Carolina Arts & Sciences Fall 2011

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arts&sciences Ca










Giant Step for Genomics New building sparks cutting-edge collaboration A l s o i n s i d e : A m e r i can I ndi an Studies • Terrorism 10 Ye a rs O ut T h e

U n i v e r s i t y

o f

N o r t h

C a r o l i n a

a t

C h a p e l

H i l l

From the dean F r o m t he Dean Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2011

Giant steps

College of Arts and Sciences

In this challenging economy, it may seem impossible to think about taking giant steps toward anything. Yet in the College of Arts and Sciences, we are doing just that, as we look forward to the 2012 opening of the new Genome Donn Young

Sciences Building, an interdisciplinary showpiece where scientists will come together to do ground-breaking research. Under construction for five years, this project was funded Karen M. Gil

primarily by state monies allocated before the recession got

under way. Our cover story highlights the state-of-the-art-facility and some of the cuttingedge scientists who will work in it. We are making “giant steps” on other fronts as well, as faculty and students continue to excel. Exciting things are happening in our American Indian studies program. We are grateful for the longtime dedication of retired professors Theda Perdue and Mike Green and their colleagues who helped build the program from the ground up. You’ll read about them, and new American Indian studies faculty, in this issue. Also inside are stories about new books by faculty and alumni. Private funding is more critical than ever as we face our fourth consecutive year of significant cuts to our state-supported operating budget. We continue to make leaps forward thanks to your commitment to the College. This issue highlights several recent gifts. The generosity of the Froelich family and other donors will support fellowships for some of our brightest Honors students. Alumnus Peter Rummell ’67 has pledged another gift to support his existing fund in entrepreneurial studies. Last year, thousands of alumni and friends donated $1.25 million to the Arts and Sciences Annual Fund, setting a new record. We spotlight alumni Emily and Scott Sternberg, who have both given to the Annual Fund since they graduated in 1988. Also inside is our annual College Honor Roll. These donors make it possible for us to keep taking giant steps even in hard times. Finally, as fall returns to Chapel Hill in full swing, and Thanksgiving is around the corner, it’s time for a piece of apple pie. Nancie McDermott ’73, author of Southern Pies: A Gracious Plenty of Pie Recipes from Lemon Chess to Chocolate Pecan, shares the recipe on our inside back cover. If you’re hungry for more, check out a companion print and video story about Nancie on our Web site, — Karen M. Gil, Dean

• Karen M. Gil, Dean • William Andrews ’70 MA, ’73 PhD Senior Associate Dean, Fine Arts and Humanities • Michael Crimmins Senior Associate Dean, Natural Sciences • Jonathan Hartlyn Senior Associate Dean, Social Sciences and Global Programs • Tammy McHale Senior Associate Dean, Finance and Planning • James W. May Senior Associate Dean, Program Development; Executive Director, Arts & Sciences Foundation • Bobbi Owen Senior Associate Dean, Undergraduate Education

Arts and Sciences Foundation Board of Directors • James L. Alexandre ’79, Haverford, PA, Chair • Vicki Underwood Craver ’92, Riverside, CT, Vice Chair • Karen M. Gil, Chapel Hill, NC, President • William L. Andrews, ’70 MA, ’73 PhD, Chapel Hill, NC, Vice President • Tammy J. McHale, Chapel Hill, NC, Treasurer • James W. May, Jr., Chapel Hill, NC, Secretary • R. Frank Andrews ’90, ’95 MBA, Washington, DC • Valerie Ashby ’88, ’94 PhD, Chapel Hill, NC • Constance Y. Battle ’77, Raleigh, NC • Laura Hobby Beckworth ’80, Houston, TX • Cathy Bryson ’90, Santa Monica, CA • R. Duke Buchan III ’85, Amenia, NY • Jeffrey Forbes Buckalew ’88, ’93 MBA, New York, NY • Sunny H. Burrows ’84, Atlanta, GA • Courtney Miller Cavatoni ’93, Atlanta, GA • G. Munroe Cobey ’74, Chapel Hill, NC • Sheila Ann Corcoran ’92, ’98 MBA, Los Angeles, CA • Steven M. Cumbie ’70, ’73 MBA, McLean, VA • Jaroslav T. Folda III, Chapel Hill, NC • Emmett Boney Haywood ’77, ’82 JD, Raleigh, NC • Joseph M. Kampf ’66, Potomac, MD • Matthew G. Kupec ’80, Chapel Hill, NC • William M. Lamont, Jr. ’71, Dallas, TX • Edwin A. Poston ’89, Chapel Hill, NC • John A. Powell ’77, San Francisco, CA • Benjamine Reid ’71, Miami, FL • Alex T. Robertson ’01, New York, NY • Betsy Shiverick, New York, NY • H. Martin Sprock III ’87, Charlotte, NC • Karen L. Stevenson ’79, Los Angeles, CA • Thomas M. Uhlman ’71 MS, ’75 PhD, Madison, NJ • Eric P. Vick ’90, Oxford, UK • Charles L. Wickham, III ’82 BSBA, London, UK • Loyal W. Wilson ’70, Chagrin Falls, OH

Table of Contents Table of Content s

Steve Exum

Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2011

De p a r t me n t s inside front cover

From the Dean Giant steps


High Achievers

Shakespeare grants for PlayMakers; Laurie McNeil lauded for distinguished service; talented teachers, scholars and students

17 Spotlight

Catching up with alumna author Sarah Dessen ’93 Steve Exum


F e at u r es 6 • Giant Step for Genomics

New building sparks interdisciplinary, cutting-edge collaboration

13 • Terrorism Truths

Analyzing the threat versus reality 10 years after 9/11


The FirstYear Seminar “Field Geology of Eastern California” appeals to rock-hounds and English majors.


26 College Bookshelf

14 • Theda and Mike’s Excellent Adventure

27 Views of Chapel Hill, mountaineers

Scholars share a passion for American Indian studies, travel

16 • Razor Wire Women


Highlights Gifts to Honors, entrepreneurship and the Annual Fund; Poet AlYoung and Middle East correspondent Robin Wright are coming to campus; new findings shed light on the obesity epidemic and high blood pressure among young adults; music as therapy for pain; and more

New book brings together those shaped by prison life

28 Honor Roll

COVER PHOTO: Light illuminates the twisted staircase in the new Genome Sciences Building. The staircase resembles a DNA helix and serves as a literal and metaphorical connection from the building’s basement to the rooftop greenhouse.

and moonshiners, a German soldier’s letters from the Eastern front, how to read the Qur’an, Soviet baby boomers, New Testament forgeries, slave narratives, why women’s studies students are changing the world, and more

We thank our many alumni and friends for their generous support.

inside back cover Final Point Nancie McDermott ’73 shares a recipe for


“Miz Bob’s Double Apple Pie”

Cover photo by Donn Young “Bound” by Joanie Rodgers-Estes

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 1

High Achievers A c h i e v e r s

Two NEA Shakespeare grants for plays and programs

PlayMakers Repertory Company will

receive two national arts grants for its staging of The Making of a King, a Shakespearean epic, during the upcoming season. The National Endowment for the Arts

McNeil honored for distinguished service

Laurie McNeil, professor and former chair of the department of physics and astronomy, received the 2011 William F. Little Award for distinguished

(NEA) will award PlayMakers an “Access

service from the College of Arts and

to Artistic Excellence” grant of $100,000

Sciences. The award was presented last

to support the company’s two-part

spring by Dean Karen Gil and James

production presenting Henry IV (parts one

Alexandre, chair of the Arts and Sciences

and two) and Henry V. The production also will receive a

Foundation board of directors. The College

$25,000 grant from the

established the award in

NEA and Arts Midwest.

2009 to recognize the

The Making of a

Laurie McNeil

King will be performed

distinguished service of the

in repertory from Jan. 28

late UNC chemist and leader William Little, and to honor a faculty or

to March 4 at the Paul

staff member who has followed in his footsteps.

Green Theatre in UNC’s

Dean Gil noted that McNeil, a member of the UNC College

Center for Dramatic Art.

faculty since 1984, “has demonstrated remarkable departmental

The Access grant will support an

leadership, tireless dedication to undergraduate education, exceptional

outreach program called

teaching and a commitment to advancing women in the sciences.”

“Breaking History:

Some of McNeil’s achievements were highlighted:

Power, Politics, and

the Legacy of War,”

of the University’s undergraduate general education curriculum, a

exploring themes of war,

process that took three years.

loyalty and leadership through the lens of Henry IV and Henry V. The initiative will connect the plays to

She oversaw the extensive review, revision and improvement

She was instrumental in establishing UNC-BEST, a collaborative

initiative involving the College and the School of Education, which responds to North

North Carolina’s military populations

Carolina’s shortage of science teachers by preparing science majors to become high

at Fort Bragg and in Fayetteville and to

school teachers.

regional peace and justice organizations, encouraging dialogue between the groups. PlayMakers also will hold a weekend seminar with UNC’s Program in the Humanities and Human Values, conduct a community forum with Pulitzer Prizewinning foreign correspondent Chris Hedges, offer free tickets to Triangle area students and teachers, create and distribute

She held a Bowman and Gordon Gray Professorship for excellence in

inspirational teaching of undergraduates. •

She researched and produced a plan to transform introductory physics

teaching at Carolina. •

She helped develop the Working on Women in Science (WOWS) program

that enhances opportunities for female scientists at Carolina. •

She has received two University women’s leadership awards: the Mary Turner

Lane Award and the University Award for the Advancement of Women. •

learning materials, and send artists into the schools. •

2 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Steve Exum

H i g h

High Achievers H i g h

A c h i e v e r s

Talented Teachers

Faculty and graduate teaching assistants across the College of Arts and Sciences won more than 20 awards for outstanding teaching during the past year. commenting on our ideas.” His faculty colleagues are

in the department of Romance languages

and literatures at Carolina, received a UNC

equally impressed by his teaching

Board of Governors’ Teaching Excellence

and dedication. “Dino has

Award, the highest teaching honor conferred

prodigious energy,” one wrote,

to a professor on each campus in the UNC

“and this shows in all aspects of


his work. He grades with a finetoothed comb and is always available to help

Dino Cervigni won the highest teaching award at UNC.

Lars Sahl

Dino S. Cervigni, a professor of Italian

Wei You received a national award for research and teaching.

students one-on-one.” The founder and editor of

philosophy; Robert Allen, department of

studies, Cervigni has authored and

American studies; Wei You, department of

edited more than 40 volumes and

chemistry; and Jeannie Loeb, department of

published more than 50 essays. He


acknowledges that his teaching has

Dan Sears

Geoff Sayre-McCord, department of

a prestigious journal of Italian

The J. Carlyle Sitterson Freshman

been nurtured and enhanced by his

Teaching Award was presented to Allen

scholarship, and that his scholarship

Glazner, department of geological sciences.

has been challenged and sustained

Ben Meier, department of public policy, received the William C. Friday/Class

by his teaching. Chemist Wei You received a national award for research and

of 1986 Award for Excellence in Teaching. Johnston Teaching Excellence Awards

teaching given to outstanding young faculty

were given to Todd Ochoa, department

His classes cover a wide range of subjects:

in the chemical sciences. You was named

of religious studies, and Todd Austell,

Italian film, language, literature and culture.

a 2011 Camille Dreyfus Teacher-Scholar.

department of chemistry.

Cervigni has been at UNC since 1989.

“From outline to final draft, he is there every step of the way. Professor Cervigni spends hours with each student, listening to our ideas, reading our papers and commenting on our ideas.” His students noted the care he takes in assisting them with their writing: “From outline to final draft, he is there every step

The 5-year, $75,000 award is given by the

George Lensing, department of

Camille and Henry Dreyfus Foundation of

English and comparative literature; Michele

New York City.

Berger, department of women’s studies; and

Carolina awarded the following teaching awards to faculty in the College: Distinguished Teaching Awards for Post-

Kelly Hogan, department of biology, were honored with Chapman Family Awards. Graduate students also won Tanner

Baccalaureate Instruction were presented

Awards for Excellence in Undergraduate

to Gregory Flaxman, department of English

Teaching: Elizabeth Greene, department of

and comparative literature, and Alan Nelson,

classics; Ted Gellar-Goad, department of

department of philosophy.

classics; Natalie Fixmer-Oraiz, department

Tanner Awards for Excellence in

of communication studies; Erika Bagley,

of the way,” wrote one student. “Professor

Undergraduate Teaching by faculty were

department of psychology; and Matt

Cervigni spends hours with each student,

awarded to Susan Irons, department

Carlson, department of English and

listening to our ideas, reading our papers and

of English and comparative literature;

comparative literature. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 3

High Achievers A c h i e v e r s

Students score scholarships; support the campus, community A number of College

Timothy students scored major scholarships Palpant and received recognition for giving back to their campus and community. Seniors Timothy Palpant and Varvara Zemskova won 2011 Goldwater Scholarships, which go to students who intend to pursue careers in mathematics, the natural sciences or engineering. Palpant of Raleigh is majoring in biology and applied mathematics. His career goals are to conduct research using mathematics to seek solutions to biological questions and to teach at a university. Zemskova of Poolesville, Md., is majoring in environmental science and mathematics. Her goals are to earn a doctorate in civil and environmental engineering and become a professor.


ross-cultural communication and innovation are needed now to solve the world’s critical environmental problems. So says Michael Mian ’11, whose dedication to helping people and the Earth live in harmony earned him a 2011-2012 Luce Scholarship for a year of learning in Asia. Mian of Concord, N.C., said working in Asia will help him achieve his ultimate goal of dealing with climate change and other environmental puzzles. Mian majored in political science and a self-designed major, environmental justice and conflict resolution, with a minor in entrepreneurship. In 2010, Mian received a Udall Scholarship, awarded for students who are committed to careers in the environment.


hristopher Carter ’11, born and raised in the small town of Elkin, N.C., bagged groceries as a teenager. Before college, he’d

Varvara Zemskova

Ben Turman

never ventured more than 400 miles from home. Now Carter, a first-generation college student, will head to England, after receiving a Gates Cambridge Scholarship, a merit award covering all expenses for one to three years of graduate studies at the University of Cambridge. Carter is Carolina’s first Gates Cambridge Scholar since the award began in 2001. He double-majored in political science and history. “I want to pursue a Ph.D. in political science with a focus on Latin America, and completing a master’s in Latin American studies at Cambridge will really help,” he said.


eniors Robert Seck of Charlotte and Ben Turman of Asheville won David L. Boren Scholarships, which help undergraduates gain language skills and experience in countries deemed critical to U.S. security. Boren scholars must work for the federal government for at least a year after college. Seck, who is double-majoring in economics and Asian studies with a concentration in Chinese language, wants to work for the Department of State’s Bureau of East Asian and Pacific Affairs. Turman, who is double-majoring in Asian studies and linguistics, wants to work abroad for the State Department.


he winners and runners-up for UNC’s 2011 Martin Luther King, Jr. Scholarship are students in the College. They were recognized for their work to improve the quality of

4 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Christopher Carter

life of the community and the campus. Winner Jakelin Bonilla is a global studies major from Siler City, N.C. Runnerup Isaac Adams hails from Washington, D.C., and runner-up Eric Campbell is from Hagerstown, Md. Bonilla, who also is pursuing minors in geography and entrepreneurship, is interested in Latin American politics and migration, and their impact on economic development at the grassroots level. She has led an APPLES public service course on Latina/o migrant issues. Adams, a double major in journalism/ mass communication and religious studies, has been involved in APPLES and the Campus Y. He coordinates a camp program that mentors first-year incoming students. Campbell, a double major in business administration and African-American studies, works with Movement of Youth, a program to help enrich, engage and empower high school students to become effective leaders. •

Lauren Cowart

H i g h

ABOVE: 2011 MLK Scholars from left, Isaac Adams, Jakelin Bonilla and Eric Campbell.

