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Bus Transportation
Spring Lake Park Schools serves more than 1,000 bus stops located within our district boundaries each day. Bus stops and routes are designed with consideration for safety, efficiency, cost and shortest overall ride times. Bus routes are determined over the summer and information is mailed to families at the end of August.
If you have general questions about bus routes, bus stop locations, or schedules, please contact the Transportation Department at 763-600-5590 or transportation@district16.org .
Use MyStop to track a bus. This web-based application available to parents and students provides access to live bus GPS information. Using a smartphone, tablet or desktop computer, parents and students can view the current location of buses on routes and the estimated time of arrival at their neighborhood bus stops. This is especially handy if there’s bad weather and buses may be running later than normal.
Riding a bus to school is a privilege and students must follow established bus rules or lose the opportunity to ride the school bus. Students are asked to:
• Obey the driver’s instructions
• Be verbally considerate
• Keep your hands, feet, and belongings to yourself
• Respect yourself, others, and property
• Sit in your seat and face forward
• No eating, drinking, tobacco, or chemicals on the bus
While on the bus, the bus driver may warn a student who is acting inappropriately. Inappropriate behavior will be reported. If inappropriate behavior continues, consequences will escalate and involve parents or guardians and school principal or designee. Permanent suspension of bus riding privileges is possible with continued inappropriate behavior on the bus. A severe infraction may result in an immediate suspension from riding the bus.
Drop Off And Pick Up
Parents, guardians or others dropping students off or picking them up at school should do so in the parking lot or drop-off lane in the front of the school. Drivers can either park in the parking lot and walk their child to the door or stay in the drop-off lane and let the child out in front of the school. Students will enter through the main entrance.
For safety reasons, and specifically at the elementary level, we ask drivers to not drop their child off in the parking lot and have them walk across the street or parking lot on their own. Please avoid the bus drop-off and pick-up area.
Each school will communicate specific instructions for drop off and pick up procedures at the beginning of the school year. Watch for this information from the school.
Riding bicycles, roller blades, scooters, or skateboards to school is allowed. On school property, students are asked to walk – not ride.
Student Parking And Vehicles At Spring Lake Park High School
The main student parking lot is located on the east side of the campus (Highway 65 and 79th Avenue). High school students may only park in this student-designated lot. Permits are required. Licensed student drivers may purchase permits in the high school office as space allows.
All student vehicles parked in the lot must display a student parking permit at all times. Parking permits are required beginning on the first day of school. Beginning the first week of school, permit applications, daily permits, and questions should be directed to staff in the high school’s main office. Staff monitor the student parking lot and issue citations for improperly displayed permits or no permits.
Students who use the student parking lot beyond the normal school day should continue to park in the designated student parking area. Students should never park in the areas designated for visitors or staff.
Student permits are issued for the school year, by trimester, for limited use, or on a daily basis. Students are strongly encouraged to purchase annual permits. Trimester Permits are designed for a student who may only need to use the parking facility for one or two trimesters, or who cannot afford the entire annual permit fee at one time.
Limited Use Trimester Permits are available for a student who will be at school for less than 3 hours a day. These permits might be used by a PSEO student (one who takes college classes during the regular school day as part of his/her curriculum), an OEC (Opportunities in Emergency Care) student who attends class here only first and second hour, or a student who primarily attends another district who is here for only a portion of the day.