1 minute read




Your perfect meal deal? (Butty, snack & drink)

Ham & Cheese, Flame Grilled Steak McCoys, Galaxy and Innocent Smootie.

You can listen to one album on repeat. Which do you pick?

Night Visions by Imagine Dragons, or Scorpion by Drake

Your go-to Maccies order?

20 Chicken Nuggets, Large Fries and a Sprite.

Who would be in your alltime Gate 5-a-side?

Penni, Westy, Boothy, Ry Riley, and Gal Pett.

Which movie can you quote by heart?

Step Brothers

If all the lads were on Love Island, who would win?

Hmm no idea, easier to say that Theo would be first out - more chance of pulling his hammy on a night out.

Worst Banter in the squad?

Rhys Daly - you know, our physio, who’s worked in the football league, and had trials at Man United when he was younger. Keeps that to himself...

Roll/Cob/Barm etc - What do you call it?

I call it a roll. Haven’t a clue what a cob is!

Worst dresser at the club?

Rowan or Cliffy, very close. Raincoats on a night out - say no more.

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