High Achievers H i g h

Jacquelyn Dowd Hall

A c h i e v e r s

Paul W. Leslie

Dinesh Manocha

W. Fitzhugh Brundage

Karenn Hagemann

Faculty win major national honors

College profs received prestigious awards during 2010-11. Here are a few highlights.


acquelyn Dowd Hall, the Julia Cherry Spruill Professor of History, was elected a fellow of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences, one of the nation’s oldest and most prestigious honorary societies. A pioneering scholar in Southern women’s history, Hall is the founding director of UNC’s Southern Oral History Program. Over the course of 37 years, faculty and students in the program have recorded more than 4,000 first-hand accounts of history by the people who lived it, including mill hands, entrepreneurs, politicians, environmentalists, civil rights activists and others. These are available to the public online and/or in the University’s Southern Historical Collection in Wilson Library. Five College faculty were elected fellows of the American Association for the Advancement of Science, the world’s largest general scientific society. Kerry S. Bloom, the Thad L. Beyle Distinguished Professor of Biology, has contributed to new insights about the mechanics and dynamics of cell division and how chromosomes work. Paul W. Leslie, who chairs the anthropology department, has used advanced social health and environmental modeling to enhance understanding of life in arid and semi-arid East Africa. Wenbin Lin, professor of chemistry in the College with joint appointments in UNC’s Eshelman School of Pharmacy and the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, has contributed to advancements in anticancer drugs and nanoparticle imaging

agents. Dinesh Manocha, the Phi Delta Theta/Matthew Mason Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, was recognized for theoretical and practical contributions to geometric computing, and applications to computer graphics, robotics and parallel computing. John F. Wilkerson, the John R. and Louise S. Parker Distinguished Professor in the department of physics and astronomy, has led experimental efforts to understand the fundamental properties of the neutrino and neutron. Three rising academic stars in the College have won prominent Early Career Awards from the National Science Foundation (NSF) and the U.S. Department of Energy (USDOE). Erik H. Alexanian, assistant professor of chemistry, received $550,000 from NSF to support his development of new chemical reactions capable of providing direct access to valuable classes of bioactive compounds. He also will establish an outreach program with graduate students to show local high school students the impact of synthetic chemistry on everyday life. Jason L. Metcalfe, assistant professor of mathematics, received $411,000 from NSF to support his research on the behavior of waves near black holes. He will develop a First Year Seminar and a course on general relativity. Rene Lopez, assistant professor of physics and astronomy, was awarded $811,000 from USDOE to support his research in designing high-efficiency, dyesensitized solar cells.

Two College scholars were awarded prestigious Guggenheim fellowships from the John Simon Guggenheim Memorial Foundation. W. Fitzhugh Brundage, the William B. Umstead Distinguished Professor of History, is researching the history of torture in America. He is an expert on the history of lynching and historical memory in the South since the Civil War. Monika Truemper, associate professor of classics, is an archaeologist whose research encompasses Hellenistic and Roman art and architecture. The Guggenheim award will support her study of bathing culture in the ancient Greek world. Four College faculty members were named fellows of the National Humanities Center for 2011-12. Karen Hagemann, the James G. Kenan Distinguished Professor of History, is exploring war, culture and memory during Prussia’s wars against Napoleon. English scholar Laurie Langbauer, an expert on children’s literature and ethics, is studying child authors in the 19th and early 20th centuries. Laurie Ann Paul, an expert on philosophy of the mind and metaphysics, is researching causation and causal reasoning. Asian studies scholar Morgan Pitelka is focusing on the history of daily life and destruction in the 16th century castle town of Ichijodani, Japan. Historian John W. Sweet studies the dynamics of colonialism and the interplay of religious cultures. He is researching the life of Venture Smith, who was captured in Africa as a child and brought to the United States as a slave. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 5

6 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

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B e e l a n d

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Y o u n g

New building sparks cutting-edge, interdisciplinary collaboration

Giant Step for Genomics W

hat do mice, yeast, humans, plants, rice and worms have in common? Interdisciplinary researchers will soon be peering into their genomes in the College of Arts and Sciences’ new 210,000-square-foot Genome Sciences Building. Research in the $117 million, state-of-the-art facility will contribute to challenges as diverse as increasing agricultural yields, battling plant pathogens and understanding processes that lead to diseases like Parkinson’s, Alzheimer’s and cancer.

A curved central staircase will connect scientists throughout the building. Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 7

Pinpointing the targets of plant pathogens

Jeff Dangl

When diseases destroy crops, those plants can’t get to your plate, making food more scarce and expensive. Jeff Dangl, John N. Couch Distinguished Professor of Biology, works to figure out exactly how pathogens attack, so he can boost plants’ immune systems. That’s not easy, even in a simple plant. Arabidopsis, or thale cress, a model plant that’s a relative of cabbage and radishes, has more than 25,000 proteins that a pathogen may target. Now, in a study in the journal Science, Dangl and colleagues have narrowed down their hunt. To do that, they created an “interactome” — a living network or map that shows all the protein-protein interactions between the plant and the virulence proteins from two different pathogens. Those connections govern how proteins assemble into complex functional machines that dictate the tasks a cell can perform, such as growth, division and response to light, water and nutrients. Out of 25,000 proteins in the plant, the scientists screened one-third of them to find which ones hook up with proteins from either or both of two different pathogens. That narrowed the suspect list down to around 100 possible

targets. The upshot, which Dangl calls “surprising,” is that even though the two pathogens are separated by more than two billion years of evolution, they have evolved to disrupt the same small group of proteins in the host plant. Dangl estimates that after screening the remaining proteins, the possible suspect list will total about 300 to 500. “So our problem goes from 25,000 potential targets to 300 to 500, just like that,” he said. In this case, “just like that” meant five years. But it would have taken much longer if Dangl hadn’t worked with scientists in other disciplines, such as the Harvard geneticist who developed the rapid method for creating the interactome, which involved using robotics. Collaborations like this one are crucial to conducting today’s “big science,” Dangl said. His unique approach to understanding plant immunity has earned Dangl a major honor. In June 2011, the Howard Hughes Medical Institute (HHMI) and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation (GBMF) named him an HHMI-GBMF Investigator. He will receive significant, flexible funding to move his research in creative new directions. “The Genome Sciences Building will bring computational biologists and wet lab scientists together on a daily basis working on a variety of organisms where genomics tools like the ones we used for our most recent study are the common platform,” Dangl said.

8 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

— By Angela Spivey ’90

Until now, genomics research at

UNC has occurred largely within academic units and under the umbrella of the campuswide Carolina Center for Genome Sciences (CCGS). But the center has lacked a physical home for the past decade, and its 21 faculty members — from the College of Arts and Sciences, and the schools of nursing, pharmacy, public health and medicine — also need regular interaction and a physical place to collaborate. That is about to change when the building, which has been under construction for five years, is completed in early 2012. It is located on Bell Tower Drive, behind the Kenan Football Stadium and is primarily state-funded. The original state allocation occurred in 2006, during better economic times. “I hope what this building will do is foster serendipitous synergy between scientists from different disciplines who would not normally come into contact, just by putting them in the same rooms and hallways together,” said biology professor Joe Kieber.

An organism’s genome contains

all of its genetic history encoded in DNA, or sometimes, if it’s a virus, in RNA. But making sense of the reams of data harvested from a single genome often takes an entire team of people: from chemists and plant scientists to medical researchers, statisticians and mathematicians working in an emerging field called bioinformatics. Mike Crimmins, senior associate dean for natural sciences in the College, said that much of the research that will take place in the new building can’t be pigeon-holed into a single discipline. “A lot of it originates in the spaces between traditional disciplines like chemistry, biology and medicine,” he said. For example, biologist Jeff Dangl’s work connects fundamental plant research with efforts in applied science to augment agricultural yields. Dangl [see profile on page 8] studies the genetics of plant diseases and was recently awarded a major grant from the Howard Hughes Medical Institute and the Gordon and Betty Moore Foundation to work on understanding how Arabidopsis c o n t i n u e d

The sun sets over the new Genome Sciences Building.

Investigating DNA + RNA ‘mistakes’ Dorothy A. Erie is a professor of investigate how repairs are made when chemistry and applied sciences and DNA mis-matches occur. The imaging engineering who works at the edge of gives a resolution of a nanometer. It works biology, where she focuses on DNA by dragging a mechanical tip across the replication and transcription processes. specimen (think of a phonograph needle Her work contributes to a basic moving across a record’s ridges) and understanding of DNA that is useful for producing a topograhic image (instead of insight into diseases like Alzheimer’s and a sound wave). Erie scrutinizes the images Parkinson’s and certain colo-rectal and of isolated DNA and protein complexes sporadic cancers. Replication is when the cell makes a copy of its DNA prior to cell reproduction. Transcription is the first step of gene expression. Erie’s biochemical investigations use yeast, bacteria and human proteins to understand the “fidelity” of these two processes. Fidelity describes how true a Dorothy Erie copy of DNA or RNA is to the original molecule or sequence. “You have six billion bases of to illuminate correlations between their DNA in each of your cells,” Erie says. structure and function. “But the protein that makes copies of Her lab is beginning to study these that makes about one mistake in 10 DNA and protein interactions in vivo using million. So that means every time it fluorescence microscopy. “This is in the makes a copy of your DNA to make a nascent stage, but we’re trying to tag certain new cell, it makes about 600 mistakes. proteins with a fluorescent marker so we That is a lot of mistakes.” But cells have can follow them through these processes.” built-in “proofreaders” which follow When Erie moves into the new along during replication and check the Genome Sciences Building, she will copied DNA against the original. The bring three post-doctoral fellows and proofreader catches most errors. Still, two graduate students with her. She some persist. Termed DNA mis-matches, collaborates with Steve Matson in biology, these errors can result in your body Tom Kunkel at the National Institute producing proteins that are either nonof Environmental Health Studies in functional or toxic, which can lead to Research Triangle Park; and physicist disease. Keith Weninger, who is an expert in Erie uses an imaging technique fluorescence imaging at NC State called atomic-force microscopy to — By T. DeLene Beeland University.

Carolina Arts & Sciences • FALL 2011 • • 9

Understanding DNA packaging

Jason Lieb

If you think it’s difficult to pack all of your vacation necessities into a carry-on suitcase, imagine the intricacy of fitting 60 trillion feet of DNA into your cells. Yet that is the challenge faced by the human body, which houses about 10 trillion cells, each of which contains six feet of DNA. Understanding the way in which DNA is packaged so that it fits into cells is a main research focus of Jason Lieb, professor of biology and director of the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences. Lieb’s lab researches the relationship between the DNA packaging process and how genes are turned on and off in different cells. “Every cell in your body has an entire copy of your genome, which is what all of your DNA together is called,” said Lieb. “That genome contains all the instructions required to carry out the developmental decisions that are required for the body to function in addition to the instructions that each cell needs to maintain its own identity.” It is critical to understand how the packaging of DNA can be regulated because when the process goes wrong, it can lead directly to diseases such as

cancer, Lieb said. “Cancer is basically a problem of cellular identity, meaning that your cells are supposed to behave themselves and participate in the functioning of whatever organ they are a member of,” said Lieb. “One of the steps along the pathway to uncontrolled proliferation, which is what cancer is, involves upsetting the balance between packaging and gene regulation. What happens in many cancers is you have dysfunctional DNA packaging. Our research is trying to better understand this.” Lieb said that being in the new Genome Sciences Building will strengthen his research capacity. “The concept of the building is a meeting place for ideas,” he said. “Increasingly, to make progress in these areas, we have to take a multidisciplinary approach. For me, it will be great to have an office adjacent to someone who does really sophisticated analyses of gene expression data. We work with a vast amount of genomic data, so being near computer scientists and statisticians who are able to process that data is especially important.” “Before this, we have been scattered around campus and haven’t taken full advantage of the complementary aspects of our research. It will be exciting to see what results from this.”

10 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

— By Michele Lynn

thaliana, a relative of the mustard plant, responds to fungal and bacterial pathogens. Similarly, chemist Kevin Weeks investigates connections between the structure and function of RNA viruses. Understanding the basic biochemical properties of RNA molecules and their overall structures has a huge impact on our health. Hepatitis C, influenza and HIV are all illnesses caused by RNA viruses. The common thread in both of these projects is that they focus on basic research and genomes, said Jason Lieb, a biology professor and director of the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences: [see profile at left] “You could think of several major research areas that the new genome science facility will support: basic research, which is important because we need to know how genomes work before we can create solutions that help people, and more applied areas like medicine, crop science and technology development,” Lieb said. Of course, the categories bleed into each other, just as the research projects in the new Genome Sciences Building stretch across academic units. Lieb’s lab investigates how DNA is packaged and how proteins track down specific targets within a DNA molecule. “The idea behind this facility has always been that the whole is greater than the sum of its parts,” Crimmins added. “And when you put people from different units together in an atmosphere that fosters creative collaboration, they will come up with ideas that they may never have conceived of alone.” Crimmins was key in helping raise an additional $6 million a few years ago to complete the building after budget cutbacks left the project short of the $117 million needed for construction. The University Cancer Research Fund, the provost’s office, the School of Medicine and the College of Arts and Sciences contributed funds to bridge the budget gap. Facilities and Administration returns from research grants helped fund the project.

Data mining specialist

The new building will serve 400 faculty and students.


he facility will differ from traditional brick buildings across campus. The façade will be beige-colored architectural concrete with large expanses of glass. A portion of the concrete is being supplemented with slag cement, a by-product of the steel industry that is discarded in landfills if not used. Bringing daylight deep into the building was important, too, said Masaya Konishi, UNC facilities planning assistant director for project management. The architects used a lot of glass on the interior to carry natural light further into the space. To foster collaboration across disciplines, the architects designed an open interior layout. They also focused on adjacent lab spaces to maximize interaction between collaborators, and they created areas to support incidental meetings, like a ground-floor café. A curved staircase surrounded by a glowing column of light resembles a DNA helix and serves as a literal and metaphorical connection from the building’s basement to the rooftop greenhouse. “It was fun to work with the architects because it got me thinking about science in a way I’d not thought about it before,” said Kieber, who helped to advise the architectural firm Skidmore, Owings and

Computer scientist Wei Wang values technology, speed and accuracy. Her ability to embrace these essential aspects of her work, gleaning critical information from vast data collections, has earned her numerous honors and patents. But what she truly craves along with the computational is something more physical: She values spontaneous, face-to-face conversation and collaboration. She believes her new work home, the Genome Sciences Building, will provide just those opportunities. “I’m very excited about the new complex. I think it will allow for much easier collaboration because many people will be in one space. You don’t do academics in a bubble; working across disciplines is a key to success,” explained Wang, who envisions dividing her time between her longstanding computer science department office in Sitterson Hall Wei Wang and her new address. As a specialist in data mining, Wang was drawn to Carolina from IBM’s T.J. Watson Research Center in large part because of UNC’s established bioinformatics program. Since arriving in Chapel Hill a decade ago, she has focused primarily on computational biology. As a member of the Carolina Center for Genome Sciences, Wang understands many of the problems faced by her colleagues in genetics, cell biology, biostatistics, pharmacy and public health as data mining challenges. Still, whether it’s examining a DNA

sequence to better understand genetic inheritance or identifying the challenges in an experiment with mice focusing on the causation of disease, establishing a common language and goals are key. “You can’t just sit in your office and guess what people need. You need to collaborate to be effective,” said Wang. “This kind of collaboration is best when everyone is together and something has just happened, not when you must preschedule a meeting a week ahead of time and then walk 20 minutes to meet someone.”

