Squirrel Hill Magazine Winter 2021 Issue

Page 20


Marching through JCC. Courtesy of the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh.

Hiller, Founding Director and Assistant Director, respectively, of

a community hub for convening, gathering, and forging

the Jewish Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh’s Center for

bonds. From the beginning, we envisioned CFLK as a

Loving Kindness and Civic Engagement, reflect upon the history,

place where neighbors can live in community with one

philosophy, and activities of the CFLK.

another based on our shared humanity and through real and perceived differences. We amplify the long-held

MH: It’s hard to believe that the Center for Loving

values of ‘Love your neighbor as yourself’ and ‘Do not

Kindness and Civic Engagement (CFLK), the Jewish

stand idle while your neighbor bleeds.’ We redefine

Community Center of Greater Pittsburgh’s social

‘neighbor’ from a geographic term to a moral concept.

justice arm, will celebrate its fifth year in 2022. Its seeds were planted even before 2017 as we

MH: These ideals are so intertwined with the JCC’s

considered how the JCC could respond to the widely

overall mission—Community is our middle name—that

reported public ambivalence towards participating in

it made sense to establish a formal civic engagement

civic life, loss of confidence in the future of the U.S.,

model within it.

and flagging trust in public institutions. At a hyperlocal level, even conversations at the JCC showed

RS: The launch date of CFLK is significant to us because

us that people were feeling alienated and deeply

certain August historical events are emblematic of

concerned about racial justice, equity, systems that

our highest ideals and our worst selves. On August

make it impossible for neighbors to thrive, and the

28, 1963, during the March on Washington, Rabbi

future of democracy in our country…and that they

Joachim Prinz, a Holocaust survivor, immigrant, and

want to wrestle with these pressing and complicated

civil rights leader, called on demonstrators with a


mandate that underpins our own mission: “Neighbor is not a geographic term. It is a moral concept. It means

RS: When we launched CFLK in August 2017, those

our collective responsibility for the preservation of

concerns ignited us to draw upon the JCC’s history as

man’s dignity and integrity.” On the other side of the

20 | shuc.org

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