Fight For The Prize
Thanks for buying my book Mom, Dad, Grandma, Grandpa, and Lesley for supporting —P. C.
Published by Squid Press Canada As part of an author workshop facilitated by Lesley Kelz SP_AIW0005 Copyright 2011 Paul Charbonneau ISBN: 978-1-926887-16-6 All rights reserved. This work cannot be reproduced or copied in whole or in part.
Fight For The Prize WRITTEN AND ILLUSTRATED BY Paul Charbonneau
Fight For The Prize
Pooch was lonely and wanted a show. A poster went up. It was a dog show! Her owner Marlie said that she would take him.
Marlie took the stairs and Pooch took the dogavator.
Marlie drove pooch to the show. She was excited
Pooch jumped out of the car and they both rushed to the stadium.
Once they got in, Pooch met a poodle and said “hi.” Curl, the poodle went “grrr”
“Eleh” said Pooch. She felt scared. “Not cool.” “Who cares,” said Curl.
The judge announced Pooch as the winner.
Karen and Curl were jealous. They were up for fight and again Curl set herself on fire.... When will she learn?
They fought and fought until the judge broke it up. Pooch won and Curl went to jail
About this Book Spring shows are awesome with pooch and curl join there adventure in fight for the prize About the Author Paul has wrote lots of books . Nobody else and his family Writes books but it was in his blood Testimonials Even though Curl gets shes bad she deserved - Maggie You like doggy’s don’t you? - Sidney Ha ha curl’s on fire - Alyssa Love the fuzzy edges illustrations & muted colour’s - Lesley
ISBN 978-1-926887-16-6
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