She also believes the Genome Sciences Building will influence the future in unintended ways. “It is important to put the next generation [of researchers and teachers] in an environment where they can be trained in the collaborative model. People in different disciplines are trained very differently and communication doesn’t come naturally to everyone, but learning to listen and to appreciate what others know and use all kinds of knowledge to solve problems is what will make the world a better place.” — By Lisa H. Towle

c o n t i n u e d

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 11

Statistics in high dimension

Yufeng Liu

Why are some people more at risk for cancer than others? Which treatment will work best in which people? Will doctors one day diagnose cancer just by screening someone’s genome? Yufeng Liu, associate professor of statistics, helps cancer researchers figure out the best statistical way to tackle those questions. Although he has excelled at statistics since his early college days, he didn’t know much about cancer or genomics until he came to Carolina. Now, because of his joint appointment in the College of Arts and Sciences and the School of Medicine, he talks to cancer and genomics researchers regularly. “I’m learning all I can about genomics,” he said. “I look forward to a lot of stimulating discussions and collaborations with many other researchers in the new Genome Sciences Building.” To get an inkling of the challenge Liu tackles, consider a sketch he made with cancer genomics researcher Derek Chiang. In the middle of a bunch of overlapping circles sits the number “450K.” Four hundred fifty thousand. That’s not the number of patients in the

study. And it’s not the total number of DNA changes the study will measure. It’s the number of DNA changes it will measure in each person, in around 100 people. Because of advances in mass spectrometry and other technology, scientists can delve into each person’s DNA in deep detail. But that power yields huge amounts of variables to catalog and interpret. This is what statisticians call high-dimensional data, and Liu is an expert at designing new statistical techniques to handle it. In 2010 he earned one of UNC’s Phillip and Ruth Hettleman Prizes for Artistic and Scholarly Achievement by Young Faculty, for bringing current, promising statistics tools into the practical toolbox of genome sciences. Now, in a project funded by a $1.5 million grant from the National Institutes of Health, Liu is developing new techniques in statistical machine learning. With the right program implementing those techniques, computers can discover new patterns and relationships in large amounts of data. “The ideal case would be if we can find important genes that tell us whether it’s cancer or not, or whether a person is at high risk of developing cancer,” Liu said. “If we can find that certain genes are useful for us to classify individuals, that could have a profound clinical impact.”

12 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

— By Angela Spivey ’90

Merrill on how scientists work. (Kieber studies how plant cells communicate and how a hormone called cytokinin regulates cell division.) Chapel Hill developer and College alumnus Roger Perry ’71, through his work as a member and former chair of the UNC Board of Trustees, has been a long-time champion of the project. He said it will be exciting to see researchers and scientists from diverse fields of study come together in the new building. “This collaboration will surely result in new knowledge and discovery on our campus that will benefit the health and well-being of people throughout the world,” Perry said. The building is designed to serve 400 faculty, technicians, undergraduates, graduate students and post-doctoral fellows. It will include 74,000 square feet of lab and support spaces, 10,000 square feet of offices, 7,000 square feet of bioinformatics labs and 11,000 square feet of greenhouses located on the roof. It also will include 450-seat and 250-seat auditoriums, an 80-seat lecture hall and five 35-seat classrooms. “We hope this [building] can bring us into the top 10 nationally for genomics research,” Lieb said. • Genome Sciences Building • $117 million project • 210,000 square feet • Built to LEED-specific criteria. LEED is an internationally recognized “green” building certification system that recognizes sustainable building and development practices. • Green roof slows storm water runoff • 90 percent of materials discarded during construction were recycled • Some interior finishes made from renewable sources, such as bamboo flooring • Chilled beam air conditioning system requires much less energy
















Terrorism Truths n September, America’s eyes returned to the horrors of 9/11 on the 10th anniversary of the terrorist attacks that forever changed a nation. But as we look back on that horrible time, a UNC sociologist says attention should also be paid to the relative quiet that has followed. The terrorist attacks paved the way for what was expected to be a worldwide battle between the West and radical Islamists. But sociology professor and Islamic studies expert Charles Kurzman points to data showing that fears about terrorism may have been overblown: the number of terrorist attacks has not “gone through the roof since 9/11.” Kurzman argues that while the threat of terrorism is still a reality, its likelihood isn’t as great as often depicted. That’s the premise of his new book, The Missing Martyrs: Why There Are So Few Muslim Terrorists (Oxford University Press, 2011). While he admits that there are several thousand militants around the world who’d like to do the U.S. harm, Kurzman said fortunately, “out of the world’s billion-plus Muslims, there are not many that want to join them.” “The surprising result is that these militants have been relatively unsuccessful in recruiting Muslims for their cause and in carrying out large-scale attacks,” said Kurzman, who also is codirector of the Carolina Center for the Study of the Middle East and Muslim Civilizations. Bin Laden’s May 2011 death left many thinking Al-Qaeda would seek revenge in the U.S. and abroad. But Kurzman said Al-Qaeda has shrunk significantly in the past decade — training camps have dwindled and satellite surveillance has kept the group “on the run.” Kurzman said his interest in the Middle East was sparked during the 1979 Iranian hostage crisis — he did his dissertation on the Iranian revolution and later branched into Islamic studies, edited anthologies on liberalism and became interested in pro-democracy movements. Within academia, terrorism studies typically focus on why people turn to terrorism, Kurzman said, not “the far more interesting question, which is ‘why do people not turn to terrorism?’ Because far more people reject terrorism than embrace it.” Kurzman puts the terrorism death toll into a broader global context. He points out that about 150,000 people die worldwide every day from all causes (AIDS, cancer, malaria, hunger, wars, etc.), according to the World Health Organization. About 2,000 people die each day from violence alone (wars, terrorism and murders). Of these violent deaths, fewer than 70 a day can be attributed to Islamic militants, and fewer than 20 per day occur in areas beyond the borders of Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan, according to the National Counterterrorism Center. About 15,000 people are murdered in the U.S. each year. Islamic terrorism, including the Beltway sniper attacks, has

accounted for about three dozen deaths in America during the entire decade since 9/11, Kurzman says, representing a small fraction of the violence the U.S. experiences annually. Kurzman said one goal of his research is to “turn down the volume on public debates about security so that we can discuss policy measures reasonably, based on evidence, rather than on the unfounded or disproportionate fear” of potential attacks. In March 2011, Kurzman’s work was in the national spotlight when U.S. Rep. Peter T. King (R-N.Y.), chairman of the House Homeland Security Committee, held hearings on Islamic radicalism and the perceived unwillingness of Muslim leaders to help law enforcement identify possible threats. In a CBS appearance, King was confronted with data from a report released a month earlier by Kurzman, “Muslim-American Terrorism Since 9/11: An Accounting,” which found a drop in attempted or actual terrorist activity by American Muslims — 47 suspects in 2009, compared with less than half that (20) in 2010. That same study, released by the Duke-UNC Triangle Center on Terrorism and Homeland Security, also found that the largest single source of initial information (48 of 120 cases) about alleged plots involved helpful tips from the Muslim American community. Kurzman said he sees “some reluctance to accept the conclusion that terrorism has not been a major problem facing the U.S.” And he gets that. After all, he added, “there remains the possibility of a devastating attack, even if the odds are low.” • Online Extra: Kurzman discusses his research at www. terrorism_research.

AT RIGHT: Islamic studies expert Charles Kurzman in “The Pit” at UNC. In 2006, UNC alumnus Mohammad Taheri-Azar raced an SUV into the popular campus spot in an attempt to harm students.

Steve Exum


Analyzing the threat versus reality since 9/11

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 13



Mike s

Excell T he scrapbook

detailing UNC professors Theda Perdue and Mike Green’s four-month trip around the world in 2009 (by land and sea, no airplanes) is titled “Theda and Mike’s Excellent Adventure.” A map on the album’s opening page outlines the married duo’s journey, which included time on the Trans-Mongolian Express across Russia and a freighter across the Pacific. “If you travel by train, you really do see the world in a way you don’t from an airplane window,” Perdue said. Did we mention that their Christmas card photo that year featured the two in Mongolian tribal costumes? Their love of travel extends stateside, too. Witness the 1974 silver Airstream trailer with blue-striped awnings parked in their Chapel Hill driveway, pulled by a 1972 Chevy Suburban, also in blue. It makes the trek to Key West, Fla., during • LEFT: American Indian scholars Theda Perdue and Mike Green love to travel in their 1974 vintage Airstream trailer. • BELOW LEFT: These baskets were made by the Eastern Band of Cherokee Indians. • BELOW RIGHT: Sculptor John Julius Wilnoty created this Cherokee mask.

14 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

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S cholars share a passion for A merican I ndian studies , travel

lent Adventure the winter holiday, complete with a plastic pink flamingo (which reportedly wears a Santa suit for the occasion.) This penchant for adventure, for exploration, extends to their academic work as well. Green retired from UNC in 2009, Perdue in spring 2011, after nearly 80 years of research and teaching between them on American Indian studies — stretching across several universities. They are nationally recognized experts in their fields. Green said their love of travel is connected to their scholarship. “We look at beautiful buildings and historic places, but we are also eager to learn what we can about tribal peoples,” he said. Perdue, as the Atlanta Distinguished Professor of Southern Culture in the department of history, and Green, as professor of American studies, were among a core group of scholars who created the College’s American Indian studies program from the ground up. Today, students can choose an undergraduate major or minor concentration in American Indian studies in the department of American studies. UNC’s American Indian Center was founded in 2006. Perdue’s tribal focus is on the Cherokees, Green’s on the Creeks. They’ve written a number of books separately, and four books together, including North American Indians: A Very Short Introduction. (Oxford University Press, 2010.) In the preface to that book, the scholars tell the story of how a man they met asked what they did for a living. When they said they were American Indian historians, the man replied, “So I guess you write that we done ’em wrong.” But Perdue and Green argue that view treats American Indians as objects, not actors in their own history. One of the couple’s long-term goals has been to accurately portray Indians’ strength, resilience and creativity — and not just to portray them as victims.

“What normally happens with Southern Indians is we write about the Indian removals of the 1830s, and then they drop out of Southern history,” Perdue said. “If we simply view Indians as victims, it dehumanizes them. Indians often made very good choices. Sometimes they made bad choices, but all humans do.” Perdue calls their two decades of marriage “a 20-year seminar.” They have home offices across the hall from each other (within yelling distance) and take turns writing and reading chapters, divvying up the work via an outline. He was trained as a political historian, she as a social historian, and Perdue thinks those different viewpoints bring strengths to the books they write together. “We are the dynamic duo, there’s no doubt about that,” Green said, as his wife chuckles in agreement. “It’s true we often don’t see eye to eye, but the back-and-forth helps us reach better ends.” Malinda Maynor Lowery, an assistant professor of history at UNC, echoes the “dynamic duo” sentiment. Lowery’s “official” adviser was Perdue, but she calls the couple her “co-advisers.” Lowery, who is Lumbee, joined the UNC faculty in 2009, after completing a postdoctoral fellowship here. She is the author of Lumbee Indians in the Jim Crow South: Race, Identity and the Making of a Nation. (UNC Press, 2010). She created the first Lumbee history course at UNC. Lowery said Perdue has always been extremely supportive of American Indians who want to pursue doctoral degrees. “We’re such a minority among minorities,” Lowery said. “Theda’s record stands out for being so supportive of nativeowned scholarship. … She understands the value we are providing not just to the academy but to the community.” “She consistently reminds everybody that Indians are the original Southerners,

and that if you’re going to talk about the South and leave out Indians, by God, she’s going to come and get you!” Although the two originally thought they would retire at the same time, Perdue wanted to stick around a little longer. And “rest” probably won’t be a word associated with their joint retired status. They’ll continue to do research and travel. (They’re eyeing a trip down Asia’s Silk Road as a future possibility.) Perdue, president of the Southern Historical Association, will address the group’s annual meeting in October. But Perdue feels like she can now leave American Indian studies in good hands, especially with the recent hire of young scholars, including Dan Cobb and Jenny Tone-Pah-Hote in American studies and Jean Dennison in anthropology. Cobb’s expertise is American Indian political activism, and he directs the major and minor concentration. Tone-Pah-Hote, who is a member of the Kiowa Nation, is working on a book on Kiowa expressive culture. Dennison, a member of the Osage Nation, is writing a book on the nation’s citizenship and government reform process. “Legacy is something that other people talk about after you’re gone,” Perdue said. “But I can see mine. I know their names.” More at www.americanindianstudies.unc. edu and •

American Indian studies highlights: • Cherokee language courses are offered in partnership with Western Carolina University. • An expanded “study abroad” Burch Seminar on the Cherokee Nation (first offered in 2009) will take students to Cherokee, N.C., on the road to trace “The Trail of Tears,” and to the Cherokee Nation in Oklahoma in summer 2012. • A Ph.D. program is being planned in American studies, which will include a focus in American Indian studies.

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 15

Profile P r o f i l e

Razor Wire Women

New book brings together those shaped by prison life By Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 LEFT: Ashley Lucas in 2004 at the Angola State Penitentiary in Louisiana, where she spent the day with men who had been in prison for 25 years or more.


shley Lucas keeps thinking about a certain audience holding her new book for the very first time — incarcerated women and their families. That’s because it’s their book, too, filled with their artwork, poems and brutally honest essays about life behind prison walls. Lucas, an assistant professor of dramatic art, is especially sensitive to the issues faced by those living behind bars and those who love them. Her father has been incarcerated since 1994. Razor Wire Women: Prisoners, Activists, Scholars and Artists (SUNY Press, 2011) is edited by Lucas and Jodie Lawston, an assistant professor of women’s studies at California State University San Marcos, who is the child of a formerly incarcerated father. The collection of essays and art by contributors connected to prisons reveals the many dimensions of life behind the razor wire. Lucas’ father went to prison when she was 15. Having a loved one behind bars “has really shaped who I am,” she said. “I realized when I turned 30 that he had now been in prison longer in my lifetime than he had been out,” Lucas said. Though she does not discuss publicly why her father is in prison, she does tell people who ask that he is serving time. “I often startle people without meaning to because when you ask me what my father does for a living, which is not an uncommon question, I tell the truth.

And I think they are particularly taken off guard by the fact that I’m not ashamed, that I still love him very much as my father.” In 2004, partially to escape the isolation she felt as the child of an incarcerated parent, Lucas wrote a one-woman play based on prisoners’ experiences. She placed an ad in newspapers around the country, asking them to tell her about their lives. By the end of the first week, she had received 100 letters. Eventually, she heard from more than 400 people. Their correspondence is contained in five thick notebooks. The resulting project was Doin’ Time: Through the Visiting Glass, which Lucas has performed both inside and outside prisons in the United States and Ireland. Her new book, Razor Wire Women, grew out of a special issue of the National Women’s Studies Association Journal that she and Lawston edited. Lucas said it was important that the book be more than a scholarly tome. “There’s a piece in the book by Shirley Haviland-Nakagawa in which she talks about what it was like to watch her sister’s children struggle when her sister went to prison,” Lucas said. “It means something to hear that voice. … And there are things said in imagery and poetry that are difficult to say through an academic lens.” Lucas is among the current class of Faculty Engaged Scholars, an initiative of the Carolina Center for Public Service that rewards and supports faculty who

16 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

connect their research and strengthen the University’s relationship to the community by contributing “to the common good.” This fall, she is a Faculty Fellow at UNC’s Institute for the Arts and Humanities.

“It means something to hear that voice. … And there are things said in imagery and poetry that are difficult to say through an academic lens.” Lucas tells a haunting story in the book’s epilogue about her failed attempts to find an incarcerated woman who had been released so that Lucas could ask about her artwork. She couldn’t get the woman’s parole officer to call her back. The prison system’s Web site listed charges against the woman and physical characteristics like “marks, scars and tattoos.” “It listed all the places where her body was scarred, and it was a long list. And it ended with: ‘missing right arm and right leg,’” Lucas said. “In looking at how they described her, it’s how you might catalog a piece of livestock or property, rather than anything meaningful.” “Razor Wire Women is trying to give people a fuller picture of who these people are. They [may not be] totally blameless, innocent people, but regardless of what they have done, they are still human.” • Online Extras: Watch a multimedia story about Lucas at

Spotlight S p o t l i g h t

Catching up with Sarah Dessen:

On writing and growing up as a Tar Heel


opular young adult novelist Sarah Dessen ’93 of Chapel Hill has been busy traveling to promote the release of her 10th novel, What Happened to Goodbye. The English major, who later returned to teach creative writing at UNC for eight years, talks with us about her latest book, writing process and college experiences. She was recently honored with a Distinguished Young Alumni Award from the General Alumni Association. Q: How did your education at Carolina and/or your teaching here help with your writing career? A: It wasn’t until I was a student in the creative writing program that I actually believed I could be a writer. My teachers were so good, and so passionate, and they thought I had what it took long before I was able to believe it myself. Once I was a writer, teaching really forced me to keep working. I couldn’t tell my students they had to be disciplined and write every day and not do it myself. It kept me honest. Q: What was it like to have parents as professors (Alan Dessen in English, Cynthia Dessen in classics) at UNC? A: It was really just what I knew. I skateboarded in the Pit while my dad taught at Greenlaw, hung out in the Murphey Hall lounge with my brother while my mom had meetings. Carolina always just felt like my backyard, an extension of Chapel Hill. I still feel that way

ABOVE: Sarah Dessen with fans at Flyleaf Books in Chapel Hill. Dessen was promoting her 10th novel, What Happened to Goodbye.

about it, actually. As a student, I got to see an entirely different side, though. I always felt like I wouldn’t want to attend UNC because I felt like I’d been a student there all my life. But it was very different than I expected. There's so much to do and know there. Q: How and why did you start teaching at UNC? Would you return? A: I did a reading at the Bull’s Head when my first book, That Summer, was released. Marianne Gingher, who was then head of the writing program, brought her class, and a few weeks later I got a call from her asking me if I was interested in filling in for a semester. It felt like winning the lottery! Although to go from waitressing at the Flying Burrito to working in Greenlaw was a bit of a shock. I had customers who were professors there, and I don’t think they ever really got used to seeing me in the mail room instead of carrying a tray. As far as coming back, right now I’ve got my hands full with my daughter and writing. But you never know.

