Creative Crafting Valentine/Mothers Day 2010

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VVaalleennttiinneess//MMootthheerrss DDaayy 22001100 !ssssuuee 33

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!ave you been featured?

Valentine & Mothers Day Projects

!andcrafted Wedding Special

!eellccoommee !!

!his issue of Creative Crafting was brought to you by:

Here we are again, yet another issue already. We hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and a Happy New Year. We’ve been very busy at Creative Crafting, looking through all of your wonderful creations to find the best one for Valentines and Mothers Day. Have you been featured this time? If you would like to tell us about something special that you have made or have an interesting idea for an article, please let us know. Also, if you like our magazine, we love to hear from you. We do try to keep up with your thoughts across the forums but there are so many that we may miss some. Our team has been somewhat depleted this Issue as things have been busy. We would very much like to thank Diane from Peggy’s Knits who has written extra articles for us, and also to our wonderful guest contributors who some of you know well. Helen, Mimi, Lou and Heather-­Louise. Don’t forget to visit our website http://www.creative-­ to catch up with back issues, read the magazine, see extra articles etc. We are also setting up a Blog, http://creative-­crafting-­ So, please come and follow us and interact. Our Facebook page is also underway;; we all just need a few more hours in the day. But we’ll get there. Once again, thank you for reading and also for creating all of the wonderful things that we love to feature.

nngg!! ii tt ff aa yy CCrr !aapppp


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Anna -­ !he Crystal Lady Email -­ thecrystallady@creative-­

Avril -­ Sprinkles Sparkles Email -­ sprinks@creative-­

Diane -­ Peggy’s Knits

Amy -­ Ciren’s Call

!ina -­ In the Garden !uuueeesssttt CCCooonnntttrrriiibbbuuutttooorrrsss Heather-­Louise -­ Online in No !ime Mimi -­ Art by Mimi

Helen-­ !he Beading Lady Lou-­ Looby Crafts

IIInnnttteeerrrvvviiieeewwwsss Julia -­ East of the Sun Art

Christine -­ Salt of the Earth http://www.salt-­of-­the-­ Ley -­ Vintage Beadery

CCCooovvveeerrr PPPhhhoootttooogggrrraaappphhh Hippy Mountain Crafts

Vintage Beadery.................................4 East of the Sun Art.............................6 Salt of the Earth.................................8 Crystal Magic....................................11 Crystal Magic....................................11 Make a Memory Wire Bracelet...........12 Budget or Luxury..............................13 What would you like for Valentines this year?...............................................14 Have you heard of ‘ !he Little Book of Misi?............................16 Blogger & Wordpress........................18 Have a Handcrafted Wedding............20 Chocolate Biscuit Cake......................24 Create a Handmade Valentines Card. . 28 Knit a Valentine Heart.......................29 In the Garden...................................30 Online Street, Best Picks....................32 Guide to starting Knitting Part 3.........34 Mothers Day Gift Ideas......................36 Create a Handmade Mother’s Day Card .......................................................38 Kids Mothers Day Flower Project........40 !his Months.....................................41

Make a Valentine Or Mothers Day Card Page 10

!andcrafted Wedding Special Page 22

Make a Memory Wire Bracelet

!ave you heard about ‘The Little Book of Misi’

Page 14

Page 18

Part 3 of our ‘!ow to Knit’ Guide Page 36

Mothers Day Gift Ideas Page 38

We Meet

I'm a recent grandmother, so quite old really. I studied originally as a textile designer at West Surrey College of Art & Design, but didn't finish my degree first time round. After leaving college, having got married in my foundation year! I worked in all kinds of jobs including working in saddlery repair. I have two kids by adoption and spent years looking after them and working at home or part time. I made a point of keeping on drawing and painting and ended up teaching life drawing to adults. I've dabbled in all sorts of crafts and made dolls using fimo to make the head hands and feet. I sold a few but it was very labour intensive and not viable financially. I went back into study in my late 30s intending to just do the free access course to get my skills sharpened. I ended up doing a degree in Image Making, a broad based course with an emphasis on graphic design. After graduating I did a little illustration work, worked in an art shop, as an art technician at a secondary school, and in various jobs in a local small theatre. I went from there to managing a small arts centre for young people. When the funding was withdrawn and the centre closed we moved to Devon, where my husband runs a Brass Rubbing Centre. I currently work part time in a library and as a steward in the two local theatres.

I've always had some kind of craft in my life, I learnt to do leather carving, did a bit of weaving and dying at college, made toys for my kids. I did quite a lot of 3D design at college during my degree, making things to illustrate ideas. I've made books and drawn and painted since I was a child. I was commissioned to do an illustrated map for a walk straight from college. One of the people involved also commissioned me to make a sculptural piece for his girlfriend's birthday. I've had exhibitions in small galleries and sold paintings to complete strangers! Very satisfying. I started making beaded jewellery after borrowing a book on brick stitch in around 2006. I then discovered the technique of beading around a cabochon and my first piece was being fought over by work colleagues. I made three more similar pieces for the disappointed customers and then began using sea glass instead of cabochons. I'd been collecting vintage beads for years and had never really found a way to use them satisfactorily until now. I'd also always collected sea glass, putting the two together seems to have been the thing I was looking for to express my creativity. It has rather taken over my life and certainly taken over our tiny cottage.

Banded Agate

Pale Green Sea Glass

Sea Bracelet

At the moment sea glass, ceramics from the beach and unusual pebbles. I try to use vintage or recycled beads in every piece. I've experimented with silver clay and although I love it I'm not very good yet. I need to be brave enough to really work at learning how to use it. I did some jewellery a while ago using Fimo to simulate ivory and I may go back to that, or combine it with the beads.

I'm very pleased with the limpet lockets I started making at the end of last year. Somebody gave me a lovely old shell that I beaded around. When I was finishing it, it occurred to me that there was a lovely hollow space inside that was going to waste, so I cut a 'door' in the backing and fixed a button fastening to it. I sold that piece and have been trying to find another shell like it ever since. Having picked up a nice limpet shell on the beach, it suddenly occurred to me that they would work. !he first one had a magnetic closure on the compartment but it didn't seem right, not really a jewellery solution to the problem, effective but not elegant. I recently found some copper locket frames on a site in Canada and they have solved the problem beautifully. I'm still not 100% happy with the method of fixing the frame but it's getting better. I like the idea of 'secret' compartments and have always made boxes, from tiny ones to a large wooden chest for my final degree piece. Georgian Limpet Locket

I actually love the necklace called ‘Moonlit Water’. It took ages to do and I restarted it several times. It started as something else entirely and sat half finished for a long time. It's a bit off my usual style but I love it.

A sort of of blue green peacock colour. Any shade of that.

Moonlit Water

Who inspires me? My daughter is my inspiration at the moment. She is so amazingly focused on what she wants to do, always on the look out for new opportunities and totally unafraid to talk to anyone, from Gilbert and George to Prince Charles. She has travelled everywhere including Mount Everest and is currently training to be a photo journalist at 25. As for what, !he World, especially North Devon. I don't really have a favourite supplier;; I just roam around a few different ones. My local one is !he Bead Cellar in Black !orrington, an amazing, tiny village with a Post Office and a bead shop! (Must have at least one pub too I expect.) !hey must rely on web sales and not passing trade. I like e-­beads and beadsdirect and a number of ebay shops that sell vintage beads. My husband, who puts up with a house full of beads and my terrible bead habit, can't resist buying more every now and then! Also me yelling and cursing at the computer when I'm trying to load stuff up, never works quite how it should does it? He even sells the jewellery for me in his centre, and built me some display stuff for craft fairs. He always likes what I make too.

Victorian Style Necklace

My favourite shop is on Misi: Annamai jewellery, she makes the kind of jewellery I'd like to make, very inspired and quite understated. I also love Little Scruffs on Misi, who wouldn't love one of those little bears!

Sea Glass Necklace

Baroque Red Heart Necklace


III aaammm aaa 333555 yyyrrr ooolllddd aaarrrtttiiissstttiiiccc dddrrreeeaaammmeeerrr,,, llliiivvviiinnnggg ooonnn ttthhheee CCCooorrrnnniiissshhh cccoooaaasssttt wwwiiittthhh mmmyyy HHHuuusssbbbaaannnddd aaannnddd '''fffuuurrrrrryyy’’’ ccchhhiiilllddd''' (((aaa 555 yyyrrr ooolllddd BBBaaasssssseeettt HHHooouuunnnddd)))... OOOrrriiigggiiinnnaaallllllyyy fffrrrooommm CCCaaammmbbbrrriiidddgggeeessshhhiiirrreee,,, III mmmooovvveeeddd tttooo CCCooorrrnnnwwwaaallllll aaabbbooouuuttt 111333 yyyeeeaaarrrsss aaagggooo aaannnddd cccaaannn'''ttt ssseeeeee mmmyyyssseeelllfff eeevvveeerrr gggoooiiinnnggg bbbaaaccckkk...

