Summer Newsletter 2014

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kids need adventure. challenges. direction. faith. summer Newsletter 2014

In this Issue + Letter from the President.......... 1 + Retreats....................................... 2 + Overnight Camps....................... 3 + Day Camps.................................. 5 + Giving .......................................... 6

summmer newsletter:

Summer newsletter:

president’s letter

retreats labor day family camp

summer sounds and smells right

you will want to register for this one.

upcoming retreats

check out all the different events happening at springhill!

By Michael Perry President of SpringHill Camps

Its summer, which means from the deck of our home, tucked away in the woods, I listen daily to the metallic zing of kids and their leaders ripping down the zipline, and the screams and laughter of students participating in crud wars. The evenings are my favorite time to sit outside because that’s when I hear the sweet sound of kids singing and the smell of the campfires from which they gather. I love those sounds and I love the smell of a campfire because they mean that kids are at SpringHill. And when kids are at SpringHill I know, through the experiences I hear about, they’re encountering Jesus in a life-transforming way. For some it’s their first time and for others in a brand new way. This is why SpringHill exists; it’s why parents from all

start the 1 year challenge today!

Join friends of SpringHill as they journey through the Bible in one year. Follow along as SpringHill President Michael Perry guides you through challenging thoughts and a new direction.

over the world send their kids to SpringHill, and why students come from all over the country to spend their summers working for SpringHill. It’s also why staff, like myself, have invested our vocational careers in SpringHill. And it’s why friends like you have invested your resources – time, energy, credibility and financial support – into SpringHill. We do this because young people will come to know and will grow in their relationship with Jesus Christ this summer. Thank you for being a part of making summer happen at SpringHill. Every song, every wall climbed, every small group discussion about a Bible verse is only possible because of your trust and your partnership.

Stay connected with SpringHill year-round!

We share upcoming events, camper testimonies, photos and videos, and other resources on our social media channels. Been to camp recently? Share your experience and tag SpringHill Camps!

What to do:

1. Pick a time. A 20-minute daily routine that will redirect and bring focus to your life.

2. Grab your Bible. Enjoy reading God’s written word. 3. Start your journey. Begin the series by visiting and click “reflections.” Devotional is compatible with your electronic reader.

indiana Whatever happened to quality family time? With busy schedules and to-do lists, wouldn’t it be great to really connect with your family in a meaningful way? We’ve made it easy for you to build unity, have fun and experience God... as a family! At our family camp you’ll spend quality time with each other, have interactive sessions and learn how to strengthen your relationships as a family with Christ at the center. Our activities will give you a chance to challenge yourself and encourage each other. You’ll have down time to discuss family issues and help your relationships grow with each other and with God. Get away with your family and enjoy a unique blend of family-togethertime and age-appropriate-programming. Bring a tent or camper, or choose one of our housing units, then customize your experience with your choice of meal plans and activities options.

Father/Daughter Retreat september 5–7 Teen Fall Retreat september 12–14 The Well Women’s Retreat september 19–21 Visit

michigan labor day family camp august 29–september 1

Date: August 29–September 1 Locations: IN and MI Overnight Camp

women’s fall retreat October 3–5

Women’s Fall Retreat

For more information, visit

You won’t want to miss this.

Remove yourself from daily life, and reignite your soul in a totally unique environment. Join other women in becoming better neighbors, moms, wives, grandmas, and friends - all while having a blast at camp. Women’s Retreat includes community worship, thought-provoking discussions, and energizing fun as a group and individually. Share fellowship with other believers and allow space for God to speak into your life. Annie Downs, author of “Speak Love: Making Your Words Matter” and “Perfectly Unique,” both consistently top-selling books for young women, will inspire you to throw off your fears and bravely embrace God’s adventures for your life. Flawed but funny, she uses her platform to highlight the everyday goodness of a real and present God. Prominent Christian artist Kerrie Roberts will complement Down’s words with her touching lyrics that find redemption in pain and peace in the battle, as well as piano and strings that will awaken the spirit within you.


labor day family camp august 29–september 1

Date: October 3–5

Location: MI Overnight camp

Family Fun Day

Join us at our Michigan Overnight location in Evart. Your family will have the opportunity to ride the zipline, canoe in our lakes, reach the top of the climbing wall, take a ride down our waterslide, go horseback riding, and create a craft to take home. While here, you meet our Camp Directors and take a tour around camp. This event is free to families that are new to Overnight Camp or are bringing a friend/ additional family that is new to SpringHill. Date: August 9, 2014 Time: 1pm–5pm RSVP:


overnight camp:



summer staff singing camp songs and flying down the zipline with campers at Michigan Overnight.


Campers will be served this summer at Michigan Overnight.

Adventure Tower

StaffAlum spotlight

Yes, this activity reaches the treetops!


at summer camp capacity!


campers attending Indiana Overnight this summer

Teepees Renovation A huge success.