Q: What is your writing process like? What is your inspiration? A: I write in the afternoons, from 3 to 5 or so, every day if I can, although that’s not always possible. I don’t start a book until I have what I call my skeleton: the first scene of the book, the last scene, the climactic scene and the first line. They often change as I write, but it’s good to have sort of a sense of where I’m going before I begin. With all that said, it is far from a perfect process. I throw out almost as much as I actually publish. You just have to try a lot, and keep trying, to find what works.

Read as much as you can, because that’s really the only way to learn besides just writing itself. Q: What’s your best advice for students who want to write? A: Be disciplined. Write every day, at the same time. Train your brain that you need to work then, and you’ll always be aware when you’re not writing and should be. Read as much as you can, because that’s really the only way to learn besides just writing itself. • — Interview by Kristen Chavez ’13

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 17

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Appreciation for liberal arts degree inspires fund in entrepreneurship

Thomas worked closely with the co-founder and head of sales at the company, analyzing daily sales and revenue data, producing investment pitches and studying the relationship between By Joanna Worrell Cardwell (M.A. ’06) purchases and product pricing. ollege alum Peter Rummell of “I see the Beijing Jacksonville, Fla., has enjoyed a successful internship program as career as a real estate developer, but he a pivotal experience in gives just as much credit to his UNC liberal my life,” Thomas said. arts degree as his MBA. “My internship was “I have argued for a long time that inspiring, informative over my 42-year career, my English major and challenging. has served me just as well as my MBA in Nothing compares to terms of providing a general grounding spending two months in an entrepreneurial in life,” said Rummell, who earned a company, nevertheless one in the middle bachelor’s degree in English from UNC of Beijing. This opportunity has completely TOP: The 2011 Beijing interns pose in front of in 1967. He later earned an MBA from the the Forbidden City during a bike ride through changed my life, and private funding made it Wharton Business School at the University Beijing. BOTTOM LEFT: Wyatt Bruton ’11, a 2009 all possible.” of Pennsylvania. Although Rummell himself never participant in the Beijing internship program, Rummell’s keen business sense and studied abroad as an undergraduate, he at the Great Wall of China with his Chinese appreciation for his liberal arts degree recognizes that the Beijing program is a roommates. RIGHT: Peter Rummell provides made supporting the College’s minor in tremendous opportunity. He is pleased support for the entrepreneurship minor. entrepreneurship an easy choice. The that his support enables students with minor, established in 2005 and based in the in the program. In addition to taking courses an entrepreneurial spirit to get hands-on at a nearby university, the students intern at experience. department of economics, recognizes the restaurants, public relations firms, medical importance of studying entrepreneurship “[Studying the liberal arts] is about from a liberal arts perspective while arming clinics and more. broadening yourself and making yourself a “Our Beijing program provides the students with the business skills they need to 360-degree person,” he said. “You don’t do opportunity for students to take what they launch new ventures. that just with accounting or business courses. have learned in the minor, and through Rummell and his wife, Lee Ann, A lot of life is who you are, who you meet an internship with a startup company in established the Rummell Family Fund for and how you handle those interactions. It’s China, apply it in one of the most dynamic not just the time you spend at a desk.” Excellence in Entrepreneurial Studies in and challenging economies in the world,” 2006 with a $500,000 gift. They recently Rummell began his real estate career Stewart said. “In the process, they gain a pledged another $500,000 to the fund. in 1971 with the Sea Pines Company. He greater understanding of entrepreneurship “The entrepreneurship minor relies later worked with the Arvida Corporation and the global economy, and a better heavily on external funding such as the and Rockefeller Center Management before Rummell Family Fund,” said John Stewart, appreciation for the culture, politics and becoming president of Disney Development history of China.” professor of economics and director of Company in 1985. He was later promoted Mackenzie Thomas, a junior the minor in entrepreneurship. “These to chairman of Walt Disney Imagineering. economics major from Huntington, funds allow us to go the extra mile for our In 1997, Rummell became chairman N.Y., who is also minoring in students, providing opportunities that are and CEO of the St. Joe Company, one business administration and scientific not possible with state funding.” of Florida’s largest real estate operating entrepreneurship, was one of 15 students Since its creation, the Rummell companies. He retired in 2008, but he who participated in the program this Family Fund has provided fellowships remains active through board service, summer thanks to the support of the to undergraduates who participate in the consulting and participation in the local Rummell Family Fund. She interned at minor’s summer internship program in political community. iF Juice, a startup seeking to become the Beijing. Over the last five years, nearly 80 The Rummells have two children: leading premium juice brand in China. entrepreneurship minors have participated Mahala and Harry. •


18 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

LEFT: Will Froelich was born in London and was immensely proud of his British heritage. He always cheered for England in the World Cup.

of New Bern and Elizabeth Whitfield of Cary. Emily Auerbach of Charlotte, and Sutton Alford of Jacksonville, N.C., received fellowships in 2011 and enrolled with the class of 2015. “Will lived life with great passion, boundless intellectual curiosity and a deep commitment to serving others. The new fellowships that bear his name are meant to nurture those same values,” said Jim Leloudis, associate dean for Honors. “They will also help us recruit top students from across the state, and in that way contribute to the vitality of the Carolina community for years to come.” Molly said that her son would be thrilled to know that Will Froelich Fellows were walking around campus. “He was focused on helping others and having a serious impact on the world. His thought process was on a broader scale, By Del Helton and he had the brains to back it up.” Will’s carefully planned gap year — and the fact that he oon after their son’s death, Will Froelich’s parents found wanted one — said a lot about his personality, Molly said. He plans in his room for a special library for underserved children at a planned to start his gap year in Arequipa, Peru, where he would Charlotte elementary school. The “character” library would feature role models who think teach English, coach soccer and become more fluent in Spanish. Next, he was to volunteer with an organization to rebuild the and dream big. It was also a metaphor for Will and the way he Ninth Ward in New Orleans, lived his life. “Will lived life with great passion, boundless intellectual curiosity a city he’d seen only once. For Before he died in a golf cart and a deep commitment to serving others. The new fellowships the last six months in his gap year, accident just days before his 18th that bear his name are meant to nurture those same values.” Will had lined up an internship in birthday in August 2009, Will spent — Jim Leloudis, associate dean for Honors Washington, D.C., at The Hill, a hours each week volunteering Capitol Hill publication, satisfying with Special Olympics and Big Brothers/Big Sisters. A serious student — he once skipped a spring an intense interest in politics. The family’s Carolina tradition continues as Will’s sister Ella break trip to attend a Thomas Friedman lecture in Charlotte — entered Carolina this fall. Brother Hal, 12, and his parents look Will had been admitted to the Honors program in the College forward to frequent visits to Chapel Hill. of Arts and Sciences at Carolina and was to embark on an Bryan (MBA ’79) and Carolyn Taylor ’86 of Charlotte wanted adventurous gap year before enrolling in fall 2010. to support their longtime friends, making a $100,000 gift to the To celebrate his life and his love for Carolina, Will’s parents Molly ’83 and Henry Froelich ’81 (MBA ’84) of Charlotte created endowment and pledging another $30,000 in expendable funding to make awards as the endowment builds. Their son Mac, now a the Will Froelich Honors Fellowships. In addition to family gifts, sophomore at Carolina, was Will’s friend. 174 donors, many of whom had experienced firsthand Will’s Bryan said that the gift was a demonstration of their desire to compassion and enthusiasm, made gifts totaling nearly $300,000. recognize Will’s many achievements, support the university they Each year, the College will award Will Froelich Fellowships love and encourage others to support the fund. to at least three outstanding students who have been accepted to “Will was an outstanding and accomplished young man and the nationally acclaimed Honors Program but have yet to accept would have done great things at Carolina,” Bryan said. “It seemed Carolina’s offer of admission. Students can use these innovative quite natural to make the commitment to the fellowships, which fellowships with its $3,000 stipend to study abroad, participate will give students the freedom to creatively seek ideas and do in a program or internship related to public policy, pursue civic research that may enhance the UNC community.” engagement or work with a faculty mentor on independent And now that the character library at Rama Road Elementary honors research. Three sophomores who would have been Will’s School is up and running through gifts in Will’s memory, students Carolina classmates were named the inaugural Will Froelich Fellows in 2010: Lucas Edmond of Durham, N.C.; Trent Stohrer have another hero to celebrate. •

Fund honors a Tar Heel’s passion for service and scholarship S

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 19

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Sternbergs, fellow donors help Annual Fund break a new record By Tina CoyneSmith


upporting the College is a no-brainer for us,” said Emily Sternberg ’88 (MBA ’94). Both Emily and her husband Scott ’88 have made annual gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences every year since they graduated with degrees from the College, Emily in international studies and Scott in economics. “Though we are born and bred Tar Heels, Scott and I now live in Connecticut,” said Emily. “For us, making a gift to the Arts and Sciences Annual Fund is the best way for us to stay connected to the College and to keep abreast of what is going on in Chapel Hill.” Gifts to the Arts and Sciences Annual Fund bolster the College’s highest priorities — recruiting and retaining faculty, enriching student experiences and deepening academic excellence. The Sternbergs recognize that annual gifts make a difference for faculty, students and programs, especially as state funding is on the decline due to ongoing economic challenges. “We understand that even though Carolina is a public school, it cannot sustain itself solely on public money,” Emily said. “Carolina needs the support of its alumni and that is where, with modest annual gifts, we can make a difference.” Last year the Sternbergs, along with thousands of fellow alumni and friends, donated $1.25 million to the Arts and Sciences Annual Fund for the direct benefit of students and faculty in the College. That’s a new record, equal to the funding generated from a $25 million endowment. “Carolina, and the College in particular, will always and forever

be special to us,” said Emily. “We are proud to support it every year.” To join the Sternbergs in making a gift to the Arts and Sciences Annual Fund, contact Tina CoyneSmith at or (919) 9621682, or give online at Checks payable to the Arts and Sciences Foundation can be mailed to: Arts and Sciences Foundation, UNC-Chapel Hill, Campus Box 6115, Chapel Hill, NC, 27599-6115. •

Alumni Scott and Emily Sternberg

Coming Soon •

Oct. 4 • Poet and essayist Al Young

Young will receive the 2011 Thomas Wolfe Prize and deliver the annual lecture. His poetry collections include Coastal Nights and Inland Afternoons: Poems 2001-2006; his numerous other projects include editorship of the anthology African American Literature. Sponsored by the Morgan Writer-in-Residence Program, the department of English and comparative literature and the Thomas Wolfe Society. 7:30 p.m., Historic Playmakers Theatre.

Nov. 14 • Foreign correspondent Robin Wright

Wright will discuss the diverse political, social, cultural and grassroots forces changing the Middle East and the Islamic world. She is a distinguished foreign correspondent and author of five books, including Rock the Casbah: Rage and Revolution Across the Islamic World. Moderated by Hodding Carter III, University Professor of Leadership and Public Policy. Wright comes to UNC as the Frey Foundation Distinguished Visiting Professor. 4:30 p.m. Book-signing, 5:30 p.m. Talk, Memorial Hall.

More info:

20 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Highlights Predicting learning with brain analysis


cientists at the University of California, Santa Barbara and UNC-Chapel Hill have developed a way to use computational analysis of the brain to predict how much a person can learn. Study co-author Peter ABOVE: Peter Mucha (right) was involved in Mucha is professor and a study of the brain predicting how much chair in the department a person can learn. BELOW: Brain regions of mathematics in function coherently together as modules UNC’s College of Arts (shown in gold, blue and red). and Sciences. Researchers collected brain imaging data from people performing a motor task, and then analyzed this data using new computational techniques. They found evidence that the flexibility of a person’s brain can be used to predict how well someone will learn. The team ran an experiment over three sessions in which 18 volunteers had to push a series of buttons, similar to a sequence of notes on a piano keyboard, as fast as possible. Researchers then divided functional MRI images of each volunteer’s brain into 112 different regions and analyzed how these different areas connected while they performed the task. The new study uses computational methods developed to analyze what the researchers call multilayer networks, in which each layer might represent a network at one snapshot in time, or a different set of connections between the same set of brain regions. These layers are combined into a larger mathematical object, which can contain a potentially huge amount of data and is difficult to analyze. Previous methods could only deal with each layer separately. “It’s a powerful technique for handling the fire hose of information that comes with examining networks that vary over time and have multiple kinds of connections,” Mucha said. “Other potential applications include studying online social networks, such as Facebook or Twitter, or modeling real-world webs of people or things, like political relationships or how diseases spread.” •

International 3-D virtual communication

Avatars who report virtually for a business meeting. A

glass-walled room that allows individuals on different continents to interact as if they were in the same location. It may sound like science fiction, but researchers at UNC, Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and ETH-Zurich in Switzerland will be developing these advanced forms of interactive, real-time, 3-D communication thanks to a new partnership. The collaboration involving 32 top scientists across three continents will be called the BeingThere Centre. Scholars believe these new “telepresence” or “telecollaboration” technologies may revolutionize the way people communicate in the 21st century.

Henry Fuchs

Henry Fuchs, UNC Frederico Gil Distinguished Professor of Computer Science, will direct Carolina’s role in the partnership. “Telepresence will convey much of the nonverbal, often subconscious communications that make face-to-face interactions so valuable and satisfying,” Fuchs said.

Andrei State

Dan Sears

H i g h l i g h t s

ABOVE: Digital walls would connect locations of a virtual meeting room.

In the next 10 years, Fuchs said telepresence is expected to become a multi-billion-dollar market as broadband Internet networks and superfast computer chips are developed to transmit and process increasingly intensive streams of digital information. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 21

Highlights Mary Lide Parker

H i g h l i g h t s

Sociologist Yang Yang

Obesity epidemic may reduce life expectancy


The Add Health Study found that males were more likely than females to have high blood pressure (27 percent vs. 11 percent).