I have always loved crafting activities and have fond memories of being in Infant school making paper mache puppets, or learning to sew (I still have a little yellow felt mouse that I named 'cheesy mouse'!). My first love was always Art though, and I told my Secondary school teachers that I was going to paint album covers for a living! I didn't quite manage that * * but I grew up doing pencil portraits of my favourite musicians, and for a while in my late teens, moved into creating my own comics. I went to Art College after taking A Level Art, and almost fell into a career in Graphic Design. I'm quite glad I didn't go down that route now though, as I have really enjoyed pushing myself to become a better painter, learning more about the 'Fine Art' path and learning how to promote and sell my work through both High Street shops and fabulous online retail outlets such as MISI. I really enjoy not only the artistic process of painting, but also the creation of products, such as my bookmarks, art prints & greetings cards. I have also taught myself how to hand stitch Journals, so I hope to offer those in my shops very soon also.

Watercolour & acrylic paints.

Choosing just one would be virtually impossible, but a current favourite would be a recent painting called ' !he Dreaming Place'. It is a self-­portrait, based on a photograph of a favourite picnic spot my Husband & I love to visit.­do-­you-­dream_26.html

I love all my bookmark designs, but I especially love my ' bookmark and card' gift sets. So many people purchase my bookmarks as gifts that I figured why not buy the present and card together? I had fun creating these.'Follow_your_heart'.html

Blues and purples of many different hues ...oh and sage green!

Many different people and places, from the great Oil painters like J.W Waterhouse and Lawrence Alma !adema, to the magical illustrations of Arthur Rackham, Warwick Goble, & Sulamith Wulfing. Also modern day Artists such as Jackie Morris and Lisa Hunt. I am always inspired by my surroundings and living by the Cornish coast is something that really refreshes and soothes my soul. I am also deeply inspired by the Spiritual/ Metaphysical lifestyle I lead and enjoy painting images based on Goddesses, guides and my own meditations. ““JJooiinn mmee iinn aa WWoorrlldd ooff MMyytthh && LLeeggeenndd,, FFaaeerryyttaallee FFaannttaassyy,, DDrreeaammss && RReeaalliittyy.. JJoouurrnneeyy ttoo aa mmaaggiiccaall ppllaaccee tthhaatt ccaann oonnllyy bbee ffoouunndd,, EEaasstt ooff tthhee SSuunn && WWeesstt ooff tthhee MMoooonn......””­ I like being able to buy eco friendly materials at such good wholesale prices. And they are friendly & helpful too!

Anyone who has written to tell me how they have been inspired, or moved in some way by my artwork. Art is a very personal thing and I paint with my emotions on my sleeve, so when a friend or a stranger feels a connection with one of my paintings I feel very touched by that.

Right now I am loving the beautiful handmade Journals at ' No Fuzzy Edges'

Aside from MISI? I confess I love social networking sites like Facebook and !witter. I have met some really fantastic people through them. I guess I just like to chat! Find me online ......... (Online Gallery) (My main Misi shop) (My Bookmark shop) (My blog... my art inspiration & life in Cornwall)

My name is Christine and I am a forty one year old work at home mum. I live in Largs, a small coastal town in Scotland with my two children Nicola 20 and my son Andrew who is 17 and profoundly autistic.

I have been crafting almost as long as I can remember, from making perfume at age eight from bluebells in the garden (not so pleasant !). !hough a school friend and I had a small business making block print !-­shirts and selling them to a local Chelsea Girl shop. !his was during the Frankie Goes !o Hollywood 'Relax' period, and was fairly lucrative for 15 year olds.

!hrough the years I have done many crafts including dried flowers (very messy) and flowers for several friends weddings from the bouquets to topiary trees. I have also worked with mulberry paper on glass that I like to go back to now and then for a change. I think my favourite material is Salt Dough as it is almost like making something from nothing! I discovered this craft about 15 years ago in an old craft book and started experimenting with it. I started with little houses and figures for friends and family then moved on to fairy doors and hippies.

!he pictures with the hippies in them are my favourite things.

I use watercolours sealed with varnish for the Salt Dough and my favourite colours are green and purple.

My inspiration comes from all around. From children’s books to nature programs, the hippies I just wanted to do because of the range of colours and patterns I can use. Fairytale books are good places to get inspiration for the Fairy Doors.

I don’t use many supplies, just little charms and glass nuggets, but I do get my 100% recycled boxes for the fairy doors from the !inybox Company, they have a wide range of colours and sizes and are very friendly people to deal with.

My daughter has supported me through the years, especially at Christmas when she was sat sticking felt on to the backs of many angels and doors .... a very tedious and time-­consuming job.

One of my favourite shops is Alibali Jewellery, she is a silversmith from Edinburgh and her pieces are lovely.

My favourite websites are Folksy and Misi, both have good communities and great shops.

!ooiinn oouurr ffrriieennddllyy SSoocciiaall NNeettwwoorrkk AAnndd mmaakkee lloottss ooff nneeww CCrraaffttiinngg FFrriieennddss.. BBeeccoommee ppaarrtt ooff aa wwoonnddeerrffuull CCoommmmuunniittyy ** UUppllooaadd pphhoottooss aanndd pprroommoottee yyoouurr ccrreeaattiioonnss.. ** CCuussttoommiissee yyoouurr oowwnn PPrrooffiillee ppaaggee’’ ** BBeeccoommee ppaarrtt ooff oouurr FFoorruumm’’ ** SSttaarrtt aa bblloogg.. ** SSppeenndd ttiimmee iinn oouurr CChhaatt RRoooomm..




bbbllloooooodddssstttooonnn! cccaaarrrnnn!llliiiaaannn mmmoooooonnnssstttooonnn! gggaaarrrnnn!ttt ppp!rrriiidddooottt hhh!mmmaaatttiiittt!

!nnn!rrrgggiiizzziiinnnggg ddd!---ssstttrrr!ssssss rrr!vvviiitttaaallliiizzz! cccooouuurrraaaggg!

cccooonnnfffiiiddd!nnnccc! lllooovvv! aaarrrttthhhrrriiitttiiisss

lllaaapppiiisss lllaaazzzuuullliii






!eeeaaauuutttiiifffuuulll JJJeeewwweeelllllleeerrryyy tttooo hhheeelllppp yyyooouuu ttthhhrrrooouuuggghhh llliiifffeee!!! hhhttttttppp::://////wwwwwwwww...mmmyyyssstttiiiccceeeaaarrrttthhh...cccooo...uuukkk

!rryyssttaall MMaaggiicc Mother Nature has provided us with wonderful Healing Gemstones and Minerals. For this Issue, discover the beauty of

RRoossee QQuuaarrttzz SiO2+Na,Al,Fe,!i+(Ca,Mg,Mn)

For centuries Rose Quartz has been considered to be a fertility crystal. Often also used in ‘love magic’. Mentally -­ Empathy, sensitivity, self-­love, the ability to love. Liberation from worry. Physically -­ Circulation. Fortifies the heart and sexual organs. Chakra -­ Heart, higher heart.


£££111555 Rose Quartz and Swarovski Watch

Butterfly in the Rose Garden

£££111555 £££222999

£££111555 3 strand Rose Quartz Bracelet

Rose Quartz in Sterling Silver

Amethyst and Rose Quartz Gem !ree


Silver and Gemstone Necklace

If you would like more information about Crystal Healing Jewellery, you can contact !he Crystal Lady at: or visit

!eeemmmooorrryyy wwwiiirrreee bbbrrraaaccceeellleeetttsss aaarrreee sssiiimmmpppllleee aaannnddd eeeaaasssyyy tttooo mmmaaakkkeee... PPPeeerrrfffeeecccttt fffooorrr aaa !ooottthhheeerrr'''sss DDDaaayyy ppprrreeessseeennnttt mmmaaadddeee bbbyyy yyyooouuu... You will need: 1 piece of continuous 6cm memory wire -­ about 3 loops Lots of beads Memory wire cutters Round-­nosed pliers Patience

Memory wire can come in loops of up to 100 so you may need to cut it to suit your needs. !ry, if possible, to use specific memory wire cutters, any other cutters will be blunted very quickly by the memory wire. However memory wire can be purchased in packs of 3 or 4 loops.

Step 1. !o begin, curl one end of the memory wire with your round -­ nosed pliers.

