Drugsareoftencut(mixed)withother substancestoreducecostandenhanceeffects. Commoncuttingagentsincludesalt,caffeine, aspirin,anddangerousdrugslikemeth,fentanyl, benzocaine,lidocaine,andbathsalts. Xylazine isusedasacuttingagentwithillicitfentanyl andopioids. Thepersonusingthedrugmayor maynotknowwhatiscutintotheirdrugs.
Itcanloweryourheartrate,breathing, andbloodpressuretopotentiallyfatal levels.
Injectingxylazinecanalsocauseskin ulcers,infection,andnecrosis.
Itcanbealiquid,orwhiteorbrown powder.However,becauseitismixed intopressedpillsorotherpowders,it maybeimpossibletodetect.

Itisverydangerouswhentakenwith alcohol,benzodiazepines,opioids,and othersubstancesthatalsolowerheart rateandbloodpressureandslow breathing.TheAdministratoroftheDEA statedthat itismakingtheopioid epidemic“evendeadlier.”

Narcan reverses an opioid overdose.
Even if xylazine or other drugs have been taken.
If the person took xylazine or other tranquilizers, they may not wake up after being given Narcan. Xylazine may keep the person sedated because it is not an opioid. The important thing to check for is that the person begins breathing after being given Narcan. They do not have to wake up for Narcan to work. Remember:

There are no negative side effects of Narcan; you should give it to anyone who might be overdosing. While it will only reverse an opioid overdose, opioids like fentanyl may be cut into the drugs. Always call 911 for medical help when you think someone may be overdosing. Narcan takes up to 3 minutes to take effect; you should give rescue breaths if the person is not breathing. The 911 dispatcher will give instructions. If breathing does not start after three minutes, you should give the person another dose of Narcan and resume rescue breaths.
If the person starts breathing on their own, but they do not wake up, roll them on their side to a recovery position. Stay with the person until help arrives; Narcan only works for 90 minutes. The person needs medical care.