Research reveals high blood pressure among young adults

merican life expectancies, which have climbed steadily for almost a century, may drop in years to come as the obesity epidemic progresses. Therefore, according to three faculty he number of young adults in the United members from different universities, States with high blood pressure may be much the National Center for Health Statistics should supplement its lifespan forecasting higher than previously reported, according to a methods with an additional variable: the new study by UNC researchers. health of today’s younger generations. Researchers from UNC’s College of Arts Accurate forecasting is essential to and Sciences, the Carolina Population Center wise policy decisions, said the researchers Kathleen and the Gillings School of Global Public Health from UNC, the University of Illinois at Mullan Harris analyzed data on more than 14,000 men and Chicago and Utah State University. “Our analysis shows that health women between 24 and 32 years old from the declines and reduced life expectancies will occur National Longitudinal Study of Adolescent Health, known as Add Health, funded without aggressive public health action,” said by the National Institutes of Health. They found 19 percent had elevated blood co-author Yang Yang, a UNC associate professor pressure. Only about half of the participants with high blood pressure had ever been of sociology. told by a health-care provider that they had the condition. Forecasting now looks at death rates for Kathleen Mullan Harris, Add Health’s principal investigator, interim director each age at a given year or years to predict of the Carolina Population Center and a co-author of the paper, said the findings future death rates. The researchers used the traditional were noteworthy because they were from the first nationally representative, forecasting method to predict cardiovascular field-based study of blood pressure to focus on young adults. Other studies have disease death rates among men after the year concentrated on older adult populations, in which hypertension is more common, 2000. Then they sought the same information or have included only a small number of young adults. Harris is the James E. Haar using their new model, which also accounted for Distinguished Professor of Sociology in the College. the health status of younger populations. Harris said that the high rate of hypertension among the Add Health study They found their method to be more accurate, correctly predicting an increase in participants was surprising. Another widely cited and reputable study — the National cardiovascular death rates for men between the Health and Nutrition Examination Survey — reported a much lower rate of hyperages of 25 and 29. tension (4 percent) for a similar age group around the same time period (2007-2008). “These are not trivial issues without major “Our respective findings may differ, but the message is clear,” said Harris. health and economic consequences,” said “Young adults and the medical professionals they visit shouldn’t assume they’re not co-author S. Jay Olshansky of the University old enough to have high blood pressure. This is a condition that leads to chronic of Illinois at Chicago. “An entire generation of children is in trouble.” • illness, premature death and costly medical treatment.” • Mary Lide Parker


22 • • FALL 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Unlocking key to sea turtle migration


rom the first moments of life, hatchling loggerhead sea turtles have an arduous task involving transoceanic migration. They must swim from the Florida coast eastward to the North Atlantic, gradually migrate over the course of several years, then return back to North American shores. Now, UNC researchers have figured out how the young turtles find their way. “The most difficult part of open-sea navigation is determining longitude or east-west position,” said Nathan Putman, a graduate student in Kenneth


Dan Sears

New partnership with Peking University has established a consortium on urban and regional planning and management with Peking University, one of the leading universities in China. The Center for Urban and Regional Studies and the department of city and regional planning in UNC’s College of Arts and Sciences, and Peking University’s College of Urban and Environmental Sciences and School of Urban Planning and Design, are the key members of the consortium. The five-year agreement will promote visiting researchers, workshops and academic conferences. Professional staff and doctoral students will be able to spend three months to one year at the partner institution. “China is still in a transitional stage, moving from a traditional to modern economy,” said Wen Hai, vice-chancellor of Peking University. Hai noted that scholars expect hundreds of millions of people to move from rural to urban areas in the coming decades. UNC and Peking University researchers are collaborating to examine this unprecedented migration and its environmental, social and ecological impacts. “The rate of urban growth in China is extraordinary,” said William Rohe, director of UNC’s Center for Urban and Regional Studies. “This experience provides an exceptional opportunity for U.S. scholars to work with their Chinese counterparts to study the consequences of rapid urbanization and to offer strategies on how Chinese cities can grow in environmentally, socially and economically sustainable ways.” The consortium grew out of efforts of the Program on Chinese Cities, a new initiative within the Center for Urban and Regional Studies at UNC aimed at better understanding the impacts of rapid urban growth on China’s man-made and natural environments. •

Lohmann’s lab and lead author of the study. “This study shows, for the first time, how an animal does this.” It appears that the turtles pick up on magnetic signatures that vary across the Earth’s surface in order to determine their position in space — both east-west and north-south — and steer ABOVE: Kenneth Lohmann studies sea themselves in the turtle migration. TOP: Turtles rely on right direction. magnetic cues for navigation. Although several species, including sea turtles, were known to rely on magnetic cues as a surrogate for latitude, the findings come as a surprise because those signals had been considered unpromising for determining east-west position. The loggerheads’ secret is that they rely not on a single feature of the magnetic field, but on a combination of two: the angle at which the magnetic field lines intersect the Earth (inclination) and the strength of the magnetic field. •

Carolina Arts & Sciences • Fall 2011 • • 23

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Collaborative research on cells and cancer Students hike through the snow in California’s Ancient Bristlecone Pine Forest.

Sy l l ab u s

“Field Geology of Eastern California” Pro f e s s o r s : A l l e n G l a z n e r a n d D r e w C o l e m a n • Geology on the rocks This popular First Year Seminar (FYS) designed for brand new college students takes a decidedly hands-on approach. The course is centered around a seven-day expedition to the mountains of eastern California, where students conduct research projects they help design themselves. When not hiking and climbing to their field destinations, students are housed in high-altitude research stations near Bishop. To shake things up, as it were, the area is home to earthquake-producing faults, glacial formations and active volcanoes. Students (and parents) can take comfort that the last one erupted 250 years ago. • Before and after The trip takes place over fall break, said professor Allen Glazner, who designed the seminar and takes turns teaching it with Drew Coleman. Typical field activities include recording and describing glacial features, measuring an active fault or mapping a particular geologic area. In the weeks before the trip, students learn basic geologic principles and develop their research topics. After the trip, they collate the data and lab test samples from the field. • Dress in layers “Bishop is at 4,000 feet, but we get as high as 10,000 feet on the hikes,” Glazner said. “You hear the coyotes howling, and you’ve got mountains on either side going up to 14,000 feet.” Temperatures during the trip range from 80 degrees to below freezing, depending on the time of day and the altitude, and the students occasionally encounter heavy weather. “We have been up in Yosemite a few times on the wrong side of a 10,000-foot pass when it started to snow,” Glazner said. “We had to kind of hurry across — otherwise it’s a 10-hour drive to get back.” • Rock hounds and English majors About 20 students take the trip each year, along with the professor and one or two graduate students. Glazner and Coleman try to incorporate environmental and social issues as they relate to geology — such as the long-contentious issue of California water rights. (The Los Angeles Aqueduct gets about half its water from the region.) The course is also one of just a handful of Howard Hughes Medical Institute Collaborative FYS classes, which are designed to emphasize research and to get non-science students interested in science. Glazner said that while some of his students are future rock hounds, most are not, and he gets a surprising number of English majors. “I’m trying to convert them, of course.” • Glazner is the Mary Lily Kenan Flagler Bingham Distinguished Professor, and Coleman is the Jaroslav Folda Distinguished Professor. — By Glenn McDonald

24 • • FALL 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences


n unusual collaboration between cell and developmental biologists and physicists at UNC is providing insights into the relationship between the physical properties of cells and the signals that Rich Superfine influence cell behavior. A team led by Keith Burridge, Kenan Distinguished Professor of cell and developmental biology in the School of Medicine and a member of the Lineberger Comprehensive Cancer Center, and Richard Superfine, TaylorWilliams Distinguished Professor of physics and astronomy in the College of Arts and Sciences, demonstrates that exerting mechanical force on cells activates Rho GEF proteins through distinct signaling pathways. The Rho GEFs activate Rho proteins that are part of the RAS superfamily — a class of proteins associated with cancer activity. The cross-disciplinary team applied magnetic particles to cells and then used magnets to exert force on the cells — creating extracellular tension. “This experiment was only possible because we were able to bring together a team of physicists and cell biologists,” said Burridge. “It’s very exciting because we have identified the entire pathway between the tension exerted on the cell to proteins that, in turn, activate other proteins that we know tend to be hyperactive in cancer,” he added. •

Highlights H i g h l i g h t s

Music as pain therapy By Mark Derewicz

The pain was particularly intense when she swam the breaststroke. “My legs would bend back

and my kneecaps would bang against the cartilage,” said Alicia Mullis ’11. “That’s not supposed to happen. The cap should fit in a nice little groove, but my kneecaps are a little off center.”

For years Mullis endured chronic pain, Mullis thought that maybe music had some days even struggling to walk. But it functioned as a kind of pain modulator for was never bad enough to make her stop humans living tens of thousands of years ago. swimming. She recruited 41 UNC students and But as a recipient of the Dunlevie used a standard survey to sort participants by Honors Undergraduate Research Award at whether they had chronic pain and whether UNC, Mullis decided to conduct her own they played music. She gave each participant research and wrote an undergraduate thesis two cognitive tests: a letter-counting task and on chronic pain. a number-prediction task. Looking back, she thinks something Researchers in the past had used similar beyond modern sports medicine helped her methods to show that chronic pain sufferers cope with her faulty knees — playing music. struggle with cognitive tasks. And clinical Mullis has played the piano since she observations showed the same thing, Mullis was 7 and the clarinet since she was 11. said. Fibromyalgia patients, for instance, “I considered majoring in music,” she often say they feel like they’re in a fog; said, but she settled on psychology and biol- their brains don’t function as well as other ogy — with a minor in Arabic — and then people’s brains. joined the lab of psychologist Mark Hollins. After crunching her data, Mullis found At first Mullis didn’t think playing that people who have chronic pain and play music had anything to do with music at least relieving her own chronic once a week pain. But during a course on During a course on evolutionary psychology, a evolutionary psychology, few short textbook passages a few short textbook piqued her interest in why passages piqued her humans started playing musical interest in why humans instruments. started playing musical

did substantially better on cognitive tasks than people who have chronic pain but don’t play music. Her results also showed that people without chronic pain who play music didn’t do any better on the cognitive tasks than people without chronic pain who don’t play music. The findings suggest that music had a protective effect against chronic pain. “It’s really hard sometimes to differentiate between acute and chronic pain,” she said. “… A new [diagnostic] tool would be enormously helpful to the field.” • The Dunlevie Honors Undergraduate Research Award was funded by Craig ‘76 and Martha Scott ’76 (M.A.’79) Dunlevie of Atlanta. Below Left: Students learn about interesting undergraduate research projects. BELOW: Alicia Mullis presents her findings at the Spring Undergraduate Research Symposium.

Photos by Donn Young


Carolina Arts & Sciences • FALL 2011 • • 25

Bookshelf C o l l e g e

B o o k s h e l f

More murder than war November 14, 1941

“… The dull dying around us is just so terrible… The cement factory is housing a little more than 2,000 prisoners. The camp is to be closed completely on Sunday. But twenty-five prisoners die there daily. In the larger camps farther west, in which tens of thousands are being held, the numbers of the dead are correspondingly in the hundreds. One tries to help. When they come to get their food and are frozen stiff from the cold (it’s twelve below today and yesterday it was fifteen below during the day) they stagger, fall over, and expire right at our feet. We discovered another case of cannibalism today. Yet, the corpses, when they are carried without clothes to the graves, are scrawny like late gothic figures of Christ, frozen stiff. The soldiers look somewhat better because they have their uniforms. There are civilians among the prisoners, many who are just in shirtsleeves — especially the Jews. … It is extremely difficult to keep feeding the prisoners within these narrow limits. Our wood is wet; the potatoes we get out of the clamps stink; our waterlines keep freezing. …” — Excerpted with permission from Reluctant Accomplice: A Wehrmacht Soldier’s Letters from the Eastern Front (Princeton University Press) by Konrad H. Jarausch. For decades Jarausch, a UNC German historian, avoided reading, writing or thinking about the wartime correspondence of his late father, a patriotic soldier in Hitler’s army who was put in charge of one of the field kitchens of Dulag 203, a German camp for Russian prisoners. The letters home reveal how one soldier observing the war’s atrocities, begins to doubt its moral legitimacy. Jarausch is the Lurcy Professor of European Civilization.

• 27 Views of Chapel Hill (Eno Publishers). Local “glitterati” and celebs capture the special ethos and history of the southern part of heaven in delightful essays, short stories and poetry. College luminaries include Daphne Athas, Will Blythe, Marcie Cohen Ferris, William Leuchtenburg, Michael McFee, Lawrence Naumoff, Jim Seay, Elizabeth Spencer, Alan Shapiro, Bland Simpson, Daniel Wallace and more. • Spirits of Just Men: Mountaineers, Liquor Bosses, and Lawmen in the Moonshine Capital of the World (University of Illinois Press) by Charles D. Thompson Jr. This colorful, thoroughly researched saga of the not-so-underground moonshine economy in a small Blue Ridge mountain community was written by a scholar whose ancestors lived it. Thompson (M.A. ’94, Ph.D. ’98) is the director of the

undergraduate program at Duke University’s Center for Documentary Studies. • How to Read the Qur’an: A New Guide, with Select Translations

(UNC Press) by Carl W. Ernst. The author offers a compact introduction and reader’s guide for anyone who wants to understand Islam’s sacred text. Ernst is the William R. Kenan Jr. Distinguished Professor of Religious Studies at UNC. • Regaining the Dream: How to Renew the Promise of Homeownership for America’s Working Families (Brookings

Institution Press) by Roberto G. Quercia, Allison Freeman and Janneke Ratcliffe.

26 • • FALL 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

Despite a higher rate of home foreclosures than at the height of the Great Depression, the authors show how it’s still possible to strengthen the financial system while promoting equitable, sustainable homeownership and lending practices for working families. Quercia is director, Ratcliffe executive director and Freeman senior research associate at the UNC Center for Community Capital.

Bookshelf C o l l e g e

B o o k s h e l f

• Good Jobs, Bad Jobs: The Rise of Polarized and Precarious Employment Systems in the United States, 1970s-2000s

(Russell Sage Foundation) by Arne L. Kalleberg. Social, political and economic forces have led to pervasive job insecurity, the growth of dual-earner families and 24/7 work schedules for many workers. The author shows how this has yielded more opportunities for some, low-wages and dead-end jobs for others, and a crisis for the middle class. Kalleberg is UNC’s Kenan Distinguished Professor of Sociology.

society. Raleigh is the Jay Richard Judson Focusing on the personalities and Distinguished Professor of History at UNC. perspectives of key players in the development of the region, Rohe describes its history, challenges and future prospects. • Quarantine (Harper Perennial) by Rahul He is the UNC Cary C. Boshamer Mehta. With buoyant humor and incisive prose, Mehta sets off into uncharted literary Distinguished Professor of City and territory in his debut short-story collection. Regional Planning and director of the Center for Urban and Regional Studies. His characters — openly gay AsianAmerican men — have cosmopolitan views • Monsters of the Gévaudan: The Making on friendship and sex, while struggling to of a Beast (Harvard University Press) by Jay maintain ties with families whose cultural traditions are rooted in India. Mehta ’94 Smith. The author says we can learn about studied creative writing at UNC and now history by studying the mythical legend teaches at Alfred University in New York. of the man-eating beast who terrorized 18th century south central France. Smith is UNC’s John Van Seters Distinguished Term Professor of History. • Transforming Scholarship: Why Women’s and Gender Studies Students Are Changing Themselves and the World (Routledge

• Manners and Mischief: Gender, Power and Etiquette in Japan (University of California Press) by Jan Bardsley and Laura Miller. Offering a concise, entertaining snapshot of Japanese society, this book examines etiquette guides, advice literature and other instruction for behavior from the early modern period to the present day. Bardsley is associate professor and department chair of Asian studies at UNC. Miller is a scholar at the University of Missouri-St. Louis. • Soviet Baby Boomers: An Oral History of Russia’s Cold War Generation (Oxford University Press) by Donald J. Raleigh. Through fascinating life stories of Russia’s first post-World War II generation, the author traces the collapse of the Soviet Union and the transformation of Russia into a modern, highly literate, urban

Press) by Michele Tracy • The Life of John Thompson, A Fugitive Berger and Cheryl Radeloff. Drawing on Slave (Penguin) and Slave Narratives after the largest global database of graduates Slavery (Oxford University Press) edited by who studied women and gender, the William L. Andrews. These two publications authors provide diverse examples of how edited by a leading scholar of slave narratives this field prepares students for rewarding focus on important autobiographical stories. employment. Berger is associate professor of They include one fugitive slave’s escape women’s studies at UNC. Radeloff works aboard a whaling vessel (first published in with the Southern Nevada Health District 1856), and five post-Civil War narratives and is an adjunct professor of women’s depicting the experiences of the Africanstudies at the College of Southern Nevada. American working class and emerging middle class, and their dedication to dignity, • Forged: Writing in the Name of God — Why The Bible’s Authors Are Not Who opportunity and freedom. Andrews is We Think They Are (HarperOne) by Bart UNC’s E. Maynard Adams Professor of English and Comparative Literature and Ehrman. UNC’s eminent biblical scholar senior associate dean for the fine arts and argues that many books of the New humanities. Testament are attributed to the wrong author and are deliberate forgeries, raising • The Research Triangle: From Tobacco questions about the authority of Scripture. Road to Global Prominence (University of Ehrman is James A. Gray Distinguished Pennsylvania Press) by William M. Rohe. Professor of Religious Studies. • Carolina Arts & Sciences • FALL 2011 • • 27

2011 H o n o r

R o l l

Thank You!