Mother’s Day 14th March

Step 2. Now add your beads in whatever pattern you want or just put them on in a totally random fashion.

Step 3. When you get to the end of your wire, with about a cm left, curl the end to keep your beads in place.

!he Beading Lady, creates bracelets/handbag charms/bookmarks to order with a variety of colours and can also make bracelets/handbag charms/bookmarks personalised with letter beads

Budget or Luxury

Crazy Expresso Set £8.00 Magdoola

My Friend Cutie £5.00 Zoe Woods

Hand Appliqued Button Heart Cushion £19.50 Velvet Paws

Polka Dot Surprise -­ Blank Journal £20.00 Saynotolines

Soap, sisal bag and lip balm gift box £7.50 Saffronbarr

Red -­ Heart Ornaments -­ Set of 2 -­ Reversible £1.82 !heWhatKnotShop_byEmilie!heWhatKnotShop_byEmilie

Perfectly Pink Strawberry Swirl Cupcake Candle € 6.29 Purple Sparkle

Be My Valentine Sweet Heart -­ Sprinkle Resin Ring $12.00 athinalabella

Imprint Me Silver Fingerprint Heart Cufflinks £50.00 Ali Bali Jewellery

Spring is in the air -­ Large pleated bag £43.14 Handbags By Daphne

Be my Valentine Charm Bracelet € 20.00 bijoux dello stregatto

Pink and Purple Asian Bird Frame Sunglass Case $30.00 Kailo Chic

In the run up to Christmas I spent ages trying to decide what to make my Secret Santa. It occurred to me that making jewellery as a present for someone who can make her own is a bit daft. So I got to thinking, what is the best present to buy for someone who crafts? As usual I appealed to the lovely people of Misi. Since this article was due for our Valentines Edition, I asked “What would people prefer, choccies and roses or a practical gift?”

JJooaannnnee aatt LLeejj JJeewweelllleerryy ssaaiidd sshhee wwoouulldd lliikkee bbootthh pplleeaassee,, aa bbooxx ooff cchhooccoollaatteess aanndd aa ttrriipp ttoo !oobbbbyyccrraafftt..

AAmmaannddaa aatt JJeewweelllleerryyppaarrttiieess hhaass aa ppaassssiioonn ffoorr rreeaall fflloowweerrss aanndd rreeaall oolldd ffaasshhiioonneedd jjeewweelllleerryy bbooxxeess tthhaatt sshhee lliikkeess ttoo uussee aass ssttoorraaggee ffoorr hheerr bbeeaadd ssttaasshh..

LLiissaa aatt DDeessiiggnnss bbyy IIssiiss wwoouulldd lliikkee aa nneeww sseett ooff pplliieerrss,, hhaannddmmaaddee llaammppwwoorrkk bbeeaaddss aanndd aa ssuubbssccrriippttiioonn ttoo aa jjeewweelllleerryy mmaaggaazziinnee,, aanndd aallssoo ssoommee ppeeaaccee aanndd qquuiieett ffoorr aa ddaayy wwiitthh hhuubbbbyy ttaakkiinngg tthhee kkiiddss ssoo sshhee ccaann ccrraafftt iinn ppeeaaccee..

!hhaarroonn aatt !PPjjeewwlllleerryy wwoouulldd lliikkee aann oorrcchhiidd iiff sshhee ccaann ppeerrssuuaaddee hheerr bbooyyffrriieenndd,, iiff nnoott aa ssppeennddiinngg sspprreeee iinn aa bbeeaadd sshhoopp.. Karen at Just K jewellery would like to be given a gift voucher for a workshop so she can gain a new skill.

!eeaatthheerr wwoouulldd lliikkee aa ttrroolllleeyy ddaasshh aarroouunndd tthhee CCooookkssoonn GGoolldd wwaarreehhoouussee.. AAllssoo aa sseett ooff LLiinnddssttrroommss,, ((wwhhiicchh II aamm rreelliiaabbllyy iinnffoorrmmeedd aarree aa sseett ooff ttoopp nnoottcchh pplliieerrss))

If I were to draw a conclusion from this is if you want to keep a crafter happy, keep them supplied with the bits and pieces they use to work with, or failing that chocolate. Also people of whatever craft are a romantic lot and they appreciate the work that goes into a hand-­crafted item more than most. Written by Amy from Cirens Call


TT!EE LLIITTTTLLEE BBOOOOKK OOFF MMIISSII?? !he Little Book of Misi or L.B.O.M. for short, started out about a year ago. !he idea did not start on Misi but on Etsy about 2 years ago. When I was on Etsy, I saw that there were a lot of people offering to give out samples and cards to advertise other people’s shops, at craft fairs, and when sending off an order to their customers. I wanted to do my little bit as well, to help others get their business name out there. I felt that giving out samples or cards looked really unprofessional. !he way they were presented, if I were the customer receiving these, I would have thrown the cards away, and be annoyed that I paid extra postage for receiving all of these advertisements. I knew that there had to be a better way for both the buyer to be happy and the seller to get noticed in a more productive and in a non-­intrusive manner. I always wanted to help other artists and crafters to get noticed. I knew this could be one way of fulfilling this wish if I could just find a way of making the advertising cost very little as well as effective. While talking to someone about this problem online, lightning struck. I had an idea of a booklet where all the business cards are the pages of the book, and the samples from the seller would be spilt up equally. All of which will be presented in a bag and given to potential buyers at craft fairs. I passed this idea along to E!SY for an opinion. I was amazed to find in a replying email that they liked the idea. So, for the whole year I was making !he Little Book of Etsy, (L.B.O.E), for sellers around the globe. I used to make about 80 bags for each edition, but after a while my enthusiasm was slacking. I wanted to help sellers that were more UK based as well as around the globe. After moving my shop over to Misi, I knew that this was the answer. I wanted to get Misi and it’s crafters more well known. I felt (and still do), that Misi is a brilliant site and more people should know about it. I wanted to give something back. So, earlier this year (2009) I proposed to make !he Little Book of Misi. It got the people’s vote, and I was very pleased to see that sellers were enthusiastic about the idea and wanted to take part. From here on, !he Little Book of Misi was born! !hroughout the year I got involved with some large, as well as smaller fairs throughout Cornwall, which is a large tourist county. By giving this booklet and bag of goodies away at fairs, we were reaching out to lots of potential buyers around the UK and even the world!

I was determined to make the L.B.O.M. look even better than the L.B.O.E, to make them more tempting for potential buyers to come and browse in the shops based on Misi. !he first L.B.O.M., the Easter edition, had around 15 sellers involved, making it enough for me to make about 25 bags. In the summer I thought I would try again, to see if more sellers wanted to get involved. I was astonished to receive samples and cards from approximately 30 sellers! For !he Summer Edition I created 60 bags! I handed them out at craft fairs during this busy time of year. !he Christmas edition was just as successful and I hope it continues to get better and better throughout 2010.


It never ceases to amaze me every time I come to make the L.B.O.M, that the gifts offered for the L.B.O.M. bags are fantastic! I feel privileged that people trust me to create the L.B.O.M and it drives me on to try my best for them all. I am also thrilled to hear from past members of L.B.O.M. wanting to come back, to get involved time and time again. I have had some responses from people telling me of their successful sales that they think or knew were generated through the L.B.O.M. It is a bit hit or miss with these sorts of things, but we can only try, and hope it works for the best! Even if some sellers do not receive a sale right away, hopefully they will receive a sale from the members of public remembering what they have seen while looking through the booklet and samples. I have even had some people who have received these bags, approach me in the street thanking me for their gifts, which they received from the L.B.O.M. I always remind them that it wasn’t me who supplied the gifts but they should check out the sellers shop for more gift ideas. !he Little Book Of Misi totally free. It is only possible to create them because of the community and their support. I also offer other ways of getting involved. You can get featured on the L.B.O.M. blog by: *Sending in your success stories to be posted on the L.B.O.M blog. *Get a free ad spot on the L.B.O.M. blog. Not only original members but also any new members that have never taken part in LBOM can get involved also. All I ask is for members of the L.B.O.M. to be a member of Misi and if they wish, send in any advertising material, they must lead the buyers to their Misi shop/s in some way. More information on how to get involved is available on or by contacting me through my Misi shop;; artbymimi, I don’t bite honest! I feel very honoured when someone thanks ME for the work I do on the L.B.O.M. where I feel it wouldn’t be possible without all the support from the seller who take part. I aim to make another L.B.O.M. for Easter 2010, so if there is anyone from Misi wanting to take part in any way, you are always welcome to contact me through my Misi shop. !hank you for your continuing support.


