


2009. 120 p. Softcover € 23.32 | $ 39.95 | £ 20.99 978-3-211-99215-9 English / German

Bembé Dellinger Architects Bilder und Pläne | pictures and plans 1999–2009 Felix Bembé, Sebastian Dellinger 2010. 736 p. Softcover € 46.68 | $ 69.95 | £ 42.99 978-3-7091-0093-6 English / German

Art and Cultural Policy in China A Conversation between Weiwei, Sigg and Chang, moderated by Pakesch Weiwei; Chang; Sigg; Pakesch (Eds.) 2009. 132 p. Softcover € 23.32 | $ 39.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-211-89240-4 English / German

Architecture in Vienna 1850 to 1930 Historicism – Jugendstil – New Realism Bertha Blaschke, Luise Lipschitz

Porsche Museum Delugan Meissl Associated Architects HG Merz Liquid Frontiers, Dreher, Josst, Muhr (Eds.)

2003. 247 p. Softcover € 25.45 | $ 35 | £ 20.99 978-3-211-83735-1 English

2010. 364 p. Softcover € 59.95 | $ 79.95 | £ 53.99 978-3-211-99736-9 English

Mashup Cultures Stefan Sonvilla-Weiss (Ed.)

The Structure of Paintings Michael Leyton

2010. 256 p. Softcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0095-0

2006. 207 p. Softcover € 46.95 | $ 69.95 | £ 42.99 978-3-211-35739-2 English

Artists-in-Labs Networking in the Margins Jill Scott (Ed.)

Scratching the Surface New London Facades by London Architects Andrew Watts (Ed.)

2010. 212 p. 180 illus. With DVD. Softcover € 34.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 31.99 978-3-7091-0320-3 English

Dynamics & De-realisation Margot Krasojevic 2011. 104 p. Softcover € 19.95 | $ 29.95 | £ 17.99 978-3-7091-0815-4 English

2007. 303 p. Softcover € 26.95 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-211-71538-3 English

HafenCity Hamburg Jürgen Bruns-Berentelg; Angelus Eisinger; Martin Kohler; Marcus Menzl 2010. 460 p. Hardcover € 27.22 | $ 39.95 | £ 24.99 978-3-7091-0106-3 English / German

Orientation & Identity Portraits of Way Finding Systems – Edition Angewandte Bauer, Mayer, Universität für Angewandte Kunst (Eds.) 2009. 480 p. Hardcover € 84.07 | $ 119.– | £ 73.50 978-3-211-79189-9 English / German

Reinberg. Ökologische Architektur / Ecological Architecture Design, Planning, Realization Reinberg, Boeckl (Eds.)

UNFOLD A Cultural Response to Climate Change David Buckland; Chris Wainwright (Eds.)

2008. 348 p. Hardcover € 46.68 | $ 69.95 | £ 40.99 978-3-211-32770-8 English / German

2010. 120 p. Hardcover € 29.95 | $ 49.95 | £ 26.99 978-3-7091-0220-6 English



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