The College of Arts and Sciences gratefully thanks

the 12,729 donors who supported its students, faculty and programs in fiscal year 2010-2011. Every charitable gift made to the College

strengthens Carolina’s 218-year-old tradition of educating students in the arts, humanities and sciences. The 2011 Honor Roll recognizes donors whose

gifts to the College of Arts and Sciences between July 1, 2010, and June 30, 2011, qualify them for membership in the following giving societies: • Cornerstone Society — $25,000 and above • Chancellor’s Circle — $10,000 to $24,999 • Carolina Society — $5,000 to $9,999 • 1793 Society — $2,000 to $4,999 • Dean’s Circle — $1,500 to $1,999 • Young Alumni Levels Students: $250 Classes 2001 to 2005: $1,000 and above Classes 2006 to 2010: $500 and above In academic year 2010–2011, 1,230 donors made gifts to the College at the Dean’s Circle level or higher. Our donors provide the College with vital resources for creating and maintaining a first-rate academic experience at Carolina. The Honor Roll does not include bequests or other planned gifts to the College. Furthermore, it omits the 40 anonymous donors. This list has been prepared with great care to ensure its accuracy. To report a mistake, please contact Tina CoyneSmith at (919) 962-1682 or Thank you, once again, for generously supporting the College of Arts and Sciences at Carolina!

Cornerstone Society ($25,000 and Above) • Ivan V. Anderson Jr. and Renee Dobbins Anderson, Charleston, SC • Laura and John Beckworth, Houston, TX • Anuradha Bhagavan and Vrittamani Bhagavan, Canton, MA • Peter and Heather Boneparth, Lawrence, NY • Amy Woods Brinkley and Robert Brinkley, Charlotte, NC • Mr. Karl Franklin Brumback and Mrs. Eileen Pollart Brumback, New York, NY • R. Duke Buchan III and Hannah Flournoy Buchan, Amenia, NY • Ann W. Burrus, Richmond, VA • Mr. Max C. Chapman Jr., Little Falls, NJ • Mark P. Clein, Chevy Chase, MD • Rebecca and Munroe Cobey, Chapel Hill, NC • Sheila Corcoran, Los Angeles, CA • Vicki U. and David F. Craver, Riverside, CT • Rose and Steve Crawford, Bronxville, NY • Steve Cumbie and Druscilla French, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Joseph W. Dorn, Washington, DC • Elizabeth Baughman and P. Michael Florio, Rye, NY • Mr. and Mrs. J. Henry Froelich III, Charlotte, NC • Lisa and Robert Gfeller, Winston-Salem, NC • Ms. Joan Heckler Gillings, Chapel Hill, NC • Peter T. and Laura M. Grauer, New York, NY • Julia S. Grumbles, Chapel Hill, NC • Robert H. Hackney Jr. and Shauna Holiman, New Preston, CT • Mr. Henry H. Hamilton III, Katy, TX • Barbara and Pitt Hyde, Memphis, TN • Lynn Buchheit Janney and Stuart Symington Janney, Butler, MD • Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Johnson III, Richmond, VA • Sheryl Gillikin and Stuart Harrington Jordan, Fayetteville, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Gary S. Kaminsky, Haverford, PA • Joseph Michael Kampf, Potomac, MD • Emily Kass and Charles Weinraub, Chapel Hill, NC • Frank* and Betty Kenan, Chapel Hill, NC • Thomas Stephen Kenan III, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. Petro Kulynych, Wilkesboro, NC • Mr. and Mrs. William M. Lamont Jr., Dallas, TX • M. Steven Langman, New York, NY • James Lesher, Carrboro, NC • Seymour M. and Carol Levin, Greensboro, NC • Howard and Julie Levine, Charlotte, NC • Lloyd S. Liles, Columbia, SC • Douglas and Shawn Mackenzie, Palo Alto, CA • Stephen Nabeil Malik and Kathleen Kitts Malik, Raleigh, NC • Peter G. C. Mallinson, London, England • Ann G. Matthysse, Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. Charles A. McLendon Jr., New York, NY • Mr. Peter H. McMillan, London, England • Heloise Merrill, Charlotte, NC • Elaine Callahan Mims and Charles Van Horn Mims, Spring, TX • Mr. and Mrs. Allen Morgan Jr., Memphis, TN • Ralph and Juli Mosley, Nashville, TN • Mr. Dean E. Painter Jr., Raleigh, NC • Kimberly Glenn and Earl N. Phillips Jr., Chapel Hill, NC • Mr. and Mrs. Andrea Ponti, London, England • James Arthur Pope, Raleigh, NC • John A. Powell, San Francisco, CA • Mr. and Mrs. Benjamine Reid, Coral Gables, FL

28 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • • •

Frances P. Rollins, Durham, NC Mr. David M. Rubenstein, Washington, DC Lee Ann and Peter Rummell, Jacksonville, FL Robert and Gail Smelick, Sausalito, CA Eddie and Jo Allison Smith, Grimesland, NC C. D. Spangler Jr. and Meredith Spangler, Charlotte, NC Don and Billie Jones Stallings, Rocky Mount, NC C. Austin and Stephanie Stephens, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. Frank Charles Sullivan, Bay Village, OH J. M. Bryan Taylor and Carolyn Clark Taylor, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Crawford L. Taylor Jr., Birmingham, AL Tom and Betsy Uhlman, Madison, NJ Mr. J. Stephen Vanderwoude, Chapel Hill, NC William G. von Glahn, Tulsa, OK Dr. Marcus B. Waller, Chapel Hill, NC Professor Emeritus Charles M. Weiss, Chapel Hill, NC Loyal and Margaret Wilson, Chagrin Falls, OH James H. Winston, Jacksonville, FL Samuel J. Wisnia, London, England

Chancellor’s Circle ($10,000 to $24,999) • Virginia M. Aldige, Chapel Hill, NC • James L. and Julia T. Alexandre, Haverford, PA • R. Franklin Andrews, Washington, DC • Mr. John Leslie Atkins III and Mrs. Sandra Kelly Atkins, RTP, NC • Donald A. Baer, Washington, DC • Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Barnhill III, Rocky Mount, NC • Philip D. Bennett, London, England • Dan and Ann Bernstein, Bronxville, NY • Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Bielsky, London, England • Lelia E. Blackwell and John D. Watson Jr., Paris, France • Mr. and Mrs. W. Lee Borden, Goldsboro, NC • Crandall and Erskine Bowles, Charlotte, NC • Lavinia Price and Stephen L. Boyd, Brenham, TX • John L. Brantley, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL • Stephen G. Brantley, M.D., Longboat Key, FL • Mr. and Mrs. William S. Brenizer, Glen Head, NY • Anne Faris Brennan, New York, NY • Kristin Breuss and Geoff Burgess, London, England • James Asa Bruton III, Clifton, VA • Catherine Bryson, Chapel Hill, NC • Vaughn and Nancy Bryson, Vero Beach, FL • Mark Joseph Buono, Rivervale, NJ • Mr. and Mrs. John W. Burress III, Winston-Salem, NC • Lee and Sunny Burrows, Atlanta, GA • Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Cohen, Chapel Hill, NC • Frederic Dalldorf and Jane Bultman Dalldorf, Chapel Hill, NC • Steven S. Dunlevie, Atlanta, GA • Russell S. Edmister, Cary, NC • Mike and Mindy Egan, Atlanta, GA • Mr. Stuart Elliot Eizenstat, Chevy Chase, MD • Eli N. Evans, New York, NY • Marie Evans and Tom Evans, Pittsboro, NC • Mr. Jonathan Bernard Fassberg and Mrs. Edith Fassberg, New York, NY • Luke E. and Katherine Bryan Fichthorn IV, Brooklyn, NY • Dr. and Mrs. Jaroslav T. Folda III, Chapel Hill, NC • Dr. and Mrs. J. Brooke Gardiner, Mountainside, NJ • Dr. Dennis Gillings, Durham, NC • Drs. R. Barbara Gitenstein and Donald B. Hart, Pennington, NJ • Howard G. Godwin Jr., Tarrytown, NY • Bari Lieb Gorelick and Jeffrey Alan Gorelick, Charlotte, NC • N. Jay Gould, New York, NY • Bill Ross and Susan Gravely, Chapel Hill, NC

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The Paul Green Jr. Family, Chapel Hill, NC Henry G. Hagan, Lutherville, MD Ruth and Ben Hammett, Palo Alto, CA Emmett and Hubert Haywood, Raleigh, NC William T. Hobbs II and Elizabeth Gilman Hobbs, Charlotte, NC The Honorable and Mrs. Truman McGill Hobbs, Montgomery, AL Howard Holsenbeck, Houston, TX Derek Overbeck Jacobson, New York, NY Mr. and Mrs. John F. Jacques, Nashville, TN Lyle V. Jones, Pittsboro, NC Robert Joseph Joy and Myra Ficklen Joy, Vonore, TN Fred N. and Janice L. Kahn, Asheville, NC Mr. Gary J. Kaminsky, Roslyn, NY Mr. Shaun C. Kelley, New York, NY Sarah Kenan Kennedy, Atlanta, GA Mr. Frank W. Kiker Jr., Charlotte, NC Nancy and Willis King, Summit, NJ Mark and Elizabeth Kogan, Los Angeles, CA Robert and Arlene Kogod, Arlington, VA Eugene Y. Lao, Singapore Hal and Holly Levinson, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Liotta, Mooresville, NC Thomas Luther Lutz, Dallas, TX Mrs. Moses M. Malkin, Lake Worth, FL S. Spence McCachren Jr., Maryville, TN Dr. James J. McDermott and Dr. Ann Macon McDermott, Wayne, PA Charles and Valerie Merritt, Chapel Hill, NC Peter C. Moister, Atlanta, GA Mr. Jason P. Norris, Arlington, VA John and Cynthia O'Hara, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth J. Phelps, Atlanta, GA Edwin and Harriet Poston, Chapel Hill, NC R. M. Propst and D. L. Wood, York, SC John Franklin Rand, Englewood, CO William G. Rand, Raleigh, NC Dr. Rathbun K. Rhodes, Madison, WI Mr. and Mrs. Martin L. Robinson, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. William Hoyt Rogers, Raleigh, NC Arthur W. and Cathy Rollins, Atlanta, GA John Erik Sandstedt, Westfield, NJ Mrs. Marjorie Moses Schwab, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Jay Schwartz, Atlanta, GA Mr. Robert "Nip" Silver and Mrs. Rhonda A. Silver, Montclair, NJ Mr. and Mrs. Garnett A. Smith, Naples, FL Joan W. Sorensen and E. Paul Sorensen, Providence, RI Ann Lewallen Spencer, Winston-Salem, NC Ms. Christina Elizabeth Story, Park City, UT Mr. and Mrs. Thomas E. Story III, Atlanta, GA William W. Taylor III, Washington, DC Elizabeth and Ralph Teal Jr., Myrtle Beach, SC John L. and Evelyn Martin Turner, Key Largo, FL Mr. and Mrs. David Newton Webb, Greenwich, CT Mr. and Mrs. Stephen B. Westfall, Atlanta, GA Charles Leigh Wickham III, London, England Ted Wieseman, Jersey City, NJ Ward and Margaret Williams, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. B. Robert Williamson Jr., New York, NY Libby and Jenner Wood, Atlanta, GA Neil Steven Zimmerman, Houston, TX

Carolina Society ($5,000 to $9,999) • Nancy Robertson Abbey and Douglas Dix Abbey, San Francisco, CA

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Mr. Wilton J. Aebersold, New Albany, IN Daniel Armstrong III, Washington, DC Drs. Q. Whitfield and Rebecca I. Ayres, McLean, VA Mr. and Mrs. Ian Banwell, Charlotte, NC Edward T. Baur, Saint Louis, MO Mary Grady and Vic Bell, Raleigh, NC Win and Rosanah Bennett, Greenwich, CT Leslie Benning and Rafael Bejarano, Walchwil, Switzerland Stephen Shaw Birdsall, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Ronald G. Boatwright, Colleyville, TX Mr. and Mrs. Bradford B. Briner, Chapel Hill, NC Patricia J. and Ralph T. Byrns, Chapel Hill, NC Hacker Caldwell and Katherine Stark Caldwell, Chattanooga, TN Anne-Lynne Charbonnet, New Orleans, LA Mr. Robert William Chesney and Mrs. Mary Catherine Archer Chesney, Charlotte, NC Sanford A. Cockrell III, New York, NY Dionne Michelle Colbert, Atlanta, GA Keith O. and Ann R. Cowan, Atlanta, GA Michael F. and Monica Longworth Coyne, New York, NY Neil and Laura Brown Cronin, Acton, MA J. Haywood Davis, New York, NY James Lee and Jean L. Davis, New Bern, NC Dr. and Mrs. Joseph M. DeSimone, Chapel Hill, NC Claire Dewar, Dallas, TX Mr. Robin Hood Dial, Columbia, SC Mr. Michael A. DI Iorio, The Peak, Hong Kong Christina Sampogna Downey, Riverside, CT Michael Nathan Driscoll, Manassas, VA Mr. and Mrs. William H. DuBose, Greensboro, NC Mr. Stephen A. Eason and Mrs. Kathi Eason, Durham, NC Nancy Elizabeth Ehle, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. Michael Elliott, Charlotte, NC Maryann Feldman and Gordon M. Allen, Chapel Hill, NC David and Nancy Fortenbery, Charlotte, NC Jeremy Randall Fry and Leigh Nicole Fry, Olathe, KS Paul W. Gabrielson and Mary Love May, Hillsborough, NC Gary J. Gala, Chapel Hill, NC Larry L. and Carol G. Gellerstedt, Atlanta, GA Mr. Gordon P. Golding Jr., Paris, France Leonard Goodman, New York, NY Sanford and Susan Greenberg, Washington, DC Michael Jay Greene, Goleta, CA Lucia V. Halpern, London, England Mr. Douglas A. P. Hamilton, New York, NY Michael A. Harpold, Ph.D., Durham, NC Anthony S. and Hope R. Harrington, Easton, MD Mr. and Mrs. William B. Harrison Jr., Greenwich, CT Mr. Robert Daniel Hays Jr., Atlanta, GA Dr. John Miles Headley, Chapel Hill, NC Laura and James T. Hendrick Jr., Charlotte, NC Richard and Ford Hibbits, Raleigh, NC Patricia Jenny and Kent Hiteshew, Montclair, NJ Mrs. R. Branson Hobbs, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Luther Hartwell Hodges Jr., Chapel Hill, NC David and Meg Holden, Wilmington, DE Dr. and Mrs. Douglas K. Holmes, Raleigh, NC Mr. and Mrs. James E. Holmes III, Winston-Salem, NC Lauren Taylor Hubbell, New York, NY James Richard Huddle and Jane Fuller Huddle, Charlotte, NC

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Carolyn Kath, Morganton, NC Robert E. and Mercedes Kaufman, Boca Raton, FL Lana Lewin, New York, NY Prof. and Mrs. Ronald C. Link, Chapel Hill, NC Ms. Paula Jean Lombardi, Charlotte, NC Mr. Nolan Delano Lovins, Lenoir, NC Richard B. Lupton, Westerville, OH Mr. and Mrs. John Macfarlane, Darien, CT Mr. Michael T. Mahaffy, Greenwich, CT Frances Chapman and John F. Mangan, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Robert E. Mason III, Charlotte, NC Mr. John Douglas McCallie, Durham, NC Morris I. McDonald Jr., Englewood, CO Neal and Melanie McKnight, Brooklyn, NY Christian Keener Miller, Old Greenwich, CT Daniel and Leah Miller, Charlotte, NC Mal-Soon Min, Chapel Hill, NC Dena and Chris Moore, Richmond, VA Sandra and Bill Moore, Chapel Hill, NC Philip Victor Moss, Allendale, NJ Paula Davis Noell, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Stephen Preston Oliver, Hingham, MA Dr. Gwenevere C. Parker, Bayside, NY Florence and James L. Peacock, Chapel Hill, NC Mary D. Perry, Chicago, IL Mr. and Mrs. Jim W. Phillips Jr., Greensboro, NC Daniel Craig Pignatiello, League City, TX Mr. and Mrs. James B. Pittleman, McLean, VA Margo Louise Price, Seattle, WA Frank and Ellen Proctor, Pok Fu Lam, Hong Kong Ed and Suzy Rankin, Fairview, NC Chip Ryan, Vienna, VA James M. Schnell, Richmond, VA Dr. Stephen B. Sears, Siler City, NC Mr. Kenneth N. Shelton, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. and Mrs. Gary R. Smiley, Spartanburg, SC Sara C. Star, Chicago, IL Mr. Mitchell Shubow Steir, New York, NY Mr. James Edward Stuchell Jr. and Mrs. Marie Stuchell, Williamsport, PA Edwin Jay Taff, Weston, MA Thomas F. and Elizabeth D. Taft, Greenville, NC Jimmy and Ellyn Tanner, Rutherfordton, NC Jay M. Tannon, Vienna, VA Mr. Mark David Unferth, Short Hills, NJ Eric Pierre Vick, Maidenhead, England Mr. and Mrs. David L. Ward Jr., New Bern, NC Frances Ward, Chapel Hill, NC Thomas Harrison Watkins and Sharon Brown Watkins, Blacksburg, VA George W. and Helen Wood Weaver, Plantation, FL Iris and Stephen Weiss, Chapel Hill, NC Nan and Burton J. Weiss, Pittsboro, NC Stacia Byers Wells, Woodside, CA Nancy and Monty White, Raleigh, NC Tom Woodbury, New York, NY Dr. Cecil William Wooten III, Chapel Hill, NC Bright Kinnett Wright, Atlanta, GA J. Blake Young Jr. and Carol Payne Young, Atlanta, GA