A blog a contraction of the term "web log" is a type of website where you can post news about new projects, photos or videos of new art works, or just keep a journal of what happens to you day in day out.

I have been looking at the different ways of which blogs are used. !he main category’s I looked at where personal blogs and corporate blogs. !ypically when I think of blogs I think of someone sat at home typing into a pre set template such as Blogger or Word Press, creating almost an online diary. But through looking into different blogs you soon get a true in sight of what people use them for. !hey range from online tutorials, show casing work, sharing tips, ideas, views and opinions, rating movies and music and having online discussions. !hree great examples of these are Lauren Luke who created video pod casts and posted them online of her passion/hobby for makeup and color, she showed examples and tips through her pod casts so that others could follow. She now has 3 million hits and has been offered her own makeup range. !he other great example is of a Gary Vaynerchuk who has a passion for wine and so did pod casts and entries about different wines, he now has

celebrities featuring in his blog. And my favorite www.little-­ which was created by a guy who goes by the name Slinkachu who uses the Hornby play set people (usually found on model railways) to produce humorous photographs. In corporate use blogs are used so that customers can have more a personal insight not given by their professional websites, these blogs tend to look completely different to the commercial sites where they sell products or services. !hey tend to have links to groups such as twitter and social networks which you may not associate big companies with. And can be really informal which you may not find through their main website, such as a recent blog post I read reading: ‘sometimes we suck’ which was an apology to customers after the company’s server went down for the day

A blog can be used as another way of promoting your business and generating brand awareness!

!he easiest way of getting a blog is to visit a website such as Word press or Blogger, they are the easiest and simplest to use and set up. And now all you need to do is choose the layout and design from set templates before you are up

and running, posting to the world wide web.

Blogger and word press aren’t the only two by any means, they are just the quickest and easiest to set up and start using. Other forms of blogs can be on your personal website, or on other websites similar to the two mentioned earlier such as tumbler.

!o sign up to word press simply go to: up/ and fill in your details, this will only take a moment. !he next page is asking you to choose a domain name and blog title for your new blog as well as setting the language for your usage. !he Blog Domain name, this is basically your website/blog address, so if someone asked you where they would find your blog you would give the address i.e. www.onlineinnotime.wordpre and the blog title can be whatever you want the blog to be called for example you could name it after your shop or latest creation. !hen to complete the registration just confirm your email. !he message will be from Word Press and should arrive within 30 minutes, you

must activate your account within two days otherwise you will have to complete the sign up process all over again!

!his is only a fraction of what this website is capable of.

Once you have signed into your email account, opened the email and clicked on the link you will automatically be taken to the word press home page.

Well blogger is even easier to set up. Simply follow this link and fill in your details:

Simply click login and enter your login details, your user name is the name you chose previously and not your email. We can now start to design your blog. You will be taken to an area called the dash board, look to the left hand side and scroll down to the button called appearance, on the appearance page you will find thousands of different themes, to choose one simply click activate under the chosen image.

Well when you login to word press you will find an area called the dash board, on the dashboard there is a section on the right called ‘quick press’ type the comment which you want to publish here and simply press publish when you’ve finished. !o view your new blog simply look to where your name is in the top left corner (quite big white letters) to the right of this you will see a link saying ‘view blog’

!he next page that you will be taken to will ask you to name your blog, this should be your business or the name that you use to represent yourself. You then need to choose your template to select one simply choose your design, click on it and click continue at the bottom of the page.

Well once you’ve chosen your design you will automaticallybe taken the add a post (comment) page, this page is where you add your post to the blog, simply title your post and write your comment before pressing ‘publish post’, the great thing about this blog is that you can also choose to save your posts for later, meaning you can go and have a cup of tea and come back to editing when you feel more relaxed. With this editor you can also use the small icons on the publish a post page to add photos and videos. So if you where to sign out and sign back into blogger, you would be again taken to an area called the dashboard, you will then see the name of your

blog and options underneath it such as add a post, layout and view blog. So posting a comment we’ve covered and viewing the blog is pretty self explanatory. But under the layout option you can drag and drop items on your blog around on the page so you can decide the ordering of areas of your blog. Another thing about blogs is followers;; followers are people who are already using services such as blogger and word press who wish to get alerted when you post something new which is great news if you’re using your blog for your business. For screen shots from set up feel free to visit: www.onlineinnotimetutorials.

!bbbooouuuttt uuusss::: WWWeee aaarrreee OOOnnnllliiinnneeeIIInnnNNNoooTTTiiimmmeee...cccooo...uuukkk ttthhheee wwweeebbbsssiiittteee dddeeesssiiigggnnn ssspppeeeccciiiaaallliiissstttsss,,, wwweee rrreeeggguuulllaaarrrlllyyy gggeeettt pppeeeooopppllleee aaassskkkiiinnnggg hhhooowww ttthhheeeyyy cccaaannn mmmaaakkkeee ttthhheee bbbeeesssttt ooofff ttthhheee iiinnnttteeerrrnnneeettt aaannnddd hhhooowww tttooo uuussseee ccceeerrrtttaaaiiinnn sssiiittteeesss,,, sssooo hhheeerrreee yyyooouuu gggooo!!! TTThhhiiisss iiissssssuuueee wwweee tttaaalllkkk aaabbbooouuuttt bbblllooogggsss,,, hhhooowww tttooo gggeeettt ooonnneee aaannnddd hhhooowww iiittt cccaaannn hhheeelllppp yyyooouuu aaannnddd yyyooouuurrr bbbuuusssiiinnneeessssss!!!

Are you are holding your special day this year? If you are, why don’t you have a look at the beautiful handcrafted items that are available to purchase from talented crafters and designers. Here is a very small selection of the pieces on offer so don’t forget to check out Misi, Folksy and Etsy as well as crafters own websites. One of the best features of using a crafter is that you can have custom pieces made to your requirements. If you have something specific in mind why not ask!

Lets start with the dresses Most designers and crafters would be happy to make a dress especially for you in any colour or size. It is always nice to check so that you can find exactly what you want.




Gown by Amillee gown_for_mather.html

Blooming Romance

£65 Shabby Chic Rose Bridal Bouquet


White Satin Dolly Bag h Satin_Dolly_Bag.html

Chameleon Convertible Wedding Gown h

Beautiful Bridal Bags. Although traditional to hold a bouquet it is far more practical to have a small bag.

£42 £15

Lace printed silk clutch

Ivory Silk Embroidered Bridal Bag­Bridal-­bag-­ivory-­ embroidered-­pure-­silk-­?shop=yes

Bridal Jewellery Jewellery is the easiest wedding item to purchase handcrafted. !here is an abundance of beautiful pieces to be found on Misi, Folksy and Etsy and also across the Internet in general.



£28.99 Delphine !riple Swarovski Bracelet

Sakura Pearl Bracelet Pearl___Karen_silver,_pearl,_apatite_and_sterli.html

Ivory Rose Bracelet



Sterling Silver Mendhi Ring



!attered Roses Necklace

Czech Glass Bridal Set


Crumpled Silver Ring

£20 £65 9ct Rose Gold Ring

Crystal Drop Earrings Crystal_drop_earrings.html

Pearl Weave Necklace

£6 per pair

£1.99 for 6 Rose Flower Pins _Hair_Pins_X_6___CHOOSE_UR_COLOUR.html

£5 for 5 Swarovski Hair Pins and_Aquamarine_Swarovski_Hair_Pins.html

Flower Hairpins Hairpins___Set_of_5.html

BBBeeeaaauuutttiiifffuuulll BBBrrriiidddaaalll HHHeeeaaadddbbbaaannndddsss aaannnddd TTTiiiaaarrraaasss cccaaannn aaalllsssooo bbbeee fffooouuunnnddd aaammmooonnngggsssttt cccrrraaafffttteeerrrsss aaannnddd dddeeesssiiigggnnneeerrrsss...




Evenstar !iara

Queen Mab’s Faery Crown

Crystal and Pearl Band!iara.html Mab%27s_Wedding_Faery_Circlet_!iara_Crown.html Precious_Crystal_and_Pearl_Hair_band_.html



£95 Swarovski Crystal !iara jet_crystal_tiara.html

!itania Steampunk Filigree !iara ‘Sleeping Beauty’ Vintage !iara!itania_Steampunk_ Filigree_!iara.html !iaraband_%27Sleeping_Beauty%27_.html


£24.50 Swarovski Crystal Hair Vine Swarovski_crystals_plus_white_and_cerise_flowers.html

Swarovski Crystal Hairpin

£35 White Cluster !iara

YYYooouuu wwwiiillllll aaalllsssooo fffiiinnnddd aaa wwweeeaaalllttthhh ooofff ooottthhheeerrr wwweeeddddddiiinnnggg aaacccccceeessssssooorrriiieeesss,,, cccaaarrrdddsss,,, ggguuueeesssttt bbbooooookkksss eeetttccc...


