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The American Fire Sprinkler Association (AFSA) is pleased to announce the recent formation of its Illinois-Indiana Chapter. This chapter will join AFSA as the thirty-second chapter after holding its first chapter meeting via Zoom on April 29, 2021.
“We couldn’t be more excited for our new chapter and their new officers,” comments AFSA’s Director of Membership & Chapter Support Bruce Lecair. “Welcome to AFSA! We are looking forward to helping you grow your chapter and serving you and your members.”
The inaugural meeting featured a presentation from AFSA national, future meeting dates and locations decided, and training and legislative issues important to chapter members discussed. Officers were also elected: Chair Skyler Bilbo, Wente Plumbing & Heating, Effingham, Illinois; Vice Chair Mitch Bortner, North American Fire Protection, Fort Wayne, Indiana; and Secretary/Treasurer John O’Malley, Xtreme Fire Protection, Tinley Park, Illinois.
“I’m excited for AFSA to have a larger presence in our part of the country, and I’m looking forward to networking with more AFSA members,” states Bilbo. “We need a more focused voice for the merit shop fire sprinkler contractors in our area.”
He continues: “The education that AFSA provides, along with promoting fire sprinkler systems in general, is great for everyone who is involved in this industry, and it is great for the safety of the general public. We all look forward to promoting this mission with the AFSA Illinois-Indiana Chapter.”
The chapter serves all AFSA members in both states, brings important technical and legislative information to the area, and provides new networking opportunities for AFSA members.
The Illinois-Indiana Chapter joins 31 other AFSA chapters and two state affiliates. Although AFSA is a national association, many of the most important and significant achievements of the association are accomplished at the local chapter level. Changes in code requirements, licensing laws, and training have the most direct effect on a contractor’s bottom line.
The most convincing arguments for change come from the same people who have to live with these changes. Members also experience the personal side of the association where they can network their services and enjoy friendships at the many chapter’s activities and events.
One of the most important AFSA membership benefits is access to and participation in its chapters. Therefore, AFSA actively promotes and encourages strong, active chapters. Visit firesprinkler.org/chapters to find your local chapter or contact Membership & Chapter Relations Manager Meda Merritt via email at mmerritt@firesprinkler.org or phone at (214) 349-5965 ext. 133 and become involved today! n