1793 Society ($2,000 to $4,999) • Charles M. Abbey, Edgewater, MD • Steven and Allison Aldrich, Los Altos, CA • Mr. John Fredrick Altschuler and Mrs. Leah Harris Altschuler, Studio City, CA • John P. Anderson, Durham, NC • Sandra Anderson and Thomas Anderson, Atherton, CA • Thomas Brady Arnold, San Francisco, CA

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Ms. Teresa C. Artis, Raleigh, NC Jerry R. Everhardt and Margaret DuBose Avery, Greensboro, NC William P. and Alexa S. Aycock, Greensboro, NC Gregory Arthur Baer, Chevy Chase, MD David B. and Haldane B. Ball, Arden, NC Mr. Michael Darr Barnes and Ms. Joan C. Pollitt, Chevy Chase, MD Dr. L. Jarrett Barnhill Jr., Hillsborough, NC Evelyn Barrow, Pittsboro, NC Paul Oliver and Sheila Barry-Oliver, Pinellas Park, FL Steve Benezra, Ph.D., Hillsborough, NC Christina Benson, Alexandria, VA Frederick D. Benton, Aiken, SC Mr. Thomas Dean Bever, Dunwoody, GA Louis and Erica Bissette, Denver, CO James F. and Saragene Glass Boericke, Hillsborough, NC Stuart Bondurant and Susan Ehringhaus, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Alvin Boskoff, Atlanta, GA Ms. Susan H. Bowman, Laguna Beach, CA Michael L. Boyatt, Durham, NC D. Byron Braswell, Cary, NC Mr. William E. Bridges, Raleigh, NC Mr. Jeffrey S. Brody, Columbia, MD Mr. David B. Brown, Wilmington, DE Mr. Kyle Nelson Brown, Falls Church, VA Drs. Jay Bryson and Margaret Commins, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Edmund S. Burke Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Wayne Michael Busch and Melissa Hastings Busch, Aurora, IL Robert B. Butler, Phoenix, MD Timothy Cage, New York, NY Leon J. Capetanos, Cary, NC Brian Stewart Carl, Houston, TX Dr. Bruce W. Carney and Dr. Ruth Ann Humphry, Carrboro, NC Thomas D. Carr, Chicago, IL Mr. Leonard Cass, Chapel Hill, NC Courtney and Philip Cavatoni, Bristol, VA Mr. Hugh Chapin and Dr. Beverly Long Chapin, Pittsboro, NC Dr. and Mrs. William C. Chapman, St. Louis, MO Latta Chapman, Alexandria, VA Mr. Swadesh B. Chatterjee and Dr. Manjusri P. Chatterjee, Cary, NC Nelly M. and Scott J. Childress, Philadelphia, PA T. Henry Clarke V, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Roland E. Clemmons, Clayton, GA Michael and June Clendenin, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Harvey Colchamiro, Greensboro, NC Robert D. Coleman, Columbia, SC Ms. Wylene Righton Commander, Palm Beach, FL Mr. and Mrs. Benjamin Cone Jr., Greensboro, NC Susan Barber Coppedge, Boston, MA Mr. and Mrs. Russell S. Cowell in memory of Russell S. Cowell Jr., Williamsburg, VA Mr. Richard S. Craddock Jr., San Francisco, CA Lester Leroy Crafton Jr., Nashville, TN Mr. and Mrs. J. Scott Cramer, Winston-Salem, NC Philip R. and Gilda J. Cree, Pittsboro, NC Mr. Charles Armstrong Cross, McLean, VA Mr. John Withers Currie, Columbia, SC John M. Darden III, Atlanta, GA Rebecca Wesson Darwin and Cress Darwin, Charleston, SC Maria Coakley David, McLean, VA

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Dr. Lochrane G. Davids, Greenville, SC Mr. R. P. Stephen Davis, Chapel Hill, NC Stephen Gerard De May, Charlotte, NC Olivia Ratledge Delacruz, Atlanta, GA Michael David DeNardis, Morrisville, NC Mr. and Mrs. G. Stephen Diab, Wilmington, NC Dana B. DiPrima, New York, NY Jean Larkin Dobson, San Antonio, TX Mr. and Mrs. Richard L. Dooley, Cary, NC Joseph S. Dormagen, Gurnee, IL W. Christopher Draper Jr., Califon, NJ Andrea Wagner Duff, Alexandria, VA Calvine Dunnan and Douglas Dunnan, Rye, NY Ms. Cynthia Ann Dy, Palo Alto, CA Jeff and Lynn Edgar, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. Matthew S. Edwards, Darien, CT Ms. Jennifer L. Ellison, Charlotte, NC Dr. and Mrs. John W. Entwistle III, Lafayette Hill, PA Bradley Erickson, Durham, NC Douglas R. Evans, Dallas, TX Cherie Fogle Faulkner, Raleigh, NC Luke and Nancy P. Fichthorn III, Vero Beach, FL Mr. Alan S. Fields, Lexington, MA Sonya L. and Barry S.* Fine, Chapel Hill, NC Michael H. Fleisher, Naples, FL William T. Fleming, Boston, MA Alexander G. and Janet M. Floyd, Raleigh, NC Mark J. Forlenza, Brookfield, CT Archibald Taylor Fort, Phoenix, MD Tripp Frey, Hood River, OR Bill and Jenny Fuller, Charlotte, NC Shayne and Novie Beth Gad, Cary, NC Ben Gambill, New York, NY Dr. and Mrs. Brent W. Geissinger, Virginia Beach, VA Ms. Kristin S. Gilbert, Maplewood, NJ Peter S. Gilchrist III, Huntersville, NC Mr. Phillip R. Gillespie, Bernardsville, NJ Walt and Taryn Gillikin, Smyrna, GA James Sevier Gilliland Jr., Memphis, TN Donald Gilman, Muncie, IN Jessica Lauren Glatz, Fayetteville, NC Dr. Darryl J. Gless, Chapel Hill, NC David and Lallie Godschalk, Chapel Hill, NC Buck and Kay Goldstein, Chapel Hill, NC Gerry Good, Long Beach, CA James C. Goodnight Jr., Boone, NC Sarah Reckford Gray, Atlanta, GA Drs. L. and O. E. Greenwald, Efland, NC Dr. Charles C. Griffin III, Washington, DC Steven and Gail Grossman, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Louis H. Gump, Johnson City, TN Mr. Harvey D. Gunter Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Pickett Murray Guthrie and Robert Guthrie, Raleigh, NC Owen Gwyn Jr. and Rev. Roxane Stewart Gwyn, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Anthony C. Hackney, Bahama, NC Mr. Zachary W. Howell and Mr. Garrett G. Hall, New York, NY Mr. Gerard J. Hall, Durham, NC Kendall Harden and Ruthann Harden, Carrboro, NC Joseph M. Harmon, M.D., Mount Pleasant, SC Kathleen Samsot Hawk, Houston, TX Jim and Pam Heavner, Chapel Hill, NC Julia Hobbie-Low and John Frederick Low Jr., Chapel Hill, NC Dr. Steve E. Hoffman, Littleton, NC Rolf K. and Ronda K. Hoffmann, Hidden Hills, CA

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Louise Stovall Holden, Wichita, KS Harriet T. Holderness, Hinsdale, IL Elizabeth Myatt Holsten, Chapel Hill, NC Lawrence L. Hooper Jr., Lutherville, MD Mr. and Mrs. J. Len Horton, Deep Gap, NC Dr. John D. Stephens and Dr. Evelyne Susanne Huber, Chapel Hill, NC Torrence M. Hunt Jr., Pittsburgh, PA Stephen Edward Ihnot, Boulder, CO Steven William Jacobson, Rockville, MD William George Jacoby, Okemos, MI Keith Jarrett, St. Petersburg, FL Pembroke N. and Patricia C. Jenkins, Wilmington, NC Kun Jiang, Durham, NC George and Janet Johnson, Atlanta, GA Neal Johnson, Charlotte, NC Mr. D. Michael Jones, Glen Allen, VA Beverly Lane Jost and Peter Hafner Jost, Washington, DC Joyce Kachergis, Pittsboro, NC Mr. and Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kaufman, Needham, MA C. H. "Jack" and Joyce Keller, Hilton Head Island, SC Lisa and Theodore Kerner Jr., M.D., Winston-Salem, NC Abigail McConnell Kimbrough and Orman Lanier Kimbrough V, Charlottesville, VA Drs. Kimball and Harriet King, Chapel Hill, NC Kimberley C. "Kayce" King, Winston-Salem, NC Lynn Koss Knauff, Chapel Hill, NC Paul F. Knouse Jr., Winston-Salem, NC Lynne and Dick Kohn, Durham, NC Vidyadhar G. Kulkarni, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. William P. Lathrop, Atlanta, GA Mr. Drew Harry Levinson and Mrs. Marjorie Levinson, Montvale, NJ Arthur and Margaret Light, Oakton, VA Eleanor Wright Lindemann, Charlotte, NC Michael Lipman, New York, NY William P. Logan, Darien, CT Ms. Elizabeth Pankey Lotspeich, Miami, FL William E. and Jill W. Lucas, Bethesda, MD Scott MacDonald, Kirribilli, Australia Mr. and Mrs. George M. Mackie IV, Kiawah Island, SC Alexander Huntley Mackintosh Sr., Central, Hong Kong Mr. Wendell Carlton Maddrey, Upper Montclair, NJ Robert and Vivian Manekin, Owings Mills, MD Lawrence Donald Margerum, Lafayette, CA D. G. and Harriet Martin, Chapel Hill, NC Brian and Susan Mashburn, West Bloomfield, MI Dr. Eddie R. Mayberry, Hilton Head Island, SC Mr. Mark John McCann, Oak Park, IL John and Lee McColl, Atlanta, GA Mr. and Mrs. William O. McCoy, Chapel Hill, NC Dr. and Mrs. Thomas B. McElwee, Charlotte, NC Lindy McHutchison, Durham, NC Dr. and Mrs. Frank C. McMains, Baton Rouge, LA Sallie A. McMillion, Greensboro, NC William Wyatt McNairy and Elisabeth Ida Fosso, Chapel Hill, NC David and Christine McSpadden, San Francisco, CA Molly Monk Mears, Atlanta, GA Jim and Carol Medford, Greensboro, NC Dr. William J. A. Medland and Dr. Patricia H. Medland, Benowa, Australia Dyke Messinger and Deborah Messinger, Salisbury, NC Brent Marriott and Ann James Milgrom, Charlotte, NC Charles Moehrke Jr., Cary, NC Jeffrey M. and Suzanne DePalma Morrison, Raleigh, NC

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Shawn Healy Morton and Emily SooHoo, Charlotte, NC E. Andrew Murray, Baltimore, MD Janet Neal and Kevin Neal, Ponte Vedra Beach, FL Katharine Caldwell Nevin, Sullivan’s Island, SC Ms. Constance B. Newberry, New York, NY Kurt Douglas Newman, Bethesda, MD Wanda Kay Nicholson, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Leon S. Niegelsky Jr., Reidsville, NC Charles E. Noell, Monkton, MD Mr. and Mrs. McKee Nunnally Jr., Atlanta, GA Saralyn and Eugene Oberdorfer, Longboat Key, FL Dr. Edward M. Olefirowicz, Chapel Hill, NC Toby Beth Osofsky, New York, NY Maccy and Don Paley, Lawrence, NY Dr. and Mrs. Francis X. Pampush, Atlanta, GA Mr. Jim Pang and Mrs. Diana J. Rosenfeld, Cordova, TN Mr. and Mrs. Arthur M. Pappas, Durham, NC Mr. David M. Parker, Chapel Hill, NC Josie Ward Patton, Chapel Hill, NC Ernest N. Petteway Jr., Havertown, PA R. Seth Pfannenschmidt, Columbus, OH Mr. George Pickering and Mrs. Diana C. Pickering, Asheville, NC Michael B.* and Sandra Piller, Los Angeles, CA George and Anne Platt, Fort Lauderdale, FL Caleb Joseph Pollock, Lafayette, CO Mr. E. Allen Prichard, Charlotte, NC Mrs. Elizabeth B. Pritchett, Atlanta, GA Mr. Alfred Purrington & Dr. Suzanne Townsend Purrington, Raleigh, NC Mavis Mann* and Benjamin F. Reeves, Huntsville, AL Eugene H. Reilley Jr., Woodstock, GA Mr. and Mrs. James B. Riedy, Richmond, VA Kelly W. and Zachary T. Rike, Atlanta, GA Mr. Joseph A. Ritok Jr., Grosse Pointe Park, MI Larry E. and Debra B. Robbins, Raleigh, NC William and Dillon Rochelle Roberts, Pinehurst, NC Ann Lennon Robinson and Russell M. Robinson III, Greensboro, NC David Asher Rosenstein, New York, NY Coleman D. and Carol M. Ross, Chapel Hill, NC John Peter Rostan III and Janice Hurst Rostan, Valdese, NC Charles J. Wolfe Jr. and Ms. Sandra Roth, New York, NY John and Kelley D. Russell, Raleigh, NC Jay W. Sammons, New York, NY Donald S. and Linda Schlenger, Jupiter, FL Barbara Johnson Schneider and Peter Wayne Schneider, Atlanta, GA Nelson Schwab III, Charlotte, NC Colby D. Schwartz and Caroline E. Wainright, Atlanta, GA Edward Sczechowicz, Miami, FL Mr. and Mrs. John R. Sears Jr., Dallas, TX Dr. and Mrs. Richard A. Selo, Lafayette, IN Robert and Pearl Seymour, Chapel Hill, NC Minor and Harold Shaw, Greenville, SC C. Scott Shultz and Leigh Huff Shultz, South Orange, NJ Dr. Richard L. Simpson and Dr. Ida Harper Simpson, Chapel Hill, NC C. Stirling Cassidy Smith and Blair W. Smith, New York, NY Elizabeth Rider Soboeiro and Michael Francis Soboeiro, Pinehurst, NC Douglas B. Sosnik, Washington, DC James P. Srebro, Napa, CA Kenneth G. Starling, McLean, VA

