Direct Action Tactics

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See you in the streets, Sprout Anarchist Collective

As best we can remember, this zine was picked up at the 2003 anti-F.T.A.A. (Free Trade Area of the Americas) convergence in Miami, Florida. It was originally published by the Orange County Revolutionary Anarchist Collective. Thanks to them for the idea.

Global Anti-capitalism that was edited by Notes from Nowhere. The original book chronicles the anti-capitalist/anti-globalization movement of the late-1990s and early-2000s. Consequently, a lot of the tactics discussed here come out of that context.

The zine is made of of selections from a book titled We Are Everywhere: The Irresistible Rise of

There have been many times when we have wished that we had a zine like this. Especially when we find ourselves talking to folks that are “new” to anarchism and the whole notion of fighting back, it's sometimes difficult to start a conversation on tactics. This zine offers a broad overview of direct action tactics and basic ideas for how to successfully implement them. In addition, it discusses the importance of affinity groups for undertaking these ideas. It offers a range of ideas that move well beyond the simple idea that “protest” is just about holding signs and courting lawmakers.


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