;~lt~IIJ~~ii~~~~~i~ VOL.I 188.5
SPORTS NOW! by James Connolly Well sports fans the boys basketball team is undefeated, considering that they have on i y pI ayed one game and The Ho9e Pre-Season Classic, that isn~t saying too much. A good time was had by all at the tournament. A few days ago, the boys played against Peace. They won, but the game was close. The team this year looks unstoppable. We would like to thank everyone who cheered on the boys and girls. Speaking of girls, they also played against Nazareth and they won. Both the boys and the girls look fantastic!
By now most of you know what's coming. It / s Christmas! It's the time for everyone to be happy and Joyful. Although we don't think about it alot. it aoesn't matter what time of the season it is, we should be happy al 1 the time! The reason we are up in spirits is because Chrfst, our Savior, was born this month thousands of years ago. Be happy now, but always be thankful for what the Lord has given us. Happy Holidays!
THE CHRISTMAS STORY IS COMING TO HOPE SCHOOL! by Erica Christensen As you know Christmas is coming and there are some very important events taking place in this time of year. One is the Christmas Pagent and as you know it is about the birth of our Lord Jesus Christ. Two of our students in Hooe Schoo l , Amy Svalenka and Erica Christensen, who are ~n Honors Band played at Luther South last Saturday along with three other bands and two choirs. Also some of the kids in th e eighth grade are playing Christmas songs on the chimes. They will be performing on Dec.10,11 and the 14 along with the church choir.
11 WHAT'S UP ;' ¡ by Tony Diorio
In this week's article, I wou 1d 1 i k e t o point out s o m e t h i n g
wrong. It concerns the displaying of the American f 1ag . When the American flag is displayed with other flags, it should be flown higher and be bigger than other f 1 ags it is flowm with. It is ok to display state and city flags, but the Un i t "e d States flag should be higher and bigger than all the rest. This shows that we have respect for our flag, and our country. l:f you know any places that display the U.S. Flag wrong, please let us know. Thank you!
MYSTERY! oy Nate Cahill This is the answer to iast issue's mystery. The Professor knew that Mr. Geding was 1 y i ng beca·use he bought Mr. Hal I blueberry pie. Yet minutes later, Mr. Geding noticed Mr. Hal 1 / s 'spark 1 i ng white teeth'. If Mr. Ged i ng h~d bought Mr. Hall blueberry pie, Mr. Hall's teeth wouldn/t have been sparkling white, but stained with blueberries. The, following people got it right: l•latthew Maldre. Now, for this issue's mystery ............... . The professor was around town one day. nothing to do, so he break and decided to sights of Boston. He was dr i v i n g down a sidestreet, when he heard a i ady scream. He. got out and started to calm her down. He finally strained some information out of her. He found out that her name was i·lrs. J i mber. Her husband was cooking barbecued chicken on the ari 11. She had gone out to see how he was doing. When she aot there, she found him dead, ~ i th a knife protruding from his chest. She had called her brother - in-law, Mr. Stevens. He had just arrived. Another thing the professor noticed was that she wasn-'t wearing a wedding ring. Mr. - Stevens came tearing through the · yard, saw the body, and then said,"You k i i 1ed him. d i dn / t you sis! I can prove it." Then he went over to the grill, because he noticed something sparkling. driving He had took a see the
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He then reached into the white coals, and pu 1 1ed out her ring. "See, your ring fei 1 in to the gr i 1 1 when you !,.'ere • struggiing with him." Then, the professor butted in. "You better think. up a better expl ination, or else I·· 1 1 send you in." TALKING KNOW?
CHRISTMAS IS COMING! by Nate Cah i 1 l As a 1 i of you know, a coup 1e of weeks ago , it was Thanksgiving. In a coup 1e of weeks, though, is Christmas. / Thanksgiving originated \Jhen the P 1 1gr 1ms sa i i ed over~ to America. They met the Indians, and they had a big feast. They a I 1 shared their food. As the centuries passed, we picked up that idea. We alI share our food with friends and relatives, thanking God for everything that He / s given to us. In order to celebrate Thanksgiving, the kindergarteners and the eighth graders shared their vegetables in stone soup. Christmas, though, is on the other extreme. We do thank God for things, but we give things to others. This all originated when Jesus was born. Great scholars heard of his birth, and they went to worship him. They alI gave him gifts of gold, frankincense, and myrrh. So, what I'd suggest for you to do is remember the real meaning of Christmas. Don/t just wait for yourself to get a 1 1 the g i f t s , but g i v e g i f t s to others. They don/t have to be g i f t s that you buy at t he store, but you can give them your company or your help. So, please remember that as the Christmas season comes.
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CHAPEL OFFERING by Erica Christensen This quarter/s chapel offering is to help the LAMP program, Lutheran Association of ivlissionaries and Pilots . These missionaries are taking planes to Alaska to spread God's wore. The money that you bring is to help pay for the gas for the planes. Last week we made 38$. Please help these missionaries and bring you chapei money.
"TOP TEN" by Tony Diorio
Wel I campers, it's time once again for TOP TEN. We didn't have enough votes to decide which song was your favorite, so 1..1e had to go to our reserves cwho this week were the 6th grade) to decide . The turnout this time was the worst in TOP TEN history! I hope that next time more votes come in, so we get swamped, so try to put in as many votes as you can! 10. Don't Worry, Be Happy
P.S. Thank you
Every Rose Has It's Thorn
8. Sweet Child of Mine 7. . u.
9. Phil
6. Pour Some Sugar On Me
Col 1 ins
5 . Wi I d Th i n g
8. Led Zeppl in 7.
4. Smooth Criminal
i1 i chae J
3. Pump Up the Volume
6. Van Haien
2. Wlid Wild West
5. Whitney Houston
.... A
1'1 i chae i Jackson
And for #l by a landslide. KOKOI10!
3. Escape Club ~.
1. And ~1. (and a new TOP TEN record) THE BEACH BOYS!
·~ ,;:;;';:~; :·
KIDS SPEAK OUT! I have a friend in my class. She ·only likes me when I have something for her. What should I do? It seems like your friend is pretending to be your friend so she can get stuff from you. Try to talk to her, teil her how you feel. If all goes right maybe you two can be friends for the right reasons, because you like each other.