MONDAY, OCTOBER 31 - INDOOR SHOOTING TOURNAMENT REGISTRATION Name______________________________ Business__________________________________________ Address___________________________________ Phone/Email_______________________________ $75 per shooter includes lunch, use of SOF-provided weapon (Ruger Mark III 22/45), ammunition for 3 targets plus poker target. Yes, I would like to sponsor and/or register for the Indoor Tournament! You do not need to be an HBA member to sponsor or participate in the tournament. Sponsorship Opportunities: ___$150 - Supporting Sponsor - one shooter and company name on sign at event; receive 3 Home Show points for this option!* ___$500 - Lane Sponsor - 5 shooters and company name/logo on sign at event as well as other promotional mention, list in Housing News Weekly, etc. ___$500 - Lunch Sponsor -1 shooter, event signage and company promotional info placed in lunch room area. *Contributing at least $100 results in 1 Home Show Point and makes your company eligible for two more points which can be earned if a company employee participates in the event and if you also sponsor the event at any level.
Flight Times: (rank them below in preferred order, 1 being top preference; flights are limited to 16 shooters per time slot so assignment will be made on a first come, first served basis.) 10 am _____ 11 am _____ 1 pm _____ 2 pm _____ (Lunch served from 11 am to 2 pm) ___Sponsorship Option Above, OR ___# of shooters @ $75 per person Provide name(s) of shooter(s) to be registered below: 1._______________________________
3. ______________________________
4. _______________________________
TOTAL PAYMENT/INVOICE AMOUNT = $______ _____My check is enclosed
_____Invoice me at the address above
Make checks payable to the Coalition for Building A Better Tomorrow and return to PO Box 3326, Springfield, MO 65808. Or, fax this form to 881-7334 for invoicing. Individual awards will be given based on results of all shooters participating in tournament that day. Tournament scoring: best of 30 shots - 10 shots per each of 3 targets placed at different distances. Prize will be given for best poker hand in each flight. Not an experienced shooter? No problem - contact A.G. Paul at SOF-USA Indoor Gun Range and learn more before tournament day! Shooters are also welcome to bring their own weapon, ammunition and targets to shoot in a lane free-of-charge following or in advance of your tournament play. (Targets and ammunition can also be purchased and guns rented from SOF for additional shooting.) Contact SOF at 417.485.4867 or visit their website at shooters: you must USE GUN, AMMUNITION AND TARGETS PROVIDED BY SOF-USA for tournament. The CBBT is the official Political Action Committee of the Home Builders Association of Greater Springfield. The Committee is registered with the Internal Revenue Service and the Missouri Ethics Commission. Contributions to the CBBT are considered political contributions and are therefore not tax deductible. Matt Morrow, Treasurer
What is the CBBT? Your tool to elect officials who understand that a healthy housing industry is essential to economic prosperity.
The CBBT has a track record of success including: • Supporting a legislated alternative to mandatory residential fire sprinklers for the state and local jurisdictions. The moratorium on residential fire sprinklers was extended in MO through the year 2019. This was an overwhelming legislative victory in 2011. • Successfully supporting pro-housing/pro-economic development candidates for Springfield City Council, Nixa City Council, Ozark Board of Aldermen as well as many other county and state level candidates.