Catherine Cleveland, Allison Gilmore, Cayla Kent, Sarah Uhey, and Melissa Loudermilk (not pictured: Abby Orlowski, Jackie Bray, and Clare DeVeau)

One of the most encouraging displays of the impact SpringHill has on past staff is the continued friendship long after final goodbyes have been said at summer’s end. Since their time on staff together in 2011 these girls have continued to spend each year coming together to encourage one another in Christ and enjoy one another’s company. Gathering from states as far south as Texas, they fly in for time in community with each other. 89% of StaffAlum polled have maintained contact with former staff! If you were on staff and are interested in getting a reunion together of your own, email! Also, “like” the SpringHill Camps StaffAlum Facebook Page to stay up to date on all the developments.

I love this camp and all of the counselors working hard to make this a great experience. I could come back 100 times and it would never get old. – Olivia, Copper Country Camper

The tower has ground-accessible stairs, a wheelchair-accommodating moving bridge, as well as log and cable balance systems. More cautious campers need only walk up the stairs to the second level to feel like they’re in the trees and overlooking the lake, while the tower’s third level offers climbing and balancing activities for the more adventurous campers.

“ The teepees have air conditioning, electricity, better bunks, and are more comfortable…I just wish they had a mini TV.” – Brent, Red Brush Camper

special Indiana Overnight Camp visitor

Karen Pence, First Lady of Indiana, visits Indiana Overnight

Grand Rapids Public Schools (GRPS) joined us for a week of faith and fun. These 65+ campers were able to take part in a SpringHill Experience thanks to the various contributions toward our West Michigan Scholarship Fund. Although each student came from the Grand Rapids area, they returned home in a different place personally and spiritually. Throughout the week campers were able to face their fears and encourage one another through adventurous activities and meaningful conversations.

Camp provides students with the opportunity to step away from their everyday lives and immerse themselves in the love and truth of Christ. This is an experience that not only has a positive impact on the GRPS students, but SpringHill as a whole.

Why I Work at SpringHilL

– Adam, InPursuit and Red Brush Assistant “My senior year, I was a teacher’s aid in a severe interventions elementary classroom, and I fell in love with it. I decided then that was something God had given me a calling to. When I got an offer to be the Special Needs Coordinator at SpringHill I fell in love with the mission of inclusion and incorporating all activities with Christ.” – Jenae, Special Needs Coordinator

eleven years and counting

PS: Help send Grand Rapids Public School students to camp next year! To donate, visit and designate West Michigan Scholarships. 3

Special thanks to all of our generous supporters that helped make this project possible. Campers are raving about the new housing units and enjoying their stay.

The Adventure Tower is opening this summer! Adventure Island is also home to our new boardwalk and amphitheater.

“Coming back to SpringHill this year has not only helped me grow with God on a personal level but it has also given me the opportunity to support my friends in their walk with Christ.” – Kajah English, GRPS Camper


“I think it’s a lot of things. The environment. It’s an environment where I can come and grow with a community of believers. It is a mission that I support and I have seen firsthand how it positively impacts young kids’ lives; it helps them grow. That is something that I can align myself with and support and feel good that I am a part of. I was a camper, and I know how much it can affect a child’s life.”

The Adventure Tower located in the Storybrook Camp Center is SpringHill’s newest high adventure activity for 1-4 grade campers! This activity is designed to look similar to the high ropes course in New Frontiers Camp Center, but catered to our youngest campers. Best yet, there is no need for complicated harnesses and belay systems! Instead, the two towers, three levels, and climbing elements are fully-enclosed by fall-protection railings and natural looking netting. Campers can free climb simply under the supervision of their counselors.

overnight camp:

As a mother, what would you tell other parents about SpringHill? “ I think it’s a great camp. It reminds me a lot of Summer’s Best 2 Weeks, which is where my kids all went. And we were talking about how difficult it is when your kids are little, 1st and 2nd grade, to send them away, but for my kids, it was very beneficial. It made them appreciate Mom. It made them appreciate home. But it was a growing time, too. And I think especially a place where you can go and grow in your faith is a great thing for them to kind of be out on their own and think about their relationship with God. I think it is great what you guys are doing. You are making a difference. Treasure in Heaven.” - Karen Pence, First Lady of Indiana

“I work at SpringHill for a couple reasons. I think the first is I love children. I love seeing God in children and trying to help children find God, and I think this is a great place to do that. Another reason is I feel called to ministry, and I think working with kids is a great way to do that [because most of the time if you can explain something to kids you can explain something to adults].” – Corrie, Red Brush Counselor


summmer newsletter:


day camps

Beginning in the fall of 2013, StaffAlum began an extensive research project through a third party research firm out of Grand Rapids, Michigan. The goal was to learn about the impact of the SpringHill experience on the lives of past summer staff. Over 350 alum from four decades recalled their summers in great detail. The results were both encouraging and compelling. Throughout this newsletter highlights from this research project will be shown so you can see and hear what staff are saying about how God impacted their lives through their time at SpringHill. staffAlum spotlighT: Affinity StaffAlum loved their work experience!

