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3.2 Holidays
3. Conducting other business activities such as working with the staff who manages the organizational web site and social media (e.g., posting job opportunities, describing organizational resources, etc.). Special care is to be taken in disseminating SPTHB confidential information over the Internet. When employees are in doubt about dissemination of information, they should contact the Executive Director or authorized representative of the SPTHB, for written approval to release the information. Security and confidentiality need to be of high concern for all SPTHB employees. All software downloaded from the Internet becomes the property of SPTHB. All files that are downloaded must first be scanned for possible infection. Any employee who knowingly tries to propagate the internet or internal resources with infected viruses or Trojan horses will be subject to termination. The SPTHB has installed a variety of systems to thwart intrusion by outside hackers. It is extremely important that these systems integrity be maintained. Any user who tries to override these security measures will be subject to dismissal. All communication and internet visits made during business hours are considered public information. Employees of SPTHB are not allowed to visit sites that are considered obscene. The SPTHB has the right to view all private files that have been downloaded and to monitor internet and e‐mail communications. Access to the internet enables users to download a wide variety of software products for a fee as shareware or for free. SPTHB employees are required to fulfill all license and copyright obligations of software that is downloaded. These software downloads become the property of the SPTHB. Any employee who knowingly violates this software piracy rule is subject to termination. It is a violation of SPTHB policy to store, view or print graphic files that are not directly related to an employee’s job or business activity of the SPTHB. Examples of these misuses may include, but are not limited to downloading games, jokes, audio files, animations, or movie segments. All SPTHB employees are expected to honestly disclose who they are when they send e‐mail, register accounts or when conducting other internet transactions.
6.9 Testimonials, Endorsements and Articles
Employees may not give any person or company a testimonial or endorsement from the SPTHB in which the SPTHB recommends a particular product or service. Additionally, employees may not submit an article for publication without prior approval. 1. Employees may not give any person or company a testimonial letter for commercial purposes in which the SPTHB name is used recommending a product or service, unless approved by the SPTHB Executive Committee. 2. No statement or stories in which the SPTHB name is mentioned should be released to the news media by employees. Any newsworthy story that an individual feels is suitable for publication should be referred to the SPTHB Executive Committee for approval. 3. Employees who write or prepare articles for publication may not represent a position as that of the SPTHB without prior approval from the SPTHB Executive Committee.
Employees are encouraged to participate in professional and civic organizations that promote professional development and enhance professional networking and are expected to share what they learn with other staff members on a regular basis. 1. The SPTHB may pay for a limited number of memberships in designated professional and civic organizations. 2. Employee participation in the activities of these organizations is generally outside working hours. However, such participation can be considered hours worked if the SPTHB benefits from the activity. 3. Persons responsible for budgets must plan, approve, and budget for employee participation in professional or civic organization meetings, seminars, and conventions. The SPTHB will pay or reimburse employees for registration fees and reasonable expenses to attend such functions when approved. 4. Employees must have advance approval from the Executive Director before seeking or accepting any official position in a professional or civic organization. If approval is granted, the approval will include agreements about limits on work time and other resources in performing office duties. 5. Employees are encouraged to contribute articles, make presentations, and give speeches to professional and civic organizations.