£12.95 Wedding Guest Book Diamante_Butterfly.html

Love Blossoms (personalised) card %28personalised%29.html

!rriitttteenn bbyy TThhee CCrryyssttaall LLaaddyy

QQQuuuaaallliiitttyyy KKKnnniiitttttteeeddd IIIttteeemmmsss

!aaadddeee wwwiiittthhh lllooovvveee aaannnddd cccaaarrreee...

!eeeaaadddiiinnnggg aaannnddd JJJeeewwweeelllllleeerrryyy SSSuuuppppppllliiieeesss

!eeessspppoookkkeee !rrriiidddaaalll aaannnddd OOOccccccaaasssiiiooonnn JJJeeewwweeelllllleeerrryyy hhhttttttppp::://////wwwwwwwww...rrraaadddiiiaaannnccceeecccrrryyyssstttaaalllsss...cccooo...uuukkk

CChhooccoollaattee BBiissccuuiitt CCaakkee TTrruullyy ssccrruummppttiioouuss aanndd nnoo ccooookkiinngg!!!! !NNGGRREEDD!EENNTTSS !2255gg//44oozz ddaarrkk cchhooccoollaattee,, bbrrookkeenn iinnttoo ppiieecceess ! ttbbsspp ggoollddeenn ssyyrruupp !2255gg//44oozz bbuutttteerr !2255gg//44oozz ddiiggeessttiivvee bbiissccuuiittss,, rroouugghhllyy ccrruusshheedd !0000gg//33½oozz rreeaaddyy--ttoo--eeaatt aapprriiccoottss,, cchhooppppeedd !0000gg//33½oozz rraaiissiinnss !0000gg//33½oozz ggllaaccee cchheerrrriieess 6600gg//22oozz hhaazzeellnnuuttss

!his recipe is good for any occasion, and no cooking what could be better. Why not make it for someone special on Valentines Day, for Mum as part of a special Mothers Day !ea, or just for you, we all enjoy a little Chocolate treat. For the cake in the pictures I made a few changes to the original recipe by using dry cherries instead of the glace as they were given to me by a friend. But I did not think they worked so well and will stick to the glace next time. !he chocolate chips, which I substituted for chocolate and the walnuts instead of the hazelnuts worked really well. As you can see this recipe is great for using alternatives that you may have in your cupboard.

IINNSSTTRRUUCCTTIIOONNSS 1. Line a 450g/1lb loaf tin with cling film, leaving enough to fold over the top when the tin if full. 2. Melt the chocolate, syrup and butter in a bowl in the microwave, give it a stir to make sure all the ingredients are well mixed together. 3. Add the crushed biscuits, fruits and hazelnuts and stir well. 4. !ip the mixture into the loaf tin and shake to level it off. Fold over the cling film and put it in the fridge to set -­ which will take 1-­2 hours. 5. It will keep for up to two weeks in the fridge -­ if you can resist temptation for that long. !o serve, just turn it out onto a plate, carefully peel off the film and slice. !he cake is very rich so try thin slices at first. NB: Use this recipe as a starting point and experiment with other combinations of biscuits, fruits and nuts. Ginger biscuits or amaretti work well for a more "grown up" version.

III fffooouuunnnddd ttthhhiiisss rrreeeccciiipppeee ooonnn ttthhheee BBBBBBCCC WWWeeebbbsssiiittteee... hhhttttttppp::://////wwwwwwwww...bbbbbbccc...cccooo...uuukkk///fffooooooddd///rrreeeccciiipppeeesss///dddaaatttaaabbbaaassseee///ccchhhooocccooolllaaattteee bbbiiissscccuuuiiitttcccaaakkkeee___444999888222...ssshhhtttmmmlll MMMyyy fffrrriiieeennndddsss lllooovvveeeddd iiittt...

!his recipe was found and tested by our

From ‘In the Garden’

MISI Slimathon 2010 make it sell it

Once upon a time in a land not so far away, there was a sad, fat old Misian sat at her computer contemplating the lack of sales coming up to Christmas, and she sighed deeply. As she chatted on the forums it seemed nearly everyone was in the same boat. Why, she thought, is my jewellery really so awful, seven long months without a sale, and she sighed deeply again. What can I do to generate those sales she mused? Putting these musings to the forum, whilst much sympathy and encouragement was forthcoming as is only to be expected from the lovely group of people we call Misians, still no sales. In desperation she wrote, “If I get a sale before Christmas I will give up chocolate” And what do you know the God of good fortune was listening, actually it was Karen from JKJ, and within a few minutes a sale was made. Karen very kindly said she would not hold me to my post as she was going to buy them anyway, but a promise is a promise, and the not so sad now, fat old Misian agreed to give up chocolate as long as she could start after Christmas and make it a proper diet after the festive excesses. !he fat, happier old Misian asked if anyone wanted to join her and up popped Jean from !alking Beads and Joy from Joyknit and we agreed between us that instead of paying a slimming club to be publically humiliated each week, we could do something for a charity instead, by donating £1 for every pound we lost each week and £2 for every pound gained for a total of three months. We asked for charity suggestions and it was decided by the majority that it was to be the wonderful people that comprise MacMillan Nurses and so the Misi Slimathon 2010 was born. People e-­mailed praising the wonderful work MacMillan do, several having first hand experiences. !he funding of nurses and specialist health care professionals, the building of cancer care centres, support for careers, families and communities. Financial help, benefits advice, grants for anything from heating to travel costs, quite apart from the basic requirements of nursing care. !here cannot be a more worthy cause to support. By losing weight and eating healthily ourselves, we are also lessening our own risk of developing contributory factors related to various cancers and the obvious benefits of reducing the strain on our hearts and joints. We are 2 weeks on and between the 20 participants we have lost three and a half stone between us. It is all done on trust as we are all divorced by miles from each other. We check in each Saturday or thereabouts, we have an on-­ going blog as well as a continuous running post on Misi, and I try and keep a running total. Although this is not a sponsored fundraising event I have some people who have expressed a desire to contribute to our final total, which is fantastic. Oh, and by the way, I did get more sales before Christmas!

MISI MISI Slimathon 2010 make it sell it make it sell it

If you would like more information about any aspect of the above or to set up your own Slimathon, contact details are listed below. Click onto Community, Forum, Chit Chatter, Slimathon 2010. and leave me a message. !hank you for reading this;; your support would be very much appreciated. By MornieG Jewellery

Recipe taken from the MISI Slimathon Blog

Butternut Squash, Red Pepper By Hennie’s NimbleNeedles and Soft Cheese Soup 5 spray low-­fat cooking spray 1 large onion(s), chopped 1 portion butternut squash, peeled, de seeded and chopped into chunks 1 medium Pepper, red, de seeded and chopped 2 portion stock cube, vegetable stock, dissolved in 1.2 litres (2 pints) hot water 100g low-­fat soft cheese 150ml skimmed milk, (1/4 pint) 1 tablespoon fresh chives, chopped 1 pinch salt 1/4 teaspoon pepper, Freshly ground 1 small pot very low-­fat plain yogurt, (4 tablespoons) 1 teaspoon fresh chives, to garnish Instructions Spray a large saucepan with low fat cooking spray. Add the onion and cook gently for about 3 minutes, until softened, but not browned. Add the butternut squash, red pepper and vegetable stock. Heat until simmering, then cook gently for about 25 minutes, partially covered, until the vegetables are tender. !ransfer the mixture to a blender or food processor and add the soft cheese. Blend for about 15 -­ 20 seconds, until smooth. Return to the saucepan. Add the milk and chopped chives. Reheat and season to taste. Ladle into warmed bowls. Serve each portion with 1 tbsp yogurt, a few fresh chives and freshly ground black pepper. Notes Cook's tip: Cool, cover and refrigerate any soup that you don’t use, and eat within three days, or freeze the soup to use another time.

Looby Crafts

Guest Maker

Create a Handmade Valentines Card You will need: Red card measuring 15x30cm (plus small scrap of same) Patterned paper measuring 14x14cm White ribbon Heart pin Rub-­on sentiment Black inkpad Black fine pen Scissors Adhesive

Step 1. Fold the Red card in half to make a 15cm square card blank, with the fold at the top.

Step 4. Draw another dashed line around the edge of the patterned paper square and add the rub on sentiment to the top left as shown.

Step 2. Ink the edges of the patterned paper and adhere to the centre of the card blank.