“ The summers I worked at SpringHill are some of the best of my life. The friendships and memories I had will always make me smile.”

day campers this summer

1 boy’s story and 400+ changed lives Jesse Buist was a former SpringHill camper and loved Jesus. In 1997, at the age of 13, Jesse passed away following a surgery that he was optimistically recovering from. This year he would have been 31 years old. In honor of Jesse – his fun-loving personality and love for Jesus – his parents, Jack and Pat, have begun the Jesse Buist Memorial Scholarship at SpringHill. Through this scholarship fund, the Buist family has a desire to provide Day Camp scholarships for underserved children in Grand Rapids, Michigan.


new donors to SpringHill this year

summer newsletter:



lives changed to-date through scholarships

Get in the Loop

why i give at a young age?

Love SpringHill and wondering what to do next? We want you on the inside loop. There are three simple ways that will make a huge impact on the ministry of SpringHill.

“I have always read about kids who band together with their community and make a difference, but I never thought that I could ever be able to be a part of something so amazing.

PRAY. Please join us in prayer by signing up for the prayer newsletter. GIVE. Commit today and donate towards a child’s SpringHill experience. VOLUNTEER. There are opportunities to bring your family, church group, or organization to camp and have your own SpringHill service experience.

It’s funny to imagine, but the can collection started with me along with my friend Sam pedaling our bikes around the neighborhood and with the help of my brother, hauling them back to my garage. With the addition of Kate and Jack we had a whole operation going. It’s great to think we can help kids go and experience God’s love in the way that we have - through fun and just love.

Learn more by visiting:

A special thanks to The Jesse Buist Scholarship Fund and the many supporters that have made Day Camp at Tabernacle Church possible. “This week is has been a blessing to over 200 campers, their families, SpringHill staff, the Tabernacle Community Church and many more.” -Tim Bassett, Day Camp Director West Michigan If you would like to join the Buist family and others in sharing Christ with more campers, visit Under designation, select Jesse Buist Memorial Scholarship.

I think the five of us can agree that Springhill is a home to all of us and we couldn’t be happier having brought kids to our home and opened them up to the light of God. Anyone can help in the way we can, because with the help of God, nothing is impossible. Thanks for the opportunity!”

indicated interest in continued involvement with SpringHill • 58% expressed interest in sending their kids to SpringHill • 41% expressed a strong desire for their children to work as summer staff • 32% expressed interest in attending a family camp in the near future • 88%


A Bike, Bottles, and an Oversized Check Five kids from southeast Michigan rallied together to raise $750.00 towards camper scholarships. Funds were raised through a combination of can collections, neighborhood donations and a garage sale.

staffAlum spotlighT: Spiritual Impact

Scholarship Week Highlight:

StaffAlum’s spiritual lives were forever changed!

“ [SpringHill] was a life-changing experience for me. I grew in my calling and was used by the Lord.” indicated that their overall spiritual development was strengthened by working at SpringHill • 85% expressed that their time on staff made them more open to sharing their faith • 57% credit their SpringHill work experience with their higher involvement in church life today • 54% said their career choice was guided by their work at SpringHill • 48% were able to attain their next job directly as a result of working at SpringHill

The first week of July is a highlight for many people, especially our inner-city day campers. This is a week we come alongside ministry partners to offer a Day Camp experience to youth from lowincome families at free or reduced cost.

• 93%


Help Kailyn and her friends raise money towards camper scholarships by visiting:

(In photo) Sam, Joseph, Kate, Jack and *Kailyn *See “Why I Give at a Young Age”

Across the Midwest, SpringHill partnered with churches and schools to serve over 850 young people during this time. What one girl said… “ Sin makes you do bad stuff. If you hurt someone you say sorry. For God to forgive you, you have to love other people and pray. You should forgive people when they do something wrong.” - Kate, 6 years old

Summer Staff Camper Sponsorship This year SpringHill summer staff are joining together to help more campers hear about Jesus. Using the crowdfunding site, summer staff are asking their friends and family to sponsor campers through scholarships. Within the first few days, 26 summer staff members raised over $4,700! More staff member are joining every day. Help counselors reach more kids. If you know a summer staff member this year, help them raise funds by visiting: summer-staff-camp-sponsorship

When I go home I want to tell more people about this place, so I can have more people know about Jesus. – Stephanie, InPursuit Camper

StaffAlum Survey Results

day camp weeks across five states


P.S. Thanks to our summer staff, more than $24,000 has been donated towards camper scholarships from their own summer salaries. They are funding over 100 camper experiences this summer! 6

SpringHill Camps | P.O. Box 100 | Evart, MI 49631 | 231.734.2616

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