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Retirees News
Are you a woman golfer at SGCC? Maybe you’ve heard about the WGA-18 and would like to know more. Well, here’s who we are….

The WGA-18 is a group of women who plan and play competitive golf events in a spirit of friendship and sportsmanship, and to promote friendly social contacts and interest in golf amongst the woman golfers of SGCC. We play a round of 18 holes Tuesday and Saturday mornings. We also play a fun format of 9 holes on Wednesday evenings. Throughout the year we play several tournaments and have our own Ladies/Member Guest. We welcome you to join regardless of your playing level.
Please contact our Membership Chair, Amy Liberty (amy. liberty@verizon.net) to sign up.
Our opening meeting will be held on Wednesday, March 8. Please consider attending to learn more about our program.
The Retirees will kick off the 2023 season with our annual Registration Meeting on Thursday, March 16 at 9:00am, followed by our Opening Bash on Thursday, March 30. After being canceled last year due to rain, both the Red and Blue Team Captains are looking for bragging rights from an early win at home. Hopefully the weather will cooperate this year and we will be primed for our opening match the following week at Belmont CC.
We are using Golf Genius again for scoring this year. Not sure how to use it? Check out the “Using the Golf Genius Phone Application” video on the Club website.
We were hampered by several early losses last year, so we will need everyone ready and able to play in the early season matches. Interested in joining the Retirees? Contact Bruce Nordstrom at bnorthstream@yahoo.com.