Step 5. !ie the ribbon around the card, with the bow over the red hearts and insert the pin through the bow.

Step 3. Draw 2 hearts onto the scrap card and cut out. Draw a dashed line around the edge of the hearts and stick to the bottom right of the card, as shown.

Looby Crafts creates a variety of handcrafted greetings cards, stationery, home decor, hair accessories and much more!

Valentines Heart By Peggy’s Knits

You will need: Double knitting yarn 4mm or US size 5 needles Stuffing Pattern -­ Cast on 20 sts using 4mm (US 5) needles Row 1 -­ knit to last stitch knit in front and back of last stitch Row 2 -­ knit Row 3 -­ knit to last stitch knit in front and back of last stitch Row 4 -­ knit Row 5 -­ knit to last stitch knit in front and back of last stitch Rows 6 -­ 8 knit Row 9 -­ knit to last stitch knit in front and back of last stitch Rows 10 -­ 16 knit Row 17 -­ knit to last 2sts, k2tog Row 18 -­ knit Rows 19 -­ 22 repeat rows 17 and 18 twice more Row 23 -­ knit to last 2 sts, k2tog Row 24 -­ k2tog, knit to end Row 25 -­ knit to last 2 sts, k2tog Row 26 -­ cast off 4 sts, knit to end of row Rows 27 -­ 33 knit Row 34 -­ k2tog, knit to end of row Rows 35 -­ 38 k2tog, knit to end of row Row 39 -­ k2tog, k5, k2tog Row 40 -­ k2tog, k3, k2tog Row 41 -­ k2tog, k1, k2tog cast off !his heart is made in two parts so you need to make two of these and then sew them together leaving a gap for stuffing, which can include lavender or anything of your choice and you can put what embellishments you want on it too, the list is endless!

A great way to start learning the increasing and decreasing and casting off that is covered this month in Peggy's Knits guide to knitting.

iinn tthhee GGaarrddeenn

!ii II’’mm TTiinnaa,, WWeellll tthhiiss iiss ggrreeaatt,, tthheeyy aasskkeedd mmee ttoo vviissiitt wwiitthh yyoouu aaggaaiinn aanndd II aamm rreeaallllyy pplleeaasseedd.. NNooww ddiidd yyoouu hhaavvee aa ggoooodd CChhrriissttmmaass aanndd NNeeww YYeeaarr?? II iimmaaggiinnee yyoouu mmaaddee aallll tthheessee rreessoolluuttiioonnss wwhhiicchh aarree ssoo hhaarrdd ttoo kkeeeepp.. II jjuusstt mmaaddee oonnee,, ttoo ttrryy ttoo ttaakkee aa lliittttllee ttiimmee eeaacchh ddaayy ttoo bbee ssttiillll aanndd rreeaallllyy llooookk aatt tthhee bbeeaauuttiiffuull wwoorrlldd ooff nnaattuurree aarroouunndd uuss,, bbuutt tthheenn tthhaatt iiss eeaassyy ffoorr mmee aass II hhaavvee ‘‘TThhee GGaarrddeenn’’.. II sseeee tthhaatt aallll mmyy oolldd ffrriieennddss aarree aallrreeaaddyy ssiittttiinngg ccoommffoorrttaabbllyy,, nnooww ccoommee oonn nneeww rreeaaddeerrss,, ttaakkee aa lliittttllee ttiimmee ttoo mmaakkee tthhaatt ccuupp ooff tteeaa,, ccooffffeeee oorr wwhhaatteevveerr yyoouu cchhoooossee.. OOhh!! YYoouu hhaavvee tthhoossee lloovveellyy cchhooccoollaattee bbiissccuuiittss,, II lloovvee tthhoossee,, bbuutt rreemmeemmbbeerr wwee mmuusstt nnoott oovveerr iinndduullggee..

aadd ssoommee SSiinnccee oouurr llaasstt vviissiitt wwee hhaavvee hh nn.. WWeellll yyeess,, rraaii hhee llll tt sstt aa ,, ffiirr hheerr sseerriioouuss wweeaatt hhaavvee yyoouu eenn II kknnooww tthhaatt iitt iiss aa ppaaiinn,, wwhh sscchhooooll ttoo iiddss ee kk tt tthh ,, ggee ttoo ddoo tthhee sshhooppppiinngg ffrroomm ss iinn mmee ccoo vveerr RRoo hheenn ee ww aanndd ooff ccoouurrss ss oonn iinntt ttpprr ffoooo tthhee ggaarrddeenn wwiitthh wweett mmuuddddyy yyoouu hheenn llyy ww llaarr iiccuu yyoouurr kkiittcchheenn fflloooorr,, ppaarrtt nn iitt rrddee ggaa tthhee tt ttoo BBuu iitt.. eedd hhaavvee jjuusstt wwaasshh aann uu cc yyoo iiss lliiffee,, wweellll ttoo uuss aass wweellll rreeaallllyy,, eess ddrriinnkkiinngg aallmmoosstt hheeaarr tthhee ppllaannttss aanndd ttrree rr rreeaaddyy ffoorr aattee ee ww gg tthh bbiinn aanndd tthhee ssooiill aabbssoorr gg aalloonngg aanndd sspprriinngg.. TThhee ssttrreeaamm wwaass ssiinnggiinn ll.. ttiiffuu tthhee wwaatteerrffaallll rreeaallllyy bbeeaauu tthhee mmoommeenntt AAss tthhee ggaarrddeenn iiss sslleeeeppiinngg aatt nn tthhee aakkee vvee tt hhaa mmyy bbeetttteerr hhaallff aanndd II eennddss iinn ffrrii oooodd ee gg ssoomm iissiitt ttoo vv ooppppoorrttuunniittyy ooww.. mm nn FFlloorriiddaa,, aanndd tthhaatt iiss wwhheerree II aa

ee mmiiffffeedd ttoo bbee CChhaarrlliiee mmyy mmaassccoott wwaass aa lliittttll hhiiss ssppiinneess.. ee iinn lleefftt.. II ccoouulldd tteellll bbyy tthhee ddrruupp aaggiinnaattiioonn,, hhee iimm mmyy ll iinn aall tt iiss ww ii kknnoo YYeess,, II gg llooookkeedd eeiinn dd bb aann iiss iinn tthhee ccoonnsseerrvvaattoorryy bbyy aa ggoooodd eenn aarrdd ee gg tthh iitthh eerr ww aafftteerr,, ttooggeetthh cchh aass wwee mmuu aass eenn ffrriieenndd wwhhoo lloovveess tthhee ggaarrdd rree ooff iiccttuu oo pp ss nn rree ii tthhee ddoo.. SSoo II aamm aaffrraaiidd mm hhii sseeee ttoo CChhaarrlliiee tthhiiss ttiimmee.. IIff yyoouu wwiisshh sstt iissssuuee,, ee llaa nneeww rreeaaddeerrss jjuusstt llooookk aatt tthh tthheerree jjuusstt aass tthheerree wwaass ssoommee ggrreeaatt ssttuuffff iinn tthheerree iiss iinn tthhiiss oonnee..

SSoo II wwoouulldd lliikkee ttoo tthhee tthhiinnggss II hhaa sshhaarree wwiitthh yyoouu ssoommee ooff vvee WWhheenn wwee ffiirrsstt aa eennjjooyyeedd oonn tthhiiss ttrriipp.. rrrr iitt wwaass ggrreeaatt.. WW iivveedd wwee wweenntt oonn aa ccrruuiissee,, ee pprriivvaattee iissllaanndd wweenntt aasshhoorree oonn tthhiiss iinn tthhee BBaahhaammaa ss,, wwoonnddeerrffuull aallll ww hhiittee ssaanndd aanndd iitt wwaass ppllaannttss wweerree bbee bblluuee sseeaa,, tthhee aauuttiiffuull aass yyoouu ccaann sseeee,, tthhee bboouuggaaiinnvviilllleeaa aa kknnooww ffrroomm tthhee nndd hhiibbiissccuuss wwhhiicchh wwee aallll MM ddiiffffeerreenntt ccoolloouu eeddiitteerrrraanneeaann,, ssoo mmaannyy rrss.. TThhee ootthheerr ppll aanntt iiss tthhee sseeaa ggrraappee wwhhiicchh gg rroo eeddggee ooff tthhee bbeeaa wwss iinn tthhee ssaanndd rriigghhtt oonn tthhee cchh ffoolllloowweedd bbyy tthhee .. IItt hhaass wwhhiittee fflloowweerrss ffrruuiitt,, tthhee lleeaavvee oollddeerr ttuurrnn aa bb ss aass tthheeyy ggeett eeaauuttiiffuull ddaarrkk rr eedd.. BBooyy!! WWoouulldd MMrr.. BBllaa cckk tthheeyy ddoo hhaavvee vv bbiirrdd lloovvee tthheessee bbeerrrriieess,, bbuutt eerryy llaarrggee sseeeeddss,, ssoo ppeerrhhaappss nnoott..

