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Learning Models
Teams for 9th and 10th graders are designed to offer a supported transition into high school by fostering strong relationships between a common group of students and teachers. Students are placed on teams for their four core courses – English, Math, Science and Social Studies. Teams are about 100-120 students. By knowing students more deeply, teachers are able to personalize student learning based on their understanding of their students as learners.
Students have choices in how they learn. Many courses are offered in multiple modes – in-person, hybrid or online.
All students have the ability to choose: • In-person, classroom-based courses that meet five days per week at school. • Online courses, available through SLP Schools Online, delivered primarily through asynchronous (ondemand) learning experiences.
In grades 11 and 12, students may also choose courses that are: • Hybrid courses that meet 2-3 days per week in-person at school (Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday). Other days, students work independently from anywhere.
Students can mix and match modes of learning by course or choose courses in all one learning mode as they design their schedules.
SLP Schools Online offers a full-time online learning option for students in grades K-12. The online high school experience provides students choice in the time, place, path and pace of their learning as they develop both academic and life competencies aligned to state standards.
Spring Lake Park High School teachers facilitate learning primarily through asynchronous, “on demand,” learning experiences. Virtual “live” sessions and/or small group learning experiences also are defined for each course. Each student is assigned a learning advocate, an SLP teacher, who checks in with students and families frequently to understand a student’s progress and provide direct learning support.
Students at all grade levels can choose to co-create their own learning experience with a teacher to achieve identified academic and life competencies. Learning is designed to help the student earn high school credit in identified subject areas and connect a student’s passions outside of school and their goals for career and college.
Key highlights: • Courses are trimester or yearlong project-based courses. • Learning can happen in a variety of places and ways and is primarily independent learning through research, reading, listening, viewing, participating, and creating. • The teacher is a learning advocate and responsible for supporting and guiding the student on their learning journey.
Students have the opportunity to waive a course, or receive course credit, for knowledge they acquire outside the standard course curriculum. The experience must meet current Minnesota academic standards. Students may pursue credit in two ways: • Credit by Assessment - In credit by assessment, students demonstrate the course learning outcomes prior to enrollment in a course by taking an examination. • Credit by Portfolio - Credit by portfolio is an option that high school students have for attaining course learning outcomes through an approved learning experience.
Students who are interested in either of these options must, along with their parent, consult with their counselor. Requests will be reviewed on an individual basis. The principal or designee in consultation with the student, counselor and a teacher for the specified content area determine whether a course will be waived, or credit will be granted.