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New Year, New Rules
The Rules of Golf underwent a change on January 1, 2023. We highlighted five major changes in the December newsletter, which you can find on the Club’s website. This month, we’re highlighting eleven principal changes as emphasized by the USGA. We are a progressive Rules group, so you will note that many of the outlined “changes” have already been adopted here in our Local Rules Sheet.
Rule 1.3c(4): Applying Penalties to Multiple Breaches of the Rules
This change will apply here and elsewhere. Rules officials will have to gather the facts and determine what penalties apply.
Rule 3.3b(4): Player Not Responsible for Showing Correct Handicap on Scorecard or Adding Up Scores
No real change at SGCC. Our Pro Shop already prints our appropriate handicap on our printed scorecards.
Rule 4.1a(2): Allows Use, Repair, or Replacement of Club Damaged During Round, Except for Abuse
No change at SGCC. Three years ago, we adopted Local Rule G-9 which allows the same procedures.
Rule 6.3b(3): Inappropriate Substitution of Another Ball while Playing a Hole
This change will apply here and elsewhere. The change reduces the penalty from the General Penalty to one stroke.
Rule 9.3: Ball Moved by Natural Forces
This change will apply here and elsewhere. The Rule states that a ball must be replaced if it moves to another area of the course after being dropped, placed, or replaced.
Rule 10.2b: Other Help, by Caddies or Partners
This change will apply here and elsewhere. Rule 10 describes where a player may stand during the stroke by someone else, and prohibits placing anything on the ground to help any player with a stroke. For example, you cannot lay a towel on the ground to help a player see the correct line on a blind spot.
Rule 11.1b: Ball in Motion Accidentally Hits Person or Outside Influence; Place Where Ball Must Be Played From
This change applies here and elsewhere. If a ball played from the putting green hits an insect, the player, or the club used to make the stroke, the ball is played as it lies—the stroke is not replayed.
Rule 21.1c: Penalties in Stableford
This change will apply here and elsewhere. The Rule now provides that penalties in relation to clubs, time of starting, and unreasonable delay are applied to the hole in the same way as regular stroke play. The same change is made to Rule 21.3c (Penalties in Par/Bogey).
Rule 25: Modifications for Players with Disabilities
This change will apply here and elsewhere. The introduction of Rule 25 means that the modifications provided in the Rule apply to all competitions, including all form of play.
General Change: Back-on-the-Line Relief Procedure
This change will apply here and elsewhere. The back-on-theline procedure is amended to provide that the player is required to drop on the line. The spot on the line where the ball first touches the ground when dropped creates a relief area that is one club-length in any direction from that point, even closer to the hole.
General Change: How to Proceed When Stroke Must Be Replayed
This change will apply here and elsewhere. Several Rules that used the phrase “stroke does not count” (such as Rule 11.1b) have been amended so that failure to replay a stroke when required to do so, while still a breach of the relevant Rule, no longer carries the potential for disqualification.