TThheenn wwee rreettuurrnneedd ttoo FFlloorriiddaa,, aanndd yyoouu wwoouulldd nnoott bbeelliieevvee iitt,, ssoo ccoolldd,, wweellll ff oorr FFlloorriiddaa,, bbuutt II wwii llll nnoott ccoommppllaaiinn hheeaarriinngg ooff aallll tthhee ssnnooww aanndd iicc bbeeeenn eenndduurriinngg.. II ee wwhhiicchh yyoouu hhaavvee aallll tt hhaass bbeeeenn tthhee ccoo lldd wweeaatthheerr kknnoowwnn hh eerree ffoorr aa lloonngg ttiimm eesstt ee..

TThhee tteemmpp ee mmuucchh tthh rraattuurree ooff tthhee sseeaa ee ttuurrttlleess ddrrooppppeedd ww wweerree rreesscc ss uueedd aanndd eerree ssuuffffeerriinngg aann oo dd mmaannyy wwaatteerr ggoo kkeepptt wwaa rrmm uunnttiill ee rreeppoorrttss oo ss bbaacckk ttoo nnoorrmmaa tthhee nn tthhee TTVV ll.. ooff iigguuaann AAllssoo tthheerree wweerree tthhee ttrreeeess aa aa wwhheenn iitt ss tthheeyy wweenntt iinnttoo ss ffaalllliinngg ffrroomm wwaarrmmss uu hh iibbeerrnnaa pp aaggaaiinn sshhoouulldd bb tthheeyy ssaaiidd ttiioonn,, ee OOKK,, II hh tthheeyy ooppee ssoo.. II hhaavvee aa ppiiccttuurree ff oorr yyoouu ffrr sshhoowwiinngg oomm tthhee nn tt eewwssppaappeerr tthhee ssttrraaww hhee oorraannggeess,, tthheeyy aa bbeerrrriieess ww ccoovveerr tthhee iitthh wwaattee llssoo hhaadd ttoo sspprraayy rr aa mm tthhee ffrroosstt.. wwiitthh iiccee ttoo pprroottee tt nniigghhtt ttoo TThhee ootthhee cctt tthheemm ff ooff bbeerrrriiee ss,, nnoott jjuusstt rr ppiiccttuurree iiss ooff aa tt rroomm rree pprreeppaarreedd iinn EEnnggllaa ff nndd hhaass nn ee ffuullll ddoo nneeeedd ww oorr tthhee bbiirrddss tthhiiss aattuurree ww bbiirrddbbaatthh aatteerr ssoo ddoo kkeeeepp tt iinntteerr,, bbuutt tthheeyy hhee iiccee ffrroo ss eettcc.. mm tthhee WWeellll nnooww tt bbuutt II hhoo hhaatt II hhaavvee mmaadd ppee nnoott dd eepprreesssseedd ee yyoouu aallll ffeeeell ccoo ggeettttiinngg mm ,, ggoooodd nn lldd,, uu cc hh ww eeww aarr aanndd tthhee tteemmppeerraa mmeerr,, tthhee ssuunn iiss ss!! iitt iiss sshhiinniinngg ttuurree iiss cc FFrroomm wwhh lliimmbbiinngg aa ffaasstt.. cchhaannggiinn tt II hheeaarr yyoouurr ww eeaa gg ffoorr tthhee bbeetttteerr aa tthheerr iiss llssoo..

dd IItt iiss bbeeaauuttiiffuull hheerree wwiitthh tthhee ppaallmm ttrreeeess aann iinn nntt ttoo iiffffeerree vveeggeettaattiioonn wwhhiicchh iiss ssoo dd EEnnggllaanndd aanndd tthhee vveerryy ddiiffffeerreenntt bbiirrddss,, tthhee ppeelliiccaannss ffoorr iinnssttaannccee,, tthhee jjuummbboo jjeettss ooff tthhee ee bbiirrdd wwoorrlldd,, tthheeyy aarree mmyy ffaavvoouurriitteess aanndd ww iinngg vviissiitt ttiimmee rrffuull hhaavvee hhaadd ssuucchh aa wwoonnddee oouurr ggoooodd ffrriieennddss.. ee ttoo II hhooppee yyoouu eennjjooyyeedd yyoouurr ttrriipp wwiitthh mm ee iitt tthh tt vviiss dd nnoo ee ddii aatt ww rryy tthh ,, ssoorr iiddaa FFlloorr nnooww ee bbyy ww mm kknnoo TThheemmee PPaarrkkss,, bbuutt tthheenn yyoouu ddss bbiirr nnttss,, ppllaa rroomm aayy ff yy aaww II jjuusstt ccaannnnoott ssttaa tt nneexx uussee yy MMoo iicckkee eeee MM iillll ss wwee ww eettcc.. MMaayybbee ttiimmee.. IInn tthhee nneexxtt iissssuuee II wwiillll ooff ccoouurrssee bbee bbaacckk iinn ‘‘TThhee GGaarrddeenn’’ aanndd sshhoouulldd hhaavvee ssoommee ppiiccttuurreess ooff SSpprriinngg.. TThhee bbuullbbss wwhhiicchh aarree ss ssuucchh aa bblleessssiinngg aafftteerr tthhee wwiinntteerr,, tthheeyy aallwwaayy ggtthh ssttrreenn aanndd aauuttyy iirr bbee hh tthhee ee wwiitt aammaazzee mm ttoo hhaavvee ssuurrvviivveedd tthhee bbiitttteerr wweeaatthheerr.. AAllssoo,, II mmaayy hhaavvee ddoonnee tthhee pprruunniinngg rreeqquuiirreedd oonn ssoommee ooff tthhee sshhrruubbss ssoo tthhaatt wwee ggeett tthhee bbeesstt ffrroomm tthheemm iinn tthhee ssuummmmeerr..

SSoo mmuucchh iinn TT hhee GGaarrddeenn ddeepp wweeaatthheerr,, bbuutt eennddss oonn tthhee ppaa yyeeaarr iitt iiss ddiiffffee rrtt ooff tthhee eexxcciitteemmeenntt iiss eevvee rryy rree pprreeddiicctt tthhee eexx nntt,, yyoouu ccaann jjuusstt nneevveerr aacctt ttiimmee tthhee bbuuddss wwiillll aapppp oorr tthhee fflloowweerr eeaarr ss ooppeenn,, bbuutt ww ee kknnooww tthhaatt iitt hhaappppeenn,, aanndd wwiillll II ccaann hhaarrddllyy wwaaiitt.. MMyy bbeetttteerr hhaa llff hhaass lloottss ooff ppllaannss ffoorr ccoonnssttrruuccttiioonn ,, oonn tthhee wweeaatthh wwhhiicchh ddeeppeennddss aa ggrreeaatt ddeeaall eerr,, ssoo II wwiillll gg oonn tthheessee aass tthheeyy hhaappppeenn iivvee yyoouu uuppddaatteess .. WWeellll wwee wwiillll ssoo oonn bbee ggooiinngg hh llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaa oommee,, nnoott rrdd ttoo tthhee ppllaann ee ccoommppllaaiinn aass lloonngg aass iitt ttaakkee bbuutt wwiillll nnoott ss uuss bbaacckk hhoomm ssaaffeellyy aass wwee aa ee rree oouurr ffaammiillyy aann llooookkiinngg ffoorrwwaarrdd ttoo sseeeeiinngg dd ooff ccoouurrssee ‘‘TT hhee GGaarrddeenn’’.. LLooookkiinngg ffoorrww aarrdd ttoo vviissiittiinn gg wwiitthh yyoouu aa iinn tthhee nneexxtt iiss ggaaiinn ssuuee.. BBeesstt WWiisshheess,, TTiinnaa

Online Street FFFaaavvvooouuurrriiittteee fffiiinnndddsss fffrrrooommm aaarrrooouuunnnddd ttthhheee cccrrraaaffftttiiinnnggg cccooommmmmmuuunnniiitttyyy Four of my favourite finds picked from everyones favourite online craft community websites. !his months focus is on Valentines Day, and Mothers Day in the UK. Click on the shop URL to take you to their store! Felt valentine hearts party bag £3.00 Pink Stars and Fairy Cakes