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Alan Clements Stephenson and Shannon Kennedy, Chapel Hill, NC Linda and Mason Stephenson, Atlanta, GA Dr. Vincas P. Steponaitis, Chapel Hill, NC Karen Leslie Stevenson, Los Angeles, CA Edward M. Strong and Laurel Durst Strong, New York, NY Colonel L. Phillip Stroud Jr. and Lisa Matthews Stroud, Cary, NC Mr. Mark A. Suskin, Arlington, VA Jack A. Sussman, Santa Monica, CA Ms. Elizabeth G. Taylor, Chevy Chase, MD H. Grant and Janet S. Taylor, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. John A. Taylor, Winston-Salem, NC Michael W. Taylor and Susan C. Taylor, Chapel Hill, NC Francis Bailey Teague and Katherine Redmond Teague, Charlotte, NC Ethel Teer, Durham, NC Patti and Holden Thorp, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Michael Whitaker Tiernan, Delray Beach, FL Rebecca Eve Tillet, Huntington, NY Larry* and Sarah Tomlinson, Charlotte, NC R. Rand Tucker, Ann Arbor, MI Linda Reeves Lyon Turner, Winston-Salem, NC Dr. Murray W. Turner, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Travis Thompson Tygart, Colorado Springs, CO Bill and Susan Veazey, Greensboro, NC Dr. Linda C. Wagner-Martin, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Edward Dale Wall, Morganton, NC Alan H. Weinhouse, New York, NY Sandy and Evans Wetmore, Manhattan Beach, CA Sigur E. Whitaker, Norfolk, VA Lena Katherine White, Charlotte, NC Ms. Louise W. Wiener, Washington, DC Dr. and Mrs. R. Haven Wiley, Carrboro, NC Dr. Christina Jean Williams and Mr. Bradford Alan Williams, Raleigh, NC Dr. Stephen James Williams, Beverly Hills, CA Mr. and Mrs. James M. Wilmott, London, England Ashley and John Wilson, Chapel Hill, NC Jean Jones Wilson and Charles T. Wilson Jr., Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. Charles M. Winston Sr., Raleigh, NC Mr. and Mrs. H. Vernon Winters, Winston-Salem, NC Lee Polk Woody Jr., Baltimore, MD L. Brian Worrell, Fairfield, CT Mr. and Mrs. Leo Yakutis, Clover, SC Honghua Zhang and Zhongxiang Zhou, San Diego, CA Rick and Elizabeth Zollinger, Charlotte, NC

Dean’s Circle ($1,500 to $1,999) • Sara Aghajanian, Fayetteville, NC • Lex and Ann Alexander, Chapel Hill, NC • Dr. and Mrs. John Granville Alley Jr., Raleigh, NC • Joseph Albert Aluise, New Orleans, LA • Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Jackson White Archie, Darien, CT • JoAnne Armstrong-Jones, Winchester, VA • William O. Autry Jr., South Bend, IN • Mr. William Lindley Beckworth, Fort Worth, TX • Mr. Davis L. Bowen, Chapel Hill, NC • Frederick Baker Bridgers, Arlington, VA • Mark and Mary Lynn Cashin, Cary, NC • Diane Elliott Caton, Charlottesville, VA • Dr. Gillian T. Cell, Pittsboro, NC • Robert M. Chadwick, East Windsor, NJ

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Mr. and Mrs. Arthur W. Clark, Chapel Hill, NC Cindy K. and Thomas J. Cook, Durham, NC Brian Coussens, Carrboro, NC Oscar William and Ashley Shaffner Cranz, Charlotte, NC Kathryn Millberg Creech and Christopher Graham Creech, Chapel Hill, NC Chris C. and Elena Crenshaw, Durham, NC Shelia Lowder Creswell, Vienna, VA Ryan Preston Dahl, Chicago, IL Jan L. Davis, Cary, NC Ms. Eileen K. Doherty, Durham, NC Stephen Alexander Ducey, Glen Ridge, NJ Woody and Jean Durham, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. and Mrs. Robert L. Edwards Jr., Charlotte, NC William W. Espy, Atlanta, GA Nora G. and Steven W. Esthimer, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. Brian M. Fenty, New York, NY Ms. Lauren Thomas Ferguson, Washington, DC Justin Hayward Forsyth, Boston, MA Diane Frazier, Pittsboro, NC Etsuko Fuseya, New York, NY Matthew M. and Paige McArthur Guest, Maplewood, NJ Ms. Mary Elizabeth Huey, Cincinnati, OH Marnie Halpern, Pikesville, MD Christopher William Harbinson, Raleigh, NC Monie Thomas Hardwick, Blairstown, NJ Trudier Harris, Tuscaloosa, AL Dr. O. James Hart Jr., Mocksville, NC Mr. Sam H. Hayes, Alexandria, VA James Heilpern, Chapel Hill, NC W. Borden and Barbara L. Hooks, Mount Airy, NC Samuel Buckner Hughes, Omaha, NE Mr. and Mrs. G. Allen Ives III, Rocky Mount, NC Kathleen Clement Johnson, Roswell, GA Alexander Julian, Georgetown, CT Andrew Holmes Kelso, Charlotte, NC Mr. and Mrs. Mark Kelso, Charlotte, NC Moyra Kileff and Brian Kileff, Chapel Hill, NC Michael Krimminger and Deborah A. Phillips, Derwood, MD Tom and Donna Lambeth, Winston-Salem, NC Ms. Sarah R. Larenaudie, Paris, France Ramona Lauda, Rutherfordton, NC J. Weston Lockhart, Charlotte, NC Ms. Joanna Elin Lyndrup, New York, NY J. Stephen Marron, Durham, NC Mr. and Mrs. W. Ward Marslender, Raleigh, NC Mr. Robert S. McCain, New York, NY Mr. Preston L. Mitchell, Washington, DC John and Ginette Mitchener, Edenton, NC Nikhil Mittal and Pritha Mittal, New York, NY Mary N. Morrow, Chapel Hill, NC Mr. John H. Northey III and Mrs. Christine E. McLeod, Charlotte, NC Gregory Winston Owen, Durham, NC Abigail T. Panter, Chapel Hill, NC Cynthia Drum Parks, Seattle, WA Shannon Lawing and Thomas C. Paylor, Raleigh, NC Dr. and Mrs. Lee G. Pedersen, Chapel Hill, NC Cathryn Taylor Perry, Virginia Beach, VA Fred Alan Peterson, Durham, NC Bryan Holmes Pope and Greer Barber Pope, Atlanta, GA Mary Margaret and Tom S. Rand M.D., Wilson, NC Thomas E. Reynolds, Atlanta, GA Stephen and Sandra Rich, Chapel Hill, NC Deborah and Ed Roach, Chapel Hill, NC Susan Rodemeir, Carrboro, NC Daniel Schindler, Chapel Hill, NC

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Keith W. Sockman, Chapel Hill, NC Christopher Knight Sopher, Annandale, VA Dr. and Mrs. Richard L. Sprott, Potomac, MD Dr. William Elliott Stephenson, Cedar Hill, TX Scott F. and Emily P. Sternberg, Greenwich, CT Rebecca Walters and Robert B. Taylor Jr., Greensboro, NC Vaida Diller Thompson, Chapel Hill, NC Robert Daniel Trifunovic, Carlsbad, CA David E. and Treva Watkins Tyson, Raleigh, NC Katrina Van Drongelen, Toronto, Canada Martha Kirkland Walston, Raleigh, NC Ryan Scott Wesslen, Charlotte, NC Thomas Mitchell Whitehurst, Fort Payne, AL Michael and Susan Wilson, Harrow, England Lori B. Wittlin, Arlington, VA

Corporations, Foundations, and Trusts • A. M. Pappas & Associates LLC • Academy of Motion Picture Arts & Sciences • Alpha Natural Resources Services • American Association of Variable Star Observers • Anadarko Petroleum Corporation • Andrew & Jeanine McNally Charitable Foundation • Anthem Foundation for Objectivist Scholarship • Anthem Foundation of Canada • Asher Foundation • Atlantic Coast Conference • BB&T Charitable Foundation • BB&T Corporation • Bell Family Foundation • Bowman & Gordon Gray Trust • Brady Foundation, Inc. • Brent Milgrom Family Foundation, Inc. • Bryson Foundation LTD • Estate of George Allen Bush Jr. • C.D. Spangler Foundation, Inc. • Carol Woods Retirement Community • Carolina Meadows • Carolinas Region Porsche Club of America • Caudill Family Foundation • Chapel Hill-Durham Korean School • Chapman Family Charitable Trust • Chapman Family Fund • Charles G. Koch Charitable Foundation • Charles M. Winston Family Foundation • CNS Vital Signs • Coccia Foundation • COECO Office Systems • Combined Jewish Philanthropies • Community Foundation for the National Capital Region • Community Foundation of Greater Greensboro • Community Foundation of Western North Carolina • Community Foundation of Greater Memphis • Community Foundation of Middle Tennessee • Community Foundation of New Jersey • Community Foundation of Richmond and Central Virginia • Connie Burwell & William W. White Foundation • The Cornelius J. Coakley Family Foundation • Cousins Properties, Inc. • Covington & Burling LLP • Cumberland Community Foundation • Delaware Community Foundation • Dickson Foundation • Disney Worldwide Services, Inc.

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Duke Energy Foundation Estate of Roberta Ann Dunbar Earl N. Phillips Family Foundation Eason Foundation Eastman Chemical The Eddie and Jo Allison Smith Family Foundation The Educational Foundation Elizabeth T. Williams Charitable Annuity Lead Trust Emwiga Foundation Essick Foundation, Inc. E.T. Jr. & Frances Rollins Foundation Exxon Mobil Corporation F.M. Kirby Foundation Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund Fine Feathers Foundation for the Carolinas Frances A. Murray Revocable Trust Fred and Charlotte Hubbell Foundation Frey Foundation Garnett A. Smith Family Foundation General Motors Corporation Georges Lurcy Charitable & Educational Trust Global Impact Goldman Sachs Governor's Club Estate of Gary Dean Grosboll Gulf Coast Community Foundation of Venice Harris Teeter, Inc. Herman Goldman Foundation High Five Foundation Highland Vineyard Foundation Estate of Mary Martin Hinkle Hobbs Foundation Hobby Family Foundation Hoops that Help Howard Levine Foundation Fund Hyde Family Foundations IBM Corporation Informa UK Limited Intel Corporation Interstate Transportation Equipment, Inc. J5, Inc. Janpak Charitable Foundation, Inc. Jewish Communal Fund Jewish Community Foundation of South Palm Beach Jewish Community Foundation of Durham-Chapel Hill Jewish Foundation of Greensboro JJCJ Foundation, Inc. John S. Rankin Charitable Trust John William Pope Foundation Estate of J. Randolph Johnson Josephine & Laurentina LLC Julia Sprunt Grumbles Charitable Lead Annuity Trust Kenan Family Foundation Kensington Square Foundation KPB Corporation KPMG Foundation Kulynych Family Foundation II, Inc. Leon Levine Foundation Lipman Family Foundation Lookout Foundation, Inc. M. Austin Davis Foundation, Inc. Mackenzie Family Foundation Mantissa Corporation Estate of William Dumas McLester Mealy Family Foundation Microsoft Corporation Moore Family Foundation

32 • • Fall 2011 • Carolina Arts & Sciences

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Morgan Stanley Estate of McLendon Graham Morris National Philanthropic Trust Network Appliances, Inc. New York Community Trust NIRSA Services Corporation North Carolina Community Foundation Ocean Reef Foundation Olivia R. Gardner Foundation Peacock Alley Perry/Schnell Ventures Persian Carpet, Inc. Peter B. and Adeline W. Ruffin Foundation Peter T. & Laura M. Grauer Foundation Estate of Charles Price Postelle Jr. Prentice Foundation, Inc. Estate of Ralph Clay Price Professional Athletes Foundation Progress Energy Foundation Randleigh Foundation Trust Reliance Trust Company Renaissance Charitable Foundation Robert B. Taylor III Foundation Robert P. & Arlene R. Kogod Family Foundation The Robertson Scholars Program Roy A. Hunt Foundation Ryna & Melvin Cohen Family Foundation Schwab Fund for Charitable Giving Estate of William B. Schwartz Jr. The Selavy Foundation The Seymour and Carol Levin Foundation Shubert Foundation Sigma Xi Scientific Research Society Singapore Management University SportsMEDIA Technology Corporation Steamboat Foundation, Inc. The Stuart S. & Birdie Gould Foundation SunTrust Banks, Inc. Estate of Maxine McMahon Swalin Taylor Charitable Trust Thomas S. Kenan III Foundation, Inc. Time Warner, Inc. Town Creek Indian Mound Triangle Community Foundation TSC Foundation, Inc. TSWII Management Company Turkish Women's Cultural Association Twelve Labours Foundation UNC General Alumni Association Union Pacific Fund for Effective Government United Way of Delaware United Way of Miami-Dade University of Central Florida Vanguard Charitable Endowment Program Verisign, Inc. Wells Family Charitable Foundation William R. Kenan Jr. Charitable Trust Willow Garage Estate of Francis Edward Winslow Jr. Winston-Salem Foundation Wofford College Xerox Corporation *Deceased

Final Point Mary Lide Parker

F i n a l P oint

Ca rolin a

Arts & Sciences Carolina Arts & Sciences

Fall 2011

Director of Communications Dee Reid Editor Kim Weaver Spurr ’88 Assistant Director of Communications Editorial Assistants • Kristen Chavez ’13 • Mary Lide Parker ’10 Graphic Designer Linda Noble


orth Carolina native Nancie McDermott, the author of 10 cookbooks, is passionate about food. After graduating from Carolina in 1973 with a degree in English, she spent time in the Peace Corps in Thailand, where she fell in love with Thai cooking. Just in time for fall, she shares a recipe from her latest cookbook, Southern Pies: A Gracious Plenty of Pie Recipes, from Lemon Chess to Chocolate Pecan (Chronicle Books, 2010). The double apple pie recipe is courtesy of McDermott’s friend, Kathy Starr of Mississippi, whose grandmother was called “Miz Bob.” Visit for a companion print and video story on McDermott or check out Time to start baking!

Miz Bob’s Double Apple Pie • Pastry for three 9-inch single-crust pies • 2 1/2 pounds cooking apples,

such as Granny Smith, Johnathan, Rome Beauty or Empire • 1 1/2 cups sugar • 1 1/2 teaspoons ground cinnamon • 1 teaspoon ground nutmeg • 1/3 cup butter • 1/4 cup water • 2 tablespoons all-purpose flour Heat the oven to 375 degrees F. Line a 9-inch deep-dish pie pan with crust, leaving a 1/2-inch overhang. Peel the apples, core them, and cut them into slices 1/2 inch thick. (You’ll have about 5

cups.) In a large saucepan, combine the apples, sugar, cinnamon, and nutmeg, and toss to combine evenly and well. Add the butter and the 1/4 cup water, and bring to a gentle boil over medium-high heat. Reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer, and cook until the apples are tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Sprinkle in the flour and cook 5 minutes more, stirring now and then. Pour half of the apple mixture into the piecrust. Roll half of the remaining dough into a 9-inch circle, and place it over the apple filling in the pan. Place the pie on the center rack of the oven. Bake until the pastry is golden brown and the apple filling is bubbling, about 20 minutes. Pour the remaining apple mixture into the piecrust, covering the cooked pastry. Roll the remaining dough into a 10-inch circle and place it carefully over the apple filling. Trim away the extra pastry extending beyond the rim of the pie pan. To seal the top crust, fold the top crust over the bottom crust and press it together. Use the back of a fork to press the top and bottom crusts together, working your way around the rim by pressing the tines of the fork into the pastry edge. Use a sharp knife to cut about 8 slits in the top crust, spacing them evenly, so that steam can escape and the filling can bubble up as it cooks. Return the pie to the 375 degrees F oven and bake until the pastry is golden brown and the filling is aromatic and fragrant, 20 to 25 minutes more. Place the pie on a cooling rack or a folded kitchen towel and let cool for 15 minutes. •

Contributing Writers • Pamela Babcock • DeLene Beeland • Joanna Worrell Cardwell (M.A. ’06) • Kristen Chavez ’13 • Tina CoyneSmith • Mark Derewicz • Del Helton • Michele Lynn • Nancie McDermott ’73 • Glenn McDonald • Angela Spivey ’90 • Lisa H. Towle Contributing Photographers • Nathan Clendenin • Lauren Cowart • Steve Exum ’92 • Mary Lide Parker ’10 • Lars Sahl • Dan Sears ’74, UNC News Services Photographer • Donn Young Carolina Arts & Sciences is published semiannually by the College of Arts and Sciences at The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill and made possible with the support of private funds. Copyright 2011. If you wish to receive Carolina Arts & Sciences News, our periodic e-mail bulletin, please send us a note with your name, mailing address and e-mail address to: More News/Events: Facebook: Twitter: YouTube: The College of Arts and Sciences The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill Campus Box 3100 Chapel Hill, N.C. 27599-3100 (919) 962-1165

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