Vintage !eacup Candle £10.00 Clara Bows

Valentine Heart Soy Melts £3.50 Sweet Scented Soy

Mother Necklace £7.00 Indie Meadow Valentine hot water bottle cover £15.00 Nicky Nacky Noo

Hexagons cushion £28.00 !hree Red Apples

Hummingbirds & Modern !ree Branch Sticker £36.00 Dabble Down Junior

Silver swirl heart necklace £28.00 JoJo Jewellery Deep red heart necklace £30.00 Black Forest Jewellery

Rose Soap £2.20 All Natural UK

Valentine Brooch £8.50 Midsummer Stitches

Peg Bag £25.00 Little Moth

Best Picks PPPrrrooommmoootttiiinnnggg ttthhheee hhhaaannndddmmmaaadddeee cccrrreeeaaatttiiiooonnnsss ooofff ttthhheee ssseeeaaasssooonnn eeevvveeennntttsss!!! Four of my favourite finds picked from every ones favourite online craft community websites. !his months focus is on Valentines Day, and Mothers Day in the UK. Click on the shop URL to take you to their store! Pink Fluffy Marshmallow Soy Melts £3.10 Sweet Annies Scent

Heart of Inara Serenity Necklace £24.80 !hyme 2 Dream!hyme2dream

Set of 5 cute critter cards £6.20 Deb Cards, etc

Embroidered Photo Frame £3.75 Sew Lucky Embroidered Be my Date Chocolates $5.50 Craftabulous

Room Spray $10.35 !en Digit Creations!enDigitCreations

Make-­up Bag -­ deers and mushrooms $21.80 Bäumig

Valentine Wreath Angel Kitten Love Messenger $17.50 Red Fenyx Queen of Hearts Valentines Day collar $25.00 Help For Haiti -­ crazyforcollars

Printemps Floral Vase $18.00 Bittersweet Design

Valentine Sparkle Kiss Mini Mr. !oastee Plush Keychain $5.50 Yummy Pancake

Poppy, black and cream woven scarf $44.00 !oy Breaker

Guide to starting Knitting Part 3 Increasing, Decreasing and Casting off. !his month we will be looking at how to increase and decrease in your knitting and the most important how to cast off once your project is complete. Increasing and decreasing are the keys to shaping knitted garments. Increasing !he most basic way to increase is knitting in the front and back of the stitch. First knit in the front of the stitch that needs to be increased, like you normally would. But instead of taking the stitch off the left-­hand needle, you tilt the right-­hand needle so you can work a knit stitch in the back. You can slide the two new stitches off the left-­hand needle and proceed with the pattern.

Decreasing !he most basic way to decrease in knitting is to knit two stitches together. You can knit two together or purl two together to create a slant effect in your garment.

Casting off Casting off or binding off is to make sure when you have finished your piece of knitting that it doesn’t unravel. You need to knit two stitches, insert the needle onto the first stitch onto the right needle. Pull your left needle up and to the left so that the first stitch is pulled over the second and off the tip of the needle. One stitch will remain and one stitch will be cast off. Continue this until all of your stitches are cast off.

If you gain these skills there will be so many patterns that you can follow and so many more projects you can tackle the list is endless.

Guide to starting Knitting Part 3 Knitting is the in thing at the moment and even celebrities such as Madonna and Sarah Jessica Parker, Winona Ryder, Uma !hurman and Julia Roberts are just a few that have also caught the knitting bug.

Madonna on the front cover of VOGUE knitting

Julia Roberts with a bag she apparently knitted herself and felted

In the next issue I will be looking at embellishments in your knitting and the basics on reading a pattern.

Issue 4 -­ out 1st April 2010

Mothers are very special people. Are you treating yours this year?

£8.00 Champagne !ruffle Gift Box

£6.99 ‘Mums Garden’ Signs


£12.99 Purple Blackberry !ea Cosy

Rose-­Mallow Pendant

Large Red Beeswax Candle £3.25 Recipe Book/ Diary £7.00 34017/Large_Red_Beeswax_ candle.html /Recipe_book/diary.html


£24.99 Mango & Honey Body Mask

Black Denim Backpack £39.95 £25.00 Waterfall Bubinga Americana !wist Pen


Quilted Patchwork Wall Hanging

Handwoven Scarf

!here are 1000’s of beautiful handcrafted gifts out there. Why don’t you find your mum something to make her day extra special? Crafters make their pieces with love, what gift could be better.

By The Crystal Lady

Looby Crafts

Guest Maker

Create a Handmade Mother’s Day Card WWWooorrrllldddsss BBBeeesssttt !uuummm CCCaaarrrddd You will need: Lilac dotted swiss card, measuring 10x7 in. folded to make a 5x7 in. card blank Pink card measuring 10.5x15.5cm (+ small scrap piece) 2 small velvet flowers in lilac 1 large velvet flower in ivory Purple velvet ric rac 2 pink pearl brads Worlds best mum stamp Scissors Adhesive

Step 1. Ink the edges of the pink card, and the card blank and adhere the pink card centrally to the front of the card blank.

Step 2. Put the brads through the centres of the 2 lilac flowers, then stick all 3 flowers to the front of the card as shown.

Step 3. Cut 3 lengths of ric rac and stick to the card as shown, tucking the tops under the flowers to make the stalks.

Mother’s Day 14th March Step 4. Stamp the Worlds Best Mum stamp onto the scrap pink card and cut out, then stick in the centre of the Ivory flower.

Looby Crafts creates a variety of handcrafted greetings cards, stationery, home decor, hair accessories and much more!

!iissiitt oouurr nneeww mmaaggaazziinnee wweebbssiittee!!!!!!

••• ••• ••• •••

RReeaadd oouurr llaatteesstt iissssuuee.. BBrroowwssee oouurr ssiittee ffoorr aarrttiicclleess aanndd eexxttrraa iinnffoorrmmaattiioonn.. EEnnjjooyy oouurr pprreevviioouuss iissssuueess.. SShhoopp hhaannddmmaaddee iinn oouurr bboouuttiiqquueess..

By Peggy’s Knits

Mother’s Day Flower

LLLooovvveee mmmyyy !uuummm -­-­FFFlllooowwweeerrr aaannnddd VVVaaassseee A perfect little treat for your Mum and something she will treasure forever. Something great to do with the children. You will need Card Pens Scissors

Step 1. Draw a circle and six petals on the card, writing in the middle of the circle ‘I love my Mum because’ Cut out the petals.

Step 2. On each of the six petals, draw or write a reason why you love your Mum, so in total you will have six reasons. Glue the petals to the back of the circle and leave it to dry.

Step 3. You can now glue your flower to a card for a lovely Mother’s day card, or tape a drinking straw to the back and make a homemade vase out of some rolled up card, and ribbon to tie, to pop it in!

Mother’s Day 14th March

!his Months... !his month’s Blog of the month award goes to a fairly new blogger, Lilly Whites. She has a beautiful bright, colourful blog, and a stunning little shop in West Sussex. Such an inspirational blog to read. http://lily-­

!his month’s shop of the month goes to non other than the Etsy store ‘Hearts for Haiti’. “!his is an Etsy collective of donated items from hundreds of Etsy shops to raise money to rebuild Haiti. 100% of the proceeds from this shop will go to Need I say more?

!his months man of the month is Vin Diesel. Contributed by Diane!

!his months star by is this gorgeous hand appliquéd button heart cushion from Velvet Paws -­ as seen in Budget & Luxury!

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e & tin ay nnnggg ~~~!BBeeaaddiinngg ~~~!BBaakkiinngg ~~~!CCCrrroooccchhheeettt ~~~!RRReeecccyyycccllliiinnnggg !nnniii lenttttttiiinnnggg ~~~ D!SSSeeewwwiii Va hers ts t c Mo roje ... P uuusss aaannnddd llleeeaaarrrnnn,,, cccrrreeeaaattteee,,, dddiiissscccooovvveeerrr

WWWhhhaaattteeevvveeerrr yyyooouuurrr cccrrraaafffttt,,, jjjoooiiinnn aaa gggooooooddd tttiiimmmeee... MMMaaakkkeee nnneeewww fffrrriiieeennndddsss aaannnddd hhhaaavvveee

!iillll bbee aavvaaiillaabbllee ttoo vviieeww ffrroomm 1st April 2010

If you would like to submit an article or have an idea that you think our readers will enjoy, please contact us at: thecrystallady@creative-­ sprinks@creative-­ We offer very reasonably priced advertising both in the magazine and on the website. If you would like to promote your business to our large reader circulation please contact: thecrystallady@creative-­ Our 2nd Issue had over 23,000 views In its first month!

Remember -­ they are permanently on view unlike printed adverts

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